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Evening public ledger. [volume] (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 13, 1914, Sports Final, Image 2

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045211/1914-10-13/ed-2/seq-2/

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ttrMlon which the police seemed to enjoy
sa much ns the leval public.
The band had shitted Its base today.
It moved Around from the rear of first
base to a point back of the left Held
foul line and between third base nnd the
fence. It was a position of some nat
urnt strength, but was exposed to the
enniading Are of right-handed hitters.
But they were a gamo crowd those music
men. The white baseballs tore up turf
Around them flashed through them,
busted a flute and otherwise cut them,
but not a man flinched.
A It was after 1 o'clock when the Ath
letics finally tore themselves away from
Ban Johnson and came out on tho field.
The Macks hammered at rlRhthtidcJ
ehoots during their batting practice in
prparatlon for Rudolph. Oldrlng. who
has yet to get a hit In the series, planted
one In the left field bleachers.
The National Commission and the clubs
split up the money for the remaining
games, If there are any.
It was 1:45 when the Royal Hooters, In
eluding several women, appeared, headed
by their band, paraded half way across
the field, and then swarmed Into their
scats. Former Mayor Fitzgerald led
them as usual. Fitzgerald was without
his two-gallon hat and cutavay for the
first time. A soft hat and business suit
The Athletics were extremely earnest
In every moe they made during their
practice. 11 was do or die for them today.
The game was called at 2:01 p. m.
The fighting spirit and sameness of
the Btaves has drawn to thorn the ad
miration of the entire baseball world.
They do not know when they are whipped.
Their enthusiasm and pull-together spirit
rivals that shown by college teams. There
is alwajs a slap on tho back and a word
of praise when one of the Braves gets
away with, a good play. The run-makers
are hugged and danced about tho dugout
when they return to the bench. Such
antics as "Rabbit" Maranvllle cut on the
first-base coaching line In the tenth jes
terday were probably never seen before
on a ball field. He did his best to
worry Bush by yelling, screaming, leap
ing In the air, waving his cap. throwing
himself on the ground, and, plowing up
yards of dirt as he ran, slid and fell
about the Held.
The Athletics showed to better advan
tage yesterday than during any game of
the series. But they are plaving dogsedly
as though In desperation, and not with the
dash and fire of confidence.
Amos Strunk will be out of the Athletic
line-up today and during the remaining
games that may bo pla- ed. Strunk
strained his head In some ivov and It Is
badly swollen. Walsh took his place In
eentrefleld csterday. Strunk connected
for two hits In the first gamo of the
series, but was not much satisfaction to
the team in the second, striking out
As a team, the Athletics have gathered
but 15 hits In three games against 27
for the Bra-es. Oldrlng and Barry have
yet to get a hit The Mackmen have
connected for only seven extra-base
knocks, four of them coming yesterday
when Murphy doubled twice and Mclnnis
and Baker once each.
The Braves have driven out eight ex
tra base hits, their total, of course being
swelled by the hefty swatting of Hank
Oowdy. Hank has, slashed out six hits
and drawn four bases on balls His hits
Include three doubles, a triple, home run
and single.
" While Hank was setting the baseball
J'svorld afire with his bat work and catch
ins yesterday, his mother and fatln-r,
who had come from their home In Co
lumbus, O., were In the grandstand
watching him. Hank didn't know it. The
parents feared if he know they wen
present it would make htm nervous, so
they slipped quietly into town, obtained
scats fram President Gatfney and saw
their boy in his role of a world's series
When Hank was presented with a gold
watch, sent by admirers In Columbus yes
terday, he did not know that It was his
father and mother who had brought the
gift to Boston.
Tho last ray of hope has vanished for
Athletic rooters. They are prepared for
anything now. Some one bet 5 tM ilfri
today that the Athletics would win out
In tho end, but the betting on today's
came -as 10 to 7 on the Braves.
Continued from Tags One
could not determine the cause of the
Doctor Copp admitted that his investi
gation produced no results.
Lillian Hummell. a sister of the dead
man, said he often complained of ill
treatment, but was unable to namo the
attendants. She said he complained of
being hurt in the chest.
