Newspaper Page Text
a$gSm EVENING LKDaii?R-PHTLrADBCPHXA FK.IPAY, MAY T, 1915, O'T .11 i'ii i r i isar HARNESS IN STOCK MARKET RESULTED FROM FIRM UNITED STATES NOTE TO GERMANY IRP REACTION ON SOMATIC SITUATION By HHg Kangeci rrum unC tu j&Tcn Points Belief Gor- &WiHNoold' L ronK, My uwiim win be K&" ". r the German Government llST'1""'-' . . 1U. TTtl.,1 HMros I v New York Stock Sales"! T t of tho United States ......imi .llsjutcr nnd other sea IPsL resulting from th0 submarine 'ITof Germany? Thin eeme,l to be .sHJ"1 . i ..-. i -Vim it the, Ben. Kfit today, Bn" "" " - -,, was distinct nervousness nil K the list, which was directly Sl-by our n0,!l nnd lhe mttrket WRS ,. n.f was expressed that Germany T mw?' "by th0 flrm d?mAnd" Tijiane imp" nile and there jw!'. .'JLivL that she may change the Y&'l .method of submarine warfare, X.cme definite reply was re- wrr ," ,. note It was neiu ui hid WtH l" tn..nQ:' .i- v.rv unsettled. a.ijuit aboit ht had been 1-- and It met with general favor. HSSSL tailneM i mostly on tho E aide forn the sound of the gonR . obnlnB, there were no sljrns of fiffn The activity, however, -'"?.(, larKest on declines, and business jrlltM '"!": .! than for some davs &11 Inl. too, seemed to be of the . "E'.howInK that accounts that ISfSot overly strong were being cleaned "fion the scale down large buying -e'.L were put out. Indicating that f,mnif were standing In back of the K Loises ranged from 1 to 4 points -Si ih. greatest decline wns In the "war j!5 well as tlethlehem Steel. Bald Wind Westlnghouse. ifitjadari) railroad stocks were under TSiiiife. Rending. Vnlon Pnclflc it ml Slin Padnc all being under tho S.ilbf yestordn In thes. RtocKn. 'A"" A ..a nhln thorn In renorted to 2rntlnued liquidation for German ac- utoVr on any marked movement, mado -7?rii k-.ak nf nrnrlv 2 nolnts. part efVhlch was recovered. ilMmwed weakness occurred In the aft- 'irnMn session, starting shortly after 1 'clock, on the chnrncter of tho Wnshlng linew en the United Stales-German !itiitl6n, dispatches saying that the bcller bad bn expressed there .that Germany EWUla not yield to ino nemnnas uei iumi "J3ik note sent by President "Wilson. KlV low records were mado for the day kjJfaMny Issues, looses In some cases betel stretched to 10 points and over. De 'diats,.n tho standard stocks ranged iroumt '! points. Tht copper shares led on the further Miction. Utah Copper, for Instance, went W!nerl' two. points despite tho belief tkll'-'the company's quarterly dividend Wl b raised from 75 cents to $1 at the tut wetting of the directors, which oc efistheyattcr part of tho present month. lit Street figured that the company, on thf fcisls ot 13-ccnt copper, was earning lljout 1! a share, Steel common fell below W, a loss of more than 3 points, rwoDe Mexican Petroleum showed n loss Mforer t points. Bethlehem Steel lost jifpotnla, as compared with yesterday's close. There was" an absolute lack of icmini. The pressure was greater than itflMted ,ln the transactions. Stocks W!l4 illghtly at the close from the low yuiau.v TJ .chle.f feature In the foreign ex 5wiCinaket was a further decline In ejcein-on rans to a new low recoru, inl'.ln ijils connection It was reported tblfold to the mnouht 'Of- $60,000,000 Is expected to come to Now York from Pttjs on the present movement. B. MSCiESS CONDITIONS HERE REMAIN DULL ... . ...... Last cloaa. Abka Gold Mlnei .... ,! Alllj-Chslm Mfg 14J Allls-Chalm Mfg pf ... 40 Amalcamated Cop .... 0(1 Am Agr Chemlcai jqW 4S!l f2!( 116'e 40f H4!i 97 PH Am fleet Kuiir Am Can Am Can pt Am Car ft Foundry AmCar&Kdypf . Am Cotton Oil .... Am Cotton Oil pf. Am Etpress Am Hide & Leather Am Hide &L nf an Am Ice Secinltiai : 30K Am Ixromollro 42! Am Locomotive pf .... 97' Aml.lnsced jqu Am Unwed pf 28 Amfjmelt&llaf o4' Am Smelt & Itef pf . . . 105W Am Snuff is,) Am Sugar lteflnlnj ...10.5r Am Steel foundries ... 3g AmTol& Tel u Am Tobacco 2.30 Am Woolen pf gn Ansconda Copper 3)! AtchT&SK . 93)f Atlantic Coast Llna ... 107 HaldwInLoco 44t IlaldwInLoco pf 100 Iialllmore&Ohlo 7UJ naltlmoroA Ohio pf .. C0' iiciniencm steel 135H iicmicncm steel pf . Drooklyn Rap Tran llroolclyn Union Gas Brown Shoo DuUo.t Superior.... Cal retroleum Cal Petroleum pf ... Canadian Pacific 158 Cent Leather Co 34! Cent Leather Co pf . . . 102H Cent It Hot NJ 300 Ches&Ohlo 12 Chlno Copper 4i!H Chli- Northwest ....124W Chicago Great West ... lljj cnuHWest pf ChlMU&StP Chilli Is P Cluett Pea A Co pf . Cplorado Fuel &I-... Continental Can .... Consolidated Gas.... Corn Products Itef .. Corn Products Ilcf pf Crucible Steel Co .... Cuban-Am Sugar ... Del & Hudson Den & Itlo Urando pf Distillers' Securltlej . DulSS&Atl F.rle . Ill mi 132 27 16!i 30)i M 90H 23 .10m . 26 . 01 .123W . 12' . 70 . 21W . m imi . 12H . 13 4J 24!k Cotton Trade Unsatisfactory; Some, K Lines Report Improvement. IWcal trade conditions are about the tiffle, according to the weekly review of BJ0. pun & Co. Conditions In the local tqtiea trade are stlfl unsatisfactory, es- JKdally since the recent drop In the price MJw,cptton. Local yurn. dealers report prices uncertain and but lfttle activity In wi market. Buyers are cautious nnd sot inclined to buy except for Immediate tajta. Some houses report that they ksve hid the opportunity to place good !1 orders for late fall delivery, but te not accepted, as the mills are not Inclined tft mnlrc nn., nnr.iiilnn fesarule, knit mills report lack of bus!