Newspaper Page Text
EVENING LEDGER-PHILADBLPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1914. i 0 S30AL dliu BON 5C OTWfefflKSiH)L A ill W kv t i m 1 Mn. and una. james r. taiinestock, of 237 Eriat Mttenliouse square, have Issued Invitations for a large theatre party, to bo fol lowed by a supper at the Bellevue-Strntforil, In honor of their daughter, Mies Charlotte Fahne tjtock, on Monday evening, February 1, Mr. and Mrs, Howard 1'ardee have arrived In KevV York and will rench Philadelphia on "Wednesday to spend the holidays with Mr. Par dee's parents, Mr. and Mrsi Calvin Pardee, ot S33 "West Walnut lane, Clermantown. Mrs. Par dee before her marriage on August 22 was Baronets Hedy Allco von Froweln, ot Castle Lorta, Germany. The marriage of Miss Emily McKeon and Francis V. Kemblc, son of Mrs. Isaac W. Kemble, of 1901 South lllttenhouso square, will take place Tuesday, January 26. The engaue ment of Mlsa McKeon and Mr. Kcmblo was Announced yesterday by her brother, Spencer McKeon. Mr. aild Mrs. Henry Paul Busch, of 324 South 17th street, are being congratulated on the birth ot a daughter yesterday, to be named Emilia Buach. Mrs. Busch was Miss l.ydla Smith, daughter of Mrs. T. Learning Smith. Miss Fnnnlo M. Fuller, t Scranton, has an nounced the engagement of her niece, Mildred Fuller Smith, to Mylon J. Mltchel, son of Sam uel I. Mltchel, of S25 Walton avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony I.aussat Qeyelln and their small daughter. Miss Betty Qeyelln, ot Harrlsburg, will arrive on Wednesday to spend the Christmas holiday season with Mrs. 3ey elln's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley Qrlawold Flagg, at their city residence, 1723 Bpruce street. Mr. and Mrs. Flagg will entertain nt a family dinner party on Christmas Day. and several. Informal gatherings havo been arranged to take place during the visit of their son-in-law and daughter, Mrs. William W. Filler will return this after noon from a short sojourn In New York to her city residence, 1C00 Wnlnut street. Irs. William Walter Nevlns has sent out In vitations for a ChrlstmaB tree party to be given at her home. In Wynnoivood Manor, on Thurs day afternoon, In honor of her daughter, Miss Lillian Nevlns, and her son, Frank Nevlns. About 2o children will be present. The after noon will bo spent In games and dancing, with Informal supper served at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Nevlns will bo assisted by Mrs, Frederick For syths and Miss Kmcllo Hoscllo Nevlns. Dr. and Mrs. Walthcr E. Tlahte have Issued Invitations for a tea at the Aldine on New Year's Day from 4 until 6 o'clock. Dr. U Webster Fox, 203 South 17th Btrcet, left Saturday on his annual winter vacation. This Mill be spent at Sunset Inn, Port Scwall, Fla. .Jpoctor, Fax, who was accompanied by his son, Lawrence W. Fox, a student of Yale, will re turn January 4. The Monday Evening Junior Dances will hold the first meeting tonight in the Rose Gardens of the Bellevue-Stratford. CHESTNUT HILL Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gaylord, of New York, will spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Guylord's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Bell, ot 'Evergreen avenue. They will attend tho dinner which Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hood will give on Saturday, December 28. Mrs. Baulton Earnshaw has returned to her homo on Montgomery avenue from New York, where she spent the last few days. GERMANTOWN Mrs. George A. Brooke's dancing class for tha school set held Its second meetintr Saturdnv E night at Manhelm. There Is a committee of fftrls and boys, whose work it Is to select sub. m : . A' ... " . . vuumiiuiscs tur cacu uunce. xnese memoers ace as hosts for the evening, introducing the new members and making themselves responsible for the entertainment of gdests. The girls' com mittee consists ot Miss JoseDhlne Reeves, rhnlr. 