JCOTHRR week of many nnd varied doings
.for the dobutnnto will begin on Monday with
the ten which Air. and Mrs. Kills Ames Ballard
tilll B've for their daughter, Miss Mary Ballard,
at their home In Chestnut Hill; and on that
name day Mrs. J. Hnrrlson Smith will give n,
debutante luncheon at the Bellevuc-Stratford
for Ml' Margaret Berwlnd, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Augustus Berwlnd,
Tuesday there will bo two large teas Mr, and
lire. Henry Chapman Thompson, of Merlon,
,vll present their daughter, Miss Alice Chap
man Thompson, and further up the road nt
Haverford, jir tttl() jtrs. Herman P. Obcrtcuf
fcr will give a tea for their daughter, Miss
Dorothea Obertouffer. There will be a luncheon
that day also for dobutantes which will bo glvon
by Mrs. Fisher Boyd nt her homo In Haver
ford, and that evening Mrs. Percy Simpson will
give a dance nt the Merlon Golf Club for Mils
Alice Thompson and Miss Jean Nowbold
The next day Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clayton will
Introduce their daughter, Miss Mary E. Clay
ton, at ft tea In Haverford, nnd at Jenklntown
Doctor and Mrs. Henry Mlddleton Fisher will
present their daughter, Miss Mary Frances
Fisher. In tho evening Mr. and Mrs. Barclay
H. Warburton will glvo a dance nt their place
Itosemnry for their daughter and nloce, Mlsa
Mary Brown Warburton and Mies Marie Louise
Wnnamalter; and on that samo night Andrew
Gray will glvo his annual Rabbit party, this
j car In honor of Miss Susan B, Ingcrsoll, Miss
Katherlno Ashhurst Bowie and Miss Helen
Thursday Mr. and Airs. J. B. Browdor wilt
give a tea for their daughter, Mies Hubcrta
Potter, which will bo followed by a dinner
and Informal dancing at tho Philadelphia
Cricket Club. A second dinner dance will be
given Hint evening- by Mrs. Henry Edward
Drayton at tho Cedars, Penllyn, In honor of her
nloco, Miss Anna Massey Hcckschcr.
On Friday, two Uormantown buds will make
their bows to tho world of socloty, Miss Kleanor
Edmonds at a tea which will bo given by her
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Edmondci, nnd Miss
Josephine Banes Closson will bo given a il.ince
nt tho Germantown Cricket Club by her par
ents., Br. and Mrs. Jamos Harwood Closon.
In tho evening Mr. nnd Mrs. George W.
Chikla Drexol will glvo a largo dinner dance
at their beautiful country place, Wootton, in
Uryn Mawr, In honor of Miss Cordelia Blddlc,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drcxel
Saturday will bo Halloween and on this aus
picious day Dr. nnd Mrs. L. Foster Jack will
lntroduco their daughter. Miss Mildred Marston
Jack, at a tea, which wll bo followed by a din
ner nnd dnnco at tho Merlon Cricket Club. An
other debutanto Halloween affair will bo tho
country supper which Judge and Mrs. J. Willis
Martin will glvo at their home Edgecombe In
Chestnut Hill In honor of Miss Margaret Handy
Miss Sarah Beechcr Finck, tho daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Bcccher Flnck. of 1120
Cilrnrd street, will be presented to society nt
two teas, to bo given In her home on the after
noons of November 19 and 10.
Over one thousand invitations havo been sent
out, nnd guests from several States will be
The receiving party will Include several cou
sins of tho debutante: Miss LHah Wells, of
Baltimore; Miss Pattle Tlnsley Miller nnd Miss
Sallle Rutherford Miller, of Huntingdon, West
Va.; Miss Thelma Butt, of Davis, West Vn.;
Miss Luetic Englo and Miss Ethel Engle Wil
liams, of Piedmont, West Va,; Miss Truth
Madeline Blnnf, of Pittsburgh, and Miss Elean
or McFndden, of this city. In addition to
these. Dr. and Mrs. Finck and their daughter
will be assisted in receiving by Miss Margaret
Htgglns, Miss Rosalie McMlchen, Miss Marls
Cnmblos, Mss Margaret Cooper, Mlsa Margaret
Ann May, Miss Deronda Filbert, Miss Florenco
Rambo, Mlsa Florenco Walsh and Miss Esther
Daly. .
