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m mmmiojui.i$mm "i.iwmnm9tm flyflNINft LEPftEB-PHlLADELFHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1914. I ' J I .1 ' ' - - - -- - - - 111 IIH - '----'' II II I I l' 1 111' If - Tl - T - I -- t ---, , -' 11- II1 ir '" I . ,11 .1 1 I. II .1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 A GREAT MYSTIC STORYj g HAROLD MacGRAThIKL , ! 1 PHOTOPLAYS SYNOPSIS. Zutata It lel nit crvhan at ad tarlv age. HH- father it killed in a 0otd mint ht hat dtteovertd. Half an hour after learning I tht death of her hibim.1 Zudora't mother i tight roj ioolhtr tcith a cir tvttt tttttd with a vertigo, altt "x U killed. Zudora and tht fortune from tin mine, tohleh groict to It worth ttt,tl9,oot, art ttl In Me guardianship of Frank Ktent, cirenu man, Zndora't mother't brother. Sudora, pivittti promitt of gnat beauty, rtaehtt Oie act of IB. Tht nnelt. who hat eet hlmttlf up a a Hindu tnysllo and it known im tfaiiam AH. decide In Mt fried that Zudora mutt die befort tht tan govt a cAane to come Into poeeeeewn of ner money, to that it mow Be ten to mm, tht tied of kin, and ht prevail upon tht fir; la leait her money In Ma hands three rear oncer anil tap notMno to any e bout tA fortune. Jftuaam .4 If aeeian i6laol to Ale eoAeme In the neraoif a on Storm, a voung laHyrr, (of whom udirn hat taken a fancv. and ht com tnandt tht girl to put the man out 0 her mind, Storm oomee to atk llattam Alt for tht hand of hit niece. At lirtt tne tryttat gatrr will not Helen la tht pro fatal, out Zudora fnetele that If tht can not marry Storm tht tolll marry no one. "Well, loell." eaue llattam At' '" 1om Make eucn n ttand, Vll eompromlee. Solve tnv next twenty catet and ton can marry Mm fnll 4m n afnntit MM nnjf ou ntUAt 3 fwionnce him," Suaora, Ming tne Knoioteaoe oainea from yeori 0 association uAlh her uncle, unravele a bar(na muitm dnd unnt her first can a case In which John Storm It faveo jrom oetng convwitn 0 a muracr tnettgatrd by Has lam AH hlmttlf. Two wttkt later a crowd of Illndut. ! atari in Oriental eoelumee, oall upon Hat I earn AH and. throuah their leader. fWH J not ht solve tht myitery 0 the "Sleeping louse."" Theg Inform Mm that their re ' Kfftotit execitet ore interfered with By a "god of tleev" who comet gtiicfcly and un awares. ,li aoreet to go iirtti them. "I null go, too " exclaims Zudora. THEY -went away to get their wraps. . Befprc going downstairs agnin Zu- xlora fondled for a moment the carrier feigeon which Storm had given her (recently. John had one for himself. tThe birds carried messages. Aside rom its practicality it was very ro- ftnantic and obviated the necessity of trusting one's own secrets to the telephone girls And Zudora was not always sure that some one in the Ijouse was not listening when she iieiepnonea. as nassam ah never Entered this' room of hers, she was miitc confident that he knew nothing "of the pigeons. When they returned to the visitors they, were greatly, astonished to learn that they were to go blindfolded, garbed in oriental costume. Hassam h objected. Very well, then; the Hindus declared that they would go elsewhere for aid. They made this decision unemotionally. Hassam Ali bent his head to signify that if they :00k that attitude he was ready to Submit. ' Presently the procession filed out into the street. They hurried along for several blocks; then came a long ' automobile ride. Hassam Ali counted the turns and felt quite assured m the end that they were being drlycri in circles and that the house of mystery ' was not so far away as it started. ' When the bandages werefmally taken off Zudora