Newspaper Page Text
Hrrimmwmwmjj&gff. j fl . otes ana comment on Diamona Art airs r.isfi' ene-hnnclert stop on Crawford MJ? T.t InnlnB wits the llcldlnK tea- ILi tho game, and It was on of tho Irv.f nlays mado at Shlbo Park this SeMon. Kbnii Oldrlng was robbed of a lilt be bR.11"" t.u T,nrjn was on first when Bush Picked down his drive to deep short. WS..Z ia no chance for Bush to net E51, t first, but ho threw to Young, getting ""' ... ner Mack nns several youngsters j ttf be promoted to tho afternoon f"e ue Is McOllncltey. of Massac BRH..14 Kgtnis11 wWrkeff received cretut lor a wiw pltrh Rfon lie fanned Cobb and tho ball got Ri from Lapp. It seems like an In Knte to give n man a wild pitch when HP?1... .- n,. rnhti ronRlrlern n. hnll ernml icah to swims at tt sPU.. n.irnlt Infield as completely tin 's when Melnnls turned tho ball down K.t KavanauBh for a triple. Slurtv" W Havana' ',--, Mta ll 57,,-, hits In that direction, ana Kuvn Ksr.i, ver even got ins nancis up, HMh never even b..l HiVI" , ... H-Vtis tlay tnat avd l'10 game for the KiMitlcs was rcopra reni in KnoeKing 1.7. Veach's tcrrlflo drive. Vcach beat l'!"1?. J .l Vltt tried In BRrtrn nrw! lulnfils nailed him at tho plate. Kopf Improving wondorfully. Ctfiranaush picked up a stow roller K Kopf and tried to beat Bill to tho r" though Dauss was covering. Had SiSrown. Kopf would novo been retired 6?:.?w hut Kopf beat him to tho bag. ;TlljM is nothing- wrong with Wyekoff's !: The way ho disposed of Cobh nnd fwitford with men on bases was a treat. 'S ,(o fanned Jacobson and D.iuss in Ijlneh. llicobeon, tho Tigers' utility man, who iitted for Stanoge, Is the largest out sider n baseball slnco Bill Lang's day. ft lUnds 6 feet 3 Inches In height nnd 'itllha 05 pounds, but ho Is mighty ti' trlDle In the fourth Inning was lha first hit of the game. It s not often 'Kit both teams go that long without WUnr one safe The Tigers did not Get ra tit until Veach singled In tho sixth. PUBLIC eJ LEDGER CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY nil STTI-E TYPE (or like this) I S innrttoii . , lo per m thin insertions In a week 120 per n Ittia eonaecutUo lnacrtlona 10c per llni 'bullions wanted, three Inser jUnilnaweek lOo perllnj THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) t Fermttted in all classifications except Help . ial Situations Wanted, Lost and Found. Per- troll, Boarding and Rooms. iCri Iniertlon . 20o per Una ItrM Insertions In a week 17So per line Eevm censecutlte Insertions lac per Una 'All rates are based on nrato measurement, V i;ils lines to me incn. tBATH NOTICES either paper KlOlints, ens time Boo I Wa insertions Jl.WI DAILT ONLY I Effect December 1, 1$U. COMBINATION RATE fat !trtion In both thn marninir and evening Hiptriot tame day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER "V (EVENING) Kiii four centR per line net to rates given JUPM. ' iHELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED iDVEIlTISINq IN THE I'UIIUC LEDGER MI HE IKBEIITKU IN TIIK CVCNINd mGEIl WITHOUl' ADDITION Al HARQK. There is a drutr store near vour Dme that will accent Letltrer want