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v-?rBiewvrtPi? -v afwuwtii'w i'U"i' 'iiw '"IM'UH'WWpgip - Ljtinpiawi iinjiiinnpgr "UittypwwjWfWPWWWi rWw 10 EVENING LEDGEKPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1914. Zkm' WUHPW J li"MM'M t"w " iMy I j 'i'l i U I irt rj H V hi .;; i WIFE TESTIFIES HUSBAND PLACED HER IN ASYLUM Physician Accused of Con spiracy With Two Other Practioners in Suit He Loved Patient, Woman Avers. NCW TORK. Oct. M.-Chnrglng that her husbnnil, Dr. Sllns 1'. Heebe conspired with two other physicians of Queens County to place her in nn Iniane asylum because he had fallen In love with an other woman, Mrs Mary K. Heche, of 12 Elm street, Flushing testified In tho Supremo Court In Queens jesterday at tho opening of her suit for separation, alimony and the right to tho homo In Flushing. Doctor Bcebo was at one time head of tho therapeutic department of Cornell University. Two days after the birth of her youngest son. In May. 1911, testified Mrs. Becbe, her huxbnnd told her of his love for one of bli woman patient and aid also that his love wns reciprocated. Mrs. Becbe asked the doctor, she sntd, why he had not given her an overdose of chloroform while she was 111 and thus saved her the misery of hearing his con fession. For more than a month, she testified, she was confined In the Long Island Home In Amltyvllle. Her husband then called at the sanatorium and took her away on condition that she live with her sister In South Dakota. A jenr ago sho returned to this city and entered suit against Doctor Bcebe for more than $200), alleged to have been due her. The suit was dropped when Doctor Bcebe agreed to pay her $"000 annually. Sirs. Bcebe, In her present action for separation, alleges that the Doctor has not kept this agreement. Mrs. Beobo has pending suits for $:..IW each against Dr. Archer W Jaggcr and Dr. Johnston MacLeod, who, sho says, adjudged her mentally Incompetent and ordered her to be committed to the Amltyvllle homo without subjecting her to examination. Mrs. Becbe testified she agreed to for give her husband If he would forget the other attachment. The pet day, she said, he Informed her that there was no other woman. He had been worrying about Mrs. Becbe. he said, who would have to so to a sanatorium. "When Mrs. Peebe asked him why, he told her there was something wrong with her mind. She protested, she said, but on the following day Drs. Jagger ard MacLeod called with a nurse and said they were ready to take her to the sana torium. U. S. BUILDS HUGE SEA FORTS DESPITE SUBMARINE MENACE Naval Constructors Design Two New Battleships Which Will "Lick Crea tion," but Provide No In crease in Speed. LONDON, Oct. 2S.-.Voither words nor nets have convinced the naval authorities of the United States that the submarine has doomed the battleship to extinction; nor do they agree with those who would warn the nations against putting "too many eggs in one basket." In their opin ion tho great battleship still holds tho seas as the supreme arbiter of the des tiny of maritime powers. This after two months of naval warfare, during the course of which the submarine has I achieved no slight success. The work which the British navy Is doing and hopes to do In elucidating I naval problems leaves the Americans ' coiu. orders have been placed for two battleships. Just as though the subma rlne had never been heard of. It was anticipated that the placing of the contracts would be delayed until tho constructors now In Europe studying naval events-or rather awaiting naval events really worth htudy had gained all the Information obtainable on matters of design. Not at all. 1 he naval author ities have decided to forgo ahead and put In hand at onco the building of all thren battleships for which they have received authority; the third Is to be laid down In a government yard. But even more remarkable than this decision Is the fact that the new battle ships are to "lick creation" in sle and power, but not in speed. They will dis place something appronehlng twice the amount of water of our original dread nought, completed only eight vears ago. The tonnage of each of these mastodons will be no less than 3f0, whereas our name ship of the new era was of only 17,900 tons. This one comparison will con vey some Idea of what American naval officers think of the arguments advanced In favor of ships of "moderate dimen sions." They have built battleships small and battleships big, and they declare "Give us battleships bigger, submarlno or no submarine." The Increas In displacement on the ether side of the Atlantic has far out stripped anything that our own naval authorities, who have the credit of In. trc-ducing the dreadnought, have pro posed. It was only by sheer good fortune that we got the first dreadnought afloat The Americans had realized the develop ment was Inevitable, had had a design prepared and were waiting for i'ungres3 to say "Yes." when Lord Fl-her sailed In. laid down four ships, built them with great secrecy, and thus obtained a lead which we have never lost The upward movement of displacement on the other side of the Atlantic has, In deed, been very remarkable, as follows: Dla- placemtnt. (torn) 16.0" 2T.0( ST WO 27.5rt 32 CCO Arma ment (yum) 8 12-ln. 10 12-ln. 12 l'.'