found herself In a room which might easily have been taken bodily out of the Arabian Nights. It was, indeed, like jome fabulous fairy land; the Idols the sleeping 'people, the strange sweet pdor which seemed to permeate everything. She was hot sure that she had ndt been trans ported by some magic carpet to the heart of the ancient city of Bagdad. She became childishly Inquisitive. She moved about the recumbent fig ures; and suddenly she cams upon what looked for all Uhe world like the sleeping beauty of the fairy tale. The sleeping woman was beautiful in the accepted sense of the Caucasian race. Her skip was as light as Zu dora's own, whicli generally wore a slight tan, due to her out of door habits. Near the young woman lay the figure of a fine looking native. Zudora surmised that these sleeping peopJc had been in the midst of some solemn ceremony, possibly a wedding, when ovcrtakem The ensemble re sembled nothing so much as a pre arranged tableau such as she had often played at school. "Who Is this beautiful woman?" asked Hassam Ali. as1 keenly interest ed as Zudora. "She is our ruler, our princess, Alii" he murmured, darting toward Zudora, who was noV stooping over the sleep ing beauty. "The memsahib must not touch!" "But " began Zudora. "The memsahib'a tpuch would de file her," said the man stoically. Meantime an idea had come to Has sam Ali. He was beginning to schse a peculiar heaviness about his eyes, and he realized with alarm that this mysterious sleep was overtaking him. Quietly and unobserved he slipped from the room and managed after some difficulty and some explanations to reach the street. Zudora was there alone If she was clever enough she might extricate herself; if not . Well, that waa Hassam Ali's idea. . (Continued Tomorrow,) 17 IrJi dm wM&68m la I III IX WJ&ulw q7?iq Drama ROSETTA BRICE In "The Red Rose," Pen and Pencil Club's "Night In Bohemia." What's DoingTonight?' h .. , vm 1 l Council of Jetwleh Women, bropele College: :1S p. m KUropen war debate. Church of the Evangel, Mtb and Tatker atreeta; 8 p. m. Free. uramauca in aia or Northern Homo for rliendleea Children. ItellAViiA.Rtmtfnrtl. R n m Flontaley Quartet. Wltherapoon Hall: 8 pm. Society of MunldDal Knalceare. 131T Soruea atreetj 8 p. m 'iTaaeit rampaicn raeetlnj, Sherwood Fatk, rtiu adu .nriaiian aireciii ci p. in. v Tea. Ball, Motion Picture lsxnlbltora' Aaaoclatlon, aortlculturol Hall: s p. m Lecture, "fihakeineare's ldefltlam.1 Prof. Stockton Aseon. Grlftlth Hull; 8 pm. 1 Oivra. 'Ijfthinerln Xfetronnlltun Onerft Bouae: T'43 p m , p Anierl, an l'harraaceutlcal Aamclatlon, Tem- pla Colleee Of Pharmacy, lSth and IluttonwooJ atreta, Harry I). French lecturca. Nomination of officers. Photoeranhlo Society. FlflitV Feneom atreet. I iCtura ,on "tvuigni mep," oy MTt. Anna Btceee lllchardjon. at Aim nl Bulldlnr. Ken- Ineeeth larael. Broad etreot and Montgomery - eiue. jfee. MUSIC Flonzaleys Play Tonight The Flpnialey Quartet, nth the per- ; gonnel which has become familiar to ' lover? o chamber music, will give their nrsi 01 inree concerts or cnamDer muaia tonight at Wttherspoon Hall, This ex cellent organization has achieved a na tion-wide repute alnoa the time Its mem- !' bers eame here from the chateau of B. j coppet In Switzerland. There has been t senaatlqnal advertising, but a strict adherence to the standards of art Which were first chosen. Two, or at most three, programs, with a maximum ef ia numbers, are prepared for each year, and the number of concerts which are fflven Is strictly limited, so that 'Philadelphia Is fortunate in having the present opportunity. Molfo Bettl, first violin) Alfred