OCR Interpretation

Evening public ledger. [volume] (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 18, 1918, Final, Image 14

Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045211/1918-12-18/ed-1/seq-14/

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iv ., '
W f
Wv a
s r
lUCougcst List of Names Yet
Reported by General
argc Number of Ofliccrs Iu
eluded; Grand Total to
Date, 170,487
lTaalilnaton. Dec 19
r.an.ral rerahlnir'9 Mat Of casualties
-MAUJbi Ur Ul' WUUlWJiU u;c.r J. Sch.ltnll, rhamberrtuT. Joeeph " w'g a,.,, Harry S. Maraii. Reno,a. iho'rn etre.t. "Pluifieinhlai Ule- O. I ko.. n,w arkrcharle. P Itlpr Iloboken!
today Is the larsest he has yet reported, I Norih Marston street. Philadelphia. Paul II.
rommialnz- 3927 names. A feature of , T0,K'n,nd. 3S41 North Percy street. Phlla
SSrSIi " "f i. ,h, ,h. rennrd Is made up , a??'?1.1"- Jorh II. Tlnney. 2M est Ula-
entirely of wounded, more or les3 se
verely. The number of otHccra no listed
U usually large. Total eo far reported
Is 178.487.
Summarized, the casualties to date are;
taoisvoo - -- . -
IHC IS ir.Ri-i
27 074
Killed In action
Died of wounds.
t Died of disease
Died of accidents and other
Mltslnc In action (Includinc
prisoners in Qermanyl . . .
Grand totals .
3 !27
3.207 178.487
Wounded Setereljr
COLONEla Asher Mlnr W ilkes-Uarre,
MAJOn Olher I White, Roanoke. Va.
CAPTAINS Frederick 11. Draston. Thll
aaalphlaj Arthur V McD-rmott, Ilrookljn.
LIEUTENANTS Edaar W. Akers, Seat
tle, Waah.. Chester O. Ilurden. New Tork:
Stanley el. llutler. Huntington, W. a.,
William J. Coyle, Seattle. Wash. , Kdear C.
i-rBataf- lvaveett Wash William J. Roddey
Hock Hllla. S. C. Frank A. Van Horn. 14m.
North Fifty-ninth street, Philadelphia Wll-
J fiam J. Walker. Dattlmore, Thomas 1. Ward
Brooklyn: Deminc uronson, .-onn rmiiit
Wash.: Herbert C Caldwell I.laonler
..lAaanh f PhalloV t.-ltenshlirir. Wash. .
nlt li. Kdwarde. Crawford! tile. C.d . Monta
James Moore. Loa Angelea, Charle; 1 A
Murray. Hammond, In.l. . Georee la. Pas'
Hamilton. Md.; Francis Oilier K,oller
Charleston. W. Va . Kenneth R Uolslon.
AaaaKLa. TV. t.'n..P.1 T. Ha.1111 TrO. N. I.a
- William Scott. Somerille Mass. William
v, aaUinerianu, at. iaouia, jwmi ,
Thomas, Nashville, Tcnn.
Wounded. Decree Vndttcrmi.ini
mnna Caama PnlBifaar .Te l.eaen -
worth. Kan.. Ransom II. tllllet. New orlt. West -omerset street Philadelphia. Hubo
CAPTAINS Utorso Nelman Kemp, tast ' y. Uruder 70."i West Tloeo street. Phllodel.
. StroudsburE. Pa. John Newman. Fort l.o-' pi, Prnspero Colutci. 81 Tlther street.
ran, Col. . James A. 1-Tow Lamar. Mo. . John phlladelnhla Frinils L Cr-ilB. .Tin U
L, Remsen. Allentowr. Pa , street, rhlladelnhla Jose I. Oroas Hethle-
1.1KUTENANTS Krdman Nleumolster hem. Harry Ilauntfuhrer. 21) North I.aw-
brandt. Tarrytown. Walter S Uurk. 92S rence street Philadelphia Rilph H. Kline.
West laehiah aenue. Philadelphia, JottnUute College: Frank Kwasnoskl. Morris
William Uleason. Oak Park. Ill . Charlen 0. Run Joseph I.abrlola. 13". Pennsdale street.
Beard. Memphis. Tenn : Harry F. MacLanc ' pnil.idelphla (leoree M Illshop Chnmbers-
Wesl Toledo. O.: Edward J Ilenth. Chlraso. iunt, Rajmond C Hills Plttsburah. II A
Merrill J. Smith. Cassadaua. N ; llarrv Hawkins. shnrou Frank Krasklnskj.
J. Ueaeles. .Nevada. Mo , Lawrence Reattle. MinersMl'e Ray W Wills. Frslna. Giuseppe
Bethlehem. Pa.. Edward L Journeay. wsi-
pole. N. H.: Herbert w .Moloney . inm
iiaa.. a Vin t-tian rial Ktrniisbure Pa.
Cast Strousburc I'a.J
. latonard II. Annlstead. Franklin. Tenn. .
nenlamln Atwater. Red Hank-. N J , OeorKo
E: Farmer, Sunlight, llo : Gcorire J Hunt.
Adrian. Mich.: Fred Kochll. Alliance. O
Robert T. McIIenrv. Murtreesboro Ttnj .
David 1!. Otis, New York: Jackson M.
Painter. Wllllamsnort. Pa . Paul I 11 Parks
Nelsonvllle. O.. Corwln T. Phillips Port
land. Ore.: James If Plereon. New Orleans:
-.aa.la.a. Van ti Ttnlaaaef TrlnCeton. N. J..
flair F. Schumacher. Kasnta. Minn : Thorn
aaana, KUBiaU- .a.iiiii . inutii-
a.. -T. Rtmiett Worcester Mass : r.clwarn v.
'sterllnr. SK11 North Darlen street, Phlla -
delphla: Hussell Reed Mutzehaugn. lork,
t. a n.Ararai IT. Pl-rntt. AStOTla. I.OniT IS-
land. N. Y.- Robert II rridcen. Towns. t.a
-. i j t.ii.i.11.