When the Coroner charged his Jury he
pointed out that the evidence indicated
somebody had kneeled on Hummell's
The attendants asserted that Hummell
frequently became violent and had filthy
personal habits. Dr. George Ferris, a
physician at the Institution, said he had
seen Hummell indict bruises on himself
and throw himself about his room.
Ill treatment was denied by Dallas, one
of those held, who was in charge of the
ward In which Hummell wa3 kept. He
said he never saw Hummell mistreated,
but once he found the man with both
eyes blackened. He denied that he ever
struck Hummell.
Coroner's Physician Wadsworth testl
fied that in his examination of the dead
man's body he found four distinct in
ternal injuries. The causa of death he
gave as a hemorrhage following these in
ternal injuries. The Jury found a ver
dict to that effect and in consequence
held the six men.
Greenaway testified that the Friday
night before the man died the attendants
had had a great dual of trouble with him.
He admitted that he did not like the
task of taring for Hummell, because of
his habits. Because of these habits, he
said, he allowed the patient to walk about
the room Instead of keeping him confined
to bis bed.
Greenaway accounted for the marks on
Hummell's cheat by saying that the man
while at liberty in the room might have
rubbed himself on the chest. At this the
attorney a for Hummell's relatives jeered
Doctor Copp later said that the hos
pital management could not be held re
sponsible for such occurrences as the
death of Hummell. He refused to dls.
cusa the case further, saying the truth
would come out in the investigation and
the trial of the six men held for man
Boston police have been asked to keep
a lookout around Fenway Park today for
Jl-year-old Myron Sperlin, of JSOt Colum
bia avenue, who disappeared from his
home last Friday and is believed to have
gone to Boston on a freight train to see
thr world s se-ies gjmes.
The r-oy ran away to scap punish
ment from his mother for disobedience '
ana nw m "o. ma miner, ner- i
man eperuo. uuata ia na westt to
Bcttoa. "
Loss of Yesterday's Game
Kind to Take Heart Out
of Any One, Writes Cham
pion Second Sacker.
"We Still Have Fighting Chance,
and We Are Going to Make
the Most of It," Shows Spirit
of the Team.
BOSTON, Oct. IS. The first one wasn't
eo bad. the second one hurt consider
ably, but this last one good night! As
1 said In my previous stories. It doesn't
hurt so much to take a good beating, but
when you have one all but won and then
they come along and take It away from
you, believe me. this Is the kind that la
liable to take the heart out of some of
the best clubs. There Is no use of mv
continuing to appear optimistic. When
they had us two and nothing that was
a different story. But now that they have
three chalked up against us there Is no
use denying we are fighting In our last
ditch. ,
I have played In numerous world's
series games and have faced many cru
cial situations, but none that I can recall
can hold a candle to some of the tense
moments that were necessarily experi
enced In that game of yesterday. Mental
lapses, errors of omission and lost oppor
tunities were numerous enough, and for
me to pick out any one play that might
have turned the tide Is a pretty difficult i
undertaking. i
Throughout the game one quality which
the Boston team exhibited and which j
cannot go unmentloncd by me stood out
prominently. The everlasting persever
ance and doggedness with which the
Braves kept after us cannot help but be
admired by the most partisan fan. From
the very onset our club got the Jump,
but It seemed as though no matter how
much we forged to tho front we could
not shake off our rivals.
In the very first inning Eddie Murphy :
put us In the running with a pretty i
double over the third bag Oldrlng
promptly sacrificed, Tyler to Schmidt, I
and, advancing Murphy to third from
whence he scored when Connolly muffed
the writer's fly, although the chances
are he would have tallied any way had
not an error been committed. .After Mc
lnnis walked, putting myself on second
and "Stuffy" on first, the situation look
ed threatening for the faltering Tyler,
but I am deserving of severe criticism
for getting pinched off second, as it
helpr Braves' pitcher out of a tight
Maranvlllo started trouble for us In the
very next round, when he worked Bush
for a pass and stole second cleanly. In
splto of the fact that Schang's throw
was a perfect one and like a rifle shot.
