Newspaper Page Text
TessvTSSs&ssssSs-'-?; -r- 'y,....- 1 - V, i4 n', ,..;.. ,f'..(, . nf t-ft'"V' HI r r, P: - V" 14 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY IS, 1919 WHEN IT COMES TO SHUFFLING PLAYERS ONE J. M'GRAW IS THE BEST DEALER IN THE LEAGUE U M'GRA W SHUFFLING PLA YERS IN HOPE OF LANDING POR TSIDER New ) ork Club I critablo I'layer Exchange Market JT ith Aggressive Pilot Maneuvering to Snare Rixcy. V7i or. Perhaps, Tyler lt KODKKT U. MWHKI.I, .port. Mltor l.irnlnr. Pnlillr I l(f r 1 " lt tj ' 1111' f Mti lif'tjn in rpiHS i. Mir open wnn for gnmMinr work in th big lr;ipic. Manner nf the prnniint rnntrnilinc i-lub' hmo iloniirtl tho Mhivkrr t.nKcil "H the rubber brrk and nrr silrntl v dulinc liithn ami tn in -onn'li of Inch In" talent to bn'Mrr tlirir tmtnt for thr linnl -purl All ton ran hrar tlirr 1.T ' Is vhi'prn"R tniirniin ntmul trnIr- and in a hnit liino lorn) bowl'- of ansui'li will be un'mlnl. m uiMitinni will he Inirl'd Kul anil forth and Iku-roi nf favoriti'lil "ill bo mailr It a lifn if one ui-nr rnrniiifF-. At present tlin Now ork (iiant nrr mi thr trail of a lii;b rl:i. left handed pitcher with or uithniii brain- Ho mii-t .unil without bi ti time mtii he kind to children anil pne nn arm ln li i1- -troiic and lianR. loo-oli from tlie flioulder .lawn Miltinn i-toiking up with -.iirplii- t.ilmt to make thi1- trade po'ilble He ha four latiher. Snrdit. Mnitli ;mi7ale-. and .Mit'aru a Dock of pitcher-., pood, hail and indifferent, and 11 few etra outheldei-. Mclirav want' Aithur Nelif, i.f ihe Itrau".. and Ippn Knot, nf the Phil1- He ha tried furi l'int to luie thnn to New rk. but met with failure Stalling- will not diP'"-o if In- -tai fhngei and the nnv poo. - f-u B"- Iie- i- iDtii rrunl i,imii i'rn'i'h u 'II not li-lin t" am kind of a prupn Sitioii foi I 1- bic portider Howeier no on will hi -nrpii'ed if l"ik ,iiine" n Inch 1 'a-'-peRjer in a few sn lie will hi able to otrencthen -mne lull 1 Inb and when he does there will be howl- from the other 1 luli ChiiSKo need a bard InltiUE outfielder. a Mann and P.i-kert apiarentv hare lilt the skid- I 'luminal! al-o 1- on a still bunt for a nrht handed out and will stop nt nothinc in order to pet one Rut the other manacer- are plaiinp litph tallies nn their star- Ther !,. not ttnnt mone for the eom of the realm I- i.ilurle tin- tear in pro urine plavers The ield from the himir is -mail and the nnh Ihinp to be rlnnf i to trade 111 the bip leneue- 171 J"' plajirt 1 fnr ore llir pfr r it ' i'n 1 1 ' r7'r nt'd thet e hn t,ren no otttnq tn pff ). Mark May Dispone nf I'nrry in Trade IT Wfll I P not be -iirpri-inp if I'nnn.e Mrn It dt-io-ed of S. ott Pern before the -eason end- Si ott 1- a Rood uti bei -eten one will admit that but of ".hat ibIup 1- n -tar to a hall iluli if he 1.111 t win am panies'' Pern ba captured but two pami- tin- year He ha- had hard link, oppo-iiip the be-t pitcher- on run! club- and tf he bapnen- to hold the enenu to a couple of runs hi- pal- fall down on the ob and forjet the locitioii of the -.nrine -ta tlon He ha- been one nf tin- most unfortunate hurler- in the panic and 1 faid to he di-enurnpoil with hi- lot According to 11 .irn from the Wc-t Kid ',lea-on offered t'oinne ever thinp. including th ball park, for Perrt when the