- '. although, In some Instances, where tPSdal. numbers are made In the hosiery m they report that they are operating wjnelrfull capacity. The Inability of the OMaftcturers to obtain dyestuffs is also t factor In the Drcvnillne dulness. as the Ph ire afraid to buy ahead, believing uw;Awlll experience difficulty In obtaining ejrts. No Immediate chance la looked 15k this line In the near future. The ol market has developed but little. If W Chance illlrlnr- hA root wlf Th gU appear to be well supplied with raw wUrlU and not Inclined to buy ahead of iBUnedtftlft .van, a toert appears to be a difference of opln- ","eBseu as to the condition existing gLMrdware circles at this time. Some Sej consulted report that business Is "SWhat better than during the early S22 '.tno Present year, while others (IT. "nlr tt ,alr volume of business be Wraniacted, Generally speaking, how Sjr. thosn consulted have a good lm on of the future outlook. Collec Sa are showing a little improvement tcSTv 1Iy at polnts that haVa here lirfk- V B,mo"c negative, W$ lumber trade no material change fji- in Duainess conditions. There are jfijwt opinions expressed as to the vol- ii ;u?,ln"'. UelnB transacted, some ?U'ri.'lt&tInir that .lt,.v. ... : irR!5i. con,lnues unsatisfactory, they $&,', Eenerally houses which' make Sr,"s "uch as is required in the build i3S;. ." Ab a eeneral rule, howeVer, HS . ."Ported as dull, box lumber BE&Wpecla ly weak. f. - HEAVY HIMC m.n..Tr,..T-o ipBrATim-i-iT TTTTT.. ii"'a"!y ?tdB,uuu,uuu, tne gfat of Any Month This Year. VSSSM'Wtlmatecl bv mmn,l,nt enllmrl. JHRfiLthere are approximately 1138,000.. lEJfi.'OrpOrate securities maturlnir In BS?i'be heaviest amount, for any month A good part of them have provided for. but there re- ESir1S!5Ly!a larK?r Items approx. mKmiLT.,wu or Rational Railways P& ,.,.W0"J'ear 8 Pr cent, notes and wes. due June 1. The latter road S fl5..note holders to extend the "i:,"1?!: KT: .. . llilfZX;J"nuxly next month is Kh'2:0M.W Baltimore and Ohio one IdrfV' c?nt no'a- These have been SoiiSli0 tho "cent sale of JIO.OQO, HMo"i three-year V4 per cent, notes. mil J u s5' nrst consoiiuatea Ki ;.Pr cent bonds, due June T. t sju5 v y tne Dlaware. Laclt- WM .7 j ". wunsouuiea ejnil,Vhroueh 'h ' ' a-- S! Vliertlblea n nw nW ) ?KmiVA .5U June . ;w tht y4r BDDroximatelv K50.- 2 turinK securities have been ' nere is left to be taken oy about 1150,000,000 of addl- &tul.,d tJ ... - .11 wrqpieud nearly two- wHMicmj: necessary this year - '5sw amount ot maturuis m Krla 1st pf 39i General Electric 150 General Motors 132M General Motors pf .... 09 Goodrich 11 F Co 41!a Great Northern pf ....117 Gt N cfsfororoprop .. 31'j Guggenheim Kxpl'n ... 561. Homestakc Mining ....U7H Illinois Cent I118 Int Agriculture pf It IntliorvN J H$ Inter-Met vottc 20a Inter-Met pf 60 International Paper pf . 30 Inspiration Coppor .... 28) i 1 1 Caso Co pf 60 Kan City Southern . .. '251 i Kan City So pf 50 Kresgo Co 135 KresgeCopf 100 Lack Steel 42 Laclcdo Gas 10UM Lehigh Valley 139 Lake Erlo & West pf . . 21H Louis & Nashville 118 MackeyCos pf 00M Maxwell Motors 40'-j Max Motors 1st pf 81Jf MaxMotors2d pf 34K Mexican Petroleum 71V Mo Kan & Texas 12)i MoKanATpr ?0S Missouri PacUle 13 Montana Power 47 Miami Copper 23'- National Dlscult 122Ii Nat Enameling & S.... UH NatLead 50 NatLead pf 10SM New York Air Brake... b3 Nevada Con Coppor... 14H NY Nil ft II 63 New York Central b4l N Y O&West 27H Norf&West 102 North American 74 Northern Pacific 104!i Pacule Tel & Tel 30,' Pennsylvania 107 Peoples Gas. Chi 116H Pittsburgh Coal 20H Pittsburgh Coal pf 00 FlttsCC&StL 70 Pressed Steel Car 12J Ity Steel Spring 28 Itay Con Copper 22W Heading 143Ji Reading 2d pf 81 Itep Iron & Steel 2tilj Hep Iron & Steel pf .... &!) Hock Island Co H Hock Island Co pf H Humely M Co Itumely M Copf Sears Hoc & Co Seaboard Air Lino. ... Seaboard Air Lino pf . Sloss-ShefS&ICo..., Southern Pacific Southern Ky Southern Ry pf St Louis Southwestern StLouls&SF Standard Milling StudebakerCo Studebaker Co pf Tenneaseo Coppor .... Texas Co Texas & Pacific Third Avenu Tobacco Prod pf Union Bag & Paper Union Pacinc ... Union Pacific pf. U S Ind Alcohol US Realty &Imp... United Rys Invest .. United Rys Invest pf US Rubber U 6 Rubber Istpf... USSteel... USSteelpf Utah Copper VaCaroChem Va Caro Chem pf Va Iron, Coal fc Coke. Wabash Wabash pf Western Union Tel... Westlngbouse Electric Western Maryland... Wheel & L E 2d pr. Wlilys Uerland ... WillyjOTerlandpf. Wisconsin Central.. Woolworth V W Co . 5M . 131i .135 . UK . 34H . 34 . 87 . 1CH f 53 . 16)i . 7 . 50 . 04 .100 . 31 .120 . 10. . 50 , 07 . 0 ....12 IK 81H .. 37 .. 30 .. 17 ... 31H ... 60H ,..ioejf .. 53 ..105 .. 63ii .. 3(IH ... 07 .. 42 ... H .. 2 .. 65 83 25 .. 3 ..1HH ..100K .. 32H ..101i HlKh. 3P MH 40 GS 51 43W 33 P5 ? 112 47 02 8)K 5W 281S 21 42H 03 W( 28V( 04 h van 150 104 30H 1H 225 81H 31 mi loo 44 ti 100 71) fiOK 130 110U 87 124 23 tkM 15 30 157H 34Jt ltUf 30 AIM -.Hi 123 11 27H 89 23f 102 25f 53 123li 12i 75 215f 55 147 12' l.'l 2W 24 39 149 131 0SW 40 i llll!.' LOvj 60 118W 107H 17 MM 20Ji 00M 30 28 82 20 58 123H 101 41 100 133M 19 117 66H 40 80 31 m 12'. 20?J 13W 47 23 118 14U 50M 108M 62 14M C2 Wi 27 102 73 104H 2S 100H 110 20 8S 68 42M 27 22l 142! 80' :5U I'M H i 5 11U 134 13t 33!f 32 87H 10)i 51 10 5 40 63 98 30U 124 14 Mi 08 5H 123! 81H 36 3SU 10 31 60 10Q 5214 105 03)i 2UH '00 33 M 1U 65 88 V4 22M 3 113 100 31H ma LflWj elm. 30 30 13 42 13 42 mi mi 50 Al C9! 40)4 30 3Uf C4 45 112 43 92 83U r, nil. 4ft 112 43 02 83U 5fd 28' 78 28 28 58 93 I) 3B!t 93 0 20't" 20t OHf fi2 103) 103)( 150 150 10l' 101i 30W SOU 118 118 218 218 8IV4 81 29'f 20 ( 06l 98' 100 10ft 39W 41 100 100 i-o'j. oau f8 US 125 127 11(1 110 84JJ 85)5 121 121 23 23 i8W 58U Mi lbM 38 38 154)j 154IS 32 U 101 101 300 300 41 41 i0 4 4.l' 124H 124M 10H 10)i 25H 2ft bH 875 21)$ 2M 102 24 8 New York Bond Sales I INDUSTRIAL STOCKS 102 24 58 1215. 121 12 12 5 20 to 147 75 20)( 147 12)f 12K 12( 12'i ! 