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EVENING LEDGER- PIIILADEWHIA. "PHTTRKDAV. .Tttwtc i m. KM ) 1 Ktll! ?! 'SLOnLOImNTESUm FROM ALL SPORTS cl HE SMASHES SINGLE TO CENTRE One-Time Athletics Second Baseman Draws Crowd to Shibe Park This AfternooRube Bresslcr Exhibits GlatinT Unfamiharity With the Home Plate By BLEECHER rHIBE PARK, June 17. The calamity kawlers and others who really believe We IeaBu8 team can be a big league f.. without the brains- second baseman s iiurrltd out to Shlbe Park today to see 9 Male Collins Technically, It wag Eddie Collins u)' "" "" . ". ..,, Saturday. E5ard left the dugout long before the Fume started i,ine nis itiiowa or me White Sox, he wore a blue uniform. J..' -.- trnr nf prnhflrrnftumpnt In i manner. In fact, ho seemed unaware SSr!i.i h had done any dnmage to the IK Juck machine by removing himself from A fairly God crowd oans for the most ... .ats. collars and vest, turned out 'for the game, the first of the Chicago rnen nonius f,"--,v- ,",;. . .,,..,, I, ihii rate Collins will some day be as Itermlar as Ty Cobb. .,), messier was hurled Into the ' treech by Mcailllcuddy, hla opponent bc- i ficntt Rube has been troubled with generosity In the past, like other Mnck cltchers. but he got olt to a good start toiy by fanning Folsch, the first man POPULAR FAVORITE i F1KST AT JAMAICA r Hands Off Beats Good Field of . Two-year-old Maidens Over 5 f Furlong Route. Wr JAMAICA, N. Y., Juno IT. ' The popular favorite Handa Off won the 5-year-old maiden race this afternoon liter a most exciting finish. Saslan, a ;u to 1 shot, was In place, with Tatlana third. The 5-furlong tlmo was 1:013-5. The summaries: rim race, for maiden 2-year-olds.' MOO ndd .,nrf ;nei-HsnJi Oft: 112. Warrington, Sin. 1 to 6, out. won; Paslan 112. Troxler, It i ti 1 3 to 1. e en, reconu; inuum, iw, I-arrton SO to IB to i. 2 to 1. third. Time, fi foi 3-3. St nock, Wnytarer and Qlcndale also Kl Hn. SKODd rare, ror 3-year-oini una up. hciiiuk, jri"00. 11-lfl mllea-DInah Do. 100, Hop IW, 4 to S. out, won; Joo DIcbold, 11.1, t;lrnn. A to -. 1 lO t, oui, ocvuuu. i."' r 6 103 Lllley. 8 to 1, 8 to 0. out, third. Hl'm, 1-4U8-3. Primary alao ran. " Third race, for a-year-oms anu up, nnnoinu, V 'itUinf. MOO added-SprlnBtoara, i".."".?;1 lltoi 6 to R. 4 to 3, ttoii: Star Gl",,"". fllllr. o 1. 0 to 5, 1 to 2. aond: itarrv flmi,' "ft 3-5 Thornhlll, Chanco and Nou- ..,,in mlmi run. in...,K m. ih vouthful stake of $2000 '' i(t two-year-olds. !U4 furlonea Paddy Whack, 'All, Byrne, 11 to 2. 7 to .1. and 1 to 2. won; iFnWcomo, lOJ. I-lUey. 3 to 1. even. 1 to 3. ncond: l.!Dnn aonan j.u.i, uuxiun. ",'" - rat, third Time, 1 07. Lena Mlsha, Henry, StZ and Friar Rock also ran. ruth race, for 4-vear-olda ani up. .teuinE. h run w, una ,,,, .iu ...w..n --- vuh lw, one muo ana a tunoii8-i""' f Mirihon. 104. Pits, 7 to B, 2 to 5, . out, lee Jr. 04. i Klrihon. lot, pits. 7 ion, s io ;, oi, r- l mira. ump, - . .wtiiv..., ... nrfleld and Kalry Oodmotfcer nlao ran T Sixth race, for maldena, a-ycar-olda and up, Klllnf, purie MOO, 5i furlongs .wninii, I MTMfCahe). 4 to 1. 8 to f, 4 to B, flrat; Cy iMmlcK, 109. Llllv. iO to 1, 4 to 1, 2 to 1, to 1. a to 1. third. Time 1-CS2-S. .North LlihL Duke of Dunbar. Ella Jennings. Maaka. Hin McGlggie. Peaceful and Dolly aiaaison aln ran. iOLD TOP SURPRISES AT OTTAWA COURSE Winner of First Connaught i Park Event Beats Favorite - by Good Margin. CONNAUGHT PARK, Ottawa, Can., June 17. Old Top upset calculations when h beat the favorites, Billy Frew and PJIIm Fay, today. 8 to 1 waa paid Ka' the winner. vtbe summaries: Itrit race, purae MCO. ror .maiden B-y, ills, Canadian toaled. 4Vi furlonca Old . W. Acton, 8 to 1, 2 to 1, 7 to 10. won: 1 ear- Pop. Billy v, lie. Hums, 8 to 6, 1 to out, second 4ll. s nr '.'. ' f - K nut 177. 2 ivci, ,BH0ii, . - - - Tl ij"U Llr. Time. M. liecia's namo ana uoiuu ? vixn also rtn. . SCOn1 rnr nneiA VlfVi tew ?-Vflr-OldS. Nlllnr, 3 furlong-Gntlewoman( JC: Van UUn R a 1 C s K A 4n K mn Will I'fl.n. 1U, Burns, a io 2. een, 1 to 2, econd, Uroom- ttjlni. 1.0i3.5. tLlttle Olnk. Sands Diamond. kiuuiuk Aiaggie. ici.ennana, iarKiu im TWrt race, purae JtOO, 3-year-olds and up, lellinr. f,,vlnns um rh,,i- m.Q. Metfalf. tj,'0 1. 8 to o, 4 to B, won; Mrs. Mc, lO'l. kviinweu. 7 to s, 0 to 3, :i to n, secona, li KZ. TO, Dodd, 15 to 1, fl to 1, 2 to 1. ,thlrd. FJ1?"' J 'T 2-3. Umbs Tall. Miss Waters, : ainwugau, llarlDei, emiunK s " f;. ssllinj. o furlonca Ooldcap. ICt). Smyth. ?.'