Newspaper Page Text
;js. T "$M' " "ST nfRwwsw. v ftMS(fptesAj-sfty J U IS k i H Si ri V n m r iL i.i- HB1 -, L-Eifp Br sSiiHBk -wr KfflSLt' USE nw. g 'TR:,' SHr- Hi " W f 'm 9 BskWi Is -S wiiiiti ? m mm &VBNTNO LEDOER PHILADEIH.IA,. .TUESDAY, DEOEMBE.B 8, 1914. RUSSIANS DEFEATED IK BORDER BATTLES, TURKS NOW REPORT Constantinople Claims Otto hian Victories in Lake Van Region Reign of Terror in Asia Minor. $ CONSTANTINOPLE, Jco. S Ftehtlrip between tho Tureo'Ruitl&n fcrcod ijlottgr the Persian border has been waged Ilercelr for three lys. The Turks liave ben victorious An official state ment airs Thrt TtllKKlatl ntlAfkn t-nml tit f.Ak Vjin (Kufillatnn) have been unsuccessful Our troops, advancing from tlevandux, have eccupled Goujbulak. an important Russlnn , point on support, In the'ffrovln.eo $f Azer baijan." r in Transcaucasia, also. Turkish sue es aro claimed. The statement continues i "Near Adjara we hae gained new suc ests over the nusslans, capturing can non and ammunition." Tliela claims, twrtlculirlv that of vie- tory on the Persian border, are directly contradictory to Russian announcements yesterday. PETROGRAD. Dec. S A TlM message says after several days f hot nshtlnir the Russians have won a uccess On the Perso-Turklsh frontier, having received substantial assistance from the Armenian Irregulars and the population At one critical Juncture nn Armenian priest pointed out the Turkish artillery on tho summit of a hill and offered to raise guides to lead the Russian troops to It. The offer was accepted. The Russians divided Into two parts, One made a frontal attack. The other, tinder direction of the Armenian guide, KOt Into the rear After two dajs' battle tho Turka were defeated and the village destroyed. At another point the battle lasted three das. Finally the Russians clinched mat ters with a bayonet ' charge. On the Q?rcsensk front a whole division of the regular Turkish cavalry was destroyed. SIX NEW CORPS STRENGTHEN ' GERMAN OFFENSE IN POLAND l r Western Battle Front Drawn on far Reinforcements, PETROOrtAlJ. Dec 8 That the Germans wer able to make vigorous attack for eight dm up to Liecemuer 6 by the arrival of telnforce ments of six army corps, about 2W.OO0 men, and five earnlry divisions Is ad mitted In an effliial statement Issued Here today A part 'of the new tttfoos cams from the Western battle arn It U lftr1 and 'others were new formatloVin Owing to lacK of cohesion, the Germans suffered great loss. It to asserttd. The omclnl statement today that the "desire to retail! Lodz would urate in convenient In rrrfri Important respects ' Is accepted as confirming tho German re ports that Lodz has been enntured The further Atatement that the defense i of Lodz "remains to be revised" Is taken as additional evidence that the Germans now occupv the city and have made It one of the principal points In their line. RUSSIANS HAMPERED IN MOVES OF MONTH OF POLISH CAMPAIGN German Reinforcements, Damaged Roads, Broken Transportation Lines Ob stacles to Progress, "Eye witness" Review States. mi.i rn ui ttmm ., v Ji PH. Evsi5ifa -sisSv? niurr rdw;ffl iisrra isini Eiiwrw, hit airi" m wty. wt . - o-jawMMuunn mmi y wmMwmiLUi Hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 wilt MSmjM -Vrom "Jusand," Cyf Munich. AMERICAN HOSPITAL AT NEUILLY PRAISED BY ENGLISHWOMAN Mother of Wounded British Aviator Also Finds Much to Admire in Nursing of Frenchwomen. Devoted "Fickle" BHRNB, Dec S Private advices from Asia Minor- Indl ato that tho situation In Palestine and Syria la erlous. Turkish troops are looting homes and hops everjrwhfc. ah"d the commandeer ing or all visible supplies is; being jArrled .. w a.a ,,1.1, , viicut, iiic intHsionajy hospitals at -Jerusalem and Damascus have been robbed of all surgical Instru ments and medicines. A German military governor la In charge of Damascus and the surrounding coun try, and the Germans have set up a Wireless station on the Mount of Olives. ALLIES TAKE TOWN AND DRIVE WEDGE Continued from