it r jrTJ5p "
VOL. 1-KO. 34
Advanced Positions Are Maintained on
Left Wing in Spite of Desperate Ger
man Charges French Announce
Gains in Argonne and Woevre Regions.
Canal System in Northern France Turned
Into Fortified Trench by Kaiser's
Troops, Berlin States Invader's Bel
gium Headquarters Reported Moved.
r The Germans hac increased the violence of their attacks and fierce
engagements were in progress along the entire 300-mile front.
The French official statement says the Allies have maintained their ad
vanced positions on the left and have advanced slightly in the Argonne and
Woevre regions.
The German Staff has moved its Belgian headquarters from Ghent to
Grammont, 20 miles to the south, according to Amsterdam dispatches. The
garrison in Antwerp is reported greatly reduced
Unofficial reports say the Allies have occupied Courtrai, Ostcnd and
Kicuport and forced the Germans eastward from Dixmudc.
British cruisers and monitors hac driven the Germans from their
trenches along the Iiclgi.m coast. ,
Capture of the northern France canal system from Arlettx, 36 miles
to the Oisc River is announced in Berlin. Arelux is six miles southeast of
Douai. This canal is cast of the German line. The announcement indi
cates a slight withdrawal of German forces to the canal, which will be a
new battle line.
French artillery has repulsed with great loss a German assault in the
While Pctrograd celebrated victory over the Germans at Warsaw, the
War Office issued a statement which virtually admitted the presence of
the Kaiser's forces within eight miles of the Polish capital. The fresh
German offensive after repulses a few days ago to bases 50 miles from
the objective is taken to indicate determination on the part of the Kaiser's
Staff to keep the Russians too busily engaged in defending their own soil
to carry out the Czar's plans for an advance into Silesia. Pctrograd reports
i complete rout of the Germans before Warsaw.
RiibSia has recalled garrisons from Siberia and Manchuria to fill out
the first line opposed to the German invasion, thus indicating to Berlin
heavy losses in the great battle along the Vistula.
Berlin reports that the Russians have been expelled from Galicia, though
Pctrograd claims further success in battle south of Przemysl, which con
tinues heavily invested.
Japanese warships, the main body of the fleet, was officially reported
tcourmg the Pacific in the region of Hawaii for German ships. A heavy
bombardment of Tsing-Tao was begun.
Great Britain gave notice to foreign Powers that ships of its enemies
now l)tng in the Suez Canal would be seized or removed. Reports of
threatened destruction of the canal and alleged use of the waters as a base
i for alien craft led to the drastic stp.
Turkey is virtually governed from Berlin, according to a Constantinople orlty vo,01 "Balnst adoption of the report,
j . i t-i r, . t . i !! . if.-! Representatives Thomson, of Oklahoma,
dispatch. The Porte has approximately a million troops ready for action. . ...... , , , , , ..
. I nIU Wltherspoon, of Mississippi, were the
More than 600 German officers have arrived in Turkey in the last few weeks only Democrats to arise In opposition to
to command this army and many posts on the Black Sea have been heavily i the party measure
fortified Turkey's entry into the war is said to wait-thc bidding of the
Rojabst demonstrations in Portugal assumed larger proportions. It
was said the party's rebellious were to keep Portugal out of the war. Ex
King Manuel urged his followers to join the movement to aid the Allies.
.-; ,i oT i -r Ik
Win4? J .-. favfifflfefiKf 4fr&yy id&"syr'
' CortmoiiT, 1014. M inr Pcnttc Lroors CourANT,
Adjutant General Quotes Alleged
Statement of Mine Workers' Head.
DENVER. Col . Oct 22.-AdJutant Gen
eral John Chase, of Colorado, upon his
roturn from Trtnld'.d. asserted that Wil
liam Diamond, International treasurer
of the United Mine Workers of America,
made the following statement to him at
"Just as soon as the Federal troops are
withdrawn from the strike zone we have
SOW men organized and drilled in four
adjoining States awaltlnff orders to come
to Colorado to wipe up tho mines and
clean out the militia "
Colonel Icckett. ronimandpr of the Fed
eral troops In the Trinidad district, when
uelud rcBardliiB the United Mine Work
ers' protest wired to President Wilson
atrntnst the alleged entry of State militia
men Into the strlko 7one, declared that
the men referred to were members of tho
Stale militia and regular resident of the
ramps to- which they were returning from
ride practice The C'oIoiipI added they
had not violated any Federal order srov
riiing ai my authorities In the Southern
Colorado field.
r.5i(-;r .. .
