Newspaper Page Text
EVENING LEDflEB-PHILAPlSLPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1QU. '''''"''IBIIIIIllil 111! I ....., I .1 .. . -. .. . . ... . . jtmna.. .. , , m HELP WANTEB-JMAUS General ' LEARN TO MB A ClUUFFEUn .la the largest repair ahopi In this city. A practical courn In drlTlnjf and repairing . AUTOMOBILES' ,, A A SMALL COST TO TOU IN WEEKLT PAYMENTS ., . . VT Instruct In our shops, working -with cur MtJVxiiH n hmiH dad. 4 hours erenlng. Bee our hlg "hop classes now working re- Mil i""' wjKa Kwrj'v:;: .. RD USEE .U VWVXV K,f Wll " n.w..- ... I MADE (50.000 In flye years with A "" mail, order Business : mm 1" ?"v noi for free booklet Tells how. Heacock, 608, Lockeort, N T MOVING-PICTURE OPintATimJ taught. IIS; positions secured, open dally JlM Monday, Wed., -Frl. ergs. Molt School. 1B08 Bansom. OHESNBWAliD'8 , , Ejecutlra office positions, tech. and Bales fcositlons ! htgh-oless employment exclusively I "books and hHthk gratis 880 B. 11th it. MTUATIONS WANTED tfEMAXB XNT HIGH-GRADE commercial por tion can be qulokly and satisfactorily ailed br the Commerolal Registry Bu reau, at Ledger Central Mlis Dean, I ha employment speclatlet in charge, as annllcatlons on ma of competent saperlenoed young women lor all sorts t office position. BOOKKEEPER Thoroughly experienced, de slrts position where ability will count! com Uttot to take entlra charges posstta execu tive ability and will make good It than a tflat In a responsible poiltlon. B 85T, Led ger Central. Ciui4NynaB .F"'"?5",rwi,.?"l. Sff"- 447 W. Dauphin i l. ihuiit iwi.iim COOK-Competent English ,VtoMt ft '" position I good references. 1820 Falrmount ttTt. COOK, colored, first-class, wishes poeltonl beet re rerenco. ra. just. o w -- COOK or housekoeper: Prot.!adult family! no waahtns! suburbs. 2301 W. FlrthaL COOK, first-class, with child 5 yearai olty or country. M 745, Ledger Central. . COOK Touiur white Protestant OOK TOung wniie l-roiesianij, u .".J,n private reference. Telephone Walnut 1T13. has Bjfja wiirr-r,w, arcerlenced woman wishes position fa private family. L 703. Ledger PIT. COOK Reliable up-8tate woman! competent! reference. L 701. Ledger onloe. COOKINO and downstairs work! Oor.Prot.! competent and experienced. M 73S. Led. Oft. DRESSMAKER wants engagements homo or out! good titter. 1030 Montrose: Pick. 2241 TV. TRENCH lady's maid, competent, . seeks posi tion. Write E. P.. 243S columoia ave. GIRL, German, experienced, destrss position In email family. 2735 Brown St. HOUSED IVEfl find their help problem qulokly solved by Ledger Want (Ada! many appli cants from whloh to make a se uto ": views can be arranged any day "4 hourj at the Household Registry Bureau, second floor. Ledger Building, 6th and ."giv.."" upon or telephone Miss Read, In charge. KOI WBWORK-Oerman woman , good cook. desires posmon in aparimoijio, ";' VI ne work! West Phils. nrf.rred. A 200. Led. PIT. " ; INFANT HURSE. capabl U. E. cor. 12th and toth ble full chai s, refa. ave , uan ne. MOTHER'S 'helper. t?e4.70umK. whlto Cif'f gftoq tean.nre, t - rrrrTTiTmra tiAinar or chlldnUTBO. North Ger IS :r aTrl. reSied. M 721. Ledger Office IJtURSE. practical, wishes engagementa; terms B"iV,hi. Phone Germantown .043 LY. (fURSE, praotlcal. wishes care of Invalid or nervous pauenu m i. - OFFICE MANAOBR-Capablo younr woman: is r.. with oreeent firm, which la. retlrtnr from business: thor. knpwloogeo1 ?5Kr In T and huslnese methods P 012. Led. Oft. OrFICE OIRL. bright. aotWe, knowleage ihorthand. typewriting. E 747. LedgerCent. SBAMBTRES3 and maid wishes pos.: would wait on tnvnlld; good packer; best city Tef i rShce. Annly by letter. ai49 Cherry sL raBCRETARY (confidential), with 10 yeaa pTt.TSTi.1 employed at present. M.. 121 Arch st. BTENOGJIAPHER AND BOOiraEPER Younr business woman of exceptional