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JPF1 14 EVENING LEDGEH-r-PHIUADEtPHIA", THURSDAY, DE OB MB MB 3, 1912, & i m i t'i l-x INVESTORS' BUYING CAUSED INCREASED :. ACTIVITY IN N. Y. inquiry Assumes Large Pro portions Bonds, Short term Notes and Public Utilities in Demand. NEW yoniC, Dec. 3. Increased nc llvlty wns Bhown nil through the Wall street district today. A new feature wns Hint nearly nil the buying of bonds on the Stock Kxchnnse floor, short-term note unit public utilities was for Invest ment account. The Investment demand has assumed the largfl proportions. Short-term note dealers arc Hooded with buying orders from numerous sources, and the dividend paying public utilities nre In brisk de mand at steadily ndvnnclntr prices. It Is hard to execute buying orders, bow ever, as holders refuse to part with their holdings, even at substantial advances In bids. An Instance Is the fact that St. Joseph's Heat and Power notes, offered by a Philadelphia Arm at 0V4. are now bid for at the offering price. That spirit of activity which was a feature of the Broad street curb trading reflected In vigorous advances In high and low priced mining shares, has ended for the time at least and the same diminished Interest In curb Industrials Is noted. No one scemi to care whether United Profit Sharing Increases Its capitalization or not or whether Its prlco Is marked up or marked down. The same indifference Is shown to promises of good developments In United Cigar Stores or Hlker-lIcgcman. hi the bond trading the feature was Rock Island refunding 4s, which gained a piflnt during the morning trading to 6655, compared with 63V4 at the opening. The (advanco In the latter was probably due to the company's October earnings' statement, which was favorable. While the net earnings for the month were J276.779 below the same month of the previous year, the net earnings for tho first four months of the fiscal year showed an advance of $207,308 over the same period of last year. Fractional gains were made In virtually ell bonds sold during tho morning ses sion. Southern Pacific convertible Es, which sold heavily In yesterday's trading, were sold tcUay at last night's closing price, 9IW. the transactions not being large. Money on call was freely olYertd nt ti per cent, and Just beforo noon the quotation was lowered to 4 per cent. There was an active loan crowd on the floor. Steel common loaned at 4Hs per cent, and New York Central and United States Bte'el preferred at 3M, per cent. The Bank of Kngland statement shows a. reserve decrease or i-i.-uo.uuu. anu mo reserve Is now 23.90 per cent., against 31.60 per cent. laBt week. Sterling exchange was dull, 4.S9U 87U. Strength In relchsmarks Is attrlb 87 . Strength In HelclismarKs Is attrib uted to Bales of bonds hero for account of Germany. IMPROVING TENDENCY IN PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Storage Battery In Strong Demand. Limit on Baldwin Raised. There, -was a distinct show of strength to the dealings In the Philadelphia mar ket this morning. Leading the Improve ment was Electric Storage Battery, which extended yesterday's advance a full point to 47',4. Ths fact that the stock carries a dividend to come off shortly was a stim ulating Influence. So also was the knowl edge that the company is very busy Just now supplying batteries both for home an dforelgn consumption. Lehigh Navi gation trust certificates moved up half a dollar, and there was also good de mand by Investors for United Gas Im provement, Union Traction and Reading. On the other hand, some slight liquida tion accurred In Pennsylvania, Philadel phia Electric ruled steady around 13, despite arguments over rates before the Public Service Commission. American Railways preferred sold at 9, down 3 points frdm the last previous quotation, while Tonopah Belmont rose to 4T1 In tho afternoon. A curious development today was the raising of the limit on Baldwin Locomo tive preferred from 101, where It has stood for some time, to 105. There has been quite a little odd-lot dealing in the shares at the lower limit, and. in fact, they changed hands today at 101 before tho new ruling: was promulgated. Baldwin common fell from 43 to 41 on a small transaction. The feature of the trading in bonds was the sale of a, block of J20.O0O Philadelphia Electric 4s at 73, an advanco of H upolnt. Bond dealings were quite active on change as well as over the counter, and for most part prices ruled firm. American Gaa and Electric 5a advanced to St, Inquiry among the bond houses disclosed the fact that while new issues were being subscribed for to a moderate extent, there were, still a number of unsold portions of old Issues still to be distributed. This is aid to be particularly true of long-term bonds. It bas been estimated that some thins like 1300.000,000 of new financing will have to be taken care of in JS1B, but the theory Is held that restoration of confl dence, which has been growing; rapidly fll la,te, and general improvement In busi ness conditions will facilitate the notation of this heavy volume of securities. On the -whole, local bond men are decidedly op timistic, but are not letting their enthu siasm carry them away, as can be ab-. iif va by the terms upon which they 4ook (hif, Ljiko Shore 6 per sent notes. ITHAT ML. Youf?e RunNim' Round WiFF ? I V " NEW YORK BOND SALES t,ow. J2M 101 H 101H 87 H " 0SH IOH no no DOS IHIJ4 taiU Wit 8 81 87H 87'i 81 84 fO 8 II7K 7H 8S1 M D8s tiS aij sua ion lno 42 42 m tw 83 81 P4'4j IMJt 80S 8 1 tU M MM, 074 20 20)4 7IU 71W MU r.1'4 niH oi'.i 84 8 n no nn", nit'i 80 80 tio l!4 hi Ml 120 120 70 70 48i 4SU, no no an an liilH lnn(j 70(1 7ll(J Wl MY, W2 02 8S 8S m(J au in on 8lUi 801 t'o no B2 B1 fi.14 nni sotl 80W lilH "4ti 81 8- on on 07'4 n7'4 ''H n,$ TOM VH 74 74 101 101 n-i'4 on'4 tm'4; 1104 WW) Am .Smelt Bee (Is. .101' si!S m'r T cv 4Hs oiU WOO Armour Co 1V4. . .. DO iRS!! At'ji'son sen in MH WO AtchHon cv 4s, MOO. . tOU .2000 Atchison B ntrU ll I poo AtlRn Co I.Ipo clt 4s. . M limo Unit & Ohio 4j .. S7H U-X? ' P D WV 4s eo 2000 lleth Steel 1st lis (174 4 H! H',n B"l f'l B" l Bono Itrook nr Tr s, 101S !HW I5001I Cent leather 1st Us.. 1)7 100(0 Ont I'se 1st 4a S1 ?0O0 Cent n It N .t cons fa. loo 21(00 Cent n n N J rct ,1s. . 42 IJWfl the & Oh cv 4s... tw 1000 Ches Ohio 4ti R1 2ih) chl f 1 o joint 4. . . niW loooo Chl B A tj Ren 4s..,. 811H S3"0 I hi Mil A St I cv 4Hi 11 JM Chl M ft 8t P n l 07 7H00 Chl It I ft r col 4s... 204 10110 DM ft Hud tfd 4s..., 71 H .loon DIs ftecur Corp lis... Mt lnwi Kr (ten 4a.... M4 .'torn in Bti si rno Insp Con Copper r, .. ll i'looii Intern It T rcf fin. .. 11T Hon Internl I'npcr cvt .. 8 STKio Jke Bh ileb 4 I02S. POU .XKO I. eh ilcb 4s lint. H WW I.I ft M T 7s 170 21100 1M0 Ksn & T lot 4.. in IfW Mo Kan & T r(d 4. 4SW vmo Mo l'e 4 .til loon Mo Pflc cv .-..,,. . .in J0T0 N T City ret i m Iixhi N Y City 4H MV 'ST.lnniJ .won n Y flwy ref 4s... . 70i 470PO N Y Iiwy adj fi ... noi, looo Norf A Went enn 9 . n2 ron Nor I'ae prior 4. . . . " .t Nor l'e gen Ms alH iim I'enna cv aut. uu I rxo rubllo Serv N J fu. . MV 0000 Itefldln sen 4n 02 W1011 Hep Ir A 3 .-, 1940 no n.vioi Hock loland na M loon Itock Ialnnd rfd 4 onij looii South Hell fu n, iioio South l'ac cv 4i ROH Moon 1I0 cv ,1a IMS .wo outh Pnc rfd 4a 8 (io() South Itwy Ren 4s 110 7IKM1 South Itwy con Ba .. I lsono Texas Co cv 0s P5 20"O Third Ae ret 4a .. 7U'4 W V 8 Ilealty Ra 71 10CO tt a Itubhcr lis 101 7B('((i It S Steel Ba 0 14 MlOO V 3 Steel re Ba .... IK tivji I nlon Pao lat 4a t'4J, tttw Union l'ac cv 4a ... . f1(4 ?((W Weat i:icctrlc Ss 100 nt); 8l'd SM4 100 1UO LOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALES 10 nnld I.n nf.tOI 10T lot 101 104 21 Cam Steel.. 41) Ml Cm Stl scp ikH; to Klcr stir... 411 20 In Co N A. my, 7 I, Nv t c. 72 2.1 I, Nav .... 211 0 Val... (124 4W' I'enni R2S in') I'hlla Klec. 21 10 I'hlla Trac 784 1 ltnltiv nn nv. 40 Wl'i 47 SRi 211 I12"j r.24 2-1 -n II2W IJrti 40 njU 4i 201 72'j 211 r.2Kj h 711 40 till 47 20V, 72 Vn 10 n2U B21,i 40 no 47 1 7J!V !i 11 (.24 .. MS !1 'l 70 7!l 4 ti2Ji 1121 U raS (Wi U (JI n ltcaillne . (line unl d!! a'. 711 Union Trac aU., ,1u a'H4 am :m4 2.1 Ton Mln.7 1-111 7 1-111 7 1-1(1 T 1-1(1 7 l-IU . . 13 I' O I.... 804 81 SI 81 81 , lota. -(- Kflln. , IIONDS. iroo Am a ft K Sa Woo I, Nav cons 44a . . 1000 West N Y A. i'n 4a. HlBll. Itv. 12 M. , J R2U 8J'4 . (Ki'i nnu mi. . n ,t I HOUIILY PHILADELPHIA SALES 10 A. M. to 11 A. M. 10 rtalduln rfd. 104 .1 Ta Salt ... 10 ram Steel... 40 ,Vi I'hlla Elec. 7 lch Nu t r. 724 R Heading .. 2.1 I. V Tran pfd 2(1 2.1 Tonopah . . 171 I'enna R2l 7.1 Union Trac . ni .. 21 . lltlll 7 l-lil : 111 do '." 15 U O I 1S8 do 24 BONDS. JlfOo Am 1 Am OAE 5a 82;i JIOOO do 02' iO S ccp tltltj l(i(Vl do 02 3 I.N con 44. Oil' 1000 WNY gm 4s 74 n2S us S0I1C $1100 ltdB g m 02V4 11 A. M. to 12 M. 1.1 Cam Steel.... 10 Elec ator flat. 40 M Penna 1.1 do .. S2(, .12 621, ou?i (in, 30 47 ni ins co rr a. 2n4 4 do .1 Leh Val W) Phlla Kl al KUi 60 Rcadlnir RO Phlla Klec... sat, 3 Hendlnj ID I'hlla Trac. 70 4 Union Trac. BONDS. 00 ?0 Cam scp 12 M, to 1 P. M. 10 Elec Stor Bat. 45(4 7 do .10 Ins Co N 'A. 20i 2.1 Phlla Elec... 130 I'enna 32'i 12 Union Trac... BONDS. J10OO n ft P 4a.. 7S K12.2.1 Ph Co sen. loooo i. .v en 4'4 notisooro rn nie 4s.. 30000 I. V En 43. SS 200 Ph i:ie 5a.. i p. m. to 2 p. ar. salt 00 78 100 rl Baldwin .... 41 12 Cam Steel . . 4(1 1 Leh Nav t c. 71 1 North Cent.. R2 150 Penna IK!1.. 10 Penna 2.1 I'hlla Elec. 10 Reading ,... 40O Ton-Helm ... 22T1 (.llM 4$ Jtil do 22 do 5214 1WJ&SS..30 BONDS. tXl Cam SH acp no 34 do DM J100O L N con HI 07 NEW PASSENGER AGENT Lehigh Valley Appoints Arnold B, Hill, With Offices Here. Recognizing the Importance of Phila delphia ns a passenger producing point, the Lehigh Valley Railroad has created the position of assistant general pas senger agent, with offices at 000 Chest nut street, and has appointed Arnold B. Hill to the post. Mr. Hill was the city passenger agent of the road here about six years ago, since which time he has become the general agent of the passenger depart ment at Chicago. "The creation of the new position Indicates that the railroad Intends to take a more Important part than ever In tfle commercial activities of Philadelphia," says an official of the company. RAILROAD EARNINGS BUFFALO AND SUSQUEHANNA, . . Mil. Deereaia. October gross .,.,,,..... I34,aiO SI2.14S Net ,.... 23.635 20.722 Four months gross 316,273 11 ft. 62.1 Net 71,760 86,407 WABABII FJTTSBURail TERMINAL. October irons I7B.7SO I2S.S0T Net 17,470 12.63T Four monthi- gross,.,,. 