OCR Interpretation

Evening public ledger. [volume] (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 13, 1914, Sports Final, Image 14

Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045211/1914-10-13/ed-2/seq-14/

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VOL. 1 NO. 2G
CorwonT, 10H. t inc rosLto X.dom Commwt.
Impressive Demonstration in
Which Secretary of State
and Oscar S. Straus De
plore Evils of War.
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(Four Highwaymen Attack
. Officer of Building and
ff Loan Association Suspect
F Held Without Bail.
Four highwaymen, early today, held up,
' robbed nnd seriously wounded Andrew
V. Petner. treasurer of the General Casl
mcr liulldlng and Loan Association, as
lie was walking on Cambridge, near Orth
odox stieet, canning a satchel contain
i Ing considerable monei. Petner Is In the
Frankford Hospital. The robbers escaped.
Following the hold-up Lieutenant Barry
and n siiuad of pollen from the Frank
ford district arrested one man on sus
picion. He Is Stanley nutcckl, of 4621 Ber
muda street.
Ruteckl was arraigned before Magistrate
Boris' In the Frankford Police Station
and held without ball for a further hear
ing October 20. After his arrest he was
taken to the bedside of Pettier In the
hospital, but the treasuier said he could
not positively Identlf.v the man. He bald
iRutecki looks like one of the assailants."
The prisoner denies he Is one of the
men who help up Petner. He told the
police he was at the home of a friend,
td and Oxford streets, until near 10
o'clock. He says he was home In bed
U 10 o'clock.
Petner Is founder of the association
whose money was stolen last night, and
has been treasurer of the organization
for 11 jears. He and Caner KcUlora,
' secretary of the association, who lives on
Cambridge street, near Petner, stayed in
the hall used by the building and loan
association last night after all others had
rone home. They were busy balancing
the books.
The money was placed in a satchel, Pet
ner Intending to take It home and de
posit It in a bank today. AVhen the men
left the hall they walked north -on Cam
bridge street, and as thej passed an alley
Just above Orthodox stieet four men at
tacked them.
Two of the men pinioned Kclzlora's
arms back of him, while others seized
Petner. "When he refused to hand over
the funds of the association one of the
men shot him. The bullet took effect in
his torchead.
The shot awakened rotner's son. Stan
Jslaw, and two daughters, Helen and
Wanda. They dressed and came down
riftfrs to find their father lylrtg on the
fvr-'oment. He was then sent to the hos
pital with Kelzlora. who had been
knocked unconscious In the fight, and ths
police were notified.
George Kowockl. president of the build
ing and loan association, told the police
that he had frequently warned Petner
not to leave the hall without a body
guard. Detective Andrew Emmanuel, of Cap
tain Cameron's staff, is at work on the
case and this morning he located a boy
ho found the satchel which had con
tained the money near the Frankford
IWasill Leohy Greatly Surprised
When Facing Arrest. ,
Waslll Leohy, who, according to his
wife, Marie, has for aeveral months been
trying to evade paying her a weekly
gum of money, by order of tho Domestic
Relation Court, sought the friendly ad
vice of Joe O'Leynevak, a Central Sta
tion detective, today.
Waslll did not for a minute think that
his old friend Joe would arrest him. He
was mistaken.
Two months ago Waslll was ordered
to support his wife, who lives at 575
North Front street. He smiled and bowed
to Judge Brown when he heard the order,
went home, packed his suitcase and dis
appeared. He was trailed by the police
through up-State towns and Anally Wa
sill, tired of his flight, returned here this
He remembered his old friend O'Lenyns
vak and went to see- him and seek his
advice. Whereupon O'Lenynevak showed
Waslll a warrant for his arrest. Waslll
collapsed as the warrant was served on
htm, wondering how It was possible for
a friend and countryman to do such a
Penalties for Derelictions in Septem
ber Unusually Small.
Fines imposed on street cleaning, ash
collecting and garbage disposal con
tractors during September amounted to
the comparative); small sum of $533
The highest penalty was Inflicted on
James P Dorney. who was penalized
1166.50 for derelictions in street cleaning
In the northeastern section of the city.
