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ffPWpHfiwuji i wupw I 1 a 1 H BVBW1KO EEDGEB-PHIIiADBEHrA-, THTTBHDAY, Jtnns 17, JOTS: MNKOTENGLANgs GOLD HOLDINGS SMALLER-SHARP ADVANCE INUNITED Wfrw --m NINE-POINT BREAK IN FEDERAL MINING BpfofH-taking Sales Large Througnouc wiarKet stan dard Shares Inactive. Bj jjeW TOKK) June 17. Whlls the slock Kirktt opened sirong tonay ana inai KiiwM were that ll woul1 continue at 6he higher level, profit taking, which has Ik,.- yry rnucn in eviuente every aay Krtne the present week, again put In Hli eppsranco befor6 mlflaXi and reac- Hani were general mruugnoui me list. "there teemed to be n. lack of demand ill around wnen mo iirsi realizing sates Kr put out' but tnere was nothing like raid, prices declining eaany. The street has Been ai a loss 10 ngure out. "hre the liquidating sales have been Li ..a. m.1 4 Via Anlnlnti rt -- f . ijfliin? iron', " ..,....... ,. ,..,., , Flt they nave uven muuu iu ucpress .',C( to 0. point wnero nicy can do fo,ht back. 'Af'0 toaay ine Riniiuaiu Biiaree, eucii it the big trunk lino railroads, held back .. Mr as activity was concerned, but Bj&rcd along to higher lovcla In the early Mlon with the Industrials. Commit Cnin of the old lino Issues arc said to U mall. while thoso of Industrials aro Bh larger than usual. r During tho early morning Steel com. mon was a feature, being helped by lm proved trade conditions, nnd It tvna itfong. Realizing forced this stock down 1'ilon? with tho rest. General Motors (withstood tho pressure against tho gen !erl market well, being up over 2 points, rhll8 other shares nought lower levels, itutan American Sugar, a comparltlvely 'iMctlve Issue, was also strong and roso lo'tr 3W points beforo noon Buying orders appealTln larger vol ume after midday, and atrength was fthoivn In many Issues, while many prices fre still off. Tho war specialties led m the uprising, Baldwin gaining nearly m steel rccovorcd Its loss and mounted i half abovo yestorday'8 close. Federal Mining and Smelting common, which -u sensational advance in tho last few fLvari, turned weak, nt ono time showing fa loss of 9 points to 33, Just 23 points II Mow tho high of GO. K The passing of tho dividend of tho f'Ctiapeake and Ohio this nfternoon had TXY l'l,a .":-. ! kti- bvitctui iiiumvii lictpt a sentimental one, an It had been centrally expected that nothing would fee said at this time. In anticipation of !-jthl5 action, tho stock was weak through 'c'Jt the day, being off a good-sized frac 1 Hon at the end of tho day. There wai i. fresh selling movement before tho final jttll and prices went off, stocks, with lOfflt exceptions, closing wchk. In view of tho largo shipments of gold .which have been coming from Canada almost daily, tne woeKiy statement of tts Bank of England today was par ticularly Interesting. It showed tho ef fect very plainly, gold holdings having ia!len off 2.S56,000 (H,2S0,600) during the mt. Actual holdings now stand at 84523.000 (J2S2.64S.O0O). which Is still con siderably higher than tho same week lut year, when tho holdings of tho ; eetal were 38.681.000 (,173,103,000). Rc- ; terres wero brought down to 19.66 per Cent or 1-21 per cent below last week. The almost dally drop In rates of for ' lln exchango to new low records, par . Ucolarly on London, was checked today, temporarily at least, but there was no -demand for Saturday's cteamcr. Demand iferllng camo up a U as compared with 'glow of JI76U made late yesterday after noon, while the exchango on Paris rai ded . xnoro was no indication that r iicjf nuuiu remain ai any level ror a "Mmi period More cold imports aro ex. ypetted by the bankers here, and In the raeanwnite every one Is waiting for tho Europeans to take snmn nlon in "ttrenjthen rates. To do this It Is re ported that British bankers are consld- " rmoine a loan in tne united states E-hjr using American securities as col- WeraL The scheme Is now believed w have been definitely launched In frxnee, and a loan from that country .Ml be first taken up If the plan goes tiromrh. m . U & O. PASSES DIVIDEND NewYork Stock Sales IT ClftS 37H 37 Allis-ChalmMfj.;. .' ? Ani'-ChalmMfSpf...: JJJ Amalgamated Copper.. 7flu Amcan , !'" Amcar&Foundrr....' Ibm ttlS;il8K inch 37Ji 18'( 63H 76U 62 66) 1RH 63 76K 60U 45 65 1SH f3 mi AmltMi.i.i "" W Am Ice Securttiof.'.","'.", aur AtnLlnieed .,.., . ,,,7 Am Unseed pf 3A J Am Locomotlre k( AmiT.n """0f B5 G!f 32!i 31 2U 30 60H 09 6H 81 107 100 30 0! Ml J3H 32!( 3U( 31 12H 12U 30 30 62M 60U 05 Oft Am BnifU A rt.f .11'. .i. . .SOW AmBugarnefiner7M:::: ffi" Z AmSteelFoundries 35 an u aStoo:.:-:- gj m g Am Woolen pf . 0I m on 2S Anaconda Copper. . ...37 S? ffi S2U Atchison T ASP.. . .... in. ?rV, ,u i9 j Bitopllaj Mining n 7u 7?u 7?u Bethlehem Steel. 105 ' ,0jl5 tniH ,4M Bethlehem Steel pf 20H VMt l?n m Brooklyn Union Ou....m 123 .V? $ Brooklyn Rapid Traa..8U 80 89 80 Butte & bupcrlor 7ii ?nr fA, XU Callfornlaretroloum... 16 " a isH Canadian Pacific 162W I63f wt 10 Central Leather Co.. ... 5n 5 .i 'SsJ '?.. Central Leather Co pf..l03H 103J 103M lm c.K-y- " 1 !? W CO C 4. St L 32 Chicago fll&P i))j Colorado Fuol Iron... 33 Comslock Tunnel u Continental Can f.n Continental Can pf 90H 101 waiwuu 128 127f 127! 127'f Corn l'roducu Ucf m( iS) 15 15 Crucible Steel 3Hj 31M 30i 30H Cuban-Am Sugar 81 00 85 00 Den A lllo Oxando pf.. . 