Newspaper Page Text
- v f 14 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1914. ! m w n BUSINESS ON LARGER SCALE IN EXCHANGE TODAY; MORE ISSUES Sales of Stock for Most Part at Same Prices as at Close Yesterday Feeling Much Better. HUslness on the Stock IJxclinnne here today was on a Inrscr scnle, more Isiues bclns dealt In. Snles, for the most part, were nt the some prices ns the cloiltiff yesterday, while there were some declines from the July 30 closing prices. Quite a few Issues hocer, showed mlvnnces as compared with the price when the exclinnrce closed In the end of July Among these were Koj stone Telephone, which In the afternoon was M4 points hinder, Philadelphia Electric up l'i. Tonopnh Mining up 1 3-1G, nnd L'nl 1 1 (Ins Improvement, up 'i. nnd also 'i hlRher thnn the closing price yesterday. The fccllnc throliRhout tho financial district nns much better, nnd ever one, as a rule, was optimistic. The action of the Special Committee of rive In decid ing to Ifsiic prices over the ticker In the way met with Kcncrnl appiovnl nml did much to srensthon confidence. As was tho case In tho trading esler doy, there was a complete absence of liquidation, which has been gcnenillv feared would take place when the ex change opened Instead of this expecod liquidation reports enmc In the financial district today that there has been some Investment demnnd for securities from tho other side. Tho buying orders. It Vtnb said, have come chiefly from I.on tlon. A feature or this foreign bulng has been United States Steel common, but rails and copper shares have been In cluded In the favored Issues Features of the trading In New York todny wnc Southern Pacific convertible Bs. Intorborough-JIctropolltnn 4'4s nnd American Telephone convertible 4's All three bonds were active In the trading throughout tho day Vnrlous reports wcic cunrnt ns to the cause epf the activity In Intciborough-Metiopolllan. The popu lar Idea wns that the preferred stock v 111 be restored to the, dividend list at tho next meeting of the directors, but theie f wns t quiet Intimation that somctmng else besides tho preferred dividend form - the basis of utrength In bonds. " There are some operntors' who assert .) tnerc will be readjustment of capltallzn- '? Hon, which will cut down the present common stock to one-fourth tho present amount outstanding, and that plans under consideration provide for the retirement or the present bonds, ns well ns a fund inug ot accumulated dividends on the pio fcrred stock nnd tho completion of tho rotltcment of the short-term notes Changes In other bond Issues were with out Importance, consisting of small frac tional gains nnd losses. There was evi dence of liquidation of some Issues, In cluding Southern I'aclftc convertibles, which have been hanging over tho market iuv for some time, but thin liquidation must iuna. 10 conducted In an orderly mnnner, nnd nan i the sellers are careful not to press prices down to the minimum. It Is said It Is Trading through the New York Clearing nd. Ii TTnntn nhnwa n fitrthr lirnrwlpnlnir Tt. 1 1 ll -('aTr!! fUlVy.JOO stocks now established above jiim ai nuuiy w 'nrices. tirooKiyn ivapiu 'irnnaii nils. couiA,. beenNthe atromrcst for several days nun ai Bljuly nd lsquoed nt 87 bid against 79ii, Its closing price' on July 30. Since that date the stock has received a dividend of l'.i Iter cent., which reduces its July SO price to 78. Union Pacific, which sold yester day at 114, was 111 bid. The cloning price of July SO, except the 2 per cent, dividend, makes the minimum Clearing House figure nt which transactions can lie made equal to 111, There are many Important issues, how ever, which are materially below July XO prices. United States Steel common this morning was 48 bid against a mini mum Clearing House price of G0. Louis ville Is offered nt 122, ngainst 127 at the close on July SO, and Republic Steel pre ferred Is offered at 73U. ngainst 78 on July 30. . Money Is well established la New Yoik on a 4'4 per cent, basis for call nnd time loans and tho suppl) on the Itoor of the exchange is almost unlimited. At noon today money brokers had orders to loan fully J15,000,CO'), while the demand was so small that little business could ,be done. Sterling exchange wna dull and without feature. FINANCIAL BRIEFS A further reduction of $3,000,000 In the amount of emergency currency outstand ing was announced by the Treasury De partment today. The Provident Life and Trust Company Ylll receive tenders for as many Wels bach Company 6 per cent, bonds as $30, 139 will buy for the sinking fund, the tenders to be tecelved by noon on Sat urday, December 5. The amount of customs collected at this port In November from dutiable imports was $190,4X1. compared with $936,602 In the same montlJ of the previous year. The Philadelphia Mint coined S.m.M pieces In November with a total value of $1.6o0.M0. New York banks lost $3,862,000 to the fltlhtrbttHlirv vrfttpirriav. nrwl slnre, TTrl.lnv ttthave lost $10,372,000. The moratorium has been extended in Hungary until December 31, with a few alterations. New York banks yesterday retired emergency currency to the amount of ,SiS,Ou0r which rallies the total retired to 4ate tS0,$$O,3O, rtU. f30mm!