Newspaper Page Text
p r Itis I J" , JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Saw Tivo Smart Costumes Yesterday. She Talks of Miss Deborah Logan's Debut in the Winter Other Happenings TN THESE days when most every one Is out of town, do you sometimes walk along the street seeking familiar faces and feel like shrieking loud and clear If you don't see ono? I did- yes terday, and then, lo and behold you, I met Mrs. Thomas Jeffries and her daughter, Mrs. Pearson I'earcc, look ing so smart and well that I did not shriek, I simply smiled and felt better all day. Mrs. Jeffries was wearing a suit of black trlcolette made on plain lines and the skirt was rather long. Her hat was close fitting, and trimmed with black quillings. Florence wore a dainty voile gown of dark blue and white made with a plain skirt fulled about the waist and tho blouse was cut In a round neck and edged with a nar row ruffle. Her rather lnrge hat of black was trimmed with dark flowers. THE Jeffries will go In n few days to New England. They usually stay In Jamestown, H. I., but n little bird told me lately they were going to Nar ragansett this year. Mrs. .Teffries's two sisters. Mrs. John Norris and Mrs. Dirk Norris, go to Xaraganett every year and are al ready in their cottages there. The Dick Norrises have a debutante daugh ter for next season, Mary D. Norris. She is very good looking, fair hair and blue eyes and a very good figure. Good figure goes without saying, when describing nny one with Dobsou blood though, and both Mrs. Norrises were Dobons, you know, Mrs. Dick was Sarnh Dobson and Mrs. John. Maria Dobson. Mrs. Jeffries was Miss Mary Dobson and the other two sisters are Mrs. Dob!.on Altcmus and Mrs. Arthur Spencer. Ellen Qlendenning is up in Narra gansett now staying with Mary Norrli. She's a debutante of next year, too. I saw her grandfather. Mr. George W. Carpenter, on the street the other day and found him looking wonderfully well. Mrs. Glendenning was Miss Bessie Car penter, SARAH LOGAN is to have a pretty good time next year, don't you think? She's the first granddaughter In the Samuel Price Wethcrill fnmily to make her debut. The Shillard Smiths have no children, neither have the Yorke Stevensons, nnd Isabelle Henderson's children are younger again. Deborah Logan's mother was Sarah AVetherill, tester of Mrs. Shil lard Smith, Mrs. Yorke Stevenson and Mrs. Sam Henderson. Sahiucl Price AVetherill, Jr., is a brother also. Sarah's grandfather and grand mother. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Price Wetherill, will give the formal recep tions to introduce Deborah at their beautiful house on Eighteenth street, adjoining' Kittcnhouse square, on the third and tenth of December. The Stevensons are going to give her a fancy dress party in January, and her father and mother will give a dance in December. The hosts of Wetherill relatives will doubtless entertain for her. Indeed don't you wonder how the debs will live through next winter. Why it's utterly impossible to figure on going to all the things they will be asked to. We poor "older bunch." who will be nsked to their teas. Will about pass out just thinking of it. And after two full years of nothing of the kind, we will scarcely know how to behnve, going to real honcst-to-good-ncss parties. Deborah Logan is very much like her mother. She has light brown curl ing hair and very bright eyes and a most attractive manner. She will be one of the season's belles without doubt. But goodness, when I think ot lie season and all those teas! I'm speechless. WHAT a difference a few years make. Not only in people, but in clothes; nnd again, not only in clothes, but in the materials; nnd again, not only in materials, but in the quantity of ma terial used, viz; Fifteen years ago Marian gave Polly, her sister-in-luw, a very pretty piece of organdie to make a frock. It was in the days of ruffles and full skirts and the pattern was very pretty, but as it was toward the end rof the season, Molly put it away 'till next ear. Well, next year she forgot she had it and so it went on. 