i'ocnon, second violin) -Uko Are. viola, and Iwan d'Archam- beaU, 'cello, will play quartets by Tachalkowaky and Haydn, ant) two mQTfements- from the string quartet of (Darius MUhaud. ' Splendid Cast for "Lohengrin" Tonight "Ivoherirrln," Wagnerian favorite even amDns those who do not like or say they do not understand Wagner, will be sung tonight at the Metropolitan Opera House by a brilliant group of singers. General Manager Oattl-Caaaxzo, of th Metro politan Opera Company, referred to the opera recently as "the most popular of the master's works," and asked. "Where can you find a better cast than that whiah will present the opera to Phila delphia, operagoera on, Tuesday eve ning;" Where, Indetdr Mine. Gadski as Bias, ia granted supremacy In the part. Mr. TJrlus, who was heard here, as Tris tan, has made a success of his Lohen grin in New York, and the other stars are well known. Arthur Mlddleton. something or a newoemer. Is tq sing the Herald His press netleea credit htm with a, voice which filled the few York houae. Other critlea ear he filled It With pleasure The oast In detail is as follows: IittrrU ,.Jafe umim yon yrtfeaat .......Jetejuui Oaijltl Frl4rtch toa Telnmasa t... . .oaa Dortta "" . '.-. rgrt wttiuuir r Keerufaf dtr KoeaU . .AMhujr Mlillaioio 1 jrr. Mtawt K - entaatlacha Bdla JuUua Bwge4Uw Adolx Rihrmaaa, sMaUuaabjta Loulaa sarcc; uinoie x$mtr. Qk, .R&tfea Vaa . . . AWted Ilerte and wa8 capably acted. Kathryn Stevens played Barbara and put Into tho part the sest and dash conventionally nasn. elated, with far-Western -, heroines.-. Thi.u. poi.i;.. Ji j..' ' r. ., ujuuuiis' iiayou auo iee; tne visionary, dnd Thomas Colmesnll Worth, Barbara's foster-fnther.- OtherB In the cast are Edwjn Weaver, Blosser Jen nings and Lee D. Ellsworth. Houdini Makes a New Escape Houdlnl, his feet securely imprisoned In a square wooden stock, waa submerged yesterday nt Keith's Chestnut Street Theatre In an alf-tlght tank filled with water. Ho was plunged Into the aqueous "torture cell'' head downward. Then tho tank was sheathed in a sheet Irqn grating. Through a plate glass window In tho front of the tank you could see the famous mystlfler In hla watery prison. Curtains were drawn about the tank, and lo! after sevoral ienao moments, Houdlnl, wet and dripping, leaped before the audience. Of course, everybody wonders how he does It. Simply a trick, doctarea Houdlnl. Even more marvelous is the East Indian needle trick. Houdlnl takes two packages 01 neeaies na Places tnahi In his mouth. You can sea them on his tongue. He then takes Into hla mouth some thread, drinks a glass of water, and draws" the thread from his lips, nil the needles strung therton. Houdlnl V? 6pe of the world's greatest mystlflera, and hi latest feats are equal to any that he has done before. Bessto wypn Is the greatest popular hit, Judging 'by encores, on this week's hill. Mies Wynn Is dainty and charmlns", and possesses n voice of rare sweetness. Her repertoire ranges from "Madame Buttertiy" to popular, old time and ehlU dren'a aonge. Fred J. Ardath and o ca pable company produced "Hiram," a rural farce, and kept the audience convulsed with laughtor by their antics, An espe daily appealing and welt acted sketch Is "His Wife' Mother." given by JSmfciett1 Devqy the author, and his company. A, young couple,-after -year of happiness, begin to quarrel, and the wife's mother, of course. Is accused by the husband for causing all the trouble. Mother proves a good sport, however, and embarks on a second romance of her own, when all ends happily and everybody dances the tango. Other features On the bill are Doc O'Nell, who