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""WTJWWWM Sf'W1!PWW0staW,w". "'(s!i9WW,4Jj m"wv pjrSgS'.' & EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA:,. -MONDAY, nismaMiRER 21, 1914. "&'" Ifi'W'-' gwwut twiM..w".' HOUSING INACTION WILL BRAND CITY, , SAYS MRS. GLENN - - president of National Con- fctence of Charities and Corrections Declares Re form Is Vital Necessity. -h "Unless the lawmakers of Philadel phia do something for 1'hlladelphla's pool1 by appropriating funds for tho new Division of Housing and Sanitation a stigma wlt always remain over tho fair ,tiapW of Philadelphia. Conclusive proof f ha"' been brought forth by housing ex torts which shows that some of the tcne- t A ,1 ' menta In the crowded section, are a menace to the health of the posr." These are the words of Mrs. John M. Glenn, a noted social worker of New York, and the wife of the executive director of the nussell Sage Foundation, who came to this clly today In the In terests of the National Conference of Charities and Correction, of which she Is president This Is recoirnlicd as one of the most Important organisations for the study of social problems In the country. Bhe Is here to make plans for the 4 2d annual convention of the organization In Haiti more next May. "Philadelphia's dilapidated tenements have been mentioned to me on several occasions," said Mrs. Glenn. "As a maU ter of fact, I have heard of the subject while In other cities. The housing prob lem In my opinion Is one of the most Im portant subjects that any municipality can take up. "I am not a Phlladelphlan, therefore I feel that I shouldn't express my opinions too freely, However, since the agitation for better homes was begun conclusive proof has boen brought forth by prom inent physicians, social workers, jurists and psychologists who have proved with records .and statistics that tho present tenement house evils are responsible fer many of the troubles of the poor. "Politics ought not figure when It comes to establishing better homes for mothers, fathers and little children. There has been talk of real estate Interests and trust companies being opposed to the granting of appropriations, If such Is the case, a serious mistake Is belnir made. "Councils ought to get together and make a personal study of the tenement house ovll. since so many noted men of this city have brought forth such splendid arguments for better housing conditions I think Councils ought to make some answer. "Members of Councils must not forget that while they are Ignoring the Issues there aro thousands of poor tollers living In houses which havo been described In newspapers as 'living tombs' and 'death vaults." "As long as you have bad housing so long will the futuro of children living In the bod tenements bo affected. Dad environments Is the chief cause for so many of our children appearing as pris oners. Sometimes after the hearing In the children's court comes a trial in a higher court for some offense. "There should be running water In the kitchens and there should also bo court yards where the children can play. There should be large windows so that the light can penetrate. It Is terrible for the poor to sit In dark kitchens during the day time with burning kerosene lights. "I hope that the members of Councils' Flnanco Committee will give the housing probtem of Philadelphia their attention." The plan to havo a renting station Is now Under way. It Is possible that this station, which will enable the tenement poor to obtain information about sanitary dwellings at the same rate which Is charged for Insanitary quarters, will be established shortly. Civic workers plan to get a list of such houses and tell the resi dents about It when visiting them. Cornerstone of Audubon Church Laid AUDUBON, N. X, Dec. at. The corner stone of the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, White Horse pike and Harvard road, was laid yesterday afternoon. The services were participated In by every minister In Audubon. The building will be entirely of granite and wilt cost about $sooo. LITTLE GIRL SANTA CLAUS Hose Harkins, 13 Years Old, Collects 76 Dolls for roor Children. Seventy-five dolls which are to be dis