This lapse on the part of Bush In giving
the Boston players a running start on
the bases aided materially In his event
ual downfall. Gowdy. the enigma in this
series for us so far, was on the Job as
usual with his big black bat, and hla
screaming liner into the left field seats
easily enabled the rabbit to register tho
tying count at the home station.
Beginning our second, Tyler was a more
difficult man for us to fathem. In this
round we didn't threaten at all, and like
wise in the third we never reached first.
The fourth, however, showed us more
to advantage, and we forged to the front
once more. With two down, Mclnnla got
his firet hit of the series, a corking dou
ble Into the left field crowd. Walsh, who
was playing centre in place of Strunk,
the latter being Incapacitated by a felon
on his left hand, came to time with a
pretty slnslfc between Deal and Maran
vllle, and Mclnnis counted run number
two for us.
We did not hold our advantage long,
as the Braves came right back In their
half and evened the count again, and
this time, likewise, after two men had
been retiied. vHh Schmidt on second,
the result of his single and a Helder'j
choice, the luck still clung to the Boston
contingent when Maranville's Texas
leaguer fell safo in centre, and Schmidt
Jimmy Walsh made a great try for this
ball. sllJing on his stomach to make tne
catch, but it fell Just bevond his reach
In the fifth. e again threatened, but
that was all, as Murphy was left
stranded on second after his double, when
Oldrlng fanned. In their half, Boston
sot one man on base, but that was all.
Our sixth started off auspiciously. An
apparent rally was nipped In the bud
when Baker hit Into a fast double play,
livers to Maranvllle to Schmidt. His out
at first was a questionable one to our
nay of thinking, as he appeared to have
the ball beaten fully a step.
From this point on until the lth noth.
ing much exciting took place, but what
the intervening Innings lacked in excite
ment this round in question amply made
up the difference, and I will venture to
say that populace got their money's
worth in this inning alone. Wally Schang
began what looked like certain victory
for us with a single to left. After Bush
had been retired on strikes, his attempts
at sacrificing being very Ineffectual. Ed
die Murphy bounced a sharp one to Tyler,
who temporarily lost his bearing and
made the play to second too late to catch
the fleet Schang, who was stealing on
the pitch, and everybody was safe.
Tyler deflected Oldrlng's sharp knock
just enough for Evers to throw him out
at first, although the other two advanced
on tha out.
A walk to me filled the bases and
"Bake" then put us in the vart with a
drive too hot for Evers to handle. Right
here Eddie Murphy showed his alertness
by sneaking home cleanly and putting
us two to the good while Evers held tha
ball. It looked like w would get a cou.
pie more when Mclnnis lined sharply to
left centre, but Whitted made a good
catch and our scoring was over for the.
With only three men to retire, our
chances looked very rosy, but hereupon
that man Gowdy again apppesred upon
the scene The very first ball Bush
seived up to him he put far over WaUh's
head, and it bounced Into the centre field
ats for the circuit We did not care a
I whole lot aooui inn, as we were still one
to the good In fact, when Devore finned
Ive had lmluifcsUsr&-we' wallop, J
whole lot aooui inn, as we were still one
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Copyright. IflU, Underwood & Undernoort.
In the upper picture appears Mayor J. M. Curley, of Boston, making his speech when he presented to Man
ager Stallings a golden baseball of the regulation size. The great crowd is shown in the background. In the lower
illustration Evers is shown stealing second. in the first inning.
but Moran, however, walked, thanks to a
couple of fine balls which his majesty,
tho so-called "best" umpire in the Na
tional League, saw fit to call otherwise.
Vvn,a fillru.'.rt thlo lln with n sh:irn Sin-
Blc to rUht. which put a man on third ' Continued from I'uce One.
and one on first. Connolly's long fly to Baker golns to third. Mclnnis out. try
Walsh e-isllv allowed the diminutive Bos- Ing for second Connolly, Deal to Evers.
ton right fielder to score the tying run, Mclnnis hit the first ball pitched,
and once again our bcemlncr advantage Walsh up. Strike one, called. Strike
was eclipsed by the pen-evcranco of the two. swung. Ball one. Ball two. Walsh
relentless Braves. f.inned. No runs, two lilts, no errors.