Mrs. William Robert Bawter, of Richmond,
Va , and Mrs, Frank Cooper, of Somerset, Pa.,
v III preside at tho tea tables tho first nfter
noon, nnd Mrs. Richard P. White and Mrs. J.
Craig Miller, of Huntingdon, West Va., on tho
afternoon of tho second reception.
Miss Flnck, who haa been making a specialty
of the study of languages, had Intended spend
ing the winter in Rome to complete her course,
but the war troubles caused her to change her
plans, and to decldo to make her debut Instead.
There will be four dances at the Philadelphia
Cricket Club, St. Martins, during the month of
No ember. The first will be held on Saturday,
November 7, and the other three dances will
take place Frldny, November 1!; Saturday,
November 21, and Friday, November 27.
Tho Sedgeley Club luncheons, which nave
been extremely popular each spring nnd fall,
lll be held as usunl on Thursdays In November
with the exception of Thanksgiving Day.
Lumheun will be served at 1:30. Among the
hostesses this fall will be Mrs. William Ellis
Btull. who has lately returned from the Vir
ginia Springs to her home, I.clghton Place,
Overbrook. Mrs. Scull's daughter. Miss Margot
E fcull, will be nmong the year's debutantes.
The first meeting of Mrs. Edward Troth's
dancing class will be held on Friday night,
December 4, at the aermnntown Cricket Club,
Manhelm. Other dates for tho class meetings
during the season will bo December 11 and 18,
January J, 15, 22 and 29, Februnry 5, March 5,
April 9, 16. 23 and 30, and May 7 and 14.
Miss Josephine Streatfelld, of London, has re
turned from England, where she spent the sum
mer, and has taken a. studio at 2032 Chestnut
street. Miss Streatfelld Is a cousin of Colonel
Henry Streatfelld. who, until the outbreak of
tho war. was military attache to Dowager
Queen Alexandra. He Is reputed to bo one of
the bravest as well as one of the handsomest
wen In the English ormy. Miss Streatfelld
was engaged in painting a portrait of her dls
tlnguished cousin when he was called to tho
Mrs. Francis James Boar, of 2106 Chestnut
Irett, nnd Mr. and Mrs. James Hurrell Dawea,
of 33W Arch street, have returned from Hagers.
town, Maryland, where they attended the Fair
afterwards motoring down the valley of Vir
OVERBROOK-MIss Ellrabelh Smucker. daugh
of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Smucker. will spend
nxt week-end In Cambridge. Mass, where she
w"l attend the Harvard-Michigan football
A bridge party will be given -t Overbrook
&&&p' xj KBfB$&3s5 Wff f jRvwRjIBwiShtT'SiBBMEiHikHllHfefllBK i1 Ai5&l jjt 8!W JBBMKaiffjSfr-jCjIiflflitfalWBcBlWBffriL lVKu43R9w9SkHUlHKBf vtv. '&jtE3Pi$?$'KK
- '
Country Club Monday, November 2, at 2 o'clock
for tho boneflt of tho American Hospital, Paris.
Miss Helena Smith, of 6122 Wynncfleld avenue,
has tho affair In charge.
HAVEHFOIID-Mrs. Edward R. Hancklo nnd
her daughter, Mrs. Frank J. Tolnn, have re
turned to their home, nfter a visit with Mrs.
Cart Brownell, of Worcester, Mass.
William Fletcher Is with friends on a gun
ning trip in tho Malno woods.
iT.DAVID'S-Mr. nnd Mrs. Goorgo A. Shoe
maker ore on a gunning trip at Glen Eyre.
Mrs. Mabel C. Whltlock haa issued Invitations
for a bridge luncheon to be given on October
29 nt her country plnce, "The Boulders."
WAYNE Invllntlons havo been received from
Mrs. William Henry Roberts and Misi nobertB
for a "tea" to bo given on Friday, October 30,
In honor of Mrs. Robert Berry Ennls, of Evans
ton, III., nt their homo on Windermere avonue.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J. Button are receiving con
gratulations on the birth of a son.
A luncheon wna given yesterday by tho
Woman's Suffrage party of Wayne, at the Sat
urday Clubhouse on Wayne avenuo. Speeches
were made by Mrs. Frank Rocsslng, president
of the State Federation of Woman's Suffrage,
and by Mm. Rudolph Blankcnburg.
