Newspaper Page Text
s '0 ES cd of i Is' th nl. A on icy In at. ita. len In led nd ld vi tIM ar his I a the lea to or ed 4 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', THURSDAY, OOTOBEJB 22, 1914. KAISER'S STRATEGY IGNORED BY STAFF, DANISH PRESS SAYS Emperor's Alleged Battle Plans Would Leave Gen erals Without Any Armies. Marne Retreat Near Disaster. PARIS, Oct. 22. The Danish press Is quoted ns authority for .1 report that there was n dlsagiee nient between the Kaiser and the Qer ' man hendquarteis staff after the battle 'of the Maine. The Kaiser's continual In Junctions that the offensive be taken In the battles In France raised discontent, uneasiness and objections anions the jtaff, and thr Kaiser's strategy neatly changed the Marne rcticat Into a catas trophe. The Knlser Insisted thnt the left wins, although strongly threatened on the flank, should continue to advance. A calamity was avoided by the non-execution of the Imperial command. It was nald In Berlin that the Kaiser on learning of the retreat of the Prus sian Kuard at Vltry-le-Francols said to Ms suite: "What, the ueneral von Hansen still living? A samurai would have acted folherwlse." t This ) ounk In the hcatts of the Gei nun generals. Stories are revived of the Imperial strategy ns shown In the grand maneu vers. In 1597 Count von Haesler said to a member of the Reichstag after the ma neuver. "The grand battles arranged by tho Emperor are magnificent only In their defects. They terminate like the legen dary combat of the two lions, only their tails remaining on the battlefield. "If tho Triple Alliance entered a cam paign under command of tho Kaiser, with the Germans and Austrlans flght Ing side by side and the Italians forming the rear guard, I fear that the Italians would most likely play the role of grave diggers If they escaped decimation by tho plasue. In my humble opinion the dead never enter Into his Majesty's calculations." JOFFRE LIKES BONBONS AND AFTER-LUNCH NAP American airl Adds He Has Beauti ful Hands and Knows It. PAHls. Oct. 22. General Joffre, of the French army, Is n. nephew of Mrs. Reld, tho mother of Miss Gladjs Held, of Baltimore, accord ing to n letter received here from Mrs. Nina Lnrrey Duryea, who Is In Dlnaid. Mrs. Duryea adds: "We have learned many homely details of a great man. Ho Is something of a dandy arid dotes on bonbons. Ho Is gal lant with women and adores his. wife. Ho alwujs takes a nap afttr lunch and sleeps with a hnndkeichlef over his face. He would rather brnrd the whole German nrmy slnglehandcd than see a child cry. He has hcnUtl.'ul hands nnd knows It. He usually li silent until after dinner. Then ho Is eloquent and delights to tell stories. "General Joffre believes that America hns the gieatest future as an empire that the world hns over known." FEARS FOR BRITISH SHIP Strathroy Believed Victim of a Ger m an Cruiser. NORFOLK, Va., Oct. 22. It Is believed mu Jnuperative nt Kin .'nlir fn llir.l llm llrlllah tnir1,li. ' lerBe ytratlirny has been sunk by a German I cruiser, nccordlng to Captain T. W. Da lls, of tho' steamship StrathCnrron, which nrrlved today from the Urazltlan port, j The Strnthroy sailed from Norfolk for ltln Janeiro on August I, and nothing has been heard since that time. She I HAGUE TRIBUNAL TO JUDGE ITALY'S MINE GRIEVANCE Inquiry Commission Defers Fixing Austria's Responsibility for Disasters TURIN, Oct. 22. What are understood to be tho main features of the negotiations thus far be tween Vienna and Rome as the result of tho Joint Inquiry held In Venice regard ing floating mines In the Adriatic are outlined In a message from Rome to tho fUampa. The Inquiry commission was appointed as the result of the Italian Government's vigorous protest some weeks ago after two fishing Vessels had been destroyed. Tho Austrian Government declares, the Ronui dispatch asserts, that It hns taken, and will take In future, all necessary measures to prevent a recurrence of such unfortunate Incidents, nnd with this ob ject In view Is strengthening moorings of fixed mines and replacing old mines which have become defective. Itntv agrees that the question of re sponslhltitv for the Incidents shall be re ferred to The lingua tribunal, which will give Us decision nt the closo of the war. This