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f IMp tlJIMJfttV-iW -Tt-T! Htj-. i " "TT jffr .?- WWT" W EVENING EEDG-EIl-PHIEnErPHia, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEK 3, 19T3. RETURNS SHOWING THE RESULTS OF YESTERDAY'S ELECTION IN PENNSYLVANIA The Appended Tables Contain the Results of the Vote Cast in Counties, Districts and Wards in Pennsylvania at the Elections Yesterday and Are Tabulated From Dispatches and Local Reports Received Up to the Hour of Going to Press. "- "JIW "" i m j REPUBLICANS WILL ME CONTROL OF PA. LEGISLATURE Only Six "Straight Demo crats' in a Senate of 50 members, and 45 in a House Membership of 207. The entire membership of the Slate House oC Representatives, numbering 207, and 27 State Senators were chosen yester day, the Republicans obtaining control ot both bodies by Increased majorities. Of the Senators chosen 10 were elected on tho Republican ticket, six as Demo crats and one as the Washington party candidate. The Senate Is composed ot M members. The largo majority of tho S3 hold-overs are Republicans. Tho 207 members of the noxt House will 'contain 45 chosen on the Democratic ticket without other Indorsement, the re maining 162 being elected as Republicans, with tho exception of ono Socialist from the Reading district, and one Washing ton party nominee In Reaver, one In BUtlor and two In Washington County, whb made their campaigns without other party affiliation. In addition to running as the success ful Republican candidates, a large num ber of the Representatives-elect had tho indorsement of tho Washington party and 'tho Democratic as well, whllo sev eral wtiose names appeared on the Demo cratic ticket had Washington party back ing afso. The returns Indicate that tho make-Up of tho two branches of tho Legislature will bo as follows, the "regular" Republi can membership being considerably In creased over that of tho session of 1913, when tho Washington party succeeded In controlling the organization of tho House and directing Its policy. The Senate sliuws the Republicans moro firmly In trenched' than ever. SENATE Dlst. 28. W. Salus, n. 4 E. W. Patton, It. 0 O. B. Jenkins, R. J8 W, W. Smith. It. 10 C. J. Buckman, R. 12 Prank Pi Croft. R. 1 Elrrler Warner, D. 16 H. W. Schantx, R. 18 W. C. Ilackett, D, 20 Asa K. DflWItt, D. 22 Wm. M. Lynch, It. 24 Chaa. W. Semen. D. 2(1 Joslah Howard, It. Dint. 28 Henry WasJbrs, D. 0 P. W. Snyder, R. 32 Wm, E. Crow, R. 34 S. J. Miller, It. 33 11. A. Tompklns.D. 30 Jan. W. Kmlnley.n, 38 Chas. H. Kline. R. 40-C. G. Barr, It. 42 Wm. J. llurko, R. 44 Wm. S. McKee. R. 40-J. W. Hallam. R. 48 Marshall Phlpps.n, SO R. E. Smlth.D.&W. 27 W. C. McConell, It. HOUSE OP BEPBESENTATIVES Members of ,tho House elected were: PIIIIiADELPHIA. First District lit and 30th Wards. U C. Olam. It.. K. John JlcPerraott. J., .. ".. J ... (Second District 2J Ward, V. Q. S"nrstr. R. lfrfhlrd Dlstrfct 3d. 4th and Sth Warda, 2. J. Honey. Jr.. R.. K. I. Stern, n.. It. Fourth District Sth. 8th and Oth Wards. J. V. lAKetty, R.. It Fifth District 26th and 3fith Wards. W. H. "Wilson W. R. E. R. Cox. R. P. W. WlllardV n. Sixth Dlstrlct-Tth Ward. W. C Graham, R. BtTsnth District BOth Ward. T. K. McNIChol, R. Eighth District 10th. 13th and 14th Wards. J. W. Smith, W., n.,K. Bph. Upschuti, W..R. Ninth District 11th and 12th Wards. H, Gnnsback, Sr., R-, K. Tenth Dlstrlct-lEtb Ward. A. V.R!chards.R.,K.,S. A. II. Twllblll. R., S. Elorcnth District lTth and 18th Warda. Richard Curry, D., It. Twelfth District 10th Ward. H. T. Bauerlo, R. J. E. Arthur, R. Thirteenth District lBth and 20th Warda, 3. II. McArdle. P, Pro. Max Aron, R.. K. Fourteenth District 21st Ward. J. e. Wooensmlth, R. F1cnth Dlstrlct-22d and 42d Wards. 