-ln. 10 Ji-lo. 10 lt-ln. 12 H-lB. Cliu. Year, South Carolina. . 1WXJ Delaware 1607-3 Arkansas 1011 Teiaa 1011-12 Oklahoma 1915-13 New Class 10U-15 SLOW Or MOVEMENT Possibly the most remarkable feature of the new battleships which will closely resemble the Pennsylvania and her sister, now on the stocks is that. In spite of the doubling of the dlspUcement, there has been little or no advance In speed; though triple expansion engines have been displaced by turbines, the rate of steaming of the newest mhlpa Is calcu lated to be about 31 knots only If the naval war has proved or seemed to prove -one thing more than another. It Is that the defense of the big ship against sub marines lies In speed, speed, speed And yet the United States, though it Is build ing the most colossal battleships In the world, remains satlsAed with a rate of steaming not very much greater than that of the newest and best-equipped uuder-water craft These two new battleships, when com plete with stores and ammunition and ready for commissions, will r preset t an expenditure of 41i.00v.W0 each. WASHINGTON EXPECTS NEWS THAT CARRANZA IS DEPOSED "First Chief" May Defy Convention, But Cannot Cause Much Trouble. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2S.-Word from tho peace comentlon nt Aguaseallentcs that Provisional President Carranza had been deposed ns tho temporary ruler of Mexico was expected today by Admin istration officials. t'nofllclal reports hae reached Washington that the de mands of the "First Chief" have not been accepted and Ids removal from olllcc would not cause any surprise hete. The Government Is concerned some what over the attitude of Carranza, as It Is believed he will defy tho conven tion. Hut the opinion prevails among olllclals that there will not be serious fighting In defense of Carranza, as thero Is every reason to believe that his sup port will disappear when It becomes known tho convention Is opposed to him. The uncertainty as to the ability of the various factions to agree on a man or commission to conduct the affairs of , the rcpuolle pending the elections is the ! chief cause of worry for the Admlnls- tiatlon. CUT KATES ON ARYTOBFLATE Man Tells Navy DopTtment He Can Reduce Price 20 Per Cent. WASHINGTON. Oct. M.-Tho Navy Do partment has received a communication from Lewis B. Williams, of New York clt), declaring that he could furnish armor pute for battleships of tho United States Navy at a cost of 20 per cent, less than the prices p.ild by the Government. Naval officers are skeptical regarding the merits of the plate. SLAUGHTER CAUSES GERMAN OFFICERS TO DROP SWORDS Traditional Badge of Rank Serves to Concentrate Fire of Enemy, Sad Experience Shows. By KARL H. VON WIEGAND AIX-LA-CHAPELLE, Oct. 2S. Ger man ottlcers are throwing away their swords. They have found them useless In modern warfare. The high percentage of fallen offlcers on the German side is being attributed to the carrying of tho weapon which marks them as offlcers and makes them targets for concentrated fire. Discarded long ago by American army officers, except as an ornament for dress parade, Germans have clung tenaciously to tho sword ns the traditional badge of an officer. , Wounded men have told me that hundreds have paid for It with their lives In the battles on the French front. "It is nil very nice and grand to lead your company In a storm upon the en emy with sword in hand, but It marks you for death," said a major to me. "Wo have paid heavy toll to the sword, so far as the Infantry Is concerned. When the charge is sounded, the offlcers of a company spring forward with Hash ing blado in hand to lead their men. The gleam of the swoid marks them as ottlcers and the enemy Immedlatelv con centrates his fire upon them. That Is why so many officers have fallen. Everything else hns been done to make tno officer as inconspicuous and indis tinguishable from the men as possible, excopt tho carrying of swords. "Offirers at the front now leave their swn da in their quarters. Mnny of them now take a rifle In charging. It answers the double purpoyo of not marking them ns special targets and of really being useful. Several times I have seen offlcers throw away their swords and pick up the rifle of a fallen soldier during a battle. The present war, I believe, marks the passing of the sword on the battlefield so far as offlcers of Infantry are concerned." Although tne sword has proven useless for Infantry offlcers. the lance, which armies of the world have largely dis carded, Is declared to he most effective as a weapon for cavalry. The Germans have clung to the lance for their cavalry, and offlcers declare that again and again, in tho flshting In Belgium, the lance has proven th weapon which spreads terror. The officer say that In charges tho ever moving lance and