STnAFFOItn Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Kcmble Tar
row, who have been visiting friends in War
renton, Vn., hnvo returned to their home.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Emott Hare and Miss Kath
arine Hnre will move Into their town house
lato this month.
Miss Elizabeth Claxton, daughter of Mrs.
William Rehn Claxton, of Chestnut Hill, will
spend Thanksgiving In Boston ns the guest of
Mrs. John Humphreys Storcr. Miss Clnxton's
engagement to John Humphreys Storer, Jr.,
was recently announced.
Mrs. Frank L. Patterson, of 7101 Chew street,
will glvo a tea Monday, November 9, In honor
of her nUce, Miss Athnlla Hirst. Miss Hirst
has recently returned from Europe, and tho
tea Is given to Introduce her Informally to her
mother's friends.
Mr. and Mrs. William Flndlay Brow n, of Sum
mit avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Potter,
of Evergreen and Prospect avenues, will en
tertain at dinner tonight at tho Phlladelpr a
Cricket Club beforo the dance. Their gues
will bo Mr. and Mrs. William B. Sheppard ana
Dr. nnd Mrs. Charles H. Wlllltts.
Miss Rosalie Oliver will also entertain tonight
befori tho dance. Tho guests will be Mr. and
Mrs. Frank L, Patterson, Mr, and Mrs. James
Pcqulgnot, Miss Dorothy Burgess, Mlsa Altco
Schoettlo, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ball. Miss
Mary Dove, of Washington; Maic Schoettlo,
George Fetterman, Daniel Davis and Dr. J.
Snyder, of New York.
Others who havo reserved tables are E. M.
Davis, who will entertain H guests, and Mrs.
Vanderbeck, whoso guests will number 12. A
party of young people will Include Miss Frances
Oinerly, Miss Gertrude Gummey, Miss Con
stance Gummey, Robert Cope, Wlllard Jones
nnd Ramsey Van Roden.
Miss Van Pelt entertained informally at lunch
eon yesterday at the club.
Sirs. Robert Bright, of 7023 Germantown ave
nue, will entertain a few friends, Informally,
nt tea Wednesday afternoon, October 28, in
honor of Miss Julia Thorpe, who has recently
returned from Europe. Mrs. Bright Is giving
this small affair in order that Miss Thorpe's
friends In this city may have an opportunity
of seeing her before she returns to her home In
Madison, Wis.
Tho graduating class of tho Chestnut Hill
Hospital will hold Its exercises on Tuesday,
October 27, at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. A
buffet supper will bo wrved, and will bo fol
lowed by dancing. Among the ladles who have
tho affair In charge are Mrs. John Story Jenks
and Mrs. Henry S. Paul.
Tho Bogey Club, consisting of Samuel B,
Bowen, Robert McDonald, E. B. Jackson, Frank
Cramp, William Caverly and S. D. Page, gavo
a breakfast this morning', followed by a golf
tournament, at the Philadelphia Cricket Club.
The breakfast took place at the early hour
of 8 o'clock, so that tho entire morning could
be spent on the links.
Mr. and Mrs. George Paine will glvo a din
ner party at tho Bellevue-Stratford tonight
before the theatre party which they will give
In honor of Miss Mary McElroy Humphreys
ond Harold George Paine, whose marriage will
tako place Wednesday, October 23. Tho guests
will bo the members of the bridal party, and
v. Ill Include Miss Madeline Paine, MIm Gladys
Paine, Mlsa Agnes Levis, Miss Anne Stltes,
Miss Emily Moffly, Carl Weger, Mitchell Rile,
Herbert Sldcbotton and Jasper Nlcolls.
Invitations will soon bo tesued for the annua1
luncheon of the Stevens School Alumnae Asso
ciation, to be held at Manhelm, Friday, No-
Photo hj J. St. Mllelull
Photo hT Eug. 0'Coonor
vember 13, at 1 o'clock. An attractive program
Is being arranged. Tho officers aro Miss Mir
iam Partridge, president; Miss Margaret Law,
vlco president, Miss Sydney Lear, second vlco
president; Miss Evelyn Harrington, secretary;
Ml tut Helen Gormley, treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bntoman, of 150 West
Sthool Houso lane, gavo n dinner Wednesday
night, at Manhelm, before tho dance. Their
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Patterson,
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hard Tardley, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Joseph Lucns, Mr. and Mrs. Talbot Rich
ardson, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kennedy, Sam
uel Croft. Mrs. Harrison Taylor. The tablo
was artistically arranged with pink dahlias and
greens, togethor with pink shaded candles.