$t'',i...'-t' j .-".i- NEW YORK BOND SALES lllrh RiOOO Amrr T".l cv t' til's nw) 4 . wji ,4000 an ev 4s 1(1(50 s-ifi 10.VW nlt X. Ohio ev 4i. siH 1000 1! fi ll I. K ft W V ts SO'i I2(xx) neth steel rM rs.. si:t ITOOO Cent leather 1st to WIN i'700 ( lit tuq J lnt 4i m4 numi .hl II i J ten 4 .vi, (000 Chl 11 o Ml !'.., mo low till Mil & sil ipw ,1 lnitj lin. 12 M. 1)4 TO s-iU MiVd sJs Kit, XIH KPi son SIH not !I4 sii5 SO InlH hi son I'"?. Rll vli, -.1 IT. s,lj 74 ' llll'k ips'5 "S SI SI bsn su S, 'Ml xn Ml lnjii, '.'O'l w, Sit U1 n V, ll I'slj s S'l si lisi. Ml) iwa, I 111 .MIIVHtl' LV 4'M". It, IITO I'M II I S I' vol 4 iromi ('lev Ph Line I'V 1(Kl I'ol South 4s.. Sim Del a Hud rM u I40W) Ills Soc Corp .. KiflO Krle Ren 4 llio 111 lenlml rM 4a 4s(t iterli Jitt His, WU' liilcrb It T K, S limai inlir Mcr Ma 4Hs :.() Industrie Alcohol.,, l'(itK) Internl Taper cvl (is 1M ii Kan til) Si .". . 1 1 vii Klnca ( o IIIcv 4a r(Hi Mrkn Btcel .Is llin , ImicO Lake Sh ilcli 1s llllt I'm n Mk A M T . . 1(K I g ft M r Ts . . rooi N V Cltj Is ItilT If 000 N Y Hy ref 4. I7iki N v Itny oclj r VUim N Y re I Ren 4iJ9 . I'lioci Nor IMc Is. . . loci IN mm c I'd .Vi Public H?r N J 'a. turn 0 Hoik I'lntiil . . SI'l lO'i sis HIH r.i n., V,H ' Sllilj at I1SI4 SI nsik si listt HUH "ii . 4S . IKS . sS Slf, . Ill-l. imu "a 4T, I'l't ssv; llSl. Ml1.. .l IIP, HUH Kl s:i sn IMH III ns 114, i ii; lirl'i 70 4S iilH SSJ, lis', Vlll !!i. HIP, Im si so !IJ Irl lis IIP, 7IIH linn m in', SV4 nmii w mx) lioK liilnml iM 4 iron Pint-i Pc ft P 1st 1st 4. .HUM nun .sfAuoiiril I. nlj tlmil houili I'm- 4 "si on fiiuili Pae r l sr.iw ilo f .".s "ill1 Srutll ttj K'li 4s fiiiii snuiii ni ioi r II ill Texim 'n ev I IIMI Thlril Vo nrn U ( III s:i sin, n't IIS 1'ljl 7S .".(000 I' H llublirr I'll 1001, .VI'M r H Htirl . Km 1000 Pnlon. I'll lit "Is IIIH I Kill) rniiin 1'ic pv 4 . in "nmvriil Klortrlc ." ImiU :oik West i: A M ei fl . Ill in; Sll limi 110 LOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALES Open . 40 HI . IP', . T."4 nuii to lxin 12 M 411 '.I rii; Ml, M S5 .-.". II" '.'1 II "RJ, iii'T I'nm Pti-ol II Ins I n N Am 111 Kr I'll I'n . il I chlah Nnv ."in I oh 'nl T nr 41) SI rfi r.i II", s ti TN', ini, l1 IP 211 I'll' 11 l.lttle HtlnnlMII r,i nt ' Mnli 4'enltnl lsit Penna 1'". IVntm Sill Mfx. 41 I'lilla l.lcc . . .-. P.illa II T rtfit. '-' Phlln Tract Ion . 'I Itrnilini; , . , .V.s Ton ltd I'.-n Ton Mining s. .'.-" ir. n ti Ts'i. iaii i i',i ini 111 SI It 7'i 4't ,'m :unj suh .'.im I nlnn T'-nrt'on in. ntii j so 11 I'nltcil Uns Imp Ml IIO.ND3. lllsh IITIK.M Cum Slrel Srji . in.'. L'tKlO (III 'on Trai N I ."i Hll 4011 (XI Ploo J Per, Tr 4s t l "s'. -KMKI I, Nn rii 4'i Hi MOOIMI Phlln i:iee 4HI .77'. 100 CO l'hlla1 koIiI .'is t i .Ion 1 on IS"! IK'.I, 1(11 KIOi . 'V' 117 77', P. R. R. EARNINGS SMALLER Income In October Less, Despite Cut in Expenses Despite the fnct that the Pcnnsjlvanla Railroad svslem Is continuing the policy of cutting operating expenses to the bone wherever possible, gross earnings con tinue to fall off. as compared with the previous enr. The Hastcni lines showed a slight Increase In noT-carnlngs In Oc tober, vvhllo the Western llpcs Bhowcd n dccica'e The following tnbletglvcs the gross and net rnrnlngs of the sjstem for October and for 10 months: M N US KA&T Ortober rjrniB . . Pst enaca N'Pt Ten months rirons K.spences .Net M.Ni:9 October nun Kxppnsra Not Ten month AND WPST lnl4 in,n4s.'iss Jl I3I1.SJ-S nG.'.',li:i ;ni,iro."27 wo!.: EAST. Pcrri'n. S,"l?,iil 4 2VI.KSII 40I,!M) 2S BS.1 171 vn.tai lis 2.1S2.2I0 2l,02l,mi 11! .17.'..",. 4,0.11,0.13 504 171.7211 Hll, tnl.'JIfl n,or,i,r,oi 2 1l2.ft11 2,l!4n,7IIT 1.14.0T2 1 4 nil full 12,S.VT,l.1l 2,071,S.- firnss l'srcnfes Net UNCS WT3T. October Drofn Pxpcnuea N'pt Tn nionthi Ornpa Kxpcnaea . . . nn2i.sni T,n-.i '.'ill 1 070.IC10 01,171.007 77 2S1,.W1 IS J01.42H 2.200,123 l,fii)4,irj 103,11.12 11,7.12. 172 n.211,.111 son, :ss Net The gross earnings of tho Pennsylvania Railroad In October were J1C.4S2.4C6. a de crease 2,2I3,7'S; net income $T,7.")9r393. n decrenso of $12,293. Ten months' gross fl5S.107.212. decrease $11,383,670, net income $31,109,031, decrease $2,411,132 BELGIAN SAILOR PICTURES WOE OF HIS NATIVE LAND Tells of Destruction of Town and Flight of Its Residents. TJroken In spirit, his position nnd home gone, his relatives scattered to the four corners of the earth, Louis Scbreches, a Belgian, nrrlved here today as third offi cer of the Rritlsh steamship Manchester Mailner, from Manchester. Sehreches. with tenrs In his eyes, told of the tragedy enacted In Belgium. In tho simple but touching language of a sailor he depicted the ruin of his native town of Termonde "Kverythlng Is goine IjJ Termonde. Not a house Is loft standing. My wife, mother, mother-in-law, three married sisters nnd two brothers barely escaped with their lives when the Germans took the city nnd set It on fire The five houses In which we lived are now a mass