tribunal will decide whether there has been a violation of the convention pqulilng thnt floating mines shall be- iwo Hours after re BELGIANS BLOCK GERMAN PLAN TO INVADE ENGLAND Nn Indemnity Is to bo nald bv the Aus trian Government to those who suffered, Austtla offered Indemnity, hut It was re fused by Italy on the ground that to ac cept It would not comport with Italian dignity. Was built In IDW and wns a ve.sel of 22S7 tons. GERMAN WAR FUND GROWS RERUN, Oct. 22. Announcement wa3 made today that contributions to tho war loan now exceed $750,000,000. Mr. Berlet Invites Gridiron Wairlors An Invitation wao extended today by K. J. Uirl,,t, chairman of tho Philadelphia Armj-Navv Committee, to the members of both teams to be the gucsta of the Philadelphia committee nt Keith's on Friday evening, November 27. WAR OPERATIONS OF DAY SHOW ONRUSH OF ALLIES Assaults in Belgium Apparently a Surprise to Germans. Excellence of Railroads Near French Frontier Probably Not Realized by Germans. MOSLEM MILLIONS PRIMED FOR BATTLE AS KAISER'S ALLIES Turkey Virtually a German Colony, Says Constanti nople Dispatch, and Grand Vizier Follows Berlin's Biddi una. MILAN. Oct. 22. "To all Intents and purposes Turkey has become a German colony," a dispatch to tho Secolo reports. "The Orand Vizier blindly follows tho orders from Berljn and lus not the slightest notion what the mor row may bring forth for Turkey. "Up to the present. Turkey has nomi nally remained neutral, but she Is actively preparing, under Gernmn direction, to break neutrality whenever the word may come from Berlin. "Six hundred German ofllcers have ar rived In Turkey since the war began. They brought slego guns, field guns and ammunition with them. "A German colonel, Weber Pasha, has taken command of the Dardanelles forts and big German guns are being mounted In them. All the fortifications of the Bosporus have been oerhnuled, u large number of mines Inld down along tho coas.a i of Asia Jllnor, especially In and round Smyrna, which Is fortified, and io the north of Smyrna IntrcnchmenU "" wen uug io repel any possible at tack by laud. l'Jin18. C0-m,pe'1 ,hnt Turkey has from M0.OW to iCO.000 min ranrlf !, ..- b'rd'atTCW.0."n,an m"rS PUt tho num The foreign Ambassadors In Constanti nople have been notified by the Porte, a fJJJfV'u10 the Franlfurter Zeltung re- ;nf:!..thai ,wars'''P3 are forbidden to renter the onif nr k. rnu. ,',.: I this refnUit'i'" t.hat1th" Vo1' :tl' In M.V. pCct ls almed at tne Anglo-French 1 Mediterranean fleet. 10,000 GERMAN MARINES MARCH FROM ANTWERP Garrison Greatly Reduced, la News i Brought by Travelers. LONDON, Oct 22. i terdJm '" ,r0m AntwerP. say the Hot- r.Dor?wreSpoi!dent of news "ncy, "Port that on Tuesday night 10.000 Ger- "Ian marlnoa n.itt. .. . ". An-. 7 "" """-"we guns left Antwerp m a southerly direction. ntrt fi m? of carts bflnsr wounded .rt V?t town- Tne KUon of Ant- few Z,.een Sreat,y d"06'1 ani on" ,ew policemen are on duty there. ANATOLE FRANCE ENLISTS Author, 71 Years Old, Joins Army of France. ,J5 u ct- 22AnatoIe France, uthor who U In his 71st year, says In Srik."",?"""" of War has a- inform enll3t'!,ent- He wi" dn the "Wform of a private soldier In a few toTtnyrVt'0r'.,whol has bcf" trying hard outbreak n? ,Ue "sh,lntr ,lne slnce tho d'd f I iUe. war- ay3 he wo'l hava been ?.f.Cha,srin lf hu enlistment had M mEI"!"1' .He na3 Promised to write hli af..i lne ''rese,. out to devote n" ttention to fighting. Paris?! an"ou"ccl In dispatches from had ar!fU?y utnat Jl- Anatole France P -et, the aPPolntment from the Win i? ! War of dllor ot the Bui " dss Armees By J. W. T. MASON Ni;V YOUK, Oct. 22. The Allies are continuing to press tho German line slowly backward In Belgium, but there Is no eldcnce of fuither gain3 In Northern France. Lille, whli h Is the (.entrc of the Ger man advanred entrenchments, Is being dCMppiatcly held, to serve apparently as a pilot. North of Lille the Germans are giving ground. At one point on the Bel- glum border, Warnoton, the Allies nre only five miles to the west of tho .Lille perpendicular, while three miles farther north, at Menin, they havo swung a mile or two past tho Lille line. South of Lille, however, no gains haio been reported. The brief progress eabt "ward In tho French pivotal movement