abili ty and experience along commercial lines. Swing acted as secretary: capable of hand finr details of office in an efficient mannsr; best inferences from former employers. B 033, Ledger Central. Wf BTENOORAPirEin, experienced. accurte,.com- and promotion, that require ability; excel rent referencee A 36, Ledger Office. IsTTENOGRAPHERi'neat and dependable! would consider moaeraio salary; rvtervaco. . o. Ledger Office. . sTTfaNOGRAPHEIl Rapid, caroful, 8 yra.' x Kperlence. best refer. H EST, Ledger Central. Eperlence. best refera. rELEPHONS operator wants private branch; thor expd., best refs B 737. Ledger Central. SVAITRES3 CHAMBBRMA1D Closlnr resl unce. employer would like to obtsln posi tion for good waitress, cluunbsrmald. Mrs. Oeortm K. Crozer, Jr., Upland, Pa. Phone, Ben 126. Chester. - 'WOMAN wishes work, sewing, washing or ironing i Aienan ave., ail. Airy, j'none Germantown 6073 W. TOUNO LADY OF REFINEMENT AND ED UCATION. JOXfKHIISNUKU AH BTlil.NU. ORAP1IER. WILLING TO WORK HARD CAN TAKE CARE OF CORRESPONDENCE AND MAKE MYSELF GENERALLY USB- rlL IN OFFICE: MODBRATD SALARY. 04T, LEDGER CENTRAU SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Are you seeking iratnlnr and eXDerle man of necullar 1 tratnlni and experience for a responsible I sales, clerical, executive or technical po- EMltlonT., f The Ledger'a Commercial Registry Bu ! reau has on tile at Ledger Central busl : ness records of many capable men. Bet- ier consult Mr. Walters and let him help you solve the help problem. IaCCOUNTINO Young men, thorough knowl. euge ox DooaaeepiBg. v. '. a. stuoent. de sires -work for Friday. Saturday evenings or Sundays P Q. Box BIO, Phlla. ACCURATE, neat typewritten translations! eipanianx;ilEUBn cum. cur. lurnisneq proiqpt- ly. very reasonable rates. E 83.', Ledger Cent. AUDITOR. OFFICE MANAGER AND secretary, thoroughly experienced ln all departments of office detail and account tngs highest recom. F 440, Ledger Cent. IfiUTLElt-I am looking for a situation for my nuclei, cait iwruusmj recvmnivna mm aa honest and sfnetsnti German, does not speak English fluentlyi very willing. Call Ardmore visTst o d. m. f JltrTLEll. German of good education, wishes private posmom iu-i;ias rsis. irpra i&uro pean hotsls. Ad Butler, 4133 Germantown av. CHAUFFEUR Practical, well-trained mechanic, careful driver, courteous and attentive manners, open (or new position 1 total abstainer, 5 years with last employer; private family preferred 1 highest reference B 830, Ledger Central. UFFEUll. white, 22 years old, good me. ehanle. 8 years' rsfsrsacs, destree a posl rreisreacs, ucairee a poei vate party; willing to tour. tlon with th a private party: willing to tc Address M. BUT. LeJger psntrai. CLERKEnsrgstto young man, 21, a years' expsilenca la offlca detail 1 asst. bodtkseptng, typewriting, time t payroll, receiving work, etc ,A1 references. B 448, Ledger Central. COOK and butler Man and wife, white, flrst clais on. pastTy. dinners, dessert j reference. A. iai, leuser wtuc. COOK BUTLER Japanese wishes position In family 1 reference, a , 111 N loth CORRESPONDENT Younr man, 38, lollege rrraduate, S years business experience! at present with publishing boose, desires new connection offering better ppportunlty for ad vancement, excellent refs. F 08, Led Cent. dXDENER, thorough praol, All-around man, unaesstangs pwuur 1 w, , iw,a. w HOUSEMAN or butler, sober and neat, ci . Mfersicer Call 78 Boutli 12th r phc tiiilnson 8388 ood one HOUSEMAN or butler, sober and nsat r gi "VsfereyT Call or phone" Dtcklaaon tasa. Hoi-'eEMAl-t Colored settled man. fltsf-clasa refireace: Call or write. 4018 Locust st I f&ijsztftsgxzs ntflsi 9 W at. 1 wife wish petitions together, nun butler and nouaenun, wUe as cook, out- . wore. Bin reiereaca. n IJ4 uvaser oal. will do work cheap for 1809 Park ava Jobbing patater. 