Newspaper Page Text
EVENING EEDGEftPHITTADELTHlX FRIDAY, MAY Kt. 1915: - - - f Hhi(,..j siar-fii ii a i . . . I. i " "J i i i S30AL Hjs I l ii S Ns . JSM ...... .. rttl IV tr Mnwi.KH. lMf Chester. Pn.. announces th,e en rilnt ot Miss Helen Bafford Knowlea ?T Trenry II. Bonnell, of St. Martin's. Khrttnut HI"., .... r fi. Denntston, of Schoolhouso .w''h... .nlnc- nt tlio Savoy Opera S . .performance. Tho guests Wndude MIm lola Seeds and her " , f ndwaril uortmn nidcunmiuu, fiW-JJhr. Hunt. Mr. Rlchnrd Potter, W." '".m W. Kent. Supper will follow mPiu-Carlton, where they will be lit the ""? P." Anna nnd Miss Kathleen J0"1??..-- ho are members of the opera company. IV .... n.n,. Tr . rvlin nil! !". of theKlower Show" at tho !. ci"l. t. Fraternity Fair, to bo PVin Tuesday, will be assisted by Mm. SHiS JL Sail, Mrs. Lincoln Godfrey. Pi it Frederc Rosengnrten, Mrs. Ml, C Madeira. 3d. and Miss Malzle Wrt'. , villa Reull. Miss Elizabeth I Hen y Mrs Udgar D. Howard. Mrs. P "rii'il Brown, Jr.. MIbs Agnes W. tenwn and Mlis Jean Nelson Long Hutchinson an !jjTeunu;. , nanlel Moreau Barrlngcr, of Maple- i "J .venue, will snoruy occupy nis ! - home on Cheswold lane, Haverford, iMeh adjoins tho homes of Mr. and tJ, A. J. Cassatt and Mrs. John B. tiirtf- h... ..a utro William Bonsai. Mr. and itir.Vdward M arccn. Judge and Mrs. 80.11 Starr. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cloud find Dr ana .rp. jjuih.-i.ii wuv,,, . Iwoodbury, are arranging to leave, on n. eV. .in inmnrrniv to snend several Edits m tho Ruesta of Dr. and Mrs. Dun Van Campbell nt Caledonia, N. V., at his KJM homestead, and will stop at many Milts of Interest on tho way down. li ., ( whn -roll! sell nrocrams at the Savoy Opera Company performance k. .,. o.iih nrn.itl Htrnot Theatre on '!..,, .j... vnln? nro Miss Kthel Mnr- Brfctt Jones, Miss Isabel Stoughton. Mrs. D Engllah uanam, Jr., jibs ivaincrine .., fl r.anra fllrtllffMnn. Mian JJSTIS, mmo -" " . ...A. n'.i.nA, Aflca Tlnrnthv Mrivhiirr Ej UK3 Katherlno Pottor. Jin. T. Ellwood Potts, who has been lllring at Jieaia sinco ncr return irom ..-..-I vsqra' cnlnilrn In Tllrnnp. In nn- wiring her country place, Pino Crest, Vtjuidty. Mrs. Potts, who Is a prominent KmimKb. nt thA Rmprnnn nn.l ntlir olnhci Its this city, was 111 In Switzerland when Tir Tras aecmrcu. Along the Main Line Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mcgoar and their little daughter havo moved Into their new homo on Bei koloy road, Hav irford. Pi W . . - . Mr. and Mrs Louis S. Do Lone, ot 111) Drexel road, Overbrook, nre being contratulated upon the birth of a son. ' Chestnut Hill 'At ha wedding of Miss Eleanor Moyn and Mr. ,Albert Barton on Tuesday, June 15, the bridal party will bo as follows: ,niui Qlarlan Moyn will act as maid ot i' honor and the bridesmaids will be Miss Jfirlan Alexander, of Elizabeth, N. J.; .win .uaniaret snyaer, or iNew rorK; Im Eleanor Scott, of Pittsburgh; Miss flora Barton, a sister of the bridegroom; Sower girls. Miss Joan Alexander. Miss ,'e!lla Taylor. Mrs. rtodman Barton. MIsb Ellas. Miss Juniata Sauveur. Tho ilHt man will bo Mr. Charles Balder. feted the ushers will be. Mr. Rutherford jncrman, 01 now xorK; xur. unanes eny- vctt, of New York; Mr. Clarence Rodgers, Jlr. Heynolds Plerpont. Mr. LouIb Barroll, Mr. Theodore Moyer, Mr. Gager Phillips, Mr. Hodman Barton. &Fff. WIMIiim T rifyan ITnv nf 'n.'k.a BnTir'H tanA vlll Mn.lint. ha. .llmm.. home. The Bungalow, nt Cragsmoor, a. 1., uunng mo cany part or juiy. Mr. and Mrs. Richard MeMurtrlc. of IK West Willow Orovo avenue, will pend the summer months In their cot tM at Ventnor, N. J. Mra. Charlfta R. Tlrftml.v. nf Mnr Ulld avenllp. 1m nninHlnv nnmA Hmh In ler camp In tho Pocono Mountains. Mr, and Mrs. Goldnhnmuirh 53. flrlf. tth, Jr., of West Hortter street, an nounced tho engagement ot their daugh ter, Ulas Electa Eleanor arifftth. to Mr. Richard Campbell Hughes, of Utlcn, N. Y. ffMUj Rosa Ellas, of 367 fjnwon nvpniifi. Jill Slve a luncheon on Thursday, Juno ', i ner noma for Miss Eleanor Moyn, na ner Drldesmalds. They will motor afterward to tho Merlon Cricket Club, Inhere MIBS mina ivlll ha hnJto nt n Wmiant In honor of Miss Moyn and Mr. I iwu. aooui jw invitations win bo ad In a few days. Miss Flora Barton ."" vo a ainner on Monday, June U, nt W Fhtladelnhla Orlz-l.f m.ih fi. ,. w(lre bridal party after tho rehearsal. llr an.4 T n. ,. . . -. Wrntons brother, Mr. John Chew, who lj ueen living in Atlantic City for teTemi tiB... ... ... . awil - iio tunc., up uie:r reai- at St. Martin's. Germantown EI(P a.J tf T -r. -n.... . A. pTi. 7 ' "OBB linns, or o.ui Wi m road- ttnd a Party of friends l motor tomorrow to Bay Head. N. J. illrt. rn.ii O, ..a.