'till about three weeks ago. Polly be gan going over the small trunk in which she had put "things that could be used some day," and she came ncross the pretty organdis, and or gandie's all the rage now. Suddenly she called her sister. "Molly, come here and measme this organdie; jou know it feels quite thick. It there were ten jards, it would make two dresses." Molly came armed with a yard -stick and there were ten yards and Molly and Polly each took five yards and made the organdie into two smart frocks for this summer. NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr. nnd Mr. Benjamin Rush, of Chesteridge, West Chester, will en tertain at luncheon on Sunday in honor ot Major and Mrs. William Drajtou, Jr. Mnjor Drayton has recently re turned from France. Invitations have been received In this city for the wedding of Miss Anita Thorne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Tbornc, of Thornwood, Tncoma, Wash., and Mr. Cndvvalader Colden Corse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Corse, of New York, formerly of this city, on August 10, in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs, George Frederick Ty ler, accompanied by their three chil dren, have left their country home, Georgian Terrace, near Elklns Park, to spend the summer with Mrs. Tyler's father, Mr. Oeorge W. Elklns, at Manchester, where Mr. and Mrs. Elkins have a cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge W. Elklns, Jr.t o! Cbelten House, whose lawns Join those 'of Georgian Tcrrnce, have gone with their children to Mt. Kineo, Me., where they will remain until the early part of September. Mr. and Mrs. T. Griswold Flagg, 3d, 'and their family, of Green Gables, :.! i.VilUnova, lmve Itt for Islesboro, Me., where they will stay at Grindstone Iun for the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hart have gone to Fisher's Island for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William linker Whelen, who have been motoring to Quebec, will come back through New England, stopping one night in New port, where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Middle. Mrs. Crawford Madeira and her young son, Crawford Madeira, Jr.. will leave tomorrow for Northeast Harbor, Me. Mrs. Robert Wigton and her daugh ter will leave on Monday for Glouces ter, Mass., to spend the rest ot the summer. Sir. Joseph G. Itosengnrten and Miss Fanny Itosengarten, of 1701 Walnut t-treet, nro spending the summer at Narragansett Pier, It. I. Dr. Robert I'itfield, of B211 Wayne aveuue, Gcrmaiitowu, Is spending the summer at Castine, Me. Mr. and Mrs. T. Truxtun Hnie and their family left on Wednesday for their summer home in Winter Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Cenrge L. Justice nnd their family, of Wildwood. St. Davids, will spend the summer at Fisher's Isl and. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thouron, of Ardmoro, left yesterday to spend the summer at their cottage in Eaglcstnere. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Sinnickson and in . lwlIln Sinnickson. of Hiwmont. will leave tomorrow to spend several weeks at Magnolia, Mass. Mrs. William Lloyd, of Cynwvd, an nounces the engagement of her 'daugh ter. Miss Virginia Lloyd, and Mr. E. ttatson Pierce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. P,erce. of Milford. Del. No date has been set for the wedding Mr nnd Mrs. ('hai-leci T t -c f"';- U,,n"ure county, will motor to l oint Pleasant tomorrow ri .. to remain un- til the end of August. Mrs. J. Herbert Winslovr. of the Es moud. is staying at Woodstock, Vt.. for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank De Chant, "f this city and Wildwood Crest, an nounced the engagement of their daugh ter 5,lM i:(,ith 01adwJn Dp rha Mr Joseph Moore Tatem. Mr. Tntem is the son of .Air. aml Mrs. J. Fithian Tatcm. of Hnddonfield. ALONG THE MAIN LINE Friends of General Wendell p. Row- h1ear,th!!fI;,n'-1Ia"'M"l0n'ar,K,'"' ourmle,s'ctover,nBfromhisseri- Mr and Mrs. W. Kemble Yarrow, of Strafford, will spend the week-end AthUc"-C?tyd MrS" ."' "" takJn "n'ITMrS- T.50Ah ra"" have taken a house ,n Overbrook for the eturned from overseas and has just lately been mustered out of the service. Miss Alfredn Duncan wil visit Iier sister, Mrs. John J. Ferreck, in Vent- Mr. and Mrs. Logan Howard-Smith have closed their house on Hathawav lane and will spend the remainder of the summer in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. David Manning Ellis .m .ur. uowianu Kills hnve closed their home. Rel rjrym. AVynnewood. nnd taken a cottage at Magnolia, Mass., for the summer. WEST PHILADELPHIA oo-f a.?'1r.:Nri, TohD Hchmucker, of 22 . South Forty-first street, are spend ing the summer at Huverford. where lllCy have tnkfn n linn.a Tl,t- .-- -.. T , ': Am-ir son. Mr. .lack Schmucker. who has recently been mustered out from the urmv. is spending tho summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irwin are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Schmucker. Mrs. Irwin w-as Miss Ketuiah Schmucker. Mrs. Schmucker will leave shortly for I hicago, v;!,ere she will visit her other daughter, Mrs. John Irwin. Both Mr. Robert Irwin and Mr. Jack Irwin have returned recently from overseas. Sirs. Edward M. Saycn, of .123 South Forty-third street, is spending the summer at Chelsea. Her daughter, Mrs. Ferdinand M. Johnson, and her children will join Mrs. Saycn at the Creston on August 1 for the remainder of the season. Mr. M. J. Dempsey and his daughters, Miss Katharine Dempsey and Miss Anna Dempsey, of -1811 Bnltimore ave nue, have taken n cottage in Chelsea for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wnli.h and their joung son are visiting Mr. Dempsey. Mrs. Walsh was formerly Miss Helen Dempsey. Miss Elizabeth Mahon and Miss Kathcrinc Mahon, of 3324 Walnut street, are visiting Mrs. Francis Hope of (Jreat Neck, L. I., ot her cottage in Ventnor. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Browne nnd their children, of the Carolyn Gate Apartments, West Philadelphia, have taken a cottage at Cape May for the heusou. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ellis Williams have returned from a two-weeks' stay at Atlantic City, where they spent their honeymoon. Before her mairiage on June 28 Mrs. Williams was Miss Elsie Funk, daugh.ter of Mr. nnd Mrs M. Funk, Grecnway avenue and Cecil btreet. KENSINGTON Miss Margaret Saylor, of East Tork street, left today to spend the week end with Mrs, R. Edmonds, who is summering at her cottuge in Wild wood, N. J. Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Wallace, of 070 East Indiana avenue, are spend ing the summer in Ocean City, N. J. Mrs. John Fobs, of .1120 Frankford avenue, is spending several weeks vis iting her sister in Tovvanda, Pa. Mr. aud Mrs. J. Williams and their son, who motored up from Richmond, Va., en route to Atlantic City, where they will stay n month, are spending the week-end as the guests of Mr. nud Mrs. Cantor, of East Allegheny ate nuo nnd G street. ' Mrs. II. Stausburg and daughter Grace, of 3132 Frankford avenue, are staying In Ocean City. ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MANAYUNK The Rev. F. B. Harnett, Mrs. Har nett nnd their fnmily, of 1C4 Krams avenue, arc camping in Connecticut. . The Thursday Night Club and the Ushers' Association of the First Pres byterian Church, will give n boating party on the Delaware on Tuesday eve ning, July "'2. The nffnir Is in charge of the officers of each association, Mrs. Irauk Eckenroth, Mrs. Arthur Stnnlcv, Mrs. Harry Firth. Miss Emily Sobern helmer. Mr. Frnnk Eckenroth. Mr. John hltnker. Mr. Everett Hales, Mr. Rev bum Buchanan. Mr. Louis Null, Sir. Andrew Wjlle, Mr. Paul Millignn, Mr. icsse i-ny. .Mr. (ieorge Keliaffor. Mr M. Maguire, Mr. A. W. Whltaker. Mr. i W llllam Hamilton. Jr., Mr. Edgar S. I Stafford nnd Mr. John Millignn. A community men's club has been or ganized in West Mnnnyunk with the following officers : Mr. Henry Angstndt. president; Mr. Herbert Smith, vice president; Mr. Archibald Allen, secre tary, nnd Mr. Horace J. Heaps, treas urer. The meetings arc held in tin assembly room of St. Andrew's Mission, the next one being on Thursday evening. August 14. MRS. JOSEPH ROXBOROUGH Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Jessie C Keely. daughter or .virs. tiovvaril Keelj, of 3-H (ircen lane, and Mr. Walter M. Hodson. also of Uoxborniigh. on Saturday evening. July 12, by the Rev Johnson L. Minor, pastor of the Rnxboioiigh Baptist Church. The bride was attended bj her sister-in-law, Mrs. William A. Keely. and Mr. Keely was the bride groom's best man. Mr. and Mrs. Hod son left for a tour of the fJreat Lake and upon their return they will be ut home at 344 Green lane. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles C. Cox and Miss Catharine Cox, of Lyceum ave nue, are passing the summer months iu Ocean City. Miss Henrietta Elizabeth Sheldrake, of 46.T Gerhart street, and Miss Jennie Frame will leave next Thurfday for the Blue Ridge mountains, Mnrylnnd, where they will remain until autumn. .Miss Alice Hyde, of the Carnegie In stitute, Pittsburgh, is spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Hyde, of Ljceum avenue. Mrs. Louisa Ripka. of Mitchell street, has gone to Wildwood for sev eral weeks' stay. FRANKFORD Miss Jesse Holmes, of 1310 Orthodox street, i spending a few- weeks visit ing friends in Cincinnati, O. Mrs. N. Kedward and Mrs. G. Haines, of 442S Paul street, are spend ing the summer nt their cottage, 330 South Iowa avenue, Chelsea, Atlantic City. Miss Mildred Wcighman, of Ortho dox street and Frankford avenue, will spend the mouth of August visiting friends in Pitman drove, N. J. Miss' Kathryn Wnodnll is viriting friends in Atlantic City over the week end. Mr. nnd Mrs. Parkman, of Penn street, will spend the remainder of the summer at the Delavvaie Water Gap. WISSAHICKON Mrs. Robert Inues and her joung daughter, of 12i ltochelle avenue, have gono to Greentown, Delaware Water Gap, for the remainder of the summer. They were accompanied bj Miss