.' ? 2 to 1. 8 to S. won; York Lad. US. nelf, 0 to 2. 8 to B. 4 to 8. second; Itlch SJ004 109, Cooper. 5 to 2, even, 1 to 2. third. l,1 17, Dr. D.. Inlan, InquleU, Blrdman "' Edmont also ran. .Fifth fUth race. 6 furlonja Hecoll, 00, MoAteem, j to 0. out. nrot, Black Bay, 118. Met !. 7 to 2, even, out, aecend: Panaareta. 134. una." " Bicu. uut. bi:uiiu !,"K.6 " . I to 3, out. third. Time. "':?. ater Lady also ran 1v a S" race, .puraa 40O. 3-year-olds and,up. i ,,3 ,i"' won, King-Radford, lot. Acton, Sfiri? h.12 to ' 8 to 1, second, Joieflna. 4,-. " -ws v-oiiine, ft io j, even, i io , . P.5?'.MT l"8- Meellcka, Nliadoo. Beau 'ITS. I.llt l.b n.4ii.. T1..I.I; 1l'l. ata. .Kn" ,w Mana. ,uuutui, . , .. southern golfeus compete eUteen at Atlanta Entered Their First Round Today. ATLANTA, da., June 17.-Slxteen er In tho Southern tournament's Plonahlp fight entered their first Bd todav. ti favorites were Nelson Witney, of "riesns, four times Southern cham ' H. o Bmh. Jr., also of New Or- S. former rhnmnlnn C I.. Daxter. Dllas, who made the 13 holes peidav In 78! Prrv Adair, the 15. 4f-0ld Atlanta Viv! Ttrvan lfAard. of R'J'Xon. and Whitney Bouden, a third Q lVf1naaD...n -, l..ti. .A.. V,& jsisrs played pirt of the time In so it i n,"to'rn that they were rorcea 7uny io gather up hailstones colore meir snots. EDDIE COLLINS n !' th5n Pf0ded to walk Weaver Kl Hl,rn.b.tabl! E- Collln8 M I nnebifrit V? ,waa marke(1 hV a wandstnn.?. ht?ir,,nRutrom bluchers and grandstands. Edd e hart ii .,- .... .u. for a Lra.C,ed,0n.a Pa,,t Bil.rt ear In ... C ,e pia,c W"en h trl" - ww, v iiv a naauiiriti ,... scorn WnUh. .- ......., ,ii, uw irom JL , ih,id baic nd f the upper grandstand has a list to starboard to- If the si", Bonnie Mack should know the reason. Pan Johnson and John K Tener occupied the box In that section ti,Eddi? F0.llm, 8l0,! MCond an third in the third Inning, making the third sack by a neat hook slide. He failed to score however, The small bet gamblers who wager on every play In the bleachers had to give Big odds to ee; nnv hi ...,-., ...- former Mackman Collins acted as field seneral for hU mates throughout the lame. Greeting hem where to piny for eich Athletic bit ter. Jack Barry r0er, them In the third bN sing Ing to c-nt e when everybody was playing toward left for him. CLOSE FINISH TODAY AT LATONIA'S TRACK Royal Tea, Oakland and Long fellow Homo in Order in First Race. LATONIA, Ky Juno 17,-Royal Tea, Oakland and Longfellow engaged In a battlo royal In tho first race this after noon, the order of the finish being aa named: Garner, on Royol Tea, managed to nose out O'Brlcn'o mount, whllo Jockey La palllo. on Longfellow, was a hit too close up for comfort. Tho 6 furlongs were cov ered In 1:13 1-5. The summaries: ''C'1. rac' adnnc aclllny, "year-olda and r. furlong-no)al Tea, luS, Clarner, ill.iu, ifjio, nou: Oakland, 110, O'Urlen, .V7u ?3.i0, aecond, Ijngfellow, 103, Lopallle, W.2U, !.hlr.?- 21me- J ' '' Sweetheart Sue. Georgo Stoll, Eure Get, Chllla. Kneclet, Uuy Edith. Ud Utar, Itatlna alao ran. Second race. maiden, 3-jear-olda Jane Strolth. 103, Gooae, 112.40, $.120. J3 0. won: Loulae Stone, 110. O Urien, $1.1)0. $'!:&, pec- ?1?,: 'rlart- 3I0i .pen'riV n' tnlr- Time. 1.01. Stunner. Mollle Ulllott. Violet. Berlnlce! ArRumant, Myola. Mary Catclle, Winnie O'Dny. Cora C. also ran. Third race, aelllng. H-ycnr-olda, and mile and sixteenth White Wool, 108, Ooose, 4.10, 2.:w, L'.'iO. first: Moiker, OH, Garner, 2.40, 2.4U, second, wild Horse. Ids, Lapalllc, H.:,0, third. Tlme-1 til 8-3. Star O'Ryan, Obelua, Lena Aal, Feather Duner, Cordle i. L, 11. Adair and wander also ran. STATE TENNIS PLAY HOLDS STAGE CENTRE Keen Competition Marked Con tests in Pennsylvania Tour nament at Haverford. HAVERFORD, Pa Juno 17 -Keen competition marked tho fourth round of the singles In the men's Pennsylvania State Tournament at Haverford today. The best of tho afternoon matches was the contest between Wallace F. Johnson, fomer member of the Davis Cup team, and Stanley Pearson, of the Germantown Cricket Club, tennis star, and national squash champion. Last year Pearson sprang a blc sur prises by eliminating Johnson In a hard played match that went to three deuce sets. Johnson seemed to havo the better of tho match In the first set. However, his accurato chops ot 10 completely ncelng his opponent. Sid Thayer and Kenneth Kennedy, the younE Merlon stars, were too strong for W. H. T. Huhn and Richard