Albert Barnes, of 42 West School Houso lane,
will glvo a tea Saturday, October 24, In honor
of Doctor and Mrs. Fitch, of Shanghai, China.
Among Ilia Invited guests nro the members of
tho Philadelphia Women's Board of Foreign
Missions, also the members of tho Presby
terian Boaid of the Philadelphia Presbytery
Invitations have been received from Charles T.
Quln. of 261 West Wnlnut lano, for the marriage
of his daughter, Mlsa Margaretta Madeleine
Quln, to James Evltts Colbourno, of Philadel
phia, on Wednesday, November 4, at B o'clock,
at St. Vincent's Church. Germantown. Cards
nro Inclosed for n reception at 6 o'clock at tho
home of tho bride.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lloyd, of 233 Harvey
street, are spending' tho week-end In Werncrs
vlllo. Pa.
Mm. Charles Funk, of the Wood-Norton
apartments, will entertain a few friends at a
small musical tea Wednesday, October 28, In
honor of tho MIsees Funk. Miss Lctltla Rad
cllffo will give several musical selections.
Mra. Emily Price, of 412 West Manhelm street,
will entertain a few friends informally at tea
A musicnlo was given lost week at the home
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnrl Meyer. 906 West Somerset
ctreel. There were about 30 guoets present.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Henry H. Doan and their nunt.
Miss Leila Bear, are occupying their new home,
103 West Carpenter street.
Miss Helen Gormley, of 727 Lincoln Drive,
entortalncd a party of joung people at Man
helm on Wednesday In honor of her two
guests, Mies Elizabeth Mitchell, of Washing
ton, and Mrs. Fred Harvey. Miss Edith At
kins, Wesley Greenwood, Herbert Ewlng,
Horace Urecnwood and Daniel Hogan at
tended tho dinner.
Mrs. John Gilbbel and Miss Idella Grlbbel
havo returned to St. Austel's Hall, their homo
In Wyncotc, after a three weeks' motor trip
through tho Berkshire Hills.
Mrs. Theodora Voorhees, of Colony House, El
klns Park, will entertain at luncheon on Tues
day In honor of Mrs. GUI.
Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Edward Ingersoll, of
Penllyn. will move into town shortly, and will
spend tho winter at their homo. 1315 Walnut
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brlnton Coxe will move
Into their town house, 109 South 21st street,
early In November.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Norrls. of Gypsy Hill,
Penllyn, will close their houso tho early part of
November nnd open thoir houso at 23 1 South
?2J street for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Newman, of Oak Lane,
have returned from a motor trip through New
York State.
Mrs. Charles Carter, of Melrose Park, wfll
spend tho week-end in Atlantic City as tho
guest of her mother, Mrs. James Schultr.
John Grlffln, Joseph Chandler and Charles
Tett, of Logan and Oak Lane, have returned
from a fishing trip In Malno.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward V. Gallagher, Sr., will
entertain on Saturday evening, October 31, In
honor of Miss Anita Hlbberd, of Ardmore.
The guests will include: Miss Margaret
Price, Miss Helen Jennls, Miss Clara Pfaff,
Miss Margaret Pfaff, Miss Mildred Hlbberd,
Jnmes Duffy, Francis Neerlng, Ralph Sharp,
of Norrlstown. and Edward V. Gallagher, Jr.
Mrs. McGee, wife of Paymaster B. V. McGee,
IJ. S. N.. nnd her two small children will leave
today for Mcadowbrook, where they will be the
guents of Mrs. Frank Smith.
Mrs. Lee Pryor. of 2326 South Garnet street,
spent tho week-end with her husband, Lieu
Unant Pryor, V. 8. N . at Old Point Comfort.