2)5 2' I 23 23 'I 37) 37)5 145 123 14 ".h 128 07)4 97)5 37J5 30 115 115 20H 20)5 54)5 54 i HS'i 11S)5 105) 10))i 17 17 01 IU 18'f Mi B7H u;h 36 30 t0 27 S2 82 24 :5 57' 57 5 1:811 12SH 100 10.1 40 40 9J 09 130!; 137M 10X Mi 115 115 00J5 605S J5 77 2.1 thl 35 77 29 L3!f 11W 11 29 HI 124 125 40 40 on )' IB .. s 20(V 4U000 lotxo OOlM s JVOii I4tmm t.VKHI 10 4f0O lD.VlO 100O 3KI00 BW-0 1000 ttmo 05000 11X100 4000 180(0 toon SfOO 101MI 0000 swo icon sooo 1000 awo S100O 1000 60O0 two S.W0. SrtCOO 31(100 .iooo .V.Ort nono 1000 40fH1 won tft"0 1COO 1000 ",om innn mm ixyi 40OO wm tn?n rono turn TOf.l 1010 4sn.vifi 40CO 1000 wo TCOO 4000 rooo iom inoo Mf.n toon 50C0 laioo tr.oro r.'-oo siooo 101 0 S7COI1I 1,000 15000 -1WO rfon u:o 1600 C11OO IXXKt loco 1000 loro MOO 2000 IKIOO woo srvw) poeo 20CO 11000 ' t TCOO IilOCO :i40i (i irioo L'OOII snon 1211m ,nro Kon :wn 4"M :;noo lir.nn r,io :rno :71m 4000 innnii r,noo llinro nnnn tf'OO 1000 Atlla.Chalmera Rs. Amer Ar r.n. Amr Smelt S f... Amer ti evi 4151... . Armour Co 44 Atchlscn cv 4s WW . . Atchlnon cv 49 1000. . Atln Co Une clt 48.. Unit A Ohio 4a io cv 4K io Pun m Doth Rtidl rM M ftmnl. Ttan Tf A MA. nrook vn Elv lit cal Oss A Klee 8. . i4 ' -ni iatner let o.. w Cent rao 1st 4 S7 Ches & Ohio 44 8 Chi II A Q Joint 4... OOH CM II A 3 iten 4t.... H Chi B A 5 ref 4.... 0S)i Chl H A Q Den 4s. . ..! C M A 61 P cv Bs ret. 105' High. ..liio cm !i05.. Pflti US HI ,tnH pH SUFFERED SEVERELY Breaks in Baldwin Locomotive, Storage Bnttery and Various Steel Issues. no 102 100 m C il A Ht P cv 4'4i. C M A St T 49 Chl It I A I' 6f c St V 51 O deb 8. . Col A Kiuth let 4 .. Prtl t, Rftlitti Tt 4UH.. Con (in cv n . .. 114U M A Hud 4 !.... Pii Del A Huil rfd 4.. . 47H Uen A mo Or rfd 6.. 47H T 19 Scur Corp S.... 62 Hrl conv 4a Rr A.... H Krl conv 4i sr n 68 Krle prior 4i .a 81 llud Stan In 20., Ill Cnt 4 1SJ ... .SOU me cop ev o Intp cvrot.1i nd ( Intprb Mat 4 Ho Interb R T ret 8a... Inter Mer Mar 4't . Inrt Alrohol 8 Int llnr ot N' J 4U Jap nr-w !r ta 4Ue Knn i'lt- 80 let 3 . Klncn Co Elee it I.aclede Ohm lat .la . Lake Snore 349 . l.lf A M T Be .. l-ortllDrd B . . . .- r ..1. - i.num .Tfupii ,w .... 'T2 Mm Pnl rv, n Rr C.102 Mo Knn ft T lat 4a . . 7 Mn Knn A T 2d 4a . . 0 Mo Tne 4a SO Mo I'ne cv Si 40 .Mo rr col Ba 1017... 02 Mo 1'ne Sa 100H J. v Air liraKe cm u.ui .ICO. 1M l It lis ret. .V II 4'JI .10U . 8S' f'H S'H oo J . oat, . 1104 .100 . i,nf. X Y C N Y C .V Y P A II 4 N Y City 3149 'Bl, N Y City 4s 1987.. N Y City 4s 1WIS . N Y City 4a 11180 N' Y Cltv 49 1D8H N Y Cltv ret 44 N Y Cltv 4V.I 10HI. N Y City 49 May '17.101 N Y Can ll A P 49 .. 8.T N Y N ll A II l 110, N Y nwy adl 89 ... 8" N Y State 4H 10' N Y Tel Bon 4)na On Norf A ft WM i!0 rv 49 102 Nor I'nc rrlcr 4a 01 do Fen 39 mi Ore ?hort Line Ss 104 rarinc Tel .'s Oi I'cnna is I04S n. do ot I'l IM Public icrv N .1 Sa... W Itay Con Cor per 09 til IleadlnB bhi 4 4' Rcadlng-Jo.l Ccn la. . . HI Hepuh Cuba Sa "It IJ nep ll- A H r,5 .. 02 Itlo Or A W clt 4a.... nni nook lamntl 4n s rlo rfrt 4 0; rto 89 ... : Pny Stl Hprlnca Sa '31. HI1 Seaboard A I. nd 89... do tn 4 ', dn rid 4 ,rJ, Fonth I'oll 89 Iiij South I'no rol 4a 7 South I'nc cv 4e....; 81 Ho ov rot 1 l.)9 mn i"' 8U 87iJ 004 imv, Ofl'4 Vrt'a lO'JN ffflt 101 81 80 lOS'i U7 ttlK lirj 01 Ittlj 104 117', 117', I IMI, 87, South I'ao rM 4a.. Pouth Itwy gon 49 . . Fouth llwv con SJ Texas cv Ha ........ Third Ave new 4a... Third Ave. artl 89. . Tol Poo A W 4a Trl-rity 8a i; S Iluhber fla r 8 Sttel 8a V f Stel res 8 Vnlon Pac cv 4a Wnbaeh 4a Wibaah lat 8a Wnb Uny ct sta 4c. Wab-l Tcr let it 4. et IClcctrlc 8a . . VVcat BAM cv 8.1. . WeBt Plioro rei? 4a. . West Shore 4a Wltcon Cent gen 4a . 87H , , .100 . 7fl . 8rj . nsL, .102 V, . KrjUi .W2S . !H1 . .'I'.JW .1112 -h 1011 .101's . St. . i:r, . S8 P8i ; .S5 MINING STOCK TOXOPAH 110 13H 52' 108)5 70 13)5 CO S'2H 25)4 101 71)5 I02)i 27 105), 113U 19)5 85M 0,H 30 110 13M 53)5 108X 7ft 13)5 10 c2)i 1.5)5 101 71H 102W 2i 105W 11354 10U 85 H 07M 37 Jim Butler MnoNnmara Midway Mlzrnh Kxtenalon . 'Montara North Star. .... lonopah Heln.ont .. Tonopah Bxtenalon Tonopah Merwer . . . Tonopah Mlnlnsr . .. Iteacue Eula Vcst f.nd Aaked. .M QUOTATIONS STOPKH. Hid SO ; 0:1 in ?8 :. ..II , 17 ib OOLDKIEL,I STOCKS. r A 1n,a Blue Hull Ilooth Ilulldo; C. O. I) Comb Frac .......... Dlamondnolil B B IDalsy Klorenre Qoldfleld Consolidated Ooldtlold Mergvr Jumbo Kxtenslon .... Kouana3 Oro Canl Ken Silver l'lck 21 21H 139H 14 IK SO SJ 24 fc2 H 4 24 M m nil 133 13 1 13)5 13)5 32)f 33 32 32 85)5 c5)g 10 1U .SI 10 4U 40 59 08 20 51 10 4K 40 50 Oi 2J 120 120 14 14 46)5 40M 00 03 6)5 5H 121 121)5 SI 81 30 30 38K 38' i 15U 10 31 31 67W 57 105)5 105)4 4W 60U 104V5 104)5 6ll) 61)5 27H 27). 05)( 05)( 38 38 a u Hi m 64)i 64)( 83)5 86 22f 22M 3 3 llli 111 03W bOlf 3Ui 31)5 101)5 10 1H 'Quoted Ex Dividend DIVIDENDS DECLARED Undam ood Typowrltar Company, reTilr auarterry 1 Pr cent, on common and I per cent, on preferred, payabl. July 1 to stock o record Juna 18. independent Brewing Company, resular qui terly 4 Pr cant, on preferred, payable May 0p...il0ComP"y?rular mlannul $3 and .nE,"fraT dTvlaend 0? I5.r payable Jun. 1 to wht0PbJUdephlVTjtl. and Trust Company, regular lemlSnnual dividend o : 0 P" "nt.. fvabla June 1 to atock of record May 20. ontAantal Oil Company, regular Quarterly M payable June 18 to atocfc of r ecord May 2. Ur Keflnlog Company, regular aemlennual IS? payable; June SI. Book cloae June I. ra- 0PPhliadefpbla, Oermantojvn , and NorrHtown iS'TaV Si'uTO Va' fffS. SI? 3lUperPci'nr?!'1 paSfifJun'fa. ?eaUtred MO. Bioka cloae May 2a "giwartnesiul Company 2 Per cent.. Py. 2 pr cent. . RAILROAD EARNINGS U5LI8'IUJ1 AND NABHYXbU:- Fairy Aztec Kimbeiiy Nevada Hill .. . Seavda. Wonder MHCDbUNEOl'S, Industrial stocks were ths chief features of weakness on the local ex change today, following the deellnos In the New Tork market. Notwithstanding- rumors ot rv big United States Government contract for rlHes. Baldwin