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m&toWCtrm .-- - rwij)pjr?jr,sn inwq EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1914. 0 memKnEmmm 3 I'L..' SOCIAL LIFJE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA Mil. AND MUS. ROI1ERT LEAMINQ MOttTaOMlSRY will glvo a dinger on Saturday night In honor of Miss Margaret Montgomery, at their home In Vlllftnova. The gucsta will be from tho debutante set. Plan", have been changed for tho dinner dnnco which Mr. and Mrs. William Dlsston will give nt the Hellevue-Strntford In honor of their daughter, Miss Pauline DIaaton. Tho dance will tnke placo on Jnnunry 22 Instead of December 21 as was first arranged. Miss Dlsston wilt bo honor guest at a dlntior which Mm. A. Sydney Carpenter will glvo on De cember 30 beforo the ball which Mr. nnd Mm. Henry Augustus Berwlnd wilt give for their daughter, Miss Margaret Bcrwliul. Among those who attended tho dance given by Frederick h. Onlly In honor of his daughter, Miss Edith II. Bally, at tho Morion rlket Club, last night, were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winter Bally, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paul Dally, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart Warts, Miss Mary Evelyn Chow, Miss Isabella O. Wana maker, Miss Mary Stuart Wurte, Miss Anna Mary Walthour, Miss Alice Chapman Thomp son, Miss Jean N. Thompson, Miss Gertrude Tower, Miss Katherlno Tenncy, Miss Sibyl Wright, Miss Helen S. Tower, Miss Frances 1. Stoughton, Miss Nancy Corrcy Smith, Miss Elan. Iteath, Miss Huberta Potter, Miss Emlllo D. Williams, Miss Harriet Deavcr, Miss Kath erlno Zimmerman Ogden, Miss Dorothea Ohr touffer, MIbs Hopo McMlchoel, Miss Jean Mor tis Llllls, Miss Rebecca Alice Lycou, Miau Jane Harding, Miss Ethel Hastings, Miss Jean Fenn-Gasklll Hancock, Miss Edith R. Ellison, Miss Hansell French Earle, Miss Mnry Tyson Denckla, Miss Emma Ashton Dorr, Miss Louisa Gibbons Davis, Miss Inex Drayton, Miss Ellen Mary Cassatt, Miss Mary Ballard, Miss Molly Wood Bally, Miss Charlotto Harding Brown, Miss Margaret Handy Burton, Miss Margaret Berwlnd, Miss Frances West Bally, Miss Phoebe W. Adams, Miss Margaret E. Atleo, Ooorgo Barder, George Bartol, Sidney Clarke, Walter Clarke, Charles P. Davis, William II. DuBarry, Do Bonneville Bell. Richard ElMon, 'l Brooko Edwards, Thomas McKnlght Fin letter, Powell Fonton, Bayard Ilrnr.. 3 Hopkins, Alden Johnson, Albort Edward Ken nedy, Jr., John Keen, Joseph Keen, Gcorgo J. Harding, Alden Lee, Phlllor Lee, Albert Haw ley Lucas, Ludwlg Clifford Lewis, Edward Lewis, John W. Mears, Edwnrd Trotter, Snow den Samuol, Forrester Scott, S. C. Stokes, James Smith, Andrew Van Pelt, Henry Hous ton, Arthur Sayrcs, Victor Mather, Ashton Souder, Joseph Moulton, Thomas Robinson, Paul Casey, Herbert Casey, William E. Rob inson, Lyman Lisle and John Hastings. William Wallace Atterbury will ulvo u dinner dance at tho Merlon Golf Club on Friday, De cember 4, at 7:30 p. m., to meet Miss Jean Morris Lllllc and Miss Katharlno Tcnny. Mr. and Mrs. Bolmore Brown, of Now York, are bolng congratulated on the birth of a son on Monday, November 2. Mrs. Brown will bo remembered as Miss Agnes Sibley, daughter of Mrs. Francis P. Sibley, of Summit uvonue, Jonklntown, before her marriage a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hughes have Issued Invitations for tho marriage- of' their daughter. Miss Cornelia Hughrs, to Ensign Earlo Calvin Metz, Friday, November 27, In tho Walnut Street Presbyterian Church, Tho ceremony Will tako pluco at C o'clock and will bo followed by a very small reception for tho Immediate families at the homo of tho bride's parents, 3915 Chestnut utreet. Tho Rev. J. A. MncCal lum, pastor of tho church, will ofllclato. George J. Harding, of 2215 Walnut streot, en tertained at dinner Tuesday nlghl In honor of his fiancee. Miss Phoebe W. Adums, his guests Including Miss Ellen Jacquette Sellers, Miss Jean Penn-Gasklll Hancock, George Rowland &argeant, Harris Morris Adams and RIohard McCall. A reception will be held at the Sketch Club Friday night for tho wives of tho members. An interesting version of "Tho Yellow Jacket" will be given by Frederick Poole In costume, after which there will bo a Chinese supper. The classes of 1912 and 1913 of Princeton Uni versity held a reunion banquet last night at the Princeton Club, 