Newspaper Page Text
r CHICAGO TAKES UP PROBLEM OF WINTER ! WORK FOR THE POOR City Marketing Commission Evolves Plan for Reducing Stress Caused by Lack of Employment. CHtCAdO, Oct. 7. Co-operatlntr with various charity orgnnlzntlons, tlio City OJnrlctlne Commission, which has touch ed the problem of the unemployed In Its campaign for municipal markets, has formulated a program for handling the labor problem this winter, and has sent It to the Chamber of Commorco and leading cmployeis of lubor for ap proval. Tho marketing commission suggests that before winter sets In tho city tako a definite stand against being made tho dumping ground of thousands of floaters xvho drift Into Chicago every fall to spend tho winter. It believes that If the city and employers alike announce that residents of Chicago will bo preferred In tho place of men through tho winter months, this movement will bo checked. Big employers aro urged to aid the workers during tho winter months by putting employes on half-pay, Instead of rutting their forces In two, If business conditions mako any reductions neces sary. They are further urged to give preference to married men, or those sup porting dependents, If lopping names off tho pay roll becomes necessary. Department atoies nnd factories em ploying girls are asked to retain girls who must support themselves In prefer ence to those who are seeking work to earn "pin monpy." The situation among tho working girls, the commission de clared, demands particular attention. As tho first step In carrying out this programme, the commission suggested that all big employers subii,,, "jreful es timates of the number of employes they believe they must dlschnrgo January 1, It they are convinced reductions In work ing forces must bo made. With this data on hand, tho commission proposes to es tablish a municipal employment ex change, and mnkp Immcdl.itc effoits to secure work for perons who may find themselves without Jobs during the win ter. ROOSEVELT SILENT ON DEAL Malces No Answer to Charges of Un derstanding' With Murphy. ALBANY, Oct. V. Theodore HooEevolt. fit a packed meeting In Odd Fellows Hall last night, finished up a day of speech making In Hudson River cities, Including Kingston, Hudson, CatsklU, Chatham and Troy. With Frederick M. Davenpoit, the Progiesslve candidate for Governor, ho arrived at the Albany hall from Troy at 10 o'clock. Jlr. Roosevelt continued to turn the brunt of hlo attacks on William Harnes and Charles S. Whltmnn, but paid little attention to either Churles F. Murphy or Governor Glynn. He mado no attempt to answer the charge of Republican organization men, appearing In an Albany afternoon parer. that theio was a bi-partisan combine between the Democrats and Progressives resulting In the selection last winter by the I-eglslature of Homer D. Call, a Pro gressive, as State Treasurer. He declared, however, that Jlr. Ilarnes had played Into tho hands of tho Democratic party. "Mr. Barnes," he said, 'calls tho Pro gressives Democratic aids, but I charge thut ho hlms-olf is tho greatest asset to tho Democratic party in tho nation. Ho savs ho Is shocked at the Progressives, yet ho has Just nominated Mr. Whitman fer Governor, who one year ago accepted tho Murphy nomination for District At torney of N'mv York nnd thereby became great Tamany asset. "Lot Mr. Barnes ponder In sackcloth rchd ashes on these deeds of his, nnd then let hlrt retract nnythlng else ho may have to sny about any other man as an nld to the Democratic party." Mr. Roosevelt Mid that the men who at tho primary voted for Harvey D. Hln man, In tho Republican party, and John A Hennessy. in tho Democrats party, K'ero in sympathy with the Progressive movement, nnd ho criticised both those candidates for not continuing the fight after the primary. Senator Davenport hailed Roosevelt as the man elected by former Governor Hughes to carry on tho fight In this State that he had begun. PENROSE AND L0RIMER AS "HEAVENLY TWINS" So Characterized by A. Mitchell Palmer In Speech at Lancaster. LANCASTER. Pa., Oct. 7.