from Arras has been forced to a stand still by despcrato German resistance at La Bassee. Tho Immense Importance to tho Germans of saving their communica tions from a French eastward swing st Arras apparently has led to a larger con centration of General von Bochn's army south of Lille than to tho north. If tho Germuns can do so, they will hold Lille aa a pivot for themselves, Just as the French are using Arras, 25 miles to tho southwest, for that purpose. If the pressure of the Allies In Belgium becomes too strong for resistance along tho present line, the Germans probably will bend their northern line backward; that Is, to tho cast from Lille. South of Lille they will endeavor to hold their front in its presont perpendlculur. Thla strategy. If continued, will eventu ally lead to the Germans being pushed back along Northern Belgium to Antwerp. This battle front, by following n zUzag course, will afford the beat protection to their communications that the circum stances allow. Their line can bend north east from Lille to Antwerp without en dangering their main railway supply system. Hut, once tho Allies begin to make per sistent progress to the east south of Lllltj, and particularly from Arras, great danger will force the entire German hold on French territory. Liege, where tho chief German communications enter home territory, Is almost due east of Lille. The zone of safety for tho Germans, there fore, Is south of the Lllle-Llege parallel. For this reason the Germans must pie vent nt all costs an Allied advance In force below Lille. To tho piescut they have been, on the whole, successful In this effort. They must continue thlB strategy, even nt the expense of losing all Belgium from the boundary north of Llllo to Antweip or upyond. Kvtenslvo advances by the Allies north of Lille would not, under present circumstances, be decisive; south of Lille is the area that must be watched for developments of major stiatcgy. CZARINA ADMINISTERS TO NEEDS OF WOUNDED ?ETROGRAD. Oct 22. -The Czarina SU.,. r. d.auShiera are working as worn,,? ff Men-y among the Russian 2w. edU T1,e l'zar a,11 Czarewltch Ut!,?H a 'iumer of visits to tha th. Z hospitals and chatted with In ndea "o'dfeM. DLk.relPon3e t0 an aPPa 'rom Grand hav.h Kholaa' two "tobaccq days PO' nrf. ? v here About B0.C00 iti ! ',taprl we contributed for " tsi at fhi rout. By E. ASHMEAD BAIITLETT DL'.N'KIRK, Oct. 22. The progress of the Allies In Belgium has been most marked during the last few days. Every one Is talking victory, and I cannot find a soul coming from the fighting line who any longer fears the German offensive, either against the northern puts of France or further south. The consensus Is that Von Kluk's army will be beaten and that he Is now In full retreat. That Is to s.iy, he Is not hurrying, but Is concentrating all his efforts safely to withdraw the exhausted armies to the line of the Sauibre and the Mouse. The line of the Sambre has been strongly fortified. A general who Is not given to boasting told a friend of mine that he considered the position of the allied armies better than It has ever been, and that the Ue- moralizatlou of the Germans is grow ing greater day by day. He added: "We most certainly will be In Brussels under a month. I, noself, expect it to be a fortnight.' There has been a general advance all along the allied line. The army advanced from Roulers and drove back the Ger mans a considerable distance. Every where along this line the Germans are retiring, offering little resistance except with artillery. They are covering the retirement of their masses of half-demoralUed, half starved Infantry by well-bimalned ar tillery firo. and have uted heavy guns to great advantage. In fact, the only formidable branch of the German army at present seems to be the heavy and field artillery. A great many prisoners have been taken by the Allies during the last few days. Thoee capture 1 in Belgium declare, with out exception, they thought they were fighting in France and were only 30 kilo metres from Paris. This Is tho story they were told eiery day b officers to induce them to make greater efforts to retrieve the rapidly declining- fortunes of the grand army The French believe that directly It be- o ics generally known by the army