Newspaper Page Text
EVENING LEPGER-PHILADELPHIA, flATTJRDAY, JULY 17, ...lOlSj i ITALIANS WIN STRONG PASSES IN TYROL ALPS, WEST OF LAKE GARDA Austrian Attack Repulsed in Val Camonica and Counter - Assault by Italy's Troops Drivos Foes Back. DUE PASSIDI 3000 METRI CONQUISTATI IN VALLE CAMONICA TURKISH TROOPS DEFENDING GALLIPOLI PENINSULA Gli Austriaci Abbanonano Parecchi Grossl Cannoni. Salandra ad Un Consigio di Guerra al Fronte di Battaglia. ROME, July 17. Another success for th Italian army Which Igvnded Auitrla west of Lake Oarda itfotlcMy repotted today. The Kalians have occupied vro mart) Important mountain passes In the Vat Camonica, In the western part ot Trtntlno. In the Carnlo Passes the IUllans and Austrian are engaged In fierce fighting In fogs And darkness upon the lofty crag. Upon the Ifonzo front the Auatrlans are battering away nt the Italians with their big- guns In an effort to check the slow but methodical advanco of the Invaders. The cannonade Js varied with night at tacks, Tho ofllclal report of "(lie Italian General Staff follows: "In Val Camonica the enemy has pasted the towns of Vcnerocolo and llrlzlo, at tacking with large forces our positions near tho spot where Garibaldi took refuge. Our troops repulsed tho Austrian attacks and took a number of prisoners. We also occupied two mountain passes having an altitude of SOW metres. "In the- Carnlo Alps tho enemy taking advantage of fogs and darkness, attacked on the afternoon and night ot July 14 between. Monte Cogllano and Plizo Avo stano, losing 33 men. "Upon the lsonso front thero Is no charige. Tho enemy delivered night at tacks and has been bombarding our posi tions with heavy artillery In an effort to Indict large lasses and to check our slow advance. The cannonades of the enemy were also designed to compel our bat teries to exchange Arc, thus revealing our artillery positions," The Idea Natlonale states that Em peror Francis Joseph of Austria has been compelled to abandon his contem plated visit to the front in the soUth western theatre of war owing to per sonal and mental condition. Tho war between Italy and Austria was a, hard blow to tho aged monarch, and since hostilities began ho Is reported to have suffered continually from hallu cinations, frequently Inquiring if his nrm ls are ready to advance" In Trentlno to crush the enemy, ""The Austrian Emperor's mental state arouses tho greatest pity,'1 said tho Udea Nacionale. "It is feared that one of the paroxyms of rago which frequently visit the aged ruler may prove fatal." it Is learned that an Important council of war was held by the Austrlnns nt Toblaoh on July 12, when it was decided td mobllii) tho whole1 civil population of Axistriarttuhgary and to strengthen iho fortifications around Klagenfurt and Qratz. Since the occupation of Falcarcgo by the Italians the Austrian lines of com munication have been In great danger. ItOMA, 17 I.ugllo. II comunlcato uftlclale odlerno annuncla, un nuovo succeaso delta a mil Italians ad ovest del Lago dl Oarda. Oil ltatlanl hanno oecupato due attre montagne Important! nella Val Camonica. I liie pass! occupatl dagll Itallani nella Vrtllo Camonica sono quelll dl Hrlzlo e dl Veneroccblo. Questl due passl che sono ad un'nltensa dl circa 3000 metrl, si tro vano n sud-est delta Val Camonica, cd a sud' del l'asso dl Tonate, e preclsamento sul gruppo dell'Adamtllo. L localltn" occupnto dalle truppa Itallano sono n pbchlsslme mlglla dal confine, ma la loro linportanza non e' nella mstnnsa dal con fine quanto nel fatto che da qtiello alto montagne si domlnano la poslzlonl au striache dl difosa del masslccio delta rrcianella o della testa dl Val dl Sole, Le truppo nlptno Itallano si Impndronl rono del due passl dopo aver resplnto vlolentl attncchl del nemlco che, InsegultO sublto e molto da vlclno, fu costretto ad nbhnndonure nella sua prcclpitosa rltlratn parecchi innnonl dl grosso callbro che caddcro nelle mnnl degll Itallani. Nello Alpl