OCR Interpretation

Evening public ledger. [volume] (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 22, 1914, Night Extra, Image 3

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045211/1914-10-22/ed-1/seq-3/

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22. l'9Tf.
Provisional Appointee as
Clerk in Dock Department
1 Third on List Examina
tions for Other Posts.
Klght applicants for the $1600 post of
chief clerk In tho Department of
Wharves, Docks mid Ferries passed tho
recent examination of the Civil Service
Commission. An appointment will bo
made from one of tho first four names
on the list.
John K. Mnrkham, the provisional ap
pointee filling the position at present,
stood third on the list.
Twelve appllcnnts passed the examina
tion for draftsman In the City Transit
Department, at $1200 to $1500 a year.
Elsht pnssed the elimination for steward
In the Dutenit of Charities, at $1000 a
jear; 21 ror cnainman in city Transit, nt
$110. and 21 for cnainman In tho Survey
and Water Huruius, nt WH) to $500 a year.
The lists arc as follows:
Salary, ?IVX) p(r tear.
Joseph Aronfreed, C15 W. Montgomery ave.,
ricorce 1. D.arrow. SIH f. 17th St., "S.4.
John K. Mnrkham, 1W1 Tatony t.. 77,7.
Srlh A. Front, at:.", Walnut St., 77,
Alonio Myers, 2U.12 Fernon t 7.I.S.
John I). Samuel, i:. tlraer'e lane. Chestnut
Jllll, 75.7
liuiru .. Jiannms. .11.11 ,,. .,in bi,, 14.0,
No Excuso for Shortage of 18,000
Men, BocruUing Officer Bays.
With 150 applicants a week throughout
llio year the Philadelphia navy recruit
ing station, 1413 Filbert street, could soon
do Its share toward filling up a shortage
of 18,000 enlisted men which Franklin J).
Itoosevelt, acting Secretary of the Navy,
eas exists In the United States Navy.
Officers at the recruiting office said
today that an nverage of 150 men a weetc
apply for hdmlsslon to the navy. Of this
number about 22 are selected each week.
Tho remainder are disqualified because
they cannot come up to the high stand
ard required by the physical test.
"The shortngo which Secretary Itoose
velt flndr," said one of tho officers,
"must not be construed as to mean that
applications to enlist are falling off, for
such Is not the case, ns our own llgures
show. Congress 1ms authorized tho navy
to have a complement of not over 51,500
enlisted men, nud It Is this limit against
which Secretary Hoosevclt's statement
was directed.
"At least 75,000 enlisted men are needed
properly to man all the ships of our
navy, many of which are out of com
mission because there nro not enough
sailors In tho nny. Ten years ago tho
naval complement was only 23,o,jV
Mark W. Dohan,
14 S. 1 0th st.,
Salary, flSOO.fl.'iUi) Inc per ear.
F.imuel 1. Sacks, Ml! Ijombnrri St., SO.
8fhu)lcr S. A. Kcast, ."UA Dlnckmore St.,
87 S.
!MariI Kejtcr, HOT, H. Columbia ave 87.S.
Vernrn It. Dunlap. 0051 N, IStli St., Sil.O.
Charles A. Chancy. 2 1 to llarolil St.. 81.
Alfxamler Frank, .'1227 llcrks St., 70.2.
Frank 11. Olson, 30.14 X. Delhi St., 78 0.
James R. Faulkner, 010 N. Sillh St.. 78.1.
Alexander Marks, 12111 S. oth St., 7M.".
Max H. l.idenilnrr, 2CO Somen lite ave., 72.7,
Louis Zlelln. lino South st., 70.8.
Frederic S. Kelley, 2.M nipka ac.. 70.
Salary, SiWO per year.
Honanl E. Mounie, ,103a E. Thompson St.,
82 0.
Henry H. Plsxlnl, 24." Carpenter st.. 82.
ticorce J Kroupa, Jr., lU'K) V.. Allegheny
ave., 78.
Charles It. Leonard, Jr., 122,1 N. Allison
William H. Munn, 1,'OT Arch St.. 74..,.
Frank A. Herring. 1(127 Falmor tl., 7.1..",.
chancellor Day, l-rankford iwo. anil l.lmlcn
ao., Torrc'ilale, 71..",
Gorge P. McDonald, IBOS Orcen at., 70.0.
