Newspaper Page Text
n.iiii7 jjpjn mjim MwwiwippiipiiPwi ' w'mmmM Wwilw I EVENING EEPq-EB-HIIiADEEPHTg, THURSDAY, DECEMBER IP, IPI3E. IB Uj HELP WANTED MAM! WANl"Fr n-at-terert German apeaklnr nhsr- malst sinirie rnn"H ana inwr. ru'j i" v Kimil j)S Webster eve ..BcrantonjPa. tlcnr-rot trAnv to nr. a cHAurrmTit Jn the largest repair shop; In this city A praulcal coursyln drlvlnjr and repairing AT A 8MAtLACOSTTO TOU IN TOMKLY , PATMBNT8. ,. . TVa Instruct In mir nhftp. vrorVlnir Win mir lwhanlcs, 8 hours dally, 4 hours evening Bee our biff ehep classes new working re tmlrlnt curs Day nml Sn5 'J1 . .. ronn twrD cah co , 020-31 n. nrona -t. I MADJ! $"0,000 In five years with ft, iniall moll order buslnes:,bepri. with $5. Send for free booklet Tells how. lleacock, OBS Lockport, N T moving nrTt'nn ornnATiNa iusm, $is no-Hlon- secured: open dally nn;l Menrftjiy. Weil , Frl ovrs Mott School, 1B03 Sttnsom ' OTIHEN'WALD'B Executive office positions, tech. find sales tiesUtonsl hlxh-elass employment exclusively! books and blank: gratis alio fl. 11th t. . BITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ANY IIiatt-OnADn commercial posi tion can be, nulckly and satisfactorily filled by tho Commercial Registry Bu reau, at Ledger Central. Miss D-an. tha employment specialist In charge, has applications on file of competent, experienced joune women for all aorta of oftlce positions. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, de alrca position whera ability will counti com petent to take entire charge ( possess execu ted ability and will make good If given a trial In a responslblo position. E 857, Ledger Central. CirAMBEtlMAID and waitress! capable, neat. A pply to present employer, Locust 0388. citAMUKItWOIlK and waiting Young German Protestant, expd ; best refs T. TOfl, Led Off. COOK, colored, flfst-class, wishes position I best reference. M. Just. 1820 COOlC Young while Protestant! has S yeira' country. M T4S, Ledger Central. , COOK Young- white Protestant) has A yean private reterence. Telephone walnut 1713 COOK OR HOUSEWOnK No washing ex- perlenced Engllih Protestant. L 70T, Led. Off. COOK, competent, English Trolestant, desires position! good reference. IMP Falrmount ave. COOKING and downstairs work! Oer. Prot. ! competent and experienced. M 78S, Led. Off. DRESSMAKER wants engagements. .home or out, good Otter. HK10 Montrose. Dick. 2241 W. EXPERIENCED colored"" dressmaker, expert cutter and fitter: advance styles! street and evening gowns; tailored suits! alterations i terms reasonable, rhona Paring 1478 V. FIRST-CLASH dressmaker wanfs engagements by day, n B. Ledger Office. GOOD plain cook wants position wjth private family! Amorlcan Protestnnt: references. S009 Silver at. abovo Lehigh ave.). Write or call. GOOD woman wants cooking and housekeeping or day's work! reference.- 28S4 Mutter st. UOUHEWIVES find their help prohlerotftiutckly solved ly Ledger Want Ads; many appli cants from which to make a selection: Inter views can be arranged any day and hour at the Household Registry Durean, second floor. Ledger Building, nth and Chestnut. Call upon or telephone Miss Read, In charge. HOUSEWORK German woman, good coolc, desires position In apartments, genoral house work: West Phlla. preferred. A SMjijLcdOrf. HOUSEWORK White woman: town or coun- try; no wsshlng: reference, in a. n-q at. NURBE, practical, wishes caro of Invalid or nervous patient ai lau, iuaor lmucb. NUIlSB, practical, wishes caro of Invalid or nervous patient. M 750, Ledger Office. OFFICE MANAGER CapaWo young woman: 13 yra, with present firm, which Is retiring from business ; thor. knowledge of bookkeep tng and business methods. V 012, Led. Off. POLISH ailtl. wants housework; "can cook; speaks German, 2027 Ucnnle St.. Nlcetown REriNED lady will tako full charge small nihil t family ; good cook: reference. Address 1100 B. llroad st. BPANtSII and Trench correspondence tranilat ed by mall at rcas. rates. M 748, Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER AND HOOKKl.UPI.n Young business vvomr.n uf exceptional nblll t and experlenco utong commercial lines, having acted ns secretary, capablo of hnnd- . i('K uuinns ul unlit, ill nil vt.icjvu. lliailiivri ! best refertncea from Jormur employers, u ' O".". 