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rr ? BVRKlNd T,igDGER-PHILAPlJ,jL,HlA, SATURDAY, PEOEMBEB ID. 1014. 9 GERMANTOWN TO FIGHT JFOR ADDITIONAL POLICE ;m I i -in mwi w mil i ry jitolTx ... if m ar) ( " " i I ft. i :f7vsn t i GUOBGE W. ELKINS entertained at dinner Inst night for the boaM of managers of the Huntingdon Valley Country Cub, at the club house, before the dance. Ills guests Included the president, John "Worrell Pepper, Joseph B. McAllister, George Harrison Frazler, Cameron B, Buxton, Daniel B. Wentz, Walter L. Boss, Joseph E. Wldener, Bobert P. Hooper, Morris B. Bocklus, Edward B. Smith, Jay Cooke, Syd ney Emlen Hutchinson, Theodore Voorhecs, Charles E. Morgan, Henry Miller Walts, Percy C. Madeira, James D. Merrltt, Alfred G. Clay andCaleb F. Fox. Others who entertained before the dance were Mr. and Mrs. Owen Osborne, who gave a dinner of 10 covers; Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph 3. Bunting entertained clghl guests, and E. Blttenfiouso Miller had six guests. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Hampton Schcll, of 431 ' West Schoolhouse lane, have Issued Imitations for the marriage of their daughter. Miss Doro thea Schcll, nnd Alfred Moorhead North on Thursday, January 7, In the First Presbyterian. Ciiuich, Germantown, nt 6:30 o'clock. Mts Cladjs Edwards, of Carpenter street, will give a bridge on Saturday afternoon. December 16, In honor of Miss Schcll Miss Ella Block, of 2101 Spruce street, has had as her guest Miss Anno Williams, of Green Spring Valley, Baltimore. Mis. S. Naudnln Ducr's dancing clans held Its Christmas German last night In the Koso Gar den of the Bctlcvuo-Stratfotd. The cotillon was led by L. Brook Edwards. Society doings were somewhat on the wane this week, as the Emergency Aid Committee claimed tho attention of nil the matrons and all tho buds nt tho Made-ln-Amerlca Fete. The early part of no-U week will be rather dull, so cially, for Christmastldo Is, in truth, upon us, and those who interested thomsetves In charity last week will be apt to think that "charity be gins at home," If their shopping Is not tlnlshcd Monday evening, Miss Bobcrta B. Downing, daughtei of Mrs Robert W. Downing, will bo jfucst of honor at a dlnner-danco Ensign Charles II. Mccum will give on the United States steamship Connecticut. Mrs. Harvey L. Elklno and Miss Ethel C. ElMns, of 7S01 Creshelm rond, wU give a dinner Jn honor of Miss Mary Ballard, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs Ellla Ames Bnllarfl. Tuesday 'evening, Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury will gtvo a dinner-dance at the Bltz Citrlton In honor of Miss Cordelia Blddle, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel Bld'dle, and Miss Susan Bremmer Ingersoll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles E. Ingersoll. Miss Charlotto Bush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin BuBh, will be guest of honor at a dinner to bo followed by a theatre party given by Dr. and Mrs Edwin Eldon Graham, and Miss May Brlnton, daughter of Blnney Brlnton, " - wlll'bo guest of honor at a theatre party, to ba " followed by supper at the Bltz-Carlton, given ' ' by her father. r' Mrs. Halhert Powers Gltlctto will entertain on Wednesday nt a theatre party and tea at the Bellevue-Stratford. In honor of Miss Mary Hall Laird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pow ers Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Charlemagne Tower will give a costumo party at their resldenco In bono,- ot their daughter. Miss Gertrude Tower. Thursday, Christmas Ee, the "debs" will probably be busy sending and receiving gifts rather than attending teas nnd various func tions, though Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winter Bally .wilt give an old-fashioned