Crozler. the Country Club representatives, and took the lead early In the match. The young sters aro playing in excellent form this year and should give Rowland Evans and Joo Armstrong a good right when they meet In the third round, as the latter pair had little trouble with Stockton and Roger Townsend, of Merlon. Joo Armstrong, former Minnesota champion, now a member of Merlon, started off well against the veteran. J. R. Carpenter. Jr., of the Philadelphia Cricket Club. His speedy ground strokes and pretty play at the net seemed to give him an advantage over the steady game of his older opponent. J. S. Dlsston. Jr., the U. of P. star, start, ed off with a rush against R. C. Mason, of Merlon, and seemed assured of a straight set victory. From Craig Blddle's play In the early afternoon he seemed to have rather an advantage over "Alec" Thayer, 1911 city champion, though as usual Thayer won many points on his beautiful backhand driving. The Merlon star, however, was steadier and rarely lost points on errors. TOMORROW'S RACE CARD AT JAMAICA TRACK First race, for 3-year-olds, selllnr. 8 fur Ionia Ell c 111; Hsnovla. Ill; Goodwood. 1M: High Tide, lOl: E-nljn C. 100. Ethan Aen liS" Vodeies, 108; Alhena, 100. Cheater ton. 110. Second race, for 2-yar-olds. 3 furlonas Little Dipper. 107; Plelone, 112, Sooony. 107: Damroach, 107. Third race, for 4-year-olds and up. selllnr, 1U mlles-Amalfl. 100, Laiull, 100: O-'Sulllwn, 108; Guy Fisher, 103: Lady Rankin, 103. Fourth race, for S-year-olda and up. selllnr. PU furlonga Lllv Orme. 113: Denial). 107; Gainsborough, 107; Ptantageoet. 102; Alad, lis- Mr Sneers, 112. Tale Carrier, 11.1. 'Ya aopiep. 108: Bronx Queen, 00; Ollt Edge, lOo; Wanquln, 112. Fifth race, for 2.yar-old fllllea, aalllnr. a furiongalTypogriphy, 104; Ataka WO; Lily ileavens, lot); Little Alt. M. Plumose, 1": Trals. 104; Divan, 100, sixth race, for 3-year-olds and up, "Ulnr. 6 furlonga-'Andes.' 112, Tlnale lUll. 10,; OeidwoSf. 107: Lost Fortune. 114; Jlna Basey, llTCoyVll2: Barly Morn, 117; Grapeahol. llli FmhwusV ior UlnaUsL 10T. Ahara. 110. Tra-ek, fs4; WainT. citar ana not. jjmmwn T.FjDRBR MOVIES-JUST WATCH HIM, WEAVER OUT AT HOME ON COLLINS SINGLE w - wssw iisjirtnim Wllnn Prlltrt Pnlllnf. Mi.,1. l.j I.... ""- """'" "" " from EDDIE COLLINS IS FACTOR IN GAME Cnntlniircl from TaRo One doubled at second trying to steal, Lapp to Mnlone. No rune, no hits, no errors. Weaver threw Oldrlng out. Scott threw out Mclnnls. Strunk beat out nn Inlleld hit. Malone tiled to J. Collins. N'o runs, one hit, no errors, FIFTH INNING. Scott filed to Oldrlng. Fclsch walked. Deavcr hit Into a lighting double play, Kopf to Malono to Mclnnls. No runs, no hits, no errors. Kopf was called out on .strikes. Dressier out, Fournlcr, unassisted. Walsh walked. Barry forced Walsh to E. Collins, tin aaslstcd. No runs, no hits, no errors. SIXTH INNING. E. Collins doubled to centre. Malone threw out Fournlcr, E. Collins going to third. J. Collins singled to left scoring E. Collins. J. Collins stolo second. Kopf threw out Roth. J. Collins being held nt oocond. Sahalk talked. Blackbourno filed to Oldrlng. One run, two hits, no errors. Lapp fanned. Oldrlng filed to Schalk. Mclnnls singled to left. E. Collins tossed out Strunk. No runs, one hit, no cnors. SEVENTH INNING. Scott filed to Walsh. Felsch filed to Walsh. Weaver singled to left. E. Col lins doubled ngalnst the right field wall, scoring Weaver. E. Collins overran sec ond and wns retired, Strunk to Malono to Kopf. Ono run, two hits, no errors. Malone walked. Kopf hit Into a double play, E. Collins to Weaver to Fournlcr. Davles batting for Bressler, and E. Col lins threw him out. No runs, nohlts, no errors. EIGHTH INNING. Shawkey now pitching for Athletics. Fournler filed to WalBh. J. Collins lined to Walsh. Roth tripled against tho bleachers wall. Shawkey threw out Schalk. No runs, one hit, no errors. Walsh bunted, but Schalk threw him out. Barry filed to J. Collins. Murphy batted for Lapp. Murphy grounded to E. Collins. No runs, no hits, no errors. "COPS" PLAY BALL Manayunk Officers Defeat German town Jlcn, 9 to 7. Catchlns balls substituted for catching lawbreakers this afternoon when the police of the 13th District of Manayunk defeated tho team of the llth Pollco District of Germantown, D to 7. Fellow "coppers" were Interested spec tators. The feature of the game was tho brilliant fielding of Ofllcers Moore and Boswell, of the Manayunk station. An exceptionally brilliant feature was that neither team hail played before. Only two errors were registered against each team. The line-up: MANAYUNK GEJIMANTOWN (13th Eljtrtct) (14th District) Moore, If. Miller, n. Taylor. r. Frith. 