3. Y. Cummtaf a, D..R. W. T Weir, Jr., D. R., W. Sixteenth District 23d, 35th and 41it Wards. 3. A. Dunn. K.. W., It. Seventeenth. District 24th, 34th and 44th Warda. . j. J. Heffernan. R. Tbeo. Campbell. R. R. T. Voids. . Eighteenth DUtrlct 23th and 45lh Wards. Win. Nlsoer, R. S. J. Perry, R. Nineteenth Dlstxlct-28th and 37th Warda C. A. KowelU R. Raynolds, II., K. Twentieth Dltrlct-20th and 47th Wards. 3. II. Drlskhouse, R. Patk. Conner. R.. 8. " Twnty-4trt District 27th, 0tb and 48th J,McCllntock, It.. X. W. Walsh, H., JC Twenty-second Dlstrlct-32d Ward. Alsx. D. Later. R K-Twanty-thlrd Dstrlot-38th Ward. Sir. 3, aans. D.. R. Twenty-Wurth DUtrlct-Cad Ward. F. Fackler, R. j'Twcnty-flfth District 43d Ward, yrad Beyer, B. Twnty.slxth Dlstrlct-Slit Ward. TH, u UackeU. W.. R. ADAMB. D. C. ItudlalU, D, ALtECIIIENT. First PUtrtoC A. C. Mela, W R. T, P. deary, D.. W., II. &econd District. i, C. Sullivan. D., R. W. J. McCa!, R. Third DUtrlct. 3. Lauler, W.. R. Fourth DUtrlct, iy W. UaarWla, W.. R. 3 5 IBCUXL. Fifth DUtrlct. H. W. Uromar, XL, Pro. Sixth DUtrlct. W. M. llamllten. R. W, J. Manxan, a, W. J. ilowarth. . Saresta District, J. Wattacb. W. R. C S. Btavlnc. R. KUhth DUtrlct. i, tJwaa. Jr., B. 3. O. KaUar. W.. It. Ninth DUtrlct. J. F.'Woediwd. D B. . Tanth DUtrtoC ,Si wiur. . C. U. C. CjnrlL W Fsirijfcju.;-- - r - . w EUrsath District. ita Dodds. K. W. C. Waznar, R. ! ' - ' TWeWto DUUtet' H&fW UeVtcar. WK. W. VJckaraao, R., ARUSTBONQ. St' 8. ifc. W., B." ' M, A. MUllren, B. IHSU.VSH, y, BwVK. W. r. K. Medura, B. H BasDTOBD. First DUlrUt, U Kmm Ses. ilahten O. BhaAhs, B. swaea jwiEk - BLAIR. wot . Sttl UfM. A. IhWWitiilUlh. B MinjaajT. R, "'" WtASMOBA, ,C MaaMi. . AW. Ha X a. 4Ptar. n. S WARD VOTE ON LOAN BILL Ward. First .. Second Third . Fourth Fifth ,. Sixth .. Seventh Blghth Yes. 3219 mi 1703 135.1 1648 575 2S03 1978 773 2991 1333 1340 2239 24S2 4212 1316 1132 D68.1 4M7 2339 2351 7240 2739 45S6 3594 4C67 216.1 401 3409 3.145 2C5S 4023 42153 4723 1183 4813 2430 5753 5066 4900 1497 36S5 5376 2932 1387 6213 2340 3003 No. 119 58 29 23 43 19 8.1 86 23 115 20 33 33 75 311 37 S3 293 456 655 614 811 485 451 323 264 141 532 231 132 301 323 484 651 133 221 769 516 193 492 163 SG7 49 258 26S 495 200 119 12C97 .... it)..,.,..,,. ...(,. Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth ..,, Fifteenth SIxt6cnth Seventeenth .... Klghtcenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-first .., Twentysecond Twenty-third ., Twcnty-fourt,h , Twenty-fifth ... Twenty-sixth ., Twenty-peventh Twenty-eighth Twenty-ninth ., Thirtieth Thlrty-llrst Thirty-second .. Thirty-third .... Thirty-fourth ., Thirty-fifth .... Thirty-sixth .... Thirty-seventh Thirty-eighth .. Thirty-ninth ... Fortieth Torty-nrst Forty-second .. Torty-thlrd .... Forty-fourth ... Forty-fifth Forty-sixth .... Forty-seventh . Forty-eighth ... Total 149SG9 CAMBRIA. First District. II. II. Cupp. W..R..Pro. Second District. A. J. Oaks. W H.,Pro.W. R. Rees, R. CAMBROK. C. J. Goodnough, R. CARBON. J. A. Zcmmel, R. CENTRE. II. B. Scott, R. CHESTER. S. K. Whltaker, R. C. P. Oreenwood. R.. M. M.HolUnisworth, R. Pro. ' ' CLARION. H. II. Arnold, W R. CLEARFIELD. J, E. Phillips. P. A. L. Edwards. R. a. M. Alcorn, H. CLINTON. S. W. Caldwell. D. COLUMBIA. C. A. Shaffer, D Pro, CP.AWFORD. J, C. McKay, D. W. L. Metiontacker.D. CUMBERLAND. It. C. Burner, D, A. M. Bowman, D. DAUPHIN. First District. Aug. Wltdman, It. J. W. Swarti, R. Second DUtrlct. J. C. Nlssley, B. Walter 8. Tounc. R. DELAWARE. ' First DUUlct. W. T. Ramsey, R. Second District. R. J. Baldwin, R. 11. H, Heyburn, B. ELK. J. M. Flynn. D. ERIE. First District. J. McCormack, D. Second District. M. B. Kltts. D R., Pro. Third DUUlct. C. L. Aloxander, R. FATETTE. Flrat