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iii j&jM "'""flMpTlE jSVEyiyg ledger phtt, a n ELF lAHFBBpAY. JFNE dKdd w and j ' n 1 1 ......... ni M Jvin 1B0N m irld ell- ern era fit It to Is md f a I be 1m 1 l mm B. AND MnS. WILMAM W. FIT- I street htt8 ' t.ER will Blvo a garden party today sho will aDinrtnVA"!lntl0 Cll-' T . ...l.l.- l,,1nl,,,l II ! " """" Iheir rei". - h "' um- i, to rrttet their daughter, Miss Itnchci where flUer. This will De miss i tilers rormnl (L aiJ K '- .vw...d .,. ...c UU1 Si com'ntf icasuna win lies is i m recetv i amwG whom will be Miss Margaret W Burton, Mies Mary Stuart Wurts, i Kate Fumess J."ne, ailss Frances rrron and M'8' 5Iatle Thayer Graham. frt Charles Stewart Wurts will also Ej3i)t la receiving-. u. nobert Sturgls and her ilaunh- n-rfMlM Henrietta Howard B. Bturgli, i'" ..: ... rUlsn tlllla. Mill l..K. ft IJIOUIIIWI io w --.-", "..i iivnv V ... t Tnlv In ha Inn tntnetn fnv . l.. Af Mr. nnrt Mrn. rMrrnr Rntf Ifkelr rlace In Bar Harbor, Me. Miss ikrrtt will also bo the guest of Mrs ia JIany entertainments will be ta for Miss Sturgls during her visits SoV . , nl.lla.litlnllln flAklllnillnn .. t In.l T& '" UEUUflHW VI 1UBL iter. Si and Mrs. George O. Boss, of 1T21 fi&Sco etreet, have opened their country fit. tt l'ort Washington, Pa., Where ffywlll spend the Biimmer. tut Ellinbeth Porter, daughter of ItEMenant Colonel and MrB. J. Itldrtlo Iroiier, of 178 I street, Washington. D. ESrho has been visiting for several days Kphlladelphia, whero many informal Bjflieons and entertainments have been Kreh In her honor, will leavo today for tir Harbor, Me., where sho will join her Silly, who are occupying their coltago iafthe summer. Syr" and Mrs Joseph S. Lovorlng Whar StaMil slr- JoseDh Si Levering Wharton. ht- ef Old York Road, near Chelten avi. i, tccompanlcd by a party of friends, tlldeave tomorrow on their yacht the VtM for Jamestown, It I , where they Ml epend the Bummer. Mr. Charles W. Wrton will leave July 1 to spend July fed August at Jamestown, where ho will la his family. fWnj the many Phlladelphlans who I'm taken cottages at Bay Head, N. J., Iri Mr. and Mrs Frederick M. Qnrdlnor, 'Jrl of Carpenter street, ami vvisLnmcKon Tttaue. Oermantown; Mr. and Mrs J. Ron Pilling, of G707 Cresham road; Mr. Mrs Arthur M Hnrrlngtnn, of 821 Mrs. j. L;,,,,, street, has MtrL W,st, Jh"" atreet, to X Iss Mn,J n Tllfn"-, 2607 Onul street No deflniK "i0.", m ,:,nll ranged feVthS wedding ,.." been " shortly leave tnl ...',, Ils8 "osscr will ood, N. j. f0r a vcatlon trip to Wild" ofMM27inM,r8, Hnrry A- Domlncovltch. The llev. and M xwi.:Tisy for the summer. ' "' l"Cy WHI "m!lln st"c8t' !,10r.(,-,Kcyes- of M Greene S!n shoamo,tC,,me.,0r 'U,anll Clt' to Along the Reading n- .i alrnrtl avenue, Ashbourne, have m tjielr guest Miss Meade, of HuSaio! Tho Mothers' Circle of Oak I.ane will ch Mren'" f'T,"1 "" " the" cniwren and friends on Saturdav fiom 2 30 until 5 o'clock, on MrsJ S cord'H awn. rtOOt nn,i mi v.. " .icv. wm ieS'vbb Sml -' MrsV'Mey ord noi' ,,?." """ibutlons to send jfMtrlew street, Mr. and Mrs. Louis fclr tottnae for tho summer and will o!taln Informally over tho week-ends Tntonor of their daughters, Miss Uliar- )ott Park and Miss M. Parke. Tne latter ttl ta one or next season s acoutanicH. if. and Mrs Samuel B. Van Dusen and ITJs Helen Van Dusen will spend the L il T..1, Mr1 Aiirrttaf nl "Tha I llnlli." Dr. Foster, headmaster of St. fjnl'i School, Concord. Mass , also has Ultn a cottage and will move down the triUof July. yfrj and Mrs. Howard, II. Henry, of Kftttold Farm, Fort Washington, will Iut early In July nnd occupy their nmoer residence at Islesboro, Mc. .- . i.uuieii oi mo c ty away to thn country for a week. U1 Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Homlller. of 1205 ?,mmnVC"V ak Lane- wl spend the summer at Ocean City. soci'!,8t0n I!l,Bh Sch001 Alumn' As Boclntlon Is preparing for Its 27th bnauet. to bo held In the Ablngton HIbIi Junoa. bU",Jlne Wedneaday ?enlv! Mr. nnd Mrs. ndmnml Tiriiio.. - nu North 12th street. Logan, accompanied "j incii iwo en aren. Atlno SSjk ,i iwpppil , sHHHHiBaBHtBlHBH MHIHw1 53 S'WR "mK InP : U BF ' : "'ji MRS. EDWARD ERNEST TOMPKINS Who, before her marringo ycater day, wag Miss Mary Leah Mad. dock, of 4913 Ilnzol nvonuo. I 1 and Mrs James F. Fahnestock and iilr duuehtera. Miss Charlotto Fahne- liock and Miss Mary Fahnestock. have pitt their town house on East Itlttcn Ikj Square and are at Havertord Court forth early summer. WXn, Andrew A Blair, of Flowertown JoaJ, Chestnut