Informal Christ - was party at their home, "Bosslevyn," Straf ford, In honor of their daughter. Miss Mary Wood Bally. On Christmas Day there will be only family 1 affairs. i Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Boblnson (Potter will give a. dansant at the Bellevue-Stratford on Saturday afternoon In honor of their piece, Miss '' Margaret Berwlnd, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. " Henry Augustus Berwlnd, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steelman Dlsston, of Norwood Hall, Chestnut Hill, will give a theatre party In honor of Miss Pauline Dlsston, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dlsston. This evening, Mrs. Alexander J. Cassatt and her granddaughter, Miss Lois B. Cassatt, ot 202 West Blttenhouse square, -will be at home from S Until 11 o'clock. There will be dancing. Miss Ada Lambert WetherJU, Miss Virginia Wetherlll and Miss Helen Baldwin Gleason will go to Flushing, L. I., next Saturday to receive t the tea which will be given for Miss Viola MacDougall by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Dousall will give a house party over New Tear's Day. ALONG THE MAIN LINE WaHKE-MIss Martha Walton will entertain the bridge club of which she Is a member Wed nesday, December 80, at her home In Wayne, The club, which meets every two weeks. In cludes among Us member Miss Marian Mul ford, Miss Helen Bates. Miss Marjerto Inez Morris, Miss Doris Wnterall, Miss Marguerite Watklns, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Way, Mr. and Mrs. Pennington Way, Miss Katherlne Yerner. Ulss Frances Long, Kerro Knox, Warren Way, Oarenco Woolman, C. H. Bawllns, Qeprgo Arnann, Channlng Daniels, Mr, Wallace and IJonsJd Lees, CHESTNUT HILL Mr. and Mrs. Everett V. Crosby and their family, of West Mermaid lane, will go oa to Wow York next -week to spend! Christmas. A family dinner will be given at the. Waldorf-Astoria orj Christmas Day. .Arthur Crosby re turned from Tata yesterday, accompanied by seven of his ejassroatea, A. dinner of covers wljl b given tonjjht at the Philadelphia Cricket Club In their honor prior to the club danca. The young men. who tnchid Edward Thurston and Francis Bospra. of Chicago Heaton Tready, Sidney Kelly and John - ZHarwirtb. of Nwsr York. Albert Oisea ud aj. tred M Phillips, of OUnbrook. Qenja vgy . .jatala a the guests of Mr. andMtj. Cseafcy m Tueaday. WEST PHILADELPHIA Hta Oawttro HeKay, ffco faw fen the Ht Mr d Mr HoUrt Wltmar, at flW KUig fMatac VMHM. for avrf4 Jjs. baa returned to her home, at U Wt ftteuat Koyal at taut, ttot. IMm HeKr. who rlv4 t um 4kWte ta e Mim Hwh Wartr M "l' war vb s ,5 wsc j ,(,, uK ri wsathsi wf the I " w Mr Key CUoaon. of mtt which, with tha Sower atut to th dtbaUntit, I woapor ana w nmr -" - t t'M WsasttMte. w tfttd to twtety t ti! , jk i rth stroot, Jorw a vtrtuhto boor f Ary ?t- 1 S30AL anu KO First Monday german In Baltimore, on the 6th of Decomber. Miss Katherlne D. Collins and Miss Mary N. Collins, of 6436 Vine street, entertained the mem bers of their card club yesterday, at the Winne flcld Country Club. Tho guests present were Miss Ethel Somers, Miss Llllle Somers, Miss Margaret Somers, Miss Mnrguerlte Carroll, Miss Mlidred Hudson, Miss Henrietta Bellly, Miss Eloaporo O'Brien, Mlsi Elisabeth O'Brien, Miss Mnrton Garwood, Mlsa Genoilevo Carroll, Mrs. Leonoro Doyle, Mrs. Charteo O'Brien, Mrs. Vin cent Mngee, Miss Margaret Carroll, GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Button, of Cliveden ae nue, will give a dinner followed by enrds to night for Mr. nnd Mrs Laiclle Thornton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaiah T. Bjnn, Mr and Mrs. Gcorgo SHerman, Mr. nnd Mrs. Erwlh Simpson nnd Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA .Miss Anna E. McGurk will entertain this eienlng In