""l "Mpf,,, i wHvapWFm.ii-"
insnmu -MtUMjiaissu wjJj;
iRauchenbusch Now Writes
to Prove the Vitality of
Christianity in Its Fight
1 With Modern Evils.
Tu'f .lit I. mi 1 n'i is h. . f th
frtoeh- stpr Th -.-ii.iI ,- minnrv author
cf "Christianizing tin- Soclnt Order ' and
i (many other books widely known to the.
I telergy of the cottntr, has written a
I strong defenso of the Church nt the
.re ouc-t of a .-roitp of men Int. n-tited In
nnklne manifest th" social Implication of
"the Gofpel in naltimore.
i And this group of men. who are con
ducting an arlveitlting campaign to ad
vance thp Intorests of the 'hurch, gave
jtloctor Raui'lienbueh't statement puh
l Jlclty in half-page ndxT-rtlsements In dally
'riewupap'is of t'te Vwium.-ntnl rtt
I The defeno of the Church wnt writ
ten In answi s to tin; qufction, "Will the
1 thureh Disappear?" and wc3 In part as
"In 1313 thp Church In the United States
IJhad S7.!H.S7n mpmbers. Have vou ever
,Tried to hoft the weight of those figures?
All other voluntary organizations look
puny compared with thru.
"The churches lament that thev have
Jfrint got more. ought to wonder that
they havo so many. To win. to hold, to
"rganiz- snrh vatt numbers la an
Enormous soelnl achievement and. proof
positive of social pfllclPncy.
"It Is more nptonlshlnc because the
'(Church is an Idealistic organization nnd
wnakes its npp-n's chiefly to the hlghet
instincts In us. But the higher your ap
peal, th" fever will respond. Any evolu
tionist will tell nii that.
' "If there were no such organizations aa
' rthn churches, the finest minds would
TJream of creatine something like them.
'"Wliuld our people maintain and eo.ur
'.mbout E2S,f rhureh organizations unless
fthose whi pav the money nnd do the,
lvolunter work '"It that thoy were get
ng something out of them?
1 "t'nless our experience has been espa
Jdally unfortunato, w all know that the,
jChurch does steady and re-enforce, our
Btraggllng moral nature. It qnletly Irrt
csates th soil of our life with spiritual
r "The Church can fl?lit, though, when
Iferoused. It h i 'u'toht to a standstill ono
''of thp biggest financial Interests and on
icf the most seductive, social institutions
'In the country. And It has dona it almost
"If ever the Church lines up against
jWRr and industrial exploitation nB it has
lined up against the liquor trnttlc. we
'phall date a new era. The Church Is
"Wow. It surely Is. Hut remember In falr
:iess that the Church Is not a picked club
lof a frw radicals, b-it a cross section of
the wholij nation. It Is slow because it
'Includes the conservative masses The
,-tnan In a hurr" does not realize how slow
;Jy tbe mass of humanity moves and
"It tiok a centurv to create the present
interest in foreign mts'ons in the
churches. It has taken about M years
'tio educate the churehes up to their pres
ent convictions on the liquor quebtion, and
even now tome denominations aro luke
Varm. Only In recqnt years have wo
Seamed how to meet tho liquor trado In
"It has taken all the tlm since the
iCtvll War to make the leaders of tho
Church realize that our capitalistic sys
Jtem will eat up the nation if it ts allowed
cto obey 'ts own greed. The churehes
jhive always been for peaca In theory.
Perhaps this great war will consolidate
helr sentiment to th point of action
"Tou think this Is e!ow progress. It Is'
ICan you show any equal body of people
'that has moved faster? Elevatln? the
fmorallty of a nation Is tike lifting a sky
"lacraper with jackscrews.
, "If jt were a matter of free beer now
' ,tor a new sex uance, the popia woinn
yun after you But If you urge a purer
'.tiuth or a higher Justice on men, you
i have your Job cut out for you I3 pa
"tlent with those who ore trying to edu
vfcate the Church.
"Some think the Churah will mlt away
end disappear. All history la against the
assumption. All history ts In favor of
(the proportion that the Church can bo
made much better or much wors than It
ts now. The question Is not between
'diavlns a Church or having none, but be
tween having a wise Church or . blind
5on; between having a progressive Church
5or t. jtandpat Churoh.
1 'The Church needs four things ejpe-
i tlally today:
7 "First. Friendship for those who earn
t their living and Independence from those
l-twho do not.
"Second. Co-operatton among the de
iiaomlnations on a, basis of Christian
fsquallty and mutual respeot.
"Third A sincere and scientific com
rrjbentan of the social causes of sin and
! "Fourth. An undying determination to
( net tho will of 3od realized In the organ-k-iiied
life of every community and to see
Jirth llfo of Christ rpir la every man
. -cuwl vcnuB.
"Don't go out of the Church unless they
VUt you out Jesus did not If you nave
'it in 70" to h'P th Church forward, be
patient and push It nmes slowly Dut
it stays put And when the Church moves
t&. jutUon movci,"
tEIjc Jfrfcnblp $ntlj
The fruits of a man'a labor can
never be measured by Immediate ob
servations Sometimes the seed that
starts the greatest accomplishments
loes not bring forth fruit until years
nfter It has been planted Sometimes
'lie person who softs the seed never
ivs It sprout and grow strong.