HOUSE BY 126 TO 52
Conference Report Adopted,
Measure Sent to Senate,
and Body Ready to Ad
journ at 6 P. M.
WASHINGTON. Oct 22 The conference
report on the war tux bill was adopted
by the House tenia by a vote of 12S to 52 I
'n rnllnnll una ilumn twlnrt li ftin ?. I
publicans, but on a rising 'vote the mln-
Congress Breads All Records
for the Length of Session
Congress has broken nil records foi
continuous sessions, with prospective
adjournment tla It him been "on
the Job"jiractlcally continuously slnci
Aprit 7, 1913. when the special "turlfl
session began, or G6!) d.ijs, as this spe
cial session lapsed Into the regular
bcsslon which began Dccembei 1, 11113
The pievlous record was from De
cember 5, 1SS7, to Octobei 2H, 1S n
321 das.
There were Introduced In this sos.
slon In the Sen.ito 7342 bills and reso
lutions and In tho House 20,377.
Five thousand nominations wror
sent to the Senate by President Av'll
son Less than 10 were rejected, whllo
very few go over until next session
Twenty-six treaties with foreign
nations were ratified by the Senate
Government would enter the war only if Servia were attacked hy any others
of the Balkan States. He denied reports of fresh friction between Greece
and Turkey.
The bill was sent Immediately to the
Senate foi final action.
This afternoon the House adopted a
resolution which wus sent immediately
to the Senato for adjoin nment sine die
at 6 o'clock todu,
A coterie of Southern members made a
flnal stand for tho consideration of the
T .nVA rt frvti wt ruhnnuA hilt lui thn Waii a a
The new Greek Envoy at Washington stated in an interview that his but their efforts appeared unavailing
The House first adopted a resolution to
name a committee to call upon the Presi
dent and Inform him that the work of
the session was done Then the House
adopted a resolution for the 6 o'clock
As soon us the war tax bill conference
loport reached the Senate from the
House, on motion of Senator Simmons,
chairman of the Finance Committee, It
was taken up for consideration
Whether the Senate will a vote
on the conference report today and
whether Consiess will be able to adjourn
tonight were matters upon which Demo
cratic leader Kern refusde to make a
As agreed to by the conferees last night,
the bill fixed the tax on beer at tl 50 a
barrel, with the Senate umendment for a
fb per cent, rebate for prompt pajment
eliminated. The Senate amendment, re
ducing the proposed tax on bank capital
and surplus from J2 to II a thousand, was
The Senate proposal to tax domestic
sweet and dry wines 8 cents a gallon,
with a tax of 55 cents a gallon on
brandies used In tho fortification of
wines, also was retained The Senate
amerdment Increasing the tux on to
bacco manufacturers and dealers was
agreed to, with few exceptions, and the
stamp taxes were not disturbed.
Stock brokers will be taxed fJO a ear.
Instead of $50 The graduated tax on
theatres also was changed slightly, the
final rates being as follows.
Theatres with a seating capacity of
250 or less will paj j:5 a year, 600 capac
ity, ISO; 600 capacity (75, more than 500
capaclt), $100 a ear
"War taxes" will be due the latter part
of November, SO dajs after President
Wilson signs the bill
PAWS, Oct 2.'
Furious G"iman assaults aloiib thu en
tire battle front have f.illei to dlslnd-se
the Miles The Kaiser's fouea Imvc
tietn unable to gain at anv point, n-coid-lug
to the French statements this
Tha !lslitln loveia the most extenslvo
irear that has been, mentioned for sonm
time vttacks aio being made all nlong
the line and the cntiro battlo front, from
the Uuevre region Into noithera liel
lum, is at least 300 miles long.