12 12J 12H lU U3H UIH nH imk 23H 24IJ 2J 24K 27 27 20M 26K 4Ui 41H ilii -Hit 14 38 35 3S)f 65 64 60H 50M 2I7) 218 215 215 172 175K 171W 173U 151 164 151H 1S1H 100H' 101 101H lOHi 6JJ 61H 51H 110 libH 118H 02 32 10lf 33)i 15 01 H 32 184 32 14 CS 100 OIK 32 183J 32K 14 08 101 Detroit Edison Distillers' Securities. . Erie Erie 1st pf Federal Mint Sm... Federal Mln & Sm pf. General Chemical.... General Electric General Motors General Motors of... Goodrich II F Co 62j un-ui uuucrn pi iiu at cfs for ore prop... JO Guggenheim Kipln.... 65) j Int Agricultural pf 20H Inter-Met rottc 23U Inter-Met pf 74 Int Taper oi Int Paper pf 33 Inspiration Copper 32U Kayscr. Julius & Co.. 83 Lack fated 40H Main ell Motors -15V, Max Motors 1st pref.. 0M Max Motors 2d rref.. 37' May Dept Stores 30' iNet EarnInB3 for Current Fiscal Year 4 Per Cent, on Stock. NEW YOTtK1. .Tlino 17Tlin n ..,! p Directors of the Chesapeake and Ohio VlUr0ad thlS nflprnnnn nnnntinno If t.n.1 Klff,'le? not to decIaro any dividend at Kuu time, as net earnings for the cur Krent nii-ni vaom nvA .,.,. - ,- Pr Cent. On thA rntYinnnv'a an.v T Ei1. WJ,M?nt l3SUed by the company it ku said that 1 per cent of this has nl. ft L?'en nal(1 ,rl dividends and that 'ttentj nce WU ba Bpent m prove- HCI Ef' 30JS 05),' 22 21 75 10X 3U 32H S3 405 454 87 38Vf 30 0 75lj 2G ll'f 17 COM May Dept Stores pf.. 07H Mexican Petroleum.... 70$ Miami Copper - 27 Missouri Paclflo lii Natl Enamel i. S 1G National Lead 07 National Lead pref. Now York Air Urako.. m NY.N1I&1I 04b Nevada Con Coppor. . lSJi New York Central.... 87;f NYO.&Wcst 2SJ North American 74 Northern Pacific 107W 107 Ontario Silver M aii 3H 25H mi fillf (MX 215 22 2J 23H 74 74M 10 10H 38 38U 31W 31U 85 85 48!f 48U lllj 41H 80H 87 38 3S5f 39 30 07 07 74K 75!f 2G( 20) iw im 17 17JJ CO 00 110)i 110 100K 110 03'4 04M 15V, 20 2M 033 01 16 8851 20 72f 22f 03 50X Pacific Mall 28U 2SH nnnKK I06)j 107 I'lttsburgh Coal 23 PltUburgh Coal pref. . 03li Pressed bteel Car 40 Pullman Co 10-1 quicksilver 3H Quicksilver pref 41$ Hy Steel Spring 32H Hay Con Copper 25f Heading 45j Reading 2d pref 84 llep Iron a. Steel 30 Itep Iron & Steel pref. 67 llumely.M. Co Hi Itumely, M. Co pref. . 12H bcaboard Air Lino pf . 25s 02 04 15 8S)f 20 72)f 105H 10GH 3)i 3M 28j 28j 105U 107 L2K 22!f 03 03 4b3 60) 163H 161 1C3W 3Ji 3H 3)i W 4 4M 3)i 32i 33 24 H 24H 1144 114U Si 84 30 30 87) i 87H 6M Uii 35Ji 25 i uau 8-1 30 87J 5)1 13H 35H 5K 33)4 35,' SearsRooA Co 137 138JJ 13SX 13SJJ h BULLION Tinmivnc watt. j- -. uv41UW A 4h- .Bank of England Statement Shows n Decrease of 2,856,000. RDON, June 17.-The weekly state- to h -aanic or Kpgland, Issued to- 8 holdings. Reserves also fell oft 1.21 u jjeians follow: feltlon CTemmeal ecurltl W" IKDI tin MM.BU ... ,.., fcJT l'i M t in W on 0 reserve to iS1 10 5 iTn ."' IS.o.lKo This week, i-aet week. , S2.04U.OOO hj.isixk) lu.w.'.ooi) oou lOlJSD.UOO Ill.JI.-MJU . Al.oi.i.iKui ni.m.iiMMi 13UI4h.S,OOU l.iU,lll,0(K) -ii,oa.-,vuu iOiO K,JSi, NEW YORK gunn 4ia rami.. Sllh" a S"!011" 'Tibac'c'oV 'old ' .' ! B!rA5?lcn Totwcco. new .. Braffla. " vMieVcoii-skiu-:::::::;; I vtor ,.'"" Lt; ::::: ...::::: 9"i!mtn t productive::;;::::::::: i.V"r stores.. ...., , 1 rim , 1 Q014 . Bid. Asktd, in .r ,...4f , ......... new ...,...,. . lev: :tS,; :1 ,103 a 17 IT 4lW 1T0S H 8 110 120 ?! ? BANK CLEARINfi.S SlaclJJL'n,". ,03y compared with, corre "it Ujr Uit two yearn: t.i. SSS""'80 Si6.ow.o2i ssa.snieoa iuk 4?I89S-l7a WO.HMSB 3W.elSl . . ix,t.TBif id.xao,iui B1.6O9.0W 5t.Ml.8T5 K.;.8U RATES FOR JIONEY CaU. "1 .;...;:;; i ? s av 3)4M 4 J' PPr. three to eft noatl, -. vr cwu FOREIGN EXCHANGE Tftnir t - Mi ...-,.- 1- 7C 1 -"e i - we hv oeuu ..w 'a (orelca axchaau aurket tiaUr. tf oon they Mtel sit ajels- BSt to w Won bowever. Stlxiuls&S F 4M StLoulsS-SFlstpref 12 bt Louis 4.SF 2d pref 5 6outliera Pacific SSH 60 Ilallnay 10W SUndard Milling 51H Standard Milling pref. 00 btudebakcr Co 70M BludcbakerCopref.... 10054 101 Tennessee Copper ... . 38i 38) Third Avenue 52U Union Bag & Paper ... 054 Union Pacific 120 Union Pacific pref.... Sl!f U fa Ind Alcohol 57U U Bind Alcohol prof.. 03H US Reduction 6)f U S Reduction pf.... Mi USOIP&K 15 U S Realty 4. Imp 33 UBRubber CflH Hi 10 55J 67Ji 10 2 C05 705 101 37U 53 OJi" 120Jf 128 SOU SOU 4)i 11 5J SSH 10 52U C0H 77H 63 OH 50)( 01U 0 14H 3S 60 58 041f 4i 5 143-i 38)f 04 4J 11 SH 87 10 52U 00j 77 101 J7Ji 53 0M 12S)l 80f 50j 0l)f 5i 5 14H 38)f 04U 01H CO COM 100H 100U 100J( CO 07JJ 073i i3H i-3)f 33H odii om onti 10j 10H 10H H H H C8H ean t OOH 07f 08)i 120 120 129 35 35 35 132 128 128 UBRubber 1st pref... 107H 10S 107H 107H U B&teel bOM UBEteel pref 100 Utah Coppor 68H Va-CarChem 3S Va-CarCbem pref.... 00 Vulcan Detlnnlng IGlj Wabash H Western Union Tel. .. . 08H Westlnn V. & 1.1 O0H Westlnghousa 1st pref . 120U 120 Western Maryland pr. M Ulllva Overland 131 Willys Overland pref.. 103H.103X 103f 103J Cnta per ehue. Total nales. 317.U30 shares, compared with 328.30O shires yesterday, thus far this ee!j. l.Tut.TOO shares: same perloil last week, i',081, 000 shares. COTTON NEW YORK, June 17. Business In the cotton market was small today, and prices throughout tho session were lower for all months. July and January were sold hy Liverpool Interests. There was also some selllns by room traders. Trices hardened In the late dealings and the market unded the day about an aver- aze of 4 points auovu mai uigm. xee cuh. "; 11 m 10. SO 10J,1 16. 