amuses with recitations and songs; the Primrose Four, a singing quartet; the Pederaen Brothers, aerial acrobats! Lew and MoUe Hunting, singers and dancers, and Luplta Ferea, who ia dainty and ex pert as she treads the high wires. Tho third episode of Zudora, "The Myt tory of the Dutch Chccso Maker," waa shqwn at varloun local photoplay houses yesterday, nnd nlll bo repeated during tho course of thtf week. Again tho hand of the mystic detective, Hnssnm All, Ib turned nalnst John storm, BWecthcart of Ijls' niece, Zudora, who, unknown to herself, on her 18th birthday becomes heir to the great Zudora mine. Tho picture begins by showing John Storm In the store of tho Dutch cheese 'makor' who 1ms nskrd tno younit lawyer to draw up hla will for him. After their conversation Is completed, the old man gives his counsellor a piece of cheese 03 a present and Storm goes out the door with It tucked carelessly under hla arm, and, ns luck would have It, going down the stops ho drops It. Quick with suspicion mid on the alert for any chance. Hassum All, who has como up ibohlnd him, stoops and picks up the cheese. A minute later the mystic is approached by n miserably clothed, old, long bearded tramp, who asks his aid In marketing some diamonds, Hassam Ml learns from this old man that he manufactures dia monds that aro seemingly as wonderful as nature's own. Hassam All glvps tho old man his card, and learns that his plant Is In tho cellar of this very build ing and directly under the shop of tho Dutch cheese maker They go down and examine It, and the Inventor, flinging carbon In a lilaBt furnace, caUBes an ex plosion that produces a diamond. This diamond Hassam All takes to a Jowelere, and learning that It Is genuine becomes greatly excited. When ho returns to tho Inventor's, how ever, ho learns that the old man Is being systematically robbed, and that his sus picions have centred on the mystic as the only man who has been in t)ie un derground quarters. The two men cllpch, but Hassam All subdues his frailer op ponent and then ,convlnccs him that he has taken nothing, and that they must try to apprehend tho thief, Thoy set a, trap In the hope of doing this, and Has ham All goes homo, where ho opens his package dropped by Btorm and to his intense astonishment and glee discovers that tho cheese Is full of diamonds. When his niece says that alio Is going to make this mystery the third of her 20 cases, her undo laughs to himself. He has promised her that If she solves 20 cosea for him, ho will give his permission to her man-lane with Storm, but ho- feels confident that this time she Is going to fall. Making careful Inquiries of nil con cerned, from the little daughter of the Dutch oheese maker, who Is now In prison, to Storm himself, Zudora finally goes down the rickety stairs Into the dusty cellar pccupled by the diamond Inventor. Thinking that at last the thief who ha3 robbed htm bo systematically of his gems is about to fnll Into his clutches, the old man rUBhes at her In his fury and sho Is only saved by the arrival of Hassam All. While the mystio does not raise his hand to help her, the old man stops at sight of him and Zudora gets a chance to explain. Just by chance, when they free her, she escapes putting her foot In a great man trap set on tho floor, but, aa she leans aok against tho wall, gasping fantly. tho solution of tho whoje mystery suddenly occurs to her. Bhe has heard, between the walls, tho scamper of hurrying feet, and she im mediately goes and looks Into one of the oreat cheese vats. There she finds two mice. Their noses ore sticky with cheese,) and one glance at them convinces