Newspaper Page Text
EVENIttG i;igraBB-PHIUAI)ELPatA ATXTBB'AY, MAY 15, 1915: wm ITNS WANlJED-flAtB 2 "7riit elerk deslrea responal-"WMlVf- .. .i...-Ti.nv bmUIoii. .rrtEUPt IuiV!i A own repair; careful Mra'ttintrr. oYreWenOo. S.30 2fjiirfu' 65fiI llt. 11 wrt' experience. B f. .if 11(12 Jeaijaaui22-!;-i' MiMJl rL' . - rrm iiriver: artTTSO "'"T-H 7li. lder Central. UMiiiS- settled. &ES? - t,,r, man! 8 years' JE"MXSSuJ-w21 r&J-r:rnt. A veara' exnerlenee! recom. ISUrmuni ""i.,vln thorousn unawjoiw n.t IIWLH"-!- I5isn7 ripqlOMEtl. with shop ana BSDn!eS. dStrci to chanse. O Eggd,.'gittwnffth'g.'! 55W3 iN taklnr orf quantities from .H.ncd I" . -Vli.T. mtiairuetlan exnerl- mlMLjssssLSissi "lrnr nttPT.. years' exp.. oe.i "" U2-2 r, ,.h.. .'i.'i'AT homo neie "ft?.n. ftt lempioyer. Box f'ffgfr' County. Ta. P.Sr.6 couple! man as cookj we n ES sS5.eorki no washln. K. I., P 421. !f v'1 "" "" . 7, j .nal hntlBsa r"Turn cook or ouiier nnu imu.i ..v i"1 "?" 1'th. Phone, r-T- .AMiit willing, wienes pobui 'Si f?n.l h.". Timg'-Ma N. Dread. wlehcs position, "lim WIFE want positions on gentle JU,"5.... first dees cooc or house; V" "..iT.'.ntlre charKo of. .lock and jWi""S7i; run Ford car aim tan caro 'ffi!.Wood ref n 401. Idcer Office. . ji AN 5m 88. college graduate; oxperl "'S.'.nilneerlnR ork, eales am ga SrS5onnl. ,ecretary. pu HS wnilder any line. H TuO, experienced In ana oince; purchasing n iir Sat; tonilder any iceni rTMiiTM telling dress goods for 15 ears UtfgHAn ",ViJ?i r-l nt references. H '.i , ., ...i 8 j ears' experience, desires tgg.rr?.'!.fcn? .oeod ref..PJ 44. Led-Cent. jgwnnijrids.: yf'liTst'ck broker.' H 841.Led.Cent. ;,..-vn MAK with several years experience i?J?'"!!! "ilnnd in "fl manu' country W ..iiK- .. n urrhaalna- airont. salos" ISf in executive capacity r best references. FiOl UlgjrjDfnce. RCKOTiANTMrgh school and commercial ierkUn7eeV"accuraV;Vmh.,.ou.Tnd TKrt 74T, Ledger Central. A"rTESTION, BUSINESS OHEN tuuir energetic, Drignt uuia ana IyOIBLS who como unacr our caro are $:;L ..iiohi for office, shoo or Bfietorr work; NO ClIAnaES. w'..nT-vn.n wnrufEnR nttriRAlI I , 1507 AIICH. lelipnones, Race 337, Spruco 0147. Vdvdt hnnltkj.nnr. TA vpars' exn.. desires JKXlltT. Interview solicited. It S4f.Led.Cent. AUTOMOBILES me- For Salo BISXOI! WANTED Business house, operating ill an, withes to rent building In central JMalon 01 cur, smmuie tur j'ntuir m full details In reply. P 425, u-itra nl rllv. suitable for private sarasc fito run aeuns in repiy. i- i, t.cugcr T "" .";" r.-i. ." "... - inv . . SnOTE. 5-rssenr. tourlna-. complete, with itWtrto lights: no agents. 