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P EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1914, 13 WP,J)fS9 PRESIDENT WILSON PUTS TRADE FIRST IN HIS MESSAGE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE REASSURES BUSINESS Continued froth rsge One tha "moral Insurance" of the nation should bo guarded "when half the world la on fire." Laughter amplified the up plaus when President Wilson augyeated that the country should be ashamed "of a.ny. thought of hotlllty or fearful prepara tion, for trouble." Laughter was renewed when he naked tho naval xprta to tell 'What sort of naval craft should be built to be effective for the next 10 years, President Wilson accompanied by the ecret service men left the capltol for the White Houflo at 1:15 o'clock. THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS The President spoke1 as follows: Gentlemen of the Congress! The session upon which you are now entering will be the closing session of the 6d Congress, & Congresst I ven ture to say, which win long be remem o"red for the great body of thoughtful and constructive work which tt has done, In loyal response to the thought and needs of the country. I should like Jn this ad dress to review the notable record and try to make adequate assessment of It; but no doubt we stand too near the work that has been done and arc ourselves too much part of tt to play the part of his torians toward It. Moreover, our thoughts are now more of the future than of the past. Whllo we ha.Ve worked at our tasks of peace the circumstances of the whole age have been altered by war. What we have done for our own land and our own people we did with tho best that was In us, whether of character or of Intelligence, with sober enthusiasm and a confidence in the prin ciples upon which we were acting which aurtained us at every step of the dlfllcult undertaking; but It Is done. It has panned from our hands. It Is now an established part of the legislation of the country. Its usefulness. Its effects, will dlsclctoo themselves In experience. What chiefly strikes us now, as wo look about us dur ing these closing days of a year which will be forever memoraulo In the history of the world, Is that -wo race new tasks, have been facing them these bIx months, must face them In the months to come face them without partisan feeling, like men who have forgotten everything but .a common duty nnd the fact that we are representatives of a great people, whose thought Is not of us, but of what America owes to herself and to all mankind In auch circumstances as these upon, which we look amazed and anxious. War has Interrupted tho means of trade not only but also the processes of produc tion. In Europe It Is destroying mon and resources wholesale and upon a. scalo un- Effect of precedented and ap- , the War on palling. Thers Is rea- son to fear that the Commerce tmB neal.t if jt b not already at hand, when scvoral of the countries of Europe will find It dlfllcult ,to do for tholr people what they have hitherto been always easily able to do mam essential and fundamental things. At, any rate, they will need our help and our manifold services as they have never needed them before; and we should be ready, moro fit and ready than we have ever been. m It Is of equal consequence that the na tions whom Europe has usually supplied with Innumerable articles of manufacture and commerce of which they are In con stant need and without which their eco- ' nomlo development halts and stands still can now get only a small part of what , they, formerly imported and eagerly look to us to supply their all but empty mar kets. This Is particularly true of our own neighbors, the States, great and small, of Crntral and South America. Their1 lines of trade hnVA hitherto r-lln r-hleflv ntViwni-r lthe seas, not to our ports, but to tha ports or ureat Britain ana of the older con tinent of Europe. I do not stop to In- juiro wny or to make any comment on irobable causes. What Interests us Just jaw is noi tne explanation cut tne fact. a our duty and opportunity In the pres- oe of It. Here are markets which wo ust supply, and we must find the means action. The United States, this great pie for whom we speak and act, should ready, as never before, to serve Itself d to serve mankind; ready with Its re- urces. Its enerirles. Its forces nf nm. Auction and Its means of distribution. It Is a very practical matter, a. matter f ways and means. Wo have the r. Ources, but are we fullv reariv n ii themT And, If we can make ready what we have, have we tho means at hand to distribute it? We are not fully ready: either have we the means of rilitrlhu. tlon, We are willing, but we are not 'fully able. We have the wish to serve ,na to serve greatly, generously, but wo are not prepared as we should be. We l(ire not ready to mobilize our resources 'at once. We are not prepared to uso them Immediately and at their best, with out delay and without waste. to apeaK plainly, we have crosalv !rred In tho way Jn which we havo stunted and hindered the development of our merchant ma. T , , rlne. And now, when '" we neea snips, w Merchant have not got them. r.. w hav y-r after -.... year debated, with out end op conclu- eel am s I & hAMl is . mi , "'"Hi o ist policy i6 pursue with regard to the use of the ;rc Him luroauj arm water powers of our Htlonal domain In the, Hrh mat.. e i kVest, when wo should havo acted: and ihey are still locked up. The key Is still urnea upon them, the door shut fast at rnicn inousanas or vigorous mert, full t Initiative, knock clamorously for ad- nuwco. ino