suaora. Running back to tho cupboard where tho diamonds are kept she pushes her arm in and smilingly Walts her chance. Prea ently she hears the mice enter. Soon her hand closes round one of them, and ehe brings the little pet out and holds him up with a diamond firmly atuck to the oheesq on the end of his noae. This ex plains how the diamonds got Into the cheese, and. the cheesemoker, when he ia released from Jail, promises In future to restrict the nativities of his pets. Once more John Storm Is cleared by the wit of hla sweetheart, and .once more the evil designs of Hassam All are frustrated. HOW MOVIES ARE TAKEN". The followers of motion pictures who attend the Pen and Pencil Club's annual "NlsUt In Bohemia" at the Bellevue. Stratford Hotel Thursday night will see probably for the first lime Just now mo tipn pictures are taken. Four I.ubln fa vorites, Ilosetta Brlce, Peter Lang, Jack Delson and Arthur Mathews, will appear In an original playlet, "The Red Label," which presents In an amusing way a scene In a studio while a film Is being made. The playlet was written by W. Barren Lewis, a Philadelphia newspaperman. The sketch shows a moving picture studio set complete, and the' action de tails the rehearsals by the actors, Miss Brlce and Mr. DeUon, under the direc tion of Peter Lang, who plays the moving picture director- Mr. Mathews will turn the CAmcra and take the picture. "Pinafore" Revived; Satire on All Navie "H. M. (8. Plnnfere," a musical farci by Gilbert and Sullivan, opened nt thr Forrest Theatre last night. "I'lnatoif' Is a trenchant satire on the Incmclrnr of 'the navy. Thus might one begin n review of t premier opening of n new'mtialcal comcii In which dtlcttnnlam. Inefficiency nm Junkctlsnt fn our water defense wei satirised, Nevertheless, while "Pinafore had Its premiere when most of us were children, It Is n. musical fntco which still bears a serious message for us toda At least T. IX, ccrtnlnly thinks so. oven ns some navnl experts who have recently been outspoken. Musical comedies nro like orchid1" or tho nlght'bAomlng ccrcus, or tho beauti ful moth, so vjvldly described by Mctchnl koff, which lives for a brilliant night and Is then no more. '"Pinafore" Is a musical comedy that has as witness tho perform ance at the Forrest last night lusted "Pinafore" preserves tho quality of Irri mortnl youth. It Is Ilka spring, It re turns again and again It Is ns rejuve nescent, as refreshing, tin florescent as ever. Why? Its wit Is perennial, Its themo forever germane, Navies, orhae, W oVof be Inefficient, nt least according t critical experts; admirals and captain pcrhnnn as r-ver unfnmlllar with the trade n they wcro when tho Roman fleet was benton in tho time of HerncleU.f when tho Spanish Armada wns destroy" or when Sir Joseph Porter knew all nbr sailors' cblnforts, It 1b a pity Gilbert ni Sullivan had no knowledge of the Qerm submarine V-9. Wo are tempted to write a dlgnlft scholastic, conntruotlvo criticism ' "Pinafore." It might be helpful to tho managers, the authors and tho public. Unfortunately, In this enne. as In the case of Aristophanes, Sophocles, Shakes- pearo nnd others, Bitch criticism might fall only on the unheeding ears of an uninterested public. Wo can, therefore, only express admiration for the Immor tal operetta as It was revived last night and give a boost. The Now York Hippodrome production of "Pinafore" Is the most claborato and spectacular of all tho many productions. Therefore It Is conspicuously unique. Stage settings' have become during the past years mbre and more realistic, mam moth and spectacular. There have been movements toward