-Senator Pen rose and William Lorimcr, who was Jected from his sent In tho United States Senate, were "shown up" and compared ns "Heavenly Twins" nnd both declnred guilty of party "bossism" by tho revcral speakers at a meeting which crowded the Lancaster County Courthouse Inst night; more than 1000 nttended, nnd nmong tho speakers were Vance C. McCormlck, A. Mltehell Palmer and Henry C. Nlles. Mr. Palmer In Ifls nddress charged Sen ator Penrose with deliberately arrnylng himself at nil times with dishonest meth ods In political affairs, and called upon him to defend, if he could, the vote which he cast In 1911 to keep Lorlmer In the Senate. Tho Democratic senatorial can- uiuuiu a ouHiuini; uenunciuuon came as n fitting climax to the statement that Penrose typified the opposite to Repub licanism. Mr. McCormlck spoke of the extrava gance at the State Capitol. A feature of the meeting was the speech delivered by Henry C. Nlles, of York, long prom inently Identified with Independent po litical movement, who declared that ho would support the Democratic ticket for the first time. He based his decision on the fact "that the Wilson Administra tion has brought about most deslrablo reforms, which Theodore Roosevelt, the greatest Independent Republican leader, had striven for, but which he had failed to accomplish as leader of tho boss-ridden Republican party." "PUT PENROSE OUT" local Optionists Indicate Method of Gaining Their Object. SCRANTON. Pa., Oct. 7.-When the Ttev. C. F. Swift, leader of the local op tion forces, asked 8W delegates attend ing the State convention of the Pennsyl vania Sunday School Association how they expected to get local option thoy teplled "I'ut Penrose out." Tho convention continues today. Min isters from different parts of Pennsjl anla ate attending the convention. Progressive Chairman Resigns SYRACUSE. N. Y. Oct. 7.-Dlsap-rolnied because Colonel Theodora Roose velt did not agree to run for Governor v"i ihe Progressive ticket, Horace S. ni klnson, chairman of tho Progressive C""itv Committee has resigned la favor c, Ollcs IL BtUlwell. EVENING M'NICHOLANDVAREOFFTO KENTUCKY RACES TOGETHER Politicians Think They May Decide on Dark Horse for Mayor. Politicians along tho Itlalto said to day that they were somewhat mystified by tho actions of Senator McNIchol and Senator Vnro. They saw tho two leaders Jump Into an automobile In front of tho Lincoln Building nnd start .ostensibly on a long auto trip. This action of the two Senators, who, not tong ago, woro trying to effect each other's decapitation, started tongues wagging. But ordinary surprise turned to amusement when It was learned that the automobile, after swerving around City irall, stopped at Broad Street Sta tion. There tho two nirn lumned out nnd lan hurriedly up the steps of tho Market street entrance. It was noticed, too, that they carried their own grips. Subsequently It was learned by nn In quisitive politician that the two leaders boarded a train for Lexington, Ky. Those of prophetic turn of mind soy that while the Senators will see the races at Lexington nnd may hnvo tho pleasure of seeing n McNIehol thoroughbred come first under the wire, tho real object of their trip Is to pick a dark horso for the mayoralty nomination. No matter what' rendezvous thoy selected In the past, even though It wcro n hundred miles from Philadelphia, Information always camo out about their meetings. So, en a rushing railroad train, with comfortable surroundings, they enn talk and plan In peace. Upon their return tho politicians on tho inside expect to receive word to get busy, LITTLE BEFOGGED POSITION OF BRUMBAUGH AND PENROSE Bev. R. W. Miller Gives Different Version of Conference. The declaration that Doctor Brumbaugh was in nlllancQ with Penrose and tho Republican machine before the primaries, which was mado by R. M. Little In a speech nt Lebanon on Monday night, was refuted yestorday by the Rev. Dr. llufus W. Miller, a leading minister of tho Reformed Church, nnd secretary of the Sundny School Board nnd of the Board of Publication of that denomination. Doctor Miller was named by Mr. Llttlo as one of those who attended the con ference at the Eellevuc-Stratford where nn effort was made to have Doctor Brum baugh run on the same ticket with Mr. Dlmmlck Instead of Senator Penrose. Doctor's refusal to do this Jlr. Little Interpreted no proof that ho 'wib In