Newspaper Page Text
EVENING EEDGEB-PHTIiADELPHIA? MONDAY; DECEMBER- 28; TffME. .0 .j.t'" BEST, THOUGHT OF AMERICA ' ' ' ' - , , i i , it- , i' ' ' - ' I ' ' ' I -- ' ' I 1 , TUEHE -will be quite a number tof Informal at homes on New Year's Day, though the ttmo-honorod custom of muklriff Now Tear's call has almost entirety died out. Moat of the RUburban clubhouses which are bo much fre quented by persons In society will keep open house all day, however, and several persons living In the suburbs have uent out Informal Invitations for that day. Sir. and Mrs. Joseph Bill Clark will be at home at their beautiful country placo In St Martin's: Mrs. "Walter Massoy and Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Troset, Jr., will bo at home at the Bake House, Torres date, during tho afternoon, and In town, Mr. nd Mrs. Frederick Ilemsley, who' Usually r1v a tea at their home, will entertain at a daninnt at the Bellcvue-Stratfonl, from 4 until 7 o'clock. Miss Hloanor Mills, of New York, will como over to attend the bill her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wharton Llpplni cqtt, will slvo on' Tuesday, January E. Mlas Mills will bo Mrs. Llppncott'a guest for sev eral days. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb 5. Fox, Jr., of York rojid, Ogontz. are being congratulated on the WrUi -of a daughter, Helen Wllnlsen For, on Tuesday, December ti. Mrs. Fox -will bo ro inembercd as Miss Holer! Wllnlscn. Su'roly It Is more blessed to glvo than to receive; but when tho elver also becomes the recipient of tho gift there Is real fun In the giving, as fn the recent caso of Mrs. D. Dobson Altcmus, who so charitably donated a I3utck automobile to the Mndo-ln-Amerlcn Fete. The car was raffled off at a dollar a chance, and , was won by Morton Sncllenburg, who gracious ly presonted It to Mrs. Altcmus. V . The Monday Evening Junior Dances will be Inaugurated tonight when tho drat cotillon takes place in tho Itoso Garden of the Bolle- Vue-Stratford. Those dances have usurped the " ayenlngs which were formerly sot apart for the Monday Evening Dancing Class, as Mrs. Mason ' decided to discontinue tho latter class during tho present season. Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel i Diddle. Mrs. T. Charlton Henry, Mro. Robert H. Large, Mrs. Alexander Van Rensselaer, M,rn. v Edward T. Stotesbury, Mrs. Charles Blngnam Penrose and Mrs. Daniel L. Hutchinson, Jr., will act as patronesses for the dances, the re- " 'mnlnlng two of which will take place January 11 and February 8. Among those who will entertain at dinner beforo tho cotillon will be Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J, Henderson, of 172S Rfttenhouse street, who will give a small dinner; Jay B. Llpplncott, who will give a dinner, and Mr. and Mrs.' row ell Evans, who will entertain at their home, 255 South 18th street. The Society of Plays and Pjayera gave a tea yesterday afternoon, from i until 6 q'clook, at their playroom, .13 South. lBth street, to meet the members of several companies now playing in this city. In addition 'to. several most enjoy- t ,c,r. able talks, which were given by the guests, and ch . the club members, an informal muslcale took place, those taking part being Mrs. John P. XeIgo, Miss BJjr and Charlton Murphy. rMrs. J, Hutchinson Scott and Mrs. JR. "W. Hawkesworth have arranged a series of dan saJits, to be given on Saturday afternoons in the ballroom of the Rltz-Carlton. The first of theso affairs took place Saturday, MaKel's Orchestra from New York furnishing the music. ' The BlU-Carlton Supper Club also met on Saturday night. These dances, which are Urn ' Ited to exclusive circles, have proven a dellght- ful Innovation, They have the Indorsement of , a committee of representative PhlladelphUns, Including- Edward Brooming, "W. Lyman Btddle, " Gardner Cassatt, Charles E. Coxe, Samuel Bell, Jr., George Dallas Dxon7 Jr., Edward Croser, 'j ' Jpbn C- Grooms, Richard McCall Elllpt, Harry Wain Harrlsop, Sydney B. Hutchinson, Dr. Chare E. Hart. Sidney W. Keith. Howard Houston Henry, Franklin McFadden. Dr. Rob ert O. LeConte, Judge Robert Ralston. Dr. E. Holljngsworth Slter, Clement B. Newbotd, .John C Norrla, Louis Rodman Page and "WIIam Mo- Cawley. They will be continued until Febru ary . Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Coane entertained a number of friends at the Rita-Carlton at sup per Saturday night. ALONG THE MAIN LINE HERION The next rpeptlns; ' the Red Cross, Club, which meets at Mrs. Arthur. M. Lewis' home, on.Balrd road, will be held Thursday, January T,' at 3 o'clock In tho afternoon. Wilson. Evans Anderson, who is a student at Nazareth Hall, Is spending the Christmas and New Year's holidays with his parents, Mr. and , Mrs. William Y. O. Anderson, of South High land avenue. ' DAUL-Mrs, T- A. Blsler, Jr., will entertain her Tuesday bridge club this week, Miss Mabel allies, of Delaware, is 'spending tho Christmas holidays with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. "William H, qiUls, of TJhon avenue. CHESTNUT HILL Miss Emily Moffiy. of Allen lane, wit) give a luncheon in honor of Miss Dorothea. SchtlL tWbose marriage to Alfred Moorehead North T?ll take place January 7, on Monday, January , at the Philadelphia Cricket Club.' The eTU"U wjll Include the bridesmaids. There wilt be a masquerade danae at the phlliulelphU Cricket Club on New Yef Ere. -;imar the auspleea of the House Committee. GERMANTQWN Mr. and Mrs. Otto B. Bsysunn, of Burbridge rt, have aa their guests Mr. and. Mrs, SJr- fcwourb, of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Tucker, Jr eater ; t.l&4 a planer Cbrtshnas Bight at their home 'fen Weat Fwv strecw Mfi. if. K. Wallace. W Qren street, wlU S hoeteas. at a lunoheoa gtya to the miwa ,! of her card & thja Unw. H DlH wit) b Mtav qtareaea R. Bn)or Mra Wirf Vm0Jf' Ht w- py, Mn. Jh w mr. Urn Jmsm Qlr. Mrs. Wtttlam MSaw, Iff. Hnv Xeeraaiur, Mm. WaKw Bealt, Mrs, C V, Fxas, Hm Marry a Qimtm. Mrs, . it Jehmen. If k. Chsjtea MaxweU, Mrs. Isjama yt, Mrs- lAula utw. Mrs. a Cltw lfriuobor aa MUas Iftreas. m MK W-3 iMtmmm, tint wj tji j o Miss Mary Miller, Miss Ada Meters, Miss Bessie Dietrich. &ies ' Lillian Williams, Miss Ilriam Hill, Mlsrf Helen lphrinon, Misa Ger trude Wek, Mrs. John .Flte, Jr"., MIsb Helen Evans, Miss Margaret Whiteside, Miss Mar Jorfe White. Miss' Relia ,Wlek, Miss JWldred Seeler, Miss' Eiltabeth Flte, Miss Mellta Zehender ririd ,lss Dfnnche Whiteside. Miss Frapfcea Walker, of Ohelten ave.nue, en tertained at cards and dancing Saturday eve ning. Decernbe'r M. Those present were Miss Eiltabeth GroVe. Miss Mary- Steele, Mss; Vir ginia Melcalf, Mliuj Bue Taylor, Miss Margaret Knight, Miss, Rf a pvpni. Miss Harriet Lambert, Miss Sarah Walsh. Miss Mnhha Thompson, Miss Ethel flpencer. Frank Collins', Joseph Hal loway, Frnnlc li'iirrjof, Edward McMapn, Philip Talley, Kenneth Price, Harris Graham, John Fletcher, Bort Cpnway, Robert Sykes, Fred erick Freai arldiilwaVd White. Miss Lttti;, McPaul will entertain the COO club of which she js.a member Saturday, 'January. I, at her home, 67H North Sth street TfEST PHILADELPHIA ,A dance will bo 'given on New Year's Eve at the Gordon School 42d and Spruce streets, by a ' committee po,rnrK)Be( of' Mrs. 'Charles Shoe maker, Mrs. Thomas Wnjker. Mrs, Albert S. King, Mrs. .Robert J. JllcUa, Mrs.' Harry B. Hickman, Mrs. Bg.' Tfaa'ley and Mrs.' C Al bert Blgler1, Jr. ' ' .' ' Mrs. Frederick Slnnott, find her chjtdren aro spending the winter at he Covington. ' Mrs. John Morgan, of 224 South p)h street, will entertain the membors of fier bridge club on Tuesday1. Thoso who will attend afo Mrs. Richard Nelms, Mrs. William Metzger, Mrs. John Knope, Mrs. William Davis, Miss Hcttlo Meyers, Ms Mary Mock, jMias Grace Meyers, Miss Kelly, MIbs ' Florence Elliot, Miss Martha Slilbley. Miss Hettte Moyers, of 701 Norjth 63d street, will entertain at bridge on WJnesday after noon. ' Mr. and Mrs.Wllllamr J; Coane, of the Avon dale, 33th 'and Locust streets, Bpent Christmas at their home In Westmlnater, Md. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. WlUtdm Crelghton, of the atrard Estate, entertainod Saturday ovenlng at a dinner lfnco at their 'home, 2S06 South 10'h street. In honor of their guests, Miss Maymo HackaL of 'Leb'aripn, Pp., 'and I Miss Laura Smith, of Reading, Fojnsettlas, jiojly and the conventional Christmas emblems, wero 'artis tically combined Ih'tho table decorations, whllo mistletoe and greens transformed the danco hall into a winder gardent ' Their guests wero Mrt and Mrs. David jqetwljer, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Radcllffe, Mr. and Mrs. Thpmas Rad cllffo, Mr.iand Mro, Led.wanger, lira. L,pCon nell, Lieutenant '' G. , H. Comfort, U. 8. N., and Mn. Comfort. , ' Mr. and, Mrs.1 gliomas j. O'Rpurke,, of 1710 Morris street, aro. receiving congratulations on the birth pf a son, ' NORTH PHILADELPHIA Miss ir;ipn M. Adair, of 1231 Nortli 13th street, is entertaining over the holidays Mss Gonevleve HodWui, a former (classmate at Wellesley College. ' ' , Miss Madeline .MoFadden and Miss Llllan McFodden are, spending the Christmas holidays with their grandparents. M. arid' Mrs. John McFndden. of 2S7 West 7Jd street. New York. Miss Anqa Kay' of 2MB Wallace street, is tho guest of Mr, and Mrs, J1. McGnls, of Fraok vllle, Pa... rwhorpi several very delightful affairs hayo been arranged 'in hr, honor. Bho will return abput January 10. Mrs. Charjes J. MMe'r, of 1208 Nprth Broad street, "win giyei a .danco at tha Riu-Carlton tonight She will-be-assisted Ini receiving by her, son qncK daughjr.nlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J, Miller, -Jr. . Tere will be 200 gueste. Mss Mabel Lypn, of New York, la, th'a! truest of Mrs. Joseph, liieberman, of MU. North Broad street '' Mr. and Mrs. H.' Hart, of 23 North ,13th street, are, apendln'r aonle time In Wllkes-Barre, , ' TIOGA Miss Corinhe R. Oppenhelmer, of tK West Ontario street Is spending a week In JJattl more, Md.', as tb guest of Miss Sonneborn.' Mr and Mrs. M. .William BlUetter are oc cupffng their 'nefW hpme.' ua Ciielten. avenue. Oak Lane, and.' wtll receive after New Year's Day, Mrs.' BlUetter. who was Miss Lillian Beckman'.Nagle. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William if. Naite. pf Uil West Erie aw. nue, and was a November brld Mr. and Mrs. BlUetter are popular In, aU social functions of prominence n'Ttoga, Mr. and. Mrs, Hector Alexander Blnsbelm&r are receiving at their new home, 63(3 Ogont avenue. The brjde will b remembered as Miss OHvs Fullcn aerrjmU da,uahler of Mr. and Mrs, William F. Gemml, of 13S We rie avenue. Mr. and, Mrs. Tf,ei Jfc Ach ava an at home from I t?' 0'a1ck, yesterday afterrjoon, at tbelr residence, 211$ West Erta avenue, Mrs. 4h TyasMIss Rpth Bear, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Abraham Bear. Of Sandusky, a The host and froei were Mutated In receiving by Mr, "Aeon's motrjor, Mrs. Fannja Asch, am Mr. and Mm. Smll Cohen, of Korth st street. HOJpflOUGH Mrs. Barla E. yartt, of lf Sumac street, WiMahlaks. -wilj' entertain at 'luncheon and cards tomorrow, the members her "500" olub. who ar.o Mrd. Marltm Hale, Miss Oartrude PeosUs. Jfrs. Joseph McMattuj, Mrs, WtUUm Devitt, Jirs, Joseph SchoCeld, Mrs. Joiert Sefeofield,' Jr Mrs. Norman Aspdea, Mrs. Haarrar 04. Mrs. OUrMa X Kver, Mrs. Howard Oftda and Mrs. Jphn (tomkty Mia ! CarJWs tera4B4 w SaUwday altamasit at, Uh b(i ta Uaetar ftv Mm Marten Ssmm. Mi Anna p 4h, W, ya Du, Oa, Km, 3mm HtasUf. Mm MHen Ovinsa, Mta k(M Offlt. sf Koxbwrsk?. Ua Mihmtm. Vmtt. 1tsa Jtm teat, Misa Rath Sss aaa Miaa Laja HmuM Ma Aante sJtaerfMa;, ot