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l H & HHn: ' ,m. - bahim JHRfe, IffiSHrEftfhS ia-ia-BBiBa-fc S Kfc 13aBMtfH X6" bHRbbsh '" -St'!' p ' V 9p i ;.' T? MTHn t 4 JBBHBKB :wrF WBttBBmP W "Sg-Jn. "" " " - JM i&?" 4. 1. J J? i-S' - y-JiS 8 Kuenfn0 ISteftQzv PUBLIC LlSDGElt COMPANY ctnva m. k. ctriiTie), Tmuidst. 6. Wt Otht, Secretary I JohnO. Martin, Treaenrerj rartw II lAldlnston, rMHp S Collins, John B. WIl ms. fflrettera. RDITOntAi noAne J Cmon It. K. Conii, Chairman. It. WHALE Bxeeutlre Editor fotitf llilll I I C MA11T1K.. .doner! Business Manager Iftibllihed dally at Peauo Lime tJulldlnr, Independence Square, Philadelphia. Ltwmn rifTtt,.. ....,... Droad anil Cheitnut Streets Aila.stic Cur. ....... .... Fre f -Union Bulldlnr tinyt Tonic 170-A, Metropolitan Tower Cmclao. 81T Home Insurance Building oxtx!. .....8 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, S, W NEWSBTjnHAUS: UAtalaatma BoaMO The rotrfor Bulldlnr WiamwoTott ItCBtAD ........ The Toet Bulldlnr Nrw Tonic nemo i . ... ...The rimes Bulldlnr Bcanx BCrj ..........00 Frtedrlchstraeaa Lohdon I1cau........ a Pall Mall Eaet. s W. tus Btaaiu .Hi Rue Louie le Grand SUBSCRIPTION TE11MS Br earrler. Daiit Out, six cent. Br mall, poitpald cntetdo of ritlladelphla, except where foreign poetare la required, Ditii Onlt, one mmth, twentr-flre cente) BIIlt Oxxt, one rear, three dollara. All mall eub nrlptlona payable In advance Wax, flooo walnut KEYSTONE, MAIN 0000 J, BV ddr alt eommimfcadtmj to Bvtnina f terr, Zndeftndtne Havana, PMladtlphta. m " ' ' ' k Hmsxs ix m rtmiDfUBH roirornoa is arcoitn. p okas ttatt, MAnn. rgnjunorniA. Tuesday, oecemdeii a. 191. Lot Councils Get Busy JTUED abrupd Costello anti-transit plan Is" a XdoxftUat. It was ridiculed and shot full ci boles by practically every association of fcasJness) men In the city. Their cumulative protest was recorded In the columns of tho StTEKma XjEdobr yesterday, and thoro Is no an or rst of men In Fhlladelphla who would Jexs disregard a publlo decision so over whelmingly expressed. But the paoplo must not bo turned from til main consideration. Tho Union Traction Company Is holding; back, although It Is re quired under tho Taylor plans to do nothing mere than furnish funds for tho normal ex tension of sUrfaco linos. Tho presont transit system enjoys a monopoly. It would be required to extend tho surfaco lines, Taylor plan or no Taylor plan. Tho Union Traction Company, perhaps, is under no compulsion, but tho fact stands out that either it or Its lessor must perform tho Borvlco required of It or forfeit substantial rights. The Union Traction Company Is simply being offered an opportunity to protect absolutely its Investment. There are three things to bo done, and the people should Insist that they be- attended to without delay. 1. A special election should bo ordered by Councils to enable the people to authorize a loan for transit development. 2. Councils should definitely determlno upon and fix the routes of the proposed .lines. S. The plans for tho now rapid transit sys tem should then bo submitted to the Public Service Commission for its approval. The last Is of tho least Immediate Im portance. The thing now Is for Cquncils to act, and tho people of every section should at onco begin to bring their representatives into line and instruct them, as to their wishes. Relieve Distress on Our Own Doorstep THE prevailing Impression socms to bo that the Emergency Aid Commltteo Is an organization confined to aiding the Belgians. Not byjiny means: emergency relief is sim ply tho general name for the body of men and women who are facing the whole situa tion of distress at home as well as abroad. The committee Is subdivided, and one of Its most Important parts Is tho home relief division, with headquarters In the basement of the Lincoln Building. At present the home relief division has not much money. If Councils finally passes the recommendation of Its own Finance Com mittee, $50,000 will bo available. Money Is not to be given away, but employment will be provided and wages paid for assembling or malting the goods that are to be sent to Europe. Thus our foreign and home philan thropy will Interblend and help each other. Pnder tlds system no charge can be made that Philadelphia Is neglecting her own. "With Winter upon us suffering Is bound to Increase. Those who wish to relieve distress In the surest and least harmful way