Edwin H. Vare stood second with ?W
of penalties for neglect In the central sec
tion of the city.
The Penn Reduction Company was pen
alized 1191 for failure to observe alt speci
fications of the garbage collection and
disposal contract's. The amount paid tho
Penn Company was XJ.S58.
Distribution of penalties and amounts
paid the street cleaning contractors were:
District. Contractor. Fine Paid
li das A Mullln . 111.50 llz.lSMn
1H . Timothy Gallagher. 3 SO 12.47tt.Kl
i P i Eljele .... )() so.firw.33
3 ... .Edwin II. Vare .... sq.00 20 7S7.0O
4 .. Jaa D. Porney .. 11.SO 17.04801
4B ... Howard E. Kuch . 8 SO 1B17UCO
X Jaa I). Dorney. . IM M 17.3M.lfl
0 .. McMahon ntatc... 3.60 18.372.01
... 1.142.01) 1143.274 t
Emanuel Maoclutto, of 62 North Front
street, a sailor on the steamship Ala
bama, which Is now at Marcus Hook, U
Ht the l'nnlvanla Hospital torla, with
a knife wound In the thigh and will not
tell the police the name of the man who
tabbed him. Masetutto and several other
members of the Alabama's crew came to
the city when their ship anchored to cele
brate Columbus Day. The-y got Into a
fight at I'rout and Lombard streets and
Masclutto was stabbed
I ,-r'i "fimss t'!a mirpare witb the
r 6. -r a last to 4i
mi. 1912.
I h a 121 K 71 1:0.278.143 133.91 9 "S3
bce.aa is.-SJ.Wl iT.57fl.6-t7 3S.iJ5.ltJi.
Woman, Who Recovered
From Wound, the Princi
pal Witness Against 64-year-old
A 61-j car-old peddler, his hair and
mustache whitened by the years, Is on
trial today before Judge Little, In the
Court of Oyer and Terminer, on a charge
of murder. He Is ThomaB Burns, who
shot and killed Rabbi Louis Erschanskj,
of C43 North Marshall street, on June S
of this ear.
C. Stuart Patterson Is counsel for the J
defendant. Assistant District Attorney
Taiilane Is handling the c.ise for the Com
monw enlth. In his nddrcss to the Jury he
asked that after the facts to be brought j
out arc conldtrcd a verdict of murder In
the first degree be rendered.
The principal witness against Hums '
will be Mrs. Fnnnle iCIeenbaum. She
has recovered from a bullet wound In- '
lifted by Uurns a few minutes before
he shot the rabhl. The man Is said to
have been Infatuated with Mrs. Klsteii
baum. After he shot her the rabbi went
to her assistance, and Burn, Infuriated,
fired the fatal shot.
Conditions in South Philadelphia
Viewed From Autos.
Members of the Board of Surveyors nre
touring South Philadelphia In automo
biles today to study at first hand the pro
jects for the elimination of certain
streets, changes of grade and other
changes In the Improvement plans de
signed to do away with congestion In
building up the section.
The n.trtv left Cltv Hall at 2 o'clock
this afternoon. They went first to tho
district between 12th street. League Island
road, Curtln and Geary streets. This
tinct is owned by a development com
pany, which has sold many small build
ing lots.
For the last month the board has been
holding publlo hearings on the elimina
tion plans. There has been considerable
opposition from holders of lots whoso
frontages would be wiped out and quite
a lot ot commendation from others.
After visiting the section described, the
party started for the tract that will be
used for the big tallroad freight yards
In the gradc-croseing elimination, and
also visited the west side of South Phila
delphia, where property Is owned exten
sively by the Glrard and Stocker estates.
Woman Owner Says His Shrill Clar
ion 2teally Isn't Objectionable.