1 man; Miss Eleanor Wunder, Miss Margaret Burton, Miss Marlon Button, Miss Eleanor Davis, Miss Martha Henderson, Mlsa Mary Bonner Daniel, Miss Judith Jennlncrs. Mlas Nancy Smyth, Miss Edith Hobson, Miss Ellra- uetn irowqer. Frank Deacon Is chairman of the bovs' com. mlttee, and his assistants aro Donald Gawthron. ; William Clothier, Clifford Cutler, Lews Cutler, : ivenncin union. Earnest KJtson. William Beard, ?eorge Stevenson, Edward Cassard. AshbrldM pharpless, Richard Taussig, Horace Barba, Arthur Goodfellow. of Detroit. Mich., will Spend the Christmas holidays with his parents at their home, 232 West Schoolhouso lane. Mrs. Henry Bauer, of 624 Lincoln drive, -will gnUrtaln this afternoon, when her guests viu i -.ij. viho 14CIII, jjrs. uscar ocnraipt, Mrs. trailer noyer, Mrs uustave Scbaetzle, Wrs. arricK, airs. Harry G. Querns. Mrs. Geon-s Jlrich. Mrs. Elmer E. Johnson, Mrs. Franklin tppel, Mrs Harry Heist and Mrs. John Snyder. MlM Lorraine Hlllesley, of Mount Airy avenue. gin os nosiess to me members of her card Huh it luncheon and 600 on Wednesday. Har gueiti hi no juiss aiary Taylor, Miss Helen Young. Hiss warian uatesman, Mlsa Helen Fry. Mls flarlan Montgomery, Miss data Jacobus, Miss Eirgaret Speese and Miss Helen. Croskey. ALONG THE READING 3n New Year's Br thera will be a Domino nee at w via yprlc Road Countrv ciuh t 80 o'clock. The committee In oharre, lnshnlMt 1M Marion Gayley. Mlsa Doris Wbtherb na u aerate a. surer. jajrs Homes Q. FeUerou; 7 Wyneote, vm pwrwin ina mempers or ttie Woman's CluU tijiivvk uii jutujr nvcnmg. ueeember IS. S o'clock Mariorle Benton Cooke, the nov- Ht. will give original rtadlnjra and mono. l. pas Evin Arwwtroflg. daughter of Mr Mrs. William Aroutoetur, of Wabtut atrial. ttlrfntown, rtunwd Thm-aday tH&i IVtt- vuhcc, 'ixuBeerMHurg, ra., tor tbe lug. . IX JU Mrs jeiuk OaferM, t Oiy Una. wi ii Uimij:-4nft8 4 tAatr Mm w. Nw I Krt ' 1 Kit. "" " Afctuv mm ikutl. .i- uwuk tm a & to er ot thb- tt i v Mi-ta tit! AstatiV :at . i !! i . j, ' J inliBiit - iMI --1- - -fc. .- - i.riMA .ilaltiaw. Iliii lemilj. H if 1 rloKs tb Howard l.enford Murray will take pin co on January 20. The card ot Miss Made line Asbury Is Inclosed. Miss Emma Crowcll nnd Mrs. T. Allen Crowcll will spend tho Christmas holidays In CApe May. Mr, and Mrs. William E. droben, ot Lake, side and Valley roads, will entertain n house party over the holidays. Their guests will in cludo J. S. Kelsey, of New York: Dr. I. W. McClelland, of Pittsburgh, nnd Miss Adele Carll. A luncheon was given Saturday at the home of Mrs. Robert F. Henderson. Chetten avenue, In honor ot Miss Marlon Hlghley, of Norfolk, Va., who Is the guest of Mrs. Henderson's daughter, Miss Martha Cameron Henderson. Tho tables were decorated with roses nnd nar cissi nnd tho guests numbered CO. On Janu ary 6 Mrs. Henderson will give A largo tea nt tho Rltz-Carlton, which will also bo In Miss Hlghle's honor. Miss Hlghley will Icavo for her homo January S. Miss Leona Veronica Andrew, of 67th avenue, North, will return from school In Baltimore this week to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCorroll are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son, Wil liam Orimth, born nt