3. . wlanaa nnsifrftn garastt. VI -KB, Lad. Ott jQHUg saas, age asL pew- a,iu iZT. ' 1 tJ " --- t at 1 uvmiw enu -gbuti t PraKtlM. ; JSiirsfc'iWV Ocal t in" MiTiiiriiiT' " r.Emrs TBPPB sjeewjssajg JfBb' - JfeffteffiT"0 t jaaMiir-fetr wasSMy biuTSLF Je fcwKf J&9H BITTTATIONS WANTED MALE STENOGRAPHER A bookkeeper. 4 yrs' exp., reliable, Indus , t-eetjref KJM, ted Cent TIME CLERK or asslstsnt carpenter ihop foreman young man S4 desires poaltlon in or, out of clt references aid bond If re quired. F 140, Ledger Central . VoUNG MAN, M years "old" military educa tlon good appearance and aggre-Blvc, several yea-a' experience In civil engineering and ejnetru-tlon work, two lears" sales experi ence in advertlelng bualreeai excellent ret enee... Dod buelnesa opening la required A 203. Ledrer Office. YOt'NO MAN, aw 18, knowledge of bopkkjep- aw ; tnhr. ing, Bienograpny, niinir mn eneral oMca work! can operats tn1flrnn a(Idrfo rriinli MMnlnmtlA, Anri nrttl .........,-.., ---;-. ing niacfiino. nfl detlrea position, rerornccs r....r.M ......w...u.v. ...- F 50, ledger veniraj VfrtuVfl UfAM OO n 1nr.'Aflnn no ability, ra a DOI- 'r."1'".'"'' ,"ir.-r. 'jj.i-.- - ;., no experience, noi Kmoiuwi, utbiii-h n wr. tlon with a brilliant future. D 040, Ledger entrai. SfOUNO Kngllahman and wife deelre poi aa butler, and oookt flrst-clata refei Itlons rentes. U i'.t 4T n. im 1. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COOKS, chambermaids, chtldnurscs, house work clrls and laundresses want positions. Miss note Dougherty. 131.1 Olrard ave. EDUCATIONAL ,and Domestic Employment Club 233 S Sydenham (near 18th, Walnut) vanteq govemewA nurses, cooks, ounem. BOUTHEnN Employment Directory Select ool, cooks, house'ds. cnam'da, walt'es. also male help; refs 1331 Pine Upchurch's Bell. OUAltANTDBD white help supplied without advance, -reiepnone him ciais, xki b. uutoh. THE new Northorn Agency, K3 N eth. Kens, IlHt. neip wantea ana suppnea. W1LLET, 1800 Monton stj, 8. Phlla Southern help; city or coun ; ret. Phone Dickinson 8062. AUTOMOBILES For Bate OVERLAND roadster! must sacrifice: business irom lonni noniy Limeii, excellent condition cellent condition:' demonstration at siaii- ION OAItAOB, 00th and Ludlow, or OlZt Ludlow, C. J. Ln Fleur, Belmont 4M9. Iai. from 1100 up. Convenient terms. Lanist S8T. 1423 Vine St. I'nATia S. A B. Auto Co , 1012 STHTZ tourlnf car, good condition, $760. Olrard AUto vorxs, avio amoriage si. AUTO LTVEBY AND OABAGES AUTOMOBILE taken on dead atorags. South' ern uarage, hum ouin uroaa bt. F1HHT-CI.AS3 touring car, ll.Bo pr hour. Call Main 2204. , . AUTO PAINTiNQ BOLTON, the Auto Painter, can also make your old mohair top look like now. 3013 Cambridge st. Phono Preston MB AUro painting, lst-class workmanship, 1S up ;'s Carriage Works 000 N 20th Pon. 17i0 Herat MOTOBOYOLES AND BICYCLES INDIAN For sale, 1014 Indian motorcycle. z-cyunaer, z-spea model; practically new; Iv electrla llahtlnr and horn avstem! tandem at' syi 13 tnchraent; original price $310; will sell for em. r. loi:, ioger uer Central. BUSINESS N0TI0E8 Ladles, have your furs altered anit-re- paired to the lateit styles now and avoid FURS delay later on: work guaranteed Prices moderate Phone, Belmont 2384 W. CHAB J nOOfla. 51.17 Arch at. EIKErN'8 I Formerly with Bonwlt-Teller. Spe. FUR I clallst on remodeling high-grade SHOP I furs; wcrlcmanshlp guaranteed 1711 Columbia ave. Open evenings. Dla. 8688. POOR CIRCULATION Nervous troubles, rheu matism, anemlo conditions, nesh reducing and upbuilding. Mechano and Electro-Thorapeu- tica. Alice m yaios. u-u n. uroaa; fop 4M3. VACUUM cleaners repaired; Simplicity and alt makes; hand and electrla. Phone Poplar 2331 1 will call. Hand D. Mfg. Co , 1103 8p. Garden. EXPERT REPAIRING Furs altered and repaired to latest style iteuuoie rur k.t . out a. (ua Woodl. MATTRESSES renovated, new: featheni renovated. 