Newspaper Page Text
r,te L Tt SET l- W &J S,y t rcr - :& I f i- i u tt w Iflffc. F? ry:c ). x m,T n- -i) . L Himrv u unArnu ffxr-t ? Ef"' itJ . W H " . Entire Force to Be Released if Appropriation Bill for Only $200,000 Is Passed EMPLOYES ARE NOTIFIED, I Production at the rrnnkfonl Arseml IjSJovIU virtually cense If the House hill . A annrnni-Intlni. ntt r S'Ort flflrt fnr tlin ipanufftcturc of small arms ammunition I " Miller inrnes the appnlling title . . lot iiiHlrui tress of nurses in the nf- necomes n law ililintiou mill po-t srniluate trainiiiK Colonel Wallace Tin, rommannVr of v linol In loniiectinti with the l'lilhulcl the nrennl has alreadv posted notices i phin Hospital for Contagious Diseases " throtlRliout the Institution nd 11114 the She lins tnKen up hr residence at the pmployps tn seek olhei Inlmi 111 cum liospitul and Is hus prepainu? the pros JUlC bill ' acted upon fnwuubh li 'pectus for the ne u iraii'i's vongres v Workers at the nrenal have alrrnilt ! arganired 11 cninmitlee of fifteen in pro. I ceed tn Uashington and t ilte up the matter liefore tin Ie mist hntiin I on gresslonal delegation 'Ihrw niemhers Of the cnmmittei are nlre.idt at th" capital completing arintigVmen. for the retna nng tw.die and preparing the program fe r the audience. , Vlrttiallj i:ilnilnites Drp.irtmrnt The oimrnpiiiition urtnillv doe Way Wit till ".mall mum il. Inmnl at 'he nreiia!, tlie onh lug depm tmeut left it the rriniKfonl institution ince the Jiianuf.icture of arlillerv niiiniiim- tlon was remoxed to another nrnnal 1 inc nnnual appropriation to the l(-ni institution generallv runs moi,. th.ini' 84,000,000 and the amount apportioned 10 it tn the bill under fin would h trill pay the "tpenses for more than a few mouths The nrscinl working force hn nj. ready been rut from the wartime1 strength f "(HMi eiiiphm-s 1.1 hss th in 2000. The remaining wm hers 1. furl the main .ut me,, and w,o who ' """". "I1-. U"T , " ". " ,..' have workod for f,e -mpMll Pn, Theoretic n and work Mill b local Institution fo, , is n ,, R"""., inelucling tbir.ecn l.Cures U years, man of the ," being sol . bers of tnff of pln-.-nns ami diers' widow tw.,,H-six ilemnnstr.ttion In the in tructies of muses 'Ibis romsc will Ouslness Men llnch N orhers be followed er curefiillj and super- Busines mens asscnutions a el 'l"',l1" 11 compi tc nt staff nf graduate neighborhood organiiiticuis , the iKiteied nurses Northeast aie cvpictid to gel b.hinili Tll ll,m '" M'f "' ln0 '':1'tnnt', the arsenal rmplcnes 111 tl eir UWit """' Mis'' Miller minimises the pirt against me measure 1 hee orgini7i tions, with the employes won n nntn ble victorv last vinr when it was pro posed to moie the mam business of the local arsenal to Ohio The emploves of the nrsennl will hold a dance at the arsenal tonight 'I lie proceeds of the affair will go into the treasury to be devoted to carrying on tlje fight to obtain n working appro printiou for the plant Jfnjor Willi ini 1! Doe is head of the small nrms department The I'miik ford Arsenal, he s ml w,i lecogmnl during the war as the ranker of the best small arms ammunition used In the 1 American armies anil especially for its' aircraft ammunition The argument that the gmernment I now has 12,000,0(10 000 rounds of small ammunition, anil that thcioforo the nr Ftmal appropriation should be cut down will not hold water, lie said because jt the smokeless powder used in the uuin ufacture or sucu nininuuiiioii