MounUed MKhtlr
3IAJOR Sidney Olider De Kay.Now Tork
CAPTAIN3 Charles II. AnUresa. Jackson-
liii" vii. Robert 11. Chllds. Sprlnefield.
-li.-i . Tn.enh Patrick Connrll. franklin.
SaTs flnhert ft Drake. Zanesllle. O. .F.d-
nj"d .. Korth, Wenatchee. Wash : Orlln
'f tt.u.a".i ,A'.uSZX.XWKv Marriiln CleVe
land. .: Kenneth C Wilson. Ilrpokljn. ..
Y.I Vbllliam aiarSHll I HBO, aaa...... .......
1 O.r William Flsk. San Antonio ira
LIEUTENANTS Oscar Cleveland Olbbs.
Ijmdover. Md.: Nils A. Npst. llaltlmore
. Md.t James W Thompson. Rldaeland. St .
Cdward F. Thompson. Cleveland. O . Allen
?.. .Vew York: Robert D Leeper. Cpeur
fd'Alene, Idaho. Christian Markson. Owa
toilna. illnn : I-Tederlck I,. Pond Marietta
J. O.: Edward Lee Spencer. Lenoir, N t .
v-a.a.iri a....!.-. Tinrehester. Mass.: Harry 11
..Whittlna-ham. Detroit. Mich
Stout. Rethle-
rttt. I.amar. a V : itoDeri. i
L'.'il '""',.. i' Vi-nt.ti nrehanl. Tenn.
Albe'rt 8.' n&,' Chlraeo'. Karl O Kalk.
Colfax. Wis : John V Merrick. Sd. Iloxbor
oush, Philadelphia
- Wounded Seterely
SEROKANTS Matthew J. onroy j.asi
a-....arra rei M.. -.- Itnn hsn llll'irt Xle -
rllllliuriu Aiiuiuni . . ... - ,-.-a-.
Callum street. Philadelphia. Harry W Ken
drlck. Folsom: Edwin McLean. Corry: James
B Norrle. Uorranceton, labln Hnltun I'ltta-burlh-
Frank Czarnlewskl. rlttsliu-h: Jo-
aeph Frazler, Lebanon
Ue'orse E. l'arkett,
CtmPORALS James A. Brennan. Swoy-
-r.ville: John E. urown, iiummeisiown
Nicholas nnranil WMkei-Harr
eMn Tiittahiirnh! Clarence u. uacn, nua
bursh: Lavrrn Bucne Cravpn. New Urigli-
rtn?iirapl Flnker. Carlisle; llowara A..MI1-
ler 1C22 AVest Susquehanna avenu. I'hlla
Wphla; AuBUJit C. Hleser. "tburB h.
Thomas J. Itllej. Cwnburg, John J Roth.
ASK Melon treet. Philadelphia; Grajdon I
Thoman. Heaver Falls.
tUrKh. ., ,r -.i.... VUbal
JT- i.Ulnei
S rrtxr Vnffnin T' Hppr. Klttaniunr
k c- .PRIVATES William T. Apgar. Uethle- ,
twi nhAi. Alfrail A riitnpnhnu'pr. MaCUtl-
fiSI il Nick Dbullun. Mononitahelaj Alva E.
W& Jlason. McKees Rocks: Clifford 3. Owen.
,(X.r Crawford County; Kdwara u. ityuer. afu-
4" more: WHltam Urblns. Mahanoy City; Dom- '
91 ? inlo Vltalone, Wllmore: Uobert D. Newman, t
i,i ivaftnn! .inicrjh J. Samallus. T'ottavUle;
Clyd xv, opiaoeu, ureenrasno; .m-i
lor. New Kensington: John W. Hofelt. KfKer;
wnariea ci. launn, muie ioin-a--i iuhiv ..
. Lawless, Conshohocken; Anthony K Raf-
erty, S043 Diamond street. Philadelphia j
William It. ruaniej-, -auu i,uriii iiuiijivuuu
street. Philadelphia: John D. Tost. Pitta-
"J i A Wltmer, Oil 'Jltyi aias uanxszis, i-iimioiii
3 V Albert K. Hoffman, Urockton: Antonl Nowak,
!C , iCarne-fte: Morris Kablnowlti. a31. Wja-
Fl. l.a.taa av-aanu. Plltls it elnhla t (teoraO I. TS-
V . hurab: Mathew roles I'lttshurali: Auau'
if Kooa, Johnstown: Elmer I.. Slsson, Oil City: I
J."V Daniel Caporall, lllflu (llenmore aveni.e Phil-,
lM adelphial Antonl Krokoslil, Pittsburgh. Earl
i-ls-l 1a.il 1. Tf..naln l.a. 1laa.aaa IT! tlainnMl
'- , 1, 1 UllVa., IIUllll,,,Ul., a.aa.. a. ... f ...a.,
Scran ton: Curtis B. strausbaueh. ork. Les-
l" - a 7 a -a a. a, . ..I. .1 a .... a T.aan l1on.ll
BT la XlOSlCllCr, JI.I.-UUII, alUllll u-ll-.JI
.-1020 Powelton avenue. Philadelphia: Vlttorlo
-Reraazzn. Arnold: Frank Pohala. Plymouth;
(13, Oaorsa M. Rles. Si'39 Houth Croskey etreet.
,jk, Philadelphia; Morris M. Rosenthal. SU
h "-.trewnwicn Bireei. i-anaaeipnia; aiuBciiii who,
. PltUburcn: jonn J. uowe. uiymer: isaaora
. lloren. 1707 South Seventh street. Phlladel-
- phla: Thomaa Kachosky. Plttsburch; Ilroneck
KoclnsKy. Slount Pleasant: jonn J. r jooie,
North Ilraddock; William O. Remaley, Slate-
1 date: Erneat Joe Worthlnedon. Chambers
burffl John 11. Youtz. Lebanon: Marshall S.