1; guar, equal to uicxeis. iiuu a a. Hemstitching done while you wait. A. Reich ard, 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Review patterns. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES MINFJlAL JXOORING. STOP BBINO A PES. S1MIST1 TOP TALIUNO WARII "OET BUSY AND MAKE YOUR BUSINESS PLACE ATTRACTIVE BY PUTTING IN A NEW MINERAL FLOOR. YOU DON'T HAVE TOTBAR UP YOUR OLD WOOD FLOOR. JUST SEND FOR US WH DO TUB REST. NO STOPPING OF BUSINESS NO LOSS OF PROFITS. WB DO IT RIOHT. PHILA.'-MINJ BRAL FLOORING CO., B03234 SUMMER ST , PHILA. STOCKS AND BONDS. It you own securities that are not paying dividends we can conert them Send name of company and particulars. P 030, Ledger OHIca. . 'CALL TABS," DO YOUK books tell the truth and at the right limer 11 is our ousineeB 10 arrange accoums so that the true state of your affairs will be quicxiy apparent, ji. u. uai parent. II. C. LECB 1200 Stephen Ulrard Mldg, lien phone, Wal. 11 j. SIDELINE FOR salesmen visiting drug stores or naraware aiores: article tnat every housewife; per cent. P 013, vill nay commission of Ledger Office. ADVERTISEMENTS, claaslfled. rjlaced any where! ask for lists. C. Edward Wells, Odd Fellows' Building. 13th and Spruce, FOR SALE Famous hotel; catered success fully for 48 years to theatrical people. Fur ther particulars B 444, Ledger Central. PICTURE theatres, all prices, slies. location; good Investments Barrlst & Co . 214 N. 8th. XMAS SEASON Space on Chestnut St. for rent: cent t ground floor. M 744 l.ed Cent. GLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATfrEHB AND FANCIES CLLANED, DVBK CURLED AND MADE INTO LATEST STYLES. MAILHOT. 1B10 CHE3TNUT. CONSTABLE SALE CONSTABLE BALE, WED. 0TII, 2:80P.M., 144 N. 8th. Contents of Museum. DIAMONDS AND JEWELBY DIAMONDS BOUOIIT Bank Rsfarenoes. Appraisement, 1 HARRY W. BM1TH. Yl7 HANSOM 6V. DBESSMAKING AND MTLLINEBY 4- CUTTER AND FITTER, experienced and ex port, advanced style, street and evening anvviie, iifuivu iiiiui alien terms. Phone Baring 1472 W BWlie, uifurvu iuiui aiiereuons; spsCUU DRESSMAKING taugni; anort, MoDowsU's, 807 Denokla Bldg..lfth A Market! ADVANCE styles In drsssmaklng at moderate Wtvm wq a aph ft uicniamog Q1S4 W 70B SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d hand, bought. n.u, ,......, h w. .&.., vv utruru V. CAMERA 4X3 tslephoto. plats holders and film pack rapid Isns automatlo shutter; will sell at Bargain "or exonange for Eastman kodak. L OSJ, Ledger CcntraL CANVAS COVERS, any else, for building con tractors. YOST, 716 N Delaware ave. CARPETS, sold, storage, Wilton, Axmlnster; suitable boarding A apt houses. 1310 Poplar. 11EATKHB Novelty and other makes removed for water heating, rebuilt and guaranteed! InstslUd cheap, MAKlN.fM20 Bridge st, OLIVER TYPEWRITER, No, 8: aplendld condl". tisn. new platsn will exchange for talking machine and records L 083. Ledger Central. TUXEDO," with fancy vest extra, length S0H Inches, waist 20 Inches, made by Robert Stuart. Call 8917 'A Carpenter st , Wsst Phila- peiimie, mwur, xjec. w a. m to p. m. ISIS CALENDARS, imported and domsstlo, at nipoi ttly sacrtflca (u quaoi. buyers, Penn Paper Co, za . Otl (th St.- jrUBNITUBB FURNITURB ALL KINPS-rWILL BUY V)Uls mna AiiAjA ezev 4324 N HSI LAUNDBTES FAIRMOUNT LAUNtXRY TWO LAUNDgRYOPNt8JfcBn 847 S. 81TH BT PIKWB PROTON 488. UANATUNX "FOR THOSE 108 LBVKR1NO BT RY LH MSYK, 18. USB the Blind' Laundry SE 8847 Ludlow Phone Belmont ma ga Pulien; PAINTING AND PABBHANGING j 1111 V" " IF '"'- - -- ' f" "TT-"- ' JsrttgEfeiaje WANTED C4W.-W.3sra.jitL 1 aao nHM- pwj" ?? y iMW-yeo- btfLl wsisiit best ' cage given. A fJfT rp7Ci sold for oliVai.