There Is no work In life to which
tins rule applies so surely as religious
It Is disappointing, Indeed, for'ergy
men to preach to audiences that do not
ppm to bo listening. It Is trying
upon the faith of Christian workers
In young people's meetings to sen the
clrls whispering Rnd giggling, nnd the
hoys slouching bnrk In their seat"
with closed eyes, or shooting wads of
i aper across the room
Hut no clergyman or church worker
"oitld permit the pangs of disappoint
ment to control his life when he tcmi
in be weakest nnd his audience "ems
to ho the moit unresponsive
Not Infrequently just at such times
a tlnv seed of thought teaches the
mlml uf a quiet youth rn hick In a
1aik c'lrner. atid years afterward we
find It developed, and the one-llme
i oulh has become n great preacher.
ir a i hiltlnn huslnen or profes'lnnal
win, whop good works are known
i round t!'" world
John W'nnnmaker. ex-Postmaster
lrn"-il, merchant nnd philanthropist.
prito5 telling of hit conversion. A
real countrv bo. with mud on hit
slioct, he occupied n back seat In a
n nl hall uhn a hnt-mnker spok
i-lpflv nf the Ivenellt and pleasure the
'hristlnn life offered to young men
' r wn onl H yenrs old then, hut
t felt that was lust what I needed. '
'Tit Mr W'nnnmaker, "so t took (hut
nntt, t s ndvlce, nnd have found It
h hott that hat eom Into mv life
nd tint voting hnjmnker, then poor
and struggling, ami I beramo fnst
irltndt nnd continued to bo until
hp died "
l.et ut keep faith with ourselves
is we stroll along the pathway of life,
and let Us never forgot that God works
ii e rmstrlous win, and sometimes
iitnt the wenkft of us at the mo
nt is that seem most Inopportune
tn i.w the seed that Is to bring forth
the finest harvest In the futuie
The door of opportunity for doing
trno.1 Is always open to a faithful
n m rim-Mrs
Congressmen nnd Spanish Ambas
sador Scheduled to Speak.
Columbttn Dav will be celebrated by the
Philadelphia Knights of Columbus with i
a big mass meeting In the Academy of
Music on Mundnv night. The speakers
will be Congressman 13en Johnson, of
Kentucky: Congressman James I Mann- ,
l.nn n Mln,,n.n,n Ton. T3 I n M n Cnnnl.l. '
iiltll, .'1 1 ltll, ,ll . Ullllil .,,(,1IW. -(,, liatl
Ambassador to the Tnlted States, and
tho Hev. Wllllnm J. Hlgglns, of St.
Chn-lcR Borromen Seminar-,
Special singing by thp Knights of
Columbus chorus of ;f0 voices vr bo a
feature of the mcptlng All State and
City oillclals hive b-en Invited to attend
Frlenrte nre not best because they're
mrly old,
nut only old because they proved the
bst. S W'plr Mitchell.
TOVr of God nnd love of country nre
the two noblest pactions In the human
hpart. A man without n country Is an
oslle In th world, and n man without
God Is an orphan In eternity Henry Van
On worries with a thousand frets:
Th future dreads, the past regrets;
Thinks much of frlf. and God forgets;
Can this b f Con this be you?
Anoth- smites In clad content:
Recounts the blessings Ood has sent;
Faces the future confident;
W'hleh ono Ip 17 Or, which one you?
Frank T. Bell, In the Christian Advo
It Is well for overy pastor to keep in
elose touch with every one of his young
people who nre starting away to school
and college this fall. Let him not only
know their nddresses so ns to correspond
with them, but let him write, to tho Pres
byterian university pastor, or, where
thero Is none, to the eollege president or
local pastor, speaking of eaoh student
and making suggestions aa to the, forms
at Christian work In whtch they might
he enlisted. For lack of this there is
sometimes a sad Intermission of Chris
tian activity Herald and Presbyter.
tVhnt the sinning world needs Is not
more Inw, but more love: not an austere
judge, but nn nrdent lover. liberty.
Opening Gun of Campaign Will Be
Fired Next Tuesday,
The opening gun of the "Illlly" Sunday
campaign will be fired next Tuesday
evening, when a mass-meeting for men
will be held In the North Branch T. M
C A Ministers from all parte of the
city aro expected to ba present. Joseph
11. Steele, chairman of the "BlUy" Sun
day Campaign Committee, will pTeslde
and giro an outline of the preliminary
"Was the Sunday Campaign fn Saranton
Worth While?" will be discussed by &
"trall-hltter" from Scrnnton, and the
Ilev It. M Ilowells, pastor of Eden
Methodist Episcopal Church, will atnr the
famous antt-booze song of the Sunday
campaign. "The Brewer's Big Horses
Can't Ride Over Me " There also will be
other speakers
Secretary Harry Heebner, of the North
Branch, will be In chargo. The meeting
Is to promote the movement to organize
thousands of men of North Philadelphia
Into Bible clasies for personal work dur
ing tho campaign
Arrangements have been made for
three more lectures to be given tomorrow
on the general subject, "The Present
War In the IJght of Prophecy," under
the ausolcea of the Philadelphia School of
the Bttale.
The Rev. William I Pettlnglll. dean of
the school, la to speak In the Bethlehem
Baptist Church, 13th and York streets;
tho Rev. Lewis Sperry Chafer, of North
field, Moss . In the Broadway Mlsthodlst
Episcopal Churoh, Broadway and Berk
ley streets, Camden, and J J. Robinson
will be the lecturer In the Messiah Re
formed Church. 13th and Wolf streets
Alt the lectutv -vk III begin at i o'clock
In the afternoon
Bishop Preaches Tomorrow
Bishop Rhlnelander. who returned to
the city this morning after several months
In England will preach tomorrow evening
In St Barnabas' Church, Hth street and
Havorford avenue St Barnabas parish
has been without a rector lnce early tn
the rummer when the Rev William
Smythe, the mlmeter-tn charge, was
drcwneJ a; wuwood, N, 1,
1 1 ll
Beautiful Episcopal edifice to be dedicated for the use of the colored people
of South Philadelpha.