--. . ... - . fxiii """" Braurii ot new iotk, p.! ,pJ"1 a Plo of months at Forrest SmK- l' MrB- Stoddart will be re- frw . nll8S uenruae urooKe, ol tM4aii,Qwri 'US JennlA RhlM fia rf..nM om, ....."- :..-v. ." " ' i. , "", win sail tomorrow on the Sr "i8 rrom New York ior England, -j..ii wm remain ior several months. Iftri3 A' Ho't' ot Water street, W oyaterday for Bprlng Lako for a short re1.1? V.ary clune ' MJ Morton street, K 'Penalnjr several weeks In Atlantic Bft. Carolyn Miller, of 61 Cleveden ave Olrtalt c'l'"8 h'r 'ather ,n Colrado IwI'bJ1 T" S,arr' of pulMkl avenue. ST IT, dbo' Bpenaing a snori " "uanuo uiiy. jlr, and Sirs. David B. Bowen. of Sea- liHtS Qf ra 1aI.h a a ...1. . Kar Kfif venue, for ths past two weeks, i '"" u meir nome yesterday. l?r. atld Mr. Prrv Wv uiinmm. mat. Ic6,v00,s P300 recently,' are now In K 1 S, " whcre tby re the gueaU f aa MUa Marjory Bell. Along the Readme ' 1 Mrs. Lincoln Qoodlnr, of Oak "'i win Rive a ainner or i thj tvenlng s,t their hom f r ol Mm Bunlc Price Benner, twit W T 1 ... 4. wxMiurt brothw, Mr. John B, f nam nm dliu BON Gooding, was recently nrtnounced. Miss Benner will be the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lliicoln Gooding until May 31. Mies Edna Wymnn, of m Lombard street. Wilmington. Del., will be honor gucet tomorrow nt a luncheon nnd tlu ntre party given by Mrs. Walter Will iamson, of Wyncote The guests will number sW, Including Miss Josephine Vflt, lM f'rnn(,es tHnt. Mr. Edgar Mallon, Jlr. Joseph Prlcn and Mr. Harry Dooienbach. Miss Wyman will return to her home Tuesday. Mrs. Pancoast will repeat the lecture on her trip to tho Orient at the Jenkln town Auditorium Wednesday evening, May .3. Those who heard her Interesting experience given recently In Wlthorspoon Hall wlil gladly Indorse both tho lecture nnd the very attractive views which Illus trate tt. Tho Jenklntown Emergency ncllef will cnntlnuo Its summer work at tho homo of Mra. Henry M. Fisher, Alverlhorpe, on Meeting House rond, Jenklntown, on Thursday morning of each week, from 9.J0 o'clock to 1 o'clock. Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugene Pchwnrlz and their daughter, Mrs. Louise Schwartz, who havo been spending tho winter In Philadelphia, havo moved out to their summer residence on Walnut street. Jenklntown. At the Brotherhood meeting In the Luth eran Church of Glenslde on Friday eve nlnu.iMay 21, Mr. A. J. Drexel Blddle will ho the speaker of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wood, of Phila delphia, who have been spending the winter months In town, havo opened their country residence on Glenslde. ave nue, near Stanley avenue, whero they will spend the summer. West Philadelphia Miss Mnrjorle Morris, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Morris, nf 4601 Spnico street, cntertnlned tho hrldge club -if which sho Is a member yesterday nfter noon. Among those present were Mrs. Walter Peterson, Mrs. Charles Loring Elliot, Mrs. Warren Moss, Mrs. Harry Atmoro Prlzcr, Mrs. Albert Stuetz, Mrs. Leeman Browne, Mrs. Harold McAneny, Miss Edna Wller, Miss Romolno Taylor, Miss Helen Dunn, Miss Anne McKnlght, Miss Helen Roberts, Miss Gladys Mc Carthy, Miss Florence Reld, Miss Kath cryn Mortlmoore, Miss Dorothy Morti moore. Miss Margaret E. Williams, of 4621 Hazel avenue, who with her parents will open their cottage In Chelsea next Thursday, will entertain a houso party over the week end. The guests, who will arrive on Friday, the 21st, Include the graduates of this year's class of Washington Seminary, among whom are Mlsa Katherlne Robinson, of Peoria, III.; Miss Laura Davis, of Buffalo, and Miss Clinton Brooks, ot Mississippi. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Miss Williams will re man In Chelsea until October. The Theta PI PI Sorority will hold Its annual spring dance this evening, nt Wynnefleld Country Club. Miss Margaret McLaughlin, of 3707 Lo cuBt street will entertain at her horns this evening. The guests will be Miss M, Carlln, Miss Florence Conwell, Miss A, Burns, of Perth Amboy, N. J.; Mlsi Kathnrlno Gibbons, Dr. A. Robinson, Dr. L. Silverman, Dr. G. Summer, Dr. L. Sugarman, Dr. J. Stanlo, Dr. F. Fabrlo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Shoemaker, of BI22- Locust street, will glvo an Informal dance tomorrow night at their '.lome. There will be 40 guests present. Miss Blancho O. Blandford, daughter of Mrs. Isaac S. Blandford, of 1232 South 51st street, whoso marriage to Mr. Al bert Hill will take place on Tuesday, Juno 1. will be nttended by her elstor, Miss Helen Maude Blandford, as maid of honor, nnd another sister, Mlsa Vir ginia Blandford, and Mlsa Elizabeth Hill, slater of the bridegroom, will bo brides maids. The little flower girt will bo Miss Ellen Carr Tompkins, of Charleston, W. Va. Mr. Hill will havo Mr. Clarence