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W!Pw innrygM1'1" io'ihi nj'wwiti'uii T-jPTF ll J'll''""WjlLI'fMIl. I IIJIIl.ALU,.,!,, IGrttger .r- SPORTS FINAL PRICE ONE CENT SPORTS FINAL VOL. I KX)". 23 rJULADELnitA, ntlDAY, OCTOBER !, 11)14. CoristonT, 10M, T Tn rcntto Lewis CoitriNT. m H iS El H II S tTith ft- m ' PRINTED REGISTRY NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURGING THE LISTS Director Porter Says October 19 Will Be Too Late for Striking Off Names As sessors' Lists Will be Used. Director Porter today snld tlint County Commls'lnner Moore. Powers nml Gor man, In holding tip tlio prltitcil llM of registered voters until October 19, when It will be loo late to ntrlke off the tinmen of any Illegal voters which tlio I'eiirose-McNIohol-Vnre mnchhio may have Klip. lied Into the lists this full, are not ob serving the law. The law reiiulres. ho said, that the, llts should be out by Oc tober 1.1, or thice weeks liofoio election day. The Director said that lm did not ac cuse the County Commissioners of hold ing up the lists In order to spite hint by obstructing his police canvas. "I would not say anything like that. ' said the Director. "The Cuiinty Cnninil sioners enld that they mil I tint pet the registration lists printed ber((te OcCber 33. The Board of Iteglstrntltm rotnnilx sloners hn set aside October 19 as the last day for hearing protests against leg. Isteted voters. "The TJoaul of Tleclstratlon Comml Bloners and tho police In their tiuivm must go ahead and do without 'lie reg istration lists and use thp asoejisors' lists. "We would prefer the registration llt.? of course, as they show who .ictuallv regls teied this fall." Director Porter said that the police can vass will be made whether the pi lined lists are obtainable or not. A thnmtitrh canvass of the hotels has been s'nrted already, ho said . i r ;, : m -w; , , fcV-5Wa14 ' Willi' ,. .- ,-i v -jbs: ' ly ff -:- HST .-.-fc -m: CURBSTONE MARKET SOLVES COST OF LIVING PROBLEM U J- Housewife .Saves $1.10 When She Goes A-buying There And Dispenses With The Luxury of High-Priced Delivery By Uniformed Messengers. MORAN OUT ON A FOUL In the first inning Moran fouled off one of Bender's fast ones and was an easy out for Mclnnis, who ran up and caught the ball. TIIKSK FANS SAW GAME FROM 20TII STKEET ROOF GRANDSTAND GIRL FAINTS: MINUS $91: ESCORT IS ARRESTED Miss Anna Cassidy Accuses Mr. Ar tuckle Met at Movies. Miss Anna Cassldy, of 2011 Arch street, took a walk last night, fainted In Broad street station, lost $91 from her purse nnd ."Uled the arrest of her escort John Artuckle. who .ays that ho lives on 15th Htreet. near Walnut. In all It was an eventful night for Hiss Cassldy. as the police compelled her to go to the station to piefer the charge against Artuckle. She also ap peared toda to press the charge. Miss Cossldv felt lonely last evening According to the police. Mio went to a "movie" to quiet het nerves. There she m,et Artwklc. Xllss Cassldy let him carrv her purse, which held ?10t ami some odd centu, she snv.-t. At about .1 o'clock this morning Miss Cassldy and Artucklo enteted Broad Street Station. Miss Cassldy Tainted whllo her pocket book was in Artuckle's hands. Artuckle Etood by her fanning her with the purs-' A policeman arrived .Miss Cas-sidy re covered. She grasped her pur.e an I opened It. It onlv contained J10 and -i few odd cents. She asked Artuckle for the 91 which she said was missing. Ar tuckle said he neir carried that mm h money with him ot one time In his life Miss Cassldv fainted again nnd Artuckl was arrested. A technical charge of dlsnrdorlv conduct Is lodged against Artuckle. and he is under J."00 bail for a furthr hearing to morrow at the 15th and Vine streets station. r ' f ' .- ,' ' i'JK'-cV.?!' ',';',!,.,;, v' By tho Investment of a little energy and 10 cents carfare, housewives can save $1.10 every time they go to market. If they arc particular and like to sco pro visions ntnld artistic surroundings boforo buying, then they must give up hope of effecting thin economy. Dut It they simply want the provisions on their merits', the amount mentioned can be saved by those who go to markot three times every week. It Is generally known by those wlin have been Investigating markets In Phil adelphia nnd other cities that tho stylo and convenience demanded by tho people hnve been largely responsible for the high cost of food. For Instance, a head of cabbage, which