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'W r 141,. t iTiW ''"Vff'ft'nyt '""-? 1 -'Fr1? fm&smrryto ,; r kir M liV & V IX X . r. ..m " a '? v-rw a.? - 'f - " r Jrt UP 1 i fef y 'v EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHIEADELPHIA', FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1919 u tt DESPITE PROHIBITION IT WAS WET ALL OVER THE EAST YESTERDAY w: rvw b !;. y f l ', lV 17a" 11' ,- l. W k i.y I?-. . ' ia I, v tJ r, ; n , IRA THOMAS BOSS OF ATLANTA CLUB Former Mack Catcher Center of Storm in Southern League; Still As Scout , ..ill DEVORE IS OUT AGAIN By EDWIN J. POLLOCK TRA THOMAS is a manager today. but tomffrrow is another dar. and Ira may or may not be a manager. At , present Ira is the most discussed man connected with baseball lu the South. Not lonp: ago the former Mack catcher was appointed acting manager of the Atlanta Club of the Southern League d.v i;nariey l raw:, wno. heretofore, has been bosiing the Crackers. President Logan, of the Mobile Club, has pro tested Ira on the ground that he i; ! violating baseball law by accepting a salary from Connie Mack as scout of the A's at, well as receiving compensa tion from the Atlanta club. Trouble between Mobile and Atlanta has been brewing for some time and the , players have become so imbued that every time the clubs meet there is a near free-for-all. President Logau hns taken the matter so seriously that he has called a conference of the board of directors , in an effort to have Thomas and Flank expelled from the league. Thomas coraOR back with the same ar gument against Logan. The veteran maskman states that Logan is not only receiving falary from the Mobile or ganization, but is being paid by Armour & Co. This is Ira's first fling in a managerial role and so far it lia been a lhcly ono and none too pleasant. Since putting his .mask and chest protector aside Ira has scouted for Mack besides coaching the 'Williams College nine. Josh Devore Fired Again JOSH DUVOKE is out of a job agaiu. The comedian-outfielder has heen given the go-way by Jack Hendricks, who is managing the Indiitnapolis Club of the American Association. Josh was granted his unconditional release. Josh was one of the rarest charac , ters in baseball. His quick wit, his luck, both good and bad, and his ec centricities made him one oi the most popular men around the National League circuit. Devoro had, a lot of good fortune. He is reputed to hae shared irt more world's seriw money than any) other player in the game. Even after his. long stay with the Giants be broke into the fall classics. In 1014 he was with the Phils and was traded to the Braves in time for the championship series and in 1015 he came back to the Phils in the year that the only National League pennant came to this city. After Josh drifted out of the majors he was signed by Kansas City and then released. For a time before he went with Indianapolis he was drlviug a milk wagon in the West. It's buck to the early morning route for Josh now. Ed Walsh Retires BESIDES Devore, another famous big leaguer has passed out of the game. Ed Walsh, who became famous as a spitball artist with the White Sox. has announced his retirement. Ed has been pitching for Clarence Rowland with the Milwaukee Club of the American Association. In handing his resignation to Row land Walsh stated ng his reason for retiring the fact that spitballs aie no longer permitted in the circuit. Store Teams to Meet Strawbridge & Clothier, one of the fastest teams around this city, has the Marshall E. Smith nine as its oppo nents on Saturday. The West Philadel phia aggregation will have Big (Jeorge ' Earnsliaw, the former George School boy, to do the hill work with Lidgatc on the receiving end. To Invite Australian Stars ItnBton, July 11. Officials of the Long wood Cricket Club will mko an effort to hae the Australian tennis stars who, It Is reported will soon sail from London for1 this country, make their first American appearance In the Ioturwood singlet and Nw Knfftand sectional doublt.9. which will be decided on the courts of the Chestnut 11111 Club bectnnlnz July 1. - - v.