Locomotive brolto nearly six points, while General Asphalt nnd Elec tric Storage Battery were down about 3 points apiece. The selling of these shares, however, was relatively light, and chief ly confined to odd lots. Union Traction fell n dollnr on snles of about 100 shares, while Rapid Transit made a now low record at 7)J, Cramp Shipbuilding nnd Cambria Steel lost about a point each before midday. Heavy offerings- of United Slates Btoet drove the shares downward, but al no time were there any signs of panic. In fact, brokers commented on the surpris ing equanimity with which the situation appeared to be viewed In the financial districts. Commission houses were crowded with customers watching the trend of the market and anxious for the latest news coming over the wires. Not a few of these mado small Investment purchases around the noon low levels. In the later dealings the market be came steadier, hut business contracted sharply, assuming almost nominal pro portions. The Steel shares rallied moder ately for a time, but turned weak again In the last hour. Beading fell sharply nnd American Ons also suffered, as did Philadelphia Electric. Cambria extended Its loss to nearly 2 points when United States Steol went below CO. United Obb Improvement lost n sub stantial fraction. It Is understood tho company Is Interested In the proposed ex change of one form of New Hnven bonds for another Issue. The company Is sup posed to hold some $18.O0O.CfO 4 per cent. fiO-ycnr debentures of the Provldenco Securities Company, and the new plan Is for an Issue of plain debentures not secured by mortgage In exchnnge for the Securities debentures. MORE COTTON CONSUMED Census Bureau Report Shows In crease in April. WASHINGTON, May 14,-The Census Bureau. Department of Commerce, today Issued a report which shows cotton, ".x cluslve of llntcrs, consumed during April, 613,610 running bales In 191a, compared with 430.6lf! linles In 1!U4; held ll. manufac turing' establishments on April 30. 1,831, 03S bnleB In 1915. and l.BTJ.OoS In 1014; antt In Independent warehouses, 2.S5O.180 bnles In 1315 nnd 1.333.S95 In 1514, Imports, 54, 473 equivalent 500-pound bales In 1915 and .12, an In 191 1; exports, Including llnters. G72.O03 running bales In 1915 and 39S.223 In 1914. Cotton spindles active during April. 30.933.23iS In 1915 and 31.014.038 In 1914. I, Inters consumed In April. 36.S03 bales In 1915 and IM.iWS In 1914; held In manu facturing establishments, lTO.fili bales In 1915 nnd 99,851 In Kit, and In independent warehouses, SI, 099 bales in 19)5 and 66, 113 In 1911. Uxported 17.609 bnles In 1915. Sales in Philadelphia Tee. Cloae. 200 Amal Coo 411 Anaconda aim.. 10 Am Oaa lm '211 Am Ho .. 020 Dald lw . .. 45H in n t sua t e or ,''i Sos cam Stexl 4 20 Uee Slor .... 81V 2."0 Erie 1st pr .... .l 28 oen Asphalt ... 27 80 Interboro Met .. 21M St fna Co N Am.. 214 870 Lake Sup Corp. ,7Hi 48 Lehlh Nav ...,tt . 18 Lh Valley . .0.1 11-1 bo Uh Val Trsn.. 14 200 Mo raclflc 100 North Cent .. . 84)4 Z"t Nevada cona .. M7 Pennerlvanla .. S P4 Rait Mfg. . 24 Pa Steal pTd... 40 rhll So mm pf. 880 Phil KlfC ..T., 100 P n T 87 do tr ctfs n Phlla Tr.c .... 208 Ilennina in so I'ailHo . . 280 Ton Hel lo Ton Mm 10 Union TucMc . . a8 IT.Ion Trnf .14-, IT O I 07.10 1' 8 Steel 11 v 1 A Soft t Wrstmorel'd "oal ni'i ,188 era mo Pons to .11 nONIip. Last prev. pale, lllph. .W Am Oaa A- El Ss. MJ4 ?8'4 Ii0 Heth Btl ref 8s.. 91', 01 221 Cam Pll icu Mil. is ns 4in7 do HilT 07H 07. men cltv 4 1012 tog. . I0U4 1P00 Intsrst tlya If. . 87'd 8' .iiion Ipy lei fat Is III', 0it 1000 Leh V gen en 4 s P0 00 2(00 do gen en His O.i l'0 inro do roil 8a ..lOI'i lni .100 Phlla If. 81 80S 1WK! rto 8 . ...10IH lOIVa 10f1 achy It A K !4 4a . . I'7ij 800 Wnlabneh Co So OOH 01 M4 01 , 50 . 40 . 2.14, 8 8 78 71, it M V2'j 82. 411 filth. (V, ni 102 211 41 O'.l'i 48 81 38 '28 111 21 H 2i 11 im 12H 84 Mi MS 01 SO 4l 24 78 71, 3ii 10 7 3 122 .11 82 82' 4SU 01 Ixiw. Close, 08 in n 30 1(12 102 211 21 40 40 Financial Briefs .104 :tl"i 40U 404 I0t, fill a III 10 S1U '2l'l O'i H tlS '!- on on 14 14 40 V 70 8aji at e 40 ia 7(4 78 7M 80l 1 i!' 122 .11 8lti J , 4H r.nt, 48V? 4t, 01 ao 1.0 tv. 88'i 01 tmi 7 tmij 58 IMH 00 fKI 104 son 101 B7i 01 rloje. 85H IU ns 07 10114 8 04 14 ro to 104 lot 071, 01 Local Bid and Asked Baldwin ilo pref Combrlal Strel Kleetrlc Ploraae .... General Xsplmll .... rto pref .... Keystone Telefhone ito t f do pref t-ako 8np Corp I.ehlKh Nnv Lchlr-li Valley Valley Transit... An pref IVninxlvanln ... ... Phlla Klectrle Phlla Co rlo 8 per cent pref.. rlo M per c'M prf . Thlln itapM Transit. rto t e Ttradliw Tonopoli lielmont .... Tnni.pnh .Mlnlni Tnlon Traction Ttilteil tins Imp V S Ctecl Vork Itwy lo pref Today Bid. Aalicd. 41) 11 100 101 , 40 17 sits 28 1111- 08 M Uie 11 14, "' ''5. . 71 72 , fiSlj cv, , lit 14 . 'J1" 211 82J 82 18-1' . 2.14 21'. , :il4 .'HI , .'14 1I8 , :'.! 40 7 s 7t N . 7ni, 7i)ii I't, 4 7 7 l-lrt , .10 :uu . 1 sit; , 80 8HI4 . 7 S . SO .12 V,r.4nv rtld. AakeJ. inn, 48 81 14 SStJ 118 I4, I4, I'l 7'k 7;i's I1II-, Is 41 N 8 71t, ni' 82f, SiS, s ;i2 14 lnoii 2414 ?.! 1' 1 72W nnS 1 in 2Si, 2.1'J .14 III 40 821, r,n STATE HANKS MAY ENTER AND QUIT SYSTEM AT WILL COTTON NEW YORK, May 14.-Cotton opened steady this morning. 5 to 7 points lower. There wns buying for Liverpool nccount and Southern houses also were purchas ers. Liverpool cables came about as had been expected at tho start, but prices there lattT worked off. In tho afternoon futures fell sharply, Decem ber nnd January ruling IS points; below last night's tlnal llmirea. Tha cIob found prices down 15 to 10 polnla. VC.l.clo-e. upeo. u.iu. ii:.iu., 11.27 11.211 . .. . 