1 .eiiiamf .airrll BTENOaRAIMlKin. experienced, accurate, com petent, desires u. position with opportunity and promotion, that requires ability; excel- lent references. A 30, Ledger Office. BTENOORAPJIER; ntnt and dependsble; would consider moderate salary; teforsnee. O S33, Ledger Office, ' ' fiTENOGRAPIlER Assls't. bookeeper: rapid. iwipBunt; moo, salary, t' , xeq. went. fiTENOaRAPHLTl-iairnest beginner, Industrl ous and accurate: mod, salary, u 0, Led. Off. KTELEPHONE operator wants private branch; I thor. expd.j best re(a U 737. Lodger Central. IVAITRESS Experienced young woman wishes posUtorijj?rJ ate family) city. I. l(iu. Led.Off. ivuiuubu nouaeiceeper, with girls of 13 years; exp.! moderate salary. 1. 7lS. Lodger Office. rP,HN5. LAOV' 9P lUfinNEMENT AND ED. , JICATION, .EXPEHIENCED AH STENUG. ItAPHUR. wiLLiNn to tvniiK niun. feCAN TAKB CAUB OK CORP.ESPONDENCH BANIl RfAlfM nrnjur i I v flan. iJ'ULlN OFFICE. MOdEIiaTU BALAltY. I S47, LEDQEU CENTRAL. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Are you seeking & nun of peculiar training and experience for a. reauonslbla flea. clerUal. executive or technical po sition The Ledger's Commercial Registry Du rum has on file at Ledger Central bust Iiesa records of many capabla men. Bet ter consult Mr. Waltera and let him help you solvo tha help problem. ACCOUNTANT, .bookkeeper, educated, pro? ! Kivo. executive ability' 8 years' expert. dice. 4 VMM ullk n.nt alZ. J 1 TJ "Co. management or. secretarial duties with ..-.u.u.iiriu( uMirorftwi3riLd.cent. BSSUnA.TiO. neat typewritten translations; Spanish-English com. cor. furnished prompt- B IV! wort va vAnnVlf .han sna tn jt. - V BSf fl Jiti0!-1311 i anrt wfountant wants worlc f r-r-M rwnmti a anej. imager UlTlco. fi8S!fitEr.I:"v.d,,b'". "'.I'oon.p.i.nt; -fj; - . r--. wmi Mi x- no, iea. ure. BUTLER or tatoud nun, private tamlly. one eatiierisnLedJnL catering 2ta S. 0th. at ' cHAUiriauR : ' Practical, woll-trulnad meehanlo, careful driver, oourteous and BttanUvo maSnersToFsn! for nsw nosltlnn tntal .V..ITT. .- Plghsst refarsnea j- -- --- j-nj-Afin cvuiiai. Muuinun. wnne. u years' axoeiisnc driving nd'rapalrU.g. desires T poaltlony p" fcllAUFFEUIt slogla, white: goal repairer'i Jfllik-tta-ygfiMWefjuVno C13B ood'i't?1"" C W'O"4! xpi7inc5a: 5rTi.iTiTJ.":rt-.T!A general of. r, " -."? rr wprisc, oestrea no- CiiuBt,K'0Sfl:n.f,?f, i recent graduate ii ;?Uh Ift P'0,I"l expatiince, desires posi tion with flrnj offering advaneemsnti Sod. ; arata saUry to start aw, t,,r'&iff J. COLORED couula wutt positions tuxsthar as cook and butl.r, bast refeVence. fioun D , Anderson, 481 Locust at.? Mwtow". & J.' COOK, thoroughly axparlsncidV dealrM posit Jton, praftrmbTy wHhTjjui. tIub ortnsluu. tloo, good referenoaa. Ma a. 13th st POIIRE8PONDBNT Youna- man H SiTT gradual 3 tuf bulnss sipwlsnc at preseot with i-ubllaAisuibousa" SljiPrJtf eoniwuioa olttrlag belter uoaonaSr SrVd. vauciuut, sx.ji refs. y sg. Lad. Ceiit. BLEITRIC1AN Toungxoan, 27. 'lo'Veari? practkal electrical experlanca, dsatrM iosl tion tuiwug charge eUdrlcsl djpaxtmsalof guhjg ccucaro, Al rafareota. SnfllTLSagw GABDEiNER (arblts). tuaVougbJy uoariaiusS and jionup t nrat-Uaas rats 800S JtosLpoSiTst; iprsffisT3tfSftS & V.vf. vuww, svoex aaa neat, good m, Xtall or pboiU DtcklaaHftf"1 ,& uSt.BIflt5LffifiL aaoVoiilUr with sblpyuig ea org aula: xt t. tassr unci, - SlANXtNb Viye "'TTr -F't rtlijagp'sgr aa btittar u4 huseaias. wl as onoMt oufcS. Wa worit, bejtt raferaswa. U 73e LadMr lie a Tna'B'TXr2 , , .. t", - . is- : s.' . . .. .