Newspaper Page Text
jMH'glWWWM!1 vinjfa V," fiVENIlfG LffiU.QER PHILADELPHIA:, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1014. 0 fe BRUMBAUGH HERE TODAY RESOLVED TO KEEP THE FAITH GoVcrnor-clect Emphasizes His Independence in Not able Speech at Dinner in Washington. aoVarnor-elect rtrumbauKlu-wW rturn to Philadelphia, lata today to complete his work as Superintendent of Public Schools and to prepare for the session of the next legislature and for the namlnic of hta cabinet. He will come here from TVaahlnrton, where last, night lie declared hl Independence and pledged himself to carry out the promises he made during hla campaign. The aovsrnor-elect was th6 stiest of Representative William S. Vare at a Cnner In the Shoraham Hotel, Washing ton. The other members of the Perm lranla delegation. Including A. Mitchell Palmer, who also spoke at the dinner, at tended anrt, met the new Governor of thiMr State. 'The dinner was an nlmost open align went of tho Varo support behind the Governor-elect In tho efforts which he pledtred himself to make to carry out the proirram ho announced during his cam paign. Incidentally Itepresentatlvc Vnre boomed him for tho Presidency. "When the time comes," said Mr. Vare, in Introducing the Governor-elect, "tho people of Pennsylvania will offer Doctor Brumbaugh to tho people of tho nntton as a. protection and DrosDciItV President. Aid 4f ho should be called to that high offlco the American people will have rea son to be proud of Pennsylvania's gift to the nation." Tho Governor-elect made his declara tion of Independence fit tho conclusion of a set speecll. "I made certain pledges In the course o( my campaign," he said, "which, with your help. I hope to see crystallized into law. One of the great things that must b'e done Is to give the people the social Justice which they need. I said With your help. But If you do not give me your help, If the men in tho ranks desert, I will go right ahead and do these things alone. "I want to stand with the majority. Hut If needs be, T will stand with tho minority. I Intend to keep every pledge I made in tho campaign. I Intend to work to carry out the program of, legis lation designed to respond to the need ef the people of Pennsylvania. I hope I have your suppott, but If needs be, I will fight alone." .James A. Dunn and John JlcCllntock, Jr., Representatives-elect from Philadel phia, have come out In opposition to the Statewide primary law passed by the last legislature, and have Intimated that they will work to repeal the law In the next CegislaVire. The withdrawal of William DraDer Lewis from the Washington party t(:ket, and the huge cost of the primary campaign, were pointed to by both men s 'proofs, of the Inefficiency of the law. .Washington party Sta.le leaders have decided to have all of the Washington party measures which failed to paas In tho InstibCsslon of the Legislature rein troduced In the coming session. The Washington -party has one man In the next Senate, and one In the House, so that the party's bills cart be Introduced In both branches. The party Mill also havo r tiommltteo in Ilarrlsburg during the session to work for Its measures.- These bills Include child labor, workmen's com pensation, and other social legislation, most of which was drafted under the supervision of William Draper Lewis. Neither "William V. Beaton nor Charles Kmcly wjll Have the support of the Re publican Organization for re-eleciton as Magistrates next year, according to Re publican leaders. Byron E. Wrlgley has also been placed on "the sliding board, they said, but Senator-elect William Wal lace Smith may help him. Boalon has been Identified with the Washington party for two years, and may have the Washington party support. John Col lins, leader of the loth Ward, may havo the Republican support to succeed Beaton. Emcly and Wrlgley were elected on the Worklngmen's League ticket In 1910. CITIZENS WANT ATHLETIC FIELD FOR HIGH SCHOOL Request Made by Cedar Avenue Association to Board of Education for West Philadelphia Boys. An for an athletic field for the West Philadelphia High School -was made to the Board of