348,173 70.178 Net ,.-,- 102,481 85,240 NORTHERN PACIFIC. October fross J8,fl!9,518 1940,480 Net 2,oS0,08t 382,382 CHICAOO & ALTON. October (rocs I1.2SI.813 $110,503 Net .,,..,.,... 206,381 240,331 ROCK ISLAND UNB8. October gross ... ...... $6,878,272 S1T3.716 Net 1,522,80:) 278,770 Four months' gross.,,,, 28,204,603 1,327,031 Net 1 6;0u3,4lf3 2QtUo3 JIOCKINQ VALLEY. October gross , 1881,311 tss,283 Net 243,008 54:724 Surplus , 160,663 2D.B02 Four months' grass 2,507,106 45S.B60 Net, ?$SI5 23S.3SI BurpliHi 4 It, 11 7 2S0,52 Increase. SNOODLES' 3 S SPSS? . 3 S ? X " : : : : & & S : : : : ? . . . D0N'CH( KMTeROOOCE HfM "TO ME ! I don't wamt M HOOF AN FACE DISEASE? VJOTCH TTsutciN coinr HS5 f PAL. i WHEAT IS FIRMER AT OPENING TODAY; ALL GRAINS ACTIYE Bullish Cables and Strength of Statistical Position Abroad Responsible Eu rope Continues to Buy. CHICAGO. Dec. i.-Wheat opened firmer today on bullish cables and tha strength of tho statistical position nbrond. Tho buying wns good Mid tho selling1 scattered. Thcro wcro resting orders to sell Mny nrottnd J1.2H4. Ktiropo contlntlcs to buy hud receipts nro grndtially falling erf. With Lake navigation closed, tho movement Is ex pected to show a further reduction, and It Is belloved stocks will decrease stead ily as tho lnrgo amount of wheat sold for export moves out. Tho market at Liverpool was strong, with spot nt !4d. to Id. nnd flour 3d. higher. Offers were light In tho English market nnd the de mand from millers was urgent. Tho be lief 1b growing at Liverpool that ship ments from Argentina from Janunry to July will show only a fair average. Shipments from Argentina for the week were estimated at 200 000 bushels. Tho weather there was declnred to bo favor able. Corn started active and firmer. Cash concerns sold nnd commission houses bought. Tho trnde soon becamo quieter. Shipments from Argentina for tho week were estimated at 3,400,0)0 bushels. Tho Knnsas Hoard of Agriculture places tho crop of tho Stnto this year at 87,000,000 bushels, or about 29,000,000 bushels less than the Government November figures. The mnrket at Liverpool was strong, with cargoes 3d. to 6d. higher on strength in Argentina nnd tho bullish freight situa tion. Onts were stronger. Tho buying wns good. Tho Kansas crop Is placed at 45,318,832 bushels by tho State, or 14,000,000 bushels less than tho November figures of the Government. Leading futures ranscd ns follows: Wheat Open. December .. 1.1.1 Yes. High. I.OW. Close ClOMA. 1.10H 1.14(4 'LUIS 11.14)4 1 20'. 11.204 fl.21 May 1.21(4 1 21?. iorn (new delivery) December Mny Oita December May .... Lard .Innunry , May Itlba January May I'ork January ill 01 00 "i 4""f MS OH 14 CSJ4 47 81 am tos!4 47 131 'IBS 1004 14714 f52M . 004 47i . 52 "4 . 0 112 11.10 0.0.1 , U.U7 0.72 0.1)7 0.02 0.S7 tO.0.1 0.00 0.87 0 02 0.03 1802 18.33 0.77 10.10 o.m n.70 0.U7 110 02 .1102 .1S.3.1 IS 10 18.37 is on tisni 18.33 18 43 A.ii :ild. fAskeJ. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO, Dec. 3 HOOS. Receipts, 48. 0(Hi. Mnrketf, T4ll0c. lower. Mixed ami luitchirs. n.2.1fT7, rood heavy, SU.7.17; rouEh heaw, $0,3090.00; light, 0 3n(l (K)j rlK. 1.S3 10; bulk, JlLSOOtMlO CATTLE lterelpts, 73,000. Mnrketa, weak lleoiea, 13.7.161(1.1.1. coa nnd helfere, 3.V)JjS2.1j Mockers anil feeder. 4..Vrflil 83, Texana, $7.23 f(S.15: cnlics, 50310.23. SIIEEI' llc relpte. SO.fOO. Markctd. atrady. Nntlte and Weatern, $.l.30go 13; lambs. t3 03S0.10. NET REVENUES SMALLER Income of Express Companies in 1012 Far Below 1011. tVASHINCJTON; Dec. 3.-DurIng tho eat 1912 tho total net revenues of tho 12 principal express companies In the United States showed a loss of over J3.- 000,000 and approximately the samo nmount In operating Income, compared with 1911, according to statistics made public by the Interstate Commerce Com mission today, in the fourth annual re port of express companies. In 1912 tho operntlng revenues ver !!S1,54.';.CgS and expenses $73,253, GS2. uhlle In 1911 operating revenues were 175,676, $C,2 and expenses 567,089.232. Tho total net revenues for 1912 amount to $8,243,353, whereas In 1911 they totaled $11,600,716. The operating Income for 1912 amounted to $0,812,511 and for 1911 J10.2S1.773. FAIL IN ENGLISH BESERVES Bank of England Reports 20.87 Per Cent. Proportion to Liabilities. LONDON, Dec. 3. There was a drop of 1,4:6,000 In the revenue of the Bank of England last week, according to the state ment published today. The proportion of revenue to liabilities fell from 31.60 per cent, to 29.87 per cent. Last year at this time the figures stood at ES.14 per cent. No change was made In the 5 per cent, discount rate. The detailed comparisons follow: This week. Last week. Last year. Circulation .f33.028.000 3.3t4.00O 28.7Rn.nm rubllo dep.. 12.577,000 18,601.000 7,730,000 30,801,000 11.184,000 27.044,000 28.281,000 53.14 p o. 33,022.000 5 P.O. Oov secur. . 31,281,000 28,288,000 Other secur. 113,121,000 111-1IH,000 Reserve .... 53,832,000 63,338,000 Propor'r res. to llab..,. 