should tret Into Immediate touch with the home relief division of the Emergency Aid Com mittee. If It Had Been Snow FOUTY-EiaHl! hours of rain and wind may set the proper key for a Philadel phia winter, anil after the record-breaking drought of fall it Is not unpleasant to smell wetearth and brick. But, whether the rainy pelPcoraes In for appreciation or abuse, one regret Is very obvious: If there had been a little bit more than a nightcap of Bnow the problem of the unemployed would be con siderably eased by this morning. Penn's Inglorious Washday THE dirty linen of Penn's football team Is napping eloquently in the breeze. Speak Jeg as the authorities on failure that they undoubtedly are, the players of this year record-smashing team have decided that George Brooke is no ooach. Anxious to add to the spectacles that have been on View in tho neighborhood- of 3d and Spruce every Saturday afternoon until a few weeks ago, the University dally newspaper backs up the team and advertises tho official washday. Undergraduate' control of athletics Is the jight Idea; nobody denlen It. But they should be expert undergraduates, not young arentle jSWi wltlt 41-0 reoords. This trick of trying to oaver up personal failure by Warning lion the) ecach Is a grammar school trick and bad m at inat. javeryopay nw Mf riawd at Bwarthmore. And some i haven't aulte forgotten the weekly e- LUena at Franklin Field this fall. ap :tr Unpreparednesa ;for Fqralgn Trade 0 splendid opportunity In wid trade f tod ua in a state of woeful unprpttrea- )M- We have Men so busy developing our ajjatsfttic reaourvM that tv have not liA hH4 to tl turn wha we wouW b - Mil if" by ,1Mr aeoMsKy ta get Ut of our We bod ari buatU for bii11 Tfe mm iimr w - vf far 1b th future ymn kotf tb wo.W svddoly wat to war jtof Iurod iH"a a W rpwMWlry to .prMkvtaw and Ut m "Wttrai natwns This ortaw. ft iWptaBaHH scr ar shaw f world tr4 mm w uw can But we t jHfciSi Ja a b ooa It lawvoa ye s stmmv . b d o auum- jmmrldtjgifmimr -" vrm ma0tmgft feyotvw vrft . mm-mW- r8W'si g-Mjjjp!!! u- 3- - lit , --. , i -s ;5-Cfl3S-ca .. .. IU&BZ&&lSS&&5llHa ".if&--eV.- zl&iJSaa&X. . . -. . .... 3StliPi8llllliBlll a j a . - " Jiwgg- Jfl IVSLS ferffliaa 9 & (rffi T"trTT3ST!'rt-Z'i?Tf. -.,-r SSia3sjsii&li?.-:fe,af"r; i Il lilllWilwillllll I H'iT 1 PT Vlii l TT.I 1 i KTiiiM1Mnitifaf-i-afl iBTTrifffiT . f T j--a5-saaieieyijra fli?!"rT' r , . . - iniii! iTiiMiiiliailiMIMlMl-MWt-WWmWMIWi IP lil II II II HI I I i il il II II II MB Ml II I III HI ! HI III I V I I M ST iKtf &Ri1&ifemeyii tv " ii- -t-- irTiiraiHilifflMlsiBBMMMBflBMBH 'm r i K!v r s t vrr x TtyririiF ahi inii6. La-isi .inr at r i a jest -tyeF citiiti. igyfiNIffq LBDaiSRPHILADlSLPHI JL -t n-iwiiinn lhg and credit facilities It Involves the question of commercial treaties, It Involves Uio navigation laws. It Is utterly ridiculous" to expect great and perm'ancnt results without tackling tho prob lem as a whole. The entire subject should bo systematically and thoroughly studied, Just nil the broad subject of banking and finance was Investigated by tho National Currency Commission of a few years ago. The report of that commission stands today as tho most remarkable, authoritative and valuable con tribution mado in America to financial knowledge. It has already soryed, hnd will servo In tho future, an an exceedingly useful guidebook for legislation. Soma equally com prehensive survey of our foreign trade prob lem would make possible a unified, rational program of legislation. Guesswork apd pud dcrlng will not win us a sptondld future In tho world's commerce. The President's Message fTlHE President's messago Is typically WI- sonesquo In diction and In thought. Few Presidents havo so strained their vocabula ries for simplicity of utterance, and few, it Is clear, havo been mora happy In tho coltmgo of tolling phrases. Tho President's Indorsement of his own conservation and .water power bills nas an ticipated. Ho reiterates his belief that a larger measure of Bolf-government nhotilil bo given tho Flllplnoos, basing his argument on tho ground that so to do will bo to vindicate our own unselfishness rather than on any material gain to bo achieved by the Flllplnoos themselves, It seems to havo escaped tho President's mind that tho easy thing to do Is to abandon tho Philippines', and tho dlfll cult thing to do Is to contlnuo our guardian ship of them To many, It would bo a su premo