win not keep for n jeir nnd additional cart ridges are sure to he needed. Face Problem nf Mechanics Some of the best nice hanies in their lne are employed in the small arms departments, he said, and should it In come neccssiry to Ia oino of these men off It would be impossible to replnie them should ueh service be needed again. Virtual h every person who en tered the government emplovment at the arsenal since 1002 would have to be laid off, he said, and the working force re talned would be raerclj a watching and guarding force CHEKI 142 South 15th St. Corner Wilnnt CI A distinct innova tion in style, dec oration and service, for the exclusive sale of CHrI Candies and French Pastry. CHERl Old-Fashioned Bitter-Sweet Chocolates Assorted 60c per pound. CHERl Excellence Choco lates, Assorted 75c per pound. A little bit better than any you have ever tasted at the same price. CHERl Super Chocolates Assorted 51.00 per pound The peer of any you have ever tasted at any price, or the box is with our compliments. 124 South 13th Street 'l32 South 15th Street aad irhen alterations are oompleted 1604 Chestnut Street vuiyrnvi T THE H E A T R E S OWNED AND MANAGED II V MEMDnRS OF UNITED EXHIBITORS' ASSOCIATION BELMONT ' r MAnot' I'UBil WIlillH or T ill AUO E MAitKbl niTK in WIOUS OF THE CAI1UAOE PATCH" c; inFDAR C0T,' AND CEDA" AVENUE W FNID UFNNETT In 'HUB LAW OF MAN" it. aJ,iy'OI ICn IM MARKET UEnVEEN gSV'UJL.lailUM BOTH AND O0TM tWil CHARLEH TtAY In fc'rWt "GREASED MUHTNlNa" M1 . , . Hr ' . ff A 1 eiln A tlnnl.wticul Ave .CUI-UIMM-. - 2:1a Tand r silo km. .'T&? "A HOGUE'8 ROMANCE" r')1K3VTA WII 4 MARKET BT8 jBUKC.r. MATINEK DA! DAILY ANITA STF.WA11T In "A MIDNIGHT ROMANCE" k R fRANKFORD "15 rran"ort Av- ,1 "A HEART IN PAWN'1 rnTPCHM sutuj'd dauphin T.lf.A T.KI1 In BttfiTi.iMn a reHinw' POOS AH FOR STREPTOCOCCI! MISS MILLER SHOULD WORRY One of Those Heavy Official Philadelphia Titles Worse Bug bear of Contagious-Disease, Expert DISKASH germs have no terrors for contagious diseases was liers during the tills TOung woman! t four jears he spent In Unuall doing "Tlierr's little If nnj iliitiRcr nursiiiK in n Iioipitnl for contagious illscnscs." is (lie (omlctfon of Miss Hllynlii'th Mil ler, chosen lij Pirn tor Kruvn nntl Miss S IJIIlim ('In) ton ns lirnil of tlie new course to he cUen In the fnll to students and Krnilurtte nurses nt the M inilritin I "TIiim-p should not lie the drend of lontiiclon that lias heen prnnleiit," "in Miss Miller. ' Otln r lomtnoiiphico (lungers nie 11 thousnnil tunes greatei than nursing 111 a plnco like this I'd intlier pend 11 night in 11 iarlet fever wiiel than go to some public i1h' is in tow 11 " Dirli ce Nmslng '"I'hf puipove of the limine is two fold, to equip 1 nurse- more (oiupletelv for her lirofessioii mid to obtain better Flic' musing for eiintagiiiii ili-ia-es t urslng in some contagiou i" the nursing of tin durl. 1,.. ..Onto hospitals ' 1,,,,., 1 "S' S M luno known nuiw ts to In gmn the, ' lion e of pimng 11 line or speuiliiig tiinel nurMiig patients 111 lonliigiou lios- piluls I 'In the ( nurse uliieli we iei t tol give tiiein will he more leituie and I 1 1 iss work th in i gmn 111 an ntliei I contagion hospital 111 the I tilted 1 States " I 'hin courses are o'fc n cl one fori post -gr.idu it" ioeriug "i six month' peiiod. nml tip other fur iifliluted whlcii iie win pin in mnKing ine ex pirinient 11 success She asserts that bet position is clue to her executive