20.87 nc. 31.80 p.c. Bullion TLIOD.OOO 72,222.000 Dank rata,,, 6 p.c. 5 p.c TORSION EXCHANGE MARKET NW YORK. Dec. 3. The foreign exchange Sarket was dull during- the morning with erllng demand, 4,6jUi.J; cables, 4.SU; francs, S.U for cables and S.12 for checks. Market Arm at 87R87U. As the day advanced rates becamo easier, cables going to 488. demand 4SSft. Marks were strong at STU, francs 511. MONEY RATES Call. Philadelphia, 51480 New York 34H Boston S g(t Time. 6 tiCtt 6 3 Chteaao fiUsieu surt Philadelphia Commercial paper, with four to U months' maturities. 5 to 6i per cent. Reserve Banks' Discount Rate so oo Days. e o o H New York , ,M ,,,. -uiuc,puia ... Beaton , Chicago Bt. Louis ..... Cleveland Atlanta ,. Richmond ,.,,, 614 Minneapolis . .,. tianaas wuy Dallas ...,.,,.,.., San Fransttao a ill 8 DIARY" : SMOOCH IS SMOOCH ! INTERLOCKING DIRECTORS Acting Treasury Solicitor Decides They May Servo Out Terms. WASHINGTON, Dec, -Interlocking directors In banks may setvo out their terms, despite the prohibition against In terlocking directorates In tha Clayton anti-trust law, P. A. Iteeve, Acting Solicitor of tha Treasury, today decided. Hobert W. Webb, vlco president of the Minneapolis Trust Company, of Minneap olis, Is tho director whose service wns In question. "I am of 'the opinion that a director of the said trust company Is eligible to servo ns a director of a nntlonal bank not having common ownership of stock until tho expiration of two years after tho npprovnl of this net the Clayton law and ho Is eligible to further servo for such time thereafter as constituted tho unexpticd part of one year from tho date of election," sayB Solicitor Iteeve. Solicitor Iteeve says ho Interprets the Intention of Congress to bo not to bring about "sudden and Inconvenient changes," nnd that "ns to bnnks whose deposits, capital, surplus, etc.', aggtegata more than J5,000,000 nnd ns to all bnnks In Cities of over 200,000 population, tho pro visions as to time of tho act taking ef fect, mutual savings bnnks, common stock ownership nnd Federal reserve banks, should apply alike." LOCAL GRAIN EXPORTS LARGE Shipments In November Totaled 3,248,020 Bushels. Kxports of grain from this port during tho month of November, numbering 3, 218,020 bushels, were exceedingly heavy. Last year In tho same, period they to taled 2,660,211 bushels, according to tho monthly report of the Commercial Ex change, Issued today. Shipments of flour aggregated 173,780 barrels, or 85,639 barrels moro than last November. Brisk 'business In grain nnd flour ex. ports Is expected for this month nnd enrly next year. To meet tho demand there wns received here during the last month 3,888,048 bushels, or 385,505 bush-, els moro thnn In November, 1013. CAMPAIGN BILlS ALL IN EXCEPT TWO LARGE ONES Republican nnd Democratic Stnto Committees Laggard In Tiling Reports. HAnniSBURG, Dec. 3. With tho lie publlcnn nnd Democratic State Committee campaign expenso accounts still missing, practically all of tho Important expenso accounts havo been filed nt the State De partment. Today Is tho last day for filing these accounts, nnd up to 1 o'clock this afternoon a scoro or more had been filed. William T. Creasy, Democratic candi date for Lieutenant Governor, stntcd he hnd received $3 nnd spent $181.19, most of which went for traveling expenses nnd to the Columbia Democratic County Com mittee, lie failed to file vouchers and was asked to do so. Judge Itobert S. Frazcr, elected to the Supremo Court, expended $1591.20, the greater part of which went to his Cam paign Committee. The Washington Tarty County Commlt tcei received $11,833.78, of which $9130.73 came from William Fllnn. A. P. Moore gave $1000; P. S. Ache, $300, and L. P. Schneider, $300. P.. M. Little, of Swnrthmore, filed a statement for the Independent Republican Committee showing that $1038 was spent and of this sum $873 came from Warren VanDyke, secretary of -the Democratic State Committee. There was a balance of $1. The University of Pennsylvania Alumni Committee received $372.75 and paid out $163.30. It owes $209.23. The Brumbaugh Citizens' Committee of Alegheny County received $660.97 and spent It nil. The Democratic Campaign Committee of Lu zerne. $651. Tho 21th Ward Washington Committee, of Philadelphia, received $382.31 and spent 339. Tho Democratic Club of Philadelphia Campaign Committee received $162 nnd has 11 tents loft. The Democratic Campaign Committee of Lock Haven received nnd spent $1815. The Keystone State Committee received $562.92 and spent $127.60. Tho Vnnco C. McCormlck Committee of Erie spent $199.33 and the Palmer-McCormick League of Erie. $1112. The Clearfield County Democratic Com mittee received $2212.10 and spent $2153.39; $1500 of this came from the Democratic State Committee. The Beaver County Protective Union spent $325; John A, Au Itnbach, treasurer of the Socialist State Committee, less than $50. FINANCIAL BRIEFS It Is said that no less than eight for eign governments are seeking loans In the United States for both short and long term maturities. The Glrard National Bank has retired 1160,000 emergency currency at the local Subtreasury, According to report, the Southern Rail way Company will provide for Its $1,722,000 6 per cent. Richmond and Danville consol idated mortgage bonds which mature on January 1 by selling first consolidated general mortgage 6s, Offerings of French Treasury notes were made In New York by representatives of the French Government purchasing