Kducatlon In a eommunf eaHon received fMm the Cedar Avenue Improvement Association and read at the meeting of-the board today. The association points out that such action by the Board of education would give the West Philadelphia pupils only the advantages that are already enjoyed by the pupils of the Northeast and Central High Schools. Tt Council of the Higher Schools sub mitted a resolution adopted by that or ganization recommending that at least one person, qualified by special high school training and experience as teacher and administrator, be included In the De partment of Superintendence of the. Board ef Education. The resolution was de clared to be fpr tho best development t the high schools. It was referred to the Committee on High Schools. Residents of Ith and Pitswater streets Pfesnte4 a petition asking for a play ground adjoining - the James Campbell Sihool, which was referred to the Prop trty Committee. Titles of the following properties will be Investigated by the School Solicitor, and, if approved, the properties will be Wnveyed to the School District; US !.. h1, treet' consideration 600; im South Marshall street, consid eration StTfiO. lot bounded by list street. Itfons avn,ue, jW4 street nd Bruuswiak avanus, consideration J9S00; two lots. 5(h 7, ' TTi .7ii? """. consiaera. tions JSO0O arid 15600;. lot ft aotti street, north of fcth avenue, .consideration ITSSQ; Iteration 2?,40O. 1 ' " i" " .OUT OB" WOKK BINGE THE 80s Breaking- 3?ocks at Honesjmrg Say's Tirst Jpb iu a Geaerttloa,, A steady position for thita tuiWik. , fee Uolmeburg iustitutta. pteraWrse xjis r mads into tsug Wwj, ?; vhwiw vii 99 mama. iggy Magistral K dosha w at Cwtfwl sta- a. The man was arrest! ala rfuru H&ew ion Is it sloes trout. i...,i At stone CUvaUud'ji am Ad tlsa," capita , Aaumanu- istwj Hsnsbaw U. m jity w V9i mi Mrt UisWUh UU 3a- actual tmr lluea mmiI&s, -thmmWn tkmt u -v-atf gild no puit- ef wotJiThre, BDDIB COLLINS SOLD TO WHITE SOX Continued from Page One ' stead of some of his other players were as varidug as the reasons for his re trenchment policy In gtneral, In Ihe first place, after .Jhe federal League made Collins an offer In Chicago last summer. Mack was compelled to accept n. contract from his second baseman which was dictated by Collins himself Irt every detail. The contract was, as Mack stated, for a "term of years," and while the White Elephant leader did not say so the terms or the contract called for the largest amount over paid a lorat baseball player. Furthermore, there had been friction between Collins and Cnptaln Ira Thomas. The cross-purposes of tile captain nnd leading plajer never reached a cltmnA. At the same lime, something or ih hind would surely have happened after Thomas nllowcd himself to be quoted to the effect that Collins had given awny many of the secrets of th Athletic players In his newspaper nnd mngaslne articles. Considering all of these things Mack de cided that It would be beneficial to Ills club to turn Collins over to nnother team If satisfactory arrangements could be made. The result Wns that on last Sun day, unknown io nearly every one ,ln Philadelphia, Connie Mack, Charles Comlskey, Ban Johnson nnd Eddie Collins held a conference at the "llellevile Stratford Hotel. The result was the sale of Collins to Comlskey. It is not cus tomary for a player to confer with his own nnd hla prospective manager when a. deal of this character is about to be consummated. But owing Id the stead fastness of tho contract which he had, Collins' consent had to be obtntned be foro he wan bound to play for any manager except Mack. Ever sinco he developed Into a slar performer the name of Eddie 'Collins has been the by-yord for baseball efficiency. Ho was said by John J. McQraw to bo tho "world's greatest" baseball plnyer. Tint remark wns made by the manager of the Giants after tho completion of tho world's series of 1013. That he Is the world's foremost exponent of the na tional pastime Is agreed universally by critics. Ho Is not only a batter of won derful ability, but he excels as a fielder, on Urn bases And In nll-tound .play, which of course include tho "headwork" end of the gnme. In that respect he probably outclasses any man In the game todny. Ills quick-thinking on tho Meld In crises of mnny battles have time and again turned defeat Into victory for tho Ath letics. Had It not been for the terrific hitting of Collins during the seasons of 1913 and ItH, the chances are that the Athletics would have been beaten- out, and probably would have occupied at tho finish of the season a position below second place On tho field Eddie Collins displays as much "pep" as any man that ever played the game. He Is not what Is commonly known as a "crab," but his attitude In general Is well explained by the nick- Via me which the? Athletics call him "Cockle." That cognomon Indicates that Collins is olways ready to look Jo his own 'rights and to the rights of hla fellow players. That Is true. Nothing .ever escapes Ills attention that is occuring dur ing a game, and It he does not think ths,t his club Is getting It's due he Is right after the umpire, not vulgarly protesting, but putting up a logical, though spirited argument. As far as kicking against de cisions of the umpire on close plays, Col lins Is seldom seen In that role. He be liefs that tho umpire docs what he con siders right and lets It go at tharT Off the field Collins is one of the moat likable, congenial men that cer donned a uniform. He Is highly educated and Is conversant -with moro'subjects than any other player In the American League. Collins Was a student at Columbia Uni versity, whoro he made an enviable repu tation In all branches of athletics. He was a football player of rare ability, de spite (he fact that he at that Umo weighed only 14S pounds. Collins' last year as a football plajcr Tins tho last that Columbia had a football team. On numerous occa sions Collins was choseji by the coach of the football team to go in as a "pinch" runner and he Invariably "came through", with the necessary gain. During the last few years Collins has developed Into a baseball writer of rare ability. Ho 'writes well, and, thanks to his intimate knowledge of baseball af fairs, has been able to give the public a remarkable account of several world's series besides special analytical arti cles, which were at once technical and Interesting, a rare combination. Collins Is one of the few "player writers" who does his own "stuff," He operates & typewriter rapidly i and does all of his work a his. home In Lnnsdowne. The hub of the Athletlo Infield was born ill Mlllertown. N. Y May 2, 1887, After taking academic work at a number of schools, Collins entered. Columbia Univer sity In 1903, where he applied himself with equal diligence to his studies and to ath letics. He mado the varsity baseball team his freshman year, playing shortstop. He wore tho Columbia uniform up tQ 19W, When ho was elected to captain the 1907 team, but did not return to college. Co'iule Mack was "tipped oft" to Collins In 1906 and had a scout look him over. He was tried out with the Mackmen, playing under- the name' of "Sullivan." He used that name while he was playing Independent and semlprofesslonal base ball In New England during the summer of 1606. During the seasons of 190? and 1908 Col. (Ins was tried at every position on the I infield nnd also in the outfield by Connie Aiacii- lie am not appear to ne a goon outfielder, but was often used because of hla lare ability as a hitter. At short stop lie did not suit Mack. Finally, in Lamps Carved Wood, ' v- Mahogany and Verd Antique Designs An almost )ftdjs tart, cty of liretjy .lamps Vor every 0u$g at !p4 crate prlccj. The Horn & Branflsn Mfg. Co, 9fttt Ssjbpn9IOa 437-435 Worth Mtm4 St. &MH Waffe At 4itfwtf AN -INDIRECT APPEAL Guess what he'll doi with that 1909, It was discovered that Covins -was a second baseman. There he went at the beginning of the season of 1D09. He gained countrywide lenown his first year and since then' he has helped Mack win the pennants of 1910, 1911, 1913 nnd 19H, nnd to capture the world's championships of 1910, 1911 and 1913. louring tho past season Collins gate Ty Cobb a great race for batting honors. He slugged at the rale of .314, a. few points