The celebration of the second anniversary
of the dedication of Mount Hermon Church, m
the Glrard estate, of which Dr. F. C. Thomas
lx pastor, will take placo tomorrow. A feature
of the celebration will bo the children's choir
of 60 voices, which will bo heard In conjunction
with the senior choir of 40 voices. Tho musical
program Is la charge of Jacob M. White, choir
master. Th soloists will bo MU ilrth
Towora and Miss Anna Frederick. Dr. Frank
McDantels, head mnstor of the Pennington
School for Boys, will be tho speaker In tho
Mrs. James O'Donncll will entertain the mem
bers of her euchre party this evening nt her
home, 2328 Reed street. Cards will be followed
by a small supper. Among the guests will be
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Martin, Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Scanlon, Mr. and Mrs. John Curly, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Hnclc, Mr. nnd Mrn. Thomas
Sherman and Mr. nnd Mrti John Lundy.
Miss Cella Cravls, of 1817 North 32d street,
gave a luncheon and shower Wednesday after
noon in honor of Miss Lillian Sacks, of Rox
borough, whose marriage to Samuel Haber will
take place early In November. Fall flowers,
ferns nnd autumn leaves were combined in
the very attractive decorations. Miss Cravls
was assisted by her thrto sisters-in-law, Mrs.
Abbott Cravls, Mrs. Jny Cravls nnd Mrs. Mau
rice Cravls. Tho guests were Miss Frances
Ncwcorn, Miss Florenco Lavln, Miss Leonorc
Prints, Miss Felice Harris, Miss Pearl Apt,
Miss Rose Wlesen, Miss Sylvia Schless, Miss
Alice Rltch, Miss Bella Sacks, Miss Doll Si
mon, Miss Minnie Haber, Miss Ray Brod, Mhs
Tllllo Greenhouse and Miss Estellc Sacks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis T. Mullln, of 1904 Spring
Gnrden street, will entertain nt a dinner party
Monday evening nt the Bellovue-Strntford In
honor of their sister. Miss Alice B. Mullln.
whoso marrlngo to John S. O'Connell will tnko
plnce lato In October. Their guests will In
clude the bridal party, who are Miss Margue
rletto Martin, Miss Helen Mllnamow, Miss May
Gerlty, Miss Bess McCarthy, Miss Gcrtrudo
Miller, John S. O'Connell, J. Norman Grant.
Jnmes Bonner, Joseph Mullln, George Meell and
Aloyslus Kelley,
Tho Ladles' Aid Society of the Catholic Homo
for Destitute Children gave n musical tea
Tuesday afternoon. October 20, at the Home
for Girls, 29th street and Allegheny avenue. Tho
object was to obtain funds to found nn indus
trial school to teach tho various forms of
domestic science and trades; In fact, every
thing that would be of benefit to the children's
future. The affair was a decided success. The
first Monday of every month tho Ladles' Aid
Society gives a card party at the home, and
so fnr this year has been pleased with the
Miss Kathryn Ennls, of 3718 North ICth street,
entertained the Sigma Beta Thl Sorority nt
luncheon today. Chrysanthemums nnd fems
were used In tho decoratlono, which, with the
quaint favors, were In keeping with the ap
uroach of Halloween. Her guests were Miss
Helen Brown, Mrs. Anthony Callahan. Mls3
Helen Montague. Miss Loulso Ruchdeschell,
Miss Emily McBurney, Miss Kathryn Ennls.
Miss Helen Millard. Miss Edna Muenrh, Miss
Martha Lupton, Miss Helen Huff nnd Miss
Helen Brown.
Mrs. John G. Holmes, of 1529 West Erie avo
nue, entertained her card club at auction
bridge on Tucoday afternoon, whan her guests
wero Mrs. William Lewall, Mrs. Harry Bar
ton. Mrs. J. M. Rush Jermon, Mrs. Richard
Mlnahall, Mrs. Fred Vincent, Mrs. R. O. Stern,
Mrs. A. E. Oppenhelmer. Mrs. Marshall Taylor,
Mrs. Percy Garwood. Mrs. J. E. English, Mrs,
Henry N. ThUssell, Mr,. Horace Hall, Mrs.
John Moffatt, Mra. Marshall Taylor, Mrs.
Louis 15. Beltler, Mra. W. arlffln, Mrs. Harry
Baufihman. Mrs. Clara Faunco, Mrs. Mo
Clatchoy and Mrs. Francis McCutcheon.
Mr. ond Mrs. Leonard R. Weltzel, of 4609
North Broad street, havo returned from an
automobile trip to the Egpt Mills Club, Plko
County, Pa., where they spent the last week
end. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weltzel, of 4603 North
Broad ttreet, also returned today from tho
Egypt Mills Club. They had as their guests
Mr. and Mis. W. Galbralth.