Sarah Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Beany, who have been taking a trip through the middle west, have returned to their home on Rocheile avenue. Mr. Graham Littlewood, of 131 Ro cheile avenue, is spending three weeks touring the Great Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Dellaveu, of Sumac street, have gone to Harvey's Lake to remain a fortnight. Photo tv Bachrach MISS HELEN M. WHITE Of 1404 North Sixteenth street, who has taken a prominent part In many charitable activities iu thU city $BBEwMuBBUiBttBHrcs'flB?BHBBHBBBB v3aaiRRBDfi3HKflH AT NARRAGANSETT PIER Thoto h Wm Shffll nili W. BAILEY. JR. The Evknino Pcm.ic Lkdofji will be glad to publish items of social interest sent in by the readers. Items should be written on one side of the paper only nnd should be signed with the name nf the sender and the telephone number, thnt they may be verified. Address Society Editor, Evknino I' Leijokti, (100 Chestnut streets. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Louis Whitall and their family, of 2121 North Twentieth street, will leave shortly to spend the re mainder of the season nt Elizabeth. N J. Dr. nnd Mrs. James Dawson Whit all are passing the present mouth in Ocean Citj. Mr. nnd Mrs. James L. Neufeld, of 1.124 Poplar street, are summering at their cottage in Atlantic City. Mrs. J. II. Dripps and her daughters. Miss Ida Dripps and Miss Florence Dripps, of 1S12 North Eleventh street, have gone to Ocean Citj to remain until autumn. The Rev. Walter B. Greenvvny, ot 2712 North Twelfth street, with Mrs. Grecnway und their family will spend August at Cedar Knolls ucnr Lake Hopatcong. Miss Blanche Bostow, nf 1222 North Seventh stieet. will spend the week end in Atlantic City. Mr. L. Heiback. of ftOS North Frank lin street, hns .tone to 100 West Aster street, Wildwood. Mrs.- W. Cartridge nnd daughter, Miss Ethel Cartridge, of East Mont gomery avenue, aie sojourning at a beachfront hotel nt Atlantic Citj. Mrs. J. Tolliusou. of Fourth street nn,l MnntfrnmiTv avenue, has beeu en- teitainiug ab Uer Irmse guest. . r. i. Stnllon. of Washington, D. t lor n few weeks. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathan Cohen an nounce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Ethel Cohen, and .Mr. isenjnmiu u. Solot on Tuesday The ceremony was performed in the Oil- Chadosh Agudas Acliim S.vnagogue. and was followed by a reception for the immediate rumiiies nt the future home of the bride nud bridegroom, nt 1410 Nedro nvenuc. Peru Rock. Mr. nnd Mis. Solot will be ut home nfter September 1. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hifkin. of 1411) North Sixth street, announce the mnrriuge of their daughter, Mi-s Hose Hlfkin. and Dr. Benjamin Weiss on 'Ihursday. Julv 3. Doctor Weiss has recently been discharged from the arm), where he served in the medical reserve corps. Doctor and Mrs. Weiss have been snendiue some time at Atlantic City since their wedding. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Joseph Coward, of S07 Whar ton street, hns goue to Atlantic city for the season. Mr. Frank E. Garden, of 311 South Hicks street, is spending the summer at North Lovell, Me. Mr. John J. Casey, of 2."2l Webster street, ts snendine two weeks iu At lantic City. TIOGA Mr. and Mrs. William C. Carman, of 1220 West Allegheny avenue, no enmpanied by their sou -in -law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs-, decrga Ornveu stiue, 2d, arc occupying their cottage nt Ventnor and will remaiu through the summer aud autumn. Mrs. James Hilton nnd her son. Mr. W. Stanford Hilton, of 2120 W est On tario street, left during the week for a cruise to Atlantic Citj, wiiere they will remain several weeks. Mrs. Elmer Crawford, of 1820 West Tioga street, is visiting friends In Chi cago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Flauagau and their little daughter, Virginia, of .1022 North GraU street, are spending the summer at their bungalow in Bucks comity, near Doylestovvn. FALLS OF 8CHUYLKILL A special feature of the midsummecr carnival of the Church of Corpus Christ!, Twenty-ninth street and Alle gheny ayenu,e, which will contldue until Photo bv Photo-Craflcr MISS PAULINE DENCKLA Daughter of ."Mr. and Mrs. Her mann C. Denchhi. of 208 Hex ave nue. Chestnut Hill, who Is lsitlng at Narragansett Pier. Mr. and .Mrs. Itailey arc staying with Mrs. Unity's father, Mr. George A. Hulin, who has a cottage at Nar ragansett Pier Sntui dnj evening, will be the crowning of the carnival queen by Judge Thomas M McNichol. The ceremony will take place this evening on the platform erected on the grounds of the church. I Should the weather be stormy the affair will take place in the large assembly i hall. An entertainment of patriotic! music with an address by Doctor Me- i Cnrtnn. a special envoy from the Irish republic, will form' the program earlj in the evening. In addition to the usual articles for sale at n summer festival there is a display of beautiful needle work. Among those having the inter esting nffnir in charge are Mrs Thomas Shortell, Mrs. Joseph Hall. Mrs. Ed ward McCusker, Mrs. Herbert Kaj. .Miss .nary McCloskej. .Miss Mary Ma ginley. Miss Mary Dougherty. Mrs f'liristian O. Ryan, Miss Frances Hun- ter nud Mrs. Edwin Wnlsh. Mr. nnd Mrs. William G. McGuire ..,- i, -i., u lieu Hum incir vveuuinK irin and are nt home nt 3.