1180 0.42 0.41 0.42 0..I4 n.Sl l).7ll fl.74 0.7H U.lit .. . .10.01 ii.n't n.oi nan d.m .. ..10 If) 10.01 n.08 10.00 0.02 10.24 Fcilernl Reserve Board Has Virtually Decided on This Point. WASHINGTON, May 14. After consid eration lasting several months the Fed eral Re.icrve Hoard hns virtually decided It will nllow Stntc banks to enter the Federal Reserve system with the right to withdraw nnd surrender membership If they so desire. This Is regnrded In Washington ns the most Important decision renehed hy the board lu many months, and Is believed to -issure the entrance of hundreds of strong Stnto Institutions Into the system. LONDON STOCK MARKET Uurlng April there was shipped 2,20d, 651 tons of coal over the lines of the Norfolk and Western. It Is understood negotiations arc under way by which Bodell & Co.. of Provi dence) and Boston, will acquire from the t'nlted Clas and Klectrle Company of New Jersey, a subsidiary of the United Gas and ICIectrlo Corporation of Con necticut, Its entire holdings of the com mon stock, of the Hartford City Oa3 Light Company. The Fourth Street National Bank, has opened a steamship department In charge of William II. Kntz. The bank la ngent for 40 steamship lines. Members of the New York Coffee Ux change voted to close Saturday. Mny 29. A conference l likely to be held In the near future between ofllcers of the Penn sylvania Railroad and of the Pennsyl vania Company which operates the lines .West, to decide on awarding the con tracts for new equipment for the Penn sylvania ssstem. The cost of the entire equipment, steel passenger cars, freight cars and locomotives, will bo about J28, (XO.00O. Kxportn of copper from Atlantic ports, for the week ended Mny 13, totnled "622 tons; slurp May 1. 13,301; n year ago. l,i.(. Bids will be received by the Minneapolis City Comptroller Until May 27, for tl,143,- 000 miscellaneous 4 per cent. 1-30-year bonds, and for tlOI,"2l.6A M-paytncnt street Improvement bonds, purchaser to bid at rate of Interest not to exceed 5 per cent. An Initial dividend of 2 per cent, was declared by the Submarine Signal Com pany. All but approximately tl.500.000 of t25, 000,000 Argentine 6-year 6 per cent, notes being offered In this country have been sold. The American Car and Foundry Com pany has taken an order for 2000 cars from the Russian Government, making a total of 6000 cars placed In this country In the last few weeks by RusBla. New York banks gained $233,000 from tho riubtrcasury yesterday, nnd havo gained $7,101,000 since last Friday. The Manatl Sugar Company has sold to J. .v W. Sellgman & Co, $2,500,010 first mortgage 6 per cent, gold bonds, replac ing n mnturlng Issue. According to llradstreel's exports of wheat this week were 6,688.000 bushels; last week, 6.S17.O0O bushels; last year. .1.730.000 bushels: since July 1. 356.S97.0H0 bushels: year ago, 222,283.000 bushels. Corn shipments this week, 666,flfO bushels; tast week. 621,000 bushels; Inst yenr, 21,000 bushels. Corn shipments slncn July 1 amounted to 31.688,000 bushels, compared with 2,603,000 bushels during tho same period n year ago. The reported movements of currency this week Indicate a gnln In cash by tho New York banks In excess of $17.3S5,000. The Rhode Island Locomotive Works has received a large ordor for brass fuse .heads, shrapnel and other war goods, and will start work with 1500 hands ns soon ns the company's plant Is ready. I GRAIN UNDISTURBED BY PRESIDENT'S NOTE Prices Enscd Off in Final Deal ings Traders Adopted Con servative Attitude. CHICAGO, May 14. - The mArket opened steady. President Wilson's flrm nnd strong note to Qermnny had no Im mediate effect, the traders' ah-tloUSly awaiting the Germans' reply Opening prices compared favorably with yester day's closings. No Important movements cither way were reco'ded. In the later dealings May wheat eased off 14 hnd July lost nearly a cent. Com and oats also slipped hack. The prlnclpnl concern of operators ap l ared to he the authenticity of reports of damages to crops by the Hessian fly mid chinch bugs. Export seaboard Bates reported totaled 100,000 bushels of wheat and 400.000 bush els of oats. Another report of 240.0OO bush els of wheat nnd 200,003 bushels of corn could not be verified. . In Liverpool the market kept pace with America. It had a firm undertone. A smaller percentage of Plates Is being rerelvcd nnd India shipments are de laved. Spot remained unchanged. Car goes were steady. Traders were perplexed regarding re cent Ooemmenl purchases, as ths amount and disposition of ll was beln kept secret. Prolonged dryness was re ported from Australia. A report that the Italian crop would be 36.0fyi,000 bushels was believed to be, ex aggerated among the operators. 1 Liberal contracts for Juno nnd July are being made In Argentine upon, more) promising weather conditions. t-end'ng future ringed aa follows! yearn's Clote, elesa. Wheat- open Vav 1..14 Juiv l.nnn Septit.iher ,. .2(t , 'orn men- delivery) May 74 .lulv September Oata- .May July Hpptomber ljinl- Mny July .... feptember lllba- Mnv lulv September . ... July .. Sepiomlier i'JS 82 40i Kith. 1 S.I 1.31' 1 74V. T71J 7R. t.en !.82 tl.82'i 1.88 31'4 I.8TH h.27f. t.SOH 241 1 20H I1.21H U.23 T.14 ft 7.1 t t7 774 40t? 4(Pl 401 f46 . 0.70 . 0.78 ..10.00 10.37 . 10.87 .111. as .I7.S0 .1B.18 IN. 80 nid. tAnkcd. 0.70 B.77 10 fO 10.37 10 87 10. S3 17.5-0 I'.ln IS. 811 n.iwi o.M 0.80 B.67 tO.M 10.28 410.2.1 10.4B "10.48 10.70 10.72 17.80 17.80 17.77 17.R8 IS.!.-, 1S.17 0.0T 10.78 I.0T 10.35 10.M 10.82 1T.70 .05 .45 TIMS TiB.4 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, May 14.-'IUX18. Receipts. ll.OOOr market R to 10c. higher; mired and butchers, 7.457.RO; sond heavy, $7.30197.72: rough Tieavj. n.fl37.28, light. $7.4SfJ7.SS; plg, 6,aa 7.rn: Miik,,fi7 7s. CATTU:. Ileeclpla. 