Hill, entertained Infor- Wiirat amner last evening at v o ciock :Sn. H. Moran. of 2032 Locust street. yn entertain at dlnnr tonight In honor emer aaugnier, jiiss latnenno Agnes Kit Margaret Hornn. Tho decora- fms will be American Beauty roses and lirai covers will be laid for 23, Includ aft number of out-of-town gupsts. Mlsa Hojtn and her aunt, Miss Katherino HtSftslmen. will leave shortly for t?" tuu uicilL XMinirl 1U1 llio rcoair. Brlcklcy nnd Mirntoi- l-Hmn.i u.i.i.i: Jr , will open their summer home. "Octan Sldo." at Wlldwood Crest, after July 1 Mr and Mrs. Arthur Warner, after a wedding tour, will live In Chicago, 111. airs. Earner was Miss Martha E. Mln nlck, of 1318 Menton street, Logan, bc- . :r in.irnago last Saturday. ,-f -Mrs. William Dajton Shelby, of Woodland nnd Surrey roads, will spend part of July at Chautauqua, N. V. i,'l2; nna Mrs- Robcrt A. Danforth, of M3 South C3d avenue. Oak Lane, will Icayo next week for Detroit, whero they will reside. Juouncements have been received of jltnarriflfA nf rloa TT.lAti ril-nhA,li t&t Daniels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MniHl Sailer Dnnlnln nt Tllvrtnn. nml Jr. Charles Edward Chldester. on Wed Wr evening, June IS, at 7 30 o'clock. 3,Clirijt Church, Blverton, N. J. A re JflUjn. followed at the homo of the jmi parents. 303 Main street. lAlong the Main Line E0SEUONT.-The play, "Every Girl." U RlVen lflRt AVJtnlnir In (,a n.rl.h ja of the Church of the Good Shep m)r the members of the Girls' Frlend- SfWCltty Undflr thA mnnnffAmpnt nf thfl Jivv'a'wn amateur actor, air. Thomas lij-n iP" Those who took part were Miss - mii, miss tirnestine Glersch. Miss f Edwards, Miss Caroline Erwln. Ails Arms Hiiihik "ft.. tv.i r ..,, .r? -fciu,Yii, iixiua jicieu uujlivcii, Edith Eagle and Miss Alice A. ilr. nA tt. T tr .n -m ,.m Sjr Line road, left yesterday for the iSMa Exposition. They will bo Bono SSt a month. UPW MAWB.-Mrs. Louis Rodman jmfoi tspnng road, gave an Informal Ss'on uartv vmniiv. . i or Mt, Gretna, fc5 P. Herltaga -will leave this Pa., where she ad the summer. VERFOR,D-Mrs. Lewis It. Ash- I Jr. has left Haverford Court at tlord, where she has been for the jjgltiter, and has opened her house iiaroor, sie where she will spend "wraer JSJ, Mrs. Henry V. neglster. of klllll Farm. UnVaptAnl Tin -.utll LtWa week y motor to' spend the HT at thtlF hnnrnlnw of Qmlllilniun ... ' """ """ ,......, i iana. West Philadelphia Mrs. A. C. Tull. nf K7.ii nn,.ij Btrcet. will Ieae on Sunday for Atlantic t-ltj. where dho will open her cottage for the summer. ...n'l'3!3 3'Va ,Kr,1,sc- 6731 Cambridge street, will leave shortly for Chicago, III , whero she will spend a portion of the summer. Miss Mary Chane. 3615 Locust street is planning to spond tho summer on tho tuuoi ui .iamo. ane cxpecta to leavo In a week. Mlsi Margaret niggs, of 3624 Baring street, has returned from Ithaca after at tending tho reunion of her class at Cor nell University. Miss Caroline Jolley entertained the Thimble Club at luncheon at her home, E900 Christian street, on Tuesday. Among those present wero Miss Alva Kelly. Miss Bertha Wade, Miss Catherlno Bramhali, Miss Norlne Layton. Miss Elizabeth Schaffer, Miss Agnes Loeb. Miss Eliza beth Chantry. Mrs. H. B. Harvov Mrs Harry McLaughlin, Mrs. William White, Mrs. William Itoblnson and Mrs. Earlo Bronneville. This was the last meeting of the season, and during the latter part of June the members will take a trip to Atlantic City. Miss Alice Geraghty has left to spend the summer at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart, of 1655 North 66th Btreet. entertained Mr. and Mrs. Chaunccy Bornkessel last nlnht nt thi home. Tho two families always celebrate me .win or June together, as they were both married six years ago on the same day at the samo hour. Mr. Frank Hart married Miss Catherlno Itagan in Our Mother of Sorrows" Church, ,sth street and Lancaster avenue, while Mr. and Mrs. Bornkessel wero married In the Lady of Rosary Church. 