honor of Miss Allco Cassldy, of Ovcrbrook, with a "E0O" party, followed by auppcr, nt her home In tho Glrnrd Estate, 2103 South Gnrnet stteet She will be asshted by Miss Laura Bean, of Fcrndale. Among tho guests will be Miss Helen Hnrklnson, Miss ridrenco Pennypackcr, Miss Mary Mack nnd rrank Gdod, of Ottsvllle, Stephen nicbardson, Joseph Fox, John McGurk, Howard New and Charles Wuenderllch. Mr. and Mrs William Lockcr, of Wash ington, D. C will come to the city on Wednes day to he tho guests of Mrs. Lockyci's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Hnggerty, nt 1211 Christian street Mr. and Mrs I.ockyer will remain until ablut January 6. and sccral ery delightful affairs have been planned In their honor. ROXBOROUGH I The Wlssahlckon Canoe Club gaio a dinner last night at the clubhouse. Park Betrcat, In I honor ot the members who composo tho All-Star Minstrel Troupe. Christmas bells, holly, ferns nnd red flowers were mingled In tho very at tractive decorations George Taylor, commo dore, was toastmostcr. Those present were J" H. Sowden, lco commodore; Hcnnessy, Quartermaster, Mr nnd Mrs. Edward Wilson. Mr. and Mrs Harry Fnrrand, Mrs M. Brown, Miss Marlon Tow nsend, Miss Betty Burns, Mlsa Angela Burns, Mlsa Louise Mejnell, Miss Sue Meynell, Miss Ktty AVIngert, Miss Genevlee Burns, Miss Vlney Walker, Miss Grace Hnuse, Miss Betty Currcn, Miss Helen Hendricks, Miss Pearl Albright, Miss Mildred Albright, MIis Cecilia Anderson, Miss M. Dornhclm, Miss C. Dornhclm, Miss Clara Mays, Miss Mary Kick man, Sirs, Alfred Sowden, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dornhclm, Carl Myers, Harry M Taj lor, James Smith, Thomas Thrlng, Edward Thomas, Bay mond Stout, Charles Sowden, William Lawton, Kqnneth Snyder, Bedford Eastwood, Frederick Bnnsford, William Massa, Elmer Muck, Herbert Schelrer, William Benyon, Gordon Swayne. Hairy Jennings, Harry Lewis. Joseph Genshel mer, Bussell Thompson, Harry Barnhurst, Nor man Sturgls, Hnrry Hause, George Frank, J. C Smith, A. E. Sowden and Joseph McErlaln. FJRANKFORD Miss Eleanor Gallagher, of 2606 Bhawn street, has as her guest over tho week-end Miss Mary McDonnell, of Atlantic City. Miss McDonnell will be guest of honor at a luncheon today at tho home of Mrs. William Carrell. Covers will be placcjl for 27 guests, In cluding Dr. and Mrs. Block, of Erie, Pa. Miss Edna J, Bejnotds, ot Harrison and Mul berry streets, will entertain at luncheon today In honor of Miss Linda Phrefall, 1118 Klnsey street. The guests will Include Miss Caroline Altkens, Mlsa Mable Bell, Miss Helen WInnels, Miss Agnes Abraham, Miss Esther Blnker and Miss Edna Yarwood. Miss Reynolds is a noted pianist, and will entertain her guests after the luncheon with a little musical. LANSDOWNE Mr. and Mrs. William II. Thompson will give a dance the night after Christmas at the New Century Club for Mlsa Helen Thompson, and on the Monday night after Christmas Mr, and Mrs. Hamilton M. Barksdale will give a dance at the Country Club for Miss Ethel Barksdale. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Connable have as their guest Miss Mary Brackett. of Mlddletown, N. J. aU A BtAIHUf tJLN Hit Iprf-Ttlio i ihc !j-jttt jtUr saJSJjf. bVi is use -ii thi lun i.-.j.t.iii uu-iiibci4 y the i jj.iW et i JPiaiHBaEkSMt XJC-T0Vir 3FM aHlftigrJB - -sp 9sssssHBEgs3rassK,BKr5isW MRS. FRANK DAVENPORT Pk.t.iriph by Mire Mrs. Davenport before her marriage was Miss Elsie Aluller Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Davenport have returned from their wrdding trip and are living in Pittsburgh. They will spend the Christmas holidays lyith Mrs. Davenport parents. WHAT MILADY WEARS Fasbionablo Women Arc Adopting Fuller and Daintier Gowns. A FEW nights ago, at a fashionable charity entertainment, n fascinating little New York girl appeared In