-." mumj ' ... vhsm .it gi Tena nk jmu -rrt xrsrjcrr, .: ". : . ."",,.? ba&dkliig n eu fl larfesWr .kc n ilu yQ.' i" 11 an v., Arici ,.. k wltb tMrJ A.l .rirttBli. tr A -ari- ariii4 dp4rtmitt and dJy., a F 47 L.dr susj. HOT r.lcA.V A illM tf Mlu! W4l iUrst oolUje .1 tin a fFb ,..M., f a- j , i t- , a ttrcrtoi1 it! ., n t . - SITUATIONS WANTED MAI.E PAINTER, practical, will do work.AP for owners Lyona, irainjPsrlf ate. 1(. nEPRBSENTATIVB-Toung hian, ago 2S. pro gresslve. hustler, desire; Ro'Hlfn I,Jr";.J anywhere In the United )ttliw, PMMiJbljr the Weltern Statca. as a representative salea man or In any rapacity requiring bramj, tact and diplomacy) best references, A .OS, SALESMAN, married man, 30. mw lold ajny. thing, but n good aaleiman, desires Pn""'0"! nominal salary nnd commission ihlgnost ref erences as to character, push and stlcktott- T 4 At . at v ran trill. lYcntca r iii.'t rB - - SALEBMAN-Young man, 2T 8 Uf' ?"". exneflence. desires to locato with reiiauio flrm'prYferablV "S Rnt"i LlInl?i:,nn,,tJU,,,n""i good , reference F 63. Ledger Central. BrKnr7rAnT.eUnoplier,bookl.lp.r. gfSlrsosKlnnlaJgl'l""' -- , ., IlFiW-oung man, 53 lenrs. nr??' perlence; beat reference, r 242, ld Cent. 00'Vk?JS5ln..a,,,i5a'trn,.!ng r'h'o'n'a ueimom mm STBNOOR APHETt and fcorfearondent. 4 ye ara experience: competent: modsrota aalary to start. R 17, Ledger office. BXTxrmoa;vr,A22ydT,V,00f7ica!! TIIE cr.ETlK or ai.l.tant carrenler .hop or out of rty; refmncwi and bond U re- quirri r i-rtf, ifign x. ..-' WATCHMAN 8lx yrara' excfllenl reference-it can trive tond, T US. Lrt;tr Cntra YOUNO MAN. 21, two years at Drexel Init , wishes permanent poiition, nem or oiiicei 1J;...!..a in n .txifi! nraii of taking full charge. Any tellable firm .wishing to make a good addition address t. MO, Led. Oft. TUlini) MAN. yenrs uni. bimniv, bw. ... ".'I nes training. 3 years' oxperlenco. graduate Central Manual and Drexel, at present em. Kloyed, deelres to make change: can fur- lhhVstnf references. D .2, ledger Off, YOUNO 1IAN, SO. (I years In responsible office ..aa ..... M. . 1t .1.1,1. ...4 V.t.l rO-IUOII, IIUIUHW w ....iwn..,,.. "-,-'I'- writing, well educated: poas-s-es Inltlatlya and energy) Interview eollo'd. P 717, Led. Of, IUUI4U UAH, BS prCKIH CHl)llU.u uj v.- errment na watenman, wants position as viaii sa ..& kB.B.Ml wkkkVastAil tai sd-hve. F 240, Ledger Central YOUNO MAN. aggressive, a Tears' business experlenco. desliea position. F 140, Led. Len. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES SOUTHERN Employment Directory Select col. cooks, house'ds, cham'ds, walt'es; also mala help! refs. 1211 Pine Upchurch's Bell. OUARANTEED whlto help supplied without AflCpnon" ftiiP . if . . " o. cniin. Wir,LE"r, 1801) Manton st , B, rhll. Southern help: city or coun.: ret, rnone mcunwii .wii, 01RL3-Irlsh. aer., Pol., Amer., Bwed. girls want poa. M lis Ross Dougherty, 1311 Olrard. Tor Solo SPECIAL TJargalne thla week In uied carl from 1100 up. Convenient terms, rhona ' 8, ft B. Auto Co . Locust 8337. 1422 Vina St. FOR SALE. CHEAP 1011 B-passenger. fl- cyiinaer, iuny ruuiipu, ytujn wv. ..w stcr st. Phone Woodland 830 L. FOR BALE, CHEAP 1012 B-passenger. fl- 3 i?.t' i$S, wSiaKnd 35U0"L, 6302 Wsb- 1012 STUTZ touring car, good condition, 730. Olrard Auto Works, 3915 Cambridge st. ATJTO IiIVEHY and gakaqes AUTOMODILF taken on dead storage. South em UamB-i I1V1 om.c, mwt. a. FIRST-CLASS touring car, 11.60 per hour. Call Main 2264. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES INDIAN For sale, 1014 Indian motorcycle, 2-cyllnder, 2-speed model: practically new; lectrlo lighting and horn aystsm; tandem at tachment; original price (310; will aell tot HO.V E 732. Ledger Central. B'LDING MATERIALS EEPAIItS CANVAB COVERS, any tin, for building con tractors. YOST. 713 N. Delaware avo. BUSINESS NOTICES Ladles, have )our furs altered and re laired to the latest styles now and aold FURB delay later on, work guaranteed. Prices moderate. Phone, Ilelmont 238 1 W. CIIAB J HOOHM. 