alliance with Penrose. Doctor Miller agrees that pait of what Mr. Little said was true, but In some of the statements, he says, Mr. Little be foggpd the position of Doctor Brumbaugh. Doctor Miller says thut Doctor Brum baugh Is unbosscd, anil that In- Is a man who will stand on his own feet, and that thrro was nothing brought out at the conference In the Bcllevuc-Stratfoul to Indicate that ho was tied to Cenrose. DR. BRUMBAUGH WILL SPEAK AT YORK FAIR TOMORROW Record Crowd Expected if Weather Conditions Permit. YORK, Pa., Oct. 7. Rain put a damper on the annual county fair today nnd sev oral thousand visitors spent their time viewing the Inside exhibits. Tho large midway presented a marked contrast to yefctcrdny, but the shell men nnd other concession holders nre In good spirits and expect business will thrive tomorrow and Friday. If weather conditions permit, the fair will bo In full swing nt night tho rest of tho week, with displays of fire works, balloon ascensions and other spo clal features. , An exhibit nttrnctlng much attention Is tho "safety first" display by the Penn sylvania Depaitmont of Labor nnd In dustry. While the York County Woman's Suf fri'te Party Is waging nn nctlve cam paign for equal suffrage. Miss Kmlllne P It, of Philadelphia, and other olllcers i.f tho Pennsylvania Antl-Suffrngo Asso ciation, have quarters nearby nnd nre vigorous in their opposition. Tomorrow will bo the big day of tho fair, when Doctor Brumbaugh, tho Republican nomi nee for Governor, nnd other prominent Republicans will discuss, tho Issues in the coming election. SPEAKERS NOT ASSIGNED FOR THIS STATE BY DEMOCRATS Congressional Committee Awaiting Word From Pennsylvania Lenders. WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. Plans for tho Democratic campaign In tho eastern States wcro developed Informally today at a conference between Representative Doremus, chairman of tho Democratic Congressional Committee, and J. P. Tu multy, secretary to the President. Secretnry of Commerce Redfleld anrt Secretary of tho Trenoury McAdoo will make speeches In New York, nad may also be assigned to several cities In Penn sylvania. No definite plans for tho ap pearance of any Cabinet officers In Penn sylvania have yet been made, with the exception of Secretary of Labor Wilson, who Is expected to make an extensive stumping State tour thero. Secretary of State Bryan probably will not speak In New York or Pennsylvania, but will devoto himself entirely to the Middle West. The Democratic Congressional Commit tee Is now awaiting word from the Penn sylvania Stato Committee as to what as signments of speakers will be required In the State Representative Rouse, of Kentucky, in charge of tho speakers, sub committee of tho congressional commit tee, eays ho has made no plans for tho Pennsylvania campaign so far, and will mako none until ha hears from the State committee. PINCH0T AT WILKES-BARRE Calls Penrose an Economic as Well as Moral Issue.' WILKEJs-BARRn, Pa., Oct. 7. Glfford Pinchot. Washington party candidate for United States Senator, spent last night here, and today he conferred with J. C. Harvey, county chairman; William Tomp kins, a Progressive leader, and David 51. Rosscr, former county chairman. Ho re mained here until 10 o'clock this morn ing, nnd several of the Progressives again visited him. He left for Scranton. In a statement issued here, Pinchot said: "You can quote me as saying that Pen rose is an economic as well as a moral Issue. This is something higher than a party fight. Penrose, more than any other political figure, represents that mngnato system of government which serves the corporations rather than the people, both at Harrlsburg and at Wash ington, which we have been fighting for years, and Pennsylvania cannot hope to secure advanced legislation of benefit to the poople until Penrose Is defeated " Higardlng the registration In Philadel phia. Pinchot said- "The registration figures are one of the most favorable things that have occurred us yet In the campaign, because they show that the antl-Penroa enrolment Is on the increase, especially In Philadel phia Again. I think that proportionately when the registration Is compared with the vote as shown in former