Cafnlcho itallani ed austriaci sono imprgnatl In vlolentl combattlmentl che el svolgono nella nabbla ed al bulo 0 su dl un terreno rotto da roccle But fronte dolt'Iaonxo gll austriaci si oppongono alia avaniata degll Itallani con 1 loro gross! cannoni, sperando dl ar restarll nella loro metodlca 0 costante marclft Verso II loro oblctttvo. Al duolll dl artlgllerla che si hanno durante II glorno succedono spesso nttachl notturnl dcno rantn'ic. Ecco 11 testo del comunl cato ufflclale dl questa matttna; "Nella Val Camonica II nemlco ha pnsaato I vlllaggl dl Vcnerocolo o dl llrlzlo, uttaccando con grandl forze le poslzlonl nostre dove Garibaldi si rlfuglo' no 18G6. I.e nostro truppe resplnscro gll nuitrlacl 0 fecero parecchi prlglonlerl Nol nbblamo pure oecupato due passl dl inontagna net un' attezza dl 3000 metri. "Nelle Alpl Carnlche II nemlco, await tagglandosl della nebbia 0 deiroscurttn', nttacco' nel pomerlggio e nella sera del 14 Lugll ole nostre poslzlonl tra Monto Cogllano o I'lzzo Avostono, o vl pcrdetto S3 uomlnl, II nemlco ha esegulto attac chl notturnl ed ha bombardato lo nostre poslzlonl con la sua grossa artlgllerla sperando dl Infliggercl gravl pordlte o dl nrrcstare la nostra avanzata, e sperando ailcho dl obbligaro la nostra artlgllerla a rispondcre al fuoco 0 rivelare cosl la sua poslzione." SUMX POBI55IONI PREBE. 'fih 'i ft1 1 yyP'ii11'! ' 11 4k WwMimml w ! i lis i in mill sin ii 1 1 iii i 'i'j-.. .. ' .. sissuM- jkz2rii9ije'. . s-..i tfusa a l wuw? rjBrzj3mm m immiamm&JwMjraiaxvzi-,x usx .JKx.'Jiz--)ini. su.aKJign5i.nvtajtw tsiiM,.mww jmZJXMmmmmmmmifs-x&z Soldiers of tho Sultan aro reported to have lost 7G00 men in their most recent attack on tho Allies' trenches. They fight with cntiro indifference to the most deadly firo. GERMAN ARMY 44 MILES FROM CAPITAL OF POLAND Continued from I'age Oi)e BERLIN COUNCIL VOTES LOAN OF $57,000,000 Imports pf Financial Difficulties of Gcrrriany Denied' ' , BERLIN, July 17, TThn Berlin Municipal Council' today passed without debate an ordinance Tjro vJdlnff for the Isitie of .n loan of $37,000,000. Tho Overseas News Agency Issued the following statement today In referenco to Germany's condition: "Rumors that German banking spe cialists Informed, Emperor William; that tho nation's financial strength Is" ex hausted and that Germany would be un nblo to endure a second winter campaign ore declared to be absolute nonsense by the best authorities, who say, oh the con trary, that Germany's financial condition U excellent and that tho country will be able to hold out longer than any of the Allies." ITALIAN KING, PREMIER AND GENERALS CONFER UDI?JE, July J7.-Prem'ler Salandra to day returned to the front lo pajrtlclpntp In a council of war presided over hj King Victor Emmanuel, at whleti Gen eral Count Cadorna, chldf qf the Italian General ,Staffr and General Forro, assist, ant chje( of ntuff, expounded the military situation. General Porro has Just re turned frqm the western front. Pjerplef Salandra's visit also was for the purpose of submitting- to the 'King several decrees dealing with Internal af fairs. Including that appointing Slgnor Barzllal a Cabinet Minister. This action has a special meaning, as Slgnor Barzllal waa appointed a, deputy to Rome years ago because he was a native of Trieste. as a protest against Austria, and typify. Ing Italian aspirations to redeem the border provinces.. THE WEATHER Ofllclal Forecast WASHINGTON. July 17. For eastern Pennsylvania and Now Jer seyProbably fair and not quite so warm tonight una Sunday; light to moderate west winds. The low pressure area that covered the Iake region yesterday morning now over lir the St Lawrence valley and New Englsnd. Tho resultant precipitation i en, extends fronj New England south westward over Pennsylvania o southern Kansas. Thsre were also showers In Sputh Dakota, Montana and ths Paclflo nonhwwt No marked departure from normal temperaturo obtain this morning, except In a few localities In the West, readings are from 1 to IS degrees below normal. There Is a, slight excess tn th Atlantic BtatM from New Jersey southward, tho 8 a. m. readings being generally5 S9 degrees or above. U. 8. Weather Bureau Bulletin ObHrvauom Ufcwi at g . m. Biilwp nay Lav ltt Bain, Sutton 8 a.m. n t. (all. w Ablln, Tm ...78 in AU4Me tit...,. 