Salary, $7,",0 Ter Year.
Laurence Costello, SID Corinthian ave., 02.2,
John K. Volkcrt, Carpenter and Orccne sts ,
01.0. John V. Kane. 17.1S Mlfilln St.. 00.8.
Henrj F. Hnmhersrer, .1222 N. Carlisle at., 00.
llnrry F. C. Frnnx, 1113 N. Uumlolph st.,
to 4
John O. llru's, 2712 V. Susquehanna ae.,
William H. Oorholt, 3713 N. lMh St., 8R.2.
John J. Itorbldue. Jr.. HMO Cedar nvc. 80.8.
Haney K. rthaiirtes, 10-'.", Vino st., 80.8.
Samuel Wolf. 1311 N. Oth St., 83.8.
Carl H. Llndman, 143 Dupont st., Rex.. 84.0.
Matthlw R. Oollub. 873 N. Marshall st.. 81.
Louis Vtrouse. 2411 W. Oxford St.. 80.4.
Howard J. Mumrlck, 0111 Callowhlll St.. 70.
Matthew Hell. 1211 N. Redlleld St.. 78.8.
lttchanl W. Reed. 2311) V. Lehigh uve 78.2.
Paul S Alday. 7137 ,V. Hroad st., 74.2.
Lawrence D. Armstrong. 2020 Ceilar St.. 73.0
Howard C. F.tsmann. 2.103 N. 7th at.. 72.4.
Forrest G. Ilrown, 3025 Pine st.. 72.2.
William J. Hare, 422 Roxborough ave., 72.
Salary, $4SO-$300 Per Year.
Joseph N Roth, 0210 Clearvlew St., 00.3.
Andrew Canzanelll, 231 S. 58th St., 00.3.
Carl A. Wal raven, 1321 W. Snnln St., 80.3.
Lawrence Costello. 840 Corinthian ne., 88.,
John E. Volkcrt, Carpenter and Greene sts.,
Harvey E. Rhoades, 1023 Vine St., 87.1.
Robert A. Donoghue. 2.120 N. 7th at., 80.
John J. Horbldge, Jr.. 3010 Cftlar ave., 83.4.
Matthew- R. Uollub, 873 X. Marshall St.. 84.0.
Harry Rnblnnultz. 1427 N. Oth st., 82.0.
(ieorxe R. Hubgood, 1717 Wakellns St.,
Frankford, 82.
Charles E. Vaughan. 1314 N. 02d st., 81.0.
DaM W. Halnbrldge. 1.VI0 Louden St.. 81.1.
Thomas II. Healy, 1100 Jackson St., 80.S.
Charles W. Ruuman. 1541 N. Felton st SO.l.
William Klnley McDowell, 4148 Ridge ave.,
Samuel II. Priest, 308 Martin st., Rox., "0.1.
Harry M. Hamilton, 1012 W. Passyunk ne.
Taul S. Alday, 7137 N. Rrnad St., 70.2.
(eorge M. Talor, 1.103 Orthodox st.. 7.1.3.
James J. Monachan, 1037 Lancaster ae.
Contribute $1000, Articles of Cloth
ing' nnd Blankets fpr Refugees.
A freight car sturfed with 10 010 arti
cles of clothing br blankets for Helglin
refugees In London Is on a siding at
Ovcrbrook nnd will be sent off today to
tho Uclgluu consul nt Now York. The
contents cf the car were contributed in
ono week by Main Line residents to n
committee headed by Mrs. KdWard 3
Snyrc", of llnverford.
More than $1000 in cash nlso hns been
contributed within the week of the com
mittee's existence. This money hu.i been
spent to buy Hour and clothing. Thirty
barrels of Hour will be sent with the
shipment of Wetirlng npparel.
Among the articles contributed were
blankets, ulsters, men's, women's nnd
children's clothing, underwear, shoes nnd
stockings. Tho commlltro started work
a week ago yestorday In the I3ryn Mawr
i tending uooni. The first day 0003 gar
ments were contributed.
Alleged ?2,000,000 Swindler
Jumped Ball In This City.