ji3t office rates. F HELP WANTED FEMALE EILL CLEmf tn nrinnralA at flmir. nnl.t. lMireood operator, stnto salar nnd rcf- gcs. to, imager Branch. Sfto Lehigh. fisii A cnamDermaid. bins Ger Prots. ion Thursday afternoon. CPU W. Hortter st. FSiK.0 .?n1. downstairs work; neat, clean !fH: ""y In suburbs, no washing Meet fenlocT"0 Ledger ThUr8C,ay VltT . . .. - . . fe RESSriwt n.,1,1 ... iKil?..?' "f'jTf1?88 walst "er In largo nn. """"'snmeni, only woman with SSi. -."'f1??66 wan'ed, good opnor Sffii'or rl8ht Person. L 617. Ledger tOPCATED woman of lood tbireT. nn,,.,r.mA"..0' . !? . Je"onallty to fflta inJ I ti ' "wwiuniiy; salary, commis iKrieVJr f"inS ia?!l- A', ailinilan. 1321 nlty; ,. . -v.-tc, aj mm 1. .HH 1TIU.....J ls . . ifi OrfJidresa U 182l branch Ledger. 7th iSEVPTf ftAllnn... . St hi. ti.&,vt',s? ,or enl"' o: 10 years: '""" Pa. Or by teleDhona Arrlmnr. 7JK iliMl.H?US.?wonK-Younr Protestant lKS.fali '"r-'must b.ptaln cook. 110 Soft fas tv "rumo"i " mono Ara- tiTOi',nre 'or en'rl hoJse Uu 'fc-ISKS'A f taklnjr care of children. wsmmrT tor housework; M 123, Led Off. - -""' wooKi no wasn, SSL.?). aini ilfi.T "a"u v oncn ror a rer- !im..f.""'"un; one possess ng tact and po: JJerleiirV V r Mr' na,e preMous business wiatS f", if,rr"k "commended; will bo iyrJ!'DV8.0Yidxe,rOr1ff,dcaeUyiea,"y neri...V V.ed not hae prelous business ttu deoafnTiSf Ponallty, mature, not ", !,pi"ifn,i whlo or part time, to l35M?t.t",'u,Ie.ti,,lnMi Position worth Bui ! qualified person Qivo tele- smvfr..-m ... ....... 1 4n (Um PlnlH fbtc.J"a..50y a yeara: refemnrn ramilrrl. MjsiT irt 1- u : reijsrenco reqi llr fir,nT,r .1,S?,2 Chestnut Illl. -s"f oranch. Rin n.min,A.. .... . iarT -- ..,.,. . twt. oni l,i rotV.,a.m7 eapabls: but rel lgoneUdy. m 781. Ledger Otflce. "Wuat KaTiiT aU.,naP " cigar siana; iVS. ,"" i11"' unusually at- UUaiivi "" woman 01 energy uU. no canv. H 640. Ledger Cent. S?PSt advice KtUDtiV?. aP CLERKS. Call lo Wn for in .aiLea"p. Central If you ara sear aplr.i " 'MtuvB uuvenisemenE, ?mufiSU."'vf tI,-,h COMMERCIAIa L nillion V' ,.a" lo '"oaio Wfi5.r,SSwfttai wnfldentlal l5iJ!!vm,.'or "!ot "lt.n sooner, but W&ri w,?,.'e,lat'l,"' lou hav'doni M I irvi iw,n' t0 tha yesterday ETi.i ' It very much. Thmrii.ii, mi t fiS? .hU ba busy, but that Is Wl'J? lo? tU'r r8 V,ry nU ot to 20t "r't ' h trouble : isl. i ' 'Of me, and I hop I shall nia.srV..X! Mm " " tim ai, tu. w $B WANTED-MALE itftSi,1 'r office work: must h neat u: rivo an i. i - -. - f '. libi orf' """rj ?. . ssniwffii?.a la own tmiisai:?him-iis gKP'ls of .. ,'!!!n'P o. not under Meamoid r5iJn '. Kensiorton or jfttssuinl for errand nH .....i .,..' "l"!!1" AUrum In own gef Ofgf."1' aa ' Pt4. sj'i?' fni"1f f of8o.-"mui S Cot,i: "'-" " nlint "...?