DUtrlct. Charles C. Gcis, D. Second District. II. A. Cottom. D. II. Cochran. D. J. L. Kcffer. D. FOREST. G. F. Watson, D. FRANKLIN. Charles Walter, R. L. F. Bencbotf, R. FULTON, a. B. Mellott. D. OREENE. J. N. Kubn. D.. W. HUNTINGDON. J. O. Dell. R. INDrANA. W. II. Wood. R. JEFFEBSON. II. I. Wilson, R.I, It. 11. Broslut, R. JUNIATA. X. D. Muster, D. LACKAWANNA. First District. G. E. Acker, R. Second DUtrlct. H, A. Dawson, R. Third DUtrlot. F. C. Ebrhardt, R. Fourth DUtrlct, W. lUrjerty. R K. Fifth District, J. F. Mannlon, D. W. W. Jones. W B. Sixth DUtrlct. D. F, DavU, W R. LANCASTER. First District. 'A. V. Tlvu, W, B. Second District. C. N. Bsrntheliel. R. M. R. Hoffroan, It. a, Jllbshman, R, II. L. Rhoads, R. LAWRENCE. B. F. a. Harper, B. W. D. Walton, B. LEBANON. L X. Urleh. B. A. A. Welmer, B. LEHIQII. First DUtrlct. L T. Erdman. D. Boond DUtrlct. B. E. Dlefeaderfer. D. Third DUtrlot. A. B. Bton. D. LUZERNEv First District. W. L. Adams. D..W..R. Ssccnd DUtrlct, Pstar Murphy, D. Third DUUlct, P. 1L Wynat, D, Fourth DUtrlct Max Aoamskl. D. Fifth DUtrlct. John B. Hatten. W., B. Sixth DlatrUt. JI. A. Hubler. B. Seventh DUtrUt. D. W. Thomas, D.. B, II. H. Davenport, W, LTCOUma. Ansrt Ulman, D. Balph aibson, W B. McKKAN, Vf. X, Pstrandsr, B. B, P. Uahcood. B. MERGER. y, T, Fruit, B. a B. McCoanell, R. MIFFUN, C. O. Cortla. B. MONROE. W, 3, Price, DUW..R,' UONTOOMERT. Flfs DlsUIct. "' C A. 'Ambler, R. Scea4 DUUlct. W, Ne W. B. Tbifd Blatrtst. J, M. LaaS4, B. FevHb Btstflct UnT ChftntaaaB. D. M4WTOBB. vommmmm ! Wjt "sssasaasfajsyajii F PBRRT. L. E. Donnally, D. PIKE. Edwin F. Psters. D. POTTER. It, T. Albee, R. SCHUYLKILL. First District. A. C. Schaeftsr. W R. Second District. C. J. Monajhon, D. Third District Ch. Becker. D. Fourth District C. M. ratmtr, R. J. C. Sonon, R, SNYDER, J. W. Bampfel, R. SOMERSET. J. P. Btatler. R. M. D, Reel, R. SULLIVAN, C. n. Taylor, D. SUSQUEHANNA, C. E. Jonet, R. TIOGA, p. H. Marvin, R. 0 W, Williams, R,, UNION. II, M. Showalter, R., VENANGO. D 11. Goodwin, R, C. F. Holderman, R. WARREN. Edwin Lindsay, R. WASHINGTON. C. Carson, D W. T. B. II. Brownlce, J. L. Post. D W. D W WAYNE, c B. Woodmansee, R WESTMORELAND, First DUtrlct J. B. Weaver, W R. J. 11. Goldtmlth, W R, J Second District. R. F. nuncard, B, A. W. Love, It D.J. Snyd" F. J. Herman. D. First District. R. B. Spangler, R. Second DUtrlct. William Eppluy, D. Third District S. J. Barnett, B, Fourth District. H. E, Lanlus. D. CONGRESSMAN FIRST DISTRICT. :K h li :9 -K? PJ 6 5 F : Toi 555 3635 272 332 4166 803 1076 5863 640 307 42M 906 1085 52J9 705 552 4850 486 622 2319 WARD. First Sevonth Twtnty-slxth Thirtieth Thirty-sixth . Thirty-ninth . Forty-eighth . ." Totals 4183 4412 SKCONDDISTRICT. 0 WARD. KlElltll 248 Ninth 151 Tenth 251 Thirteenth 231 Fourteenth 402 Fifteenth 2338 Twentieth 1265 Thirty-seventh 1431 Totals 6420 THIRD DISTRICT. a; g r FJ? WARD. PB Second 5T5 fil Third 100 81 Fourth 93 67 Fifth 61 54 Sixth 410 82 Eleventh 29 20 Twelfth 141 170 Sixteenth 187 169 Seventeenth 411 166 Eighteenth 579 722 Nineteenth 1149 977 Totals 3303 2CO0 FOURTHDI STRICT. WARD. i Twenty-eighth Twenty-ninth . Thirty-second . Thirty-eighth . Forty-seventh 1586 525 893 1203 643 Totals 1861 FIFTH DISTRICT. OK WARD. Twenty-third Twenty-fifth , Thirty-first ... Thirty-third . Thirty-fifth .. Forty-first ... Forty-third ... Forty-fifth ... "16&T" 2376 1709 2169 658 977 3299 1278 Totals 14851 SIXTH DISTRICT. 33m : C- :. P WARD. Twenty-first 1875 121 Twenty-second 2653 2329 Twenty-fourth 2065 1193 Twenty-seventh 623 363 Thirty-fourth 1791 2680 Fortieth ,, ,.... 1501 1646 Forty-second 1158 1303 Forty-fourth 1313 J010 Forty-Sixth 2133 2317 Totals .., , 14520 13869 JUDICIAL CONTEST Non-Partlsaa Ticket Greatly proved. The vote for candidates for Supreme and Superior Court Judges in Philadelphia was: Ward. FrSSSnUkr.,f.lai'TSffi First 2862 684 4S0 Beoond ......... 