fluttering pennons con fuse the eve and aim of the enemy. Where the charge Is made on the enemy's savnlry the Germans with their lances have) the advantage of a long reach, and can thrust thPlr opponents through be fore they have a chance of using the sword. Formerly only Uhlans carried lances, but practically the entire German cavalry hns now been equipped with them. That explains why one never reads or hears of anv other cavalry patrols In Belgium excopt "Chlans." It Is said that even the cavalry offlcers, recognizing the psvchnlngira' effect of the lance, and the fart that it is a better weapon than the sword, have added the lance to their equipment consisting of a sword and pistol. EXPLOSION SHAKES HOSPITAL Naphtha Blast Wrecks Store and In jures Two Men. NEW TORK,' Oct. :s. Nearly every window In the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital was shattered last night by an explosion In the cleaning estab lishment of Leonard 8. Mack and Isaac Diamond, doing business under the name of "Leney," at 215 East SUh street, op rnslte the hosp'tal. The explosion, said to have been caused by naphtha, injured the two partners and ompletely wrecked the two-atory building. In the hospital were 127 patients Every window In the front of the hospital, where are the laboratories and offices, was broken, and many of the rear windows, in the rooms of patients, were also shattered. The building Is a seven story structure. EUROPE LONG INHABITED Professor Geikie Writes Men Have Lived There 250,000 Years, In his recent work. "The Antiquity of Man In Europe," Prof J Gelkle, of Edinburgh University, declares hJ be lief that man has Inhabited Europe be tween 360.000 and yOS'O years. All such estimates are based on geo logical facts such as the rate at which sdtment la deposited, or at which stalagmites grow that are very hard to determine with any accuracy, but no one now doubts that man is far older than men of science originally supposed him to be. McAdoo Will Speak ia New York WASHINGTON. Oet J8 -Secretary of the Treasury- McAdoo will leave Washing ton either tomorrow evening or early Friday morning for New Tork city, where on Friday night he will address a political meeting at Cooper Union Saturday night he will preside at a meeting where Secre tary of War Garrison will speat 'MASHER' SAYS HE KNOWS PRESIDENT'S NIECE AS ACTRESS 'Quarreled With Her in Paris," Asserts Doctor Un der Sentence for Annoying Mrs. George Howe. NEW TOnK, Oct. 2J,-Dr. Ernest C. White, who was sentenced to ten days In the workhouse by Magistrate Broen, on October as for accosting on tho street Mrs. George Huwt, niece of President Wilson, Is nt liberty under $W0 ball. He wns released on Saturday, awaiting a hearing of his caso, It wns learned today. White, through his lawyers, appealed to Judge Ropnlsky In Genernl Sessions Court to have the case reopened. He filed an affidavit In which he pleaded that he knew Mrs. Howe, who Is known on the stage ns Margaret Vole, In Paris, wiwro, ne says, ne quarreioa wim ner. In police court, he had said he had ac costed Mrs. Howe according to Paris custom. While argued his speaking to Mrs. Howo wns quite all right In his opinion, ns ho supposed that the differences had hecn forgotten and Mrs. Howe bore him no 111 will. FOUGHT IN MAIINE BATTLE. Whto further plended that In deference to his standards of honor ho refrained from telling the Magistrate that he and Mrs. Howe had been friends In Europe. As a final plea ho declared he was a member of the American Volunteer Am bulance Corps in Franco and had served as a surgeon In the battle of the Mnrne. Mrs. Howe, In her apartments, heard or White's affidavit with amazement. "I never saw this person before in Paris nor elsewhere." she said. "Ronlly, he should be more specific. When did he meet mo and how? And about what did ho quarrel? And what wonderful coda of honor does he cherish which permits him to grasp a woman's arm and leer in her face and then refrain from telling a Magistrate that he has met her before. ACTIVITIES OF MASHERS. "The masher rules Broadway. Tho conditions aro terrible. If I go out dressed as an ordinary- working girl I am not permitted to go moro than 10 blocks before I am accosted and In sulted. "If It Is necessary I shall go to court to tight the release of this person White. It is n, duty I owe other women. I call upon him to prove thnt he ever mot me at any time or anywhere. And 1 call upon any Frenchmen, who have the honor of Paris at heart, to refute the statements of this person who would have It that such as he aro there entitled to prefis their attentions upon women." ORIGIN OF UNION JACK Combination of the Crosses of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick. LONDON, Oct. 23. Six well-known politicians at dinner were discussing tho Union Jack. Questions arose as to how It came to assume Its present form, how It la composed, etc., etc. Only two of the well-known politicians knew any thing about Its history. It Is to clear away Ignornnce on this subject that tho following Is