63d and Callowhlll streets. Both weddings took place at S o'clock in the afternoon. South Philadolnhia Invitations hav0 been Issued by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stanlsce for tho mar "ago of their daughter. Miss Alda Sinn lice, to Mr. Xatalo Kaurlslo, on Wednes day afternoon, June 53. at o'clock In St. Ilita's Church. Broad and Ellsworth streets. A reception will follow the cere mony nt tho brldo's home. 1611 South 15th street The bridal couplo will spend fne summer in Wlldwood, N J. Mis-! Thelma Barmach. of 611 South M street, entertained nt luncheon on Sun day In honor of Mlso Miriam It. Ehrllch. Among those present were Miss Thelma Barmaei, Miss Dorothy Bashan. Miss letta M. Flemlntrrr. Mloa wim n. rnoch. Miss Gladys Wcencr. of Washing ton, Mis Frnnces Zoff, of Wilmington: Mr. Milton Barmach and Mr. Bernard Barmach. Miss Itoso E. Lafferty. of 1313 Chris tian street, announces tho marriage of her nleco. Miss Hose Ljnn. to Mr. Ed- W.lnl Fortitl Tho r.rtnnni- wna .. formed by the llov. James Gallagher in St Charles Church, Mth and Christian streets, on Juno B at 11 o'clock. Mrs. J. Wllkins was matron of honor and Mr. Frederick Fortln best man Mr. and Mri rortln nre now receiving at 1313 Christian street. Tho Independent Order Freo Sons of Israel gnvo Its first annual banquet Sun day evening at its clubhouse, 17M South Broad street, which was largely nttended by prominent persons of tho city. Mr. W. S. Varc, who nttended tho atTalr, was the principal speaker, nnd ho anticipated. In his speech, that In a short tlmo this lodgo will bo the largest one in this city. A largo delegation from New York also nttended. Among thoso present were Miss Minerva MeneKorr, Miss Ileba Wlndcrmnn, Miss Anna Wlndrrman, Miss Sarah Ab rami. Miss Gussle Borlsh, Mls Elizabeth Ncmlovsky, Miss Mary Wcxlnr. Mr. Hnrry Ahrnms, Mr. Jako Wlndcrman, Mr. Henry Wlldcrmiin, Mr. Jacob Fcldman and Mr. Benjamin Wcxlar. mtfc. most important wedding In sotlety -Lloday will be that of mim Nancy torrv smith, daughter of Mrs. aa! Mr J Somers Smith, of im Bpruce street. t, L VB "nk' wanlekon aver i.e. Oermantown, and Mr. Joseph Wbod, Jr. or nttsburjh. The ceremony will take CtTJ? Sh Jame9' rro,MtBnt Hplacopal Church, i an(1 walnut streets, at 12 o clock. lieV?,?fcLd8 w".' b0 lven ,n marriage by er nther. ami th k- ... j. . ?. . co'Mln i.. ""'.""" ":,r"u' r ner mnl7i r i. 'ranees west Daly, as !?? ? hoior. Hr Urldmnlds will In- AJZ '? E'lior V Oainble. Miss MlU I tlT i"r B,11"y B- Sunders. Isabel n!l, Tyt8 ' win ..lrocko ?QU8h'"n' Tho bride. tr nmM r. ,. I(iVCly 80W" of B0 ". and nn!.hV '" ,1BkC0 ?mI ornn Wwom h f?r over th face, wUl win .. Si, u" oran"9 blossoms. Sha will carry Illlop. of th0 vnlicy. wLr u m ?f h.or,or nnrt )fllemslds will trun,i.ngrr ,r0ek8 n,Ml Ill0rn ht r,rl V1,.""1 orun'50 Wossoiiis. and wll . 'V,IU,T runes. 'if wood will riiiio by (iul Icniky. MISS KATHCRINB AGNB:s 1IORAX' Daughter of Mrs. M. Ho.nn, of 2032 Locust street, who recently graduated from Sit. St. Mary's Academy, Plainneld, N. J., whero "ho was awarded the gold medal Kiven by Rishop.McFaul, for highest general average. Tioga Mr. Daniel J. Mclntyrc. of M2I South ISth street, left this week for a trip through the Panther Creek Valley, where he will visit Lansford. Coaldale, Summit Hill, Tamaqua and Mauch Chunk. Miss Agnes B. Cnrlln. of 1113 South 19th street. Is at present In New York city. whero she went to act as bridesmaid jes tcrday morning at tho wedding of a schoolmate. A dinner will be given tonight In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Judge, of New York city, by Mr und Mrs Harry O. Baer, 633 Federal street. Covers will be laid for about 0 guests. Mr. Francis Capano. of 616 Carpenter street, entertained a number of his friends at his home lust night. His gueats In cluded Mr. Anthony Mucchettl, Mr. Gcorgo I'ollzzo, Mr. Henry Capno, Mr. Michael Serro, Mr. Rocco Savy, Mr. Francis Fortunate and Mr. James Co- lazzo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Barker, of The Towers. 13th and Venango streets, nre occupying their summer home In Atlantlo J-lty. and will remnln nt that resort until lato In the autumn. The Rev. t.nd Mrs. Thomas Bird, of rorth 13th street, aro spending some time li Atlantic City. Mrs. Bird Is recovering from a recent Illness Mr. and Mrs. Tcllx Slrousse nnd family, of 17 West Tlngn Blrect, will spend tho summer In Atlantic City, at 312 Oriental avenue. North Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clair, of J223 Montgomery avenuo, have gone to Ni agara Falls and later will tour through Canada. Chestnut Hill Ififl Mrs Rmu.l T.-.nSMInl. tTAim. ' Onilmmolr, have as' their guests y rs. itenry Paul Brown. Mrs. IVU he remembered as Mia Edith I Houston. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. S. Melllnger, of 318 South 46th street, havo opened their cot tago at Lavallctte, N. J , for the sum mer. Mr. Michael Coleman, of 5322 Ogden Btrcet, Mr George Thomas, 4521 West minster avenue, and Mr. William Heffer nan, of HI7 North Felton street, are spenaing several weens at Anglesea, N. J, having opened their cottage there last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brandley. 