Face One The Russians lost heavily. It Is asserted here. In North Poland it Is reported that the Russians lost 1500 men In an aotlon. The German army there is hotly pursuing the foe. Tn Southern Poland the Russian attacks at rietrkow have been repulsed. Expectation is high here for anothec great German victory. The army of In vasion Is massing for a new drive on Warsaw. Warsaw Is now the goal of the German armies in Poland following the fall of Lodz. This Is made clear In an official review of the military situation Issued here today t says concerning Warsaw: "If the Investment of Warsaw should result from the present operations It would rob tho Russians of their most Im portant railway communications and put them In a. serious position." The operations In Poland, which have developed, Into the bloodiest battles In the history ef the world, are declared to be approaching a doclaivo climax. "That news of decisive actions In the ast may be expected any day." says the omciai review, "is snown uy latest re ports from headquarters that everything1 tM proceeding- according' to program. This can mean only that the operations .thus far haye been successful. Gepnan military experts derive great ncouraggment from tho fact that the latest Russian reports are much less confldenY jbaji heretofore' Reports sent from. Russia that the Czar's troops defeated the Germans In nn attack at CxenstochoWa with heavy losses on November are denied with the. following statement "The contrary la true, an attack by the STtrt Russian army corps, which advanced votll only 60 metres from tho German sront. Jas defeated, on that day. The Hussions left very great number of KUle4 and wounded on the battlefield and wsr obliged to transfer theJr positions iarthjer back," czafP.Straightens centre to protect warsaw German. Casualties at Xodz 100,000, Petrograd Says. PETROGRAD. Dec. S Tho Russian army in western Poland, whose centre was driven from the city ef Lods after desperate hand-to-hand flghting. has straightened Its Iras' for a determined resistance against the Ger man drive toward Warsaw 7$ miles to tfc. northeastt The eepturo of Lods by tho Oermans, It la held, furnishes no particular stra tcgio advantage, as the city Is unfortl mk. However. It marks an advance of svral miles front the German position. w(ilch for two weeks bad occupied a front weft of the places extending X wtlM front Siadek to Strvkof. The .winning of the city, uiiofflelal dls atsfces say. cost the Germans heavily. AatSJItf to the Bourse Oaxett, thr Wr ths nahUnK around Ijodx in the iMf itl have reached 1SO.C0D. This would represent one-firth of the total tresgih oi the force. ffUt lull at Lodi has not been, oftl isMsy oeiiarmed hy ths Grand Duke, aj- -jj-gBiKtw- o omi cepori trura juenm mssmisi; iis capture on Sunday I jEKMed. here fu true. NUSADMtTS GERMAN OCCUPATION QF l-QDZ .Wrt WltMrawal" Xeaary, Ifekjw yrerid War Qffiae, ftJTfJIOORAD, D. ft. Wm IHMsJafl wHMrawal frusi Ut tfui rusw, sayp mm imam iiotn bc m harfl tsdav. wbksb nrllMit mti tun ta a4vaat eumta far taa tMSf as IM K bav ruul tlw Bmtiant tftl A fjNHll Wi JM MitflMai mmgSU 1't nsuid h.n lirtnMnl tM sf?8U!i!i-ij.iS c tk res,- fh Muatn hm is u c k ji: v ttS PETROGRAD, Dec S A detailed review of mllltar.v opera tions In Poland from the 1st of November up to "(he middle of last week, written by an "ej ewltness" on the staff of Gland Duke Nicholas, the Russian com-mander-lrf-chlef, was Issued by general huadquartern today. The naratlve follows "Atthe end of October our troops nro pursuing the German and Austrian forces which were retreating toward the south west, A front was established along the Warthe and Nldsttsa Rivers? whero the enemy was. strongly protected by i his right wing, and where our offensive was hampered by the necessity of stopping to repair roads which had previously been torn up. The enemy profited by these conditions which were Imposed upon us, nnd was given time to repair his railway lines. RIGHT WING MENACED. 