Miss Ray Boocock entertained informally yes
terday afternoon at her new home on Gerhard
street Her guests wero members of tho Friday
Club, and Included Mrs. Milford C. Fox, Mm,
Louis Melvin Struse, Mrs. W. H. Jloedt, Mrs.
Charles Whlteman, Mrs. Charles Jane, Mrs.
William Addclhelm, Mrs. Frank Cantrell and
Mrs. Andrew Sauer.
Tho Roxboroggh Dancing Class will be en
tertalned tonight by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Stott at their home on Green aue.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hlndle. of 4156 Mana
yunk avenue, will give a dinner tonight at their
home. Tho decorations will be pink, the flowers
used being roses and ferns. Their suejts will
be Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hennlger. Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Malnwarlng, Mlsa Rose Smith,
Miss Marian Stout. Miss Ruth Lea. na t-.'
ala Bonsai, ilUa Ine Cartledye. Miss Ann I
MI&S lbOBEL MlLiNL ltUJJGhiS """ t'"' " """""
DuGan, Miss Ivn. DuGan. Calvin Haln, Row
land Dewocs, Conrad Waldle, Clinton Wunder
llch, William Bovard, Stanley Busslnger and
Alfred Hennlgcr.
Mrs. Frederick Grlffln, formerly pf Rochelle
avenue, Wlasahlckon, gave a luncheon Thurs
day at her new home, 1231 North 58th street,
for the members of the Roxborough Sewing
Club. Fall flowers nnd ferns wero combined
attractively In the decorations. Her guests
wore Mrs. Benjamin Johnson, Miss Annie Bur
well, Mrs. Clarence C. Keever, Mrs. John War
rington, Mrs. William Patton and Mrs. Rom
mel. Mrs. Marshall Ney Shoemaker, of Newark.
N. J.. Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Ber
nard, of Lyceum avenue.
Smart Gowns Are Worn by Smart Women In the
Shops and at the Various Tea Rooms.
Milady, as she trips through tho shops or
stops In one of the attractive tea rooms for a
quiet chat, appears extremely dainty nnd frilly
In her new fall clothes.
One of society's smartest matrons, Mrs. Sam
uel Bell, Jr., has chosen n stunning model of
plum-colored cloth. Tho skirt Is made narrow
at tho foot and hns n wide hem. The bodice
is mnde with a long, pointed peplum of the
material which is edged with wide folds. A
satin collar and cuffs are worn with the gown,
nnd nbovo the satin collar Is a flaring one of
plum-colored chiffon. With this gown Mrs
Bell woars a small black velvet toque which
has small flat pheasant brensts around the
edge nnd n tall spiked aigrette nt tho front.
Mrs. Ralph Tounsend has selected an ex
tiemely smart gown of dnrk-blue cloth which
Is made with n, long-walsted bodice which ends
about the hip with a wide satin Bash. The
fileevea of the frock nre made of black satin
and the drop skirt under the full oversklrt of
blue Is nlso of satin. Her hat Is n stiff model
of satln-tlnlsh beaver In n sailor shape.
Miss Elizabeth Thompson Is wearing a smart
suit of bottle green cloth, which Is made with
i tiny short Jacket and skirt full over. The
prettiest part of the costume is the hnt which
Is worn with It. It Is small nnd closo fitting,
or the exact shade of dark green as tho gown
nnd Is mnde entirely of breasts. The contrast
to Miss Thompson's golden hair is most at
trnctlvo. Miss Pauline Dlsston. another debutante,
wears n stunning frock of dark bluo which Is
made with a full oversklrt and plain flleoves.
The bodice Is made In n, basque effect and has
shirrlugs of satin at tho sldfs. A small, cltb
flttlng velvet toque Is worn with tho gown.
Miss Edulun Klkln.i Bruner. who has been
spending" tho fall with her grandmother. Mrs.
Stephen B. Elklns, In Wtst Virginia, is wear
ing a trnttpur of navy blue ergp. which, with
a close-flttlng little hat of black velvet, proves
most becoming to her statuesque beauty.
Mrs. John Conawny Megargeo appeared re
cently In a smart costume of black velvet with
n small hat to match Tho black Is relieved
by n stole and muff of ermine and boots of
black and white.