Tho police of this city, were Interested
today In dispatches from Toronto an
nouncing tho an est of "Dr." Illchard C.
Flower, alleged medical quack and pro
moter of swindling mining operations,
who was arrested In thlH city in 1907 and
escaped extradition to New York only by
obtaining a bondsman nnd disappearing
while tho case was being fought In tho
Superior Couit,
Flower has been wnnted In New York
since 190.1. Ho Is ncciif-ed of getting about
$2,000,000 through mine swindles. Most
of the money was from wealthy widows
who were turned over to Flower's mine
companies by his medical ofllce, where he
cured "anything and everything," ac
cording to the New York police.
In Philadelphia Flower operated under
the name of "Doctor Osborn." The cap
ture ui ino man in me Canadian city is
a. triumph for Detective Lieutenant Bar
ney McConvlile, of New York. The de
tective, then a sergennt, arrested Flower
in this city in 1907, only to lose him. Since
that time tho chnse has led all over the
country, nnd several times Flower has
won to freedom by n few minutes, onco
crossing tho Mexican border Just In ad
vance of McConvlile.
mmmWir ttot .mWtt . ..&&Z$8$mJmW lU J& Er2S2!T?Pt l
3SOU WADOW Kvl " 4k
Call Talk of "Luring Men to
Cause" Silly "Time Was
When We Were Called
Too Plain," SaysvLeader.
Hovel Excuses Carry No Weight
With Magistrate.
Novel excuses for speeding anil open
"cut-outs" were advanced by nutomo
blllsts at tho opening of tho new auto
mobile court In Magistrate Pcnnock's
nnke. at 9 Kast Chelteu nventie, today.
Uesplte the efforts of th ecarowners to
dodge the penalties for their alleged vio
lations of the speed lnws. Magistrate Pen
nock imposed fines amounting to $130.
Leslie Qulntoifcf 450 East Walnut lane,
who was arre.sjai for speeding and hav
Ing his cut-oufopen, said that he was
rushing homo to Bee a son that had just
been born, and in tho excitement did not
realize that he was speeding and forgot
mat nia cut-out was open.
Reld & Fort's New Establishment
on South Fifteenth Street.
Reld & Fort, hosiers, clovers,. nhir.
makers nnd hatters, today opened a now
storo at 11 South 15th street In tho
Comniei-l.il Trust Building. The estnb
llshment brings the total of those main
tained In Philadelphia by the firm to
three. Tho others nro situated at 1114
Chestnut street nnd 1119-21 Market street.
Reld & Fort opened their first store In
this city In 1894 nnd slnco that time
havo built up nn enviable reputation In
tho haberdashery business. jn neenrd
with n progressive business policy, the
new store will have as a feature new to
the Held & Fort stores n complete hat
department. The remainder of the stock
will consist of hlgh-grndo men's furnish
ings of quality and stylo.
The new store extends from 16th street
to West Penn square, having nn Im
posing entranco of btone nnd bronze plat
ing at both ends. It has a length of 104
feet nnd n width of 22' feet. The in
terior Is finished In quartered onk of an
nntique shade. The lighting system Is
the latest Improved semldlrcct style,
luminatlng tho place in evor section. The
new store Is fitted with the new folding
cablnots. A basement nnd sub-basement
will be used ns stockrooms. The offices
for the plnce, which forms a branch of the
main offices, aro situated on a balcony on
tho West Penn square end.
Churches Principal Contributors
Relief of War Sufferers.
The lied Cross war fund In I'hlladfl
l'hla has reached $Hi,915, according to the
report of Francis n. Jleeves, chairman
cf the local committee.
Among tho more recent contributors
re: St David's Church, Radnor. $102;
M. Mark's Lutheran Church. $101.S4; Sec-
j"ii i. rt?byterlan Chureh. Oermantown,
Ml.&S, Mrs. Matthew Semple. $100; Mrs.
Frank H. Moss. $100; David C. Williams,
"). Protestant Kplscopat Church of the
Kesurrectlon. $.11.70; T. William Roberts.
iisV.. ,00(lln'it' Presbyterian Church,
..,. Mount Airy Presbj terlan Church,
( 41. St. Mflrv'a fhio-M, TTom1lt t
1.. .r ' : . - -- UIHWH II-
. w. ana wanamakers
Won, $53.05.
central sta-
Stoves the Very Latest Thing for
Smashing Windows.