Newartu 4 J la few mm Vim TWHwJwm Ota tt Urswa $&$$ . ,?. Ml $$& wSutitfmm II I QKK '- j , Lk&&tinBBLS&. - X SBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBskl ? Sfl I 11 ljSBBBKBKKUt IsHsBBBBlBHrlHsBBlsBaHsl PaBBBBBBBBBBBBBsMsM&BISsStsiBBHsBBsLBBBBBBLBBBBBBBBBBH IsIIsSLbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBbH XKBBWiJ IsBBSBBBBsflHlSBBf 1HB ; ' yHm VV vJsbBsBBbB JstsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF I II V (Httri llissssssMSsls9sMssssssi9 sssssssssssssssssssssssP MRS. ALEXANDER VAN RENSSELAER Mrs. Van Rensselaer is ono of the patronesses of the Monday Evening Junior Dances, the first of which, will be held to-night in the Rose Gardens of the Bcllcvue-Startford. PLANS FOR YOUNGER SET School Set Will Danco Its Way Through the Holidays on Afternoons and Evenings. Many affairs will bo given this week for the school set Today there will bo a dansant at Asher's, to bo given this afternoon by Mrs. Samuel Emlen Carpenter, of 2105 Sprucd street Iri honor of her daughters. Miss Edith Carpen ter and Miss Eleanor Carpenter, and tho card of Samuel Emlcn Carpenter Is Inclosed. Among tho guests nt tho dansant will be Miss Cath arine Coxc, Miss Louisa M. Ncwholl, Miss Dorothy E. Newbold, Miss Robccca Thompson, Miss V. Paulino Denckla, Miss Marie Pancoast, Miss Nancy B. -Dunning, Miss Anita M. Evans, Miss! Phoebe McICean Downs, Miss Liza Norrls, Mlsa Elizabeth Trotter, Miss Caroline S. Bar; clay, Philip' L. Lcldy, Edward Browning, Jr., Bertram Llpplncott, Clement A. Grlscom, Jr., W. J. Sowell Borle and John W. Geary, Jr. Another affair to bo given for tho school set Is a danpnnt at the Phllomuslan Club, 33il Wal nut street by Mrs. Frederlo Bellamy Gilbert and ilias Katharine Gilbert, of the Marlyn. There will be 100 guests present Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Alexander Wray and Mrs. William Patton will preside at the tea table, while the young girls assisting Miss Gilbert will be Miss Henrietta Dlmond, Miss Eleanor Walker, Miss Katharine MncFnrlane, Mlas Anna Mlddleton, Miss Katharine M&gee, Miss Virginia Barclay and Miss Florence Muzzey. Mrs. William H. Page, of 2314 Locust street, will glvo a danco for her daughter, Miss Evelyn Pago, this afternoon. As Miss Page Is not a debutante, the guests will be from the school set. In the evening the Christmas german of MIbs Lockwood's dancing class for the school set will meet at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. The attendance will be greatly enlarged by a num ber of guests. Tho members of tho class are Mlsa Josephine Dodge, Miss Louise McDowell, Miss 'Dorothy B. Benerman, Miss Mildred Shep pard,' Miss Dirothy P. Daniel, Miss Grace Hen eel, Miss Martha Shoemaker, Miss Eleanor Ed monds, Miss Carrie C, Shrlver, Miss Helen B. Fling, Miss Eleanor Longstreth. Miss Marjory Taylor, Miss Sara W, Erdman, Mlsa Marlon II. Button, Miss Margaret Davis, Miss Georglana Pitfleld, Miss Sarah Blackburne, Miss Carolyn Bheppard, Miss "Virginia. Barrle, Miss Margaret Barrie, Mlsa Eugenia Vansant, Miss Dorothy L. Marshall, Miss Elizabeth Smith, Miss Audrey E. Kane, Miss Janet Adamson, Miss Dorothy Cooke, Miss Lindsay Sattertleld, Miss Louisa Evefand, Miss Nancy Smith, John R. Gillespie. Richard F. Day, Blrchall Hammer, Alfred D. Norrls, Clarence P. Freeman, Lewis M. Cutter George Bryan Kneass, C. Melchor Butterworth, Jr., Robert Carragan, John B. Heyl, Lewis B. Beatty, Robert Barrle, Jr., Charles Vansant. MRS. HARRY S. COLLINS Mr. and Mrs. Collins, who were married on ppcaniter 21, are f aoding their hoBeynioea ea m ratMiasbila tour through the South, sad ea tJMir Tttnrn will lure at 2JJ5 North Bread straet, Um. CoUtae was Mi Maria Le Pag TiL. Uuyiiif f Mr. W DoUi Fiuax. lUr fetW, beteCWETil,w. weiVloow wMr wuua f York. lh lie Julta lEntes, the hrvim' tU'tb, tlr I TsasasasasPllisl 'ijjfflt K. aLsLaLsLsY f 'BlK H' BlllllllKrSt ssf fsflslllflP Btf Wt SKI IbsssVbIsYhII. a wk 9? rtWssBBBBIj ' 4 & SSBBSSSSSSfJSpJbi&SI-g-?"