73 0.80 October . December January March ily . Slot .. 1)50 . Ulll ,.10.21 ..1028 ..10. M JIlKh. 055 li M 10.21 10 38 10 CO Low. 053 UM 10. IT toil 10.48 CloVe. 0 51 0UJ 10.18 10.33 10.18 0 85 Combine to Build New Plant EL1ZABETII. H. J.. June lT.-The Ameri can iScomoWi Cowpany.attd the Westlns. SSea Bleeirlo Company will combine In build, ft?? a Blant lor the manufacture of ajunltlona IDS - l"V ...,i.A h.... haul lvn hv tha i?.Mi;JS IKSSK jcbcfl fi. u?.H cteu j- ante aUtlns, com com- ZjlS2Ltt& LTMtbIl7 a'Slvltli 'to'mr tbelr-orderV., "The Hm'uulcattoii Hated that, work would be hlfala TWk . SUrllnr Pr, 477 . 'W-uWH 0. Etl GOVERNMENT BONDS reft.UM W LOU DOll 2 .'.J'd ... .. ' uun iecutere e Sm taimlmeA rr Teaasr : tf- e2""ii5'SronM thplsnt, which would panir- DIVIDENDS DECLARED Jui.?0. im.n'M iuuiu Camwar. semi- SSS tXriZi: payM J"r 1 te stock of 18. ur - . -wii IK Mf- ".A p Mrti JUM Cam Di.&y, : ." ..1.. uir ruUr jurUfly 10 u kwk x Si5& c"- sruAJK lemd. iSSSittuio KlecUlo and . ManufeturtaK S2Wa5 1 W"S 'V'SoKoT''' w WSuSSJ ftervl Cepay. 1 per cent., pay. rtiil? ouaTriirly H iw cet on peeeerred LoVlW P" ceat 00 "ooitPOD. payable July U &vTUkr Railway Comw-y. piVcM? Forfe Z?onii Sales ESS 4 S!f 51' J' 1CW0 Amer Tel conv 4a so SWJJ Amer Tel cvt 4H 103V4 ?nS "JEtf Writ Psp 8s . Sl 3iSSS A.,cJ?.,,n cv 4s iww ioi oOOO Atchison cv 5a 1017. ..101(4 K? AJ sn; to Line 1st U ! M Hpoy Dalt & Oh cv 4Ms . . 87 1000 roth si 1 1.. VI ,Sa., "2S S'th. Sti rfd 3s .BjlJ jjwj urooK ap rr 6a . 1Q2U liow. Close 100H 10OH 8Si b$H 00 m 102J4 lMrJt 83H 3i looji loo? loiH 1014 91 , 91 x S0I Sdl 100 100H .85H 10114 TBH TOO Drook Bsp 1Y Ba . I02I Sgoo Uroolcn Rn ty 4 So ;""" grookn Rap Tr Bs '18.100(4 lOOiJ .2S Sro?.k-J,n a ut 6 1M jot o?8 S?'.h ,Ttrn en sin ;iS2 c'nt Leather 1st fis . WU 00s 6JO00 Cent Pac 1st 4s 872 87 000 cent It n N J Ss . 111sJ lllfi ,SSS2 Ch & Oh cv 44, .... 12 721 1000 CM at Weet 4t . . 67? 67? 000 cm & Q lolnt 4o . 961 pW ?SS2 G M B P v Be ret 10l lOHi 000 C M A St P cv 4W 07 07 -?000 C M & 8t P sen 4 I00Q 100? ,3000 Con Osj cv 6s . .. 117 HS'i 2252 " nl r s . 7314 71V 2000 Detroit Edt l.t 5a 10SU 102U .S?SS2 E"L8ccur Corp Ca . M1 63U 101000 DuPont Towd 414a . tffll? M 22115 E1'0 n 4 a OS 63 JS2? r.10 conv s Ser A . . OS'i 02U -29S9 Kfl 81 8t JfiOO Hud Man rfd 5a. ... 73 72 " I1"1 Sl"l K 101U 101 1M00 Ins Cop cv 6a 133(j 112 ii.j. vw.v tfc tla ru ws iv 11 1 a 4',a 7n't 7s 074 07H . 41 4II 75 75 . OSH ess . 02 li 01 . T 7t, pis oi; 1M 123(5 . no, pntf .121 121 . 03 9.1 . st4 PB(4 . 70 70 . 40 H3H onn; 0 1 sm r... lo msu 11an V, . ..-, a. In- innl' im, "i-, .t 1 iiuini linn 4H1i liw't ill,'. 4r.'l N Y r A It On . .1041 103i 3S000 N Y r A II 4t4.. . 81 80 2U0O N Y C A It 4a . . 8S HMt, 1000 N V CAH eq ct .1 10 100', 10O 2000 n r city 4 tnr.s . . os 91 Wioo N Y City 4,s ltioo P(i I'i'i 1000 N Y Cltv 4'4a 1003 int lut 2000 N Y City 4'is 10UI. . VWx ION) N Y C 4Ha May '87 .lOlii 1000 m v s it ii cv nu. nnl 7000 N Y N 11 A 1! C....lllr lltti 1000 N Y nwy ad) Ba B"I BOV 5000 N Y State 4'5a 100 Ky, 1000 N Y W C A B 4Us... 7SV, 7S 190OO Nor Pao prior 4 .... 914 9054 iroo Nor Pao gen 4 01 04 BOOO Oto Hhnrt U Cs 10RU 108U .tnoo Ore A XV H & N 4a . . 80 80 4000 Pactflo Tel Ba 07 06' 20P0 IVnna .TJa 1010 .. 91t 901, "COO Ponna cv 3Ug 100U loni, MflOO Pfnna 4a 1049 OSH OS 1B0O0 IVniM ct Itia . . 10T, 1OT, B!000 Ponna pen 4H ct .. Ot 0', 10OO Penna 44a 102L 0414 9i, 1000 nay Con Cop 4a .. 125 12T 10000 Headlns Bn 4a ... 02'i 92'i Sivio tted-Jtr Ccn 4a .... KHi Ot'J 1000 rtcpub Cuba Bi 02i 924 100(10 Po-k Islond rfd Is . . 00 fBSJ lOdOTtock Ialond Bs . ... 441'4 44. 1w nj Pled Sobs Ba '21.. 01i list', 8000 St L, I It A So Ba 90 9W, 1000 H L A S T rfd 4a .. . 92't 02ti lfioo Sea A L. adl Bb .... 03'S Wi 12ivin tSo'lth Pac n 4s 79 GAS SHARES iuwi mirrn Met 4H 5X10 Interh 11 T rl R JJiifji Inter Mcr Mnr 414a KWO Int Nav Be . SMimi Japanese lot 4n.... ,0000 Kan City 80 3S .. . Ai'JSS Lnckiv Htf Ba 102J 22000 Mke Sh del) 4s 102S WW I.Ik A M T 7a 0000 Lorlllard Ts 2000 do 7a . . .... lcirio Ixiula A Naali 4a .. tOfX) Minn A St 1, Ss , 2000 Mo It 4 Hi 10000 Mo Pac 4a 12000 Mo Pne cona Oa u jvoi i.nnm A lu(J 10-ih Hit so 90J4 651J 1 ltroo do cv rrt f p Bi 1011. 100 20O0 Fouth Ptr rfd 4s ..87 20rnn 80'Uh Pno Term 5a . 80 .1000 Tex A Pao let Bs 091 1000 Third Ao 4a 80 70OO Third A' e ndj Ss ... 7S 170OO 17 S Steel na 102t lOOfirt Union Par 1st 4a Ofl'i 10OO Pnlon Pne rfd 4s. .. SO 230000 Vo. 0 Brown Ilroa . . WHS acm Vn Car Chm 1st Bs .. 9U r.O10 Wabosh 4 22 r.OCO Wnh Kqu ct sta 4b... 2IJi l-.noo tab-P Ter 1st ct 4a . 4'4 8000 Wab-P Ter 2d ct 4s. S rono tVeat Electric Bs .. 100t IVW) Weat N Y A Pa 1st 4s 70'i 100000 Weat DAM cv Ba ..101 Total saiea. J.1.057.000. compared with 2 017r onn jesterdiy, thus Mr this week, J11.S17.000; same period last wc-k. 18,005.000. 02U nrnf 21 y, 7nit 10T1 JIAY GRAIN TRAFFIC NEW YORK, June 17 In May aeen trunk lines carried to New York a total of 17..1S9. tria huahela of grain. Including flour as Kraln. In tho rail movement to the four North At lantic porta Postnn New York. PhlladMphU and Baltimore there were delivered from tho interior In Ma Sfl,oa.J,u21 bushels, and the amount exported from those porta In the month aa 23.2Sl.0l4 buihels. From New York a'ono thero were exported In May 11,. 