water power of our navl. Die Streams OUtalde the mllnnnl An. aln also, even in the Eait.m m.. hero we have worked and nlanneH or eneratlons. is still not used ax it mlsht e, because we will and wo won't: b. ausa tha laws wa havo mada da not in. elllgently balance encouragement against Birainu vyo wnnnoia Dy regulation. I havo come to ask you to remedy and correct these mistakes and omissions. even at this short session of a Congress Which would certainly seem to have done all the work that could reasonably be ei. '?td of It, The time and tha clrcum- stances are extraordinary, and so .must our efforts be also. .Fortunately, two great measures, fin.. tys. conceived, tha one to" unlock, with roper smoguarus, me resources of the (-, Opening of Routes of Trade national domain, the othet toencourage the use of the navigable waters outside that domain for the generation of power, have nlready passed the House of Repre sentatives and are ready for Immediate consideration Rnd action by the Senate. With the deepest earnestness f urge their prompt passage. In them both we turn our backs upon hesitation and make shift arid formulate a Kenulne policy of uso and conservation, In the best sense of those words. Wa owe the one meas ure not only to the people of that great western country for whoso free and sys tematic development, as It seems to me, our legislation hsa done so little, but also to the people of the nation as a whole! and we as clearly owe the otlir In fulfillment of our repeated promises that the water power of the couritry snoum in fact as wen as in name be put at tha disposal of great industries which can make economical and profitable use of It, the rights of the public being ade quately guarded the while, and monopoly In the use prevented. To have begun such measures and not completed them. would Indeed mar the record of this great Con gress very seriously. I hope and con fidently bellovn that they will be com pleted. And there Is another great piece of leg islation which awaits nnd should receive the sanction of the Senate! I msan the bill which gives a larger measure of ,. ... . self-government to Philippine 41,0 Utopia of tn4( Self-governmentPhlllpplrTes. How m oeuor, in mis time of anxious question ing and peplexed pol icy, could we show our confidence In the principles of liberty, as the source as well as tho expression of life, how better could we demonstrate our own self-possession and steadfastness in the courses of Jus tice and disinterestedness than by thus going calmly forward to fulfill our prom ises to n dependent people, who will now look more anxiously than ever to see whsther we have Indeed the liberality, the unselfishness, the courage, the faith we have boasted and professed. I can not believe that the Senate will let this great measure of constructive Justice await the action of another Congress. Its passage would nobly crown the record of these two years of memorable labor. But I think that you will agree with me that this does not complete tho toll of our duly. How are we to carry our goods lo the empty markets of which I have spoken If wo havo not the ships? How are we to build up a great trado If wo have not the certain and constant means of transportation upon which nil profitable and useful commerco depends7 And how are we to get the ships If wo wait for the trade to develop without them? To cor rect tho many mistakes by which we have discouraged nnd all but destroyed the merchant marine of the- country, to re trace the steps by which we. have. It seems almost deliberately, withdrawn our flag from the seas, except where, here and there, a ship of war la bidden to carry It or (some wandering yacht displays It, would take a long time and Involve many detailed Items of legislation, and the trade which wo ought Immediately to handle would disappear or find other channels while we debated tho Items. The case Is not unlike that which con fronted ua when our own continent was to be opened up to settlement and Indus try, and wo needed long lines of railway, extended means of transportation 'nre. pared beforehand, If development was not to lag Intolerably and wait Interminably. Wo lavishly subsidized the building of transcontinental railroads. We look back upon that with regret now, because the subsidies led to many scandals of which wo are ashamed; but we know that the railroads ha'd to be built, and If we had It to do over again we should, of course, build them, but It arjother way. The're-r fore I propose another way of providing the means of transportation, which must precede, not tardily follow, tho develop ment of our trade with our neighbor oiaies oi America, it may seem a re versal of the natural order of things, but It Is true, that the routes of trado must be actually opened by many ships and regular sailings and moderate charges before streams of merchandise will flow ireeiy and profitably through them. Hence the pending shipping bill, dis cussed at tho last session, but as yet passed by neither house. In my Judgment such legislation Is Imperatively needed and cannot wisely be postponed. The Government must open these gates of trade, and open them wide; open them before It Is altogether profitable to open them, or altogether reasonable to ask private capital to open them, at a! venture. It Is not a question of the Government monopolising the field. It should take action to make It certain that transporta tion at reasonable rates will bo promptly provided, even where the carriage Is not at first profitable; and then, when the carriage has become sufficiently