0137 Arcn St. EIZraVeTTForraerly wtUi Ilonwit-Teller. Spe FUR I clallst on remodeling high-grade SHOP ( turai-wcrkmanshlp -guaranteed. 1713 Columbia aye. Open avenlnga. Dla. 3033. POOR CIRCULATION Nervous trnuhla. rh.11 matUm. anemlo conditions, tlesh reducing and upbuilding. Mechano and Electro-Therapcu. nc. rtin ai, iftigi, u.o 1, uroag, z'op. uu. VACUUM cleaners repaired; Simplicity and all makes: hand and electric. Phone Poplar 2351 ; will call. Hand D. Mfg. Co , 1103 Bp. garden. EXPERT nEPAHUNQ Furs altered and repaired to latest styla. imiaun rur K.O , qui o. o.g. WOOQI. 7UJ. MArrRESSES renovated. U guar, eoual to nature tmmtham a, a a .d Oltoi einn a . .-.. ,ntHn miuranu. DH.g, 4-fcLrV EJ. Ue Hematltchlnir dona'whlU you wait. A. !Ulch n.u. AAiti wuwmuii x-utori-u itcviory parni. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ADDITIONAL WORKINO 'CAPITAL Wanted by an established corpora tion, now doing' a' larger export business, and who have numeroua opportunities to Increase profits, Will bsar closest Investigation, and prefer party furnishing capital to take, active part in organlut tton. ' V J3-. LEDGER CENTRAL X MANUFACTURINO corporation wanta dls trlct managers who will be given exclusive territory In Philadelphia, central and eastern Pennsylvania, New Jsrsey, Delaware, New York and other Important territory, for tha best and moat salable product aver placad on tha raarkft: It will 11 to every auto owner. very home, every place pf business; general tranager to act as Jobber and sell to stores: lOO to 1500 capital required; Investigate this at onca, as It la a high-grade business proposition that la right In every particular and a permanent business' you ara building up for yourself. Telephone Walnut 1073, or 7.'U, Philadelphia. MINERAL FL8pW! wriie u. a, v. to,, uo cuDert ac. noon. IAL FLOOniNQ. BTOP BEINO A PBB. BIMISTt . BTOP TALKrNO WARU OCT UUai AKI UJUIU lUU'll I1UHINK03 S-LAU1S Al-XllAW,iaVia UI NBW MINERAL FLOOR IV PUTTINO IN A 3R. YOU DON'T HAVE TO TEAR UP YOUR O ' YOUR OLD WOOD FLOOR. JUST BBND FOR UB. WK DO TUB REUT NO BTOPPINO OF HUaiNESa. NO LOSS OF PROFITS. WE DO IT BIOIIT. PJIILA. MIN- auHwtJioirmuAj ITOn SALE Sweatsr and cardigan jacket mllli on account of death; 40 yean In tha trade forvtgn and domestlo orders; splendid oppor tunltyi I0,0C0 only now: detailed Information xurlsno In thle business unnecaiory. a... rMgyr CllUfll. 14-noOMED 'APARTMBNT .lOUSa private meters to aah room, bringing ISO over sx- Fisnses; must be sold this month, u owner s leaving city, no reasonable offer refused) neighborhood 10th and Mt. Vernon. Call 1821 Oresn, or- phono Poplar 5378. DO YOUR, books tsll tha truth and at tha rlghl tiros T It Is our buslneas to arrange aocounta so that tba true state of your arts Irs will be aulckly apparant. H. C. Msgee, 1300 Stephen Irard bIJt. BeU phone. Wal 1143 LADY Caslrei is retlro from management of a WKll-nsvlng and located enartment fcoui An account o HI healtbi terms easy Addreaa Jaro.s J Hagan, 913 CHurUtlan st. AiVERTISSMBNTS. clafM4, PUaed any where; sk for lists. aWwardrWelJa, Odd Fellows' Building 1.1b and Spnys. PICTURE theatres, all witaa, slseJ. location; goad invesitoaBts sr mat et t. 211 fttb. XilAS BEASON-Bpaca 00 Cbeati rant cant arouno noor tf.744, U4 tt- 8 I: INVB8TMsNT-Wlll hU 6 abarea olt6 at pir. F 363. Ladder CattraL DIAMONDS AND JEWELSY DIAMONDS. BOUOHT DRBSSJMAKLXa AND MIUJWSRY PoaiAwa 'HhfiiP Sold tt cilL&BfW 1 Tntnn lisshilii U'-efc.o ua.Uom 4 MEATBftt-Navafty and cdwMwy fur watar tUdg rebuilt M iuarajii 1 i.'W ttHi a.Kii too B.Idae t -HOB18 ifAU iaisi4, ra U mi rjTnlng aim ma t c !c,i cflsei J 1 MIL Wi J. -A. - -ill-al,i 0. MONEY TO LOAN IlEMEDtAtj IX5AN COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA . , A philanthropy on a business basis, or gantted by prominent men nnd women of MMBEIl'oF' THE NATIONAL FEDBR- ATION OF REMBDIAli LOAN ASSOCIATIONS , , Loans to FAMILI8B llvlnt within city, on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE as security FOR DEI1TS IN T1IB HOME Apptlcatlona nt office only. ... . . EMPIRE I1UILD1NO, 13th nnd Walnut sts. PAINTING AND PAPERIIANOINQ FINE ROOMS papered, 31.75 up: scraping riSui siting.: latlefactlon fjusranteed. w, .Stern, postal linn Ridge neil phone Poplar 1083. . PATENT ATTORNEYS P.MENT8 secured and negotiated: free book'. Wlillamron & Williamson, Suite 5, 1123 Arch. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $1 and upward. Tenn Houfn Wrecking Co., 713-17 St. James at., near fith and Walnut. WANTED CARPETS and furniture wanted: highest prlca fald for. cntlra households, apartments, board, ng houses, storsge receipts: let us estimate. American Furniture Company, 1621 O in. ro. HIUHEST prlcea paid for old rags, metals, rub ber, scrsp Iron, paper, etc.; wagon calls everywhere, Southwestern Junk Co., 1703-07 carpenter, dick. uai. usee 002a 11. DRfTKEN jewelry, gold, silver, platinum, falsa teeth, antique bought. 733 Walnut. Eat. lBOd ROOMS TOR RENT ASK LEDOER CENTRAL WHERE TO LIVE This Information Bureau has on file very complete tjata regarding deslr abls apartments, furnished rooms with and without board, Tha vacancies ara Indexed according to location and price. Consult these lilts without cost and save time and worry. You will prob ably locate quickly and satisfactorily. ARCH, 2021 (The Diamond) Desirable sin vie or double rooms: transient or permanent; running hot or cold water In every room: 2.fl0 per week. Phone Spruco 350X UROAD, 8, 1610 Desirable acancles; good taoie; noi.waier neat; pnone. UUCKINCHIAM PL., 227 (4Bth. Walnut) Two turn, tmin couple or gentlemen; board opt. CEDAR AVE,, 4603-Large, newly furnished room, pnone ivooaisnu 4 (or w CHESTNUT. 1003-Dtalrabla vacancies, south ern expesure; 2d-story front: running water, CHESTNUTS 1028 Nicely furnlahed rooms. atTgiq or en amis, convenient; pnone, CHESTNUT.20I3 Large front room.beautlfully furnished: next bath; all convs.j phone. CHESTNUT, 4217-Deslrabls rooms, rrlvnte laniny. mnie poqru next poor, pnone. CHESTNUT, 1020 Deslrablo turn, or unfurn. aultea. private bath, professional offices. LANCASTER. 074l Ilrlght.cheerful cor. house ; rooms newly papered, painted: turn,, unlurn. LOCUST. 44053entlemnn can hive alnglo room, bath, In reflnod prhate home; also doublo room: convenient. Raring 15J) W OXFOIID. W lC22-NlceIy furntshed largo 2d floor front room and Bitting room; all con. venlencga,. refined prlv. family. Pop. 7133 D. PINE. 800 Slhglo and double rooms: turn ; steam heat, electric light: private baths. PINE. 11C8 Desirable vacancies; single or suite with bath: prhate family; phono SPRUCE. 1115-Front room, 2d floor: benutt fully turn ; running water; other vacancies SPRUCE, 11HU Well-furnlshcd, well-heated nan room ror gsnueman; all conveniences. SPRUCE, 20.2 Desirable 2-room suite with privaie pntn; single room; owner; pnone. SPRUCE, 1312 Sunny room, prl. bath, also suite with bath: quiet home. Wal. 7117 W WALLACE. 100O I-argo front; also reception room, unfurnished; suit professional man. prlvato entranco. mono l'oplar P18. WAT.VIIT. 3T0n Prtvste famllv will r.nt tlt. furnished silting room, bedroom) gentlemen, 12TH, S.. 114 Comfortably furnished" double room, private family; gentlemen; phone 12TH, N., 2054-2 or 3 nicely fumtehedrwarm rooms nice home; 2 bathrooms, breakfait, 15 cents; other mls optional. 103 II AHOVE sOSQlimrANNA - Thlrd-story front, furnished: board If desired; reference. an cnnH. uwiwri iu o., i.cqger uemrai. T1I ST.. S, 218-Attracthely furn roomi: private family: breakfast optional- phone. 82D AND SANSOM-Pur- West Ilranch nisneu rooma; men only, meals, ehower baths; near T.. j. 11 fllA eAm fAsle a Y M. C. A. home. Phone Belmont 4381. ATTRACTIVE fur"d room, best locality, near Oermantown Cricket Club, Queen Lano Sta . P. It It., and trolleys. 