-njuls, rub. nt?, firni",iT Q4sy uWAn bur set tesaB Iron oapef eta wages calif rrr Beutkweeurs JuaA ca iTOf -r Cajnoettse LiVi IK, Kace MM BOOMS FOB BENT ABK LEDOEn CBNTTTlAti WHKIIE TO LIVE This Information Bureau ha on rtla Very complete data regarding desir able apartments, furnished rooms with and without board The vacancies are Indexed according to location and price. Consult these flies without cost and ears time and worry. You will prob ably locate quickly and satisfactorily. ARCH, 2081 (The D!amend)-Deslrabls sin Klc or double rooms: transient or permanent i running hot or cold water In every rooml 2 B0 per week, rhono Spruce B5C4 ARCIi, slrabV 1933- An oDcortunlty for few people to obtain warm rooms. hot, running wate r ; rates reasonabls ARCH, 1700 Nicely furnished . rooms j running water; single, double, phone Locust ga a, BROAD, N S285 WeU-furnlshed rooms, prf vate family; refined. Diamond B001 W. BUCK1NOHAM PL, 227 (48th, Walnut) Two lurn. rms., couple or gennemen uparu opu CEDAR AVE , 4820-Nieely furnished 4 roome and bath: ought to be seen to be appreciated; convenient to cars Woodland 648. CEDAR AVE., 4605 Large, newly furnished room, pnone ooaiann sioi. tv. CHESTNUT, 1003 Desirable vacancies, south ern expceure; 2d-story front; running water. CHESTNUT, 1020 Desirable furnished or tin furnished suites, private bath; profee. offices. CHESTNUT, 1028-Nlcely furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite convenient! phone. CHEflTNUT,2041-JLarge front room.beautlfully furnished ;, next bath; all convs i phone. CHESTNUT. 4217 Desirable rooms, private family; table board next door; phone. JEROME ST., 1326 Beautiful, furnlshsd room, ad) bath; ntar Hunting Tark. W)o. 2081 J. LOCUST. . 1223 Desirable and reaa., double ana single rooms, private uainsj good service. LOCUST. 4400 Gentlemen can have single Will. double room, cam, in rennoa private noma: also room: convenient Baring 1B20 W PERKlOMEN, 877 Large, furnished saloon iwuui, uiinumw pnone; privaie ramuy. 1'INB. ew-single and double rooms: turn.; """i ci, eiectrio uxni; private patna. PINE. 1333 cheerful vnmnclH flrst and seo ond floors: steam heat. Walnut 7124 W, SPRUCE. 1127 Desirable furnished or partly uniiqu rooms; eomncrn cxp ; run, water. SPRUCE. 1180 Well-furnished, well-heated hall room far gentleman: all conveniences. SPRUCE, 120.1 Lsrgo furnished front room. jajnjTOinig wnier; private family. SPRUCE, 2022-DeslraTla 2-roorn suite, with private bath: slngls room: owner; phone. WALLACE. 1000-Large front; also reccntloii unfurnished U, DUll Droiesaionai 1 man; privat entrance. Phone PoDlar 018. I'O UT, 1124 Desirable rooms single snd en suite! bath: also for business purposes. 12TH. 8.. 114 Comfortably furnished double room: prnnte family; gentlemen; phone. 16TH ABOVE SUSQUBIIANNA-Thlrtl-story front, furnished; board If desired! reference: . all convs Owner, M 432;jgdjcrCentral.' 1STH ST., N., 118-Sulte, with bath; single rooms) steam heat. 44111 tlT.. S . 21S-Attractlvely fum rooms! i""." i"i""ji mwim oniionai; pnone E2D. b 1124 One room, crlvnte bath, furnish. ed or unfurnished pri. ramiiy. wooa iwjq vr. DESIRABLE furnlshsd room: board optional; PIUVXtE FAMILY will Trent larKa room to vu.viucm ,u curator ave. cars WOOQ Iiao ? miibiu t.nry; . rnua.; m. Hfimont 7 I Professional Offices. 2QTII, 8 . 113 Desirable flrst floor office: suit able for doctor or dentist. Owner. BOOMS WANTED YOUNG MAN of 80, college graduate, cultured, splendid character, doslres refined home with adult family; references from exocutles of Publics Ledger staff. For particulars call or address L R. F., Room 218. Lodger Building. Bth and Chestnut sts. BOARDERS WANTED CHESTNUT. 