- - RE New York Star Had Connected Safely in Twenty-nine Games BATTING AVERAGE .436 7 TO Players to Compete for the Clay Court Title Chicago. July 11. Entries for the singles in the ninth nnnuul i-lny court tennis champloiihhips which will start tomorrow, clixed with 170 plnjers. ourreding nil lecords for the ceut, listed for piny. The doubles entries, which cloe SaturdiM ulght, already haw broken the record with eight v puirs noni inated The eutiies include the lend ing pl.ijcr.s ftom const to cojst TENNISBODYPLANS i Up-to-Minule Marks I of Leading Batters TO REVIVE CIRCUIT New York. July 11 After hitting I safely in his Inst twenty-nine games i Roger Peckiunauch's lmttine streak was halted by Elmer Mjers. who recenth I 1 frnm Pi'nnnn In flio ftrcf i of the double-bender between the. lnukees and Indians yesterdnj. Peek's record ties the one established bv Zmli Wheat in 101(5. In the twenty-nine games Peck made foitj -eight hits in 110 Jegal trips t the plute for an average of AIM. The shortstop missed Ty Cobb's lecord of tliirtj -fip b si games. BOSTON STAR TRIUMPHS V' ANOTHER MACKIAN MANAGER Ira Thomas lias ,been appointed acting manager of the Atlanta club of the Southern League. He still holds his position as scout for Mack What May Happen in Baseball Today Miss Marlon Zlndersteln Wins Cana dian Singles Championship Toronto, July 11 Miss Zinderstein, Bostnu. won the,Cnnad!nn champion ship in the women's open singles here jesterday. defentiug .Mrs. P.iekle. of Toronto, in straight sets 8-0 and 0--4. In the men's open singles, Fred and Frank Anderson, of New York won their way into the semifinnls, defeat ing icspci'tiel5 Reuuie and Holmes, Canadians, in straight sets of (1-3, Intertownship League Hopes to Play One Round This Season novw. i.r.Wiir. ). Alt It. ladelphla Oil IBS .11 Lltn ftl 11 .SI Jounc. eu York 01 Ml 39 Jtllliiim, I'lilla. l 181 ? iiHiinnun New ork . SIS l: uiniticAN i,i:in. .. . . ' All. It. I'eiMwiiiiinli. V tnrk 80 H sl JicUnri t liloltu M 217 SI nhh. Detroit Ri 507 3d IIUEHeml, Detroit SI 11" M leaih. Detroit (10 311 .18 r r. :cn .Mr, ..ti ..12(1 .318 r.f . .tin .Wl .118 .341 .313 WILL MEET NEXT MONDAY NEW RECORD FOR OUIMET it o ...i u n n.l w K- uv.l,..l Here is Peck's complete recoicl for 0f "Detroit, iiml S Ka-hio. of Japan! nie the oilier contenders umainiug in the Muglcs. niu iwcnrj nine games: NATIONAL LKAt.l'E lion lMt Prt. Uln l.oe Split New lork 43 ti .MU .fit)! ,V2 Cincinnati . 40 24 .017 t.007 t.OV .653 Chicago .1!) 31 .BID .516 .542 Drookbn 3 33 .MB .522 .507 rittbumh 10 34 .514 .521 .507 St. lml 28 41 .400 .411 .400 Boston 21 40 .381 .403 t.373 .388 rhllUe . 19 41 .297 .308 .292 AMI.KICAN I.EAOUK , , Wan I,ot Prt. VHn Hplil Chtcaco 44 2.1 .flIS .643 .62!) Ne ork 41 24 .Oil . 621 Cletrland 30 30 .1111 .171 .117 St. I.oul .16 32 .529 .530 .522 Oetrolt 34 31 .507 .511 .100 Button .10 37 .448 .4511 .411 VtashlllKton 29 40 .42(1 .429 .414 Athletic 17 48 .262 373 ,S.i8 tWln two. $Lo two. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS AMEIUCAN I.E.Ol'K riileairn. t)i Athletics. 2. New nrk. )i Cleielnnd. 