13 8lark, if. D.. i OIMHd, rMavii-. CM fs Idftiau. Is '(rail. KM ..T liiiul!. Hm.. .. SI Hjrrtaburj, P ,fg f K.tltiM, M c ..m u H.ln, Waal.. 9 M jtosvUl. JtT8 Ifuut City, Hn.1t Ium1B. K. .14 "UkltMsw, Okte iBdJly.WMtlMr. :w8 I - ' i iirnfir P-OatK W I 4 i. ..w m is su' i r-T--' E-"g i m i. ,? k K Pa V-jitUod 0 1bmi, Can a IjWM, Me 3 P.uL Sllsa t-'i fke. ''ta Vmmm, m V Iii W S2 NW aw SMf (11 w w tw 13 N w NB m am N . i s w tw w Ik 3 W N Ir 4 eE 14 ciSSK3'' fa m 8 nw3w m i...' 2 r. l J-.UJ I- ctMr jassj Cloudy 4 r'Luut w 9j Caua cir Gll Itallani vanno fortlfldando ed organ Izrando tutto le poslzlonl da loro' conqul State, glacche o' rogola del generate Ca dorna che tutte le poslzlonl tolte al nemlco d,ebbuna iublto eesere messe In condlzlono dl pater Mttdrloaamente resist ere di tentattyl , austriaci dl rlpreiiderle, Cosl'. montre avanzanb. srll ltnllnnl mv. fcno triuceo e costnilscono plattoformo per 1 cannoni dl grosso callbro, Moltl puntl lungo 11 frdnte' Itallano sono statl trasformatl In verl -campl- trinceratl' nel quail Bono state accumulate grandl quan tita' dl munlzionl, o dl provvlste e ehe servono In certo modo anche da bail dl rifornlmcnto. II presldente del Conslgllo del mlnlstrl, on. Salandra, rltom'o lerl al fronte per parteclpare nd un Importante conslgllo dl guerra tenuto sotto la prealdenza di re .Jtiorlo jsmmanuele. Al conslgllo parte clpavano anche II generate Cadorna, comandante in capo delle fbrze Itallaho, ed II generale Porro, sottocapo dl Stato Mnggloro, il quale ultimo rltorno, solo P.ochl glornl fa dal fronte francese. Altro motlvo delta' vlslta del presldente del Conslgllo e' stato quello dl ottenere l'approvazlone del re per ntcunl decretl, tra 1 qunll quello eon cut 1'on. Barzllal e l'on. Blssoiatl sono nomlnatl membri del Gablnetto, sensa portafogll. La nom ina dl Barzllal ha uno speclale algnlfl catn perghe' egll a' natlvo dl Trieste e da ben 25 annl rappresenta alia Camera uno del collegl dl Roma. Egll e" sempre stato II rappresentante delle asplrozlont r.azlonall delle terre Irredente. Nel tempo medeslmo la sua accettazonlone e" con slderata come una Tlnuncla alio sue Idee repubbllcane, segue In questa sua rln uncla I'esemplo dl Garibaldi o dl Crlspl, I quail Jasclarono da parte 1 lorq Ideall polltlcl quando la monarchln si feco stru. mento di unmovlmcnto prettaipente na zlonale. LA SITUAZIONE MILITABE Lungo una gran parte del fronte dl battaglia Italo-austrlaco la principal azlone e quelia deirartlglierla. Glorno e notto le batterle Itallane bombardano le poslzlopl fortlflcoto nustriacho nel Trentlno, nel Cadoie o sull'alto- Isonzo. dove-gla' moltl fortlsslmt murl sono statl abbattuti e parecchi cupol? dl ncclalo Bono state mandate Jn pezzl,, Spccfal mento felcl sono state le operazloni contro II grupp6 dl fortlflcazlonl dl Lan dro, che vanno a poco a poco cadendo sotto I colpl del grossl cannoni Itallani. Nel tempo medeslmo In auesta raarlonn comlncla ad ngire la fanterla. Dopo un vlolento bombardamento del fortl dl Sexten, nella valle omonlma, si ebbero parecchi scontrl fanterla che hanno messo gll Italian! sulle alture dl Zelllenkofel e dl tlurgstall. II lavoro dell'arllgllerla Itallana contra la catena del fortl austriaci e' tale che rlchlede molta pazlenza, o nessun para gone e" ponlblle tra I fortl che I tedescht ridussero cosl presto nel Belgto e quell! che sono ora battutl dagll Itallana. Questl fortl austriaci sono quasi tuttl dl recento costruztone, modernl In tuttl I loro partjcolarl, ed inoltre sbno sltuatl In montagna, alio sbocco dl passt strettl a dlfflclll, tall insomma cho possono essere avvlclnatt spesso da un