that they are back on Belgian soil, a general reaction will set In and the troops be come even more demoralized than they nppcar to he at present. There Is no doubt the Allies now have pot the whip hand and should succeed In driving the Germans out of France nnd western Belgium within a few weeks. Ostcnd certainly will ho reoccuplcd within a few days. But for the d" laycd retirement of the Belgian army from Antwerp there wns no reason why It should ever have been abandoned. If It Is the enemy's eventual Intention to hold the line of tho Meuso nnd the Sambre, the conquest of Antwerp Is of hut the Kiunllest value to them. Between Antwerp and the Meusc is a sttttch of cpen country with no defensive posi tions Antwerp must, therefore, either be abandoned or Its garrison Isolated. Once tho Allies re-enter Brussels, un less the unexpected happens and the Ger mans nre able to bring great reinforce ments from the Russian frontlor, they must fall back In France nnd Belgium, owing to tho tremendous pressure against their right wing. By a FRENCH CRITIC PARIS. Oct. 22 Information received In Paris from the front Indicates that the activity at points other than In the north Is Increasing dally. The frequent rains, with their dis comfort to tho troops, have had a ten dency to force the fighting. The Germans would appear to havo selected 5 o'clock In the evening as the hour for their heaviest attack nt certain points where rapidity is not essential and where tho battle is In the nature of a siege. French newspapers today mention tho success of the allied artillery near La Bassee and St. Mlhlel. the extraordinary vigor with which the allied Infantry ap proach the trenches of the enemy and the pursuit of German cavalry by French aviators. From these conditions they de duce that the forces of the Allies are In excellent condition. The Allies apparently are fighting with tho greatest ardor and determination to take the Important city of Lille In splto of the extraordinary resistance of the enemy. Tho barbed wire obstructions " proven a serious obstacle to the Allies' advance and numerous means of surmounting them have been considered. ii is icMiizeu hero that It may be neces Miry to make sacrifices to this end, nnd It has been suggested that the men "fleeted for this task be armed, among other things, with bucklers such as were used successfully In attacking the notori ous automobile bandits of Paris In their refuge In the suburbs of the city. It also Is proposed that thoro be sent along with the regimental trains nppara tus which may bo used In tho destruction or the accessory defenses of the enemy, this equipment to be In the hands of men charged especially with its use It Is con sidered that measures of this kind should not be spurned In view of the fuct that the Germans are conducting their warfare In such a scientific manner. Lieutenant folenel Rousset. the military critic, declares this morning thnt the Ger limn oyait-m or fortifications is excellent and furnishes a protecting curtain for heavy artillery and the Insidious machine sun. "It S not Chlvnlrnnci na,,iM ,, u writes, but It Is practical. Our enemy hf, nV.'i alUr ,he ft"h'n of the lion, but like the fox. and we should make use of some of these Ideas." Stubborn Resistance Along Channel Coast Guards Base at Dunkirk, and Scheme Fails, Declare Ex perts. By ED. I. KEEN LONDON, qct. 23, If the Germans ever seriously planned an 'Invasion of Kugiand, and the chief military experts hero Insist they did, they have lost their chance. The generally credited reports hero were that Germany, In moving to take Dunkirk, Intended to start an In vading force from there nnd Ostcnd. 