2145 Maraten street, and their children. Charles, Jr., William, Edward and Catherine, will leave tho city soon for Palmyra, N. X, for a short visit. Dr. Cornelia Kahn. of 1701 North 18th street, has returned from Newark, N. J., where she was the guest of Mrs. Charles I. Hoffman, her sister. A meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Morlarty, of 1641 Falrmount avenue, yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock to comcleto arrangements for the lawn fete to be given on Saturday afternoon and evening on the grounds of Mrs. Thomas J. Mlnnlck's home at Wynnewood for the benent of the new Mercy Hospital. Mr. II. Daroff, of 1813 North 33d street, has returned after a Ave weeks' stay In Mountnlndale. N. Y. The Entro Nous Literary Social held a meeting on Saturday at tho home of their treasurer. Miss Helen B. Williams. The evening was devoted to muslo and dancing. Mrs. Edward J. Bergen, of Wil mington, was guest of honor. Mrs. Crista and Mrs. Black presided during the evening. Mr and Mrs. Jonas Steelman, formerly of Tioga, uro passing the summer In Ocean City. Tho marrlago of Miss Ireno S. Well, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Well, of 331S North 21th street, to Mr. James F. Dornn will take place on Wednesday, June 10. Miss Rcna M. Watts has returned from Washington. D. C, whero sho nctcd as bridesmaid nt tho wedding of her brother. Mr. E Paul Watts and Miss Ellen Luc cock Alloway. dnughtcr of Mrs. John Allow ay, on June 7. Tho Rev Dr. Rutcer Dm. of tlm Tlnirn Baptist Church, uccnmpanled by Mrs. Dot, will leave riming tho week for Botnoseen, Vt.. where they will remain until the middle of September. The "Gleaners," n. numbers of girls of the Ann Carmlchael Memorial Presbyterian Church, Erie avenue nnd 6th street, will give a block party Friday and Saturday night on tho porches of tho residences of tho 4100 block on North 6th street to aid the car pet fund of the church. Prizes hnvo been offered for the prettiest Eirl. the most up-io-uate man ana the most handsomely decorated porch. Wilmington Mrs. Charles R. Miller and Mist Mnr garetta Miller have returned aftor spend ing two weeks In the Middle West. Miss Margaret do Ronge. of Smith Col lege, Is a guest of Miss Harriet Klrkus. Miss Elizabeth Harris, of Richmond Hills, L. I., is aUo a guest of Miss Klrkus at Trinity rectory. Miss Ethel Tallman has gone to Cleve land. O., to attend the wedding of Miss Mildred Sherman, a frequent visitor to this city. Roxborough Following the graduation nt the head of a class of 23 scholars at St. John the Baptist High School, Mis, Maria E. Cunnle wna given a reception by her parents, .nr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Cun nlo, at their home, 310 Roxborough avenue. Miss Cunnlo nai aledlctorlan of her class and received two gold medals and many bandsomo presents. Thoso present nt the reception were: Mlia Marlon Wilson. Miss .Mary McCal leu. MKs Margaret Murpliv. Mlts Helen Murphy; M, mtn. Saly. of Savannah. ".. .miss ,Nfiio Cunnle. Mlsg Marie Seery. Miss Motile Fogarty. MIm .Mar garet Ar'sK, Miss Mary Mcllvnlne. Miss Alma yvnlls. Miss Gretta Faliey. Miss Htlcn i Seery. MIm Sarah O'llrlen, Miss Madeline never. Mr William Seery. Mr. James beery, .Mr John Ryan. Mr. Flli worth Arlss. Mr. Alovlus Seor, Mr. John Wall, Mr Ednnrd Cunnle, Mr. Ed ward Fahey; the Rev. Eugene Murphy, I?. .?. ,- John ll"s Nnptlst Roman Cath olic Church. Mr. and Mrs James McCnl len, Mr. nnd -Mrs. John Mcllvalne. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo W. Davis. Mr. and Mrs John F. Gallagher. Mr. nnd Mrs John htewnrt. Mr. nnd Mrs Vmnlr nn.i... '.?' Mnry Donnoy. Mr Henry Don iicllj. Mr. Elmer Cut hbcrtaon, Mrs. 1 111 lam Somerset. Miss Annlo Gallagher .ura .nargarot .Murray. Mr. James P Seery. Mr. James O'Sulllvan, Mr. nnd Mrs Henry L. Murphy, .Mr James K. Gallaglioi. Mr. Willlnm Dougherty, Miss Jlary Miles, .Mr and Mrs. Thomas B Gnylgan, Mr. John Devers. Mr. Timothy McMonlglc. The annual convention of tho 14th Dis trict Philadelphia Sunday School Asso ciation was held Tuesday night at 7.1$ pclock in the WIssahlckon Methodist Episcopal Church. Terrace and Harvey streets. The pastor, the Rev. Frank M. Gray, presided. The nrrnrmm i.,mh,i,i address by Mr. Ray L. Hudson, superin tendent of the Tioga Baptist Sunday Bchool, and discussion by members of the association on the following topics. r?lVl Adult Dl0'e Classes." "Womon'a Bible Classes, Teen Ago." "Homo. De partment. "Elementary Work' nnd "Teacher Training." . t r .. "a), of New Yor... h ' " ""TO! bers will be Mr "coop. r WoiT Mrb,0fhw;, MfV WUI,Dm ' Snyder, Jr. MP Josen l ITnmn t. ,.... ?'