2463 158 133 43 57 67 Third. 37 1946 Fourth. ,..,..., ljfj Fifth ,. 1883 100 (Sixth , 4f9 146 284 9 481 f&yefjth ,,. Wctlth Ntett qtefMit ... TMrteVNUil ,., 8314 .. 18U' JS0 189 34 tt U 144 m m im m m GOVERNOR'S FIGHT Returns From the Wards o This Show Surprises. The vote for Governor In this city wards was MeCormlck, Brumbaugh, Ward. First t. Dem, nnd W, Ren. 731 8720 2654 1941 1946 203S 668 4259 2356 754 3128 1324 1463 2506 2871 4321 1593 1855 3435 6869 6024 4014 S039 3441 6171 4930 6753 2651 6123 4692 4359 4057 4293 66 4928 1320 5782 3066 63C8 6162 6124 2213 3833 5401 3629 2315 6099 3443 2807 180823 Second ,,,, Third .,,....,,,,, 238 177 189 110 282 541 220 135 267 43 269 221 378 2164 317 613 1122 1961 1110 1734 3997 1681 2677 1634 1885 Fourth Fifth , Sixth , Seventh BlBlHh ,. winth .....,,.,,,. Tenth .......,,, nieventh ,,,. Twolfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-first Twenty-second Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh .... 69S Twenty-eighth 3116 Twenty-ninth 1008 Thirtieth 745 Thlrty-flrst 1315 Thirty-second 2008 Thirty-third 1827 Thirty-fourth 3369 Thirty-fifth 640 Thlrty-slxth 1538 Thirty-seventh 1367 Thirty-eighth 2604 Thirty-ninth m Fortieth 2283 Forty-first 917 Forty-second 1864 Forty-third 2673 Forty-fourth 1907 Forty-fifth 971 Forty-sixth 3274 Forty-seventh 1089 Forty-eighth 965 30362 Totals 61787 a Ft. T,a : 3 r? j3 CONGRESS 9 s a J? 9 r J? P r- B 23C2 731 3017 2496 2577 4070 580S 2917 23978 WARDS. riret Second Third I'oi-rth Fifth Sixth Seventh niithth Ninth Tenth Klenth Twelfth Thirteenth .... Tourteenth ... Fifteenth KUteenth Hrvnteenth ... UlKhtcenth ... Nineteenth .... Twentieth Twenty-first . . Twenty-second Twonty-thlnl . Twenty-fourth . Twenty-fifth ... Twent-st!tth . Twenty-seveiith. Twpnty-elichth . Twenty-ninth . Thirtieth Thlrty-nrst Thlrty-cecond Thirty-third ... Thirty-fourth . Thirty-fifth ... Thlrty-slxth .. Thlrty-eenth., Thlrty-olshth . Thirty-ninth .. Fortieth l-nrtv-flrmt . . 40O . iaa . 107 . so . on . air. . 2iin . ino . as . 17(1 . 27 . 102 . 101 . 302 .1297 . 1K2 . 4K . not .1218 . 7 . 7IU .2170 .1101 443 130 ira 77 on 2(1(1 2(B 1311 US 170 27 ISO 104 271) 1170 171 :W MO losn th 702 1808 8?fl 1012 1141 1004 4S2 1000 .1111 M7 7M Stt 1031 1(T12 260 80S 700 1172 7tT 10A.1 .'.80 700 1200 078 (fin l.Vtl B7t 801 D 441 B40 130 130 117 104 10.1 77 70 70 71 (TI CO 45 370 310 l).l 2(W X.! 201 140 140 120 US J1 OS 174 107 123 27 27 14 157 IBS 122 101 102 5.1 .167 201 121 1101 1101 117H 178 170 17S n04 389 10.! BOS 30!) BOO 1118 1071) U70 008 700 M4 714 n82 1140 1013 180 2081 R8S 8(71 831 1081 1M3 1299 1IHI 11V1 381 101 B 1000 834 407 4V .187 1011 1571 1823 MS 313 017 340 MS 2T2 77S 700 080 800 83.1 1YI4 10SS 1042 880 11H4 18.17 2178 274 207 8.10 U22 008 8.18 724 724 720 1201 1170 1718 723 720 B07 1081 1047 1378 401 877 342 710 073 1727 121(1 1210 1830 U77 9C0 018 Oil 374 437 1342 1301 2.17S 020 000 621 MT 512 Bfln a? ill 262S 1914 1900 2013 465 1329 14U 1559 1379 3290 C547 24438 , 1003 .1121 .1104 . ROM ,.MO . 022 . M7 . 8M . 002 .1242 .1024 . 300 . MR , R2 .1421 . SCf .1211 . wn . 062 .1MO .1070 . 7011 .177(1 . B7t . 6S Fort j -second Forty-third . Forty-fourth Forty-fifth . . I'orty-slxth . Forty-seventh Forty-eighth a '. ft Totals .3T03.1 S2331 32950 40174 Fourteenth .... Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth . Eighteenth .... Nineteenth .... Twentieth 2387 2701 1013 833 2034 3372 4593 1113 3402 919 2845 2821 3935 1471 2241 2011 3257 2270 1539 2767 2231 '744 3693 1594 2913 4688 2802 632 1417 2275 1762 1104 7816 2105 1872 401 245 2177 1312 6iai 5128 5282 76M 3806 317 537 1518 2418 1356 2402 6747 2153 3439 1715 1989 1179 3600 1961 819 1407 2136 2135 4185 563 1840 1772 3648 1054 2843 859 2731 3847 2189 1121 5768 1251 1139 208 264 921 1390 885 1086 2927 1245 1801 1253 1259 523 2142 877 686 984 1465 1489 2555 417 1904 962 2081 754 1761 614 1626 2421 1265 603 2892 678 712 33094 Twenty-first ... K "2 Twenty-second Twenty-third.. Twenty-fourth. Twenty-fifth ... Twentv-slxth .. 3023 4301 3529 5032 1144 2163 4543 2596 Twenty-seventh T enty-elghth. Twenty-ninth . Thirtieth Thlrty-flrst .... Thirty-second . 26338 Thirty-third ... Thirty-fourth.. Thirty-fifth... Thirty-sixth... Thirty-seventh. Thirty-eighth.. Thirty-ninth ... Fortieth Forty-first.... Forty-second... Forty-third .... Forty-fourth .. Forty-ruth Forty-sixth,... Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth,.. PL k 3 ?. 3389 7037 4663 2291 4533 4603 3364 2967 C032 37863 Totals ...,, 102724 791J8 '5763 ORGANIZATION GAINS ONE MEMBER IN COUNCILS Eepubllcans Elected to Fill All Nine Vacancies. Organization representation In Councils was lnorasd by one member yesterday. Of the nine vacancies to he filled, sight places war originally held by Repub Im 2881 2484 1S06 JM1 ISM CHANGES IN THE Presanl. FrasaU B. White QHg O, Perkins WIHlaaS, WJt JeBfc. I BfUtow S3 JM4 309 662 394 U W WUltan a. Bfaaiey Out it JofaH. WUnu TMatlW' MHrttm Co 1. &fed , City by VOTE FOR U. S. SENATOR Result of Contest in the Wards of This City. The vole for United States Senator In the 48 wards ot Philadelphia was: l'almer, l'lnchot, Ward. First .. Second Dem W. I', 426 144 113 77 65 193 306 163 76 180 30 167 171 292 1229 206 403 594 1181 740 676 2232 924 1639 1181 1056 610 1742 568 634 C86 937 1123 1438 291 858 762 1381 808 1112 411 807 1384 1021 634 1711 668 517 449 126 98 88 62 95 343 122 83 132 16 147 82 178 1399 161 190 909 2244 C48 1502 3291 1466 1677 832 1295 531 2140 742 364 954 1595 1344 2729 384 1012 960 2198 716 2054 797 1878 22ft 1248 645 3067 782 843 Third ,....,. Fourth . Fifth .. Sixth ., Seventh .... Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh ,,..,,. Twelfth' Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth .... Eighteenth Nineteenth ..... T-vontloth Twenty-first .... Twenty-second.. Twenty-third .. Twenty-fourth . Twenty-fifth ... Twenty-sixth ... Twenty-seventh Twenty-eight- . Twenty-ninth .. Thirtieth Thirty-first Thirty-second .. Thirty-third .... Thirty-fourth .. Thirty-fifth .... Thirty-sixth .... Thlrty-soventh . Thlrty-clgLth .. Thirty-ninth ... Fortieth Forty-first Forty-Bocond ... Forty-third .... Forty-fourth ... Forty-fifth Forty-sixth .... Forty-seventh . Forty-eighth ... Totals 31340 47003 AT LARGE IN CITY 3) B n 3 "?J 4 P o D rz c e f a ?! ?! 3572 2027 1705 1020 2010 530 4140 2278 041 3072 13.11 1401 2482 2774 4045 1344 1331 .1134 nots 5778 8173 038.1 2(U3 4 tWO 4021 55CO 2100 44K8 4401 4217 1302 380.1 4017 4101 1100 5171 2747 5070 B178 4704 1002 303.1 4.11.1 SOI 8 2008 3072 117.1 233(1 330.1 2023 170.1 1021 2010 337 4131 "oil 2U17 1.131 1402 2484 2780 4017 1540 1841 3131 0043 5780 3.102 0301 2015 4W1 4470 5.144 2.100 3311 4381 4200 3578 .1831 4000 4208 HOT 5330 2700 3001 3871 4712 1802 311.1 4340 3001 2002 5180 3170 2502 .1552 2021 1781 1021 2000 517 4145 2273 OKI 2018 13.11 1404 2470 2777 40T0 1340 1.130 3132 fi.194 5703 3350 (1113 2383 B023 4410 5414 2288 4401 4382 42(10 3331 3841 4804 4200 1155 3.140 2718 Ml 3 B8RO 4712 1840 3007 4408 301.1 2101 5031 310T 2544 33370 37130 .17237 34309 103000 102512 102001 2561 3149 1032 1031 2503 4395 4902 2159 6072 1767 4313 3137 1271 2051 3555 3003 3425 2655 3168 3290 3603 863 4008 2366 4426 5003 3351 869 2640 3448 2494 1437 4432 2724 2246 332 .101 3.12 100 113 101 78 70 70 fO 08 113 Bl 40 40 S3 82 82 21)3 2SH 20.1 128 114 104 (17 04 OS 110 111 114 12 11 11 120 01 110 31 37 51 111 122 104 120D 1218 1134 177 17(1 171 1B7 130 130 70.1 70.1 C82 092 1012 0.10 r.22 534 B2S 1104 1201 1101 2751) 2700 2474 000 1)70 873 1404 USD 1.122 107 C32 Bflt 8OT 018 818 378 :i8T 872 1K24 140 1077 oo) mi wo 274 28.1 231 744 751 044 134 1311 1284 0.18 002 811 22'8 2.111 2113 304 317 807 827 828 780 77.1 702 721 1708 1887 1807 531 547 320 1IH1 107.1 1M0 581 384 B21 13K1 150O 110S 1014 1O40 1701 103.1 1000 10m 4R(! 