Newspaper Page Text
PPPIP ME r!' ,, HMIlKr fH-JHHK. HB' . ; 7 1. 51 i r'H tiff' 5y 6rJ !,i' V A he sp a TV m tl ii ? rH'H mil rfe I) " HHE ffHI a. -'" ' "' ' ' ' ' .' ' ' ' !WECK AND RUIN NOW WSL warn t- tt- w iWm W n ft It- 'iBE&SP 'li r.r iSMmi ff riWI 1'' EHI f.'Sfi- Sr Swf8 H I '' --amlU . :IJSM ftfi sin r r'" asi'. rfiB fflr . rr ' .ieoJsssssi3 a 'I'll ? rPaii' iTllllli;sX StJiH JA $P8 .kVa1B' :l :iiSl wf ls". " lJ ' Jmss .&L Hssr 'lS7r?l3f Urn', SrmM : ,'. K . ';. J tHfeS & f V , &!& iSHSS ""' SMkn &a ' . i -i$aKffl& - MFm JlA'&&mgA ---r?. . PI 'IB I Wi?'6' If: IB $ 4'-Vj ssaa, i I I llfP l! Illl I i P?srs mo whs !J' ! SlKHBlWi S P?Srs AND MtS W? THE OAiy OH 5 TO Af7V THROUGH TH CPr(S? 7HD WC. i M 'f 3P -T M"" SSf' .:fr 'iK7'.- 1-" v tt. i RUSSIANS SWEPT I BACK ON WARSAW, ! BERLIN DECLARES Kaiser Master of South western Poland Czar's Troops Flee From Galicia and Abandon Przemysl 'TIT i 8 SM 5 "WiTmMM. : Y -9 7: ' JteiBBBBU W, lii bwZ 4 i Emm..y? rmrY'jm,.wst''iM glmmmm 3 --f&.fflm-m IP. VW9 . J ' i ' ffi3 33RtatfKi6RSeHa . aKhSi'fSSSnBl is ; fi. ; i s c : .. s i. i ssj vrjauw- j t.wasstjasKMi '. . . rr-r"Mj,n""f "fiir t - j , I f W if JS "J jKfi l.laW l Ot"CJT- v . K k.ffllSK!!,Vi.J--er . ..il3MK"-iSam j . k0 I Siege. j BEHU.V. Oct. 13. The Husfllnns nr- retreating from Gallcln to the north sM of tho Vistula. I pursued by the Austrlana and Germans, ; according to a dispatch from Vienna j -which has reached here. In the Southern end they occupy only Warsaw. : That the German armies nro mast J of all of Russian Toland west of the 5 Vistula lllver Is the declaration made in ; an oWcIk! statement IssUh nt the War ; Offlcfl shortly after midnight. The state. J ment admits that th Germans lost a J little ground In Husstan territory poar I the Kast rni3slan frontier, but dclare ' this Is of no consequence, as they had never planned to occupy tho Government S of Suwalkl. i (The territory that the OermanB say they have conquered west of the Vistula may bo roughly estimated at "100 squarv ! miles- It contains a number of Important J manufacturing towns.) 5 The oltlclal etatoment follows: 1 "After their expulsion from East Prus. sla, the Itusslan armies wore pursued across the frontier The centr of Oer : man military operationu Is now Poland. j The whole ot Poland west of the Vistula ; Is now In possession of the Germans. The J Russians occupy only Warsaw." If Poland, west of the Vistula, has been ; cleared of Russian troops, the Indlcu- t tions are that the portion of tho Czar's 2 army which has been proceeding asalnst J Cracow will have to retreat, or else face 5 the possibility of the Germans cutting orf I their lines of communication. I In Oallcla many towns held a few days j ago by the Russians have been reoc. j cupled by the Austnans. f Triemysl, according to the cons5us of dispatches, nas ueen relieved hy the a 'J. vanclng Austro-Geiman forces. TUB HAGUE. Oct. 13. The following ofllclal communication has been Issued by the Austrian Legation here: "The rapid advance of the Austro-Hun-garlan troops along the River San re sulted on October 11 In the entire with. drawal of the Russian investing force from Prremysl. which was Immediately occupied by Austrian relief troops. 'The retreating Russians wre every- j where strongly attacked. An attempt on their part to cross the river near ! Hjencawa and I.ciajsk gave tbe Autro llungarlan troops an opportunity to make a large numbr of prisoners. Thse, as yet. bare not ben counted." QEHKAKS FREE RUSSIANS BKRllN. Oct 13. -Trough tbe Interven tion of King Gustaf V of Sweden 13t lluwaos wbo have been detained In Ger wy tec tbe outbreak of the war hav t-- rcieued. ; fnrtlS w mm Mi MA v. -i -.saBH .YiOMifctiSivJiyrjaiW" ' ii.a ta Ji?yLinv5JLiJi jjwi;ii t-i?v',TAi( jflFMrawraaRssE :wrs-3Mnii.sxSiii"' . "rwtvi;im J'tiau srw.i''- TYPCT71 LG!A ?L'&5 FRENCH EMBASSY HEARS OF VICTORIES NEAR LYS Decisive Gnins at St. Mihiel Also Are Reported. WASHINGTON'. Oct. 13.