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Wi8f a?gwy.'jW'jvwnywyiiw wwutt ir. wwi?"i EVENING LEDdlOK- PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. DECEMBER 13 1315, 1G FINANCIAL NEWS UNPRECEDENTED GLUT OF MONEY CONTINUES MAIN BACKLOG OP MARKET Credit Facilities Are Virtually Unlimited Host of Un founded Rumors Bothersome to Bethlehem Steel Officials New Low for Marks XBW YOUK. Dec. 13. The unprecedented glut of money continues the ninln backlog of the market nltuntlon. No other argument nmounts to murh beside the one fact that credit facilities are lrtually unlimited, dcaplto the great rise that has already taken place In stock price. The following conversation took place last Week between the president of one of the biggest Wall street banking Institutions and one of bis lonillnir customers. The customer, who was a MT wealthy man, remarked to the banker that ho had sold a certain block of bonds. "How much was It?" asked the banker. "Oh, n little over n million," was the reply. "Good Lord," exlalmcd the banker, "another million? Wo don't want that money here. We have more than we know what to do with already." "Well, what shall I do with It?" asked the depositor. "Do nnythltig with It, but don't leave It heie. Take half of It to some la othcj bank, anyway, and we will take the other half If wo have to." IM, Commission house people say that they are carrying virtually ns much J) IjL stock as they were during tho boom, with the dllTeronce that the customers nro uoing notning except sit tlgm. Tliey nac losses on paper, 01 course; mil they aro apparently content to wait until the market goes back. The Idea of taking losses never seems to enter their heads, and tho dlfllculty about Inducing them to sell out Is that they almost Invariably have unusually big margins. A decline of several points means nothing at all to them. They can bo patient. Tho possibility of a decline ot the size that would really frighten them seems rather remote. Ofllcials of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation complain ot the host of un founded rumors thot are continuously being circulated regarding their prop erty. They are tired of denying the most ridiculous stories either invented or at least given circulation. A sample of the type of rumor that Is being passed around Is that tho employes of tho company have made so much money in extra wages and speculation In tho stock that Mr. Schwab has decided that no Christmas bonus will be distributed. In place ot It, how ever, each man will receive a Christmas card richly engraved nt a cost of $15. Another story was that the employes to a man were to receive heavy gold chains costing $1400 nplcce. At tho present time no little credence is being placed In a story that a big special cash dividend of not less than $100 n share will be distributed to tho stockholders. This seems to be founded on an estimate of tho net prollts of tho corporation to date. About a year ago Schwab announced that divi dends on tho common stock could not bo expected for several years, because he intended to spend a certain amount of money In the Chili properties and other xetcnslons. But the profits have been so greatly In excess of this sum, according to the business estimates, thnt tho inference is that the surplus will bo given to tho stockholders. Still another story Is thnt the Bethlehem Steel Corporation will distribute to tho stockholders the Anglo-French bonds that It recently subscribed for. Publication of tho note of the United States to Austria did not cause any excitement on the floor of the Stock exchange nt the start of trading j today. About tho only thing It did do was to bring out a larger attendance to brokerage houses. Opening prices were, as n rule, under tho flnnl of Satur day, but not to any great extent, while some stocks, principally the specialties, were higher, Studebaker nnd General Motors being nmong these. Itallrond shares were lower, thcro being particular pressure against Bock Island. That stock was down nearly two points nt the low, but recovered somewhat later In tho day. Increases In passenger rates allowed to the Western railroads by tho Interstate Commerce Commission was not rcllected In the prices ot those Stocks. Thero was some pressure after midday, and prices went off. Beth lehem Steel was down 1C. American Tobacco was weak, nt one time show ing a loss of more than nine points. The closing was irregular. German marks made n new low record of 77S. The previous low was 78U. New York Central, with nn advance of a half to lO."1,, sold at the highest price touched since 1913. with the buying apparently bnsed on the expectation that the dividend will be Increased at Wednesday's meeting. Representatives of the management state positively that such action Is not even under con sideration, but this dental did not cause any liquidation even by recent buyers. and when made was followed by tho statement that the heavy Increase In , earnings In the last few month Is a sulllclent reason for an upward move ment In the stock. There was continued selling of Anglo-French bonds on "seller 30" options, putting those bonds to 94Tg. The syndicate contract releases members from restrictions tomorrow. Foreign s-elllng of International stocks progressed i all through the forenuon In a larger volume than had been noted In the last j week and was a factor In causing recessions In such stocks as I'nlon I'acKlc, United Stntes Steel common and Anaconda. j New York Stock Sales WHEAT RALLIED AFTER EARLY DROP Arrivals of Outs Light, With Export Inquiry Growing. Liverpool Dull New York Bond Sales CHICAGO. Dec. 13. The grain market opened quiet and fe.iturelesis today. Prices generally were easier Wheat sold on a par with Saturday's dual prices, but later declined. December brought $1.13 at the initial sales, and (-as-Reil to Sl..