2.111 N. 10th at. tWVE WILL TEAOH YOU to drive and m. 501 Bullitt 4th above Walnut. W" For Exchange EID3-URD 2-story dwelling, main strcot In IUnx to exchange for an automobiles. M. StiSmlth, Broad st., oppoalto Logan Sta ilffl . ' -I, AUTO TIBE3 nAnoAiv WALSH RED TREAD TIRES Oftilo the scarcity of supplies, and ronse flSttlncrtase In the cost of coloring pigment GWia ths Walsh Rerl Trrnd Tiro, iva hitVM &ddfed ta illai-nntlniin tho mnniirartiirn nf UUli Tread entirely, nnd no moro 'aro to Will when 'our present supply of raw ma iteii!t li exhausted. is tawny of law matcrlali for the uvl ,! will last only a fow clays moro. To St tat our present stock, and to dispose of 6M DOW In nrflcpu nt tnnniifnflurn n 'tC.lT SB (hav BTA flnlnhprl. vn nnT tha fnl. jfenjiit slict In the plain or amooth tread only: HE JO In. x 3 In. at 7.50 each. flWS SO In. x 3Vi In at 10 each. uuIia order, f. o. b factory. w rrlces are lower than jobbers' prices i3 sTIWtila nt Annul nnnllrir nii1 iiAii.lHiAtlAn ISitTirtntee those tires to bo freo from lin os any xina. ooin a. to material nflnthtn In Vin strlMv 'flmlu', nnH t fc4 lam lhn ,.na na.l nl ljh tr the only slxe, except .14 In. x 4 In. ,v.'is, ja iTcaa. wnicn wo oner at J10.0O It ttt entirely satisfactory after Inspection umu. iirts may no reiurnca to us. and Bw win bo refunded without argument. pled goods hao not been used. JffALSIt TIRD AND RUBBER CO. .. .wince and factory, HANOVHR AND 4TII 6TS. POTTSTOWN. PA. 6?T0 I.IVERY AND QABAGES tSS1!?! M9,UBC operating 12 car. nlslie. I mi.m yu"u'"s in central section of city. S&&1 ,0n ?r!va,leJ,:',raSe! lve 'u "'tall. Jt'eply, p 4J4. Ledirer Office. ?..! p?i5. VJHriw."."1? lr'vr. . , ...Jt, tnumiin jBto x, JJ5U8INESS 0PP0BTUNITEE3 lS5?iT0IlB SPACB. 0 feet front, Ocean ??L).1i,.hllli5 -MIhnunt: profitable imtrPlTr. Atiantlo'fcltyf- "'7 """0n lw?i,,10'.W''',J?'''Ph':.- -Part- BwSiHiSa'K ll!ll,'.n"J'5'A n.lnr?eT .-. ....,.,,1 vvm. ii, 0M uea. (jent. OABPET CLEANING ISntPy'i&Y, HAfiCH. .tLTORAOB. CO. .. um., UAT4UABT15K AVIS. 1 OEANING AND DYEING AYtfn vivntma MA1LHOT.1510 Chestnut. teSSMAKING ANT1 Mnxruranv .f.f?0T Attf n'te.,K.. cour... frTTi i mm i - WF" ltn mmi rrr ---. iuf m oc aurnit, A. r.i . ' " emnii Jttevmw Sii iLyo'n". 1R-1 nt. . 'hone, flpruce 2223. gQB SALE in',ci??bS:ii0' ?irta ". lUT ifSr'PTUtS. new ana n.i, .. .... Iff Ktraw, proved tot.l adderT'lioj iBSntSs,? Kr-Konynvas' J&lUSS Ml'1" ' lffik WkS ! ,.1rn',h bitt" lf In' the wS,imonSy;,i.h1! !! other tuny gsssiwAweABiSw yw&W'&Wft3S& uw Dunnes, weekly, Alsi HEATING Km, SSEY HEATING &r;ftrN,-' .'.'. . SSSs: VV4B COAL Biijr 'iff ,',' CI an A O XT VnV." ' -j?'u p n. win JMvjxmyriox ss-Sasias mmsih BTOBAOE I8SM9 So- inc,.; MMh-lsTo""i? jgoW5E5cStVBK IPS AND SUPPMES "RemlTi.w . .. "" aKissQi'wmwL- gTCHS AND CLOCKS it iftZSF, " fBseiis j B iTi i.?'' guarantee. DO BUtt- ROOMH FOB BENT BAMNO ST, 3218 (Tho Chilton) -Two first floor rooms, suit dentist, doctor or apart ment Mra. nelle McCliln. manager mS?.bxl N" OM-T"ow nttractlMt vacancies fur F.1?4.?" IrW' "''Hfl ?ner"oi. i..TK,.Tjr2.wlt" "lld?j southern exposures ex- i!?JlLjllLn-rgmjJ'''1 aummer home. C,r.nfTa2UL?T".4M2-",!,!n1 tAm"y w"l ' .?.? ".'""' ,0 congenial couple for llnht 1M?kl....I,,"mnt- 2"i also comfor- .-.