. J.,' l "fuuPffh. Mr. William Ilnyne. 3d. of South Orange. N. J., and vir James Eomcn Mmiti, .t i..., of the bride. ",uu'"r The retemony wilt bo performed by the Rev. Dr .Mockrldge. rector of the church, nnd will be followed by a break- fast nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. in Oermantown. After a wedding trip ."?!, 'rri! n00'1 "'" ,lve ' "Jebcl wadl. Babjlon road. Thrco Tuns. Pa. STRONG-RISHOP. wfttT. V " " whit, of.andk with the skirts scalloped In pink Vat ta wiliff. n "n! p,h " ' la" ,tucsrhe,r- r$it TrnA Mr v' hlt VS formed, by the, niv. Mr MeUee. In the parlor undtr a bower reception WM he)d Bt ,h hom; y for Nten?i- JX ni " "obbard ton LOVE-STAUB. Stuuo Str of.SJ'.M Sarah Elizabeth - Stntib. Jr.. of 41M Oermantown awnue. and Mr. Robert J, LcTve took SrtaSf.!ht at "'clockt the home B st-i.h ? V. J!1 ' ne n,v William if. Staub. of Media. Pa., uncle of th f .Wrtormed th. ceremony, which cemlomVr1,'?r S lareiy ned m,rl?. JIr,l.s"iub gave his daughter In mirringe. sho wore , , a?. h,,rT " "d duche la and had her tulle veil arrangad with a "? '" blossoms. "uVFn cos Wood, tho maid or honor, wore an empire frock of pink lulto 'wZ? iaS Mtr' mi'!0",,810"""0:1 M Mr. Love'a A quiet wedding took place jeaterday cxtendid"h0nU0n lbft't'. "tUr" ,rnV" at 4 o'clock In the home of Mrs. Rose Bishop. 4351 Wayne avenue, when her daughter. Miss Marguerite L Bishop, be came the bride of Mr. Arthur C. Strong. The ceremony was performed by tho Rev F. a Nichols. Miss Bishop woio n sown of whlto taf feta trimmed with lace, her tulle veil was edged with orange blossoms nnd sho carried a shoner bouquet of white rose. Mrs. Herman Moser. a sister of the bride, nctetl as matron of honor, nnd woro n blue taffeta gown, made short, nnd a leghorn hat trimmed with pink roses She carried a loose bouquet of pink roses. The bridesmaids Included Mbn Julia M. Brown. Miss Ed.vthe Long. Miss Virginia Donaldson. Mls.i Helen Wilbur, who wero gowned alike In pink talTcta and carried pink sweet peas. Mr Strong was nttended by Mr. Herman Moser as best man Mr. nnd Mis. Strong will be at home after September 1 at Logan, Pa. WALSH-GLYNN. The marriage of Ml Honora J. Glynn, dnuchter of .Mr. and Mrs Willlnm Glynn, to Mr Michael Walsh was solemnized yesterday morning at 9 o'clock In the Chinch of Our I.nrty of Victory. Solemn High Nuptial Mnss was celebrated Father Franklin. Father McNamec nnd the Rov. Charles Gorman nlllclntlug. Tho bride, who was given In mnrrlngo by her brother, Mr. Patrick Glynn, wns attended by her niece. Miss Mnry Tozer, ns bridesmaid, nnd tho best man was Mr. Patrick Qulnn. A wedding breakfast nt tho home of the bride's parents, C13I Vine Btiect, followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh, after a wedding trip, will live at 221 North Mth street, where they will be at home after Octo ber 1. ITSTyhS S, h,w they ' & TomeS MOONKY-BAUROTH. di,M,(m"riaf.0 of M,M Florence Bauroth. joh5 Mr 0t Mr W11"ttn urolh. to S& 5"w 'ook Place last even ng it I? "0me' NSrth Iw llq,!''K 'St p,'1phla. The s"l,bch. Pastor of the Luth. eran. Church of tho Re.urrectlon. 5M and Thompson atrecta, onicIate4. Thebrlda was gowned In sheer whlto organdie wnsV,'? ,? tl? fu" eklrt " he? veil wn, of tulto held In place by orant blossoms. She carried a shower bouquit ?.' .B ro? ml Ulles " valley. J. "'J", a?'" "elem Bauroth, who of pale blue taffeta trimmed with old lac nnd carried pink tea roses. Mr. William Bod acted as best Juan. A reception Immediately followed the cercmouy after which Mr. and Mrs. Mooney left for the West, where their honeymoon win t,e ,pont. Among the gueats at the reception were, Mr and Mrs. Alfred E Albrecht. Mr. Alfred e7 Albrccht. Jr., Mr. William B. Albrecht, M suIak fK i1. I a t "" Mi'iin ruwior, .Mr. ucorg W. Thompson, of Chicago. III., Mrs. AUce, Mitchell, of Tronton. N. X: Mr. Andrew Hearley, of New York. Mies May Ander son, Miss Louella Haring. Mr. and Mrs. Harlng, Miss Laura Mcrz, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Melier. Mr. und Mra. Selbold, Mr. Paul Selbold, Mr. Harry Bauroth, MUa Mltdre3 Giles. Mlsa Esther CarsUU tor. Mis Anna Joseph. Mr. Thomas Jo seph. Mr Thomas Canfield. Miss Maria Boxa and Mr. Leo Kernan. FARMER-ECKHARDT. The marriage or Mlsa Gertrude E. Eck- hardt to Mr, Louis H, Farmer took place net incut in s ociock at tn nome. of tfrhdh is.wt1jka.i an 4Ma irM ji st xtn. l,M w,,uuo iuiuc,, .ir v.naries i?. icjc- ', nant, a North 53d street. fi HUBBARD-RHOADS A quiet but pretty wedding took place ,'r ." . , , ,VK '? n0 Inst evening nt S o'clock when Miss Mary 1 ,!"''