tho more simple, the primitive. Yet tho major movement tho motif of the modern thoatrlcal symphony has outsounded the minor notes of Ben Greet, Benson, tho Little Thcatro nnd Gordon Cratg. When the Shuberts put "Pinafore" on at the Hippodrome, New York, somewhat more than a year ago, they decided to have a ship floating on the stage. Jt must float In real water. Real sailors must climb real masts. Real boats must throng about the Bhlp. Adapted to the limited scale of the For rest stago, tho "real thing" was put on THEATRICAL UAEDBKER AnBLPHI "Tedat." by Oeors-e Breadhorat and Abranarn Fehomer A wire, iieelientlir played by Whel Valentine, eeeka luxury by me tnni( nay anu it Kiuea oy ner nus- DnoAD-"Th Pecret.' annien or umvin ueiaero. a inlne Jealouty, In which dabrletle Jn))elot, hv ffenfi fWn4lr. lelaaco, A etUdy of fem- mrokmi TVia&iJBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB KrejHF SSBKVBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBHK RkiH&mJ iKiaBHBBBBBBBBVBBBBBW the heroine, eeeka to destroy oeoola'a hntitit new Fram-ps Starr prpres hereelf nn aetreei of exceptional talents In an unpleas ant role FoniiRRT Nevr Terk Hippodrome kirodiietlon of 'Pinafore." The moat elaborately ataaed rr-diirtlni 1 e the (tllhert and Butllvnn Mri t'on ' Oi 'in "to'l ' M""t,iv uiaea. Maya I ...1 a nouuim (topes from a "torture Into specff obout It, reudy to nrquleffes In the aepartureif from It that ilfu'sr twisia make n&essarr, but genuinely pained by the discovery that hltt inentnl flhd moral poturlngs don't work L!k many another Liberal, he feels vaguely the altruistic sentlmnnt that "the" con dition Of the poor leaves rmich to be de sired," and when he finds hlnuelf In per sonal difficulties about it, he fall baek characteristically on calling jhe poof "Iheir own enemies. If they would only ttUsl us" B. Iden Payne carried the 'n on. if i7nZat TTaiJi.n. v.Zl nmn through In a decidedly humorous. ofneaM,,uhmrr.0.VpC,"feBali.U9,n,r hough effective key, while Dallas Ander, uu gave 1110 raKian son mucn more ai- Uhilnitlr. in nddltlutt An 'Tr.K Til PA Tit K "Tli. i t hh Oaleteotthy A, fine, mavltiK Excellently ,ni . 1 . : ' bv human drama, allowing the bltterneea of one man'a urn ana tne fatuity or another. n-ted YItlO-"IIIh Jlnka." muetcal comedy, with mkik m- into HAuerDacn ana rmialo by Jlu tfllnli Yrtml. atarrlne flteUtt Malhewr. A rnlltrklnr evenlnt't entertainment, full ef fun nttn eon hook by Itih IflcK rl kr v AT.Ntrrv-VThe Wlnnlne of .tlarhnrft Worth," r'ramatteatlon of Harold Bell Wright's popti- lie novel. ADELE ARDSLEY "High Jinks" Lyric. last night with a mimic ship, real watery real sailors, real et cetera. "Pinafore" Is one of the Jos that have lasted, and so few Joys last. In the acting of Ji comedy of such precedents more dopends upon tho actors than In a new operetta by Ivan Caryll or Victor Her bert Stage traditions are rigid and pre scribe a certain make-up, certain busi ness, almost certain tones of voice In the portrayal of established characters. Dick Deadeye, for Instance, stands out as the shining comedy character of musical farce of two decades. Remembering De Wolf Hopper's famous characteriza tion, wo find the role loses none of Its grotesquerio as played by Al Hart. Hop per played havoo with the original lines. Hart follows tho librettist, and Is ns sldo spllttlngty funny an Hopper. Marie Horgan recrented the ever delightful Little Buttercup, with her basket, and loses not a whit when we recall Christine. Nlelson. Herbert Salinger Is a perfect admiral, but Vernon Dalhart. as Ralph Rackstraw, proved Inefficient, both as a singer and actor. In