evldenco of selfishness to do ultimately tho one thing which tho President believes Is necessary to assert our unselfishness. Ho passes ovor tho question of rural credits as too dime tilt to, bo dealt with at this time. Ho urges, as Is proper, that tho proposed convention for safety at sea, already ratified by Germany and Great Britain, bo confirmed before the last day of the month, as is required by the conventldn Itself. Tho last of his constructive proposals concerns ndo quato provision for survey and charting of our coasts. That tho perils of tho Alaska coast lino are still unmarked for mariners Is a reproach to tho Union. Ii relation to economy In government, tho President Is sure that only a relatively small sum could bo saved by greater efficiency, but ho nevertheless favors saving even that sum. Ho is confident that "tho people of tho United States do not wish to curtail the activities of this Government; they wish rather to enlarge them." This Is a rebound from Jeffersonlanlsm that would havo de lighted the far-vlsloned Hamilton. In tho matter of national defense, tho President voices a very general opinion that wo can rely on a moderate army, supported by a well-trained mllltla, provided wo. havo an adequate nnvy. It Is our natural defense. But, by a strango process of reasoning, he concludes that the experts do not know what sort of ships wo should build, thus following out the Domocrntlc Idea, which favors an adequate navy, but docs nothing on the as sumption that nobody knows what an ade quate navy Is. By far the most Important part of tho message Is that referring to the merchant marine The President admits that we havo stunted, almost deliberately, our ocean ship ping by Intolerably stupid legislation. He does not, as a result, urge the repeal of absurd laws or the reconstruction of our ma rlno code along feasible .and modern lines. Instead, ho passes that over as involving too much difficulty, and suggests as a solution Government-ownership of carriers, to be operated at a loss. He concludes, most optimistically, that "when the carriage has become sufficiently profitable to attract and engage private capital, and engage It In abundance, the Government ought to with draw." The Government, once In such busi ness, would, never withdraw. A richer car riage than any other can possibly become, that between Europe and America, vast though Its bulk, has been lost to tho United States under crude and oppressive laws, so how possibly, with the same laws still In effect, can the maimed Industry be revived? The message has little new in It and little of permanent constructive value. It breathes the President's passionate Idealism and his, steadfast confidence In his policies, Tet measured by the crisis In which the world writhes 15 falls to Interpret or voice the mighty purposes which, for the first time In our history, are stirring the nation from centre to circumference The Cdstella plan Is not a program; It's a hold-up. "France has learned, In the darkneja,' to call upon God." Nations are nptery differ ent from Individuals. It seems that an Institution for the cure and sustenance of old and Innrm baseball Plays, ha.bu stabllshed. uiin i 1 1. I .hi Tpffe jQrgafljaatlen may always be depended on o IWjtW poor at election time. After election, ifapisthM- matter entirely. Nobody eaH iWPUgn the bravery of Britain how that sjfea has ordered three and a half mlllloa dolUW "wh of Georgia mutes. It la not snrsHtiwr tfe many Ooagra tum should bf SB44d to preparedness, for Ulre redness nac beea their, own chief MM(. A good many FhJIaddJehians are worrying tMBseivM over the problem of writing "sim ple dedicMUwry bieeripiiMM" in Cbrietmas books which faaU not fractam it ptt maeier'e rule afftbuej their kefec "of a per sonal nature.'" Tk wwres te VBuet Oetrjpi MM aor Smmx peuphk m 4ka VH$.M the ibmm m " Mmm ! tejm iwrwweat, won imwmjmmm m. Nfis hbA ud t wnm. jcr:Rg3 a'!s. i-a-j. .. ..... i, ,.. ,. iii ntf - i ,.. -.. . iiiiiii i - -" sxz-fapjpi nBr eyoa S(SW'"i'iii.. " m nupas mjiib j w w -, t pw a AN AMERICAN KULTUlt IS IN THE MAKING Our Democratic Ideal to Be Realized Only Through n Socialized Patriot ism Aggregate Efficiency the Result of Gregarious Idealism. By ROtJEtlT I1ILDRET1I THIS wonderful Kultur of whlch wo havo heard so much, can there bo nothing like It In Amerlca7 Kultur wo cannot have, for that Is a Gorman product and possession; but