The roosters of Mrs. John Madden, I0B
Winona avenue, havo caused considerable
controversy In Germantown. Even when
Mrs Madden killed Pete, a veteran Ply
mouth Ilock, pe.ico did not prevail. The
caus? of the discontent at present Is Roy,
Pete's little brother. On seeing the life
less body of Pete hanging from the
Wtchen window, P.oj started to complain
In real rooster language, and his vo
cabulary was more voluminous than that
of his deceased relative.
Mrs. Madden declares sh will not kill
Itoy. The principal complainant Is Mrs.
It. K. Clack, KO Earlham Terrace. Mrs.
Clack does not object to the clucks of
Mrs. Madden's chickens, but she Is em
phatically opposed to the high tenor voice
of Boy. Hhe contends he has started
squawks from all the roosters In the
neighborhood by his incessant crowing.
It Is said Mrs. Clack moved Into the
neighborhood only about two weeks ago.
According to Mrs. Madden, she imme
diately complained about the Germantown
dogs The police paid little attention to
her complaints and she appealed to Direc
tor Porter. But the dogs continued to
bark Just the same.
Many of the neighbors sympathize with
Mrs. Madden and this faction declares
Bhe would be foolish to kill another
rooster- , ,
Meanwhile Tloy is crowing and his voles
appears to be getting stronger eery
Pawnbroker Prefers Charge Against
Anna Q. Stewart.
A "September morn" watch fob made of
less gold than represented by Its owner,
and pawned In this city, resulted In the
arrest of Anna G. Stuart, a former show
girl, of New York She was held In 1M
bail by Magistrate Pennoek at his Ger
mantown office
The hearing was enlhened by a tilt be
tween Frederick S. Drake, who repre
sented the prosecution, and Kphralm Lip
shultz, counsel for the girl.
Miss Stuart was arrested yesterday
afternoon while leaving a pawnbroker s
office on Market street above 15th She
was arraigned today on a warrant sworn
out by Walton P Nickerson. 3012 Bambrey
atreet, who Is connected with a loan so
ciety on Arch itreet near 12th.
Ha testified that Miss Stuart called at
his office recently with a genuine gold fob
and obtained a loan on It In a few days
she returned and redeemed it Subse
quently, he alleged, she returned with a
gold-plated fob with the pawnbroker'
secret file marks of Identification' on it
and obtained another loan.
General W. I Alexander was discuss
ing the European war.
"This war." he said, "will affect even
us. We must economise to weather It.
And our economy rauat be general, too.
We mustn't be like Gayboy, whom a
friend asked over a bottle of champagne
on a roof garden.
'Well, apropos of the war, old nun,
did you give your wife that lecture on
' 'Yes, I did," Gayboy answered, 'and
she went right out and bought me a
safety razor. " JPltubursh Chronicle
aHPR yA, s&&" 8 MrotaB&iWfc --mi-iMBFWBB iaBKlitfBpliamffffllnnf'" HWaaWft3aMHaJBl. . - jiV&3?5?X-f'5
Reading from left to right William
Mahlon J.
Basket Filled With Letters of Com
plaint Received.
The commission appointed by Director
of Public Safety Forter to hear the com
plaints of citizens who Bald that ticket
scalpcri got all the choice scats at Shlbe
Park by bribing policemen for good
places In the line sat today for two hours.
Tbcro was not a complaint made In
person. Beside the commission, however,
was a clothesbasket filled with letters
signed "Aggrieved One," "Falrplay" and
other anonymous titles, and each of the
letters accused the police of favoring
ticket speculators In the line which
stormed Ulmbels.
William J. Cooley, counsel of tho com
mission, suggested that Its lack of busi
ness was probably due to tho fact that
the fans are now glad they did not see
the game. They saved money, said
Major M. Joseph Pickering, chief clerk
In tho Bureau of Police, who la one of
the commissioners. The fans apparently
are glad they did not see the defeat of
their Idol. Police Captain Harry C.
Davis, the other commissioner, had no
comments to make.
The commission was on hand from 10
a. m. until noon. Major Pickering rolled
cigarettes with gloom In his eye because
he was not busy. Mr. Cooley read a
magazine and Captain Davis spent hl3
time In chatting with police repoitcrs.