profitable to attract and engage privaja" capital, and engage it In abundance, the" Government ought to withdraw, I yery earnestly hope that the Congress will be of-this opinion, and that both houses will adopt this ex ceedingly Important bill. The great subject of rural credits still remains to be dealt with, and it Is aTnat- ter of deep regret that the difficulties of the subject have seemed to render It impossible to com plete a bill for pas sage at this session. But It cannot be per. feqted yet, and there fore there are no measures tha nr... alty for which I will at this tlmo call your attention tot but I would t nn. gent of a very manifest duty were I not to call the attention of tho Senate to the fact that the proposed convention for safety at ea awaits Its confirmation and that tha limit fixed In the convention It self for its acceptance is the last day of tho present month. The conference In which the convention originated was called by the United States; the repre sentatives of the United States played a very. Influential part, indeed, Jn framing tho provision; of tha proposed conven. tlon, and those provisions are In them selves for the most part admirable, It would hardly bo conslstsnt with the part wo have played In tha whole matter to let It drop and go by tha board aa If forgot ten and neglected. It was ratified lit May Rural Credits Safety at Sea other constructive last by the German Government ahd In August by the Parliament of Great Britain. It marks a most hopeful and de cided advance In Internal civilization. We should show our earnest good fath In a great matter by adding our own accept ance of It. There Is another matter of which I must make special mention, If t am to discharge my conscience, lest It should escape your atten tion. It may seem a Survey and very ma11 thins. It m..ri affects only a single Charting of item of appropriation. Coast 8 But many human lives and many great enterprises hang upon It. It Is a matter of making ade quate provision for the survey and chart ing of our coasts. It Is immediately pressing and exigent in connection with the Immense coast tine of Alaska, a coast line greater than that of the United States themselves, though It Is also very Important, Indeed, with regard to the old er coasts of the Continent. We cannot uso our great Alaskan domain, ships will not ply thither. If those coasts and their many hidden dangers are not thoroughly surveyed and oharted. The work Is In complete at almost every point. Ships and lives have been tost In threading what were supposed to be well-known main channels, We have not provided adequate vessels or adequate machinery for the survey and charting. We have used old vessels that were not big enough or strong enough and which were so nearly unseaworthy thaPour Inspectors would not havo allowed private owners to send them to sea. This Is a matter which, as I have said, seems small, but is In reality very great. Its Importance has only to be looked Into to be appreci ated. Before I close may I say a few words upon two topics, much discussed out of doors, upon which It Is highly Important that our Judgments should be clear, definite and steadfast? One of these Is economy In Govern ment expenditures. The duty of econ omy Is not debatable. It Is manifest and Imperative. In tho appropriations we Defines , pass we are spending Duties of lne money of the great people whose Economy servants wo aro-not our own. We are trustees and respon sible stewards In the spendlhg. The only thing debatable and upon which we should be careful to mnko our thought ana purpose clear Is the kind of econ omy demanded of us. I assert with the greatest confidence that the people of the United States are not Jealous of the amount their Government costs If they arc sure that they get what they need and desire for the outlay, that tho money Is being spent for objects of which they approve and that It Is being applied with good business sense and management. Governments grow, piecemeal, both In their tasks and In the means by which those tasks are to bo performed, and very few governments are organized, I venture to say, as wise and experienced business men would organize them If they had a clean sheet of paper to wrlto upon. Cer tainly the Government of the United States is not. I think that it Is generally agreed that there should be a systematic reorganization and reassembling of Its parts so as to secure greater efficiency and effect considerable savings In ex pense. But the amount of money saved In that way would, I believe, though no doubt considerable n Itself, running. It may be. Into the millions, be relatively small small, I mean. In proportion to tha total necessary outlays of the Govern ment. ' It would bo thoroughly worth ef fecting, as every saving would, great or small. Our duly Is not altered by the scalo of the saving. But my point Is that the people of the United States do not wish to curtail the aqtlvltles of this Gov ernment; they wish rather to enlarge themi and with every enforcement, with tho mere growth. Indeed, of the country itself there must come, of course, the In evitable Inctoase of expense. The sort of economy wo ought to practice may be effected, and ought to-be effected, by a careful study and assessment of the tasks to be performed: nnd the monev ;spe;nt ought, to b made to yield the best fwaciuic iciuiiib in oiuciency ana aciueve ment. And, like good stewards, we should so account for every dollar of our appropriations as to make It perfect ly evldont what It was spent for and In what way It was spent. Tt Is