'it was at this time that we learned of the removal of German troops toward tho north, which operation constituted a menace to the right, wing of the Russian army and threatened Ite lines of com munication." t "On thaSlesfan.jront the progress of our other-armies' facing Austro-German, was barred by Austrtana brought up from Gallcla .and, supported by Ger mans. "A modification of our front toward the north was carried out. (Note By i modification the writer means a retire ment.) "This was carried out under the pro tectlonof our right wing, which had to face a series of vigorous attacks near Wlocla'wek, on the Vistula: Leczyca. 13 miles-north- of Lods, and Kutno, 3) miles northeast of Leciyca. "Having Impeded the Germans in the fighting at the points mentioned, we de veloped the necessary force to check the offensive, which the Germans were be ginning to -put under way on a line ex tending nearly north and south from Thorn. In Kasf Prussia, to Slupca, In TnlonH..J . . "On "i?QYember 13 the general situation J was deOnltely In our favor. On the Zdunskawqla-Szadek-Lodz line the Ger mans were compelled to assume the de fensive. All the reserves they could spare were directed toward Strykow, in order to support the troops that had been cut off from their -main army, and that were retreating from Rxgow and Tusiyn toward Brezlny and Koluszkl. "At the. ,same t(me the Germans, by desperate attacks, were endeavoring to prevent us from drawing & complete circle around their forces stationed In the neighborhood of Brezezlny. ''The Csestochwa region lost for a time the importance It previously held. All these circumstances created a new sit uation requiring a more advantageous oc cupation of certain points. NEW GERMAN OFFENSIVE. "On December 5 the Germans attempted an offensive movement in the direction of, Mlawa, and Frzasnysz, but were re pulsed' with severe losiej. "One .consequence of the battle of the Lowtex-Iods llnei which resulted unfav orably for the Germans, was the bring ing up of large forces to their eastern front. "A change In the grouping of the Austro-German forces, following the arrival or ineir reinrarcemenis, snowed that a considerable portion of German soldiers have been sent 'to reinforce the Austrlans lit Gallcla, south of Cracow. Austrian troops wero withdrawn from the Cracow. Cxenstochowa line for the same purpose." -Vrom THE RUSSIAN INTRUDER "Ouch! There's a lot of salt in this German honey I" DEEDS OF DARING. ROMANCE AND COMEDY OF GREAT WAR In a letter fioni the front, a promi nent English football plujer, now serv ing in tho Itojal Held Artlllers, sava: "The great match for tho European Cup Is still being plajed out. and I dare saj there's a record gato, though jou cannot see the spectators from the field. That's one of tho rules of the game when this match is' on. In spite of nil their 'swank,' the German? haen't scored a goal 5 el. nnd they are simplv kicking nt the hall nn way In their blind rage at not being able to store. "Our team Is about as fit as 3011 could have them, and they nro all good men. though Fome of them arc 'amateurs,' and the Germans are all 'pros' (profession al.) The Germans' forwards are a rot ten pack. They have no dash worth speaking about and they come up the field as though they were going to the funeral of their nearest nnd dearest. When thej are charged they nearly al ways fall away on their backs, and their goalKeeping Is about the rottenest thing you ever set eyes on "I wouldn't glvo a brass farthing for their chance of lifting the cup, and if jou have any 'brass' to spare vou can put It on the Franco-British team, wljo are scoring goals to fast that the haven't time to stop to count them The Kaiser makes a rotten captain for any team, and It's little wonder thev are losing. Most of our chaps would like to tell him what they think of him and his team." "Captain Stewart's wife and his father and mother are proud and happy that he has died for hli country's honor nnd a scrap of