.',' , Jjll1' Ir Charles F. Bartleson Rhoads. niece of Mr nnd Mrs. Isaac It. Ithoails. of 110 McKlnley avenue. Ijnnsdowne. became the bride of Mr Wil liam Hyndmam Hubbard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Hubbard, of 12 East Steward avenue. Lansdowne The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, Mr. Samuel D Rhoads, of Maryland, woro n most becoming gonn or white crepe de chlno with a Jacket of chnntllly lace trimmed In pearls and vvrs finished with n court train Her veil of tullo wns caught with orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of white rosea and lilies of the valley. Tho bridesmaids, Delaware County A surprise recoptlon to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fox. of Chester, was given last evening by members of the Gentlemen Farmers' Club at the homo of Mr. Harry . rman, the president, Mr. Fox la on of tho most popular members In the club, and ho has lust returned from his honey moon, which was spent in the South. The Gentlemen Farmers' Club Is an ex. elusive club of young men, and Its head quarters are In Moore, Pa. Lansdowne The Associated Charities of Eastern Delaware Courtty are making plans for a plcnlo to be held at Griffiths Park, Lansdowne, on Tuesday, June 28. A com mittee, of which Mlas Kathryna Jonee, of Highland avenue, is at the head, is ar ranging the details for the event. There will be sports far old and young, auto PM Mrs, Henry S. Paneoast, of Hj "1 ", : , " tiiuimji will oe gporiB jor uiu ana young, auto KLJ. .ifWMJQro ueK:K county, rdea to and from the park and lunch, all g' ,ny have a cottage for the 1 re6 to the mothers and their children. I Mason, son of Mr. an,d Mra, j, ., ul weai urtutnuc avenue, -m vo nta nome from Yale- Uni- BrOIVM BAM n tf. h4 Xlma ndlay Brown, of Bumrolt v. 1 returned home for bis summer ironj Carnegla Sebool of Tacb- Germantown ward Watera. formerly of Ger- BOW a ruMul ,.r lt..H.k... 4rfl ot Mr Mi Mrs Mward pater.. 0f M17 Qesme s treat. lrothy CiuTkaM,,, g,wukley. - BWCail. W !, SdAtAmAB IU9 (n -titM. '"-" " f Etwar4 A SUalft, of W atrcat. hu. .... . . .. ... ., -'. .v SMH w AUttNUV IIIIU " aolwaa, of U KnM Miss Jesaio Louisa Lewis, of East Grwnwood avenue, has returned to her home from Syraouse University, Mrs. Samual Botten. of East Baltimore avenue, r(MrMi)tlns- hr elau, will give a Uaat at tbe alumna dinner to bo given at luckisail CoHoge next weak. Mr. CroUu 0. Bbrey. prasldwt of too Board HaaJtb. has returned from n .It waaka' trip through the Wast. Mr and Mra. HWy laft yaaterday to spend a wek In AUasMe City, N. X um. OgaB. of Mapla avenue, loft yes- tiMdiy for I'lalttnald, N. J. Ulw Warrt 0'ura toft this wk for a viait to frtenda in Plttaourgb. Pa, Childrens Dy will be ebrvd at the Paatttot Churcct on Sunday at the regu lar church hour, 10 44. A moat inttrau Ins program baa bean prepared and an inviiaUoB a boon swuaoded to all to t- Mrs. John I.lpplncott and her daughter, Mlsa Mabel Lipplncott, of 1300 West On tario Btreet, will leave next Wednesday for the West, where they will visit Yel lowstone Park and the Panama-Paclflo Exposition. They will return about Sep. tember L Frankford Nino persons were elected to member ship at the last meeting of the Frankford Historical Society. Including Mr. and Mrs. Lynford Rowland. Jr., Mr- and Mr. John B. Sldebotham, Mlsa Julia A, Snyder. Miss Anna May Dyer, Mlas Lldte P. Pax son and Mr. and Mrs. S. Walter Foulk- rod. The last spring outing or me Historical Society will be a vUit to "Panhurst." the estate of Robert Le, Boutllller at Wayne, on Saturday, June Mth. Mrs. Frank B. Whlteman, of 1KB Unity street, la spending some time with rela tives In Montgomery County. A strawberry festival will t given Sat urday evenliu, from 4:30 to 8;J, by the Young Faoplo'3 Society on ta lawn of Willow Grove HmMi jspiaoopai Church for the bwiaflt ot the mortgage fund. Mrs- M II. Judd, of Frankford, and Mlas Martha Tongue, of Toeony. have re turned from a visit to Mrs. Judd'g daugh ter, Mrs. Robert M. Bird, la San Francisco- They vlaltad the BxpoaltJon, YoaamlU. Colorado Spriogs and Danver. and were extensively ostartained by their Wtm frttnds. Mr. and Mrs. T Edmund Murray wll) rtflde at Utf JoMphlno street, upon their return