not expcndlturo but extravagance that we should fear being criticised for; not paying for the legitimate enterprises and undertakings of a, great Government whose people command what ' It should do, but adding what will benefit only a few or pouring money out for what need not have been undertaken at all or might have been postponed or better end more economically conceived nnd carried out, The nation la not niggardly; It Is very generous, It will chide us only If we forget for whom we pay money out and whose money it is we pay, These are large and general standards, but they are not very difficult of application to particular cases. The other topic I shall take leave to mention goes deeper Into the principles of our national life and policy. It Is the subject of national defense. It can not be discussed without first answering some very searching Question. U Is said In some quarters that we are not prepared for . . , war. What Is meant National by being prepared? Military ' meant that wo -n.f.... ar not ready upon Defenses brlef notca t0 put a ' nation in the Held, a , . , . nation of men trained to arms? Of course we are not ready to do that; and we shall never be In tlmo pf peace so long as wo retain our mcciii. poimcai principles and Institu tions. And what is It that It Is suggested we should be prepared to do? To defend oursly against attackT We have al ways found means to do that, and shall And them whenever It Is necessary with out calling our people away from their necessary tasks to render compulsory military service in times of peace. Allow mo to spea' with great plain ness and directness upon this great mat. Ur and to avow my convictions with deep earnestness. ,1 have tried to know what America is, wnat ner people think, what thty are, what they most cherish and hold dear. I hope that some of their finer passions are In my own. heart soma of the great conceptions and desires Nation's Influence for Fence Training of Citizens in Use of Arms which gave birth (o this Government and which havo made tho voice of this peo pie a voice of peace and hope and liberty among the peoples of the world, and that, speaking my own thoughts, I shall, at least lit part, speak theirs alsb, however faintly and Inadequately, upon this vital matter. Wo are at peace with all tho world. No one who speaks counsel based on fact or drawn from a Just and candid Inter pretation of realities can say that there Is reason to fear that from any quarter our Independence or tho Integrity of our territory Is threat ened. Dread of the power pf any nation we are Incapable of. We nre not Jealous of rlvalrv In the field of commerco or of any other penceful achievement. Wa mean to llvo our own lives as we will! but we mean also to let live. We are, Indeed, a true friend to all the nations of the world, because we threaten none, covet the possessions of none, desire tho overthrow of none. Our friendship can be accepted and Is ac cepted without reservation, becauso it Is offered In a spirit and for a purpose which no one need ever question or suspect. Therein lies our greatness. We are the champions of peace and of concord. And we should be very Jealous of this distinc tion which wo have Bought to earn. Just now we should be particularly Jealous of It, becauso It is our dearest present hope that this character arJ reputation may presently. In God's providence, bring us an opportunity such as has seldom been vouchsafed any nation, tho opportunity to counsel nnd obtain peace In the world and reconciliation and a healing settle ment of many a matter that has cooled and Interrupted the f-lendshlp of nations. This Is the time above all others when we should wish and resolve to keep our strength by self-possession, our Influence bv nrcservlng our ancient principles of action. From the first we have had a clear and settled policy with regara to military es tablltihmems. We never havo had, and while we retain our present principles and Ideals we never shall have, n large standing army. If asked, Aro you ready to defend yourselves? wo reply, Most as suredly, to the utmost; and yet wo shall not turn America Into a military camp. We will not ask our young men to spend the best years of their lives making sol dieis of themselves. There Is another sort of energy In us. It will know how to declare Itself and make Itself effective should occasion arise. And especially when half the world Is on Are wq shall be careful to mnko our moral Insurance ngalnst the spread of the conflagration very definite and certain and adequate In deed. Let us remind ourselves, therefore, it tho only thing we can do or will do. Wc must depend In every time of national peril, in the future aa In the past, not upon a standing army, nor yet upon a reserve army, but upon a citizenry trained and accus tomed to arms. It will bo right enough, right American pol icy, based upon our accustomed princi ples and practices', to provide a system b which every citizen who will volun teer for tho training may be made famil iar with the uso of modern arms, the rudi ments of drill nnd maneuver, and the maintenance and sanitation of camps. We should encourage such training and mako It a means of discipline which our young men will learn to value. Jt Is right that we should provide It not only, but that we should make It as attractive as possible, and so Induce our young men to undergo It at such times as they can com mand a little freedom and can seek' the physical development thoy need, for mere health's sake, If for nothing more. Every means by which such things can be stim