behind the Georgian, but Collins played In 352 games, white his Southern ilval appeared In only 9" contests. Since the close of the world's series of 19H, when Mack decided to break up his great machine, tho sorvicca of Eddie Col lins have been widely soughtt He was talked of for the managership of the New Tork Yankees. It Is known that Comlskey would like to have Collins as manager of the White Sox, but Eddie will not accept that position, at least, for the present. He was In New York yes terday and this morning completing ar rangements with Comlskey. Collins has not made up his mind yet whether he will lemove to Chicago for his home or not. The chances are that he "will not. Mrs. Collins 'was formeily Miss Mabel Dunn, one of Philadelphia's popular soci ety girls. They have one child, Paul Col lins, who la three years old. The departure of Eddie Collins from Philadelphia will be regretted, more than that of any other player that oyer per formed in this city. While every one here Is loath to ses h!m depart. Collins will leave for Chicago vwltU the good will of every man who has ever seen him play on tho diamond, or who has ever read ln lh8 P&Pers of his almost miraculous deeds on the diamond. COLLINS TO MANAGE SOX Athletics' Star BaVeman "Named as H ' ComlskeyVCholce. NEW YOIIK, Dec. . "Eddie" Collins, of Connie Mack's 8100,000 infield, will manage the Chicago Whlte'Sox next sea son. Chatles A. Comlskey, of the White Sox, announced this afternoon that the crack second baseman had agreed to sign a five-year contract. Collins. Is to receive a "satisfactory" cash bonus. Neither the amount of the bonus nor the salary were mentioned by Comlskey. and Ban Johnson, who confirmed the deal, Comls key said that Collins "would have no In terference In tho selection of his play ers." ' Tho purchase of Colllnsjy Comlskey will result In a general reorganization of tho Chicago Americans. "Jimmy" Calla han, who"bas,been manager of the team, will become president of the club, accord ing to report here. Comlskey refused to be quoted on this question more than to let t be known that Callahan would re main with the club. Useful Sensible XMAS GIFTS IS LEATHER Tiavellng Bags. HRIEP CASES. TrtUNKS. SUIT CASES, Limousine Cases, Wallets. Umbrellas, 'Etc. Special IteosJr Dept. ' ' ARATA & CO. SBurt The Old Trunk Stand. Established 113 118 S. 13th St. Watches ' 1il- . Zl For Christrtias 'Gifts -''': ' ' No employer, parent, .club .or frjends could choose a more appropriate gift thai',a .good time-piece. The frequency with Yhich a watch is consulted makes it' extremely personal arid keeps thevgiver in constant association. We handle only such makes .and grades of watches as we can recommend, and the service of our watch experts is back of every time-piece to insure absolute satisfaction. .. & Unpopular Bracelet Vatjl' we offer an exceptional value: a 14Kt. . thin model, fully jt.wdetl watch with sold ojr silver dial at "$20,00. ' " Ottur-Wattti... tar. Women freaff 8.00 to J0O,0ft. ' . met i!ra$f6JL, 14K' n- PCHfS atph with jeweled movei 22,000 photographic illustrations of the lowest ana best in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware arc shown fa joiir new catalogue," EveryUiine is so conveniently clasifed and accurately described and nrfeid tha llfi;, u easy ana pleasant, vc want you r ' f -w v kiv uiik tu yuu ircc o request. .&KIND & 30NS DIAMOND MERCHANTS gSWgJRS-SILVERSMJTHS 1UO CHESTNUT STREET W.' jS CJa, Until CuutM4 J Baltimore Sua. extra change in his pocket. FINED FOR SCALING LIVE FISH Magistrate Decides They reel Pain i and Punishes Sealer. It Is Just as painful to a carp to be scaled alive as It would be to a human being to have his hair pulled foot by root. Magistrate Hagerty decided at his office, 1016 Pino street, this morning, when two men were arraigned before him on tho charge'of cruelty to animals. John Lodn, an employe of John BekofI, a fish dealer of 610 South 4th street, nc coidlng to the testimony of Thomas Carlste, superintendent, and Henry A. Frcderlch, an agent for the Woman's Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, did the scaling, but