A'- weie phninp in Chiiafn. and the offer wa- -purned Other report- haw it that the Vankie- and ("love land al-o are after the hip twirl' r and have made tlattennp off'r- ('otime will not be panned if he trade- Perry, providing he pets -onie decent platers in return Ilu-ino- i- liii-ine-s. and if a man i- of no taliic to a club he might a- well he turned Ino-e. The de-ertion of Carl May- wa- a tcnible wallop for the Hod Pn to lake Majs is said to bo -ore nt the management and n-k- that he be traded to -ome other Hub ('hnngn. riconnd and Now York are aftet him. but Manager Ed Harrow -a- there i- nnthinp doinp The Inghh ad-ertid alar of P.ahe Iluth i- the cau-e of tt all Ma-beliee- he 1- pi-t a- pood a- the -luppor. will win a- manj ball panu- for the club nnil therefore de-ere- a -alart of 10,IMHI a jear tlther memliei- on the team are -aid t" hate the -amo idea, and perhaps that i- the 1 nu-e of the terrible panic thet are putting up. Club owners are linking a big mi-take in pre agenting the inflated salaries paid to then' -tars It js a bad thine for baseball, becau-e it lau-e-dissen-ion among the plavcr- and poor plating follow- The -uo of tbo paj checks should bo kept -eoret and let the public and plarerv gue-s their -ue SOIVIEBODY IS ALWAYS TAKING THE JOY OUT OF LIFE DOT Uiv nttn pennant for ii ltd Prrry ntr inltmbtr mm and pcrhrtpi 11 til it in thr pennant for iotic rlifi. u onnrr trnn u ill grt ttirtnT Wants Fight Spectators Moved Off Field AIiTIIOl till the boxing -how la-t Mnudat night was one of the he-t eter staged here, one nn-take was made whi'li mu-t be rcctitiid Too uianv pople wen allowed on the tiehl aud thet ob-tructed the ieu of the spectators In the dollar -eat-. In the future onlt new -paper men -hould be permitted to go near the ring, and we hate been told that this will bo done A fan who -ign- him-elf "I. M. l " -ends in the following "Will you please hp a few -uggestions through 'our column to -onie of thn-e tight pro moters, eten though you inu-t do it with n club'' A-k that the rope- in the ring be tightened and the platform rai-eil at len-t throe feet AI-o allow no one but numbers of the pre-s to oecupt -eats nt rinp-ido "Think of la-t Moudaj night. Spectator- were -tandinp around the riup fifteen row- deep. Tin- -hould not be permitted. ttru th 4'r7 thoir tii out and an c thr real tipjortcrt nf harttta tn ' the bleacher a rhanri Lft s lec irhat 1 an hr done.' e blearher a rhancr to ire the Hqhtm from the trail, up. Cotddnt Get Players. So Zeider Resigns T)OlAAK ZEIDER. the well-known "key stone kink," has resigned a- man- ager of the Toledo ball club in the American Association. Jlnllie tried harti to get ball player-, but hi- bo. linger Ilrr-nahan. could not lend anv assistance The mnnaper told Roger a couple of week- ago that he could get three good plavers who would bol-ter the team for the sum of $3000 cash. "Could you get along with one player?" ai-ked Roger. "I haten't got $3000 " ' I guess I could." answered Zeider "Then ' retorted Roper, "you can get along without any one. I haten't jot $10011 either " That lawsed Rollie to think Then he resigned as manager and wi-hed the job on Owner Pio-nahan. w flUS ici a rruel hloti far liaorr had in it iigned tn eatrh fnr the Tolrdn Fait f,inhti. a inntpro