ulated is legitimate, and such a method smacks of true American Ideas. It Is right, too, that the National Guard of the States should 'be developed and strength ened bj every means which Is not Incon sistent with our obligations- to our own people or with the established policy of our Government. And this, nlso, not be cause the time or occasion specially calls for such measures, but because It should be our constant policy to make these pro visions for our national peace and safety. More than this carries with It a .re versal of the whole history and charac ter of our polity, More than this, pro posed at this time, permit me to say, would mean merely that we had lost our self-possession, that we had been thrown off our balance by a war with which we have nothing to do, whose causes cannot touch us, whoso very existence affords us opportunities of friendship and disinter ested service which should make us ashamed of any thought of hostility or fearful preparation for trouble. This Is assuredly the opportunity for which a people and a government like ours were rntsed up, the opportunity not only to speak but actually to embody and exem plify the counsels of peace and amity and the lasting concord which Is based on Justice and fair and generous dealing. A powerful navy we have always re garded as our proper and natural means of defense; and It has always been of de fense that we have thought, never of Kavy as aggression or of Natural conquest. But who natural snall tell ug now Defense what sort of a navy to build? We shall take leave to be strpng upon the seas, in the future as In the past: and there will be no thought of offense or provocation In that. Our ships are our natural bulwarks. When will the experts tell us just what kind we should construct and when will they bo right for 19 years together, If the relative effi ciency of craft of different kinds and uses continues to change as we have seen It change under our very eyes In these last few months? But I turn away from the subject. It Is not new. There Is no, now need to dl auss It. We shall no alter our attitude toward It because some among ui are nervous and excited. Wa shall easily and sensibly agree upon a policy of defense. The question has not changed Its aspects because the times are not normal. Our OollCV Will not ba tnr an ru.J-n.tnn T wilt 'be conceived as a permanent and settled iiun, wiiitu we win pursue at ait sea. sons, without haste and after a fashion perfectly consistent with the peace of tha world, the abiding friendship of States and the unhampered freedom of all with whom we deal. Let thele be no miscon ception. The country has been misin formed. We have not been negligent of national defense. We aro not unmindful of the great responsibility resting upon us. We shall learn and profit by the les son of every experience and every new circumstance; and what Is needed will be adequately done. I clc-ie, as I begin, by reminding you of the great tasks and duties of peace which challenge our best powers and Invite us to build what will last, the tasks to which we can ad dress ourselves now and at all times with free-hearted zest and with the finest gifts of constructive wis dom we possess. To develop our life and our resources; to supply our own people, and the people of the world as their need arises, from the abundant plenty of our fields and our marts of trade; to enrich the commerce 6t our own States and of the world with the products of our mines. our farms and our factories, with the creations of our own thought and the fruits of our character this Is what will hold our attention and our enthusiasm steadily, now and In the years to conic, as we strive to show In our life as a na tion what liberty and the Inspirations of an emancipated spirit may do for men land for societies, for individuals, for States and for mankind. Tasks and Duties of Peace funeral of William B. Irvine The funeral of Wllllsm B. Irvine, presi dent of the Knickerbocker Lime Com pany and former City Treasurer, who died Sunday at tho Mcdlco-Chlrurglcal Hospital, will take place Thursday after noon, at 2:30 o'clock, from his late home. 69th street below City Line. He will be buried In West Laurel Hill Cemetery. OBITUARIES MRS. REGINA MARCUS Mrs. Reglna Marcus, sister of the iato Meyer Guggenheim, who was a member of tho American Smelting and Refining Company, died today at her nimrtmentx. 2223 North 21t street, from a complication of diseases. She was In her SSth year. Mrs. Marcus was affiliated with many charitable organizations, and was well known In Jewish circles, flhn 1. mirvlvrd by her ncphows, Simon Guggenheim, who was United States Senator from Colorado; Isaao Guggenheim, treasurer and dlroctor or me Amerlcnn, Smelting and Refining Company, and Daniel Guggenheim, presi dent of the smelting firm. She Is also survived by Mrs. Jenny Do Leon and Mrs. Lottie Dels, both of this city, who are her nieces. Tho funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her apartments. JJEATJIS Bo!mr nequlem Mats St St "lrnc XatUfa dral Vttatttrr DKINE. On Deeamber B, 1114 winow or jumei jjtvma, rhurch. t 10 a m. Interment Nr Ca&m. I. IfAMMAIf, f We4na, l' residence. at 8.30 a. m. Funtral front Mrs., Btelft FOT 3TM B. Clsarfleld PERMANENT BOARD FOR AIDING POOR BEGINS ITS TASK Branch of Emergency Com mittee Divides City Into Districts to Facilitate Y.i. D-i: 1 The Home Relief Board of the Emer gency Aid Committee will be a perma nanet organization for the Investigation and relief of conditions among the un employed and the poor of Philadelphia. The organization