At closing time, when the books were
shut, the session adjourned and the
clothesbasket was tukeu away. Major
Pickering announced that Director Porter
was a little disappointed. The Director.
he said, would change the hour to suit
the fans If that would help. Anonymous
communications, however, will not bo
considered. The complainants must ap
pear In person.
Driver of City Sprinkler Drowns
Chagrin But Not in Water.
Jam's Lavlns figuratively and literally
fell off tho water wagon today. The third
defeat of the Athletics was too much for
him, fo he gave vent to his woes In no
uncertain way. Lavlns, who drives ono
of the city's water wagons, did not realize
that his local option position and his
physical condition wero inconsistent
Ho was trlng to figure out his case on
tho sidewalk at 12th and York streets,
when Policeman Martin appeared and
took him to the Park and Lehigh ave
nues station. At a hearing before Mag
istrate Emely today, Lavlns promised to
stick more closely to his water wagon In
tho future,
George L. and Howard M. Plitt Had
Filed Their Okn Petition.
By their own petition, George L. and
Howard M. Plitt, trading ns Plltt & Co..
iron and steel merchants, of 1543 Heal
Estate Trust Bulldlig. were adjudged
bankrupts today In the United States
District Court Edward F. Hoffman was
appointed referee.
In the schedule attached to the petition
the liabilities of the bankrupts are set at
IJU.WS.Ct, while tho assets are nxed at
J367,429.9J. The latter consist of real
estate, notes and securities, office furni
ture, stocks and bonds and debts due on
open accounts, the latter estimated to be
worth only onc-thlrd of their face value.
The unsecured claims of the Insolvent
company amount to J203.WO. Tho petition
was filed by Plltt & Co.'s lawyer, L. L.
Animal, Shot by Policeman, Ex
amined for Traces of BableB,
A savage dog today bit Anna Cham
fer. H years old, Ml Cresson street,
while she was on her way to school in
Manayunk. The animal was later shot
by a policeman and the girl sent to
St Timothy's Hospital.
Anna Is a pupil at the 8hurrs Lane
School, on Walnut lane, Manayunk. This
morning, when she was only a short dis
tance from home, she was attacked by
the dog and bitten on the wrist.
Policeman Loftus. of the Manayunk sta
tion, shot the dog Its head will be sent
ta the University of Pennsylvania, where
an examination will be made to aster
tain whether or not it was suffering
with the rabies.
A Fashion Note
"One blessing at ieabt will come to us
from this dreadful war. We shan't be
inundated vlth shocking French fashions."
The speaker was Mrs. Ethel Burns Wil
kinson, one of the leading clubwomen vt
Cleveland. She resumed:
"At a club dinner the other evening a
man fashion writer men fashion writers
are the best-said to me
'A truce to these foreign modes' They
are caricatures.
" 'Caricatures'' said I 'Caricatures?
Yes. perhaps But wouldn't It be more
accurate to call them take-off r "
J. Cooley, counsel for the Police Department; Captain Harry C. Davis, Major
Pickering, chief clerk of the Department of Public Safety.
Journey From Alaska By Chartered Steamship and Special
Trains, But Arrive Too Late.
Dcnth defeated the efforts of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde A. Heller, of 6471 Ovcrbrook
avenue, to reach the bedside of their
nine-year-old son, John P. Heller, de
spite the fact that two special trains and
a chnitcied strnmshlp were employed In
a 5000-mllo Journey home. Mr. and Mrs.
Heller reached their homo In Overbrook
at 7 o'clock this morning, 15 hours too
Tho boy was Injured In a football game
September SO. An abscess developed on
his knee and Inter blood poisoning set
in. The family physicians rcalUed that
the child's condition was dangerous, and
a few days after the Injury telegraphed
to tho parents, who v.oro In Alaska In
specting gold mines owned by Mr. He!
Tho latter Immediately telegraphed a
request that tho boy be kept alive until
George W. Zoll, Who Weighed 350
Pounds, Victim of Apoplexy.