Pernumbuco, Brazil. Mrs McCarrolI will be remembered as Miss Helen Griffith, of Oak Lane. Mrs. Harry T. Barton, of Chelten avenue and Camac street, Oak Lane, and Mrs, A E. Op penhclmer, of North Broad street, gave a lunch con followed by cards Saturday afternoon at the homo of Mrs, Barton. The decorations were tho red nnd green appropriate to tho Christmas holldnys. The guests wcro Mrs. William Mar shall, Mrs. J. A. MofTalt, Mrs. John O. Holmes, Mrs. Ljdla Bradford. Mrs. E. J. Hertz, Mrs. Horace Hall, Mrs. Wayno Babcock, Mrs. E. A. Schoflchl, Mrs. J. M. Rush Jermon, Mrs. Henry Thlssell, Mrs. Louis Beltler, Mrs. Ooodycar Smith, Mrs. Lena Wagner, Mrs. George Gorm ley, Mrs. C. C. Faunce, Mrs. Robert R Dear don, Mrs. Genevieve Miller, Mrs. D. McGotigall, Mrs. Marshall Taylor, Mrs. J Clifford English. Mrs. Emma Johns, Mrs. J. S. Rambo, Mrs. Percy Garwood, Mrs. J. J. McCormlck, Mrs. Amos Gclkler, Mrs. Kate Trlpplo. Mrs. Thomas ir. Hulton, Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mrs Harrison Rea, Mrs. David Charles Murtha, Mrs. Elmer Crawford, Mrs. Thomas Brown, Mrs. E. C. Shcllenburger, Mrs. Cecelia Wnrnock, Mrs. Joseph Gabriel, Mrs. Georgo Fleck, Mrs. George B. Reading, Mrs. Harry Baughman, Mrs. John J. Fclln. Mrs. R. Y. Tllbert, Mrs. Edward B. Finck, Mrs. Charles Rowley, Mrs. Jesse A. Moore, Mrs. Gertrude Marquet and Mrs. Mary Henrlchs. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davenport, of Harrli burg, will spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Davenport's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward T. Williams, at their home, 6031 Walnut street. Mrs. Davenport, before her marriage last month, was Miss Elsie Muller Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Montgomery, of 439 South 4Hh street, will entertain at dinner on Wednesday night. Mr. nnd Mrs. Montgomery are giving a series of these small dinner? through December and January. , Mr. and Mrs. William Temple Smith, of Grcensborough, Md., arrived In this city Thurs day nnd will spend tho Christmas holidays with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Addison A. Christian, of 4512 Walnut street. Miss Elizabeth Christian has nl&o returned from St. Mary's School for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Connelly, of 4234 Chestnut street, will entertain at a delightful Informal brldgo party this evening, followed by a supper. Covers will be laid for 12 guests, and polnsettlas, holly and conventional Christmas emblems will be attractively combined n the decorations. JFRANKFORD , A tea was given Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Sharpless, In Arrott street, to announce tho engagement of their daughter, Mlsa Rebecca Jane Sharpless, to Walter M, McAlpIn, of this city. The color scheme of the very attractive decorations was red and green, the flowers used being polnsettlas, which had an effective background of evergreens and holly. Receiving with Mrs. and Miss Sharpless were Mrs. J, Edward Fronchll, of West Phil adelphia; Miss Ethel Duncan, of Merchantvllle, ,N, J., and Miss Orllne Bates, of Tioga. Mrs. TJ, M. Longfleld poured tea. Miss Marjorle Hutchinson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank R. Hutchinson, will be 'guest of honor at a small dinner dance which will be given by her uncle at his home In Torresdale, Mrs. H H, Long, of Arrott street entertained her Saturday card club at luncheon and bridge. MP- t ik t tin E.