a costume representatlvo ot tho early part ot the last century. Unless Dame Fashion veers decidedly around, before very long we shall be wearing this Identical stile, for each day brings skirts fuller and shorter nnd bodices more contracted. One of the most picturesque frocks Is being worn by Miss Ella Brock. The material Is pale blue Pompndour silk, liberally sprayed with pink rosebuds, nnd the gown has a snugly fitting basque, the decolletage softened with cream net. The skirt Is quite short, and Is shirred over the hips and luted at the hem. An Inch-wide black velvet bow, with long streamers, adds a finish ing touch at the back. Miss Eleanor Blspham wears a delicate frock of pale blue satin, over which Is hung a tunic of blue and silver bugles. The skirt Is In dancing length. An effective gown of deep garnet velvet was worn by Miss Kitty Penn Smith recently. It w'ns hung qulto straight from the shoulders, hardly defining the waist line, and was devoid of trimming. Mrs. George McFadden Is also wearing a Bmart gown of deep red velvet It Is draped In Grecian fashion and filled In at the decolletage with soft cream-colored lace. Over this Mrs. Mcradden wears a. gorgeous cloak. Miss Nancy Coleman appeared recently In a girlish little gown of palest pink pussy-willow taffeta. It was made quite simply, reljlng on the draping for effect, and had a wide girdle nnd an oversklrt of the taffeta. The tiny sleeves were caught on the shoulders with rosebuds. Miss Mary Evelyn Chew looks well In a danc ing frock of soft white crepe ds chine, com bined with black velvet. The skirt is of crepe de chine, accordion pleated, and the short walsted bodice consists ot a wide band of black velyet without fulness, relieved by a little edg. Ing of tulle. The latter Is also used to form the sleeves. The ever-popular and always practical black gown Is holding Its own, and quite a number ot the younger set have adopted them for many occasions, Mrs. Walter Jeffords made her ap pearance recently In a stunning all-black gown of satin and net. The bodice was cut low over the shoulders and held by bands ot let. The young matron's only ornament was a string of pearls Mrs. George Brqlen Starr la wearing an original dancing frock of' black net over satin, with a wide girdle ot black-and-white checked velvet Miss Edwlna Bruners statuesque beauty Is well set oft by a gown of black satin, combined with white, tulle and Jet Mrs Churchill Williams has selected a smart black satin dance frock, the skirt ot whteh Is trimmed with a flounce of soft shadow laea. The bodied has a ape etfaet qf the Iae, which alto, forma the slwvea. Folds of tulle fill In the Y shapad deaoflatago. The skirt ts made quite Short tor dancing. f CAJIDEN ANTj ViqiNITY Mr and Mrs. Charles K. Hagjlen have, re turned to their horae in Haddonfleld from a long motor trip. Mr and Mr. Wyim Armstrong, ot Mr ehantvtlle. are entwtaUUBg Mr. Armstrong ruothw, Mta. WrtMaso. West Mi Nam Northrop wtt) r4wn to har hoe at W DMA ?M strt at weak frosn feet at Pofefc-a Frry. Mrs. Thoeaaa BwlAg and daughter. Mtaa Hiu aiwia. have rtsrn4 to tfcfcir bona at KluatMn. N I aAar btng scuttt foe a fn&jM by air. aad Mrs ttojr CMhaon. of tfum tJUi straat. IT SEEMS as if today's gaieties for the debutantes would make up for the compar atively few affairs of tho early week. Miss Eli nor Judd Bean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Bean, will be guest of honor at a luncheon at the Blts-Carlton, to be followed by a theatre party to fee given by Mrs. Sey mour Davis. There will be 12 of the season's debutantes present, Mrs. William Simpson, Jr, will give a lunch eon at the Acorn Club in honor ot Miss Mary Hall Laird, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Warren Powers Laird. The guests at a luncheon and theatre party