0. (leteland. 7i New 'Vork. 3 (2d came), St. Louin. 5; lloiton 1. St. Louie. 4i llnitou. 3 (2d came). Detroit, (It MHnhliiBton ,.,-. Wahinton. 7: Detroit. S 2d came). TODAY'S SCHEDl'LE NATIONAL MUni'll rlllr-ico at Philadelphia Clear. t. Ixiuls at New Vork ( lear. Pittsburgh at Ilrookbn Clear. Cincinnati at Boston Llouili (2 cameisl. AMEItirN LKAOUE Athletics at Chirac" Clear. New Vork ot Cleieland Clear. IJoshlncton at Detroit Clear. lloKlon at St. Louis Clear. INTI-atNATIONAL LEAIiir, .Ierer Clt at nurTiilo Clear Baltimore at Roihester Clouds. Newark at Toronto Clear. Readinc at Uinchamtou tloudi. .,B H II 2B 3n ? 1 n o 110 0 ? 1 1 o o o 1 n n J 1 2 0 0 j -1 S o I I i ft 0 ; ? inn i s n n ' 1 2 0 0 o i n n i s t n o J n i l o j ' 2 n o 1 1 1 n o r 1 n n i i ? o 5 y 2 " o j i o o i 8 J 1 1 1 10 fS IS 1 o h n n n n n 0 II 1 0 1 0 r r W.7 Sort ! 20n i 3S1. 260 400 MERION TENNIS DOUBLES Former Golf Champion Scores a 72 In ... . , , ,, , , , , i Play for Massachusetts Title Tennis nterei-t atound Philadelphiai .... . . T , ,, , ,, . , . , ., .it VMiirhestcr, Mass., Julv 11 Thun is now directed toward the piopo'ed , , ' " ,, , , ... ... ... .11. r'Pr showers which thoroughl 'oaked reorganization of tho old Intertownship ,. , " Tennis League, which was disbanded ' h.P I,!,,,,er, nU(1 lo"M "? the -our. Inst year l.-eausc so m.iii of the pla5e,s , ,1,d nt 'lrP"nt m excellent -hooting i of the larious team, were in the sen ir I "' "'' - """ "P'"n'1 ro"m" OI ,np I In the last round in 1017 the league !"" "h P1"' fl tho ""iK-stur Coiintrj consisted of Beech wood. Oakmnut. Idle l ""' lesterdar for the Mtisvachusetts Hour mid the Cherbrook lennis Asso- I nuiateur golf championship. nnthn.' The honors weiew on hi Team Francis Ouimet won e.isily in both H of the Ovcrbrook Tenuis Association , ,., ' This team took the place of the Aid- roun'lv- '"tting a new competitive rec more Tenuis Club, which dropped out I rd for the course in the afternoon oi play ut tno end ot the nrtt rouiul when he scured a 72 in defeating Pcr!e. Ul Wlf sfjipuu No effort was made in IMS to revue the league. Last spring it was found that mam of the plaeis were still in the sen ire aud it was thought host to wait until thev returned. The league now plans to organize for the remainder of the season rind to have a complete organisation rendv to besin ploy iu f'linse 7 and .". A V. Knight, of the Worcester Country Club, was the ouh plavor from outside the Iioston district to sumve the daj 's play. The survivors and drawings for the third round are: I'ijiicis Oinmet s Tied .1 Wrisrht. Jr , N. W Dean u I'jilcn- V Whittemore A I) Knight s Tese Ouilfonl, aud L H I'nton u P I) Wateis 210 mn 210 J 10 L'fln mn 710 40) 210 jno 210 mo 210 itii 50-Mlle Motor-Pace Race Tomorrow The scheduled motor paced lace was postponed on account of rain at the Eddie Wagond Injured t.ioi Only Two Matches Played In Court 1020 The following clubs have an H Championships. Rain Interfering nJ!0f . their intentnn. to have re., oi . , ,, , , , resintafives at the first meeting: neech- 1 (Jin 'lwo doubles matches were pljved , 0, rinh. Oakmont Club. Idle Hour '";liesterdi in the tennis championships Tennis Club of Millbourne. Ovcrbrook rim tat the Merion t Ticket Huh Other Tennis Asso.htion and the ISelhdd 2ic j matches scheduled weic postponed on Tennis Club This leaves one ucnm v 1 J account of rain They will be pl.ijed hich it is hoped one of the numerous fnrlni cmnll n,.U... V... 1..1 .. Ml till 1 C Starr and D M Kdwnids de- ' The leorganization meeting, at which I''Ot Rrecze Velodrome last night This feated I. Prentice