the Magistrate discharged him, holding that Beckoff was responsible for his actions. Lodn, It was testified, took two carp from an aquarium at the store on South 4th street and scaled one of them without kilting It, because "scaling was easier while the fish was alive." "Pish have nerves Just like any human being," former Fi6h Commissioner Wil liam E. Meehan testified "although they are not as developed as they are In higher animals, and I dcJ not think they suffer such' acute pain. The nerves in a carp are near the skin and the actions of a carp when scaled alive indicate that they suffer pain." , BeckofC Was fined 810 and costs. COMMEND BAT CAMPAIGN Physicians "Urge Public to Join in Task of. Extermination. ,V resolution adopted by the Committee on Public Health and Preventive Medi cine of the College of Physicians, com mending the campaign against, rats in Philadelphia, was received today'by Di rector Harte. of the Department of Health and Charities. Tho public Is urged ln the resolution to assist Director Harte's subordinates In the work of permanently eradicating the rat by traps, poison, and use of con crete ln construction and repair work. "Men's, $5" We make our shoes for the man who dresses well. Our lowest price is five dollars, be cause that is where quality begins, Stet 1420 Chestnut "Where only the best Is good enough." - .;',-. to hive a oav for reference m - ' 'f w TJJ- w "B 'jaw .jij EPISCOPALRECTOR CAUSES DISPUTE BY CHANGING SERVICES Rev. Dr, Yerkes, of Church of the Transfiguration, Criticised by Some Publi cations, Praised by Others. Changes made In the form of serv ices of the Eplscopnl Church of the Transfiguration, 84th street and Wood land avenue, by the rector, the Hev. Dr. Ttoydeh Keith Yerkes, an instructor In Hebrew In tho University of Pennsylva nia, and an Instructor It) Old Testament Literature nnd Language In the Episcopal PMnlty School, have caused wide dis cussion In Episcopal circles In this city and throughout the country and in the publications of the denomination. The Church of the Transfiguration, be- foie Doctor Yerkes became rector, uas recognized as one of the high Episcopal Churches In Philadelphia. Becauso lie did not believe that the customs as he found there were In the best Interests of the parish and because he did not personally approve of several of them, Doctor Yerkes, soon after he became rector, began" to make changes, nnd there was some opposition. Hut the new rector, firm. In his conviction that tho future of his church depended on ad herence to his decision, demanded that his course be followed. The change wns put Into effect gradu ally in the last year. And In October Doctor Yerkes published nn article in the parish publication In which he mentioned "certain Catholl6 customs which would be prohibited" and declared that "the members of the pariah should consider It a privilege and opportunity to attend all the services of the church." CRITICISED BY PUBLICATION. The American Catholic, a leading organ of Episcopalians advocating high- church customs, published in Los An geles, upon receipt of a copy of the issue containing this article, Immediately dis agreed with Doctor Yerkes, nnd In Its December issue published as the leading editorial an article entitled "Erroneous Teaching," In which It criticises the changes" nnd plans o( the new rcotor of tho Church of the Transfiguration. The reasons given for this criticism are stated In this introductory paragraph: With not a little surprise and sor row we learn from hla own writings, printed ln his parochial paper, that the Itev. Dr. Yerkes, rector of the Church of the Transfiguration, Phila delphia, has marked his advent Into that parish by prohibiting certain Catholic customs which he found in existence there, and by an explicit denial of the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday. Tho customs' re. ferred to are singing the Introlt. Gradual and "Benedictus qui Venlt" In the Mass, and making genuflec tion In the Creed (at the Incarnatus) and (after the Prayer of Consecra tion) as an act of adoration to Christ in the Eucharist. The Chronicle, an Independent religious Journal, published at Poughkeepste, X. Y.. In the Interests of the Protestant Episcopal Church, praises Doctor Yerkes and recommends that other ,cJxur.ches copy his article in their parish papers. CONGRATULATES DR. YERKES. This paper publishes the article In full under the heading "Discriminating and Positive." and Introduces It vilth the following words: We congratulate the nev. R. K. Yerkes, S. T. p.. upon the manner In which he has Introduced .certain changes In a parish where we think changes could well be made to bring St V-' ! Af fill Mtl m,il -iXltJl M 1 ; .'