Is n modified counterpart Impossible In this country some Informing purpose and guiding principle that shall direct nnd actualize tho Idealism of our peoplo as a wholo? Tho aim of Kultur is efficiency, not of Individuals but of the nation, and more than that Kultur Itself may be defined as organ ized efficiency. It Isboth a process and a condition, Sparta had o"klnd of Kultur, very different from Athenian culture. Likewise, the Kultur of tho Germanic nation 1b not the Dlldung of accomplished Germans. One produces nnd Is what wo havo como to designate ns "German efficiency," the results of which aro seen In civil nnd military administration, industry, commerco nnd finance nnd In tho achievements of scholarly Investigation nnd research; tho other gives us tho philosophy of Kant and Hegel and the pure literature of Schlllor and Goethe. If tho two aro not quite soparable, neither Is thore any necessity or any possibility of drawing a. dividing lino between tho Ameri can Kultur of efficiency and tho culture of "sweotness and lfght," which shall be to all our peoplo when our true national efficiency has been further advanced. America Is blessed with Idealism In abundant measure. It Is a salient quality which Impresses overy visiting analyst from Europo and rcccUes both comment and ex pression In tho books In which our own writers seek to Interpret tho national life. Ullss Perry is certain that tho most char acteristic attitude of tho American mind Is Idealism. Individualism, radicalism nnd pub lic spirit aro other qualities, ho says, but tho dominating- one. Including "tho Ideal pas sions of patriotism, of liberty, of loynlty to homo and section, of luimanltarlsm and mis sionary effort," is Itleallsm. Now If Idealism were only sufficient to tako care of our great and splendid future, wo might bo perfectly content; but we are apt to think that this glorious future Is sim ply going to hnppon. Young men and women nro warned by good advisers that their dreams will not como true unless they are true to their dreams. OUr nation, which Is still so young that we constantly refer to "our experiment In democracy," has Implicit confidence In Its destiny. Indeed, as II. G. Wolls has remarked: "When one talks to an American of his national purpose, ho seems a llttlo at a loss," but "If ono speaks of his natlonnl destiny ho responds with alacrity." Anothor observer, Professor Mucnsterborg, says: "Neither raco nor tradition, nor tho actual past, binds tho American to his coun trymen, but rather tho future wfuch together they nro building." Wo are a forward-looking people. What Is It thnt wo see ahead? How clear Is that destination to "which wo aro moving, that structure which together we aro building? What, definitely, is It that we are striving for? Wo call It tho realiza tion of tho democratic Ideal, "The only fruitful promise," to quoto Herbert Croly, "of Which tho life of any Individual or any nation can bo possessed Is a promise deter mined by an Ideal?' Constructive Idealism Constructive Idealism, tending toward a threefold unity of efficiency, patriotism and democracy, 1b being manifested today In our national Idealism. The quality of Imagina tion Is becoming more and more effective, helping us to glvo concrete expression to our social spirit by Illuminating our social aim. An American Kultur Is In the making. At the recent meeting of qur own Academy of Arts and Letters, Professor Herrlck, in discussing "Tho Quality of Imagination In American Life," eulogized the new town of Gary and tho spirit of San Francisco after tho earthquake. These aro oxamples of tho creative power df Imagination and sugges tions of what it will accomplish for our national Ideal. They must be included also among the Illustrations of the social spirit which Increasingly dominates our ambitions. The new Boolal legislation is an effort to make a happlor and more efficient America. We nro working forward to the day tho day when poverty and misery and industrial strife shall have ended, and not only theso things, but whatever wastes the energies of our aggregation of Individuals and inter feres with a truly good living for all.' Wo are learning that thus we aro achieving national efficiency and In tho national Ideal; In a word, democracy. Eliminating Controversy Old antagonisms are disappearing. In tho annual report of the United States Commls-' slon on Industrial Relations there Is