423 W. Drlnghurst at. FINE large second-floor room; porch In rear; routb-rn exposure: furnished or unfurnished. 4U30 Uarlng st.; telephono Daring 1021 X. BOARDERS WANTED CEDAR AVE.. 4711-rurntahed rooms with horns comforts; also table board. CHESTNUT. 4048 Nicely furnished rooms. with board; also table board; convenient to eievateq ana ironeys l-nono I'reeton 0321 D, PERKIOMKN, 7 (10th and Poplar) Large; turn laloon parlor: private family: rhone. SPRUCE. 1220-Rooms; single-or suite; private ..ii, vci4ciiv inuw uuwru; pnone. WALTjUTT-4W4 Deelrabia second-story front roomt exceptions! table board. Daring 747. WALNUT, 4323 Sunny rooma: plenty heat; -.-ssssjis huiibi "mi uciaiuj tuinrilltllt 13TH. N 3310belect home, 2d and 3d floor irpii. iPBini. fflann Aiosa OIHU w. 40TH 8T N., 700 Private family will board refined gentlemen. Phone Daring 848. Suburban FULASICI AVE . 460-. (Qermantow n) Attract. cor, room, 4 windows: excellent meals; refs. APARTMENT HOTELS THE LINCOLN LOCU8T DELOW 13TH STREET Several . desirable suites and single rooms with private baths, disengaged. TnANBlENT AND PERMANENT QUESTS THE PARKSIDE OIRARD AVE. AND 40TII ST. Suites, 1 to 3 rooms and bath THE ESMOND B. B. COR. 12TH AND SPRUCE STS. APARTMENTS ASK LEDGER CENTRAL WHERE TO LJVE This Information Bureau has on file very complete data regarding desir able apartments. furnUbed rooms with and without board. Tha vacancies are indexed accordinfi to location and price. Consult these fuss -without cost and save time and. worry. You will prob ably locate quickly and Satisfactorily. PINE 8T,, 1700-Two rooma and bath; 3 rooms and bath: reasonable rents; only 3 apart. reasonable rents; only 2 apart- inenta left APARTMENT BURBAU. 11th and Spruce. BfRINOOARDEN. 1711-3 Urge handsome. exposure, hardwood floors, hot water. SPRUCE ST. 1SB7 Apartments and doctors' l?i!U rmfr.,rn,;B,f.?"'.I"?- APAnT- 13th and Soruce sts. WALLACE. 1383 (COR.) Deslr. housekeeping and bach. lor sils : unfum.; vary reasonable. WALLACE, 2025-Second, sitting room, kltcb-' enette. bath, heat, phone; nicely furnished. WALNUT BT , .iSOa-id" dear, unfurn. jlovely tittm., yin. -iu, 8v.n, Jb rf 1-H3 -I -TO V, Riit'lf iFlrT"fir'TI,l."l.'l' .' 'i: - "'r -' W J5TH, N , 1540-Apt..,lnrn' or unfurn. ; house keeping , 4 rooms, private bath, steam heat. FOR, VACANCIH8 and compute tnforuMtloa. ot 11 apartments free, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Sprues ats Prose Walnut S0. or write for 'Apartment Directory," December MUlltu. ft WW JIOUSEKEBFINq APARTMENT. room, .ad ueiu. ceavrvi; low sen, !-, K. Company, JJ17 Pennsylvania Bug WILL RBNT 1 or 1 rooms sad bath KajnTiT fully furnlahed, prlvaTe bom, to party with gaaq rstseBBsc at saw, tagger CHtntrai. ONE or tw gaafn: ale. gant 1 Wt, roean: rea. V 18th en. water, oatg. nof.watsr burnished Apartments SMALL furnished apart n't for rat: eon hub acaa tm sts. 31 adsTsr Central. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS HAMILTON COURT CHsWTNUT AND MTM mUtmB ! i in i hi. v ffsi. iliiTTpMfTiilfflnr nj3Wftffyn.i. i . - THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOMS C'f-lO-DATB Houseia;BFj-wt3 APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES UN mfeT FUXkR Appl rn Preniisijs HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 0T1I BT., N 048-3-torr dwellingl bargain. ,n liyoo rg. pop, .sei, .Jin st. , UTIt, N 1412 Dwelling; 2 baths, slda yard: Bunnvig iiu iii J'niuiaiii iir ni'tii 1 111 cut mvuvvi Hd (e Bon, 14.17 N. 13th et CinitMANTOWN CHOIdE properties In all sections of Otn., Mt. Airy, Chest, 11,: all prices. Write for special .. list. J. H Chsdwlck ft Co . B318 Oermantawn, T10OA IflTll ST., N 8049 Desirable two-s'toryV 8 room, porch houso, modern conveniences! good Investment. F fi7, ledger Central Chestnut Hill CHESTNUT JIILt, New. three-etory. conveni ence: 