010.501 bushels, compared with 10,262.353 bushels from the threo other outporta. CUT GASOLINE PRICES CLEVELAND, June 17 The Standard Oil Company of Ohio haa cut the price of gasoline hers from 13 to 12 cente a gallon, while tho National Refining Company naa mads a re. ductlon from 11 to 13 cents. Small British War Bonds LONDON. 'June 17 Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of the Exchequer, announces that the British Government contemplates Issulnfi war bonds In denominations as low as 20. Steel Mill Operations Higher Steel mill operations this week are slightly higher than In tho preceding week Some of the Independent companies are operating as nlch os CO per cent, of capacity, but SO per cent. Is about the average The Steel Cor poration Is operating between SO per cent, and 65 per cent, of Ita ingot capacity. NEW YORK METAL MARKET NEW YORK, June 17. Tne metal marKet waa unchanged today, 0.25c.; tin. 41.00 bid. t.cjii1 waa offered Lead waa weak. Rise in Steel Billet Prices Bessemer ami open-hearth billets navo oeen 1 ou a BULLS STILL AT WORK IN LOCAL SECURITIES Sharp Advances in United Gas, Baldwin, Cramp and Storage Battery. Upblddlng- of Individual Issues which has been so prevalent of late on the local exchange, today spread to United Gas Improvement and Electric Storage Battery shares;. The response came promptly m tho shape of a Jump from &t. last night's final figure, to abovo in united Oas. whllo Storage was nnhcd tip 2 points. The same house which has been prominent In the lifting of Cramp Shipbuilding, Baldwin and (Jen ernl Asphalt look tho Inltlatlvo In this Instance Thero was even an attempt rnnde to IncluJi tho two companies In tho now familial war order group, but the Street was skeptical of such rather far fotched theories, preferring to baso any reason for a rise on the companies' pros perity nnd tho fact that tho stocks havo so far failed to follow tho general up ward movement of securities. Neverthe less. It was learned that United Qa8 Im provement liaO closed a valuable con tract with the Du 1'onts to supply ono of Ita products Odlclals stated, however, that there waa nothing novel In this con tract, as thp company had often matlo similar arrangements with tho Du Ponta Cramp Shipbuilding onco moro mado a now top, rising nearly two points, whllo Baldwins, Lako Superior nnd tho Asphalts all displayed firmness during the morning. Later profit-taking appeared In Asphalt and It reacted a trifle The principal nellcr was a houso usually credited with helng closo to tho management of tho company It wna altogether n broad and active scsBlon on tho Philadelphia Ex chango United States Steel opened with a burst of buovancy, but subsequently renctcd, as did Pennsylvania. Cambria Steel ruled firm throughout most of the session Lako Superior moved across 12 In tho afternoon, gaining nbout a point on tho purchase of moro than CO00 shares. Le high Navigation also becamo buoyant, rising over two points. Ono reason for tho show of strength In tho Industrials was tho belief expressed in some usually well-Informed quarters that tho Government will not appeal from tho decision of tho District Court, which sus tained tho United States Steel Corpora tion on nil points of tho nntl-trust case. Tho big subcontract for traction locomo tives for Russia, obtained by Baldwin's, was tho stimulating factor In that par ticular Issue. In tho nfternoon tho Btock was taken In hand and the Initial ndvanco was extended over 2 points to n new high record The traction stocks were not affected by tho meeting of tho Councllmanlc Commit tee this afternoon, at which ordinances wero drafted to regulate Jitneys. A II censo of 23 was fixed and tho owner wilt be required to (lie a liability bond of $2500 Special rules will also be enforced fixing routes, etc., ,as well as providing for examinations for fitness to operato machines. Financial Briefs MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Jim Duller MacNamnra Midway Mlzpah Extension Montani North Star Tonopah Belmont . Tonopah Extension Tonopah Merger ... Tonopah Mining .. Rescue Eula Vest End Hid. Ask sn .on 10 .20 ..10 .10 4H 21t .10 7 .00 .57 GOLPriELD STOCKS. Atlanta 31 lllue Bull ' Ilooth 1 Bulldog 0.1 COD 01 Combination Fraction fn Dlamondfleld B S 01 Daisy 0 Florence ;' HotdfleM Consolidated '' Goldfleld Merger .22 .liirrbo Extrnlon IV ICewanaa J Oro .00 C1W.A TfAfl .07 Silver rick 10 MISCEULANEOUS. ralrv Altec 02 Klmberly "? Nead Hill 21 Nevada Wonder .3 .02 .01 .1H .23 .72 .17 ? 74.f .11 .SO .32 .on ..12 .01 .01 .11 .01 .01 .10 $ 1 .vi .10 .in .os .11 .01 .07 .21 1.03 advanced to 20f ton at nttsburgh. RAILROAD EARNINGS WHEBU.NQ AND LAKE ERIE, 1015 May gross 'XHf? -tet 10.1.011 11 months' gross i-fJM59 Net I.li5.105 WESTERN MARYLAND, Second week June "SH'S l-rom July 1 8.100,018 ANN ARDOR. First week June ?il'iS5 From July 1 2 167.014 BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURaH, Second week June J32B'lR5 From July 1 0.163,007 CHICAOO & ALTON Second week June..... J270.22S From July 1 13,316,020 Decrease. Increase 2U2 23,010 S2.2SS,0.12 1,005,130 I28.R07 805.U5 S3.00I 13 Ml JB.028 121,127 131,152 1H.0GO PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR iniEAT. Receipts, 6181 bush. There -iraa. little Wading and with lower outside advices No "1 Northern Duluth. 11.3331.30. nnv Receipts. 