paper." This Is the family tribute paid to tho memory of Captain Pertrand Stewart, of Sir John French's staff, lecently killed In action. Captain Stewart suffered Im prisonment In Germany for alleged es pionage at the time of the Morocco crisis, but was released when the King and QUeen Isited Berlin last jear. When he was on trial. Captain Stewart closed his defense with these defiant nncf nronhatlc words. "If jour distinguished countrj ever at tacks mine I hope to be among those who take part In the fight Even If ray own regiment were not called out. I should endeavor to serve with another LED BY KING..SERVIANS BEAT BACK AUSTRIANS Drive Foe Oat of Suvobor and March on Valjevo. ROME, Dec J Following the, resumption of the offen sive by the Servian armies under the leadership of King Peter In person, the Austrlans are retiring to the north, says a dispatch from NIsh to the Messagero Tho Servians have recaptured Tajdau and Buyobor and. are now marching on ValJeVo. 200,000 BUSSIANS AT CBACOW PBTROQRAD. Dec S Ruwlan guns are now hammtrlnx at the outer de feasts of Cwjow. It Is tsported here today that General Dlmltrfeff has ;t ached the oity with a fore of morVtban 260.000. The Austrian forses outside the elty have withdraws. It ! dseiartd. The spirit In which the British troops carried out the long retreat from Mons Is shown by a letter from Private Thomas Harman. of the King's Royal Rifle Corps. "The officers knew that we were dis appointed at having to retreat, for they knew, and we knew, that we were doing better than the Germans and were In flicting heavy losses on them. On the fifth day we had three daa" fighting before we began to retreat the colonel came around and spoke to us, saying. 'Stick to It. boyst Stick to It Tomorrow we shall go the other way and advance. Biff, biff!' The way he said 'Biff, biff, delighted the men. and after that e shouted 'Biff, biff!' every time we had to turn and drive back the Germans." That there are humorous moments even In the most terrible phases of war is Indicated In a letter frofri a soldier In the Northumberland Fusiliers describing the fighting during the retreat from Mons "I saw my mate blown out of trench," be says. "He had Just ( before brought a pound of butter for us. I didn't know where that went I had a loaf of bread strapped to my back all through the fighting, and very glad I was of the chance to eat It dr." The ourtaln has been rung down on the British-German Friendship Society, which was organized tn 1311 by the late Lord Avebury and Sir Frank Lascelles, formerly British Ambassador In Berlin At'a general meeting of the members It was resolved "that It Is desirable that this society be wound up forthwith." Its funds are to be distributed for the lellef of British subjects In German and distressed Germans In England. That Germany's declaration of war was duo to General Von Moltke's threat to commit hari-kari 'f the Kaiser dclajed action Is n sensational story current In Fnrls. Tho facts, it is said, are common knowledge In German military circles. During the final war councils In Berlin, befoic hostllltlei were begun, the Kaiser continued to urge a policy of peace. This was against the wishes of General Von Moltke, the chief of the German General StalT. After listening to the Emperor, General Von Molttce half drew his sword from tho scabbard and swore ho would fall upon the blade unless the Emperor Immediately sent an ultlmtaum to the Czar. What followed Is now a matter of history. Fighting In Poland near Lodz, the battle centre for the last two weeks, was marked by many stirring episodes Concerning them the correspondent of tho Novoe Vrema writes from the front "Daring attacks by Siberian cavalry will be commemorated In history. In the forest between Brezlny and Kurpln Is a con tinuous German graveyard. One Russian regiment, which had alread) won renown earls In the war. charged a howitzer bat tery. The centre broke before tho hellish fire but nothing could arfrst the onrush