1521 Sansom street ALONG THE MAIN LINE ovznnnooK Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Book fnyer, of Ro-arden, are expected home today after a two days' stay in Atlantic City. Mrs. William F. Harrlty and her daughters will arrive from Europe during this month. MERlON-Mr. and Mrs. E, Earlt Haines will give an Informal dance tonight at their home on Maple avenue. The guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Dale B. Fitter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Luders, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Means, Miss Mabel Jackson. Miss Alyse Matthews, Miss Emma Walton, Richard Knight. Joseph Watson, Dr. Joseph Valerlno, Dwlght Fuller and Henry Endtcott. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Thompson and Miss Alice Chapman Thompson have closed their house on Highland avenue and taken apart ments at the Belgravla. lUBBEBTH Miss Maude Ida Wlpf will enter-, tain the members of the Kappa Sigma Phi at her home on Iona avenue, Narberth, on Friday evening. The members of the sorority are Miss Alice Green. MUs Esther Haws, Miss Linda Jncoby, Mlxs Florence Jacoby, MUs Nellie Jones, Miss Mildred Justice, Miss Mary Mc Carter, Miss Ruth E. Prescott, Miss Ethel Kline Ridge, Miss Maude Ida Wlpf, Mrs. Ray mond C Jones, Mrs. Horace P, Moore and Mrs. C, G. Adams, of Boston, Mass, Mr, and Mrs. Perclval Roberts will give a series of afternoons at home later la the sea son. ARDMOREr-Mr. and Mn. Alexander Henry Carver entertained Informally at dinner Tues day night at their home. Red roses were used as decoration. The guests included Miss Mar garet Whltaker and Miss Bessie Dunham, of Wiimlngtonj Folger Barker and John C. Hinck ley, Mr, and Mrs. Carver will receive Jnfor roally Sunday afternoons In November and December at their home In Wister road. CHESTNUT HILL Mrs. Boulton Esxruhaw, of Montgomery ave nue, will entertain at bridge Monday, Novem ber 9, at her home. The guests will Include Mrs, Samuel Hawley, Mrs. Clinton Besgary, Miss Carrie Hlggate, Miss Effle Elliott, Mrs. Frederick Blmonln, Mn. Warner G. Earn shaw, Miss Miriam Partridge, MJss Emily ajror, Miss Ethel Leinau, MUa Helen Bell, MUj Katharine Deerlny, MUs Miriam Clark Kane, Mn Herbert Tlmamu. Miss Elisabeth P. A. Taylor, of Boxley. Highland. Tcau, spent the week end at Atlan ta Cttty. MUs Taylor returned on Monday, aa4 U at present the guest of Ml&a Anna fiborplesa Tay- t Cjdreo, her home, oa ZadUaTqueea, laae, GeFmuHgws. Mr. d Mm. WHmk fatter, at Itfmt&mw C,TtM, left Tuesday tot PequemlDS. Mfek., v rhoto hj Mareetu MISS ELIZABETH LATTA Miss Latta is tho (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Latta, of 39th and Spruce streets. Sho made her debut yesterday at a tea given by her parents to introduce her and her sister, Miss Margaret Latta. bo tho guestB of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Henard, who have a camp there. Tho party will hunt for several weeks In tho woods befdro return ing to Chestnut Hill. Charles H. Skinner, of 121 Pclham road, will entertain tonight at tho Philadelphia Cricket Club. Tho aft'alr will be a dinner party, and will Include tho members of tho Bunker Club, and will number 12 In all. E. Rlttenhouso Mlllor, of H3 East Mt Airy avonue, wilt entortaln nt dinner Saturday night at tho Philadelphia Cricket Club beforo tho dnnce. Covers will be laid for 20 guests. Mrs. Edward H. Rodgcrs, of IS West Graver's lane, will entertain at dinner on Saturday night beforo the weekly danco at tho Phila delphia Cricket Club. Eight guests are Invited. ALONG THE READING Mrs. D. Webster Shelley, of Ambler, has is sued Invitations for a tea on Thursday, No vember 12, from 4 until 6 o'clock, to meet Miss Jean Conrad. Miss Cbnrad's engagement to Mrs. Shelley's son. Dr. Conrad Shelley, of Glensldc, wns recently announced. Yesterday was ladles' day at tho Old York Road Country Club. A golf match was con tinued through the dny and a card party of bridge and "COO" was given at 2:30 o'clock. The hostesses of tho occasion wero Mrs. Peter Woll and Mrs. Harold Perpall. Mr. and Mrs. Wlnfleld S. Allen have closed Alnslle, their country place on Church road, Ogontz, and aro occupying their town house at 1501 Diamond street. Tho Paint and Powder Club, auxiliary to nnd composed in a large part of tho active mem bers of tho Jonklntown Choral, has already en tered upon active preparations for a most In teresting production, under tho direction of Fred W. Sutor nnd Mrs. M. Y. Smith. It will bo held somo tlmo In December at the Jen klntown Auditorium, the exact date not yet having been decided upon. Miss Ethel Pigeon Lester, of Rosemoro and Roberts avenues, Glcnslde, was the hostess at a Halloween masquerade card party and dance Saturday night. Yellow and black formed the color scheme, combined effectively with the holiday novelties. Miss Lester's guests wero Mr. and Mrs. Z. Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Crock, Mr.-and Mrs. J. Hauser, Miss Carroll Bchatte, Miss Ada Mohrman, Miss Reta Mohrmon, Miss K, A. Bux, Miss H. Haldeman, Miss dertrude Yoder, Miss Doris Bird, Miss Lillian Daven port, Miss Ethel Campbell. Miss Emily Wilkin son, Walter E. Bayly, O, C. Braden, Robert Stewart, C. Tyson, Nevln Akin, C. Fisher. J. MoVey, A. Erdell. Harold Pressel, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levis have returned from their wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Canada, and will occupy their new home in Logan, where they will bo at home after De cember 1. Mrs. Levis, prior to her marriage on October 7, was Miss Bessie Rlttenhouse, of North Philadelphia. Mrs. Frank Smith gave a luncheon and COO party yesterday at her home, 6016 North Mer vine street. Logan. Her guests were members 08 her card club, and Included Miss Bertha Went ger. Miss Mabel Reler, Mrs. Percy Sherlock, MUs Alice McFadden, Miss Edna McFadden, Miss Lillian Reler, Miss Estelle Winters, Mrs. Howard N.' Jantzen, Mlsa Bertha Wenlger, Mrs. Frederick Carter, Mrs. Albert Schenck and Mrs, Charles Hafner, GERMANTOWN Mrs. II. B, Curran, who has been traveling abroad for the UBt two years, has taken an apartment at the Falrfaa for the winter and Issued Invitations for a mustcale on Wednes day, November 13. The card of Miss Huntley Is enclosed. An attractive dinner party, given Wednes day night at the Germantown Cricket Club be fore the Pelham Court dance, consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wister, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Cars t airs, Dr. and Mm. Frank Byrd Gummey, Mn. J. Nelson Furvlanoe and George Purviance. Mr. and Mn. William B. Stoever hare taken Mm. and Mrs. David English Dallam's house, at Wissablckon avenue and Stafford street, for the winter. John Lewis Stoever, who has been spending the summer In the Adirondack, has returned to Germantown. Mrs. George Paine, of Ml West School House lane, acoepajianld by her daughter, Mlsa Made. Hue Fatee, Is In New York for several days. MUs Paint's engagement to Carl Weger was receatly aniwqd. WEST PHILADELPHIA Tfce ftret meeting of the auction prhUe trtub to which Mm. Prise Fittton belongs will be held tomorrow afternoon at her home, 26 South th street. Tho members include Mrs. John Gessler, Mrs. Frank Delnplalne Green, Mrs. Archibald Eglln, Mrs. Henry Solt2cr, Mrs. Thomas M. Thompson, Mrs. Hayward, Jtrs. Frank Smythe, Mrs. Frederick W. Llneaweaver, Mrs. Center. Mrs. Hayward and Miss Ethel Brooke. Invitations will shortly bo Issued by Mrs. J. D. Hoover, formerly of 4333 Baltimore avenue, for the marriage of hor daughter, Miss Ellnore Hoover, to Charles Preston Jackson on Wed nesday, November 25. Tho ceremony will take place In the Chester Avenue Baptist Church at 7:30 o'clock and will be followed Immediately by a reception nt tho homo of the bride's mother, 6117 Cedar avenue. Mrs. Edward W. Patton, of tho Marlyn, has issued cards for a tea Monday, November 23. Mrs. J. Frecmah, of 730 South 60th street, gavo a reception Monday evening In honor of the Aba Dnba Social Club. Those who attended Included Miss Hamilton, Mies McCall, Mls3 Goring, Miss Anderson, Miss Finney, Mls3 Wallgom, Miss Hahn, Miss Chatham, Miss ltackes, Miss Young nnd Messrs. Laesser, Freeman, Meade, Coylo, Wlnaur, Whltlcar, Pchneffer, Sertoli, Bordrldge nnd Smiley. Miss Zulema Lcsllo entertained her card club last evening at her home, 6002 Walnut ; street. Thoso present were Mrs. Harold Balstcn, Mrs. Solma McPhorran, Mrs. Agnes R. Hitchcock, Mrs. Isabel G. Morris, Mrs. C. S. Tanguny, Miss F. E. Thornton, Miss M. Van Ornnm and Mrs. Joseph Catherine 1 Mrs. William Kelly gave a Halloween party 1 to the Ionian Club of West Philadelphia, at her I residence, 6110 Walton avenuo, on Friday eve- 1 nlng, October SO. Among thoso present wero Miss Helen Alexander, Mlsa Ruth Miller, Miss Mnry Burns, Miss Margaret Murphln, Miss Lillian Treenan, Miss Ethel Zellmnn, Miss Maria O'Keefo, Miss Rose Doltman, Miss ; Amelia oyren, .miss Annn nny, diuiibj- jmuitja, Walter Cloran, John J. Mngulre, Edward D. ! Qiilnn, Wm. J. Ryan, Jr., John Robb, Jr., Ed wnrd E. Syren, Frederick Woodslde and the Hon. Frank X. Syron. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Emily Dovlnney gavo a 600 party Tues day night at her home, 1811 South Broad street, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Duvall. Her gUeBts Included Mr. nnd Mrs. Kennedy Owens, Mr. and Sirs. Daniel Kennedy, Miss Mario Mack, Miss Marian Myers, Miss Ruth Mc Coach, Miss Marian Vnnollnda, of New York: Dr. Robert Nones, Nelson Vnndergrlft, Elmor Flnkenauer, Forrest Hold, Philip Barry and Reynold Miller. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Lcroy Walker, of 2258 North 13th streot, entertained her card club at auction bridge this afternoon, when hor guests wero Mlsa May Jacobs, Miss Genevieve Campbell, .ulss Marie Froellch, Miss Crlsslo Subers, Miss Kath arine Schoflcld, Mrs. Thomas Seward, Mrs. William Datz and Mrs. John Klefcr. Mrs. Vincent Ward will glvo a luncheon at tho Manufacturers' Club today. Her guests will be Mrs. Louis Cabe, Mrs. Mason Baker, Jtrs. James Thompson, Mrs. Gcorgo Fleming, Mrs. James Anderson, Mrs. Charles Hicks, Mrs. Walter Cregar, Mrs. Jack Roberts, Mrs. Clarence Howltt, Mrs. LouIb Green, Mrs. Sam uel Scattcrgood, Mrs. Charles McCue. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts will entertain at dinner tomorrow night In honor of Mrs. Ward. Miss Jennie. Offen, of 1329 Joromo street, en tertained at her home Saturday evening. Her guests wore Miss Lillian Wolfson, Miss Helen Solomon, Miss Martha Halfern, -Miss Holen Mayer, Miss Pearl Frued, Miss Mlnnlo Joseph, Miss Gertrude Prlntz, Miss Esther Wolfson, Miss Rita Knorff, Samuel Joseph, Isldor llano, Myron Buxbaum, Sylvan Harris, Charles Smith, Charles Goldman, Melvln Levi, Stanley Solomon and S. Sydney Rosenthal. A danco will be given by tho Graduato Nurses' Alumnae Association of tho Roosevelt Hospital, of 710 North 6th street, at Lu Lu Temple the night of November It Tho mem bers of the Alumnae are Mlsa M. Landers, Miss R. Greybell, Mrs. T. Seldon, Miss Anna. Good man, Miss E. Goodman nnd Miss A. Butt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank A. Dlehl, of 220S North 17th street, entertained Monday evening from 7 until '10 o'clock for their son, Charles Dlehl, in honor of his 8th birthday. A number of tho little folk wero his classmates. Tho Uttla guests included Charles Devlin, Walter Mc Laughlin, John Schrader, Edward Hynes, Fred erick Llngg, James Satelle, Edward Reynolds, Albe.-t Chrlstlanson, Sydney Cusock, Horace Veluntlnl, Edward Murray, Ralph O'Neill, Stanley Haney, Stephen Mossey, Reginald Ford, Marcus Devlin, Christie Devlin, Miss Blanche Ring, Ellas Alice Fletcher, Miss Dorothy Brown. TIOGA Mrs. George Henry Van Gunten, of 2006 West Ontario street, gave a card party on Saturday afternoon for the Peter Muhlenberg Chapter of the Daughters of Jhjp American Revolution. This" chapter, of which Mrs. Harry T. Mont gomery Is regent, has arranged a Berles of monthly entertainments to be given during the winter. The 22d annual reception of the Young Men's Literary Institute will be held on Wednesday evening, November 23. Miss Adallno Froellch, of 1261 West Allegheny avenue, will entertain her card club at 600 on ThUMday, November U. ' Bruce McFadden, of J2M North Broad street, left yesterday for a trip to Boston, Chicago, Grand Rapids and Indianapolis. ROXBOROUGn Mrs. Ellwood Beatty, of 113 Sumao street, Wissahickon, entertained at luncheon and cards on Tuesday. Her guests were members of the Roxborough Auxiliary of Camp Devltt and included Mrs, Lawrence Slmcox, Mrs. Charles Wood, Mrs. Albert Rommel, Mrs. Clar ence a Keever, Mrs. Frederick Whitney, Mrs. LouU Wagner, Mrs. Benjamin Johnson, Mm. Harry Carty, Mrs. Clarence K. Dengler, MUs Tlschke, Mrs. William E. Shappell. Mrs. Charles P. Martyn, Mrs. William Devitt, Mm. Harry D. Rarick, MUs Michael, MUs Florence Ben nett, Miss Elisabeth Earl, Mrs. Joseph Mc Menus and Mm. Charles B. Bennett. Mr, and Mrs. Ervln Lyndall, of 210 Sumao Btreet, gave a dinner