- uni-mniin mom. st noor; pnone. CIH.r.?M-A,i.rc' ,ufn' rnomsi aouth. expos, j contlnnoua hot iir Sprnco Mis. C,fI,?.T?,.UT' 2?,:'. (Lexlnlon)-Lafg. airy front room; private hath; also single room. Dprlvfa .!SHTK1,"ntl;. urnlihed room, . J?nj. jihonetleolshlai porch; red, J,EF,iS.0'? HOT-Fum. or iinfurn. parlo"r -, ,..,.,. iU uatn nnu DeM. nurjHooil floors, 1'iuiVhi,nWfni,SM2'!1,-:,Jtal chlor quarters! ..suitable for 2; nrUale bath; reduced rate. aL7,i!i,.n.VA.JUuBVil l?5nbpp. llbrary)-Kron. auHejprvatjjith comp. turn.; reaa.i hkpr. eSS . h ."" Juble for 1 or 2 persons; . permonth, Phone Filbert. 1M v. Vk B.!4J3,-J,,'T furnTsKinront" rooms; -u miii locaiion. walnut 7180 w. 12TII, o.i 114 lirgo, airy front room for I or 2 Rentlemen; prlvste family; lo. lights. tr.-j i i8TU aT- NM M Handsomely turn. large, airy rooms for re nned peopla who wish home comforts! tingle S-1!! u"e; hot and cold running water; rwlX renovated; Idrat location, convenient to nit lines of trolley. i unlimited telephone ervlca freo; very reasonable, PhPonlarJIU. 10Zvr.Lriil''',pi!'!'?. WW "I" fc- -,,, imu. mum -:q noor; pnone,'i.?"JtK)1""Iluln';,B man ran secure "welf rurnished room In private home; board op- ..tlonal; refined neighborhood. C1IOICE VAOANClES-Large airy foorns." new ly furnished, porch house, sieam heat, else trio light, refined nelsh'd, prlv. lamlly, vlcln . Ity of lnth and Berks. Phone Diamond 2073 D, TWO rooms, private bath, completely furnls'i in, mndirrni owner, 48th and Cheater nv. M . lino, IdgerxarnJPhnVoodlaiidjaiS, BOABDIHO AIJCH. 20U-2015 (Dorchester) - Beautifully decorated and furnished; running water; couples, til; single, to, hotel servlco &table. nUpAP, S., laliATTRACTlVB 2TMtibrt KltO.NT HOOM; TABLE BOAUD; PHONE. CHDArt "AVE., 4711 Congenial business men can get nicely turn, rooms. Woodl'd3842 X. CHESTNUT. 40.HI Attractive suite, 2 largo alry rooms, private bath; rcfa. Miss Hanley. OIRABD AVE., 142i-Lnrge 2d floor rootri; married couple or gentleman i single ac's. SPIIUCE, 1028-80 Desirable suite with private bath; choice table board. Walnut 72S3 W. SPRUCE, 1224-20 (nrlsmonde)-Furn. rooms, single, en suite; private baths; table board. SPIU'Ci;, 12.10 SUITE WITH PRIVATE JMT1I ; OTIIKP. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, WALLACE. 1S21 Well-furnlshed single and double rooms; refined nelgb'd. Poplar 11025 A. WALNUT. 4Ml-2d floor rooms with-board! near "L"; southern exposure; rets, exchgd. 4lST, ST, N.. 2 Pleasantly turn, rooms; board optional; conv, to "L." Preston 2160. 41D, N.. .725 Well-furnlshed front room; re- fln-d private family; summer rates. Suburban ODRMANTCnVN, 2.15 W. Rlttenhousa St., be tween Wayne and Oreene Desirable rooms, singly or com.; homelike Otn. 187.1 X. 5ERMANTOWNR125 Wayne" ave.. weU'rum. rms exl. table; near train, trol. Otn. 5827X. APABTMENTS SPRUCE, 1420 Bachelor apt., 2 or .1 rooms; prlv, bath: turn, or unfurn, ; electric light., uaiawooa noorg, an moacrn improvement s . 8PRI.NO GARDEN. 1010 Excellent apt.. In 8 different homes, some furnished; kitchenettes West rhUndflphlii S. W COR. 34TH AND HAVERFORD-Two large 2d-floor front rooms: prltate bath; $20; largo porches and grounds. CfllLTON APARTMENTS 3218 Baring st. Two first-class rooms, with private bath; sult nblo dentist or doctor or apartment. Mrn. Belle McClaln mgr. Hell phone Preston 0M07. APABTMENTS WANTED PniVATB furnished Mtchenetto npt.. 3 rooms, bath; June. July. Augu-t; West Phlla.; M0; no rooming house. 