of the flanks They were cut down by the gunners or captured. "The howitzers cleared a way for the Infantry. How- unexpected and terrible was this Joint attack appeared from the village of Kurpln, where the maddened German soldiers seeking refuge were burned alive." Chickens of rare pedigree, some of them costing $1(M to 50 each, have been killed by PaderowskI to provide food for war refugees he Is sheltering on his beauti ful Lake Geneva estate. Army and navy officials are to serve on the hanging committee of the Royal Academy for next year's exhibition, be cause of the large number of battle paint ings promised. The hospital at Neullly, Just outside Paris, maintained by Americans, Is highly praised by an Englishwoman In letters to a relative In Philadelphia. The writer, who went to Paris to care for her wound ed son, a member of the Royal Flying Corps, had 6pportunlt of visiting a num ber of Paris hospitals, and her praise is grounded on excellent standards of com parison First of all, she gives good news concerning her boy! "You will be relieved to hear that poor Pat has stood this last ommtlnn ctv well, and they think this Is now the last of the bullet, he will only havo to heal up nnd grow strong. Llko practically every case In the hospitals, his wounds aro Beptlc, but with the help of Iodine baths that trouble has been nearly con quered, "On the day of the operation I was leaving the hospital feeling the most miserable being on earth, with orders not to return until 6 o'clock, f was Just wondering how I was to curb my Impa tience and exist through the afternoon. when my dear American friend. Miss M , came up to me and took bodily possession of m In the most des potic manner. She announced that she had arranged my afternoon for me and hoped I would fall In with her plans with a good grace, ns she would rtM allow me to sit In my hotel alone and mope. Altogether she was most kind nnd we .motored off to tho American ambulance at Neullh "This Is the most wonderful hospital X have ever visited; certainly far and away the best equipped In every detail, and I am very grateful to Miss M. for giving me such an enthralling after noon. I was first taken to the room to which the wounded are brought from the motor ambulance, from that to the room where their clothes are removed, marked and fumigated, then to the linen cup boards, the bathroom and the wonderful operating room "There Is one huge 100m entirely de voted to thp preparation of bandages dresslrgs, swabs and the many details icqulred and th'n there Is tho most per fect sterilizing department. You can glean that I was greatly impressed by ever thing I saw nnd I heartily wished that poor Pat was In these kind and capable hands and being hopelessly spoilt by that dear man whom the officers call their "Fairy Godfather" " A great French nillltarj, hospital fur nished many sights of Interest to this observant Englishwoman "I was privileged jesterday to bo taken to see the grent military hospital nt Ver sailles, the Trianon Hotel which has held many as 600 patients and Just now has about W It Is In the very ; able hands of Colonel Smith, R A Mi There are nbmberi of tenW In the grounds full of beds which can be usd as long as this wonderful weather con tinues. . , "There Are IS German wounded here and they seem to get on quite well with the British soldiers They seem inclined to "be quite friendly oiTboth sides, "I have been told that a woman spy who Is now In prison was caught In tblj hospital, where she obtained emplojment as a nurse. She used to converse with the soldiers from the front nnd send de tails of their experiences to Dutch papers, but she wni also discovered to be sending Intimate military details by means of a codo through Holland to Berlin." Tnttmate acquaintance with French women under the trials of war has changed the general English view as to the fickleness of the Parlslenne. The wrltor of these letters pajs the following glowing tribute: "I havo grown to love