- jR it ,y sy Bi& H !IBSSSSSSSB?lBFaH-i$ffiBBaB?, i-rP s wBSK PPHbwBb1 ,b 'PPPB THE "debs" have the Junior Cotillon today to look forward to and the usual dinners that proccdo It, and then Sir. and Mrs. Edward Wal ter Clark, of "Keewayden," St Martin's, will glvo a dance, In honor of their daughter. Miss Christine N. Clark. Their attractive home will be decorated In keeping with the holiday sea son, and their guests will Include a number of debutantes nnd younger dancing men. Dr. nnd Mrs. Charles Bingham Penrose, of 1720 Spruco street, will give a dinner at tho Bellevue-Stratford, in honor of Miss Cordelia Blddle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Drexel Blddle, and Mlas Ruth Coxe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brlnton Coxe. There will bo 80 guests present. They "will later attend tho Junior Cotillon. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA The Sunday Night Club held their weekly evening meeting last night at the home of Miss Laura Pherson, one of Its members, 43t East Cambria street. Charles Gaudy rendered tho "Ballln the Jack," and William Mulvlhlll, of Germantown, "It's Never Too Late to Bo Sorry." Among the. guests wero Miss Paulino Kraemer, Miss Nellie Leach, Miss Anna Jacobs, Miss Marie Doyle, Miss Clara, Hitler, Miss Edna Timlin, Miss Clara Hecht, Miss Laura Pherson, Miss Christina Dougherty, Miss Flor ence Downes, Miss E,va Bennett, Charles Leltz, Earle Browne, William Ducklnrleld, William Mulvlhlll, Frederick McGhee, John McGheo, David Paul. Harry Wlngel. William Smith, Sidney Tuld, Augustus Tuld, Charles Goudy and Thomas Vasey. FRANKFORD Miss Mildred Roberts will entertain at her home on Arrott street this afternoon. Her guests will be members of her bridge club, who include Mrs, Franklin Nash, Mrs. Kenneth Bruce Lewis, Mrs. Dickinson Powell, Miss Alice R. Christian, Miss Ethel Decker, Miss Adel P. Cllne, Miss Ruth K. Rommel, Mlts T. M. Brown, Miss Marlon Browning, Miss Daisy Laverty, Miss Vivian Lees, Miss Helen Kirk and Mlsa Edna Royelston. Mrs. James Harrison Fisher entertained Sat urday evening at auction bridge, followed by a buffet luncheon. Evergreens, polnsettfas and Scotch thistles were artistically combined In the decorations. Her guests were Mrs. Frank lin Schopple, Miss Rebecca Bnow, Mlsa Pearl Haggerty, Miss Ethel Anderson. Miss Lillian Brown, Mr. and Mrs. David Haines, Dr, and Mrs. Walter Fox, John Collins, Harry Felten. Fred McCormick, Jack L, Bryan, Ralph Wetzel and Charles Winkley. Miss Florence Wharton left Saturday for New York, where she. Is the guest of Miss Vir ginia Lee Dlxton, daughter ot Dr. and Mrs. D. H, Dlxton, of 69th ayentie, CAMDEN AND VICINITY C. B. Bunker, of North 6th street, will spend the holidays at his home near Dover, Del. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Felt formerly of Had donfleld, are now receiving In their new home in Logan, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Weaver, of-523 Linden street, are entertaining their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCansland, The Misses Vosburg, of Sth and Stats streets, are home from Bueknell University for the holidays. WILMINGTON A large number of social functions, including dances, luncheons, dinners, ets,, will be crowded Within the holidays, and for the next two weeks there will not be a dull moment Saturday utterseea, frea i to I o'oteox, a dansant vas Held In the Mb of the Hq(4 du Pont for the beeagt of the Hone of Mertiful Rest Miss Aiioe Mejtwan gave aa xhJMUaa of toey daaetag- In the vlug Mr. Md Mrs. Will n H. Themsson save a daaej a the New Century dub lee tfettr daughter. Mlw Hetea Thoaryw- This aftenwMM Mrs. Albert K Jepes viH a trtata at earn at her aosM, Utt Orau a m, an this evesaag Ur. aas Wre. sjtmiwon H, JsJrk0al wUt