nbilitv and tin- fact that she ts i trained teaiher rather than to any extinordinnn experience as a nurse With the Tncil in Hawaii Miss Miller, who Is president of the League of Nursing Kducation in Phila de-lphiii, graduated from Temple T ni veisitv and did special work at Colum bia nnd ut the Woman's Hospital in New York. Valuable experience 111 GRADUATING GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOYS Alt th Mlof s, Sime rlnfs nlrtv id pnpprf oh boy' "our Jirtlin will i nnd in'"t not b complete vin!"iH u take !( I. with I nu I backed bv tho 1 arsPt llnuo of la kind In th countrv Our beautifully HIim iratnl catnlotsu tells tho story tree Write nt tin ft to 1 now WKiruiK mrviiTMiM Mil MVKM.IST. rlllI.IIMl'lll. V. ' Arc You Equipped Against Loss of Life and Property? If epr fnctory and uare- house and honie?) in this country was cciuipi)l with three-gallon Pro extinguishers loss by lire would bo reduced to a minimum Fire Extinguishers, Recharge and Refill Liquid for all types. frp cop ot Firo l'reen tho .NationaJ Underwriters lire fighting JAMES M. CASTLE, Inc. Lincoln Building, Philadelphia Vilbert 1512 Hare 35J? Automobile School Morning afternoon evening classes in Automobile Mfc hnnica for own er' pTr,iKemi n unci these who want to enter tl, Autom ibile IneJusjtrj Thorough TruInlnK I Uas, a for met unci women start June 2"i CENTRAL Y. M. C. A. 1421 Arch Street JC Windshield Glass Renewed We make a specialty of re palrlnK broken wlnilsnlelds nitn hest quality plain glass or famo if Safetee Glass 326 North Broad St. I'iiiitcu'i l4 JUMBO 55S. A. U1RARD AVE Junction on rrankford L" 11 V 11IM1, 1111 tf "THE GIRL W HO HTA1 KD AT HOME' I OflJST ,2r AND I-OCUST 8TRFETS LUUU3 1 M.J. 1 ,0, 3 30.EJK- .30 to 11 i"jiiini unn in 1 u, out him yi:t MIYflN 3-'U AND MARKET BTS l"XVll 8 IS 7 and 0 spptiai. rmiEtiv HAREM AND HOCUSI" PARkT n"K AVE & DAUPHIN ST I rtll Mat 8 IB El g. 0.43 to II. EfKrtT LYTF.LL In RIVOI I BSD AND SANSOM BTS Il V Ji-A. MATINEE I MATINEE DAILY BILLIE RHODES In HILL 'THE CAJVK CALL" CALl CTR AMH OERMANTOWN AVE J i I"1U AT VENANGO CHARLES RAY In " THE BUSHER" WEST ALLEGHENY 5SA1 ALll-H JOTHR In jF XT IT V -fKE r??yL 1 1 WwW 1 1 Piy I Send uh for a U hutfKestlons for I tlon, issued by B Hoard of Fire H free inspection ny I experts. I I N URBaKBSBBBBBBSDBaBBBasaBBBBBI M "THE THIRD DEGREE' evening public i i I. ... . luihlle health nml hospital nursing. (Jerms have no terror's for her. Litters hae been sent out to the superintendent of eery training school lit this lcinltj asking the superin tendent tn "consult with the superin tendent of the hospital nnd the board of trustees ns In the nih liability of af filiating with the Hospital for Con tagious Diseases " Six rnisons are given why pupil nuises should be trained In the nursing of (oinmiiiilralile discuses. Thej are: It is nlisnluteh essential for a nurse to limp this training for public safety. The ages of the pntients vary from two to ten war This alone "shows gicat need for proper 'nursing. Uiingnitinn of oirlr symptoms I "rni tn e nnd tluor should go hand in hand. Itistrui tinn of the nure for conserva tion of life and to complete her educa tion To teieh the nurse to overcome lenr nf the lonuntinli able diseases. Requests hae been reiehed from the I lilted Staffs Public Health Smiie, the National Hed ( ioss organizations. t 'toukIi the committer of the medical ,1 .l f !. -.1 ,.f X ..tnnnl Tl '"lO dl HO C O 1111-11 III .ilLllfiltCl JLH-- . , fense, public henlth organisations nnd .. !