The entire engagement Is made up of
t leaal eight separate zones of acttvit
which ini'lit be enumerated ns follows
yn a lue fiom Dixmudc to Warneton,
Ja Belgium, on a lino passing near Ar
Wentitres tnd I.a Itasseo In the extreme
northern part of France, at Fricourt.
epout two miles east of Albert, on the
Plateau east of Craonne where the Eng
ii are suPP0fd to hold a strongly for
uned position, at Souain, 23 miles south
u of Rheims. In the Argonno district,
je tfL XA r i
- irl r 3i
For Philadelphia and vicinity
JW a"d eh'hth-i coolr tonight;
iyfar, gentle to moderate north
to northcait v ids.
lorl"zh,fc last page.
where the bidly battered army of the
Oerman Crown Prince Is presumed to be
maintaining n position; In the southern
part of the Woc district, and on the
The attacks northwest and southeast
of rthclms fallow a period of compara
tive Inactivity, which had been enliv
ened onl by desultory artillery dueling
It Is probable that the Germans launch
ed two separate attacks on the Centre
In hope of breaking through at soma
point which had been weukened by tho
withdrawals of troops to strengthen thu
Allies' flanking army in the extreme
north At both Craonne and Souain tho
Allies are known to hold positions of such
stiength that the Hermans feared to
attack them on account of the enormous
loss of life which would Inevitably result
It Is Impossible to tell what strategic
movements the Germans ma be carrying
on behind the long battle front, but it Is
logical to assume that they would not
Invite counter attacks along the centre
unless the line there had been strength
ened bj fresh troops from either lielglum
or Gennnn)
Tho sudden renewal of activity on the
part of the German grand army has not
fuuud the Allies unprepared The Dritlsh
and French commanders have been taught
a lesson to German operations in France,
und this lesson is to be ready for an at
tack at any time, either b day or b
The olllclal communique follows:
On our left wing large German forces
have continued their violent attacks,
notably around Dlxmude, Warneton,
Armentleres, Itadlnghom and La
Basses The positions effected by the
Allies have been maintained 'I)ix
mude and Warnaton are In Belgium
Ihe othtis are In France.)
On the rest of the front the enem
had made on) partial attacks, which
have all been repu'sed, notabl at
Fricourt. lu the cast of Albert, on
Levy on High Schools Expected to
Increase Army by 200,000.
PimtOGKAD, Oct. 22
All students of high (.chools, hitherto
exi-mpt from military duty, were sum
moned for service bi tho War Office to
day. This will Increase the Russian army
by 200 COO.
Preat Enthusiasm In Weather Bureau
Over Prospect.
A desperate effort to shatter all previ
ous heat records for October 22 U being
made todaj b the mercur) in the of
ficial thermometer at the Weather Bureau
In the Postofflce Indications are that It
will succeed The weatherman Is watch
ing its progress with great enthusiasm
At noon the quicksilver had leached the
75-degree point That figure makes the
da the hottest October 22 In li tears In
1902 the. same ttgu-e was reached Warm
er das were reorded vva back, but
me wjaincrn'an exprtn i ie mercur
Count With Lonp Name Tells How
Corsets Would Improve Them.
CHICAGO, Oct 22 -Chicago policemen
are all right, accouling to Count August
pfchaefeljskj de Mukadcl do Cnstellano
aemour, but
'The) would piesent a bettor ftont If
they wore a corset pieclsoly lo the one
1 constnutb wear"
lour police are too well nourished."
said the Count sadl todaj. "Thej cut
too much They are too fat and how
shall 1 saj It dead on their feet They
ate soft and flabby, and their abdomens
uib like colossal double chins
"I cannot toll jou." he continued, 'how
deep!) I admire )our police The raw
material of them Is so abundant "
"If thoy would but wear corsets," lie rx.
claimed "Wonders can be woikeil with
"I shall go to Ma) or HarrUon and nslc
him to lend me 20 policemen of the traf
fic squad for a demonstration And then
ah, then )u shall see'
M coiset will reduce Instantly the
waistline of any policemen by at least
six Inches It will also reduce by nt
least 15 or 20 per cent, tho cost of food
for ever) policemen who wears H To
eat too much. If the corset Is properly
laced, U impossible "
When the klndl) purpose of the count
was explained to Patrolman Patrick
OlMulltgan, the latter said
(O'Mulllgau'a remarks deleted by the
Some One Stole Dress Suit From His
"Hope Chest."