-,j before noon. May, opening at J1.10'. dropped c and July, which showed some strength at the start, fell fiom $1.03 to ll.K,. A general recovery set in around mid day and prices rallied sharply, closing n cent or more above last week's tlnal figures. Corn was firm and held stead In the early hours, adverse weather causing good support. Oats were steady and changed only slightly, with no apparent weakness. Ar rivals are light, and the export Inquiry Is growing. Exports from North America for last week numbered 11,110,000 bushels of wheat, 2,156,000 bushels of which went out as flour; 332.000 bushels of corn and 2.183.000 bushels of oats. The Pacific coast sent out 523,000 bushels of wheat. Liverpool was dull. Spot was unchanged. Cargoes were steady. Domestic offerings are not Improving. trading futures ranged as follows. Sat da When! Otpn. Hliill Low Clone, clce. December . 1 JV, I H l.U"a ll.V, M.IfU ft,.... , .- . ITS 1 1-lLi 1 171. 1 1 July Corn (new deliierj) December May Oats December Ma., I-ard-Deccmlwr January Jlny . lUt- 1 p. ember Jaruarj Way Pork -Peiembtfr Jinan n May 1.1.-.', 1 IT. I.Hl, 1 17. 1 l.Vi 1 UN J Oll'i 1.0H, ICII, l.lll B7' , l7i, 70", U7H 'fci'i tll'? .mi "75, 4-1. H7 71S -nt 41 411, IS lull U.UO DiiT U07 0 15 OKI 0.1.7 10 to 11.10 tl ST tll.ST D.h7 t.f7 0 62 tl.U2 PHI MIC! 11.40 0,W1 .2 D.IS2 I'.lll tin 23 1H.1S IS IT 17.11 tl n Hid. tAnked IN.15 181 11121 1S.01 1S.02 IS.U 'ISM LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHU'AGO De 1V-HOQB HelDU. (IS 000 market uteadv to xtronK. mtied and butchers .-. wa.t 70 Knod hea-v il,-iil.70: rough heavy J'Vtfl.l lUht .-.(OOU.11; plt, Jl.Ti t,-. in bulk fn.104i 0.6.1 . A I i LIS Iceeil'ls. '. iw iiwrnei aieituv to IV blglwr. beeiei. $4 lOiiliur. cows and. heifer itr'-SMO: stackers ind feeders .)?.. EJJI fcr. I liri-fcll. 32.000, JOS IV. market law,, name and Western. S-1.2.rlu.40 lambs. C0U.35. Chicago Bond Market Good CHICAGO, Dec 13 "Western bond deal er are enthusiastic concerning the fu ture of the bond market and believe that it wil) be a considerable length of time before anything like dulness again appears. If they can get the bonds which Investors are seeking. It is pointed out that numerous railroad Issues haye been readili taken up. as well as certain cor poration and public utility bands. It is believed that the offerings of foreten governments which hae been made vitliin the last few months, have been Absorbed la a satisfactory manner, else there would not be the extreme confi dence which Investors now seem to bae in lbs general market Better Inquiry for Copper SBW 1'ORK. Pee . -There. Is a better inqufry fur coppr mgtal and. the unjer lyujs feeling Ip the market has Im proved LaOJiti produc-en) and sellers c - fc 'o- 31 rents a. pound. m siayjt, but Ortwi; sellers re stilling t eei . So ei -a lnteU arc ftflier coailr.bluaxiUttAnt3 domestli? 1 S)01 20(1) llllll II llll) .:ih J17"w MXHI lllO I'OII) 27IKH 11011 Tl). IP Wlllt 41.1 mi 4i mi) mo HK'I) .".iHm "IHHI 1111 1 Till II 2 II (HI 2i on 1 IIH (I IllOtl 111 -I 111 2::i in) ..nn 10.111 .'.MID 1(01) .tin (I UUHl ,'MHI 11IHKI 2IH0 ." 4 1) l'IK- IllKI lUljl) 111. I i'll(4) Id Ml IH II 4.-0WI 21111)11 I'.'lall SO)ll I") (HI "(HI (.MX) 12IUO Tt,l .-.. M . 40l 'O IIKIIH 111)1) I'-OII MHHI L'lK II 11X11 1.-JXII linn .VJISHI .H on lux) 'VXXI .-J I) ,-xlxl 4UXU) IIMX) 201X1 :ioio 12IMHI lOM) 414X1 o tifXI 101 o 1I1X) .'(X o (XI 211(0.) anon :i(x o Kill 101X1 IIXX) Of00 rxuio MX) soon irAH MX1 KXUI ieix 4W 1MXK) WOW llourt KXMH) JWrt If 00 2UXJ urn) iM llllill Albnnj Sua Tjs . M.S. .lixk.t Cold c is 111 Anier Akt "h . . nil'., Amrr Cot Oil ."n . I)(! AnRln-l'r I. .' ti dn is .SO) ., I '.".', Amer Smelt Stc is .11 ti Ainer Thrt.ul 4s IiT'-j Ainiour Co 4Ks U21 AUhlxon Ken 4s 1111 Atihltion ..a lols Allan Co l.lnc I hi lu . 11 lit ..- Ohio :i', . .'', Hilt uliiii c 4'.s ni ll.ilt & Ohio Hn l'.j li.'ij llclh Steel 1st ."h In! ll.-lli Meel rid .s nil'. Cent t.iather lit s 1(K)7 Cent 1'nc 1st 4s . 101, cent It It N J .'.s 111.,'. Chill Corner 7s 1.11', ('lies ii Ohio .", 4liS Tl. Clies i. Ohio .Is . .mv, I 'hi Ot West H Tl I hi 11 & I) Joint 4s. US ( hi II A: U Ken 4s HI Chi M & st 1' f.l 4ijs ni'i Chi Mil A. ht I- Ken Is. HI I'M 1 - ht l'n .iB liM Chi Mil ,V St Pet .'1 IDT Chi Sill A. S 1' c 4'j 101". Col .V South 1st 4s !J Del .1 Hud rfd 4s nil Del . Hud 4s Hill. .111)1. Den . Itl Or rfd Cs smj; Detroit I'lllted 4ljs TT', Dis detur Loip .is . Tl Urie utn 4s. .. 70 rrle iinv 4 sser A 721, l'rie. (onv 4s ttr n M (en l.lec ileh 7.s till Hud ,v Mun rfd 7,4 7.1 III Steel deb 4'iis Ill's 111 i tnlldl rfd 4s . M)'3 Ins Cuptir c lis . Interb Met 4'i ... lutirb It T let ,1s... H'l'j Inter Mer Mar Pss . IMj .to ct 4s tc7), Internl 1'dper Ox .. 2lj Jap new O H IViS Tl Uicku Steel .Is 1112 i. . I)S1, tin .Is 11)10 ... Ill I.k Sh del. 4s 102S . IH4 Louis X Nish Is . in Manluiitau 4s , , H2 Minn Si 1' S S M 4s US Mo Kan & T 1st 4a.. T.n, Mo I'dx- Is ..41 Mo Pac cv .Is .. 4lt Mo 1'ac Is 11120 SJl, Mo I'acltli' (Is llxli. .n v Air lirnke ct (all I Y C 11.. 1111. V n tl. if mil- t.,7 N N N N X Y N Y N y Norf Xor( 1 U K 41 l.S -'! Y C .M Hud 4t,s UUi Y City 4t4s lliir.1 lllilij Y rM. J!.. llu. IHT C 4is Nov 11)14 ST', IJ'4 il.l', 12IKS III HI 1121. 