afjarerjattnn, and crpceted tn male tome money. if Oo Growing in rublic tavor tftfIOI-F -aid Jake (irat tndav. "is one nf the most popular games in the - rnnntrr ThousnTwls nf new nlnrers hnre flocked on the links nnrl in. P -terest is increasing every day I hate never seen anything like it in my life." SV Mr flrav issued this statement as a prologue tn an announcement that the 1010 golf guide now is on the market It is edited bv rFrnntland Rice and, judgiug from the records printed in the book, a lot of golf was plavod last year despite the war. This was laused bv the large number of patriotic tournaments. ft w Ml j 7 A rh 1 7 ' H K 'S I' T Tilmn i I'lntjiiitj unbeatable frnnii in the national rlinj roiirl louiiieu at Chicago and is a fat ante tn retain Am tflS honor). ATIUI'UI piny is a beautiful thing to behold if the home team does not Mlffer- Ycxtorduj when the Phils had runners on second and third and pone out I-ddlc Hickius soaked n sizler at I-avan. Johnny caught it on a Hue, tossed the bn'l to setond ami the second baseman shot it to third, ruining 1.11 . un of s' ctttl ri'llrjn; the tlc. A team must be In hard luck If It a Kltiu'tu a triple plat NOVO I SaG t? VAJlFC A J5IAMOND RROOCH OrJ OUR AmMUERSARY AcJE r,Pr,R&E GavjE his prjABt. lueci-fN'-t, You're MAK'pJ6 MISTAKE I'LL. Te?LV- Vba r iri iic-- 1- T7ii.-T-,i .Tin-r it- 5He r TmS IS MV TLDATULATrtUS! DOGSWT VVAMT Mt To I ANNIVCRSAPV- W You GIVIMC-. VUL TAKE kCR.T MOUJ 50 I ( Tsttr WIFE ? ThC THEA-rErR OR ) LOOK HAf?Rf S0METMInj6 ArjVWAV- J JiesL -a ttnk, lS- rJOtErJ ARE ALL AUKf A.BOOT The Same. THtr-JGS-- TAKC Mf ADVICE AMD 5PEOJD A LIT"Tue DOUSH OrJ YcjoR VU1FE- SHS HOPES You will but .Talk 5 lUO "-; - iw -. , rS A All wives say TmP -SAME THIr-l6 But Tnev FeeLt Sore if You Don't QjY A DlAMOrJt) OR nMPTritioG- They AR AWFUL iENOUiuc ABOUT IT -JCJfc fS 0M6 BODV f "" IS ALWAYS ,N 0, ( COM trJ6 ALOMf) Z AUD TAKiajS y, I The vToy outI . ' o Life- yyt QUAKER CIT1 BROWN pro golfer prefers $. c, LOSES TO MITE FAME TO FORTUNE, Frfinkie Bests Preston in Inter racial Bout at Atlantic City Places His (lame nn the Links Far Above All 1 Other Consideration, and This Includes Money NICK HAYES SCORES WIN Mlantic ( it j. .luh I5. defe-ited Ii.irk llrou n when Kinnkie outfought Prc-tnn 111 the interrncml eight rouml feature fracas nt the Sport ing 'liib here last night before ;i npne lt ITflWl! ny riri iii,i. Till" profc-ional golfer, a- such, is ,, n rim. It, l.KOtilf lttmilf-h ItO "' " '" ',,', ,. m 1 ei in- sit 1 pri7o in tne qunii xim ;,..,. h;ri. c fin.i-. u. I.irli. nrm.n mnke- his lneliho.w on t be nk- nn' n , .,,.,' .... , ""' iMMUhnrtgc & ( lotlner base --i ..... iv" riiiiini tn imp .t'v .icrst' MHif .1 the dub shop, his game, not hi- -alary. 1 ,f ,.,,..,.,..,..., tnll,IinraP't oxer m" ,Pam lq ,,rK'Kp'' fnr se,pa Kmf is the matter of -nper importance to ())o jnU of (ip Dra Oo,f r,ib ps Hess Rnght Co. Emergency I'leet. him This cannot be said nfnnj other Ho .ls ,h(. only nno ,)f U. D. Wood, of I'lorence, X. J., and class of athletic profes-,mls Tm.o p( nf 4, s,nrtrli , hrrnk piglltJ- Hethlehem Steel are among tho-e listed ....... ,-.g...i .- ,,..,.- -.-., .. , ....