S. Kates as 'nls best man, and his ushers will Include Dr. Scott Nearing, Mr. Ralph Vutnam, Mr. Edward Llpplncott and Mr. George Molloy. Tioga Mrs. Clifford Ely, of 2023 West Tioga street, gave a delightfully nppolnted luncheon yesterday nt her home. Roses, sweet peaa and white lilacs were com bined In the decorations, the color scheme of which was pink and white. The guests were Mrs. Paul Eno, Mrs. Walter Knight, Mrs. Charles Whlto, Mrs. Isaac Detwller, Mrs. William Brown. Mrs. Richard Oel lers. Mrs, Howard McCaulley, Mrs. Emma McCaulley, Mrs. Frederick Weber, Mrs. B. Frank Rawle, Mrs. Nellie Mlldrcn. Mrs. Edward Wolfe, Mrs. Rlackburne. Miss Ethel Boureau nnd Mrs. Henry McCloy. This afternoon Mrs. Ely will entertain at bridge, when her guests will Include Mrs. Raymond Parker, Mrs. Mal vlno Ogle. Mrs. William McCallum, Mrs. St. Clair Wagner, Mrs, Howard Wilson, Mrs. Wilson Knecht and Mrs. Walter Knight. The game will bo followed by an Informal luncheon. Mrs. Ida Rodgers, of Mount Hope, N. Y., and Miss Margaret Rutherford were the guests during the week of Miss Rachel Johnson, of 3631 North 10th street. Mrs. George Carnan, of 2201 West Hunt ing Park avenue, gave a dinner last night at her home, Roses and ferna formll the very attractive decorations. Her guests were Mrs. Charles Pray Lower, Mrs. Chirles Julius Melxner, Mrs, Clar ence McCool Taylor, Mrs. Charles Al bert Blumhard. Mrs. Lena Hatcher, of Los Angeles, Cal.j Mrs. Oeorga Kelltz. Mrs. Minnie Llpsett and Mrs. David Rentschler. Northeast Philadelphia A strawberry festival, minstrel enter tainment and sketch will be given on Tuesday evening. May 18. In the hall of the First Presbyterian Church, Eaat Glrard and CoJUmbla avenues. It will oe given by the female class No, II, for tho benefit of the Sunday school. i Miss Anna Goldman, of 1623 North 6th street, will give a luncheon tomorrow afternoon when covers will be laid for II. Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Beed and Miss Reed, of 1128 Palmer street, will spend the week-end at Brldgeton, N. J., as the guest of Mrs. J. J. Qulnn. A strawberry festival will be given on June 8 at the Old Brick Church. Marl borough and Richmond streets. Mr and Mrs. U C. Schareff, of 439 West GUrd avenue, will leave June t for Wild wood? N. J., where they will remain for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilson, of 600 Glrard avenue, have returned from Quakertown. Pa. A strawberry festival will be given on May H by the choir of the Hancook Methodist Church, at Hancock atreet Mow Glrard Tenu. O' -''illlllllllllllllllllllllllll sx " v-;--'.'? ; A charmlnp member of THE Browning Society of Philadelphia on tho occasion of tho commemoration of tho blrthdny of Robert Browning will present the brilliant Shakespearean com edy, "Love's Labors Lost," on Monday evening, May 21, In the Broad Street The atre. The play, which was selected nt tho suggestion of tho president of tho so ciety, Mrs. John B. Roberts, haB not been performed In a theatre In this city within many years and is tho greatest dramatic effort ever attempted by the members. Dr. Daniel Mansfleld Hoyt will be stage man ager nnd will bo assisted by Mr. Francis J. MacBcath, Jr. The cast will Include Ferdinand CKing) Mr. Henry C. Shcppard tliron ". Mr. . lleKinnlil Dates Lonsavtlle Mr. Ralph Melville Uunmln Mr. E. Neall Matalnaer Iloyet Mr. Vinton medley Don Aclrlano da Amado . ..Mr. l"rancln Vtarn Sir Nathaniel Mr Harold J Harblnson Holofernes Mr Henry U Fox Dull Mr. Arthur I). Iteea romnrd Mr. J. Hennett Colberry Moth Mlas Violet K. noas I'rlnceas of Franco Mra. Louis I-oualimn Roeallno Mra. Maurice Welsh Pagan MnrlaT Mlsa Louise N. Crulce Kutherlne Mlas Dorothy Weelah Jaquenetta Mlas Lucy Dean Vllcon With Mr. MacBcnth nnd Doctor Hoyt on tho Anniversary Committee are Mrs. Miriam Leo Early Llpplncott and Mrs. Otis Skinner. The ofneern for next senson. 13I5-151G, are Mrs. John Roberts, president; Mrs. Edward II. Coatcs, Dr. Matthow Woods, Miss Emily Sartnin, Mrs. Wilfred Lewis. Mrs. John Clarence Lee, honorary vice presidents; Mrs. G. Oram Ring, Miss Anno H Wharton, Mrs. Richard P. White, Mr. Francis Howard Wllllnms, vice presidents; Miss Maude Burt McCall, secretary, and Mr. Frnncls J. MncBeath, Jr., treasurer. Mr. II. Perclval Allen, Miss Anna M. Earle, Mr. Rupert Sargent Holland, Dr. Dnnlel Mansfield Hoyt. Mr. Henry La Barro Jayne, Mr. Samuel Sco vlllc, Jr., Miss Elizabeth Somers, Mrs. John Sparhawk, Jr., Mr. A. Guy II. Spiers. Mrs. C. Wharton Stork. Mrs. Charles M. Whltcomb, Mrs. Otto Charles Brodensen, Mr. Vincent B, Brecht, Mr. J. Bertram Llpplnsott and Mrs. Frank Reld form the executive board. The third and last of a series of dances for members of Mrs. Edward Troth's dancing class will take place