fresh evldenco that capital and labor are approach ing, surely though slowly, a common point of view. Several hundred witnesses, repre senting bpth employers and employes, have appeared before the commission and dis cussed the causes of Industrial unrest, The number and nature of tho points of entire agreement are significant. Much of the trouole, al( ot tlie witnesses alleged, is due to misunderstanding, This is not a new explanation, by any means, but It shows a desire on both sides that, for mutual Interest and welfare, misunderstanding and prejudice should ba removed. Instances showing the decline ot contro versy and the growth of the get-together spirit might be multiplied. The following declaration by the chairman of the' Ignited States Steel Corporation sounds almost like a commonplace. "Th elimination o waste fi?l stjlfe in Industry and commerce Is funda mental to efficiency. The real problem of employer and eniploye is, to find the one course ot rlley and action that saoflflftM neither fee i'- othr, but that hoW mutual advantage f here la always goe Mitk wurfe, a4 our aim should be to nnd Iti Mr. Clary gap oa; "Ultimately, elticUnyhg baud oa a philosophy of life which centners flrst the claims. rm&P ad riU ' tbejjther- fcltew," If industrial Bifjte U the. foe of efltlny, so is poverty the foe of elUciefiey. lHdl)duaI, economic ft$$ social. The eterminjiteott is growing stronger that the per ' Btust ot have always wth us We are recognising the relation between individual eJficieaey and the efficiency of the aggregate. We are iweiaUslntT the eJ&oiency idea The attitude toward poverty and InduatrlaU strife la merely an iliuetratkm If, to just ai ignlnt.ant and laVaujol ttuat C&W Weil cvmury are getting IjMW toejlo m ibm we oauJW if nteei fgy the market jMase, MtettnMofUflHag aaat etQyrmthM are weeta aJMe. yttrium ui&ii efilvianftr. tire Wf of AtineeMwtgt. TUESDAY, DKOEMBER S 1914. SOME PEOPLE HAVEN'T tlonal ideal to fulfillment. In America patriotism and democracy are very nearly synonymous. James Bussell Lowell, In ono of his lectures, referred to thnt "enthusiasm of loyalty for tho flag and for what tho Hag symbolized" which kindled the nation's soul In 1861, but ho pleaded for a "sodater kind of patriotism," "quito ns admirably serviceable In tho prosy days of peace " Truo patrlotUm must fulfill the essential condition "of?lvlng men nn Ideal outside thcmpclves, which will awnkon In them capacities for devotion and herohm that aro deaf even to tho penetrating cry of self." Democracy doos not mean "I'm as good' as you are," but "You'ro ns good as I am." Patriotism Is ethical, democratic, concerned with human welfare. Social Culture "If the tlmo ever comes when poverty Is comparatively negligible," writes Mr. Croly In his latest book, "Progressive Democracy," "tho rulo of lle-ond-holp-llve will assume a better meaning than it has at present and will challenge tho development of a better quality of human 'nature.". Llfo can bo mado "very Interesting nnd remunerative for one another." Tho "culture" which governs this anticipation ''Implies an indomitable social izing will." America Is acquiring this kind of culture, which Is entering into our national Idealism and becoming the motlvo power In our na tional life. "Tho highest efficiency," says Dr. Charles W. Ellqt, In tho Independent, "must always be tho result of- gregarious Idealism and humane passions." This social culture, thU American Kultur, which Is finally to produce a splendid na tional etllclency, Is mado up of Idealism, imj agination and patriotism, and its goal Is democracy. Democracy, in tho fine concep tion of Pasteur, enables overy rrian to put forth his utmost effort. , ORGANIZATION When tho modern man finds a job before him' and two or three men ready to help him, he does not shuck off his coat and take tho Job by the throat. Ho sends for a pad of paper, a pencil, a cost sheet and 82 different kinds of blanks. Then he says: "GO to. Let us or ganize." ' And they spend the day In planning out the work with a blue pencil and when night ar rives they haven't touched the Job. though an old-fashioned crew would have had it half fin ished But the next morning, behold, they are organized and they take that Job by the neck and give it one swift shake and lql It Is finished. Organization has made the modern world great. It is the Science of lubricating work. A million men without a