of charred ruins. All we had In this world la gone. The womenfolk aro In England living on the charity of the English people. When I up my position as master of a Baltic steimshfp and hastened to assist my folks Thank Hod, I got to them In time to pre vent their being sepnratcd I had great difficulty In getting them to England But I did so and obtained this position on tho Manchester Mariner, where Captain Cabot is like a father to me. I hope In time to bo able to earn enough to support all the helpless members of my family. And when the war Is over well, I don't know If .1 evei want to return to Belgium or not. "I have heard of tho wonderful work your wonderful people nre doing for the people of my country and we appreciate It as much as we need it. Your generosity no doubt will mean the saving of thou sands of lives, and In the name pf those starving peoplo I want to thank the kind hearted American people." Ills frame shaken with sobs, Scbreches was unable to continue and he retired to his quarters. Hungarian Moratorium Extended BUDAPBST, Dec. 1. By Imperial de tree the'moratorium In Hungary has been prolonged another month and will be in effect until January 31. fl -I . r-iIOf (-V II rS" & $T rS iTMce TmS I &.& 1 , Tl i IJ..H I ' HI jfiT t i fr in i laa.u i-iij!.! ij I - J j Jw n ,.yL i m, j ! i ! ji i t i njliii w' i i-i i ij s, , I Wm ifcll JP i jj i .wmjiWjii w , .,, Mja Qfc-T - i.M:! if,-, - -frr-mri lTTifSS!SiKrrTTS& illFilT " " Wili ----. - -e- a""'' lriwf -ajrlHfc, V- V . - WHEAT UNDERGOES ANOTHER SETBACK IN CHICAGO MARKET Influenced by Moderate Overnight Selling and Quite Liberal Deliveries on December Contracts. CHICACIO, Dec. 1 -Wheat suffered a fresh setback this morning under mod erate overnight selling nnd quite liberal deliveries on December contracts, esti mated nt 780 000 bushels. Prices In tho Northwest wcic firm, however, and the inaikct here milled quick!. N'o cnbles were received from Liverpool up to the time of tho opening and, In the absence of news ns to tho movement of prices In the Kngllsh market, values were based on domestic conditions. The technical position of the market wns believed to have been strengthened by the recent heavy selling nnd holders were cucoiir nged by jestcrdny's decrenso In the visi ble supply. The export business the last 21 hours exceeded 1,000000 bushels. The Oklahoma crop report for December plnces the condition of wheat In the Stato at S8, against HO a jcar ago and 00 last June. Twenty-seven counties reported some llesslnn fly. but the damage Is slight. The area sown to wheat In that State shows on Increase of 46 per cent over Inst venr There Is n Rcneral disposition to disci edit tho recent ofTlclal reports on the prospective surplus of Argentina. Tho receipts nt Minneapolis nnd Duluth today were 'S4 cars, ngainst ITS cars a vear ago, nt Winnipeg, 511 cars, against 1.-27 cars, at Chicago, 332 cars, against 2S cars. Corn opened a little easier, but later rnllllcd on continued unsettled weather In the belt. Thq. deliveries on December con ttacts were 00,000 bushels. Todays ar rivals were l.'O. tars Export sales the last 24 hours oro estimated nt 200,000 bushels Oats were steady, with little pressure. Deliveries on December contracts were large, amounting to 1,033,000 bushels They vvcio about In line with expectations. The receipts here today were 480 cars. Tho len.llng futures ranged ns followi .... YeMcrilny'B Wheal- Open Hlsli I,n. Clone cIomb Ueronibei 1 1 !'(, 1 1V1 1.11 tl.U4 l IT. May . . 1 lli. I sii; l uili i.201 n 2o ( orn men fklliery)- llerenlhor III III r.2t, (Sii ltt, tl2l tr.i too JM . I',, rai xtot- IST, .12V, 4IJ. MSI, 4S SJVi t.12j MJ'i . . "10 01 ii vi -ii r,7 II 77 !) S7 fl.M 0 70 0 83 MOOO l SB 1180 II .VI 1)7.1 I) 01 UOj H.1.1 11.81 10.71 IH21 18 50 IS 10 IH40 IS 0.1 IS VII mm 18 2J JJId. tAalie.l RAILKOAD EARNINGS WESTERN MATIYI.AND, Mil October gross . ... $724,1)00 Not 170.170 Four montha' groaa ... 2,1)2.1.248 Net 098,008 MMNK CENTP.AU DecreiKo .11,(l4t r.t.oas RB.227 170.070 Ml ",0 411,241 October groaa . .. NU INTERNATIONAL September srosa . Net Pour montha xrosa Net . . $1,011,114 277.572 AND CHEAT NOIITII EIIN. jnos,iT2 212,14(1 .1,1111,11.' 20S..I4II $1.10 874 12S.JIV.1 (1.17.1 07 NEW YOrtK. SPSQ1T.IIANNA AND M EST- EltN. Octobe- groa .... M,3S!i $30,410 Net . . ... I'l 417 .101 Kour montha' groaa .. 1 2ui out 00 211 Nit . SITJO'l MS.UOO . C1UCAOO GREAT WESTERN. October groaa $1,!U1,T27 $14,103 Net . 2S4 Ii28 Hl.llS Four months Krpia . .".,04nvi 172. v2 Net .''.... 1,220,811 SI, 14(1 ERIE October groaa . . . . $" M8 .134 1104,08.1 Net 1170080 '21(1.1171 Four months' groaa . 21,1)11 Sill 4Ho,iiH7 Net . . . .. 7. .. . 