11 8.11. Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS S. E. 1STK AND TIOGA Desirably locatoti modern 0ronm house keeping apartments; steam heat; Janitor; convenient to trains and trolleys. SAMUEL T. FOX & CO. S. E. COR. 0TII AND CALLOWHILU 2JD AND PINE UTS. DE LANCEV APTS. New, light, 4 to 0 rooms, 1 and 2 baths, kltch;netto; central location Apply Janitor DIAMOND, 21123 rms.. bath, water heat: ref.: 2d floor. $2,1: kitchen, hot- I rms. Dam. kitchen, all cor. rms., $15: Diamond 1813 W. SPnUOE. 2110 Cool, high and airy apart ment, unfurnished, 4 rooms, bath and kltchen ette; for rent after June 1: modorato rental. NORFOLK APARTMENTS. neslrable 4 and 5 room apartments, near Park; Janitor service risnnahlo rentals. BECHTEL..3232 Rldgo avc; J Yliio-1i Annrfmontc 2721N. 13th. 2d floor. 4 rooms jtnrl hath. Apply 2788 Germantown ave. West Philadelphia THE RUTLAND APTS. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST., 54TH TO R3TII ST. 0 and 7 room apartments, with all the latest conveniences: $40 to $15 per month. ROBERT A. PITTS, AOENT Bell phone. Belmont 4413. 5441 Locust st. Oak Lane OAK LANE Apartment of 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette and porch, In ref. fam. : Ideal location- near station or trolleys, Phone Oak Lane 412 D. Photos at Ledger Central. FUBNISHED APABTMENTS LOCUST. 1318 Well-furnlshed apartment; largo airy, rooms: refa. Phone Wal. 7P05 W. LADY having furnished housekeeping apart ment would Ilka to share same with business woman, mono Locust -'443 w. SUBLF.T room and bath In the Newport, and Spruce. L 44.1, ledger Central. Teih West riillailelphla FUnNISHED complete, 0 large rooms, bath; north and west exposure; 14 windows, awn ings: Janitor; West Phlla.: bargain, June to October. PHone Baring 7123 X. TYlMwooo'. N. J. ATTRACTIVELY furnished Northwood Apart ments, 25th and Atlantlo ave.; block from Boardwalk and Ocean Pier. Open Sunday.. Phlla. phone. Frankford 1202 W. y BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITV LET US DO YOUR CONVEVANCINO; cor rectly. ncatlv. Immediately and cheanly. Ask prices, n. I. Mayer, southeast corner 16th, and Wharton sts. BAROAIN-2344 N. 13th St.; 3 i assessed $5000; will take I4M0, WEAVER. 2322 N. 18th St. 3 story. 12 rooms; SEYMOUR Hi APARTMENT HOUSE, price $6500; sis apart ment. 24 room., John J- Kane, 1012 Frank lln Bank Bldg. Filbert 868. 1040 N. SIXTH 8T.-FOR SALE VERY LOW Three-.tory, 8 rooms, good order. Largo yard. W. If. HOOD, M2 Norrl. st. Chestnut BUI PELHAM, MT. AITtY AND CHESTNUT IHLL NEW rfALB AND RENT LIST "READY PF.LIIAM TRUBT CO.. 6740 Oermanfn ave. JLogan TORK ROAD-IBTU ST. Between Courlland st, and Wyoming ave, IN THE 4600 BLOCK PRICES FROM $4000 TO $6000. ONE C0RNi3t DWELLING. $7000. TWO CORNER, DWELLINGS, $5500 BACH. Large porches, wide streets, every Improvement Term, at the convenience of the purchaser, A. IS, ZANR BUILDER AND OWNER, ' SUBURBAN Cheney, Pa. J. ACRES. $3800. 