given. In the first place, It should be ex plained that the name, "Union Jack," is more often than not wrongly applied. That name really belongs to n minia ture union flag, displayed from a staff at the end of the bowsprit of his Ma jesty's ships, and known for many years past as a Jack; whence tho name of "Union Jack." which has como to bo wrongly applied to the larger as well as the smaller Union Flag, the correct name when displayed otherwise than on his Majesty's ships. The Jack, properly so-called, Is never flown on shore. Until the fifteenth century, England, Scotland and Ireland had separate flags. The EtiKllsh flag consisted of the Red Cross of St George on a white ground, that of Scotland the white diagonal cross of St. Andrew on a blue ground, and that ot Ireland the red diagonal cross of St. Patrick, also on a white flag, and It la from a combination of these three flags that we get tho "Union Jack." It was Jnmes I who first began tho formation of tho Union Jack, by com bining tho crosses of St. George and St. Andrew. He laid the cross of St, George on the cross of St. Andrew, and thus formed the Union Jack, which was the national flag for 200 years. It was after the Union of 1S01 that the cross of St. Patrick was added, though In this case tho diagonal red stripes were narrowed down In order that they should not obliterate the white stripes of St Andrew's cross. ARMED U. S. GUARDS WATCH MARCONI WIRELESS PLANTS Detectives at Work on Alleged Ger man Conspiracy. NEW TORK, Oot. 28. Fourteen armed men, Including Deputy United States mar shals. United States Treasury agents and men from the New York Navy Tard. to day are guarding the wireless telegraph stations at Sayvllle, L. I , and Tuckerton, N J., from the activity of alleged German spies and secret agents. United States Secret Service operators are working In Hoboken to uncover what Is believed to be a conspiracy to thwart President Wilson's order of strict neu trality, and particularly the Govern ment's orders that those stations, each of which Is powerful enough to communi cate directly with Berlin, shall not be used In vlo'atlon of this country's neu trality In the European war. The killing of four aermans In a mys terious automobile accident at Hemp stead. L. I. when they were on their way to the Sayvllle station, caused the Government to protect the stations. 30 SURVIVORS OF STRICKEN BRITISH FREIGHTER LAND Manchester Commerce Sank in Seven Minutes, Says Officer. LONDON, Oct. 2S. The trawler. City of London, arrived at Fleetwood, England, today with the SO survivors of the British freight steamship Manchester Commerce, whlcti struck a mine Monday night off the northern coast of Ireland and sank. Captain Payne and 13 of his crew were drowned. Second Offlcer Gee told the following story of the disaster: "The explosion occurred about 20 miles north of Tory Island, on the main trade route between Munchester and Canada. The vessel was shaken as though she had been a chip of wood. There was no doubt In the mind of anybody as to what had happened. The ship began to sink at once and was beneath the waves In seven minutes. ....,., "The officers and crew behaved with the greatest coolness We were able to launch only one lifeboat Just as we ur nreoarinir to put another Into the ....- ih nbin srave a sudden lurch and i tank Officers and sailors Jumped for their lives and some were carried down by suction." GREAT AUTO PARADE TONIGHT Will Be Feature of New York's Ter centenary. NEW TORK, Oct 2S.-What Is be lieved to be tho biggest automobile par ado ever held In this country will bo a feature of New York's commercial ter centenary celebration tonight. With $6000 being spent on the pageant Itself and with $5000 moro offered In prizes, besides scores of merchandise trophies posted for various kinds of cars, motor ists from all over tho State were at tracted to the event. Tho parade will bo made up of seven divisions of automobiles and motorcycles. Including every known machine, from a single cylinder two wheeled affair to slx-cjilndcr. 90-horse-pouer touring cars, both decorated and undecornted. Governor Glynn hns consented to rlda nt the head of the pageant and later to review it from tho court of honor. INDORSED BY THE PRESIDENT White House Approval Given to Can didacies of Various Democrats. WASHINGTON. Oct. 23. - Frosldontlnt Indorsement wns given today to W. W. Black, of Everett, Wash., Democratic candidate for the United States Senate frorj Washington, and to Representative Edward W. Townscnd, of tho 10th New Jersey District, In campaign letters from tho White House. Other Indorsements from President Wil son were.' Representative Baker, In the 2d New Jersey District: Representative Tutllc, In the 5th New Jersey District; Edwnid Johnson, candidate for Senator In South Dakota, and R. B, Stevens, candidate for Senator from New Hampshire. CLOSED SEASON SET ON KAISER QUESTS OF EAGER COSSACKS Frequent Capture of War Lord's "Doubles" Hinders Cavalry Regular Patrol Duty. PETROGRAD, Oct. 23. Strict orders have been