ipptwmwiwiii i.;i- iwmwmmimmiHmmmmjiBim
vol. ixo. as
Cor trio nT, 1011, si tnz rnsi to Limes Chiihvt
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JIK - t 4
if a
Liquor Stronger Than Loy-
alty to South Philadelphia
Leaders, When It Comes to
Picking the Friend of the
Eleventh Hour Orders to Ctlt Sell- , serlou. ,nury li Inches shortly nfter 10
... ctA Q,,. rtn. o clock thla mnrnlng uhen a hcaw can-
ator Expected But Orders or lleInbrrt lU the stn(?c roof of lhe AnAfmy
No Orders, the Rum Men Will of Music crashed to the stage of the hla
,,,, . .,,. . ,. ., ' torlc old pla5 house and was shattered nt I
"Vote Safe," They Defiantly , fMli
Declare. ' Thc "'"slc'in was conducting a re- '
he.irsnl of ih orchestra when the weight
, fell. 11" said It missed his head bj five
Rum Is stronger than Edwin It. Vare. inches,
boss of South Philadelphia. Ilia own fol- A ,hort cml. of JC clcetr,c ,v,rM
lowers say so They say he can Issue j supply,nir lhe ght CHUSC(, lho nccltlcnt
order after order to knife Senator Pen- j.parks ,RnlU(1 ,he ropc hold,n(. th(, ,iKht
rose, but that his orders to tlquor men 9 j nll(1 tlronpcr) wlthout warlnR. A sllgllt
supporters will not ha obeed. Asked bIase ln lc stn(;(, CfnR f(,0W(,d lt
why. they all Rive the same reason, of ung mllcUy eMinKll,hetl by mcmbcr6 of
which this Is a typical example: a chemical engine company.
'Ed Vare can order what he likes;, ,)np of lhe mnlbers ot the ordu,9tra
we're going to ote for Penrose wity.'
Why for one big reason. That's booze.
Penross's for rum. We're for rum. Does
Penrose Ret our vote? Sure he Rets It, no
matter what Vare orders."
Inaction In the. promised Vare flpht
aealn.t Penrose has upset South Phila
delphia. The Organization has taken the
bit In Its teeth. Those backing rum say
Penrose I their man. He has tno ngiu
Idea. Ed Vnte can order till he's black
in the face. It's Penrose for them.
There are many mm men ln South Phila
delphia. Vare orders to Knile Penroe
will find them deaf. That Is what they
The Vare leaders ate aghast at the
prospect of a solid saloon front for the
Vare cnem If the breach widens and
orders come to cut him. There are nianj
leady to obey, but saloon fr.ends know
their man. They will vote for him, or
ders or no oniers, they declare.
Saloon keepers In the Vare wards are
complacently wabblng their bars and
waiting for election. Men loaning on the
rails will hear no talk of u Penrose re
olt. Suggestions of one provoke growls
and defiance. They point out their na
tion's picture propped nKalnst glasses
Vino". nf Ihn hnp "TOlllfo him? Not While
we know It. Do you want to see local
option prohibition aiouml here? Vote
against him if ou do.'"
noiNG ourt own voting."
The fat proprietor rubs his bar busily.
He aims a nat rowed eye over the bar.
"Nothing to It," he says. "Nothing to
It at all. It we vote ngalnst Penrose
who'll keep us in business? How 'bout
It, boyo?" looking down the bar. "Would
we knife Penrose?"
Sympathetic growls answer him. Varo's
tnmlty is suggested.
"Ed Vare? What's he got to do with
It? We're doin" our own votln" this year.
How about lt, boys?" More affirmative
noises and foot shuffling under the bar
Outside in the streets "nre men are
saying that orders to knife Penrose, If
Issued, will never be carried through. In
the Mth Ward, known through South
Philadelphia as "Varo's Own," the dls- i
position to dlsooey orders is as strong '
as anywhere. One man put it this way:
"Booze Is stronger than tho Vnres We t
aren't going to knife the man who &tnnd
for It." i
Vare leaders, saying little but waiting i
xor mo Kninug uruer ana qmeuy en- j
couraglng the disaffection in the Penrose
camp, feel the situation Is getting out of I
their hands The only voter3 likely to j
stay by tho Vares and knife Penrose
Smne5Cpeonr;i roTlowkTof ,. I
win H. and William S Vare But South
Philadelphia saloon sj-mpathlzers will
vote as thoy feel. That will be for Pen
rose and despite orders.