leader could not have dug the Panama Canal at nil. But 75,000 men finished It In eight years after Colonel doe thals organized them. Organization, has enabled Americans to sell automobiles for half the European price, though the workmen get twice the European wage. Organization kept the German Empire as busy during 10 years of peace as moat nations are during war. Hut when war came the German Emperor pushed a button and 6,000,000 men started for France on the trot. ' Organization also enables a few- men with overhanging foreheads and small, brow-beaten consciences to buy a few small factories, capi talize them for 116,000,000 and sell tho stock to the unsuspecting public. Organization In this case is more of a nuisance than smallpox. A million voters may shriek In wrath and demand revenge when they discover that the city officials have been stealing the steam radiators out of the City Halt. Out when It comes to the election a few quiet, business like men with a good organization, which In cludes plenty of election judges, can usually show a majority, thua enabling them to remain In powJWlid buy more radiators to steal This country will not advance toward perfection at a dizzy rate until politics are thoroughly dis organized. Qeorge Fitch. Old Guardsmen as Warnings. From the New York World. The remnants ot the Old guard of stahdpatlsm who have been elected to the Ofth Congress. Are full of boasts and menaces, but they never were morr deluded in their Uvea, Limine Is reassured, but not because a few Irreclaimable old reaqtlonarles have come to lite. The urvivor, of Hannalsnr who are to appear in the new Ceqgrees will not be terrors. They will not be leaders. They will bo warn ings GRAY KNOTTING All through the. eeuMry, is the autumn -titlntaa, A web if gray mm f Sii.rAM - jjpi And you may hear the s9ul of SPttlng needUj It)gsant, 8entU, (Jlffi. A sluy eUek f lu" Wfi4e needles, IMttn amid the Biasthoed of war. Whispers of woraeq, tlretece and patient. Who weave the web afar. ( WhjAoerc of women, tiretoee ww satlent "FooiWh. toadeejuate!" we hear ye say. "dray woJ wi i4e of hU U out of fblon." And yeiwe weave the ftb frea day to day. SupMM MM Midler dying, gayly dying, Dsdee mt kle, in his last hour heibl MMi, lu death's presk-Wtuui ee vittd, Adr a tfclry mhm4 bUMim like a fewer t H ta think that e-Wieni. cayly dvt-s; For the white Chrtet -- sWfaa with MM a&erai &es1 Itey httr th iry &- t smen'i aetft-e Sero WsSH NJ1(. SENSE ENOUGH TO THE PRESIDENT'S ENGLISH Peculiarities Revealed in the Mcssacc Delivered to Congress Today. THU President's Kngllsh has been com mended as a model for less distinguished citizens to follow. Ho Is noted for his flow ing diction. Ills simplicity and his npt usa of words, a largo number of them of Anglo Saxon descent. This simplicity, perhaps, is gained by tho employment of an unusually largo numbor of monosyllables. In the first paragraph of the message de livered today thoro nro 100 words, of which but 2i contain moro than ono syllable and, but soven contnln mora than two syllables, and ono of them. Is a compound word. An Illustration of this maximum use of mono syllables Is found, In tho last part of tho Inst sentence of the paragraph: "Hut no doubt wo stand too near tho work that has been done and aro ourselves too much part of It to play the part of historians towurd It." There are 16 monosyllables, a two-syllnblo word, 10 monosyllables, two longer worda nnd, finally, a monosyllable again. Of tho 29 words, all but three aro of ono syllable. It will bo noted, too, that tho President never renders his thought lntricato by en deavoring to avoid repetition. Referring again to tho first paragraph in tho massage, wo And "too much part of It to play the part," and again, in the second paragraph, "wo faco new tasks, havo been facing them for six months, must face them in the months to come faco them without partisan feeling." Mr. Wilson does not apply an olght-hour law to. words; ho makes them work, and they must do their work over and over again if necessary. Tho President, it will bo noticed, says, "To speak plainly, we have grossly erred," not "To plainly speak, we 'have orred grossly," which, while Just as neatly balanced, would nevertheless contain a split Infinitive. The porfect tense admits of greater freedom In the use of tho adverb. Yet Mr. Wilson Is not opposed to waste In words when nec essary to mellow tho