4000 Two desirable second floor front cpmmunlcatlng rooms: single or en suite: hot and cold water: board CHESTNUT, 4048 Nicely furnished rooms, with board: also table board! convenient to elevated and trolleys. Phone Preston 0324 D. BPRUCE, 1210 Desirable rooms single or suite; private hathi excellent table board. WALNUT. JOH Desirable second-story front muim, bai.cviwhi mom uonru. xiaring 77. 16T1I. N 8118 Communicating rooms on 2d floor, excellent table. Phone Tioga 6040 W. 40TH ST , ,M 700-Prlvate family will board reflned gentlemen Phone Baring 848. Suburban PULASKI AVE . 4603 (Germantown) Attract, cor, room, -t windows: excellent meals: refs. APABTMENT HOTELS THE E'S M O N D 8. E. COR- 12TH AND SPRUCE STS THE LINCOLN LOCUST BELOW 13TH BTREET Several desirable suites and single roomi with private baths, disengaged. TRANSIENT AND PERMANENT GUESTS ' THE PARKSIDE GIRARD.AYE, AND 40TII ST. Suites. 1 to 3 rooms and bath APABTMENTE ASK LEDGER CENTRAL WHERE TO LJVE This Information Bureau has on file very complete data regarding deelr able apartments, furnished rooms with and without board. The vacancies are Indexed according to location and price Consult these Ales without cost and save time and worry. You will prob ably locate quickly and satisfactorily. APABTMENTS PINE BT., 1700 Two rooms and bath; 3 rooms and bath; reasonable rents; only 2 apart ments left. APARTMENT BUREAU. 13th snd Spruce. PINE, 1703 2d floor apts.; 8 rooms; bath and KKcnenette. ail mouern conveniences &PRINO QAHDEN. 1711-2 Urge handsomely furnished 2d front rooms, bath, southern ex. posurs;- hardwood floors, hot watsr. SPRING GARDEN, 2101 (corner)-Unfurn,: 8 rw.i eiec. iignt. sieam neat, pnone; rea. uunnpti ex. ,rt . . . j . !, M-.ww, a j ai AI biiiBltva KII4 uunvn offices, modern In every respect. APART- r uuuhau, lain ana apruce sis. WALLACE. 2023- Second, sitting room, kltch- enene. pain, neat, pnone; nicely lurnisoeq. WALNUT ST.. 4303 2d floor, unfurn.( lovely rms., prlv bath South, exp. Prsston 2726D 17 TH ST. B.. 232-Bachslor apartments, fur- nUBed Or unfurnished, slngls and en suite. 10TII, N, 1840 Apt., furn or unfurn,; housed aeepina; rooms privaie pain, sisam neai. FOR VACANCIES and complete Information of all apartments free, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 18th and Spruce sts. Prone Walnut 0S0. or write for "Apartment Directory," December Edition Free WILL RENT 1 or 2 rooms and bath, beautl fully furnlebed private home, to party with sooq merence ai cor, imager wenirar HOUSEKEEPING apartment, two rooms snd bath, central low rent. P. R. Company, Aii niui,riKiiia xjunuiny ONE or twn gent'n; elegant fum room run. water, bath hot-water heat 634 N 18th st. tfUBNISHED APABTMENTS SMALL fumlehed apartment for rent corner ltr and Pine its M 838. Ledger Central. t. ' i ' . i t HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS HAMILTON COURT CHESTNUT AND 80TH 6TRBET3 One Housekeeping Apt, 8 Rooms and Bath, One Housekeeping Apt.. 8 Rooms and Bath. B n THATCHBR. Manager. .THE NASH 1527-39 Spruce Street HANnSQMJg TJP-TOIJATB HOU5SKBEPJNG APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON JWST FLOOR Apply on Premises , IfrBojSaSBIsK. JflMt-Bxoenaat spartnJinTi BEAL SNsTATE POR SALE CITY "CALL IAbi" jmmjmmm&m sxai m BBADESTATE EOB SALti OKnLNTOWN CHOtCB ptopertlee In alt Metloha. of Oln , Mt, Airy.. Chest h.: Ml pricel Write fcr special list J. II. chadwlrk ft Co 8618 Uerrrlantown 1 k j ' ' Chestnut Hill CHESTNUT 1LL-New. three-story, convent- enceyt 22x210; 10 mln. from Wynom Reaillng Itwy. Phone Chestnut Hill Wyndmoor'Sta., 1 1IMOV Tlogn lOTIt BT.. N S048-Destrable two-stoty 8 roora porch house, modern convenlencj!i gooJ invcBtmcni a or, i-ieoger entrau BUDUntlAN ' ,. ' nE.qT PllnPOatTIONn In Delaware send ror 11st, bwoph ft bomb, iwrpy.ii'a. . i Lnnmlalp. r. 1 0 ACRES, on. trolley line, adjoining Lansdalet B-room brick house, conveniences, hot-water tiestj barn; chicken house! fruit and-shade: 84200 A. II. Tyson. Lansdale. Pa. Bwnrthmors Po. .t STONE aetached.awT .10 rms .good order! nea ata.; pons,; 34300 ,Q M. 