these splendid, devoted .Frenchwomen In our hospital. I have told you already what a wonderful work they are doing, I shall never for get them and I shall miss them very much. Altogether the Parisians have Im pressed me. They are so to me unex pectedly full of courage and patriotism, "I havo always looked on them na most delightful, but Inconsequent, changeable. excitable and easily depressed, while, ns a matter of fact, I find them calm, self denying and capable of continued great effort and sacrifice. I have not seen one Blgn of a grumbling spirit at the entire disturbance of their normal life. They must do without motorcars, theatres, motor-buses, politics, art, new frocks, music, the society of their men-kind. In deedsum It up everything thnt makes their lives, and instead of complaining; although making no protestations, they exhibit the most wonderful example of devotion to the duty of the finest pa triotism, nnd all with the most extraordi nary cheerfulness, "I paid a visit to a small hospital In the Rue du Chaltlot the other day chiefly to sco Sergeant Major U of tho Royal Flying Corps, on Pat's behalf. He was not wounded, but had Injured his leg nnd was rapidly recovering; ho wao full of praise of his hospital and tho very kind matron, Mies W . His one wish was from a letter from his wife, bo I wrote to her nt once and asked for the noto to be placed In the British Red CroBS bag, ns our letters arc subject now to a very long delay owing to the strict censorship. I do hope It -will reach her In time for a reply to find poor U before his re turn to the front Really these men of the R F. C. are a splendid lot, as well as their officers: I have a most Intense feeling of pride In every one I como across who Is connected with this won derful corps and I am especially proud of my personal connection through Pat." IDBMDUM BULLETS FOR BRITISH MABEIN' u. &., .msm SAY Embassy at Washington, j y A A riles riotest Against Am munition Manufactured by American Companies. WASHINGTON, Dec. . That the British Government has purr chased millions of "buckshot cartridges" and "mushroom bullets" from American firms nnd proposes to use them In viola tion of the rules of International war fare, today was charged by the German Embassy here. The statement Issued by the embassy says: "New proofs of violations of the rules of international law by British troops havo been found by the German Gov ernment: "(1) Soft-nosed cartridges havo been delivered by a wounded toldler of the $Sth Connaught Rangers Regiment on his return from France. They were given to that regiment before the battle of Mons, mixed with regular Infantry ammunition. Other dum-dum bullets, wcro given to the DUke of Wellington's Infantry corps on August 8. Both kinds of dum-dum bullets wero made by Ely Brothers, . Gray's Inn road, London. "(2) Tho British Government has or dered from tho Winchester Repeating Arms Company 29,000 riot guns with S0,W0, POO of 'buck-shot cartridges.' Tho 'buck shot cartridges' contain nlno bullets. The use of these weapons nnd tills ammuni tion has hitherto been unknown In civil ized wnrfarc. "(3) The Union Metallic Cartridge Com pany, Bildgcport, Conn., on October 0. secured, through Frank O. Hoaglnnd, a patent for 11 'mushroom bullet.' It has teen ascertained from reliable source that slnco October 8,000,000 cartridges, mads according to this patent, wcro sent by the above mentioned firm to Canada for uss,. In tho British army. No outside sign distinguishes these bullets from ordinary ammunition, no that tho soldier who uses' them does not know that he Is using dum-dum bullets." Solid Gold. Rings v SsfiW?5iKPwF: vvoRSiKftfi DIAMONDS CHKAl'EB THAN ELSEWIIKKK (100, Princtu rim, ill dUmoodi. sixs, Priit aiiBieed rlu, lki $tlt. ,3.touo dUnwjid rise p'tlMt tkt. I300M.STC sold W, lkt. 1 atxpvtt, WM. LAYCOCK UOOU . THANHI-OKTATION HUILIIINU u south iiTir siuizm. Trousers ASpecialty JONES UieWalnufStreet Plants imWZHnr fr usKifearnp rt y, tt KGHftAP B-fl 1-1-m a Nothing- brightens up the hall and living room like a Palm, Fern or a Flowering Plant, or makes a better Christmas gift, A selection made now from our immense stock can be delivered when you say. Palms 50c to $5.00 each Ferns 15c to $2.00 each Rubber Plants, 60c to $2.00 each Cyclamen in bloom , . 