Philadelphia elections, the machine majority vote in Philadelphia has been so cut down that with the admitted majority in other parts the State I feel certain of winning" TTCTmER-PHlLADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OQTOBtiK UNCLE SAM IS CHEF FOR POOR AUSTRIANS STRANDED IN LONDON Embassy Conducts Cafe for Emperor Joseph's Subjects Only, and 2000 Had Gou lash Free Last Week. LONDON, Oct. T. Through Chandler Hnle, who Is in charge of the Austrian branch of tho American Embassy, tho United States Government has gono Into tho restaurant bilslness in London. Mr. Halo has opened nn eating house near Charing Cross, which, though patronized only by Austrlans nnd Hun gailnns, served more than 2000 meals last week. Tho nuulnt feature of Undo Sam's latest diplomatic departure Is, while tho restaur ant l entirely under tho Jurisdiction of Mr. Hale, ns Ambassador Pago's repre sentative, It Is capitalized by the Austro Itungarhin Contingent Fund, left by Count Monsdorff, when ho left England, and foods nre served freo to nil of Em peror Francis Joseph's subjects. Having lunched thero onee himself, Mr. Unto speaks as an expert when he says It hns every restaurant In town beaten for Hungarian goulash. Tho nctual management of the establish ment is In charge of a Hungarian couple, who ran a small lunchroom thero boforo the war, and who, assisted by several of their country women, nro eager to re lievo distress among Austro-Hungnrlans. Last week WJI breakfasts, 103S dinners nnd W0 suppers were served gratlB. Mr. Hnle's Idea In starting the restaurant wns to feed Austilans and Hungarians under ono loof. rather than give each money to buy food Individually. Tho plan has proved more economical. U. S. MUSTOPPOSE PIRATICAL BRITISH, SAYS BERLIN PAPER American-German Trade Will Be Wiped Out Un less Security Is Provided, It Adds. BERLIN. Oct. 7. Tho newspaper Vosslcho Zeltung In dis cussing the effect of the war upon Ameri can commerce calls upon the United States to provide safeguards for United States trade with Germany so that It may not be wiped out. The newspaper says: "The returns of enmmerco of the Unit ed Slates for August show how far com morco Is affected by the war, or better, ty tho English mothods of warfare. Tho American Importations amounted to $120. 3!'9.fKKl against $137,631,000 In August, 1013. The decrease was only $8,000,000, but the eportatlons fell off from JISO.900,000 to $nO,33S,000, this decrcaso being $77,500,000 or 40 per cent. Tho balance wns changed from surplus exportatlons of 150,000,000 In August, 1013, to the present surplus of $10,000,000 In Importations The result for American trado Is dangerous on account of tho damago to producers. For In stance, take tho caso of cotton In the United States. By the stagnation of ex ports the normal balnnco of trade has boen upset. America needs a surplus of exportation, not Importation. "Germany buys from America goods worth about $1,500,000,000 every year nnd would continue to tnko the greater part of these exportatlons in war time if pri vate property enjoyed tho suine protection In nnval warfare It does on land. "England has resisted such a rule (pro x Idlng for safe commerce) and constant ly Is violating tho international laws of naval warfare. Tho English press Is en deavoring to sot tho blame for this dam ago to commerce upon the German Em peror, the so-called 'War Lord.' In fact though the Americans enn thank the Brit ish 'pirates' for tho Injuries suffered. Tho only remedy for America to preserve tho greater part of her necessary commerce wiin ucrmany and to restoro tho balance of trado is to create security against tho piratical ways of England." 