3b Reese, !b. llasgeriy, e. Price, c. McCarthy. 2b. Bhotmlller. rf. Kenny, rf. Uarthold, lb. Mickey, cf. Durltlns. 3b Humes, lb. Boswell, cf. Burn ell. If. Cavanaugh. p. Curtis, is. ENTRIES FOR LATONIA RACE MEET TOMORROW First race, selling;, maiden 2-vear-nMa and up, 0 furlonas Flmlitht. Pfl: Blnao, OS: Sir Wllllan rllitht. 01- 'Star JIcGee, William. 101: Waternroof. 10H: Peter Stalwart, 103: Dude. 1M, Syrian. 10(1; 'Willie Holland 107- Oda May, 100; Kathleen S , 100, Justice Ooehel. 117. Second race, selllnr. 2-yearolJs. Illlles. 4i furlongs-Mies Atkins, 01, 'Branchlta, 03, In. crease, 05: Muriel's Pet. 100: Emily U.. 102; Audrey Austin. 102, nrown Velvet. 104, Im portant. 103: Nellie Welles, 10,1. Investment, 107: Aunt Sol. 107: Balvanlty. 111. Trim race, eeinn. .i-jrur-oiqa ami up ur-lonrs-'Chltra, P.I, Miss Fielder, 100: Malabar, 102 Drown Prince 101. Bel' Hoy, 108; Lang horne. 108, Zall 110. flabrlo 110. Fourth race. 4 year-olds and up. fl furlone. Huntrero, 106. Benanet. 107, Transit, 110, The Norman. Ill; Little Father. 111. Fifth race. 2-yrar-oIds, colls 3 furlongs Thornwcod. 102: Infidel II. 102: 'Ralph 8. 108 Inrot 103: Greenwood, lfti, nrny Cul. bertaon 107: Illuminator, 108; Dlaturber 100; Baby CaL 112: Traction, 113. .... Sixth rice, silling. and up, 1 3-18 mllei-'Cbrnrnourelta. 03: Obolus. 01; Con io er 30: Fort 6umter. 10(1; Any Port. 100. Seventh race, advance money . Mlllni race. 3-vear-olda and up. 1 mile and 70 ards-Ala-mtla Lawrinrt. 07: Allerto, M- Wadsnorth's Ca OS; Allan Cain. 88, ' Santa Hule. 101: ailc'koln 101, Brick ey. 103 Fleuron II, IfW KelulramVlOI. Lady Panchlta. lift Five pounds' apprenticeship allowance 'W fter clear: track fast. Richie With Delaware County League i..w Richie, former Phlltle pitcher, has .lilTed with the Cheater Club, of the Delaware County League HI first appearance will be StiirdsrT Cheater, when 1 w III fsc Vis Lvhlltier. formerly of Boeton and the Ath etle. r!Sw nltehlaV for Media Of the 68 players SSmprUng the fcur clubi In the Delaware gSS i four have played a full eeaeon m more In the major and 2 have Plaed S ths T(atet minor lgu in the county. Snowmartin Lands Oaks WH-WMARKWr. Jua 17. The Nenmartiet OakV a won today by L. Numn' B; SirJln , J. Joal'. Bright .. cond al iiuiton's Silver! third. 1... !u t,1.11 1 ,. . ... . . - " "i i-niinucipsm sinco joininR Uhicnrjo, Weaver tried to como in second. Lapp 1r seen rendy with tho bnll. GOLFER J. M. BARNES EQUALS BALTUSROL RECORD WITH A 71 Whitemarsh Expert in To day's National Open Af fair Shares Lead With Evans, Chicago; Brady, Mass.; and McNamara, BALTUSROL CLUB LINKS, Short Hills, N. J., June 17. James M. Dames, of tho Whitemarsh Country Club, Phlla. dclphla. nnd Charles W. Evans, Jr.. of Chicago, shared tho lead over tho field at the open national golf championships started hero this morning, each with a 71. Thcso marks equal tho record for tho course. Dames accomplished tho feat after a most rcmarknblo exhibition of play. Ho got a S3 on tho outward trip and made a 33 on tho round homo for a totnl of 71. Qcorgo Sargent, of Washington, returned with a caul of 76. Francis Oulmet, the open champion, had a mark of 77. Barnes' card follows: Out 4 6 3 5 4 4 5 4 3-33 In 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3-33-T1 Robert MacDonald, Buffalo, flashed out as second with a 72. He was second to touch that mark during tho last three days. Gllbeit Nlcholls, Wilmington, tho favorite thus far, took two sevens on his tlrst nine holes nnd was very high returning, tallying 78. Among the amateurs Jerome Travers was best with another flno 70, a stroke below Krancls Oulmet, while Maxwell Marston, Jersey State champion, con tinued his good work with a "4, which was also the showing of Jack Hutchin son, of Pittsburgh. Tom .McNamara, by getting 71 this after noon, tied .James Barnes for the best round JicNnmara's card: Out 53353454 4-36 In 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 3-35-71 Clarence Hacknoy, of Atlantic City, was ordered homo at noon by the doctor. Ho had overstrained himself in the morning round. Mike Brady, Massachusetts, open champion, pot tho third 71 of tho day, which leave him lli, only a stroko abova liarneo and ono better than Travers, portending an exciting finish. Brady a score: Out 3 3 3 5 3 4 B 5 3-31 In 3 4 .1 3 4 0 4 4 4-37-71 The scores follow: MacDonald Smith, New York 42 88 fO Harry Hampton, inox. Mass 3D 40 7u m. MacFarlane, Balto, Suburban. 