-.4T ilncn lno The bride was Miss Elizabeth Dodge duughter of Mts. Ella Dodge. Mr. Jacob Swartz. of Washington, D. ('., is visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. H. M. Swnrtz. of Aiuslie street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Delahunty. of Midvale avenue, hnvc been the house guests for several dajs. of Mr. and Mrs, John Hohen-Adel. of Queen lane, at their summer Ironic iu Atlantic Citj. WEST PHILA. CURB MARKET Produce to Be Sold on Forty-ninth Street Above Market The Curb Market Men's Association hns secured from the authorities of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane permission to open a new market at Fort) -ninth nud Mnrket streets. rhc murket opened todn.v und the pavement, mong tne western wall of , " iiu-unim was uscu Permission to use the pavement was denied by the hospital authorities until thej were iismired thut it was for the best interests of the public. The market will be open regularly on Wednesdays and Fridays. A curb market was also established today at Logan. This action was decided nt the weekly meeting of the Philadelphia Curb Mar ket Men's Association in response to urgent appeals from many residents of that vicinity. Dr. Francis N. Jahn. l(i.'!l Chestnut street, is lending the movement. The snles days will be Wednesday and Friday. TO OPEN SOCIAL SCHOOL Institution's Purpose Is to Discuss Catholic Viewpoint A school where the Catholic view point on vital social problems will be discussed will open August 4 in St. Joseph's Hospital, under the auspices of Archbishop Dougherty Every Monday. Weduesdny and Fri day from August 4 uutil September 12 lectin es will be given by lending edu cators, physicians nnd socinl workers. In addition to the lecture courses arrangements hnve been made for ex tensive field work, and there will also be supervised laboratory work. Among the Institutions and social agencies to be visited are St. Joseph's, Misericordia and Philadelphia General Hospitals, St. Francis's Convalescent House. Darbv : Catholic Children's Bureau aud the Philadelphia Health Center. , Woman Adjudged a "Scold" , Atlantic City, July 18. Fifteen neighbors signed a "round robin," . presented to Judge Goldenberg iu the City Court yesterday, charging Mrs. Stella Ewings, of Bellevue avenue, with being a common scold nod a neighbor- , hood nuisance. Testimony corroborat-1 Ing the written allegations caused the court to order the defendant to move to other quarters on or before July 0 or pay a scold tax of $50. Today's Band Concerts Philadelphia Band. City Hall plaza, 8 p. m. Municipal Band, Dobson Field, Queen Lone, P. R. It., R o'clock. Fnlrmouut Park Band, Straw, berry Mansion, 4 to 0, 8 to 10 p. m. JULY 3,8, 1919 SAYS BEST PASTORS COME FROM ABROAD! Comment of Presbyterian Church Organ on Call to English Minister American ministers are becoming ad ministrators rather than ptenchers. That's uhv n flmrnl, i,t. .1, .i.n'i need a pastor who must be fitted t take care of Its administrative oues.lous and I its sodnl nrnhl..,,. -. ... ...- ....,..! Isles for Its preacher. This approxlmotecs the comment made b tlu I'lcsb.Merian, a weekl denominational paper of this city, upon the action of the Fifth Presbjterian Churth. f xPW yorl( ,.jt -vvliioli hav extended a formal call to the Itev. Dr. John Keluian, of St. George's Fniteil Fire Church. Edinburgh. Scotland, to bcccunc its pastor. The editorial in the Presbjterian reads ; "It is important to note that, after heai nig manj men in this countrj . this lending church could nnd no one suit able for this Important pulpit. For the second time since Dr. John Halls death mis c nurcll hns AnitPht il. tinfctnr nu weakened by the cry for no creed. niiii-n menus no sjsiennilc I none it. nnd by the extreme emphasis given to i environment rather thnn conviction mid the meilionicnl social service which fol lows it. Tlieso matters nie occupy lug such tin emphatic place thnt often pleaching is crowded out. and the American pastor is suffering from wrong development. The iPMilt is that when a church, which is nble to tnke care of its administrative ciucstioiis land its social problems bj its laitj. do ! siies a strong pieaiher, it must go to the old country to get him It is time. and we think before long the American 'church will realize it. that theie should J be a let -up upon the mere common - place secularism mid a return to a more i devout and thorough studv of the word j of God nnd its application to the tem poral aud eternal nerds of man. RUNAWAY, PENITENT, "hioad. What is the .c ih on I V n " X?: . T.rMM'.Bt Amerlcn nr....el,pr'. Vi , ,i,. ..''