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EVENING LEDGER-PHILAELPEMtk, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1D14. if III, 11 I,, ii i iiin i TT f- in ii i in , i rui ii . i. i i I I I'll SANTA CLAUS STORE-. HOUSE NOW LOOKING LIKE TREASURE SPOT SCHOOLBOYS WHO WILL BE IN COMEDY CAST J WANAMAKER ADVERTISEMENT u ft Poor Kiddies' Appeal Meets Instant Response From City's More Fortunate Youngsters-f-Tables Piled High. Banta Claus' Store House at COS Clitat nut direct, though only 0110 day old, and k fearfully rainy, sleety day at that, al ready has taken on nn appearance of a jreat treasure room, i The appeal of the poor chlldron at home, whose plight Ii not nearly so spec tacular as that of the llttlo Belgian youngster, but Is quite aa real, has met with an Instantaneous response, and es tirday the Santa Claus Lady had alt she could do to take enre of the numerous precious bundles whleh the parcel post man and the express company emptoya tumbled out of their wagons. The two tables which Banta Claus ban provided to hold the offerings are piled high with lovely doilies anil toys that llttlo Philadelphia glrla and bojo have sent In. There are wonderful forts with dapper soldiers marching about In them, designed to set somo youngster's heart dancing wild with Joy; there are whole sets of dainty doll dishes, animals enbugh to fill a good-sized menagerie, and even somo practical gifts of warm clothing nnd underucar. CHILDREN SHOULD COME AND SEE. Every child In Philadelphia Is Invited to come to tho Store House and see the gifts which anta Is going to hive distributed on Christmas morning In the Public and Kveni.vo Lkdcjeii automobiles. Yesterday Charles and Dorothy Young, children of Charles W. Young, sent a huge box containing a half-dozen dolls, a So-cart,for a real baby, a pictcntlous fort and a wonderful menagerie. From a practical youngster from Newark, N. J came two sweaters, a pair of rubber overshoes and several sets of woolen un derwear. Little Dorothy Parker, who, according to a letter from her grandmother, Is "an invalid who cannot walk very much, taking two to help her In her chair or to put her at the table and has very little use of her hands or arms," has con tributed several beautiful dollies, which he dressed alt by herself after much Ealnstaklng labor, and a collection of ooks that she packed for "the poor little children." And little Sara and Ethel Stafford, who evidently had no toys left from their last year's supply, sent a whole dollar to the Sahta Claus lady, requesting her to buy somo nice new toys for the poor llttlo girls and boys. A TINY INQUIRER. An Incident which shows how eagerly some of the kiddles are looking forward to a Christmas which Is -going to be a real, Christmas to them perhaps the first they have over had was demonstrated yesterday when a mite of a boy walked into the Store House and asked what he Would have to do In order to be very sure of "gettln' somethln' from Santy's automobile on Christmas morning?" Ho had no umbrella, but had come a long way In order to ask this Important query. "Be a good boy," sajd tho Santa. Claus lady, taking Ida nlmo, ''and I rtm sure he will bring you something." "I'd like It to be that horse and cart." ho said, and his big brown eyes glued themselves on a wonderful toy on tho table, "but of course If there ain't enough of thorn to go aroundVIM take.somethlnc "else," - ' So that, there will be enough toys to so mound every child is asked to give somo little contribution to Santa's Store House a penny, a nickel, a discarded toy so that this Christmas will be a less one-sided affair than Is usually the case, o that It will be a day for all children Instead of Just for the chosen few. PENN CHARTER STUDENTS SELECT TIMELY PLAY "The Commuters" Vehicle for An nual Production. Students' of Penn Charter School will produce "The Commuters," by James Forbes, next Friday night In the ballroom of the Sellevue-Stratford. The play will be the twelfth annual dramatic produc tion by the students. The cast is composed of Lloyd It, Leaver, who has two years' experience In ltadlng male comedy parts; V. Roy Bell, who was one of the hits last year as Lord Babberly Ih "Charley's