41il 301 2571 2338 2411 020 (140 588 300 5S0 B47 licans and ono by nn Independent. Ite publlcans were elected to the entire nine. The gain for the organization Is offset, however, by three new vacancies In the rtepubllcnn ranks caused by the election of two Organization Councllmen to Con gress and one to the State Senate. Four Select and five Common Council men were elected yesterday. The va cancies wire caused by death and resig nations. Tho vote In detail follows.: ,,, FIRST WARD rt SELECT COUNCIL. Charlea Euler. W..... , MJ W. E. Donnlclc. R.. K 3050 COMMON COUNCIL. Harvey M. Rlghter, R.. K 3T1I FIFTH WARD SELECT COUNCIL. George T. Conrade, R 1C 203S ELEVENTH WARD SELECT COUNCIL. John Holland. W.......... lg William F. Nlchels. It., K 1S TWELFTH WARD SELECT COUNCIL. Albert Schranat. W Oscar P. Ley. R K . . . FIFTEENTH WARD COMMON COUNCIL. Jsmes U Shields, p.. W Samuel, It., K TWENTY-FIRST WARD COMMON COUNCIL. Horacs V. McFadisn. W, , less John I. Thompson, R., K S3S1 TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD COMMON COUNCIL. Rtnlamln Clymar. D.. ............ .,,..., 808 William F. Gleason. R IC 2273 TWENTY-EIGHTH WARD COMMON COUNCIL. Jacob Rotbkugel. P., W... 323T William D. Atnlp, ., K ,,,..,,... 4177 Of the three new vacancies two will be In Common Council and one In the Select branch. In tha upper branch Ed ward M. Patton, from the 27th Ward, was elected on the Republican ticket to the State Senate from the 4th DUtrlot. In Common Council Peter 1. Costello, 41t Ward, was elected to Congress from the 6th DUtrlct on the Republican ticket, and George P. Darrow, Hi Ward, was sent to Congress from the 6th Dis trict, Darrow was elected to Councils a an Independent, but he soon turned to the Organization. 1SS82J UNITED STATES SENATE State. New; Alabama Oscar W. Underwood OaKfomi Jeaefh R. Knowland Georgia Thorn aa W. ljordwick Kansas, Victor Murdoch svMiuoKy jvaasoa n imaw KtjRiiMKy 4. u. w. Beckaam TJWtlijl- R. F Brouaaard K4V Tk ,.Jbm W. Wadawortb, Jr. WH, O. Harding ,...iewU DfcU JaawaU .ynwmw Fioacw K. Hedevera STATE SENATE SECOND DISTRICT. 9w WARD. Fenttme, Iten. 3688 2625 1917 1963 2018 678 4142 2293 717 3079 1194 1414 2193 2778 4188 1550 1373 3163 1381 5850 3587 C525 2795 4789 4733 6578 2242 4359 4420 4227 3684 3768 5092 4162 1185 5434 2713 6568 5914 4697 1932 3082 4601 3027 2648 4865 3179 2593 Second ,, , 152 Third , 101 Fourth , 93 Seventh .,.,., 242 Hlghtli , ,,,. 136 Ninth ,,,,,,, ,.....,... 12 Thirtieth , 641 Totals 1280 FOURTH DISTRICT. a- WARD. Twenty-fourth Twenty-seventh Thirty-fourth Fortieth Forty-fourth Forty-slxth 32 461 ICO I 1972 1162 1893 TOM 8109 8633 BIXTII DISTRICT. WARD. Twcnty-llrst ... 765 1712 Tncnty-second Thirty-eighth lans Forty-socond 717 Totals 4499 EIGHTH "DISTRICT. WARD. Tventy-thlrd 119S s7o5 Twenty-fifth riJS8 6160 Thirty-third ' 1418 6879 Thlrty-flfth 336 146S Forty-first 477 2553 Forty-third 1447 6561 Forty-fifth 721 2985 Totals 69S5 68308 Philadelphia elcctod 41 Representatives to tho State Legislaturo yesterday. The Republicans control tho entire situation, although spirited contests took place In several ot the districts. Tho detailed voto was: 161891 m 3 3380 2043 170O 1030 2017 380 4150 2275 721 2030 1320 1411 2403 28.17 