'Flrt It Is believed an aer!al inld was Intended to terrorize London. Then the German fleet wns to go out and give battle to the British war fleet while an Invading force was rushed a'cross the channel. Almost all of the military ex perts here nre convinced that this was the plan; and' all agree today that the Germans have missed their opportunity and ennnot again obtain It. Once again It has been the Belglnns Who Interfered with the plans of the Ger man General Staff. They refused to per mit themselves to bo cut off by tho Ger mans and developed such an effective offensive from Nlcuport to Dlxmude that the dash of the Germans toward Dunkirk failed. Supported by tho great guns of the British fleet the Belgians have rolled the German offensive back, and all re ports received hero Insist that the Ger- mnns are at last on the defensive. For tho last IS hours tho Allies have been on the offensive. Their enveloping movement Is gaining more and more strength nnd It Is Insisted nt the War Olllcc that within a very short tlmo tho enomy must withdraw to a new line. The British Flying Corps has reported that tho German engineers have been hard at work laying out a new line far behind that at present occupied. Tho exact location Is withheld, but It Is be lieved thnt the German General Staff Is nt last convinced that It cannot gain ground from the north and plans to withdraw Its main right wing Into Bel gium and devote Its energies to an of fensive which Is being developed on the Frendh centre and left In the neighbor hood of Verdun nnd the line of the Meuse forts. STORIES OF ADVENTURE FROM FIELDS OF BATTLE GERMAN LINES CALLED A SERIES OF ZIGZAGS Feeble, Wavering Strtnd, Io Descrip tion by French. PARIS. Oct. 22. A correspondent who la behind the Allies' lines In northern Trnnco sends this dispatch: "The situation is hourly getting better. The German line Is no longer a lino, but a fccblo series of zigzags. "Their channel army zigzags. from some vague" spot near the Dutch frontier to ward Bruges, then westward a little to ward Roulers. It bends hack again be hind Courtrnl, wavers Indefinitely be tween Roubalx and and straggles wildly over the country near Orchlcs. At Doual and west of Lille Ita contour Is Indefinable. "Only four days ago tho German line, speaking only of the new Gorman right wing, was drawn stinlght south from Ostend to Lille. But the line has been bent out of shape and Into a series ot veau curves and zigzags. "Thcro Is a rumor that Ostend has been taken, but the report lacks con firmation. I hear that tho Germans uic preparing to evacuate Bruges." The curious nre noting that In the last four centuries various great comets have been visible In the. Russian dominions only li times, and that each time such an ap pearance has coincided with great wars In which Russia tins been engaged. The only exceptions to the rule that a bright comet has been plainly visible every time Russia has been at war for four cen turies were the Turkish Campaign of 1S77 and the war with Japan, though In the latter case a faint comet becamo visible In January, loot. Delavant's comet, recently discovered, keeps the tradition and corresponds In stmo respects very nearly to the comet of 1S12, tho year of Hussln's great na tional war against the "Twelve Tribes ot Kurope," tinder Napoleon. The present comet will remain visible for about the same period of tho year as the comet of 1312. "When the 1th Middlesex regiment was slu prised by Germans while at dinner with their arms stacked," n correspon dent with tho English army relntes. "the British soldiers, nimble to reach their weapons, rushed upon the foe anil at tacked them with thcl" bare lists. The Gordons nrrlved In time to aid thorn and bt-at off tho Germans." Near the forest of Argonne, where the German Grown Prince Is said to have had his headquarters, Is tho town of Mcne hould, where poor Louis XVI nnd his family were recognizee at the posting station while disguised in nn attempt to fl from Finncc They aero cent back to Paris, where he w.i beheaded In Janu ary, 1703. and his Queen In the following ucioucr. A troop of 28 Prussian soldiers, Ignor ant of the progress of the German ad vance line, nsked a peasant near Paris If the Germans had taken the cltv. "Yes," nald the peasant, "I will 3how you tho road." The peasant led the troopers Into the French lines. An Knglish newspaper prints the fol lowing: Alicady there nre complaints from sensl- 2 tlvc Scotsmen that our glorious victories arc being credited to England nnd that Engtond does not Include Scotland. In rali-Mitus Hiev demand "Britain and "British." The difficulty Is that most J of the pnetry and the uplifting hltorlcnl ,...,. 