Anew, 12SO South Plfty-fourth atreet. Phll-
' adelphla: John O. eBlko. Braddock: Harry J.
; Chspln. Franklin: Daniel If Condon, Erie)
'. i John rl l-orneil, laIoaeu; iaODeri iromoie.
ifUlie North Maseher atreet. Philadelphia:
i T-t Philip u. uorn. jiiciieesport: itamona .
,1 Bai.t. n..l..lll.. ll. a...... n Ol.an
v' .eiSala IvCiiia-i-v.t.fij mmviu I'l.tll. u aiiuaaia
Antrwt. Philadelphia; William Oracely.
K a, iiarrid, ouHqutnanna,
tiouizaaie: vowpn rj.
Be etreet, Philadelphia;
f T.Bfshhiir Ynli1 H
-E,Sf"IeTlck. Foreat flty. Allesandro Mlnella,
iff.. Plttsburah: Frank D. Stlmtnel, New Herlln.
r ' Union: Charles I. tiubier. ciearneid: uamey
Vi is, r.vneh. Tldloute- John Mlhall. Steelton:
" ' Charles Manallno. Platnsvllle: Patrick
i,V .t llaalat. TltllaKiirarti a Tlavmnn.l T.T TTavna-.
.iJ Part Allegheny: Charles Snyder. 8438 Recent
," treet Phtladelphla; 1'asqualo Colonrllo. Pit-
!f , & lrn.
I- ' H i ' Wni-naleal. Derren ITnaletermlniail
4,A'8ERaBANTB Fred M. Darts. Altoona;
f ,Bw Bchuse, Oallatln: Matthew J. Iiravan-
WZ.' r.'.
,rpHE "crackle" In a sheet
makes you think of real
money in pocket.
' STABILITY stands level
With tho F. F. V.'s of
fiMtneM paperdom but
' His less expensive to havo
around the office.
Papsra for All Kindt
of Cood Printing
609 Cheitnut Street
N - PhCadelphia
.m. --. v , Z- a,3
tier, rittnburchs Alfred fl. BuUtr. Hollis
yllloi Oncar U. Callen. SSIS 1'Vrnon atreit
rhlladlphl John J. Crenry. l'J'.'T North
Slttldth trfft, l,hlldlphiai lluh W El
'jnbarirer. Runbuir. Hruc n. Canfr. Xlc
fton; Arthur I". Hart. WoinburB: ltnrru
n. Schmltt, 4in Aahdalo afreet. Philadel
phia: Willi, m 3 Kllllan, 2180 Kt J.et.lKt.
treet, Philadelphia, rrederli-k O. N'e..liard,
Jieralclei William 1. Ts Mil, earborulalei
Charlei lVllhetn.. Northumberland, llalph
i "iBnuerier. i.tnauiie, ueorae c. llrown.
I unlontnwn: John A. lUer, Catasauqua.
CORfOHALS Harmoml O IaU7V. Tvleri
J-rtd lluenerfauth, 1'932 Mimtsr tree.. Phll
' ndelphlai William llajmond .Matlhw.
, Mount llraddocli! Charlea It. Mlnnlali. llo.
, Jaonlai John Slamni. llervrlck; Call J
Wacker, 293 North l'alrhlll atreel. I'hlla-
delphlai Nlclt Dlrailo, .Merceri Harry CI
Kelley. L'SOS South Iwmlnirer atreet. l'hila-
aupma: William A Ma-trenail
"iiin wormau. stroudsbura. Jesse . ...
Orubbs. Oanonsburc. McKeever J Phillips,
2121 South Nineteenth ..reel. Philadelphia.
Donald Robinson, Clearfield: Parker Wills
Knarier. Kln.,Hi
urj:i Ouy B. Crawford. Tun.llle. ca'rter harrlion Till Paee atre.-t.' Phlladaj. deinhia. wnilam WUl'lams. Cheater: John i,-',m(Cn. lMul, h." Freidair. Jereev Cltv':
A. Beer 1422 North Twe:it-lth Thia William H Dunbar. Johnaonvllle: Wll- wiaon. 2511 Wooil tree. Philadelphia: ,,oulll ,n,nii,rlho. Newton! Peter W.
t. Philadelphia. Hlmer I.. Couan, I iam J. Hunn. Hratkenrldga- Nicholas, I. Jnieph V Woodman. South ureenauura. Mtlchell, Jersey City! l.oula Ileeder, Tren
n: Andrew JI. Detrlch. Williamson: i ijiata Arnold. flllTnril W. Armstronit, Lrle: ftnero. Carler. Oden: Arcadlo Curren. iy ton. j,m0 t. nyan. Trenton: William .T.
IstaUey o. Mlzzer. PImoulh- Fleck P. I.ulaul clermnrlo lieiie vernnn: joiin n. port otto h t'oirman. Hcranioi: . n : uavaean. North Harkenaack: Arthur o. An-
MUell. UnilestOHn Samuel J l'atteraon ' IlSffman. New llloomfleld; Samuel J. .Keener. I fonra.1. SSIS North Hancock street. Phtla. ,(,.. Harrison: Itocco llTloie. Newark!
842 Thayer itreat PhliVrtinhi. fill. or S York. Oenrne IE Ohjner. Sharon Hill: W delphla: Albert fromle. Plttihuraji: Mtln Max Mlnoff. Passaic: Hoy S. Bklmp. Salem:
SIiTdi i MiinhuVv- viiii51i , wS.'i.n,. mi. Ilam l" McKerhan. Wllmerdln; Curus II. j frottv. Towanda: Qabrlel Falxr 'turtle (jharlea Bteln. 814 South fourth street. Cam-
hui-i,h. wiiiS,' .V1",,. t,w,"riJi.iim ItcMler. SchnfTerstcwn: fharlos Plohrcr. creek. Joseph toocli Filer, ilrove Cltjl den: Francis O. Telfer. Haat Oranite; Ken-
KnUll ''" Olberaon. Morrlatowni !??." ,,r-1..,;,,. Philadelphia: Herbert J. jnmeV I.. Flndley. Johnstown: Ji'S.eph roale. jimin c,rus0, Hammonton: NormanS. Col-
Walter N. Sliuer. .i.ll Foulke, West int-sier; i.invnru
.i.onu sircei, l'H Ha u el Dhl H .
nt'OLEn -Sahatore HU20 003 South
Je9up street, Philadelphia
MECHANICS John W Rolh. 2C40 North
Jessup street. Philadelphia. James D.