1H mile, station. IIEALD. Wtst Chester. Pa. A, D. Elkins Park, I'a. WESTVIEW ELK1NS PARK Beautiful building tracts, high location; extended view over fine lioraea of Elkin Park, near train and trolley. Prices $1100 and upward. Our automobile by appointment. Phone Melrose 1374. RHPADS & PAUL JMfc-g MAIN ONE. PA. B. 1L Narberth, Pa, NARPERTH'S HIGHESTTRACT IS lots, large Montgomery ave. to Essex via ''Stepney Place" road. Beautiful location, old shade A One Investment In- tr!?i?T.,!X?..i..,0.,n,5.vwllc ron atatlon. r U. JUSTICE. 612 Chestnut 8t Phlla. $ modern re.ldencc, 11 room, prominent yenu, pj through, good order: aj fnaa, Oodiny. 01 Woodtlj ave. BEAL ESTATE rbB SALE NEW JKItSF.I UUNaALOwn. lot. JJxlBO: near trolleyi over- looking Delaw.rei National .Park. Greater . Ntw Jersey company, 88 B. loth. Colllngswood. N. J . . COT.L1NOSWOOD. N. J. A BARGAIN In. a newly-built, up-to-date, R-room, 215-tory house! nil modern Improic, men's; easy terms: payable as renti O. FRANKLIN DAVIS CO. Colllnga nd Rlchey rrtea., . West Colllngswood, N. J. Philadelphia office, 240 South 3d t. lladdonfleM, N. J. HAVE, SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CARET MARSHALL. 531 Federal at., Camden, , Wondbnry Height., N. J. r SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg, lota at reasonable price. John Mayhew. flEABHORT! Bench Haven, N. J, BEACH HAVEN. N. J.-On of the most do slrable lotsl near ocean and bay! 60x100 feet; on graded street; gas, sewer and all modern Improvements accessible; will rctl at a sacri fice; esty termi If detlred. II 819, Ledger Central. Cnpe Stay, N. J. COTTAaES, hotels, apts. for .ale and rent: soma bargains In building lot.. C. Earlo Miller. 218 Ocean et Cape May. N. J. PI.NN8YI.VANIA FAJtMB ISO ACRES, IV, miles from station, Main L ne; an attractive old stone dwelling, remodeled; stone and frame barn, outbuildings: orchard, mtadow, stream- In n good neighborhood $250 per aire .... ir it uimi.t.l U 1U4 Walnut st., rhlladetphla. "Don't Forget the Number." 00-ACRE fruit farm sreclsl! must be .ten to be appreciated. $70-. J. B. THOMPSON, West Chester, Pa, DELAWARF. TAltMH FRUIT FAnat, 14,000 trees In bearing! apples, pears; good stone house, all outbuildings, crop, nnd Implements; fully equipped. A bargain. II. B. McCOLLUM 1114 Walnut st, . ,, "Don't Forget the Number." BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT OWN YOUR HOME This can be done by making monthly payments of from $17 to $150 tor houtcs worth from $1800 to $8260. -, r. nt-iTt 7 ,-1. -.nil, -I II. q ni,ii ... ' -,". - BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE SIDE YARD, 2-story dwelling, main street In Logan, to exchange for an automobile. M. M. Smith. Broad at., oppotlte Logan Sta tlon. BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY 3040 HOMV.STEAD ST.. NEAR TOANKFORD Amenal Kstla. terms. renini-rjurcimsn, o mod, pen.: lnu'ry: open 10 to 0. Mo. Bualnett Frnucrtle. nnd Stores CHESTNUT. 