sola lata, proprlo dove ess sono statl preparatl per una' lunga reelstenca. cost l lavoro dello groue batterle Itallane e' lungo e tedloso. Gll austriaci dlfendono 1 loro denies con conslderevoll forze dl fanterla, ed II com pltn degll Italian! dl conqulstare la posl zlonl elevato ' uno del plu dlfflclll ehe si possa Immaglpare. Ma ' neceisarlo perche' e' appunto da quest? Dosltlont elevate che e' posslblle battere ( .fortl. Pero' la catena del fortl austriaci estate ohe deve reslstere tutta lntera, glaccha se la catena e' rotta In un solo punto ssa brds tutta la ua Importanza, non solo, ma puo anche costltulre un perlcolo per I dlftnsorl. FRANCESCO UIUSBPPB MALATO. 1,'Idea Nazlonale dlee aha I'lmperatore Francesco Giuseppe e' stato epstretto a rlnundare alia sua progetta vlslta al fronts Itallano pereho" tf ammalatq ftsi oawtole a mantajmente. La guerra tra ItaHa d Austria e' stata un grave colpo pr M veashlo monarea da quando In cominatawoa ostlllt' U ha Joffertp dl alluctiiaini, domandando po I uol arell erano ptontl ad avaatara dal Trentlno per achlacciar U arirute itallane. I! irKwMl dlM ch l csndiiioAt meatall dfl'twekeratore dcaiagp le plu' gravi au prenakuU si tm die uno di juros Uml 41 rabfata da cut egll tt www mwjtoo dbto tfargU fatato. m apprenda eb un twpotaDte aa JW guerra fu beguto H U aorrente a TohJMii. at deU dj nwbittgMr tuita la iHsjwlastone cMIe delta Stlria per mflfr t forUAcazionl attorns a Klagrlurt Oralx Dal gioroo In cul till itallani haotio oecupato Ut somoita' UJ iMtwHi di F(U4Mu la Un dt 1-wannl ctivoa dacU auatrts rf , iai i ui. I ckilo. night In tho sector of Grabowo and Oplnl gura, but their ossaultB broke down 400 paces from our front. "Between Clechanow and Wyszograd (on the Vistula's north bank) there were advance guard engagements. IN CENTRAL POLAND. "In central Poland, on tho left bank of tho Vistula ami south of the Plllcn, there was riflo iirlng. South of tho Pll lcn tho enemy attempted an offensive on Thursday along tho two roads leading to Radom from tho northwest, but was re pulsed by our counter-attacks. In tho other sectors of this region patrol en gagements occurred. "In tho Lublin district tho situation be tweon tho Vistula and Vleprz Rivers Is unchanged. Between tho Vleprz, as well n.i in tho sector on tho Bug below Krys tynopol, thero have been vigorous ad vanco guard engagements, "In tho district of the villages of Orabo grcw, as well as south of Subechow and on tho Bug below Sokol, lighting has been resumed. Along tho course of the lower Zlotn Llpa violent artillery and rifle lire Is going on. Near the mouth of this river the enemy made an attack, but was re pulsed. '.'On the Dniester fighting continues. We attacked two forces of the enemy which crossed ths river near Ivanjojar and Grodek." GERMANS MOVE ON RIGA; MAY AIM AT PETROGRAD LONDON, July 17. To-day's news frpm tho eastern front reveals great activity nt the two ex tremities of the 400-mile battlo line, tho Austrians, according to an ofllclal stntQ. ment from Vienna, having crossed tho Dniester In llukowlna, near the Uessara blan frontier of Russia, while tho Ger mans have strongly reinforced their armies In tho Baltic provinces nnd op pressing north .and east toward Riga. Advices from Petrogrnd Indicate that the Austrian offensive on the extreme south is not taken seriously theie, being regarded as chiefly a political move mndo for its effect on tho dellcato negotiations with Rumania for her benevolent neu trality or nctlve support. Austria is un derstood to- have offered Besenrabla, which la people to a considerable extent by Rumanians, to Itufnnnla, nnd It Is be lieved here, as A'elJ'As in Pctrograd, that her attempt in th'fs 'direction Is tha sequel to this otter. . Dispatches to tha Morning Post from Petrogrud, howecr, indicate that the drive at Riga, In tho extreme north, Is a much more serious military measure. Riga Is a much more Important city than Llbau, which has been ocoupled