tonight In the ballroom of the Germantown Cricket MRS, JOHN N. FRANCISCO who, before her marriage on May 1, was Mies Margaret Pisano, of 036 Carpenter etresfc, JPH laB ?WC!lfcMaU'1l SkitaaWlai'! MISS HELENB GIRVIN this city's younger set. Photograph is l Club. A number of dinners will procedo 1 the dance, nnmely, one of 40 covers given by Mrs. Roland L. Taylor. Mrs. J. Clin ton Foils; nnd Mrs. Chntles Rolnnd will nlso entertain. Among tho members ot tho rlnss'nrn Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Enrlo White, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Ilnlnes, Mr. and Mrs. E. Earle Johnson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Isnnc Monro Slmonln, Mr. anil Mrs. Syd ney Bullen Dunn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllmot I Grant Penrc, Miss Mary Coates, Mrs. J. Nelson Piirvlnnco, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles A. WIster, Mr and Mrs. Charles T. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wayne, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles. Sehwnrtz, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Brown. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wal ter Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. George Har ris, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Rnmbn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Roland Foulk, Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Carstalrs, Dr. and Mrs. George Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm G. Warden, Jr., Mr. and Mm. George Blight Robinson, Mr. nnd Mrs. William II. Cookman, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Slmonln, Mr. and Mm. Wllllnm P. Nowhall, Mr. Louis Duhrlng, Mr. Frederick Fraloy Shoemaker, Mr. anrt Mrs. Joseph Priestley Button, Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis B. Reeves, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Clinton Foltz, of Beth lehem plko nnd Summit avenuo. Chest nut Hill, will entertain in honor of her daughter. Miss Dorothy E. Foltz. The Stevens School Gleo Club will give a concert tonight at tho V. M. C. A. on Mnln street, Germantown. Tho program Includes: 1. Chorus Ptetanlo flavour ZlbulVn 2 a. "Vouedanaea Marquis" Lnmlra b. "The Snan Rends Low" MarDnwrll c. "A Maid Sln LlRht" f -MacDoweii Mlaa nilzabeth McCloskey. 3. a. Chorus "A Serenade" riounod b. "Mv BroiMi Ilnsn" Galloway 4. a. Violin Soutenlr Drdla b. Caujouetta" D'Ambroslo . u . Ml" lys Mlnton. o. Chorus "Carmena" Wilson , . , The Olea Club. 8. a. Folo "The Yellow Hammer". .. .Lehman b. "The Thrunh at Eve." Codman . Mlsa Dlliabeth McCloskey. i. a. "f'nmr. Sweet Mnrnlnc" Arr. by A. L. b. "Threo chestnuts" Pace. Miss Jean Knox. Miss Caroline Crouter. Mlsi . . .Carolina Osborno nnd tho (Jlee Club. 8. Violin "Dansea TilKams" Nachfi MImi Gladys Mlnton. P. Chorus "Sprlngtlms" Iloeckel , Thn (Ilea Club. Condwtor-Mles Mary M. N. Stenart. Accompanists Mlt s Mildred Dachman and Mr. W. Lane Hofner A reception will be given this afternoon from 3 until 6 o'clock under the auspices of the Ladles' Committee of the Babies Hospital nt tho new home, which Is known na the Crllly property, on Manoa road between the new Merlon golf courso nnd Llnnerch. The house will be open then for Inspection. Among those who will no slst in receiving are Mrs. Harold Ynrnnll, Mrs. Henry Pepper Vaux, Mrs. William n Warden, Mrs. George W. C. Drexel, Mrs John K. Mitchell, Mrs. Thomas Mc Kcan, Mrs Clarence W. Dolan, Mru. Fltz Eugcne Dixon, Mrs. Harold A. Sands, Mrs. Robert K. Cassatt, Miss Minnie K. Watmough, Mrs. Chnrles F. Jenkins, Mrs. Frank B. Grlawold, Mrs. Gardner Cassatt, Mrs. Robert L. Montgomery and Mrs. William W. Montgomery, Jr. An old-time symbolic pageant, In which more than 2W of the young people will tako part will be held tomorrow after noon and evening on the lawns of Mrs. Alfred V. Balch and Mm. John Ridings on Baltimore avenue, Lansdowne. Among those taking part will be Mrs. Ches ter Pyle, Mrs. Hall Anderson, Miss Eleanor Conway, Miss Dorothy Kirk, Miss Anna Lewis, Miss Marie Cars kaddon, Mlsa Marguerite Underfill!, Miss Florence M. Young. Miss Betty McBee, Miss Helen Statzell, Miss Grace Bond, Miss Florence Conway, Mm. A. Rush Fackler, Miss Edith Eyre Forrest, Miss Marlon Goucher. Miss Mary Gallaghor, Mrs, Charles Pcnnock, Mlsa Ruth Palmer, Mrs. Roland Simpler, Mrs. Robert Steel, Mlsa Alice Statzell, Miss Elizabeth Stew art, Mr. George W. Braden, Mrs. A. C, Balch. Mr. William O. Easton, Mr, and Mrs. Wllllnm H Johneon, Jr., Mrs, Cross well McBee, Mr, Francis Harrington, Miss Isabel Jackson, Mr. Donald McLean, Miss Marjorle Magens, Miss Harriet Ma gens, Mr. Edward Martin, Mtes Marian Mlshler, Miss Dorothy McEwan, Mr, Har rison Matslnger, Mr, Charles Piling, Miss Florence