to be given by Mrs. Joseph Priestly Button, In honor of her daughter, Miss Marlon Button, will Include Miss Edith Earle, Miss Eleanor Longstreth, Miss Christine H. Stockton, Miss Carolyn Sheppard, Miss Mildred Sheppard, Miss Margaret M. Perot, Miss Eleanor Bryant Miss Helen Marshall and Miss Theodora Llllle. Miss Roberta B. Downing, debutante daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Downing, will be guest of honor at a dinner to be given by Miss Mary Ethel Davis, of 8819 Drexel road, before the dance at Merlon Cricket Club. cfMrs. George Washington Edmonds, of 154S North 33d street, will entertain nt a theatre party, followed by tea, with dancing at the Bellevue-Stratford, In honor of her niece, Mlsa Eleanor Edmonds, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Edmonds, of Germantown, Among the guests will be Mrs. John Edmonds, Miss Edith WaU, Miss Eleanor Walz. Mlsa Doris Howes, Miss McDowell Miss Bay Fox and Miss Adele Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dorrance will give a theatre party, followed by supper at the Bellevue-Stratford, In honor of their niece, Miss Eleanor Bournonvlllo Watt, debutante daugh ter of Mrs. William C. Watt. The guests will Include Miss Margaret Atlee. Miss Eleanore Blspham, Miss Ed(th H. Dillingham, Miss Dorothea Oberteuffer, Miss Helena Robinson, Miss Frances Stougbton, Miss Rebecca A. Ly cett, Miss Marjorle Taylor, Mlsa Dorothy De H. Deacon, Miss Ethel Hastings, Miss Mary Hall Laird, WlUlarn Bailey, Samuel Blspham, George Boyd, 3d, Herbert Casey, Harvey Lewis, William Maybarry, John Mears, powland Mel lor, Wayne Robinson, Charles Service, Albert Lucas, Thomas Robinson, Franals Reed and Joseph Heatly Dulles. Miss Helen Gray Murray, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lenford Murray, of Wynne wood, will be presented at a tea this afternoon at the home of her parents. Among those who will assist In reserving are Mis Hejene As bury. Miss Madeline Asbury and Mls Laura MeCowen Mis Murray nHt wear a DraU wed el ot Saeh-eolored efaaraeuie, vetted tea efekfton and ' laa. The skirt has a deep ruffle of lace taught wttb forgetiSHt'Aots, and 1 a8opd around the 4ge. The haaiaa wlH wear an Imported gown of eietn of tvW, titsMMd wttb. creajn ce and M- Tba bouse, with ita tetroa.ue grounds, forma an admirable aotttas; for the young girts Intro 4ucio The interior of tho boum ha fee banked with patta and csjruuua grots, Which, with tha Sowers aut to th atonUnU. lam a varUahi tevor Citizens Atouecd By Councils' Fniltiro to Comply With Director Porter's Request for Funds to Increase Force. Organizations Unite. United action to force an appropriation from Councils for more police In Germantown was discussed today by leadlmr civic workers when they teamed that Councils had ignored Director Porter's demand for provision for E00 new po licemen. Three Germantown associations will combine In the new effort to get adequate protection. ,For several months there has been agitation for more pollco as tho result of many robberies In the Germantown section. The three organizations are the Germantown Business Men's Association, the Germantown and Chestnut Hill Improvement Association and the East Germantown Improvement Association. A month ngo delegations from all three Inter viewed Director Porter and urged the necessity for more police In their districts. They pointed V out the record of robberies In the section, de claring the present force In Germantownyloo small to meet the situation. The organizations also sent many letters to Councils asking for an appropriation for more police, but the letters were Ignored. Tho same falo befell Director Porter's request at Councils' meeting Thursday. It was learned today that members of tho East Germantown Improvement League are talking of forming a Vigilance Com mittee to keep down the number of robberies In that section. 