Newspaper Page Text
EVENING LEDGEB-PHILADKLPHIA," MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1914, 'f 13 f'-r i. EVENTS OF 1914 FILL BIC PAGE IN CITY'S HISTORY Noteworthy Among Them the Defeat of Athletics, Slight Earthquake and Brumbaugh's Election. The tuuilne year of 1914 trill live tn the minds of Phttndelphians as one of the ost eventful In the history of th city, me ot mingled sadness and good fortune. The year was marked by the killing of o Phlladelphlans with the force sent o occupy Vera Cruz, a Blight earthquake, the defeat of the supposedly unbeatable. White Elephants and the election of Dr. Martin a. Brumbaugh aa Governor of Pennsylvania. The city had Ha usual ahare of disas trous fires. Six days after the start of li a ti 00,000 blaze destroyed a building at Mil and Ludlow streets. On Febru ary S a fire near 2d and Arch streets caused a loss of $285,000. Sixteen homes were destroyed In a fire June 14 tnat originated In the Lubln motion picture plant. On December 22 fire destroyed the wall paper plant at 1231 and 1223 Fil bert street, with 2100,000 loss. Among; the more important events ot the year was the decision ot the Supreme Court declaring the Municipal Court con stitutional, the action of the Mayor In vetoing; tho municipal Court appropria tion bU Match S and of Councils In twice passing It over the veto, the decision March SO of tho Supreme Court holding illegal the loan which was to navo oeen voted oh March 81, Tronslt Director Tay lor's publication of the agreement be tween the city and the Philadelphia Itapld Transit Company calling for an expendi ture of 263,000,000 and the appointment of Charles J. Rhoatls as governor of the Federal Reserve Bank In Philadelphia. Ground for the new shlpwaya nt the Philadelphia Navy Yard was broken by Beoretary of the Navy Daniels Septem ber 21. Final argument was made In this city In the Federal suit against the United States Steel Corporation October 29. The convention of tho American .Federa tion of Labor opened In this city No vember 9. " Tho Federal Rcservo Bank opened No vember 16. Tho weather durlnir the vear nravldefl several Interesting events, March open ing with a blizzard that halted trafflo throughout the city, and 7J4 inches ot now ten. Tho hottest day of the year was July , with tho thermometer 96 degrees above ero, and the coldest, to date, December 10 degrees above zoro. Street lights were lit at 3 o'clock on .the afternoon of December 11, when sud ;dcn darkness spread over the city. The earthquake was slight, and was corded February 10. The Phlladelphlans killed at Vera Cruz ere George Poinsett, a sailor of the bat- leahlp Florida, and Charles Allen Smith, i sailor of the battleship Now Hamp hlre, and on May 13 military and naval neral services wero held for them. Nominations for the gubernatorial and United States senatorial flghtB wero made May 19, and the election was held No- emoer s. The lUamshlD Thelma. first of the food- ships from this ctty, sailed November 12 icr juuropo. On Decomber 15 the railroads announced an Increase In local passenger ticket ratos. On tho same day John Grlbbel was lected president of the Union League. revenue bebths rem two Collector Xederer Makes Appoint ments lor Schuylkill County. Two new appointments In the Internal Revenue Bervlce of this district were made today by' Collector Lederer. John Slney. of St. Clair. Rohtivldli I County, was appointed to a division 3 deputy collectorshlp to have jurisdiction over me nowiy created 18th division em bracing Schuylkill County and three townships In the northern rmrt of nrkn County. The new nnaltlnn ......, f necessary through Increased retail sales Aior nquor in that section. The salary Is vfc2ll200 with expenses. jj