A mania for liurlln;' small oil stoves
jnroush store windows, exhibited early
"ii morning on the part of Harry
oan. cf Chicago, led Magistrate
"either, In the iota and Ruttonwood
'treets station, to hold him in $400 bail
for court.
Rowan, according to Tollceman Thomp
son, was wandering aimlessly out Ridge
svenue. when he came to the shop of
Saclnove, west -if 10th street A
rnal stove stood against the curb.
uowan sent It craehlng through the,
window. Saclnove called the policeman.
Today the Chlcagoan said he could not
"call the incident.
Boy Crushed Under Train Dies From
A stolen ride on a freight train ended
today in the death of Thomas O'Mnlly.
9 years old, 1SU North Hancock street
With both legs amputated tho lad died
In the Htetson HosplMl.
The boy climbed uboard a Philadelphia
nnd Rending Railway train yesterday and
was about to Jump from the ears at
American street and Montgomery ave
nue to escape from a trainman when he
slipped nnd fell beneath the wheels. He
was taken to the hospital in a wagon.
County Medical Society Preparing to
Erect Big Structure.
vl'nn. for a new building for the County
o, i Soc,ety were submitted to that
"jgatifiation by a special committee last
Si o tho ""' monthly meeting In
imi rolifee of Physicians' Building. Kd
to i"V.J!LstreeU- Thf new building Is
n? N.W.OOO.
advi? p,ans were referred to council for
ce as to the manner of taking title
th. PfOferty under consideration and
fu-Ur 4??d of wWnar and holding the
la S ,.1 . nw bul,JHnK Is to bo located
" " centre of th ritv
Local Option Meetings Tonight
Local option meetings will be held to
night In the Tioga Presbyterian Church,
!U!i and Tioga streets, and the Oeve
reux Memorial Methodist Episcopal
Church, 6th nnd Allegheny avenue, by
the Temperance Reform and Good Citi
zenship League of the 4th Congressional
District. Franklin Spencer Kdmunda,
Charles Berry, the Washington party
candidate for the Legislature; Dr. 11. M.
Chalfant, of the Anti-Saloon League, and
Dr. Homer Pope will address the meet
Y, M. C. A. Auxiliary Meets
Resolutions on tho deaths of Sllss Mar
gdret J. McCahan and Mrs. O. W. Tay
lor, two members of the Ladies' Auxiliary
of tho West Branch Young Men's Chris
tlan Association, were adopted at the first
meeting of the auxiliary last night. Plans
for the winter's activities were made to
Include three special ladles' nights at the
branch. Tho annual banquet will be held
on November 14.
Wanted to Kill New York Official
NEW YORK. Oct 22 -An attempt to
assassinate Deputy Richard C. Harrison,
of the Department of Docks and Ferries,
was frustrated today by an emploe of
the department. Just as Mr. Harrison
was entering his ofllce a man, who later
told the pollco he was John O'Connor, of
Brooklyn, drew a revolver. Before he
could fire Phillip Dennler, an electrician
employed by the department, grasped the
wapon and tore It from him.
McAdoo's Condition Improves
WASHINGTON Oct 12. Secretary of
the Treasury MeAdo. who has been con
fined to his home bv an attack of stoci i fi,
treble, waa reported faday to be ait
Jmproved. J
Suffragists today arc smiling placidly
at the assertion made yesterday by Mrs.
Frank J. Goodwin, a prominent New
Jersey lender of tho antts, to n class of
young nntis at the homo of Mrs. Austin
M. Purves, that the ballot-seeking women
of Philadelphia were putting forth the
Hower of their flock, the pretty young
women, as bait to attract men to the
i Girls, according to Mrs. Goodwin, who
are Just blossoming Into young woman
hood, are being brought Into the llmo
llght of street corners, nice tracks nnd
county fairs, just to advance tho cause
and because of this they nro In great
clanger of being preyed upon by wicked
and designing men.