rtv dAO at tft New Cta.f.y Cittb ter M 4m0m, &m Uvl riiiiLiitiii Digest of (1) American "Wilson After, Twenty Months." (2) Century -"Our Vlstonnry Preat-; dent." (3) North American Review - "Not Guilty, But Don't Do It Again." (4) Saturday Kvenlng Post "An Off. Year That Waa On." (6) Evcrybody'a "Here's Tour New Freedom." (8) Masses "Knowlege nnd Revolution," (7) Independent "Tho President's) Ad. drcsn to Congress." (8) Town Topics "SaunterlngB." , I THE BRESIDENT What the country really thinks of tho President and his Administration Is prob ably better portrayed In our magazines than by nny other medium. Mngnzlno comment Is necessarily our most Btudled nnd carefully planned form of public expression. More over, since tho mnnuzlnca frankly admit they cannpt champion! many unpopular causes, that thoy must reflect popular nonttment In ft largo degrco In order to hold their readers, tho consensus of magazlno opinion on a matter as universally vital oa our Admin istration has a very considerable signifi cance. There havo been numerous recent issues to stir up editorial comment, among others the agitation ovor national dofonse, the President's message to Congress, recurring ripples of the Mexican situation and tho sig nificance ot tho recent eloclionn. In the following list, covering most of the maga zines that print controversial articles, 10 magazines Indorse the President and his Ad ministration, flvo critlclne adversely, two are neutral and 10 nre completely silent. Most of tho magazines generally accepted an representing tho most conservative cle ment which 1b opposed to the tendencies of the Administration nre in tho class which havo nothing to say. The more popular, or less conservative, are In the predominant In tho class Indorsing the Administration. The leading writers In this class call tho Presi dent an Idealist and point out that Idealism Is difficult to attack because of Its' very evanescence. Perhaps this accounts In part for the silence of tho less enthusiastic. oit wmt Atlantic Monthly, Cosmopolitan, SILFoutn: Harpers Monthlyf 'McClure's. Mun sey. BcrlbnoF's, Survey. World's Work. Yale Review. ' INDORSING American. Century. Evory hodv's Harper's Weekly. Independent Masses. New Republic. North American Re view. Review of Reviews. Saturday Evening J08'- ' . . ADVERSE Leslie's, Outlook, Pearson's. Town Triples, Collier's. NEUTRAL-Current Opinion, Metropolitan, Npw Review. (NOTE The Decomber numbers of the maga- zlnes were uBed In compiling this list and In tho case of the weeklies, tho Issues of the last month.) Confidence in Mr. Wilson Several writers compare the Rooseyelt Ad ministration with the present and lf to the advantage of the latter. . Ray Stannard Baker, In "Wilson After Twenty Months" (1), writes: The word which best describes the feollnB of the country toward Mr. PfWT"". w"' ,n.. is. persona! popularlty-toward Mr. Wilson. It , Is confidence. The- White House, under Mr. TJ 11 son. Is a, rather sleepy place compared with What It was under Mr. Roosevelt No such crowds nre ever to be found thronging the ante rooms. (nn such gatherings at luncheon anddta nir. no such conferences early In towmtar and late at night, no such glare of publicity. It presents hn aspect of high ser ousness. It Is an immensely orderly place. It la i as though gome one had made tlmo nnd motion studies after the manner of the scientific managers, and all unnecessary and Inefficient processes hod been eliminated. Since the beginning of the European war. Mr. Wilson's prestige has been steadily rising. He has met each emergency with quiet skill and courage. He is undoubtedly stronger now, both with Congress and the peoplo, than over 'before. One of the pities of democracy Is that ef ficiency and ability alone aro not popular. It Is moro Important to be o, "good mixer," to tell funny stories nnd remember people's names. It was probably in responso to stories of hlo "coldness" that Mr. Wilson made an amusing apology for himself at the Washington Press Club last winter. George Creel evidently docs not consider such criti cism well founded. In "Our Visionary Presi dent" (2) he wrltea: He has had tho vision to see beneath the stagnancies, of materialism down to the well springs of. an intense spirituality. He does not mistake the backwaters for the living stream. The Insistence that he la the last word in well-ordered Intellect, a personal!')