ma terials In the American' market. So far this week the New York banks have lost $25,103,000 to the Subtreasury, It Is estimated that the Reading Com pany's anthracite tonnage for November was about 1,082,000, a decrease of 37,000 tons from November, 1913. The number Of companies which have passed, reduced or deferred their regular dividends since the outbreak of the war, now totals 120, bringing the total loss In revenue suffered by stockholders up to 420,719,483. During this period 76 cor porations have passed or deferred their dividends, while 41 have reduced them. GOING TO HAVE A I LIL OOY. 7 ' r HOW MANY , . SHIRTS DO I V L--J-EL L , ' LOCUST ST. SITES HEAR BROAD WORTH $4000 A FRONT FOOT Records of Sales Show Big Increase in Values Due to Numerous Improvements Nearby. The gorngo nnd shop at lltl-13 Locust f.trect has been transferred by John II. AIcFadden to Cnmlllo Cement, and by the latter to Edward Birch, for n nominal nmount, subject to n mortgage of $160,000. It was later transferred by Birch to Amelia Gcmehl for a nomlnnl amount, nubject to tho mortgage. Tho lot Is 45.0 by 150 feet In depth, nnd Is assessed for the current year for $90,000. Leaving out of consideration any cnulty over tho mortgage, UiIb would indicate a valuo of over $4000 a front foot, which real cstnlo men havo predicted for somo time. Tho notable ndvnnce In values on Lo cust street Immediately west of Broad street began In 1003, when Gcorgo C. Boldt acquired the properties now -occupied by tho Bellevuo-Strntford garage, as follows: 100.1. June 16-1401 Locust Asd. 10H L'reei, lot 1:0 -i ny ino feet. Christian D. Sautter to Oco. C. IlolUt, sublect to ground rent Jir) per nnnum ,f!?5 J1"" sniium tOO.OOO 1WW, June 2J 1403 Locust etreet, lot 10.11 by 130 feet. Catholic Club of Philadel phia tw dco. C. lloldt 03,000 $133,000 1003, Juno 22 1403 Locust etreet, lot 20 Vf, by 100 feet, Anne II, Wharton tor Geo. ..;. I'.nI(U i 60,000 1003, Juno 22 1407 Loci t ftrret, lot 20.1 by 100 feet. Ilehrcca Waugh to Geo. c. UoMt B-,000 43,000 41,000 1200,000 5221,000 On Starch 14, 1310, Mr. Boldt purchased 140J Locust street, lot 22.6 by 150 feet, subject to ground rent of J9I, for 131.000. This property has not been improved, but ndjotns other holdings to which it can bo ndded nt any time. On July l, 1910, 1413 Locust street, lot 22 by 150 feet, to Chancellor street, wns sold by Rlchnrd S. Hunter to S. J. M. Brock, subject to a ground rent of J9I per nnnum, for $51,000. Several of theso ground rents wero nftcrward extinguished by paying $GG0O for a principal sum of 515CU.C7. WALNUT STRUCT VALUES AID. The sharp advanco on Walnut street and also on Broad street has had much to do with prices of Locust street prop erty. In 1M7 tho Hotel AVIndormcio, then cnlledlio Lenox. Apartments, consisting of 22I-228-22S-230 South Broad street, or northwest corner of LocuHt Btreet, with a total frontage on Broad street of SO feet by a depth of 117 feet, was advanced In assessments to $123,000, Tills property was again advanced to $5r0,000 In assessment uf IMS and Is $523,000 for tho current year. Tho Academy of Music, with a frontage on Broad street of 1C0 feet and a depth of 233 feet, is assessed at $1,000,000 for 1914. Tho total assessment of the north side of Locust street from Broad Btreet to 15th ttrcet Is today $630,000. IMPROVEMENT S ON THOROUGH FARE1. Improvements consist of tho Bellovuo Stratford garage; tho American gat age, occupying 1111-13 Locust street; 1113 Locust street Is n five-story brownstono building, and 1417 nnd 1121 have been modernized. Tho availability of this street and Its central licatlon will In time greatly Increase tho value of spneo in It. It has been often hinted the city would find a good business proposition In the sale of tho Hollingsworth School oil Locust street, adjoining tho Academy of Music to the west with a frontage of OS feet by a depth of 170 feet. It Is assessed at $300,000 for 1014, though It Is exempt from taxation. At the rate of $1000 a front foot, which seems a fair price, It would bring ap proximately $100,000. So fnr, the advanco near Broad street has not dossed 15th street on Locust street, to any great extent. There nre a good many properties for sale befote ICtli street Is reached. Here the business quality seems to pause, at leabt for the present. LESSOR. PREY QF THIEVES Boston Collateral Company Director Says It Has Been Itobbed of ?150,000. BOSTON', Dec. 3. How thefts from the Collateral Loan Company, covering sev eral years and amounting to at least $150,000, iwere discovered by an Investiga tion and auditing of the company's books was told today by Joseph V. Kennedy, the city of Boston director of'the com pany. It was announced that an arrest would certainly result from the revelations al ready made. Director Kennedy admitted that one of the methods used by the thief or thieves was the stealing of pledged articles from tho vaulta and repledglng them. COTTON OPENED HEAVY Selling From the South Eesponslble, Bally Later, NEW YORK. Deo. 3.