"Ridiculous," said Mrs. Wilfred Lewis,
picsldent of thCEqual Franchise Society,
commenting on the charge. "It Just
shows what poor losers the nntis nre
when they hnvo to resort to such petty
nnd altogether unfounded statements to
attuck us. To my knowledge there has
never been a case of n young woman
suffrugist being discourteously trented
while advancing the cause In Philadelphia,
no matter how charming or pretty she
may have been."
Miss Carrie Katzensteln. sccretnry of
the society, characterized Mrs. Goodwin's
assertions ns altogether too inconse
quential to have much attention paid to
them, but smS couldn't resist a little jab
at what she called tho Jealousy of tho
"Time wns," said she, "when suffragists
were caricatured as poor unfortunntcs
with large Jawbones, huge feet hort
hair, tierce eyes, and they wore dressed
accordingly. It Is encouraging to know
now; however, that our friends, the antls,
realize, that we havo 'youth and beauty,'
to quote Mrs. Goodwin, In our tanks.
"That wo consider personal charm one
of our 'assets' is a very natural little
womanly weakness to which we must
plead guilty. That the nntis should grow
peevish about a recognition of this is,
perhnps, natural for persons championing
a losing cause.
"Surely," she continued earnestly, "no
person who knows the type of women at
the head of the suffrage movement can
take seriously any of the charges made
about a misuse of our 'assets
"Were a tialnlng school for youth and
beauty possible, such as Mrs. Goodwin
is t'ledltod with having tid that we
suffragists maintain, then I actually be
lieve that the two sides of the movement
would he drawn together In a common
cause nnd both antls and suffragists
would competo side by side for Class
Number One."
Another woman to take Issue with the
antls was Mrs. M. C. Morgan, former
Secretary of tho Pennsylvania Woman
Suffrage Association. Mrs Morgan la a
mother and grandmother, nnd one of her
daughters. Miss Mnry Churchman Mor
gan, a senior nt Hryn Mawr, and a holder
of several worlds records In athletics,
Is an acclaimed beauty of the Equal
Suffrage camp.
"In tho beginning of the suffrage move
ment here, many women belonging to the
Society of Friends," said Mrs. Morgan,
who is a Quaker herself, "came out for
the can's. They believed In plain dress
ing nnd they dreBscd plainly. The move
ment whs not popular In the beginning,
nnd other women whose belief did not
affect their mode of dress wore simple
attire, thus making personal sacrifice to
that they might contribute to the cause.
"But afterwards," she continued, "we
became more powerful. All kinds of
dressing was noticeable In our ranks
and even the Quakers wore their best
and most charming gowns We were no
longer the plain, and what the antls
might tall unattractive, group that vrt
were in the beginning.
"As for our young women becoming a
prey to unscrupulous men, that is ab
surd They are Intelligent, well educated
and most of them college girls, wh,o are
perfectly capable of taking care of them
selves. Jealousy of our tremendous
growth Is r sponsible for the petty little
charges that the antls trump up against
? BVJN25
V7V L-0
Kaiser's War Chief in East
Prussian Campaign Among
Most Beloved Men of Em
pire Now 67 Years Old.
Safe Blown Open Makes
Fine Window Display, At
tracting Many Residents of
Germantown, Who Make
We offer a beautiful sterling
silver Majonualse Bowl and
Ladle In a neat case, for J10 oo
A very desirable gift,
C. U. Smith & Son
Market at Eighteenth St.
If burglars or yeggmen blow your safe
open, wreck a part of your house and
spoil your rugs, don't get angry. Take
advantage of their curiosity and the
whole thing may proe to be a blessing
In dbgiilse.
This is Just what James S. Jones did.
He conducts a department store at Ger
mantown avenue and Coulter street. On
discovering a few days ago that yegg
men had blown hit safe out of shape and
wrecked a part of his ofllce, Jones took
tho safe, a few rugs nnd other things
which had been damaged and put all tho
wreckage in his window.
What was the result? A large crowd
looked In the window all day long. Then
they began to look In other windows and
saw things that they would like to buy.
So In a way tho misfortune proved to bo
n good advertisement and Jones finds that
he Is having more customers In his store
than ever.