22x210: 10 mln. from Wyndmoor Sts., Heading lewv. Phoro Chestnut Hill 1W3 A. sununnAN 11EST ntOPOStTlQNS In Delaware County) send for list sworn ft SONS, Darby, Pa, . Lan-dalc, l'a. 0 ACRES on trolley line, adjoining Lansdalet 8-room brick house, convenltncis, hot.water iirnt; barni chicken house) fruit and ahadel 34200. A, 11. Tyson, Lanadalo, Pa. MAiy LINE. rA. n. It. Ardmora run SALE Modern 11-room house, recently bulltl all conveniences: bath, laundry, steam heat and hardwood floors beautiful condi tion) situated in highest part of Ardmorei 114 Orand View rd,; lot 43x175: will be slid at a bargain; I025O Apply Chas E. Hlree, S10 N. llroad at., Thlla., or phone 833 Ard more. NEW JERSEY Atlantic City. N, J. ATL.VNTIC CITY, N. J. Deaeh front villa: hot and cold sea water baths: D bedrooms, 3 baths, garage: must bs sold at once; Philadelphia exchange consld ered. M C28 Ledger Office. National Park. N.J. YOUK opnortun'ty; lota 23x130: near trolley: overlooking Del.: adjoin. Cnmpbell Soup Co. development. , Oreatnr N J. Co., 83 B. 10th. PENNSYT.VANIA FAH3IS 241 ACRES, at station: commuting distance of Phlli,) old stone buildings; modern Improve ments: great monoy maker: positively to be sold, KJ.sCOO. J, 11, Tliompeon, West Ches t er. Pi. . rrxnin, farms 200 ACRES near Do Funlnk Spring, Fla. tone) of tha most delightful sections In that State! excellent productive aott: CO acrea under cul tlvatlon; the finest garden truck and fruit land In Florida; pecan, fig and peach trees bearing: email house nnd outbuildings: valu able pins timber on the place: beat live stock range In tho State: near National Highway nnA n. R. title O. K.: nosBolslon can da era ronse to ault purchaser; a splendid winter homo end n good Income producing property; thtn property Is offerod for an Immediate oalo nt tho low figure or only .u per acre, Anv nnn .leslrlnar ta nurchese wire or write W. J. Multitt, Lockport, N, Y. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantis City. N. J. HOTELS, cottages, apartmonts, etc., to ex. change for Philadelphia properties. Chas. E. Fell, 31 8. Pen..a. ave., Atlantic City. REAL ESTATE POR RENT Factories, Warehouses. Mfg. Floors Floor srACE, 13xS3: central; good light. fig ?HS ana circincnr, suit nuy uusineas vr Ight manufacturing, ery low rent. x. ... wc , u, . ..... -, Qfllccs, lluslness Hooms, Etc. CFNTRAL. second floor, one or two rooms for rent cheap; suit any business or profession. p, 11, Company, 1317 Pennsylvania llldg, OPKICE FOR RENT.70S Real Estate Trust lumdtng. Droad and Chestnut slB. Meat Philadelphia MARKET ST , 4107 2-story store and dwg. for shoes or dry goods. 000 Drsxel Dldg. 8UIIUIIDAN OV:NTLEMAN leaving city deslrss to rent .house In Wynnenood Manor: excellent condi tion; garago. old ehade; very reasonable rent. F W. Ledger Ctntrot. Drexel Hill. Ta. HTORE AND RESIDENCE Growing com munity: one month rent free. Harry W. Koch. Drexel Hill. Pa. TOR RENT PURNISHED Atlantic City. N. J. APAltl'MUNTS AND COTTAGES for rent, furnished or unfurnished, by month, season or yesr, all locations; prlcss I -'3 per month up 11. O. Harris Co.. Bartlett Dldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED PROPERTY In and around Philadelphia for English Investors; only parties with good In-.nmM-n.ndurlnfi- nronrtlsn of desirable locn- tlon need reply. Wire or write at once to- American represenwmo, v . 