7105 bush. The market w?,"V? Wr. " Toefoc.l Quotations: UUll ., - ..- ".XI. 826820.: No 8 yellow. iuti glttSIWe 1 .Z . ' f ,11ft, IIIIOI ."J?BT a. .o'TocatlonNo-. 3llow. &iMrc..!&TO&k OATS Receipts, 61.638 bush. There was imi. iradlnc and the market was unchanged. B.V. Ji.'i0 .?. falrl? liberal. Quotations! .o. white, 53833HC. standard wnito, oaow.. N. 3 white. J UBihe. FLOUH-Keceipi.. - "" -. - I-" POULTRY LIVE. The market ruled firm, with de. mand absorbing the limited offerings of deslr- aDlo block. wuoiaiions rowis. ainc.! lota miner, roosierc, limine. , na rnici Ini llfrt2 lb; ens, not leghorns, weighing 181 21fT21c., broiling chickens, Lectin 1KU- lis. apiece, i'ln-ic l.ctihorns w elglilni exceptional Hi ISS-' lbs. ap: lot leghorns c. broillns lis. a niece. 17 11 ducks, fektn. lltflSe. ; ducks. Indian Runner, apiece. 21ft2Sc Mftl'lc lulu lbs. apiece, lbs ADlece. orna. welhlnv brolllnff chltkens, HA.'I1A . Its. In . ."": .. " .. (All Ilia we quo" ty, i" iT.25: mills, .tniMn ann runrv uss. wu - y---,rt-t"m ; iii-,. JUS ' ," ',!.... Lj nun wero wrseiy ,." '-,, "- "iYsoAjtsi do .?r..?M 7WJ0.. fc. raten.. i0?. Kan... clear. stent, wo 11 03. city tent. 16 408.6aj city m lis regular .rsdea-Wtnter Clear, tJXJf.V1 ' K, IWoflOi do., patent. 8aJ3. nYErLOUKwl. quiet but steady. W. ouow nearby and Western, la . ,50, as to quality. PROVISIONS Th market ruled steady with a fair Jobblnr ,.lbaBnd!Quotat!oni: Cltybeef. to sets, .mokea KKeV.'il30:60..prtnV first 68 757 do strslsht. 5.7o, Jo., P .1 rflinrim nriiiiui. aiv wis demano. w"-- r."v -T:VnhMr. ' in sets. ui "iPts city" 'beefTknucklea and ten 51on a'lUl. 278c.; Western i g knJckle. and"undi- amokedJj 276281 KlnSVdrioo... 12ei2c: dp., do., smoked. Tiueillc.1 other hams, .moaeo. cnjr wn. tj. I cured, looao, wasiam cured, aSSiii Picnic snomaers. 8. cureo. loo... lOSaflic.j do., amoked. 1HH1HC. KWl",' iiJCti accordln to average, looae. llHl--i Elck5f;.rr iScon aa to brand end average, oily breakfast bacon, aa "" , cut' imcTtc lard Western reriaed. In tierces kettle! rnlr4 tuk5' lBlIC' REFINED SUGARS surest 2S! ''S SR tS&sft&i w waft 5.8SC, FRESH FRUITS (air demand for choice stoc. otfaer vfTnSa reaaaylvsala, pr bamper. BSW'T? "aaa R 'iriTwT Vrafnilt , 1 NO Gloupplea, per There WSJ. a. aW-3a:a3? V.KI HA1QHIU, MS';."- ZiTV-a',T ?Kf ratoPorto Kico 23 Florid.. I2?1 V".r' CKi iu. per Jry. HULHBt or tr n 111, lliliKii uuiitai iii'iinu 4tuuuci( 12013c; pigeons, old. per pair. 23S2Sc; pig eons, young, per pair. 2022c. DRESSED, The market waa quiet and price, favored buyera. We quota a. follow.: Fresh-killed poultry, fonts, 12 to box, dry picked and dry-packed, fancy selected, lOMc ; weighing V4tf3 lbs. apiece, lSUc; weighing fit! lbs. uptece. 1SV4C, weighing 3 lbs. apiece, imigimci under 3 lbs. apiece. 1H4 QlSHc, tc-pickd Western, t lb, and or apiece, ISc.; do., smaller silts, lBhaUHc.; old roosters, dry.plcked 12tic , broiling chick. jersey, lanry, uuoaoc. , outer ntaruy wKic.i western, weiaama 4n ivm.t do., weighing IS I'l lbs.. Zltr.'Sc.i spring aucKs, losioc, aquaoa, per ao. White, weighing 11 to 12 lb. per do. , U9 4 00, white, weighing 0 to JO lbs. per doi.. loea wnite, o id, per " 2.70: do. do., 7 lb rer do. , .'s.i'ui do. ASSK lba. per dos . Il.2o61.50. dark. 5431.50, small and No. 2, II. DAIRY PRODUCTS HOTTER. Fin stock sold fairly and ruled firm, with supplies well under control. Quotations: Western solid-packed creamery, fancy .pedals. 30tic.j extra, 2SKc ; extra ena fancy. 20&23C. firsts. 27H2Sc: nrst. -Jc ; aeconas, i'c.i nearby print., fancy. 32c , average extra, 2M) Slci da. fair to good. 264J2Tc; garlicky. 219 2e.i Jobbing aales of fancy prints, 3MFSc. EGOS. Strictly fancy fresh egg. readily brought top price, but muxh of the supply was ot mors or less unattractive stock, which waa dull and weak. We quote a. follows; la free case, nearby extras, SU, per doi.i firat., 19 13 per standard caw: nearby current re ceipt. J8.S6 per caw. Western extra firsts, 18.15 per case; firsts, 18 SO par case; (Southern. St.6Pv6-0 Per csm; fancy selected candled egg were lobbing at 20627c, per doz. CHEESE. The market was dull and weak under liberal aupplies Quotations New York, full aream. choice, cow, UftUa.; sutclaU. blgber; do. do., fair to good, new, l&lltta.i do., part akin. 8412c. VEGETABLES Supply and demand were both fair. Price showed Ultle change Quotation Whit potato. r ui.-ai1 vwaw.' , BW York, a to quality. 3030c 1 wbit potato. Ntolk. par W - T IW ,, NoVJ. 7C bbl. Tex. SSJriW CUIi folk. pr obl-No 1. !,, No, fMl, whit potato. South Carolina, -No. 1. 1 201.7(. No 2, 5076c . 0nt ctr oaloB. SOSJSSc ; hwwBV. .W--V- arm W.-..B. j , .!,. . k.1.1 JAJA. . - Boore. per erst. HMM.: caulUtewsr. Norfolk. pr hamper. 60OTc . Mtu, per H- .ru ssa wax. par cuaunor-crate Fancy, 354J0OC, casuge. isorioix Kki ksttketNnrlli Carolina. 507Sc.. Norfolk, green and w.s07c. ggpuat, 1 lorioa. par box. vex w; ou Msabers. North Corolla per 4, bbL baakS. 