and E M Edw-nrds, time the rules and schedules will he race winch will be ridden over the r''2, ,i;1 KS ,T"D,T,'T"n', " 1I'JIa,('- adopted, will take place next Mondai , fifti mile distance, will be held toruor Co.v defeated Barkliellenrv and Ch.irles'j,, the office of William Kowlund. :',17 i ,. , ' . .V n Gamble, tl-0 0 4 In the second set , p0sioffice Building. Ninth and M.nket ro" nlBht' nnd br,nK, tether Percy Henry and Gamble braced and took btreets Any clubs desiring to fill the i Lawrence, world's champion, George their own services upto four-all. At, meant pot'are invited to send rcpie- I Chapman. Vincent Madonna. Prank this point the losers gume went to I sentatives at that time to make note f'oi ry and Bobby Wulthour All these pieces, Jones aud Mai Cov breaking 0f the proceedings. ndeis were at the tiack jesteidaj iead tliiougn tor tne ouu g.nui: uuu iviuiuug on their own w,'. J?' "n?.."a'. t. have Mondov ..ll,t Wthl. hVnTln 7 al nr" . ?d Si ' b1 ""Wr ' . PP"r . Man ,r Joe uuiama lounB joo Uorrell tu Orijro ha meet Hlnkle service. 'I Orioles Down Marietta lumustrr. Pa.. Jub 11 Tli Orioles of Columbia won 0 fast len-lnnlnB game from Mirlelta score 7 tu a The -.core ib lied In the ninth lnnlns h a home mn SINGLES AND BUNGLES I CHARLEY HOFFNER LEADS Philmont Pro Sets Pace In Metropol itan Open Tourney itrt.. ilAnl V V Titl 11 lliwl i i,-.' i.a w.'.-.Vc i.uii in 1in but l can b,B'it em a" runninsr the bases woathor tKPpt the m-oips hiph in the Mlck nH sudoUh aH a pinch runner whi-u "ruikurd uu runnlni: on alt (urP ol Jnurr Hie other daj," rhlrprd ttie fni with the bromi dfrlu. "hiiiI not $00 One plas tered on hlni h Conhtnlilft linker for pueml Inc the hvettl Jlmlt Ia Kimfmiu told rao to extend condolences." v 7ii Atlanta Dukes almost broke a few flays ago and there came near being a flond ',JstJ ., """ Dot into a heated argument vlth Gilbert, the cw Orleans center fielder. Jtmmu used to second base for C. Mack, Milton rted who usd to "run thp daahe and plav hall for th lnterslti ot GorcU in pprtntins after H'e In rfRht field for At lanta Milt Wat with the I'hll a a short stop back in l'U4 feam Crawford, the erstwhile lilttlns demon of the TI cere, it rlio Inir them how to knock for a coul out on the Pacific eooM. Sam Is leading the lenicu for lx)S Anceles with an ateruEe of ,35, Lena Blackhurne is taking the longest route home, f irtt he was in Chicago, then Cincinnati, then Boiton and now Vhilad'l phia, Lena admits he cones from Pahnura X, .. Snooks Powd mi not be Rood enough lo ip a rpnuiar wnn Loiinie s ceiinr chimp- ci lit has thA chdiice lick llendrlck, who In ImahIiiet the Iii lilrirmiHiltM club. It houllne oer the wale of ritchcr Juke Northrup to llliUnkee by the urine. einiK cininin up na nrt tail. .ou Fammu Mayer Lrk Maier s brother Metropolitan open championship at the North Shore Country Club hero .ves trrrtay, wheu moie than 100 contestauts teed up. Chnrlov Tloffnor. the Philmont Coun try Club plofesional. led the held with' ' I"Kh as If hv lud last call. toundh of TJ and lii. wmie anotner rennslvaniau. Emmet French, of York, finished second with 73, both morning and afternoon Dinner for Charley Hoffner Tomorrow eenlnK th members of the HhIk Golf Club will ple a dinner tu Charlev Hoffner About 10 pue.ts are expected The dinner waH planned aw a testimonial tu the Mdendld work that Hoffnei has done on the linkH this season lllj latent uthloc ment was the wlnnint of the slher cross at medal pU) and (.npturlns tho matt-nr cliam plonihip of rhllHdelphU on tho links of the Philmont Golf Club siorchui rw fnr Atlanta. Ih's an