Aunt;" O. Mason Pollard, Benjamin Allen, 3d, and John 8. Williams, who will take -the teadtng female comedy parts; William L. Welsh, 2d; Earl A. Shuman, Aiken I. Iteichner, Jack B. Keller, Joshua 21, Holmes. Jr.; Wilson N. Durham, J, Mar shall Fleraol, Henry P, Van Dusen and Frank H. Le&yard. WOODLAND AVENUE SITE ' FOR CITY STADIUM OPPOSED llorthwest Business Men's Associa tion Adopts Formnl Protest. The proposed site for the municipal stadium In a ravine in Woodland Ceme tery, as suggested by George E. Nltzche, recorder of the University of Pennsyl vania, was opposed last night by a com mittee of the Northwest Business Men's Association. The committee dratted a formal protest to be sent to the Mayor and Councils, and this was authorized by the association. Besides opposing the Woodland Ceme tery land as a site for the "proposed tadlum. the committee reported unfavor ably on the plan to use one of the Com mercial Museum buildings for the conven tion hall. This was suggested as Dart of the plan of the Army and Navy Com mittee pwsented by E. 3. Berlet at the jovun, league meeting last Thursday. Satisfaction was expressed that the Army and Navy Committee had chosen the same site as that recommended by the Cdmprehensive Plans Committee, north of the G Irani avenue bridge. The George E. Nitiche plan, "entirely Ignores the Snyders' Woods site, 33d and Oxford streets, recommended by the Com prehensive Plans Committee," it was pointed out in the association report. No fault was found with the plan to locate the Commercial Museum in a new building on the Parkway. STOCKHOLDERS DISSATISFIED Owners of Philadelphia and Gulf Steamship Company Meet Today, Stockholders of the defunct Philadel phia and Gulf Steamship. Company mii this afternoon in the offlces of Heory Q. Thompson, Jr., 201$ Land Title Build. s, for the anal adjudication of the, Accounts of the receiver, S, P, Wetti- m " They declare they are dissatisfied with Jfiirs of the company and will ezpreee fWr dUsaUsJgeUea at the bhUk Mr VfceaipMM) has bean appointed f4a! saasttr fey th United ftata Otwtrict Pfst tec tb audit of the onwtpsaty's aceounUi, The meeting mikM the sasaiAg j the iuiiy indepen4Ml coasts la at4 aait lip basked by ioaal sapitaj aver to run tmm Itua-uivt Its failure. It has HrOnmRiWsi3ssC T ts&i5 StJxIf M 2 j ( 7MW " a kLh&m&imKE54m Lloyd R. Leaver as Larry Brice, Benjamin Allen as Carrie, and O. Mason Pollard as Hetty Btfce. They are three members of Penn Charter School Dramatic Club, who otf Friday night will give a performance of "The Commuters" in theiBellevue-Stratford Hotel. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS PLACE BAN OH BDNS TO BRING XMAS JOY 2000 William Penn Pupils Taboo "Cinnamons" and Pickles to Buy Gifts for Poor. v Two thousand girls, students nt the Wlllla Penn High School, vlll deny themselves pickles ami cinnamon buns until Christmas, so they may have funds to buy toa for nn equal number of kin dergarten pupils. This will be In accordance with a "per sonal sacrifice" plan devised by the Students' Association, of which Miss Ileba Kline Is president. Homes that would otherwlso be devoid of sunshine will be illuminated Ulirough the efforts of this army of Misses Santa Claus. Pickles and cinnamon buna! TheBe are the most Important elements In a high school pupil's luncheon, but without hesitation tho 2000 girls have reached the heroic conclusion to fast from them. In consequence there will be a drum for Charlie and a baseball bat for Jack and dolls for Kitty and Anna. The matter of dressing will be left to a committee of experts. And each Imi tation baby will bo garbed in laces, for this Is to be no mean affair. The In structions of Miss Kline were that It should nil bo kept a seciet, but girls ill he girls nnd the entire affair "leaked out" today, through a dozen different 'sources. In tho distribution of the presents the girls will have the co-operation of Miss Anna "W. Williams, supervisor of kinder gartens, and her assistant. Mlsa, Virginia Jacobs. They will te)l what each child needs most, what kind of doll wll ap peal moat to Mary and whether Eliza beth prefers candy to a miniature piano. In South Philadelphia there Is a lame boy who won't need a