Nothing doing for either side In the At tills time tho Athletics had nicked
eleventh. James having taken up where Rudolph for llvo hits. This Is as many as
Tyler left off and Bush still continuing
for us.
In the 15th Eddie Murphy again offered
us an opening, but neither myself nor Mc
lnnis was equal to the emergency, Baker
having been walked purposely In the
meantime. It was fast getting dark when
Boston went to bat In their half, and it
was a cinch that this would be the last
InnliiK that could possibly be played.
"Lanky" Gowdy was the first man up.
and ns it turned out he misht Just as
well had been the last, because It is to
him, and to him alone, that the Braves
owe nine-tenths of their present advan
tage over us .lust as though It were a
habit, he doubled to left.
"Pay, for the love of Mike, what can't
you hit?" asked Barry of the tall mask
man is he smilingly JoRged to second.
"We pitch you curves and you straighten
them out. fast ones look like duck soup
and now you kill n slow ball. What do
you hit during the season?" I overheard
our shortstop ask Gowdy. In the interim
that followed, while the board of strategy
got In Its work on the Boston bench when
Gilbert was pent up to hit in place of
James. "Oh, about IW," smllincly re
plied the Jubilant Brae. "Well. I guess
you must have saved all your hits for us,
judging the way you are Kolng ag.ilnst
us," was nil that Barry could answer."
It was decided by us to pass Gilbert
Intentionally, which would enable us to
make a force play at third, as it was al
most a 100 to 1 shot that Moran, the fol
lowing batter, would bunt Our deduction
of the play was O. K., but its execution
n, g., as Bush was late In getting over
to the third base line to field Moran'a
bunt, and his throw, which ought to have
retired Mann, runntng for Gowdy, at
Baker's station was necessarily hurried
and wild, and as a result game No. 3 was
gone by the board, as f3r as the Athletics
are concerned. There is no good of mak
ing any excuses, because the result will
remain unchanged regardless of what
might have been.
I am only repeating when I say that
it was Gowdy w-ho was again mainly
instrumental In our downfall, and to htm
is due the lion's share of the credit for
Boston's victory. In this world's series
we have learned what It is not to get
the breaks, although I guess it is true
of every team that loses to think that
same way. Bush pitched a creditable
game, a game which ought to have won
for him nine times out of ten. In the
fielding line we again more than held
our own, but timely wallops were again
noticeable by their absence, whereas their
consplruousness was only too evident
among the Braves for our comfort. If
the Braves can win three straight why
can't we? This is the way to look at It.
I guess I must be a hard loser, because
even If we should lose tomorrow I would
never be convinced they are a better ball
club than ours We have a fighting
chance left, and you can bet that we are
going to make the most of it. and If we
lose we are at least going to have the
satisfaction that we died a-fightlng.
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Details of the Play
they got in the entire Hist cume asalnst
him. but runs weie lacking.
BOSTON-Evers up: Ball one. strlko
one, called, strlko two, foul, ball two,
foul, ball three. Evers walked. Shawkey'a
control deserted him while the llttlo fel
low was at bat.
Connolly up. Ball one. Connolly out,
Collins to Mclnnis. Collins had a double
play before him. but fumbled momen
tarily and Evers reached becond cafcly.
Whitted up. Strike one. called. Strike
two, called. Ball one. Whltted singles
to Collins, Evers reaching third. Whlt
ted's hit was too hot for Eddie to handle.
The Athletic- infield held a strategy
board meeting with Shawkey. Schmidt
up. Schmidt out. Barry to Mclnnis.
Evers scoring and Whltted 'taking second.
Gowdy up: Strike one. called. Gowdy
out, Shawkey to Mclnnis. One run, one
hit. no errors.
Shaw-key's sudden wavering In this In
nlng came as a surprise. He was wild,
however, pitching them every place but
over the pan. To gain any control ho
had to resort to straight ones.
ATHLETICS-Barry up. Ball one.
Strike one, swung. Ball two. Barry
singled, the ball bouncing over Deal's
head. It was his first lilt of the series.
Schang up. Ball one. Strike one. foul.
Ball two. Schang out, Evers to Schmidt.
Barry reaching second.