75c ill. do Bomb Carolina per 1-SbkL basket 1&(7 aquaah KloriJe per basket. Site Ml 23 poppers. FlortJa itf tarrlar, 110 02 50 beets. Southern per 100 bjnthee 41 M (I, tomato, noriu, per terrier ray, II WW.. cfiow. IIIN kuock leesxac. . lisjiw asparatw. par mushtpom. per 4-MV tvaakot. Tho price of lead declined i to VA cents. In th local outsldo market dtl Pont de Nemours Powder common was quoted f bid, 600 asked, nnd Aetna Explosive lWf 1. The American Locomotive Company haa taken an order for 20 locomotives from the Belgian Stale Railways. The Plerce-Arrow Automobile Company Is working; on an order for JSM motor truck for the Allies at list prices with no discounts AlIORrXl. A Now York Stock Exchange seat Bold for W6.000, against 183,000, the last previous sale. The transfer vas from the late Daniel Bacon to Alfred J. rtomary. The seat of Melancthom Burr, Jr., has been transferred to Van Bensellaer Burr. There was no price consideration. The Cambria Steel Company announced nn increase of II per ton on steel bnrs, plates and shapers, applying only to New business. Tho collieries of, the neadlng and the Susquehanna coal companies will be op erated threo days this week. New high record for Baldwin Locomo tive. To bo ti6ctl to buy new cans nnd meet can trust obllgMlons maturing In tho next six months, receivers for the Chi cago, Hock Island nnd Pacific Railway will soon ask tho court for permission to sell 2,SOO,000 receivers' certificates bcnrlng 5 per cent. Interest, to rank with tho 11,100.000 sold to tho Central Trust Company, of Now York, several weeks ago There has been listed 1701,130 permanent preferred stock of the Interstate Hall was, par alue 110, each, full paid and nnn-asscssablo, countersigned nnd reg istered by the Heal Estate Tltlo, Insur anco and Trust Company, Philadelphia, issued In exchange for like amount of redeemable preferred stock of tho com pany surrendered and canceled and stricken from tho list. Now York banks lost 11,113,000 to the Subtrcasury yesterday and have lost 11,617,000 since last Friday. Thomas A. Bldtllo & Co wero sellers of General Asphalt common; Chnndler Brothers bought United Qaa Improve ment. Other buyers were Henry & West, C. D. Barney & Co. and Do Haven & Townsond. Carstalrs & Brown bought Electric Storage Battery. , At a meeting of the Cruclblo Steel direc tors no nctlon was taken on the preferred dividend. The last previous dividend on the preferred stock was IV, per cent., paid Juno 30, l'JH. Iron Trado Review says: Hinfiln's or der for locomotives nnd cars amounting to about 130,000,000 Is now definitely under contract. This business and other orders for export will bring large tonnnges to makers of shapes and plntoei, and prices) on these products, as welt as on bars, havo been advanced II per ton by several of tho lending companies. Including Steel Coiporatlon, which Is well supplied with orders for several months. The Pennsylvania Steel Company bai started operations In Its new structural mill nt Steelton, which has a capacity of 30.0CO tons per month. The company now Is able to supply all Its own requirements for steel shapes, and will have a surplus to sell to other consumers. Tho Lackawanna Steel Company haa re ceived nn order from the Cuban Railroad (or about 7000 tons standard steel rails for Immediate delivery. Thero was deposited in tho New York Subtreasury 12,500,000 gold received from Canadn. R. C. Calrna has been elected vice presi dent of the New York Cotton Exchange to nil the vacant.1 caused by the ap pointment of II. II. Royce to tho presi dency of the exchange. On Friday tba board will vote on the proposition of closing the exchango on July 3. LONDON STOCK MARKET Trading Not Brisk Issues. in American LONDON, Juno 17. Trading In Ameri cans was not brisk today, but the feel ing with regards to the group waa cheer ful. Prices worked higher following tho Improvement nt New York. Canadian Issues were firm. The war loan was nc tlvo and easier because of Increased dis cussion of the flotation of a new loan. A call.of 725.000 of the now South Wales Issue was mado today. The settlement of the coal labor dis pute In South Wales was responsible for the steadier tone In home rails. .Mexican railways wero heavy on the half-yearly report, which Indicated continued chaos In Mexico. Hudson Bays were weak on tho postponement of the dividend. The reason assigned for the action was that the war has delayed the making up ot accounts. Russians ana ureen Qescnp tlons displayed firmness, but Brazilians were dull Kaffirs were Influenced favor ably by the half-yearly dividends, nnd oil shares and rubbers were spotty. Other sections were quiet and steady. NOTES OF THE RAIL The grand prize was awarded the Penn sylvania Railroad system at the Panama Pacific Exposition at San Francisco. The Pennsylvania Railroad will con struct a new and large coal pier at Bal timore, at a cost of ll.OOO.OOO. The full summer schedules of the Main Line and the South Jersey lines of the Pennsylvania nallroad will become ef fective on June 2T, and of the North Jer sey lines on June 30. The seashore schedules have the usual Increased num ber of trains, and the only Important change on the Main Line Is the addition of a through train between Philadelphia and York. i Owing to the Interstate Commerce Commission's ruling that all railroads must give up their Great Lake water rates, the Erie Is entertaining proposals for the sale of its shlpa on the lakes. Other railroad companies are also said to be considering proposals to sell. These Include the Pennsylvania, New York Cen tral, Lackawanna and the Lehigh Valley Railroads. The Rock Island, which gave the Pull man Company contracts for 3100 standard Bteel underframo box cars, will award contracts for 1S0O more this week. The application of the Duluth. South Shore and Atlantic, the flrand Rapid and Indiana and the Michigan Central Sail ways, under the Panama Canal Act, to continue their taint Interest In and opa tlon of the Mackinac Transportation Co Dany. owning ferryboats plying between St, Ignaee and Mackinaw City. Ml., was granted today by the Interstate Can. meree Coramlkn. SugReations for Investors ay be had on request A. B. Leach & Co. 115 Souih Fourth &U CWC0 Boatoa Jew York ts ill roars I Sates in Philadelphia som .831 stirs as An. Mln 1114 Loco. siil pr Vettertey'e close nith .iff1 III. J .... 