Tome, Mr. Franklin Thompson, Miss Helen Taylor, Mr. Paul S. Wright, Mlas Ruth Wallace, Mr, and Mra. F, S. Meade, Mr. B, M, Newbold, Mrs. Howard W. Head, Mrs. J. Le Roy Smith, Mr. William J, Sharpless. One of the moj Important features will be the procession of the village celebrities, who will be cos tumed In the dress of the Elizabethan period. Notices for the Society page will be accepted and printed In the Evening Ledger, but all such notices mutt be written on one side of the paper, must be signed In full, with full address, and when poailble telephone number must be given. Send ell such communication to "Society Editor," Evening Ledger, 603 Chestnut street. Unlet these requirement are car. rled out o that verification may be fionlble, the notices will not be pub. I.bjI. MM by Miss Mathlldc Weil. South Philadelphia Miss Fay Schuckcr nnd Miss Yetta Schucker, of 1537 South Sth street, havo moved to 2225 North Front street. They will shortly glvo n reception for their old friends In their now home. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Musi wilt return to this city next week from Washington, D, C, whero they havo been on their wedding trip. They will glvo a dinner In their home, 1938 South 8th street, In honor of their maid of honor. Miss Concctta Dl Pascalc, nnd Mr. Louis Musi, tho best man. Mrs, Must was Miss Elslo Milonl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Milonl, 023 South 6th street, Mr. Antony Amorsl, 620 Carpenter street, will spend the week-end nt At lantic City, where he will visit friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Seltzer, of 421 Mifflin street, aro receiving congratulations ot their friends on the birth of a son. Mrs. John J. Gregor, 2104 South 11th street, entertained a few friends at din ner Tuesday. White carnations and white ribbon streamers made beautiful decora tions for tho table, Tho guests were Mrs. P. Joscrhs. Mrs. L. N. Magulre, Mrs. Joseph Kramer and Mrs. Samuel P. Dick son. North Philadelphia A surprise birthday dinner In honor of Mr. Lawrence Johnson was held nt the home of Mr. Stephen Denges, 1355 North 20th street, Tuesday evening. Mr. Johnson was presented with 37 American Beauty roses by Dr. R. R. Pic-, nru ami a set or goia-mountoa narness by Jlr. William Berkelbach on behalf of the many friends of Johnson. Addresses were made by Doctor Plcard, Mr. Berkelbach, Mr. Jere H. Shaw, Mr. Frank Lewis, Mr. John S. Meyers, Mr. Samuel Llttlo and Mr. Robert Lex. Tho committee In charge Included Mr. Harry Smith, Mr. David Hubbs, Mr. Charles E. Blocker, Mr. Edward .Myers, Mr. Soloman Goldstein and Mr. Frederick Smith. MIbs Florino Elknn. of 3208 Diamond street, has returned from a visit to Mrs. Arnold Oppenhelm, of Fnr Rockaway, New York. Mrs. F. L. Llpser, of Now York, has returned to her home after spending some time ns the guest of Mrs. Mark Elkdn, ot 320S Diamond street. Mrs. Isaac Newman, of 1303 North 13th street, has returned from a. short visit to Johnstown, Pa. Roxborough The annual entertainment of the choir of t!.e Central Methodist Episcopal Church. Green lane below Ridge avenue, will take place on Thursday night, May 20. Tho program will include solos by IMr. Joseph Johnson, choir leader; Mrs. Lillian Caywood, soprano; Mr. Oliver Seybold, 'cellist; piano duet by Miss Mar garet O'Brien and Miss Marian Llndman; vocal quartets by Mrs. Caywood, Mlsa Llndman, Mr. Bert Yeabsley and Mr. Johnson; leadings and Impersonations by Mrs. W. Wright and Mr. A. Cavanaugh, and two humorous sketches, "An Obsti nate Family" and "Gone Abroad." Those who will take part In the chorus nnd sketches are Miss Eulalle Greaves, Miss Cetla Buchanan, iMlss Ella Miller. Miss Mary Myers, Miss Laura Cusworth, Miss Mllllcent Fee, Miss Naomi Wilkinson, Mlsa Blanche Oliver, Miss Grace Oliver, Miss Emily Llndman, Mrs. Horace Mc Fadden, Miss Miriam Wallace, Miss Eliz abeth Vandever, Miss Florence Trlest, Mr. Edwin Wallace, Mr. Harry Reed, Mr. James Oliver, Mr. Edwin "Wentzel, Mr. Alvln Cox, Mr. Carl Myers and Mr. Edward Spangler. SUFFRAGE EVENTS TODY EQUAL FRANCHISE EOCIETT. 11 a. m. Organization meetlnr at the so ciety's heidquartars, 35 South Bin atrast. Mrs. Harry Lowenburi. presldlnc orriter. Waya and means ior orsantilni more effettlvtly through eut lha city aiicuised. Koon Open-air mealing on PoatoRIca plaaa, Stb and chtatnut streets Speaker, Mlsa Iiartha Sapovlta. 8 p. m. Open-air meeting at Broad street and Olrard avenue. Speakers. Mra, J. D. Cop. perfleld and Mlsa Bertha Sapovlta. WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY, 8 p. m. Mlsa Anna McCue, organliar for tha Equal Franchise Society tn Kensington, spaaka under ths Vt'uman Suffrage party's auspices at the Prestun Playground. Hrin Mawr. Mia. David W, Horn, In charge of tha Bryn Mr branch, presides. "WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT ?" City Club dinner, Rlts-Carlton Hotel; 7:30 0 Jot-n" Wanamaker Commercial Jnatltuta re view. Metropolitan Opera House. Uroid and Poplar strtatg. 