Shawkey up. Strike one. swung. Ball
one, Shiwkey doubled to left centre,
scoring Barn'- It was a beautiful drive
between Connolly and Whltted, and would
have been a homer on an open field.
Murphy out. Evers to Schmidt Shawkey
taking third.
Oldring up: Strike one, swung; strike
two, swung: ball one. Oldrlng fanned.
One run, two hits, no errors
Rudolph had Oldrlng swinging like a
pendulum at his spltter. Rube missed
them by a foot. Although the Athletics
have collected seven hits up to this
time, the fifth inning was the first In
which they could bring two n a row.
BOSTON Maranvllle up. Maranvllle
out. Barry to Mclnnis. He hit the first
ball pitched.
Deal up. Ball one. Ball two. Ball
three. Strike one. called. Strike two,
called. Deal out. Baker to Mclnnis.
Deal Kot Shawkey in the hole at the
start by working him for three straight
Rudolph singled to centre on the first
ball pitched It was a corking line drive.
Moran doubled to left centre, Rudolph
reaching third.
Evers up. Ball one. Ball two. Strike
one, called. Strike two, foul. Ball three.
Evers singled to centre, scoring Rudolph
and Moran- It was a wicked drive that
shot past Shawkey like a shell shot from
a German cannon.
Connolly up: Evers was caught off first
and retired, Shawkey ami Mclnnis. Two
runs, three hits, no errors
The Braves crossed Shawkey. Deal,
Rudolph and Moran hit the first ball
pitched. Shawkey had been trying to
put this ball over because of the uncer
tainty of his control.
ATHLETICS-Colllns out. MaranviUe to
Schmidt, a really wonderful play. The
ball shot over second base, but Maran
viUe got it In back of the bag and scored
a great assist.
Baker up Ball one: strike one, called.
Baker fouled to Deal
Mclnnis up. .Strike one. called Mclnnis
out, Maranvllle to Srhmtdt. No runs, no
hit-, no errors
With their two-run lead the Braves'
Infield showed renewed pep and flashed
brilliantly Collins' smash over second
onuiantiy roi
would have bee
tea, JUaranvlK
en a hit nine times out of
making a atsmlagly ls 1
possible play on the ball.
l'ennock was called In to replace
Shawkey for the Athletics. Three runs
and four hits off Shawkey In five innings.
BOSTON Mann bats in place of Con
nolly. Ball one. Strike one. called. Strike
two. called. Mann lined to Walsh.
Whltted up. Strike one, called. Whlt
ted singled over third.
Schmidt up. Strike one. called, Strike
two, foul. Ball one. Schmidt singled
through Collins, Whitted reaching thlid
Gowdy up: strike one, called. Strike
two. foul. Foul. Gowdy funned, looking
at a called third strike which appeared
to be high and Inside the plate.
Maranvllle up: Ball one. On an at
tempted double steal, Schmidt was run
down, Schang to Collins to Mclnnis. No
runs, two hits, no errors.
Mann went to left field In place of Con
nolly for the Braves.
Looked unsteady until he showed his
stuff by whiffing Gowdy.
Athletics Walsh up. Strike one, called
Ball one. Ball trvn. Tinll thi-c. strlk
two. swung. Walsh walked. Tn,s afternoon's practice was once more
Barry up. Strike one. Strike two. behind closed gates. "Blond" Wallace
foul. Walsh took second on a wild pitch, i evtea great deal of attention to Mike
Barry fanned and Walsh was doubled at ' ras. and prophesied that the big
second, Gowdy to Evers, a ery fast and ! G'eek would give cither Russell or With
brilliant play. I "ow Sht for their position at cuard.
Schang up. Ball one. Strike one. Ih( coaches have about decided that If
called. Ball two. Strike two. called.
Ball three. Foul. Schang fanned. No
runs, no hits, no errors.
The third strike was called on Schang.
Walsh got the surprise of his life when
he was nipped at second on Barry's strike
out. The stands roared with delight at
the exhibition of the Braves' infield.
BOSTON Maran-vlllo up. Ball one.
Strike one, called. Ball two. Ball three.
Strlko two. called. Maranvllle out, Col
lins to Mclnnis.