1 Like measures may be resorted to by mem bers of the other two organizations. Besldents of Germantown aro virtually In a state of terror because ot the large number of robberies. The Bev. Harle W. Hathaway, pastor of the Coienant Presbyterian Church, of 21st street nnd Chelten avenue, said: ' I cannot understand how City Councils can remain passive when It knows what conditions are In Germantown. We are virtually helpless here." Wllllnm M. Emhardt, president of the German town and Chestnut Hill Improvement Associa tion, said: "We shall certainly combine the work of the Germantown -civic organizations. The lack of police Is appalling. Not only do we need police to prevent burglaries, but the main thorough fares are the scenes of many accidents because they are not properly policed," HOBOES FLOCK HERE FOR SHARE OF $50,000 Councils' Appropriation for Unemployed Attracts Unworthy From Distant States "Some Good Pickin's," Beg gar at Aid Headquarters Declares. Attracted by the 350,000 appropriation for, the unemployed, which was fathered by Common Councilman John P. Connelly, hoboes and members of the wanderlust brotherhood are flocking to Philadelphia. Riders ot freight cars and prof esslonal' beggars are eager to partici pate in the appropriation. Fifty professional beggars and widely known charity seekers haie been arrested by detec tives of the mendicant squad since Connelly's ordinance became a law through the support of Republican Organization Councllmen. Men whose homes are In distant cities crowded about the Emergency Aid Committee's headquarters at H2S Walnut street today eager to get cash. Many of the applicants frankly admitted they had heard of Connelly's ordl. nance. Since the appropriation was made, no par ticular method has been adopted to distribute the city money. Four widely known charity agencies have declined to assist in the distri bution. It has been suggested by prominent social workers that the danger ot bad politics being Injected In the new movement caused the four charity agencies to refuse to partici pate in the movement When the appropriation was made, It was decided that the Emergency Aid Committee should have charge of the distribution of the city money. As yet not a cent of the 350,000 fund has been distributed. "There ought to be some good plcktn's here," said a beggar as he stood outside of 1428 Wal nut street The appearance of professional mendicants who hae been loitering near the aid headquarters the last two days has caused residents to complain. On file In the headquarters of the Society for Organizing Charity are many applications from total strangers who want a share of the 350,000 appropriation. Some came from Con necticut, Rhode Island and other States. The applications for cash aid were made at the different substations of the Emergency Aid Committee. Many suggestions were made today how the 150,000 could be spent. Social workers sug gested paying It to men employed on the high, ways. In parks and on boulevards An en thusiastic war veteran, who saw the "hoboes," said a part ot the 350,000 should be spent ar nlshlng and cleaning the statue of William Penn on top of City Hall. A neighborhood house where poor children can spend their winter afternoons was suggested by a social worker. This man said if such a house was constructed work could be obtained for many unemployed. Max Herzberg, president ot the United He brew Charities, said: "I do not think It Is a good Idea to have Councils appropriate money for unemployed. There Is always chance of an Invasion of unworthy men from other cities who might Impose upon the municipality. "The heads of the parlous municipal depart ments ought to ascertain just what Improve ments are needed and