James O-Dewoes was appointed stamp - Jdeputy collector at Pottsllle to iiiivma vaniM lamer, xneodore Dewecs, CTTST EXHIBIT TO CONTINUE Tho "Know Your Cttv Tlttr twmmi" In City Hall courtyard will tn mntinnitil tot several weeks. This decision has been reached by the Comprehensive Plans Com mittee because of the Interest that Phlla delphlans have shown in tho exhibit. Behool children particularly have de rived considerable pleasure from the tiny models and collections qf insects that may be seen. The average attendance per day for a week was 4MS, Charts show Philadelphia a It will be when the proposed transit and munici pal Improvements have been made. Tlpe Break Causes $10,000 Damage Damage estimated at 210.000 was dona to Jthe A. Q, Spalding- store and to the tallor- Ilnf establishment of Bamuel D. Freeman yesterday when a frozen water pipe on the third floor of the bulldlnc at 1210 Chestnut street burst, flooding the lower I floor and the cellar. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY THIS BTYLB TYPE (or lUe this) Oas Insertion. ... , lflo per line Three Insertions lot week... 12Ko per line w coniecuuve insertions., loo per line OOO-llne contract (daily ad- "Sf ! w iwriui GItuatteu wanted, three laser- , none is a wtex iuo per line PHIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In all daaaiflcatlens ascent Haln ad Bttuatlons Wanted, Lost aad Found, Per' ,, ntMfuiua; aim wmmi. One insertion 20o Derllae Three Insertions la a week. . UHo per line Seven consecutive Insertions... 15a per line 1000-line contract (dally ad. vertUlng) llHo Per line All talaa ara haaad on arata meaauramant lit agate line to the inch. DEATH NOPICES-olthet paper ! 10 Use eae time ISOo. settee tasertteas 11.00 PAILY ONLY tn sgict Ittetmbtr I, ItH COMBINATION ItATB bssertloa in beta the morntnif and evsalag Qt earn day) PUBLIC LEDGER . tHORNINO) EVENING LEDGER (SVXNtNO) four ctats per line net to rate given BIsLP AN1 BTTUATIOMa WANTED Y3maiNO IN THS PUBJUO LEDOBR INBHTD IN THB BYSMINQ WITHOUT ADDITIONAL irinf store sear yeiar batte that t, Xiimnt wtat tM at est ls Mtea. Br i.JsjH. ' i ' wsa tagj. ANO POU ivwuaarf It, tn z , &S,. ue it ;.) roi OUA9 OHUBII niaari" ml Ta ti : il j jiats J Iw W dan. Tuh W a at the iCaJu Iu oaue, tu i-iM.t t "Ijtml Mue' ajrj ; b tmm, vtr ut TS druai fira f S&Jl J4B& a3j SOia- wS-Wwf3& -- MBItBOWAM FRETZ nBALTY COMPAMT The. fallowing bends, Kos. , 1M. IBS, 1U. 67, have.becn drawn and are called for pay ment and seemed Interest. Payment win be made en the first day of January. 101B. at the office of the Real Estate Title ineurancj and Trust Co,. Of Philadelphia, ..Pa., SZI Chestnut t, after which data all interest on these bonds will cease. li. jBJ. UAiui'iiKUU Treasurer. HELP WANTED PEMAI.E COOK for hotel in Delaware. .. Central. a M4, Ledger HOUsrawOTtK Refined German Protestant sir!. In a rood home, family of 8; everything comfortable) permanent. Addreea Oeone M. " , trcw uox ap. waynesporo, m, HOUSEWOnK Good woman who appreciates good homes family of 8i suburbs, P 828, Ledger Office. LAUNDRESS and chambermaid for private family! stay in: call mornings before 10; per week. Phone Ardmere 8iB A. . OTBNOOHAPIIBR and bookkeeper! five ref., . experience and salary, li MO, Led, Central. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers and clerks can obtain valuable Informa uon about securing positions by in terviewing Miss Dean at Ledser'Cen- tral, see her at one for this free adrlce. na the Commercial Depart ment la constantly eecurlng good po altlons for Ledger Advertisers. "4?f7 an experienced nurseglrl, whits, for omiaren. sj sna 4 Tears of ,aae: mu must have referencejgood waites i8.i N. inn at. HELP WANTED MAIiE DEPARTMBNT BTORn requires the services of a man capable of managing a large sales force, and with experience In merchandise! state this, experience and your general qual Iflcatlons 'In. a Istter. which wUI be held strictly confidential Inexperienced men should not answer this. Address C 0, Ledger Office. DRAUGHTSMAN, familiar with steam englno vuiiairucuon; muse ce nigncisss man loca. tlon eastern Pennsylvania: eXDerlenc. tr mil alan Mva rHfurenpiia. vvviiukt, aa ina salary expeqiea. au dreea L P02. Ledger Of Hce. OFFICE HOT. bright, about 14 years of age, wanted by brokerago house: business experi ence unneceissry; state references: salsry moderate to stsrt. but good opportunity for advancement, n 430, Ledger 6fflci. ' BOUCrrORS wanted by Mr. Lorln n. Ful mer, chairman of the Oood-Fellowahlp Luncheon Association, to call on and solicit contributions from people In order to supply needy families with things to eat and wear commlialon basis; must be Christians and have aantlemanly address Call at 029 Market bi. la noor). i o'clock, Monday, anarp. TALL MEN Stage entrance, Forrest Theatre, Monaay, p. m. General AUTOMOB1LB repairing and driving tauaht by experts) special attention given to carburetor and magneto details: a road lesson eery day and license guaranteed: day and evening courses; easy terms Calf, write or phone Kensington 103!. Huntingdon Auto School, . 2-in-m A, Huntingdon. SITUATIONS WANTEDI'EMALE CHAMBERMAID, Protestant, either private or hotel work; experienced. P 821, Ledger Office. COMPANION Lady, willing, obliging; can sew; would travel; exo. ref. D 410, Led. Off. COOK and second maid, sisters, German Prot cstants, desire positions. P 828, Ledger Off. DRESSMAKER wants engagements, home or out, good fitter. IMP Montrose. Dick. 224X W. DRESSMAKER of New York desires engages; eve, gowns specialty. Phone Wal. 4002 W. GOWNS. EVENINO CLOAKB AND TAI lored aults, at home or out: short notice, O. IL McNICHOLS, 1717 Christian St. Phone Dickinson 8417 X. IIOUBEWORK or cooking German Protectant girl; reference. P 827, Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK Upstate girl, experienced, best reference, goad cook. P 820, Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER, conscientious and dependa ble; would consider moderate salary; refer-1 encee. B 233, Ledger Office, STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, reliable, rapid, accurate; mod. salary. B 423, Ledger Office. WHEN IN NEED of an experienced office assistant, bookkeeper, stenographer or clerk, call up Walnut 3000 and consult with Miss Dean, of the Commercial Department, who has a list of high-grade, experienced girls eager for positions. AvaU yourself of the free service to Ledger advertleers NOW. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE TO , A uvra wmu Five veare successful selling experience: would like tn represent manufacturer locally, one offering wider opportunities: age S3J married; hlgheet references. Q SIS, LEDGER. CENTRAL ACCOUNTANT, thoroughly cornp. to manage u,w.b, vviiuu4iuikq inu creuKs; iz ex p.; best rsf. O 054. Ledger Central. years' AMI1ITIOU8 TOUNQ MAN. with unlverstt uuiu-.L'iuLia tuunu man. with university education, desires to become connected with a. business which offers an opportunity far advancement on the basts o( merit; possess executlvr ability alantf with ,TMH,n,. i S.nSKlJ york,5n1 knowledge ot credits. Q 748. Lodger Central. AMBITIOUS and energetlo BOOKKEEPER Capable, experienced office man. desires position with reliable firm: mod erate salary; beet refs. Q 740, Ledger Cent. BUILDINO MATERIAL BALESMAN.a hustler. several years' experience,, large following among architeote and builders of Philadel phia and other cities, desires connection; beet of references. O 030, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR Al rrechanto; 8 years' foreign and domes tie. exp.; mod. aaL A. N. fl., 2!