Thorpe. Larimer
COOK -.Veal S
i Joneph Adams 2UIIS Ilasl York street. Phil.i
, delphla. William J Kamliere. r.,TJil Walnut
enrecenaost .Moon nun. Miiarp'ours iawaru j ir!ii'",". '. ""','. '.:
WAOONEI13 William c I.von. Uelle- Laurence F Stenart. Illiilev l-ari. s 'Arrv
fonte: Anthony J Maser. Pittsbursh. Wemlllnr. Allenlown derail I. Jijinn- ,
PIUVATM-Mi. KurTmrlL Mount Pleas. OH rijj WIlMm HVK;: '
.....street. Philadelphia: Paul I.. Hover. l.ebM
1S,XJi non- Harry It Abrams, PlttsburBh. Frank
P3.9SOI R. inn, Allentown. John K. KauRnian. Con-
nellsMlle John C ltedllne. lied l.ion Wll-
llam J. Weilaml l"."i West l.urav street.
Philadelphia Albert H. Wuihter, I.vnnport
Kan in v Hrobst Allentoun. Miieepli ll
Nosker. Tidlotlte, John I. Hercer 'olumbla
Harr H lireer. -'.IJli Palelhurp alreet.
Philadelphia Frank V, C.ardner 5.'1I Sulli
-.an a-icnue Phlladelnhla lliluiu KHMilskl
Siranlon. Harry I) MorKan 12S I.lndennood
street, Phllsdelphla Jlacomo Pettlnato
Carbondsle. Thomas Q. Hush Vnlontown.
Iomenlck Val7uuik. 4J0 llultwood atreet
Philadelphia. Walter K 1 ood Newtnn-n.
William 11 Uuh. John T C'orrlran 77'i.
West llftleth. Philadelphia. Samuel Knsmin
2317 Soulh Mildred street Philadelphia
Arthur W Nase Sellerl'le Stee Pankoft
Hrle John Poluskl. -turneOTi Wllbert Her-
I man llariisbura ' llarrv J l,rlble fisn
North 'Iwelfdi street Phlladelnhla. Staniev
I ero Jlcllahon. MeadeMIln, Hoy A much
ell. Ilurnham James A Qulnlan. (11 Holland
avenue. Philadelphia. Jacob nhoad. Puntj
sutnwnev, Rov 11 Richards. Ila7leton MI
chelo U'Aulertn 3S23 Vorth Sllth street.
Philadelphia Nick Houkakes Homestead.
P.usell 11 i;rb East Oreenllle Joseph Cle
drowlcs Nantlioke Charles M I.ane ash
InKtoii JIaurlej W Lebanon lUoonifleld,
Hfifton; Charlfl
Ouy Mojer Steam Valley, llarrj ii iiojer
Ilelflore North Clnlrtnn: Michael noyne
I U'la.at.l.linn Ph lln rl.l nlaln Mnmhll! W
Hutton, Wellsbnro, llarrv lv Keeker, Pntts-
towti. Aninonv iiianipieiro in-. c-nuiu
KlBhth street. Phllailelphln , laae Heckert.
l'enbrook Daniel I Hluclns inl.-i olle
street rhlloilelphla: Osell Huehes Crafton:
.Frank Mzloko ski. Plttshurah llarrv K.
Johnston. Ieerhhurp. Charles O Nicholas
1 1721 Wlnaohoeklnu street, rhllniielnhla. Wll
I llam J Orr. Pltlahursh. Kilwarcl lluhin. 7t
' Jackson street. Philadelphia: William T
Srhaefer. White Haven. Frank E Snule
. ,,,a v..... L.n.i n .1 ...r iniuna nnm a-ni.
I r,i, r! Mnrnhv. 1.117 North Ninth street.
1 phllailelnhla. I'harles A Ult7helmer 2."4
i N-nrth pvnth street, Philadelphia I.owis a.
aa-i-ia. Hnnnlo' I.ernV niinn SnrilCe anil '
(Tenth streets. Philadelphia: Robert W Class.
j Sunbury; Kanet H Johnson ."i210 German-
tr)wn ,..,.,. Philadelphia; John M Moore
putsburph: Martin A. Sadller 1,"." Arnold
street Philadelphia: Stlney J Shlmkus.
Mahonev City i-terllnc Sarz. Illponisbiiri,:
Daniel R Lauyer. (.-earneld.uoilla l-nsier,
Mlllale Frank hcrenr
I11H South 5lar-
shall street.
Phlladelnhla. Trank William.
Philadelphia; Howard J nail.
Munson I.Xon K. Hlnkle Ilarrl.huri.- Pat-
rick J Melloldrlek. 221" South Fronj street, i
Philadelphia. Hanaril Talada. l-iajre. wn
ilam J. MU'rav. 1D3R lirel street Philadel
phia: Thomas A OTIrien 4727 ITmhrln
street Philadelphia Jimes Snider. Iteadlns.
Tellx F Render. Crescent. Thomas F Ren-,
nlncer. WiilnutPort. Jesse M Rodder Reth.
tehem Joseph Cnnstonre Webster- Mathew 1
P Donahue Plttshurah Michael Fella 13111
I'nltv street, rhlladelnhli Robert Clortras,
Ashley, (leorco II Haihurst. OrnnFellle,
Adam Patoskl. Talor Thomas H Reese,
iiij Mnnh n.-len street Phllailelnhln John
ifenzo". Talor David R Richards Mirtht
Furnace- Clvde A Rothermel Sunhurv.