hockey stick, sa Miss Williams will see he receives a pocket electric light. His fouryMr-old sister will be treated to a coach, one. of. those big ones that looks as If It be longed to, a. real baby. It will have a large canopy over It, made of satin, and embroidered. Dr. William D. Lewis, principal of the school, declared today had no doubt the expectations of the most enthusiastic ma i 'pzt:a.i Mnj sir pmo.n leaving It all to the girls,'' he said. "1 am Just wise enough not. to Interfere with the plans of so serious a project. Miss Viola Godfrey and Miss Alma Waldle, members of the faculty, have been asked to act In an advisory capac ity. Just waUh 2000 girls at work and then wait for the result. It is going to be the largest, happiest Christmas that these young women have ever experi enced, nnd think of the 2000 surprised children. HERE'S A LAZY, TIRED LAD, - SEEKING LABOR BY AN AD A Benlly Unusual, Singular Youth Whose Qualification's Telling , tho Truth. "Founs man, 32, no education, no ability, no experience, not ambltloua, deslrrs a position with a brilliant future. E Oil), Ledser Central," Somewhere a young man who Is shy of ambition, ability, pluck and desire to work; who has In his heart for these facts no contrition and openly says ho Is anx ious to shirk, Is waiting In tranquil and 'soft Indecision for somo one to give him a lucrative placo; and meantlmo ho's chuckling in scorn and derision at those who run hard In life's haphazard race. "E 619" Is the cloak that the fellow has taken to keep off the crowd from his gato that surely1 would rush for n youth with so mellow an outlook on life and so honest and straight. In truth, ho Is candid and naught of a hedgcr who seeks for a Job through a well written ad set forth to tho city this morn by the Ledoeh; In truth, ho Is frank, or a Jocular lad. Ho that as It may, he Is Becking employ ment thnt holds forth a future unruffled ,nd gay; that will not cut Into his lazy enjoyment nor ask him to Work when he wishes to play; a Jqb that will let him be free as the breezes, that will not demand of him knowledge or brain; alas, if it does, opportunity coascs; he openly says he has neither to strain. He openly says he has no education, and this should chdear him to men who Beek aid; who plqks up a worker without aberration about the stupendous, com mendable grade of what's In his head Is In luck, thcro's no doubting. Big business should rush for this straightforward youth, who, devious methods of other men flouting, comes out in an ad with the wholo of tho truth. 8TEAM8II1PS Take th 16 Day tri tp MOUKUN DANCINO MISS MARGUERITE C. WALZ Studio of Modern Dances lBOl WAWUT STREET lln. Elizabeth W. Ra4, Cbaparona. Horuce S53 WANT TO rOIXU YOUR OWNXIASS cr tike a Strictly prints Lesson Ccaault I Ami-nruat, Chtitnut St.. 1113. SPECIALIST In up-to-the-minute dances. SCHOOLS AND COlLKGES riiiLADEr.riiiA Doth Sexes Private I fcSSfinS CVU Service, Shorthand, Ulaa Msaoa, E23 Lafayalta bldi,StnCnt. RESORTS frOCONO MOUNTAINS. VA. FOR REST Recuperation, RECREATION The Winter Inn BUCK KILT, FAIX3 VEHNA. Boil aa&aaaH iqamnepvL mmniaan THjfPB magnificent F" nevr ateamaiups I "Great Northern" II' sund II "Northern Pacific" 1 calling at Panama. San Dierro and Los Angeles (San Pedro). Mojt of the way in calm seas and moderate temperature. In American built ships. Fare $90. and up The "Northern Paelfle" d "Great Northern,'! palatial (later stalpa, are built for regular service, every other day, between Ban Fraaclaco and Portland, Ore., equalling tjnu and rates via rail. California eicunloq tickets may be rooted by thoae thlpe(lactodlnr meals andberth) wttboot additional charge. For fall Information, rtaarva- tiona. etc saunas M. 31. Hub. rxn. sin cneatnui at., or ' , v rummiii. in uneatnut at.. 1'hlla., rapreaantlnc In , ureal norimrn and . Northern Paclnq Ry'a ana au iickci or. Touriat aranta. CBfTBirEXI-atthtng but ghvti tintt iSTO, Ftrtj-ftur ytart if (imtant imfrivimiat. An Ideal Gift for Men THE busy man has no time to devote to glove hvfying. Yon add greatly to his happiness it you do this shopping for him. Here is a complete winter glove equipment for men': The.Ne Washable Cape, for slrett - 2.00") j v The 'Peary", wool