Varo leaders ar looking for an eleventh
hour knifing order. "It's all quiet so far."
they explnn. One man thought Penrose
might be allowed to remain the nominal
head of the ticket until the night before
election. Still others said thero never
would be any orders to cut him on elec-
tlon day and that the are would de- j
pentl upon their friends to avenge the In
suit to which Penrose had subjected
But a dependence on the personal fol
lowing to avenge the Penrose affronts
will be disappointing, as the situation ha.-
developed. Liquor men and all the hun
dreds dependent upon them will disregard
a knifing order. A cholee between mm
and the Vares will show the eakness of
the south I'Miatieiptita leaders on this i
Issue, those in touch with the situation
.fa rrtnln !
Penrose as a counter to national pro
hibition is the terror among saloon,
keepers and their followers They hae
lost jlght of the dangers that confront
them In the State.
Local option, they figure, will never
hurt them here. But national prohibi
lion and the nossmillty of stopping the c' Fellowship in tho merlcan Academy dsy.
manufacture of rum is something they In Rome, will uail for Italy in a few days. , I'etncr, who is the treasurer of the
fear and hate. Penrose, they say, holds He will remain in Europe until the sum- General Casimier Building anil ijian as
out the hope of escape. As between loy. I mor of t3lo when his fellowship expire, soclatlon. was returning to his home after
alty to the Vares and escape from pro- I Horare W Wright. Ftudent of the jrad- " meeting of the tociation on octo.
hlbltion. there is onlv one choice It , uate School of the University and holder , bei 13, when he was attacked Tiy four
will be against the Vares and for Pen- of the other classical fellowships in the I men near Cambridge and Orthodox
re. . American Aoadeim in Rome, sailed for , streets. Petner said he could not idiif
,, i ., Europe ln Jul and reached Rome early tlfy the robbers.
Stranger Hires Boy to Aid Him In
Search for It. I
A well-dressed stranger In Manchester. '
K. H.. forgot where he was staying the .
wewWrWas that'll was not th T largest
Iwiij la town.
other morning All that he coubl r
After sveral futile Inquiries he hired I
b utiu ctifii rt tslra hi mi in all Ikn l nt,.!..
r th.v ..nm w fm.n.V .h"rt
ulttek bs had in u4i7thrnr.Vi0.,I I
ubfcfc be wad bR alnK the previous
The greatest insult ever heaped upon,
an Inexpensive hut ery popular make
of automobile is here record d.
The proprietor of one of the ma
etoinss was driving along a couatry
road, vtheu lie was ktartled by a gun
shot from a wochJ loe at hand
punt sh'Ot attain he .veiled 'III
A man with t gtin anie forward
land began to ntinimj apologize
I I tiex otir p.ini-m hf pant
eard your hor-Ker and quickly '
I jn'.r a;
xv, I thought It was a i
Heavy Caclelabra Crashes at
Orchestra Leader's Feet
When Small Blaze Starts
in Stage Roof.
Leopold Ptnkowskl, conductor nf the
Philadelphia Orche'tla. escaped death or
turned In nn alarm of fire when he saw
the sparks sputtering at the roof ot the
stage and full a dozen engine companies
responded. A great ahrong collected
about the Academ when it wai reported
that the (structure was ablnze. Mr,
Stokowskl was shaken by tho shock, but
iir' ,
I war not Injured
The orchestra was nlnlncr nt tho
tlm the Ilclit fell," said Mr. Stokowskl
'Originalli. I have the light just over
mv head whl.e conducting the or
c'nestia. but ome one had raised It bv
means or the lope attachment to a
height of about SO feet.
"We had no warning, none of the
members of the company noticing the
spaiks until the light crashed to the
Mage It missed my head by five
Tho candelabra weighs about 60 pounds,
nccordtng to attaches of the iahouo.