Mr. and Mrs. 15. U. Vara have sent out Invita
tions for tho neddlng reception of their daugh
ter. SIlss Nettle Van?, and Ralph Satterthwalte.
on October 29.
Mrs. Charles Hlllman, of Kast Main street,
Haddonfleld. pave n review of Hauptmann's
"Sunken Hell" before tho reading section of
the Hnddon Fortnlshtly Friday afternoon, at
the indlin Kins.
Miss Alice Armstrong, of Merchantvllle, re.
cently gave a "linen shower" In honor of Miss
Ethel Royal, of 61S Cooper street, whose mar.
ringo to Romaln C. Hassrlek will occur on tho
2th, at 6 o'clock, nt the First Baptist Church.
Mrs. George Bauder, of Moorestown. enter,
tulned her bridge club at luncheon.
The Weot CoIUngswood Civic Association
opened Its new clubhouse with a dance Wednes.
day evening It will also glvo a Halloween
party at tho clubhouse.
Miss Elizabeth Smith has returned, to her
home on East Broad street after a week's visit
to relatives nt Baltimore. Md.
Miis. James B. Hughes, who has been the
guett of her mother. Mrs. Henry a Taylor, et
East lth street, for a week, has return4 ta'her
home at Doer, Del.
Mr. and Mrs. Hyde Hopkins have returnwl
to their home at Baltimore, Md . aftr bavin?
been entertained for a wek by Mr. jind Mrs.
William GitiWR Bird, of Ktnut Broad street
Mrs. A B. Larklns. of Wt 7th street, has
gone to Lou Angeles, Cal, where she will visit
Mrs. O. Y. Jainea. a former resident of fhier
Mr and Mrs. James Bra. of MadUon street
hae returned from a weeks Usit to relatives
at Mount Holly, N, J,
THERE seem lo bo mora weddings thla Oc
tober thnn there have been for many a year,
which certainly goeH lo show that the much-tilked-of
war nnd Its horrors have lind no
effect upon Dan Cupid, who Is busier than ever
with his little arrows. Ono of tho prettiest
weddings today will be that of Miss Murjorle
Longcope, dnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas
Moore Long-cope, of Lnnsdowne, who wilt bs
married to Henry Edgar Blrklnblne, of 3yn
wyd, in tho Church of St. John the Evangelist,
Lnnsdowne, by the rector, the Rev, Crosswelt
MIm Longcopo will wear her mother's wed
ding gown, which will be trimmed with tho
duchess lace which was worn by her Brand
mother. Her veil will bo of tulle, nnd will be
gracefully arranged with sprnyn of orange
blossoms. Sho will carry ft shower bouquet.
Miss Helen Blrklnblno, a sister of tho brldo
Broom, will attend Miss Longscope as maid of
honor, and the bridesmaids will be Miss Kath
arine Stlnson, of Norrlstown, nnd Miss Eleanor
Sinaltz, of Mount Airy. The little flower girl
will bo Mlse Katherlno Culbertson, of Scran
ton. The brldesmnldn nnd flower girl are all
cotislna of tho bride.
Mr. Blrklnblne will have hi brother, Carl
Blrklnblne. as txsl man, and the usher will
be A. Eugene Bcuners, Jr.; O. Welner Blrkln
blne. Edgnr M. Wilson, Lewis W. Gibbons,
Frederick Hnag, Jr., and Dr. Rufus S. Reeves.
As the brlde'n family nro in deep mourning,
tho Immediate families will be the only onee
to attend tho reception. After ft wedding tour
Mr. and Mrs. Blrklnblne will live at 2518 North '
6lh street, Harrisburg, Pa,
Miss Mary M. Rlcnrds, daughter of Mra.
Addle D, Rlcnrds, of 6415 Baltimore avenue,
will becomo the brldo of George W. Ottlnger, at
her homo, at 6:30 this evening. The ceremony
will bo performed by the Rev. Dr. G. Blckley
Burns. Tho bride will be nttended by Miss
Ionia Benson, of Enrlvllle, Md. The best man
will be Shermnn L. Rlcards. Mr. and Mra.
Ottlnger will be at homo after December 1st at
Drexel Hills.