150,000 LEFT TO RELATIVES Will of Miss Rebecca Gibson Admit ted to Probate Today. The $150,000 estate of Miss Rebecca Gib son, who died ut tho Aldlno Hotel, Sep tember 25, Is divided among her two sls.ters, Mary G. Grosholz nnd Ellen J. Sibley, and a number of nieces and nephews, according to tho will admitted to probate today. The Fidelity Trust Cunp.iny Is named executor. The Presbyterian Church of French town, N. J., will receive a $500 bequest from tho ?C00O estate of Anna C. Woe man, lato of 3442 North Broad street. The balance of the estato Is bequeathed to relatives. Among the other, wills probated today nre thoso of John Gross, formerly of Philadelphia, whose death occurred In Detiolt. Mich., estnto, $13,700; Etmlra V. Dltman. who died In the Women's Homeopathic Hospital, J12.G00; William D. Markce, Presbyterian Hospital, 4250; Fannie Block, 4002 Parkslde avenue, $3730. MRS. GERRY WILL CAMPAIGN Washington Mntron Will Visit Vot ers' Homes in Husband's Behalf. WASHINGTON. Oct 7 -Mrs Peter Goelet Geary, who Is called on of Wash ington's most beautiful matrons, has left for Rhode Island, where she will aid the campaign of her husband for Congress. Mrs. Gerry has spent much time study ing the political situutlon in Rhode Island She will not mako public speeches, but will visit the homes of tho voters. October Outings Mountain THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS Autumn Leaf Eicundun MAUCH CHUNK & SWITCHBACK Special Tralm I-oto ICcudli- Terminal . . . 7,30 A. M. en rn round trip $.W TICKETS Good Special Trains Only ALLEGHENY FOR BRUMBAUGH Speaker Alter Says Republican Can didate Will Have rjreat Majority. Dr. Martin G. Btumbatigh, Republican nominee for Governor, according to George E. Alter, Speaker of the last. House of Representatives, will sweep Al legheny County with a large majority. "Wherever Doctor Brumbaugh goes ho makes a tremendous Impression," Bald Mr. Alter today. "Not only will I soy that Doctor Brumbaugh will carry Alle gheny County, hut I'll guarantee that my Legislative 'District, which was carried by Dlmmlck against Penrose In the pri maries, wili glvo the 'Schoolmaster' a most gratifying majority." AUTOS JOIN GUNS IN GRII SYMPHONY ON BATTLEFIELDS Paradise Slain Warriors' Lot, Belief of Sengalese, Idol of the French Troops. r By WILLIAM O. SHEPHERD' SOISSONS, Oct. 7. For five days a photographer and myself have eat In this llttlo town waiting. Wo nre at the battle front because we stum bled on It. I did not know that I was at tho front until Informed by a French "We'll go back," wo explained. "Wo don't want to go to the front." "But you ore nt tho front now," tho officers explained. "You can't go back now. You will have to stay hero until the tactical situation has chnnged." And here we must stny, pledged not to reveal the namo of tho town or nny de tails of the lighting. Day nfter day, hour after hour, nutomoblles have been passing the little house where I live, en routo to ono quarter of tho battlficld or nnother. Thoy enrry soldiers to tho front and bring back dead nnd wounded. They transport supplies, food and ammunition. And above all, this nolso nnd distraction tho pitiless, persistent roar of cannon con tinues, always, without Intermission . "When the facts aro known nbout this battle," said nn oinccr to me, "It will go down In history as tho most terrific and costly artillery duel that human beings have over fought." The scenes about here almost defy de scription. A priest has Just led four men, caught pilfering from dead bodies on the battlefield, to tho place whero they are to bo shot. A hugo Gorman, a magnifi cent specimen of manhood, who camo Into tho French lines as a spy becauso his olllcers were desperately In need of In formation as to the position of French troops, has Just been nrrcsted. How he ever expected to got his information back to hfs chiefs I cannot lm.tginc. As I looked at him I realized how much moro bravo a spy must be than an ordinary soldier. I think ho must have resign', himself to a spy's death before ho left tho Gorman lines, because, when ho was held up aro street corner, ho looked over tho heads of his captora as If ho were only nn onlooker. "He'll cuddlo up at the foot of a stono wall pretty soon," said a soldier. The Jlttle boys of tho town fight bat tles themselves, using chestnuts as am munition. They throw tho big nuts with all of their stiongth. nnd I have seen them throw stones In their excitement. Ono llttlo fellow fought with his scalp laid open. Tho wnr game has hypnotized them. Their Idols nro tho black Songa- leso troops. Thoy know that a Sengalese would rather dlo In battle than In bed because ho bollovcs that tho best corner of heaven Is saved for the men who are killed In action. Tho