-? " u power ?a,d ' j-'Si' fSi'TtSX'S KT niavr "" "--- rrrrrr- .? lhe9t SMfta. r. .n, t T- " Vttm.B. AVtaVl- ! fori 'itV'"' r, of 0Pcal Inatru len Apsly SyanlErni-rf lr. w nti ApiHy Frukford Ar oUtli ( as experltnm n4 PHi iKkj-h rxperU.Hsd aut j il operators for lathe. J. 1 tjlrln. .nlll I . I t'tSf -:","LI ' s Piy EVBNTNa , HELP WANTED-M ALE merchants prVffrrM r?9l"1 with lowil I" tight mA. Ar1.,1,"',l7lri n, "mmts.,n 1??JIS.. 0"1' AaIf T. IMstoffice S'TrtrT! ", ?SsSlSrBVr,.rnn ,0 "" eTn7i netwttn ft sni o.0 . m " "n.aen. VAKTKti in.C.trT" : tllo buaina... "!.? ' J1"5' ,0 Il,rn rnercan- SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE exppMcncj)jaccraip, tellable. J J6, Leu, Lv 8 ', 5M?.',',p,,t' Mllott-Flsher cerst, di?I?SiPerlnce It tQl, ledger Cer r: Cent. cltt&W.Wt-&i :i?nt )m . -t -. wir !. nou t, inyior At nrv J7.r? ,"ni n.ahlnl othtr chanter work and pinin tawing. 0 BM, Ia&. ornce. rMh"2:"J."";'. young, experience nnd r",",q ."'" leterpnfo ! 101. Lcdser Oft. Cwo'nUIJ3 xreflend Scotch rrotntant M im 'tf. r!Jr''ncoa' ehlldren oier 2. - Jl ia- L.r OtflCC. i TnV,WS1:'i"5 S.WMI1 IS. go lo At- -- .. r.1.. uihi leiH '.U il. Id Oft. iyoaplal retcrenoo M ,,i,.r of he or cVnVlWi,mln- t?0' C60k chambermsW. Uvim ",S hoiuenork. wnnta situation, will leave city, l'non a or call nop Ualiilirjjt c , ... , " ' igii-c ii'w l'iprrp , SiiiK;111"'1 lad,,L " mpnlon; congenial homo moto nn object than Mlnry , 107 fj. oodtock. C?iiK and ohAmocrmalil and wnltresa. two sl ifi'A0"!11' n.. Call Hoom isu, Pub- ..iv matr, inura DCfRCgn 10 & 12 o'i lock. C2JJt..ehainb'l?,al4 nn1 altrM. whlteT 5?"t s-rr J'-'a.'.horo Apply rreasnt emplojor, ..4117 ANnlnut, Jlarlng 7Jil) V. COO&""5!'n,n, rro'eetant girl; no other work; JLjjgtor aeelt. M US, Ledger Otflce. C9.1i, C(,,nPetnt, Enpllsh Protestant, desires poslt'i on. good lets 1520 Falrmount no COOi?y1l55! "eailjr position, best references 1"3 E. Oxford st. EXPERIENCED colored" gl'rl wants" chamber work or homework: rets. 1014 Nicholas OIItL, neat, oxperlenrod. American, deslrei cnamberwork or cooking, preon refa. Phono Preston 42B1. 31 Ledeor Branch. J307 Iicust. OIHL wishes situation for cnamberwork, Prot ealnnt, experienced. D 6;o. Led iter Office. GOOD cook wants place; no objcctlonto coun" tn. 2220 Summer Bt. GRADUATE of Dryn Mawr College would bo visiting tutor during tho summer for cht, dreu living along the Main Ltna or would trael. references. M 122, Ledger Office. IIIOII SCHOOL QinL desires clerical work; wining, aqapiame. ll SIP, Ledger Central LADY would llko position for her chamber maid; first-class maid and willing to da wait ing, Apply 1C21 Locust St. before. 10 30 inursaay ana tTiaa mornings. LADY closing house wishes to place youmr flrl for chamboruork and waltlne; Chestnut Illl or Atlantlo City preferred. Phone Cheat- I1UI JlUIOJi. LADY closing house on 22d wishes place for maid and waitress seashore or mountains Preston 2972 W. 3321 Chestnut. LIOHT household duties, refined Prot. woman, good home, small compena'n M 127, Id OJt MOTIIER'8 HELPER or comp'n, ref., ennabre, Prot., best city rots M 1J3, Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER and correspondent, excep tionally well educated, with unusual ixperl enco: capable, of producing results, hinrtlinir detail;, nccte, & collcc. etc. HJH1 Led Cont STENOGRAPHER Neat and dependable" would consider moderato salary with opp,,r tunltle3; references. II 117 Ledger OtTlce STENOGRAPHER Si bookkei-pr. recPIH grnd , wllllng,wlll substitute. II