on Saturday night Au tumn foliage of golden tints was used In the decorations, the color scheme being yellow, Their guests were; Mr, and Mrs. Charles Crocker, Mr, and Mrs. William Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin F, Melxell, Miss Harriet Melx eU, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence K. Dengler, Mr. and Mrs. John Dredger, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bahopp, Mrs. Virginia Stees and MUs Seville Stees. Mrs. WlUlam Ames, of Ridge and Monastery avenues, entertained at cards this after noon. W was played and was followed by a buffet luncheon. Tho guest who are mem bers of the sard olub were: Mrs. A. L. Adams, Mrs. William R. Heggert. Mm. Mary Mott, Mrs. BHraer Fflsterer, Mrs. Paxsoa James, Mn. George Holland, Mrs. Harry H. TiifipiMM, Mr. Wmer PfUterer, Mm. John Q. Stmse, Mrs. William Wilson, MUs Sdltb JUhtr and Mrs. Benjamin Hu4ru. TO WED AT HOTEL Mies Graff Will Be Married to Charles Itutter Moirls Toniclit nt Aldine Tho marriage of Miss Elizabeth Hainrd Graff, daughter of Mrs. Charles Felton Graff, and Charles ttutter Norrls will take place at 6 o'clock this evening nt tho Aldlno Hotel. Miss Graff, who will bo given In mnrrlago ' by her mother, will wear a hahdsomo gown of shimmering white satin, made with a court train and elaborately trimmed with seed pearls. Her lace veil, a family heirloom, will be held In placo with orange blossoms, nnd sho will carry a shower bouquet of orchids and Ultcs of tho valley. Tho matron of honor, Mrs. Gcorgo Bliss Stewart, of Washington. D. C, waa gowned In yellow satin nnd lace, nnd tho maid of honor, Miss Grace Battles, will bo gowned In gold cloth, nnd will carry shower bouquets of yel low chrysanthemums and ferns. Tho brldcs lunlds, Miss Mnry II. Frceland and Stlss K Irvine Grnrf, will wear dainty frocks of yellow crcpo meteor, trimmed with yellow lace, and they will each carry an armful of yellow chrysanthemums. Lieutenant Commander William Norrls will attend his brothor ns best man. nnd tho ushers will be T. Monroe Dobbins, Carroll W. Simon nnd Lieutenant Clnrcnco McGHI, alt of this city. Tho ceremony, which will bo witnessed only by tho Immediate families nnd a few Intimate friends, will ho performed by tho Rev. W. II. Graff, an uncle of tho bride, who will bo as sisted by tho Rov. J, Thompson Cole, rector of St. Paul's Church, Ogontz. Tho ceremony will bo followed by n largo recoptlon nt 7 o'olock, after which the bride and bridegroom will leavo for an extensive wedding trip, nnd will bo nt homo after the 1st of December nt 110S South 46th street. Mrs. Grnff, mother of tho brldo, will wear a. very handsomo gown of silver brocade. MATINEE MUSICCLUB Initial Meeting of the Season Was Very Largely Attended by Members. Tho opening of tho season of tho Mntlnoe Musical Club at tho Roosevelt, Chestnut street above 20th, Tuesday afternoon wn3 marked by tho attendanco of most of the members. Mrs. Frederick T. Abbott, tho president, made nn address In which she outlined tho policy to be pursued by this flourishing organization. An endeavor will be made to bring about a closer social acquaintanceship of tho members and ono of tho means of promoting social activity will bo In n series of five dances to bo given during tho season. Following a luncheon to membors of the Hos pitality Committee and the ofllccrs of the club, with Mrs. Hnlbcrt Gillette as hostess, tho con cert was given and later there was a reception. Mrs. Edwnrd Philip LInch wns In chnrgo of tho musical program. Mary Miller Mount was at tho piano. Ono of tho particularly enjoy nblo offerings wns the singing by Viola Brod beck of tho nlr for soprano from Thomas' "Hamlet." "A vos youx, mes amis." Dorothy Johnstone Baseler, tho harpist, contributed Donboz's Ballade nnd Fnure's Spanish Dance. The principal number was that devoted to tho Liza Lchmann song cycle, "In a Persian Gar den." The cyclo was sung by Edna Harwood Bnughor, Mabel Cochran Addison, Paul Volk man and Donald Redding. Clara Yocum Joyco song "O mlo Fernando," from Donizetti's "La Favorlta," and the program also had Efllo Leland Golz, Alma Grafe, Nina Prettyman Howell nnd Grace Graf In an nblo playing of Haydn's quartet In D major. CHARITY AFFAIRS Feast of Cherry Dlossoms Will bo the Name of the Annual Costume Hall. Tho fifth annual costume ball, pageant and fantasy for