& CIVIL ENGINEER wishes position! pel nent or te'porary; exp. Add W.. 8348 Ma rma- arket COLORED Irian and wife want place! wife one of the best Southern cooks and special pa bread, pies and cakes; man flrst-claas ages 38 and 30, city or country, have the beet cfty reference. U 813, Ledger Office. CORRESPONDENT, stenographer. 2d, aalss. BXECUTIVBj, FAMILIAR WITH ORIENTAL EXPORT TRADE. 1JE SIRLS TO BBCURE POSITION IN THIS COUNTRY WITH RELIABU3 HOUSE, U. OP 'p. GRADUATE. AQE 28, B1NOLH HIOHEST HBirl BRBNOB. O T9, LEDOEU CBN TiCAL. yORESTER, college graduate, wants work la forestry, lumbering, surveying, mapping, etc. H. lT Both. Chestnut Hill, &. "'"- etc ' REPRESENTATrVa " ' Yocar can. age S. aggrIve, hustler, would itftv m, iwui a. luai-vj arm SKaer la the Southern or Weetam BUtee epces as to caaraciep ana blllly. B 515, ie1Ulf -JiAel. STENOGRAPHER, knowledge ot bookkpg , a. grcsslve, desires position where merit will win t advano-i sell, abll j rets. O CU. Ledger Cent Ledger Office. , ' - ' . - www 8UPHRINTENDENT ot construction wtshea dos. with contract arm. Ad W. &MS Mtrk.t UNIVBR3IT? QltAPUATE, experienced teacher, dealres position as tutor ta refined raiauy wa. fctaer nirti. VOUNO MAN. U yean, single, good eduea- ployed, would Uke ta make cennectloa with FeltasU nrra. B elO, Ledger Office. ,yn nuut wiiyM. HwMuti, a. vv-i em- YC-UNQ MAN, .ru. - . fi lx rs ' ',.".-. IS Tears old. deslrea posltton for 3 or 3 aurhla a week, hixb 3 or 3 n ts a week, high sehool edues- (fan, good reereaca. B afto, Ledger Office 5OTHETS technical tralnlag and five atWty. Uhe4 rweltlon with real.esUU 'fn'rS eieeu- estata crmr ra wiy. ..A,3? , " t a axaraet. EMPLOYMENT AQENCIBS WAKllirAU klsda l Istlsaa help: oU M)p want postttsas. ilUs ru Dc .rty, 13lf qirayTavk 1st- lough- riU-eW, XtOt Uantoj . B. llla.-tkaia hilp: eliy or coun. . raf Phage CTeklmaS m$T. ATJTOMOBmHfi ..efM,. eae seu yew auus iSMHat ' ! g.rf eVDtO PAJJjfTiyg MW)I WM. Fl YyV 7TO CaIMX DOGB, BIRDS AND dOIiD EISH FIRST CANARIES SINCE THE WAB, . . , have Juet arrived on steamer SloterayX from Rotterdam This shipment comprises th se lection of Harts Mountain canaries your choice of the Importation! Harts Mountain, 3 each; Roller canaries, 3.(50 each. Cages ot every description. , , B. 6. VAlILB.Irnfiorter, 810 MARKET BT, , BUSINESS NOTICES We can afford to remodel or repair your . furs much cheaper than the larire de FTJR8 partment stores, We Rive you expert workmanship. Phone Belmont 8W4 W. chab. j. nooag, hist Arch at. Hemstitching done while you watt A. Reich ard. Ilia Chestnut. Pictorial Review patterns. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ACTIVE, brainy buttness partner, man .or woman, to make Investment ot IfWO, btc proposition: no chance to loses Inveilment will da $100,000 business first year. Investor hsndles own money. Have no money, but 10 yearn aiperlence and some material for de velopment This Is a movlnic-plcture theatre and manufacture ot film proposition. Can be . son before 18 dally. Carman. 1823 Thompson. 14-ROOMEM APAJlTMUHfT 110OTB. private meters to each room, bringing 0O over ex penses! mutt be sold this month as owner Is leaving city: no reasonable offer rerueeai HftlvhhJlthnA IMh an. Xti V.mnfl Writ 1821 Green et, or phone Poplar U7S. TWO young men of good reput. and thor. ezp, need 13000 for a gen. contract, bus. O 744 Ledger Central. CLEANINO AND D"ZEINd OSTRICH FBAT1UCRB AND FANCIKS CLEANED. DYED, CURLED AND 1IADH ..iNTXJ LATEST STTLEB MAILHOT. into CHESTNUT DIAMONDS AND JEWEIR DIAMONDS ROUOHT Bank nefersnees. Appraleement, 14, IIAURY V. BMtfH.rl7 BANBOil dV. DRESSMAKINO AND MILLINERY