IMS, Led. Central. STENOGRAPHER- Knowledge of bkpe., two jearBcxp.; Al ref J 131, Lodger Lontnl. WAITHESS-Colored, experienced: home or stay nights... It lVJr 10th and Federal sts. WANTKD Sltuatlona for tour maids, cook, laundreBS, parlormaid and chambermaid; Bja shore preferred. Apply to Mrs. Shober, lltl flpruco st. Phono Spruce S215. Will bo frea on 20th. . A UNIQUD servlco la rendered through the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT at LUDGEIt CENTRAL to emplnjers who aro In need of bookkeepers, stenographers, clerks or office help of nny kind. Telephone Miss Dan. Walnut nOOO. nnd tell your needs-she will put ion in touch with applicants who can meet jour requirements Tills s a fre4 serv ice to Ledger advertlrerB, and sae3 time and worry. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ASS'T BOOKKEEPER, cashier or clerk, 23, 3 ears experience j ,k, i-ust- wcuhhi. ACCOUNTANT and business assistant. lOjrs. Itrst-ciass parfp and corp. jxp., best rer.; bond, married, age 38. J 163. Ledger Cent. UOOKKBEPEK, offlco man. payrolls, stock ac count, bus. routine, married. 45: mod. salary. A 743, Branch Ledger, 62d and Larchwood, BOOKKEBPBR Have 15 ears' exp. as book keeper, cost clerk and gen. oft. work, lncl K correspondence, age 34. J 146. Ledger Cent. BOOKKEEPER, clerical, office assistant, city, shoro or mountain: many years' experience in nudit work J 240. Ledger Central. CilAI'PFEUR, white, wishes position with prhato family. 8 jears' experience: 2 years In Europe: good Ignltlonlst and mechanician, strictly sober and Heady; willing to tonny where' best city recommendations. D 4JT, Leaner uiuce. CHAUFFEUR desires re-engagement. 13 years' exp. , cap. mech . careful driver, wel recom. , nrJ.pnt emo. nolng abroad. Locust 1031. CHAUFFEUR-Slngle white, wants posit on. good mechanic, with best reference, willing to be j-fuLjl5l(1J.cdgcr Central. ciTAtnrEUR. white, first class, excellent driven do own repairing; highest prliate rfernces. 22. Ledger Branch. 1403 Filbert. CHAUFFEUR. 0 years" experience onnrat class cars, best references, present and for mer employers H mi. imager .mi. CHAUFFEUR, gardener and good horseman, elnglngeio, wishes position, good refer ence. J 11B, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, colored, exp and cap., 8 years exp.: city or country, if UP. Ledger Office. COACHMAN, experienced, drivers and hunts, s, "ant" situation, refa 205 Church lane, Oil, COACHMAN, with reference r and experience; can also run car. D S2LLedgerOfflce. COLORED chaufTeur wishes pos'n.priv fam ily, flsra." exp., lBt-class refs;J 51, LedXent. COMPETENT, experienced mechanical spe- UJI r,lV ' -. ....a nrasantnir Wnat. SnVSpuTrTtS; eXZ'Sififlo connect ".h r.Trgnslblaflrm J 145, Ledger Central. COOK'or butter. Japanese, for a private tarn. Ily. best ref II 058. Ledger Central. ijT5NTmfrnihanlral, S years' exp.; now stu "SJi. W o n 11.12. Lodger Central, iiOUSECLEANlMO. whitewashing, cleanins rugs, etc : by day; colored man, reference. unit in ... -- ---. - 1714 catnarine. 