the benefit of the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art will bo given In the ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford on Wednesday evening, December 2, at 3 o'clock. The entertainment will open with "Tho Flower of Yeddo," a play by Victor Mapes, which will be given by the Plays and Playera Club. The ball and entertainment will be given un der the nusplcca of the Associate Committee of Women to the Board of Trustees, which In cludes Mrs. Rudolph Blankenburg, president; Miss Nina Lea, first vice president; Mrs. C. Loland Harrison, second vlco president; Mrs. Joseph F. Slnnott, treasurer; Mm. C. Shlllard Smith, secretary; Mrs. Edwin Swift Balch, Mm. Baugh, Mrs. Jasper Yeates Brlnton, Mrs. John H. Brlnton, Mrs. William T. Carter, Miss Margaret Clyde, Miss Margaret L. Corlles, Miss Ada M. Crozer, Mrs. David English Dallam, Mrs. Rodman B. Ellison, Countess Santa Eu- lalla. Miss Cornelia L. Ewlng, Mrs. George H. Frailer, Mrs. W. D. Frlshmuth, Mrs. W. W. Glbbs, Mrs. Henry S. Grove, Mrs. John Harri son, Miss M. S. Hlnchman, Mrs. F. K. Hippie, Mrd. Harold W. How, Mrs. J. L. Ketterllnus, Mrs. Gcorgo G. M. Large, Mrs. Robert R. Logan. Mrs. noward Longstreth, Miss Fannlo S. Magee, Mrs. Arthur V. Meigs, Sirs. James MlirUn, Sirs. Francis F. Milne, Mrs. Thornton Oakley, Mrs. Charles Piatt, 3d, Miss Elizabeth C. Roberts, Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Sirs. Cor nelius Stevenson, Miss Mary E. Slnnott, Mrs. Edward T, Stotesbury, Mrs. William II. Wnl baum, Mrs. A. B. Welmer, Mrs. John Wister, Sirs. Jones Wister and honorary member, Mrs. M. Hampton Todd. DEBUTANTE AFFAIRS Theatre Party, Dinner Dance snd Rabbit Will Fill the Day Mrs. Walter Jackson Freeman will start ac tivities among the debutantes today by giving a large luncheon, followed by a theatre party, In their honor. The guests will attend the luncheon at SIm. Freeman's home, IS32 Spruco street. They will Include Misses Misses- Anna Mary Walthour Mary Stuart Wurts Hope McMlchael Margaret Fitter Kate Furness Jayne Caroline Ives Brlnton Mary T. Denckla Anna BInney Brlnton Marjorle Taylor Mary E. Clayton Marjorle Paul Morris Eleanor Blspham Charlotte Fahnestpck Emma Ashton Dorr Cordelia Diddle Isabel Milne Rodgers Charlotto Hardin gLuola Alice Warden Brown Jane Harding Edith Neville Smythe Frances Tyson Isabel Wurts rage Another debutante who will be entertained at luncheon will be Miss Susan B. Ingersoll, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Charles Edward In gersoll. Mm. Robert Benedict, of Devon, will give the affair in MUs Ingersoll's honor. In the evening Sir, and Mn. Benjamin Chew will entertain a number of debutantes and younger men at the Rabbit In honor of MUs Mary Evelyn Chew. The largest affair of the day will he the dlantr-daaee whloh Mr. and Mrs. James Han. eoek will give at the Aaorp Club In honor of their nieces, MUs Caroline Ives Brlat and MUs Anna BInney Briatoa, daugbtn of Mr. and Mn. Ferree Brlnton, and MUs May Brln ton, daughter of BInney BriatoA. The club roocas will be beautifully daeerated wtth ai tumn leaves, eem husks and oluysastheaMims. About S of the debut antee and younger dUme bag men will attend. THE DRAMA ELIZABETH NELSON In "A Pair of Sixes" Adclphi. Exercise Means of Feminine Grace "No woman should try to bo cuto If sho Is tall or Inclined to avoirdupois," declares SIlss Juliette Llppe, who plays the role of tho widow In "The Whirl of the World" nt the Lyric Theatre, "for a tall or stout woman try ing to be coy Is ridiculous. Now every woman can nttaln grnca If sho desires to. "My easo and grace, In splto of my height. Is duo to my being comfortable nnd natural. I never resort to subterfuges, such as tight lacing. I never try to be cute or practice anyaof the wiles that are tho slender maiden's stock in trn'lo. I never In any way presume upon the airy fairy woman's prerogatives. Perhaps that Is tho reason why I appear gracefully at case. I am rather proud of this fact, as I am tho tallest woman on the stage, with the exception of SIlss Clara Butt. "When I wns a child I had eight brothen, and had to be a good fellow with them. But I was my mother's pot despair. What they wero going to do with me they were at a loss to know. I was tall and thin, and when I was 17 I realized that scrawnlness didn't add any chnrm to my height. So I took myself