DRESSMAKING taught; short, nrao. McPowelrs,80T Denckla Bldg lfth & Ml olirse. arket. ORrBaMAKER; perfect fitter; suits remodeled; -....., .uimp. uja , un si. ieini, owl ia POR SALE The advertisements In tho column marked with a star () are from reliable people con' nected with the various departments of tho PCBLio LSDOm and EvxtiNO Limir and are bona nde offers Inserted at the suggestion ot the Ledger to lllustrato wider uses of desti ned advertising. Tou can buy thesa Items with the fullest confidence. Also sea other bargains under the "For Kxchanse" heading. BILLIARD, pool, comb., 2d band, bought, sold, rented, ox'd. Kaafar. 820 Qlrard ava. 'CAMERA Absolutely now; oxtenilon box. Bxf; uMe, inpoa ana xour new piato noiaera go with It; oost about BOj will self for half. Address F, R. L, Apartment No. 8, DOM Walnut MU CAMERAS-4x5, Reflex Hall Mirror, BxT Cen tury Grand, with Goers lens which flt either enmtra, toitother with outfit of semlprofes slonal photographer, for sale at the price of lens. 46830 'Anderson. BIS N. B8th st. CARPETS, sold, storage, Wilton, Axmlnster; 1 amwutq uuaniinK C Hgt. XIOUI usee. 1810 Poplar. CARRIAOE Falllns-top buggy; good condl tlon. tai3 Vino at. COPY of ex-aoemor Bunn's speeches for sale; excellent condition: bound in white and gold leather cover! what Is offered? 1850 N. 30th st. CYCI.ECAR Almost completed; 50O Invested! Will sacrlflCfl fnr 122.1. fl!iflirrAmnt In tutrt. nershlp; friction drive, steel frame, 6 Cam eron wire wheels, 2-cyIlnder water-cooled Olrard ave. ' DEBK, flat top, 60x80 In , dull mtMion nnlsh, four drawer on right side and one long flat drawer at the top; excellent condition: desire to sell, as finish does not match other furniture. Address first floor, 0210 Haver ford ave. OJJEBBSUIT. worn but a fow times; cost 100; .... ,.b juunK jnn HDout o ii. if in. tan; trousers length, 82. Address V. It. L., BOsi Walnut at.. Apartment No. a aiJjl'ETTE rasor set; have two: will sell i. i fti.1 v A0?0 cunamon; wun Diauea ,'M,r !., 1. XVltl Hi MOUNTAIN SCENERY (new). SUli'V. house, etc.: crlco 3. 6215 Haiti ave 22xlltx24, in S. J. Kerr. Ol.D tnodpl Vtiaala,. A TL-IIbmm jiriwi .AAktA 5!?ll1,,M,",ln, cornp'ete: excellent condition: mpl Vdd Address P 818. Ledger W- flee. OPERA OLA8SES. Lemalre lens. Slack leather covered In leather case! good as new; SJlV"?1 VRlu' 8! n,ak oKr. A. J. Metsel. 37S7 Spruce st. PJANOr-Wlll sacrifice Guild.. Boston; Upright Grand, black ebonv frame, fine tone excel lent coiidltlon: good as new: cost 600: must S" y n"cco.uJ3,t i'Mh: groat bargain, . . u.mi.ii, ivm rt, iotn ax PIANO-PLAYER, ftl-note. including 50 worth cheep. Call 8214 "f "oj p'"i- in irooa conamon: wm sen Ct, i,l 17th St. REMINGTON No 10, typewriter! prBCtlcally nlW! SS?11251 w'" 011 t0' M: no deaf. rs, 8S38 Germantown aye, "SFHKflXP Sk Wt cha,r- perfect condition; cost o.50. For full particulars write E. 8. .tuner. pmimwn, la "aTON typewriter. $10; .not new d service Susan Cooper. 3787 N. 18th at, ROCHESTER Onttral Cimnin nn l.m with caso and plate holders; excellent 'single view lens. Address T. C St.. 134 North . Omtre St.. Merchsntvllle. N. J BS'B ovorcost site 38: good as new: tt 301 Orangf ave , Olnev. SEWING MACHINE New droD-head Monitor' sewing machine: all attachmmta: noiseless; has been usM very little: will sacrifice for sm,ii amount owing to death! worth your while to eeo. J. 8poalman, ligQ N. lttth it. BlkZTa.riTJ: iflstg ilchM """ "." SOLID mahogany wardrobe. 8 feet high. 0 feet w(d, two doors three drawers: make offer. J ,,gny. jjpyariy. "ffl B.&Biri5Sa Vj?&2?. """-"? e2i2 t cl2hes. ,ln good condition! cost new. 125: shepherd plaid: site 30: owner tired of lor: will sell for first reasonable offer, 1012 Manrlne st. BWEATER. heavy roll nack. navy blue. BD.alding'e extra special: will eell reasonable. Address F. IL L Apartment No. 8. 