by the Germans. It is a wealthy seaport, nnd one of Rusla's two great naval bnses In tho Baltic. German forces have within the last few months penetrated to within a few miles of tho city, but these were little more than cavalry raiding; parties. Tho present advance, however, appears to be supported by strong forces. "Our troops have crossed tho Wlndau River, north of Koltlnyani, In an easterly direction," says tho ofllclal dispatch from Berlin today, (The V'lndau is ,ln tho Province of Courland, flowing Into the Baltic, and about 60 miles west of the Gulf of Riga.) JThls announcement bears .out the Morp Ing Post dispatch from Pctrograd, which stntes that the" Germans ofp advancing between Llbau and ShavH.''m a CO Or 70-mlle front, their Tef t Vesllrifc4 on" the Baltic and the right on" the positions' which they haVe held -for several months, facing' Shavll. BRITISH OFFICIALLY FIND SUBMARINES SANK LUSITANIA AUSTRIANS TAKE 1300 SLAV PRISONERS .ON DNIESTER . HIVER VIENNA, via Amsterdam. Julv 17. Fighting has been renewed on tho Dniester and. around-Bakal, both In Oa licia, according to tho official statement of the War Office mado public last night. The Austrians nro taking prisoners and making advances. The statement Is as follows: "Engagements are proceeding on the Dniester. The attempts of the Russians to defeat our'trodps which advanced lo the northern bank were unsuccessful. "We captured 12 oftlcera and 1300 men, with three machlno guns. The Seventh Cary-, than Regiment participated In the cross Ing of tho Dniester and In the subsequent fighting and gave renewed proof of courage. "In the region of Bokal thero was heavy fighting. Our troops took several points of support, Including the Convent of tho Bernardlnes, near Sokal (Bokal is In northern Gallcla). Elsewhere the gen eral situation Is unchanged." GERMANS PLAN TO ENCIRCLE ' RUSSIAN FORCES IN POLAND LONDON. July 17. A dispatch to tho Chronicle from Petro grad gives a clear exposition of the pres ent Germnn strategy, as It is Interpreted by tha Russian military leaders. "The objective of tho German strategy is clearly, this time, not Warsaw alone," tho correspondent says. "Tho time has gone by when the Germans could be sat isfied with merely political sucesses,. Illn denburg, In the north, and Mackensen, In the south, are co-operating In a herculean effort to destroy the Russian army, a considerable part ot which Is now con centrated In Poland," The German advance, he then points out, probably will attempt to follow the lines of tho principal rivers In Poland. From the south, Mackensen'a army, which for the present appears to bo marking time between the Vistula and the Rug, Is to advance up the Bug toward Brest-Lltovsk, while Illndenburg, from tho north, strikes down across the lino of the Narew to Ita confluence with tha Vistula, near Novo-Georglevsk. Just north of Novo-Georg(evsk Is the Junction of the Narew and the Bug. Thus, the Russian strategists conclude, Illn denburg and Mackensen, fighting forward from opposite sides, hope to effect a Junc tion somewhere near Brest-Lltbvsk, when their line would run solidly along the river, from the Vistula to the Narew, and thence to the Bug, and the Russian armies would be completely cut off and surrounded In the whole vast area of Russian Poland, Against the success of this plan tha Russians argue that they have the ad vantage of possessing the Interior lines, nnd of such railway systems as there ara In Poland. Moreover, the Chronicle cor respondent declares, the Russian muni tions shortage, although serious, Is not so dangerous as It was, and Is being reme died more rapidly and energetically than persona outside Russia suppose. Investigation Proves No Explosives Were in Car go, as Germans Charged. Attack Made With Pur pose of Taking Lives. LONDON, July 17. That the liner Lualtanla was destroyed with a loss of more than 1000 lives by two torpedoes fired'' by a German sub marine without warning