18.0O0. market ateady: beevea. Id HOC0.08: cowa and helfera, :t.2Stf S.Bil; Blockers and feeders, $0.8087.00: Texana, fa 80n7.n0. aiIEi:i'. Recelpta. soon; market atrnng: na tive and Weatern. $8.8(198; Jamba, S7.80iail.5O. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS N'BW TOniC, Mhv 14.-lil'TTKH. - Market steady: recclr-ta. lU'V) pkga.; etra. 27We.t hiaher arorlng, 2itI2Ritc : state dairy, i'lt 27'c Imltntlon creamery. 21fce?2.'c. Cnr.S.- Market Irregular: recelpta, 17.WO pha extra Orate, 21141722c., regular raekedr1 nearb v.i,ta, 20f2lr.. regulni packed; mixed rnlnr 2102.Tjr.. gathered; r'rfgerJtor nrata, rnrl21'.r . gathered: nearbv browna. 2L'6?23r.; piirn nrais, 21',Q22c, atoragu packed; flrato. 20it2"ie May ... July October December January March NENY YORK CURB Ilroden nr-Am Tobacco old Hr-Am Tobacco new flolilfleld Cone Oreene Cananea I.a Itoe 1. V C-al Salea Nlplfstng otla Rle'ator Otla Blevator rref rtlker-Hegeman sterling lum Tobacco Producta t'nlteil rigar Stores rolled Cigar Storea pref. . 1'nlted Profit new World Film Yukon flold Bid. Aaked . 7 H . 111 . 1H . 1 7-: . 20 . H .MS . a4 . 714 . 02 5?' : ' . 02 .mn . 2a . 4 . 2i 1W4 17 ll lVj :io 178 H 7.41J HI On S 87 OH 110 :i 4'i PHILADELPHIA MARKETS apot, SI. 87 tound lota. In export .elevator No, J and May, ll.Mikl.i; No. 2 red $l.BS'.jffl.03'.4; No. 1 Northern I)u- GRAIN AND FLOUR WHKAT. necelpts. 114,073 buah. There Tcaa little trading, and with lower outaldo nd ...AAa ni ruptlipf. declined 1c. v O nuote. rf tnt. In cxDort elevator No. 2 red, snot. 11.52(11.33; NO. - I'll witn. ffTI.'W, lul red, apot Wctem. luth. ti.onsi.6d. COHN. Hecelpta. 0180 buah. There was very llttlo doing and prlcea Here nominally un changed. Quotations: Car lota, tj 1 export ale-"tor-No. 2. apot and May. 7l)8R0o. .Car Iota for loiat trade, aa to ocatlon-No. a Jellow. Bl4W'ic.: oteamer yellow. 820IUV4C.; No a yellow, i4v.flMHaC ; No. 4 yellow, TitaeiHtoc OAT8. Hecelpta, 61,240 buah. Local trade was oulet. but prices were well maintained. SSSlslloni": No. . white. hJl,mttt: atandard white, OO'Baic; No. .1 white. WfrdCc. JtVB dull. We Quota at 11.1401.18 per buah., aa to quality. In export elevator, and al (1.0O1.10 for email lota of nearby grain In ""Loin. Recelpta, 1760 bbla.; 806.025 lbs In aacka. Trade way slow and the market was largely imuiiui. . Mx. 4j e; i in wood: Winter, clear. J6.MyR.IW. do ,.0. 1. ,, ..a,ka TH7 '2rt: no.. OBieni .ii.iiii. ....-. . . r- . Kansas, atra gnt. jut; aacKa. ai.".!.";,. r?te.,t. lute aacV., IT.fW.T3: aprlng flr.t, Saient. $1 50'7.M;" do., favorlts brands, 8tf tti n ,.u m.i1a fntr and iinev Datent. as B..a. w,j ,,,, ... . v r- .T-" f25; city mills, raguiar graoea winter, ciear, WVeil. do" strllght. 1707.23; do., patent. TlVK'rLOUU wu quiet but steady under .mall aupplles. We quota nearby and Western in wood at 6.25B6.W). aa to quality. PROVISIONS Tha market ruled steady with m fair Jobbing demand. Quotatlona. ttty beef. In seta, amoked and alr-drled. SlS'-Mci Wesltrn bf, In aeta. smoked. 25i?iie. . city beef, kr.ucklea and ten Sera? VmoxeS and'alr-drlaJ. aiaaSd Western beef knuckles and tenders, amoked, 2Ta.Sc. I bUf hTrairtS3j pork, 'famuy. l.r2!2, hami. B. P. cured, loose, 13'jl3Uc do., skinned, looaa, 12tt12Hc! do. da, amoked. ia18Ho.; other hame. smoked, city cured, aa tolirand and rae. lsHOUc. hams, smoked. Western cured, lUsOHc,. do., boiled, bone leas. S2843CM picnic shoulders. S..1'. cured, loose, lOftlOHc; do., amoked. lOglOUci bellies. In rJckle. according to average, loose, UWW mil., breakfast bacon, aa to brand and ater igV, city cured. ial7c.i breakfaat bacon, Ve;tern cured. leBlfcj lard, Weatern refined, tlercea. lltfllUc; do. do., tuba, HSUWc. ird. pur. cTty.TieJtla rendered. In tlercea jflO lli?o.; lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tuba. utmUc REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but firm. Wa quota: Standard granulated, t).08c.;,nna granulated. 6c; powdered. 6.10c.: confectioners' A. B.60c; soft grades, M34to.75c. DAIRY PRODUCTS DUTTEIt. Demand waa fair and the market ruled ateady at tha lata decline. Quo tations 1 Western, fresh, aolld-packed creamery, fanoy specials. 80c. i axtra, 28c,; extra nrats, 27c. firsts, 26c. ', aeoonda. 248'25c-; ladle packed, 10821c . aa to quality; nearby prints, fancy, an-., average extras. 30c.; firsts 2T 29c. tecor.da. 2(C8c. : garlicky, 248'-8c : apo dal fancy brxnds of prima Jobbing at 35ic KOr.8. Flno atock waa wall cleaned up and Dim, but supplies were largely ot unat tractive atock, which was dull. Quotatlona In free cases, nearby, extras, Sic. per do. ; ntarby flrsts. 16.15 per standard case; ntarby current receipts. 3.3 per case, Weatern. extra Orsts. 16.13 per cass. Jo., flraU, t8.T0SS.8S per case! Southern. t3.04!6.40 par caae; fancy selected candied fresh eggs wer lobbed out at 23V27c. per dox. CHEKSE-Trade was fair and tha mar ket ruled Arm under light offerings. Quota tlona: New York, full cream, choice, new. 1TW tilTVn; , do da,, fair to good, nw. lUljtflfc.; do- M X- ISWe,., .. POULTRY LIVE. Choice atock aold fairly and val uea were well suatalned. Quotatlona; Fowls, 17B1S; rooslere, 114H12c.; broiling chickens, fancy, weighing IfiqS lbs. apiece, 3M(;i.Sc.; broiling chickens, weighing lttlM ibe. apiece, aOfraic. turkeys. 13t18c.; durkB. I.tal6c; aeear, lOflllc; guineas, na to quality, per pair, 80870c.. pigeons, old, per pair, 23fl30c; do,, younir. per pair. 2Sfi2Sc. IlItHSSKI). Dealrabla atock aold fairly and values wero well suatalned under light offerings. Quotations: Fresh-killed fowls, 12 to box. dry-picked and dry-packed, fancy, ealecled, 10c. do., weighing 4y(3 lbs. apiece, 18c: do., .iij'64 lbs. apiece, the; do.. 3 lbs. apiece, lOfflic. , do., under 3 lbs. apiece. 14j 1 Fowls, Ice-packed, Western, 4 lbs. and over apleco. 