6083 Walnut st e TUXEDO, with fancy veeti extra length, 30U Inohes, waist SO Inches; mads by Robert Stewart. Call 6017 A Carpenter at. West , Philadelphia, Tuesday, December 29, 0 a. m. v TWENTY-FIVE 63 Pianola rolls) all the latest selections; prke $1 Charlss Lange, 1013 B 23th st TWIN baby sulky, recent model, almost new: will sell for 13: exceptional value. Address II, L. Leatherburr, Perklna lane, Beverly, TYPEWRITER. Remington, Jr.. one month old. only slightly used: offer price. Address lioiaan. jUJrmat ami. XT, VPHIOHT iPIANO, In first-lass condition! Plassla make, glfcq 2031 N. 2d St. e" VIOLIN, with bow and case; In excellent eon, dltlon, little used; will sell for J3 sacrifice, 812 8 61st at. ! YOU NO safety rasor and Arista safety rasor. Including 2H blades; good as new will aeli both for 2. Address W X, 8520 Pot- lar a. tiOR SALE DOMKSTIC OAB HEAT WIL BfN D080U IRONBR. WTPII 8PECIAL AM BR. HOARD FOR SinRTS, IRONBTt IN ONE OPRRATION ItEBUILT AS NETWt SV 1233 RACE. e ' ONR Prairla State brooder. No. 1, only used li) flock of country chickens (not thoroughbred, but good Uye: uu irJ'J reouoie paer re, rusea. u uuo. i u uuo. ubqewt unioe, FOR BALEA woedea bed, la use short time; iisa a M-y-l: will sell cheap, or ex rhange both for a flrst-fllmsa guitar Address L. 'A? Loth, ua W. Poaglaa at. HAVE 80 reams ot oRlelal court atenographer's paper cost wholesale 72c retails (or II 60: will eel the whole tot at Mo ream. Ad. ttrees L. B. Cox. B3W Oreenway ave. e BPORTeiretf fake nottoe-IVm aell a ,82. calibre Savage automatia rifle. Model 1012; tn One condition; IS cash, or will trade for camera 3SO0 N Orata st. e SQUART Norwich automatic chicken feeder: cost J TO- wed but few weeks will eu tor duai mwan . "'rawawwa T8R fiALH. eheap, ire rani a. four harpers, dnuhle oven, w O, Iwster, oTOB Beiflali 10B. EXOHANOH all Kdvartlaama&ta marked with a star :laa vara TAlva f wider tbls ejasaUeat: ceraosui la the esisley of the Pubiio Ledur want good HeJElogtao ,u a. sheea; hfVJsff iKlTsW' aid. si fifTAeaal and ahaaa fa vaa!.hntt,ui gllg NlhV'.4 """" "S04S."! to exeJunge for any- i iww, Lea, waai far A iOt m IBITHB8 RaatlUb mada hajbtM. sew will aell Tvf 1m thaa katf ufUul mtt jt wttl vxebaae Qrajr 9f SprwHS ir Suoae. Wltl ;ri Vifcf ttiur hhmAUi Mk iTABlirmB M Isiag uaatuL l. mm benr u& VIOrAoLA and CofausMa reedrdi opera tic! sig1' ,li fcherjpt-ealvetaai Th "atSZr 19 EC .TMrT aifl VfiaK TUB axaKVet kHjX lida't tx mm. wiai mA dxtt G SbSI rOR EXOHANOE WILL WRITH advertising copy evening In exehaha- for eelf-darlng Diane. 1811 B .Alden et r . , .. CCMPLBTB 1. C, B. fh6rthand course! Vilee jpt what l offered f N. W. Oarrett, 09 mage are, . WILL BXCItANon banjo, for small fireproof tare, Aaareee cm . ootn sr. . . - WANTED ANT1QUH furniture, bibtte'i Jewelry, sotd sll ver, false teeth. 73li Walnut. Est. 1800. PHRiMlTI TRP Antiques, pianos, etc., part Furnltore Co., 814B Kenelngton ave. ROOMS POR BENT BARtKO, 89t0 Rooms, furnished or unfur nlsbed. 2d noor, for, housekeeping; phone, UnOAP, N., 1018 Very desirable, well-heated. lurnieneq roomsreiisonapie! leiepnono. CHBaTNUT, 20W-Beautifully furrtlehed front room; private bath; other vacancies i phone, MT. V1OTNON, 1013 Attractively furn.,warm rm. near bathj board optional; gentlemen. nPTIINfl OAnDRM. ITU lirce. ootnfcttabty natn: rate beds; aultabla for two gentlemen lurnienea xroni room aajoimns- pain; apa SPRUCK. 2022 Desirable suite with ptlrale bath; openflre; slnale rooms: owner. . WALNUT. 8T00-Prlvate family will rent love ly 2d floor, furnished, to gentiemenl open flreplsce; 4 windows; southern exposure. OTir, B, 232 Nicely furnished parlor! other vacancies wainut ws. . 