-Weak cables and selling by houses with Southern connec tions caused a decline from one to three points at the opening of the cotton mar ket today. The tone, however, was quite steady, and after a further reaction pf about two points, a better demand devel oped and offerings became fighter. Locals again sold, while there was some spot house buying. Liverpool cotton was steady. BAB SILVER The pries of commercial bar silver In New York ruled unchanged at 49JJ cents today, with the London quotation S3 1-15 pnee. METAL MARKET QTJIET NEW YORK, Pec. 3. The metal market was quiet todayTln. 33Vi34U.i Jead, g,7S4JB.86e.J spelter, 8.40S.30c. "CLEAN-UP WEEK," SOME TIME I SrANP CORE-CTED NA How J W BROKERS' CHARGES 7 to 7& Customers May Not Have to 3?ay so Much This Month. In their November statements sent out to their customers this week, Philadel phia brokers charged from 7 to 7'4 per cent for carrying stocks. Tho high rato wns rendered necessary because of tho stiffness of the money market, both hero nnd In New York. This month, however, It la hoped nnd rather expected that cnrrylng charges to customers will be generally reduced, provided money rates ease off. Indica tions at present nre that they will, at. though tho bnnks nro quite generally still quoting call loans at 6 per cent. Re ports of call money, having been loaned nt B'4 per cent, and even so low ns 5 per cent., haVo been current tills week, but must havo been In tho nature of spe cial transactions. TORT OF PHILADELPHIA Sun mid Tides 7 03 a.m. I Sun ects. rillLADDLPHIA, Sun rises.. .4:31 p.m. lllsh water, Low water. 1:.12 a.m. I High water. 3:1: i p.m. u.uon.m. ijow water. 0:10 p.m. nnnbr island. High water. 11:01 a.m. I High :S2 p.m. Low water.. 6.21 a.m. Low water.. 0.04 pm. imEAKWATEH. lllgh water, 8:18 a.m. I High water. 8:48 p.m. Low watir.. 1:44 a.m. ) Low water,. 2:33 p.m. Vessels Arriving; Today Dense fog again Interferes with shipping. Tim following ifBsels are known to be In the Dela ware Day uniting for tho mist to lift: Htr. Mackinaw (Dr.), London, merchandise, Atlantic Transport Lino, Sir. Sanlcranio (Dr.), Fowcy, china clay, Charles It. Taylor's Sons. Kir. Mongolian (Dr.), Ulasgow, merchandise, Allan Lino, 'i Hfhr. Pendleton Sisters, Calais, ballast, A. D. Cummins & Co. Vessels Sailing Today Ktr. Kronprlnz Otay (Nor.), Nllson, llaiana, Munson Steamship Lino. . Str. .lohn Sullivan, i:ast, San I'odro and San l'Vanchico via Now York. Luckcnhach Steam ship Company. Str. Lexington. Farmer, Doston, Merchants nnd Miners' Transportation Company. Mr. Qimntlco, Hart, Savannah and Jackson ville, Merchants and Miners' Transportation Company. - Str. J. II. Devereux, Kecne, Doston, master. Schr. Adriatic (Dr.), Wambach, La Havre, N S., A. V. Cummlna & Co. Schr. Northland, tiaundcrs, Scnrsport, Mo., A. 1, Cummins & Co. Steamships to Arrlvo Namo. From. Sailed. Moncollan Liverpool Nov. 12 Ahcona Naplis Nov. .0 Dominion Liverpool Dec. . FltL'ICJHT. Name. l'roni. Date Vlralnlnn Hllo Oct. 22 Hcspcros 1'ort Natal Oct. 23 l.lvonla Hull Oct. 31 Ornskoidavlk ...Nov. M liorcland Shields Nov. 10 anteramn Fowey Nov. II liirl of nigin Valparaiso ....Nov. 13 llela , Methll Nov. 14 Waddon llombay Nov. 10 Mackinaw I.ondon Nov 17 Alaskan San Pedro Nov 17 Aurnnla Genoa Nov. 17 Crown Point London Nov. 20 Helena Itotlerdam Nov. 10 Cassiopeia Shields Nov 20 Snnin Ilosallo Shields Nov. 23 DlrphjH Algiers Nov. 24 SkoKstnil Copenhagen ...Nov. 21 lAulslann Manchester ....Nov. 24 PerBlvna Fowey Nov. 2(1 Hnrold Nlma Nlma Nov 20 Currier Clcnrucgos ....Nov. 27 Sloterdyk Rotterdam ....Nov. 20 Lin Dalboa Nov, 30 Steamships to leave PASSENonn. Name. ' For. Dale. Mongolian .Dlasgow Dec. Ancona (llnsgow Dec. 7 FREIGHT. Manchester Mariner ..Stanchester ....Dec. 4 Louisiana Conenhagon ...Dec. 12 Crown Point London Dec. 12 Manchester Miller ....Manchester ....Dec. 17 Scuth Point London Die. 4 Potomac Lelth ,..Dcc. 10 PORT OF NEW YORK Steamships to Arrive DUD TODAY. Name. Trom. Columbia Glasgow .... Kuropa Naples Iteslua d'ltalla (lenoi DUD TOMORROW. Kroonland v Ocnna Bordeaux Havre N. Amsterdam Itotterdnm ... Date. ..Nov. S3 , . Nuv. "1 ..Nov. 10 ..Nov. 21 ..Nov. 21 . .Nov. 12 Steamships to Leave Name ilelllg Olav.... Rotterdam .... l.usltanla For. . Copenhagen .Naples . T Iv fr.ool , , .London Date. ..Dec. .1 ..Dec. 3 . .Dec. a ..Dec. ,1 ..Dec. B Minnehaha Verona Ueuoa Movements of Vessels Str Standford (Nor ). Philadelphia for Tu- aSMi i,ong.tu,d1k4u.::'ove,nber "' ,n lat,,uj8 Sir. United States (Dan.), from New York, ai rived at Copenhagen December 2, Sir. Manchester Lxchango (Dr.), from Thll. adelphlu, urilved at Manchester December 3 .Str. ritnmpalia (Ital.l, from New York, ar rived at Uenoa November 30. .f J" .Wes,t,u..,'0,ln,t.(llr-) ond Crown 1'olnt (llr), for Philadelphia, reported at London. Mr. Giilfatredm, Philadelphia for 1'ort Ar thur, was 110 miles north o( Jupiter at noon December 2 Str. Ossabaw, Philadelphia forsTampa, etc, was feO m'.Ies north of Jupiter at noon De cember 2. Str. Toledo, towing echr. Delaware Sun. 8a blna for Philadelphia, was 110 miles south of Delaware Capes at 0 p. m, December 2, Str. Indian, Jacksonville for Philadelphia, wun 210 miles northeast of Tybee at 4 p. m. Dt-cember 2. Str. Tuscan, Boston for Philadelphia, passed Montauk Point at 3.20 p. m. December 2. Mr Currier, Clenfuegos for Philadelphia, was 2.10 miles from Overfalls lightship at 7 p, m. December 2 Mr. Grecian, from Philadelphia, arrived at Boston December 2. Str. Persian, for Philadelphia, steamed from Jacksonville December 3 Strs. Oeorge K. Warren and L. V. Stoddard, from Philadelphia, arrived at Uangor Decern Ler 3. Schr, Wawenock. Philadelphia for Boston, at Vineyard Haven December 2. Schr. Governor Powers, Philadelphia for Ban. gor, at Vlnevard Haven December 2. lltrk Wlndrush (Amer). probably, Buenos Aires for Philadelphia, spoken December 1 latitude 33.11, longitude 74.47 by str, Karen. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGOS NEW YORK, Dec. 3.-BUTTER steady: : re- S.1C! higher scoring, MHfjOlc: State, dairy. 31& 32c; imitation creamery, 2le;ilic. EGGS un sealed; receipts. 5244 cases; fresh, extra firsts, ou40c.t fresh firsts, 38B8ci nearby, whites. (Jdlttt; nearby, mixed, 358460.: special mark. 26c. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Neallo M. Kngle. 1037 N. SOth St.. and Lillian K. B Kelm. 1310 N. Newklrk it. -""" John A, Hunt. 1002 & nth st., and Margaret A Ooaus, loll Monroe st. Loula Le It. Hepburn. 1728 Pina st., and Lil lian M. Adler. 1811 Chestnut st. ' ' Clyde II MacDonald, League Island, and Mae C. Sobers, 031 Daly st. M TbMnas Grirtm. in.' Trenton aye, and Virgin- Bobiqaon. lit WakeJIng st ,r Samuel Billiard, 311 N. Vogdes st., and Helen J Monrca btebbtns. New York, and Lottie C. Carrington, Charlotte, Va, riodfrev Lomafl. Ituth Q Northlngton. a W. Homer st. Thomas 8 Khson. 11VS Spring st, and B. O'Neill. 1128 Spring si. ( .; . uamorey st,. and Anna i METAN- (PONT MA,liY jAR A PHILADELPHIA 3IARKTS GRAIN AND FLOUR W1IKAT. Itecelpts, 137,880 bush. There tvss a f,lr .export inquiry nnd the market opened He. higher. With subsequent ben speculate n In th West, however, the 1m protement was lost. We quote far lots, in eaport eletator No 2 red spot nd Decem- H1IBAT. Receipts, 187.880 bush. Ths ber, nil117j No 2 red Western, , $1100 1.2ii No. I Northern Duluth, 81.2.1W! 28. COIIN. Hecelpts, 0173 bueh. Ths market was quiet with no change In prices. Quota tions: Car lots for local trade, ns to location No. 2 yellow, old. 8l81We ; steamer yello" , old, JOtjgsic; new yellow, ns to quality, 6SO li'c.s new cob, fer 70 lbs., 07aO8e. OATS. Receipts,, 14,000 bueh. . Trices were steadily held, but trade was quiet. Quo tations: No. 2 white, Mgsiwe.t standard white, tfffl.1He.: No. 3 white, (HHfr&e. . FI.OUK. Receipts, 1700 bbls.'and 4,87t, 330 Irn. In sacks. Prices were steadily held, but demand wns light. Quotations, per 100 !., In wood Winter clear, $4.76814.90: do., straight, (JBMB.2S! do., patent, tS.B0nB.7S; Kansas, straight, jute sacks, J3.206JB.40j dp., patent, lute sacks, JS.4UISIB.03j spring, first clear, &.lorao.30s do., straight, $s.8SB.qoi do, patent, f 5.03 SB. 00 1. do,, favorite brands, tOiSH.BO; city mills, choice and fsney patent, JOigo.r.o. City mills, regular grades Winter, clear, f4.7r)4.00; do., straight, 40(115.23; do., patrnt. J3.Blilifn.7S. . ... ItVK 1'I.Oim. Was dull, but firmly held. Quotations) Nearby and Western In wood at &B.0O0, PROVISIONS Tiade was plow and prices favored 'buyers. We quote' City beef, In sets, smoked and nlr-ilrlcd, 20f?;tic.: western beef, In sets, smoked, 2Ujpoc. ; city beef, knuckles and ern beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 0p 31c; beef hams, J-MMMS: pork, lamlly, JV4023; haini. 8. I, cured, loose, 14B14',4c.l do., skinned, loose, l.'I'.WHc i do, do., smoked, 14(4) irnuriff, B1UOKCI1 Hn(J Hir-OflCI, VtUL,, lfroi- ClSc ; other hams, smoked, city cured, ss to brand and average, 1.V31BMC.; hams, smoked, Vestrn cured, ItMSlBiJcj do, boiled, bone los, 2ii72Io,: picnic shoulders, 8. I', cured, loose, UJ(!l2e.; do., nmoked, 12HJJ13C.S bel lies, In pickle, according to average, loose. Ui(4i5?luc; breakfast bacon, as to brand and average, city cured, ltmj20c.; breakfast bacon. Western cured, ID'ffl'Oc.; lard, Western, re fined, tierces, llUfJUVic ; do. do. do., tub. miSfllUc. ; iard, puro city, kettle rendered. In tierces, llUHtlWc.: lard, puro city, ket tlo rendered, in tubs, il!igi2Uc. REFINED SUGARS The mnrket was quiet, but list prices wers steadily held, Rentiers' list of prices: Stan dard granulated, C.2VC ; confectioners' A, 8c.J run Krauea, 0.10c; nne granuiateu, o.iuc. powdered, 4.2504.83c. DAIRY PRODUCTS CIinrcBE. rrlcea wero well sustained under moderate olTerlngs and a fair demand. (Juoiatlons. New York, full cream, earlier re ceipts, choice, l,'.,eil0c.: do. do., current make, choice. lOVic.'l do. do., fair to good, HV41fl5c.j do., port skims, 8ftl3c. HUTT1UI. Demand was light nnd prices iiccllncd lc. under Increased pressure to cell. Quotations: Western, fresh, solid-packed creamery, fancy specials, 3.V.; oxtrn, 33c; extra firsts, :ilt32c; llrsts, :n)30V4c.; seconds, 2ikJ2Xc; ladle-packed, ai(flc, ns to quality; J!rhy Prints, fancy, 3tle.; do, average, extra, .H!M.c. , do., firsts,1 ,I1Q. Mc: do., seconds, SSli ;l.,Jl.l"cla' fancy blonds of prints Jobbing at vlUH'lC. ,!.?,'IS: Fresh stock continued scarce and rendlly brought full prices, Quotations: In free cases, nearby extras, 40SI2C. per dox.i nearby llrsts, J10J?0 per standaid case; nearby current receipts, $0.00810.20 per standard case; "tern, extra, firsts, $10.SU per case; do., llrsts, $0.00010 20 per case: do., seconds, J7.2UJ1..SO; Southern. J9.