It was feared that tho fire might en
danger the Holllngsworth Public School,
which is next door to the Academy on
Locut street This Is one of the oldest
school buildings n the city. Tho children
vnre kept in readiness to file out nf tho
school nt a moment's notice and were not
allowed to resume their studies until as-
""'ranee was teceUed that theie was no
''""her of the flames .prenaing.
Donations for Destitute English and
Belgiums Exceed $3000.
Contributions continue to pour into tho
liritlsh National Relief Fund for tlestl
tuto widows and orphans of British sol
diers and sailors and the fund for the
aid of Belgium refugees in England. Tho
donations have exceeded &"). This
money will be sent to England at thn
eaillfst convenience. Contributions shou'd
be forwarded to Theodore A. Fox. 33-d
Walnut street. Vilan Nickalls, in care
of the At iletlc Association. i"niersity of
I Pennsylvania: llfred Powell. British
fonsui General. 701 Pine street, or to
I Brown Brothers & Co., bankers, 4th nml
Chestnut streets.
Among t.ie more recent contributions '
nre. Captain, officers and engineers of ,
'he steamship Swazi, $181, F. C. Lew In, ,
Str". Wilfred Powell, $."0; Miss E T.
Simpson and friends, J1S; plasterers at
the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, J12.0; Samuel
Sharp, $1"; Miss Annie Foster, $10.
Moth So ' Juried With
Double Service.
Funeral services for Selden Miller, the
organist found dead in the Piko River
rear Kenosha. Wis., and his mother, Mrs
S Sponco- Miller, will be held at St.
Lukf's Church, but so far members of
tho familv have not announced the date
for the serv ees
Miller's brdy Is expocted to nrrlve at
Broad Street Station nt 3.0S o'clock this
afternoon from Chicago. It Is In charge
r,f a brother, Emlon Hare Miller Mrs.
Miller's body is on the liner Carpathli,
due to dock at New York at 5 o'cIock
this afternoon E Spencer Miller, Jr,
brought tho body home from Italy
It Is undetstood that the Rev. Dr.
liavld M Steele, o' St. Luke's, W!l 0f
delate at the funeral services. At first
it was thought that only a private cere
monv would bo held, hut at the Miller
home in South ICrth street today it was
announced that there would be a church
dr. McCartney to sail
U. of P. Xatin Instructor Going to
Rome Academy.
Pr. Eugene Stork McCartney, Instruc.
tor in lun at tne university ot J'enn- I
... . i
slvanla. who was appointed to a Class!-
last month sir vt rtgnt writes tnat con
ditions in Rome are normal except that
it is difficult to obtain money through the
usual channels
Te ReY' Jame3 DeWU Perry, 76,
Procures License.
, n. .i.mu nivif p.m, ,,..,
. .... n. 2 -. .
?'' 5' - r ."" Church.
J" . Bm '. w , ' a e ue' VM"
jMntown. todav procured 4 warrta
1$ School lanv
s 3 i. ii. i
I Doctor I'grr Is 6 ers old His
oruie-io-oe is n tears uiu uisnop
IthinelsniJer will perform the ceremony,
although, according to a statement at
tne Harris ietdenie toJa. the date of
tan wedding has not et ben decided.
Baby's Clothes Ignited by Stove
loroth Thornton K months old of I'll
Mortine street j tuillv burned woen
hr clothing ca ight fl e frwn the kit hen
t-ne this morning The rhdd complained
f the cold and got near the stove ln
trvlng to keen warm Sh was taken to
8 Joseph i Hospital and will probably
KS vfiKT nTt1 ' TT .- ijir TB t T 5 " f n.uwu-.i...u.L....... , , (
Ji fjg Xl ;f-
Still captured in house at 2423 North
Federal inspectors. Inspector C. W.
Fred R. Fox Under SIOOO Ball
Pending Investigation.
Fred U ro. 3 j ears old, 552 Spruce,
street, was held In $10fi0 hull today for a
further hearing b Magistrate Harris In
tho 32d sUret and Woodland avenue sta
tion on s, charge of forgery and larceny.