George W. Zoll, a 350-pound postofllco
clerk, 1129 North Marshall street, and
well known because of his tremendous
stature, collapsed nt Franklin street and
Girard avenue today and died while be
ing taken to the Children's Homeopathic
Zoll had lust left the National Security
Bank, nt Franklin street and Glrard ave
nue, when he became 111. Not knowing
what was tho matter he started to walk
to the hospltul. but had only crossed the
street when he again fell to the pave
ment. Magistrate Call, who chanced to
be coming from hlf office on Glrard ave
nue near 12th street, rushed tho man to
the hospital In his automobile. Zoll died
before reaching the Institution. Physicians
said his death was due to apoplexy.
Zoll was employed as a clerk In the
PostofUce and had served at his worrt
for 20 years. He was a veteran of tho
Civil War. and served under Admiral
Farragut In the battle of New Orleans.
He was one of three brothers whose com
bined weight was 1000 pounds. He was
the last of the threo to die. and la sur
vived by a fourth brother, vjhose statute
n not unusual, and three daughters
Joseph Carmen, of 5Hh and Christian
streets, who was arrested last Monday
on the charge of having robbed the of
fice of T. B. Ouber, 417 South Broad
atreet, was cleared today when a Negro,
who had seen the robbers at work, tes
tified that Carmen was not one of them.
Pire Damages Varnish Plant
Fire caused a loss of IM00 this after
noon at the varnish plant of Joseph Stulb,
Camden. There was no furnace fire in
the building at the time, and the origin
of the blaze has not been determined.
The plant is several blocks away from
dwellings. Firemen confined the blaze to
the filtering tank room.
Jack Johnson Fined $10 in London
LONDON Oct 13.-Jack Johnson, the
Negro heavyweight champion, was fined
10 today for obstructing the roadway and
refusing to move hb automobile when
his parents reached home. Then began
the long Journey to this city. Mr. and
Mrs. Heller chartered a fast steamship
that had Just reached one of the AlaBkan
pcrttf, and the ship carried them to Seattle
under forced draught.
A special train then was hired to take
the pair to San Francisco. From there
another special train was engaged. On
this Mr. and Mrs. Heller reached Pitts
burgh yesterday afternoon nnd learned
by telegram that their boy died nt 1
o'clock. They continued the Journey on
an express and through the courtesy of
the Pennsylvania Railroad the train was
stopped this morning at Overbrook sta
tion. Mrs. Heller Is prostrated today, as the
result of her boy's death and the strain
of traveling at high speed for so many
Finds Bet Recorded Differently Than
He Had Intended.
An Athletic rooter who thought his
team looked good onough to risk faCO of
hln money before the world's series be
gan, switched his sympathies to the Hos
ton Braves today In tho twinkling of an
eye. Ho camel to his decision suddenly,
without the sltghtest premeditation, and
although he was slightly dazed when he
announced tho change, theie was no
doubt of his meaning.
The man in question would not give his
I name. He bet $500 on oven money In a
t cafo near J2th and AValnut streets the
day before tho first game that the Ath-
i letlcs would win four straight games.
Today ho went back to the same cafo
to hunt sympathy.
I Some ono happened to be looking over
j the bets registered and the rooter who
I did the wagering also took a glanco at
the sheet. Then, without warning, he
switched to Boston, for on tho sheet
he saw his bet had been recorded as 1500
even that the series would be won Ur
four straight games. He was not sched
uled as picking tho winner. If Boston
wins today ho takes 1300.
Odds on today's game about tho vari
ous hotels In the city aro being quoted
at two to one on Poston. There is lit
tle money In sight, even at lower odds.
The figures for the series are four to
one, but few bets are being made. There
Is considerable talk of wagers being
offered on Boston at six, seven and
eight to one, but the money Itself Is not
In evidence. Many Athletic fans are
looking for the man willing to lay at
these odds. What bets are being of
fered for today's games at the two-to-one
odds are being snapped up.