and not by an explosion of ammunition in her enrgo is the chief feature of tha verdict rendered today by Lord Mersey, who presided at the Investigation into tho sinking of the Cunaidcr oh May 7. The verdict criticises tho failure of Cap tain William T. Turner to follow the di rections given him by the British Ad miralty, but sums up the Judgment against the German Admiralty in these words: "The wholo blamo for tho catastrophe was solely upon thoso who plotted nnd committed the crime." In tho verdict Lord Mersey emphasized these points: First. The Lualtanla was atruok almost' simultaneously by Jivo. torpedoes. Pecond. Tho liner was attacked not nWrA7.wlth a view, to flnkinK,hcr, but nfsq w7tAtto,j)uj-po5f ofca&s.tnglbM of life. J ' r Third.. The-, unarmed, fJhe.. carried, no concealed guns, no trained gunners' and no .frafne'd.' troops., ib'o ves sel had on board ,a flupiber of .cajjea of cartridges which were, entered ,In her manifest, but hKd no other ammunition on board. Bogus Baronet Begs Sentence NEW YORK, July 17. - "Sir Henry Sterling," bogus English baronet, will bo sentenced today for using tho malls to defraud. He begged yesterday to ba sen tenced, declaring tho. suspense was ter rible, because, It Is said, he feared that If he were deported he would be liable to execution as a British army deserter " Phlladelphlan "Injured in Wreck NQR.RI8TOWN. Pa July 17,-FIvo cars wore wrpeked and Freight brakeman John Relss, of HO West Pemi street, Philadel phia, had a leg fractured In an accident at Abrams this morning. Relss was taken to tho hospital here. The accident was due to a freight train baoklng In on a "Idlnff- ,0)Jjla FRENCH HURL BACK GERMANS IN ATTACKS AGAINST HILL NO, 263 Teutons Fight in Vain to Hecapture Position Forming Vital Link of Verdun Defenses Bat tles at Many Points. PARIS, Juiy17. Furious attacks were made by the- Ger mans nt many points along tho French lino during the. night, but the War Office announced this afternoon that all had beh repulsed, Ip. tho Arras district the Germans con tinued their bombardment of the French positions, the cannonade being particu larly heavy between Neuvllle St, Vanst and Rollncourt. Two German attacks against Hill Nd, m, west t( fldurerlllee, wero repulsed. "In Lorraine the Germans began nn at tnclt on tho French trenches In tho foredt of Parroy at 1 o'clock this mornlrig. This wan completely broken up, while tho French artillery halted tho Germans' efforts to regain lost ground near J3an-de- Sapt. "A surprise attack by the Germans ngnlnst tho French works near the village of Uonhomme under cover of darkness was also repulsed, The text of tho official communlquo fol lows: "In tho region north of Arras n cannon ndo continued all night, being particularly violent north of Souchoz and also be tween Neuvllle St. Vnnst and Rollhcourt, court. "In the Argonne, In the vicinity of Mario Thoresc, thero has been bomb and petard fighting, "Thero was a sovoro cannonade at tho Meurissons ravino. "Two Oorman attacks against our posl- --r-i tion on urn wo. sm weai of n.u. vlllcs vrtre repulsed ill "On tho heights of tho Mcus th i... bardment In tho region of L iiS and flouvaux Continued during tho wfi attack agAlnt,vour trenches in the toutiS eastern portlbn of the forest pf patM? nt 1 o'clock yesterday morning but 1 was repuUed nnd the assailants were dt perscd." ' "In tho Vosgen last evening the entn? attaoktd tho positions which they Hi' lost at Ban De Bapt, but the advanf was cheeked by otir curtain of artiiU? flra and by our machlno gunfire. "Tho . Germans nttompled a coup main at 11 o'clock at night agalntt T o works on Tournles farm, 1600 rnttW northwest of tho village of Bon Hommi but It was a completo failure." BERLIN GETS INFORMATION ' THROUGH LEAK AT CANljfij Facts of Nobrnsknn Inquiry Prompt Sent to Germany. ' WABHINQTON, July i Jjj Some metal fragments rrom the hei of the torpedo which was tired Into the' American steamship Hebraskan wereifnff