In hand, dropped some of tho hoydcnlsh ways X had and started to round myself out mentally and phy sically by sports and dancing. I rode, golfed, spent hours on tho tennis court, walked nnd In the Bummer time climbed mountains. Then I danced. I continue to do nil these things ns far as I can with my work on the stage, and, nbove nil, I keep up tho dancing. It does splen did things for me. I don't mean just these con ventional dances that aro merely pastime, but esthetic dances. It Is the dream of my Ilfo to dance professionally. I should most emphatic ally advise every over-tnll or stout woman to take n course In esthetic dancing then an other and another." FLASHES FROM "STARS" Miss Marguerite Hertz, who plays Lydta Languish In "The Rivals," at the Little Thea tre, Is the daughter of tho "Knight of Danne borg," her father having received his title from tho King of Denmark because of his work in helping the Danes In this country. George 51. Cohan Is nt work upon a new farce In which William Collier will appear about Thanksgiving. Sir. Collier wns originally schd ued to appear In New York this season In "For ward March." tho musical version by Frank Craven and John L. Golden of Wlnchell Smith's "Love Among the Lions," In which he was seen last spring. Under the auspices of the Stage Society of New York, of which Mm. Norman Hapgood Is president, an exhibition of the art of the thea tre will be opened on November 9, In New York, and ylll continue two weeks. The Stage Society arranged n similar exhlbtlon last sum mer, but, owing to the war, it was abandoned. The coming one will be less comprehensive, but tho committee feels that in Inducing American artists like Messrs. Slaxfteld Parrlsh, Howard Cushlng, Robert Chanler and others to design stage scenes for the first time an Important step has been taken. It also has obtained the uso of the Interesting collection of Mr. Hume, of Cambridge, and with the co-operation of Mr. Hume, Joseph Urban, Livingston Piatt, Joseph Llndon Smith and others of the profes sional stage, striking Illustrations will be pre sented of color, lighting and design especially adapted to the nature of each drama produced, Slartha Hedman, who was recently seen at the Hudson Theatre in Paul Armstrong's "Heart of a Thief," has Joined John Drew in "The Prodigal Husband," succeeding Jessie Glendennlng In tho role of Slmone, "The Prodigal Husband" will presently come to Philadelphia. MUs Pauline Chase, who has been playing In "Peter Pan" In England for Charles Frohman the past six years, has been married to Alex ander Druramond, the London banker, Mlsa Chase was born In Washington, D. C. Her last appearance In America, was In "Our MUs Glbbs." Within three weeks there were a total of 19 premieres In New York. Six new ones will occupy the boards this week. Julia Arthur, who retired from the stage 15 yean ago, will return to it for two perform ances, one in Boston and one in New York, to raise money for the relief of families of actors In Burope. Bhs will appear in Boston this week In Thomas Bailey Aldrieh'a "Meroedes. She will play with William Faver sham la New York early la Deeember. MUs Artaur, who In private life Is Mrs. BectfamJn P. Cheney, of Boston, made her last appearaMe on the stage In the autumn of 1MB as Josephine bi "More Than Queen." Katfcerfoe Dally, who slays the role of Aggta Lyaoh. the oteckinstter. I Catherine Tower's support la "Within the Law," at the Walnut. has bad wi4 Mage experience In ete et THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ADELPHI-"A Pair of Sixes," farce by Edward Peple. Two business partners shoot & cold hand, the winner to retain the business, the loser to become hts body servant for a year. Maude Eburne inimitably funny ae a slavey. BROAD "The Song of Songs," new play by Edward Sheldon, Variations on Budermann'a novel, with scenes In this country. FORREST "Sari," charming operetta, with Stlzzl Hajos and Irene Powlowska. A good plot, better music, nn excellent company and SIlsil Hajos Just bewitching. OARHICK "The Debutante," new musical " comedy, with book by H, B. nnd R. B. Smith and muslo by Victor Herbert DellghtfullyS diverting, enthrnlllngly engaging muste by Victor Herbert Hazel Dawn subjugatlngly beautiful heroine. KEITH'S-Blanche Ring In a musical sketch, "Oh, Papa," and Adele Ritchie. LITTLE THEATRE Excellent