outfielder and is hitting at Ml I W York writers are Pennine Heine Zlm memi n foi plawrt; bo far aa from third bas Mbe Heinle think he's a shortstop He thought ie w is a sprinter once Pige Edllf Culllnn Rtitell niinkhurne U called lena for the sinie rcaOIl that Walter Johnvm Ih (ailed Bar lie j i BunMilne I m Coffroth and a. pirty of hi Pin KrmMaeo friend saw the Giants nnd th Caid in New York on Wednesda hun shine jini thoutfht It wan a parade Instead of bll eame ThTo were thirtj-two t players tn ih same f)epit prohibition, it wai wet nil oier the Fast ehterda. one of the atloiu Teucue clubs exhibited. Perhaps Heine 7Ammenan can team a fen things about third basing if he notches Root) Hontsby today Dick Uurru a h"'d rather ptiy flrt for Columbia thin bo a t-peUator with the A e Rny Bate, who wJm with Connie Mack lefere I ncl ani cot Into the Kuroppan fracaw took the role of pinch hitter a feu ill? ako and his stride Kuie Ixin Ansele a vl torj, ISntes has Ilert eihn(T to heut out for the third-hate Job on the toast. hish Wrusel has a poor throu ma u hp but hr foots em occasionally Itit al plav ers ate icaininu that the arm's not so bad that they can afford to take chances uii tt I P Q L A R I M EM 15 .tf. ' '" - - 7riT7ri'i'-' ii W SatodayTililOP.M. , Is Two-Score . Famous Brands GIVE me a quart of oil" has started many an innocent truck and passenger-car on the road to ruin. Be specific, Man. Say "Giye me Atlantic" right out, like you meant it. Atlantic Polarine. Atlantic Light. Medium and Heavy four oils to choose from, each one designed to do a certain job. Ask your dealer which one is best for you. ATLANTIC OTOR OILS Keep Upkeep Down Polo Match Postponed New or!, Julv 11 Rain forced a post ponement eterda of the scheduled polo uam betw ten Ilckaw ay and W'hippany Itler in the Itllzzard Cup neile at the Ilockawti) Hunt Club, at Cedarhurst. Leoni;. Inland The match will be plajed thla, afternoon, weather permittlns I Jack Johnson Training Generals Los Anreles. Calif., July 11 Jack John son, former heavj weight champion of tho world. Is In Mexico City arttnjr as athletic trainer for a part of Kexltan generals, according to P N. Snjder, Los Angeles con tractor, who has Just returned trom a six months' tour ot ilelco Short 8hlp Races Today Springfield. Mass.. July 11. The Short Ship races were postponed until tudd on account of a wet rack. OVER 12,000.000 SOLD LEARN TO SWIM AYVAD MAH 0 fC. CO- Hobokn H J j ci feit. arfi OAMUR1A OrKN-AIR ARENA llurus & leenet, Mgrs. I'kd. Ae. & Cumhrlii St. ' KRI11 i:KMNII, JULY 11TII JA K .Vltl h. KDIIIK MUI.UN V r nthe rnelferl,rk lloiltfl i i i- ,,B firf i)r MLJU 9? . sufllSHsjirnlAii Mftv mmiSK I 1 il IflAfflll i Wm eP Tw ImflLHlRiii JIM X Mill lt llililll mfffll I WffinSr W $10-00 Firestone II ZW fl llttri m BLUE NON-SKID TIRES LJ 1 fffnlf HAVERFORD sundries iMlxi t B CTCLE CO. Bay oar luiurlr mv 113&8 SEND yon FREE CATALOG htm t fwturr 8B I A ,1 Ifaa? price TIB KB. VJJl f I M II&& (pr(7 Itmpi. horn, prt, vl W ViRW , ff r) A t"' repair,, tc. W. VII Jw A Qj 9 WtJiLityjIllk EtertlilDK for Vftvi l8jif AviK ft ))fffimT8tP. week p&VS 'Off ho BlackBeauto I MA IrlhOAl lA7lr M aifttlMtan IB a ic r? iictci ttiui a iiatiuticu utation Huilt right here in Philadelphia and guaranteed for fie years. Visit our salesroom, pick out your model 40 to choose from and ride it home. For years BLACK BEAUTY Bicycles have been The American Standard Of Perfect Design, Material and Finish n' Ittinteand yhhweaek Oxfords for MEN u Youna TWTkT J ' Just What You Want When You Want Them, Men! SO cool, light, durable and comfortable' Begin ning