Max K radii. 7th and Federal streets
will not gt married this year because
he lost his drees suit, at least that's what
police sa) K radii u not engaged to
an) girl In partkulur. but laments the
loss of the suit and told Policeman Dick
inson he bought It onl) for his neddlm;
A great man) pcrkons in Kratln's
neighborhood knew of his hopes ami alio
In, Just what corner of a closet ttie dreaa
suit repowd News of the suit's whert
b bo .its. It Is said, carae to the ears of
John Josephs, Xtt Kimball street Mrs
Lillian Seratt, Krunn s boarding mistress
declares she saw Josephs coming from
Kradn s room with the suit under his
Three and Four Times as
Many Men as Cast Ballots
in 1912 Registered as Elec
tors in Fayette County.
mnti v stop cnnii8rovDi',T
L'NIONTOWX. Pa . Oct 22 -Fraudulent
registration In Fnvette County, tho home
of State Senntor William K Crow, Re
publican Stnto Chairman and the man
who manages Senator Penioso's cam
p.ilqtl throughout the State. Is worse this
jcar than Philadelphia ever saw, even
in her palmiest dnvs of padded lists and
stuffed ballot boxes.
Dozens of pages of names of phintoms
nnd unnaturalized foreigners have been
added to tho registration books overnight,
after tho books have boon roturned to the
Puirose-Ciow-controlled Count) Commls
sinners' olllco
In the only the of the 101 election pre
cincts In Fn)etto County that have been
Investigated it has been found that the
books, in somo Instances, were padded
until they contained three nnd sometimes
four times as many names as there were
b.tllot cast In those districts in 1012. The
flvo precincts Investigated gave a total
I vote of 5 in 1011 President Judgo R. K
I'mbel, of tho Court of Common Pleas,
I hns oidered !77 names stricken from tho
lists 519 In one precinct.
Pt nrose-Crow lieutennnu have been
utility of fnlslf)ing the lists, according
to tho testlmoti) In Judgo Umbel's court,
but the guilt has not ns yet been placed
upon any one individual. The padding
was done. It hasDeen shown, by Penrose.
Crow men who hold positions as district
assessors nnd who make up the lists and
In tho County Commissioners' office,
which Is absolutely controlled by the
Penrose-Crovv machine In Fa)ette
to i:iusn "onu Monn "phantoms."
Tho false r gistratian has so far de
v eloped in the townships of Redstone,
I.uzerne and Jefferson. R C Ulgbee, an
Attorney of Unlontown. where Senator
Crow casts Ills ballot, who has been In
charge of the Inquiry Into the false reg.
titration for a citizens' committee, has
predicted that before election day the
registration books of all the large coke
producing townships in Faette Count)
will be Investigated He said he expected
that between .& and axo phantoms.
would be strtc-Ken from th
Overtakes Band of Auto
Bandits in Canada.
PORTLAND, Ore, Oct. 22 Two men,
nn auto bandit and Clifford Adams,
Canadian Immigrant officer, were killed
In a battle today at Hazelmulr, Canada,
when n posse came upon tho band which
robbed the Sfdrowooley Bank, of "Wash
ington, of JI2 00I) on Saturday night.
Tho other bandits surrendered after one
was slain.
Move May Upset Receiver's Plans
for Reorganization.
Petitions to have Berg Brothers, own
ers of the Market street department
store, for whom George II Earle, Jr.
has ben appointed receiver, adjudged ln
voluntar) bankrupts bv the United States
District Court, were nled toda) by At
torneys Rearlck and McIIIoway, repre
entlng three of the creditors
It Is .averred that the department store
owners are Insolvent, as the) admitted
In the receivership proceedings brought
bv M Kohn fc Son that they "have not
enough quick onsets to pay their ma
tured and maturing obligations, and thnt
the ujlpolntmcnt of a receiver Is neceH
sar) to prevent the bringing of suits by
crcdltois nnd the receiving of Judgments
against the defendants, and the Issuing
of execution In tho satisfaction of such
Judrment and pa)lng for tho appoint
ment of a receiver "
TIk creditors", whose claims are for
UK ichnndlbp sold and delivered to Rerg
Rrothers, are the Roombcrff Manufactur
ing Compun). with a claim for JVM.25. J.
npsteln & Co, W2I .'3. and Rt)les Centre
Dress Company, J2317 70
Tho petition Is filed against Max and
Adnlph Reig. indlviduall) and as co
partners trading as Berg Brothers
After due notlco hns been given to all
creditors of the filing of the bankruptcy
proceedings, application will be made to
the Federal Court for the appointment
of a receiver under the United States
laws An elTort will nlso be made to pro
duce an order for the sale of the assets
of the Brigs
The bankruptcy proceedings may up
set the plans Receiver Harle was formu
lating foi the reorganization of the em
b.tiruHsed dim Sir Knrle. In a state
ment issued after his appointment oh re
ceiver, besought all creditors to bo pa
tient and optimistic, that his plans would
be successful Ho asked for the co
operation of all the creditors In his work
of lehabilitating the company
Begins Rounding TJp of All Aliens
Along Coast.