tributed among poor girls of Tacony as Christmas presents havo been collected by U-year-old Hose Harkins, of 6713 Torres dale avenue, from her chums In the St. Leo' a School. The young social worker began collect ing the doll several weeks ago, and has worked so persistently among her fellow scholars that 60 of the Christmas gifts are already In her possession and tho other 2J promised from such reliable sources that there Is no longer any doubt as to the success of her plan. The dolls will be distributed by Miss Sadie Dlsston, of "003 Hagermah street. who has done so much charitable work In that section as to become familiar with all who are deserving of the young girl's efforts. . ', RECEPTION TO JUSTICE FELL Head of Supreme Court Will He Bar's1 Guest "Wednesday flight. D. Newlln Fell, retiring Chief Justice, of Pennsylvania, will be the guest of the bar of Philadelphia at a reception at the Bellevue-Stratforl Wednesday evening. The evenfwill be under the aus pices of the Law Association, the. Law yers' Club and tho Law Academy., . Tho committee In charge consists of Hampton L. Carson, Frank P. Prlchard and Meredith Hanna. for-the Law Asso ciation; Francis Shunk Brown, , William II. Staake and Henry C. Thompson, .for the Lawyers' Club, and John B. Walsh, Joseph Carson and Palmer Watson, for the Law Academy. Bishop Dedicates Italian Church Bishop McCort dedicated the new Cath ollo Churtlv of Mater Dolorosa, Paul. Orchard and nuan ll n,kf"d' yesterday. A sermon lit English was Reached by the Bey. William J. Hlgglns, and an Italian sermon was delivered by the Bev. Balmondo Tenlnl, of New TorK. CANTATAS IN CHURCHES -" ' I I !-. ,.. v Special Programs, Inaugurate- Week's Chris tmnn C1Miratl-. - v - ... VM ' large choirs, Christmas carols by ths quartets and Interesting exercises by the children of the Sunday schools In troduced the holiday season In churches yesterday, Christmas trees, decorated with vVr'i colored eleclrlo lights and shining tlniii were used In tho decorative schenisi' of tho children, artd In some of IZ " churches gifts of books and candy Wimt '-'. ,' OFFERS LAND TOR VAS,K A provisional donation of n JU.gerV met of land to be added to VaU.-lT Park at Lincoln Drive and Hartwell lane 'J has been made by Dr. George VonA,.'ri nt Mermaid lane and McCallum ti-..t Vrril condition that Councils appropriate fufid-H to purchase a two-acre plot adjoining.' Ms Park. Is unimproved and estimated to WJ -WUIUI iw,vw. J ' T i .-i i 'j 4 ' A ''& I' l ft tf i A Few Prominent Patrons of the Aeolian-Pianola Company (' . C. J. Hcppc & Son, Philadelphia Representatives . The crowned heads, the royalty of every important European nation, are Pianola owners and enthusiasts. No articles of American manufacture have ever received so many or such distinguished honors from nobility as the instruments made by the Aeolian Company, makers of the Pianola. And in America also, the foremost citizens are the patrons of Aeolian instruments. l ; In England In France H. M. George V., King of England Her Majesty, Queen Alexandra of England Her Royal Highness Louise Victoria, Duchess of Fife Her Royal Highness Victoria Mary of Teck, Princess of Wales Her Royal Highness Victoria Adelaide, Princess Royal Her Royal Highness Louise, Duchess of Argyll His Royal Highness Arthur, Duke of Connaught Her Royal Highnes3 Beatrice, Princess of Batten berg Her Royal Highness Alexandra Louise, Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenberg Her Royal Highness Margaret, Princess of Hesse Marquis of Camden Marquis of Headfort Marquis of Anglesey Marquis of Waterford Marquis of Winchester Marchioness of Downshire Marchioness of Tweeddale Marquise d'Hautpool Earl Bathurst Earl of Buchan Earl of Carnarvon Earl Cowley Countess of Desart Countess Iddesleigh Viscount Pugos du Coudray ,o Viscount- Chelsea ." Viscountess Boyne . . Viscountess Galway , , Viscountess Knutsford Viscountess Falmouth Baron de Forrest Baron de Reuter Baron Rudbeck ; Baroness de Cedars trom , . Qaroness de Pallandt ' Lord Howard de Walden Earl of Crawford Earl of Dartmouth Earl of Dysart Earl of Egerton Earl of Harewood Earl Howe Earl of Londesborough Earl Sandwich Earl of Wemyss Earl of Yarborough