4170 13.13 1300 3204 0408 3731 3484 0001 2900 4047 4040 3041 2232 4701 4301 4240 .1700 3871 5081 4400 1210 3408 2842 6108 50111 4927 2003 340.1 4707 31 0T 2704 5.141 3240 20.13 VOTE BY WARDS FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Creasy, Smith, M'Claln Wards. D.. K. Wmh. lien First 459 485 Second 159 108 Third 140 73 Fourth 78 64 Fifth 68 57 Sixth 209 87 Seventh 317 299 Eighth 163 114 Ninth 91 76 Tenth 184 97 Eleventh 33 14 Twolfth 170 133 Thirteenth 176 63 Fourteenth 300 138 Fifteenth 1225 1292 Sixteenth 182 181 Seventeenth 393 173 Eighteenth 595 863 Nineteenth 1162 2129 Twentieth 766 636 Twenty-flrst 732 1333 Twenty-second .... 2143 2927 Twenty-third 971 1259 10001T Twenty-fourth 1681 1579 Twenty-fifth 213 ,923 Twonty-slxth 1031 ' 991 Twenty-seventh ... 482 610 Twenty-eighth 1711 2111 Twenty-ninth B70 633 Thirtieth C27 289 Thlrty-flrst 852 882 Thirty-second 965 1587 Thlrty.thlrd 1121 1181 Thirty-fourth 1645 2465 Thlrty-flfth 335 362 Thirty-sixth 978 911 Thirty-seventh .... 759 601 Thirty-eighth 1327 1933 Thirty-ninth .1 760 592 Fortieth 1182 1818 Forty-first 415 786 Forty-second 928 1633 Forty-third 1298 2187 Forty-fourth .....'.. 991 1121 Forty-flfth 621 707 Forty-sixth 1483 2578 Forty-seventh 601 657 Forty-eighth 493 628 lot 1430 Totals S3783 42123 ANTI-RUM FORCES HOPEFUL League Superintendent Looks to Dr. Brumbaugh for Support, Tho Rev. Homer W. Tope, superin tendent of the Anti-Saloon League, said this morning the failure of Pennsylvania to stand behind the temperance candi dates for the Legislature and Congress must not be taken as a sign the temper ance movement In this State is" on the wane. "We have elected a Governor who has stated, before and after the primaries, that he would support county option legislation," he said. "I and alt other temperance supporters in Pennsylvania will back him to the last ditch. I am glad to see that Mr. Swift, too, of Beaver, will return to tho Legislature, and he will probably introduce our bill In the House as he did two years ago." Mr. Topa expressed regret that Ohio, hU native State, had rejected prohibition, but blamed Its defeat on "other issues" and the big oity vote. In a straight cam paign, without side issues, he said Ohio would have carried. In the other four States. ArUona, California, Oregon and Washington, ha said that the defeat of the temperance forces was not a sur prise", as the time for submitting the question was not ripe at this election. BREAK IN NORTH CAROLINA Britt, Republican, Has Apparently Won Seat it) House. RALBIGH. K. C, Nov. 4-On lfteow plte returns J. J. Britt, Jlajs., has ap parotly ftd j. JL Ovdgar. IW, as R(wr4tnt.Uv-. frow tU MHh Coa- Tfea otkxw sis Dawoaratic CoegreM ma wore eletdL 24(10 41M Burke SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS SENATE Dem. Alabama ... , 2 Arizona .... 2 Arkansas , , 2 California .. Colorado 2 Connecticut ,.,..., Delaware , 1 Ra ? & Fa fMoriua ,.,.,.., i 2 wtorma ..,.., Idaho Illlnol Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky .... Louisiana .... Maine Maryland .... Massachusetts Michigan ..... Minnesota . . , 2 I 1 2 t KlltMIHII 1 Me 1 ........ 2 141 X ) 2 4 I 112 2612 71 1932 67 1823 372 4123 173 2260 11 713 280 4261 1089 17726 Mlmlnlppl ,.,,.,,.,.,..,. 2 Mlesouri 2 Montana 2 I t ( Neireska 1 NeatlA 2 New Hampshire 1 New Jersey 2 New Mexico New York ..,.., 1 North Carolina ,. 2 North Dakota Ohio 1 Oklahoma 2 Oregon 2 Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina... 2 Koutli Dakota .. Tennessee 2 Texas ., 2 Utah ..................... .. Vermont .........a....... .. Virginia 3 Washington .. West Virginia, 1 Wisconsin ................ .. Wyoming ................ 