1(U I1KI4, l) 121 U.1 1)7 if- 711 1 Itwv ret Is Itwy udl la Jw. (Vest 4s A. West c 4s Xor I'ac utlor 4s . Nor l'ac Ken lis . Ore Xlwy &. X con 4s I'acinc Tel 3s. Pennu Ren ct 4lfjs I'eo Gas .Is Public her X J 5s Hay Con Con .. . jteaiiinK sen -ts. Hen lr & 8 3s Itork Island rfd 4s. Hock Island 3s . . St Louts Sivn 1st Is Sealtoard A I. adl .Is.. Seaboard A I. rfd 4a.. 72 South Hell As . . : South I cv ret f p 5s H U South I'ac rfd 4s ihh, touth Itwy gen 4s . . . TO do ion 3s lot Third Ave new 4s . do adj Cs Trl-Clty 3s ... . I' H Itubber t!a .... I' S Stesl 3s .. I'nlon I'ac 1st 4s... do ev 4s do rfd 4s Vn llwji S F 4s Va Or Cbem 1st 3s Yt'abasb 1st 3s do 2d Bs Wnb-V T 1st ct 4s Ytest Md 1st 4s . Low i ilS. 11 ! 101'. IIII5. IIS Ill's in'. Il7l 112 1 llli, HIP j'i lllllj H21. liu lult, 10(11, do t; IliiS 12Mj ST ())'. T4 lis 114 i4' III 11)1 107 101. H2 till lOO's l! M H.H'j 73 Hla, IHHj ID, 7t."-jr U1J III'. D2I4 tr"' bsi. Id, l)4 1U4 112 It! TMj 41 urn", tin urn, 2C, mi, 1I1T sT'. TIU, 34 U H1U I2t II2X, IM Idi 1KU. luWi lies In) 121 01', HT ml'. T'.nJ t,s HI HU'l lull. '.IS m'. n is IiTi, mi; hid, nji; i.2'; in,'. Itt's till 101'. 11X1', I.III4 lliiV 12s 1, sTi, 103', US III mi. 111 Hit It 7 1UI. 112 Hi. 11)1)1. ::' T.V' lllli, 71 mi, IXH.j mi's 7l., IH.Il. ?2l us?, in 114 1. Il4i 1)2 HI 7M-, 44 4 Wtl 1IXH. llll 11D, S2U !ll IOiH, 1117 t.7'4 71. 31', III 1 1 120-s: r'S i.i. t)2i; ii'n; HT u 4i;k T!l 13 T2 inn. IKiVi ion; urn llll HO ID 70 1 Krt .SI K.I K M)V4 Mil, W)U. .ma nail ion? .ITi lurt'i iimt . 07 UTV IlT , itiil u.hJ u.M . .)()(, (X) Xlf . 41U II 43ll usr, us tun; io.-ni inJ IKHi Witi bow U IS ui 71!t 7dfi n Total sales, 2,983,000, compared ullli l,0S3,o0O lust Monday. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOrtK. Dec. 13 IIuUkom as on a Ulrly actlie seale In tbe nurfeet lor conee futures in tbe early section today. Sales for tbe tint bait bour aauuisted to 101 (J bam. litre changes again ere Irrexular Quota tluns laity" . . Todav s Oixuilnsr December . . rt.72510.7J January h.iH Foliriu.-y 'HfcO ftjf - ". :::.4Io'1 July &8&T 00 xariut " Upleojt)er 7nl7 05 I- T0l N -uoer 7 01 mi. Sat close. B7iHU IB B.7380 77 IJ.773H.II1 II.TSS SI 0 RiBll.83 u.Asacoo H.U,'U-,J ill a.mvu, 17 U ft". - Oil T04U7U1 Al.tsk.i Juneau Alaka Gold M AIIH-Chalmers Mfg AHI-rhalmcrs Site pf Am licet Sugar Am Can Am Can pf Am Car A I'dr Am Car . Kdv pf . Am Coil Product . . Am Ktptv. Am Iljdo .. leather . Am Hvdo & t, pf Am Iro Scrurltle Am I.lnwd Am Unveil pf . . Am Locomotlte Am Sm A lief Am Sm & Ilcf pf Am Smelter? pf A Am Smcltcri pi 11 . . Am Snuff Am Steel I'ouniltlcs . Am Suiiar Hcflnlni: Am Tel .t. Tel Am Tobacco Am Tob pf new Anaconda Copper iiisoclatcil Oil Atch TASK Alrh T A S 1' pf Allinllo Coast Uno . llaUlnln I.000 llalllmoro A Ohio llalllmore A Ohio pf. Hank of Commcrco llitnlta MlnlriR llethlclicm steel llcthlehcm Steel pf . lltookljn Map Tran , Ilroiii Shoo pf Ilrnnsnirk Term . Hums Ilrolhen lluttp A Superior Cat Pclrotcum ( at Petroleum pf t atiadhn Pacl'lc Cent leather Co Cent Leather Co pf Chesapeake A Ohio Chile Copiier . . Chlno Copper.. C'hlraRo (ireat Writ Chi 01 West pf t hi Mil A St Paul C M A St P pf Chicago A Alton C , C . C A St I, Chi li. I A I'ac . Colorado Fuel A I Computing Tab Htf Continental Can Consolidated Das Corn Products Ilof . Corn Products Hcf pf Cruclhli- Steel Crucible steel pf Cuban-Am sucar Del , Lack A West Distillers' Securities Dome. Mines, rfrle Krlc 1st pf . Krlo I'd pf Oeneral Chemical pf . (iener.u Llecmf (Jeneral Molors (Jeneral Motors pf (ireene-Cananca (iuoilrlch II F Co (Ireat Northern pf (It N cfs for ore prop (hicRenhelm fiipl'n Illinois Central . . Int Agricultural pf Int Han , .V J Inter Con Corp'n Inter Con ( or pf Inspiration Copper Int M M pf, cf dp Int Nickel Kan City Southern Lack Slcel .... Laclede (las . . . I-ehluh Vallei Lleeett A Miers . Manhattan lleach Mnnhittnn i:i. glil . Matwell Motors Mat Motors 1st pf Max Mutors 2d pf Minn A St Louis . M , st P A S. S At Mexican Petroleum. Miami Copper Missouri Pacific Montani Poucr ... . Nat Kiumel A S .Sat Ht of M I'd pr Netada Con Cop Ne York Air Hrtko N Y . N II A II Neu ork Central Norfolk A Western . N Y . 0 A West Notth American . Northern Parlltc . Ontario SH M . . Pacilic Mall Penn It It People's (lis, Chi Peoria A litstern Philadelphia Co .. Pittsburgh Coal . . Pittsburgh Coal pf . . Pressed Steel Car Pullman Co . . . . It Steel Sp'g It) Sleel Spring pf It.i Con Copper ... Heading. Heading Ut pr . Hep Iron A Sleel . Hep Iron A Sleel pf. Hock Island Co pf St Louis ASF . st I,. A S F l!d pf . Seaboard .Mr Line Sears, Hna A Co . Sloss-Shef. S A I Co sloss-S S A I pf . . Southern Paclllc Southern Hy . . Southern H pf . . Standard Milling .... Studebaker Co Studebaker Co pf .. Turn Copper 'Texas Co Tex Co suh rec f pd Texas A Pacific Third Aienuo .. Toledo. St. L A W Union Hag A Paper I'nlted Cigar Stores Inlted Cigar Mfrs t close. lllRb. Taw. CIo. . 10 10 0. 10 . 23 23!: 22H 22H 31 31M 31 31H 81H 8254 82 825S . 70 09' i 09 00)4 . 00 00' 60' i f0'f 112 112 I11M 112 . 70 80 78U 78!f 118 110 110 110 I49 149M I49H 14VIH 127!f 12S 120 120 . 10!, I0H I0W 10H . fil f.0; SO CO 205 20' 20)f 2fl'f . 21H 2IH 211$ 21H . US 31 39 39 . tiU'f (MUs bSH OS'j . 07' o' oo'i no'f lit)', lllSfi 11HS ItlM 894 89'i h) 89' 8.54 81 81 81 lf2 loOU IftO 1(V) 01'. (i'J'j 0t)l4j OO'S 1154 110 1154 115W 1284 12S'f 128 12S' 2091s 213 200 201 109 10S4 1084 10S4 S.V. 834 81M 814 . 00 394 o94 fi't'i 1004 1034 1034 103,4 1014 1014 1014 1014 lift 1134 1154 1154 1134 1134 1114 1114 FOREIGN Slrrllnit Itlnti. Cnblex.. , 1.727ls llfmnnd . 4.71 I'rnncn Cnblrn. , B.nlH Dtmnnil , 3.8AH Mnrka Cnble. 7H5A llrmnml . 78H 4.74V4 4.71V4 8.8GV4 7R 7',4 Snt. t.nt. C lne . 1.11V 4.72W 4.71 4.7PA tunyk fl.8V5 78 18H ft.81 8.8 IVi 78 78 934 fU'i 92 92 178 I 171 155 8S4 97 Il'i 80 704 2ir. 504 180 514 109 (U4 2.14 M 114 39 914 1324 104 4N4 184 504 13)4 S34 1124 114 194 10 904 014 724 72 110 1104 10.14 1024 2.M 225 104 404 178 I 409 150 884 0(1 114 80 71 204 50 (.. 