- as cold andVemote as though Kant "'("que of Pure neason" were galvanized Into action, w the stupidity of muddlers who have lost all touch with the elemental simplicities. As one follows the man from his entrance into pub lic life, the "thlng-maohlne" theory becomes In creasingly obsurd. for at every pent there Is plain Indication of whtte-heat passion and In dubitable evidence of an Instinctive devotion to democratic ideals far more dominating than the mere convictions that proceed from con scious thought. "Not Guilty But DpnH Do It Again." Five weeks before the election, and prior also to the reconciliation between tha two old friends, Colonel Ifarvey wrote of the President aa "A President who baa not merely done his own best, but better than any other since Lincoln." In the last num ber ot Tho North American Review, com menting on' the elections, the Colonel writes t It was a characteristic American verdict, epitomized tn the classic phrase of the Farth mit, "Not guilty, but don't do it again." The Administration was not repudiated at the polls; it waa sustained! it was nJt eva effeb tWely rebuked; but it was unmistakably warned. Mora definitely than at any previoua time. President Wilson Is the man of the hour. In & similar vein, Samuel Bly the, surveying election results all over the country, unaei' the whimsical caption, -An Off Tear That Waa Oo," wrltea (4): A political rebuke that continue a man !n a Bciltlan o d what he wants to do U pat so muea a rebuke as a topte of eonvertatto; iff his opponents. A PreeSwt o lootf Vlth, somewhat of wilBee oo rebuke If he eatlaaea to retain the HgtoUatve seeds la ST eetbel. If Mi Graaa OW rty tiMaks K 1 af U. beeause tt get oat ot the p in Mt and Un4. - oa the W. the u4 OW party detadaa IUM. Sverybedys, writing editor)? f the aatl-trut legtaJattea, the Ctaytiw ba! smsl tb Federal Tmia CosaaVeetoa bW. cra terfcwa them (): TIm saoat wwfiaM es&rt t liUiiU with naia u the V -ewa-bawr wBt f doMy We ! ts jSenaaa b f lit tW nay that ttixanr 1VMM4 teat MUmttie- 0 mm 4atrrY w Mieed aJW6i tik-c--'5r tdea ever eosjuM to nt aatC tt str(.e bJaa. He b-LOni wtcla ihau, now in. Ms '-tM kja-isM oeaafcinnij M 4 tb a t mmmmtJtm. Ihmwmm w iF iis. tho Magazinca bo passed through a Democratic! out Congress: ahd If n "Mw Vrriitiitn" i will be hl: for he manufactured it, though ne ongmaiea none or It. The Mexican Folfoy Words of commendation from the fifty ana Jconoelastlo masses aro unusuaL Ma Eiastman wrltea editorially CO); For my part, I give unreserved arfmlrallon to President Wilson for hlo statesmanship ,5l the Mexican situation, and for his unsWervrMr purpose to let the Mexican people ifoVern of not govern themselves. Gratitude to Woedrow Wilson all alone for giving tho peasants of Mexico their chance. And gratitude to fortune for placing him and not his combustible rltwl In the White House when tha nthf fmlf of the earth Is on fire. In a recent editorial the Independent, r ferrlng to tho Prcsldeht'a message, wrote n) Mr. Wilson's observations on this vexed qH tlon of national defense blow like a cooling wind over the fevered excitement of the vocifer ous Jingoes. We are convinced that hero Presi dent Wilson Interprets tha spirit of the Ameri can people aright. The address Is a splendid document resonant In tone, admirable in ex pression, lofty in spirit Tho diversity and typo of