French officers ngreo with the boys In their liking. "I wish I could believe about heaven as they do," one said to me. Stumbling on tho front is really no fun. It makes every one angry, although you sco nothing. But tho olllcers tell you that you are going to run away nnd tell the Germans what you have seen. I don't know any Germans at II over here. The officers told me there was a military movement nnd I saw troops mov ing. But If I did get hold of n Ocrman who would listen to mo all I could tell him would be that I had see some sol diers, and I'm sure that tho Germans know by this time that there aro such things as French and English soldiers. Baby Girl for Mrs. Churchill LONDON, Oct. 7. A daughter was born today to Mrs. Winston Spencer Churchill, wife of the First Lord of the Admiralty. Mother and child are doing well, It Is stated. WjVC-wl PURE I? FRESH PAINT Em r t' .rrW1 m jocsevewem From the front porch of a dwelling to the inside and out of an entire factory, Kuehnle is equipped to han dle the work thoroughly, promptly and economically, And any work we do we guarantee to satisfyl nie Painting and Decorating Oct Our Estimate First Both Phones ; 28 S. 16th St. ttPTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITY N.J. IN AUTUMN J'rovldes a iftarm of iguifort ana cat aratdit ibara tcrlitlc environment that haj ublihed It as an Ueal aeaahom home Directly on tho ocean front. Capacity 600. W.U.TKH J nczny. and Seashore EVERY SUNDAY TO Atlantic City Ocean City Sea Isle City Stone Harbor Wildwood or Cape May Special Train Lraie OliMtnut St, and South St. IVrrln 7 30 A. JJ. ROUND TRIP SI. 00 TAKE FOOD, SAYS HAYWOOD I. W Wi Organizer Calls Chicago Fine Field for His Propaganda CHICAGO, Oct. 7. William D. Hay wood, orgnrllzor of the Industrial Work ers of the World, arrived In Chldngo to day, looked over the town, declared It "a splendid fleld for I. W. W. propaganda Just now," and announced his Intention of staying here nt least long enough to start activities. "What Is tho best way?" ho repeated when asked. "Well, It Is for thoso un employed men to march down South Water street and take yes, take nil tho food they need. Tho men arrested will be given food nnd Bholter Just what they need. This Is going to be the hardest winter we over had In tho United States." BANKER'S TRAGIC DEATH Teller of Penn National, of Reading, Believed to bo a Suicide. READING, Pa.. Oct. 7.-Tho dead body of James L. Babb, teller of tho I'cnn National Bank, was found on the Mount Penn boulevard early this morning. Death was from shooting. It Is "believed to be a caso of suicide. Several months ago another teller of this bank, William E. Gchry, was sen tenced to ilvo years In tho Eastern Peni tentiary for .a defalcation. Gchry ac cused Kmll Gcrstcl, n cafe proprietor, of benefiting by the defalcation. Gerstel was tried and acquitted. About J25.O0O was In volved In this case. RUSH READING OF NEW CODE ItB Presentation to Delaware Legis lature About Half Finished. DOVER, Del., Oct. 7.-The reading of tho revised cod'e, tho enactment of which caused tho Delaware General As sembly to be called In special cession by Governor Miller, has been about half finished. Floor leaders In tho two blanches agreed this morning to rush tho final volumes, so that tho concluding chapters may bo read before Friday night. Tills program will permit next week to bo used In a discussion of the code and three new laws, ono (of which deals with election of United States Senators. E Women's $1,50 Gloves $1 One-clatn enne; P X. M. Fpwn j KtiRlInh Ihumhi , Imported slilns nnd best American make. Tan, white anil hlnelc. rmsT n.oori. stii STREET SID12 Market IN OVJt BIG RESTAURANT Jvvvvvvvivvtvfcvvvivwvvvvvaavvvvvvvvvvvvvivvvv October jSale of Xi"ic, Handsome Textures This Special Event, Many of these beautiful materials r a b soaring price and increasing scarcity SI Black Peau m Very Special Value, 35 Inches Wide. Serviceable black silks for waists and dresses with rich, soft, medium lustre. $1 White Cache-C(DU mere de Soie . 