-. - ,. i. v..i 1 linuu'1 (mkiiiiiuiioiis 111 mi' kiiiiiiiiiii League nf Nuisiug rducation, urging the training of nuises in the care of communicable diseases Miss Miller is nlo working on the plan to establish soeml life for the nuises 111 (ruining She plans to lime 11 pi tie where dances icn be given and HII CTIO I. Ilotli tSurn Central Y. M. C. A. Summer Classes RIt weeks' review courses In High School subjects- Algebra Geometry Chemistry English Special arrangements may be made for tutoring ELEMENTARY COURSES in Grammar, Arithmetic and Spelling English for Foreigners ( hoses start Monclni, June 23. Enroll thin week Instruction Odlce open 8 30 A M tO P M (l.NTIIM. TIIIXNC'II Y. M. C. A. 142 1 Arrli sjfcft I Short Courses NO ADVAM Z I IIAT1.S Ilottkkff plnir Short h-inil 1 1 pc rltinff, Kne llh lVnimnshlp Dictaphon ('omptnmetT IJ i and evening ,i-BHionB .Start at anj time. IndUldual instrurtlon Summer Mhool 1AIMFK SCHOOL, 16 hotith 10th t. mORTIIAND AND nOOKHRKPfNO Our graduates r in constant demand fat cood paying poaltlons Gretfe; ahorthand, the easy, spedy system. Complete business secretarial courses Half rates summer months Intensive training Enron anv (Ima Pll nr writ fnr full ?7u Particulars and eatalorue ie9 ruitJK. m; SI NESS COIXCGB and Collese f Lommere 1017 riMKtnut St . ItilladelphU STRAYER'S The IIe't lluslnpss School MI7 HI.SIM T ST i Tnvlnr School QltJ SpcreUrlal inline AIrn nnil 1103 rOMSt.TON. XA. f lK- A Summer camp for Camn Jackson to in th. tart of th COVIVCTON. VA. Csct. R A. SMITH rapt. R. S. 0VE3 ad Director. I IUirTUAI, CAMPS On Lake Champlain, N. Y. The Camp Where You Can Fly In Curtlsi planes. Expert Curtltja pllota Aerial obnervatlon. Ground School Machine controlled only by experienced pilot. All athletics. Motor Uechantas. U irelcas. other technical studies. photoplays All J Uth. Morrla 4 rarayuu v. Alhambra Mat. Daily t . Eve. a .45 . CHAKI.ES IIA1 In THE 11USHER" A D-M 1 r 52D AND THOMPSON BTS HILLIAM FAIINL'M In THE JUGGLE Tit AIL' I nAl-MA CHESTNUT Below 1BTH I ARCADIA 10 A M.toll:lSP M. L1I.L.IAIN 11011 in "TUUEHEAIIT SUSIE ' 01 I ICDIDn BKOAD STltEET AND BLULblKlJ FUSQUEHANNA AVE. PAl'LINfi FKEDERICK In ONE WEEK OF LIFE BROADW AY2Pd5 Wtftf"- THEDA IfAflA In THE alltEN' S SONQ ' RMPRESS MAIN 6T.. MANAYUNK MATJbU UAilJ PAULINE FREDERICK In THE WOMAN ON THE INDEX" FAIR MOUNT "Sat,?1 ?Sar, WILLIAM S HART In "THE MOVBY CORRAL" FAMILY I P ' D( THEATRE 1811 Market BL n A M to Mldnlxht. DOROTHY OIHH In iJUCliO T-f I CT THEATRE Below Sprue 561 Hbl. MATINEE DAILY CLARA KIMRALL YOUNG In "THE MARIONETTES" GREAT NORTHERN Tr'SWal! MARY PICKFORD In 'DADDY LONG LEGS" .. aorrjl Al 0TH WALNUT BT8. IMPt.KlAL.Mata 8-30 Es. 7 9. SESSUK HAYAKAWA In "HIB DEI1T" t r- AnrD 8T LANCASTER AVB. LEAUbrV MATINEK DAILT ALICE JOYCE In "THE THIRD DEGREE" I ID CD TV BROAD A COLUMBIA AV, LltJE-K 1 I. MATINEE DAILT NORMA TALMADOF. lu "TUB NEW MOON" Sphoto piayTN,. -obtained f "fajfj THRoyH I V BOOKING r J Xs0lP0HATIOM((ie' 'LedgM ppnJADEBPtoA'; 'toxmx:s' " '' -t J i ' opportunity for the nurses to entertain their friends. The courso M being given nt tho ex pense of the city, the cost of transporta tion to nnd from the hospital Is to be home by the affiliating hospital. The nurses will wear tho uniforms of their own hospitals and In rase of Illness will be cared for by the Hospital for Con tagious Diseases. URGE $50,000 FOR KRUSEN Housing Association to Appeal to Councils' Committee for Funds Efforts to Induce Councils' finance committee to reconsider (ts action In cutting Director of Public Health Knisen's request for ?50,000 for the abatement of nuisances in half will bo made bj the Housing Association. John Ihlder, secretary of tho associa tion, said todav that even the $."0,000 originally requested would not be suffi dent for the work to be done and that half that sum would be totally Inade quate "The approach of summer," Mr. Ihlder said, "make the need of the mnnej more imperative and the associa tion will use ever means in Its power to insure the passage of the original measure." SSl'MMFIl nY SORTS LAKKPLArn). '.Y. WHITEFACE INN LItn rliMTID. N. Y. NOW OPEN Modern in all Us nn-olntmcnta J. J. MWI.M-.l. Maniser. Winter Highland Tark Hold Aiken. S. C. noSTOW MASS. uoteTpuriwI 390 CowiftomrwWi Av &ohir 1 The Distinctive I Boston House Oit of the moat hotnnh voWle In the world. J r a--!-. r I s. I P L CojteHoMqr rajkc toton srrffwH. J UCNOX. MASS. HOTEL ASPINWALL LENOX, MASS. High and Cool in the Berkshirt A HOTEL OF DISTINCTION Now Open, rteTntlon 1400 feet. Deitrable Cottairea with Hotel aerrlce, HOWE & TWOROOEK. Micwcn Winter Resort. rrloreea Hotel, llermoda FM.MOl TH. MSS. FALMOUTH ARMS Right on Iliitzards llaj. FALMOtTH. JltSS. A Summer Hotel ot the Highest Class. tor Booklal nnd Hati-s aiMrei-B E W nOTl'K Manarer TOANCOM. V II. FOREST HILLS HOTEL And CottAgei I rnnronla (White Mountains), n Frank 11 Abbott A Son, Mana srlng Prop, A thoroughlj modern hlKh grhiie resort. Unexcelled table UnobtrunUe service Ever outdoor recrntton. Heasonable ratet Bame man Upland Terrace, Bethlehem N.H "Ffieat Victo East of the Rockies' UA,SIN(iTON. I). C. Burlington Hotel Less than five lnlnuts from everythlny. Amtiican and European Plans 431 Rooms. 222 Baths, $2 & Up TOI fHKSTKIt liEACII. MP. HOTEL TOLCHESTER Beautifully situated on Chesapeake Hay. Ah the Ad ant ages of Salt Water and Or on Gpeclal rates hv the week and week end Apply HOTEL TOI CHESTER. Tr1chrfT Pewrh Md HTKMsH OTICKS "Queen of Sea Routes" TO BOSTON SAVANNAH JACKSONVILLE Steamers Ball rhlludelphU lor Iloaton, Wertneedav. Saturday & I' M lor Sivknn.h and Jacksonville, Krldaj, I) P m. a most desirable way to travel In comrort and shlc nlth dispatch Merchants and Miners Trans. Co, PIER 18 S DELAWARE AVE. ' Telephone Lombard 1000 rni'CATIONAI. TAMPS i w "' RC MJOH JENrRAI, JOHN F. nAS. of the famuim 21 1 h DkNion, will rimiJuct the rami lit a ilenionntrutlon of the ntH syntriQ of Iralnlni:, emphaslzlnc superiUed atnUtlra. ElKh weeks commencing July 1 l or catalog addrena A Z. SMllH, 0 12 43tb Sttctt .New lork City. piioTopi.ns The following theatres"obtain their pictures through theSTANLEY Booking Corporation, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Booking Corporation. 333 MARKET VIVRFZ EVELYN (IRCLLF.r In PHIL FOIt hllOnT ' MODFI 42i S0UT" ST. OrchMtra. lvlv-Lyii. Continuous I to II." GEORGE WAI SH In "Hfcl.P HELP POLICE" OVERBROOK 03D Teie iiiv i t HAVER FORD AVB "HELL rtOAItlNO REFORM I -1-VE. in A M to 11 IS f.U. MARY PICKPORD In "DADDY I ONO LEGS" RA7A BROAD AND wA. rOHTEIt STREETS ANITA RTRWART In "TWO WOMEN" PRINCESS "JWW.fJBFS ZEENA KEEFE In "THE AMATEUR WIDOW" REGENT 'VVt'ei'T, PRYANT WASHMURN In I PUTTING IT OVEK" RIAI TiTl GERMAN-TOWN AVK. K1AL.1U AT TULPIIHOCKKN 8T SHIRLEY MASON In . "THE RESCUINO ANQEL" RI1RY MARKET