Ho was airesf-u csterday morning at
"' hmt by Speeint Policemen Kilter and
Ivf nrf.ill
' Severn! weeks neo Fox Is said to have
' paid a bill at the London Tailoring Com-
! p.tny, 15.' Vottli Xd street, with a cli.ck
I fcr Sill, paahW tc Mrs. Lydln Hall 3137
!.o-ust street. He was given the llims
I chck for tho balance which ho pre- ,
cnt,fl in nntmnit fur fl lint. Thi ."ow
York Clearing House said that the $111
CO nek was good but I hoy had been noti
fied of on order of stop-payment Untied '
against it. The London Tailoring Com- Vine streets pollco station, carried out
pany then stopped payment on their I Mrs. Henry Freedman, wife of the pro
checks, and a warrant was Issued for i prletor. She wns nsleep on tho second
Mr. Hall told Magistrate Harris th's
mrrntig her indorsement on the SMI
check was a forger), that she had never
re-reived tho check, nnd that evidently
It had beer. iniciitptd In the null
Man Proves He Was Not Assailant of
Highwaymen's Victim.
An alibi and the faPuro of the wit- ,
nesses to Identify Stanley Rutecki ;'! I
Bermuda street, a one of the as4allani3
- a .i ... A. . ...,,..i rniu- a
iif AiuiuH' rci iic i . iiuec-ti iiaKi3iiaio
nurle . difchatce -he nrisoner in the ,
paul and Ituan stree's police station to-
Gerniantown Man's Condition Serious
As Remit of Collision.
Frank T Mitchell. 113 West School '
lane. Gerniantown, is in a tei lous con
, a, hl home today as the ieult ,
of n automobile accident on Greene
treet near Uuveti lane last night
Mitchell una ennai menus were rut-
,." , . auiomoolle oned and driven
by Caar'es K RUU. SIM Wane street,
- jL - v coJllded lh the automobile of
C"iim, l !. 4 ui'VNin,nvn
i street. M-tcbell was the only person
injuiad He wus trutsU aooui tne ntaa
and bo4.
- '
Constantln von Sternberg Says War
Will Benefit School.
.. . .....
Mad' ir. m-!ita imnlc will b
eortiipg to Constantly von Sternb -g who
has retoinwi to Philadelphia aftr sev
eral montht iim en the war zjng He
sail tnat tho Amrrl arx m .isio fvners
and roaster we-e equally clHcient as
those in Europe.
Sixth street after weeks of searching by
Noll is shown testing product of still.
Work Heroically in Subduing Blaze.
Policeman Rescues Woman.
Two fliemen were overcome and others
had a seieic light to subdue a blaze
this morning In the cellar of n saloon
at tho northeast corner of Juniper nnd
Race streets. The tire started in a pile
of kindling placed too near the furnace,
according to Louts Fretdman, tho pro.
Edward Magee and Albert Shite, nf
Hose Company No. 17, went into the cel
lar with hoso lines and were met by a
smoke cloud which nearly suffocated
them. Both Mngeo and Shire havo been
commended for bravery In other fires.
Lieutenant Williams, of the lf.th ami
floor when tho fire started and became
unconscious from shock.
The loss amounted to about ?W0. Tho
cellar was flooded with water and the
Are subdued before l reached the first
DiUrict Organization Will Elect
Officers at Session Tonight.
The autumn meeting of the Phllade'phla
district Luther League will take place
" the Church of the Holy Communion,
Pliocrnnl ctroitt ihnt'A 'Hut hi a ovoninf
- , . . ..... r
At a business session officers will be
tUeted and repotts will be given b mil
cors and dlgatr - to State and n.ittin.tl
conventions It Ii also proposed to adopt
n row rcnstltution.
Following the business meeting a lunch
eon wdl be served and the young people
are then to reconvene to listen to an ad
dress bv the Rev Pr. C. M. Jacobs on
Tho Lutheran Church and Present Day
Congressman Will Make Six Cam.
paign Addresses.
Congressman J Washington I.ogiie will
continue his campaign for re-election
frem the 6th District this evening by
making addresses at 120 Alain street.
Manayunk. Gerniantown and Roberts
avenues. 5iso urowu street, and at
Gracey-s Hall on m street. In addition
to the indoor addresses. Congressman
Ij-gue wU speak at outdoor meetings at
. miu . HtfHtuk otssvtu aftu b -f 9-KV
and Haverford avenue.