..'."" "UM,Pr t0 .vor .lo- present vtnsnington nvenuewns nnt t,,nM ..,,. :.. , i ,."... ' "'I"! i-nampion s arrnngeinent which ? .cnaracter to be wortlij of the (.. . . 7 . ,, ' '"""l",,., " " "." r,,r'rd orchestra eiithiisiHt in .- Market street, he claimed, was .. ,..u .,i noiiuy or ueionon. Amen- . trll . f . - than nny other street in any city -an preachers are nble and well-pre- I ,,ont. f,. 0VIMlin " .U, "7" ,;".'. '''!!" "ted with the name of Wn pared men. Thcj nro devoted to the r . i , . . . ' "' "uul as tie resided there for seven ork. without question We venture to , . ' V, . ,""'","1",, during his tenure of office ns P sav thnt tho ..n ;. f,i i ii,., f. ....''. . ' '" "r,l n" -Airs Itobert corgo 11. Wells, president of ., . It. nl him. of l'Mlclti..!.:.. .. i. 'Alnrkpt Stroot ltitulnAeo rae emu Ainenciin pastors aic liccouui RPTIIRNQ TO r-JOMF '""'" lLIUIMO I VJ IIVJIVIL; There the matter rests, and the nr - Father's Appeal in Evening Pub lic Ledger Wins Boy Back to III Mother if jour boy runs away write the, Pum.ic Lntior.n. 1 Snmmy Cnseutino, eighteen jiars old. ls! Withers street, Brooklyn, with tears in his eyes, enme to the P. k.mnc, l'rii- ' lie Lr.PCKn office todaj . holding in his , i,ot,,iD ,,...... ha,1(1'' a newspaper i lipping. "Say, sport." he sobbed, "do you think she's awful sick? I'm the guy that rati away from home si weeks ago. I picked up one of jour papers a guy throw ed awaj and saw this letter my father sent to you. asking if jou wouldn't fiud me for him aud mom, who is sick. "(iosh, I wanted to go back long ago. But 1 was afraid I'd get a licking." "Why did I beat it V Well, you know jou get kind o' crazy sometimes. And that Saturday it was May 21 I ran away I had just got paid, and I bought n ticket to Philadelphia. I got a deformed tight hand. See? i i-iiiiinii i sci-p ii joo ioiik. i uul a i hour later, lie was sixty-six years old. couple of odd jobs washing dishes in a ' Mr. Lane was born in this citj nnd cd lestaurant but about three weeks ago ! ucated in the high schools. He was tin I got fired fi oiu the last place because I tlii,, Lnl.l 1 .mililii't un.L ,iltl, ... .- I. I ...... .-... . .......... . ....... .,., ,tlJ unim j being the wnj it was. And I've been wnlkin' the streets sim e livin' ut the i Inasmuch Mission nights j "Say. do you think she's awful sick. I She liked me. nnd may be if she saw me j it'd do her good. And he left for Brooklju today . Five Appointed to City Jobs Municipal appointments todaj were: Dr. John C. Ilartman. of ."-.."iO (!cr mantown avenue, ussistant medical in spector of the Bureau of Health. SHOO a jear. Margaret Enright. of 24-17 Soy bert street, nud Ilnrrj Devlin, of 2233 North Firth stieet, assistant teachers, board of recreation. S!)(MI. Bertha W. Bucklej, 20(1 North Thirt) -third street. laboratory assistant in Bureau of Health. .$720; Cyril J Loughran. (i.'Ol Elmwood avenue, apprentice depart ment, of city transit boaid. SIM) ", &&; :. x ,-,r e"$- -,:l Ml ... ,i. ,, ,g l II, Ai 5fc MRS. JOSKPH CHARLESTON Mrs. Charleston was Miss Mao (oldberg, of this rlty. Mr. and Sirs. Charleston have returned from their wedding trip and are living ut 6314 Catharine street, Webt riilla-delphU ' 'K W. SP ...Vi -li .S BANK C0InIR5I?ne laid Contain Copy of Evening Public Ledger and Financial Documents A cornerstone which contained coins, bank documents and a copy of the EvriNiNo Pt nut LnDocn has been laid for the new biiildinc nf tlm Ninth 'n. tlounl Hank, Front and Norris streets.! fPl. .... a ... . . ' mc i-rremony lonowert the monthly meeting of the board of directors of the bank Wednesday afternoon. James E. Mitchell, chairman nt h t,.nr,i m. ciatcil. Hank offitlals exnect the upw!'0 " nshlngton uvenue was proposed at hullillng will be finished bv next Anrll. ! , ' !lV;"ll,l!rh lv J 'J10 -"ent build- ,,' lr ! & T ' 1 ?.rl I in addition u new frontage of twenty four feet on Norris street. I.rl . ,V ... . J" .' . ",."