234 5.1 15 394 9.14 131 10 484 174 504 434 SO 177 3,4 I GO Iff) 884' 90 11 834 704 20 554 177 34 I.M 150 8S4 90 II 81 09?. 20 554 1794 1784' 1784 514 5.14 534 1094 119 014 234 524 114 39 01 131 10 IS4 104 194 434 834' 1114 113 1S4 184 1094 014 234 53 144 39 0.1 131 10 484 17 194 434 834 91 704 HI) 1.57 91 714 1104 15S 2S 42' j 574 504 110 1714' 510 130 . 404 404 724 734 1254 1254 12.' 4S 4S4 704 704 10S4 10S 594 01 1104 111) 214 214 10 2S 124 504 50 454 28 as 424 424 57 504 50 50 1154 1154 1154 17.5 175 175 550 519 5194 131 12S I2S 454 4: 754 IDS 01 110 214 454 7.1 1254 474 754 IDS 01 110 214 irj j '3 4 1 i 134 004 1974 304 . 81 41' 074 10S4 304 82 33 14' 294' 84 104 131 744 1051. 1034' 102 81 81)4 131 744 004 50 154 12.14 92 3.14' 14 75 29 !)4 10t, 134 . 714 1044 121 30 . 74 1154 . 104 114 594 1174 . 114 . 43 . 334 .107), . 03 .105 414 .1004 . 2.5 804 . 424 . 514 .111 . 4 44 04 . 184' .17114' . 03 134 00 1074 304 814 102 S04 .'50 2.50 5 3 131 131 744' 734 094 0S4 504 554 15 144 1234 1234 12.1' 92)5 0'J4 01' 324 34 It 004' 19s4 304 814 102 804 250 5 131 744 !)S4 50 114 29 S4 114 134 714 1014 33 I 75 20 84 114 131 714 1014 1214 1204 12U4 .HI' J 74 1154 104 124 59 117 144 434 3.5 10(1 034 1C5 431.' 190 3D' 71 1 1.54 104 11 5S4 112 114 424 314 100 at 1034' 434 100 214 794 42,4 534 1114 111), 1114 n 44 0 174 S14 424 o.) 104 71 1154 104 114 5S4 1134' 144 424 314 100 034 105 434 100 2.5 804 42) 1 51 4'i 0 174 44 n 174' 17(1 014 1004 101 100)5 101 101 100,4 100 100' 224 214 01' 83 175)4 175)4 014 014 I'nlled Cigar Mfrs pi. 100 224' . 014 . 834 100 1144 112 . 504 504 211 213 . 114 . 014 . 74 74 9)4 03 214 014 81 014 83 10S4 1034' 10.59, 112 11 534 211 212 11 014 74 74 94 03 109 211' 212 It 014 74 7) 94 03 109 50 211 212 11 01,4 74 04 03 109 ..1374 1374 1304 1304 Kt 81 121 120)1 . 21 21 . 384 39 .1474 147 . 54 534' 80 864 .1104 1104 110 70,4' 70t 78' 40) i 81 1184 20)j 39 140 534 854 Union Pacific I'nfon Paclllc pf U S lnd Alcohol United Itjs IniesI United Itjs Inv. pf United Fruit V. S. Ilubbet . . U S. Steel U S Steel pf . . Utah Copper Va -Cara Chem . Va -Cara Chem pf Wabash w. I . . . Wabash pf A, w. I Wabash pf. II, i Western Union Tel West K A it Western Maryland Weyman-Uruton of Wheel & L. K 1st pf. 104' Wluys Overland . 2 Hi 238,4 2JS4 2384 Wllljs Owland pf 1114 114 111 114 Quoted ex dividend Total sales, 331,100 shares, compared with S25,t00 shares last Monday, 404 113,4 113 104 154 454 284 884 07. 32 454 28), 884 (174 32 112 15 404 113 154 454 2a), 88)4 00) 1 32 112 15 81 119 20)4 39 110 53'j 834 110)4 70 401 i 113 154 154 2S4 88j 07 32 112 15 RATES FOR MONEY New York 1'hiladelpbla Hntaii Chicago .("!dll l'.ii.' 3H84 34Q Time. auSi 4 (B.ti f?nmmerclal uarjer. three to six months. Phil. aUellthla. aviljl per cent. BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with cor responding day last mo years 1U13 1011. J013 Philadelphia 1T.5U.Til f2l.uiT.!'K! 23.hiJ).T23 Boston .. 25.CM.T62 IS T81.0T8 20,208.101 New York. 310.T1UMJI 2lT.S84.3st S3l,Si2,12I BAR SILVER NEW YOHK. Dec 13. The price of com merclal bar sliver declined He- today to M'-ic I.EUAI. AllVEKTISfc-JlKNTS MOiAUi I'KHSONS Aim llKHKllV CAU 'x? lioued against harboring or trusting any ot the crew or the Drltl.h steamship KHWtde from Manchestsr, UngUwd, D. Wll r n II .sttr a no debts of their contracting v he paid b the Master CQHalaoes, or by BAHN UNB STEAMSHIP CO., aNU. 53 BuJUtl Wif. LONDON STOCKS ARE DEPRESSED BY UNCERTAINTY Many Fleet Street Finan ciers Disapprove of the Government Methods Sales in Philadelphia PEACE RUMORS GROW By FRANCIS W. HIRST IMItoi the London I'conomlst Special Cable to the llienlna J.eilper LONDON, Dec 11 The stock mnrkets nro dull nt present, the city belnfc tie preK8il by rumors nnd uncertainties. An nltirnntlte comic opera ijovernment, with Cnrson, Lloyd-OcoiBo nnd Uottomley n thp stnip Is the latest fleet street crea tion. Wh'nl men really want Is more evi dence of declrlon, perspective, common sense nnd ihmIiicm control. Messa"s from Washington coticornlnr? the concessions ton mil peace nro consHcml Important In uell-lnforined tiuniters as liullcntlnn u possible basis foi on exchange ot views. Hollar l.ns re.-ent speech dcelarltiB Orent Hillnlii's leadlness tn obtain wnitt sue tiecus ... (llploinutlc means hni been conllrmed bv tin- Pieiiilci'i reply to Snowtlcii The German flinncellor's speech Is mole pa- clllc Mi s'ibstancc than in manner. i Thn tlnnnclnl position heie looks tem poratlly bettet After Lord ltobett Cecil's r l-,. ........ L. i...1liinl.iili nvnll.tllLTI. ' UUIICII I IJIIIli(i:it fc--..nvi.i.'. ..... - n- shows nenrlv n 5 pet cent. Improvement In the last fen das, and Ameilcnn rnti s nro also llrmer. I'cttoRiad howeter, Is worse Fi pitch loan subscriptions aie ic ported less than expected. Insurance comnmiles dislike paitiiiK with Amcrlcuti bonds, but needs must when the Ticasury (devil) drives i:port Is npparcntlv needed ns a basis for further credits on the American side. Sat. close. Wii. law. Close. 1 Am Itnllwajs... .11 31 .11 t 10 Am Ilwys prof fl " n .IRtt Cambria Slcol 75 MM ,4 100 C M & St 1'nul .. M 01 I" 100 Distill Secur.. . -t w 4"., M Klee StoMKO... Cst, ffl M'l M. 20 Oen Asph pM . !" WH .ir. il f.0 tns Co N Am . St 2 2". il .10 t.ehth Nnv ... TS tW T8H .Ml t2 Uhlih Valley.. m 0H M 8014 ftSS I'd It It. . Mi .'" f'W ''' SSs Pn Silt Mfx . KM 'M "''Tl lll 2t l'n Stl pref "1W tl 81 SI 2 I'hlla Co . ... im 44 4t 41 200 do enmp rcf.. 4J Ai'b 4214 Wi 1.1(11 I'hlli KIM . 2S 2SI, 2S 2si4 10IO Ihlllt II T t c.. 20S 20'4 20 20 lllO l'hlln Tract.... W M '"I t0 W liny Cons ... .2)1 2V,. 2.1'S 2.V4 840 IlcatlliiK "1i Ml, Tll'i, kiw, lull Tonopah Helm .5 3 4 4' 111 Tonopah Mln... TU "U '' ' M t'tnli Conner ... " 'l' in fiilon Trnttlon. 