3 M 9 B & : a : r t r : x V r if 1307 6013 303 2521 2109 4354 1584 4787 m 3109 2212 5321 25110 5, a a BEPBESENTATIVES Dem. . 10 . 1 . T . 1 . 4 . n . 1 . 4 . 12 .' 20 . 10 . 1 . 2 . O . 7 . 1 . R . n . 1 Alabama Arliona ..., Arkansas , Callfornlna Colorado Connecticut Delawaro Florida Georgia . Idaho Illlnnol Indiana Ion-a Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Malno Marylnnd, Massachusetts Michigan Mlnnosota ... Mississippi Missouri Montana. . Nebraska Nevada Now Hampshire .... New Jersey New Mexico Now Tork North Carolina North Dakota Ohio : it : f 1434 3-IG3 Sfi7n una anis M7ft J825 3118 9376 18330 4 fi :S.h .M . a o3 R 14 2 2 , B 1 23 10 13 7 si 1 7 Oklahoma Oregon I'cnnsyivama Ithoi1 Island soutn carouna South Dakota Tennessee Texas 18 Utah Vermont Virginia .. O ','. 'i .222 Washington West Virginia "Wisconsin Wyoming Totals Democratic majority Democratic plurality 200 VOTE BY WARDS FOR SECY INTERNAL AFFAIRS 3468 McNalr, Dem. 442 145 106 80 65 435 268 143 91 174 29 156 176 289 1233 185 404 585 11G4 677 647 2061 888 1680 1232 1037 458 1570 518 541 779' 843 1099 1462 277 934 717 1237 773 1073 380 721 1202 982 584 1483 646 501 2626 1770 First Second Third Fourth Fifth ........... Sixth ........... Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-first .... Twenty-second,. Twonty-thlrd ... Twenty-fourth... Twenty-fifth . , . Twonty-dlxth . ,. Twenty-seventh. Twenty-olghth.. Twenty-ninth .. Thirtieth Thirty-first .... Thirty-second .. Thirty-third .... Thirty-fourth ... Thlrty-flfth Thlrty-Blxth .... Thirty-seventh.. Thirty-eighth ... Thirty-ninth ... Fortieth Forty-nrst Forty-second ..., Forty-third Forty-fourth ... Forty-fifth Forty-sixth Forty-seventh .. Forty-eighth ... 1777 1919 623 4184 2290 732 2943 1188 1413 2496 2798 4201 1C52 1288 3124 6395 G805 3378 6814 2818 4852' 4533 5740 2359 4463 4401 4251 3496 3736 4981 4257 1163 5462 2751 5687 5918 4809 1850 3126 4692 3153 2613 6106 3247 2607 435148 Totals ....... 33063 38189 173477 VON KLUK GETS ONE VOTE New Yorker Would Make German Oonventlon Delegate. NEW YORK, Nov 4.-Jeneral von Kluk received one vote for election as a delegate to the New York State con stltutlonai convention. The new election system made freak ballots easy. Others receiving a vote with the Ger man commander were Francisco 'Villa, John D. Rockefeller, Thomas F. Ryan, Theodore Roosevelt and James Larkln. BBSTJLTS IN DIVISIONS OF CANDIDATES AND LEADEBS DOdtOl RrUtTlHAIItriVai Vinma lirlalnn the 47th of the Sd Ward, went ill '' orumoaugn. let; Penrose. 127 MeCormlck, m. Senator Pmr' division, the Sth of the itq Ward, returned Brum baugh. 148; MeCormlck, J6, Penrose 144; Palmer, 21; PInohot l. Demoeratle state Chairman Morris' division, the 20th ot the 7th Ward gave: Brumbaugh, 1: MeCormlck. 22 Penrose, us. Palmar. 8; Pinchot. 10 Mayor ptankanburg's aud State Sen ator James P MeNlchoi'a division, the 17U) of th 10th Word, returned Bum abugh. 117, MeCormlck, 16. Penrose ill, Paluiar, tl. Ptecfcot. . Rrsta4,Y wattem 8 Vare) a 4, vtohw. the X)M at Um Jth Ward, g c Bnuobub. JU; McCurtuick i j, , nm. lttt Palmar. ; Ptnchot, i" Rep. Pro. 2 1 i '3 1 1 1 1" 2 1 '2 1 2 2 41 Hep, Tro, 2 4 ,1 10 0 2 's 1 1.1 12 10 4 1 2 7 20 i n 1 .1 n 2 l n n 10 1 4 0 13 IaiwIs, Ilouck, Wash. It., K. 327 3603 109 2629 78 1763 72 1726 50 2011 82 440 311 4192 109 2312 67 734 118 3087 12 1188 133 1425 66 2487 125 2819 1117 4165 161 1521 170 1364 760 8229 1058 6505 537 6883 1284 3578 2764 7031 1016 3079 1628 2656 C33 462S 931 C625 376 2378 1931 4736 651 4490 266 4258 741 3745 1488 . 3974 989 6163 2353 4423 323 1229 806 6438 791 2943 1903 6843 646 6944 1740 4963 586 2058 1585 3425 2002 4923 1106 3161 608 2717 2578 5406 636 3261 600 2608 T JfcgglLgMffiji- Sm4m. 3ria4M5flwfrhWM 4.4u " "StJS !iia4SsSBiwtSSiws iifiiSiifauM.