8.11-Store and basement, suitable for houtehold or office snoclaltles. Inquire on premleee, r. W. SADDLER. Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floor. ARCH AND 2.1D STREETS N. D. CORNER 22,000 SQ. FEET IN MODERN TACTORY fileam and electric power. .2 elevators, low Insurance, automatic sprinklers, watchman. n t -Ml--- .trn tflrsn windows and high ceilings Owner management. Apply O. P. PILL1NO & SON CO. on premise. MODERN rACTORY 2,00( N. E, 1 nnO Kminr Peer. 1 . . l..... . ...n.F . . Mn a l.U' AIVUI1 v ' -of ow. Steam and electric power. 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatic sprinklers, watchman. IT n .Mlnira YtrR. tnrft Windows high ceilings. Owner management. Apply a. P. PILLING a. SON CO. on premises. THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS; good'lIgnT heat, power. 331 N. 4th at. Stores and Dwelling. 13S S. BTH ST.-uVn old estsbllahed confec tionery utore known as Knopnle Confectionery storo. mnge ce itinge, u-u uinmui i OFFICES. BUSINESS BOOMS. ETC, WE WILL RENT OUR PRESENT OFFICI.S. THREW FLOORS, N. W. COR. 3D AND CHESTNUT STS . FOR $40 PER MONTH, OJ t WILL DIVIDE. N. P. SLOAN CO. TAUT of llrst-claas office: central: stenog- rapher; ph 702. Abbott Bldg,. Broad ft Race. RENT Office space of desk room; phones, stotographer. 523 Lafavette Bldg. BENTAL LISTS BU-lll NORTH BROAD, store and upper floors. 707-700 Arch at., store and basement. 722 Chestnut et., .tore and basement, 020 Chcatnut at., store and basement. 432 Walnut at., ground-floor offices. 211 N. Delaware ave., store. 240 Market st. entire building. Apply OEOROB II. LEA. 700 Sansom st. WEST PHILADELPHIA NEW CORNER DWELLING, $30 r i. .!.- - i !. i mt end a AU!e:i, or S. C, HAM:, fiGth and Haterford avenuo. S21 821 SOUTH ALDEN Lhlng-hall house tauten m heat, electric llKhtn; tiflWly rnimeu. icy ro a. aiuch, ur a, -.. Kane. &uth and -iaveriorfl ave. S1H Ser-iiiletacheil. porch 8 rrni., mod,. Rood order An. 70rJ tireenwav n. iwun. or iiur.i OERMANTOW.N M.1 K. TUI-rnHOCKEN ST. (near Washington I,anQ Station) 2-story modern wln hotiRo, larKe lot. 0. ClUAH'AM, 3.17 iJitul Title Bldg. Tlojca ailhihrNY. . 1R03 Thorouchlv reinod it. new eled, with electric light", hot-water heat, paper ana rainx Dorcnea: Deautirui lawn; lot 60x15" ft $50 per month to dea. tenant. Oak Iane 1003 r. iln neiww u whio ttvc,;; , or road trolley; 12 rooma, all con vs.: lot SOxlM; .t; open J. rmim tinier, im mnm at. SUllUItllAN CynwyJjTa. MODDRN HOUSE, 13 room, larse grounds, .1 minute, from station, furnished or unfur nished, ror eummr, monin or ny ine year. .JT Htate roan, -ynwy-. Itldley I'ark. Ta. SMALL country place, old .hade, mod, conv.. 7 rooms, beautiful aurroundlma; 8 minute. from elation. - per montn. a, i: bi.oan. MAIN LINE. PA. R. IL Narberth J37.H) Modern houw, larie lot. JO room.: electrlo llzht) central; good n.lrhborhoodi shade, Godfrey. Ill Woodslde ave. NEW JERSEY Uenonali, N. J. 10-ROOM HOUSE, white enamel flnlih. bath, lint.wratep heat, cast aarass! one "ir r-nM. Kara..: one aouare from depot. Richard B' vans, Jr. SEASHORE Atlantlo City. N. J. STORES, Ocean end Arkan... v. suitable for busin.ti. with llroll.d llyln aocommoda. tlons. I10O to 1300 . year. Buflne.s proposl tlons ery atlractlve for summer ....on. Apsrtmenf.. unfurnished. 