5.1S7.07I S3.1..1SI CHICACIO AND ALTON Third week November. . I208..141 H4 183 From July 1 .... n,oos 070 400,103 TOLEDO, BT LOUIS AND WESTERN Third week Novemter. ini.rcis $11,111 From Julj 1 1 877 V.7 3.3SO lucreaae AMERICAN WINS MUSIC PRIZE Bobert Henry Prutting Captures Sin fornla Fraternity Honors. The annual prize competition held by the Slnfornia Fraternity ot America, meeting In annual convention here at Coombs' Conservatory, 1331 South Broad street, has b&en won for the first time by an American-born and American trained musician. The winner of the prUe Is Bobert Henry Prutting, of Hartford, Conn. In past years tho prize compositions were written by German-Americans, nnd the' fact an American wrote the prize composition this ear has delighted Amer ican musicians. The prize consists of $100 and & certificate of honor. Mr. Prutting la conductor of the Hartford. Conn., Phil harmonic Orchestra, a graduate of Yale and the composer of a dozen short songs and one elaborate score. STEAMSHIP SUNK BY MINE i ii i Seven Men Reported Lost in North Sea Wreck. LONDON, Dec 1, A Lloyds' dispatch from Grimsby says that the steamship Mary Eabjerg, bound from Shoreham, was sunk by a mine In the NoVth Sea, with the loss of seven men. Rochester Man Made U, S. Attorney WASHINGTON, Dec, 1 -President WIN son today appointed John D. Lynn, of Rochester, to be United States Attorney for the Western District of New York. SNOODLES' DIARY : December Is Mnj . 12' l.nnl No embor . . . Iinunrv Ii " :in ... II 77 rtlha- January . . a 0.1 iin . yin Pork Nov rmbrr January . . 1H 10 Jlns . IH to PHILADELPHIA MARKETS TROVISIOiNS . Trade oulet ml prices without Important ffinme We quote: City beef, In aeta, moked and alr-drlej, 29Q30C ; Weatorn beef, In ittl, amotted, 2nfil0e.i city beef, knuckles nnd ten der", amokeil and nlr-drleil, 30fl31r . Western beif, knncklea and tenders, amoked, SOHllcv leef hm, Mim8i pork, family, $2lfl23l nun, H I' cured, loose, 14JlH4c ; do fkln neil, looao, 1T41J14C , do, do., amoked, 1IM 1,1c i other Irami, amoked city cured a a to brs'd and n trace, l'fit.VSc; hnm, amoked, 1Vcs:rn cured l.iffllPie,; Oo, lollul, bonehaa, 2021c : picnic ehnnldf rs, H. P cured, looap, ll412c; do, amoked, llflU'ie. belllM In Elckt". eccordlna; In aVcraRe. loose, lOfllO'ic ; rcakrat bieon. nt to brand and svemge, Its cum!. IlifJSOC , brcafkaat lren. Western curotl. 1'ifiJOe , iuhl, vv'esurn, refined lliri.ii. 12;i;ic do, i!o, do. tuba. I212'ie . Inr,l. pure city, kettle rendered. In tlervca, 12B ilic lnrd, pure city, kettle rendered, in tubs. JaIUIC, VEGETABLES Vfliues gencMII atendy, nlth trade fairly ncllve. Quotntlona White potatoes, per bush -I'rnnttltnntn, .IsfliSc! New York, 41fl5Jc ; white potntoea, Jcraey, er baaket, 11040c. Bwett potattfea, 1stern Shore, per hbl. No. I. WB2 7.1; No 2, $1 8(llt.7,1 Sneeta Jersey, ptr bbl No 1, IteifiOj N'o S, $2!t2.23. snreta, lercy. per basket, Wfrt.V Onlona choliu, ncr Imah , IMBToc. . ilo ordinary per luisli , ,10113 v., do. choice per luo-lb ba, t.2"ttl SO. do., medium, per l(JO-lb IflB. sv Wl. do. aecoiula, per lou-lb Img G04f3c. Cslilisge, dnmcatlc. per ton, fifllo, ilo, linn lah per Ion fllfill mullnoiNer, New 'inrk, per crntr, 7.1c 11Sl.I1 Hnlnach, Norfolk, per I'M inotav ifaie, Norfolk, per I hi 40fffoe 1.1-ttnce, Florida, per liiaket, $1123. do, Ninth Cr.mllna. per banket, WHJ75C Henna, Florlln per Imaket, 1 2M12 ,Vi KuRpHnt. Flnrldn rr boa, 12iri2.10 (Ucumbira, FlorldA, per Inakrt lt751fiTi0 Squash, Florida, per baaket SI ,Viff2 Celery New York, per bunch 2:,s45c Miuhrooiui, per 4-lb basket, 1 2UU2. GItAIN AND FLOUR W II i:T.-ItecelpH, 200,057 buah. The mmlit Ma flint and '4c hlRher with a fal, export demand Qiimatlnna Car Inta, In ex port eleiHior, No 2 reil apot nnd December, fl.llHttl KlHi No 2 red vv'ealern. $1 !' i SiUt No. I .orihern Unluih $1 21511 28 COIIN. Itecelptt, Booo buah Trade was quiet with no rhnnfte In prlcea. Quotntlona car lots for local trade, in to locution No 2 jelloiv. nil SUiSliic , aleanipr jellow. nil, MiHl. , neu ioIIok. ns to quality OSfl72c OATS. necelpts 43.702 buah Prlcea were rtrudll) held, but trade uns quiet. Quotn tlnn No 8 ulilte illMrilUe,, atnmlanl uhne ,nipt,1.1i,c , No .1 white .iJijflMr , I'MIUIt. lterelpta 1A2T blila and S lno 111 lbs. In sacks Tho market quiet and ulthout Impnrtant chinee Ogcrfnga moderate hut ample Uuotatlnna, per Hit) lbs. In w nod Winter clear. l 7.11(4 mi. do., straight, $111 .1.21 sacka sn,2(lfi.1 40 do. latent, jute eaika $3 40 (, spring, first clear, .1 Hil'l",, )" atMlfht, flS.iJ.1.(iO, do. talent. flOSHlim, an, favorite brnnda C,(t.VI, cltj mllla, cholco ami four; talent. fnn An Oily mllla. regular rradea V Inter clear, l 7:.4 lit), do. straight. I51J.1 2" do , tintcnt $1 .vifl.1 7.1 111 B ri.Ot'll. Steadily held under ama.ll suppllea but trndo quiet. Quotntlona. Nenrby and Western In wood at $.1,1(100 FRESH FRUITS Demand only moderate and market ulthout Important chunge. Quotntlona Apples, per bbl Jonathan snft:i.r,(i. King, .' r,uia.1 J.I, Italdnln, l 7182 r,0 "Oreenlng. f I 7.1$.' r,(i, Tnenty-ounce, 2 ,1(i.1. Pippin, f I 7.1i2.71, York Imperial, 1100672, other good rating vnrletlea, 1 T.-.lff-' r,0, medium ltl. .".