1. a, ...... ft.. ft!.;. ...rtfr! ,4TJ".tlff I Inr.d" nnd not to the word "Britnin. Inamglne Henley's "England, my Eng land," transformed to "Biltaln, my Britain"! A good Scotsman like the late William Black pointed out In "The New Prince Fortunatus" that some of tho finest poems about England had been written by Scots men. Tho most conspicuous example Is "Ye .Mariners of England," liy tho .cot UMi poet. Thomas Campbell. It did not ociur to him to write "Ve Mariners of Biltaln." Thlr. surely, Is the most Rtlr ring patriotic nong In our language, un less It Is to take second place to "Rule, Britannia." nnd thnt was written by n Sfotfmati, too! At Folssons, n In many other places In France, nnlv the aged men nnd the women and children nrr left. These spend their da and night" In cellars, coming out during lulls In tho lighting. They eat an rloep under ground, hut In periods of comparative calm children nre lerti plnylng In the streets, up-rror'-otlng little of what It Is nil about. They wonder for a brief minuto why the housei have reeled Into the streets; then their wonderment Is lost In the Jov of climbing over the ruins, while mothers shout out warning to be careful lest they go too near the tottering walls. A cirrespondent who hns visited a. num ber of towns In the Fmnch war zone writes: "I usunlly mnnnged to make friends with the people, though their nerves wnre r-ldcntly tense, whereupon they would ask me for "news from the front.' " 'Hid ou bring a Paris paper with vr-u?' they would demand with pitiful eagerness 'How Is the war going?" "It struck mo ns the oddest thing I had encountered these people between the nctunl fighting armies clnmorlng for news from the front. I later discovered flint army officers, men of high rank, too. were us Ignorant ns were these people of the real nows of the fighting, nnd Just as eager for Paris papers publishing the official communiques." SELF-STYLED SPY TELLS OF SCHEME TO CRUSH ENGLAND 'Dr. Graves" Informs New Yorkers on Secret Intentions of Kaiser Against Foo Across the Channel. NHW YORK, Oct. 22,-Supposed. Inner secrets of .the German Government r gardlng Its preparations for the war and Its planw for tho Immcdlato future were revealed In tho most matter of fact way by Dr. Armganrd Karl Graves, nt last night's dinner of the Booksellers' League. He Id a self-styled German spy, and ad mils that lie has gathered valuable In formation for his Government, but h declined to reveal his name or bis nation nllly. However, he declares he knows wbnt the Germans are going to do to England. Doctor Graves asserted that Germany,, between November 1 nnd 5, would at tack England with a fleet of wnrshlps, t.lrshlps and submarines. The German air fleet when It is over London will give the British Government the choice of withdrawing from tho war or taking? tho confluences. Ii added. If th Britons do rot surrender nt once the Germans will have to do something; -, which Doctor Graves nssuics they are; ' rry leluctant to do. He left It to b '' arsumed that when the Germans had, finished thcie would bo no more London. Doctor Graves said the German ships Interned In New Tork. Philadelphia and. Boston would make a. dash for sea In the. most unexpected manner. Ho declared thnt the Government) bought IS ships and " loaded them with 10,000,000 bushels ot , grnln Just before tho war started, and " that these vessels were In American porta waiting for word to leave for German waters. $13 Reversible Shirvan Rugs, $8.98 GERMAN REPORTS SINKING ELEVEN OF FOES' SHIPS Norwegian Captnin Hears About Cruiser's Deadly Raids, LAS PAL."r.S, Canary Islands, Oct. 2?. When the Norwegian ship Reghelnge nrrlved In port today the master reported that his vessel had been stopped by a German cruiser, the captnin of which told him ho hnd Mink 11 British and French merchantmen and one Italian ship which was carrying food to England. Orlentnl nnd bedroom de signs. Limited lot. Size 0x12 feet. rOL'UTH n.ocm " -' out ma nnSTVtuvNT- .vroitn opkns a. m. and closes at r,.no p. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE M. Market Eighth Filbert Seventh -nnsT or eveihtiu'vo at i.owcst phices fifth ri.ooit It Is the hlch nualltv of the premium' thnt makes YELLOW TRADING STAMPS so ery derlr.ible. Thou sands nf enthusiastic col lectors will frlfy this. Double Stamps In tha llorningt Winter Clothing Tomorrow Will Be a Good Day for Men to Buy firee Great Sfleciallv Priced Lots Offer Savinas of From Five to Seven Dollars on Balmacaan & SemiFitting Overcoats : E"slsJleCosX" $20 Suits & Overcoats By an ARMY EXPERT The Importance of the British fleet In resisting the German advance on Dun kirk is becoming more apparent. Pro tected by submarines and destroyers, these warships have been ablo to shell German positions several miles Inland Monitors probably are being used, as mo vesseu oraw ees than It feet of water and their heavy guns have a range of five miles. German forces In Belgium have been unable to resist the Allies' advance, A wedge has been driven Into their llnss the apex now being at noulers, about K miles northeast of Tpres. .,'iVeiJ.n,Va,erl1,ave not 'et concentrated sumcleiit number of troops to check the Allies' advance. This offenslva move ap. partntly took the Germans by surprise The probably did not realize how the cxceheiit railroads and highways behind the Allies' line facilitated troop move- The hitch In the German military ma chinery, which prevented a proper Junc tion of the troops of General von Kluk and the army that marched southwest imiii niwerp. and therefore interrupted the (jerman offensive scheme for a sweep: Ing adiaiic-e along the coast, is probably due to the fact that the railway system under their control had not ben in proper operation "i Before the commencement of hostilities this s stem was as perfect as that be hind the Allies' front in northern France and southwestern Flanders, put much of It was wrcked lq the retreat of the traueo-British forces before the over Jhelmins advance or the Uermanj eariv la the campa'jrn. EX-WAR CHIEF NEAR DEATH Colonel Seely's Auto Struck by Shots at Battle Front, LONDON. Oct. 22.-Letters received from the front tell of a narrow escape from death of Colonel John Kdwln Ber nard Seely. former War Minister, who is now at the front with the British Gen oral Staff. An automobile In which he was proceeding to a point on the battle front was shelled by the Germans, who had got the range by an aviator. One of the wheels was smashed by shrapnel, but Colonel Seely was uninjured. BELGIAN FUND INCREASING Funds for tho relief of the Belgian non combatants continued to be brought to the oiuees of Charles T Harrison, Jr.. & Co., tieasurers who are accepting money to be sent to the starving Belgians. Ac cotding to an announcement made yes. terday the fund now exceeds J16.000. 11,600 MORE GERMANS LOST BKBLI.V, Oct. 2?.-A German casualty list Issued today adds the names of 11 5n killed, wounded and missing to the 'al ready big total. pSultsT$?(S lOvercoats 1 This is clothinp; of inimitable qual-J ity and style at tho pricp. It is 5 1 perfectly tailored will hold the ?"set" nnd includes up to very large S sizes. S cii ' The "Frankel Fifteen" and several , other leading dependable makes. 1 Over a hundred different patterns and weaves in smart absolutely ill-wool fabrics. $25 Suits and Overcoats, $18 Fine hand-tailored garments that fully measure up to the best twentv-five dollar suits regularh sold nnmhero It Is clothing that will appeal to men of dis criminating tastes nnd those who want the best that the money can buy. All these garments ar silk t,o u ami man of the overcoats silk lined. WE CAN OUTFIT BOYS IN THE SMARTEST STYLES AND REASONABLY 4.50 Suits, Balmacaans i $7.50 Suits, Balma- $ and Overcoats $Q QQ'caans & Overcoats at Only J'kJ Suits ln navy sclRe. fancy cheviots, oaasl- SnitS are Norfolk. Knickerbocker I ,,,,. ,, J"8 nn,'1 worsteds, also light and ?u,li anil sailor stles. In fancy I 'V1 ,')rou" corduroy, arlouslv including mixtures. " i Norfolk, Knickerbocker, double-breasted. Ten Coats ar, "' assortment of I " '" .'" i.isnions "- fine woolens. Sizes TOD Coats nr ir chinchillas and L'i to 17 years. "H -"" tures. Sizes IM, to ls yea S?i:COND FLOOR. SKVENTII AND MAttKET; Extraordinary Millinery Special Trimmed flats, $7 OS SI 2 Value 1"7U Beautiful and dressy for midwinter wear. i3 0k b. A I via o 7 J' 0 ..-."1 ; I One nf MI Hh k the f (S$ 83 Itnl- Kg ffl at BBS U'23 " $io Jg ii : ?r- w b nday Ba SI BRITISH VESSELS VICTIMS OF EMDEN The list of British merchant vessels sunk or captured by the German cruistr Kmden. as announced, Is now as follows: Stcumshtp Indus, 2110 tons. Steamship Ixivat. S376 tons. Steamship Diplomat, IS73 tons. Steamship Trabboch, 3639 tons. Steamship Kablnga. 