Thomas Rowe 3I1S Row-man street Phila
delphia: Thomas J. Rush Wnne Walter
D Sherwood Westfield Felix --hlnko. Cnnl
dale Henrv W Thorios 17 West Sejniour
street. Phlladelnhla. Stephen Washklll "1224
(Jnul street Phlladelnhla. Jo.eph Illatzer
. t 1-1. 1 -.... I M aTl..H.Ml 1TAI(4U Ti. ata. AM
,- renin 1(1 ; hPWia V im"imi. ntiuuunr jiiiii'-i
Orur. PhlnnnFhurs William M Knrhol.
Hi-aiilnor Frank Inhink. rhnrlprol MlrlmH
V t.ltfpn. Jeansvillp, Jo PurtPk, Johnn
town. MlchaPl J PulTv F'rppland Ludtrls
Orppprinn I'r! I'ranV flutowakl Wt
Nantlcnkp Axhiir I IlartPr. Laiirplton.
r-nnk Miller I,"t Tatsy fanahll TiSft Fed
pral wtreft Phllartolniila: Snlvatorp Farina,
l'l T 'itll Ptpnsnit flan: Franklin i;
r-idiriKi lison ii iinui iMijfinwn inn
, tTintin pniirnnk Tipntamin ioKPpr I)piv
' tnwv Walter A llppb- FntlsxIMp- Frprlprlrlc
Ti .Iohnon. Lprallip Ralph i. Lynn!".
T-irboUl" I.orei.7o Mrnd'rlnn. Illinois Con.
tntp IMmhltnckl Tockport: Josoph CJ
Tlne Lnnpa(er .lohn R Uottemloy. 5C-'S
Stewart street Philadelphia
Woumli-d Sllehtlv
PFJROKANTS FranrN P H.iah nrimr
ritv William A Schraifp. WIlke.-narre
Thomas W SiMfprt .Tohnntown: Albert P
Itpamer, Pittsburgh. Forrt O Roipnpran
Krle: Chester I. Tharp Tlrponl Tohn W.
Thomas WlIkoK-Rarrp- Thomaa r, 'Thomson.
nrldsville: William V RorJpr Wernrm!.!--Tohn
D ntrnatrlrk Sharmsburp John II
Miller TarreU: Tud"n H Ronr. ((17 Lani
downe pvenun Plilladplnhla Ornarrl Z, r!nl.
den 2M- Rldce aenue. Phtladpjphla Wll-
u i itii cun .i i-ia-ninnTriTA ii v i n n mwnnr- . i in iiriinu -.-- -. :- - i ii'i inii ti uru sr i r j a .. t
Fmncfco sansonp nn .taer . ."" iwrwi. 11.1a111 m "'";.' -' " ' nv.iiifnirr . . '" "i',, -'11'' ","Ii, w
" . rv": . '' r .-..! : ......i ' w r ;.-...- ,,n".i FMln httpm. r i -nn it.A.-.it otrpM
.,.. trn ..!! whi. nmii ihn Cnrth Pf. itsiM n MiirhniTTT. t hrrrv niiev I jonn junior. 11030 Kdnely street 1
tppnih ntrrrt IhInd.lDhla' ItaimonJ V w Parrih 'JOnS WtNnrri; tr"r inin- . ,.nL. v
.... mt-t u !.- u t)n,e. "li. j,,ut . U'llllatn K-.nnpl.or P. .11" pi inru .I ilM."
Tor Christmas
is When you give cigars to your friends
Attractive box prices
$2.50 up boxes, of 25
$5.00 up boxes of 50
' y a.
iT .t.uuTahi wal eV t' MyeT. Ephra la ll.witt, Ka.t sVrlnVfliidV Uawaon li. Iliweri
BSFMU ' Krre5i,'b..rnaa-. cSnnel..?,'.'!. ?fiSw!
SS'ffilS k""rt 11Ud- 55'..k,r,V,re'ein,,rnhi.atd,eVffi fflJl
... tl
t ... mimiMi IVi1fIi-V
North rranlclln , treet. Philadelphia; iien
Jamln II. Ilrutiaker. New Holland! William
II Uuchanau Clalri ilaoria A. Knapp. ljii
Porter atreeff rhlladclfchla: John Kojenke.
t.atrob-. Ira J. I.aimen, Houston; Jamea
I.auhlln. Itomeateadi Bamuet K Mlnnlclt.
llreezowood rrank II . lluhrer. spf.ll North
Klfthalreet, Philadelphia. Man IloMlln'lty.
Hoaiinpr. uonaru r. iimi, . wi""
Harry '.'. Maion
Iltrhur.l 11:
,UIII llllTali
l'ranklln Oacar Cornii...Boin.
lumen A. Howard. Vnlontown William ii.
"n.. Kdirdilu I.oulaC. Klitler. Allcn
wni William- 11 Wouerulne. Hlatlnaton.
Mi.t-iiA."..!. iiuoru rf. acmvi. ....
t..V -- u, .in
burcl. Itobert 13 Hteffln 20.'. East Wllmer
.,..., ttkiiV.i.iVkl. ll.rrv N IJeal. 202T
. uouh' i'roikv street PhllailelpWai Wllllni
acker. Sharon, C'arf ItlsRlemau. AehMlle.
Loreto Rotonilo. CarneBlej La'rence.B '
a .!..- ,
P nk Junlntn Arthur 1 l-locr, -in- t.t'-
worth street Philadelphia. tlarenc" 11
I'lnrenre II
(Irelmer Tarentum. Join; II. "nrr, ,',,,""
nun Jolm I. .MiKaiarins ,, ,.-..-..... ,
Perr It C Mo". Mononnnhela I.oun I.