from England to the State Doparttnjfii nt 'Washington to be scientifically Uiu.v in umm- mi., mo vi,hii ui ine attack flllHUl UD LJIUVVU UOJ'VHU 11UVBUOH. The fact that the result of the i..i which absolutely convicted a German tV,A marine of having torpedoed tho Nebfii Uan, were in tho hands of the BIli-; uovornmem oeioro me wosnington ef.ofl flclals had read tho report of the txpiti i Is believed to be duo to the efDclenevVSa IJoriln, quick to see the point, at nn cabled a note of apology to America, Thl? was mauo pumio umuru hid results of thl metal tost wero mado known, 4l This higniy signincant occurrence if causing very enriuus uuncnrn among of, llUlllin. 41 LIlULfluijr lltto tUAUlLCU ltv&t Investigation, but if so, officials natorilly are hiding that fact from tho publlt Tho receipt of tho German note nj tho retclpts of tho report upon the until' tests were bo close together that mr ,. incidence could hardly be held riipoa,-. slble. , ' ,.rr" ... 'zr - Hoon : the wmm of'II WtrfiWWI'tTOiJ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmim,tmmmmmm .fflSi BLr'uijLjJjMsa!BSB MtMsMm lIMJLaiJwirSsiysSI THE RACE with an Amblg .j '! 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Turkev. tho Crown t i ni ! ii. rt .-- . :r' .. ------ - &a i-rmco, -Bingors oi mo oong oi jaate, nna tne other ng 'iv.a ures or tne ureat war that Punch has published. 4lo. Net $1.50 : & l77eWl m-im i n urn mi By arrangement with His Majesty's iltatlonery 'ofiice, here are offered all tho diplomatic documents which c!? plnin the real causes of the War, British, French, Ger. man, Belgian, Serb, Austrian and other documents, in full. " it, iu i en THE SOULoGERBiAMY ,nn Di. Thpmas F. A. Smith m. i Aw . pr. amlth wns an Instructor in the important German university of Erlangen, and he u FSS J".1?0'1 'ntimate view of German home and school life that has yet appeared. Net $1,25 S rfl a T .. , . Lord Sydenham and othevs India's rallv to thn Kmn ,. .ti... ii t- land today, and the qualiTy of Indian 'riZnte. " ""S az illustrations. Mcstlr in Color Net$1.00' S3Si.ft(53 tmrnvMru FKENCH AIRME1ST SET FIRE TO GERMAN SHELL DEPOTS LONDON. July 17. An air raid on a German military sta tion at Chauny, an Island town In the Olse, 'Is reported In the French otttclal statement, whloh says; "A squadron of 10 aeroplanes yester day dropped " sheila or 79 MM. calibre, nnd six large bombs on. the military sta tion at Chauny, where there are Impor tant depots of war material. Pi., w-oi.. out In two places. A barge was blown up on tha Olsa Canal." " The Berlin offlclsl says: "Our aviators dropped bombs on enemy ttoops in Qerardmer (In the Vosgii mountains, 18 miles aouth of Saint :Dle)," FRENCH LOSSES IN ARRAS BATTLE 78,300, SAYS BERLIN n R It LIN, July 17. French losses In the great battle around Arras ara officially estimated at tha Qer man War, Qfnce nt ,30O Wiled, wounded and captured. An Ofnelal statement is. sued today says thaf the Freneh roUtSJ-y authorities ara kaeplng their casualty lists swrt, but thaj b Oorman authr tttM have auewedad by different means, partUuJsrly by question!? prlaanajra, In ofctiaioliig aeeurate srutM In rsrd to the weeny's los. TJie French Qe-vwrnsneHt." the stau- ITAWANS ACCUSE AtlSTRJANS OF FIRING OU Jf8D?RW' VUG wii li,lHiWI ROMB, July U.-Auatrifr ttoopa Hrd vsm a pany of lialls Har MonfaioMe, wu viafe enisnl in burying Austrian soUlara. accordtne to IMW agncy os Vtch rectKttl hr t4y. woumUn a IHtfVI aitd tw Italia aoltfier te tourtal MMTtjr rVMUi V g, KUU1 flag, the Jlspjirhaj s4, ment concluded, "endeavors to belittle the grent German successes n the Argonne fore; , where we to pressing on Verdun, but It Is noted that tha French are mak!: ing furious attacks Jn their attempts to regain, the Im6 positions. These Sttaeks been repulsed. at : polc The Largest " M.l " Exclusive Book Store al Ntda hhuj.. 1701 Qettnrf a i HI ; I , ' ' y???y ' i yp r r fr, r,Jt iii '"ft i' " P Ti ;il !' w" -"" ' wgw ' ' M