euphony. "Wo havo year after year debated" again the modi fier between the auxiliary and the verb In Its perfect form "without end or conclu sion." "Without ertd" would bo sufficient, of course, to round out the Idea, and, so far as sense goes, "or conclusion" 1b unnec essary, Tho President's use of "not only" Is" very pocullar, as In the sentence, "War has Inter rupted the means of trade not only, but also tho processes of production." This bring ing of "not only" and "but also" Into the closest possible proximity Ts unusual, al though not without precedent. And such play op the order of words Is perfectly ex cusablo in oratory. At one place In his address the President says, '"To have begun such measures and not completed them would Indeed mar the record of this great Congress very seriously." It may be doubted In this case If tha se quence of tenses Is correct. "To havo begun such measures and not to complete them would Indeed mar" would be far better, for tho text shows that the measures have been begun, while tho completion of them, viewed as a future, hef, will mar or not mar to record, ap the case may bo. In any event, a nlco distinction In tha use of tenses was missed. i But (or students who revel in history and the use. of words', tha most significant pas sage In the message Is "a coast line greater than that of the United States ernielve" Controversy more than halt a oefitury ptjo. rogej ovetf no lees a question than "this United Stales" 'or "these United" States." Secessionists were fond pf quoting the plural forpi as used by the elder statesmen and fpqnd In the early doeuments of the nation, the Id-s. nelng that it proved a plurality of sovereigns, eaeh of which retained the sov ereign right of repudiating its allegiance, to a loose Union. Appemattdx, it lias generally been slftftMdered. deelded In favor of "thv and certainly for the last 60 years It bos eefi customary to use the United fttatea as singu lar. Terefur. the referenda by the presi dent to tho United State "Uienwelv" Mtsu (a b? an unaebronliiHi, aUh.W n peeftfer; rmstanee, u eanno; he diuej that the. of the plural ta defeflstpti '& groiftiiB Bo jHU. There ai few m who wiita tw hwK punr tha tU ?tj4itt Tet Sr feet '& f' the tagwas:e ta unknown. Net; auqf? o CatBaWs hrefr at 8-g-Uah ha en at our fm tjiTatt wrote Ska'VrtioJe far maeaaf t b ?hich he pointed out wiio WMMPOB n-4f 7M afeftyM he anotfwC to the ricl Hs h fvttty -- eue J-ha , wfelefe he was m ttthaiMafcHr u.-8in etfeer w w Wte4y t THE GLORY OF GREECE WAS IN ITS STADIUMS Amphitheatres oi the Ancient "World tarccr Than Our Modem Structures, The Stadium an Institution in thl A West No City Modoru Without Onef By WILLIAM KADER rTADIUM" Is a, word coined In the olaf O life of Greece, in the days when Athens blossomed with boauty and Apollo was tho Idol of tho strong. It duggeatfl the fleet footed runner and the vast amphitheatre lr? which tho races took place. Since then the, word and Its athletic atmosphere have crossed mountains and seas to Europo and. tho United Btates. Tho baseball park of tha big cities' gives some hint ot that outdoor life on a largo scale which is remembefed by tho broken walls of ancient playgrounds.' called the Circus, theatre, coliseum or sta dium. Tho return to tho outdoor gymnasium o tho ancients marks a distinct epoch In the history of modern athletics. Tho Indoor gymnasium has Its place, but the rootles stadium promises to rcprodueo In the near futuro some of the spectacular foattircs whch marked tho physical performances of Home and Athens. Tho hlppodromo of our large cities' is an approach to tho fashionable loungo nnd rendezvous of gallantry which distinguished the people's playground of old. The American circus housed In a plain canvas; tent Is a practical reproduction of the Roman circus, whllo a contest In baseball or college football suggests the moro serious, It less bloody, combats within tho walls of the. Coliseum. Ben Hur and hla horses are com ing to their own. Tho runner revels In the sweet air of the open world. Tho Spanish toreador wants room. The man at the bat likes to knock the ball over tho fehco. Space Is Involved In our very democracy. Ideas aro big and brOad and ample. Preah nir is a part ot our culture Inbreathed by tho lungs of modornlsm. Thp roof over our heads Is a boundary line which Insults tho sonso of freedom. Tho modern man looks townrd tho stars. Out of this