Deal up. Strike one, called. Strike two,
called. Ball one. Ball two. Deal out,
Baker to Mclnnis,
Rudolph up. Ball one. Strike one, foul.
Strike two, called. Ball two. Foul. Ball
three. Rudolph walked.
Moran up. Moran fouled to Baker. No
runs, no hits, no errors.
ATHLETICS-Pennock up. Pennock out.
Evers to Schmidt on first ball pitched.
Murphy up. Ball one. Strike one. called
Strike two. foul. Murphy filed to 3Iann
It was a beautiful running catch.
Oldrlng up: Ball one. Oldiing filed to
Evers. No runs, no hits, no errors.
BOSTON Evers up: Strike one, called;
strike two, foul; ball one; ball two. Evers
Mann up. Ball one. Strike one. foul.
Mann out, Collins to Mclnnis.
Whltted up. Ball one. Ball two. Ball
three. Whltted walked.
Schmidt up. Whltted etole second.
Strike one, called. Strike two, foul.
Whltted went to third on a passed ball.
Foul. Schmidt fanned. No runs, no
hits, no errors.
ATHLETICS-Colllns up. Strike or.?,
foul. Strike two, foul. Ball one. Col
lins fanned.
He swung hard at the last one.
Baker up: Strike one, foul. Strike two,
called. Ball one. Baker out, Evers to
Mclnnis up. Mclnnis out. Deal to
Schmidt. No runs, no hits, no errors.
New York(Am) . 01000000 01
New York(Nat). 00010300 x 4
Warhop and Nunamaker; Demaree and Meyers.
Chicago (Am.).. 0 10 -
Chicago (Nat.).. 0 0 0
Ben and Schalk; Vaughn and Brcsnahan.
Strayer's B. C. 0 0 0
Southern H, S.
13, 1914.
Locals Hope to Make Good Show
ing Against Navy.
Tho first real serious preparation of
tho week bv the University of Pennsyl
vania football team for the gamo on Sat
urday with the Nav.il Academy began
this afternoon, when after a long pre
liminary drill Head Coach George 11.
Brooke lined up his varsity regulars
against both the frcuhman eleven and a
reinforced scrub team. All of the regu
lars with the exception of Tucker and
Moffet, who aro still bruised ns a result
of the Lafayetto game, were in the line
up. Tho caus-e assigned for the double
scrimmage was that the scrubs haven't
been strong enough to give the regulars
good practice. The sciub eleven for this
ufternoon was strengthened by the addi
tion of several of the varsity substitutes.
Head Coach Brooke has about de
cided to use Matthews permanently In
the backflcld In place of Moffet or Avery.
This big back, who has been shitted
aoout from end to the backlleld, has
been cut out of a position on the end
by the splendid work of Urquhart and
Murdock, for as long us these two men
keep up tho standard of woik they set
on Saturday they are suro of their posi
tions. But Moffet hasn't beer, playtin;
tho sort of game looked for. and the
coaches think .Matthews will fill the bill.
There Is going to be an Interesting duel
between Matthews and Vreelaml for the
honor of klcklns Pennsylvania's goals
from Held. Matthews made quite a repu
tation as a drop kicker last fall and In
the spring practice Brooke thinks he has
the disposition to develop Into a star
kicker. But Vreelaml, who has now won
a permanent place In the backlleld, Is
also n good field goal-kicker, though his
specialty Is plac kicking rath.v than drop
kicking. The fact that Vreeland placed
nine field goals in a slnslp season has de
cided tho coaches to give him a chance,
and that will likely come In the Navv
The Pennsylvania football manage
ment has extended an Invitation to the
midshipmen to attend the game on Sat
urday afternoon. The fact that the
Army-Navy gamo has been called off
has given them the idea that posslblv the
Naval Academy authorities will relent
and let them have this trln awav (mm
"rwus jjeis a place in the line it will
be nt guard Instead of at tackle.
ine i-ennsylvanla management will
have tho members of the varsltv club
ns Its guests at practice tomorrow after
noon. This club Is composed of nil ath
letes, present and past, who have won
tho varsity "P." After watching the
practice tomorrow afternoon they will ad
journ to the training quarters, when.- thev
will have dinner.