3)o3 32 inches wide. An ideal washable fabric fine, smooth glove finish. SS5fin Safin fi'Pno 1.25 f Cloth Double-width, all silk nuality in j fashionable new fall colors, also i black. $1.75 Black Satin $ nc Charmeuse iLd Double-width. Special lot of these $.ry stylish dress silks, with rich, soft lustre. i4VA.VVViVWV.t'lVVV'WVXXl.XX-.'VVXX-,Wt.V'..VVVaV''VV'VV1.'VVWVVVVVX-VV1VVV'! Sale of Winter Women's Silk - and Underwear, Each Wool $1 mill $l.r.O Vnlum I Itlliliril VcnIm, I'nnts mid Tlislit Rvery garment lianil-flnislieu the famous riirrst A1IIN brand All (leulrcd shapes and tho most seahon.iljl wHfrhtH. Boys' and Misses' 65c UNION SUITS Fleocn lined and cotton ribbed. Manufacturers.' wliirht Imperfections llojs' natural color; missed' puie white i Ostrich Feathers Dry Cleaned and Curled Old plumes and paradise made ovor in tho latest styles. Best of Work and .Moderate Prices We Trim All Hats Free of Charge Smart Tricorn Hats of Velvet Exceptional $3.00 Value Tine, black silk vel vet in assortment, including a fctj lo that will becom Ugly frame every face One Mle Sketched. They'll make up charmingly into tai lored or dressy milli ner at but very lit tle expenditure. Other Specials t' HATS AND TRIMMINGS Velvet Dress Hats $2.98 and $3.98 I'ltra-faslilonable models made of fine black silk velvet. OSTItll II KHIXtJH lUMlS-In black, white and cululy 98c, $1.49, S1.98 and $2.19 FIRST FLOOR, NORTII L98 ra a LIT UUOTIir.HS 7, 1914. WHISKY AND BEER TAX PROMISES HOT FIGHT Liquor Question the Overshadowing One in Framing War Revenue Bill. WASHINGTON, Oct, 7. - Whether whisky shall be tasted higher and whether whisky and beer shall bear tho burden of the "war tax" were tho questions to day promising tho bitterest contest be tween tho 8ennto and House on the emergency revenue legislation. The "liquor question" overshadowed tho entire tax bill situation. Strong opposi tion Is certain in the House to tho In crease In taxes on beer to $1.75 a barrel nnd flvo cents a gallon on rectified spirits, adopted by tno Senate Democrats In caucus late last nlgnt. wncn inc oiu was in the House, Democratic leaders, after a hard fight, succeeded In exempt ing whisky from further taxation. The Prohibitionists nro nlso ngalnst the tax. Meeting nt 10 o'clock today tho Senate Democratic caucus made haste to com plete and report the bill today. Elimina tion of tho House tax of two cents a gallon on gasoline, extensions of Spanish war Btamp tnxes to patent medicines and cosmetics, reduction of tho tax bank cap ital from J2 to Jt n thousand, and tho beer and whisky tax changes left tho bill almost complete by the caucus today. RACE HORSE ON MONUMENT Ono of Several Figures on Shaft In New York Cemetery. NEW YOItK, Oct 7.-A raised statuo of Tho Abbott, a famous trotting horso. Is ono of several figures that surmount an unusual monument that has been erected In Calvary Cemetery by John J. Scannell, cx-FIre Commissioner of Now York nnd a member of Tammany Hall for many years, to his brother, Florenco Scannell, who was killed In a polltlcil row In December, 1S59. Tho monument Is on a tall granite base, which Is surmounted by a llfo-slze figure of Florence Scannell. A baH-rcllef presentation of John J. Scannell and hlo family seated at a table appears on one side of tho shnft, Mr. Scannell reading from a book. On the other sldo Is the figure of tho rnco horso. A third Is left blank for Mr. Scnnncll's epitaph after his death. Florence Scnnnell's name, date of birth and date of his death nre on tho fourth side Ho was killed In a saloon owned by John Thomas Donohuc, who was killed by John J. Scannell threo years later. .STORE OPENS S.30 A. M. AND CLOSES AT 5.30 FIATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Eighth Filbert nEST OF EVERYTHING AT LOWEST for Fall and Wnier and Offering a in a of One - are imported we are giving you advantage of our savings, despite the WtlMM BV i l $5.50 Black J 2 ihO Chiffon Velvets " Exceptional Value 42 Inches Wide. French chiffon dress velvet, with fine pure silk pile. FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH Underwear and Hosiery Continues 69c Silk - Boot Stockings, OQ Splendid 50c Grade 7 C Wom.'ii'n Full-fashinni-d with hlprh-splii-pd hfels iloulila sides, rrinfotcf-d carter tnpa. Black only Manufai-turors' Mii,ht imperfections Women's 2oc and Fibre Silk Stockings 39c Well fashioned highly lustrous Have