But members of the Yeggmen'o Adver
tising Association are keeping themselves
scane. nevertheless, although there is
much petty thieving going on in Ger
mantown. There have been at least two dozen
robberies In that section during the last
three weeks. In hope of ending the bur
glars' campaign, a squad of plain olothea
men went out from City Hall, but up to
the present time they have not made
any important captures.
Evidence that the burglars hail a regu
lar clearing housy was discovered today,
much wic jjunce touna an unoccupied
house on Walnut lane in which was con
cealed a lot of stolen goods It Is be
lieved that the thieves have a rndxvnn.
somewhere on the outskirts of German-town.
In the German army Is one general
who enjoys popularity throughout the
Empire. He enjoys also tho confidence
and tho best good will of men of his
own class.
Ho Is Paul von Bcneckendorff und von
Htndenburg, Gcneral-oberst, commnncler-In-chlef
of the German forces In East
If Jcffre Is the French Fnbius of this
war. Hlndenburg Is tho German Cln
clnnntus. He was at the plow when the
war trumpet sounded on August I; not
literally, perhaps, but figuratively. In
1911 he was retired at the nge of 61. and
for three years after had lived without
military responsibility on his estate In
Posen. near where he was born.
Then, when the principal German
armies were rushing into Belgium toward
the plains of France, there came a call
to the obscure little village where Gen
eral Hlndenburg lived. He was ordered
to take command of the Kaiser's armle3
appointed to meet the forces of the Czar.
Born In 1S17, Hlndenburg entered the
3d Regiment of Foot Guards as a sub
altern In I860. In the war against Aus
tria he commanded a company after tho
death of tho captain, who was his Im
mediate superior.
At the battle of Koenlggratz. with about
10 men, he took an Austrian battery.
A few days later tho Emperor con
ferred on him the Older of the Red
Eagle, with Crossed Swords. This order
Is ordinarily conferred only on majors or
officers of higher rank.
In tho Franco-Prussian war Hlnden
burg was a captain nnd took part In tho
storming of St. Prevat, near Motz, one
of the bloodiest engagements of the war,
in which the German loss was 10 per cent,
of those engaged. That was on August
18, Twelve, days later he wns In the
battlo of Sedan, where he led his com
pany in a charge. At the close of that
battle Captain Hlndenhurg was decorated
by the Emperor with tho Order of the
Iron Cross.
The other day, after the battle of East
Prussia. Hlndenburg received his third
decoration direct from the hands of the
Emperor. This was also an Iron Cross.
nut Ulfferent from tho one given him II
years ago. That was made of tho metal
of captured French cannon and bore the
figures '70. This will be made of captured
Russian cannon and will bear the figures
Kin of Eccentric Millionaire
Who Left Estate to Serv
ants and Friends Appeal
Register's Decision.
Judge Lamorelle In the Orphans' Court
today called for hearing the appeal of
disinherited kin of the late John Q Wat
mough from the decision of the Register
of Wills admitting to probate the dece
dent's will, which bequeathed the estato
of nearly tl.000,000 to servants and friends.
Tho Instrument, which, It Is alleged,
was made while Mr..Watmough waa In a
weakened mental condition, hears dato of
June C, 1M3. Under Its terms J10O.O00 Is
tho remembrance of Znllo Fnget, a
French maid In the service of Mr. Wat
motigli; $1000 is given to William Green,
n butler, nnd smaller bequests provided
i for other domestics.
The residue of the estate was bequeath
ed to Ferdinand Keller, Sr dealer in nn-
tlquci, nnd Mntllda Knller, his wife, who
' were Intimate frlnnds of Mr. watmoiign.
' Keller wns a co-executor of the estate
1 with John G. Johnson.
The fight before the Register to prevent
tho probato of the will was Instigated
liv Dr. William Watmough Grler, a
nephew, nnd other disinherited relatives.
Bn an ngrecment of counsel, record of
the sensational testimony adduced nt the
Register's hearing, consisting of 1500 type
written pages, was presented for the
Court's consideration.
Attorney B. M. Snul. representing the
RpglstT. said he had about 60 witnesses
In support of the validity of the will.
The court granted permission to both
the supporters and contestants of the
will to supplement tho record with nny
additional testimony they hnd to offer.
Judge Lamorellp also gave permission to
counsel for the contestants to take tho
depositions of threo witnesses who are
now In foreign countries, one being In
Australia and the other two In England.