Earl of Mexborough Earl of Suffolk Lord Hampton Lord Haflech Lord Gordon Lennox Lord Clifford Lord Dclamore Lord Boston Lord Alverstone . Lord Northcliff Lord Algernon Percy Lady Colville Lady Neild Lady Monson Lady Rose Lady MacDonald Her Royal Highness Helena, Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein His Grace the Duke of Manchester His Grace the Duke of Westminster His Grace the Duke of Sutherland . His Grace the Duke of Newcastle His Grace the Duke of Hamilton, Her Grace the Duchess of Buckingham Her Grace the Duchess of Devonshire Her Grace the Duchess of Manchester Her Gracethe Duchess of Bedford Her Grace the Duchess of Marlborough Earl of Plymouth. Earl of Hopetown Count Bubna Count Seilern Count Gosling Countess of Derby Countess of Leitrim Countess of Orford Countess Penha Louga Countess of Strafford Countess de la Warr . Countess Lathom Lady C. S. Grey Lady Hope Lady Forbes Lady Nora Hodgson Lady Balfour Lady Cholmely " ..' Lady Hughes Hunt Lady H. A. Gifford Lady Naylor-Leyland , Lady Jackson Lady H. Campbell Lady A. Paget Sir Hubert yon Herkomer Sir Thomas Liptoii M. Louis Barthou, Minister de la Justice M, Grandmaison, Senateur M. de Lamarzelle, Senateur M. Vermorel, Senateur M. Jonnart, Gouverneur General de l'Algerle Mgr. le Due de Montpensier Prince Jalmes de Bourbon Prince de Caraman-Chimay Prince Ney de la Moskawa Princesse Colloredo Mansfeld Princesse de Gagarine Prince de Bibesco Prince Jacques de Broglie Prince de Tonnay-Charente Prince de Vicovaro Due d'EIchipgen Due de Valencay Duchesse de Monteagudo Duchesse de Chaulnes Due Decazes Duchesse de Guiche Marquis d'Aigneaux Comte Henri de Mun Comte de Lafont Comte de Malherbe Comte le Marois Comtesse de Branlcka Comtesse de Bourcier Comte de la Chapelle Comte Louis de Caladon Comtesse Czaykowska Comtesse de Castries Comtesse de Grammont d'Asti Comtesse de Keromen Comte de Lambert Comte de Reinach-Cessac Comte Charles de Polignac Comte de Pioleno Comte Mathieu de Noallles Comte de Potocki Comte de Rochebrune Comte de Suzannet Comtesse d'Horrer Comte de, Vaucelles Comte Zamoyski Viconite de Singly Vicomte de Sinety Vicomte de Tristan Vicomte Gerard de Kergariou Vicomtesse" de Breteuil Baronne Henri de Rothschild Baron de Lafaurie Baron de Lassus Baron Louis de Meyer Baron Boulay de la Meurthe Baron de l'Espec Baron de Grancey . . Baron de Powell-Rammingen Baron de Reuter Mme. Mackay M. Edmond Blanc' " M. Viel Picard M. Bunau-Varllia ' v M. Mounet-Sully ' ' .', M. Octave Mirabeau. ' -, I ,' W In Spain His Majesty, Alfonso XIII, Marquise de Monteagudo King of Spain ' ' . Marquise de Amboage Her Majesty, Victoria Eugenie, Marquis de Somosancho In Italy Her Majesty, Margherita, Dow ager Queen Her Royal Highness, Duchess d'Aosta Prince di Sonnino Prince Potenziani Princesse de Radziwill Prince Ruspoli Prince Trlvulzio Due de Gallese Marquis Angelo Chigi Marquis Centurione Marquis d'Espinosa Marquis Luigi Rangoni Comte Delia Gherardesca Comte Gerarmangelo Bastogi Comte de Pourtales Comte Michele Rodocanacchi His Holiness Pope Pius X S. E. le Cardinal Merry del Val S. E. le Cardinal Satolli Monseigneur Bisleti Monseigneur Cagiano de Azeredo Monseigneur Kennedy . Conitesse de Villamarina Comte G. L. Sola Baronne Bianca Blunmer Baronne Cassalotto Baron Fasciotti Comm. Amadorl Comm. Flippo Tagliavia Comm. Dalla Vedova Comm. Ettore Balzarotti Umberto Giordano Ignazio Florio Roberto Marsaglia Queen of Spain Due de Almodovar del Rio Due de Santona Marquise de Villamejor Marquis de Pldal Marquis de Ivanrey Marquis de Rocamora Marquis de Guadalmina Marquis de.Castrillo Marquis de CaniUejas Marquis del Merito Marquis de Bertemati Marquis de Campo Real Marquis de Bern a Marquise de Pazo de la Merced Marquis de Marin Marquis de Valdefuentes Marquis de Unza del Valle Marquise de la Conquista Marquis de Portago Marquis de Valderas Marquis de Villareal Marquis de Lopez Bayo Marquise de Monistrol Comte de Plasencia Comtesse de Guadiana " Comte de Crdn ' , ' r . .' Comte de La3coiti :m ComWtfel Valle ' ' Comte de .Penalver .Comte de .San Claude . , Villahermosa Comtesse de Casa Montalvo Comte de San Bernardo -Comte de Sta. Barbara Comte de Zubiria ','" Comte de Planell