Newspaper Page Text
r.iyTiWijBntifliytqgY ,jpafya'itaeminMjjy a EVENING EEDGEIJ raiEADEEPHIX, MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, I9IB. 'I il? t j. Fa? ps.- rff lf iff M. m m If I'll I ft Hi '1? If 3V. SB t. t MI P l-fi- I f Is IMJ ft TEUTONS RETIRE FOR WINTER TO BUG RIVER LINE Fortify Interior Front, After Failure to Secure Lida-Rovno Railway ELABORATE DEFENSES General ;Ruzsky Predicts Rus sian Advance Shell Famine Past BERLIN, Dec. 13 The nrmr of Field .Marshal Von Hindcnhurg has engaged at sorcral plnccs in minor engagements between advanced posts and the enemy's rcconnoltcrinir par ties, the War Ofllce reported todny. "The Russians succeeded in taking an unimportant German poBt. A Rus sian attack near Vtilkn, south of Lake Vygonovskdye, failed. The Russians lost about 100 in killed and prisoners." LONDON, Dec. 13. Dispatches from fctroBintl Intlicnte that the German are withdrawing their centre to what Is known tin the Bug ltlver line, which, however, nt many plaren Is con siderably northeast of that river. This withdrawal Is due to their Inabil ity to secure complete control of the I.lda-Baronovltchi-Rovno railway, which was necessary for the successful holding of the advanced positions which thoy reached after their great drive of last summer. They havo evacuated Slonln, lying to tho' -.west, and Baronlvltchl and Kobr(n, Just to the east of Qrest-Lltovsk, which they are making tho centre of their new lines. These arc beltis strongly fortified. This sURKests that tho Germans hope to creato a stalemate In the East, as they did In tho 'West, and that If they cannot break through they will make It Just as difficult, for the Russians to do so. Reuter'g Petrogrod correspondent gives details of the fortifying of tho Dug River line, saylnet "Tho Germans assembled near Brcst Lltovsk more than 100,000 workmen. In cluding" numerous prisoners, who were employed especially on trenches. "Women and children also were forced to aid, Becauso of poor and lnsutllclent food tho workers fell III In great numbers. They then were sont to Blalystok. "Tho Germans are reorganizing- the cast bank of tho Bug with particular care, constructing Interminable lines of trenches, fortifications and blockhouses, with artillery of all callbreB. At the samo time they aro energetically restoring the forts at Brest-I.ltovek, rebuilding the fortress according to tho plans of the German general staff, with the view of turning tho stronghold against the Rus sians when tho latter aBsumo the of fensive." ANGLO-FRENCH SWEPT OUT OF SERBIA BY FOES Continued" from I'nge One patch to the Times says that the Bul garians lost SOOO men In two attacks against the British position north of Lake Dolran. Tho Greek political situation Is normal again. Tho crisis between the Entente Po.wers and Greece has been settled by the understanding that tho Allies will bo given every facility for freedom of mili tary movement In Macedonia. The Allies modified their original de mands for the withdrawn! of nil Greek troops from Salonlca, but only a small number of Hellenic soldiers will remain at tho Allies' base. Tho Fifth Corps of the Greek nrmy has been withdrawn from the Dolran to tho Salonlca zone. Tho troops have been In structed by the General Staff not to enter hostilities with cither Teutons or Allies on their soli. The Greek Government Is now en deavoring to obtain guarantees that In no event shall Bulgarian troops invade Greece, only Teutonic troops entering Greek territory In pursuit of tho retreat ing Allies. . 