41 44 4P4 44'4 Ifl'i fulled Has imp S3 8Si SS4 SSttj 4710 U 9 Sleel ... MH Ml S' 'H ., Westmoreland 0 HTH i" TS HT 2.'0 Win Cramn & S ST Ml M 40 ork fty .. " 0 -ROND MARKET CHECKED BY BLU AJNUJLaU-KUJNUH LOAN . . Members of the Syndicate Will Be Forced to Takes i ...,1.,..U1 TJi.rt-ft-ftiif imi nt fnn Taotin Tl.i1 delphia Electric in Demand pared villi Total snlcs, I.1..1H5 shures, torn lu.iuu siinris mm ..luiiiiiij. IIOMDH Last rev. Pile, lllfth Till Am tins & II f.s. s is MiiU llctli HteeHis., IIII'j llH'4 2''C0 Haittno.l m 0s..ll0'4j HO'i loiO .lnincs P .V V 4s. IU HJ 110 HI Inlerst In.. S'j M'i 1000 N 01 sen 4 a. UJ t UIK) nl Coal Ss.lOJI 105U Tonim 1'ciinn lien 4'is.lOON 11M' ICO l'hll.i r.lce 4s . s.ts M 2IMI llPHd t,cn 4s. . Hi til mniti i n ltu Ini Is T.Pi Tl Total Mile", $.",l0ll, iiiniiuirril nltli $91.' S3 1 lal Alnndii). 1.0. Clo'P. lttl'4 llll'. now iwji, tl'J ti2 SS OS HI 1)2 105U 105'i lt()i, !(', SI 4 US l3 T.l'i Tl'i COTTON DECIilNKD UXDEK HEAVY OFFEUIXOS AT START Soiling Was Genernl Prices Knllietl Later on Good Buying NBW YOIIK, Dec. 13 lien vy orferlnKs wete made at the opening of the cotton market this moinlni; and ns n lcsult lif elines of from 31 to 44 points wcie le corded. One sale of December was made on the call nt 11 points under H.itiirdnj'B close. The llrst transaction In Jautiaiy Mas at 1211c, but that option ran off 1J points before the end of the call nnd other months nlso declined rapldl. Tho selling was Rdieiul, although there was kooiI bulns In spots. While veiling continued nftei the call, there was nil. Inci cased demand nnd some good IiiiIiik ordcia weio lepoited which btotiKht about rultlnir of some CO to 23 points. At the opening heie Liverpool was 13'i to 17 points lower, as compared with 15 to Mia points, as expected After the cloe of Liverpool, however, thmu was loss support In evidence nnd pi lees turned easier again under con tinued sc.itteilng liquidation. The second bieak was not ns violent as the declines of Saturday or enrlloi In the nioinlng, but sentiment was evidently much dli tnibeil, with the trade watching unxlous.y for any change In the attitude of interior spot holdeis One of the wlies received from North Carolina this morning snld that farmers would not sell for less than U icnts before next summer. Local Bid and Asked TnJa's K.ilurilO's lll.l Anked. Illl AhKciI llnrr A Sus t e .. 21 2.j'j ''" -';'t In nrcf ... i" '. '', IlnlVll-Vtl . ..... U2 II2'S 112)1 in'. 1'nmlirl.i Mid ""I!" '''i '4'i nieetrle StoniKO i"j J." sh '' Cencrnl Aspluilt . -U'i '' 'itHi i iln prpT .2 .1 . i.i 1-eM-tniip Tel . . nn it;, nit U do irrtrs . . n, lljl U,i lHi nn prof (Hi li I'l'ii i Lake .Superior Corp .. Ji'i .n,1' .') Ji'j l.ehlKh NinlKition .... Ts Tsl, iHU, .nj, lhlKli nlli-v JU JiOi -nli sl'. LehiKh iilley Trim .. lil, Is'i l.J. ls. do pref .JiJ; IS i'i J'. Pennxi liiinl i ... . ..IJ. ;'', !, nj'n I'llllil I'leitrle .. . tlj's '-'s'l 2i, 2f l'tillu in I" ,),' Ift .Jl'i iln ., per nut. pr . .in. .''a :i . i.'i do n pi i lent. pr. . II. 4-';a Aii 4 1 ill t e -.'ii 2i). lii't 211'a Ite.iillnit -'''a '':',. "" s. Ton llil '' :, !- 'i'ls Ton Mln ; ' i ill fiilon Tiactlon 44ij I. 4i 4.,'j I lliiii Imp s,"i s-, VS'J ";? f 1 Mill. s,i, Mi, vn sip,, ilii picl "I". '. A!1! .14' i Will Cr.illll t l so s" "' es Financial Briefs Although there Is still a good local in vestment demand for bonds, dealers say Hint for the time being something ot a lull has como over the mnrket. Tho drop In tho Anglo-French loan I- held by minv responsible for this. It Is esti mated thnt. Including the bonds with drawn bv members or tho sintllente nnd bonds sold to the public, about $120,000,000 liafl been disposed of the total Issue ot JjOO.OOOXiOO. The sindlcate exililes to morrow, and It Is thought that nbnut $1S0, 000,000 will have to be distributed rttnong tho members. Tho price has been ruling around Jl'i to OS, whereas the subscription llgliio win 9S The public has not been greatly in terested in the loan nnd It has been pat tlculorly difficult to lloat 111 tho West. As for (let man bonds thev linvo been even Irss successful Anglo-l'icncli lionds wcie selling this niornlng nt f" to be de livered In 30 days The depository banks under the terms Of the loan were tulnv remitting n third Instalment, amounting to li per cent of the proceeds to the Nn tlonnl City Dank ot New Votk, making CO hA- nAr.1 ni f a h a.. 11. . . . -W i-v. ..t..n. r-w .in ouiiicu. This Tl. should not be confused with th r"1 ments by syndicate banks due tomonv1 Ooocl Judges of tho general Inve-t situation, however, do not antic dmi "! serious recession In tho bond mrV.iu' a whole, but, on the contrary ?.u ellned to Ixslleva that the same f V" that contributed to tho lileiS, S the las' two months nro still 0r,A'l!.( nnd that, with the opening of ," t Ant lllrrtA rf film..! .. lI-ft T)lt J.J.H, j.--o ui aiimtiiiru ra lwnv i.Z. will bo found moving Into new hU?" tltory. The mnln stimulus Is ca-v .!' nnd tho big prollts of Industrial S" nlcs. part of which must be lnvutt?1 Today on Chnngo things were ,,. Philadelphia nicctrlc and Storage r,.'1 wero In modernto demand, but th.r. " less activity In Cambria Steel thf ," late. Hlds for I'lilladclphlo Ei-efru 2S round little stock ottttnz & " Shipbuilding wns down 3 points an ' !?.' Ing wns also a trillo depressed t were disinclined to make commlS? pending the result of the Au.trSn ,?, and tho local traction, wcro "lloleJu PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Jmiudrv Dcu'inlier March . May ... JuU August Octotte" Hid. fiit lIomg Open. 11 n m. 12m. 2 n.m . 12 IS li 11 12 (IJ 11.114 12.0 . !- I I . !- '.. 12. 1. T 12 TT .12.'