A quiet wedding will take place this after
noon, at 2.3.1 o'clock, when Miss Elizabeth
Caroline Mngill, daughter of Mrs. Etta S. Ma
glll, of S72 Haddon avenue, Camden, will be
come the bride of Edward Nicholas Lennljr, of
Philadelphia. Tho ceremony will bo performed
at the Union Methodist Church, 20th and Dia
mond streets, by the pastor, the Rev. J. G.
Wllion. The bride will be unattended, and only
the parents of the bridal couple will be pres
ent. Immediately following the ceremony they
will leave for a trip through the South. Upon
their return they will rcoldc at 872 Haddon
avenue? A largo reception will bo held some
time In November.
The marrlngo of Miss Helen Flory, daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Flory, of Bangor, Pa.,
and George I. Godshalk took place yesterday In
tho First Evangelical Church, Bangor. Thu
ceremony was performed by the Rev. L. Clar
ence Hunt. Miss Flory was attended by Miss
Helen Stewart, of Carlisle, as maid of honor;
there were no bridesmaids. Mr. Godshalk had
for best man Frederick Walton, and his ushers
wero Cnrl N. Miller and Willis Flory. The
bride Is a graduate of Wilson College and li a.
talented musician.
A pretty wedding took place this morning In
Holy Cross Church. Mt. Airy, when Miss Marie
Loul.se Simon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam H. Simon, of 336 Gowen avenue, was mar
ried to Dr. Edward Vincent Sullivan, of St.
Stephen. N. B. Miss Charlotte Murdock Simon,
sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and little
Miss Adrienne Wellens flower girl. Frank Cul
Hnen acted as best man and the ushers wero
Dr. Wilfred B. Fetterman and John C. Helnrlch.
Dr. and Mrs. Sullivan will live In St. Stephen.
N. B.
snocn powers
Miss Mario Z. Powers, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul J. Powers, of 154 Carson street. State
organizer of the Catholic Mutual Beneficial As
sociation, nnd Charles Shoch, of Ridge avenuo,
were married Wednesday afternoon In St. John
the Baptist Catholic Church. The ceremony waa
performed by the assistant rector, the Rev.
Thomas W. Stapleton. The church service waa
followed by a reception at tho home of the
bride's parents. On their return from an ex
tended wedding Journey Mr. and Mrs. Shoch
will live at 501 Seville street, Wlssahlckon.
The wedding of Miss Virginia Hill, daughter
of Mrs. Hornco G. Hill, of 409 North 36th street,
to Julian Alexander took place Thursday night
at the Northmlnster Presbj terlan Chureh. 3Sth
nnd Baring streets, nt S o'clock. Miss Hill waa
given In marriage by her brother. Horace O
Hill, Jr. She wore her mother's wedding gown
of cream satin, trimmed with old family
lace. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of
tho valley. Miss E. Custls Bennet. cousin of
the bride, acted ns maid of honor. She wore
cream net over yellow, cap of tulle trimmed
with yellow and carried white chrysanthemums
tied with jellow ribbon. Tho bridesmaids wero
Mrs. Joel Hitdebrand, of Berkeley, Cal., who
wore pale green chiffon cloth and carried bronzo
chrysanthemums, and Miss Sara Anderson, of
Milford, Pel., who wore deep yellow chiffon
cloth and carried bronze chrysanthemums. They
wore black picture hnts trimmed with plumes.
Mr- Alexander was attended by his brother
Charles O Alexander, as best man, and nil
ushers were J. Bennett Hill. Laird H. Simons,
Paul Warner, Lawrence Pearson and Walter
Glbbs. The ceremony was performed by the
Rev, W. Courtland Robinson, rector of the
church, and was followed by a. small reception
at the home of the bride
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander will be at home Janu.
ary 7 and H at 3117 Race street.
The wedding of M!s Mabel Price and Dr. Ed
wan) U Marbaker took place on Thursday night
at 8 o'clock in the Fletcher M. B. Chureh, at
6tth and Matter streets.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev G
J Gulp, of Camden. Doctor Marbaker had Wlll
Um Eckstein, of Hloomfield. as best man, MUs
Anus. M. Andrews wa wald of hur and the
brldttmalds ware MUw Florence Prlee, MUs
Ele-iaor Preston. Mlw Lillian RMU b,hi jiu,
Uriel Llojd The ushers were Joseph Hart
man. pr Hugh Close. William Hockey and
Douglas Marbakar
A small reception folio wtd the cutmmy