1 Cf Tho allied troops are falling back across tho Greek boundary with an un broken front. The Bulgarians, slowly following-, ore reported to be within five miles of the frontier. The retreat of the expeditionary forces. It Is reported, was being covered yester day by artillery forces and machine gun contingents Flattened only a few miles across the Greek border. Direct telephone communication be tween Berlin and Sofia was opened to day, ' Ihe line runs through Budapest, Orsova and Nlh, The first conversation was carried on by General Falkenhayn, German Minister of War, and General Kaadenoff, Bulgarian War Minister, both expressing the highest satisfaction over the rapidity with which the service had been established for the quick exchange of news and views. Swift action by Russia Is deemed nec essary by London military experts to save the Balkan situation. The czar has as al ternatives. In any effort to throw troops Into Serbia, violation of the neutrality of Rumania by an overland drive of the heavy forces massed on the border, or transport of troops from Odessa and Se vastopol across the Black Sea to Varna, using the chief Bulgarian port as a base of operations for a sweep through Bul garia to the Graeco-Serb frontier. The approach of the retreating Anglo French forces In Serbia to the areek frontier marks a crisis In the Teutonlo Balkans campaign. The kaiser must now decide whether to pursue the enemy Into Greek territory and run the risk of gain ing the enmity of the Greek nation by carrying' the horrors of war among the peaceful Greek citizens along a new bat tle line to Salonlca. A. profound Impression would be created In the Balkans it the Anglo-French troops were compelled to take to their transports. The spirit would fall out of the' Serbian army In Albania, and It Is probable Rumania's future attitude would not 'tw. hostile to the -victorious Germans. But the work of drawing the western Al lies out of Greece should prove mush more difficult than the present operations In Serbia!. Not only Is Salonlca. with Its curroundlog hills a, very strong- de fensive position, but It can be protected, by warships In the harbor. There Is NO Better Coal Sold in Philadelphia There ia no firm buys better, there is no. firm, large or small, can give you better service at any price, We handle only the very Best Coal Egg, fg(7S Stove. $7,00 CEUwt, $7.2S 5S'd Pe., $4t75 tUQ Iht. W vry ton for 30 years sUtisiU CustwBcrs for SO Years Caw tW trucks. d"r north ol M'rktt treat, ol .o own vkivw Owen Letter's Son TVentaii und WnwtiMitrftlattfl fits. l tUt-iutkliui Hit HMr Issrt . Km J DCnUN ., .r5vtVA4'',ii(r u y 1 ' ' r it"'1 1 iMiwWT" r 2&AMt&timM&8& ! J u I'cnncll to Tnllt on Whistler '1 v-A. "' The nrllsl, Whistler, will be discussed )Mlti'tritolfat K. o by Joseph Pennell at tho regulnr meeting T U ?&Jr!&a&4ry2 Trr- of the Contemporary Club tonight at tho fViVmSStmF y, IMtovue-Strntforil. xj -. . ii:tiai.j. ... .j.ifea!' mu, ifv&p i K ' 3&y&? 'Ts r 1 1 vbnl. s .-'' s 1 f J Jr' V a o k h . . . T v W'I'VKL... gtcheran v ;.-.,-' IV l I I 111 ? m 1 v ... . feiu,o.. rvr i i( i ..''"W!!,. '! : I ', iV . Tul I PROBABLE ROUTE OF PROPOSED TEUTONIC MARCH ON INDIA Reports from Switzerland assert that in the spring Germany plans to menace British possessions in tho East with a morch on India. The map indicates how tho threat might ho accomplished. From Berlin troops could bo transported by express trains direct to Constantinople. Thence there is a rnilwny across Asia Minor extending part of the way into Mesopotamia, this being a portion of the far-famed project of the "Berlin to Bagdad" Railroad. Tho Teutonic forces might reach the Persian Gulf with comparative ease, but from this point there would be a march of more than 1000 miles acrosc barren and mountainous regions in