."" " '" ; J RESIDENTS AT SHORE BOYCOTT ORCHESTRA Women of Ocean City Refuse to Pay Admission Fee at Daily Concerts "We won't pay to hear anv orches tra in Ocean City We'd prefer to stav home on our porches nnd knit '." Such is the ultimatum thnt comes irom ine ; - m,,im""ii, w iu wrrr. I (' ,r " V"1 ''" "" 'B l,rK'"''7.ed he boy - i ""k "'' um- mer cottngere. The city appropriates $-1(100 per jear to take aie of music for the residents, and has advertised its "free music" throughout the lountrv ism v.i't I,i . , i , sJl . V.,i- , , demanded ucn n Breat slice of the nnnroiiriated -"'"i' that the major decided to meet the deficit by charging nominal admis- sinn ires. 1 1, cottagers aud winter!111'- lcsiddits object. Frnnk I Relszner. n former presl- "We never had to pay to hear the' ''l11' ,of ,n'' association, upheld Mr. music." thev saj . "and nobody inn I WplJh' ,,(,nt,,ntion. lidding: fiako us pnj ,m. v,i rti,eV just I , :t ,W0"Jcl le?'1,to a K"eat deal lir,,;:,-!:;: t of ,l,p nT ""' - - n.nis tile linvvking salesmen. Tint rinen' :.. k.f .,.- , , ... ," That doesn't lost anjthing. Then the major, catchinc the vvav the wind blew, suggested thnt n series I of public dnnces be inaugurated in order i to meet the expense, nnd he. slinek-eit the gentle people again ! "Public1 cinuce, under our nuspices in Ocean! fitj''" died the cottagers. "Wc cuess ihestra plays to an empty auditorium. -,!,,,,. , c, ,., , whi.h might hold 1700. but is lurk'm.!b"''Vk. " Uiarl'S Borroneo, novv.idn.vs whin it hns thirty in it. ! ,.. , v ' . Conductor Mandrone. who swincs the "'. ,1r'",1M Connolly, Alphon- giftcd baton until Vessaln himself r- lives on August S. never hesitntes. lie trots out his musicians whether there is an audience or no. There is much speculation as to whether themnyor will relent and swing open the doors of the auditorium to every bod) frc" of churge. One thing he has done has beeu to appeal to the various hotel managers to help end the propaganda campaign against paying for seats. But the hotelnien have washed their hands of the whole affair and thrown the basin of water on the major's trousers, j'ust to show him wheie their sentiments lie. Deaths of a Day Alexander Harry Lane, who for forty i J(b Luk1, H Wagh j ,e,rs vvas connected with the firm of , Kool,t John It. Lllisnn Sous, wool mer- v:..., v.. i i. ni.i , . .,.. ., L.. ., . . ii , rust lear 1 hilosophy Bolesiaus (hants. of 24 South Sixth htreet. died I...,. , , . , ,,. , , ' ., , , , . ,,. ,. , , i. . ii Milinkelwicz and Michael Tctko. suddenly late v ednesdny night nt his, .,. .. ,. , . ,, , -.1 ii , v,,e riwJcnnt urn ! 1 n st ear Theology James Mulherln Mr I..nne bn.l inst returned from n just business trip to New- York. He was stricken with heart failure and died an enthusiastic boatman and for mauy .. . 1 .. t .,.. 1-.. ,! ' j ears was u inrniuer oi me immune Boat Club. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Elizabeth Soeden. a daughter, Mrs. Douglas Woodruff, of Auburn. N. Y., and a son. the Rev. Kdvviu S. Lane, lector of St. Johu"s Episcopal Chinch. Mrs. Rebecca G. Vandecjrift i Mrs. Rebecca G. Vandegrift. widow. nt lliaues vautiegriii. uieu vv ecinesuay i at the home of her son, Asa . A nude giift 4721 Pulnski avenue. She was ninety -three years old. Her funeral will tnke place tomorrow afternoon at M o'clock. Charles T. Baroux Charles T. Baroux died ,pn Monday at Absecon. N. J., in his ejjht) -third year. He was a veteran of the Civil War. Ho is survived by u widow, u sou, Charles N. Baroux, of Atlantic City . and a daughter. Mrs. Ilowaid, Thomas, of Philadelphia. i Colonel Jens Bugge ! West Point, X. Y.. July IS. Colonel Jens Bugge. I'nited States nriny, re-i tired, died in the cadet hospital here yesterday. He was born iu Wisconsin I fort) -eight .vears ago und wns appoint ed to the Military Academy in 1801, gindunting four years later He served on the general staff of the army in 1011 nnd 1012. wns nn honor graduate of the army school of the line, the ami) , stuff college and the arm) war college. Colonel Bugge served in France nt the ' outbrenk of the war with the general! i staff of the American expeditionary forces aud was a recognized authority I .. ., ... it:. ..nA-.A -.....l .. .. i Oil incira, mi ..n .,lu IU, IRVING FISHER; OKOROE AUSTIN enviable one, nnd he wns returned toiMOORE: marouf.rite MmCARTon this country last summer only hecnue ' t nhihieal disability. At that time he was placed upon tho retired list ot the I army. I.nst Ueeember he vvas appointed commandant of the corps of cadets. He I will be buried here this afternoon with .military houors in the post cemetery. ' Funeral of Mrs. Anna Harrison Funeral Fervices for Mrs, Anna Har rison, a well-known, resident of Frank ford, will be held tomorrow afteinoon from her residence, Klio Van Dyke htreet. Mrs. Harrison died Wednesday. She is survived by her husband, Frauk Harrison, and one son. The funeral i.erviccs will be conducted by the Rev. John R. I.avid, of the Frankford Pres b)terlan Church. Interment will be made in East Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Harrison was a member pf the Shepherds of Bethlehem and the Red I-adies. 