-N'ews of Krenrh victories over the Germnn cuv- alry north of tho River l.ys. toilay was received at th Krench Embassy. The dispatches rend: "The 4th corps of German Cavalry has been thrown back to tho north of the l.ys toward Armentleres Two other corps were stopped between the l.ys and the t'unnl I.a Unseo at noon. "Hefore I j He. which Is occupied by our troops, there worn no Germans, other than those in the vicinity of Lllle-Scclln. Carvin and Doual. "Royc l. still occupied by the enemy. "On the lit Ii we decisively repulsed the German attacks on lit sire, four kilo metres oiithwest nt St. Mthlel." BOTH SIDES MASS FOR FIERCE FIGHT ON BELGIAN FIELD Reinforcements Hurried to Allies and Germans for Next Important Engage ment Across French Line. PARIS. Oct 13. General d'Amade, commanding tho French foiws on the extreme left, has been sent reinforcements In the belief that the next big general conflict of the war will bo etaged on Ilelglan aoll. Tho Allied forces In this theatr of the war are sail to be well situated. Cijvslry en counters continue without cessation- The lehabllltated J'rench aeronautical division is showing unusual activity In serial patrol work In guarding against repetition of the German hombdropping avr Parte during the last two days. W1NDON', Oct. J3. "Information gleaned from the Dutch Press and from travelers jn Germany and other sources point to tho conclusion that during th last ten days th German armies In France have been heavily re inforced," jays the Times. "There has beeen v steady How of trains to the western front, mainly thmugh Alx-la-Cbappelle and some ten or more landwehr and Undsturm divi sions must now be added to the estimates of the number of German troops acting In Relglum and France. "By one expedient or another tbe Ger mans have, contrived to mass between (0 and SO divisions in the west If v,t ad-J the marine fusileers armv n.i th .- I air divisions, the aggregate German I force in th western theatre of war may i total 1, 500,000." EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, TITEBDAY OOTOBEH IS THE FATE OF THE BLOOD-STAINED COUNTRIES OF EUROPE ,,iu) nf?2&'??.i .,-M, &feii '&m..j:? r4tJ'Y'Xri . ssAJfTi, r .gA4.".. !TJ - ARMIES THRILLED AT AIRSHIPS' DUEL 6000 FEET IN AIR French Monoplane Combats Two German Machines, Driving One Back and Sending Other to Ground. PARIS, Oct. 13. An aerial victory for the Krench. fought thousands of feet in tho air, In the pres ence of troops of lioth armies, Is re ported by Lieutenant de Lalns, of the French Aerial Corps. The air duel was one of the most thrilling since the war began. Lieutenant de Lalns' nccount of thp combat follows: "I had bfen ordered to fly over the German lines with an observer, who was to drop pamphlets. TIw-sb pamphlets con tained the following inscription: 'German soldiers, attention. German ofllcers say that the French maltreat prisoners. This Is a He. German prisoners aro as well treated as unfortunate adversaries should be,' "Wo had no sooner taken wing than the aeroplane was sighted by German observers in captlvo balloons anchored about alx miles distant. Immediately two Albatross machines roso from tho Ger man camp and came forward. "We continued to advance, meanwhile sending the aeroplane higher and higher until tho barograph showed we were (f.00 feet above the ground. Our machine wat. spctdier than tho German aeroplane, which was constructed of steel und was so heavy It coud not work up the speed of the French army monoplane. "We were able to get over thu German lines and my companion began hurling thousands of the pamphlets lit every di rection. It was like a snowstorm. "In the meantime the German artillery got their long-range anti-air gun in action and were hurling volley after volley against us. Tho shells were of special type, designed to create violent air waves when they buret. We were too high to be reached, but e had to turn our attention to the two areoplanes which were rush ing toward us. As they approached the German artillery tire stopped. We were