Issued on tho battle front In Western Poland that Em peror William Is not to be captured any more. Slncc-tt was first reported among the Ruslans In the Suwalkl province nnd In East Prussia, two weeks or more ago, that the German Emperor had visit ed Lyck, In person, keen rivalry has set up among tho Cossacks as to who should succeed In capturing that monarch. One day a Cossack non-commlssloned officer enme Into camp with a prisoner, whom he announced to be unmistakably William. It wns necessary to disillusion him, as his captive, although bearing a strong resemblance to the Emperor, espe cially In his hirsute adornments, was merely a lieutenant of Uhlans. Undlscournged by this mistake, the same Cosack, on the following day, brought in two moro prisoners and de clared that one of them, at least, must be William. He suffered n second dis appointment. As this fruitless chaso threatened to Interfere with the proper performance of the patrol duty of the Cossacks, oiders were Issued that "Emperor William Is not to be captured " PARIS WILLING TO LET AMERICA MAKE STYLES THIS YEAR French Women Have No Time to Think About Fashions Just Now, and for Once Don't Care Who Fixes Them. By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMS PARIS, Oct. 2S.-Thl8 year thero will bo no Paris styles. Purls, mistress of the world's fashions, is thinking of other things. Most of tho famous dressmaking establishments nie closed, nnd employes are making bandages for tho wounded. War, the great levclcr, has taken the coquetry out of the women of Europe; war has frightened the rich Americans away; some of the men who designed milady's dresses are now company cooks, mldl nettes aro making winter underwear for tho soldiers, and the duchess-like models and salesladies are Red Cross nurses. In the fashion-creating quarter of Paris the steel shutters are drawn. The Itue de la Patx Is well named; It Is pre-eminently a street of peace. I asked the "premiere" of a closed Rue de la Pair dressmaking establishment what effect the war would have on styles. "It won't have any," she said, "for the very simple reason that there won't be any styles. Under present conditions how can there be any styles? "Famine pestilence. Are and flood may not be able to take away the desire to look charming vanity. If you prefer from modern woman, but this war has done it. "It's because women are thinking of other things. Oh, we'd be only too glad to keep the shops going If we could ! Do you think wo discharged all our employes at the beginning of tho war for nothing? When their men left for the war wom en canceled orders. They began to think of less selfish things." There are few people In Europe whoso families are not directly Interested In the war by having a member on the firing line. These few are financially hit nnd must go slow with expenses." "And your foreign trade?'1 "Your American women are our chief foreign customers, and they are not like ly to do much shopping In Paris this win ter. South Americans are good custom ers: they have flitted, too. "Now is America's chance to try her hand. This season we are not going to set the style; we have other occupations; we don't care who sets them. "Your American women ure good dress ers and have taste a taste more like a Frenchwoman's than the women of any other country, perhaps, possess. But" here she smiled, "but she has whims; and one of her pet whims Is that no hat and no gown Is pretty or stylish unless it Is 'made In Paris,' and as she has the money to gratify her whims she will 'get along' with a home-made variety until the war Is over, and then she will come back to us and make up for lost time." Auto Hits Son of Assemblyman rnvwn rial n,.f 98 Prturard Houston. 8-year-old son of Assemblyman John M. Houston, injs morning v "" "r an automobile and suffered concussion of the brain. Tho car was driven by George Bcotten, of Hartly. MONTE CRISTO ISLE NOW PRISON-HOUSE OF TEUTON CAPTIVES Dungeons of Chateau d'lf Not So Fearsome as De picted by Dumas, War Prisoners Find. Everybody who has rend "Monto Crlsto,1' or seen It acted, will remember the Chateau d'lf, the fearsome prison from which Dumas' sailor hero, Edmond Dantes, escaped In a sack after having taken the place therein of his fellow prisoner nnd counselor, tho Abbe Farla. Such Dumas lovers, accordingly, may be Interested to hear that tho Chateau d'lf, which stands, of course, on an Island In Marseilles harbor and wan a fortress before It became a prison, Is, owing to tho wnr, onco moro In uso qb a place of detention nftcr having been for mnny years a showplace. "I havo Just steamed round it," writes a correspondent, "and espied several mel ancholy black figures In French uniforms on tho battlements. They were guarding German prisoners. Outside the door of the central fort were three monks, nnd nlong tho winding path to the landing stage was a thick dark coll of prisoners, In the offing was a red French ship tak ing up a fresh batch of prisoners from n small boat for conveynnco to Algiers. It wns a sll'nt, gloomy picture, but no ono could tell mo whether tho famous old dungeons aro stilt being used." It wns from n dungeon of the Chateau d'lf, of course, that Edmond Dantes made his escape, after having lan guished within Its walls 15 years. How Dantes and the "mad" Abbo Farla man aged to communlcnto with each other by means of n tunnel dug between their cells, how the nhbo told his young pro tego of the treasure of Monte Crlsto nnd how tho latter, encased in his sack, finnlly wns thrown Into the sea from the ramparts of tho chateau with a 30 pound shot tied to his feet nil this Is too famlllnr a story to need to be re called. 