11TTH ST., N4 3231 Unfumtahed front two". private family! moaern conveniences; pnone. 1STH, N.. 1641-liarge ront rooms: well-heat q; luiutoie aeniiemen yopiar dim , 18TH AROVB SUBQUBItANNA-Comfortablr fur, front room, hot-water heat! board opt'll ref. all convs. owner. L 41M, Ledger Cent. 1TTH BT, rent he N.. 88SC Smnll orlvate family will rent beautifully furnished rooms, single or en suite; gentlemen preferred! phone, lSTir, near ML Vemon Newly fur. rooms: prl vate family: reference. L 843. Ledger Cent. 23D, B , 122 Rooms, single or en suite: pri vate baths, running water: steam heat: newly papered and painted! gentlemen preferred. S1BT, 8.. 1220 Modemly turn. 2-room suite! electricity, hot-weter neat! pleasant nelsh borhood. acrots from Park; cars cv.; prl. fam. B3D AND BANSOM Fur nished rooms! men only! mealsj shower bains: near L. All the comforts of home. Phone Belmont 4M1. West Branch T. M. C A. PRIVATE- family will rent 2 larire furnished rooms to roflned gentlemen or couple; near 17th and Locust. L 445. Ledger Central. HANBsoM'eLY furnished front room lnlarge modern private home, Electrle lights. Ten minutes to City Hall Telephone Baring 415. Professional Offices. OFFICE FOR RENT, well furnished, for morning hour, to a regular physician. Ad , dress L 844, Ledger Central. BOARDING ARt'H. 2023-202S-Handeomely furnished, eluding superior table. tO; table. DIAMOND, 2102 Secorid-floor front room and others; comfortable! good locat.: reasonable. HAZEL AVE.. S122-2d-story front and adjoin Ing; table board; phone. PERKIOMEN, 877 (10th and PoplarJ-Large, turn, saloon parlor: private family; phone, PINE ST., 025 Room and board for couple or $ re: ta! 'MnVIaman Inlnw ahh. . .... .. ... ! ... w, ",,.. IW.1U, UW IU Ullli U Uf, nutu u iiuip, wc, rnoni vvainuc tHl, 8PRUCE, 1224-1220 (Brismonde) Furn. roomf, single, en suits: private baths; table board, WALNUT. 4300-Lovely homelike rooms! fum, or unfurn.; good table. Preston 4822 p. 10T3rt.B 814 Desirable furn. rooms; stngle or double: excellent tabla: all conveniences CAN accommodate two gentlemen; convenient to car tinea. L 484. Ledger Central. Bobnrban OERlfANTOWN, The Colonial. 143 W. Coul ter; higher class, choice location: rooms, single or en suite. Phone Germantown 5102 TWO OENTLEMEN or married couple can nave flne suite of apartments, with meals If desired, in beautiful private home: moderato rate. 82 Elmwood ave . Sharon Hill. Pa. Table Hoard n5PAD J"tt.8jJM-3,lettaWe board. Phone, Walnut 7187 W APARTMENTS "Sff ?&SlTVS$?X laformatlpa ot APARTMENT BUREAU 18th and Spruoe sts. Prone Walnut 880, or ndit?on0rFrePar Directory," Docember LION'S HEAD Handsomely furnished apra. u:ia-io locuat ONE or two gent'n: elegant furn. room; run. water, bath, hot-water ht.t 534 N. 18th at. BPRINO OARDEN, 1010 Excellent apts. In 8 different houses: eomo furn'di kitchenettes. WALNUT, 1222-2-1 (Kenwood) Desirable va cancies; single or en suite; priv, baths; will change to suit tensnt: mod, rate. Wal. 8181. 1STH AND OREEN, The Berenstord Desir able apartments, bachelor or housekeeping, vapor heat. Phone Poplar 6388. 40T1I, B 118 Furnished complete housekeep ing apartment. 8 rmi. and private bath. cor. house. Southern exposure. Preston 20tVW. HOUSEKEEPING: APARTMENTS THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME. UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST XTLOOIt Apply on Premises HAMILTON COURT CHESTNUT AND BOTH BTREHTB Ore Housekeeping Apt, A Rooms and Itatb, Oas Housekeeping Apt. 6 Rooms aad Itath. R. II. THATCHER. Manager. STIRNIBIIEID B-room bouaekeeo. anart. floor, good heater. 