One Consolation in Their Hour of De-
feat and Distress.
Philadelphia fans, depressed and
gloomy, who hold tickets marked "Third
game, Philadelphia," will storm Stilbe
Park tomorrow to redeem them. In the
clatslc language of tho street, "there
ain't gonna le no third game here."
The only consolation left to Phlladel
phla is that there will be a refund on
the tickets. Also Boston cannot be ac
cused of prolonging the agony. Father
h22 d',d .?.ot h.ave t0 see the ""! hum.
bllng of his players In their own ome
town. '"t
Few of the ticket speculators take
chances arid most of them had disposed
of the tickets they held for the third
game, l-.ms who bought them will be
able to get face value. What thev nalrf
over this to the scalpers will help to tile
the latter over the winter. It w II be
charged up by the ticket buyers to profit
and loss, or too muoh confidence.
Twelve Injured by Explosion
BATTLE CREEK. Mich.. Oct 13
Twelve persons were Injured In an ex
plosion today which partly wrecked the
Grand Trunk Building here.
5 3
8 2
Boston Makes Baseball His
lorv bv Defeating Mack-
men for Fourth Successive H
I firtA II
J. lllla
I BOSTON, Oct. 13. Today's victory by
I the Boston Braves Is the flrnt time In the
' history of baseball that nny team has
, won tho world's championship by taking
the first four consecutive games of ths
I The feat of tho Braves was a fitting
climax to the record they made In th
National League pennant race when the,
, came from behind the New York Olim,
1 nnd won the flag in a driving finish.
In the world's series which came tj
nn end today, the Athletics, with their
1100,000 Infield and a manngor known u
the master strategist of baseball, seemjd
to bo outclassed, but they died hard.
In today's game the Athletics outhlt
the Braves, but the latter succeeded lh
bunching thrco hits In tho fifth Inning,
' with the score tied at 1 each, and scorod
two runs. These wcro sufficient to win
tho game and tho championship.
' Tho Braves scored first, making one
run In the Fccond half of tho fourth
Inning, The Athletics Immediately tied
' It up by scoring ono run In the first huf
or the fifth. In tho second half of the
fifth, however, the Braves clinched their
Manager Mack, of tho Athletics, caused
' a surprise by sending one of Ills young
pitchers, Shawkey, In to pitch against
the Braves. It had been supposed al
most to tho last mlnuto that he would
give another chance to "Chief" Bender,
who was knocked out of the box In
the first game. Shawkey pitched well
for four Innings, but In the fifth the
Braves got to him. As a result he was
withdrawn In the sixth Inning, and Her
bert Pennock, a M-yeor-old left-hander
succeeded him. '
Though Pennock was picked up from an
Independent ball team in 1913 and had
practically no minor league cxcprloncc, he
acquitted himself well In today's game as
a result of the tuition he had received at
tho hands of Mack. The Braves scored
two hits off his delivery in the sixth In
ning, but no runs resulted, and after that
ho held them safely without a hIL
Tho Athletics made seven hits today oft
Dick Rudolph, who also defeated them In
tho first game of the series. He appeared
to be unable to hold them as cleverly to
day as he did in the first contest and wai
able to strike out only six men, as agalnit
eight on his first appearance. Rudolph's
control was almost perfect; he gave only
one base on balls.
Today's game was the fastest that
was played In the series, as yesterday's
was the slowest. No scoring was dons
In the early Innings.
At the conclusion of the game the great
crowd that had seen Boston win went
wild. They swarmed upon tho field and
danced like mad men. but soon were
sufficiently calm to listen to speeches by
President Gaft'ney and Manager Stallings.
of the Boston club, which "W83 the first
National League team to win the world's
pennant In five years.