sonse of tho large nnd unlimited as woll as from tho ex amples of our fathers wo havo begun to build huge playgrounds for tho millions and entered upon what may be called the era of tho stadium. v The Circus Maximus Tho Circus Maximus had a seating capacity , of 350,000, the Dowl In New Haven will scat 70,000. We are still behind tho ancUnts at tho box ofllce. Tho beautiful Greek Theatre In Berkeley, Cal., has a seating capacity of 10,000, and an ordinary conversational tono mny be distinctly heard anywboro In that perfect structure. It Is nn exact reproduc tion of tho Greek, Theatre In Athons, Bpl dauros, and Is used for oratory, music and drama. Tho Bohemian Club, of San Fran cisco, famous for Its "JInkB" and co!cbrated tho world over for Its literary nnd musical' gifts, meets annually In a grove of redwoods which form omatural amphitheatre, affording peculiar facilities for dramatic and musical expression. In this temple they meet and In. a mystical, Druldic fashion ninko their offer-., lngs of fellowship In an atmosphere of sylvan splendor. These "Jinks' would loso something of their freedom and spontaneous good-will If held within four walls. The stadium Indicates a return to nature, where "Twelfth Night" may be ns much at home as a horse race. Stadiums in Europe Berlin has built a stadium where the Olym pic games of 1016 may or may not be held Berlln's Interest In another and greater com test may make the Olympic meet Impossible. It has 16,232 seats and 2208 boxes; whllo not architecturally Impressive, It IS entirely ade quate for the uso Intended. It took six" years to build this playground and a quarter1 million mnrks to pay for It. Mention might be mado of other European playgrounds, notably that of Stockholm, but the high school at Tacoma, Waah., deserves special mention, slnco It Is the only high, school in thoVworld that has a real stadium of Its own. It will seat 35,000 and Is a work of art. Not only Is It a social and physical asset of the Tacoma school, but It contributes to the higher life of the State of Washington" and the Northwest. In fact, tho city that has ,no stadium in these days may be set down as Just a little behind the times. Tho ruins of Pompeii and Rome and other cities Which look across the years through the broken glasses of tho Past rebuke such cities for neglecting an opportunity to give tlie masses a place to play, Pageants at Expositions a The expositions, for the most Dart, havo, gj-ven on impetus to tho stadium, as for ex ample, St. LouIb and San Francisco. San Francisco has sunk an enormous bowl In le Golden Gate Park, It Is oval in shapo, slopes back like tho lips of a great deep dish, una la capable of accommodating thousands. Hera will bo held many of the athletic contests during the exhibition. The athletes of the world will meet In San Francisco during tlje exposition and tho program of big events issued by the department ot athletics promise contests of world-wide Interest. Colonel C-oethals gives permission for the) men who helped build the canal to have a part in the great event that Is to c!?l. brate the canal's 'completion. The list ot & events ranges from basketball champlopshj.p2 to International polo contests. Hero wm bo held some of the more spectacular evenw of the exposition, such as pageants, reviews and paraded. , This, then, is the purpose ot the stadium to Idolize tho spestapular Interests of the. otty-arid afford a place for the people to see thing, from a olrous to a military rvlw. Its yaltie to any city need not be argued. Philadelphia has unusual demands for j stadjurn. it is a olty of pageant and parade and reviews and outdoor amuse ments. It should have a, publlo playground in the Park, where the people could gather in oemfort and enjoy the spectacular (side) of life. Buoh a stadium Is a social demand in every great city In tjba world. It la. de mailed in the interest of morality, healthy happiness hnd progress, The amphitheatre on a large scale AM , dignity nd baanty to the rhltatur.e qj tiw Kty, and, If properly naaaagad. grow V be ha geney of pbytiea.1 and mesial avft lure U you look over the ottie of the asunW! with apodal attention to the West it WW he seen that tha stadium to la oae fero oej another already m uh at Oft 4risv U attrition ac It wji Mt yts a4 snow MJ ia the fcittas T tha Meutrjea. asw evtyry flettfc will v te "Cvwl? act ever Uty win h'. c us etadMttu. il ;.?