.I5 l.MO l.'2S l.'.l-' i .'.a.. t.'.'ir. l.M I n u; r.'.r.i 1 2.(11 12 2 J 12.21) 12 44 12.MI 12. 50 12.(11 LIVEUI-OOL COTTON MVEIll'OOI.. DfC. Ill ("-' P. in.), -ruturi'a nulet. HI tn IT points decline, bules. 111 ODD Imlea. Including 'nii) American.. .InuiiKry Kebruary. : Murcli-Aprll. ..32d.: M.i June. T.abd.i .lul. T.1IM. LOCAL LOANS LARGER Philadelphia Banks Also Report Re duction in Deposits An Increase of J1.673.O0O In th,e loan item nn shown by tho Philadelphia banks for tile week Just ended. Individual deposits decreased $1,191,000 There was only a nominal Increase in reserves. Details follow: Dec 13, '15. Increase. (ITU.hl2.IHKI $1,1. 7".. LIU 4111.1111.1 tMJd 1,11I.IIHI 111. .kill. 1)0(1 IIT,Mi2.0()l) Ti OIK) .I.IIIilUHIO 1M,1T."i.IH) '!,T2S.C()i) .il.-l i) nun -l,hju.l)(ili Loans Deposits (Iiul.) Circulation . Duo from banks . Dcposlta of bunks Kx. Ciearlnff House Itescrio lield .. Itescrve required Surplus . . . necriuse Surplun under old form December 14 11)14. kas f.'.'.mlA.ion, December 1.1. lull, f I, l.M. Dili). December in. l!H2. ti.HAl.niO: Decern! -r II. lull, $02N,i)00, December 12, lllli), fil.915.TSO. lii.',.l2(l,(i()U II.I.M,ll,ll0O IJ.JST.CXW l").'.!'!!) i 'in, (loo IJT.ow NEW YORK CURB American ''inc . Ilrurlen . . ... llrliUli-Anierl.nn Tobano old llrlti-h American 'lobacio new, far I.lKht l.olJHeld ConaolliUted , Ilendee 3Ianufaituring Interuatiunal Marino International Marine iref Kenc't Copper I.ehlt'h iilie) CuhI bale Marconi ... . ..... MUKiiia Copper Mliliale Mpl.uiiiK Otli l-'eiator OtU Kltiutor pref Penn Mar Old niker Jlvneman . . , , , Sterllmc Hum Submarine . . , Tobacco Products I'nlted From new , .... World Kllni Yukon Hold . . ... Hid. Asked, . L. (IT . I.V, I.',. . lit- 111 . in li. ''?! '' HI l4 . 21) .11 . l.V. I.V, . Mil. (J.). . .-."i r.2'J . N) S2 . in, :i . 14! l.'i Ti!! -w . ?i s . Tl T.I . P2 IH 2'S, & . 4t, 4lJ . ;n :ii "i i' . :tJ 4 2U. New York Jloney Market Dull N'KIV YOUK. Dee. 13lieond dullness and a continued low record In rates the market for time money on collateral shows little feature. The reason for this remarkable condition of affairs has been a matter of dally reference and the pres sure of new gold is actually causing banks and other financial Institutions to question the polity of figuring the gold In their reserves. This U a situation that has probably never before developed In the histor ot the country. Today, as usual at the beginning of the week, an other round lot of gold was iccelved troin Europe, appioxlmatlng I3,0t0,000 by one steamer. ANNUAL MEETINGS TUB CENTRAL NATIONAL 1J-.NI (IK fltll.AIIV-l 1III A .... .. December IS. 1915. The Annual Election for Directors ot thl Hank will lis held at tho nankins Houie on Tuetday, January 11, 1816. between tl a m. and X p. no. WILLIAM POST, Cashier. t'lKECTOWV or AJCCOI'NTAXTa OrtllW Public Arrvuntaol " LA-iUtENcU E. UHOWK . Ctt ina f.eal KdrATE thist Bt-irbtsa. nura 4 SPEAKiLU) '(WftV Tho board of dliectors of the Kedetnl Itosctve Hank, or Philadelphia, has lo elected Levi I,. Hue to lepiesenl Dlstilct So. .1 as u nieinber or the Kcdernl Ad vlsoij Council, which bod acts in an niliNory capacity to the Keilctal Ilcservo Itouul nt Washington. The N'eiv Yolk batiks culned from Kub treasuiy Satuid.iy $577,000 and since last Friday $247,000. The board ot directors of the Philadel phia Truit Company, nt Its inevtlni to day, created two new position' in this of staff, uumel : that or usslstant liutt olllcer and assistant secretuty, and elected l.ouls liuiche to become assistant trust oiilcer and John C. Wallace to be come assistant secietar. Do Haven & Townsend Meie blddliiK for Phllndelilil.i Illecttic. The leport of the Cubun-Alnerlcan SiiKar Compan for tho eai ended Sep tember 30 shows n surplus e(Unl to B2.UJ pet cent, earned on the common stock. Net ptollta weie $.",Ml,0:j. against $2,70',721 In 1911 nnd $3.'iC.SSS In 1513. . Tho Interstate Commeice Commission ! today granted Increases In freight into ot from 2 to I cents on packing house products lu the territory eust of the Mis sissippi nnd north of the Ohio Itlver. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NI"V VOHK. Dec. I I. - llt'TTKll M irket niKlier on ne.l Kiiiue1.. reieiuio, -,,i iivnus.-n, etrn, .Ii,"i.H!i ,' lilwlier Bcorltih. .1.51 i,';.. GRAIN AND FLOUR IIHI'AT.- Itccclpts i.T.SII bush Demand nns fnlili nctlio and with plrnnner nut-lde nil i Icci prlcei wpip niinln lr hlRlirr uuotntlon Car lot. In export cleintor No. 2 red, -pot and December, $i.lli1il.2t . No. 2 Pnuthrrn led, ,l lTfil III, simmer No. 2 rid. jl.iil'M l1. No. .1 rid. SI. llllll is rejected A, ,,, rejected II. $1 12iM II COUN Itccclpts. KIM bii'hclft. Kuppllc nere stiiill nnd tlio inulscl mini llrm tliDiion quiet. Uuntntlniis: Car lots for local trnilr. nn l location lid Western No. 2.iHln, sunitc. old Western steamer inlloii, iD'C.')).. old Welrtn No 'I clkm, TS'ilTiic. new col), per To lbs . (ITHIIIT. OATS.-Itecclpts, Hi I'll liiKhrls Demand ns Pilr nnd pliers Here well nialiitiilnrd. Wiiolntlons Nn. 2 white. 4'Hi l!H4c. rtiinilanj while. IT'.jlsr . No. while, ll,Wi4.c. , No. 4 wlille 41'MMriHc sample nits. 42'il4c: purl tled nlti, Ktniled. ITll IV ri.OPll. Itcrclpts IVio Mils nnd l.tC.ll.SO II. In racks 'I here wns little tiiullug nml tho markit wns iiumliial. (Juntntlons per mil lb. In wonil Winter .". 1..H" 10. dc. FtrnlRlit, ". itl'fl.T'i, do . luiictit. f ..'.ii-Jll.lU. KnnsttH. clear, Jute sinks ?.f'..l.. do.. Htrnli.lit. Inln nlikM 5", l(l'l.i 00. (111.. Mltrnt. Jute Minki, si.(i,'i" Ml; ipiliiK Mi Ht Llrai. .p 2. "..ill, .In., strnlRht, ?.. .Mifi.'.T.i, do., pntciit, .." T."if. II 111, il".. riivorito tiriimls. $11,211 rml4l), old nillls. ihnlre nml fniii) ntteiil, Siiriiiii. 