Persia, Afghanistan and Baluchistan to tho banks of the Indus. Tho British effort to prevent this proposed move has met with failure so far, the advance on Bagdad having been hurled back by tho Turks, who are now reported to be threatening Aden, tho important port at the gates of the Red Sea. It is controlled by Britain. LE TRUPPE ITALIANE C0NQUISTAN0TUTTELE ALTURE DI BEZZECCA Dalle Create del Vies e del Mas- cio le Batterie di Cadorna Dominano i Forti di Lardaro UNA BELLA OPERAZIONE ROMA. 13 Dlcombro. Gil Italian! operantl nclla zona dl RIva hanno conqulstato lo alturo tra la vullo Cludlcarla o la vnllo Concel. In modo che sono vonutl ad acqulstaro II controllu complcto di tutta la conca dl Bezzecca dove la valle dl Concel si unlsce a quella dl Lcdro. In tnl modo lo forzo Itnllanc hanno guadagnato un altro punto Im portante da dovo possono quando sara' necessarlo Inlzlare le operazionl contro I fortl dl Lardaro clio sbarrano la valle Gludtcaria cd lmpedlscono loro dl rlsallre 11 Chlcse verso Trento. Le operazionl contro le alture che coro nano la conca dl Bezzecca furono inlzlate 11 7 corrente con un bombardamento da parte delta artlgllerle Itnllane dello po slzlonl nustrlacho ben munltc sullo create delle alture. Gil austrlacl rlsposero ancha dal fortl di Lardaro, cho sono cinque, cosicche' fu necessarlo portare le artl gllerle ltallano su poslzlonl da cul poter controbattere le battorle del fortl, prima dl poter spingero lo operazionl sulle create. Xella notte del 10 dlcembre la fanterla Itallana comlnclo' l'attacco o guadagno" poslzlonl sulle create oriental) ed occiden tal! del grappa. Allora l'urtlgllerla pote rlprcndera il bombardamento e sabato mattlna la fanterla, rlpreso l'attacco, conqulstava lo ridotte e le tiincee fortls slno sulle creato del montt In segulto a rlpetutl assaltl alia balonctta. Ecco II testo del rapporto del generate Cadorna pubbllcato lerl sera dal Minia te ro della auerra: "Successive e brlllantl operazionl of fensive nella zona compresa tra Val Gtudlcarla e Val Conctl cl hanno portato alia conqulsta, dl fortl alture cho cl as slcurano anche II completo controllo della conca dl Bezzecca. "L'attacco comlnclo' II 7 Dlcembre e el Mctt ! at the PHILADELPHIA POULTRY SHOW Ilroad Wallace Hti. Metropolitan Uulldlng Eirr dir tfala wetk. in 1 u ia 11 r. 31. ate t&a to 11 f. M. u the iloo.oco Liar Eilintlnt, the worWi rteoro cnicntn id .'uin Ln. turj Wooaer X tlztt jou will tier in tiiln Don't mln H. i'ollsH tta enwi: Adnlislaa IS Cent LUiiaten 13 Cent Christmas Gifts of Haberdashery You'll enjoy delving into our Christmas stocks Tiei, Gloves, Walking Stickf, Shirts, Belts; everything, in fact, that particular men are fussy about. All from the best sources and care fully selected for your selection. Beck er s "The Shops Individual 92S Cheotnut St. Widener Building Arcade Juniper and Filbert St. 20 S. 15th St. A comoUtt Un of Shott and Clothing in the WiJ.ntr Mead Store, .?.hoen,f SIVJ Overwear Guaranteed Hose, for Men. Women and Children, In alt stores. Visit our Ladies' Department In the Wldener Arcade Store sUils.dy jo charge. 800 BRITISH NOBLEMEN GAVE LIVES FOR COUNTRY New Issue of Debrett's Shows Heavy Titled Losses LONDON. Dec 13. War has levied ft heavy toll upon the British aristocracy. Changes In succession to more than 100 titles have already been caused. According to the now Issue of Debrett's t'rernge, Just out, there aro 800 names of noblemen on tho roll of honor of those who have been killed In action or died of wounds. The list contains the names of I member of the royal family, 6 peers, 16 baronets, 8 knights, 7 members of the House of Commons, 164 companions of various orders, 93 