may be bought for "i cents, lr a woman picks It up from a basket and carries It home, Is greatly In creased In price If It Is sent homo In the dealer's fancy automobile and delivered In a fancy wooden box by n uniformed messenger. In such a case It Is plain to be seen that tho cost of the auto, tho wages of tho chauffeur and tho cost, of the gasoline have entered Into tho price of the simple head of cabbage, which will not taste any better than If It were carrlod home by the houscu'lfe herself or one ot hor children. The experience of the cabbage applies to all kinds ot food bought In fancy mar kets. If a housewife desires to economize nnd get down to simplicity In buying she cannot liftd a better place than the curb stone market. There are several of these unassuming Institutions In this city. One of the most reasonable Is located on South 7th street, from Dickinson to Mlinin street. Here enn be found everything In tho produce line, devoid of frills, at low prices. A reporter for the RvcNtKa Lrdokii took a trip through thl3 open-air mnrket today nnd compared the prices of pro visions tljeie with prices at the Heading Terminal Market. As most of tho pa trons of the curbstone market buy in the half peck nnd dozen quantities, ho used these measurements as a basis for comparison. It can be stnlcd Incidentally that many patrons ot tho terminal market buy In tho same quantities. The reporter found that In 17 articles of food given In the accompanying table, the housewife could save 1.2A by patroniz ing the curbstone market Instead of the Terminal Markot. Deducting 10 cents for enrfaro for those who live beyond walking distance from the curbstono market tho saving would bo f 1.10 on each trip to market. It Ic fair to assume that tho housewife who buys In such small quantities Is obliged to go to market nt least three times a week, nnd her saving would be J1.S0 a week. This Is not a (spasmodic condition, and Investigation has flhown thnt tho name .iiargln of economy could bo effected the year round. Tho throngs who patronize this curb matket dally prove that these facts have gone home to the housewives, and now they come fiom nil sections ot the city. In mnny rases two women market to gether and help' each other to carry home the morning's marketing. This Is why ono sees so many baskets on the trolley car? bound for the suburbs. Tho venders of the curbstono market say they will not start the sendlng-homo svstem. for they realize the moment they Ifir that prices must soar. Tho curbstone market was a busy scene this morning. Well-gowned wqmen lubbed elbows with the poor housewife In shawl nnd wrapper, and many of the foimcr learned a few points from tho poor woman's method of buying. Whllo there arc no marble counters nnd spot lessly clad attendants, tho curb mer chants nre dressed for their work in hand, and are courteous, too, for they want tho same customers to come back ago In and bring their neighbors. And Judging from tho business, the women nro doing it. Sharp Contrast in Cost of Filling Market Basket at Terminal and Curb This table shows the difference In prices nt the Terminal and "curbstone" markets. There wns no difference in tho grade of goods selected for comparl-" son. Tho cost of the poorer grado of goods nt the curbstone market was much lower than the prices given: Terminal. Curbstono Markot. Saved. 25 cents a dozen; corn If, cents dozen S .09 .05 . Y .10 .07 .03 .02 .15 0.1 20 cents half peck, tomatoes 15 cents half peck 20 cents hair peck, sweet potatoes ii! cents half peck 30 cents half peck, lima beans 20 cents half peck 25 cents bundle, celery IS cents bundle 20 cents half peck, yellow onions 15 cents half peck 5 cents apiece, squash 3 cents nplccc 40 cents a dozen, cucumbers. .... 2." cents dozen 15 cents basket (3 lbs.), grapes 12 cents basket (.1 lbs.) 25 cents (carrier basket), penches 20 cents (carrier basket) 01 5 cents a head, lettuce i cents a uend 02 1G to 20 cents half peck, white potatoes.. 12 to IC cents half peck 04 40 cents (carrier basket), plums 25 cents (can lor basket) 15 30 cents (carrier basket), peats 20 cents (carrier basket) iio 15 cents a dozen, lemons 12 cents a dozen o3 15 cents a dozen, bananas 10 cents n dozen .03 36 cents a dozen, carrots 24 cents a dozen '. I12 Total fl.20 TRAINS CARRY NEWS OF GAME DOCTOR BRUMBAUGH TALKS TO LANCASTER FARMERS Famous School nt Lltltz Crowded With Admirers. L.ITITZ. Pa . Oct D.