2825 tons. Steamship Craftsman. 1030 tons (un official) Steamship Clan Matheson, 3053 tons (unoinclal) Two other steamships (?) (unofficial) ateamshlp Tumeric (?) bteamshlp Klngr Lud. 2311 tons. Steamship Rlbera, 2HI tons. Steamship Foyle. 2&90 tons. Collier Uursk ir.ew). 3211 tons. Steamship t'hilkana, tS2l tons. Steamship Trollus. ISdi tons. Steamship Benmohr. 3110 tons. Steamship Clan Grant. 38 IS tons bteamshlp Exford. &0t tons. Dredger I'onrabble. British commerce In the Indian Ocean Is paralyzed as a result of the raids made b the German cruiser L'mden Officials of all ports were warned today that ships hou!d re main In port. The looses to British shipping caused by the Emden U esti mated at JlMMO.000 in vessels alone Thev are fresh from the needles of our own skilled milliners Chm , medtuin-slze shapes iiiuiiu irom Handsome Qual ity Black Luons Srik, Velvet Trim med with one Id- inch and one u inch Rich Ostrich Plume and neatly finished with sros - grain ribbon band and bow. I.Ike Skru-h. A Very Good Value at $12, but Extraordinary at Only $7.98 MILLINERY SALON, THIRD FLOOR li F Fall Shoes We combine Mibatnutlal iunllt vrith mart urn tlm. Women's $3, Cn j $3.50 & $4 Shoes &.OU 4 Boston maker's surplus stock. Come In p.iltiit coltskin, i;un-niutal calf and Klazed kldskin, also he,i tan storm &hoes in lot Lace, button and Hlui'hei out, hijih mili tary nnd recular heels, hand-welted soles. Sizes 2 to S 50c Night Gowns . . . 38c , - -. - VuVi i"r i 'hildren'n striped 11. iii nelctle; dou ble v o 1; e s : o o 1 1 a r I r is Sizes 4 to 11 ears Unp like xkrtcli. 30c Drawer Waists, 19c Children's cam bric, doubto row ,f buttons a n d garter attach mints. 2 tu It veara One like rut. SECOND FLOOR r grains 59c $1 Pure Silk Mess alines. ti'me in white, pink. Krii, Copen- lmgi-ii, ni.'ilioc.'in , purple, tan and v.inous othrr colors j: inches wide. FIRST FLOOR, .SOUTH (50c Tabourettes, 13c of mission And oak finish, stands 19 Inches hlKh. with 11 -Inch top, rein forced IrKb wit) cross spindles and screws. THIRD FLOOR 1.98 $3.50 Velvet Jumper Waists .Vat'i Blue, Brown and Black. Litest fashion and v. urn c,er a linKarle Se Tht't nrA lr,i,n,l with silk biald. finish, d with Jet Lilrrttmre collar The er ih.irmlucl or bilk blouse buttons, satin ami rovers MAIN ARCADK .50 Men's $3.50 & $o CC $4 Fall Shoes -OD They are the newest shapes in pat ent coltskin. Kun-metal calf and tan Russia calf in all sizes to 10 In lot, but not In each style Big Girls 52.50 and $ ;r S3 Shoes JL.OO Samples and surplus stock of a. i,r,n nent Philadelphia manufacturer' bu i?R2? &r"&. wrtted nd ...v..v , ... oi.ies. sizes stt tu tt. FIRST FLOOR. NORTH $2.50 to $5.00 $ Corsets -Vo Matt or Phone Orrfrrj Ponular mnkfs in ill nt- n.,- j,,. models In whit nink- un.i ki.. .. til, batiste and brocade MAIN ARCADn Women's 25c Stockinsrs. 15 Medlum-y, eight cotton in black, with Maco-snlit soles ,,ii..j ..." , heels, carter hm in,.. sjii,.h. , perfections. ' URST FLOOR. SOl'TH Women's 75c to A C $1 Union Suits.. 7C 10ctos1.50 20c to $3 Lace Remnants, each J'le.yf nee of all odd lengths Includ '" ,fiarrim and wide edges, in "VAwBP3"'! Ur'VJ?taJ "u--lnB and alP" .. Lengths foi all purposes. SOl'TH ARCADK Mne cotton rihl,u,l weights and shaiies All sizes in lot FIRST FLOOR, .sol Til all desired Limited li,t 19c 50c Silk & Cotton Ratines, yard i thick bul ratlm in r,, i these are fully one-half silk It is the entire reseiv, ihlli? "c,.Uil selling pri, . i the colorings. Viu.tinV ABIT, Brgu UM,,, cv ,, ,,,,, MAIN ARCADE . I4T unoTuens Bath Room Fixtures 75c to $1.35 Cf Values, each. . UC Solid brass. htail nickel-plaUd. all pieces with nickel screws !.: Opal t.lo.n Shelf, wti, brackets l tlpul While- Mm, TotTel Hack llur. 21-imh ntckrl end posts K3t Opul Willi,, tilui Towel Ha ls huh, nit Wei end posts. 'Ac Soup DUbrt. .S5c I timhliiullon Tumbler and Soap llolilrr. SI.'-'S I'nprr llolilrr. with ebonized roll T.le 'I'll re- nn Towel liars. 73i llurdnuoil nud White linim. Hed lutii tui, srat, rubber tipped S5c ,,",h JUTf.'"' 'ion'1 rubber. THIRD FLOOR Z.HXIU OH I'lIONU OHDEns FlLLtfU $1.00 to $1.25 Inlaid Linoleum.i ni Square Yard... '.C size. -FOLATe.f!t?'J: LIT BROTUKRS as J fj utm i.iji