'Amsn,120t Chestnut. MA1? LtNE, rA. It. 1L Ardmore FOR BALE Modern 11-room houee, recently built! all ronvnnlences, bath, laundry, steam heat and hardwood floors: beautiful condi tion! situated In hlgheet -part of Ardmoret 114 Grand View M ; tot 48X178; Will be sold st a bargain; IMMX Apply Chae- B. Hires, 210 N, Bread si Phlla,, or phone 8SS Ard- SEASHORE. Atlantic City, N. J. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J, Beach-front villa! hot and cold sea water baths: 0 bedrooms fi baths, garags! must be sold at once! Philadelphia exchange con sldered. M 028, Ledger Ofrlc National Park. IT. 3. YOTJR opnortun'tv: lots 25-ilBO: near trolley overlooking Del.: adjoin. Campbell Soup Co, development. Greater N. J. Co., 83 B. 18th. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS GREAT fruit and stock farm, 23 miles west or i'miodeipnia: ironeymaaer ana count) Moms; must be sola; make offer, J, Tnompson, west cnester, PS. SOACRRS, I83CO, 2H miles West Chester. A. D.- Heald. West Cnestsr, Ta. FLORIDA FARMS 200 ACRES near r-o Funlalc Spring, Fla. (one) of the most delightful sections In that State; exrellent productive soil: 00 acres under cul tivation; the finest garden truck and fruit land In Florida; pecan, fig and peach trees bearing: small house and outbuildings; valu- Ine timber on trie place; best me stock range in the Btate; near National Highway and It. R.; title O. K.; possession can be ar ranse to suit purchaser; n splendid winter home and a good Incomo producing property! this property Is offered for an Immediate sale at tho low figure of only 320 per acre. Any one desiring to purchase i wire or write W. J. Mullett, Lookport. N, Y. BEAIi ESTATE SAEE OB BENT PLOT of ground. Including building. N. W. cor. Hancock and Columbia, Gans, 2411 S, 13th. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic City. N. J. HOTELS, cottages, apartments, etc, to ex change for Philadelphia properties. Chas. B. Fell, 83 S Pen, a. ave., Atlantlo City. BEAIi ESTATE POB BENT CITY CENTRAL, second floor, one or two rooms for rent cheap: suit any business or profession. p R. Company. 1317 Psnnsylvanla Bldg. Oak Lane 7102 YORK ROAD 2rstory house; all convs.; near station Bougher. 1823 N. Broad. SUBURBAN GENTLEMAN leaving city desires to rent house ln Wynnewood Manor; excellent condi tion: garage, old shade; very reasonable rent, F 42. Ledger Central. POB BENT PUBNISHED Atlantic City, N. J. APARTMENTS AND COTTAGES for rent, furnlahnd or unturrlshed. by month, season or yesr, all locations: prices J23 per month up II. O. Harris Co.. Bartlett Bldg. MONEY TO XOAN REMEDIAL LOAN COMPANT DF PHILA DELPHIA. A philanthropy on a business basts, organ ised by prominent men and women of Phila delphia. MEMBER OF TUB NATIONAL FEDERAe TION OF REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIA , TIONS Loans To FAMILIE3 living within city On HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE as security. For DEBTS IN THE HOME. Applications at office only, KMPIRBi BUILD1NO. 13th and Walnut sts. MORTGAGES "CALL TABS" 130.000 00 FOR FIRST AND 8ECOND MORTGAGES SAMUEL H CHESTNUT 1310 CHESTNUT BT. THE KID'S CHRONICLE WltiXiYUlI, wat ln the werld are you lalllnff about awl to yureself, ma sed to pop in the Betting" room last ntte. He laffs beat who snickers to hlroaeir, Bed pop. Its a venr rude thins to do, how do I no yuro not lafflng at me, sed ma. Bekause If I BtarUd to laff at you Im atrayed It wood be lmposserbll to atop, eed pop, no, my deer, I am chortllins be kaugt Bumthlnff happened today wich proves that I am not sutch an unlucky dawff aa I thawt I was, my deer, for the ferat tlrao slntg I can rtmembir, I fownd aumthlnaT today, and I have bin going