Mayor Curlf, of Boston, also partici
pated in the festivities and made a speech
congratulating the players upon their
sreat record. i
Though the Braves scored first. It looked
scary for them in the first half of the
fouith. Baker was on third and there
were two out when Walsh, the hard
hitting centreflelder of the Athletics, went
to bat. Walsh, who had smashed out a
two-bugger earlier In the game, was given
nn ovation by the Philadelphia rooters,
It was expected that Rudolph would
walk him, but Instead the doughty twirler
Mid them over the plate and Walsh
Tho first score of the gamo came In the
second half of tho fourth, when the
Braves were at the bat. Evers, the first
jnan up In that Inning, worked Shawkey
for a pass. Connolly hit a hard grounder
to Collins, who fumbled, losing his chancs
to head off Evers. but he threw to Mc
lnnis In plenty of time to catch Connolly
at first. Collins made a splendid try for
Whittcd's mash toward second, but fum
bled and fell, turning his unkle. Althouth
he limped, Collins gamely continued In the
With Evers on third. Schmidt laid down
a bunt. Johnny bcored, but Schmidt was
out at first.
This was tho only tally made by the
Braves In that Inning. The Athletics
came right back and tied the score
In the Hist half of the fifth. Barry
cot. a single. Schang lined out a hot
bounder and was out at first, but Barry
reached second safely. Shawkey picked
out a high one and llfteU It into deep
left centre for a double, scoring Barry.
The next two men were easy outs.
The second half of tho fifth waB an ex
citing session, the Braves getting two
urns and again forging ahead of their
opponents. With two men out, Rudolph
lifted a drive to centre, this being the
til st clean hit the Braves had got. Mo
ran c.i me through with a two-bagger-With
three balls and two strikes on him,
Evtrs accommodated the shouted de
mands of the crowd and singled to center,
scoring Rudolph and Moran. These two
runs made the score. Braves, 3. Ath
letics, l. That was all they got, as Evers
was caught napping off first; but they
were enough.
First race. SMO. 16111111;. 3.ysr-old and w.
J.h1" rnllen-Napler. UO. Um Lancer 110;
Hedge Itcie. 10.',. FalcaiU. 105. Aneler. 1W:
sir Iretful. in-.. Early Llnht. 10.1. Lady Ban
'" '' V,m,t Alpha. KM. Harr Under.
Second race J.vio, .elltnjr. 2-year-old 5W
furlonsa-ndgle 101, Finale, IW. !Uc 104:
n,01V?r' "Hv Brlan Boru li. Wlda top;
Br. nn .,(yii Andromeda. 100. Mamie K..
. -.J-"1-. Jennlnis, JOrt, "Change. J. 'Lydla
ci'lel it '"V" lit'tn- 5- 'Lady Br-lrltuelle. W:
lor,2 (al Hnuhtm.iM 19rt !,Hn inT flir.
,.7" i, ' ., "-"'i l ' '. lai riarry jui
KC lf"'., ''umber II no. tai Harry Junior,
Hf-0, Mali. I,, .... .,, .. .. !...
"V ,il ' n. m in) iiauenDecK entry
?i.1sc. 5 '.. turlonm-Trlal bv Jury l?:
l-rtfha'KR0,,.r..U5' "a"y Junior. Ill Sic
f-dar. HO. (b)Hanion. 10S. Zln Del l'.
lUiiano. 6S. Dr. Larrlck. OS, Casaba. W.
Ibl l'jrsona entri.
J-ltih raie, J300. nelllng. 3-year-olda 1 rollo
;!"?' ,. '!" KUId 103. Orotund. Mi
!n5ill&..!0?' BIUla. 102. Ha'I'nnjr 100.
OIfh' 1. Karly Hoi, IW.
clnaiing. OS. Small, 0.1, voor, 03
i ?'f.5h r?,"- i10- selling :i-yar-oIda and up.
Itluc Alim4 His Ij u HOUgbton 10,
i,y pHr-.,,os- Pettlui 103 Vneta Strom'.
IS.'. iU'"S Macl'- 1- Protagoru 11J.
i.yri.! l "ralnner. 100, Tom Hancock,
l"p, Otto Floto. 100.
'Aprrontlc allowance, of (lie poupda claimed.
leather cltar. track fast
St -V; on. I'ncle Jlmmie. 100, DaU.
Sm A?.Ii'- "wo. Croartun. 110. Turner.
teu. M! Eleanor, Galaxy Sullata. Prorl
.&W"' tuVay4, ,11.00
ao-l M io won Llttl Bean. S.1.60. co-.d
Alien Gold. First cgr-e

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