Driver of "Gunmen's" Car in Gar
ment Workers' Strike Accused,
Arthur Callen, 26 years old, of 1835 South
Eth street, who drove the "gunmen's au
tomobile" In the garment workers' strike
last year, In which one of the strike
breakers was Killed, was arrested today,
charged with being the leader of a gang
of automobile thieves. Callen was ar
rested with Samuel Kamlnskl, of S3 1
South Sth street, by Detective Andrew
According to Sullivan, the two men have
been using a garage at 20th street and
Snyder avenue as their headquarters for
selling cars they stole. The owner of
the garage, known only as "Jzzy," was
said to have left town upon hearing of
his friends' arrest.
Several cars, said to have been stolen
by this band, have been recovered and
claimed by their towners. The touring
car of George Harding, 2216 Walnut street,
which was taken In front of a Chestnut
street hotel several weeks ago, was
found with all numbers filed off. The
car of Hairy Max, of Salem, N. J , was
also tound In the same garage.
In the arrest of Callen, who has been
working as a taxi driver for some time,
the local detectives believe they have
solved the theft of many automobiles In
front of downtown hotels. Magistrate
Henshaw held both men in $1000 ball for
a further hearing next week. ,
IV hat an Observer Deduced
At Big Peace Meeting
That Mr. Bryan Is a great deal
That Mr. Bryan observed strict
"neutrality" In his speech.
That Mr. Bryan's allusions to pre
paredness for war ns a means of pre
venting war were clearly directed
ngnlnst Mr. Itoosevelt. The question
Is, how did Oscar S. Straus feel about
That Mr. Bryan preached a sermon,
thereby strengthening the Impression
that ho would havo made a great
That In spite of this, he showed qual
ities of the nstutc politician which,
combined with his frequent quotations
from tho Bible, give him the Just and
appropriate title of Christian States
man. That In referring to his 27 pcaco
treaties he betrayed a considerable
amount of faith In "scraps of paper."
That Mr. Bryan relics too much on
abstract phrateology and vague Ideas,
and not enough on material facts.
That Mr. Bryan did not get paid for
his speech.
If tho warring armies of Europe nnd
the men responsible for the war could
have observed the pcaco demonstration
in Convention Hall last night they would
at once have quit fighting.
Twelve thousand men and women, nil
thrilled with a sincere desire for peace
nnd a deep hatred for war. filled the bis
Convention Hall, Broad street and Alle
gheny avenue, and cheered to tho echo
the passionate and eloquent appeals
made by two orators, William Jennings
Bryan, Secretary of State, and Oscar S.
Straus, ex-Secretary of Commerce nnd
Labor, ex-Ambassador of the United
States to the Sublime Porte and repre
sentative of the United States on tho
Hague Peace Tribunal.
As Mayor Blankenburg, who presided,
expressed it In his Introductory remarks,
the meeting was "not political, partisan
or sectarian, but distinctly humanitarian."
Mr. Bryan based his plea for peace ia
agaln't war upon the cardinal principle
that "Thou shalt not kill" should be ap
plied not enly to tho Individual but to
natloni nnd groups of nations ns well.
Mr. Bryan tore to shreds the case of war
as It Is presented by Its advocates as a
necessary process In the growth of civ
ilization. Ho riddled tho theory that
only by preparation for war In time uf
peace can war be averted,
"You cannot prepare for war without hat
ing somebody," thundered Mr. Bryan as
he let looso his hand with a heavy knock
upon tho speaking stand befote him.
"Preparation for war Is a good thing if
you get Into It. but no one hereafter will
say that It Is n preventive of war. For
If preparedness for war Is the guarantee
of peace the nations of Europe should
not bo fighting today, for thoy were all
thoroughly prepared."
Mr. Bryan then made an appeal that the
peoplo of the United States remain neu
tral In the present war, that they ex
press no preference for any of the con
tending camps, and said that In doing
so they will greatly help the Government
of the United States to step In at tho
proper moment with nn offer of Its good
ofilces for mediation.
"These nations are our friends," s-ald
Mr. TJryan. "It Is for this reason that
wo should be careful nbout voicing our
prejudices and the newspapers who help
our people to air their prejudices are
doing a great deal toward frustrating
any possibilities of peace that may arise
In the near future.