such a product ion we were surprised at-the Josephine. Uubv Cutter Savage probably has an "xcellent voice, only she can't express It She "flats" constantly. "The Silver JBox" There were two young men out ef -work.1 Thoy drank. And In the grip of drink hey stole One stole a pdrso from a woman, the other stole n silver cigarette iiox But onlv one of them-thc than who did not steal from the woman went to Inlt That Is tho story of "The Silver Ilox " And yet, that Is hardly more than a Mnt of tho play that tho company at tle i.lttlo Theatre acted so well last night. The substnnco of "Tho 'silver B6x," tho icnsou John Galsworthy wrote It, the dea that animates the narrative arid makes It fine, moving, human' drama, lies' Ha.l,ln.l 1A, ..nil.... ........ 'l.ji ... ' .j,t,u utuk ijuiiuu cuun mrce-irageay The man of the cigarette box was a poor nun Tho fellow who stole a. girl's purso to score her off" waa the son of a mem-, her or Parliament, a rich man as Eng lishmen go. The whole play carries with all Mr. Galsworthy's mordant Irony that 0110 fact of our not too dlscornlng Justice. And, of course, it carries something 'be hind that fnof tho world of those two men and whnt It did to them. Jones, the poor man, was cruel, even violent, to his wife though be took the theft pn h'lmnelf quickly .enough when .alio wns wrested for It, But It was months of begging for work and months of not getting It, while his children suffered, that made htm so., "When he's. In Work," Bhe said, "he be haves himself much better." As for tho othor fellow, ''It's another kind of being out of work sets him to drink." The bit terness of one man's life, tho fatuous futility of the other's, stand baldly forth. Behind the narrative and the Idea of the play stand tho people themselves, diameters out of everyday England arid' with everyday American counterparts.' They make the life from which tho story springs quite as much as they make the story Itself. There Is the rich boy's mother, a cool, class-centred moos of unconscious selfish-' ness. played with Just the proper well bred certitude by Ida Hamilton. There Is the boy's father, a Liberal politician, conscientious, but unseeing, devoted to "principle," making whole breakfasts tentlon than ho deserves from tho re viewer. The Joneses man and wife deserve A paragraph to themselves And yet, for all Mr, Maclaren's good acting nnd Ada Barton's competence, they itre very blank, Inexpressive and, therefor truo figures of modern misery, She Is ac quiescent In all things, "long-suffering, God-forsaken.'" He Is ns deildedty vio lent and quite ns Inconclusive. He can only seek work, beg work, rail at Vie In justice of tho refusal) nnd then get the Job of holding a Pt dog outside a shop and tho satisfaction of reflecting on ther "tons 0' meat had gone to tho makln' of him' Small wonder at his bitter, spite ful theft! A piny like this Is eomohlng more than good drama, on a night of driving, chilling fain that shrouds a city In the drab color of its stums, It puils one's comfortable well-fed .theatre thoughts back With a snap to the cruel realities of life. They stare out of newspaper,, paxes that toll of hungering children, worklets fathers (and the forgivable misery 01 theft. They speak tho hundreds et "Silver Box" tragedies that the winter holds for Philadelphia. UNIVERSITY CONCERT: TONtQH$ . A lecture and a concert will i given to- . nlqht under the ausplccs'Of the University 1 Extension Boolety. In Griffith Halt Pro feasor Axson wilt apeak on ','Shakea , peare'S' Idealism.'' and the pionxaler Quartet-' will rendom progranvat Wittier- f, spoon' Hall, n yUOWPKAYB f f.tnii