Opening of Street Agitated
The agitation for the opening of 22d
street through the Glrard Estate has been
resumed. A heating was gnen by the
Beard of city Trusts to a nurabr of
business associations yesterday WIMtam
Potter chairman of the Household Com-
mittte. was in charge
Falls Downstairs; Dies
Jamo'j Jerkins, of "526 Taney Itreet. died
In St. Agnes' Hospital today ms the re
sult of a fra-tured sk'iU susttjned In a
fall 4own stairs at his hom. e,
Severance Quotes Taft and
Gary, and Asks Court to
Ignore "New Government
Economic Theories."
Urging Judges Bulllngton, Hunt. Mc
pherson nnd Woolley to cllmlnnto any
new Government theory of economics
from their decision In regard to the
charges against tho "Steel Trust." C. A.
Severance, of St. Paul, Minn., arguing
for the United Stntcs steel Corporation
today. In a forceful way touched upon
various phases of tho operation of the de
fendant company.
"Wo arc not hero to consider now
theories of economics," said Mr. Sever
ance, "we have been criticised unjustly
by the Government."
Every scat In the United States Circuit
Court of Appeals, In the Federal Building,
was occupied when the heating wns re
sumed this morning.
The St. Paul attorney cited various
United States Couit decisions In different
trust cases. Ho denied that the "Steel
Trust" or any of tho ISO subsidiary com-
pan'es were guilty of coercion.
Referring to pools, tho attorney said
that there were pools In this country
long bofoie tho Government began Its
crusade ngalnst alleged violations of the
Slurnian anti-trust laws. Ho named tho
plato pool, tho tube pool, wire pool, which
existed ln the early eighties. Prices of all
steel products were quoted In couit, each
pt.'cc was accompanied with official rec
ords. It was contended by tho lawjcr that
tho present prices of all steel products
today were considerably lower than thoso
of any other commodity.
Mr. Severance denied that prices went
up after tho "Gary dinner" movement
was Inaugurated.
Discussing the attitude observed by the
Steel Corporation toward Its competitors,
a statement made by Judgo Gary some
time ago was quoted.
The statement Is as follows:
"We have treated out competitors as
competitors. We havo pushed our busi
ness nnd puBhed It hard. Our competi
tion has always been active nnd keen,
and wo have done business with our com
petltors In a business way; but we have
trettcd our competitors as gentlemen
ought to be treated At least that has
been our endeavor. Wo have been of
benefit to them whenever we could.
"If we have been dishonest or tricky
or mean in our treatment of our com
petitors it has not been done with the
consent or knowledge of those In control
of the affairs of the Steel Corporation,
its Board of Directors, its Finance Com
nilttee or Its officers We have tried to
be frank and open with them. We havo
admitted them to our mills. We have
given them our figures. We have frankly
stated to them our business conititinr,,, i-
.!... II ..... i --...,,o ,,,
and In every way have tried to
! Klv.
give tlK'in the benefit of our miwri.n..
so that I am Justified In saying we have
foeleted competition.
"In olden days the rule In this coun
try was different in this line of busi
ness. I haie no doubt the suggestion of
Mr. Carnegie which was read In court
a few days since when I was present
deferring to the Carnegie minute, supra)
represented not only his views but the
views of his associates and the views
generally held among those who were
In charge of the Iron and steel indus
try of this country. There was a com
petition that was bitter, fierce, destruc
A published article by ei-Presldent
Taft on June 2L 1911, being one of a
series discussing the anti-trust act, was
also reai to the Judges.
The former President was quoted as
"The object of the anti-trust law was
to suppress the abuses of business of
the kind described. It was not to In
terfere with a great volume of capital
which, concentrated under one organi
zation, reduced the cost of production
and made Its profits thereby and took
no advantage of its size by methods akin
to duress to s title competition with It "
House in Germantown Robbed
Thieves forced an entrance to the resi
dence of A E, Grobcn. 54 West Pomona
street Germantown, Jn he absence of
the fam ' last nu.iL Tilt itola mhv
I. scarf pin and 3. I
Alleges "Undue Influence" in Cave
at Spackman Will Contested.
A contest over the probating of the
will of J. Haines Caffrey, who died nt
the State Hospital for tho Insane, at
Norrlstown, August 16, was begun today
by the filing of a caveat with tho Register
of Wills. Tho estate Involved amounts
to lfi,500,
Under the terms of tho wilt bequest
of $10 are made to two sisters, Rtnry E.