-jf.i .. ii .. J btIk.s i . ,i...i b. uJ Sht . . -..i ill, prciisil adU k, l.. i (nvBAuS iJflEft&- Bt. 9ft ft" yc' jji'' W Snnr9?BSBHILBp8 Ittifil MRS. EDWARD T. STOTESBURY Mrs. Stolcsbury is one of the patronesses for tho Monday Evening Junior dances, the Grit of which will be given tonight. 33P DEBUTANnOto WITH Christmas so near and with the tired feeling after last week's work In the Mnde-In-Amorlca Feto there seems to be a llttlo let-up In the gaiety.; Only two affairs aro scheduled for today. 'Miss Roberta Brown Downing, ..ebutante daughter of Mrs. Robert W. Down ing, will be guest of honor at a dlnner-dnnca on tho U. S. S. Connecticut, to be given this evonlng by Ensign Charles H. Mecum. The debutantes who will attend will Include Miss Katharine Ogden, Miss Hansel! French Enrle, Miss Jean Morris LUlle, Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Margaret II. Burton, Miss Anna Mary Walthour, Miss Charlotte rahnestock. Miss Mary Ballard, debutante daughter of ilr. and Mrs. Ellis Ames Ballard, will be guest of honor at n dlnnor-danco to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Elklns and Miss Ethel C. Elkins at their homo, 7S01 Creshelm road. The guests will Include Miss Hester Anderson, Miss Eleanor L. Porcher, Miss Anna Stew art, Miss Marian Kingston, Miss Helen Foster, Miss Katherine Newbold Miss Huberta Potter, Miss Margaret Baker Miss Anne Elllcott Ham ilton Vogdes, Arthur Werrlck, Frederick Bal lard, Warren Donaldson, Arthur Crosby, Brooks Llstor, Thomas Foster, Robert Gantert, Eyre Price, TerrlU Price, Alfred Phillips, Jr.. Albert Stout, Jr., Herbert Alsen nnd Sidney Kelley. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr and Mrs. James P. McNIchol and family, of 222 West Logan square, left on Saturday for their winter home at St. Lucie, Fla., where they will spend several weeks. They will have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McNIchol and Miss Evangeline de Plerra. The Terpslchoreans held their December dance In the Gold Room ot the Hotel Adelphla Saturday evening. At the November meeting a demonstration dance was given by one of the members, David Pomerantz. who was ably as sisted by Miss Elizabeth Cope. This proved so Interesting and enjoyable that the committee decided to offer another exhibition dance Sat urday evening. This was given by Howard ClaBsen. another member, and Miss Lillian Cross with great success. i The committee In charge of the dances con sists of K, J. Blrnbrauer, A. Wallace Boi'ton, II. Klnsey Kerr, G. H, Knauer, J. P. MeCut lough, J E. Pierce, A. O. Smith. W. V, Win der and C, E. Wolflnger, the patronesses being Mrs.' H. Blrnbrauer, Mrs. M. E, Borton, Mrs. M. J. Kerr, Mrs. C, D. Knauer, Mrs. M. II. McCullough, Mrs. C. V, Winder and Mr. O, H. Wolflnger. Miss Florence Lavln, of 2310 Green street, has returned from New York, where ihe was tho guest of Mrs. Louis Senle, ot Riverside drive, for several weeks. Mlsa Jean Progosln, ot New York, spent the week-end as the guest ot Miss Betty Daroff, of J51? North 7th itreet. Mlsa Pauline Sohwerfn will give an at home on December 30 to meet Mlsi Edith Ullrain, ot Buffalo. K- Y. Mis Helen Goldsmith apd Mlu May New roan have Issued Invitations for an at home on Saturday afternoon. Deaetaber 24. at 1343 North 13th itreet, Mr and Mrs. Peter Mulloy, of 13 W Ingersolt street, are being congratulated on the birth of a daughter Saturday. December 5. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA UtM Frances Hill and Mtn Jane H1U, of 1HT South Broad street. wtU eaterUU tha mtnbws at tbe later No 8wta? Otrele this evening at their hew. A buftt lawtbton will bo served, Tbdr ffuU will Include MIh Htfea MeLausto lip. Mtf B4Br McLaughlin. m May Mg M4y, MJ Mary StvUen. Nu JulU . MUa Nan CUOMrford. Uim JnUa fiatM, Miss AUc Mce4jr ao4 MlM Wary Br9jB Tits twi vuvut WMum wnmsnif in MwaM f iU, itttax m Mf a TskUw tm mjpw entertain at a "D00" party this evening, followed by n supper. Covers will bo laid for eight guests. Her guests will bo Miss May McKeevcr Miss May Scherr, Miss Anna Fleming, Miss Alice McCaullcy, Miss May Mogenedy, Miss Margaret Brogan nnd Miss Anna C. McCaulley. Mr. and Mrs. R. Haines, of 1S20 South 17th street, will have ns their guests over the Christ mas holidays their daughter nnd her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Peter, of Pittsburgh, Pn. Several delightful llttlo affairs have been planned In their honor. Dr. and Mrs. William I. Tomllnson, of 1823 Porter street, InKho Olrnrd Estate, will have as their guests over ChriBtmas Doctor Tom Hnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Tom llnson, of Mount Holly; Mrs. Evans Tomllnson, of Mount Holly, and Jay B. Tomllnson, of Am herst, Mass. WILMINGTON Miss Loleta Bright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bright, and Charlton E. Adams, of At lantic City, N. J., will bo married In Trinity Episcopal Church Wednesday evening, December 30, at 6 o'clock. The rector, the Rev. Frederick M. Klrkus, will officiate. Miss Bright, who Is a graduate of Vassar College, will be attended by Miss Edith Frederick, of this city, as maid of honor and her bridesmaids will bo Miss Anne Cooper, of Camden; Miss Florence Sullivan, of Ashland, Wis.; Miss Helen Hayes and Miss Madeline Williamson, of this city. George Butz, of this city, will be the groom's best man, and the ushers will be William Bright and Paul Bright, of this city; Dr. Homer, Silvers and Horace Imlay, of Atlantic City, N. J.; Robert Miller, of Lancaster, Pa., and Peter Graf, 36, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. Adams Is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Clement J. Adams, of Atlantic City, N. J., where the bride and bridegroom will reside after their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. John Bancroft will give a dance for Juniors In tho New Century Club parlors on the evening of Tuesday, Decem ber 29. for their daughter, Mlsa Esther Ban croft. Mr. and Mrs, James Semple have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ade line Semple, and James J, Shock, ot Phila delphia. On Saturday, the day after Christmas, a dansant wilt be given In tho lobby of the Hotel du Pont for the benefit of the Home of Mer ciful Rest The ladles who are interested are Mrs. Richard Reese, Mrs. Reuben Satterth. walte, Mrs. A. Felix du Pont, Mrs. Charles L. Patterson, Miss Martha Shortlldge, Miss Chris tine Gause and Miss Mary Biggs. Mr, and Mrs. Hamilton M. Barksdala will give a dance at the Country Club the Monday night after Christmas for thejr daughter, Miss Ethel Barksdale. A the dansant for the benefit ot the Red Cross will be held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Ban croft tomorrow as a kind of pre-Chrlstmsa festivity, The Invitations have been Issued by a committee comprising Miss Elizabeth Reese, Miss Louise Ketnbardt, Miss Rebecca Rein, hardt and Miss Anne Garrett, y CAMDEN AND VICINITY Mrs. John F. Starr, of 501 Linden street, will leave Tuesday for Baltimore to spend the holi days with ber daughter, Mrs. Thomas West Claggert. Frank Lloyd. Jr., has returned from Prince ton to spend the holidays with his parents if tth and Cooper streets. Mlsa Mary Bobbins, of Penn street, enter talned her literary soelety this week. Mr. and Mrs. J, N. Aka