too high to distinguish what was going on beneath us. but I could imagine the thou, sands of soldiers staring skyward In won der at the strange spectacle above them b kvpt swinging in wide circles over the Ociman lines, and I kept getting higher and higher in order to out maneuver ths German plane and to pre vent It from getting above us so that bomb could be thrown at us. "The machines were all equipped with rapld-Hre guns, and when we ;ot within WO yards of each other both slues opened tire. The bullets went wide. I'lnally o began to swing backward, getting lower and lower One of the German machines waa thus lured over the French lines and our land artillery ooened nrainxt it- (in. of tbe wings was shattered and It dwpued UUV JV UhUVi CAH-ttVCU. lyil jsISIj SLK.&xXt-K 'JwtyuACAfe?L.'V . 1 .AylMmuii. .TT"eaftM''MPAaJr" i KIxV' wPMlff ff3- ISgyyaR- . !Hm.imBmrAinBKt t-JKK.' i himii ! ' p wm i viattllBWjHnaMMHl ZWWFBPHBBH2!iiw?BBBBB MnBMi Iraii mKs W$$iM? i!PiMFP-- " 0RDG f&tfOSf TH FIV o GERMANS CUT TOWARD ENGLISH CHANNEL Conttminl frntn 1'njte Oiir dents thcmsclvcH nro leaving for Eng land In Inrgo numbers," said a dispatch from Ostond to the Mull. "No ofllclal news of the fi.ll of Ant GERMANS CAPTURE LILLE, FRANCE OFFICIALLY STATES PARIS, Oct. 13. Lille has been captured by the Ger mans. This Is the outstanding feature of nn ofllclal statement Issued here this nfternoon after the usual hour. The fighting has centred about Lille for nearly two weeks. Tho admission by tho French that It 1ms been lost Indi cates that tho Germans are gaining In their counter-llanltlng movement against tho Allies' left wing and that tho Kaiser's troops now will sweep quickly to the coast. The capture of Llllo was effected by u German urmy corps, says tho official statement. A German corps numbers 40,000 men. It Is stated that the French force In the city consisted ot only a detachment of Territorials. To offset the loss of Lille, the French state they have gained ground between Arras and Albert, southwest of Lille, und also nt tho centre of tho buttle front In the region of Berry-nu-Rac. The complete official statement fol lows On our loft wing, our forces havn retaken tho offenslvo In the regions of Hnzenbrock nnd Rethuno ngatnst some forces of the enemy composed for tho greater part of cavalry com ing from tho front along the lino of Rallleul, F.staircs nnd La Rasscc. Tho city of Lille, held by a de tachment of Territorials, has been attacked anil occupied by a corps of tho German army. Hetween Arras and Albert we havo made some marked progress. At tho centre we havo made equal progress In tho region of Rnrry-Au Rao and havo advanced slightly to ward Sotialn. to the east of tho Argonne and to tho north of .Mulan court, hetween tho Argonne and tho Mouse. On tho right bank of tho Meuso our troops, who hold the heights of , tho Mouse to tho east of Verdun, havo advanced to tho bouth of tlio mail from Verdun to Met. In tlio region of Aprembnt wo have gained a little ground on our right nnd havo repulsed a German attack, on our left. On our right win (Vosgea and AN sace) there Is no change. Summing up. yesterduy was marked hy an appreciable progress hy our forces at divers points. Jn a letter of yesterday General Joffro recommends that tho cross of the Legion of Honor he conferred on the flag of the f'olonlal Regiment for having taken from the enemy a flag under the following circumstances: On September ?5. at 5 o'clock In the morning, the Germans succeed ed In taking tho trenches occupied by n battalion of the Jlth Colonial Regiment. The UGth and U'Oth companies of that regiment made a counter attack In their turn. They forced one company to yield, which was made prisoner, and In ransack ing the trench discovered the flag of the 16th. Regiment of the German infantry. The fighting is getting nearer and nearer to the English Channel littoral as the German cavalry Is pushed for ward In advance of the Infantry and rvir?k?!?tfL' -4 &?. ..', "' - ?. y' ssft-'" i.