Hedges and Anna R. Cnffres, nnd to two
brothers, George R. nnd Lewis W. Caf
frey, with the residue of the estate going
to the widow, Elizabeth F. Caffrey, who
Is named executrix.
Mary E. Hedges, one of the sisters of
tho decedent, has filed tho caveat, allege
Ing undue Influence In the execution of
the will. The testament is dated March
S3, 1912.
Action has nlso been taken to prevent
the probating of a document alleged to
be the last will of John H. Spackman.
Two sisters of the decedent, Morlposa
Dukcmnn nnd Elizabeth Relchel, who are
Ignored ln the will, have Instituted the
Tho contested wilt devises three-fourths
of the $1000 estate to Joseph Cohen, .a
friend, nnd directs that the rcslduo be
given to nJiy charlable Institution desig
nated by Cohen.
Wills admitted to probate today were
thoso or Caroline L. Pearson, late of
7,23 Spruce street, whose estate Is valued
at $13,000, and Catherine Birch, 4210 Stiles
street, $2M.
Personal property of Kate Llddcll has
been appraised at $11,634.01: Virginia T.
Simmer, $2215.64; James N. Jennings,
Gyp Scratches on Doors When Flames
Threaten Mill Structure.
Gyp, a bulldog, probably prevented the
destruction by fire ot the Providence
Mills nt 53th street and Glrard avenue
early this morning when ho "discovered"
a burning wooden tank adjacent to the
mill buildings. Tho canlno aroused
neighbors by barking and scratching nt
doors. Firemen reached tho place In
time to extinguish the blazo with small
The police say the fire was started by
hoys who built bonfires beneath nn old,
unused wooden tank. Their fire smol
dered for several hours and shortly nfter
midnight ignited tho tank. Gyp was
asleep In tho rear yard of his owner's
homo across tho street. His keen ears
caught tho crackling of tho flames and
he went over tho low fenco and around
the corner to investigate.
Gyp wasted no time when he saw the
tank ablaze. When his barks failed to
arouso his master he scratched and
threw his weight against tho side door
nnd at length he wns successful, Gyp
has won four blue ribbons nt dog shows,
two in Lancaster County and two at
Atlantic City.
Border Awakens to Find Bed Wrapped
ln Flames,
Two men, ono attempting to rescue
tho other, were overcome by smoke
early today after a cigarette had Ignited
bod clothing In the room of Fred Elscr
nt a Cnllowhlll street hotel.
Elser returned from work to his room
on the thltcl floor of tho hotel nnd sat
down on the bed to smoke a clgnrette.
Later he was awaened by flames envel
oping him. His cries brought Freunlngcr,
who renched the room to find Elser over
come by smoke. In his efforts to drag
tho man from the flames, Picunlngcr
was overcome nlso.
In the meantime, Mrs. Preunlnger,
calling for help from a second-story
window, attracted Sergeant Hnpfleld nnd
Policeman Mclntyre, of the 10th and
Bultonwood streets police station. They
rescued Elser nnd Preunlnger, nnd also
carried Esther and John Preunlnger.
age 10 nnd 12, from the second floor of
the building. Mrs. Preunlnger found
her way from the house without diffi
culty. The fire was quickly extinguished.
Finds Nothing Objectionable in Show
Whose Bills Excited Suspicion.
Information received concerning a show
at the Trocadero Theatre, which was
said to need police censoring, led Lieu
tenant Smiley, of the Uth nnd Winter
streets police stntlon to visit the play
house last night.
Ho recid signs on the bill board before
tho ticket window. One In big letters
announced "Cleopatra " Tho police critic
remembered Cleopatra was a lady who
once upon n time lost a kingdom. Another
sign rend, "a taste of Forbidden Fruit."
Lieutenant Smiley hurried into the thea
tre. When he came out he said that the
advertising had misled him to some ex
tent. Ho could find nothing objection
able. Cleopatra was not the lady he
thought she was. He told the manage
ment, however, to be careful whnt they
placed on the stage when he was not
Lleutennnt Smiley Is the police censor
who made the chorus of "The Passing
Show," at the Lyrle last week, put on a
few more articles of wearing apparel.