ST. BELOW 7TH lAUOI 10 A M to 11 lis P U MAF. MURRAY In "THE BIO LITTLE PERSPN" SAVOY "" m11et8trebt JW1 HAM TO MIDNiailT MONTAGU LOVE I -"",UUT "THROUOH THE TOILS" D 1 -iNIlw 1 11 1I5 A M to 11:15 P. it, inO STAR CAST In "STOLEN ORDERS" VICTORIA TItfiiAfp? ROREnT WARWICK In "SECRET SERVICE" When in AtlanUcCily caaStfiffil Th.atr. HTAK CAST In "SJTOLBN OB DEW ' RCMMlfa KKSOHTS ATT,NTIO CITY. K. J. Mr. D. CJh Coolest and Mctrit Attractive Locution HOTEL ESPLANADE WIOLK IHLOCK OCKAN FKONT Directly on the Hoard walk Uoeton to Sovpr Mcn Av. In exclusHe Chetpa section Cap f0 Fresh and sea water baths, private and public nnd every appointment. Modern hdro therapeutic department OrcheHtra, Dancing1 Auto bui meets trains Hooklet. Ownership direction V F M1AW nest Located. Popular I'rlced Hotel Hotel Netherlands New ork Are.. BO ranis from nnanlinlV, Cap 40U. Klevator. private baths running water In bedrooms FUKE FRATUUfS Rathing privilege from hotel Dance Tloor June Taten. American Flan (will meall IS to $S Halln 1 Ml U30. KS rceelelr. ATOCPT Hl'IlWAIiri. Troprlftor. XtJl A . aIab. a. Iue.k mrtrt Ctsutl Ptte Capacity 2&0 Amirican pUn.tabl and vervice I fpM3ialature. pflvtbathi running water I in romi, eirior; rcaaonaD a raics. Pfn ' I Ytr. OwDrabfpfnnarrmnt. J. L. UHLUa lmmmmmammmfmKBmmnmM H OT EL JACKSON Mr In la ae flrst houp" from Boardwalk and Bteel IMer. FIREPROOF. Private baths, run ning water In rooms Orch-fstra: rrlll American and European plan Moderate ratej 0nrhlp management S J 1JIIOOAN THE CARLTON c" avi The Yarmouth B'"Snntno,rd1- A Ownership Mnnaeement CHAB P. ZAZZALI fC70O.OCE3S South Carolina Avetnue. adjacent to beat. Cap uw.utnneapaironaKe.muaic.aancintf. ilricuy modern. table and service exceiiot. Uric UJ mourn.tauia na larses solarium. Dooaiat a. jrravuoiuci tup i;ii Tcuror Virginia av. and Ueach Ocean view, capacity 3 i0. private uams. running water in rooms. elevator, ttc.t American plan $3 r0 up dally; special weekly. Hooklet HAML'EL ELLIb. WorrVlinrton Missouri and I'actllc Ave. Depot Hot & colli Tum.ine water In rooms lerm. moderate J II U OUTHINOION niSTAVNP Kentucky Ae Fourth hotel "' from Reach Amer plan- $2 50 up dally: $14 up ueekly European $1 up flaiiy. hakkiuu uirrLiU, t'rop nDPVnOHT 18 s Carolina Ae Near BKtVUUP.1 h . ,.... n h. Large airy rooms. Amer. plan 2 50 up dally. fin uii up wfM. unuer new managemeni ivJFW HYGEIA Cor N 'Y and pEClnc HtYVniUUftAvel bollrthomocom. forts; modem; clean, centre $1 up dally; wKiy. rsiei, ' M ItOTHMEN HOTEL FItEDONIA OPEN ALL YEAR Tennessee av. Just K Boardwalk. European plan Every appoint mert Moderate rate restaurant HOTEL CONTINENTAL Atwar" open Always ready Terms mod--r.l. Phone "T write M Walsh Duncan TiROR INN 0cean end Connecticut Ave la.D-' si ,dea, tM,at0I,i iargfi ary rtoms Excellent table 17th season; owner rnanaa-ement Mod rste. J i ft a M Dunn HOTEL WHITTLE "ft Msch Amer plsn $5 to tin dally European II 00 up Bluator Bathing from hotel HOTEL PLAZA ST. CHARLES PLACE & PACIFIC AVE irY.V.tnr Private twins, A r MeCI,Bl.l.m HOTEL EDISON J"-"ioan and nUIt'L -i-jvvl PACIFIO AVES. Open; ntw n"nJf,'"'"n' Thoroughly reno vated Amer ft European Spec "iMnnl... Hotel Ro Grande nw ?' av. on. walk. Fireproof European plan Rates j 00 S"irun wtrsraii. M. M McO.II p" Hotel B08C0bel rf.e",uckj; Ave. near "' ... Beach S3 00 up dally, tmer. plan Booklet A E MARION ' Weatmimter "Vfw Dch Elev- Iiy nil up ""'f. T "" " "" rm. nunrc Hotel Arlington Mlcn"V.?;;,Pf, ua Onn all rear n J nanoRNF pnv ttianncu Vl.w Amer. k European plan! rte r.a. cap. SV A C Channell. Owner American J" r iimt' P1 2a h0"" " Dcaa,, m ov asiiy. a Collins, II I' JtriJi! 