have closed tbr heme at U asd Pesa street and gone to their Uwgalow near TKusvMte, ma, Ut. and Mrs. Hawy Besshaa at CMttags. weed, N. J, aro beta eagratMtoJ4 oa the birth of a daughter, from DfMmfe,f l, Lan Qfase DsmiHiEi MIm Mario mtanad, f Utte tmmm, t viitUag bar 4aa Mr. M. VUml. l Qfearfes TtMtjstt k Wt for a vteit to am aafwats ro I &-" -irtVi AVERY pretty wedding took place last night , at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lnhgs feld, 2212 North 18th street, when their daugh ter, Miss Rita Langsfeld, was given In marriage by her father to David W. Haas. The Rev. Dr. Joseph Krauskopf, of the Keneseth Israel Congregation, officiated nt the ceremony. The bride wore a gown of white pussy willow taf feta trimmed with duchess lace and pearls. Her tulle veil fell from n duchess lace cap, which was held In place with orango blossoms. She carried an Ivory bound prayer-book with a marker of lilies of the valley. Miss Pauline Herzberg, who was maid of LANSDOWNE Miss Anna Brown, of 83 East Orecnwood ave nue, gave a bridge Saturday afternoon, at her home. Her guests were Mrs. Robert Wilson, Miss Frances Hannlngton, Mrs. Milton J. Hagy, Miss Irene Morrison, Mrs. Austin Boyd, Miss Margaret Morrison, Miss Edith Harris, Miss Pauline Andersen, Miss Gladys Phillips and Miss Mellta Zehender. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Fitzgerald gave A danco and suppor at their home, S6 West Balti more avenue, Saturday evening, In honor of Miss Eleanor Young, of Philadelphia, whoso en gagement to Charles Wells has just been an nounced. Among the guosts present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Pilling, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mercer Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. William Parks, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Young, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Edward Ryan, the Misses Ryan, Robert Carney nnd Richard Carberry. One of the Christmas festivities will be b dance given by the Auxiliary Board of the Homeopathic Hospital In tho Now Century Club on the evening of December 23. Tho patronesses will be Mrs. Harrison W. Howell. Mrs Frank H. Thomas, Mrs. John Richardson," Jr, Mrs. George W. Chambers, Mrs. O. Curtis I'urdy, Mrs. Stirling H. Thomas, Mrs. Samuel N. Trump, Mrs. Horace Betts, Mrs. James Stirling, Mis. Charles Beadenkopf, Mrs. J. J. Satterthwalte, Mrs. "Francis Sellers. TIOGA Miss Mildred Haag, of 1811 West Venango street, and Miss Marian Bertolct, of 3346 North 1Mb street, will bo at home on Wednesday to receive donations for their annual Christmas celebration for tho poor families of Tioga. These young women, prominent in many social func tions In the northern section of tho city, for several years have carried on this philanthropic work. The list is much larger this year than lust, owing to the number of men out ot work who are unable to provide for their families. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crompton, of Pennsgrovc, N. J., will be the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hcnton, of 3130 North 18th street, over the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Fahrlg entertained at dinner Saturday nlaht at their home, 3822 North 16th street, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Blckel, of Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. nickel, who formerly lived In this city, will spend the holidays here Arrangements have been completed for the One Hundred Club dance at Horticultural Hall on New Year's night. Many new entertaining features will be Introduced. Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacGlbbon will leave during the week for their new home In Santa Fe, N. M. Mrs. MacGlbbon was Miss Helen Zane, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mor ris Zane, of 2200 West Tioga street. Mrs. Charles Hatcher with her daughters, Miss Mabel and Miss Florence Hatcher, who left Tioga to make their home In San Diego, Cal will visit her son, Charles Hatcher, Jr., ot North Broad street during the winter. A number of entertainments are being arranged in their honor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Kerstlne, of 3S13 North 17th street, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Dores Janet Kerstlne. Miss Rae Fox, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Fox, Jr., ot West Tioga street; Miss Louise Mills, of Lansdowne; Miss Adele Steele, Miss Helen Barnet, of Germantown, and Miss Betty Kolb will return from the National Park Seminary, Washington D, C, today for a three weeks' vacation. A number ot enter tainments have been arranged In their honor. Mrs. V. Gates, ot Memphis, Tenn., is the guest of Mry. G, L. Levy, of 3345 North Gratx street. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA The Roblnson-Tremont Athletlo Club has opened Its new clubhouse. All the members are working hard for the club. At the election ot officers the following were chosen; John Hudson, president; A. Frledrloh, vice president; It. McCaffrey, treasurer; B. Casstdy, secretary. Mrs. Sarah Park, ot Wenonah. N. J., is spend ing several weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Richard Cilne, at their residence, 1614 Eyre street, after which she will take an extended trip through the South. Mr. and Mrs, Graft, of 2119 Bast Stella avsnue, are receiving congratulations ea the birth of a son. MIm "Burt" Wills, of 611 Bast Weasley itreet, will entertain tbe numbers ot the "Oh, La La Club" this evening. These present will be Miss Florence Sehoppe, Miss Frances Haakett, Mlsa Cella Stein. Miss Rebesca Korman, Miss Clan; Reldle and Miss Martha Slrao. ALONG TnE MAIN LINE WAYfE-M, Mufshajl Re4 WmS U vMMrs hef sister, Mrs. Chart SflhwaA, ef Kcw Yejrk ity. Mt Kebert F- Blmar has retyped ftwm vs Mag ber ateter at Pain Beaafe, fla. Lleuteaaat aad Mrs. Mantierd. who have bate vtotttar Mr. aa4 Mm. B. 9. Batta. ea MMtaw avenue, have km to Uvwyeot. OWa, MYflft-Mrs. PreeUae Baaaett. wile p Lmw- UMtnj; Bmilt, of Norfoia. Va, to tb at feuural ut4 M 8. W reuutaw Mr. aaa Mis, (Naif Whaitea rKr family have etaae their reiifesjise la lmym t th wfoter jaj riao t Us4f tMv 1 I: honor, was gowned In white crepe de chlnt with a trimming of white chiffon brocaded with deep red roses and carried an arm bouquet of dark red roses. The bride's niece, Mildred Langsfeld, was the little flower girl. She wore n dainty white net dress over pink silk frim. med with pink roses and carried a basket ot tiny pink rosebuds. Dr. M. A. Langsfeld, the bride's brother, was best man. Tho service was followed by a din ner for the families of the bridegroom nnd brldo. On their return from a short trip ths couple will live at 2212 North 18th street, where they will be at home on December 27. CHESTER AND VltilNITY Mrs. William Crothers. who has been enter tained for a week by Mrs. John Dooney, of West 4th street, has returned to her home at Wilmington, Del. Henry Ronan, a marine In the United States navy, has left for a port near Mexico after spending a week as the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Rose Boyle, of West 2d street. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lewis and, daughter, Helen, havo returned to their home at Lewis town, Pa.j nfter spending a week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, at Eddystone. Mrs. Zachariah Taylor has returned to her home nt Upland following a week's visit t friends at Camden, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. David B. TJlrlch. of East 4th street, are solourntng for a week at Cape May Frank Marvel, of East 8th street, has re turned from n, fortnight's visit to friends at Wheeling, W. Va. Mrs. Harvey M. Phillips, of New York city. Is a guest at the home of B. V. Hughes, on Edgmont avenue. Miss Helen Sprou, of West 3d street. Is spending u week as the guest of friends at York, Pa Miss Lena Hill, of East 8th street, Is visit ing friends at WHkes-Barre. Mrs. Edmond Bailey, of Kerlln street. Is en tertaining Mrs. M. A. Cullcn, ot Fclton, Del. Joseph Carr, of East 10th street, has returned from Baltimore, where he was the guest of friends for a fortnight. Miss Irene Browning, of Roanoke Rapids, N. C, Is a guest at the home of G. P. Wilson, at Ridley Park. The Rev. Dr. Philip H. Mowry, ot East 6th street. Is entertaining his sister, Mrs. Mary Murray, of Pittsburgh. AMUSEJIENTS Chestnut St. SSfSSS Home of World's imiTflR I Clrfmt PhntnnlAVm AUB. X la o, 4W S IDC. JSVBI. i 19 11, 1U. 1U, OQ POSITIVELY LAST WEEK! THE SPOILERS Tnlcs Dally. Aftarnoons 2 .00. Evenings 8 30 Preceded by Keyntona Comedy Pictures Beglnnlnr Monday Afternoon. December 23, THE C1UCAQO TIHHUNB'a MOTION PICTURES OP THE EUROPEAN WAR TAKEN UNDER DlllECTlON OF TUB DKLC1IAN , GOVERNMENT Coming cs THE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC BURTON HOLMES TUESDAY Df2c- EVENING GERMANYI AND AUSTRIA BOc. 75c. 11 at Hepp'. SSe Actdemy. ADELPHI TONIGHT! OM.Y MUSICAL SHOW IN TOWN JOSE COLLINS In the New JIuilcal Play "SUZI" with TOM UcNAUQHTON and Connie Bdlis METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE METROPOLITAN OPEnA CO.. NEW YORK Tomorrow Evg. rpjjj MAGJC FLUTE Mmu Qndik I. Jlempel. Schumann , JUL Urlo. Ilraun. Gorlts, Rails, Althouu, Uchleiel Conductor. Mr. lleru. Beata. 1100 Chestnut St "Walnut 703S, llaca 81 BROAD Last 6 Nights sSLfp Matinees Wedneaday, XMAS DA and Saturday at X CHARLES FROilMAN Presents WILLIAM BLANCRK MARIS Gillette Bates Doro In Sardou's Mitterplace. ' DIPLOMACY" Neit Week Mlsa IillUe liurka In Jerry Beau now FORREST Tonight at 8 Sharp Mats, Wed t Sat . Xmaa and New Year's at 3 Klaw & ErlangerST)TnVT TTTTTD Stupendous -D JlilN -Jl U it Prices 50c, 1, 1,50 xT Stats Ivsnr Year1 Wut. LYRIC ?SS!iSS5? XMAS EVE. KMMA THKNT1NI la THE PEASANT OIRL ' with CI Irion Crawford SEATS NOW SELLING! GT f T TJI MARKET STREET Li J JD Ej Oppaalw WANAUAKER'S Vaudeville UMlall:e tl ihuSU MYSTIC BIRDi Ssata Rirvd Weak la Advance B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE " aaAVU OKBiaTHAU WSHK fMHTlVAl BRSBI CLAYTON & CO . SAM CHIP A MiHV MARBLE. JARHOW. DOOLEY 4 HUOEL AlJHNS TOOWPE AND OTHER BRILLIANT 8TAR fiA'R'RTP'K" Tbi " N" w VjrVlViVI.Vjl. IltWd Sat JuiUtTwi POTASH & PERLMUTTER Fepular Pnca Wadwtay Mata. Beat Scats f I.M. iUu Now SeHtaytat Kew Yaai-a Wssij LITTLE THSATRB !TUPLaM4)' tMcrMS gjate-fy .BaBiw NIXON'S GRAND QftaLiasjL! WALNUT THE TRAFFIC HL 'iiis?iRyjG,i' THE STANLEY tUEAtKSk MlMaai err FK-ri K Uftii.t b amm tmu T Q I mer Kj IPUMONT ii ... gZW JL - A'ierctj(jB.J.' 'SlTlkTiY IMSlA'HK . i y J I Wad Tfat KOBaUNa ELEfMANSS, ALX KVTH MCHUIIUT 4 MACK ffT. CHA&tK6a6N fctW m ., , JA' t jj m m-M !m WWM'iWtWwSBSKWBKBBBHtKKIBSBMM WB&Srz