8 o'clock. ltcctrtlon and ntartalnment, Hermon Pres byterian Church. Frankrord. s o'clock. Forty-ninth Street (station Aasoclatlon. king aeulug event) and 47th s treat, a o'clock. Graduation. Fblladalphla General Hospital Training School for Nurses; 8 o'clock. Fras. Svomen'a PiU ASMCUlIea, ILUWJ AdalpfcUl S o'clock. Lansdowne Mln Mary Qulnlan, oil South Wycombe avenue, enleftalned the Delta Beta Soror ity at her homo last evening. Among those present were Miss lfelen Reed, SIlw Myrtle Craig. Miss Alms, Underhlll, Ml3 Miriam Hart, Miss Helen Davenport. Miss Marlon Goucher, Miss Dorothy Humphries, Miss MarJoHe Young nnd Miss Lillian Bloodsworth. Miss Dorothy Koller, of Ilunnymed avenue, won the gold medal given by tho school board for the highest average In German. Mrs. Edward V. Wllkle, of Owen ave nue. Is arranging for a tennis tournament on the courts at Grlfllth Park, to bo held the latter part of May. Mrs. Frank Thayer, of Ohio, Is vlaltln? her sister, Mrs. L. L. Gertsenberger, of Owen avenue. The Boys' Catholic Club will give a piny, "Art for Breakfast," at tho Rltten house Hall thin evening. In the cast are Miss N'nn Haley, Mlsa Gertrude Haley, Mr. James Mcintosh, Mr. Marcus Snyder nnd Mrs. Thomas Culhnne. Frankford Miss Ellen Lynch, of Phllllpsburg, Pa., nnd Miss Agnes It. McCann, of Easton, Pa., havo been tho guests of Miss Lorettn at her home, 7010 Tulip street, for some tlmo past. Miss McCann ulll accompany the choral numbers Wednesday evening, May If, when the Ladles of San Domingo Aux iliary of the Knlghls nf Columbus will glvo their concert nnd dance nt Knights of Columbus Hall. 3Sth nnd Market streets. About CO members of the choral, which Is under the direction of Doctor Burnes. are from Frankford and Tacony. The affair promises to be a big success. Mr. and Mrs. Thoinns Eastburn will en tertain at dinner this evening, nt their home, &053 Walker street, Holmesburg. Their guests will Include Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Swan, Mr and Mrs. Mahlln Trumbauer and Mr. and Mrs. J. Summers. AN OUTSIDER i Si " By Louis Joseph Vance, Author of "The Brass Bowl," Etc Copyright, Wit. by Louis Joseph Vance. CHAPTER XV-(Contlnued). "Oh!" she cried. Inughlng and con fused. "Is It you, Mrs. Warrendon? No, please don't run. It's too late now-Isn t it7-whcn you've caught us In the actl You and Mr. Wnrrenden will be tho llrst to know ot our happiness " Sally heard no more. Tho scene van lshed from her vision as If tho moonlight had been extinguished. It was eomo mo ments before Bhe realized that sho was running madly, as If hoping flight might help her exercise that Ironic vision. But when she did realize what sho was doing, she but ran tho faster, let pcoplo think what they would; Bhe no longer cared; their esteem no moro mattered, for she was finished with them, one and all yes, oven with Mrs. Gosnold. Blindly Instinct led her bnck to hor room, again via that side door. She flung tempestuously Into Its friend ly darkness, locked herself In nnd drop ped, spent and racked, upon tho edge of tho bed. clenching her hands Into two hard, tight fists, gritting her teeth nnd fighting with all her strength to keep back tho storm that threatened of sobs and tears and nervous laughter. It wasn't ns If sho had really cared for the man It was worse. It was the sum of all tho blows her poor, struggling pride hnd fluttered In the courso of the last 24 hours, beginning with her awakening to the worthlessness or .uyiticion ana mo realization of the low esteem In which he held her, nnd culminating In this focT from one whose love she had refused but none the less prized for the comfort It gave her. Nor was this all. Infiddltlon to the wrlthlngs of an exacerbated vanity, she was conscious of a sense of personal loss, ns If a landmark had been razed In the perspective of her life. In spite of those faults and shortcomings, so undfffjsem phaslzed through tho man's own delib erate Intent, and so Inexcusable In ono who appreciated so well what was ex pected of a man In h'.s position, Sally had subconsciously from tho very first felt Trego to be one whose faith nnd loyalty were as a rock, whoso friendship might bo counted upon ns nn enduring tower of refuge. And to have him go from her, protest ing passionate patience, leaving her ex alted with tho consciousness that sho was wanted, to have him go thus from her and straightway fall into the trap which Mrs. Artemns unaffectedly baited the trap of which he had not once but many times obliquely