. -V... ' t M it back to tho standard of wurshtp and ritual which more nearly ap proximate the form of worship and teaching of tho Frotestnjit Kplscopat Chttreh In the UnlloJ States. For the edification of our render we tinole the following passage from the Parish lapcr of tho Church of the Transtlsurntlon of Philadelphia. Following n reprint of the article lri its entirety, the editor of the Chronicle ends his article with this comment: Wo would respectfully suggest all Churches of the Transfiguration please copy and then-some others. AVhcn naked If he had any comment to maKo on the article In tho American Cathollr, Doctor Terkes said that, for the present, at least, he did not care to dis cuss It. "I lo pot tianl to enter Into a. con troversy because 1 believe It was a per sonal attack-," he said. "If It had been n discussion of principles, I would gladly sny something about It." ArTBNDANCIJ HAS INCItBASBD. Eer since Doctor Yerkes took charge of the Chuirh of the Transfiguration, now a Ilttlo mora than a year ago, he has been making changes, but none of them brought out much discussion throughout tho country, although they did cause some dissatisfaction to certain members of the parish. Some of the membeis left the church and aro now attending churches nearer .their homes churches that Include their homes In their parish territories. Notwithstanding the withdrawal of these members who did not approve of the elimination of tho high church features, the figures given ln the Parish Paper for October show that there has been an Increase In attendance at tho serves In the church. The majority of the new worshipers aro within a few blocks of tho church. The Increase In attendance Is cspeclnlly noticeable at the Sunday Avntnw a.nrl.. .u.....b ub. .... "mere lias oecn a growin msu in iuc Sunday school, a, troop At Boy Scouts Is meeting regularly, the men's guild Is well nttended, and those who approvo of tho rector's methods are pleased with tho re sults, The pnrngraph in Doctor Terkes' article In the Parish Paper, which the American Catholic criticises as Betting forth "an explicit denial of the obligation to at tend mass on Sunday," reads: We should like to suggest that .there Is one way In which every communi cant of tho parish can render val uable assistance In developing tho parish Into a power of good ln the community, nnd that Is by regular attendance at the Sunday evening services, unless unavoidably detained. There Is no soundness In tho theory that we ought toattend some serv ices of tho Church willy ntlly. and that other services are entirely mat ters of option, and, If anything, works of supererogation. All of tho serv ices should bo regaraed aa privileges and opportunities. COUPLE "WED BY MAYOK Ceremony Performed in Executive Office at City Hail. Mayor Blankenburg olTlcIated today at a, marriage ceremony ln his office at City Hall. The brldo and groom were Miss Carolyn A. Schwemdeman, U12 Letdy avenue, and Henry G. Ormsby, a r?a estate' dealer. Too North 26th street A number of friends accompanied the bridal" pair. Diamond Gifts Within Your Means Genuine Diamond and Pearl In 14k. Gold La Valliere, $13.50 You'll renllxr -nhnt irouderful tnluea vrc offer -when you ronipnre our jirlce with prices rtne-,Thrre. Corar nee our ueir ChrlstmnN fork. Genuine Illnmoiid nml I'rurl I.a Vallleres as Ion n 83. MITCHELL'S Diamond Stores 37 South 8th 56 North 8th Diamond Hook, Free on Itequeit Raymond Knox's Cough Drops 10c a Package And thpy'rt worth It each one -wrapped atparately in waxed paper. For Sale