-Martln G Brum baugh left here last night for Blalrvllle and other Indiana county towns after ad dressing i great audience of Uweaster rounty farmers in I.indon TInll. and depreiatlng his knowledge of farming as compared with then own. Today the re publican candidate "for Guvernor will ppeak In Homer City and Indiana after beginning th dav in Illnirvllle. A great demonstration is planned In Indiana, where the Stdt Normal School Is located. Manv of the teachers are the candidate's personal friends. At Homer City farmers and soft coal mine workers are expected to turn out in force. Nearly 1000 persons heard Doctor Brum baugh hero Hat night. He spoke In thu Rudltorlum of Linden Hall Seminary, where he was introduced bv the princi pal, R. C. Longnecker. whom ha has lontf Known. It was the first time lit the his. i tory of the semlnarv that the hall was I thrown open to a political meeting. i Doctor Brumbaugh Was touting York ' county before he reached here for tho address at the retnlnarv Unt night. With him were Henry Hourk, Frank B Me. Clam. Daniel I.afean, Si. M. Uarland and ' votonei i. . i-rago .BUSINESS MEN CALL FOR A NEW SCHOOL IN CHESTNUT HILL CONNOLLY SLIDING TO THIRD BASF. IN SIXTH INNING Buildings Now in Use Anti quated and Dangerous and Mass-meetings Will Voice Protest. NOTED LAWYER HERE Chicago Attorney, Toe of Gamblers and White Slavers, Visits Sister, Frank n. Murray, a leading member of the Cliicagu bar, and a former Philadel phian. is visiting hU elster, Mrs. Kathryn T. Joyce, at her home at Mil Kpruco utreet. Sir Murray was the tltst law or In the country to obtain the conviction of a white fdaver, pursuing this type of criminal tn a crusade begun by the mu lilcipdl authorities of Chicago under his direction. Mr. Murrav was also Instrumental In breaking up the notorious clique of lake gamblers uhkjt infested that city for years, and has done much to rid Chleago of crooks who openlv defied the police, but who feared him because of lilt, jelentUws determination to send them to prison. As a result of his white slave campaign the agitation was begun which finally re sulted In Uuvenuiient legislation against this crime. Mr Murray left this city 36 years ago to enter business in rhirago, later study ing law. thereafter rUilng rapidly in the profaMlon. He will return to Chicago on ilonday. CYCLISTS HURT IN COIJISION,, Lm V. Bugnoy. 31 jars old. of 61G6 Maltose avenu. and Uorg O'.N'ell, tt jears old. of 36M East Thuyw sttt. ar In th BpUcujml HocpHuI, suCfvrlBg from vr lacerations, the riult of driving a, molorcycta into a hav motor truck at .N'ketewn lane and K strst aarly tills morning Bujjtwy, who was ster Ing the motorcycle, failed to see the mot r U'.ik In tlm to avoid a collision Eoth men wjl recover, In efforts to obtain aaf school buildings for tho children of Phemnut Hill, the llusluess Men's Association has arranged mass-meetings of protest and appointed a committor to familiarize the members of the Board of Education wltn the dan gerous condition of the Joseph It. Gilbert Combined School, J9th Htreet and Hlgb laud avenue According to J. II. Webster, secretary of the Oumess Men's Association. Frank, lin Spencer Edmonds has declared the schools of Chestnut Hill to be untlquated. In a deploiable condition and n disgraco to that section. "The buildings surely are antiquated." said Mr. Webster. "They have had no Improvtments for tho last 35 years. There ara many cases where parents prefer to tend thefr children from Chestnut Hill ! the Alien lana School Jn Mt. Al'y rather than subject them to the dangers of the flllbert School This malses con siderable Inconvenience, because the chil dren are email st4 the school is far from their homes. "The annex to the Qllbert School was not built far school building', it is practically Impossible to ventilate thlt bulldiru?, awl i result wo have a gTeat many colds and a lot of sickness among the children." On thn main building of the Gilbert School there Is no fire escape. For the M0 children in the building there are three stairways. One of tns has been sep arated from thu building uuJ makes what Is callrd a pre escip. The building is full of woud .and, and Is generally considered dangerous Miss Isabella McParlan. principal of the school, has done much, according to the residents of the neighborhood, to improve conditions In the school Miss McFarlan said this morning that In case of ore. with all the stairs open, the