'li. illy mills, rrRiilni grades W Inter, clear. ." I5li." Ifl. do., stralnlil, J."..i)lo ..., 0o pitent, -.".Mifin 10. 11VD PLOflt was (pilrt. lmt Btcndy. Wo quoin nt ".". 2.",'i." .Ml per 1)1)1, as to (illalltj. PROVISIONS Tlieip a. little I null nil and nn Important chump III lulu., ijuolntlons I'ltv beet. In sit., siuokid nnd nlr-ilrled. 2Hi2i.. Western beer. Ill Ml-, ymnked. 21(1 .'.(... city l)f I, kuuiklis mid tiiuliiH smoked and iitr-drlid. 2H1i.'Te,. Western lieef. .klliukles nml tenderM, smoked, 2i-UTr beer li.inii. S'.'Mi .0. pork. Innilli. $.'I..U"2I li.uns. .-. I' Hired Iimhc, rilll..ii . do. skliilii'l, lm.c. I2ilj'e. . mi, do ,, I'l'i lliiii . ollici hams, elt cured, us to brutal lllnl llliTug. . IC' "Mil . Iiimr, unoki.l, Wistiiu Hired. n.'.l.c. Uj.. boiled tonniiss, 2Jc . pit till' hIiouI.1i i. H 1'. .iireil. loose 1-'... ilo., ainoke.l, , bellies. In pl-Ule. accorilliig to aieiiige, loo-e. He l.'ic. . Iirinkiusi liiimi iia to brand and nicr nsc. cltv cured ITIjle , Inoikrast bacon. Western cuind, ITlflsc. lard, Western, leltnen. in, luii . do., iln. In tubs. ID'-icr l.irJ puui clti, kittle ii'iidind, In tlenm, Wiio., lint, phi cln, kettle reiulereil In tubs. 10-i.c. REFINED SUGARS Tlie m.irkit ruled stead. but trndo was (lulu !teili!crn' list prlei's Kxtrii line gr.ui; til.ited. li liiitil 4"h ., MianUiiril grauul tted. ill.. 'Hl.21 u.. powdereil. l! -.d'Hi 2 .' . iiintectloiien! A. iiiil.05e. toft gradis. .' 2.".1i 5 tine. DAIRY PRODUCTS lll"TITrt Wiiiej btiiler was siarce and lc. higher, but there wns no cliuuse 111 the Inner gunk's, w weie nulc t. I'uiiiutiuna West ern. Milbl-pni'keil iniiinirs. inncy Bliotials, .le.. extra, In. cxtrn firsts, Il'si.tlc: llrsts. .'tiitilli'.: secimiis, 2iluric . nearby prints, ramy, .inc.. do., uitnigo txtms, .tirti.tec. , uo (lists. ..(ill.tli . do., sciolnis, I'UdiLlic . Jobbing silos or tniii prints 425i 1. 1'. i'llfJS rholie tresh eggi were In rr small supilv and .!u I u uiso lilgnir. Wo ilUOIi'. I ri i uses, in ... . t'.uin. "' . i; per bbl. Jnnathnn. fancy, ft tKK?4 to good t-il Wft.1. .Mcintosh, jTja'."Vis hnllM 41 I ".li rl n... n.l,.TU'Il "3"fllt ynik linperlil. SJ'il 2, Tn enti-nTiJv I. I'lpidii. . Hen Daili jrWrfia'v?' uirletles. $1 .u-i2,-,o. No .' Sljii2-:'5i!'e in bulk, per IK) lbs ".tie VJ1..V1 && Western 1 c box i ;V : ;i W. ' WM -Seeltel. Sl'rfln. .qi,,' ...'. IT il'Anloil 2.-.lMl,ll . ,:. N.V..') l ..?OI 1 mo. ,. ... -. w 4-lh lnpkrt- hnl lu.nrn 1iiti -. 1-111 iini, 1 uiii i;t lrnt)r- Nlinra: 7J per;' baVke - o.iror,! 40 VN,?..t .Vl,:. "niiigis per "file lf-. tin- t.nv lr. i -ii Iti ..i"""' URMRt ..Vlo" I co. -Yin C C, Hi. no . Cape Cod, per crate, itftlv I, la ilo.. .lersel per crate xi Ko2 VEGETABLES Demand n falrli n tlie and ntc , enillv wet.; well nialntiiliied cjuouiS White potatncH per bush fholce. Hffl fair to good. s;.i.l.nie do Jersey, pnfirt'i So l IJosc, IWIftnc No t other xarIetiS.5 ' . Nn 2, 20f(2 ,c Hweet potatnes ili? per basket. No t' 4Uff ,(). No' iSS-i"?' ,-snla. per bbl . ?l ."MP-rr l T 6nloni' IllO-lh. bag. No 1, Jl T5-l Ml No ran1 Cabbage Dnnl-h. per ton, falo.?,& lie. Per ton, Mud Celers New lirk '"'Jf'V, 1"'. Letture I' pn 'i,! f,-i;l,iL'.,lo"..;Nor,h ''"""in per Sikrltt I .,() leans. Iloilda. per bmket 2ff3 Si rSJ 1 or. a. per basket. $1 r.Uli'l ",0 " EjnllS I Inrldn, pir crate, $2 2Vd.'.7.. MuiirSS per I-li. basket, t-fl M) -lu-nrMia. 'pil Htalnlard cafce, pearbl O... -.1, ...... . ...n 11 IiLlnrlt linltntlon i reamer-. 21 IHias Market Arm: receipts , .0"i packages. :lm llrhtH .isill.ic.. nrfi.s. , lie... u whites. fiOli.He . mUod color .l.."i iJc . r- Stnto dairy. .!.''(tlc lii'-'ic. frlgerntor tlrsts. 2.t'i2lc.. luinic. nearbi browns. I'ciuia. Co. Dividend Incrcnsed The Pennsylvania Compnn for Insur ances on I.Ives and Ot.tntlni Annuities Increased the iiuarterly dividend from ! to 7 per cent, today, and also transfened fJOO.OOO from undivided prollts to tho sur plus fund, ii-akin-; It JI.SOO.OOO. New National Bank AVASIIINGTON, Dec. 13 Tho Comp troller of the Currency hei received an application to organize the rirat Xntlonnl Hank of Farmlnsdale, X. J.; capital, $25 000. RAILROAD EARNINGS missouhi l'Acinc inn October gross -'.fJ:,Vi!;5 Set ,. . . . bl2,!47 Four months' gloss . to,l2s .Vij Met 2.001,12(1 Decrease. Increase, flfi.-si II..Mn ..'I..'IT I Too.OTs Gold From Abroad NnV YOUK. Dec. 1J. Tho steamer Cymric has arilved with gold consigned as follows: Klshty boxes to J. P. Ioi gan & Co.. 11 boxes to J. I. Kargo, six boxes to tho Mechanics and Metals Na tional Hank, two boxes to W. Kinney anil eight boxes tp otder. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Illinois Pipe Line. $15, pa-able January 13 to fclin-k of rord Ut ember IH Julius Kauer Comiiany, regular quarterly 1 Vv per cent, on lumiuun. l per tent, on llrst preferred and l. per Lent, on second preferred, common U lajable January I to stock of record December 20, preferred is pat able Februarj 1 to slock of record Jan uary 20. l'enns'lianta Company for Insurant en on Idles and Urantlng Annuities, uuarterly T per cent . pa-able January .1, 1010. lu stock of record December 2.1, 1015. METAL MARKET NEW' YOItK Dec 13. Lead offered 3 25c. ; tin. :iT.3Sr:. . Tit.; leud unchange.1, tin oulet, Hnelter, spot, l,.1 to lic. ; late December, l.i Uc i Brt quarter or 1U10. 15 to He; sec ond quarter ot 1U1U. I3, lo I2c, Turn of the Tide A year ago tho New York Stock Exchange reopened. It had been closed for more than lour months. This marked the turn of the financial tide, and good securities have been in strong demand ever since. Send for our list of good bonds at attractive prices. Ebwaro B. Smith 8s. Co BANKERS Estiblisuid 1892 Afemt-rj 2iew York anil Philadelphia block Aau0 BaoD iQ CIIIST-.