No testimony whatever was heard today.
The court nnd uttornpys confined them
selves to the task of getting the casa
In proper shape for the hearing, which
is to determine whether a Jury Is to pais
upon the will of the eccentric millionaire.
No "Made in Germany
Trade Marks on Articles td
Be Distributed Among
Europe's War Orphans.
Man Buns Mile nnd Half When
Pawnbroker Calls Police.
An exciting chose of more than a mile
and n half, through houses, over fences
nnd through alleys nnd streets In the
neighborhood of 13th and Tnsker streets,
ended when Samuel Jacobs was driven by
a small nrmy of pursuers Into a blind
nlley near Chadwlck street and Snyder
According to the pollco, Jacobs, who
snys ho lives at 82G Race street, entered
the pawnshop of Monroe Well, 13th and
Tnsker streets, and attempted to pawn a
set of surveyor's Instruments. He de
clined to tell Well where he obtained the
Instruments. The pawnbroker telephoned
for the police. Jacobs ran from the pawn
shop anil tho chase ensued. He wns hold
nt the 15th street and Snyder avenue po
lice station for a hearing.
School for Instructors Will Be
Opened Tomorrow Nig-ht.
A school for training vocational teachers
will be opened in the annex of the Phil
adelphia Trade School at 17th and Pino
streets tomorrow night. The Board of
Lducntlon plans to hold sessions In the
now school on Thursday and Friday
nights of each week.
No tuition will be charged for the
course, which Is open to men and women
teaching seventh nnd eighth grades. All
applications for admission must be mnde
by mail to John C. Frazcr, director of
vocational education In public schools,
whoso offices are In tho Stock Exchange
What would a little English, Frenoh,
Ruealan or Servian girl do If a doll came
to her by way of tho Christmas hlp,
Jason, which wns marked with the !n
formation, "Made In Germany"?
An official of'the Child Federation ad
vanced this question this morning and
threw tho whole pavilion 1A City Hall
courtyard Into a flutter. There was a
hasty rush for the counter on which tho
dollies are lined up nnd a careful ex
amination of them followed. But If any
one of them hal her origin In the Kalser'a
land, she Is not advertising the fact.
There were no tell-tale "Made in Dcutsch
lund" signs.
Toy contributions have fallen behind In
the race for first place, and stockings
and underwear ore running each other a
close second for that honor. Belgian ref
ugees still continue to draw the most
sympathy, although many French people
here, who have relatives In the war, have.
come to tno pavilion ana nave signweu
their Intention of sending enough con
tributions to make a good showing or
their little orphaned countrymen.
The placing of bowls for money con
tributions outside of the pavilion yester
day proved to be a great auocess. In
this way $17 was received, which, added
to the 194.o3 in checks, makes a total of
$313.39 up to date.
The Pennsylvania Railroad, In offerlnir
to carry all gifts free to the Jason, Issued
the following Instructions to its Freight
Department this morning:
"It has been decided that wo will carry
glftc free over our line, up to and Includ
ing November 30, 19H.
"It nppenrs thore are two distinct
agencies at work collecting gifts, as fol
lows: "1. Committees which are working In
conjunction with Belgian Consuls, gather
ing gifts for account of Belgian war
refugees and sufferers.
"Shipments from this source should bo
consigned from chnirman of the Belgian
Relief Committee In charge of the work,
to Mr. Pierre Mall, Belgian Consul, 25
Madison avenue. New York, and billed to
pier 28. Goods should be described as
clothing, personal effects, eta, nnd
marked as 'Gifts for Belgian Sufferers.'
"2. The Child Federation of Philadel
phia and Christmas Ship Society else
where are gathering Christmas gifts for
the orphans of European war.
"These goods, wo understand, will ba
consigned to some offlcer connected with
the Red Cross Society nnd are Intended
to be shipped on United States steamship
Jason, which nt this tlmo we nro Informed
will dock at Bush Terminal, New York.