81) m Iron .. 42 am stei n True N J llee ntor en .Asphalt ... ,1a -., fu.: .." K.'' Ksy Tel "512 Lk Sup Corp. . 91 Leh Nav .3 Mlnehlll . . Jll I'enna 100 rhtla. Ce ?M rhfla Sleo '82 E n t t c... .. m riMdlnr . . . 4j? TonOMh Bel aw v a 1 ssij Ss .OS Un Co ? J ...25 24S a!1 '! 45H 48V? lots cramp A Sons . GU rwtf M York Rwy .7 7 tTRrff'-K.!!' W ehares. compared with 17.0O.1 share varA-Sn,. tu..m .. iwi. ..,. share h""' Mme r'd Ut week. 115,241 , wr. nose. ST 30H 37 iSK tSB? .k1 10SS lrgft IWji m m Mi s 12' li 15 &i i MH 8! m b la jxi 2a us if Ir r r $ 8h It Zl 31 BtK. 21 nit sm.. nu ou T?.' "Jt "' '.'. 4'.. U tri' 4 WHEAT PRICES WEAK, BUT RALLIED AT CLOSE Conflicting Weather Reports nnd Rumor Dardanelles Had Been Forced Brought Out Soiling. nou 06 T UO.NDS. Lent prev. JC" Am Oss R M .m otl SO 10. 1B17 m 1 , a?. Feb M7.. . 07 woo I, .Vav cons 4Us 08W , intrt ci jii s V2 pono Pn rs 4t t e .lor 31010 dn cen jus . nfal, inoo I'hlln Co ce Ss. 7(11 Kl I'hlla Elcc 4s. . 79 101H . K .10114 TS?4 1 nin,i .,. wo Itesd eeh ' ". 10 8pn.Am I Os rTilal -lu tflft K9, &uu. , .... .. m7.- V-- TL. uvl,u.l.lllliHrw mm d,otw, week, 10i 40T Xl'a' Mmo fnM Ia' 111(71. Irtw, Cloee. s& m H M ss 00 M 9 iKK iS JSS l niil oil? SiC -"Of SXiT K 1'Y ,. Il'-a 1011 101 101 tn il m 101 101 101 I Local Bid and Asked DsMnln .11 Pf 102 Huff , mis t c n no rrei Cum Bteel Kleo Rtornse den Asphilt pref Keystone Tel .... do t c do pref Lako Sup Corp. ... Lehtgh Navigation Lehigh Valley Lehigh Valley Tr. . do nref Penn Phils. Eteo I'nna Co do 5 n do One nrflf rhlla It T ..... do t c Jtenillnir Ton IW Ton Mln t'n Trac r rt I II H Steel . . . York Ilwy pref. Wm Cramp t c. Tftrtnv Did. Asked .. 90ia .. 4tl .. ni'i .. mu .. 704 .. 14S .. 11J .. 74i .. 72 , 14 lit! Wt 34 "J 72 14 , U OA IS 75 75 UM 20 K.M I'psterdar II Irl AsKe,t on 102 11 40 4HH IP 14 SUM 101 a tia 71-4 13 10 OJH tW 7?v5 ". B3t B.T 0 ZVi 24 Mil H4 c rref sat J ,14 8I 0t4 72iJ 02U CO 40 I)",, "72) ft coJ 14 21 72s , 0414 Ifl 20 24 .11 SSI 73 I1.. 1.10 71. MH 12 , fMi; ros .u 04 04VJ FOREIGN TRADE CHANCES Tht olloulna lljt 0 ororttin!HM for Jnur (can manuacturcrs n the torttpn trade it Often by the llurrau 0 Pareign ami DomttHe Commerce, Department 0 Commerce. onf od ttltloital titormntfoii mat be hml by corre siiortrifiire, ultlii7 (he Its number: No. 17J30, inper. fiirnlturr, etc. A commis sion merrhnnt In one of the tnmilnr posesslons Informs on Amerl-nn mnsular officer that lie desires to establish commercial relations with American exrortcrs of cotton piece goods, knlttea retries, beer. Iron water plpo ibotli nlack and pnhnnlzed). shoo leitner, flour, grain, prolelrns neB print paper stationery nnd bent-unod furniture Correspondence Is desired In Spanish, but may be In English ..No. 1723,. general representation. 1 he De- Parnneni of Comnierce Is tn rerelpt of a letter rom a company In Drain statins that It has otganljod fur the purpose 01 promoting trado relation between (he 1'nlted States una South Amerlcu It la stated that the rompan) Is In a position to furnish full Information relatho to Import nnd eiport burlness The Arm haa larte nhonrcema and Is In a position to con duct a campaign In marketing In that country. The Arm Is alto In a position to attend to the registration of trademarks, patent etc. A prospectus of the compsny may bo examined nt tho Bureau of Foreign and Domestlo Com merce and Its branch offices. No 172V. gas pipes, ete An American con sular officer In New Zeatind reports that thero Is a shortage of steam and au pipes in 1th, rngllsh tlueads) nnd perforated zinc plates the (onsulsr officer transmits the names of a number of Arms denting In these cummodlttea No. 172Mt, general reprtscmatlon An Amer ican consulic orflcer In Cuba reports that a company has recently been organized In hla dlstrlt for the purpose of representing Amer ican manufacturers and exporters The firm does not specify any particular line No 172GO, underwear and hosler)An Amer ican consulir officer In England has transmit ted a report relative to a posnlble opportunity fo- the sale of underwear and hosiery A copy of the report may be had on application to the bureau or Its branch offices No. 17201 mining macnlnerj An American consular officer In Japan trar emits a report r. latlio tn an opportunity for the sale of ndnlng machinery A copy of the report may be had nn application to the bureau or It branch offices. No 172ili. structural Iron. A contractor In Italy Informs an American consulsr officer that ho drRlres to enter Into business with Amerlcnn iranuracturers of structural Iron nnd steel. Quotations are desired c 1. f destina tion. It Is stated that Iron from European countries Is new being quote t at $3 33 per J20 pound3 The man also desire to receive quo tations on Portland cement, tho best quality of which la now being otTered In that country at 81 cents per 220-pound sack. A sample of some of the Iron desired for reinforced con crete work may be examined at the Uureau of Korelgn and Lomemic totnmerco or na brancn offices This supplements Foreign Trnde Op portunity No. ltti73 and Confidential Circular No, OSS No 17203, gasoline An American consular officer In New Zealand reporta an opportunity for tho sale of lu.Oon case of gasoline to be used by an automobile association ,-l 4141,,, U,lljUIB.V U...W.I", ,,,... ,, .... Zealand Infoima an American consulsr officer CI1ICAOO, June 17.