-:-" iti . Puiuda NcwYosk .I..4 lu,u CI 1 11 uirait re'nlpm Slu.50 per, '-c. Western cxtru nrsis. ll II) pi i iuku llrstH. .lo...i) p.r iiise, ei;R8 t.iniy. m.iu' in c.iie, .In ilrsis. T..'u pir mre do. seinmls. i.. Iiifnl in p(i inpe ilu. luiirioi lui.'. Inwei liuiii cunille.l eKKS ire JobblnK at 42Si 4lc Clllltll (JiTerliim ere IlKlit and the mnr kit tilled linn, ilth trade mlr. Qu iiiiiioni rullou. Ne York. ' full-, nam. fjnu. hi M IT'jIllT'.i.. '"lic.'" IdKller: di ui... lulr tn Kuud, lield. It.'j'ilTi' , no. put skims. u POULTRY LiVi; Offerlmts Mere inoder.tte nnd the mar ket ruled steu.l), but Hade tti.s iiulet. CMn tutlons. 1'iivilK ..s to sle mil quality , l-ii 14c , cxieptlonal lots hiKlicr, loosters. Itwi 11.'., tqirlm- iliUKina, Hi.ur.itnK to iiuullti. 12 '(He. exceptional I dn hlKlier. turke-s. ls.i .He duwki. tin to six. mid quallts IIIiUk ciefc. lliilin.. nulneas. nunir. uiUhlnK J Ins and our upleie. per pair, .'!! , nentli lilB l'j lb?, .iplni'. icr p.dr. S1-lli.'. wciBii-liu- I ih. aplen per pair, ui).., KUlnens. old. per pair. .'iiuT.V., pIkioiih, old. p.r pair. J-u !V . do . jouni:. per pair. lMi-'nc. DHUaMIU the market as quiet hutstead under ipnueinto uturiinis. ijuot.illoin. l'ieli klll.'u lurkos. famj, ni.irbi. 'Jlu'.'l... do., du , Wcslen.. . o-nil'iil, .'-'.lUie.. uo . lulr to koo.I, .'ti'i'Jli' . do. old loins, Pie . do . Interior. I.VilS; , fouls. IS lo box. drv plcked nail drj-paiked, I alley selc.ted. IM.. uflldilm- I'.'i.'i Ibi. apiece. ITiji... uiluhlnK 4 Iba. apiece. HP..c . iielKhlni; I'i lbs. upleie. 1..W !.V.e. , iielsblm- II lbs oplece nml under. I'lh lie, line heni- fouls, lu lunels, f.miy. iiilKh me 4".l."i lbs. upleio Hi.. uulEhtnE I lbs.. Iln.,: smillir siies. I'Ji.iillc: old roosters, dr. Plikeu. l.lije., ihuktiis Jciso. lauiy Ino.ler-.. .'I'll'i.e . ntliir nearby f.iuej laollers. l.'i-'lc.. Western biolicrs, utiBiilnB 1 j i. - lbs. apiece, .(.lii 'J.'. . . northirn Illinois chkkcns. luncy, jel low, iivlsliuiB 4 iba nnd uier, is'ulln . north ern Ulh.utB, tuiie, Mcleliluii S'j'u.Pj lbs.. In Lo.s. lUalTc: portliern iillnols. imuy. nelsh Ins '.'',1(11.1 lba lu barrels, l.fill,c.. es.ein, 1 lbs und oicr. In loves' ITfilSc, oihor Western, iielBldng -ij'i.lij lbs, lu Loxcs l..i71(:e.. other Wiktcni, nelKhlnsT -'ill .'.-j ibs . in bbls.. lli.l'c., Inf.ilor, Ik , uprius du.ks, beaib, Ihii.oe. do.. Western, fdtie, IT'-lic. Mlr to Bootl, Xi'iilZe., i;ece, u.urb,, da, Western, llltli:., squabs, i er duz, While, utlBliine II 'o 1'.' lbs per i!oz,, -4 U) Si5.M: white, iiclBldre U to 10 lbs, per do.. MS. I...0' uhlte, uelKblus 8 lb per dos., $ .""S -7.1.50, wlille. iielKlilm; T lbs. per do., f'i 50 ill: white, -.chilling HCMdj lbs. per doz , t-'ia 'i.'i".; du.k, l.T5tj'-.-5; small and No. i, SIS? 1. 10. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock met ntth fair sale and lulues Bcneuilly ruled tlcub. emulations Apples. Aiiit-rican Mult Cuts Capital .?i:iti--Y CITY. N J, Dec. U-AtOn Hpcelal iiiietliij- of the stockholder- tf thn Anieilcnii Jlnltltu' Oompany, heldhtn thltt itfteinoon, It una voted to reduce to oiipltnl mock fiom $10,000,000 to 13,0ft),(-i The prcferied una cut fiom $13,000,000 1 J'l.lOO.OJO, while the common was lovrtr-J f i out $l.,00O,riCO to $0 poo.000 There ttti 171,411 shines represented of which il but f00 oted In fuvot of the proposition, Paper Currency Outstanding The total amount of pnper currency c! ouch ileiicimliuttlon outstanding Norn-- ner .hi, r.iu, iictoiciiii-r to the monthli Mtntement fiom the I'nlted States Trcas mv. w its :fWW,n74.(iiW . onslstlni; of t'nhrj fttates notes, siiu.UM.oiii, Treasury noto of K'M, $, Reserve noto, $1SS,C05,000: Nutloiml linnk notes, TC.. TC'l; (jold ceitlllentes. 1,CS1,;C0,79 and "3- er cettlllcates, $1')S s)7,000 Renewed Demand for Lead -1 i.;' YOUK, Dee 11 -A renewal of di tnnntl is lepnited in lend circles andllrn tonii'icte.s mc- being suimlit for .d-linrr the e'uly pan of next cear XcT ctwig hia ho. n m idc lu the i rlre hj the Atr lenn SineltliiL,- and RefinlnR Company tai otln i de.i'eis ho u. still quotln; V .1 imuliil New link f it I Seaboard Airline Rwy. Co 1st & Cons. V'l Bonds Seric3 A I'rlce on Ipiillcnllon Tax Free in Pennsylvania We own and offer: Reading Gen, 4s Penna. R. R. Gen. 4y2 Penna. R. R. Cons. 4l2i Lake Shore & (Vl. S. 4s, 1928 N. Y. C. & H. R. 4s, 1934 e Aller-heny Valley 4s Lehigh Valley Gen. Cons. 4Si ! Particulars on application i A. B. LEACH & CO. I 115 South Fourth Street J 28 1 luii SS.S!.!iJt. .V - Workmens Compensation Insurance Rates Are Out WE can now quote you the present rates for this insurance, and inform you how we can probably reduce the tost to you. If you will telephone or write, we shall be pleased to advise you fully on all particulars, LONDON GUARANTEE & ACCIDENT CO., LTR STOKES PACKARD IIAUGIITON & SMITH Resident Managers --l-3--J-l-i.iri 1VI1II1IIE M. I'llll-lflPIIlIlIIL .... I.onilmrd -II0U KejKtoue Mala 5 mimsmssOTxN f- aaMram. .. i ettn-ftn ft .ngiria Balto & Ohio New 5 Bonds. Ttiie niu rfi,nri;r,n an n.n..,l ,.-, rr KcL CnA BOtld is secured by a mortgage on practically the entire system, sub ject to existing prior liens. The mileage operated amounts to something over 4500 miles. The present issue amounting, to $60,000,000 is followed by $212,000,000 of dividend.payWS stocks. For the year ending June 30, 1915, total fixed charges amounted to $19,119,297. after the payment of which a surplus was shown of $10,723,248. Orders executed for delivery, "when, if. and as issued." REFD A. MORGAN & W.$J&g&l i wnrTiirrraTmwTriirrffl-ai-ai . l-;-,-n :-lTiMtaM--MPaBi -..-,. r-rirrtr-TTnTurmiiKi -rr-n-ra Wir"