tbroo life complaining that the ony way I evylr KOt enythlns: wa by tenting awn the gwett of my brow, My Hoodnlos, wat did you find, sed ma. Its not the lntrlnslck. value go mutch as the ldeer of the thing, as the gerl sed wen she fownd the glass diamond In her lngagemtnt ring, eed pop. I no, but wat did you And, was ft muny, sed ma, Yes, sed pop, but of corse, as J say, that Uent the kwestshln, it was jest the notion that I bad to go awl throo life losing Bumhlng eyyry wunts In a wile and nevvir finding anything that was getting awn my nerves, and now that Ive fownd aumthlng at last I awt to be ixoused far a gtggll or 2. Im not blaming you for glggUlng, sed ma, but for mersey sakes wy cant you tell a persln what you fownd. The best part of it vias, sed pop,, that I fownd it rite in frunt of my own uoar step, jest as if the gods had dropped it tbare to show me I wasent suteh an un lucky cuss aftir awl. Imagine, cot finding so muUb as a brass slug for yeers snd yeer and then kuming aokress this rite at ray oan frunt dear, wy, its enuff to gouge sv glggU We of nyboddy. WUlyum, was it a haft t dollir, sed ma. Ifesk, haw did you no that, sed pop. W'Ulyum. youve fownd wy haft a deJHr, sed roa, wall ixent that the most exter ordlnery tWng. X 'coodent imagine ware. I dropped it. it must of slipped out of my bag wen I was taking out my la.UA. key. I no the date awa It and awl, 1S. and thare was a Htta) Htok ta Use e4ge of it, yu look aivl see. WUfc vP took a haft a dolUr out of feat vest peoket aji4 loak4 at it and IfaisM tt awn tb et isvut as eaytblas. Muring. Pash it r4 sisuae M, Its a wun dlr ytM woaaent ptjt yive totograff avn evry BMy " ease anything bapflns to it ooufownd it asul blast U. wat ar you auickkertsig about. And & took a seasu out of his. puckit and tut tt and attiJ w tmoM so hard you Bath) tMAk he ws sUviBst ltwBertaysfcla f ' ' - " sssissis.ssisi li ssMsiSi is-mi s I ll i i .! ... . JsssaT- r . .- t t t B ...... r , . t t Wl . .. SCRAPPLE -.I-:w M; ! 1 ' ' ' ' - " "' " " I I kJ&mim JO jK ' ' III 1 lv wn kifl&ssJxixV,fJJsJjPIB arflsssss) 9 4 -London Opinion. 'Z 2A f?J ( "S 2A E i lit. J THE CROSS AND THE CRE8CENT. W '" ft ", ' ' ' ' " ry . y-- I ' ' '! Opil'iJV nr mlpegTrJ : u. : j' THE SAMD TItEATMCNT. Hostess They tell mo, doctor, you ore a perfect lady-kiner. Doctor I noauro you, my dear mad am. I mnko no distinction jvhatever; , between tho sexes. , , , . "What is your last namoT" "deorge, ma'am." "George? What is "-your name?" ' ' ' other I' K "Jdhesl" - C "Ah, Hones is your last name!1' "N,o'm; my name was .Jones' when I was born, but I vaa named? George after that, so that's my last name." phe "I want you to bo earnest with me, dear)" He "I ean't be Earnest 'cause my name is George 1" v THE BROTHERS BIGGER , . , JI-jJMY L eilSSW aiBBEBTfNBBBSI M W PS?" sasBssssHsV l J mw.. vsilv rexn itsrt &v3m J nnsun , 1 1 WI!BrjrfiTj.V ir W vssVr j -v llMfe'i1'!.?'''" I -. . fflj$b I ' ( NEXT M0RN1M(J EABtE OF A YOUNG lilAN WHOgE DOCTOR PRESCRIBED j " COLD BATH& L BL- Took here, ypung man, you've been kept after school every day this week. JVhat's the reason?" - ."Well! y' see. Pa, I'm -ao popular with my teaoher that she Uites o lot rn,o go home." Daughter (whose husband is at the front) Oh, mother, isn't it splendidf Harry's sent me this paper with a marked passage about what bea bean doing. It says, "Captain of tho Fusiliers, under heavy - rescued from the , Now everybody will know Tiow brave He Isf-Lcndon Pcnc. ATTEND THE MOVIES TOGETHER EVERY EVENING AND HASN'T PAID TO GET IN FOR MONTHS ..,, , ' Helene "Why do you use two kinds at paper'ln writing your love-letters?" Gladys "When X write t$ Jltn I use pink, .paper,, because .that jnjeana love, , and when I -write to Tom I use blue; for that means faithfulness." -!, ie5uu 'SSI fa