Catholic Parish of St. Cath
arine of Sienna and Episco-
Parish of St. Simon the
Cyrenian Complete Build
Two new mission churches for the uso
of negroes of Philadelphia have just been
completed. One Is In Germantown and
the other nt 22d and Reed streets The
former Is built for the Catholic parish of
tho Church of St. Catharine of Sienna,
King and I'cnn streets, and the latter
for the Protestant nnlscopal Church of
St. Simon the Cyrenian. The Gennantown
church Is to he dedicated tomorrow and
the Episcopal church on October 1?
Archbishop Prendergast will delicate the
Church of St. Catharine of Sienna, which
is to be a memorial to Archbishop Ryan,
nt 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The ser
mon will he preached by Monslgnor
Charles V. Kavnnngh, chancellor of th"
archdiocese On Wednesday Bishop Mr
I'ort conspi r.itcd tho altar, and nllcs of
St. Candldus nnd St. Victorine were
placed In It.
The design of the Germantown edifice
conforms to thnt of tho old Spanish mis
sions of California. Tho walls aro of
white plaster on Hone, with the windows
recessed Into arched openings and with
overharglng eaves and red tiled roof A
dignified cnmpanllo graces the front.
Most of the ornamental features are
The beautiful homo for the Church of
St, Simon the Cyrenian Is to dedlcnted
on October IS nt 22d and Reed streets,
with fitting ceremonies.
The edifice Is to bn dedicated for the
uso of the Negroes of the southwestern
part of the city, and will bo the finest
Negro mission church of the Episcopal
dlocesp of Pennsylvania. It Is expected
thnt Plshop Rhlnelnnder will ofllclnto at
tho pxerclsns, and tint Bishop Suffragan
Garland villi make nn address
The church Is a mlt-slonnrv auxiliary
to the Church of tho ITolv Apostips, "lot
and Christian streets, and the now edifice
will be another memorial to the gene
rosity of the Thonns family. Much of
the money contributed for tho building
was given hv tho famllv. nnd Mrs
Thomns will have a beautifully carved
wooden altar Installed In memory of her
The church Is n fine example of English
Gothic architecture, nnd the exterior and
Interior nro of brick. Molded brick Is
ued on the outside nnd they nre set In
cement, which ndds much to the at
tractiveness of the strurturo The in
tPrlor Is designed with sjflp nilcs. The
cost of the church was nhout C2" roo
The Rev. John R. Iognn has been rector
since 1505.
John Tyler Will Toll North Branch
T. M. C. A. of Conversion.
John Tyler, a nne-tirno tramp nnd
drunkard, will be the gppnker at the men's
meeting In the North Branch Y M C. A.
tomorrow afternoon nt 4 o'clock Ho Is
to tell the story of his life, whloh he has
repeated before audiences In the lirge
churches In Tondon, Paris and many
American dtles.
Tyler Is a college-bred man Aftr
etruandrlng n fortune, he was a drunk
ard and tramp for 42 years. Five times
he walked around the world, nnd for !x
years he lived as a bushmin in Australia
Home years ago the workers In the Jprry
McAuley Mission, New York, saw a man
totter Into one of their services. He was
In rags and compared favorably with the
worst there was on the Bowery.
That night John Tyler walked out a
converted man. and since then he has
been devoting much of his time to Chris
tlon work
Bubject to Be Discussed at Y. M. C.
A. Tomorrow.
Dr. Wilbur T Crafts, superintendent of
the National "Reform Bureau, of Wash
ington, will be th speaker at the meeting
In the auditorium of tho Central Branch
Y. M C. A tomorrow afternoon at i
o'clock. The subject of hla address Is
to be "Bible Reading In Our Public
Hchools " Both men and women will be
welcomed nt this meeting.
Invitations have been extended to the
officials and teachers of the Philadelphia
public schools, and It la expected that the,
auditorium will be orowded. Doctor Crafts
will read selected readings the Reform
Bureau proposes to Introduce In the
schools, and the audience will be asked
to join In a discussion of them.
"Preparing for the Demonstration of the
Plan by Jesus Chrtat" Is to be tho sub
ject for consideration at the Drop-In Bible
Study ClJiss at S 15 o'clock. Thomas L.
Lawton Is the leader.
"Billy" Sunday Service Will Be Held
la Y. M, O. A, Tomorrow,
A real "Billy" Sunday preparatory
service will be held In the West Branch
Y. M C. A. tomorrow afternoon at 4
o'clock, the usual time for the men's
Sunday afternoon meetings
The Bpvaker will be Frederick W
Norcross. whose subject Is to be "A
Great Revival Coming Our Wav " Thera
will be special music and Henry W.
Lewis will sing several boIos
A eilk flag will be preentd to the Sus
quehanna Avenue Presbyterian Church,
Marshall street and Susquvhanna avenue,
tomorrow evei log. by J R Murphy Coun
cil, No 1, Fraternal Patriotic Ameri
cans There will be an elaborate program
I of, patriotic, muolo and ipaclal speakers,
Ninety-fifth Anniversary of Front
nnd DeJCancey Sts. Plnce of Worship.