sons of peers, 82 soni of baronets and 84 sons of knights. svlluppo' cautnmente, eBsendo neces sarlo un controbombardamento della podcroaa artlgllcrla del fortl dl Lardaro o la dlstruxlune dl numerosl lavorl acces BOrll dl dlfesa. "Durante la notto del 10 Dlcembre le nostro truppe ragglunsero le crente oc cidental! ed orlentall del montl Vies 0 Masclo, a sud-ovest, dl norzolo. "Nclla mattlnata, In segulto ad una efllcaclsslma preparnzlono dl nrtlgllerln, la nostra fanterla con assaltl nlla balo netta conqulstava successive llneo dl trlnceo o ill rldatte cho coronavano le alture. "Sul rcsto del fronto la sltuazlonc 0 lm mutata." Slccome nclla Camern del Deputatl II deputato Enrico Ferrl aveva sollevato la qulstlone del controllo purlamentare sullo spese per la guorra, u Mlnlstero Snlandra ha chlesto In proposlto un voto dl tlducla, aftcrrnando cho II govcrno doveva nvere pleno ed illlmltato controllo delle spese. La Camera dlctlo lerl un voto dl flducla, e I0O deputatl votarono per II mlnlstero e solo 0 votarono contro. NELLA PE.VISOLA BALCANICA. Notlzlo da Ateno dicono cho ognl pcrl colo per gll alleatl In terrltorlo grcco, pcrlcolo dl Borpresa da parte dl truppo grccche, o' ellmluato uvendo II govcrno cllenlco accettnto tutte le donmnde degll alleatl. Salonlcco sara" la baso dl opera zlono dcllo forze anglo-fmnccsl, cd In quel la cltta' rimnrranno soltanto pocho ccntlnala dl soldatl grecl. II governo grcco ora sta cercando dl avere garanzlo cho lo forze bulgaro non Invadcranno la Grccla per combattcre contro git alleatl, e che soltanto truppe teutonlche vl cntru ranno so crederanno dl Inseguira lo truppo anglo-francesl. Queste avranno ognl llberta' dl movlmentl nclla Mace donia grcca e lo forze greche non osta colcranno in alcun modo queste opera zionl 0 movlmentl. Intauto le forzo alleata hanno evacuato Ghovghell o Dolran, rltrandosl verso Salonlcco, o si dice che lo forzo bulgaro che le Inseguona stano ora a circa cinque mlglla dal confine della Grecla. SI dice che II capo dcllo Stato Maggloro greco. generale Dusmanls, ha dato ordlne alio forzo greche dl rltlrorsl davontl alle avan zantl forzo bulgaro cd cvltare dl dar bot taglla. I crlticl mllltarl svlzzcrl hanno calco lato che la spcdlzlone In Serbia costa agll fcBimmcmic ELECTRIC TRAINS TROL LEY CARS RACING AUTOS TRANSFORMERS ELEC- TRIC MOTORS, ETC. Lighting Outfits For Trees $2.40 Set Up Electric Train Set $2.00 up Electric Motors tl.00 up Electric Dynamos $5,00 up Elec. Storage Batteries, $6.00 un Electric Enninee 75c up Telegrapn instruments, fi,75 up Electric Med. Batteries, (3,50 up Central Electric & Lock Co. 13 No. Thirteenth St. t. (" -Nf-S.fl! !i O !, I4 JlOO 00-r' V'M ' 600 , KX0 ( ERIE CONGRESSMAN PRAISES THIS CITY AS A NAVY CENTRE Thinks League Island Should Given Every Facility Be WASHINGTON, Dee. 13. In comment ing on Secretary Daniels' report, Repre sentative I-lebel, of Drle, Democratic member of tho Naval Commlttco fjom Pennsylvania, said: "A careful reading of the report Indi cates that Secretary Daniels has covered tho ground fully and with much detail. 1 am Interested particularly In what ho pays about the Philadelphia Navy Yard, because personally t believe that money can be spent profitably there In making It a greater and more valuable yard, I have said repeatedly that geographically Philadelphia has the best situated yard In the country, and It Is deserving of every consideration. It Is near to every needed source of supply and It has un surpassed transportation facilities. The Philadelphia yard should bo given every facility so that It can build the greatest of dreadnoughts." tillcutl teutonlcl, cloc' Gcrmniila, Austria Bulgaria 0 Turchln, 317,000 uomlnl tra inortl, fori. I e nmlatl. I mortl Barebbero, secondo I cnlcoll dl quel crlticl svlzzeri, 51,000, til cul CO.OOO tt-dcschl od austrlacl. Iutanto corro voce che truppo franco Inglesl Blano sbnrcnto a Kavnla, altro porto greco suH'Egco, a circa SO mlglla da fa'alonlcco. GLI S. V. ALL'AUSTIUA. La nota Invlata dagli Sfatl Unltl all'Austrla per protestare contro 1'affon damento dell'Ancona 0' molto energlca, e moltl la consldernno come qunliho cosa dl plu' ill un ultimatum. 