'-ONDON. Oct r.
Drastic measures were Instituted toda)
b) the authoiities to i nd the reported
etfectlve Oerman espionage in England
The Home Olllce issued a Matement in
which it characterizid the cast nn,i
south coasts of England as prohibited
areas for any one regardless of sex of
Austrian or German birth The round
ing up of all Germans and Austrlans con
tinues and tho males of military ago
v ill be sent to tho detention camps a
prisoners of war. while the women nnd
the very oung and the very old boys
nnd men will be bent back to Germany
ns speedll) ns possible
The Government gives no reason f(ir
the present action It denies that Its !
hand was forced through learning that
Germany actually contemplated nn In- I
vasKm or England Every effort is
being made to restore public confidence
Sensation in Suit When it Is
Learned Roosevelt's Sworn
Statement Will Be Offered
as Testimony.
Government Declares Former
President Was Deceived By
Magnates Into Sanctioning
the Transfer of Tennessee Coal
and Iron.
booka if the county before November 3
j ue bj 3ieiii uj nmcii me piiuutoms and
fnbe registrations were placed In the
books was den rl bed b) Judge Umbel in
one of his opinion at a, "bold. open. up.
torlou! ntternpt to pad the registration
ln.t with names of men who were not
qualified voters for the purpose, of fcturf
Ing the ballot box with false, fraudulent
irregular and Illegal votes"
In addition to the names of huiui,ic ...
persons, of whom tubpoena srvr h
iit.i ... ,iti . iiu in (tie county
the name of laborers eiplo)4 on State
". ... ;. v.141.1 KilU
in, ton i uuntv a
""" "' j nave u en VI, il,....
b k the namej of men mo..
Germans Report Seizure of Guns in
Lille Fight.
WASHINGTON, Oct X -In the flghttng
west of Lille the Germans, captured 3Y)
English soldiers, several machine guns,
and northwest of Xleuport German ar
tillery dlsaoled a British destroer. the
German Embass) was Informed this aft
ernoon byN Berlin radiogram
registrauon ' Winsted Organization Wants Him
at Annual Dinner.
WINSTED. fonn. Oct 3S.-Seretary
of State William Jennings Hrvan was
Invited today to attend the annual din
ner of the Baldhail t'lub of America
here next Thursday night. The club
has a membership of 3. and the head
of each Is as bare of hair as Kurooe
Is of peace
r.)euc countv and in w,,i,.'miI., w.j ...
ro. the Monongabua ; up I ,7 T'YOO
faf w w wi iron nnt . .
4t.,,i -o .,r , ... ' -" ' "--
- .,.. ,- L" r:i",r":" XT "" MUr- MMWrW Coward, at to 7th and Cr
"1"1" v" " "" i- . .w - ji titer str-e's ppp-e. taUon.
Jose'ihs declared some fellow nhn in, t I ln, t,ie
1 like him t ok the suit He was a C5 V'lm pr" n n"nx " reg.strcd m l"B abn ,t "noo in gold com was unear.he.i
held in i'm bid tola. f . . n .' "J ' ' " wrnte into the '"ks b workmen faring dnn an n d i , u
"r in ocpi t 'r i"i' t-atlop and unv . Ini on I entral arnuK tu .. ....
I K. ii ' .. .'" '" "'
ujvUjs we workmen whq I
tvucluded on Ve Tw,
b divided
t?und it.
A sensation was sprung at the hear
ing of the "Steel Trust" today when It
became generally known that testimony
by Colonel Roosevelt, In which he denies
that Judge Gary or II. C. Frlck had
imposed upon him in connection with the
transfer of tho Tennessee Coal and Iron
Company to tho United States Steel Cor
portlon, would be read
The Government contends that the ex
I'resldent was misled and that certain
facts lold before him by Frlck and Judge
Gar) were untrue. Tho transfer took
placo In 1607, after several captains of
finance had told Colonel Roosevelt that
the Tennessee concern was facing bank
ruptcy and that only a transfer would
prevent a general panic In business.
It Is contended by Spcclnl Assistant
Attorney Gt nernt Dickinson that tho for
mer President wis mlsl'd nnd that the
transfer resulted in general violations of
the anti-trust act.