revival of Sheridan's "Rivals." LYRIC "The Whirl of the World," the New York Winter Garden spectacle, Willie Howard tickles the funny convolution of your brain! Eugene, his brother, catches with songs. WALNUT Return of "Within the Law." Cath erine Tower convincingly portrays Mary , Turner, who Is unjustly sentenced to prison, but finally triumphs. her youthful years. The roles essayed by MUs Dally extend from Shakespeare's heroines down to Topsy In "Uncle Tom's Cabin." She was starrod for two seasons In a piny called "Molly Bawn." The organlzotlon was of that calibre referred to as a "turkey troupe," nnd played not only tho regular "one-night stands," but tho "half-night stands," which means that It frequently made two towns In one day. The scenery was carried In a single trunk. One village visited wns located on the top of a hill. There wns another village In the valley below. When the question of trans portation came up the manager of tho show, Instead of paying for a wagon to carry the ' trunks, had them lowered by ropes over the hill and pressed tho actors Into service to drag z them the rest of the way to tho town hall. Clifton Crawford has been engaged for the leading mnlo role In the musical comedy called "Polcnblut," which tho Messrs. Shubert nro pro ducing, with MUs Emma Trcntlnl as star. During her vaudevlllo engagement In Wash ington this week Henrietta Crosman will pro duce for tho first tlmo a peace play called ' "Thou Shalt Not Kill." ' When Martin Harvey comes to New York to begin his American tour he will present the plays, "Tho Breed of tho Treshams." "The Only Way," "The Taming of tho Shrew," "Oedipus Rex." "Peleas and Slelteande" and "Hamlet" "Peg o' Sly Heart" hna been presented for tho Hrst time on the London stage nt the Com edy Theatre. Laurette Taylor Is appearing In her original role. Others In the cast are A. E. Matthews, Erlle Norwood, Percy Ames, Violet Komblc-Coopor and Helen Ferrers. The produc tion Is under the direction of Archie Butt AMUSEMENTS CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW Horticultural Hall. Broad St. Below Locust Open Today 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Admission 50c T.VPTP POPULAll 1 MATINEE TOSIOIUIOW XJXJXX.KJ Tonight. 8:18 (L.t 5 Tlmn) THE WHIRL OF THE WORLD NEXT MONDAY Seats Today DltAMA. J.HJCJ SlOxvI PEOPLE OP THE ROSARY NIOHT9. 28o to .BO MAT. WED.. 25c te 11 CHESTNUT STREET Kb" "Hom of World's Greateat Photo-Plajri" APTERNOONB, 1 to 8 pPTPTTQ lOAlSo EVENINGS, 7 to IX ITXVlOIlfO jo. IS 25o this (imi, T,'4-Mr,4. r'Ul WEEK nISt "The Spoilers" ZX3? WEEK Photo-Drams With William Farnum and Kathlyn William MARKET BTOEET OPPOSITE WANAMAKEira VAUDEVILLE 11 .fln Tn 11 .rt GLOBE ED STANLEY & MAUDE MULLER "THE FASHION SHOP" FRANK BUSH 4 OTHERS AND SHOUT. INTERESTING PHOTO-PLATH CONVICT AT UARKET STREET WHARF Open D A. M. to 10 p. U. SAILS SOON DON'T MIB8 BEEINO HER CAN HE vrniTEn nr SHIP SUCCESS Niairr as well as DAY. LIGHTED U? ELECTRICITT. Palace Theatre 1S" $ P . Pint Preaaotatlon, DEATRIE U1CHELENA In "SALOMY JANE" 3g VAUDEVILLE Bt,dy M POPULAR THE WALNUT mat. today within the Law Positively Only Philadelphia Enzatemant UATlNEEa. .28c, 60c NIOHT8. SSc. BQc. TSc. 1 B. F, KEITH'S THEATRE JOYOUS, UHLODIQUS, BBAUTY SIIOW1 BLANCHE RINO A CO.: ADELE RITCHIE; MIL DRED ANN CANNON; VAN k SCHENCK i UALLA. OHER fc CARUN: Other. Nov. a. Analveraary Week. I' UrtivUlOl Jiatlneei Wed. and 8at.. 3il8 TUB OPERETTA TRIUMPH CJ A T T OF THE DECADE OAftl Popular Price Wedneaday Matlneta. Beet Beata ll.BO aATrnTHK .! Frr... 8:15 v ... -- - tatiuRi nn. una but., 'jia WA7.T?,T. DAWN UxuU hy vlct0' Herbert ttAaWi WAWK ?, THE DEBUTANTE NTH il fOpUtmr f I1W " W4 winueei. cett om m jhj "The Little Theatre" P?SS, "Tho T?lVlln" 8 SHERIDAN. Kyis, at 8 30 JL ue iVlVclla Uata. Thurs. and Sat , a 0 Popular 11 Matinee inuraqay. Two weelta only NIXON'S CAPT. SORCHO'S DEEP SEA GRAND "S5iw8ISg5lKS.""8i ... l m "X..n . 7sr.IST,C-i?.B - Today, '. wnui jLjtii.u wjh vioiur rHB THURS.. mil.. SAT STANLEY JOHN BARRYMORE TBHATBB ' MAM TOOM MEXICO." BROAD rflffixf15 raB Song of Songs &$VtfL Popular rrlee Weaaeeoay wattneae, ttt uuu iw Ar.tiLPHI lMWlt tlliaUe Tviay" TOHK1HT AT .JO "A Pair of Sixes" HH."TiUmni. a wiwe DUMONrs sssjsres EMPIRE ma una oaat DAV MARION SI A nTXTrv THJCATWil U-n-Di h J WAxaoti $i9rH-uirm - -- mmwuimMMrmg m "iiMl fekJ&ES