from tnalr wadding Journey Mri Murray was formerly Ml Uyrtla B. Cooo, dtugbter of Mr. and Mr. Ceorfo W. Con, of Josaphtn Ut. SufFrage Events Today EqUAL FIIANCI1ISB SOCIETY. Noon Open-lr meellng at Tela' Soap Worki, 73d street and Woodland avenua Speaker. JIln Ilertha Bapovits. ii -n p m Mlsa Uerttia Sapovlts ipeaka at tbe Jenktntonn Auditorium, York road below Creenuood avenue S 3(1 p. m MUa Anna McCue, orianlzt r for ttfl toclety in Kenalngton, tpeik in West Cheater, Ta. WOMAN SUFFPJAOE PARTY. Noon Mlaa Ilelan Todd, tt California, ad- dreiaes emDloeil at tha J. B fatetaon Com. piny, 4th itrtet and Uontiomerr avenue. a f in, uisciius u. ivui silver inq Lanraatar avenue, unaar inc. auanices or tni he. auaplces of tha rutty a branch in tne itiii iguutive putrut. Sneakers, Mlaa Caroline c Knapp and Mlaa Adareuea made from the car of Dr. nae T!nirardfl. lsrv Miller Mra M. C Iowell Drealdea. b p. m. Open-air meatlnv at 55J and. Cheat, nut streets Mri M. Iloimea areuki. H p. m. Open-air mtatlnf at Uroad and South etreata Or 15. M It. Moore and Mlaa Ida E. Turner asak. i so p. .-n Slta Helen Todd apeak on the City Rail piaaa. UMtTBD EQUAL SUrFRAOK I-EAUUE. i p. m. Meatlnr at the home of Mra. James Vlnaor. Haverford Blart'on of oftlcera. Ad drtuaa by i'lM Iloa Llvlngaton and Mliu Alice Carpenter Mlaa Uvlnsaioii la known as the aniel o.' Chinatown for her eitenahe work In the Chlneee quarter of New York. MIm Carpenter haa Jut returned from the poacM confeteno ai The llaaue. Hotel Arrivals GRBBN8 John J. Duffy, Baltimore, Md.: 8. McKtllya. Vlnaland, N J.; E. L. Weaeott, Lewaa. Del. -nMTlNBNTALrMr. and Mra. Lealla a. Diwall. East Orange, IN, J., P. Thomas, Wilmington. Del,; J. J. Lucltt. Nawark. N J poo.N'KIVS-E s. Doyle. Ecraman, Pa.; P. V. Cawlay, Toanda. Pa. BINOHAM-E. A Hart, New York: Mr. and Mra. 8 C- Brlacoe, Collloiawood, N. J 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M Arnold, Scranton, Pa. HANOVER Kobe rt a. Warren, Hirrlaburg, Pa.1 1 r. Rlppler. PltUburih. Pa. WINSOR-Dr O. W. Lent. WelliBora. Pa.j Si J JUwrU. WUkea-Birre, Pa., Pavtfl B. CreU, peauvetHirr. Pa. YEKDiO Thomas J. . HarrUburr, Pa s B IVOIMHM4NI, MJHIN, . t , VOarWf T. tVBllf. Columkua. O. HT JAUSa-J. WoolaLon Joj Fa.. Mra. Alfred Coeaar, Cap May. S WAIvroN-W. J MeJDoasuib, CUcaio, 4 n ureeu. luuago. Hirrlkburr, j JU. III. BTENTON-Dr. W. ,B. Hara. PnUltaji. Vwr. Pa.. V , C Lloyd. AUaaiown, Pa.. R. IlyeUow. Auauik. Pa. BrTKVIIOUa!-H C. Harriu, Bottoa. wa . rouii uivtf. aKfaBioo. ra- BBLl.KVUK-S: Tan. "r itl- Camden and Vicinity Ohownlcken Farm, the realdenco of Mr. James V. Black,, at Jobstown, N. J., will be the scene of a tennis tournament today m...wh'.ch a number of prominent girls will take part. They Include Mlsa Ger trude Mott. Mls Mnrguret Packard. Miss Dorothy Kirk, all of Burlington; Mlsa Hilda Smith, of Smlthville: Miss Polllmus, of Mount Holly; Mrs. John V. Bishop, Columbus; Mrs. F. II. Hutchin son. Mlsa Marlon Sharpless, of Wyncote, Ia.; Miss Florence Brcakiey and Mlas ainrgarei ianaon. or IJonlentown. siu Gladys Black, of New York, and several others. Mr. and Mrs. Warren II Coffin, who wero married Thursday evening, will spend tho summer at Chelsea after their return from a 19 days' wedding trip. Mr. Coffin's parents, who aro on from Bos ton, win vlBlt him for a month at tha seashore, where they and Mrs. Coffin's two daughters have preceded tha bridal couple. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frederlrlts and Miss Fredericks have given up their homq near 6th and Cooper almeta and will take an apartment In West Philadelphia In tho fall. Aftnr sntndlnir turn wmIt. n t i. wood they will go to tho Poconos for the I summer. Mr. John Dialogue, of 406 Cooper street, expects to attend the exposition, going via the Panama Canal What's Doing Tonight Municipal Band concert. Vernon Park. Oer roantowa avenue above Chilian avenue. 