The "crew" of tho Mariners' Ohurch,
Front nnd Do Inncpy strpcts, Is innklng
arrangements for the celebration of tho
Mth ntinUi'rsnry of Its foundation to be
held on October IS. Tho church was
established by Ji spph Dnstburn. For
many yenrs he nns In chnrgo nnd tho
plnce of worship wan genorallv known ns
"LlaRtbtirn Mariners' Church "
Thousands of sailors from nil pnrts of
the world have worshiped In thp llttlo
building, nnd time nnd ngnln l"tt'rs como
to the present pastor, the Rev, II. Tr s
ton McHcnry, from men who go down
to the sea In ships who tell how the
resolutions thpy mnde nt Mariners'
Church services have helped thorn to
lead good lives.
The program for the celohratlon In
cludes nn historical sermon to lip preach
rd by the instor on th" morning nf Oc
tober 18, nnd an address by Collector of
the Port William II Berry In tho even
ing. At both services the choir, under
the direction of Miss Ellzibotli Preston,
will give a program nf epet Inl music
The Rev. Mr. McIIpnry m'
"To properly enrp for our guests, among
whom of first prominence will be tho
sailors, the whole crew of the chutch
'will be on deck'!"
Convention to Be Held at 52d Street
and Baltimore AverTue on Oct. 17.
Tho Test District Baptist Young Pco
plo's Union will observe Its second anni
versary with a convention and rally in
the Waylnnd Memorial Baptist Church,
ISA street and Baltimore avenue, on Sat
urday aftornoon nnd eonlns, October 17.
In the nfternoon there will bo nn ad
dress by tho Row I SI. Halner, the
new pastor of the Belmont Avonue
Church, who was formerly a mlsslonnry
among tho cowboys, nnd sovoral con
ferences wll be held.
Miss Daisy Dcnn will be In charge of a
missionary conference. A, II. Vnutlerwlll
bo In charge of tho conference on social
nnd membership work, nnd the Rev.
Heorgo Venn Dnnlelfl, pnstor of tho Way
lnnd Church, will lead a confetenco on
social service.
Following n supper and Informal re
ception at fi o'clock, there will be a song
ervlce, and the R-v. George C. Young
will make an address entitled "Won by
Dr. Halsey Hears That Party is Held
Up in tho Canaries.
Dr A. W. Halsey, secretary of the
Bonrd of Foreign Missions of the Pres
byterian Church, has received a cable
gram which Indicates that a party of
missionaries, who left Africa for a fur
loitph In America, have been warbound
on the Canary Islands. The party was
supposed to lenve Africa on August S,
nnd nothing was heard fro mlt until a
message was received from the Canaries
It l not known nt the home office in New
York when they will be able to Ball for
In the party aro the following mission
aries: Dr nnd Sirs. II. D. Weber, tho
Rev. and Sirs D Coo Dove. Sir. nnd Mrs
F. H. Hope and two children, the Rev.
and Sfrs F. W. Neal and child, the
Rev. nnd Mrs John G. Suta and two
children, Sir. and Sirs. A. B. Patterson
and child, Misses Elizabeth Christie.
Verna B. Hick, Christian Suderman and
tho Rev. F. O. Emerson.
Wife of Late Bishop Will Be Honored
A handsomp brass tablet to the memory
of the lot Dllza Hoffman, wife, of the
late Bishop Heiman S Hoffman, will bo
unveiled In tho Reformed Episcopal
Church of Our Redeemer, 16th and Ox
ford streets, tomorrow morning. The
Rev Dr. August II Barnett, the pastor,
will preach.
At 2 20 o'clock In tho aftornoon R. F
Jonas, a friend of Pnncho Villa, will ad
dress the Men's Forum on "Religion In
Mexico "
Dr. Barnett is to begin a series of
lectures In the evening His first one will
ha on the subject, "The Opportunity of
Benedlot XV."
Drexel Biddle Class of Holy Trinity
to Observe "Church Sunday,"
The Drexel Biddle men's eliss of Holy
Trinity Church, at the Invitation of the
Rev Dr. Floyd W. Tomklns, will march
to the church In a body to observe.
"Churoh Sunday " Tho speaker at the
parish house service at 0'8a o'clock win
he Walter J. Oarrlson, manager of the
baseball team
A testimonial meeting In honor of A J
Drexel Biddle, founder of the Biddle Bible
classes, will be given by the manageme.it
of the Inasmuch Mission, on Tuesday
night. The speaker will be Frederick W
Norcross A special musical program will
he a feature nf the meeting.
Under the direction of J. If. Currier
chief director of Tacony, the clasa of
Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church wll.
begin a series of Sunday afternoon meet
ing to be continued for a month.
H. Frederick Wilson will hae charge
of the closing twilight servlco of the sea
son at the Drexel Biddle Classes' Home,
Lansdowne, tomorrow night nt 6.3Q
A Day of Intercession for Sunday
schools will be observed In the Episcopal
churches of the diocese on Sunday. Octo
ber 18. Notices to thla atfeet have been
mailed from the Church Houw to the
clergymen throughout the dloccae. The
offerings recelvtd on that day are to be
devoted to tho Diocesan Board, of Relig
ious Education, ,
Substituted for Annual Pa
rade on Account of Recent
Death of Pope Pius X.
Central Churches Selected.
Holy Name Societies throughout the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia will Join In
sectional rallies tomorrow evening, which
aro to take tho plnce of tho annual
pnrndo usually held In the autumn. The
organizations decided not to unite In a
big parade this year owing to tho death
of Pope Plus X, and tho neighborhood
demonstrations and rallies wore arranged
Tho city has been divided Into more
than n scoro of districts, and In each n
central church 1ms been chosen for the
evening service. Prominent priests aro
to speak nt the rallies, and the different
organizations which worship at each will
inarch to the central edifice from their
homo church.