-. ";- iA - ( V-S . !, " 5 JrV" CLfPCV BLOWH -P IV1 THEIR WAY werp lias been published, and It Is not expected thnt any announcement on that subject will be made. The Gov ernment Is doing Its utmost to meet the problems facing It here." field artillery. It undoubtedly la one object of German strategy to establish a line from tho channel coast south ward, thus cutting off the French, Brit ish and Belgian troops in Bolglum from the main force of Allies in France. Furious fighting Is going on along tho Verdun-Totil line, where tho In vaders are struggling to make a breach. JIuny military experts regard Verdun as the key to the situation. There have now been 31 days of fight ing. Tho battle lino has been still fur ther extended. If tho lighting in Bel glum Is considered a part of the gen eral engagement, tho battle front Is now approximately 30 miles long. Almost every unofficial message from tho front dwolls on the fierceness of tho lighting around Arras last week. Lens, which is less than ten miles from Arras, changed hands three times In two weeks. The vlllago of Vlllieres-nux-Vents, near Verdun, which has been tho scene of bloody lighting, Is a heap of smok ing ruins. Th French commander thero sends an Interesting sidelight. From the headquarters of the German Crown Prince, he says, an elaborate trench five feet deep nnd 100 feet long has been dug to a neighboring forest. This has been lined with straw, and is Intended as a means of escapo for tho Crown Prince and his staff. BELGIAN CAPITAL AGAIN IS SHIFTED TO ESCAPE ENEMY Temporary Quarters Pro vided at Havre for Dis tressed Government King Albert Remains With Army. UORDKAUX, Oct 13. Ofllclal announcement was made today that the Belgian Government would be transferred from Ostend, which Is men aeed by the Germans, to Havre, France- Some members of the Cabinet of King Albert havo already arrived at Havre, where temporary quarters have been pro vided b the French Government for their use. It is understood King Albert will remain with his array. This announcement Indicates that the Allies have little hope of being able to keep Ostend out of the Germans' hands. Tho announcement of tho flight of the Belgian Government to Havre, after belnc successively driven from Brussels and Antwerp, is explained thus: "Tht Belgian Government desires full liberty of action, and for that reason It was decided that it should come to Fiance." Trousers A Specialty m6WalnufStreet NESl JO i I 13, 1914, - -..". i I,. k 1,?SWsS &c v '. ''"'WT'j.. l ; -:-"i,Ait53; ..!"' ;- "ca2.v. ,.". - 1 !. ': - . .jo .: .. - ystiM 1A " i. S3 Vs"!iv'Ai't5'' ri k ?" ff yyjrrswrr-w,p.-ir.? T.xr V svV ?mS3!K: JuETTSEi2S"-' jdP' ' ?i.fl?3s -s iiSoB ESS SkP" ' faHA m WMBiLamwri " -fi.... riife R Ififc T?VN OZH?PYNS IYOUM0 iVJS CAXPSSAffS CZAR'S FORCES WIN TWO VICTORIES IN GALICIAN CAMPAIGN Austro-Germans Are Routed Near Sandomierz and Pushed Back in Fierce Bat tle on River San. PKTROGRAD, Oct. 13. The General Staff, announced today tho defeat of tho AiiHtro-German forces In Galicia near the River San. Tho exact location was withheld In accordance with the now policy of secrecy regarding this campaign. It was declared, however, that the enemy suffered greatly, losing a num ber of guns nnd many transport wagons. The attack was begun by cavalry charges on either (lank, supported by Infantry nnd nrtlllery to tho centre. Defent of the Austro-Gcrman army ad vancing on Sandomierz, a town of Rus sian Poland on the Vistula about 00 miles northeast of Cracow, Is announced In a statement Issued by the Government News Bureau today. It declnres that the Germans lost nn entire division. Whllo the statement does not give tho exact location of the battle, it Is believed to have occurred south of tho Vistula In Galicia. (This apparently confirms the statement Issued at Vienna that the Austrian army had taken the offensive cast of Cracow). "Tho Russian advance column." bays tho statement, "delivered nnother defent on the Austro-Gcrman army ndvanclng