41 41 K5 Francis Oulmet. Boston 3i 80 77 Alex Campbell, Baltimore 88 38 70 Tom Body, Fox HPIs Jy. Fox IIPIS 87 41 7b tiocrge I. rarllnfr, Urldseport. . 43 40 83 j.nii ivrnne. Mammon, aiass. 38 40 73 30 40 711 41 40 61 3S 33 71 41 37 60 40 33 73 30 37 7 41 40 SI 38 .iU 77 40 41 St Isaac Mackle, Lyivliburg-, Va ,cri uaieii, riurair.E James M. Barnes. Vthltemarah Otto Hackbarth, Hinsdale. Ill Ueorge SarEcnt, Mashlngton Uoorze T. Siiyres, Merlon Cricket... Jmea It. Thomsson, Phlla C. C. . . . John A Park, Last Hampton, N. Y. Jo SHveeUr. New Y6rk Jerome D. Traera. Uoper Montclalr (amateur) 36 40 73 J. Oke, Hartford 4A 41 H Jamea Hepburn, Southampton, N. Y. 87 3D 73 'lorn Anderson, Montclalr 30 41 10 Maxwell Marston, Baltusrol (Ami- iur) 38 39 77 Alex Smith, Vkal 37 41 78 Daio steer,s. Mohawk 37 30 70 P. J. Topplnir, Greenwich (amateur) 43 8a SI Ueorto Leow, Baltusrol 30 30 78 Wilfred Held. Seavlew 3D 38 77 Umll loeffer, Oakmont , 41 30 8.1 Dave MacKay, Uellevue 43 37 7u (.'. W. Hackney, Atlantlo City 42 SS 60 Or ore McI.oui, Yonkrra 42 43 63 (lllbert Nlcholls, Wllmlnrton 40 83 78 Herbert Strong, Rockawuy, .V. V. ... 41 30 83 Thomas Kerrigan, fioeton 40 83 78 Charles Kone, Pittsburgh 83 40 78 M. J. Drady. Boston 80 37 70 J. J. O'Brien, Mansfield. O. 44 88 62 David O'ailvle, Morrle County 88 87 73 Jamea A. Donaldson. Chicago 42 41 M A. J. Sanderson, Boulogne, Franco . 40 37 77 Thomas McNamara, Boston 41 37 73 Frank Adams, Frencn L,lck eprings, Ind. 30 44 63 41 30 60 37 37 71 30 30 78 30 36 75 41 46 87 42 40 82 30 88 77 37 87 74 83 41 70 41 30 80 38 87 7.1 41 M 40 43 63 40 40 6l H. H. Barker, Richmond. Va.... Kred McLod, Washington Etler Laving-. NflW Vor Jack Dowllng, Scarsdale, N. Y Arthur Held, upper Montclalr. . Orrln Terry, Boeton Kmmel French, York Jack Hutchinson. Pittsburgh.... Joe Mitchell, flldgenrood C. 11. Horfner. Woodbury, N. J. Loula Telller, Canoe Brook Herbert Ijigerblade. Youngslown Oeorge Simpson. Chicago. Havana Vn.l.ftnnl Chaa. Bvana.'Jr.. Chicago (amateur) 33 3d 71 Will 1li,n,ap R, Tlliu 41 41 SI Ben Sayers, Scotland 40 40 SO J. C. Anderson. M.. Vernon (ama- leur) .....40 37 77 Walter Hagen. Rochester .30 30 73 Clark Oorkran, Baltimore (amateur) 4t 42 S3 E. K. McCarthyJaeksonyllle. ria... 42 40 62 Osnald Kir by, Englewood (amt'e-ur) 40 46 M Travera 8I.3S-7.-14J Heoburn 40-47-87 Its Tom Anderson . . Maraton Alex Smith SJetene Low Wilfred Adams Barker J A. Donaldson McNamara A. J. Sanderson Dave Oglltla ..., Srady McLean , Howe Kerrigan O' Brian . 87.11-78138 . 30-33-77-1111 . JS48-7A 131 . 37-13-60 1M ...'.... 30-3078-133 ,. 4-l2-S-ll 4t,.8-7SlM V" ga-lD Tl IS! SO-4A-70 12 36-33-71140 ..;;;.. 40jw-78-is5 ,. 3S.40-78-1S8 34.37-71-147 43-4l-86l 3-40-73 lS ST-S 76 1ST BOYS; EDDIE COLLINS MANHEIM RACQUET MATCHES TO FINAL In Boys' Final Tennis Round F. II. Strnwbridge, Jr., Meets D. W. iUarston, Jr. GEnjIANTOWN'. Juno 17. -Ml classes aro progressing excellently in tho annual tournament for the Junior championship of Philadelphia at Manhelm. F. II. Strawbrldge, Jr.. won his match with D. W. Marston, Jr., this morning, thereby going Into tho final round, whete ha will mcect E. C. Caebard for tho boys' single title. In the girls' doubles Mlbs Myers nnd Miss Chcston won their match with Miss Townsend and Miss Reeves nnd pro gressed Into the final round. In mixed doubles Miss N'ewbold and Mr. Dunne entered tho final round by defeating Mr. Burton and Mr. Morhcod. In tho boys' doubles. Board nnd Moor head entered the final round by defeating Hendricks nnd Baldy. Miss Burton and Miss Castle arc scheduled to play In the final round of the girls' singles consola tion tomorrow morning. P. J. Stlclifr won the singles consola tion title this morning by defeating D. Dougherty scores, :-!. 