(), npplta. Western per box, JKfJl CO, npplea, Delnuare and Penna)lvnntn. per hamper. Mlffj: One Lemona, per box f1(4 Ornngea, Florida, wr strnp $.1 .10014. Grapefruit. Plortda per box JI .lofff.l. Plneapnlea, per crnte Porto Illco. .11 i.KTf H 2.1 , Florida, fit 2 DO c'rnnbarrlea, fancy late vnrletlea, psr bbl. f474 10, rranberrles. Cnpe Cod early blsck. per bbl. flioll; cranberries. Cane Cod early black, per crate 71c CT1 ,10, cranberries. Jersey, per crate, Zc fit 1 21 Peara. New York, per bbl .Reckel .1..1lldf .1 . ricurre nose, spill. in. Hheldnn. flf.l, llenrre t'lnlriteau, 2..10.1.,10: llenrre d Anion 2 21(if0 21. Duchess, S2H7.1, Hnuell ,t.'i5f-.r.(l . other vnrletlea $2J1 flrnpea Neu York Concord, per S-Ili balet. ISlQ'lnc ; do, per 4-lb. basket. 106! lie , Nlagnrn. per, 4-lb basket. KIT lie. crapea. Concord, per 20lb, basket. 30SJ40C. REFINED SUGARS The market Mmrtj Init trndc quiet lle-fln-TB' lint of price Ktamlant itrnnulatetl, ft 20c ; confectlonrrV A, ftc soft sratles, fi.l.V ; fine granuateO, G 10c , powdercJ, DAIRY PRODUCTS MTTTKII. Tho mnrliel wan nulet but stfudy nt the lute tlecllne Quotfttlona West ern, aolM-pnckcd crrnmco. fnncy ipo ctuln. nc extra .He extrn flrMa :tJfiTIc . Hrntit SOIlc , MTnnrts rtfifSfic , In.lU'-pnckrd, 2l0"23e a to qunltty noarhy print, fnnej, .17c, do, aeraRe extra ,WfpCe . do firsts, 12r4e.. do seenndf. .Of .r Hpcclnl fancy liranda of nrlntii JoliMnjr nt 42d7Uc. KflOS, Fresh ntnclc mm scan a nnd united nt full prices Quotations In free cases nearhy extras, 40ftl?c per noz nearby Ursts 10 80 p"er standard cnire, ncnrb cur rent receipts, $i.tK1M0.l?0 prr utandinl ciho. Western extrn firsts, flO SO per enfe, do , firsts. $0 004710 20 per casq, do., seconds, (710 UJ7 SO. Southern. 0Wil102O per case Ue frUeratcr egg's, as to qunllt), 21tU7c per dot. Ianj relected candled fresh tggn wero Jobbed out nt 41fM7c. per dor CHI.KRK Values steadily held under nmall supplies hut trade quiet. Quotations. New York, full cream, eirller receipts, choice, ir;lCc.; do do current make, choice, 15Hc; do do., fair to good, 14V&01.JC , do., part skims. 8013c. POULTRY I.IVK. OfTerlnKS of dalrnblr stock moil ernte and nltiea steady Ith trnde fulr Quo tations: Fouls UHHo ; old roosters, liKt 11c, spring; chickens 12i14c turkeys. lfiS IRcducka lllllli geese. Hfflii- uulneaa, ouns. uelghlnir 2 lbs nnd over apiece, per pair. r.(V : uelKhlnir H771 lbs apiece, per pair, Sftfr&Sc , weighing: I lb. npleie. per pair, UMM&c. ; do, old, 40c , pigeons, per pair, ' DKKNSKD Thn market dull and weak under fairly literal offerings Iloastlng chick ena ducks and geeso lower. Quotations Tur keys ranc large snrlng, 2lf722c , nerage re ceipts sprint:, lM!2(c Inferior spring. 120 l.V . Nn 1. old. 20c Fnwla, per lb Selected heaw, liic uelghlni; 4ff.i lbs, apiece, lie . i'o.. 4 lbs apiece, l"r do 1U lbs. anleco. 1.1c , (In., 1 lis and under I1tl4c old roostera, 1r picked 11c broiling: chickens, ncarbj weighing l'i'.' lbs nplccr 20'-.''' broiling chickens, niarh fnlr to good IfMjlSc , chick ens. Wi stern, fanc fat 1 lbs nnd over nplece, In boxes do pncknl. 17c chickens IVojtern 4 Iba. nplece, In tnxes. dry packed. tc . chickens, Western 4U.1 lbs In Mils dry racked. Hflldc. chl"kena. Western .1ti.IV, lbs apiece. 11Uc : broiling chickens. Western. Hi 32 lbs apiece, 20c broiling chickens, West ern, fair in good, 14r)lKc , spring; ducks, KVtf inc.: spring s-eeae l.liTJ14c Fnuabs, per doten Whlt, weighing 11 to 12 Iba per doien. 1 lJ 04 .V) while, weighing O to 10 lbs p.r doien, f1.10fi1.T1, whits weighing 8 lbs. per dozen, 2 ,',012.7n do . do.. T Iba, per doien, Ilfl.'.'JS, do , do., ftOIMi lbs per doien, Jl.25al.ii1. dark and No 2 Bft- fFfl.tO, I.HK rol'l.TUY Trad slow and nrlcea of chickens and ducks declined le. under liberal suppllea Quotations Fowls. 12914c , old roosters, liwnip spring chickens, lHJHc turkeja. HOIflc.; ducks ISfllle . geeee 1 Ifl1 14c: guineas oung weighing - lbs nnd orr nplece. per pair. CO- . do., weighing 1UH Iba apiece per pair vwjjlle . do., old, IStfSOc . pigeons, per pair, l.KJIRc LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, llec 1 11008 Receipts. 45,. 000: market 20ifr25c lower, mixed and butch era, ia.803T.4fl: good heavy, IT 15T.40, rough heavy, JUSflflT 10. light, T3T M. plga, 3 SO (M.TS; bulk, ITT7 SO. CATTl,R.-Recelpts, ftwi, market 101He, lower beeves. 219 10 25; cona and heifers, l1.TSfl8.T0 atockers and feeders. nrtr7. Trinns IT.2BS8 IS calea. IS..KW10.2.1 8IU7BP -Receipts 23.- 000 market 10c. lower: nntlte and Western, 13.75gU.33, lamb, SJ)000.40, NEW YORK DUTTEB AND EGGS NEW YQIIK, Doc I -Hl'TTEa lower and alow; receipts. 6200, packages: creamery extra, 3.1c . higher scoring, 3.1!iS3Jc.i gtats dairy, Steele , Imitation creamery, 2nitlVic EOCif steady; receipts, COM cases j fresh, extra, firsts .lOIWOc.: fresh, llrats, 3A.1Tc,i nearby whites, 688 iCc: nearby mixed, S3 tc; pclil marks, 2sq23H BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings louy compared with corr tpondlns day last two )cors 1014 1011 1012. Philadelphia .t11.121.n0ll 118 011.4-10 (42.200 421 New York . 3T0.O3O.124 4T0, 18.1,223 W0.T3.1.533 1 lost on . 