Testimony given by Colonel Roosevelt
and published over his name In The Out
look, of which he was associate editor,
will be read by the corporation law)urs.
The former Prldent's sworn testi
mony which absolves, fudge Gary nnd
Mr Frlck, reads In pirt as follows:
"It has been alleged, on the authority
of Government officials engaged In car
Ding on the suit, that I was misled and
thnt certain facts weren't laid before
mo. This stntement Is not correct. I
wns not misled."
Today's hearing threw light on a fa
mous trip In a special train to the White
House In November, 1907. Aboard the
train were Judge Gary and H. C. Frlck,
who went to plead with Colonel Roose
velt regarding tho Tennessee Arm.
The trip to Washington was decided
according to the argument of the "Steel
Trust's" lawyers nfter a "S O S " slg;
nai nnn oeen sent uroaacusi oy mosa
who were Interested In the Tennessee
Coal nnd Iron Company
It has been learned that the Govern
ment will contend in rebutnl that Colo
nel Roosevelt wns deceived by Judge
Gary and H. C Frlck when they called
at the White House to plead with him
not to oppose the transfer of the Ten
nessee Company
The suit Is being tried In the United
States Circuit Court of Appeals, before
Judges Bufllngton.wlfunt. McPherson and
Woolle). In the Federal Building.
Tho argument of the nttornc) for tho
"Steel Trust," which hns been character
ized as the combination of many trusts
by tho Government, Is that Colonel
Roosevelt, when President, had been In
formed of whnt the t'nlted States Steel
Corporation contemplated doing.
In the brief filed bv the defendants ap
pears a letter written by Colonel Roose
velt on November 4. 1M7 The trust law
ers are trvlng to prove that the anti
trust laws were never violated, becnusa
before the transfer of the Tennessee Coal
Company they had made known their
rensons for the taking over of that com
pany. RooscvnuT's LnTTr.rt read.
Colonel Roosevelt's letter, written to
Charles I Bonaparte, when the latter
was Attorney General, regarding a vl<
to him b) Judge Gar) and H C Prick,
reads as follows
"Mv Pear Mr Attorney General:
"Judge E H Garv and H. O. Trjck.
on behalf of the Steel Corporation hnve
Just called upon me They stnto that
thore Is a certain business rtrni (the name
of which I have not been told, hut Ii of
real Importance In New York business
elides), which will unduubtedl) fall tins
week If help is not given Among Its
as?, is are a majority or the securities of
the Tennessee Coal Compauv Applica
tion hns been urgent!) mude to tho Steel
Corporation to purchase this stock as
the onl) means of avoiding a failure.
Judge Garv and Mr Frlck inform me ns a more business transaction they
do not are to pm chase the Mock, thnt
under ordinar) circumstances thoy would
not conxider purchasing the stock be
cause but little benefit will come to thu
corporation from the purchase that they
aro aware that the purchase will be used,
ns a handle fur attark upon thum, on
the ground that the) mo striving to
(Murine a. uiunupniy or me DUStnCSS and
prevent competition"
The letter further added that Judge,
Gary and Mr Frlck had stated that ihi
transfer would provent a break that mlghi
be serious
Mr. I.lndatmry strongl) tmphasized In
an eloquent address that the "Stol
Trust" "was not a monopolistic organ)
zntlon" He touched upon the psraonnsl
of every Individual connected with t'a)tr4
States Steel
The lco president and hU duties were
pictured, as well the men vyariss
blue overalls in the steel mills
The leading corporation lawer of New
Jerne) di scribed the operation of the
United States atcel Corporation, bow that
concern had improve! machine!), spent
money on new patents to prwmt Injury
not only antuug hlgh-ilses mechanic,
but alo among the foreign uillihands
working In the tngtne rooms and other
departments of the corporation
Charles M Schwab. lUaracterliM by
the Government as tbe master wtiad u(
the world's greatest coinbiaatUwi &f trusts,
dlapfioluti the trum iwew and rj.
rentatlva s( the IV l(wdat turn-.
paulw when be Xall4 to tut la as ap,
pearaace la court today
Mr Schwab had sent word tnat b n
tenrted to come to this rty and hear th
t Sing argument in behalf c( the I riUU
SMte 8t lrp.ntlm The st r D)jj
rate whns pertntenr- Hn dm h at
tnt " rt thr, r$co J r Morja- t tho
eJit'Ct pf a loan (( I.j.Ojo ,a iM, mjj