Mountjoy Outline I'nsner J merlierser
iteorce R llhome. Wnllersbura. I rank
Walker. 3ni!4 North Eighth street
a. Hay
Yokes. CIreeiisllle-
.Tohn A. Kinit.
Hnrev Willow llrnve. Alphons n uei
trlir. 11.11 North Third street Philadelphia
l L) -rilalH 1, nil-Va. J ..it....'.,'.;-" - -- .,,,
llluss-oi-e llessolo IId" Park. Joseph
aa a. .... ...a t' a nl.a n alanM I'llllU- '
H"IJia" JI,"eIIIU i i , , - a i.a .. , - - - -
r leJHa lllll I ,SBI VtllH',,; .a-.a - - ,
ilelphl.f Mike Pnulls. HiTI Sou'h I rout I
street Philadelphia. ltamord it . V1'- i
Tarrs. Philip llennett insn A'ldlsnn f
treet Philadelphia Ml. hiel Ollbert. JOS.1
Slccl street Phllnd-tphlJ (lllbert llUKbes
tni I'liiiam sirei'i. i nrei-i a,,,, , ...., j
,. amlth'nn. Charles T Sellman, II.iO
vnrth s.deiiham stnet rnnaoeipnia
Charles (1 (lomuen Itiduin. HeorHt- Lr'."
sky lsl." North HnlRoi-k street Philadel
phia .lii-cph C.loadek -Morr led-, e: Mlchae
S Luk.sh. Klnes-.on. Isadnre Hi Homer. 1HII
North Patton street. Philadelphia: Joseph
C Walrer. New Castl- IMmnnil Sehollaert
sn.r.r..n.i rimer 1 . nreconaaai. ue-
side. Albert I. Yanthu"
If. Hrldahnm Hedford
a l... Va-.la.an 1 nroni
Mnsontown: John '
rn.'','',0,,,'onl., '
."'""". .-""".'a".. '.,". I-.!.. 1I f I .l.nri-ll
.11,111 I'lll Burr,. ,
iirruvr jo.;&.f -li'i
W MeCaul-v. Rraddo-k Simuel 1. Mason
"7"1 Iritram street Philadelplila .lolil T
Ve'er Johnstown Kriie-tn tlallerlnl Clait
ton Lojd Johnson 130.1 .Myrtle street
Philadelphia: Joseph P Nnck. Imnerlol
AriViii , Palbus thkfslle llarrv Shaffer
ir!u?J.? Dr...i.!lik ti- i.i.m Mllliat'e: Ar-
;07,"li-eckunuttonwoo;i -Carl U llrecn.
:Vlv,Vi "KVrnth VtreVr rhllaOMphU
ii.rrlwn Wlncr, Onrrlrk. l"--i"re
thr.r.n Srrnnton Toiin A
nincn Kxnort.
PWIad-lnhM. 'itownnl 'J , Hen rMjKee-
Rrett Ptns T street. Oeorce W ll;'';l. rn"
l'r" rharle" H riiamherlaln 22T Nlah -r
".. ni.iii.i.inhl-1 Aftan ilinhal Mount
l :"-,.".. iini Vnr i s viicn nirrot
r.T::,t to.nl, J Hncan ".nw Tulip street
rW'aaelphla: Os.ar .1 HasMncs.
niimn Hirm i . ...v. .- . wwi' -; --.i ..-i - ...n. i ------ .-- nLii-..inki.i
. iirti.iu.ii.i , . .iritih a ; -intin -I vaiani vii.fi: norm -, iviuiam a di... ti..vt.ia..iiu. ,..( nan i.
l.an Palaf J AntOHlO 1'UtS- ' tlhlfl fl-l-. phtlrlirl- r !!!. f St iia"K- lnPrt. V.U-fl fit ! KflWArrt 1. nttanp.. -rrentOn!
I 11 1 J I'lKlli il niirvi, J as maw- . . w .
-t . . I -. .art t Taa rnaan
Sectional Phonograph Record File
Made in units accommodating 90 lecnvds each of any standard make.
The most practical, quick and substantial record file ever devised.
An ideal Christmas fjift for any phonograph user.
HERBERT E. BLAKE, Succej.or.
1100-1102 Walnut St.
give them cigars whose name and qual
ity you and they can both be.proud of
give them
Professional men, business men and bank
ers in every corner of the country find in
the Girard what they find in no other dear.
the exquisite delight of fine Havana plus
a ' never-get-on-your-nerves" quality which
doctors recommend.
Never gets onyournerves.
. p . i . i i
li.trit VArmkn .T. Itawlilni 1?.fnni arl 11. I
fl Wilde, line Hocne. -jaai larp aireei. i nitnurti...-.
iioriir, jmi L.arp aircei. i.i.nur....
Tna flnwtitns Tlaln. 1'ranVlln K. Hhanit
Ileaverdale: tev J. Bhntaa. llnncoi Cliarlea
P, Hmlth, ltalnabumi Joseph Pplnoao, halt
Liberty. t.oula J. Treuter, 2343 West Hunt
Incdon atreet, Philadelphia: Snow o.
Weaver. Clifford! rharlei M. . Terman.
United. William A. Heller. Olemlale; ranl
Hladolkl Koreai city. Alexander, Skull
moakv 2S1S Wlnton etreet, Philadelphia:
Antony Hokaloakv, Plimnuth: Frank Sp no,
wreenauiirK, Jvaipn 11 nirinrpr. '-""'J."' ," J
iieorxo Huuanon, riymomn; -ecn ".'"""l; '
nojal, Alle Thomaa. lrceraburB: W llllom
J inompnon, r;at l-uunursn; """.';".,
.. linTS !.. n . & ata-AAT I'nilHa I
2B7S l:at Thompaon atreet.
unlt, ltussell fry, Washlnaton Count! ; Ane
Ooldsteln Ilunlo, Samuel il. Harmer.