2a.6Q. Phone Wood. 760. EEAL ESTATE TOly SALE OERSIANTOWN MOUNT AIRY AND CHESTNUT HILL PROPETITIEB Pelham Trust Co.. .0710 Oermantown ave. MAIN UNB.IM. B.B. 114 ACRE8, I2SO acre) cheap: spring water, A. D Heald, West Chester, Pa. NEW JEIUJEY Uaddonfleld. K. J. BAVB SEVERAL flne properties at bargain prices, WM, CARSY MARSHALL, 631 fid. era! sU Camden. National fark. N. J. YOUR opportunity; lots SflxlEO: near trolley; overlooking Del.; adjoin. Campbell Soup Co. ievelepmeat. Greater N J. Co.. U S. 18th. PENNSYLVANIA VAltMS (froTPxtatftlesall SI?lffli.,W,lK ifirftl tock Umi chjw, M SCOand J acres: the verr best of tout wants. Jonathan 14 IRIM tW tUW r-hfean; irata C Hare. West Ctua- tar. Pa. FARMS. 1800 and upward, all sins, prices and locations. Tell us your wanu Ask for catalog J. H- Thompson, Wait Cheater, Pa. BEAIi ESTATE TO BXOHANQE AtlanUo Cltr. N. J. HOTELS, , cottages, apartmsnta, ate . to ex. ohajjiT for VEUadelphla properties. Chaa. g;U. M ft Penna. ava. AtSatla Oty. BEAX. ESTATE WANTED PROPERTY la aa4 around Phlladelpftta ff liaxlUh. laveetors: only parties with good la. ceate-produolog propeitlM of destrable loca ilea seed reply. Wire or write at oas u ABJericaa reprtBttlV. W. J MULLSTT, Lockpott, N. Y. BEAX. ESTATE 70B KENT ounces', Bnsmaaa Koonis, Etc. ULROS SECOHp-lLOOR ROOM. R'tStSS able zar naiu . 1 1-rrr'tntii yact,rt, WaJJioMe. Mfg. ytooxa fcvwrU,"; 'tmkrvnt SidMor, JNaaeyrvaata . wavmAom rla)l D CIsONL) AtUntto C)y. N. J. MUHTOAaSM I 1 ' ' ' --- tev . n ., ta.. r ,,-,, . " ' ' .,.,,.., ,et f I 15 IU - ' tHLo.vv JF X. . I (a V-nsl lOH-BROTHERBILL-UJILL J rLW YOU PLHR5E LOOKOUT v r- -vnia BawrvA - . . v. M3Llavt un UN ,LC uauuriLii . jv t ?!, M I : TS TUT-TUT" I NOW-Npui LITTLE 05Y ' M i II . kaa vn'onrl a milMN II ti- kmi Lampoon. y ' '! Atf & & ft" llfi Dear Old Lady (on tho 18th deck of V. SjSVfiL 'WwhJJ A Wl U flfl the Mnterlaml) Oh, Captain r- how ' - -Gjk. $HC mw& U U5?xij ' H flAiniJlfi RUTEjJJOH-HRUE I -. 1 fl VAyULrU:jj y- Tn HEflirr!! V in- lllSill. W ' H5 fHsiBirS 3L "I ' fW ' If TO n -T- -.-i ; m ' He Tou can't over take a Joko. Jth7 JT-'iav. ft V1 i CsH lln7& I vAW ((vtSChvX. Augustus By the way, did you " " " " .w- sK9 U)) rjSiir know that large nars'aro a Blgn.'df I SJTAQE FRIGHT! "' fflS s s " ,rt" Adeline Of course! They are a. I - ,' ,. ijp! iJSSr sCA B,sn that Nature has been generous. I C" ''" 'uTlr3 2 JlaM 4- i f , l ,. J fiucesoa (Santiago, Chill). I - I I " -efsGsSis'X " UlM "Oh, miss! Allow me! What hands! I sfiSh xsJJ ,iMrrfH'tr III mmM 3(3 Alaai. CCirim HsBA.. HI "V asH i im HV Mmmmmmi jSFsmmistm.m - m May Did you know that Jack la an enthuslasuo archaeologiatT Fay "Why, nol Hay Yesterday he dropped some tickets from his pocket marked "fly away, 8 to 1!" And, when I asked him what they were, he said they were relics ot a lost race. Isn't that In-tereitlng-r V funrt "Wkat kaoiwflou xkiis saaat t tht i-tj( ixierT" jlkjk- M AAA i I1 JI9rk II s JSV? Oh, M ltv4 uil l a B GRAPPLE OH, HAVE Lampoon. Mueb Did you hear what happened to IlawdonT Bugs No, what? IIueb Ha became a movie fiend, and now he's In an insane asylum. Buss Ahl i see, that's what they mean by a Pathological case. V . , From London Opinion A. MISAPPRBHNDD.QT4Pr3TTQH Old Lady What do you sell ere tut, younif mant New Assistant 'Cause I ean set neibtn' else ter do, aiuaa. i.i ;r Clui-k "1 Ptojueae of JtfiaMry 1 C t you ru It ever gujsitol Ioet -Ye, but thta s ttiiJu " ' ' ' I 1 I I M I i ,i i ,f s ' I ' ' ,1 1 . A HEARTl TUT-TUT-LITTLP HSIilfilTl - - . ' - - - wwwf taM MusTNTjoTHRrnr c Householder I discharged my last maid because she was too friendly with the policeman. Prospective Maid Tou won't And me friendly with 'em. I was brought up to tiato 'em. My dear old dad was a burglar. kjaK it,v - , - u j iUa i t.. tv I. ., - k fa r Asr".-i jwsrimfi. teat If p fTw4uesT -mTyfc mvsr j t , ' M$ rf j- 1T'