"There Is nothing good about war. The
regiment marching down the street In
Ufr uniform to the strain of martial
music Is not war. To find war you' must
go to the battlefield, where the soldier
has his few hours of anguish und to the
home of the widow and tl .ban,
where the anguish lastr as ' life.
It is a fallacy that war Is m it
Is as though a man had to . iini-
eelf In blood-letting In order i keep
from degeneration. All human civiliza
tion Is based on peace. I riant myself
upon the old Israelite prophecy, 'And
their swords shall bo beaten Into plough
shares,' and to the attainment of that
Ideal we must all consecrate our lives.
Human brotherhood is the only basis for
an enduring peace among the nations."
Mr. Bryan's announcement that he has
given to each of the representatives of
tho 2T nations who have signed peace
treaties with the United States, a
souvenir In the form of a ploughshare
which, Mr. Bryan said, he ordered made
out of sword blades, was received with
great enthusiasm and applause. This
was perhaps the supreme moment of Mr.
Bryan's address, for In breaking this
"news." as he called It, to the audience,
Mr. Bryan's eloquence and demeanor
reached nothing short ot classic stature
and the highest political acumen.
Mr. Straus denied that the doctrines of
the peace advocates were on trial In the
present war and said that It was mili
tarism that was being tried and which
was bound to die in the end. He paid
great tribute to President Wilson and
Secretary Bryan for their work in be
half of peace.
Improvement on Nature.
At the orphan asylum the childless
Mrs. Hathaway, who had selected an In
fant for adoption, suddenly showed trep
idation. "Will I have to keep the baby if it
doesn't suit my husband?" she asked
"Of course you won t have to keep it."
responded the accommodating matron
"you tan bring the kid back and ex
change It any time. We're not arbitrary,
like th stork." Judge.
Committee of Seventy Begins
House to House Canvass
Based on Registry Lists of
Last Fall.
Vigorous Efforts in Progress to
Prevent Pollution of Ballot In
Ways Familiar to Machine.
Action against fraudulent registration
In 20 of the city's 43 wards is being taken
today under the supervision of the Com
mlttee of Seventy In a house-to-housa
canvass by tho police department. Be
foie midnight 13 wards will havo been
covered, and tomorrow work will be
started on the remaining seven wards.
Part of six wards have been covered
since the work began after police lieu
tenants had received their Instructions
yesterday by Superintendent Robinson,
and patrolmen worked late, going from
door to door and Inquiring about voters
whose names appeared on the registra
tion lists compiled by the County Com
.nlssloners. Twenty wards have hcen chosen by the
Committee of Seventy ns being most
likely to contain evldenco of fraudulent
registration. Most of them lie along the
liver front, but live Vnro wards In
South Philadelphia nro being rigidly In
vestigated. Special attention Is given to
I Iver-front lodging houses nnd tenements.
For this work the Committee of Seventy
has selected a squad of picked men as In
vestigators. It Is In such houses that
"phantom voters' " names have been
found In the past.
This yeir the police canvass Is likely to
be the most efllclont ever conducted, as
the work Is being based on names en
tered ns those of voteis on the voting
lists of last full. The work has been
done before from assessors' lists, which
nro time-worn and far from nccurato. It
seemed this year that assessors UsU
would be the only ones available, as tlia
County Commissioners declared they
could not furnish the names of those who
rcglsteicd until October 13, or ono Oh
after tho date set for filing petitions
with tho Board of Registration Commis
sioners to strlko oft fraudulent names
But a way was found out of tho diffi
culty. The police btatlon nt 10th and
Buttonwood streets was taken ns head
quarters for tho canvassing work, nnd
the registry books containing tho most
recent Information were turned over to
a corps of men at City Hall, who copied
tho names Into new books,
Tho names were sent to the 10th and
Buttonwood streets station, where 3)
girls aro at work on the second floor,
and there in turn the names weie "taken
off" on tho canvassing slips. This work
is still going on, As soon as the slips
for ono ward nro completed they are
turned over to the lieutenant, who deals
them out to his men, and the canvassing
Ti.dny .it i o'clock CO men will be at
work In tho Registration Commissioners'
Room on the sixth floor of City Hall tak
ing tho names from tho reglstiy books,
Tho work Is delayed until tho day is
over for tho Registration Commissioners,
but as soon as they nre out of their
offices the books are turned over to the
workers for the Committee of Pevcnty.