8 o'clock. Free. .Philadelphia Band, , concert, Convention H, Proud street and Allasbany avenue; 8 o'clock. Free Falrmount Park Band concert. Belmont Man. aloo; 8 o'clock. Yf. Market Street Merebaata' AMOclatlcn, tllni bam Hotel: J0 o'clock. Blllv" Sunday akelr concert Willow Grovo Park: 8 o'clock. Ileorganliallon Dfwocrata. Itth Ward Demo cratic Club, 866 North SM atreet; 8 o'clock Particular Council Satiety of Bt. Vincent de Paul, Catnolle Boys' JlTib. School, 8 o'clock, I MONTESSORI "WX? 4311 WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA liroptm in October Iteirlatratlon hooka now open. Phone Prcaton 8803 W. Flrat orsanliad Inatltutlon devoted eiclu. lliely to the eelentlflc direction ot NOIIMAL CIIILDI1F.N from three to eight years. The aim of thla school la to civ normal children an environment In which th apon taneoua Impulere ot child IK may have free dom for Individual growth, and where peraons ot bioad actentlflc culture may obaerve Impar tially which acta to hinder and which to tneourage A Lectura Coura on the direction cf Chil dren ef pre-echoo! as. Includlnr tha atudy of their phyalcal development, nutrition ami mental actlvltlea, will b liven during th achool year 1015-I01U I NAZAUKTU. PA. jWrrmawiMWeiniemw Nazareth Hall Military School Takes the parent's place for boya from eight to sixteen years. One nf the oldest Boarding Schools for Boys In America, Eatabllahed In 1783. FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL SYSTEM for BOYS and GIRLS FltOM KlNDEltaAtlTEN TO COLLRQB Eeparat Department a for boya and xlrla la the Hlfti School Echoola of thla system located IBth & nac 8ta, 8sth Utnraater Ave. ITth & Olrard Ave. Urten School Ijine, Utn. WRITE lOR BOOK OF PRIllh'DS BYSTBU WM. KUIBR BArtHHTT. 8IIPT. ISTH AND HACK UTS.. PHtlA. Free Instruction in Spanish SJ; for Btanearapher now Forming. Letter Wrltlne Tranalatlona and Cenveraatlae, FoeTBn BoiiooL of lanouaqim ItWO Cheatnut Street Send for Catalogue; jo todl be pleased. , Rev. S. J. Blum, D.D. Prin., NAZARETH, PA. HAitiusnuno. pa. Strayer's Business College S- ally attractive ofTer thla week to any pereon it-ilrlna a bualneaa educatleo. 801 to Wf Cheatnut street, Philadelphia FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL v. nnys no n. nth t. gihls AU grade. Writ for rataloiu -jeeaWBBBr: ClIAMIilhHHt'nO, PA. Ilaulliar B J UullUan. Catholic Lyceum BuUdlcf, Camden. Lawn fate. UoeSt Oak Lane M H. Cburck, tUtt Stratface avlu, Mtre Park, 8 o'claoF Dabate, -Kaaalved. That J4hr Cookbig ta Superior to We'i?' Weet YMk BtrM it Ji Caureb; 8 o'otook I'ENN HALL SCHOOL FOK GIHLS Located la the beautiful Cumberland Valley Ceileca Preparatory Medern IBiuin aad Soeclal Oouraea Certta- cste Frlvtleaee Room with prlvat talk it. 1. Harrisburg Academy A country achool founded ITS 8. individual Medara buUdlnsa. large calnpua. Advantage f Hutu vieerve pin iiMiiewuet inairyeiioa, Ttwouih collaga preparation. Hate 1 100. 1800. Suprvlaa athletle Separata actum for younr boya, We Invlt eloeeet lave, tltatlon a rcreonal Ylali If peealbl. Wriie for our catalogu awl plana ef n dt mllory Addrvaa ABT11UU K. HIIOWN. U. A., Hcadnuataf ii 'aa ALLK.NTOWN, PA 4Hlount Prepare: lvSAaa4 Suawaer Saaaiaet opens June ltd Prepataa boya for ItaiUat col l.a A uolvaraltt. IH.h uaodaruTeuUl dept ler yoejwer boya Near Mdas. AlT aifi. Frank L. lUaaan. A M., Prin , AUetWft, Pi. mV CHB8TBB. PA. Hotel Oladaton. Atlantic Ctty. occunled by achool during May each year, work continue wuoout is- uioa. .TftATFOitn - WUUaa Howard Havaa. Cons . Jaaae Lauaalia. j...... :. . . i. ..., m- rirr: burab. Jf.. T. fatt. IbMa. Pa Ferry Bolmoot. Waaalaiton, D C Jaco rhlcaso. III . Hamilton anware: Hidden, Florid. Ferry iHfkiaaoj New fork Jacob MUI. BITZ-CABLTON - Mr and Mra Newtoo GuUck, "vaafclniton, V C . Mr ana Mr tt. B jdV.w Vwk Mr. a4 Mrs. K 8 aUw. nejw iof wra. . J ew iwk, M. eBCeatt- Notice for th Boclety par will b accepted and printed In th EtoUu Lder, but all auch nolle mtut b written on oaa aid of tha paper, mwt be (Ig-oeil In fuU, with full addrcaa, and when poaalbU telephone number luttat b alvan. Send all aah commulcatloaa ta "Society Editor," Evenlaa; LaJxer. 60 Cbea4uut atreet. t'Bl Uuua qtrenaU aro canted out o that TMtscatUa nay b poaatblc. ttt BoUea wU wM poWtabed. iMeuratoa. Rate. SBOO lor eatalaa! and view addrau PRANK MAdlLU tm A M . Frlaclpal K mimmmmmmmmmmmmmm WHNtiQOP, PA. 'Country Day School for Boys" osaaa ta Saptasaber. at Wynne, p. s&Bartanced taoavr. at lb hliheet raw) ttoaa; carefully (elected tudta, (ytBavaataaA ud ajfht acta ot jrounil. JtT. Gebeo BeH, A.B . B Jl , H4 Mat-, gll a atajbjMJtCbMteat liUeJ, P UHTZ. PA. I IKraa?M UAII eCHIMADV r.rQuu.S:a Aimt. ' ZT"tiL $&& oTATB NOIIMAL eCHOOL. tcv-e per year, u M Batjt fiaaea. PHtUTJ. Pria, HLAlmrTOUX, N J BLAIR ACADEMY rOR BOYS MM caoMw JohaS a anod mh luo 1 100 u , run HALTIMOKK. Mi) Affordby Normal School Sf woaaa TMiruHHHmisjHat.ii al s yr. Hejel rtaalloe eVcaeata. aJUksMa, Prin. lWretMrit B . ' i iwaai aStl.W Hi STAUKTttK. V4. BaUwto Munlinry, iMlnnrtaa. V. l.- larj sauau annniary, MtyMva. v. t. catad in Sttenaiidoaa Valley ei Vtratali. Uurpal tilmal. uiedeea aweattMUati, i V-