Vicomte de Eza Vicomte de Barrantes Baron de Petres S. E. Emilio de Ojedat Spanish Ambassador at Rome. In Germany and Austria His Imperial Majesty William II H.'I. M. Francis Joseph I H. R. H. Henry, Prince of Prussia H. R. H. Friedrich August, Grand Duke of Oldenburg H. S. H. Egon, Fuerst zu Fuerstenberg H. I. & R. H. Karl Stefan, Archduke of Austria H. S. H. Philip zu Hohenlohe-Schlllingsfuerst. H. S. H. Christian Krafft. Fuerst zu Hohenlohe- Oehringen, Duke of Ujest H. S. H. Princess Pless, Castle Fiierstenstein H, S. H. Fuerst zu Solms-Baruth H. S. H. Friedrich, Prince zu Sayn-Wittgenstein- Sayn S- I- S- Erince hurn Vnd TaxIs. vienn H. S. H. Prince Radziwill H. S. H. Prince Nicolaus Palffy H. S. H. Prince Czartoryskl - . .'- 'i i In the Dominion of Canada In Russia Sir Wilfred Laurier, ex-Premier Hon. .A, E. Forget, Lieut. Governor Northwest Territory 'Hon. M, E. Bernler, Minister of the Interior Hon. L, P. Brodeur, Minister of Marine Hon. N. A. Belcourt, Senator' J. W. Greenway, Lands Commissioner Col. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister Marine R. A. A. Johnson, Geological Survey . Dr. Haanel, Supt. of Mines W. J. Gerald, Dep, Minister Inland Revenue Hon. R. L. Borden His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II H. I. M. Empress Maria Feodorowna, Dowager Empress H. I. H. Grand Duke Michael Alexandrowltch of Russia H. I. H. Grand Duke Alexander Miehailowitch of Russia ' H. I. H. Grand Duke Boris Wladimlrowitch ' H. I. H. Princess Eugenie Maximijianowna H. I. H. Grand Duchess Olgo-Alexandrowna H. I. H. Grand Duchess Anastasia Nlcohjewna H. I. H. Prince Alexander Petrowltch .- H. H. Emir of.Bucliara i . Vt! t y-rm i ,. r-i'f,-, In America " Hon. Theodore Roosevelt Hon. Charles W. Fairbanks Hon. Elihu Root Hon. Richard Olney Hon. Eugene Hale . Hon. John Kean . .'Hon. Thomas Kearns Andrew. Carnegie John D. Rockefeller William Rockefeller John D. Rockefeller, Jr. August Belmont, Cornelius Vanderbllt W, K, Vanderbllt Wi Kr Vanderbilt, Jr. Reginald Vanderbilt Edwin Gould George J. Gould Henry Clews James Stillman E. C. Converse Theodore P. Shonts H. H. Vreeland Charles M, Schwab H, C. Frick Clarence H, Mackay Louis C. Tiffany G, Warrington Curtis C; M, Pratt Atherton Curtis , Dr. W. Seward Webb Foster H. Peabody Jphn A. Roebling Frederick C. Bourne Hon, Joseph M. Dixon Hon. James A. Heraenway Hon. Wm. A. Smith Hon. Joseph' C, Sibley Hon. Charles E, Hughes Hon. Rollirt S. Woodruff . James J, HilJ . ' Thomas F. Ryan M, F. Plant Anthony J. Drexel Robert Maxwell Charles R. Flint Eugene Higgins The late George Crocker Cyrus H. K. Curtis ' Jefferson SeHgman Isaac N. Seligman Dr. Edward K. Dunham William R. Hearst Uzal H. McCarter George Eastman Edward W, Sheldon ' Harry Payne Whitney Mrs. F. P, Shepard Mrs. Hermann, Oelrichs, Mrs. Anson Phelps Stokes Mrs, Stuyvesant Fjsh M"rs. Phoebe Hearst ' Hon. Franklin E, Murphy . Hon. Wm. M. O. Dawson, ..Hpm.John F, Hill ' . Hon.. Frank Brown ,Hon. D. 'R. Francis . . , Ex. Gov, Hon. C. J. Bejl, , .Hpn.'Joseph H..Klb'bey Mrs.- George W., Childs1 " Mrs. Potter Palmer- f, , ., ' Mrs. J, Ogden Armour ' ' Mrs. F. A. Constable ' ' ' Mrs. Garret A, Hobart Miss Maude Adams '- . Otto H,. Kalm . . Ei HSfttherh ' . p K.;G. Bjllings AujjusVA. Bush f John R.tegernan Thos. A.-Edison uavta uelasco iV.i w .' 3 H ' ' VSLP&J" Jf- Pkhurst F,;W, Woolwprth. "'" nronman . RR,Colgate Kyan George Ehret Charles A. Strong Howard Chandler Christy &A ,'C -4' Despite the undoubted, supremacy of the Pianolq it may he secured for the prm of an "imitation 9 J The Aeolmn Family of the Player-Piano world it on sale at Heppc'f ani includes , The Steinww Pianola, $t250 The Weber Piatfla, $1000 The JPMiebtk fianoh, $7$0 The Strgud P(Mla $SS0 ffmuqsca'Helf Plajer-Pmtft $400 4 metlian PlayerPiaHt, ?5 SttIHt: Wy auk, r charg aount, or tht H RwHal-Panm JUm R.presi(tativas in PhifodftlpfU - PlayQr-Pianos, SQ.(mli4; re nqt Pianols. There is but one Pianola, made exclusively by the- Aeolian Company, and obtainable only in certain pianos, which are on sale only at stand aid fixed prices at certain appointed apacie thrjaughoyt the world. n K w m i -a ,Hi & ( M lr m- 11 $7-1 ne OMUsHii i..y KM 5sStf!iS m mm 4&&K