5iTf S3, wishes position, expenencea mecn. on motors gasoline engines: Al bendy man withloo": fempirate. Il 043. Ledger Cent. man- 41. strong, healthy, temperate; not afraid o work; good eduoatlon; neat appear ance: best ref J 4-', wt" i-enir MAiUtTMnwrian wishes position as gardener on prlvato place undersUnds gTeenhoui. work; ions experience and 10 y.aW refer ence AddreeILB.t Devon. Pa. xfpnrr'AIa student, native of Inndla, summer Mwork "anywhere? ' Karmarker. 3727 Poweltoa avenue. OFFICE MAN Possess ""'.T: Tei 2,r, i.nrral office details J 4'J. I 18 years' 13. Lent, rai.ESMAN Una, whurai lharfl Will be re- Teat ,orders; no experlencaj, but will work hard tor uocess. iiOX 110, LTllItOn JtCISHi". SALESMAN, M. experienced, desire outside aAU&njaa'vo, . wrti.a; rjn handle mail .. nniEiT uuiatvu ".., --. . l-- . - . - .V nropoaltlon. J 147. Ledger central bitfsmAN. experienced, dealrea good 1 propo BAlV,?orj?avel. J 144. Iger Central irePBETABY Carefut. aoauraie. bmiuuuu., ; atenwirapher. bookkeeper, offlco det rsreful. aoourate, assiauous. 10 years' exp. aeiaus, open r : desires to !?..., .-.Taunt connection. J IIS. Lead. Cent TOKJoTtAN, SO yeara of age, aipert m- XiiLraaa .?!!1..., fhnr'lv ronvereant with fSSSSSl. oPeStioS. and cost aystems. o! !"! v'i "and axiiutlve ability. dlr pl. vKfrMO ilAN. S yra-' 'P- offtca detail, Yel? bJrt ftrn5 JJtqJaSdf ti5!i isltar. BortW; Prji5cg: "ia B' "i ATJTOMOBIIiaeS For Bala wM&'m?i nodiL K. A, BTISINBSS OPrOBTTiKITIBg VMt paw Kontb J lis. Ladjsr CantxaJ. WANTED-A pw,ou io Bnance a hosiery mill that la t-d ParUuhir 2778 CLEANINCr AND DYBINO fiFM, srltTfiirjia AND LEDgEB- PHTCADKLPIA THDBSDAY, JtJNm DRESSMAKINQ AND MILLINERY HI-MsrlTciIlNO dons while you wait. A. Relchira, lU3Chtnut rietorlal Review pat. DnF,0SMKlN0' taught, short., rrac. course' Mgl)onell 807 I'encMa llidg ,Jlth ftjilarkct . FOR SALE BtLLIAnD.pool, combination, 2d-hand bought, ,!?li,l!ie', cn d Renter, 329 Olrard avo. INSTRUCTION RAOT1MB in 20 lessons. Call or wtlte Chris- '.""e", I'lino schools, 3S28 Qcrmantown ve aawjuenir SI, STORAGE iMiTt1! ,onttrch Btorogo Co. Auto and pack- -M'i. ;"w uiiu g.ui inns;, naiu laancasier v. ROOMS FOR RENT All. , liotl Nenly furnished second-story !innliI1'cJL V1 ancles, nlwiysjiot water. D'-T.MilftE ami 47TH-Noly turn." rooms, otjutlfulsurround g, im, Woodland 21UI D. H'tOATT N.W-ronfrdeslriTblo suite, privSTe bath, rront rni., Iiskpe; summer rates, phone. CAXUlSlDOB. "ISII-Two largo unftirn. roomal prlatefamlly. Phone Poplar 43(llp. CHERTNUT. ln-Attractlvely turn, rooms; south. exp ; com out. hot water Spruco 0239. COLUMBIA AVE, 10il-2i-storj front, turn. -Hnnin.Liajerjil ? ht houeekecplng; phone. HAVL'ttFORD. (028 Nicely furnished 2d-atory room,near batlprlvate fnmllv, phone. LOOAN SQUAItE iS31 'ti lSlhl-Dellghttul rooms, singlo or en aullo, a homo for the aiscrlmlnatlni!: references exchanged LOOAN sytiARH ?S9 N. lSth)-Deslrnble 2d iloorfront; run water; other vacs , phone POWELTON740lO (corner houe)-r)r!ght, airy room next bnlh; Protestant family, near L. l'HESTON BT , 8111-rurnlshed or unfurnished rooms, nil conveniences: housekeeping Bl'liuva .lARDlX 335l-Three nicely 'fur- "'"', aijj.n luo.iiB, conveiJnapg , porcn, pn, SPItUPE. 