'i-'' ' i ",- BPMMKB HEOBTl ATLANTIOn CITY. N. t. M. Linnard, President of the California Company, is pleased to announce that ?e Gtlantic City's Newest and TTlost Distinctive Hokl which has just been opened, enjoys the same capable management that has led Americans "to appreciate the un usual refinements of service at the famous Hotels Maryland, Green and Huntington 'at' Pasadena, the Hotel Fairmont and Palace Hotel, at San Francisco, the Belvedere at Santa Bar bara, the Alexandria and California at Los Angeles. The Ambassador is on the Board Walk, yet located in the quiet, exclusive Chelsea residential district. Spacious solarium, breeze svept lounfcin& porches, inviting ter AMLlilCAN 1'I.AN' (with meals) $3.00 up Daily, $15 up Weekly Ilest Located l'opular 1'rlco Hotel NETHERLANDS v nrk Atc. CO lards from Ilourel mlk OvcHooklniT lawn and ocean Capacity. 4110 Eleator private baths, hot and cole runn'K water In roonn, table and service a feature TFCIAI. FRISK FI'-ATI'IIKS llTIIIMI I'KIMI.ISOK 1 ItOM HOTi:i, Ll 1B.VMS rul'KT. I)NrE I I.1IOIC llonklct with Tolnts of Interest mailed AUGUST Itl'HWAnni. IToprletor MkCU, ATLANTIC CITV. Opcryat call seasons A. n?coiiisi?d1,stanclard orcxcellcixcc. Ge.Tv600. WAUERJ.BUZBr. Tenn. ne. & Itench (New Fireproof Add.) FItF.K IIATIIINO IUIOMS AMI TtUlbl Uleitrlo.I.lsIits RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM Am Plnn J2 10 Day Up U UP European 171h Seaeon Hooklet & map. J. J. JOYCE Nrtu, f'lnrinn Ky. Ave. ek Deach Garair navt Clarion ,okl(,t s k honifacb u n (inn. N. J. AILDWOOD, V-BY THE SEA SlfD WJLDWOOD CREST 7 3jT Always cool and delightful. Fresh, Invigorating salt .sea breezes. Its famous flve-mlle bathlnir beach offers the best and safest surf bathing oh the coast. Splendid boardnalk lined with high-grade amusements, theaters, piers and novelty shops. Walter I'follTer's Orchestra gives daily conccrta. Excellent hotels at moderate rates. Fine motor roads. Good garage accommoda tions. For Illustrated folder and further Information, write today to --' W. Courtrls-ht Smith r& Secretary r MTjA Y!i.i Itourd of lrade Wild wood, N. J. OCKA.N CITY. N. J. HOTEL BRIGHTON 7th and Ocean Ave. Qn.fl .Tune :! It. R. SOOT. Swarlhmore Tennis courts. Near beach A aWBruimurepir, w v bFH uppincott. Scarborough 720 Ocean Ave ocean 1 S hacing REID FLEETWOOD "" ? vyiK.,y HrtTFr ? THE WYNDMERE. of course. nyJ t1 Msrnolia Av. Rklt Frank Ros HEATH HAVFN. N. J. ' THE ENGLESIDE OTENS JUNE (0, Th. beat comhlr.atloa ef r.nulns .ca.hor. features on the Atlantl. Coast. Matcbl... ft.htns. salting bathing, .le Ocean and bay. Five tannl. court.. Th Ensiei.ld. off.r. alLmnd.rn appoint miuita s.a and fra.h wat.r privet, batna. Orchestra Oaraar Tlnokl.l n. P. KNtllK Maresnf, Alsn TTiy rtnlMTTOV. West Phlla. ornrN hnnvK. n. T? THE SHELBURNE New modem hotel i hot ardcold runnlnrwater I. u. fAnmi nHvaVta tia.that Orin Path way, fKclns park aud ocean V C. Ifaysca dT dC j jfm sr&T&& cJLJi j r i i:-k.j( J Mf V7d5tir- 1 WITMMFB BBWtlHTH ATr.AVTin CITY. W. J. The Formal Opening Saturday, June 21 will be a brilliant social event The Ambassador opened for guests on Monday, June 16. races, dining rooms overlooking the ocean; big, restful sleeping rooms; every bath with both