Tomorrow morning the members will
receive Holy Communion In their parish
churches, n plenary Indulgence having
been granted by tho Into Pontiff to all
approaching tho Holy Table on tho day
of demonstration.
The following are tho central churches
chosen for the milieu tomorrow night:
Church of the Eplphnny, 11th and Jack
son streets: St. Thomaa Aqutnns, 17th
and Slorrls; St. John tho Evangelist's,
13th street below Starket; St. Patrick's",
20th and Locust; St. Paul's, Christian
street below 10th; St. Sllchael's, Chester;
Holy Spirit, Sharon Hill; St. Anthony of
Padua, Chester; Our Lady of Victory.
51th and Vine streets; Our Stother of
Sorrows, 15th street and Lnncnster avo
nue; St. Francis da Sales, 47th street and
Springfield avonue; St. Phllomena's, Lans
Uonne, Our Mother of Good Counsel,
Bryn Slawr; St Edward's, 8th and York
streets; Visitation V, B. SI., Lehigh avo
nuo and Leamy street; St Malachy's 11th
and Master streets; St. Leo's, Tacony;
Holv Cross, Sit. Airy; St John the Bap
tist's, SIanaunk, Immaculate Concep
tion, Germantown; St Franlc Xavlor's,
Wth and Green streets; St Eliza
beth's, 23d and Berks streets; St Ste
phen's, Broad and Butler streets; St. Co
lumba's, 22d street nnd Lehigh avenue.
Communion service will be obsorved In
Temple Lutheran Church tomorrow, with
tho Rev. Dr. A. Pohlman, the pastor, In
chargo. Threo teachers' training classes
have been formed In the Sunday school
of the church.
Tho Rev Dr. S. D. McConncll, pastor
of St. Stephen's Church, will preach In
St. James' Protestant Episcopal Church
tomorrow nt 11 a. m. and at 4 p. m.
At the Arch Street Presbyterian Church
tho pastor, the Rev. Dr. Clarence Ed
ward Slacartney, will prench tomorrow
morning on "Tho Last Will of Jesus,"
nnd In the ovenlng on "The Contagion
of rnith." At 7-SO o'clock Laura Wood
Grneho will give a recital on the new
Turner memorial organ. Sho will be as
sisted by the choir nnd Edith Wood Alex
ander, violin Bololst.
Special services for tho cloBe of tho
holldav season will be held In tho fchool
hall of tho Rodcf Shalom Synagogue
tomorrow ovenlng nt C o'clock, and on
Slondoy nt 10 o'clock In the synagogue
Rabbi Ell Slayer will preach a sermon
on "The Living Tree."
"Tho Death of Stephen" will be the sub
ject of tho sn rmon to be prpnehed tomor
row morning In the Fourth Presbyterian
Church, 17th street nnd Klngsesslng ave
nue, hy the pastor, the Rev. Dr. John T.
Reeve. In the evening ho will speak
on tho subject, "And Enoch Walked
with God." Special music will be a feat
ure of the latter service and "Billy" Sun
day hymns will be sung.
Tho topic to he dlsoussed by tho Rev.
John W. Stockwell pastor of the Church
of the New Jerusalem, Frankford, to
morrow morning, will be "Tho Govern
ment In Pursuit of a Man."
The Rev. Dr. Kerr Boyco Tupper will
spenk at the Neighborhood Church, Broad
nnd Brown streets, tomorrow evening.
His subject Is to be "Our Nation's Pres
ent Position of Privilege and Tower"
"National Suicide and tho Gift of
Pence." an Interpretation of tho Btrro
pean war. win be the subjeot of a aer
mon to be preached hy tho Rev. Dr.
Edwin Heyl Delk In St. Matthewa Lu
theran Church, Broad and Sit. Vernon
streets tomorrow nt 10-45 a. m. In the
evening Doctor Dclk will speak on "A
Creed for Today."
Trinity Reformed Church will hold Its
annual Hnrvost Home service tomorrow.
The church has been fittingly decorated
for the occasion and special programs
have been arranged for all the services.
In the evening Theodore Brown Wil
liams will speak.
The Boys' Bible Union of Bethany
Presbyterian Church, 22d and Batnbrldge
streets, will Jie Instructed In "Scripture
Alphabet" at the regular meeting tomor
row morning Wnlter J Crock, tho pres
ident, it 111 lead the meeting.
The Rvenlng Star lodges of this city
will bo the guests of tho Baptist Temple,
Broad and Berks streets, tomorrow even
ing, at 7 80 o'clock. Tho pastor, the Rev.
Dr Russell II. Conwell, will preach, and
Nicholas Douty, the noted tenor, will sing
solos and assist tho big chorus choir.
Tho Rev. Gladstone Holm will preach
tomorrow morning In the Church of tho
Advocate, Germantown, on "Under the
Juniper Tree." On Tuesday evening a
mass meeting of tho men of G-ermantown
will be held on the lnterosta of tho "Billy"
Sunday campaign. An address will be
delivered by tho Rev. George O. Dowey,
who had charge of tho men's work In
Scranton preparatory to tho Sunday In
vasion of that city.
The tduoational department of the
Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Penn
vylvanla will hold a corporate communion
Fervlce tn tho Church House, at 10 o'clock,
Tuesday, for all educational parish sec
retaries and leaders of mission study
classes. Following the communion
service there will be a conference to plan
for the work of tho cloanes
The Rev. Dr. John R, Sutherland will
preach at the morning servlco In tho
"Woodland Presbyterian Church tomor
row, and the pastor, the Rev. James Ram
say, will preach in the evening on "Tak
ing the Kingdom by Force." The Broth
erhood will resume Its regular meeting
at W 30 and begin a series of studies In
the Sermon on the Mount Dr J. C,
Wood, Jr . the president, wilt lead tho
meeting tomorrow.