11 govcrno amerlcano domanda che II govcrno aus trlacno dlchlarl ruffondnmeuto dell'An cona lllesalo od Indlfcnslbile; cho l'ufTicl ale cho comnndava II aottomarlno cho affondo" II plroscafo sia punto e clu- ri parazlone sla data sotto forma dl paga mento dl Indennlta per gll nmerlcanl pe rlll o ferltl ncl dlsantro. DIco lo nota nel suo perlodo ultimo; "II govcrno dcgll Stall Unltl aspetta cho II govcrno austro-ungarlco, coneclo della gravlta' del caso, acccda prontnmente alio sue domandc; e basa quosta crcdenz.a sul 1'oplnlonc cho II govcrno austro-ungarlco non sanzloncra' no" dlfcndera' un ntto cho 0' condannato da tutto II mondo come lnumano c barbaro, cho e' orrlbllo per tutte lo nazloul clvlll 0 cho ha causato la morto dl clttadlnl nmerlcanl Innocent!." AGED WOMAN DIES Born Christmas Day, Married Christ mas Day, Life Ends Near Christmas LANCASTER, Pa., Dec. 13. Horn Christmas Day, married Christmas Day, mtb. Anna Howe, bo years old, of Quarry- vllle, died today, not far from another Christmas Day. Her husband, John B. Rowo, died November 17, aged 92. She was known far and wldo as Grand mother Rowo and was active among the Dunkarda. Tho two were married 03 jears last Christmas. g PamSHLWn 5i2J.DU ,i i!'1ii,ijiii!iiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiM r -& j i M k 1102 CHESTNUT ST. ,'3 I I ijV. A YtTJClC Crlft II M Manufacturers of Shirts, Gowns, Pajamas, Etfif"; SI 11 II i' v 4 I'ni ,. HS iinpoiieis gi unucrwear, i ioery, uioves, v-ravan IS (fflmVil iZiA ,mi UISPC1S giooin ana aaus oeauty js If -f I U Kl W t0 the home. 11 ' 4 I f lyymjgj Unusual designs in f " ' r' Is "fffHr Japanese Vases i K i"?-k-,r mT-Aw4-:M'''ni r I I V.J butterfly Panels i LoJ Kl!' ' 4f Hl I ' M Hi Mahogany and .Wflff ! &fa H ''- fc : ' ! 'i W Carved Wood j Pgr. ;. JrWIr ...iTiTTM ' ' ' If Sm at moderate prices. j tf-zgr? ' r'' , MScLs Ml Fulfill HlfflBI ' 1 ll Retail Display Hooma Jl LaVlv W iMgfik 'll S V i J HjililSffiJ 1 j ! 1 J 427-433 NORTH BROAD STREET J P W? sallmSlB - 73 I 1 If The Horn & Brannen Mfg. Co. il w'Sw &WifmM ffifflfEEBHH ' ; 3 Short Walk Along Automobile How iff. K'iW'lfc-.. ttWmWMw k I -'IT--- I lUJirM J j I ! . KM ? f'M'ravH , I Resinol J J GERMANS POUND BRITISH LINES IN DRIVE ON CALAIS Great Artillery Conflicts Reported North and South of Ypres TEUTONS MASS TROOPS Amsterdam Reports Bijj Guns in Continuous Action for 24 Hours Artillery actions of Krent Intensity and extent Indicate that n great battlo Is In progress to the north and south of Vpics. Tho Hrltlsh nnd Belgian nrinlcs hold the positions which arc reported under lire. decent reports from Atnsterdnm re vealed that the Clermntis wero movlnB Kleat masscH of troops and Kims to tho 1-MatuIrr.t front, and It la believed that tho Kteat artillery action now un der way loreshfidows another attempt by tho Knlser'a urmlrs to snianh a path through tho British lines. Although this attack may ho an effort to cut tho Hrltlsh llne.f and turn the loft Ilnnk of tho Fronoh nrmy, tlnm opening a possible path to Paris, It li more thnli likely that Cnlalfl nnd Dunkirk aro tho Immediate objectives of tho (leitnans. LONDON, Dec. 13. A Renter dispatch irom Amsterdam says Ihe