35c to $1.00 each Book your order now for Holly, Mistletoe and other Christmas Greens. Pop CoVn, the kind that really pops, 10c lb , 3 lbs., 25c. Let us fill your fern dish. MICHELL'S SJ3ED HOUSE 518 Market St. Phila. An attractive variety of rings set with semi precious stones guar anteed high class and honestly made. At en's Rings $5 to $20 Women's Rings, $2.50 to $15 Children's Rings ...$1 to $5 C. R. SMITH & SON Market Street at 18th Ss SHatlUhcd 1S37. Send for Catalog 18, ai-i- L e JL uiLciuit? on GWulM-MgoW n's W -u.1.. AihMim v$MZ& TtTBIfPlSTnfc ?ziPm tJci jP v v wll JaJ-ar . vf-iVT frrr nn mm tXr JUW Sl Prices J2.50 to 550.00. Polder on request. I Kgja jM attractive Gift Boxes. Avoid Substitutes. I Jt S?"S W j Points exchsnged to suit recipient's hand. 1 Ly0r mmP d at e heading Stores. I I ttM L.E. Waterman Company. 173BroadwaT.New Ynrlr. n JrtWCjMaWWBs1WWsWsgM,i,llai,UIMiiii; ii l idrmhli ll liWWWrn, """iiiiiiumiiiiiiiuiunui Carelje Olive Oil Fiaett oil from the greatest QHye dwtritt of Italy tw W&atecJ. Arthur W. Crawford Suppose, in one of your card indexes, yon have a, card, Arthur W, Crawford. Suppose Crawford la arj employee of yours, or a customer, and you -want to; refer to i the card that gives tho facts about him. Can you find that card quick? By means of the I. B. Automatic Index method you can find it very quickly. The "Auto-Index" is a brand-new method of locating records, whether cards, letters, legal documents or what. It provides an automatic index for surnames and also as index for given aajse-s or initials. Booklet explaining things la detail mailed on request. But you had better call at our salesroom and let us show you how the ''Automatic Index" works. Library Bureau Ht1';flHftog )l)tiUtlf ) 6 Oud a4 ftttag ayi&MM. 0lt aafclsieH lit wsod d OwutiiHt St., PWItdtlf 10 Wonderful for the mm& Now every deaf oerson can learn bv actual trial, without a cent's risk or a I cent in advance, the remarkable suner. I lonty oi xne lamnus "Acousticon" th easy hearincr device that transmits cmmrP in Nature's way bv the "Acousticon." h." i... .. -j. , j if . vr -- T"p --- viiiaivc UiiLC'iLcu inn rrrr rrmcmi nttitr electrical heailng device that is not a simple, unguaranteed mt .i.j.u-.F 4ini".n uuicrcntironi an others astrjentitictnstni rnent guaranteed to give years of safafynig service Thewonder--ulaclcntihcfeatu-csof tlie"Acojsticonf'are protected by patents HUM THUUL M . r. . --I ot one cent hi advance. We let you INO DePOSlt "sc an "Aeputtcn at our mi- . . ,. " ? under all conditions 10 days. If doesnt enable you to hear better than anv .(., j-... jnent and give yuu perfect satisfaction-clear hearinsr simnTv return it Vou Jose nothing No other iasnument da openU compete wuh the famous "Acousticon" or. its no money B ad-'an.-e plan, fhe "Acousticon" has nothin i...t. .... - - r --- , ... aauv Remarkable Proof notuinc- tn hitm 100 pr cQt rtuIUs to ttttU v a u r indU Ldual t'tivmrm ill AH niui. n . .-- s. . . TICON- -47mm VrSI"SS "SSr".V -3?' 2.t'-lMrn "ACQc'S- Tarvla rA lluna k t Zm - &JUJHn.fjCjA 0 U)ty twcltu and Uvsu tb loacUv munUa t,rm-kU"T I .- --. nus JFWW nai sa .uum i 1JT ---- ujkiastssw tt you I'" fcVJ. U t ou !. utk to WT-Jll " 11 i ork.U VUm mminxaue It jou lv WFlff fY I II ant at w fd Quasi call rK qiUuk tar vV J Vvitl w vry Ti CJwwate J5, Bradford daMse Co T&lifl Clt4MlLl &hmjk.t utMTiifil ,- ..-.. md4 m cJ4j tfuu. r i 3 wisjiiirtiiimnisim s s4MKpr- r WJjMJ CA miffm "rftiW M ' " v J S T, J, " 91 1 111 eals..., K&2&aRnnahtf -iis.Mtxm, uat j TSzmFm'fflwmwmUM zmmK&ZBrv&Bnramu- ty'jsv-i-&X" H?fei5rf T ...-r t.j , u, -. 1.. -r Ci K BE ..ZK: -M T 11 .u l. 3BT .A. d -a. - .TimriTniiiTTiiimslllistiisllss