on Sandomierz. The Russian cavalry took the offensive before tho Germans had taken ndvantngous positions. Cos sacks swept down on the flanks of the enemy and captured some guns. "When the Germans retreated they had lost one entire division with Its equip- ment. ( A German division numbers 20, 00) men.) "In Poland, the Germans tiro being drawn Into a position wlicro their heavy cavalry nrtlllery, and sometimes, com plete divisions of foot artillery, are placed In such positions that they bave to accept battlo where they tlnd their adversaries not only better fighters and better shots, but also commanded by moro efficient ofllcers. "The scope of the present campaign has fully Justified tho Russian strategy In that in the Province of Kielce anil along the banks of tho Wark. tho Ger mans will havo to suffer such slaughter that tho Russians can advance in full force on the banks of tho Oder before the opening of the winter campaign." It Is stated at tho War Ofllco that ro ports from tho front show the Germans are short of clothing and that their com manders havo ordered that the dead bo ..unci uiny in wieir sniria. tlio uniforms aim uoois forces. i.i,. i,r.i . - i oeini, Kept to supply new 1 pMJW Walnut at Thirteenth St, mmmm? SIShMsU tm )d?, ' ':-' ''1:'" "' -ft s,.,s.j -frv lUS.W:-. i.' -S'' - ' J jbtOfyb, -if "" :?" 5rar- s SISTER SHIP EXACTS QUICK REVENGE FOR SINKING OF PALLADA Disaster to Russian Cruiser in Baltic Followed by Crip pling of German Subma rine. PKTROGRAD, Oct. 13. Tho belief persisted here In ofllclal cir cles today that at least one of the raiding German submarines responsible for the sinking Sunday of the Russian cruiser Palluda In the Baltic Sea had been dis abled. The N'avnl Ofllco had only bare details of tlio I'allada's torpedoing. The exact location was not ascertainable. At least 173 all aboard the 1'allnda wont down with the ship. Tho cruiser Bnyitn, scouting with the Palluda nt the time, Is behoved to havo hit one of the submarines. An official bulletin admits that the Rus siun armored cruiser Pnllada was tor pedoed Sunday In tho Baltic Sea by a German submnrlne, nnd sank with all her crew. The text of tho bulletin follows; "On October 10 German submarines were sighted In tho Baltic Sen. The same day, early In the morning, tho submarines at tacked tho cruiser Admiral Slnkaroff, which was searching a susnectcd bark Hying tho commercial (lag of the Nether lands. "A submarine of the enemy launched sovoral torpedoes, which, luckily, missed the matk nnd caused no damage what soever to the cruiser. "On October 11, at 2 o'clork In the nfternoon, tho submarines of the enemy again attacked our cruisers Bayan and Pnllada, which were patrolling tho Bnltlc. "Although the cruisers opened a very strong fire, ono of the submarines suc ceeded lu launching torpedoes ngalnst tho Pnllada, whereupon an explosion re sulted and the cruiser sank with all her crew." The Pallada, Bayan and Admiral Maka ro ff are sister ships, nil of IU feet lengjli, 7i?.j tons displacement, with a speed of 21 knots. The I'allada's arma ment included two S-inch and eight ti-inch guns lu the primary battery and 12 pounders and four 3-pounders In ad'litlon to torpedo tubes. NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE Three out of every four German nons." genarlans aro women. Sheepskin is used as a substitute for almost every other kind of lentber. Tungsten deposits have been discovered in Korea nnd mines are being developed. An electric nmchlno that works auto matically has been Invented for stulllnj sausages. iiio.iiauan uovernincnt use3 niern.- machinery to manufacture Bhoes for lis soldiers. feaiKJl 2Srii iHWfttjy,'iuairiTvyar' To Philadelphians this hotel has come to, mean the acme of comfort, refinement and homelikenoss. Its convenient location is an added attraction. And the excellence of our cuisine sug gests the St, James as the one best place to lunch, dine or for an after theatre supper. I IMS "1ir .""I '" r fr'ttf-i'iiH,..! !:3-5