then give work to the unemployed," he said. WORKERS MAY HEAR ORCHESTRA Eduard P, Bok to Resell $U0 Academy of Music Seats at 50 and 35 Cents. Orchestra and parquet clrole seats at th Aeadeaay of Music for the Saturday night " eerta of the Philadelphia Orchestra will be thrown open to lover of good music who pan not afford more than W eenta for a seat begin ning tonight, through th generosity of Edward W. Bek, Heretofore, when aH the lower priaxi teat were sold out a long Hn was turned away although many stats were vacant In th par quet and orchestra. Mr. Bk will seU parquet eitoU seat to tttM who otherwise would be tnmed away -t M nt, and the stat inside th orcfeir iU at M onto- He ha mad agrmusmenti up the Mats at U-H often- Many of th already hav hn sold aX tho lowar uricaC to mill girl la Konatagton. tkrouah tho Ut hou. and to of tho Cnrtla PuMwfc 1ns Company. u th aotUoseont Muak swhoui Wfcr and to rtrtw linn 4ate Chou TENEMENT DWELLER TO HAVE RENTING BUREAU Civic Workers Plan to Establish Station for Advice of Victims of Housing Evils in Finding Thcrri Better Quarters. A renting bureau where Philadelphia's poor can obtain Information relating to aanllnry dwellings which rent for the same Amount thai Is charged for dirty and wlndowtess tenement will be established shortly by civic workers. The plan is to educate the tenement poor and urge them to, leave their present Insanitary homes nnd move to other sections of the city where there is no difference In the cost ot rent Suppling 'residents of the tonements with Information about belter homes was suggested today by members of the Philadelphia Housing Commission. It has not been decided where the renting bureau will be located. A study of various residential sections of Philadelphia ha convinced civic workers that there are many sanitary houses, with real win- j0w, bathtubs, running water and other Im provements which can be rented for the ahje amount charged for dirty tenements, Trained social Investigators will be assigned to make tours of the city, locate vacant houses nnd to ascertain Uie rents. Records of house known to be sanitary will be kept at th bureau. After n record of about 500 sanitary homes where the rent Is moderate has been made. In vestigators will be assigned to congested sec tions where dirty and unventllated tenement are. Residents of tenements will be told of tha sanitary dwellings, where rent is no greater than they pay for the hovels In which they exist. "There are hundreds of families In the tene ment house section," sold one civic worker today, "who could easily move tOUP-to-daU houses In the northern part of the city. Many houses thero charge the same rents that land lords charge for tho unventllated dwelling w hlch are living vaults nnd death chambers." The action of Councils' finance committee In Ignoring the appropriations for the new Division of Housing and Sanitation was ai,-aln condemned today In various parts of the city. Voters, especially thoso who live In the 7th Ward, of which Select Councilman Charle Segcr is leader, expressed their feelings openly today about his stand relating to the; housing laws. Seger Is among the Councllmen who have declared they were opposed to the new Division of Housing and Sanitation. That the attitude which Seger has taken in connec tion with the new housing laws will Injuie him politically was predicted today. Common Councilman Connelly has twsen men tioned several times as a probable candidate fon City Solicitor on the Republican Organiza tion ticket He has also expressed himself as being opposed to the housing reform provided by act of legislature, to enforce which Councils refuses appropriations, because In his opinion It Is too drastic. Residents ot sotrle sections of the city sug gested today the holding of mass meetings