Pnr.iBue street. Philadelphia, '''n, ,"
!.' '" ." tl ...a.-a-M".:. I.i.uin Matravla
, , m rmn vr. t'liiNmirnn: a in,..' . a------ --;:
TJjslon Simon J. IIIensM. vanocrarui
rrrhti Edward M. Miller, Erl: J?'".!;.
Monallund. nushuran: i.erii i.. au. ...-...,
Monessen, Albert V. Ileiran
Srnttdale: Uarl
M Reed. Sharon: Howard A .HIcKel, Alien,
town, Hdward Roberts 2J12 South Colorado
street. Philadelphia: William H. Robinson,
1107," Stenlon avenue, Philadelphia: Martin
n Romlir. Maxatavn . lldirar K. lloupp.
l.lhrt': Louis Sacks, 2207 North Twenty
.,..,1. alaaal TV. 1 1 n rfal tall 1 A I fhnrlCS Al.
-iiinders tlett sburc: l.erov Schallus, Pltts
hurith' James u. Ilidille, (111 City: Joe ecca.
Indiana county: Marrv ji
ZlcRler. Pchuvl-
,-, Harry II Keenan ,.c.h"l,;ti ' ClmVlcs A. Dana, former executive fiec
Kelley Wllkensbura, Joseph K i """"" '
utler: M'trophen Klebenovltpli. rctnry of tho Armenlitn and bj-rlan re
Kill county
llntt-nrd T
IU in. HUll-l i Jl.lluun. - Taia.-v...... 1.
ii li. a... i. at l.'lt.ie PlttShUrall
rta...B tl..al
I iirri-n; rtiuiii.-v .,i .a,,,.-, - --- - --,
Michael Koscso. Hii7elton. I.eo Koaloreck.
Ilrle. J. V. l-anl. McVejtown:
I ,U ini. .I..I I .III. I !,- I bi. f , - ... - . , ..
I.ulal. r.2.17 Market street.
a.i.,,, ll.t, aa l-.l..l.n,ini .InliU W. All;.
I-lll .lirLaiTllllliV. Uliniimuj.., '-)- ,
in.0sh. Dubois. Robert l ., J'",rt'r!.. f"h"'
Mll'shoro: (leorse Mulr Turtle Creek: John
,, Nr,braska. Fnlontnwn: Alexander Ne'man
Dubois, Joseph Nichols "rownsvlle: James
o'llrlen. '32M Keen str.et Plil adelp hla:
.inuetin .1. 11 linen I'liieniuia,,, .,....- ..
.Well. Chester. James L. Painter,
IllrtUI . IIIIII-Il a. . -- -- - a,-
Albert Peam, hhlnplnn. Peter l''nnf.
Tninanun: Onhh M H,'"nJA .. SnS'
a 1.. t-lll...a ,-- llaalaa West l.UZaOein;
I.oy A lioiuen. uuncnnnoii. -'J.l',,,:", 1"I.
. , .... ,. ,. it.ai, wllL-os-uarre
1,11,,'iiJ a.,... -.
Blal. I.Tie; 1 r.lllli im " aiMltl..,,
Clarence H. Henry chambershurs: "'"
If Hunslnaer. Harelton: Clark M. J"";
Montrose: Frederick II. Kauff man, 'nf":
a--. T..... P llh.n nra I t Hhlirzll HOPC"
li. 'maWon. PUtsburtth', .Henry W '':
, on- .Tip,. Jnpn It. II H 17 1 1 1 HI. I . ' " ' . '
Mhert Hnhnstrom. Warren. a "
Hrvlne. McKeesport: Clarence H .J"iTf,"
New Castle: Thomas II Jn,V"'?,r.. n.in
hurcli: Charles W, Johnson WU-Mlle nun,
firmer C, Johnson Mnrrlsdale hariJ,r.rh
Inch. Pltisburah: llarn Podnlslil. 14.10 South
Fifth street Philadelphia J?hn,h-!,r,,n,"hfa'-1"0?
South Thlrti-flfti Mreet Phllndelphla.
UA,i.r,l t'Hi-e Allison Park, .riamuei u.
l'rlee. I-nrav. James I'earslev ':!."" "
M.iklev I) Collins. Punuesne , " Mn,mlll:
tlnnnnh nllTi North Pennnck street. I nil"-
......-.- ------ ------ ... , -.i- i .nivii ru
" ":.-. jr.
llllam C.
Wonndeil Seierelv
I'lUV.YTES James Hona dson noer.
Charlea C I.ehlano CoUesillle. ,-'tn',J
Kllniaszewskv. Uayonne. Thomaa J. Olsvew
aid. Jersey City.
Wnnnded (Derree fndetermlned)
Sr.HC.I.ANTS Dal.l A Henhron. 9.c.fn.
nrne Kllsvorth O HUKhes. Jersey City.
rilllPOltM.S William Curtln. lallaheth.
I'rtlVATES John AuBustlnolh, Newark:
. for 25c
- - - -
Cdwftrd P. Mlalf t Arthur faeimnur. l.-nd
hurati Jamea J. rteardon, Jeriey Cltyl John
Hajnk'k. I'ateriotu refer Naurenber. Jeraey
ii 'V worthlnrton P. Pldreon. WoodltlTi
i.,cHpj "edat, Hobolceni Anielo Hafarara,
t or!h J?riceni Thomaa Lynn Jereey Cltyi
Ijoula p. iieimo jeraey Cltyl Bernard U.
ark "0n' A,l,ndles Herman Harad. New.
Wonmled Sllthtlr
SKROBANT John A. Madeaan. North
Ileri-en: Walter llrown. nioomnelds John 1.
aherty. Hobolcen: Huh n. Lackey. Asbury
-Neal V.
Ward, Tlayonna!
Peter Clauburir. N'awark!
Perth Amboy: Wank M. Dougherty, Netcona:
Italph c Iirabury. Trenton: John Smutnlck.