-Julr -wheat opened at 1 00 today, a 251-cent gain over yen torday'a closing- price. September old nt a i-cent advance Corn and eat re mained stationary tor a. time following the etait of trading;. December wheat de clined H of a cent Conriletlrir; Weather reporta nnd a rumor that the Alllea had at last forced the Dardanelles goon caused Alt to ear. All droppd quickly. July declined to ILOstt and 8eptember to I1.0CH4 Sharp re'coverlea occurred In the Iat dealings, July getting back to SI 0S4 at the close and September to L02H De cember waa the strongest, showing a gain over the opening of nearly a cent Shorts who had rushed to cover during the last few days apparently had ben satisfied when today prices began to go down. Uuylng became limited. A large tornado was reported In north cm Kansas and southern Nebraska, which Is said to havo seriously damaged crops. The foreign demand waa small. No ex port selling was reported. It waa slid, however, that severnl heavy buyer for export wero trying to unload July while buying September. Continued wet weather has buoyed corn prices. Offerings Increased as wheat grew weak. Oats are maintaining a steady position. Cash house aro sell ing July. Tho weakness of the American market was reflected In foreign markets. Lending future ranged" "1 follow. Wheat Open. High. tow. Close "los, JU'y 108 100 1 02tl 1 rent 104H September .. 103 1.03 l.oo't tl.u2H l.3 December .. l,OI4 1.0Si 1.0JiJ 1.03J 1.01 Corn (new riVllvervl- July 7BW. 7.1i 74'4 m Sit sa (September December July September i.ara it July 0.00 Beptemoer .. B.7J IIJK 0J51 t?8 & , itii July lb 10 32 10 63 'nrlc- July 1703 September ..17 50 Hid. tAsked. September rom n 1 40 DM 0.77 10.10 10.03 17 07 17.60 43 MOtt 0.40 .03 t5VI 740 0.41 0.72 10.00 10 03 18 7S tlOSt 17 20 U7.30 'I "ft . 0.4T 19.7T IBS 17.00 JT42 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS 31 CHICAOO, June 17.-HOOS-Recclpts, 13.000. Market 6c, higher. Mixed and hatchers, 17 133 .,.i, xooa neavy, ii.i.iit.oo, rnuga near W ItlTIT 1V: light. I7.2(rtt7,70; pigs. ? bu.k. 7.1037.(10. CATTL11 Itecelpts. ttOOO. Market strong. Tlecee. I7..11BI1S0 cona and heifers, .RO 8(11. Texank. f7.40H'.ni, calves, tS.SW.M. SllEEP flecctpis, fvico Mnrket steady. Na tlio and Western, f 4(13 0. lambs, J708.S3, NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NDW 'YOnK, June 17. A firmer tone pre vailed in coftee futurea today. First quota tions nere unchanged to -4 polnta above th closp last night. Final figures ahowed gslns of ns much as 10 points. Trading waa mora actlio than any day this week. Prices follow. Tolay'a opening April 7 0"if7.12 May 7 144718 juno July August ... September Urtober . . No ember December January .. February Mnrrh .. . Hid. Total aales 20,000 baga Today'a Yesterday" ctose close. T11IB7.12 7 0J&7 1O 7 1357.18 7 147 15 S.IB(l.0O 8303.00 7.0037.02 7 07C7 00 7 004f7 01 02 Htl3tUl OOlflO.02 K OOflO.03 OOflO 04 U.U1QH.U2 BOS O.0Ofln7 0.046(193 K.l'107.01 ll7ftHHS MOtftll.03 0 07 8 OSflfl 09 0 0408.93 7.7.03 7 017 itl 11 05K. 7 OHJ7.0S 7.04A7.00 7.017.03 7 03B7.08 7.077.09 7.04ft7.03 BAR SILVER NEW YORK June IT. The prlc of com merclal bar silver today waa 41H In Mnflnn -1 n-m pence. cents, an' sS that It ts In the market ror dehydrated onions, The firm desires to receive nample by mall. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, June 17 BUTTER.-Market slightly weaker, receipts, 11.002 packages, ex tra, 284fi:S"c ; higher acorlng, SsfiJStJa; state nairr. s-:a- isrKei ii 003.- frregulari 20f21c. cases; extra rtnti, CeVjU'-'lc, fresh gathered; firsts, ivouc.. I rein gainereu receipt. 20,510 JHfl'.'lc regular packed, mixed 21c.s nearby browna, 22iJ4T23'Sc. nearby white. coior, mitu "Why Boxing Is the Target for Abuse in America," by Wil liam H. Rocap. Here's an entertain ing and instructive story for sportsmen who want to see the boxing game live. In the Sunday Public Ledger Sports Magazine. Grain - Grain - Grain We beg to announce that we have purchased a membership on the CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE and have opened our new Grain Department. We have direct communication with Chicago and other important grain markets which enables us to supply authentic reports and grain data. Orders will be promptly and accurately executed. HUGHES & DIER 1435 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA Travelers' Cheques Travelers in the United States or Canada will find that the safest and most convenient way to carry funds is in the focm of Travelers' Cheques, which are accepted as cash everywhere. Cheques issued in various denom inations by thi company. Commercial Trust Company Commercial Trust Building r 1 1 - I 1 1 "5?" ' aas.ejpaijwv -ta. . ,.., .fiwa J J&lols60H0.