20.000,423 3W,UT,I8 40,602.031 HIS PA THOUGHT IT CO-OPERATIVE PLAN , TO LOWER COST OF LIVING TRIED HERE Grocery Store at 505 Reed Street Planned by Share holders as Result of Study in Many Lands. Tlie people of one section of the city have developed a little plnn of their own to reduce the cost of food, Some of them decided to open n co-operative rjrocery gtore, to be tho first of a lonir chain of such stores. The co-operative Rrocery will be opened tonight at 603 Heed street. There, In n small carefully whitewashed room It will be conducted. The etore Is financed by a system of co-operntlvc shnro biilnrf. Tho members will receive Roodi at cost or llttlo above cost, to cover expenses, and any profits that may still arlo will bo either distributed ntnonir the members or put back Into the business, nccortllnp to the wish nnd dcslro of tho members. The store Is the result of careful study and InvcstlKntlon of tliu co-opcrathc movement tho world over. On one of the shelves In the new store Is to be found a number of books, not fofTsalc, but for refcrenco In explain ing the plan to customers. Theso books, written In various languages, havo been brought from many countries and they describe the principles nnd methods of the co-operative movement In these coun tries. Speaking of the possibilities and prom ises of the co-operative store, A. J. Mar golin, one of tho shareholders, who has a place of business at Sth and Walnut streets, said that the only wny for tho people to fight the "food trust" or any trust engaged In the production of the necessities of life was for the people to organize "The people do not realize," said Mr. Margolin, "the tremendous value of tho purchasing power which thoy possess. If they would only organize this purchas ing power they could do a' great deal In relieving distress and reducing tho high cost ot living. The co-operative move ment In this country Is In Its Infancy, if II can be said to exist here at all, but when one takes the trouble to a,tudy tho work of the co-operative movement abroad he will llnd some materlnl for thought "The International Co-operativo Alli ance, which met recently In Glasgow, represents one or the grcntcst world fed erations. It Is composed of 24 national I'nlts and Includes about 130,000 separate co-operative societies, having about 10, 000,000 family members, representing threo oi four times Hint number of persons "The most Important feature of this world-wldo co-operative movement Is the control of Industry, the elimination of the nilililltmin and the organization of pro duction nnd distribution of wealth by collectivities of citizens This organiza tion nnd ndmlnlstrnton of economic life by citizen consumers has been growing by leaps nnd bounds In many countries. The co-opctntlve movement the world ovi-r has done n business of ?:.O0O 000,000 during the last jenr, tnot only In the field of consumption, but In the field of production "It may seem strange, but there Is every reason to suppose that from the humble beginning which we have hero there mav come a great movement of or ganising tho purchasing power of the con sumers throughout tills country. The co operative movements of the European countries and of Australia have, for tho most part, had no more pretentious be ginning. Today they are doing business to the extent of hundreds of millions of dollars." Tonight n meeting of t,he shareholders of the co-opcratlvo store will be held at 503 Heed street AVajs and means will be discussed to Insure the success of tho enterprise. PRICE OF DEFEAT AT POLLS Democrats and Bull Mooser File Elec tion Expense Accounts. IiARTtlsnunG. Dec 1 Expense nc. counts were filed today at the State De partment as follows: James Gillespie, trensurer of the Talmer McCormlck League of Philadelphia, $1661 received. $4665.50 expended. William H Drennan, Id Wnrd Palmer MtCormick League of Philadelphia, $55 received nnd expended Bernard Carnahan. I8th Ward Palmer McCormlck League of Philadelphia, $150 received and spent, Harrlsburg Palmcr-McCormlck League, received $1107 CO, spent J10S3 62, still owes $;85. Judge Charles X Tirumm, Bull Moose candidate for Governor; J. D, Allen, secre tary Socialist candidate for Governor, and George Hart, Prohibition candidate for Congrcssman-at-large, each spent less than $50. Brumm certified that he re ceived nothing and spent nothing. Gillespie certified that the money handled all came from the Democratic Stato Committee; It was spent for the usual campaign items, Drennan certified expenditures for the usual Items, milling that he had donated his house for meet ings, and had spent $3 to have It cleaned afterward Of the money spent by the Harrlsburg Palmer-McCormlck League virtually all wan contributed by Vance C. McCormlck, Democratic-Washington candidate for Governor, and his brother, II. B. Mc Cormlck, division chairman here. TRADE BALANCE FAVORABLE November Exports Exceed Imports by $70,000,000. WASHINGTON. Dec I.-Secretary of Commerce Redneld reported to President Wilson today that his department's com plete report for November will show an excess of exports over Imports which will approximate in value $70,000,000. His re port now available covers ii working days and places tho figure at $a,lSS,9St for the month of October the excess of ex ports over Imports amounted to $57,000,000, RAN IN THE FAMILY . . X PORT OF fcmUDELFHIA Bun and Tides Tld Sun llses. 