'Visitors to tho chateau, by the way, aro always shown "Edmond Dante's dungeon," and Farla's, too, desplto the fact that no such persons over existed. As a fact, tho stage version of "Monto Crlsto" played so many times by nctorB tho world over Is a poor thing, Indeed, compnred with Dumas' masterpiece, which tho late Lord Salisbury, It Is said, used to keep under his pillow. In the piny all tho relationships of the novel are mixed up In a fashion calculated to make Dumas turn In his grave, while us for the famous phrase of the play, "The world Is mine," It Is not to be found In tho novel at nil. It was stated once that Henry Hamilton, the English dramatist, proposed to make a retlly worthy dramatization of "Monte Crlsto" for the late Kyrle Bellow, but evidently the project was abandoned. As a mat ter of fact, few works of fiction would be more difficult to dramatize adequately. SPANISH MATRONS DO NOT LOSE THEIR IDENTITY Add Husband's Name to Their Own With Help of "De." Senora De Barnlt, a delegate from tho Ilavnna Women's Club to tho Domestic Science nnd Pure Food Exposition held In Boston this month, laughs a little at tho furore which Is stirred up by "feminists" In this country when they declaro that they wish to keep their maiden name after marriage. "That isn't such a startling or unheard of plan," said the Senora. "A Spanish woman never gives up her maiden nnme nt marriage. Sho merely adds her hus band's name to her own, and to her intlmato friends she Is moro often known by her maiden nnmo than by that of her husband. In Spanish the prefix 'do' does not signify nobility, ns It does In some other countries. It is simply tho link that tacks on the name of a hus band, "Beforo marrlago one Is known both by one's mother's and father's names. My son, for Instance, is known as Louis Bnrnlt y Zacharle, Zacharle being my mniden name, the y meaning 'and.' That Is his formal title; ho is commonly called Bnralt. "A Smith Is not lost In a maze of Smiths In my country, for ho Is 'Smith y Brown," which tells you at onco he Is no ordinary Smith. To avoid confu sion after marriage, the mother's name is dropped nnd the father's retained with the husband's ndded after the 'de.' " Senora de Baralt Is a Xew York wo man who mnrrled a Cuban nnd has lived In Havana V years. She Is widely known ns a writer and lecturer on Spanish litera ture, music, poetry and Spnnish-Amerlcan women. She Is a linguist, a doctor of philosophy and the second woman to grad uate from the University of Havana, where her husband Is a professor. BIRDS AS INSECT DESTROYER Biological Survey Shows They Are Friends of Farmer. The United States Biological Survey has recently conducted an Investigation to determine the vnlue of birds as Insect destroyers and made some startling dis coveries, says the McKlnney Courier Gazette. A treo swallow's stomach was found to contain 40 entire chinch bugs and frag ments of many others, besides other spe cies of insects. A bank swallow In Texas devoured 63 cotton boll weevils. Thirty live cliff swallows had taken an average of 18 boll weevils each. Two stomachs of pine siskins from Haywards, Cat., contained M0 black olive scales and 3000 plant lice. A killdcer's stomach taken In November contained over 300 mosquito larvae. A flicker's Btomach held 2S white grubs. A night hawk's stomach collected In Kentucky contained 31 beetles, the adult form of whlto gtubs. Another nlghthawk from New York had eaten 21 clover leaf weev ils and 375 ants. Still another night hawk had eaten 310 grasshoppers, 42 bugs, 3 beetles, 2 wasp3 and a spider. A boattalled grackle had eaten at one meal about 100 cotton bofl worms besides a few other Insects. A ring-necked pheasant's crop from Wash ington contained S00O seeds of chlckweed and dandelion heads. Many other birds are very valuable In bringing about the destruction of Insects and the seeds of noxious weeds. Includ ing a number of those on whom the sportsman relies for pleasant times In t.eason. Sentiment Is growing steadily against the unnecessary slaughter of the Innnocent winged friends of humanity, and the day Is probably not far distant when It will become an obsolete custom and be discontinued entirely. ASK HOLIDAY FOR THAW CHICAGO, Oct. 2S.