Tolegranf loams from tho fron tier that for the hist 21 hours there has been nn uninterrupted cannonade audible from the dlioctlon of Ypres. The bom bardment was so heavy between noon and 2 o'clock that tho lire could bo dis tinctly observed on Ihe horizon. Tho Belgian report today tells of con siderable artillery action along tho Bel gian front. An olllclnl communication from Brit ish heudqunitcrs nt tho front in 1'rance saya' "Our nrtlllcry has continued tho bom bardment of portions of the enemy's linos nt Wcz-Mnniuart and La Boutell Icrlc. The parapet was broached In several places. A lire started by our nr tlllcry yesterday In Cite Saint Kile whh still burning thla afternoon. The enemy's shelling of Armentlcres hi reply to our bombardment caused two fires, which woio quickly got under control. "A Micecsxiul bombing party was car ried out by us last night about Ncuve Chnpc'lle. The Herman trenches wero entered, although strongly held; ono German machine gun was destroyed by bombs, and a number of casualties were oap rhBfirMAU- fTBflVa I Bt Vl IY fe-"-rll IttmvttU fl 1 r yll iffJf0MM B3 ' L L-1 Murc c,n"" r 3I L4 I f I f. Mann & Dilks I ki? 1 K 1102 chestnut st- $ SyQlI Ak lyrol Wool J iS6Stol) 1 (A Knitted Fabric) wjl Si I IH Ladies' and Misses' 'V I GIFTS I I I Of Unusual Character giyjfsSSM Street Suits A I il await your PTnonal choice M Kf;S?MiW4i"lftSB ' Jl E i At hoskins 1 WmSmSm 4,sPort Suit," i I CT This liandsomo desk fiM H KBSPBH Cl O r ' H " ixtttro in un me ui Kilt Iti MfKV JM DBy il ITlriTln ,Tl1 ifa m for Mimtu u win look M isESB .ating uuirs ,v? HH esiicrlnlty charming nn her H bvISmM tJ1 DTJ i..,.ini. nM itu... -.. ,i..i HI J.S?" WJt(i ntmlKi viS: U -, r c-n nn ak JSMMKiM S T Q.50 'sCinSfl 5rr: tn , x j jniy o.vju tn w SiftSBJH "jsj - vj.u , uj uesic aets irom m IW'SmmesLwWk j C ?3.50 to 512 m iMgLWSwM. H Ahk for "SOCIAL SCO- H M!mmX&MLWMm rprir -vTr-rir J U ifrlti5.fjr2 LI tlmiMBm lop Loats i O l "Globe-Werninkfi f 'loyS t ;. WN. stssfcn.1 - -w-w I h i I ' Mill i clears bad complexions Jf yqu want a clear, Iresh, glowing complexion, use Kesinol Soap at - least once a day, Work a warm, creamy lather yl it well into the, pores, then rinse the face with plenty j( cold water, , It docs not take many days of such regular care with Kesfnul Soap to show an Improvement, because the Jlcsinol medication soothes and rrfrtihtt the skin, while the pure soap, free of alkali, elonsing, WhM i the lUa U la a very reelected eonJU tloo, vita plwle, tlackheadi, redui cr roostoMi, wild on Jutt a little Khwl Olnt. ncnt lot tea cr SIteta miouttj b(gr utmc KtiUwl Smp. Keslnol Soap U sol artificially colored, in rich bown btbj eatltel, du la tin kuim,t cm! stloa It ConUtui, TWeut-(iv ceuU at alldrt;yUtta,iila!,iayUteJ. a ual l tale, wtiu u PU f I, KwlaU. Inflicted on the enemy and the party re turned to our trenches safely. One officer and four soldiers were wounded. "On Wednesday U ct our aeroplanes bombed a store and depot at Mlraumont (Sommo district) and tho aerodrome at Harvllly. The nttack was carried out In a high westerly wind, which made flying difficult. All the machines returned safely and considerable damage Is be lieved to have been done both objectives." BRITISH ATTACK REPULSED, SAYS GERMAN REPORT BERLIN, Dec. 13. A statement issued Inst night at Army Headquarters says: "East of Neuvo Chapelle, southwest of Lille, an endeavor by n small British de tachment to penetrate our position by a surprise nttack broke down beforo our entanglements. "In tho Vosges there has been spo radic patrol fighting." FRENCH NAVAL OFFICER DEAF TO U. S. SKIPPER'S PROTEST Seized German Steward Without Mak ing Any Explanation NEW