it 'Ohera. I Home of World's Chestnut SbtVmii,)) nreatMlFhotftDlnya Afta., 1 to 0, 10 45 lBe.'KVxs., T to 11, JO.lB.tSs THE Sf U1LHKS Twice bally. Aftefrnootu, I ISO.. Kte., 818ft, rrrceded by dally chanx flrat ran pictures. COMINGca'vsTHE christian KI.OKW'8 TT NIOKEItnOOKB fC 4flth and Market Sta. Tiuuu kpibodk or ZUDORA WIIX BR B1IOWN HEnp TODAY .. Market St. Admlseloir. Be Coliseum UHow COth St. I Kery Uoy 7IIDORA jiB 'Mlt,l40y-Dqt1l'An MYBTfcnV." . flthera. SOMERSET TimLvrnrf.'robAY. . it 11 - J'i't'neltiltlori Avfc liAWnit of- vdttv avojp ,rn ' Tniev Or KRAUTS -1 1 "MOTHKtt OF X1H1 BHAyoy'S," Othrje. 1 D' I'd ' 1I teATUK TODAY I t 1 a Krntlnxton St AllealienyAvee Owen Moore, In "TUB AFTKKMATIl" "BltONCltO BILI.Y'H fiCIIK.MK" "TUB UIIOOM'B DOOM." Others. West Allegheny &TA.WV ZUDORA ? OUn MUTUAL C1III, No.' 38. .Others The House that Heppe built t'faaait.u.iMcvriiCr -" a "One Price" since 1881 h i-h WTHi'MTTHrm Founded 1865 TT P ' PIANOLA-P1ANOS .?$S$ vsSTm ssrl IP HEPPE PIANOS f r--B!-i:i AT- PLAYER.PIANOS" W - Barbara Worth at Walnut "T Wtnaiat- of Bartwjra Worth," w 4tima.U.rHa of Harold BeU Wright's PfpiHr lioyei. o(MBd at the Waloit laj moht. The nlav, tollowi&ar tk wWaiy rtw atvry, Ht latmtmi lo tb Wm iil lj with lJa4 ntehuwtUta au4 i w nwiM vi llid Holtatat, aa Wa- ', -u.- Ifvmi Nw Bn(rlnd. and DtW, ! nt i(W ia tm Vf J1W MjtltlKHH I Hgljciay Gift Suggestions , .ferJiJjP3 Greeting Carda . .' Caleadsr that are Different Statjqnery parked Wih MonoErar3 Calllnf Cards, Leather Table Tnrowj Desk Seta in Metal and in Leather j4i o ytwsual VaUte and DiUmtion " E, 4, WRIGHT So, elf 1 Engraver and Sutioner 1218 WMnut St iVt (H. ;w Hotel Annex) Fmht ufc CAjttt Sirtst n a. I Wow , t. Christmas Gifts Supreme Gifts that last for -many Christmases Hit Pianola r Pianos $550 to $2100 r - ' in . -t v4 Aeolian Player-Pianos ,' $395 and $450 PHB&s $275ta.$7-00 . tr, : ' Surely nothing more truly represents the true, happy, joyous Christ mas spirit than music. It is not a Christmas without a tree and music, , Surely then a musical Christmas gift, such as a beautiful piano or jJiuyci-jJiUHU, ia uuuuijf ajpiuJiiaic, And in buyinpr pianos and player-pianos, set the best. Buy of a rein able, old-established house; buy where yon know you arc getting 'standard, '' M : value at fixed and unvariable prices; buy where only the begt is soldt V. . ',; ' We ask you only to remember these things about Heppe's: In Pianos We have served the most musical people, in Philadelphia for a half century at prices absolutely fixgdf$? tame to everybody.'- W - guarantee every instrument we sell, We offer you a most" Complete Ifttp W;J etyles and prices with terms to suit every home. Our line ijisludel the.ianjpU Heppe three-sounding-board pianos., the H. C. Schpmackep, the magnificent - Weber and other makes. Our "oneprlce" rule obliges us to make our prices lower than other stores. In Player-Pianos We sell none but "Aeolian-made" instruments. ,W have the genuine Pianola the original player, mechanism 4a SueJi mfces $5 ' the Stefnway, Wheelock, Stroud and the celetjrttfed Weber; "Wllila we hav?, ; Aelln Flayer-rianos at $395 and ?45U. These, great mstrtimtnts ftre sold ix fixed prices all ovar the United States. Tf-VQU can find gny be(tr valiig, anywhere, wje will refund every dollar you pay us' withiri-thirty &ys after pvirthase. No other house dare makfe such an offer. , t fir . ' . Write fdr 4a(aloguea, Settbmgjot Car any of our1rutruments rnsy Ue by cash, charge account, or our rental payment plan, by which all rent applies to your purchase C.-J. HEPPE & SON Ut7-lU QH3S6TNUT STREKT SIXTH AND TH0OGH STRW