6-1. Only one match has been played In tho girls' doubles connotations. Miss Levering and Miss Xaylor deleated Miss Barclay and Miss Hooper, e-C, 6-3. Tho spectators present this afternoon were treated to a very fine double match when Stecker nnd Shnrfsln, of Central High School, defeated Strawbrldge and Cassnrd, of Manhelm, In the semifinal round of the boys' doubles chnmplonshlp. The Germantown players took tho first set ot 6-4. Then with tho score 3-lovo In favor of Strawbrldge and Cassard, Stcck cr and Sharfsln rallied and captured tho set, scoro 6-4. .Tho Central High entries then proved their strencth bv taklnu tlm nnrt not nt slx-lovo. Stecker Shnrpsln will meet Moorchead and Balrd tomorrow after noon In the finals. Miss Crawley and Miss Robinson en tered tho final round In girls' doubles to day by defeating Miss Trotter nnd Miss Ross, scores, 6-3, 6-1. Miss Mary Castle won the final round of the girls' consola tion singles this afternoon by defeating Miss Burton, scores, 6-4, 6-3. Final rounds In the singles will be played tomorrow mauling and the doubles In the afternoon. Tho summaries: BOYS' SINGLES-SEMIFINAL. ROUND. F. H. Strawbrldge, Germantown, defeated D w. Maratow. Jr.. Philadelphia Cricket, 6-4, 0-3. GIRLS' DOUBLES-SEMIFINAL, ROUND. Mire, Crawley and Miss Robinson, Phlladel. Rhla Crklot. defeated Miss Trotter and Mlia oss. Philadelphia Cricket Club, 6-3, 0-4. BOYS' DOUBLES-SBMIFI.VAL ROUND. Besrd and Moorhead, Germantown. defeated HendrU-ka and Baldy, Ormantown, 0-2, fi-3. GIP.LS' CONSOLATION SINGLES-SEMIFINAL UOT'ND. Miss Burton, Oermantow-n, defeated Mlia CrawleyL Philadelphia Cricket, 7-S. 12-10, Mlia Castle, Philadelphia Cricket, defeated Miss Spencer, Cermantonn, 0-3, 3-0, 10-8. BOYS' CONSOLATION SINGLES-FINAL HOUND. P. J. Sticker, C. II. 8.. defeated D. Dough. erty. Philadelphia Cricket, S-fl, 8-4. 6-1. OIP.LS' CONSOLATION DOl'BLES-rilELIM-INAP.Y ROUND. Miss Loverlr.r and Miss Naylor. Philadelphia Cricket, defeated Miss Barclay and Miss Hoopes, Germantown, S-6, 6-3. OIRL3' CONSOLATION DOt'BLES, 6EMI- FINAL ROUND. Mils Newbold and Miss Porcher. Philadel phia Cricket, dsfrated Mlsa Ely and Mlsa Welsh. Philadelphia Cricket, by default. MIXED DOUBLES. m First Round. .. Fred Strawbrldge and Mlsa Myers, German town, defeated Ed Cassard and Mlsa Nayler, Germantown, 6-0, 6-4 ...,. M. Duane and Miss Newbold, Germantown, defeatad Thomas Moorhead and Mlsa Burton, Germantown, 6-0, 8-8. gemlflnal Round. M. Duane and Mlsa Newbold, Germantown, defeated T Moorhead and Mlaa Burton, Ger mantown, 6-3. S-6, 7-3. BOYS' DOUBLES. Semifinal Round. E Cassard and F. Strawbrldge, Oerman- town, defeated Balrd and Waters, Philadelphia Cricket. 6-. 6-3. OIRLS' CONSOLATION S1NOL1BS-FINAL ROUND. Mils Castle. Germantown, defeated Mlsa Bur ton, Germantown. 6-1, 64, BOYS' DOUBLES-SEMIFINAL ROUND. Stecker and Sharfsln. C. II. 8. defeated Cassard and Straw bridge. Germanlonn. 4-0, d-l, 6-0. WOMEN'S MATCHES OFF Delaware Tennis Tournament Play Re sumed Tomorrow, WILMINGTON'. Del , June 17. The Del aware State tennU rastehes for women here have been postponed until tomorrow. Ilellboy Nines to Play The undfsted baseball turn, cosnpoeed of Bingham Hotel bellboy, will ltoe-up, with "Front." national paattioera of the Vendla. tomorrow aitexwoon as o" t,-fc -,, aide avenue, -.. . ra-fc . aK.a .. a. -J 1, 1 The game will atart at 2.30 The Blusham battery will he Coleacaa aud Sn. whlla Kelly and Walah wUl do tie ! work far YaodW. wuia. hvy IS SOME MAISEL AND ItUNS SCORED BY MAJORS THIS WEEK NATIONAL tavw 0m. JFon.Tiira.Wed.Tl rluh. rhlllie Boston i , , New York ,i t'rooklyn 2 2 Pittsburgh 1 t Inclnnatl ,. s m Louii a l thlcago fl ., 0 AMK1UCAN tEAflOB. rinh Sun. Msi.Tu,Wed Tl A(hltl. I New lor",!! I H'Mor. .... Washington .. ' lwrolt leieland .... n t.nul Hikago ....,., i 17 4 2 1 a 8 FEDERAL LEAGUE. I . Club. Sun. Mon.Tues.Wed.n. warlc a I Ha'tlnrore .. Hrkln I lirratf 4 riMbrah n t'hlcito , T ft l.i nis h Kflnaan ilty $ 2 3 3 1 J 11 .1 II SULLIVAN AND WHITE MEET IN RETURN GO Box Windup at Bronthvny Club Tonight Notes From the Roped Arcnn. Harry Sullivan Is In tip top form for hla return match with r-rnnklc White at tho Broadway Club tonight, nnd he la fully confident of reversing tho decision of their flnst light. They put up n rat tling cetto recently In the fifth bout Dddle Dorsey nnd Noah Mitchell, gem men of color, will meet in their 'stccnth scrap. Tho program follows: riret bout-Left Tyler, Southwarlr, va. Frank Wheeler, Manajtink ..Htfon,1 bout-Freddy Russell, Little Italy, vs. Eddie Itaudo, Little Italy. Third bout-Willio Benckert. Southwark, va. Johnny Lincoln. Bell Road. .ronr,,,n,A0,u,-a,0,?e Blackburn. Falrmount, va Bill Hlaler. Smoky Hollow. Semlwind-up Noah Mitchell. North Penn. V;..F1'1II Ppry. West, Philadelphia. Wind-up-Harry Bulltxan, Southwark, Ta. Tra-ikle White. Little Italy. Two open air shows will be staged to morrow night. At the Fnlrhlll Club John ny Nelson