Prof L M Roblnton, of the Episcopal
Divinity School, wilt add rets the Clerical
Brotherhood, In the church House at
U o'clock, en "Prayer Book BevUloa."
Photo by Guteknr.tr
A former "sky pilot" to the cow
boys, who is to preach hla firot sermon
as pqstor of the Belmont Avenue
Baptist Church on Sunday, October
11. He comes here from Ambler.
Bev. L. M. Halner Preaches First
Sermon to Congregation Tomorrow.
The Rev. L. Slorrell Halnor, tho new
pastor of the Belmont Avenue Baptist
Church, will preach his nrst sermon
there tomorrow.
The Rov. Sir. Halner comes from a
family of clergymen. His grandfather
Is a minister In Canada and has eight
sons who are ministers, as aro also two
of his grandsons. Tho father of the new
"West Philadelphia pastor la tho Rev. L.
W. Halnor, paBtor of tho Calvary Bap
tist Church, Norrlstown.
Belmont Avenue's now pastor was born
In Ontario, Canada, and educated In
Bucknell University and Crozlor Semi
nary. Following his graduation ho spent
four years In "roughing it" aa a mis
sionary In South Dakota and Slontana
among the cowboys. Two years ago ho
camo East to become pastor of tho Slount
Fleasnnt BaptlBt Church, Ambler, whero
he was serving when ho recevled tho call
to como to Philadelphia.
All notices Intended for publication
In tho Saturday Rellalous Page of tho
Evenlnn Ledger must be In thla office
not later than Thursday evening.
I'roteMnnt Eplcopnl
21st and Chriitlan streets.
Ilev. Oeorgo H. Toop, B. D , Rector.
Hcly Communion. D.00 a. m.
Morning Prayer and ermon, 10:30 a. m.
Sunday School and Iilbla Classes, 2-80 p. m.
Bcectal Musical Sen Ice and Sermon, 7:30
p. m. s
Organist. F. Lyman Wheeler
Harpist. Florence Adele Wlshtmon.
Violinist. Hazel Hartmnn.
1'IIANT. Mth at. below Spruce
Itev. DAVID M. STI1ELT5, Reetois
8 a. m. Holy Communion,
in a. m. Sunday School.
11 a. m, Morning l'rajer and Sermon.
-1 p m. ntenlng Prayer, Anthem nnd Ad
dress Organ, harp and violin 1'rclude, In
terlude and I'ostlude Dr. Howell S. Zullck,
Tenor Soloist.
Tho Rector will preach at both services.
17th and Summer an.
8 a. m. Holy Communion.
11 a. m. Morning 1'rayer and Sermon.
2 45 p. m. Sunday School.
8 p. m. Rtenlng Prayer and Sermon.
Ilev, Irving A. McUrow will preach.
ST. AN'DllEW'S. 8th abote Spruco.
"Men of the Now Testament."
11 a. m., "Simon, tho Sorcerer." Old Testa
ment scenes. S p. m., "Tho Greatest Time
piece," Hiicolnl music. Seats free.
ST. UUOUGIS'H, 61st and Hazel ave. Itev. O.
La 1'la Smith, 7 : 1). 10 30 nnd 7 30.
st. james's cinmcii
I'-'d and Walnut streets
SURVICCH. Sunday October 11:
Holv Communion, h a., m.
Morning ITaycr and Sermon, 11 a, m.
Choral Evensong and Short Address, 4 pm.
Treacher, REV. S D McCONNEI.L, D. D.
Formerly Hector of St Stephen's Churcn.
ST JOHN'b. Brown below 3d, Dr Richmond
preaches tomorrow. 10-30. "SPIRITUAL
lflth and Locust Bts.
The Hev. ELLIOTr WHITE. Hector. .
Sunday. 7 and 8. Holy Communion. X
10XO, Matins. 11, Choral Eucharist, and 0
ri m.. Choral Evensong. -ay.
7, 7:43 and 8 a. in. and 0 p. m.
The Hector will be the preacher on Sunday
On Wednesdays and Fridays at II m. the
Litany will bo said and intercessions for
peace, made.
FIRST N, A., 13th and Dauphin. Hev. John
V. Hicks, Pastor, Communion, 10.30. Sun
day School, 3 30. Sermon, 8
aiKlDF.I.HliRG, 10th and Oxford sts
Dr. Zartman Services, 10 SO, 8:0, T-43.
Reformed Episcopal
16th and Oxford sts
10 30 Unveiling the tablet in memory of the
lata airs II. H Hoffman.
J 30 Mr. n. D. Jonas, of Mexico
7 4B "Benedict XV'a Opportunity."
CENTHAL CHUROH, 13th and Oreen slai
Rev. W, V. BEHQ, Pastor.
Mr. oerir win rreacn at
Berir "will preach at 'll a, m. and 8
p. m. The Ilfbla school, 0:43 a. m. Th
Junior Congregation unites with tha Church
Bcrvke'at 11 a rn., special eermon to tha
Socialist Literary Society
Vet-Ins Sunday, October lath, 3 p. m , at
Broad fit Theatre Sptakcr, Morris llllqult,
on 'Th Mission and Prospects of Social
Ism " Music by Van den Iteemt String Guar
tette. Prospectus nn request of Miss IL
Phalps. Secretary, 62a N 4th st.
msetlngs, Sunday etenlog, 8 o'clock, 13&S
Columbia a.e. Jerman and Kngllah.
KIUST ytftTARIAN. 2123 Chestnut st. Rev.