of tho city Into 13 districts for tho purpose of establishing branch committees has been completed, so that urgent cases may be met with more expediency than under the former rules. Next week the Home Relief Board will deal with tho city's destitute through Its branches. Every day the need of home relief becomes more urgent, as distressed men and women swarm Into the new headquarters of the board in th Lincoln Building. WORK IN NORTHEAST. In he northeast the little buttons worn as Inslgnlas by workers for the Horn s Relief Hoard have become well known to tne distressed hundreds there. Mrs. E. W. K. Bradford Is In charge In that section, because of her knowledge of tho people In the district and their needs. Mrs. E. T. Stotesbury. chairman of the Home Relief Board, said she has long felt the need of such a plan as Is now being completed. "I had no Idea when X took up the work Its scope would become so great," she added. "It will be a big machine that will rival the workings of a corporation. We have had frequent meetings and de voted long hours to the work, and now we will meet the proposition fairly and squarely. With the help of charitable Phllsdelphlans we will undoubtedly succeed." GEORGE II. ROGERS George H. Rogers, 68 years old, for many years connected with Harrison Brothers & Co., paint and white lead manufacturers, died yesterday at his home, J110 South Frazler street, follow ing an lllnesu of two years' duration. He was a member of the Klngsesslng Lodge, No. 209, O. R. M.; the Washing ton Camp, No. 481. P. O. S. of A. Mr. Rogers Is survived by his widow and three children. The funeral will be held from his late residence, Thursday afternoon. Wis ChMtnut it rtlih it.. in st l(ly of noMflr Ctinreh Inumunt J1. Tts at Holy froes Cemetery. DMVAI.n On Dtcembtr 8, 1914, LOUISE 5;- Tr!S?.a.E 8-.D,'TfM' rwrii1? ? ?n...v,n,"?,r '.l JP. m., at 8438 K. 10th it. Interment private, nOMICLSANTA DOMICI. 4018 Hawthorns ttCftt, M., widow of Captain James Dorle. runeral services on FYtday. at a p. m., at 25i4 k Cemetery. In,nn"lt P'lvate at Nprtlmood Flv?i,i!?t0S. December . i14, MBL VI5N1A S , widow of.Ua.vM H. Flemln. ru "fti..!"". Pn Wednesday, at a p. m., at 6551 Pulaakl ara., Oermantown. laur FOY. fiDWARD atraet. FROKItLIClLor i December fl. Jolt, BA- saiiav'fjcriiin'sa $ .',.: RBff.T'SiiPB ESS! " OM' not,e' ot rnimMAN. At Sklppack Town.hlp, Pa..on! December 8, J914, JDllN FUHRifir. Wl' ,,,JV il?m ''Jj'S 'Jdencs, BWppsdc town, alilp, Pa., on Wednesday, l ta noon. Sar-UciJnJlhiI-?w1' Msnnonlt-Masting Koust o5VJ fnnf,m,rJ"nt in djlnln cametarr, OAI.I.AOHKn, On Dscambar B. 101. FWJHENCB P.. dauihter of JolJr C. atft Annla E. Lewis. Funsral services on Wadrtsa a.nrS "' 2 " .m- WJ'aly. t 123 Miyneld S't S?.;.,'Id,.r0c,eJm,Jedrr.naUn,'T, InUrm"" -wiTP,JD!cJ.rabr A. liu- noBAUB, wife of Albert (Jaw and daushter of the lata ? p,VaJld pr-ma. Little. Funeral str lil!M?..Wdr,lJ.,d.,' ,. " " Preolatly at oiTi!-J,..rth-1Bth Bt- Interment prime. '"if.f1.?130 ."!. rtP.m 2li North loth , Jh,Masa at St Edward'a Church at ) a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulehro Csmt- WILLIAM H. MURPHY William II. Murphyr who formerly re sided In this city, died yesterday after a protracted Illness In Spokane, Wash., where for the last nine years he was engaged In business. Mr. Murphy was employed In the City Controller's ofllce under Robert E. Pattlson, and prior to taking up his residence In the West was a mercantile appraiser. At the time of his death Mr. Murphy was president of tho Democratic Club of Spokane. He is survivcu Dy a widow. MRS. SARAH MILLER CALDWELL, N. J., Dec. 8.-Mrs. Sarah Miller, who was nearly 93 years old, died Sunday at her home here. She was ono of 14 children, five of who'm are still liv ing, tho youngest being 71 years old and the oldest 99. Mrs. Miller loft seven chil dren, 35 grandchildren, 67 great-grandchildren and II great-grcat-grandchlldrcn. Mrs. Miller had been a widow since the Civil War, In which struggle her husband was killed. MRS ALICE TORKINGTON Mrs. Alice Torklngton, widow of Will iam S. Torklngton, for many years super intendent of the Allison Car'Manufac turlng Company, of this city, died Sunday at her home, S22 North 63d street. For many years she was a member of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 39th and Locust streets. She Is survived by her two chil dren. The funeral services will be held from her lato residence, tomorrow after noon, at 2 o'clock. JOHN LTJTZ John Lutz, 79 years old, a well-known lawyer, and of late years editor of tho Bedford Inquirer, died Sunday at his homo In Bedford, Pa. For many years he was postmaster of that town. Mr. Lutz was trustee of tho Pennsylvania State College, from where ho graduated, and was one of the founders of the Pennsylvania State Editorial Association. PRICE OF TURKEYS TO FALL, DEALERS AT FOOD SHOW SAY Gobblers and Other Fowl Exhibited at Terminal Market Game Laws Declared Too Rigid. MAHARAJAM OF SIKXIM CALCUTTA, Dec, 8. The Maharajah of Sikklm died last Saturday. eatjjg Thousands of turkeys, chickens, squabs, guinea fowl and duck, both tame and wild, are being exhibited In the Reading Terminal Market today, the sixth day of the annual food exhibition. There are groat SO-pound gobblers, some with the feathers still on, others With the feathers stripped off, so that artistic designs are left on tho birds when, white streaks of flesh show, while there are a great many "dressed" In the usual manner. Ono real live turkey, which "gobbles" almost continually, Is exhibited and ths unusual sound attracts many