nnd Willie Houck will appear In the windup. Terry Martin und Eddie Revolre will meet In the star number at the Ludlow A. C. Fairmount fight fans ore anxious to seo their favorl', Kddlc Doyle, in action with Young McGovern, of Richmond. If tho match materializes tho kids will meet at the Falrhlll i lut. In the near future. Barney Ford nnd Joe Hirst, Southwark rivals, practically aro matched to meet at the Broadway A. C. The fighters havo been "slinging mud nt each other for some time. Muggsy Taylor expects to mnke final arrangements tonight for the bout, which may bo staged next Thurs day night. Pop O'Brien has arranged an nil-star show for the oponltig of the Garden A. C. Monday night. Eddie Itoolre and Sailor Grande will meet In the wind-up. Other bouts follow: Rcddy Holt vs. Terry Mat tin. Young Jack Toland vs. Gus Lewis and Franklo Hart vs. K. O. Far-rell. GIANTS HAVE HAD SORRIEST PITCHING IN NATIONAL LEAGUE By GRANTLAND RICE The Duffer Interjects (After watching shots leave the club heads of Oil Nichols Chick Evans, Wal ter Hagen and F. Oulmet.) The Duffer itood he-aide the tee And watched the ball careen Threo hundred jorrfs upon tho line Along the Aitcien. Green; He saw them suilpo with wood and Iron, With braasle and with spoon, A white streak always on the spin Against the sklo of June. lie saw them follow shot for shot, And drifting from the tee, He saw them plunk a mashle pitch Ana sink it for a "three",' He saw them plunk a maahie pitch Tico hundred yards or more, And holes that cost him "six" or "tight." He saw them grab in "four." Shot after shot upon the line He saw them drive and pitch; White streaks against the open iky Beyond the guarding ditch; ' Until, bewildered by the whirl Of pars so neatly spun, He turned away and merely said "Aw hell, it can't be done." The Giants, as proclaimed In these dis patches, have been hitting the ball hairier than any other entry In the Na tional or American Leagues. They have an average at bat beyond the Tigers, Braves, Bed Sox, Dodgers one only a point or two shy of old-time Mncklan marks, when Connie's pulverizing ma chine, was at its best. Which, coupled with their present position, is a terrible knock on the pitching they have received all year. It Is doubtful If any ball club In major league history ever drew worse pitching than Perritt. Jlarquard, Mathew son and even Tesreau have been yielding since April. For when a club can lead a league at bat by a fairly thick margin and Its pitchers are dragging even this offense down Into last place, .the answer Is fairly obvious. But Would This Be Neutral? Sir I know Harvard has a good crew, but after watching Yale take a workout the only chance I see for the Crimson Is to Qermanlie the situation and torpedo the Yale shell lust before the race. Other wise there will be nothing to It. "Is It sportsmanlike." queries a reader, "to cut a tennis ball?" Ths depends on whether or not the cutter uses a racquet or a knife for the sprightly enterprise. "Speaker, Hooper and Lewis the greatest outfield In the game," says an exchange. Possibly But we'll take Cobb. Crawford and Veach for the first club we buy and make an attempt to stagger through before the next drafting period begins. , Starting Another One Sir: Here's another one of thos argu ments. Glen their full strength, with all In the best condition, whleh wouW be the best club In the country Tigers, White Sox. Braves. Phillies, Bed Sox or whtehT I'm betting even you'll back eJthar the Tigers or White SoxT LAHHi r. COBB ON THE BASES 11 NTRES B. W.CORKRAN LEADS IN ATLANTIC TITLE GOLF MATCH TODAY Baltimorean Has Top Card of 81 at Wilmingcon Tournament; T. W. Sasa cer, Maryland C. C, Sec ond with 84. COUNTI.T CLUB. Wilmington, TJ1 , June 17.-A field of St golfers ted up at the Wilmington Country Club this morn ing for the first half of the 36-holes auall fllng round for the championship of the Middle Atlnntlc Golf Association B. Warren Corkran, of the Baltimore Country Club, and who has played in ft number of tournaments at Philadelphia, was low scorer upon the conclusion of ine iirsi round, wun a card of 81. CofK ran went out In 39 nnd came back In 41. tho return Journey being marred by a nlno on the long Hth hole. His card Out 4 4 4 3 5 5 3 6 6-99 In S 4 4 4 9 4 4 E 8-4.