(O!J10.20 per case. Kefrlgerator eggs, as to quality, 2127c. per do?, tancy selected candled fresh eggs -wero Jobbed out at 43t47c rcr doi. POULTRY T TI'IK si i .... i,.r.,',uT;:'"p,pue",wcre.,",e1 "id the mar- fimule,i--?k u,n5e.ra "snt demand. Quota- . tlOHS. 1'OHlS. Hfffl.lfV. nl ,nn.,.M in- . v4 fffL1B..chll&n. r7lng to quality. lioi2c:; turkeys, l.lfltlc; ducks, 12iaic. , geese, 1.1 kSWr su'nea- Joung-W elghlne s lbs and over ap ece. pt.r ,mr M)c . weigh"!,,,, v ,.. , lb,' a ?CV"-X "IU,r' 5lH(Mc !?"'"'" old, per I)IlI-ifiV pcon"' 'er l""r- 135 ISC . J !,?." Trndo was sow and prices ofr?I'y '"",! bujera. under fairly Flberal ,SnJ"'..i-QX?ta,lona: Turkey-Fancy, large. 1K"?U ." 'P.r' lveI;nEe receipts, spring. It '!!? Jn'c.r'or. BprlnK 12lf,c,; No. 1 iVhi0,; I'.U'r' lb "elected heavy, 10c; vvelghlnc 445 lbs. nnlcce, 18c; do' 4 lbs! fir.lece,-i'c:.,,0",:i,S lba- "Piece, 15c; do.. 3 ""J, "-. .13l-lc : old roosters, dry F, l I'w'Af.;' 'fol""B ch'ckens. nearby, vvelgL 'W.lliB! lbs. apiece, S0Q22c. : brollTnir rJff' ,n,earby. " IO EOOd, ' lflai8c.l lSC'tlUc; chickens, Western, fancy, fat! , , ."-12 . "'" apiece In boxes, dry-x'a- 1.'WJSc-:. ch'ekens, Western. 4 lbs. and over In bar., dry-parked, iwnto . chickens. Western. 33!4 lbs, nnlece. 13llc ; broil nc ffinYnl"' ,V f,,ern'...,1f-' aplee-, 2 " broiling chickens. Western, fair to good. 14s J1;-.; eprlnj ducks, 1-lflc: spring B-ese 13f Sic. Squata, Jcr dozen-White. wCghS"'ll to i". lb, it" Uoz', M-OW'" while wrlglitn" V i,Lba- W 'oz.. t-1 103 73- white, weigh' Inn 8 lbs. pet .'05. x.'.snjiSjn do., do.; 7 doi., il 23B1.03: dnrk and No. 2, IOC.0J1 10. FRESH FRUITS Supplies and demand wero both moderate. Prices showed no Important change. Quota ite' ..Ai;Kle."'n.p,T, ''".-Jonathan. 3tl.30; King. J2 ..iift.l 2.-,. Ilaldvv n, 1.75fl2.50: Ureeri liig, 1'.2.;.() Twenty-ounce, 2 .; "Ip. rln.l.i3o2 73. York Imperial. !.5(2: other KOOtl eatina tar(,H II 7.. -nTU.Jfl.T WV:- I.W); apvles. Western, per box liff LWiTpple" Delvware and l'ennejlvanla, per hamper. 5Ui ii'f '- rnons. l-r Imx jt I . Oranges, Bio" Xun,h W&.'P, J&XWV&JZ erate-PoY-to ,... v. .., ... riuiiui,, 9IT1..0O. cranberries fancy late varieties, ner bbl l4.M; rran; ii i " T.1" "-""!. J-a"y HiacK, per bbl.. Jll4, eranhrrrhs. Cape Cod, Karly Black Sir Ka ''.V.-,1W: cranberries.' Je7y. ner crau' berries Cape :K,ei,:.VvV::,.i'V.,.rUi.Je.ey-. ;' crate. .AViiv. .cw i urn, per ddi Hcckel f'1 SS? D.e."Le "osc. S44J3.30, Sheldon, tin A t-i Oia-"i T,u u'-Hte"' eurre d'An- Sjorhvketitira. '23' ,,owe"' -9 VEGETABLES Trade cell-rally quiet, but values of de. elrahle stock steadily held under moderate offerings. Quotations White potatoes, per htish. I'enna Ivanta, BSS02c: New York 4MS J?c ; white potatoes. Jersey pVr basket 33ft vS-'t'i J?"1.!0":. tae'erri ShireTper btfl. No. I,f2fi2.73: No. 2 1 WIBl.TB sweets Jit. scy, per bbl -No. 1. tflkso: No.' 2 t'klM' sec(s, Jersey, per hisket, i,uo75e. ; OnronsI h lce' d'u'h-. 0070c,'do, ordnary, "f f'i ?B3C- dl. cho1"' C'r 100-lb, bag. !iS'l,,'SO: d" 'nealum '-er liKJ-lh. hag. 83i. MSI; do., second, per lOO-lb bag. B0ffl735; cab: tage. domertlc. per ton. J'lffllO. do.. Danish Kf. ,0n7, '.n.f 'ol' cauliflower. New York. SSi 7-4,'j, 75i;",'':! "P '-ach, Norfolk, per bbl.. LiBUOc; kale, Norfolk, per bbl.. irifl'SOc - lit I tuco, Fforlda ' per ba.kei. llbo.oTNorth Carolina per basket. 5075c.: beans, frlorlda. P!l 5SeV O3.30: eggplant. Florida. p VfvJnS-50' cucumbers. Florida, per basket, ?'7Sr;Si jouaak Florida, per basket. JLfiod 2: celerv. New York, per bunch 25ai3cl mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, J1.20Q2. 'u,', DIVIDENDS DECLARED International Silver Company, regular auar. ua'ry i'4 Per ""'' Cn pr""reJ- Vble VaI iu'Ii"uan.c,Bar Company, regular quarterly JH Per cent, on preferred, payable January 3 to stock of record December 15. ,"ry - iii i? ,':!?ler,'''an Company regular quarterly retoFd'De'c'e'mbefr6 ianUary t0 "k ot cnV.rpiyBabfe"!Dl.ttmberI ?. Cm l American Steel foundries, regular quarterly S .i.pfrnent" aya,ya December 31 to stock of record December 12. Canadian General Electric, regular quarterly " p5rc'nt". Payable January i to atock of record December 13. l DEFATJI.TS ON INTEREST Algoma Central ana Hudson Bay Railway Ealls to Ray Coupons. TOrtONTO, Dec 3. Announcement was) made today that the Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway on account of de pressed traffic conditions was not able to earn Its Interest and consequently could not mfet the half yearly coupon, due De cember 1, on Its 10,0S0.(Xi0 5 per cent ilrbt mortgage bonds, due 1960. BANK CLEARINGS wSvdlng day lt two'ywT" H"n rorT - 1814 1B13. TOl" MjiUdtlpbU f2S,9S,ll lS.2).280,T20 1ttu:a!S SMton 2f.2K.S33 'aoSul'gKl COM'MON. SMOOCH ! PAV NO 'TNSHUV, H5 0 CLEAN I HAT J SHE? DANGEROUS I V smcr t r jv" Now How J Many wk A HJRT ? L t sfireiuiy u jIl $?& m jmuD u in U u i T J.)ujt sMssppI I 1 -8t:,Tife. 3S" j-wzM$ mfh Illl.lll.ll illlHHIilll(.lillllltlHllll -1 wmx -?n x eo Ysry-ssrJ sbs!rii5 PiiitjTiTTWM)jsfjMkiii-jawMil.lj,--.,,.,. ;ifiiiirffiiaiiiyi,i,.,iiM ,,, h.i ,,rt.i..,. i IT..... reiiwBiiM gTOr if&mqWJmniliris III- .iU. Hill J . jO a &&& yfe TO.l--tl---Miit.-p r ITf nl - 'T? "' lfif 4fe- , "7-" - -w- -- -, ---M. j -LSl--r - -5,-.1 '- r. ,. -r T - .- -HWS aaj Pl , JJj1 irwpBSPiiMwawfc at b