alluded to In half humor ous, half genuine terms of fear It was. It seemed to bo. Intolerable! Tho waves ot burning emotion that swept and scorched her were alternately of rago and chagrin. Granted the opportunity, she could caBlly conceive herself as dealing very vigorously with the man-trap. Some one rattled tho knob of her door. Stnrtled, Sally Jumped up, and with her wadded handkerchief dabbed hastily and superlluously at her eyes, which were quite dry ns yet. Sho did not answer, but eyed appre. henslvely the Cark recess In which the door was set at the end of the unllghted room. A knock followed the noise of the knob. Still she hesitated to reply. Uncertainly she moved toward the nearest wall sconce and lifted her hand to the switch. She was sadly confused and unstrung, her thoughts awhlrl and nerves ajangle. The last thing she wished Just then was to meet and talk to anybody. Still It might be Mrs. Gosnold or her messenger. And that lady was Sally's one remaining friend on earth. She swal lowed hard, took herself firmly In hand, and when the knock was repeated was able to answer In a tolerably even voice: "Well? Who Is ItT" "Miss Manwarlng, are you there?" Heartfelt relief Informed the voice of Mrs. Blandish. "Please let me In, I must speak with you Immediately." Sullenly, without replying. Sally turned on the light, moved to the dcor, unlocked nnd opened It. "Come In." she said ungraciously. Mrs. Standlsh swept In, gay crimson domino over fluffy sklrta and slim, pink legs assorting oddly with the .agitation betrayed by her unsmiling eyes, her pal lor, which relieved the rouge on her cheeks, like rose petals against snow. "Thank God!" she whispered, "I've found you at last. I've looked every where for the last half-hour. This Is the second time I've been here, You Just got In. of course, Where have you beenT" "Does It matterf" Sally fenced, main taining a stony countenance. "I mean, I don't think tt does, now you've run me to earth at last. What's the trouble?" "You haven't seen Walter? He hasn't told you?" "No; I tried to speak to him half an hour ago. but he ran from me as If I were a ghost!' "You know why!" The woman's voice trembled with restrained rage. "You Im possible girl! Why. why did you let Aunt Abby go to meet him Instead of you? It was fatal; It was criminal. Of course, he gave the whole show away to her, never guesting. Now it's all up with) us; we'll never be asked here hgaln, and the chances are she'll cut us out of her. wilt Into the bargain. Why did you do It? Oh, I could shake you!" "I know well you would If you could," Sally admitted calmly. "Only better not try." "But why " "Well, It you must know, Mrs. Gosnold overheard you three plotting together eut there Just before I came on the scene. She ws. at the -window overhead, UtenT lng Uurouga tb shutter. J don't know APHETTr afternoon wedding Idok place .yesterday when Miss Julia dl Giorgio,, daughter of Mr. and Mr Rocco dl Gior gio, of 821 Washington atenUe, became ,4 the bride of Mr. George William Dl Clccfl,.Aj of 628 Montrose street. The ceremony wa performed In St. Mary's Magdalen dl Pat zl's Church. Sth and Montfoso streets. The maid of honor was Mlas Marie Saritl. -'4 Bhe was fetching In a pink gown and droopy bonnot of white and pink silk, Sho carried a shower bouquet of plntt rosea, Mr. Samuel Mitchell wna the bt man. Other members Of the bridal party were Miss Beatrice Dl Clceo, Mies Mary Williams, Mr. Antonio dl Giorgio and Mr. Michael Glzzl. A supper nnd dance wa held nt Beneficial Hall, 920 South 8th street, after the ceremony. The hall was) decorated with palms and flowers. Among the guest were Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Dl Cocco, Mr. nnd Mrs. nocco Dl Giorgio, Mr. nnd Mrs. James Espoelto, Mr. atld Mrs. Barney McDovltt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donohue, Sir. nnd Mrs. Michael PetruMl, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carmlno Ynnlse. Mlas Mary Castrlnganeo, Miss Ellen Robinson. Miss Rose Williams, Miss M. Klein. Mr. J. Kaplan, Mr. Joseph Maglottl, Mr. Jamas Maasano, Mr. Albert Becker and Mr. An dita Scola. SALLASSO-TERSI. A very quiet nnd pretty wedding toolc place Wednesday when Mies Rose Tersl became the bride of Mr. Paul Sallaaao. The ceremony took place In the Catholic Church of Saint Mary Magdetena de Paxil nt Sth and Montrose streets, at 3 o'clock, and was followed by a reception at tne bride's home. A Girl's Adventures what you were talking nbodt she didn't tell me but It was enough to make her Insist on my giving her my costume so that she might go and hear the rest of It." Mrs. Standlsh bit her lip. And her y shifted uneasily from Sally's face. "You haven't seen her slnce " "No," Sally answered bluntly. "Havej you?" "No. Walter and I have both been ' looking for her ns well as you. That'll why ho ran when he knew about this terrible- mistake; ho wanted to find her , nnd set things straight If he could. But sho" the woman stumbled and her eyes shifted again "she's gono nnd hidden -herself plotting our humiliation and pun- ' lshment I daro say.' I only wish I kner Walter is still hunting everywhere for her. See here, I presume you understand , you've fi.t to go now?" "Why?" "For one good reason If what has hap pened Isn't enough to persuade you be- l cause there will be a man here from New , York by the first boat 7 o'clock tomorrow morning with a warrant for the arrest -of Sarah Manvers." 