2 to a rooms and bath, finely appointed, on Boardwalk, 1200 to teuO yeart may b. sublet for summer to ad amaie leistcs. Apply Million Dollar Pier, Atlantlo City, " At. Ion. N. 3. UBAUTIl-UL rimNIBHtaJ new bun. alow, tr. ." n?,!::n'nanf?5i. iV."1'' Avalori, N. J., or Johnsonf Sol N. 4tn at. Capo Mar. N. J. rUHNlSHED cottaes, ocean view, all loca- Blone Harbor. H, J, Aiiovv (uiis.c, Bungalow. Hldg. Phlla, TOE BENT PUBNIBHBD Torresdale. Pa. HOUSE on property of estate .'nft?..0.. .'.,.H- Foerderer, known, a. "J n.lawars lllver: location unar..5!,2,". 7, tkl HI . ns x- peno iui ";,,- .-ppiy iu J'tnnivl . -. i ,, la fh a . a t - - TJe ln Tnltr.lni' U1I1 Jjm.Maeejn wihimu, BlinUBOAN NEW. .mall, well-fui iiUW hou... on mi'ln" trseLnaarYork road. M 643. Ledgeri rSit 0HB1RABLE HOUSE. iull7frTOh-id87hIH: bwr. g bath., .table. cr. Phone ocuit Mi BEA8HOBB Ventnor. N. jr. COTTAGE, and elect IQB, II rooms. I twdroomsk bah electricity, nicely -urnUhTdj nlir1!. og be.ct: reasonable. BlAnvr ia r.r. -.-.; ..-.: V- " .j .f'r m. li..r and -umiHit ivm vt.r Vila- -.- - --- ,-- .--.. .wumu MOBTQAQEll MONEY FOR MORTGAGES w. a. hoop, eia jjgjuua BT, BTONE HARBOR COttaie.,. bunaalow. an apartintni. ror rent, mrniinsa, at moderate price.; .ituated near ocean and channel i all eouv.nlence.. Call, p hon. or writ, for ill us! trateil booklet. S. J. It. Co.. OIK n .MU. ' i - . a, i. T - - i. , I Su h- o r r A T T T 17 , "A -fflL m -, ' i3jviTLrjri-.c. ar Ho I heard that Ortega wrote that Cltlten-You any you were once an I itT-'H W I I wonderful poem while two cats were oir? What mlht vnur favorite " lllf . Jl . s. I I flRhtlriB outeldo of hla window. , r7 , wnat n"s"t your ravor1t y , g M 0?5l Y I I She-I wonder how ho did It, rolB be7 fam" Tvl 11 r He I'robably the mews Inspired Tattered Tucker Dat wld a sausage 1 MB . l HlV v 11 )- 1 h'm' ,n dB centre- J ' n! Mi -J ViyA-l iTT' I A SYMPATHETIC SOUL iJM( W f V J ( iW fi'r T'fr "ii WE.R& MOT SORE V.HE.TMER i--tf,' i.l ,.f'agggi3liaCT-g-e--E " t!rr- E ,(5oT easorbv.'Forwoit "' nsm it lTiirlJTlTlff'lWPia I 1 cumtEs OR A-'AIEW BWDQBN. V aaSiD CiD-HJ r)!wOT'BB-E(l- ' " ' ' mMmm wmmm wrWjtRcvl V'lSlKflr-i4lT(wl-H T',c Ncwlyvrcds Too Tough M?w&mr i 1 i a r. .xyffl ,vt T-. mi V'r-r&esaBt&e&Zs&&2vfiM&yiwirL. mr. J ( I x f . a p- rree. j kiiiw . fi-n . tnr r "rr r Lr""'jr,"KiMmr"nrvi"""f" vm . . . i -bwc i x w r u tgsii8,;cga-(-r i:vSJV&MX asPmu&iwi w AC a J H. k.(l!lwK.vSK. W8rlK&T7 1 tftsZMMvmmvEuiVs. vivrs&QKmiu J. -c JI - -ifrr. rfJ C mzs&22$miiMmmm m i .. swnwmm&tzz w?rji.tfyi-VA.KM -3i ixw Ar n uji WMISBmm 4iMHSi ylaBS?SSS imnm J lwJffl PifilfsLfflF & I lrlS", ii WJSrfil ii will WmmmlMk xwWm-S lK?wft5l.- MijJUf Mmxmte&rwmmw vas w m . ,xr vr iu--s3:-!ea) $ !SS'mHllffiv Vs. fWvtWm, vN 'vit;i,i!RF;:tk Customer The last atealc I rot from KSfl!BJt?Sl7nffn fwfcikJPttCj? ' V you -1 c0"'"! have soled my .noes -with. S3?