fresh and salt water. The Ambassador, costing more than $3,000,000, is a complete expres sion of all that is best in a residential resort hotel. The Ambassador appeals to a select clientele. Reservations by mail and wire receive personal attention. An all-year hotel located in the choicest spot of America's most famous seaside resort. RosroE. y. y. Opens Uk?al 1 .imtrblv located lu extensive forest pres.rv. enly 180 miles uk.h.. ,,ii.iiu. biHjaiii.ii '1i.11 Cm Nil hlarU JUNE M nom i-iiiittuti'i' ne or mosaulioes fnom Tennis. Roque. saclclle Horses Olhr Ofllr" 11M) Broadwa. HP.Bassett Manager CArK MAY AVOID HOT WEATHER GOTO CAPE MAY Excellent Coif Coune Finest Sea Bathing 500-Acre Fiihing Harbor and Two Yacht Clubs AT COOL CAPE MAY For booklets address K. J. JFRRELL. Krr. ltd of Trade, Cape .May. N. J. COLONIAL HOTEL Rooms With Bath Runnlnc Water 22d Season. W, II. CHURCH. Owner and Proprietor MOVTCLAIIt. N. J. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME Hotel Montclair MONTCLAIR, N. J. MOST IIKLIOHTPULLV SITUATED KKHIDKNT1AI, IIOTEL IN NEW lOKK'H Hl'llt'RIIH. OPr-N THE ENTIRE TEAR FREDERICK C. HAT,!, COMPANY WI'RIMI I.AKF. I1BACII. N. J. THE WARREN ON TIIK OOKAN RPRINO I.AIIK UEACH. N. I. A house that's 'different' In Its fln appointments, artlstlo decorations, homelike atmosphere and service. Hurround.d by green lawns and gardena at the edge of th. sea. Opening June IB. For re.ervatlons ddre.e W. II. Htnbhs, 114 W. 70th Street, N.w York LONOI'UKT. N. J. HOTEL ABERDEEN UlNOPORT. N. J. RI-OPENS JUNK tIST Directly on th. ocean front. An Ideal family hotel In comfort and surroundings at moderate ratu. 20 mlns. by trolley or aut. from Atlantlo City. Dklt. John C. Uotsler, Lonrport'g big new concrete sea-wall A ocean promenade will b eomrlet.d by 'that date. 'nUiSS' fj'W H. '. li-. lltTMMrat RWtSttTtJ i ATLANTIC CITY. K..J. . Hotel RoiroK. y. v. . .nitiivM mountain resort omfortAb a. modern and ...m - - . ... .-.... w.vv .... --- :---' crcnesira, irancina. L.iorary. j-iy niinara.. now 1.111, lntere.tlne; features Tel. Mad. Sq. 4748. Water Snorts n. 1. Booklnc ASnURY PARK. N. 3. m NEW MONTEREY HOTEL NOW OPEN Dlrertlyon ocean. All outilde rooms; hot A cold salt water In bathrooms. NEW MONTEREY GHILL Entirely new service a la carta & dancing largest & most beautiful on the J.r.ey Coast. Ideal formotorlsta. SHERMAN DENNIS, Manager. New York Office. 8 West 40th St Phone Vnderbllt 22M) McDonnell A Company Members New York Stock Exchange North. Asbxxvy P.ark m. IN. si. TOTONOMO DNTA INS Canadensis, UHI, FARM IN THE l'OCONOS Deautlful, restful country. Tennis and Croquet. Rates 7 and 5 July 1st C, R. UHL, Canadensis. Pa. OERM4NTOWN. PHILA.. PA. SHADOW LAWN INN Airy rooms, good table, private grounds, tennis. Ps Rdg. Itys , Wayne & Gtn Av. crars. Miss Ouylee. rngf. Tel. Gtn. tWS. NOURISTOUN. TA. Hamilton Apartment Hotel West Main St.. Norrlitemn, r. A comfortable suburban Hotel betwea town and country, overlooking the Bchuyl. kill Rlv.r, Large veranda, elevator and U modern convenience.. liell Telephone. Narristtwn 184. DEVON. PA. Wvnliume Inn ? ..ft!", !-. "f ciauy aesirapio ror Dual men with families, at reasonable ratee. Rooms with hath Dancing. Lorn grounds wide randaa. Phon. tr rwvn IT. rEODlSA, PA. RIVER VIEW HOTEL On the Susquehanna. I'nder new nianatr'ro'lL ttaiej en appucaion. rregu 4 wuau.. ryo. Jd y UM elai as uaxu f - B ,ri A-A, t TL"'. t- . .,. . Jt -.V2 ti. f. . tji ' . .ar M