7 0.1 a.m. sun sits .... 4:38 p.m. piiiLADsr-rita High watr,12 SO a.m Pl!lith Vatar.lS IB p m Low water . 7-17 n,m I horr witer.. 8.10 pre. REEDY IBUANt J 4t a m. I High witer 10 00 p.m. .1 S.1 a.m I Low water., 4.31 n m. High water I.ov water nhRAKWATEn. lllth water. 7 02 am I High water. 7 1. n m. Imw water 12 Mam I ixiw wntet,. 1 20 pm Vessels Arriving Today .Sir Troutnool fllr.), Olbrattar, via Caps Henri, ore, Sam Line, , "ir. Kmnprtni Olav (Nor ), Srilner, ballasl, Oniley, Imvn f. Co Str rnraauay, Sabine, crude oil, Sun Com pany Sir Anthonv Groyes, nalllmore, pautngtra and merchandise, Brlcsson Line. 1 Pchr. iviulleton sisters, Calais, ballttt, A. I). Cummins ft Co. i Steamships to Arrive PASSK.VOEn. Xamo Prom Sailed llcngollan Liverpool . . Not, 12 Anriinn .. ..Naples Now 20 Uomlnlon Liverpool Nov. 30 FIIBIOHT. ... Name From. Hats' Virginian Hllo . . .. Oct 21 liesprros port Natal . Oct 1'3 I'OAnnln. Hull Oct. 31 JJIHInm Ornskoldavlk Nov. R Itrralanil Khlelds . . . Nov 10 T.arl of Klgln Vnlpiralao . .Nov. 11 i'c, Mcthll Nov. 14 ""''''on llomliiy ..Nov. Id Mncklnnn London Nov 17 Alaskan Hun Pedro . Nov. 17 Crown Point l.ondon . . Nov 10 Helena Itnttrrdam . . Nov 10 Cassiopeia RhleMa .. . Nov 20 Kanta rtnaalle Shields . Nov. 21 Ijouljlana Newraatlc' . . Nov. 24 Prrslnnn, Toircy Nov. 20 Iiarolil Nlma Nlmi Nov. 20 EH"1' Clenfuegoa . .Nov 27 Slotcrdjk .Rotterdam Nov 21) Steamships to leave PASSHNOEU, ,.Nmr. Tor. Date. Mongolian niasgoar .. . .Dec... Ancona aiaagow Dec. 7 ntKIOHT. Manchester Mariner ..Manchester ... .Dee. 4 Louisiana Copenhagen . .Dee 12 Crown Point London Dec. 12 Mancheater Miller ....Manchester .. Dec. 17 Houlh Point London Dec. 4 Potomac Lelth Dec. IS PORT OF NEW YORK Steamships to Arrive DUE TODAY. Name From Sailed Madonna Almerla Nov 20 ltegtna d'ltalla (Icnoa .... Nov. 10 Verona Clcnoa Nov. 10 Steamships to Leave Name For. Nnpoll Naple 11 el I g Olav Copenhagen 'Rotterdam Naples .... Date. .. Dec 2 . Dec. 3 .. Dec 3 . Dec. fi ...Dec IS .. Dec. B i.usiiaiua Liverpool Minnehaha Verona . . . . London Genoa FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS Steamships to meet Immediate demands In the transatlantic trades continue scarce, ltatea aro Arm and well supported. The sail market la exceedingly dull, with ratca low. STEAMSHIPS St Kentlacrn (Hr ). New Tork to United Kingdom, Franco or Holland, grain, .W.tXKi quarters, at or about 0s., December. Crlstlna (Span.). Gulf to west coast United Kingdom, grain. VJ.COO quarters, 3s, 4id with options, December. I.lanberla (llr ), 25,000 quarters, aame. Re. .Id , option Mnrselllca or Genoa, 0s. 3d., or Naples, 0s 4Hd . December Tre (llr.). from tho Gulf to London, grain, 201X0 qunrters, rs lVjd., December-January. Algol (Itusa , 1270 tons, transatlantic trade, two round trips. tiVG. dcilvcrlea United King dom. Angkclikt (Greek), 2301 tons, same, alx months, toooo. Ilcllaglo (llr), 2V11 tons, same, alx montha, hosts Bs Hi deliveries United Kingdom, via th Gulc and Mediterranean Mobllo (llr.) 110.1 tnna Charleston to Liver pool, cotton. ASs , prompt. Modern! (Nor.), 804 tons. Gulf to Scandinavia, general cargo .19s . December. Anranla thai ). 2180 tona. Philadelphia to tin Mediterranean, coal, private terms Kronprlnz Olav (Nor ). 2.WI tons. Philadel phia to Havana, coal, private terms. Ardgarroch (P-r.). 1100 tons, same, alx montha. basis about 7s 3d., dellverlea Unite,! Kingdom via United Statca with British North America options SCHOONERS Inga Rr.), 1C0 tons. Bonaire to Mobile, salt, prliate terms. Hstello Krleger, 1047 tons. Norfolk to Puerto w-iiu vuui e- "J nnu j'nrt ennrges Plorenco H. Penley. Philadelphia to land, 1&O0 tona, coal private terms. Tort. Movements of Vessels Str Krlstlanlatjord (Nor.), for New York, sltamcd from liergen November 28, btr, Lra. Han rranclsco for Philadelphia, passed through canal from Balboa Novem Ler 30. htr. Alaskan, San FYanclsco for Philadel phia, steamed from Cristobal November 30. Str Translianla (llr.). from New York, arrived at Liverpool November SO. Str. Vaderland (Dr.), from Now York, ar rived at Liverpool November SO Str. llapldan (llr ). from Philadelphia, ar rlted at Lclth November 2S. Str. Louisiana (Dan.),, for Philadelphia, atramed from Newcastle, Km., November 24. Str. Harold (Nor ), for Philadelphia, steamed from Nlma Nlma November 20. Str. Sloterdyk (Dutch), for Philadelphia, ateamed from Rotterdam November 2u. Str. I V. Stoddard, from Philadelphia, ar rived at Bansor December 1. Str. Chlltern Range, from Philadelphia, ar rlied at Haltlmore November 30 Str. William P. Palmer, from Philadelphia, arrived at Jacksonville November 3a Str. Oaaabaw, Philadelphia for Qulfport. vrsa Free of Pennsylvania Stato Tax and Federal Income Tax $34,000 School District of the 4VS Dated July J, 101i. Optional on and after July 1st, and July 1st at the Treasurers oilice in trie t-tty ot wew t-asue, Pa. Coupon Bonds in denomination .of . $1000, with privilege of registration as to