Vlneland! Matthew Hartle-. Newark.
jonn uraymeisi
rti .
itAuwKjt iiussen II. L.ecnara, Aiiantio
pniVATKS Peter Camaratta. Union Hill
(narlea Iloelim. Newark! Karl .1. Layman
Id ... .- .1- i '.
llohaarf T. 1,-lRaher Oarnetd Thomas J. Man
nine, Jersey City: Petro Itoschloll, Harrlsonl
Patrick J. Keller. Jeraey city: Joseph L-au-raltla.
Kearney: William McDonald. Orancei
Frank Schecchia, Kllzabeth: Franklin P.
Clajton, Cranberry: Joseph J, Punzl, Jeraey
400,000 Survivors of 2,000,000 Deported
Require Help
Snlontca, Dec. 18. (By A. P.)
lief cominittee at Delrut nnd Constanti
nople, and William S. Xclsork former
American vice consu.1 at Tripoli, Syria,
who have returned hero from Syria, rie
rlaro that there is urgent need of relief
nmonB the survivors of the deported Ar
menians now in Asia Minor. The Ar
menians are assembling at towns and
railway stations, hoping to be nblo to
irlurn home.
lioth men agree that out of tho 2,-
nnn nftn Armpnlnnw rlonnrteil hv thft
i,.,,.uw a.........-.." ...(. -. .-.
Turks 00,000 survived, and say that
not more than one-rourin or tne present
Armenian population can survive until
tho next harest unless there is outside
Ms .
Grand Fleet Admiral Bids
Farewell to American
Battleship Squadron
Remarks Disappointment at
Loss of Real Fight by "Piti-
fnl" German Surrender
London, Dec. 18. The American bat
tleship squadron attached to tho British
Grand Fleet displayed a spirit of true
comradeship throughout its period of
service, said Admiral Sir David Beatt,
commander-in-chief of the Grand Fleet,
In a farewell address on board the U.
S. S. New York December 1, the day the
squadron was detached from tho Grand
Fleet. All hands had been called to
muster on the forecastlo to hear Admiral
After thanklnp the American ofliccrs
and men for their co-opcratloir, sir David
remarked that "solx the British and the
Americans were disappointed at not hav
ing been able to meet the German fleet.
He said tho day the German fleet sur
rendered was "a pitiful day to sec." Sir
David said he had always had misgiv
ings that the Germans would never come
out for a finish fight, and these mlP'
givlngs had been strengthened by the
coming of tho American squadron.
"What I say, I hopo you will under
stand, comes from the heart," Bald Ad
miral Beatty, "not only my part, but
was a Bullv
"I bullied people for Jif teen years.
"I bullied my subordinates at the office.
"I bullied my wife and children at home.
"Everybody hated me. I'd been fired long ago
if I hadn't done my work so well.
"My boss called me a coward. I challenged
him to fight he licked me.
"That wasn't what made me quit, however.
It was my little girl. The other children wouldn't
play with her because of my disposition."
Not only was he thoroughly cured, but he has
written the story1 of his transformation for the
benefit of anyone who may need and heed it. You
will find it in the January American Magazine."
1 "Why I Quit Bullying People "'
The Crowell Publishing Company
Woman's Home Companion
The American Magazine
" ' Farm and Fireside J
the hearts of your' comrades of tno
Grand Fleet. I want first of all to
thank you, Admiral Hodman, and the
captains nnd .odlcers and tho ships' com
panies of this magnificent squadron for
the wonderful co-operation and loyalty
you havo given me and my admirals nnd
tne assistance you havo given us in every
duty you have had to undertake. The
support you have Bhowh Is that of true
comradeship and, In time of stress, that
Is worth a very great deal. i
"I know quite well that you, as well
as your British, comrades, were bitterly
disappointed at not being able to give
elTect to that efficiency you have so well
maintained. It wan a most disappoint
ing day, It was n pitiful day, to see those
great ships coming in like sheep being
herded by dogs to their fold, without nn
effort on anybody's part, but it was a
day we all could be proud of.
"However, the disappointment that
the Giand Fleet was unnblo to stiike Its
blow for tho freedom of tho world Is
counteracted by the fact that It was
Its prestige alone that brought about
this achievement.
"During the last twelve months you
havo been with us, we havo learned to
know each other very well. We have
learned to respect each other. I want
you to take back a messago to the
Atlantic, fleet that you have left a very
warm place 4ti the hearts of the Grand
Fleet, which cannot be filled until you
come back or send another squadron to
represent jou. You havo given us it
samplo of the Atlantic Fleet which, I
think, the Atlantic Fleet, efficient as it
Is, will And very hard to reproduce.
"When you return to our own shores,
I hope that, In tho sunshlno which, Ad
miral Hodman tells me, alwajs shines
there, you will not forget your 'comrades
of tho mist' In the North Sea.
"I thank you again and again for
tho great part the Sixth Battle Squad
ron has played In bringing about the
greatest naval lctory In history. 1
hope you will gle this messago to your
comrades: 'Come back soon.'
"Good-bye and good luck."
649,000 Germans Killed in War
Berlin, Dec. 18. Tho total of Germans
killed ln""the war was officially announced
today as 049,000. ,
- , ; - s
h :
IJotton Still Wcl
Hoston, Dec. 18. In an election lit
which M ballot Inn was the lightest Iff
years uubioii coieiauy rcinameu in wio
license column, -ine vote was
30.300: no. 11.692. Ijist year's
wan! Yes, 64,260; no, 30,592.
Detachable Fur
Collar for his
Overcoatwould make
a splendid Christmas
Gift. Hudson seal;
nutria and beaver. .
$12.50 to $35
William H.
1217-19 Chestnut St.
'.. aaVl
' l
. ,
a. A V .. !..jf 3 a,yvr'Vl '
if V ,. wniMUii , . i .. JL . a AlfpiMmnpilMIPM.
b!a)u,- ,.' '. jAj,it, "'' Emm. ,j "'' Sd&ilt&LMiL- t- , ' ,,u.2
bsr lh

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