tomorrow we are offering NEWARK White and Palm Beach Oxfords at $1.95 a pair. Identically the same as those ou ordinarily pay S3 to $4 at other stores A great variety of styles and all sizes. "English" last Plain or fancy stitched. Leather or white fibre soles and heels. Classv, neat, and oh ! so comfortable ' Don't neglect this opportunity of the season to buy genuine. NEWARK Shoes at this amazingly low puce. NEWARK .SHOE STORES CO. 207 STORES IN 07 CITIES 13S4 'Markel, between 12th and 13Ui S3 S. 60th St., near Market Uii Krnnlnfton Ale., between Vork i Cumberland J818 Kensington Ae., i.ear Hart Lane 1S7 N. 8tli, neat Cherrj St 41i South St., near Mh 104 8. Bid St., near Chestnut 9Srt N. l'Vont. near rinnnhin SB23 Oerniuntoim Aie.. near Chelten 413:1 FrHnkford Ae., near Or'uedot 1431 South" beween "toad and IMh MIR Kldce Air., near Columbia 4081 I.anraeter Air., near 4Ut Main St., Manumnk. 118 . 8th, betwe.-n Race and Mne 28U nermautann Air., between Som 424 .Murket St., betweon 4tli and 5th eraet and Cambria Other Nearby Stored: Camden, Mlmlnrton, DrIMol, Chester. Pheeomeeal! That's what the men folk of Philadelphia will say when they lay eyes on these Wonderful Serges AEROPLANE QUALITY AT A SUBMARINE PRICE Mammoth Sale 2-Piece I Tailored to Youri Measure FINEST QUALITY BLUE SERGE Si PURE Mw5V PURE ALL- SJBfroiUE ALL- m I WOOL MmM2? WOOL 1 SERGE JfToo 1 SERGE MADE TO YOUR MEASURE Hier.i customer rewhes an indiv idual measure, assuring an absolute fit Can u Imagine haling an oll-iol serge suit made to lout measure for such a low price1 Man alHe. II dileB "rcady-mudes ' to shame' a Every One a Nationally Advertised Product! Every One Celebrated For its Style & Qualityl The Greatest Aggregation of High Class Clothes for Men and Young Men in This City Priced $5 to $20 Below Their Standard Retail Prices $29 $21 26-50 J50 "P $ to The idea of choosing clothes from dozens of the most celebrated nationally advertised brands in America appeals tremendously to the imagination of dress-critical men. Nowhere else in the United States is such a selection duplicated! The variety of styles, pat terns and colors is bewildering. This great shop is more like an exhibition palace than a salesroom. And on every sale made the purchaser saves from $5 to $20. This great saving is made possible thru sheer weight of VOLUME purchases for our 3 big Eastern out letsa volume aggre gating over a million dollars a year. This, to- eether with our modest overhead and low-profit 'fS can save you $5 to $20. g$h$. - jUI i?U t&f' I -wyvv,r I tiff M'Pwl i -Mn? ! ''I W ) . ' ' -lwf K5EP? mm&ms Smart m- W Summer Mi m Ideal Hot Weather iPiSf a Garments in a rl'fm mm Extra Sizes a Specialty Longs, Shorts, Stouts and Extra' Stouts Variety That Beggars Description ' i Thousands of Brand New Summer Suits in Palm Beach, Priestley Mohair, Kool Crashes, Panama Fabrics, Tropical Worsteds, Silks, Gabardines and Flannel Coats and Trousers in a riot of colors and patterns and in all sizes. The most atti active collection of high grade Summer Suits ever gathered together under one roof We can meet your every fancy Fully twenty different makes at sub stantial savings. Prices begin at $8.50 for Palm Beach Suits, upward bv easy stages to the finest Gabardines at $25, $30 and $35. '"" fZt0 15th and T Chestnut has. Almmm 0. MERCHANT TAILORS 114 South 11th Street Open Every Day Till 6 P, M. July and August" a Onen Dailv Till 6 P. M.. Salurdav Till 10.P; M; ., T ...., . 3....n ... ."Vr-Av" -JFj3M I. lJ- '(H(,'J8 m:s" .;yv'v fee;; 1-& '-m&ih&M 'K. ', CH A:Mf .AV r' r U(i J vT'V'.lj '.n..rn,f ,' . ill 1