17 He ; do., do,, smaller sizes, IHU lOVsc. Old rooatera, dry-picked, 13tjc. Squabs, white, weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per doien. J8f 4.80: white, weighing D to 10 Iba. per dos., J3.25 3.60; Jo., do., 8 Iba. per dos., f2.7562.g4; do., do., 7 lbs. per doz., 1201.33. do., do., UttOtt lbs. per doz., Sl.SUtfl 00: dark, $t.fX1.60; amall and No. 2. II. Frozen poultry Fowls, as to quality, lOfJlSc. ; chlckenB, dry-picked and dry packed. In boxes, milk-fed. 31tj.Uk: lbs. to doz.. 16c. . do.. 37042 lbs. to doz., 18c; do.. 43047 Iba. to doz., 18c; do.. 48 lbs. to doz., 20c. , uo., HO Iba. and over. 21c, corn-fed, 31842 lbs, to doz.. 10c; do.. 43947 Iba. to doz., 17c. do., 4S lbs. to doz.. luc. ; do.. 60 Iba. and over, 2Jc. Chlckena, dry-picked and dry-packed. In bbla. Weatern, corn-fed. 3 Iba and over, 18c; do,, do., 4 lbs., neUVic; do., do. 3tt Iba.. 13Hc,; do., do. 2tifi3 lbs.. HSlJc; broilers. nillk-feJ. fancy, 181(21 Iba, to box. 2To. ; do., fancy, 2.y2U Traders Awnitcd Outcome of U. S. Note to Germany. LONDON, Mny 11. Americans! on tho Stock KxcbanKo were listless and turneil easier today. There wns 11 disposition to await the outcome of tho nolo the United Stntes sent to Germany. Canadian Pacific sagncd. Elsewhere, while busi ness was quiet, the tone Kenerally was flrm on Improved war news. The Bllt-edKcd Issues were dull, because of the undlKcsted new Issues. There was llKht Investment buying of home rolls. Argentine rails received support. Oils, were dull, but mlnlnsr shares were steady. The riots ot Johanncsburc; !H not affect Kaffirs. There was little dolus in forelKiiers. The committee is ngaln enforcing; fu'l restrictions on certain foreign bonds. It Is requiring that deals he referred to u subcommittee because previous relaxa tion of rules had been abused. BANK CLEARINGS nank clearlnga to-lay compare with eorro aronolng day Isatwo y""mt p-llla'ol! $24.t2.2R8 2,2i.2'17 llostvn 2H.4'6.H07 26.01.1707 27 SWil2 New York.. .311,878.3117 211.027.7H7 30(,;ill7.8'ii BALDWIN'S ASKED TO BID ArcorrtlnK tn a report frnm New York. rVrrP rentntlea of lhe Servian Government are neKo tlntlnu lor locomntlves and equipment Tnr n. new rnllroatl to bo built attar the war from Sofia, rutlgarla, to the Adriatic. The value or the order I placed at $20.rOO.OCO, and It Ik Mid that the Maid win LocomotUt Works has tpon nsked for bldi. OfflcerB of the rompany, however, nay they hnie quoted prlfen on a email numh?r of lcio motive. f(r Scrvla. but dliclalm any knowl edge nf tho ncKotiittlons reported. Humor nlfo hnd It that the United ytaten nnvprnimnt had nuked for bide on rltlea. but thlP, too, could not be confirmed. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW VOKK. May tlie Coffee ICxchanre lolnta nVoe the final 'lUlet. Prloes follow; April May June July AURUSt September (Mtobpr November December January Frbrutry Marco nid. inffered. S-'nles. IfOO bam. 14. OpenlnR futures on ere unchnnned to .'I yesterday. Trading a Today's Yceterday'a opei.ins;. cioi 7.'.'ttti7 27 ! 8.f)2tl3.N 1 8.8Cj8.3 I . fl.wi-7.on n.tHifin.92 1 .TI.II1 .n.os . 7.04fl7.11 .47.18 .7.0.1 .7.07 First Mortgage Bonds TAX FREE IN PENNA. INCOME TAX FREE We offer a listed, first mortgage uuno, lu yieiu uuoul 5J2 The obligation of a company oper ating the electric llcht nnd street railway properties In ona of the largest cities In Pennsylvania. Write or phone for details WISTAR & STOKES Real Estate Trust BIdg. 7.20B7.2S n.nsfitn.n n.nR3".(m r.oiw..c2 MMfl7.m .1177 00 '.Hiff7 12 r isn? trt r 207.21 1 RATES FOR MONEY Call Time. Philadelphia Vii.. 2,H1 New York 2 02V4 3 flj L'oston ', . 'JHg Chicago ,854 4 fl4Ji Commerrlal paper, three to alx months, Phil adelphia, B';g4 per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. May 14. The) foreign ex chanae market opened dull In tno early tratl-Irisr- Pnrls rates reached a new low record. TI10 sterlings also declined sllshtly. flalea fol low Sterling, demand .. Sterling, cables Srrancs, cables Francs, checks Lire, cabins Lire, checks .. Itntchmarka, cabl.B . Itelchmarka, checka Today'a Yesterday'a . .. 4. n 7-l 4.7US I 7U'i, 4.i' s.aiv, 3.11J, 8.111 1, 8.02 K2H V.iJ n..i2s 8.UIH 8.112 Sound Investments Harrisburg Light & Power Co. 1ST AND UKF. B 1IONUS Due AUffURt, 1952 1. Secured on property of com pany subject to small under lying Indebtedness. 2. Territory Is woll known, and Includes the cnpltol of tho State of Pennsylvania. 3. Free of Pennsylvania Stato Tax. nnd Interest Is payahle without deduction of normal In come tnx. I. Bantings practically twice Interest charges. I'rlce II" nuil Interest, rlrlillni; nlinut n 120 To. RlAZIER 6 G. laslViubSf. April 20. 1019 The filltAHI) TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, llrimd and Chestnut Streeta, Philadelphia, Tenn. Gentlemen: We bea: to advise you that under nuthorlty Riven In the mortgage dated January 25th, 11,13, botnecn thla corporation and the Olrard TruH Company. Trimtrc, securing th" liaua of H.iMJO.iOii Klrat Serial Slnklni; Fund a per ,-ent. Cild Holds of this Company, we hereby Blio jou notl-e of call for deineptlon, on an. gun Int. Iil3, out or the (unrig nov nnda i,oll In th' Kinking Fund. Honda Noa. 8. 0, 10, 11. 12, 13. 14, 18. til, 17, IS and to. Series "A," and request that you make payment for tho said bonds, upon presentation August lat. KU,',. at the price of 10.1 and Intereat, aa pro vided In said mortgage. Itt'spectfiilly, ST. I.A Wit i:CK I'CI.P IUMDEB COIIPOIUTION. DIVIDENDS T1IK 1.KIIIOII COAI. AND NAVIGATION COMPANY Philadelphia. April 28. 1010. DIV1DKND NO. HO. The board of managers thla day declared a quarterly dividend of two per cent. (II per share), on the capital atock of tha com pany, payable May 20. 