Arrested While Attempting to Pawn
Saddle and Bridle.
An unsatisfactory explanation of the
manner In which they came Into posses
sion of a saddle and bridle caused Lewis
nichardson, 19 jears old, of Holmesburg,
and Floyd Smith, aged IK, Itldley I'ark,
to be held under $500 ball today for a
further hearing on October 30 by Magis
trate Hagerty In the 12th and Pine
streets police station.
The boys. It Is said, attempted to pawn
the bridle and the saddle. Their actions
aroused the suspicions of the pawnbroker
and he called the police.
William nichardson, a Negro, of SH
South 12th street, charged with highway
robbery, was held today without ball for
court In the 12th and Pine streets police
Station by Magistrate Haggerty.
Hlchardson and an accomplice, the po
lice fca. assaulted and robbed Joseph
Falkenburg. 65 years old. of Bacon Hill
Md . In an alley near 10th and N'audairi
streets, jesterday, when the old man was
taken sick and lost his way
A Western newspaper man tells of a
friend who edited, with more or less
success, a paper In an Iowa town. That
he was somewhat discouraged by the
lack of interest shown ln his Journal
was evidenced by thla notice which one
afternoon appeared on the editorial
"Burglars entered our house last
night. To the everlasting shame of
the community, for whose welfare we
have labored, be It said, they got noth
ins " Harptr'a Magazine.
Aged Man, Also a Dental!
Practitioner, and Friend
Disagreed Over Merits of'ti
Respective Schools. 'A
Dna m.u l t . .
w,.D . , 1S ln lne jcrrerson Hespiui
--' "..uuB conauion with t
cartr dee war! in t,i. .1....1. -. .
don.l.f. . 'u "'"? "nQ tW6 !
:,' """ umrtu wun the shootlnt
are held under ball as the result of
argument over the relative merit, ot tw
old and now schools of denti.m.
The Injured man Is Dr. Calvin MeBrM.
of Harrlsburg. also a dentist. Th. 1.1 I
charged with the shooting I, Dr. silt, o '
"""' " ye" old, of 1113 Chestnut 1
" "'". ur, iiiam si. Herts, ii
70 years old. I8 held as a material
......... u.. curiae was a friend of the
Hertzs ,
Tw-o men who nre said to have bein
n tho dentists' office when the shoot- i
Ing occurred are being sought by th. J
police as witnesses. According to th.
Information ntvn i. u. . , ..
" "' " sea Drothett, ,
McBrlde attempted to strike Dr. Bini fffl
Hertz ln the rnnr e . W
...i. " arffuineni an!
tho gun went off."
McBrlde has been employed at vsrf.
ous times In dentnl ofTlces In Market
street. Ho is said by the pollco to hav.
been Intoxicated shortly after 7 o'clock
last night when he entered tho office,
of the Hertz brothers. According to
statements obtained by Detective Eman
uel and Special Policeman Lazelle Mc
Brlde told Doctor Hertz he was an "old
A debate as to the relative morlt. .
the old and modern schools of dentlitry '
"""""" 00n it grew wnrm. nnd Doc
tor Hertz ordered McBrlde from his of.
flee. The Harrlsburg man refused to ga,
and a moment later the shooting took
The weapon used by Doctor Hertz wu'
a Cooper six-shooter. It was made ln
Frankford In 1651 and waa loaded with
hand-made paper cartridges of powdM
u.m oa. A 6ut on, of th8 chamberI
were loaded when the revolver was found I
by tho police boneath a pile of papers'la
the dental office.
Chestnut street was thronged with th. '
atre crowds at the time of the ,h,,ii.
The first Inkling of the affray was when V
...conoe was seen to stagger from th.
doorway of the dental office holding .
bloody handkerchief to his face.