11 MARKET STREET MEN'? OPPOSE NAME CHANGE. Mn Monrl - rnll . Uf..t.l- " novu iu wan iiaaniiiKiul , Avenue Country's Father Honored Enough Changing the nnmc of Market street n recent meeting of the New Centtir Club by James H. Peunlman. and tho T !" M to..,iavc " I lnl,r0" "' M "Cll-knOWn Phlladel- phians present. Some Market street merchants, however, oppose the- propo sition. Mr. Pennlmnn is a student of the life of Washington, and has n re mnrkable collection of Washington lan'a. He Instanced the case of Bos ton changing the name of Its ,then and now principal street to Washing ton, nt the time the city was evacuated by the British in 1775, as a precedent, if one were needed. The objection, ha said, that this did away with the originnl name of the street would not lie against his proposal, as the name given by William Penn was High street. He also pointed to the large number of important streets recently renamed In nouor of t'resn ents Uoosevelt nnd Wll. son. nnd maintained that Philadelphia's not of name. more ron- shtngton, rears resident. the A OCJtStt A r . --..,...-,, "" oc-vvi- L00( 0I1(. I doubt whether Washington neeos inner Honor nf thin sorf In keen his deeds fresh in the rrnt.fnl rp. ollection of his fellow-countrymen, and I !t n,so seems to me rather late In the I la:l' ,0 n"y '" tribute to him In this fashion. If anjthing of the kind Is de "irnble. I think it would nnswer the purpoie better to give his name to some I fine, new lionlovnrl Atorto ,f,.f i. I now too well named for what It Is, the principal retail shopping street of the oughty accustomed to the new name." PASS ENTRANCE EXAMS Many Appear on Roll of Successful .. . , ,. at 0verbrook Seminary Th" followiuS applicants have passed lthe munlnmlnn r.,- .- i-- . ls. LnV George lenzil, William i.a,J'- ,Dn.uirl Feeley, John Jordon, ,1,tua01 -''cMnlinn, rergtis Bibersteln, Rupert Houi-h. Joseph Ritchie. William Ferry. Joseph Enricht. James Dnlsn. William Fenertj, William McArdle, Francis Carbery. John Mitchell, Ed ward Conrnn. Edwnrd O'Loughlln, Christopher Purcell. John Burke, John Hilferty. Charles Day. Thomas Kea veny, Henry Stuhl, James Noone and Raymond Manning. Second Year William Thomas, John McDermott, John A. Wright, .fohn P. C.irroll. Eugene Maier. James Farrell, William Bruckmanu, John O'Neill and Andrew Tocik. Third Year John Caffrey. Patrick I Foley. Joseph Toye, Clair Hammill and Joseph C arr. I'mrtl, Vrtnr . .Ynaenl, llt,,(,ftnlf and Josel'u Currnn. I . MAT1KET ST AB. a a. m. t 11:13 P.M. V1RST PRESENTATION Pauline Frederick ,n THE FEAR WOMIWI "THE FCAIl WOMAN" Net Week HALL, CAINE'S THE WOMAN THOU OAVEST ME" PALACE 1214 MARKET STREET - 11 A M. to 11:30 P. M. MARY PICKFORD In "DADDY LONG LEGS" Nt. Wk Alice Brady In "Hla Bridal Night" ARCADIA i CHESTNUT RELOW KITH 10 A. M . IS. V. 3:4n. .'. :45. 7:45, 9:30 P. it. WALLACE REID -TEnSAR., NEXT WEEK-MADGE KCNNEDT in "THROL-Cill THE WRONO DOOR" vict oTTa MARKET RT. Abnvi, 0TH O A M to 11 IU p St WM. FARNUM "T"sETAIJRcA.a .NEXT WEEK- HAHOLDLOCKWobDEin" -A .MAN OF HONOR" REGENT 'T"'0-ma X1IV-""11 1 X ' nOSC O- THE niVER- MARKET STREET AT JUNIPER CONTINUOUS HilJT V ftUUCV lUUCi iWl il A t to u p "OH, THAT MELODY" HARRY ANTRIM; OTHERS. CROSS KEYS .gjjw-s- "OH. SWEET1E1" MUS'TUHg B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE HARRY WATSON. JR. Trvty Bits From "Oddr & Enil" VENITA GOULD """ """""' "" ". rxJIIC3 1 TvvlcaDallr BriA... M&-m &25MZMi&L I V1RST PRESENTATION t& K T7 Ll? jta.'sJ COOLEST THEATRE .V PlULADElPlli2;t, 4TH WEEK or th Moit nntruinln "iM Comedy Dram Ev er Wltneaaed In Phti. tXH n . t r rr vn "i ui i i iv r. y, .&m it v u- ii,- -swa SSlefMV U "A Cimtertlla with a Kick." . Ap BR1NO THE CHILDREN TO THS BiS 8PECJAU SATURDAY StORNINQ tau-turnRlTANrR TOMriR. AT in.Srt au.nM MATS.. 25c. 50c a "wgj kt:u. OKr. Sf- Tic AFEWCHOI-tS' .' .M? 111K"Hp--"-i --"- "- HEATBlTilM.'.'l" vim t rwtr r-.povir DArfr2 -DC ATrDC J LJ.- DA Kirk Si. l vyxi aim t lis um-fu -k. 8ATURDAY. JULY 10 . V .- PATRIOTIC SONS OF AMERICA DAT .v, Alh'tlc -Event. Llbtrty Slog. AddrfM rait Suu.PrMldtnt 0brll n. Ksnv SptcUl Pttriotla MuVcl Presraau ) iTAYFTY CLJUtlTA With 'M f i --c S rji- rli M m fcl -?ij IS I t -11 u ,i 1 m si 'it V f.AYFTY CLJUtiTA with iw, A ;" ' $-'', J h ) :' .if t ' V - , t i ' ' 'vSv.-Wt. . & . 'OJ ? if ' . , a. rt.'A."V'-.,l-o" i.n, ." v .. , fi' .st - :, . i'm.. a . ?-..rawJteaif&ls&-$Bii. ' . a ,J iftjt,.ii ..4i :,t , f. A v ruit P i J a . .Sfr twi mzEFrMFSZX WMMig-iMSMi