building could be emptied in two minutes. With on or two of the stairs open, it would take four raluutes to empty the building. Members of the committee working to secure better school conditions for Chest nut Hill mcl ide Pr Oscat Ucrson, A. K. gchc K and A AutOia, r4 fl .Si TL.'" w?. ' 5': v - . -'VJ - - . v-A- r '. -;-'. V?.ti -JM Z " .. . . .u.t t .;-.. HOME-RUN BAKER IN AUTO MISHAP; UNHURT Baseball Idol Narrowly Escapes In jury When Machine Hits Wagon, Home Run IJaker figure In a spec tacular episode not on the baseball pro gram today when a motorcar he was driving crashed into the rear of a wagon at 2Bt and Somerset streets, bringing elh of fear from several thousand fans lined up to buy tickets and who thought their idol would be injured. Frank was not hurt The accident happened when a horse n'.taclKwl to a wagon belonging to O Wil son, Met York road, shied at a passing motor and backed out in the street di rectly In the path of Baker's car Frank tried to avoid the collision, and the long line of enthusiasts fc'asped with horror as thc-y saw him Jam on the brakes and swerve his maehlnu to dim side. i Au instant later there was a crash as car and wagon came together. The mud guard of the Ilaktr automobile was bent and a wheel of the other vehicle broken. Twent-Hve men rushed to styp the horse and many persons surrounded the, popu lare home run hero, frantically demand ing to know if he was hurt- They cheered when Baker smilingly in formed them everything was all right. FROM FATHER TO SON "Well. Hobby," said the minister to the small son of one of his deacons, "what is the news?" "Popper's got a new sat of false teeth." "Indeed," said the minister restraining a deal re to laugh, "and what will he do with the old sat?" "Oh, i suppose." replied Bobby. "they'll ' cut 'em down and make me wear tm.." Kansas City Star. BOY STRUCK BY AUTO Chauffeur Held Pending Outcome of Child's Injuries. Michael Jordon, a chauffeur. 1C10 North Kjdenliam street, was held In J 100 bail this morning by Magistrate Morris, of the !$th and Oxford streets police station, pending the result of injuries suffered by li- ear-old William I'enselhart, IfflO Ogden street, who was struck by the machine drlen by Jordon last night. The actdent occurred at 16th and Cam bridge streets, when the boy, who was playing on the sidewalk, dashed directly la float of the machine. Following the accident the boy was rushed to St. Joseph's Hoapltal by Jordon In the ma chine. It was found the boy's right leg was broken and that he suffered numer ous cuts and bruises. Witnesses declare the chauffeur was not to blame for the Accident, j. All BnUroad Stations Besieged With Eager Crowds of Fans, At nil the railroad stntlons In or near tho city conductors of traina were be sieged for nows of the game by Innings. Nearly every station In the suburbs auto matically became n baseball Information bureau. At atatlons whorestho trains did not stop obliging conductors shouted what they knew about the score. They got their Information from the operator at the station before leaving. From here to Now York, Baltlmoro and Atlantic City nearly every Rtatlon had Its anxious crowd of rooters. '- : THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, Oct. 9. For Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey: Unsettled tonight and Saturday, with pobable showers: gentle to mod erate winds, mostly south. Showers continued yesterday In the lake region, the eastern Canadian prov inces, the Ohio Valley and In most of the Mississippi Valley States, but this morning the reports indicate that the showers are becoming more widely scat tered. The rain area has not crossed the mountains on to the Atlantic slope at any place. Light scattered rains continue in the far Northwest. The csstcrn area, of high barometer Is drifting slowly off the Atlantic coast and the disturbance from the central valleys will 'eventually spread eastward. The temperature changes have been slight and unimportant. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations made at H a. m. Kastcrn time. Ixjw last Bain- Veloo. Ststlon. 8 a.m. n't. fall. Wind. Ily. Weather Abilene, Texas. Atlantic City.. UUmarck. X. D llobton, Mass.. Uuffalo, N. Y.. Chicago. 111... Cleveland O... Dener. Col.... Des Moines, la. GO OU Detroit. Mich . . M 62 Dulufh. Minn . 60 48 Onlvcalon. Teai 78 7 tlatteras, N. C. TO tit Helena, Mont. . .11 31 Huron, S. Dak. !W 4S JackaonUlle . . 