We nre advised the Jason will sail on No
vember 10, but goods are needed at des
tination several days In advance. Ship
ments from this source should be shipped
In the nnme of an officer of the Child
Federation of Philadelphia or an officer
or agency of the Christmas Ship Society,
the organization or committee being;
shown after title of the officer and billed
to a designated officer of the Red Crons
Society, care of Untted States steamship
Jason Bush Terminal, and after descrip
tion of articles should be shown 'Christ
mas Gifts for the Orphans of European
War.' "
Large Mnjority Favors Plan to Taka
Out Policies.
With three districts to be heard from.
the vote cast by policemen throughout
the city who are members of the Police,
Beneficial Association on the proposition
to secure an insurance policy for J20OO in
reutrn for a monthly premium of J3.60
stood 2026 to SI3 in favor of the plan thlsi
Heretofore the members of the asso
ciation paid 0 cents at the death of
every member of tho force.
Watch Boy for Babies Symptoms
Physicians at the Mt. Sinai Hospital
are watching 12-year-old John Mlnlgolo.
nf 1301 South Sth street, today for mmp
toms of rabies. The boy wns bitten on
the left leg yesterdny afternoon by a
clog. Tho animal will be examined at
the University Hospital today.
Historical Society Meets
MADISON, Wis. Oct. S2.-Dr Worth
Ington C Ford, editor of the Massachu
setts Historical Society publications, was
the chief speaker at the meeting of the
Wisconsin lllstoilcal Society here today
"The Treaty of Ghent and After" was
the subject of his address
fsG!v ))i
vFWsl' '1'
Diamond, Ruby and
16 Size
Adjusted to
heat, cold iso
chronism and five
positions. The
finest movement in
the world.
Luncheon 50c
Chicken Pattle
with Mushrooms
Biscuits and Butter
Coffee, Tea Peach
or Milk ce Cream
1024-26 Chestnut St.
Standard Retail
Price of the
Movement is $40
How it r unfamiliar
ou my l. with
Watch ValutH. there
tan be no doubt In jour mind that 23-irn-lt l
aneiiard Wall bam U rular Mo wau-h
II Ihera Is. h akk you to iu anv go,i teri
er1! i and If what c I, oi o We
.... t-ia,j ui YJiraoruinai) uatih
p 11.75
Look Out for
"Acid -Mouth55
You can't be too careful
about "Acid-Mouth."
You may not have it now.
But here's the danger when
"Acid-Mouth" does come,
it works exceedingly quick.
Almost before you know it,
it penetrates the enamel of
your teeth. Then decay is
sure to follow. Better be safe.
Tooth Paste
is the safe protection. It
drives out "Acid-Mouth"
and thus removes the cause,
so scientists find, for nine
tenths of all tooth-decay.
New Edifice Risinjj In Oak Irfinej
A handsome new church Is In the cotirso
of construction at 10th nnd Rockland
streets for the consregatlon of the Dlahop
Nicholson Reformed Kplscopnl Church.
Tho structure Is to be of stone, of mod
ern architecture and will be so con
structed that it mn enslly be enlarged.
The edifice will cost J25.O10.
It's More
than their
Goodness knows, the
price-appeal has made, and
still makes, the welkin
rins! Here are the things
that really count
v .. k xf breath veet
-V J I like it. clem
"Pebeco hits
the 'bull's eye'
with inc. It
k e e n i my
cavities; my
-.. . . - -. . - ".- VM, t. Pl.t
viai lot oi inea taucuarl Walibama at a low
tk.. ... ... ' , "i - are prtetl wining-
tn our frienla n4 iutomra hal! tnjoj a
part cf our goo.1 forum 1 promts to r
turn jour monei nllhln 10 da It you e on
tin ,h' ",c,' "; eu,where tor ! iha.i
40 Mall crdr rlle for cur at b u.uo-
ref rcthing
mondji 1Kr
Don't wait until it is too
late to save your teeth.
Pebcco is sold everywhere.
Ten-day trial tube and acid
test papers sent free.
Manufactured by
XEHN Si FINK, New York
Cnd O
1 an-i J St. Helen Street Montreal
Cloth Quality
Few stores can get that
three fold combination.
This store does, because
everybody works for it
At Perry's
Any man's taste at the
price he wants to pay $12,
$15, $18, $20 for Fall Suit
or Overcoat
At Perry a
Perry & Co., n. b. t.
16tli& Chestnut Sts,
At Perry's fl

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