tho porlodtcaJs opposlnff tho President la Interesting, tfhoy are Collier's, Lcsllo's, Outlook, Pearson's and Town Topics. Town Topics writes of tho President' messago (8): Ho kopt up his imitation of royalty's speech from the throne by delivering personally the longest lecture he has as yet Inflicted u"pdn Congress, over 8000 words, when SOQ would have sumced. Ho stigmatised tho general demand for adequate national defense as "an hysterica! spasm." Carefully avoiding all explanations pr tho policy by which hq has nade Mexico an other Belgium, he ' wasted time preaching eooncmy-all politicians do ths. 'No matter,, let us forget his verbose address, as Congress will, and enjoy the holidays In spite of It. AMUSEMENTS ACADKirr OF MUSIC PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA LEOPOLD qTOKOWMCI. Conductor Symphony I Friday Afiorn'n, Jan.l,nt8:0d Concerts Saturday Ev'nir, Jan.2,nt8;15 Botolst: OSCAlt SEAqLE. Baritone S?r-c,r.,.2t'or,8,r,nf Orchestra .' '. . .VIVALDI r?,?.n 7a V'T, wrid" ., DVOHAft B;x.s. 1:w.?:...?Mii::,?,ot. ?. nrAwx Thursday Aft., Ddc. 31, at '8:00 YOUNG PKOPLn'S COKCEnT Soloist: KITTY CHEATHAM Swtts now on Bale at ilepp', 1110 Chftnt. ACADEMY OP MUBIC WED. EVO . DEC. SO, THE CHORAL SOCIETY WILL 8INCJ THE MESSIAH MAtTEBnEY HQTZ ,........ Soefana pSfvl&lHik.:::::::;; : : :?S? 7ia?k conly ;;:.: i.';::..;;.: L.titSLll xHfJSTl.S1 PhUadelphlm Orche.tra HENRY COltDO.N- TIIUNDEI. Cqnd. Il.tSO. 11.18. II 00, 78c. Ampnitheatre. COg. Tonight ! Tonight ! , AT SEVEN a'CLOCI Cross Keys Theatre MAnKET 8TUEET BELOW SIXTIETH OP 1? XT CJ VAUDEVILLE r Sh IN o & PICTURES Dally at 2. 10c i .Nightly, J and 0, 0c, lljo, 80s. Cheatnilf Rf OPEIU I Home ot World's OHUaUlUb Ot. HOUSE I Oreateit Photoplays Afurnoonii 1, 2.30 and 4-r-lQc and IBa. Ercnni T. 8!B0 and 10 10c, llic, 2So. Tho FlMt and Only Outline MOTION PICTURES OF THE , v fc EUROPEAN WAR Takn by Chicago Tribune. FormUslon Belsfea Gov. Coming ci',a THE CHRISTIAN WITHERSPOON HALL w1rP3V Apnr Eeal Hans Christinn Andersen IfflSSby effs5ass?ass. M10 HERMAN SANDBY TICKETS AT BYAN-fl. $I.BO. ILOO CHILDHEK. HAH PIUCB Palacp Thpatro 13U market st. Vaudeville and Parampunt Pictures PIIOTOPLAV FEATimS m "THE GHOST BREAICER" NEW YEAIl'H SVR,, MlDKimn PElUrOUMANCa Mat. Miss BILLIE BURKE In Htr Orcateat T T7I T TD "VT Comedy 8anw O SU XV XV A FORREST Tonight at SJharp Mats, WdhMdr ft Saturday. Eartr lUtTftw Yaart KIaw&ErIangerB tdttixt TTTTT5 Stupendous X5JCjXN X1 U it Prices 50c, $lt $1.5Q JS"jff yg ACADEMY OV MUSIC Tburwlay, January T, S.lsT PEC1TAI. U11&. OU1A SAMAROFP PIANISTB Stats TS to tl 60 Box 8aU f 3 00. on 8aia at Hoppa'a. 1110 Chtnut Street. MBTROPOUTAN OPERA HOUSE METUOPOUTAN OPER4, CO. NEW YORK TonM.7,.ETr", Madama ButterAy Umii, Farrar, Fornla, E(nr- Uif UnlnlU. Tesanl. Bada, Basvw. Audltlo, Btxhlfltau, Cent. Conductor, Mr. Toacanlnl. Btaf 1109 Cheilnut Bt. Walnut 7035, Vt'ft t GT C "D TP MARKET STREET JU J Hi OPPOSITE WAMAMAKSR'B Vaudf villa 11 SO to UiW EXTRA MIDNIGHT HOEY i : 1'EKTOIUIANCS JEW YEAR'S EVE. uEirr McCsrmlck i IMaj t, 8j,Ur Traat'a Saalt T T? TTr.UV.t- rpL.-u,. R,at Sm Vmr .. A' 1VCIUI B AI0W.t3 Uurra M B. A. Rolfe'a "Tha toatabm lAul", HtJlI V MchoU; WBtUns ft Burt, lUrtma ft Varnjy, feo Troup. SuiHUJ S Stunra (ir Ytafa Day. 1. i It and iilS P M. BnUro Bttl Each Show GARRICK IaM 3 Watka. Kv. S;6 Runilar Matt Wad ft &tt UOUDAt MATU1KM HW IK4HD UI POTASH & PERLMUTTER Popular Prtc W4nday MaUaata. Bat atl. TS4 KARKBT BTR STAMT.TT.Y D2SPn HT ABOVE itnm. XX tj 1 WA..-.- hary p: . re THEATRE M "ClND Xlra MtdcjBt rwtena Ktw T. LITTLE m&TKB ItaftftUyar GRAND Srtt,S:la vwmm t ' liOT ea'a Utti. TJJT: TrUM.- Tumi. ftWoJ ?.0 X31W1 k I Tfrfr VM, tM NIXON W t;jmam U MftT TM w)fflh wwr JUT . E JWW ltciiaa,1 i . T VTrTr n nuiri mx mn,. aiPIRE iti'i'i.... ,;. amirs . lCWJWo S, w.g.mair.iTTi TfcTm,, iigiSK . Mmntaai oraij fl-U.BfcLir.CU - ? &JL- S!attJ.