70 '" Kan City. Mo. Ctt IM I.ouUIUe. Ky . CD 111 Memphis. Tenn. 7 New Orlenna.. Kw York K. Platte. Neb. B2 IS Oklahoma, Okla. M t Philadelphia I'ltotnls. Arl. rittiburnh, Pa. Portland, Me Portland. Or. . Quebec, Can . . 8t Uoula. Mo ki Paul. Minn u..i t,v, ltuh. 4 42 Ban FrancUco . 60 SJ Scranton. Pa . J M Tampa Waahlnston .... tA C2 Winnipeg 41 41 M (A :is ?.$ ,o: tit S3 . 61 IX! . 62 62 . 62 62 . 48 4A Ii 74 74 62 02 64 62 66 02 M 92 M lit M 48 04 62 2.21 M Brt 8W a N W .. S .. 8 .. SB .OS NE .GO NK ,11) KB . KB . H tt' .01 Stt" .. N . NK .65 tt' .62 SB S .18 SK .. SW .. N S B K Oil SK .10 02 si: .. SK 18 NE K .81 SW ... HV '.. N NK . NV .31 S 8 Clear 4 Cloudy 4 Cloudy 4 Clear 14 P.clouly 8 Cloudy 12 Cloudy 4 Cloudy ft Cloudy II Clliidy H Cloudy 12 Clear 4 Clear N Itain 6 Foggy l'.Cloudy 8 Cloudy 14 TUIn 8 Cloudy 0 Clear 4 Cloudy 4 Cloudy 22 Clear 4 Cloudy 4 Clear 4 Clear 4 Cloudy 8 tloudy 21 Cloudy 10 Itain 4 Cloudy 4 Itatn 4 Cloudy 4 Cloudy u I cloudy 4 Cloudy 0 T.cloudy ONE KILLED tWHEN AUTO -STRIKES. MOTORCYCLE Navy Ynrd Employe Collides With Machine ir Fnlrmount Parle. A jTirnsh hetween a man on n motor cycle who plunged head on Into nn nuto moblle near Ilclmont Stniifslon. Fnlrmount Park, resulted In the death or the rider of tho cycle. He is Horry .Muller. 27 years old, Chnmounls Mansion, Fair mount Park. Uo was employed at the PhiladnlplUa Navy Yard. The automobile was drfven by Harry J. Scullen, 6132 Walnut street He wns placed under arrest and taken to tho Woodford Guard House. The accident occurred about 10 30 o'clock lat ,rtlBlit nt tho turning of a smnll road which leads from Belmont avenue to Ilclmont Mansion. Muller was hurled if considerable distance. According to Scullen the motor cyclist was riding at a fairly rapid rate and on the wrong side or the road. It was Im possible to avoid the collision. Muller was still olive when taken to the West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital. Ho died there shortlv after midnight His skull was fractured and one leg aijd several ribs broken. , MAN ACCUSED OF AUTO THEFT Captured When Mnchlne Stalled After HunninR Short Distance. Charged with an attempt to htcal an automobile ijnncd by AiiRtln Cavln, 123 South 12th street, Albert CIcgg, 22 years old. 5330 North Lambert street, was held In $100 bail for court this morning by Magistrate Morris, of the SSth and Ox fold streets police station It Is charged that Clegg. with two com panions, attempted to steal the machine on October 4, when It was standing near tho corner of 21st and lierks streets Of ficer Wilson, of the 20th nnd Ilerks streets pollco station, was near and capture-i Clegg when the machine stnlled after running a short distance. Tho other oc cupants of the car escaped, but the po lice say tho men are known to them and will bo arrested shoitly. ASK3 POLICE TO FIND WIFE Mrs. Planje Left Home With Child Several Days Ago. The police have'been asked to look for Mrs. Marie Oertrude Planje. 38 years old, who left her home on Chelten avenue! Germantown, several days ago with her son, who Is 2 years old. John Planje, husband of the woman cannot account for his wife's action Jla is making a search of hospitals trying to Cad her. TENER AND SUCCESSOR TO TALK Governor nnd Governor-elect Will Attend State College Event, STATE COI.I-EOE. Pa . Oct 9 -Governor Tenei and the Goernnr-elect of the State will visit Pennsylvania State Col lege on Pennsylvania day, November 13 They will participate In the ceremonies attending the presentation of two steel flagstaffs to the college by the P O S of A Sites fur the staffs were selected today by It I Schuyler, of ljck Haven, and J C Strayer, of York, the order. IJoth Haffs will be on the campus, nea Old Main IJulldlng One will fly the, national and tho other tho Stato flag The battalion of collexe cailRt n,i ... members of the order will have a pan in the program At the dedication ser vices of the four buildings erected for the college addresses will be made by tha Governor and the Governor-elect. ASTOR WIT Newport U credlUflg Vincent Astor with a bon mot It appears that Mr. Astor had turn-d the cola shoulder on an aristocratic out poor young man who had continual tried to "use" him. A woman ventured to take Mr. Astor to task for this snub, and received the telling reply: "Oh, Jack shouldn't complain. They who make tools of their friends are "' to get cut." amMmmmMm z:xr jyY"---"-' " i.---""-"