2052-Desltnble" furnished looms; .J-iil."x.J:,,0.2 ,uer '"lea uocusi im J. WALNUT, SOiilTnt, furnished rooms" scond. ' ., .'w.'.a. BISKTlx,a t UUlllDi ori IIIIU story front and thlrd-itory front, conienlent to tnrec nr lines. a.iaii, o , i.iu r urnisnen room, singip or com munlrfttlng: run, water, gentlemen preferred. lorn. 8 , .IM-Hublet furn suite two large iwim, miuuuK uicr, ngnt nouseK g, pn. 618T. 8, 221 tcurnD ruF foorrv prtv fn'm , !rL-ieirnont ;jg photo at Ledger Cent. 64TH. S , 410-i:econd-story front, communl catlng. furn. housekecpJng;ndult, phone. 1LVNDXOMELY turnlshe'd front room, In Urge! modern prlinte home, electric lights. 10 ir.lnutesjc, city Hall Telephone Daring 41 SECOND-STORY front room, turn , running water; convenient to new bath, 1203 Spruce. BUIIUItllAN GERMANTOWN (101 W. Penn)-HandsomM furn. rooms, gentlemen, excellent meats neir- r. i-.ermaninwn aisa w. CAPE MAY, N. J. DESIRABLE furnished room, single or en suite prltate house, good location; board In Immediate neighborhood. L 4IS. Led. Cent. BOARDING UROD, a, 70 (The Graham) Cool nnd at. tnctUe furnished rooms, all modern conen lcnces. xci table board, hotel serv , 7 up. CHESTER AVE . 5021, 2d floor, communlcat lng rooms, ex. car service, tabic board; ph. FARItAGUT ST. S. 311 (Take I, to'4Uth nd Market)- Ilooms, olio or two exclusive, in pri vate house only, for in lies or couple, with or without hoard: exiellent locution, 7 minutes to city, refctences exchanged prUat 33 W. bath, choice table board Walnut SPRUCE, 1221-20 (Hrlamnnde) Hum. rooms, elngle, t.i tulte, triste baths, table board. WALNUT,- 4.M1 -2d floor, rooms, with fcoardT near L,mithern ixpoa , refn exchanged WALNUT BT, 4'Ut-Attrartlo 2d-tnry front room, coiip'e or gcn'luman, excellent tabic 13TH nnd Dlimond (Wilkinson Apts INenTy furnished, ex.i-1 lent table. PI i mond 3814 D. 40TH AND WALNUT rurnlshed room, with board for roupje Phone Preston 1203. StmUKIiAN GERMANTOWN, ;.13 W. Rlttenhouse at. (bet Wayne and Greens) Desirablo ncancles stn cle or com. . good table Ph Gtn. 1373 X OVUHMIOOK SOdl Drexel road: boardlng.ten. nls swimming ppol Phone Preston 5333 W ST MARTIN'S (SrrlngfleTd Inn, 113 WTspfThg fleld ae.) Comfortable rooms, good tablo ,1 mln walk from sta , under new management YORK ROAD, (rins Large airy room, fur nished or unfurnished excellent board NEASllOltK BEACH HAVEN. N, J Prlinte family can accommodate a limited number of guests for summer, excellent table. V m. meager uince. APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN. ltilo-Excellnt npts In different house, somf furn., kitchenettes. v LN(ir. 2211-t'nfuriilsherl npts . 2 large rooms, prlvntn batnand hall. Apply Janitor. TiTEKTNNINiaTON, Pine below Drold New fireproof nrnrtmenis Just campletsd, open fur Inspection YARROW & VAN PELT, 17th and Chestnut st-i. West Philadelphia FURNISHED hskpg. apt., 4 rooms and bath; beautiful location for summer Baring 664D FURNISHED APARTMENTS BROAD, N, 833 - Exceptionally fine apts., eiery mod n conv. , reas ble. Poplar I87J v. SPRI'CE. 1420- Bachelor apts , : or s rooms prtatn bath. elec. lights hardwood floors sublet for eummer mos. Phone Spruce 4iau LOCUPT. 