spliced too and heel, reinforced garter top. Slight imperfections Ml black FIFt.ST jf twt vmmmu vtvt vv-vww-vvvvvv. w Women's and Misses' Apparel r r S '' onderful Range of A eiy Styles ; All Moderately Priced. Women's Handsome $70 7C $37.50 Suits . .Ly.ld Sketch Shows One of the Three Dressy Models. With Smart Little Bolero Jacket af Fur Cloth Over the Long-Skirted Russian Coat. Copy of an Imported Style. These suits aro tnilored from broadcloth and cheviot in black, navy and tho richest shades of brown, green or Holland blue. They are all combined with rich fur cloth and beautifully silk lined. These are suits for the dressiest Winter occasions. Women's & Misses' $1 C CiA $22.50 Dresses .... O . O U Charming Neiv Arrivals in Serge Combined With Velvet. These are in dark brown, blue and black, in Redinifote effect bound with braid and finished with high-standing collar, also a loosely tied sash in front. Women's & Misses' S25TnnCnate . . ! $25 Top Coals Practical and dreS V stvlas in boucls, cheviots and broadcloths of navy Hue, black and brown; some with noel new collars or pretty frog fastenings and mostly alt half- or fully lined with silk. & FACES TRIAL FOR MURDER Philadelphia Accused of Killing Companion In Summer Cottage, TOMS ItlVEIt, N. J Oct 7. Supreme Court Justice Kallsch has eet October Jl for tho trial of William J. Bond, or Phila delphia, charged with tho murder of John It. Hafer, of Heading, Pa, Hafer waa found naked on May 27 last In an un occupied summer cottage nt Point Pleas ant. Bond, who had been traveling about the country with him, was seen to leave the house shortlv after high words were, heard. A passerby who hoard the quar reling notified the enretaker. The body of Hnfer wbr then discovered. Bond, who had wandered down to tho river bank, wa? caught at ho was trying to bargain with a boatman to set him across the Mnnasquan River. Ho after ward admitted that ho had been with Hnfr and said that Hafer attacked him nnd he struck back and knocked Hafer down. CLAYTON BILL PUSHED Enters Upon Final Five-Hour Debate on Anti-Trust Measure. WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. The House met an hour earlier than usual today to expedite consideration of tho confer ence report of the Clayton antl-tnist bill, one of tho last measures to be approved before the prospective adjournment of Congress. By unanimous consent agreement, the House pntered upon five hours' debate on tho bill. Tho adoption of the report was assured. The Senate already has ap proved the conference report. FARE INCREASES DENIED WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. The applica tion of the New York Central and other railroads to chargo a passenger fare of $9 50 on pnssenger tmfllc between New York city and Buffalo In either direction today was denied by the Interstate Com merce Commission. Tha Commission held that ns a combination of fares between tho Intermediate points totals only $8.50, the $9.50 rate is unreasonable. Killed Going to a Fire NEW YORK, Oct. 7. Sergeant John E. Hodglns wns killed and Policeman King was mortally Injured when a ear hit an automobile that was taking them to a fire at 351 West Fourteenth street Una morning. P. 31. Save Yellow Trading Stamps And get the very bst merchandise that can be secured with any trading stamps ire oivt double ones in the morning Seventh PRICES FIFTH FLOOR! Velvete! Every Yard Freshly Purchased fori 1 hird to One-Half $1 Striped Shirting Silks 49c i 32 nnd 36-inch Widths. Price is just half of original value. Ex tra heavy quality, in prettiest new striped effects and the most popular colorings. . I li $1 Colored Silk Velvets, 49c For millinery and trimming purposes desirable shades. $ 75c and S5c Foulard Silks, 39c S Fine, pure silk qualities in pretty designs, i '".ij 23 inches wide. i S2.25 Printed Chif- $1 CQJ f on Taffeta Silks... "'S Exclusive new printed effects forjj waists, dresses, etc. larit-wide $1.75 Silk Can ton Crepes . . . c Double-width. Fashionable silk-and-wool 'ty, in just a few of the popuis ohades. 35c Seamless 16c FLOOIt, POl'TII Q CA 0.311 mixtures i l hMm ' WffijoWl (n I; i SECOND FLOOR, i I V IB 1 HI H5IA1L OK l'UONB OUDEKS J ,L H V'V its; ! UT UHOTUCHS - - 0