-Petltlons addressed to President Wilson, asking that Harry K. Thaw be permitted to visit his mother during the Christmas holidays, are being circulated In Chicago and other cities. The petitions say that "public sentiment Is aroused at present to the opportunity to request the immediate, Impartial and deliberate consideration of the freedom of one Harry K Thaw, whom we be lieve to cunlsh fucther would be unjust." WANTS $75,000 FOR INJURIES Actress Declares Sho Was Incapaci tated When Hit by Auto. NEW YORK, Oct. 28.-Mlss Irene Bul ger, an actress, ex-horseback rider and expert swimmer, began suit In tho Su preme Court yesterday against Andrew Allbrlght for 176,000 for Injuries suffered when hit by his automobile. Tho suit will come up for trial this week before Justice Whlttnker, of the Bupremo Court. Miss Bulger alleges that two years ago, when she was crossing Broadway at 70th street, she was struck by an au tomobile owned by the defendant nnd severely Injurled. Both of hor legs were bo crushed sho had to give up outdoor sports, sho Bays. i CARRANZA MEN PLAN ATTACK Hill Prepares Movement to Drive Maytorena to Nognlcs. NACO, Ariz., Oct. 28 General Benjamin Hill, commander of tho Carranza garrison defending Nnco, Alexlco, contlnuos to strengthen his defenses preparatory to nsBttmlng nn offensive movement to drlvo Governor Maytorena, tho Villa supporter, back to Nogalcs. Hill has received a now Hotchklss ono-pottndor rapid-fire gun, nnd expjets additional arms and am munition to arrive from tho United States at anv tlmo. General Hill has Issued a signed state ment to the American press repudiating a dispatch sent from Douglas, Ariz., Btat Ing ho had established a censorship ovor news Bent regnrdlng tho movements of his troops. Ho nlso expressed his gratitude to tho newspapers. REFUGEES, FEARING REPRISAL", WON'T GO BACK TO ANTWERP Belgian Editor Says Fate of Liege, Louvain and Aer schot Is Too Fresh in Minds of People. LONDON, Oct. 23. Belgian refugees from Antwerp will never return In any numbers ns long as tho Germans possess the city and the wnr continues, according to Ernest Hcn rlon, editor of tho Antwerp Mntln, who Is now in London. "That tho Germans are feared Is Bhown by tho firmly expressed Intention of the Belgians In both Holland and England not to go back to their city," says Mr, Henrlon. "When wo go back n drunkon soldier will shout 'man hat geschossen," and we shall see a repetition of Llcgo, Louvain and Acrschot. "The population had for many years given tho acrmnna a most cordial recep tion. Antwerp was looked upon as a German town par excellence situated bo yound the frontier of tho empire of the Knlscr. We had confldenco In the Ger mans until the sudden invasion by them In the early part of August plunged the population Into a rago which found ex pression In Antwerp In tho Backing of all German cafes and places of business. "Then tho bombardment commenced and the taking of the town seemed Im minent. The question In tho minds of all was to what extent would tho Ger mans nvengo themselves on those whom they had thought their friends and who had now become tho most bitter of their enemies. It was this fear of German reprisal which caused the sudden and general exodus." THE HAGUE. Oct. 2S. Tho Govern ment of Holland hns asked Parliament to appropriate 3,000.000 guilders for tho maintenance of tho refugees from Bel glum who are now within tho Dutch borders. VIKINGS A HARDY RACE Bold Travelers Were Bred of Long Independence. The Vikings and their followers, who Bwnrmcd up tho Seine and the Thames, and whose descendants conquered Nor mnndy and then England, wore bred of long years of Independence and property rights, while thoae they overthrew were dependent and nonlandowncrs, Bays Scrlb nor's Magazine. They were the hnrdiest and boldest travelers of their time. Norwegian sealers still crulso about the ea as far north ns It Is open, and the history ot polar explorations has been associated with Norway from Othar, In King Alfred's time, to Nansen. In our own. In the Shetland Islands tho people still talked Norwegian In the last cen tury: Greenland and Icelnnd were colo nlzed from Norway, and from Iceland comes n literature In old Norwegian, BtUl the language of the people, which ranks with the hero talcs of the east, of Greece of Germany, and England. ' The Orkneys, Shetland, the Hebrides, the Isle of jinn, were possessions of Noi way for hundreds of years, nnd for more than 300 years Norwegian kings ruled In Dublin. Many of the Danes who con quered England were Noraemen, and the conquerors of Normandy were mostly of the Norwegian Viking breed. 