C. E. BT. JOHN, Minister. 10 a m.. Sun
day School. 11 a, m, the Minister will
preach, 7.30 p m.. In the Chapel, llav.
P. A. Tagllslatela will leoture In Italian,
with lantern slides, on Columbus.
OIKARD AVE (1520) Ilev. K B. OTAN8.
10 IB, "Will the Old-time Religion Reviver'
12. S B 7 45. Dr. HBNHY LEFFMANN,
"geography and Civilization." Discussion.
United Brethren
SECOND CHURCH, SOth and Catharine. '
B C. KNK. P. P., 11. 8. a S.. 2 80.
bel. 17th at. John Clarence Leo. D. D.i 10:13.
Worship, sermon. 2.30, Sunday School.
Young Men's Christian Association
CENTHAL-bunday 1pm lUbla Keoajng
in Our Public Bchouls." by Dr Wilbur V.
.Crafts, Washington, D. C Meeting open to
mtn and women Diacuaslon invited. Music.
Dso-ln Clssi, 3 p. m Thomas L. Lawton
Leader Topic, "J onus Demonstrates " In-
uuiufuui iriu
WEST BRANCH. 62d end Susom sts. 4 p. in"."
"A Qret HeWval Coming Our Way." sub
ject of address hy Frederiek W Norcross.
lUL'gloua Editor Public Ldar. Spacial JZc
rent to Billy Sonday meetings. Henry W.
L1s. soloist.
L'on,1ll be taurbty Dr Da(r tonlgnt
wa c&l" BL PftUl, "Wmtil BplS'
Annual Gathering Opens Today,
Prominent Speakers Attend.
Tho annual convontlon of tho Christian
nnd Missionary Alliance opened last night
In Altlnneo Chapel, SOth street, above
Spring Garden, and will be continued In
that placo and In tho Spring Garden
Slcthodlst Episcopal Church, 20th and
Spring Garden streeta, until after October
IB. The hov. Dr. Linn Bowman, pastor
of tho Bprlns Garden Church, will bo th
hont of the visitors.
The speakers will Include tho rtov, A.
D, Simpson, of New York, president of
the Alliance; W, E. tllackstono, of Chi.
cago; the llov. J. Hudson Ballard.
Nyack, N. Y,: the Rov. W. W Newberry i
Newark, N. J.j tho Hev. G. V Brown an,? 1
the Itev, John Coxr, of Wilmington, Del
tho Ilev J It. Schnffer, of Philadelphia! '
the rtov. William Grumm, of Camden: lh
rtov. E. SI. Collett, Charlotte, N. C t
L. Frotz and Chnrlos II. Wulfken, of thli
city, and the following missionaries: Thi
Rev. E. O. .Tngo, Palestine. SIlss Ella;
Utidy, China, and Sirs. Oscar Lapp, India,
Thero will bo a platform moetlnc of i,
International Union of Gospel Sltesloni I
tonight nt 7-30 o'clock, In charge of sir. '-5
is. ai wnittcmora, tho prcaldcnt, To
morrow, at 10 a. m., tliero will ba a pralsj
nnd prayer service, nnd nt 11 o'clock n.
Rev. J. Hudson Ballard will preach. aiJ
MMt,nu f.. t .. m M.i .. "'.
and at 3 o'clock there will be speaking by
the Itev Sir. Schaffcr. In the evening Mr,
i.aiiarn win aico prcacn. v.
Nine Philadelphia Organizations tj
Tnko Tart In Celebration.
Plans aro being mado for tho obsrv
ante of "Humano Sunday" In Pcnnayl.
vanla on October M. Nino Philadelphia
organizations engaged In humane work
aro making tho plans for the local cele
bration. It Is Intended to have special
sermons and services In m63t of the city
churches on that day In the hopo of
creating a wider Interest In nil kinds of
humane work. Tho committee In charge,
composed of representatives of tho nine
organizations, will meet on Tuesday aft
ernoon nt 3 o'clock In tho ofllco Of tha
Women's Society for the Prevention of
Cruolty to Animals, to perfect tho plant.
Chestnut at., west of 40th.
GEORGE D. ADAMS, D. D., Tastor.
I O CV Brotherhood of A, nnd P
10 .10 a. m Worship and Fcrmon by Pastors
2.:t0 y, m Rally Day In Sunday School
7:45 p. m. Worship and ijcrmon hy Pastor,
nnd ISth sts, Re. W. Quay Rosselle. pK
D., D D., Pastor lOSIO a. m.. "Tho UosmI
of Christ"; 7 45 p. m.. "What Doth Ool
Jlequlro7": 7 30 p. m Organ Hocltal. Mr.
Fred 15. Ashbriduo, Jr., Organist; Frederick
E. Hnhn. Violinist
meets nt 2.30, 7th hclow Glrnrd ae. ftm.
J. McKee, Leader. The John C. Sayre Quin
tet will slnir. First celebration of Uothaar
Anchorage for Girls nnd Women nt 301
Nnrlh 0th nt. on Tumi1.iv. Thnrcflv ,m
Sunday nlghte, October 111, 15 and 18 At
Galileo Mission, Darlcn nnd Vine sts., Fri
day nlKht. slect entertainment hy the Jobs.
C. Snjra Quintet. Wm. II Young, director,
lor the benefit of tho Anchorage, consistlsi
of ocnI nnd Instrumental music, recitations,
choiuB pieces, etc., over 100 hnxlni; tolim
teered. Prof. Geo. Traccy, orsnnlst. Ta
bo given at the Second Raptlst Church. Jti
below Glrnrd avo Lndy ushers In charts,
The following Bpeakcrn will take part Re,
Elmer Powell, Rev. W. Dallas Cope, il(.