1118 Elegant apsrtments, 2 rooms, pri ate bath: also single rms Wal 7003 W T5th. s. 200 Attracts ely furnished apts ,1 to 3 rooms, bath ummer rntea Filbert 3142 Vr. Went rhlladelpliln TO SUDLET -Larchwood Apts.. 4,1th it and Larchwood ave., turn., perfectly appd"td. 8-room apt , cheerful cool I bedrooms r,leep lnc ron-h, sultabls for family or a ha he.or near 3 carllncareos; Phone Baring 2..D 4UTH AND WALNI'T inronlvelv furn. 3-room, porrh apt near avrai table board: suit coupK suit couple or bachelor blocks from "L " Phone Preston 4370 D HOUSEKEEPINGAPARTMENTS 23D AND "PINE STS.-DE LANCEY APTS New light. 4 to rooms 1 and 2 baths, kitchenette, central location ApplyJanltor. "BROAD AND DAUPHIN STS (P. ECOR ) THE DAUPHIN APARTMDNTS Exclusive housekeeping apta., 2 baths. Janitor DIAMOND, on "i 5 vm . hnlh. kitchen, hot. water heat; ref . .2.1 floor, 23 4 rms , oa.n. water t kitchen. ll cor, rm..iw t.iai-..- WALL4.CU. 171t3-roomhousekeeping nai mod . an conieniencM, i'w.vii, um. .." -- REAL ESTATE TOR SALE new .ir.iisr.Y IlniMonflelil, N. J. . nna.r-n a r P1NR PROPCRTIES "baga.,.p'rlc..?"wM.CAREV MARSHALL, 631 Federal st . Camden. l'KNNSVLVANIA FARMS ., .nnn nr nuick sale. Main I J no P ! R. bv A,."",. L.a ... .. .1 11 ThomDSOn. section, 1851 want offer. Cheater Pa. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT on YOUR HOME by monthly paiments of )i 17 to ISO. bou.ea locaied.? Phlla and from 17 to 30, bousw Gtn . WOrth from ISUU to OaW. auftuaa.. Union Trust Co . 715-710 Chestnut st, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OFFICES. IIPBINES3 HOOM8, r.TC. nnRXEL BLDG. OFFICES Annual Rentals. amBK-xSffiiwfirB DiiIl, R rills,. iOOa fi. J"'"" "w" IWUifvv. f-orn.r SuTtaa. 2ii to rooms 1510 to $1873. gT.i.IH P. WILLIAMS. 5B0 prexeijiuimingv AjflCliTl'OO-Unfurn. apt;, large, airy room Ay?T.'it.i. for atudlo. dressmaker, etp Peach Haven Crest. K. JL TJBACH HAVBJN CREST ... .. ..n, ra- thai ksason. also 2 and S toViVuf to ntlb; week or month fully fur. f,uK5. aaa and water. Mcilurray, 0 Drexal Bldg. FOR RENT FURNISHED Oak I to viNE-ROOM house: most beautiful location In 7wv LsSii iwar utla and trolley. 4 or 3 .iiuiuldf. Pboaa Oak Lan. 181 W. m"tbi:"sasonatl. PbM O" 8KA8HOH11 Cape May. N. J L!tSkS.' Spring Lake. N. J. LusTlow ve. I ., Miurinir I.JS1B.1M. ur M. IM. Lawt.On. Tlldwood. N. J. -SSTTvmvbjly tiuBWwd, Nwthwesvl Apart- k aa ers,&?. SiuTday and 8iBoajr Alfo wuywooa agent. Philadelphia, pbotui; ! s ". MORTGAGES " " MtiRTOAOEa 500 $iOOO $1200 $1500 $1000 S55O00 , H- HOOD. INOHiU SI. L 1 have a witch that strikes." "Gee! that's wonderful." "Not at all. It'a quit working. ' " z . ' " f ' tftt" a ktyp . 77 11 M I. ... I I I ' I V- : 4? ul 5? I I " THE J0KEa op YESTEIIYEAR The First Dip of the Year -- (- Smm. mm Mir' T!