principal, FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed valuation, 1911.,,.,. .,., $J0,93t,S70.00 et Indebtwlneea , S,O0tf,OO PrrcenUie of Indebtedness 1.63 Population, 1(10 S8.t&0 Population at present (estimated) 40,000 Legality of this issue has been approved by John G. Johnson, J2s,j Philadelphia, a copy of whose opinion is now on file. J Price on application. William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. MORRIS W, STROUD, Jr. Manager 437 CHESTNUT STREET , 75 miles soutir ef Dlamena shoal IfirMSTit i bine fop Phifirtsintii rs no miles smifj of Diamond Shoaf lightship at noon Novera.1 wr an, Str. Denver, fnm Vr fnn ma lift mill eouth ef Diamond Shoal lightship at 7 1), m, ,iniDfr ou, Francisco, mas lilt m'llej from Phllodslphb at 0 n m Mrtvamh Ttfk fltr. Paraguay, Philadelphia for SafctneJ "ca Liamona gnoai ngntsnip ac o.u v Knmnh,, flA Sir. currier. Clenfuegos for Philadelphia was inn mnes rrom uverrane ngntsnip si i, m, rfovemner 30. L t . Port Arthur, was P0 mllea south of 8coll-j ngnisnip ai noon novemoer av Str. Persian, Philadelphia for Jaeksonvr J"hi i nanesion ai p m OTmner ov ; Phla, waa 200 mllea northwest of Tertugaa all mr. utiir Hiream. l'nrt Artnur rnr fniianvra noon oemDer ;tv. a Schr. Thomas Wlnsmore, from Philadelphia,, arrived at cnarieaton November u, Rfhf. llM,... C Wimtn TMittarfslrthfa. ffv Ilangor, passed Chatham, Mass . November SOj ncnr. iiumarocK. rrom rnnaaeipnta, iram- Rche. Oovrrnnr Powers.' rhlladelnhlA foil Hanger, passed Nobska November SO, ll Schr. Nawenock. Philadelphia for BoelotM arrived Vlnejard Haven November 30, JB q EXPORTS FROM THIS PORT j HIGHER NOW THAN IN 191 Commissioners' Eeport Shows ilarked Increase During1 November. Heavy cxportatlons of Brain, flour and oil marked the business of tho pott of Phlladclnhta durlnir tho month of No vember, according; to the report of the ; Commissioners ot Navigation issued to-, i day. The report points out that 3.0766fft bushels of craln were sent out in tho 30 dns cndlnir Mondny night, as comparer! i with 2,188,864 bushels In tho samo pcrioa , Inst year. Flour export totaled 34,060.' 920 pounds against 16,803,700 pounds ita November 1313. . Thero was a decrease In imports. The)! customs receipts amounted to $802,652.35 as compared with $060,966.12 last Novem ber. The falling off in the receipts Jet caused principally by tho falling off In tho amount of Roods arriving Irons abroad nnd lower tariff duties, V Sugar shipments Into this port have censed. None arrived last month nma nene tho previous month. Imports ot thin commodity had been one of tin? premier Imports of tho port's business! The cutting of the foreign marKetu hub to the war has left tho refiners with large supply of raw product on hand and they arc not purchasing from the plant ers of the West Indies. Vessels nrrlvlug at Philadelphia during November numbered 463 with a tonnac of 787.S64 as compared with 13 vessels with a tonnage of 863,340 lor tho samo month last year. Of this fleet, 93 vcaselsj with a tonnage or 314, S, came iron foreign ports, ns ngainst 102 vessels will a tonnage of 350,137 for October ot loil year. ij ntiKtt of 783,293, compared with 4DS vt Bcla with a tonna?o ot 831.24Q durln;; t. corresponding period of 1313. The foreU sailings -wero 104 vessels -with a tbnnat n' fti4 inS tiH ntrnlnut 09 vianla flnti ... f trJiK! t. ninhAi 101 t f ..'lltlSC Ul aniii tui gwi.wv " ,, FItOM JAIIi TO FABM Pardoned Convict, Wanted in VI ginin, Says He is Not Extra ditable, l-l NEW YORK, Dec. 1. A Itandof Howard, formerly of Fredericksburg-, V and more recently an inmate of the x hotel en route tp take over the manaf ment of a NewV Jersey stock farm. though the Virginia authorities woil like to bring him before the courts In January, 1913, Howard was convli'l ed of violating the Federal banking sis uteand sentenced to five years at i'l lalfflaV receiving a pardon after 15 monf 9 An indictment Is pending against 1 at Frederlcksburs1, where he was cm -m of a national bank. As "he won corrfj from tho Stato against his volition, at therefore. la not a fugitive frcrrn luitiil irntvnrrt invi hi In nnnfiTtrnrlltAblfl. m PRIZE PLAT COMPETITION Awards Will Be Hade in Accorda With Club Preference Plans for the play competition of Plays and Players for tho present wlnl have Just been announced The enij membership of the club will be the f.l Judges In awarding" prizes. -4 A committee of five will select the Vu 1 best plays of all submitted and they! S bo presented by the club. The latter?' ; vote on the three plays and prizes! be awarded In accordance with the vd Heretofore tho awarding of tho prir eJ ilka competitions has been left entln ei a committee. The competition Is op ,j, club memuors oniy. . AH manuscripts submitted must U'e one act plays. The prizes will Be Iju prize, JI5 second prize and flO toV third. City of New Castle, Pa.1 Bonds Due July 1, 194 1924. Interest payable January 1st SfSSmM in imnniir i m-iisf-is - i -iaijpaimjjgmy,. ,-p - --mty'ijtj'm99meMittmmm:imais' fe mi iiJiiT'i.M ., .. . JLAfifeiii.w .- t Sii sf -...ti.tfWstj '