at All Drug Stores Smith. Kline & French Co. Wholcaala Dlatrlbutora. Don't Make This Mistake About ADAMS Some people say "ADAMS goods are high priced"; or, "ADAMS caters only to wealthy peo ple"; or, "ADAMS does not carry the inexpensive article I want." These people are mistaken. They do not speak from experience They know that ADAMS is recognised as the highest classed con- ' fectioner in this city and thoy immediately jump to the conclusion that extraordinary quality moans exorbitant prises. ADAMS prices are never higher than others ask for similar goods; in many cases they are considerably lower, ADAMS catena to responsible people; not necessarily wealthy people. ADAMS makes the lowest priced candles that give entire satisfaction. If these things wero not true if ADAMS prices. ApAMS ser vice and ADAMS candles were not such as to meet the approval of the thousands of salaried people who buy where they can do beat ADAMS could not have a record of twelve years' continuous growth, and loested out of the shopping center. So. do not let a false impression prevent ou from seeing what ADAMS has to offer, Come in, examine their staeks, natis the wide range of BricMt. compare their values with thoaa nhm- where. Really know ADAMS as it iav-yher than vrtsafc some p9il if think it isand yo will be convinced feat ADAMS Is the, most m- , ft iiuuucai piutc iu uuj, u(iqd aim quality coHJSiuWfO ADAMS eaadiee are always fresh in sanitary sealed -pseka.' and net sold n Uer stores. They are sold m, weir lt--aSa tradition. p Wnlt, Ittseraph . teUpKmt your CkrUttmis enUr? Mriv te tMw ltmf aWtWry. Wt wti Mr ty fmi jpwt tuw yaw wiwi (fr Uwr tfeer tfotiy, Mw&r t jirs, Hfijial tHrxi .mm r Si& mtm. tft afJ CM SeJft mm Urn Cm a tfjx f J (hat airHnjp tqitht md SMW .re4 ' ADAMS Me. 8. A9. $IM mmd ptJM 2t South BMrf LAI ASSOCIATION IS FOR ONE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Appeal for Consolidation of Present Tribunals' to Be Meeting Today. tiotnolldatfon of tho Common Pleas Court's of Philadelphia will'be urged upon the next Legislature by the Law Aesocla- lion of Philadelphia at a meeting to be held this afternoon. It Is expected an ftp peal will bo drafted asking the next Leg Islaturo to pass a. bill which will com bine all of the present Common Pleas uouns or l'hilaaelphla under one prtsj. dent judge so that a constitutional amendment can be submitted to the vot ers In 1817.- - . Tho- Law Association first "orgfcd on Common Pleas. Court for thut county la 1509, when It recommended that the Legislature pass suoh a bill. One was drafted which consolidated the Common. Pleaa Courts In Philadelphia and Alle gheny Counties. The provision regard ing Philadelphia, was cut out of the bllt as It passed the Legislature that year, nnd when the amendment vu accepted by the voters ln Mil, after It had passed a second Legislature. It provided a con sotidAted Court -of Common Plea's tor Al leghcnjr'County alone. in 1813 the association again requested the Legislature to take the first aten I ....... rail . . , . ' iv.xiia provianj nr one Court of Common. Pleaa foi PMladelphla, but the bllt did. ,nm pass. Tho matter will again be taken up by tho Law Association at Its meeting this afternoon, and the association will proba bly recommend that the Courts df Coitjm mon Pleas of Philadelphia be reorgonlted. as the Allegheny County .CJoart Of Com-' mon Pleas Is now constituted. Under this plan all Jurisdiction and powers- now vested in the Me Courts of Common Pleas of Philadelphia would b vested In one court, -composed Sfia.ll the Judges of tho five courts. V. Give HIM -. an Overcoat? $ or an Ulster! LET IT BE AN "N. B. T." He'll appreciate it every stormy day.'thrft'bloSvs'Qr. the next three or four years, and then some! - Here's one at ?20, cither in blue or gray, a big, warm, double-breasted Coat reach ing down almost to his shoe tops! It has the famous Perry convertible collar that Tolls up under his chin without cutting his throat! Every other good hind of Overcoat from '$15 to $55. , lJerry&Co.,,'N-B.T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. B4 ttvm St., PkiiMph "psjpisp ,: wsn