A sad story is told of a Pennsylvania
man of a lad In his town who, like many
another boy, has been obliged to wear
tho cast-off clothing of his father. One
afternoon this lad was discovered In
"What's the trouble, my boy?" said
the man who tells tho story.
"Why," explained the youngster, be
tween sobs, "pop has gone and shaved
his fdeo clean, and now I s'pose I'll have
to wear all them red whiskers." Harper's
Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer
sey: Unsettled tonight and Wednesday,
with probable local rains; moderate north
east winds.
Fair weather has prevailed in the At
lantic States during the last SI hours ex
cept for a few scattered showers alon?
the coast of the Carollnas. Rain has been
quite general In tho Mississippi Valley
and the lako region and light rains are re
ported from the North Pacific coast. The
temperatures have continued to fall In
the Northeastern districts, amounting to
from 10 to IS degrees In New York and
New England. A considerable drop Is also
reported from the Southern plains, while
frost or freezing has been general In
the Rocky Mountains, Western Canada
and the States along the Northern border.
U. S. Weather Durcau Bulletin
Otseratlon made at 8 a. m. Eastern uro.
,, lajtnaln- Veloc-
.H'""'. 8 ". ll. Wind. tty.Wealhf
Abilene. Texas., no rw ,wj su Id Cloudy
Atlantic I'lty 04 SS . K" Jg $ dS
Ulimarck. N D. 30 SO .10 N 4 ! cloud
lloston. Mass .. 50 48 .. SB 10 P.cloud
Uurtalo. N v.. 41 44 .. K i cloudy
Chicago, Hi ... no 5S .. K 12 Cloudy
Cleveland, O 54 .11 .. N( ja cloudy
Iltnier. Col. . 34 SI .OS .nk 4 Snow
pes Molnea. la. 411 44 .13 N 12 Kaln
'''". Mb .. SO 60 .0.1 NK 14 ItalH
Duluth. Minn... 34 34 .01 N Id Cloudy
Oaltetton, Tei. 70 70 .12 N i- p tioudy
Hatteraa. N C. 70 OS . sh b rioudv
Helena. Mom. . 40 40 .12 S- 4 cloudy
Huron. S Dak. 4.1 40 .04 N 14 c Sudy
JacUjonWIle . 72 OS N 4 P cloud
Kan. City. Mo . 40 40 .00 jcW j cloudy
1-oul.vllle, Ky.. .Ml so ,1 N" 'jo nX
Memphis. Tenn. 62 S3 .12 N i cloudy
Now Urlfttr . 7.' 73 .' n 4 cloudy
New fork . . . as 66 .. NB g Cloud!
N. Platte. Neb. MM . I c!iJ
Oklahoma Okla. 42 40 .. N 14 Cloid?
Philadelphia .. .IS r.7 .. NB m c SSdy
Phoenix. Art . 04 08 .. SB 4 Clear
Pitt.burgh. Pa. 68 .. . ,4 Soudy
1'urtland, Me . 42 30 .. nb 10 Cl?ar
Portland, Ore 50 r.t .. ba 4 p cloud
Quefcct, Can . 31 32 NVV 14 Clear
St. Uull, Mo 4S 4S .00 NW 10 Clu-I
St Paul. Minn 40 rs .78 NK "O cloudy
Bait like, fun 4H 41 SB 4 Clear
ban Fran !co SS rs v 4 clear
S raoton. Pa R2 B2 , 4 ci if
T,ma li '' .. NK 4 Clear
Waabinsnon , BS r,n ., NU 8 P cloud

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