In localities where the dirty tenements are located to enlighten the poor on tho stand that Con nelly and Seger have taken. FORMER COUNTESS REWEDS Marie SatterGeld Bride of English Army Captain. ALLENTOWN, Pn.. Dec. 1. The marriage of Marie Satterfleld, formerly the wife of Count Henry von Larlsh, of Austria, to Captain Albert Sanderson, ot the British army, has been an nounced here. Miss Satterfleld Is a daughter of the late John Satterfleld, of Buffalo, N. Y., a Standard Oil magnate, who left an estate at his death, 1$ years ago, valued at 310,000,000. The marriage oj Miss Satterfleld to tho Aus trian nobleman took place at Buffalo, In June, 190lf but several jcars later she dUorced htm, following the Institution ot a suit against the Count by a firm of German matrimonial brokers for 350,000 for services In making the match and In financing his suit for tho hand of tho Amerl. can heiress. Tho pair have two bos, who are now with their grandmother. Count on Larlsh is a son of tho famous Countess von Lsrlsh, of the Austrian Court, who claims to be a cousin of the Emperor Frana Josef ot Austria. Her memoirs, published last year, created a sensation. The Countess Is said to havo Introduced tha Baroness Mario Vetsera to Crown Prince Ru dolph, husband of Stephanie, now the Countess Lonyay. Miss Satterfleld recently returned to America, with her mother, but a few weeks ago sho sailed for England. Yesterday her grariSmother, Mrs. Matilda Martin, ot this city, wa sur prised by receiving a cablegram nnnounclos th marriage. Captain Sanderson Is a eteran of th Boer War and is said to be very wealthy, owning a large estate In Ireland. He Is In charge of the recruiting department ot the British army In London. EMPLOYES THANKFUL FOR JOBS Usual Gilt rrogram My Not bo Followed by Change This Year Becaute of Strain on Business The best Christmas presents which many bank employes will reoslye this year w llielr positions, which were restored when tho Stock Exchange resumed business about three -weejea Bgo, tne exenanxo ciuacu uw -""7 indefinite period, and because of the wax abroad clerks, stenographers and other -sentlal for tho transaction or business wr temporarily laid off. The salaries ot othwr were out. In on ease 59 per oent In former year It was tho custom of awea banking nouso to give a percentage ot tho buainosa don during th year to the omotoyo Others set td an ailatmmt for dWUfhutian, while still ether concerns rtinomborod thlr am ptoyes by giving them a month's salary This year thing? r different Th v brought bvlnM to a standstill. j)M ha lows wa dwve, but on oh a small Kfslc Wat many broker's house did not rwnMn mm for their Isur A broWi,' ' in was out down, aa wa tho banhir rotnra on money reduotd. Horotofoffo it ha boon Um am torn t - Soar t lb Stnok Ssehnnf o t tnjw nf. , uoi -teogsa for wntof ! WUrtir at tho wrahamr. hnt whether th siiiitim f bo toUowod UkVi yw 4M9- It, tho dtstrtbattan to tho nsnfawmn. u ha mn turn T for tho mnwfitrs to hoM oior.-. mm fb. aA on tnooo oceaasoskB boa bma in vil of uwdHon Mik-a nav uuv blank or xfc BaM duurfcet ai f uaaor wfcJnb oaa84sc and tut& - rtisrf , M: may eU (h.v ao v. -jylUfWlKl gtlw AU w tnWl i i:ri m on- ! 'C m "5 1 fit' I o-Ja. a - . -,& Vrt -ft i JC ,- i-. JaftjW.1 -, daJ .tM&rtJg - . .fiTlmtf.- i -fa A -. .. ,J- SE-, .o,tmm4mm4if m' TffflflfcL -J - TCSQilmm-teamlte fL. . -mliffTn "llimmTll lllHItr'T T""- " i bbwT -"?-$.&K F i-jtt --fii-iiiiiKii'EBev'w' - -jti3f'.i?iiia-zf,"& S id-ulviJFlfeiiiEv yAtfrri" "3m:T"i jjEciM ji ,gi jg j-riBiJti-JfcL frMBHFP i-f?t?j .j , SJ - cBMM'jJug?MSBBfc-sBftflttlBlBnMft- IIiiMBMBEiri HsmBsfc'lf irsfl JjtfBBBBsLlBgiigiJt'"JE TfnTSBBMBMBBsnHlBriBal1iaim. --. L, (- ,aMftM6lBtMBSmlsMhhfrT nilHriMV 'tfflnlMiBBKB&&BrlKEwttvTf?T mlLiLilllHLii9iBLillHiLimiHiLilLiiLillLillHi