'JAxe you telling the truth. Mrs. Stan dljft?" VHow dare you I No, I won't let you make me lose my temper with your In solence. Tho matter Is too serious, and I've no wish to see you suffer, even If you havo ruined everything for us. You must listen to me. Miss Manvers; be ad vised and go. fe don't, know what put : them on your trots what made them sus pect you were here, but the burglar In surance people had the warrant aworn out yesterday afternoon and started cW man up by the evening boaL Walter got j a telegram to that effect about 10 o'clock. That's what he wanted to say to you that, nnd to glvo you some money and directions for getting away." "But why should I leave?" "Do you want to go to Jail?" "Not much. But I don't see why I ' need. You can easily explain that the things I left In the bathroom were left . there with your knowledge nt the time when you took pity on me with that 'let ter of recommendation' you threatened me with this evening and gave me a change of clothing to travel In." "It's too late. If we had explained it that way, to begin with, It would have been all right But neither of us thought. And Walter bungled things frightfully -In , New York. Now if we come forward .' with any such story they'll think we're ' all In a conspiracy to defraud the company." "Oh!" Snlly exclaimed abruptly, witn an accent of enlightenment that discoun tenanced the older woman. With nn effort, recovering, she sought to distract the girl. "Surely you must see now you have got to go! There's n boat to tho main land at 6:30. If you catch that, you'll have three hours' start, for the detective won't be able to get oL the Island before half past nine. And you ought to be able to lose yourself In that time somehow. Hur ry; I'll helo you pack a satchel. You'd better wear that b' e serge; everybody wears blue serge: so It's Inconspicuous. And here's some money for traveling ex penses." Sally Ignored the tittle fold ot bills held out to her. "I'm not going." she declared firmly. "Are you mad?" "I would be to go with the situation whnt It Is here. Don't you see that, un less thosn Jewels are returned to Mrs. Gosnold tonight yes, I mean the jewels, you were so ready to accuse me of steal ing a little while ago; but you seem to have rorgotten tnat now ' "I wish you would," Mrs. Standlsh re plied, schooling her voice to accents of dulcet entreaty. '"I was beside myself with anxiety" "Wait. If I go before those Jewels are recovered disappear, as you want me to It will be equivalent to a confession that I myself stole them. And suppose I did." "What!" "I say, Buppose I did, for the sake of argument. What right have you to as sume that I didn't commit the theft? No more than you had to accuse me as you did. And until the theft Is made good, what right have you to let me go and, possibly, get away with my loot? Nol" Sally shook her head. "You're not logical, you're not honest with mt. There's something behind all this, rm not going. to be made a scapegoat for you. Pni not going to run away now and hide simply to further your plans for swindling the burglar Insurance company. I'll see Mrs. Gosnold and advise with her before I tlr a step!" "Oh, you are Insufferable!" Mra. Slant -dish cried. In a flash she lost control ot her temper altogether. Her face grew ghastly with the pallor ot her rage, and she trembled visibly, . But what else ehe might have said to the defiant girl was cut short by the sudden and unceremonious, opening' of (he door to admit three persona. The first and last of these were Mer cedes Pride and Mr. Lyttleton. Between them entered a man unknown to Sally, a hard-featured citlien in very ordinary builnees clothing, cold ot eye, uncom promising of manner. Jubilation glowed In the -witch's gUnoil antlclpative relUh of the flavor of trfumn! lent her voice a shriller note. She struck, an attitude, singing, out Sally with. a. de nunciatory arm "There abe 1st That'll the woman wh call herself Sara Manwarlng Now mnM her make her confess what she 40& wltn these Jawel pack hr pit te JaU." CONTWUBD TOMORB4W. U