C. Clay Green, Hev, A. M Wltmer, Wm. I.
Plchett. Mr. Andrew S. Murphy, Assistant
Director of Supplies of our city, nnd Jola
C. Snyro and F Novln Wlcst cornetlst,
Publla cordially welcome
Tonlrht, Galilee Mission, Sirs. Arne, itn.
Hlnkler and Louis and little Laurn will slnr.
1SAPTIST TEMPLE, Ilrnart nnd Herks.
Morning, 10.30. Dllile School. 2 30. Eve., 7 Hi
Nicholas Douty. I
Phtla,'s noted tenor will assist chorus t(
livening service.
Dr. Conwell will preach morning nnd evenlrr.
Organ Recital. 7 15. Wm. Powell Twadeli,!
irrcnntai nnn .Miisicni iJirecmr
Christian nnd Missionary Alliance
ANNUAL CONVENTION. October H to 13. la
the Alliance Chinel and tho Spring Gardes
M. E. Church., 20th and Spring Garden To
night, Platform Meeting of Mission Worker
T. L. Freti presiding. Tomorrow, 10 10, Itr,
J. Hudson Ballard: .'( p m., Itav J R.
Hchaffer, subject, ''Is Christianity n Fall
urer" 7:15. In tho M. U. Church. Dr Ballari
will preach.
Monday. S p. m.. and Tuesday, 10 SO a. m,
W. E. Dlacfcstone, author of "Jesus Is Coa
Ing." will epeak Thursday, 3 and 8 p. m,
Dr. A. H Blmpson. ot New York.
Dreiel Htddte Itlhle Clinics
Have you considered how much good l
can do for our Church ' Our slogan Bltli
Study. Brotherhood ond Christian UnltJ,
General Offices, 1017 ML Vernon st.
Franklin Home
Sundays, 8 p. m Service conducted hy It!
il. Heed Mtnnloh
TAUERNACLE, Mlth und Spru eWm J. ML
jcr, Jr., iu ho, 7 '-lo. s. &., - flu p m.
TKMPLK 52,t and nare-Hev. A Pohlmail
M D.. 10 30 n. m.. 2 10 and 7 IS.
Communion will to celebrated and new nta-J
para reccnen tomorrow. ,
Methodist Uplscopal
ayno n.e and Queen lane, OermanunrB,
10.15 "Under tha Juniper Tree."
7 15 'WanteH Rfrniil,.'"
Tuesday, 8 CO. Mass-meeting of Men of 01
Address byJJev George O. Power.
Mornlhg Sin ico. ten rorty-flte
Ecnlng faerice. tlaht
Muilc hy vested t,oy , hntr Welcome
I'ni1! nva anrt K',erla
2 so nil VWSRI.UR riim.B ci abs fci
. mi:n.
t.K'VPX.'-l'ir LT Th .., Mn.,1. 11 PI Jobfi!
son." Preaching, 10 .W "and 7 15. EveaWl
tb&me. ' God Measuring Men " .l
ell 10 30 "The Mvstery of the chisi"!
Name." 7 45. "The Lttst Nldht In gjdoffl-
New Jerusalem (Hwedenborglon)
U-'A PPI, T I'liVLMi 'm i iyt" u fh l.i
ject of the Sermon. Sunday mornlnit W &M
pastor, tha Rev CHARLES W HARVyJ
at the Cl-iirch of tho New Jerusaieni, cij
and chestnut ets berWco at U 'w!
bunday :chool at 0 30 All seats are ffI
KverHiody Is welcomt-
,i"i'licn el
I'HURCH ism and Arch Re KmI
llard Macaitney will nrcach ai 10 li 3
"The Last Will of Jesus. A and at 8 P m.i
"lha Contagion of Faith" 7 30 f ra,"-!
it....... inn
cuai on Turner Memorial organ . .
TltK viiTitrii iiiwi,vTi--itiAT,: cirUKCi
South 47th st. an.i KlnKsosstnB ave M"
ter. tha HEV. JOHN' T. HI, EVE. I O.
10 45 a jn., "Tha Heath of Stephen .,
7 45 p m.. "And Enoch Walked With 0A
Fporlal music at the evening service.
Sfd and Whartpn sts
Minister. Hev J. GIIAY BOLTON p. f
10-W a, ro-Rov Caldwell will prea"1..,.
7 4.1 p. m -Itev. Dr Bolton Subject, w
renne and Perensle Warfare .
Bdltlinore d., lor 60th st i.u(if
n j hevehidue ikb, n. n, imut
10 4T a m. Public Worship
2 VI r m - Graded Bible School
7 15 ji ni-Ekenlng Worship ..,,,
r n will iJiea.ch mining anJ K!
Muslobyoo quartet hoir All i"'! "5
Wist Philadelphia, i hestnut st 87lh tt
Ilev John AIUu Blur D D. Mil"'"'
11 a m -Conimunlou P,rl-e -(-b
u m -' Forth to tb Mighty """"
Sunday School 2 SO C E b,liy '?
Btmnners cordially el. jmed -
42,1 ami Pine sts
10 30-BrolhrbMd Ir. il. C Wood, J-
11.00 fvwsbli).1' Sermon by Bv Jola "
Hutliarland. D. D .,,
2 45-Ulble Schoul New rhoia' invSa,
SOU Wfirihln ICem n hv Vt 'a
"Taklnz the Kin? lorn tn 1 :.!
IX you are lc kin,- for a ir 1 " I
i '-Mini loou ana all lay uo'ase "