1015, to stockholders as registered on the books of the company 3 o'clock p. ni.. April so, 1016. Checks will be mailed tn stockholders who have filed permanent dividend orders with tha treas urer. II. V. DAKEn. Secretary. French Rank Loses PAItIS, May 14. The following cipal Items In the atatemeni of France for week ending May 6: ,.; '. Iba. to doi.. :4c: corn-led. fancy. ISftZl lbs. to doi.. 28c; do., prime, 23030 lbs, to do. 22c. Turkeys dry-picked and dry-packed, fancy. 21 622c: fair to good. ISSj'JOc : old toma, 1U420C. ; ducka, fancy. In boxea 17816c, do. ordinary to good, 12316c; geeee, choice and fancy. 189 16c.; do.. No 2. iSffllc FRESH FRUITS Offerings ware only moderate and valuea gen erally vera wall auatalned, with trade fair quo tations. Apples. New York, per bbl Greening. $2.&0ft(l.50; Baldwin, S2.80&4, Ban Davis. 2.23 3.25; other good eating varieties, 12.2533.50: medium, fid 60; do.. Western, per box, 1S2; do., Delaware and Pennsylvania, per hamper, 8flT8 . lemons, per box, S2.6O33.S0; oranges, Florida, per box, I2.2SS-4; grapefruit, Florida, per box, I2ft.1: pineapples, per crate Porto hlco. 1.T382.25; Florida. 2.252.SO: straw berries. North Carolina, per qt 6912c.; do-, Virginia, par qt., ft&l.V.: do., Eastern Shore and Norfolk, per qt., BtflOc. VEGETARLES The general market waa quiet, with fairly liberal lofferlnga at tha following quotatlona: White potatoes, per bush. Pennsylvania, 60 62c; Mains, 50.382c; New York, aa to qual ity. 33&42C,. white potatoea. Florida, per bbl.-No. 1, 4. 80413.25; No. 2. 13.6004; sneet potatoes. Delaware, per hamper Large, 4U.23 fll.73; medium, 60c.(f(l; sweet potatoea, East ern Shore, per bbl.-No, 1. J2. 2523.28: No. 2. 11.6081. 76; awaeta, Jersey, per bbl.-No. t. 13.7624.78! No. 2. 23.t0; sweats, Jersey, rer basket. 7Sc.tit.23;i ontona. choice, per ,100 1b. bag, 11.280160; onlona, medium, per ICO lb. bag. aoaiSc.i onlona, Texaa. par cummer crate. No. I. Jt-23; onlona. Texas, per cum. mer cate. No. 2. 00c.fjl; cabbage. Charleston, per crate, 12.2392.80; cabbage. North faro Una and Norfolk, per crate. KttV.oO, cauli flower. South Carolina, per crate. il,S0tj2; spinach. Norfolk, per bbl., B04J7Sc. ; Vale, Nor- JOIK. per lkii , oii. , mi. auiih .uro;ins, . per basket. 78r 4 1.26: lettuce. South Card- Una, per basket, fltil 80. beans, Florida, wax, per basket. 1 U)82 28. beans, Florida,, groen, .pec basket. l 6032.80; peas, per basket North Carolina, 1101 30. South Carolina, large, ! 11.23! 74; South Carolina, email,' m.Ij; I eggplant. Florida, per box. 2g3.SO; cucum 1 Ki,ra tnorlda. nr baaket. S2S2.30: Imiiih. Florida, per baaket. II 50ffl2. peppers. Florida, carrier, fvi. vvl r iurms per carrier, 2r-i. . beets, rioriaa, par oo bunches, S2ces. be sta. 1 naruaton. pr 100 bupebaa, ST. tomatoes, Florida, per carrier Fancy, I2.73S3: choice. 23ff2.; Ctiery. fioriaa, per w. iwafi, asparagus. per Duoen. luvtxuc , St, b9.flBa, muahrocma, per t-lb. EJas- (Jold Sliver Circulation Oeneral depoalta... Dllla .llaiounted... Treaaury depoalta Adtamea Extended bills ... Franca. . 4,127.l0,(iO0 .176,800,000 .11.718,200.000 . 2.2S1.W0.000 . 220.000,00(1 72.700.00(1 . 680,300.000 . 2, 82 1,2(4). 000 Gold are the prin tha Uank of April 20. Franca 4,ls,000,(H)0 87,HOO,(U 11,31,800,IHH) 2,:il7,100,lU 2,I3,(0,I'1 ri.iKii.(Kii) ASO.2tO.UJll 2,3.VI,0t)O.IJoO Franklin Fire Ins. Co. Transferred At a meeting of the board of directors of the Franklin Fire Insurancs Company, held today, control of the company waa pasaet to Inter eata IdenilHed with the Home Inaurance Com pany of New Vork. in accordance with the terms of the salu previously announced. BAR SILVER NEW VORK. May 14. Tha price of commer. clal bar allver today waa SO cents, with Mer leun dollars at 3St centa. NEW VORK METAL MARKET NF.W YORK. May 14. The metal market waa unchanged today. Lead, I.17HUI 224c; tin, In flve-ton Iota, offered at (39.73. I.KGAI. ADVKKTIHEMKNTH 7-S ESTATK OF AUGUSTA CiOOIIY, I)E. S' ceaaed Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to ths underalgned, all peraona Indebted to ths aald estate are requested to make payment, and 1 hose having claims to present ths aame. without delay, to L1LLIE VKTTElt. or In her attorney, 43, J. HEPBURN. Esq., 1218 Chestnut at. per J. K. TIUMIlbE. Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT AN application will be made to the Governor ot tha Stats ot Pennsylvania, on tha .list uay of May. 1018. by Louis Oreenblatt, Bernard A Illoway and llenjamlii A. ilaaa, under lbs Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, tntttled 'An XHAa provide for th In corporation and Regulation ot Certain Corpora tions." approved April 20. 1x74. and the sup plements thereto, for the charter of an Intended Corporation to be called WINELAND-QIL-MOItE COAL AND COKE COMPANY, ths "uaractcr and object of which Is to buy. sail and lease coal-btarlng landa. to mln coal and manufactuit coke, and to ael! and deal In coal knd coko generally, and for these purposes to have, posses) and enjoy a I th "rlilus, bansOta and jpilvllegaa ot tha said Act of Assembly 14 ft. ""'"""'"JJEAJUCK ft I1AOWAY. Sollcltora. Germany In War Time As Seen by an American Roland S. Morris, chairman of the Pennsylvania Demo cratic State Committee, sends from Germany to the Public Ledger a narrative of his experiences in the Fatherland during April. He personally visited Berlin, Hanover, Frankfort, Baden Baden, Munich and Cologne and vividly describes the social and economic conditions he encountered. His attention was directed largely to the question of food supply and the treatment accorded visiting and resident Americans by official and non-official Germany. A keen observer, a writer of vigor aijd finish and an eye witness with, open and unprejudiced mind, Mr, Morris article is a most valuable contribution to the news literature of the day. It will appear in next SUNDA Y'S PUBLIC LEDGER