EMd. vy warm . T 250 ( ilfl White Pique, for evasusg wear tjfjO ) VV V 'Juvenile Combinations (3 pairs) a7S Special Combinations for Women at -iJ5-6.O08.OQ-lM!Q P. Gentemeri & Go. , 1 Offc n...! teSaA r S'P X. i-mm , UvU UsW..u. SfBBT -i a. ttei THE MAN BEHIND ANTAGLAU. That's "Dad $9 Because you live with him all the year 'round he doesn't seem like a ro mantic figure. But without him there wouldn't be any Christmas. He pays for the turkey, the tree and the trinkets. Sometimes it comes a little hard, but he "doesn't like to disap point the folks." When you ask him what he wants for himself he says: "Oh, don't bother about me. There isn't anything I want. Better save your money or spend it on some one else." And too often you do spend it on some one else. , Don't take him, at his word when he says he doesn't want anything. He wants many things, but he is leaving a loophole of escape for people small enough to crawl through. The Wanamaker Stores for Men are filled with things men like not the things women think men like but the things men buy for themselves. As gifts, they can not be surpassed, for besides telling of your regard they save a man the expense of getting' them some other time. A New Suit Would Be a Substantial Gift and woiild show your appreciation of what Fathen does for the family, not only at Christ mastime but all year 'round. The finest ready-to-wear suits in America are right here $15 to $35. Or an overcoat, of which there 'is. a. .great assortment between $15 and $200 the last fora fine fur-lined coat. (Firat Floor, Market) ' The Men's Wear Store Is a Mine of Gifts We recently received a very unexpected shipment of Angora goods from Vienna. Jackets; $15 to $22.50 ; vests, $10 ; scarfs, $5. French wool vests, $5. Redleaf, London, silk reefers for motor, street or dress wear, $5 to $10. Shirts of various fabrics, including a very fine showing of silk shirts, 95c to $5. Neckties with as large a selection of Red leaf ties as if shipping was normal 50c to $3.50. (Main Floor, Market) I Silk Hats and Fur Caps Are Very Welcome Silk hats include the incomparable Lincoln Bennetts,' from London, $8; Redleaf hats, made in London, for Wanamaker's, $7, arid WanamaUeiV Special hats, made in Philadelphia, $6. " ' Opera hats from Paris, $6 and $8, Leather hat boxes, $6 to $30. Fur caps in a large assortment of furs, $5 to $35, f (Mayi FUor, Market) Good Looking Gloves May Be the Answer Men's capeskin gloves, tan, $1.15 to $2.50 a pair. Mocha, $1.50 to $2.50. Chamois, natural, outseam sewn, $1.50. Chamois, natural, with black stitching, $1.75. Kidskin, pique sewn, tan, $2.25. Reynier chevrette, tan, $2.50. Capeskin, silk lined, tan, $1.50 to $2.50. Mocha, silk lined, gray and tan, $2.25. Capeskin, fleece lined, tan, $1.50; knitted li?ied,:$2 and $2.25; lambs' wool lined, $3.25 arid $3.50. ' o English buckskin, rabbit lined, $3.50; squir rel lined, $5. , , r Dress gloves, $1.50 to $2.25. (Main Floor, Central and Market) Half Hose for His, Appearance Beginning with" the best, we name thfr'aris-'" tocrats of half hose French Derby ribbed silk in black, white and colors, $5 a pair. French vertical striped silk, black and colors, $4. French three-cord clocked silk with lisle soles, black and colors, and black and white shot silk, with contrasting clocks, $3. Accordion ribbed silk most popularof all -50c, $1, $1.50, $2, $3 and $5, Paris novelty lisle, $1 to $1.75. (Afafit FJloor, Market) Underwear for His Comfort Fine silk underwear, $3.50 -to $15. Guaranteed all-wool unshrinkable under wear, $2.50 to $3.75; Merino union suits in various styles,-$3. Union suits of 50 per cent, wool, special at $1.15. " (Main 'Floor,. Market) Shoes and Slippers for Outdoors and In -. A pair of fine dress hoots or dancing pumps ' or stout storm shoes would make welconif $tft So would a pair of house slippocs flf-Jeatbtq or felt, with leather, felt or soft padded sie, Slippers range in prtee from 7rto ff . (Meto. me MmkUJ 111 u icaa as- jniipsj "'HM ' """ W i' "j""'i JOHN WANAMAK m ( ii 31 t ; l ' Jt' o "'fjjj t irNMl -1 iRiEiis , nr.rjr U"T- -. -ZzSJilZX; , " m 'Bwiw MM jqiiiiniijriwiiTjjriiirjjrr:'-' irTT"nri7:jT r" FSafpl! ' iiitfjiUiMjiii jBiiiaipiiKMiiaiina' I