TiMnrpa rrtll- ...
moned from 12,hTd HSli J.t'l
Th'LMBr'?,, 'VT Jo"rVon HosplUL 8
ihere he lapsed nto nnni...... A
Physicians found the wad had entered
?eared " ChCek nnd JockJa ? "
Reserve Policeman Hyatt arrested th.
two dentists. When he reached their of
fice ho found Dr. Elam Hertz wlplni
bloodstains from tho marble about th.
entrance to the building. The dentut
bald his brother had done the shooting,
nnd Hatt found Dr. Silas Hertz In th.
office. He says the old man acknowl
edged shooting -McBrlde. At first he said
he had thrown the revolver down a wr.
hut later Hyatt found It under the pit. K
On the way to City Hall (he aged
brojjicrs seemed more concerned about
whether the cells were heated than th. .
charges against them. 'ri,... ..,
.ralgned In Night Court before Magistral ;'
. ......w,.. v,ii cuarge or assault and
"J....W, im intent to kill, Dr Silas
Hertz was held In 00O ball for a further
hearing. His brother was held In JSM
" niutenai witness.
Tho pu.lce learned thnt ono of the two
persons In the office nt the time of th.
shooting was Eugene Dunning, of South
6bth street, they say. The other man',
name Is Gross. He Is a dental supply
salesman and Is said to have been ujlnr
the office ns his headquarters.
According to dispatches from Harris
burg, a woman living at 10 North Market
squaro. in thnt city, declares that ehe Ii
Mrs. i alvln SIcBride. She also said h.r j
nusuann is a dentist, and asserts he de
serted her Is months ago and she has not
seen nor heard from him since.
Official Forecait
For eastern PennsIvanla and New Jer
seyFair tonight, with freezing temptrs
ture. Wednesday fair and continued cool!
moderate northwest winds.
Light rains covered the northeastern
llOltfOn nt th. pntlnt-u Awrinn .V,. l.tt l '
hours, with some snow In the Lake region,, ,
The disturbance Is moving off the At
lantlc coast near Nova Scotia this morn-
Ing. The western area of high barometer j
has drifted southeastward and Increai"1 ifl
greatly in size and energy, causing 11
snarp iau in temperature in all antncu
from thn Ttocky Mountains eastward to
the Atlantic const, except In western
Canada and the bordering States Fr i
Ing temperatures extend southward In th '
plains States to northern Texas, and In
the eastern half of tho country they hT
overspread the Ohio valley. j
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Oberatlons made at S a. m. Eultra time-
last Halo. Veloc
Station 8 a m. n't. fall Wind. ty Wit
AblUno. Txa. 31 Hi . S i Clr
Atlantic City. 3 30 .U3 NW J4
IlUmarck. N. U. z 2 , BW il
HV d Clttr
Iluaton, Mj . 3S 33
.18 NY 16 Snow
.01 NW II rleir
.SI NW 11 Clear
.10 NW to Cioiii)
8V 1 CIr
.. W I Clr
.. NW 15 t'ta
V IB Clear
.. NB SO Clear
N 48 Cloudr
NE 4 ClJttJr
Buffalo. N. Y
zt -in
Mi .14
"I 21
C htcuzo. Ill
Cletelanil o
nner. Col
Dr Moines, la
Detrull Mich .
Duluth Minn .
21 2H
Sll '-''I
GaUeaton, Texas Cn M
Ilattrras. N. C. i M
Helena, Mont . .'Irt .til
.t a ..-,. nn v
S 10 Clear
Jacko'nvlil .. M fO .OS NW 14 ClouJr
Kan. City. Mo . 3J Si .. N 4 CTear
Memphla Tenn. 3tt 31 .. N 10 Ce'
New Orleana . .14 .11 N Clear
New York . 30 M NW J,Jou4
N I'latte. Ndi. Uj 2D .. S 0 Clear
Oklahoma OkU 24 2i N i "ear
Phlladalphla 3 34 NW fSJ
I'hocolx. Arlx UI fll K 10 llJ
I'ltubursh, I'a t 30 .t2 w ! gnow
I'.irUnd. M at 34 23 N 1 f"o
Quebec. Can M i ,10 NW J2 jo.-'
Si V ula. Mo 3i M 'lV NW R W
St Paul. Minn 26 21 .. SW ?r
Cat. I J.W. 1tah 1ft 14 K 4 ' c-r
1 (!
Ran Kranrlico . 60 60 .. N
I I "
s -ramon, ra
80 n . NW '"
ilUlUS ..
K ta N 12- Ctea'.
it v
IS 2t e
- ii.-