4. ...,... Lockport. N. Y. MORTGAGES 130,00000 FOR FIRST AND HLCOND MORTOAOES SAMUEL II CHESTNUT 1510 CHESTNUT ST. THE KID'S CHRONICLE MY SISTIR Glartdla dlderit no wat elta to do thla nftlrnoon, so aho made a opungn cake, ' wlch It took a orflll lawns wile to make and looked like a blizzard attlr Bhe made It, awn akkount of the, lclnsr not beelnsf awn even, and today attlr wo had finished aupplr tvst calm awn the tabll but Gladdlaes epungo cake. Helo, look whose heer, reminds me of wen I was doing time In Siberia, sed POP. Now, farthlr. sed Gladdte, youve itot to eet a lot of thla, I made It with my own hands. Wat do you Jenrelly make It with, Bed pop, but thata rite, Frentch bakers make bread with thare feat, dont they. Wlllyum, sutch tawk, sed ma. And you cant set out of It by making; .oaks, eethlr, farthlr, sed Gladdls, I wunt to see you cet'at leest 2 big slices. And she cut awf a grate big hunk and put It awn a plate and gave It to him and then she cut awf anuthlr peece and gave It to me, beelng a smalllr hunk, but prltty big consldlrlng It dldent talst mutch like spunge cake. And pop took a peece awn his fork and ate It without mutch Upresslon awn his fase, saying, Vfy Is It they call thent spunge cakes, thare not reely made out of spunges, are they. Serteny not. wy. Is thare enythlng the mattlr with it, aal Oladdls. goodnlss nqa it took Uwng enutt to make, wata rang with It. Nuthlng, for the Juv of Bppyourus. no boddy sed enythlns was rang with it, its a perfeok spunge cake, thats ray opJnyln, sed pop. And he kepp awn eating It without eny Uprtvuton awn his fa till his hunk was awl gown, saying. Well, thata ovlr, I meen, that was fine. Her yure Ind peece, farthlr, sed QU4dU. And aha out awf anuthlr hunk yen Wgglr than the fetst wua and put It jawn pops plate, saying, Im go glad you like It. Po I. m4 pop. t mean, are you. And he starttd to ect the tA hunk prltty lo. ayitur. O. I no. Iv got a grate Meer. wn I was a boy and tkty gave me eny' thins I was eepeshiuy fond of, I awlways took it upataia and ate It while I was raatting. It uat to tolet so mutch bettlr Usat wy. and tHU J4at wat 111 do with thl H ! of SsijAfe, I rma spunge rartliir. dou yu 4f ytblu of the kind, you eet It rite; hW. I wuut to s you eet It, you doat gtp I took awl that time to inalu It so yofl coed Uk t upatarea and eet It u.v, by yuraeif, do ou sed OUdlUa Threa sututhi g in tint, assd yog. And lie IMsttaaaid ttoef-'nd psttMe. taitUu aeout t uotnlta to do jt. and I k.wick left txie tavbU Ikilnkina ft milt, be vuillle euutt te i If ijiadvlks asked uio If 1 wuated o.anA ,.,9 ,. a utaavaa wt! I iiiuftnl l..ln l U) 3 r SJUaJU. i a . sV-J Uf eu HI ha I i.1. I Xivv Hli I fuay twr s.1. i, 1 j Jli Y X fej. ( -i "Awfully exciting this war news wlmt7" "Tass; I was so excited rending It last night that my clgarotto went right out." Descended From Bad Tommy didn't In tho least mind his new stepfather, but he was n llttlo puzzled as to just what relation they bore each other. "Mamma," he said, "Is that man my steppapaT" "Yes, son, he Is your steppapa." "And mamma, don't you call me your little lad?" "Yes, dearie, you are my llttlo lad," "Well, mamma, I suppose I must be my steppapa's little step-Udderl" "And will you take macaroni au Gratln, elr?" "No macaroni by gad. It's too dooclddlfllcult to mobilize." London Opinion. YOU COULD SCARCELY BLAME MUM Kitty "Hajor, U It tw Uat once during the jr one f the enemy lld to save your UreT" Mijur Blunt i es Mute Killy- U. uutile. Huw dtdl l. fasvpiMMj' SCRAPPLE OH, HAVE U'LO-JO-RFOOU lAJnRrrUMfi.? l a . l u a OUHOSEPH'bR REfrlRR LITTLE BU5INE55MRNHUI-U K -MPiKEt) EUERYONE THINK HE'5U)0RKEIJ T'DERTH -PRETTY SOFT- PRETTY- GRANDPA IN MISTAKING SISTER'S "Hafev we were toanted you vum4 to write ta tnree letiem a day." Did I. tl f "lea. jjj ii 1 tal i.oar uii set axvey il t-oi, i ms )!. iu i.te Ml a fiitte t-v v( . i--v Xjjiten-- wJ$ A HEART. W-MY-fllNTYOU I THE BUSY BOY- J 5ININCHI5NRE ON RLL THOSE PRETTY PAPERS- I0H-HRUE R HERRTL Phoebe "I , saw Jack yesterday. Why didn't he keep bis appointment with youT" Agnes "He broke his arm." Phoebe "But he 'didn't come tho next day either." Agnes "Well, you see he broke his arm In two places." NEW HAT FOR HIS SKULL CAP jiiniinrriiliieirny in S-vllws-Wk&t aa liTT 1 - 1 QiERRTU lrB'4Sj&fcTrtC& Jcg,' P?Cii tmr i tmwn&m'mKmmm (assses isse Hem-re, statmt!' Jktltia--i--Ca iiw. sett ttwt It .'JUi.'l. be atiai d. etai f 4