-M High scores prevailed throughout the round, due chiefly to the rain-soaked course. Scores of the afternoon should be much better. An excellent round of 80 this afternoon by Corkran virtually assures him of the qualification round medal, for with most of the best players In which he leads by threo strokes, with a total of 161. Sasjcer had an 80 for the second round and a grand total of 164. The best slnIe rmthd of the day was made by E. B. Eynon, Jr., of Columbia. This morning Eynon wns In J5th place with 93. but this after noon he made the round In 77, and for the time being Is third, with a. grand total of 169, Leading scores follow: Oat. IB. Tl R. Wan-en, Corkran. Baltimore,.,,, 3 4'i l T. TV. fiasscer, Maryland 47 4. ( T. C. Jenkins, Daltlmore . 40 4S Hi flnnur Aicu-orse. iwimingion. ,, . i jjuiiom t-nry, isammore...., 41 44 S 41 4 Si n 41 t U. , iu-myne. t-oiumnia ,. , J. D. McKay, Virginia ii i.. recK, lrgima (Allan Laird. Chevy Chase. ..'... Oeorire Small, Daltlmore . .... nvarren Tyson, Wilmington W. P. Wood. Vlrclnta n 15. Jackson, Baltimore..., J. R. Smith, TVIImlnjton , L. L. llarben, Columbia .... TV. O. Jones, Jr., Wilmington, .t. C. Davidson, Columbia.,... TJonald Woodward, Columbia. II. V. Bcott. Jr., Wilmington.. T. C, Derssett, Daltlmore..... O. 1. .lames, Columbia J. A. ReMn. Virginia Rivera Fleming, Virginia n. n. Morion, Virginia E. R. nnnn, Jr., Columbia,.. v. Tvenn Flllott. rwtlmore... H. W Rhodes. Wilmington.... ..... e 44 M ..... 43 4S IS 47 4t SS 44 41 KJ 47 43 BI 44 45 D ... . 99 SO .. 44 43 S ... 47 41 W ... 43 43 tfl ... 44 44 M .,. 44 4A It) 01 39 90 ... 46 41 DO ... 43 47 K. ... 4A in Pi ..... 49 43 VZ 42 M k. ... 4R 40 V2 49 47 Ua O. K. MrFsrlan. Wilmington.. 4B 47 V3 43 4 va 43 43 VI 48 4S U Col. J E. Smith, Wilmington. .,, .1 3. Armstrong, Wilmington. .., D. R. Olsh, Columbia SECOND ROUND. 1st Out. In. rnd. TL 42 ss si m 40 40 St 131 37 40 IU Jin 41 40 o. in 4a 41 no 174 44 41 DO 177 H. Warren Corkran T. TV. Saascer 1:. H. Kinon, Jr. ... 'Rlvrr Fleming II. P. Scolt. Jr. ... TV O Jones. George Small Donald Woodward ...41 4S S3 177 ...43 44 !ft 170 R E. Jack. on 4S 41 aft 7I M. Tyaon Elllcott 44 4T 92 170 U. V Olsn 47 41 04 151 With Evers back In shape and with. Rudolph, James and Tyler working up to best form tho Braves run first in tha allotment. They look to tc the beiSt rounded machine of them nil, with evrfry cog in the machine in place. Butas conditions stand now, the threo best clubs In baseball aro White Sox, Tigers and Red Sox, who look to be several degrees stronger than the first three entries In tho N. L. Among those required to make up the two billion soul on this earth are many various types Including that which Is rilling to pay .6,000 for a story of Jess IVillard's life. .Chick Evans may not be the greatest putter in the world, but we'd like to ex change golf games with him, putting and all. Such Being Existence While New York Is mournng the ab sence of a league leader, affairs might be different If the Giants had the de fensive strength of the Yanks or the Yanks had the batting power of th Giants. The Giants have a tough time winning even when batting above par, whereas the Yanks start to back up the moment they begin to hit. The tough part of this, and other games, being that you generally lack what you need the most Ty Cobb has a lot of pride, but he has never yet been too proud to hit the ball "Ballplayers of the present day ae getting over twice as much money as ball players of IS years ago." And playing about half as much basebalL Al Belch Stops Al Norton KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June 17. -Al Releh. of New lork. knocked out Al Norton, of Los Angeles, In the second round ot a schadulea 10-round bout here lut night. CUSTOM-MADE SILK SHIRTS $1 cLp (..SO Koch IncL Your Initials Hand Erob. Ilerzbcrg-QIaUman Co. 1208 Chestnut St. AMEltlC.VN LKAOUE " BASEBALL TODAY SHIBE PARK ATHLETICS v. CHICAGO GAME CALLED AT SliS P. M. Motordrome breeze Tonight, 8:30 : Tonight, 8;3Q 40-MILE MOTOR-PACED RACE SENSATIONAL MOTOSCYCLE RACJ5S Admlsaloo. tie and Sue 10,000 Seats, tit LUDLOW A. C Mill and Chestnut fits.. West Philadelphia IIOXINO. open-air. Friday Night, June It, 8i50 aharu. TUud-ou; KIlllIK tr., va senna 141,11.1 Admbsloo. He, SOc. 16c. It. HESAS IF YOU DON'T TAKE ANV 6T1CK TO THE ANP THAT'S WHAT I'M t G-UES5 VOU'R-E PACr., Hey mah, hanp me THtsRe MANAG-E-R-'S OrUER$ CHANCES ; 0UT- &ONNA JOO EVEf-tET ON t WONPER-lNCr WHAT MtfrUOEPOT; THIS5IS ALL A&OUJ K BASTE, C vtccZ&Sr BUT IT'S THEV THAN Kr-w)( . .-r i,r vmm " "i"1 m ' 1 f " - J v W 1 M - , & Jl 7v iQ, (MGSf 4Soc( , '-- r PMiaMsji