YORK, Dec. 13. The arrest of tho United States steamship Carolina, of tho New York nnd 1'orto lllco Lino, by n French cruiser was described on her nrrlval hern today. "It was about 5:30 o'clock on the after noon of December 8 when tho cruiser llrcd a shot across our bows as a warn ing to stop," snld Captain J. O. Foss. "Wo had been stopped many tlmcB be foie, but thnt was tho first time wo were ever boarded. After tho ship stopped a French lieutenant came on board, appar ently looking for Germans. There were mnny persons of Germnn descent on board, but only one, Cnrl Schade, my chief steward, was taken off. I protest ed, but to no avail. The olllccr would not oven mnlto an explanation." South Phlla. Business Men Meet The board of directors of tho South Philadelphia Business Men's Association will make a report at a meeting of the as sociation in Odd Follows' Hall, Broad and Federal streets, tonight nt 8. IB o'clock, .Tames A. Hamilton Is president of the as sociation. An Unusual Diamond Ring $390 "nine nhito" Is too frequently ueil to ilewrllio nil diamond that are not ilerliledly brown In color. It does not rcnulro a twlet of tno Imagination to illBcorn the color In this mnKnincent Kom. The beautiful blua tint Is distinctly apparent nnit ell ilinplaycil by nn unusual plati num mounting C.R.Smith a Son market f. at 18th 2S AvYV An Unusual ( AJBKl) m Stands for the fflS, 4 nH AUrtflhli VwtAA I il- ri..! rl, 411 4- ' .' ! lvh lirflNlllllT 1 1 11 N Hill (jisaiii uan i.iv" . s M mKaAm U1U Fint0Ba,n$15 s ;: i m m American Homes qSzdam : 1 1 1 VI $20.75 -1 H ; It's more sensible to give one substantial gift like a Globe-Wernicke bookcase than a lot of odds and ends, And every home has books that need good care. Globe-Wernicke bookcases are conveni ent as well as beautiful. Visit our sales room today and see the great variety of . styles, finishes, sizes and prices. Every bookcase direct from our own factory. 3bs 91otemiclte Co, 1012 Chestnut Street h'. Tjf-I V L I.J I M I I J Nil I II n, , ''' JLW'k ' -CtiV' 0 10V wrVty Sectional 0ooKcaerii ITALIANS WIN STRONG POSITION IN TYROL Capture Heights Commanding Austrian Forts in Giu. dicaria Valley ROME, Dec. 13. In the on.u northwest of Rlva, at the head 0?z.Z Sarda, In the Tyrol, tho Italians hill captured tho heights between Ml ? dlcnrla nnd Concel Valleys, glvw .?. control of the Bezzecca basin Si hS mouth of the Concel Valley and a 'h advantage In the campaign against ti,. Lardaro forts In tho Gludlcarla Van., to tho northwest, '"'i Tho nttack began on December : . nitlllory bombardment of the cren. tho heights. The Lardaro forts Venli.i nnd a counter bombardment of the .. necessary before tho operations couM k! continued. u " Quicksilver at Record Price NEW YORK. Dec. 13.-qulckslver I. now quoted at $130 per flask of 100 pouJ. nn advance of 30 per flask In about J weeks and a now high record. In nni-m.i times the price of quicksilver ranges fm $35 to $t5 per flask and Just before, n2 war was selling nt $3C75 per flask. For the Out-Door Man Hero aro soma of th things from Shannon's. thnt would please lilm- NS Every rellabl. mako, single or "dou! hie From the good Inexpensive nrtlcfe t the finest example of' Hie gunsmith's craft lili-t.n.s rrom air- rines. l b'B H VOL VK IIS All sizes, nil calibres, ie. ttlnrs and automatlci. OUTFITS Every thine for camping; RUS cases, hats, coats, ler Kings, belts, knlvei, etc. KISIIINO TACKLE Tho most completi lino to select from. .vTiii.imc noons Skates, tennis rackets,, tuinchlng- bags, ba. Kctbnlls, etc. CSA.tin I'l.AClUKS of Mooscheads, Deet nnd Diieks. Shannon tmeke v iivawu M ' VTOI HAItnWAItn U $ l1 l at ; Tj r i M t l I : 3 I l l 4 I ,