-MCTsS vS "-r-rf-- Butcher Well, why didn't you do It? t? e??i55SsS!Pl:x!4 ,. -. ...., Customer-So I would If I could have . 0r ?ss35!5lSA B r" pl'P-Ac:ordlnB t0 thla Paper, Botten any nails to so through It. v- ' yO -(Vs w llmHJ'i boiled cow's milk Is not good for ivsVir-vfa-i 'SfUHS bablcs A Hold-Up Jlrs. Topp I guess the paper's right, First Figure Aro you a pillar of th Bluejacket (In charge of party of slg htseer)-Hcre Nelson fell. "PUnCh' dear- J Bhould Mnk a raw cow w" gjnd, Figure-No I'm a flylnc buttrea, Old Lady-An' I don't wonder at It, poor dear. Nasty slippery place! I nearly give much better milk than a boiled i support It from the outside -yI"2 fell there myself 1 one, Record. Militnry Note DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? I ' - "' " 'ggKggfg f I I Hft! JUST I I WLITTHE- i I rrrr tws always &qrs rJL , CO . r-iSLj UHTE. Jl) f?) Am 3 Mi k Ik T m& Wrr1 ?W HW r A I oA3?gg2: 1 ft f it p $$L3. & sMm, - WziW ii,;, JtilT'li .V V&'AZJBmn b XC VVA ,, 'A TA YM ""I , ttot VM .. ,-.,i . yVJiil-UW A J l "SSSSA j , SA VSSA. SS ' , J- , . 'tMVr-.M ,. "VK '," ''a YX Y, '"will i -.'11111 v. -mmm u hPv-i " -j mmmi . u g ) i . Wmil 1 ggft 3,30 Br.. y X 5,35 U 5 4,00 tE5 ' JSJgKggSm&g: crSN. I -y , '- tiinD about GoirtGrv Hr xviB i . !' - " ' i ,va, iv luiui win rv. r " X.'T rs? -r M.V-..- " ' PB dm, -h gq iMP.., Ranfli fnt fnntfaytnnA i ) r iuvCvV'ni I -k. t sv" i V HT Hk ZlZZZZL BM HI W isiv M Voice-Is thla the Weather Bureau? Wfx rW 'Sj4's, NS?- "V. 83p" h 9 ITaio ntmi n olinnrane ! lit Wwiv HWjF W "S'F I . rft I "i " Prophet Don't ask me. If you need fyTx "-jl Afflsfo t . "" v C"riTV one. take It. Chapparral. !. l !; 4Y. Sj c5" '-, r s.rrsl j. ll JIM !. !. rul. II . VLW IW -, I S . 1 .!' -se mil ' N. --. ie.1 r l iiiey uo viuiibo uiucrcijuy lit icito, j Sv; K wMiaVrm,ri J z'" V C5' I -il C . How's that?" (v)W,V'qja T S UJ (A "The Presidents do most of their run- o o.f fcoJVipLJi,- -v i --' .. . ., ... -,. tLl " nine after they're elected."-Judo. " gL,.J3am CJgpfegT.15 rX k-V U.50 M.3I RM. " Ju2 AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME I 1 J 0 I wvr " Lp JT -LJ'i Sml" jtb i i i MTX V HBni an kk eMI jk II II BII BC : 12. VlEf01NS " IMWl-BBM t .- "jfJM. ?H 'VDK&'aJU f Ee Is anxious to provide her recruited friend with some Interest In life' Mgg VPw'W f -" when things grow quiet at the front. Here she la depicted explaining to them H8eP K&' v A how 8ha srew her nr,te tu'lPi o that they In their turn may do something to TjSH x!l ff SVv beautify the trenches they are compelled to Inhabit. C?,..tlf -J-fe))r)34r. i, . , CTj IV I - r , rim met itrtn. nirti j iuivu i O', f diiamf I HAr.GED MY X Lady What caused tramp? Hawed Tlm-The family phytlcJan. mum. H ndrSied m to take ton. walks ater U, and I've been walktn' after 'em evtr alnce- Lady What caused you ta become a B 111 - 1AL4I "Wben old Goldcoyne died h fft xequest that hi dust ihoaW be cttaj- tP b winds," 'Well, his apcidthrift er.n Is BUc41 to tt" !