11 HixpioJbile Of Tio Stmofc osr famJy 51365 F. O. B. Oefroft Touting Car uilJi Sedan Top. Roadster with Coupe Top. tlilS r. O. a. Pelrelt SiiroftJieAmtrKM famt. -&r TIOGA AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 336 N. Broad St. IWll l'hoiic topruce -1905 Broad and Tioga Sts. ,r Hell rhooe Tioga S1I3 Ktyttuue l'Uuue- l'ark iiU) A. G. G. Brownlee, Mgr. I ( AA&1 I V JBtmnmm TumnM iiimr RECORD PRICE SAID TO HAVE BEEN PAID FOR CENTRAL SITE Sale of Property at Broad and Chestnut Streets Will Result in Sharp Revision of Values. The transfer to John Wanamaker of the northeast corner of Broad and Chestnut ..vClB uy tno i-rnnkiln National Bank and tho conveyance by him of tho pron' rrty formerly known as the Hazeitln. Building, 1416-18 Chestnut street, easily overshadow any recent transaction in the real estate world. Tho amount Involved runs Into the mil. lions, and the equaro foot values claimed by real cstato men recently will havs to be revised and advanced. On November 3, 1808. the Glrard Trust Company sold tho property at northeast corner of Broad and Chestnut streets to tho franklin National Bank, with a frontage on Broad street of 100 fe6t j InchCB by a depth of 1)3 feet 2 Inches on Chestnut street, containing 9340 squara feet, for tl.950.000. or J232 a square XooL Including tho building. It was the slto of tho Seventh Presby. terlan Church in 1881, and was purchased that year by John F. Bets for $156,000 and tho present building erected. It Is understood that Mr. Wanamaker paid about 2,750,00O for tho Franklin Na tlonal Bank property, 100 feet 2 Inches on Broad street by S3 foot 2 Inches on I'linntniit aauii Apia . - wl v"""" Diicci, now square rect, or 1233 a square foot, and, as tho building will probably como down, this may bo con rldored ground value, Tho activity of Mr. Wanamaker has had much to do with tho advance In value shown In tho vicinity of Broad and Chestnut streets. HAPID niSE OF VALUES. It will be Interesting to note at what price tho next largo plceo of real estate will sell near this hub of business. Previous sales In that vicinity were: 1837 Northwest corner Broad and Chest nut streets, lot 18 by 77, sold for JIM a equaro foot. U99 Northeast corner Broad and San Bom streets, Chambers-Wylle Memorial Church, now occupied by the North American Building, sold at $50 a square foot. 19011310 Chestnut street, lot 18.0 by 100, sold at ?SD a square foot. 1907 Tho Real Estate Trust Company paid D. C. Folwell for 1333 Chestnut street, lot Z! by 150. adjoining their build ing, $143 a square foot, a record price to that date In tho 1300 block. During the years 1901 and 1902 the Glrard Trust Company acquired the ground now occupied by their now building, nt an avornga price for tho 19.6J0 squaro feet of $115 a squaro foot, tho site costing 52,100, COO. It will be remembered that for the widening of Chestnut street In 1903 the city paid tho Glrard Trust Company for a strip 5 feet wido on Broad street by a depth along Chestnut street of 140 feet, $33,000, or nt tho rato of $78 a square foot. In 1903 $65 was paid a squaro foot for the strip in front of tho old Mint property, now tho slto of the WIdener Building. It Is Interesting, in tho light of these central sales nnd transfers, to take a backward glance over the field and note the remarkable advance In value. It would be a very daring real estate student who would forecast tho futuro of Chestnut street and Broad street In this locality. Tho prices made today are high, and yet In a few months present figures may look low. NOTES OF THE REALTT MART. Record of Mortgages for Monday and Tuesday of this week show: Building societies loaned. $1C7,:00. Trust Companies, $201,000. Individuals. $115,300. The following mortgages were placed: $00,000 sub to ground rent, $20,000 north sldo Market street 1KM feet cast of 9th street. $15,009 premises northeast corner 7th and Rnnstead streets. $60,000 premises southwest corner 11th nnd Walnut streets. $15,0(0 premises Nos. 3533-35 Locust street, $20,000 premises No. 218 South 9th street. Permits and plans for buildings nre be ing lllcd rapidly. LESSOR. AID FOR WAYWARD GIRLS Bureau in Los Angeles Under Super vision of "City Mother." LOS ANGELES, Oct. 2S.-Wlth the two fold object of simplifying the control of wnyward girls nnd of restoring them to their homcH, a municipal Confidential Bu reau for Girls was established here today In quarters far removed from any possible connection with the police department and the usual detention homes. Under the supervision of "City Mother" Aletha Gilbert, former policewoman, the bureau has the aid of a board composed of society women, social rescue workers, and women Inclined to philanthropic work. The bureau Is an Innovation In police work among girls, and police olll clals predict the rapid spread of the Idea to other cities. Laugh Winter to Scorn See the sedan and the coupe tops designed for the new Hupmoblle. Then you'll understand why Hups are selling so readily this fall. These tops are detachable, used la winter, stored away In summer. It Is Just like owning two cars one open and one closed at little mora than the cost of one. Good-looking, because they are de signed to harmonize with the beautiful Hup lines. Complete and cozy protection from wind, water and snow: and an in terior flnlBh worthy of a fine limou sine. People who never before havo bought cars in the fall aro buy ing new Hupmoblles, largely bo cause they can have them fitted with these bodies, at a very rea sonable figure, and be assured of winter moforlng comfort. Come, take a look at the new Hup moblle. Q, G, BROWNLEE, Mgr tBj-r-----gjm