to the spot. Turkeys aro not so scarce as at Thanks giving time and the dealers are unani mous in predicting large supply of "fancy" birds for Christmas week. H. C, Oerhart, president of tho Terminal Mar ks Business Men's Association, and W. A, Bender, both poultry dealers, said to day that the coming of cold weather was the best harbinger of a good poultry mar ket and that there was little reason to expect that the prices would continue to hold as firm as heretofore. Ths only wild poultry which appears in the market Is duck, aa the game laws of Pennsylvania forbid tho selling of all other gams birds. A notable display in this class Is that of D. L. Hanley, canvas backs, rad heads, black heads, butter balls, ruddy ducks and mallards bringing prices ranging from 11 a pair for tha but ter balls to M a pair for canvas backs. AT.DINGEIt. Dscsmbsr 0, 1014, CHARLES F. AbDINOBR. Funsral. on Wednesday, at 3 p. m., from 4MB Ogla at., Manayunk. Serv Icea In the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, at 3 p. m Interment at Leverlnston Cemetery, ATMOHE. On Dscembsr 0. 1014, RALPH C son of Hallle and the late Charles IV. Atmore. Funeral services, on Wednesday, at 11 a m.. at his late residence, 5.113 Haver ford ae. Interment Wsstmlnstsr Cemetery. BAIZI.KY. On Decsmber B. 1914, ELIZA 1IKT11 A., widow or John ruitley. Funsral services on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., precise ly, at 103H S, Hroad si. Interment private. nECRGR. Suddenly, on December 6.' 1014, I'KKSTO.V K., husband of Ella Uscksr, son o Susan and ths lata William Decksr. Fu nsral. Thursday, at S p. m at 4433 Mitchell at , Roxtorousn. Interment at Leverlngton Cemetery. HKRREII. On Dscembsr S, 10 H. MAROA RETT, widow of John R. Berrsr. Funeral sertlcer, en Wednesday, at S p. m.. at hsr late residence. J.H7 Jerome at. Interment at Northwood Cemetery. ROSEE. On Decsmber 7, 1914. SARAH A. WEST, widow of Alfred Boses, In her ftSth year Relative and friends are Invited to attend tha services, on Wednesday, at 2J50 p, m., at hsr late realdence, 19 E, Claplsr at.. Germantown. Interment private at Ivy Kill Cemetery. Prlenda may call Tuesday evening. 8 to 10 o'clock. Cecil County, Md., papers plsass copy. CALLAHAN'. StART CALLAHAN, 1310 N. HHh at. CAIXANAN. Suddsnly, on Decmeber 6, 1014. SARAH, widow of Jamss Caltsnan. Funeral, on Thursday, at 8-30 a. m., from Callanan ava.. Rosemont, Pk. solemn Re qulsm Mass at 8t. Thomas" Churoli, Villa noa, at 10 a. m. Interment at St. Denis" Cemetery. C.W.I.KN. On December .1. 1914. JAMES A., son ot tha lata James and Sarah Callen. Kunsral. on Wednesday, at 8 a. in., from TOO Gray's rery road. High Mass nf Requiem at St, Anthony's Church, at 0.30 a. m. In terment at Cathedral Cemetery. CAMPIIELL. Suddenly, on December fi. 1914. DAVID CAMPnBLI. Funsral services, on Thursday. Decsmber 10. at 'J .31) P. m . at 4183 Orlscom at, (formerly Franklin at ). Frankford. Interment private. CHUTE. On December 6. 1014. JANE, widow of James Chute, Funeral, on Wed nesday, at 6 a. m . from 4S2 Baltimore avs., Chiton Heights. Delaware County. Pa. Sol. emn Requiem Mass at St. Francis ds Sales' Church, 47th and Sprlngftsld ava,, at 10 a. m. Internum Old Cathedral fametsry CON1.IN. On Dscembsr 8. IBM. KATHA JUNE M., wlls ot Frank J. Conltn" and daughtar of Annla and tha lata Frank O'Rourks, Due nolle of the funeral will b given. COHDNEK. At Chicago. III., on December 4, 1311. EDWARD Q. CORONER. Further notice ot tb funsral will be given. COBCHUN,-On Dscsmbar 6, 1914. W1L IJAM H. COUGHUN. Funeral ssrvlcss Wednesday, at S JQ p. ru.. at 7021 Ciearvlsw at., Mt. Airy, Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. COX. BTHEL COX. 41M Warren st. DKKNEV. On Dscsmbar f. 1914, MARGA RET, widow ot John Dssnsir. Funeral Thurs day at 8.30 a. in., from JW North 37th it. widow of Edward Urlffln. Funeral on W.n: ?.' .ft-?1.?130 "! '!?!" 2I North loth 101 HAMILTON. -Or, r,-mx,. A lots win. OAHET HAMILTON, widow o'f John Itanul T.t?,1v..Pue notleo of funeral. 'JtfsnS" December 0. IBM, WILLIAM B-,'ItyiNE, son of the late Daniel a. and Catherine Buchanan Irvine, Friends, presl-"""-iPd board of directors, Real Estate Tills and Trust Company, members Builders' Ex change. Philadelphia. Retail Lime Doalars AMlL"on "d all o'ber associations of which he was a msmber, are Invited to at tend the funeral services, at his lato rest dence GOtli at. south ot City Una, Over brook, on Thursday, tha 10th IniU at 249 p. m. Interment private. JA.MK3 On December B, J0I4. JOHN W. JAMES, husband of the lata Rachel E. James. Funeral services on Thuraday, at S p. rn... at 2304 8. 0th at. Interment at Trin ity Lutheran Cemetery. KSBi&Se,0,? Dcfm,br H. CHARLES E. KJSELY. RelatUea and friends ara In vited to attend funeral ssrvlrce m tv.Ma. day. at It a. m., precisely, at 6138 Rids avenue, Roxborough. Interment strictly no vate. Kindly omit ndwera. UELI.Y. On December 0, 1914, JOHN KELLT. Due notice of funeral will be given from the chapel of Andrew J, Batr A Son. 10th and Arch ata. ' KEPHAIIT. On December , 1014, FRANK. husband of Elizabeth Kephart (nee NaglsT Funeral on Wednesday, at 1:80 p. m., from his late residence, luu Ferry road. Fella of Schuylkill. Interment at Ivy Hill Cemetery. K1NCKNEIL On December 0. 19H. RO MANU8 F husband of Susan Jtlncknor. Services on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at his late residence, 2314 North Marshall st. Inter ment Northnood Cemetery. LEAKY. On December 4, I9M, ANNA, widow of Thomas Leary. Funeral on Wed nesday, at 8:30, a. rn.. from -141 Taaker at. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Esmond's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Old Cathedral Cemetery. MAYER. On December 0, 1014, CHARLB? MAYER, husband of the lata Julia Mayer, nee Sopp. Funeral services on Wednesday, at - p. m., at his lata ealdence, 2-80 North Grata at. Interment at German Lutheran Cemstery. SteCANN. On December 6, 1014. EDWARD A , husband of Mary Jane McCann and son ot tha late Richard and Catharine L. Mc Cann, aged es yeara. Relatives and frlanda, also Washington Camp, No, 387, P. O. U, ot A., are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at hU lata residence. 124 North Luray at., nermsntown. Interment private, at Ivy Hill Cemetery, Remains may be viewed Wednes day evening-. MeGINTY. On December 5. 1914. NEII- iiusDana or Eus&n Mcainty (nee Frlel). Fu neral on Wednesday, at 8:30 a. m.. from his late realdence. 2400 Amber at. (Amber and ork sts.) Solemn Requiem High as at Visitation Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. McOOVERN. On Decsmber B. 1914. MAMB. wife of Thomas F. Mcdovern and daughter of James and Anna Dever. Funeral on Wed nesday, at S:SO a. m.. from 200S Cedar at. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Ann's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at St. Ann'a Cemetery Mr80RLnY On December 6. 1014. HARRT J. McSORLZY, husband of Susanna C Mc Sorley. Funeral on Wednesday, at B'M a. m.. from DIS North 13th st. Requiem Mass at St. Malachy's Church, at 10 a. m. Inter ment at New Cathedral Cemetery. METZOER, On December 0. 10M, JACOB T. METZOER. aged 82 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho runerc,! services, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of his son. William II. Metis ner, 20 Douglass st. Interment private. Please omit flowers. Remains may bo viewed Wednesday evening, NEFF. On December 6. 1014. MARTHA, widow of Louis Nerf (nee Radenbach). Fu neral on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., from 34S Elklns sve.. Olnev. lnt,pm,nl nplvat OC1IB. -On Dscembsr 6, 1014. JJ. HELEN, wirs or Anton Ochs (neo Herr). Funeral on Thursday, at 2 p. ro.. from her late rest- aence. :u rsicnoiaa st. interment Jit. vsr non Cemetery. OROAN On December 6, 1914, MART E.. wife of Daniel H. Organ. Funeral off Wed nesday, at 8-.30 a, m.. from 3418 South S2d at.. West Philadelphia. Solemn High Requiem Mass at Bt. Raphael's Church, at 10 a, ro. Intsrment Holy Cross Cemetery. PARKSOn December 6. 1014, HARRT W,, husband ot Ethel J. Parks, son of Joseph and late Margarst Parka, grandaon of David and EUxa Parka. Funeral asrvlcea Wednea day, at 2 P. m.. at 212a South COth st. In terment Mount Morlah Cemetery. RAIT On December 6. 1014, THEODORB JAMES, beloved eon of John a and Wini fred Rapp (nee McOowan), axed 2 yeara .1 months 18 days. Rslatlrea and friends ara Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the parents' realdence, 037 N, S0(li at, Intsrment at Holy Cross Cemetery. ItEHE. At Blua Anchor, N. J., on Decem ber B. 1911, FREDERICK REBE, Jr. Funeral services will be hsld at his lata home, Blua Anchor, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. Internment Blue Anchor Cemetery. SCIIItOKnillt. On December B. 1914, MAO DAL1NE, daughter o( the lata Valentine and Magdallne Schrosder Funeral on Wednea day, at 7:30 a. m., (rom 423 Kaat Livingston st. (East Columbia ata., between Bslgrada and Thompson sts.) Requiem Mass at St. Boniface's Church at a a. rn. Interment prnate. St. Peter's cemetery WLVKItWOOn. On Dscembsr a, 1014. JOSEPH SILVBRWOOD. In bU 83d year? Funeral services strictly privets, at his lata residence, 420 Green lane, Roxborough, at the convenience of tha family, SPAI1KS. On December o. 1914. OLIN. bos band of Mabel Sparks. Funsral services en Wedncsdsy, at 1 p. ro , at tha resldenea of his father-in-law. Frank Mott 18 Haddftn ave,. Colllneaaood, N. J. Interment rrlvao,. STANSnUll. On Decsmber T, IBM, MART mr-Kis, aaugnisror Wilson V and Anna E Stanshury. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tha funeral services, on Thursday. SL'.P 51-' h.'r nta' residence. 3144 Franktord ave. Interment private. SDTTOI On December D. 10M. HARHT A SUTTON, aged 12 yeara Ralatlvea anj friends aro Invited to attend the. funeral amices, on Wednesday afternoon, at . o'clock, at his late residence, jjoi brandy wine at. Interment private. T0,vtt!GT0.l'' " December B. JSI4. ALICE, widow of William, 8. TorklngfoB, Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday attsrnoon, 9th Inst, at 3 o'clock. at hsr lata residence, 823 N. md st. mtar roent private at Westminster Cemetery TOUSSAINT At Waterford. N. J., en De cember 8. 1JM. CATHARINE, wife if Isadora tvurasiuk 4-UUI141, uq 1 saUIICtUeaVJ, JJSC bir 0, at 10 nrui. TTarajr Trt term-nt (tUr lirook Cemetery tJwf Jcry ITL. from that rtlMsltca .-li iatal son, arry Touts Int. Waterford. N J. Is, THATR HANNAH TRATE. SJt Lwfae4 WALTERS. On December 8, J914, ELLA J (nee Evens), widow of John waiters. Fu neral aenloea, on Wednesday at 3 p. at 240 S 64th at. Interment Ttrewood Ceme tery ZKMHRODT, On Dscembsr 9. MM. CARO UNA C. widow of Peter P. Zernbrodt. Fu. neral aervtow, on Thursday, at 10 s. ro TM her lata reildmwe. 9983 Moor at. Iotermsnt Or sen Mount. ' SNOODLES' DIARY : IN WHICH HE PUTS A RUBBERNECK RIDE ON THE BLINK . . r egaag3TCl "ZT--. L'W TOAO051" I cJS; IT MEANS SIX PIP $ " 1 KWNU' S tnl, Klf llilla fMEM. , VENT P0lf P wmmmmmmm "' lll,rlW '"'" '""" ' 'ifefk imJh.ii MSIII -"mil s.,.1 .f4gi 5fc Cr"""-"" -'' 1 "- m "'"" '" I ill ! t- limn i ijii nisassjiiui i r ir sffTTtlsaslli ...i ,1 ' ' -ttithh. J