& --jjSMi OH I OOttT PEEL SO 10 B0HCH.THOU6HT YOl) FE.U0VJS fioSH'uMTIREO WISH 0 RROKE -MtLmLwm JLWLMt AROUHOTOWM FOR-JSSL t-3 LAST MIGHT --. , fi AWAY 5ooiiE?, Ho-O-HOrA.UM 'tHlOsaK iWHILEOWORE 5lW -Wr fh,, AfJOiiTftLLICl, AMD TOMORROW ':-uKfv TORmrt its 35 Jc$? jM fey s ou,e wif? DKV flJflHfel -Sketch. I W j VfSsSi I QSk-VU JP' Ji Wh lssssssssssssssssslNfsWilSli Tha Exalted Personage Tlrp, old man, f f I TOR I lj6S?M T AM wfl IsssssssssssssssssW 'issssmTlfhnli' n . vou remember we sent some submarines ) ill lltfMl I ($?&&r c.VYV Xkhi I f!,f . slsssssssssssssBHssslPlmHRl 'VfM overland to ZeebruggoT L J "Hmf), , .,. S" Sft VvT XJ WA 1 ,aPBffiSr-, Tlrp-Yes, sire. V K -aSa. tttfffi UJS?I Jim B aUT m3Sfe. rfti The Exalted Personage-Then what's g-3 Ns. $3yiP,, Jl&P' l&gbilt&& O30M Wk --25 J, Tt the matter with sending the neet by train I I s. --s-fSOpMj71iiRtiLat; tE)m&- ZM VW - lP to tho Dardanelles? I : i . ' ' AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME HOMETOWN SKETCHES . w-t : I m-w. ,-j --"-5--V ,. yyjvy"i7JAkLy"'!a'im i --si ;,vr jtmm m i'. im a'-j. te " ys, yi&LMW rimb &m& mv m vma mmm ,cNj-g a Al is. uvv a' .w in kK'i 7J3yGWv Wi & at J.I .ifCv"1 11 ' ?w ft S ssfVL. NmJklliV. 'U I I Tutt a . 5 If I I'll zVb Mw Zjif iHrjrcW 3m ' f.pj fyzLJuA imMv wm&w imzs11 nw mBWmmm :)-y--izl'i AiXvfsAa Tarn Wmw iPl lmMMMlm mr JIM. Tm I tsm? m m s , &L& i i mas iiimn-BTii iiHTll ft TM --s-'. - " - ..Tkji lift t w'fing r$3&"M wAi 1 -wjL Vfc siZP rST . ? si III f II IL I ! i nii'ft iHIKI fWKl 1IA -rngsmm Jm mil w wJL i wmmmmM. k-km ssssscfcs- m m,,, ,mmm;w2J7'Jls&s 1 trr "r--ssss-: w-z m&K&tk. -aa Wi & 1. Cgyrtvtfe5g'r1'1 7linTi,iu.inT-n:..innrTT ' '"'l ll",raB f J SCRAPPLE huwus WITHOUT WORDS ' ' T-1 1 i -n, -. . THE PADDED VCEllt His Choice "I'vo promised to so in to euppor wttn Bomo ono else, Mr. Blancjue; but I'll in troduce you to a very handsome and clever girl." "But I don't want a handsome and clever girl; I want you." Boston Tran script. Could She Doubt? "Would you love me as much If father loit his wealth7" "He hasn't lost It, has he?" "No." "Of courso I would, you silly girl." Minneapolis Journal. f as.. ' f HO HUM. GEE.' IM . M 60Nfs GOTO BED RIGHT AFTER HOH0Mj6REt.T6Ut.5 6Ur ,5 SLEEPY DINNER TO tl.GVVT. BEUMVE Mt tfo OH 3U.EPY. WISH IT WftS . & T M0RE3TAY.rtG00rUrtT.LZoR3' QUlTTtlf TIME. A FE1A0V.3 f n, f flaHKtfi OCLOCtt FOR. nOH, GOSrt CAti A NOT TO LOSE. BI& SLEtpl i- jj HlaKffl HARDLY GET MY EYtS OPE.H UKtTHKT, j L H3 MHUh -ml jJS ? CHArUty ",g WW W-&2 , ' 7 . ,', ' jifc.tfii.-i r" ' sFrXtt yx&&.---&r.tVj '. I mX.fwf.r. -r r. "-gSKWBJ i m i m 'm'Mgf?mfJMxm 17, 1915; ' in .... .. . rinBumiwfi.'ViiJa'li1 '" ' ' " ," - ' ' R- , k v - -"V x. ' jg Patient Say, Doc, the dope you save me Is just great. I'll be up and about In a week. Doctor Well, what a surprise. Her LUtlo Faults Magistrate It appears to be from your record, Mary Moselle, that you have been SS timed previously convicted of drunk enness. The Prisoner No woman Is perfect. Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? to - i suns Mitnii sjsjisj wmtmiMi - 6 -From Punch (1890). All Allvo Cheesemonger What Is It, my dear? Little Girl Oh, mother sent back this piece o' cheese, 'cause father saya It ha wants any bait when he's agoln' flshln', ha can dig 'era up In our garden. . (pf , i p 'kr&nsr M ffiSamp. PXI. MAlLOT,l4W.Cbtest,