-. ; Hfl pnt romi,i ,p C01,rsp , -r. to play at the AVc-t Philadelphia club's ," ' ' , ,. , , , I going out in .!l!..he returned in .",11 grounds during July nnd August. N. Tor -i roi,d- the Plnlnileli.hi.i ...... ..,' .i'... ,.i,i' r.. i,:i,i "h " ,K'", ""irred his card. paino Iihs liecn clinched as yet for colored ,s delneied n- I, ,,- ,, ",,': ,,'.' ,' .',, ,i" t,J Mai-ton found trouble off the tee Labor Day ,.n,i ,,,,.1 i,.i .1... v.. I-..-,. ,i". i, i,.i ;,.. .,!,., t i,nf it,- on the hfth. while on the twelfth tin Stiawbridgc's has narticinatcd in or ' ti i i t ,i . I cxtia putt wa- neressary befoie ho notlv ton games this season i,,nin -tor -tenmnc fn-t but n, ,l,o n.i ,.. game lie mereh pin- for tbo monev. ! ' ' ", "'"" " season, winning ,.er..l- ,!.,, m, to L , '. Vt not the results nf hi- .. n plav nor that I """" K''' '" v" "'" "mpping three. C. (J. Hudd rnlh -tnrted blond flowing from Pre.'', of bi- Will. The others arc nearly as lnT lr,r( Pr .. fp.v monov I ''"T , I . w Ji"" lIs the! nn-e. r:ii.ed :i hiimn mi the lmn, Imi,i bad i Vnfiiroii,. i, ri, n.,nu ,.hif.ll : nn .way ,fli. score .. . ............. ,,, .,!. ...,.,, -, ...,,.. T ' n n . a,., I. fl.n'.nn. nrtt,,.j-nm. . I. .. , ,-... ... .,.. .!. fldT .,,., I, ...- .,,.- ,,, ,.ir.. ,,.. ...,,. i ,.- -..,.. ,1111' c out no uiiin i mm uown nn" .-,,-,, Max Marstnn W ins Another Golf Medal New rh. July lv Max R Mnrston the -tnr nf the I!al-tu-rol flolf Club nnd the sensa tion of the -ea-on. with his long list of gold medals in club tournaments around the Metropolitan district, ndded hi- sith pri7o in the qimli fving round of the Now .ferspj state golf clriiiipionship tournament oor the link- of the Deal Onlf Club yes terdav He wa- the only one of n field nf HI -tarteis to break eighty. He went nrntind the course in 7." ; going out in .'!!!. .he returned in "! Onh two -ies marred his card. Mill-ton found trouble off the tee on the tifth. while on the twelfth nn oxtia putt wn- neressary befoie he could get bv SEVEN GiES SLATED Strawbridge's Club Has Won Seven Out of Ten Games This Season HAS TWO STAR HURLERS DA Y'S BEST BET FOR .300 BATSMEN JOIN DETROIT OUTFIELD Jennings May Have Trouble Landing Slugging In- fielders, but the Moment a Recruit Enters the Out garden He Starts to Hit IN THR SPORTLIOIIT nT GKANTLAND IUCE rorvrlnht. 1010. Alt rlht Manned Soissons a Year Ago (The First Division .Titly 1S-23, lf18. Casualties. 7.inn Htaqqinrt nn throuah the titurl nnd rain, Through a niaht as black as the. pit of hell, liy a battered field or a broken plain, ' ?; T shattered mad or a shell-sieept lane, Tt'Aero only ahosts of the dead might dwell, i Thru stopped at daien, as the Uaht hrole throuih, Where none had Aitoirti u-here the tray might lead; And then to the final sound each knew Hi had come at lait to the rendetvous To test the tout of a finhtiiig breed. Over they irent ichere the gaunt teoodi tp'oke With the voice of death where the shrapnel sprayed ; On their ieay thrauqh the flame and smoke Where even the grim Moroccans broke, Leaving a deadly enfilade. Rack home they come in endless flaw By iqttad nnd regiment and yet There's many n douqhboy from that show. Only a drifting year aqo. Who never anaui will rare to know If you remember or forget. Taps for their ghosti where the lost winds blow ' There are still a few who recall the debt. I Concerning Observation i rpnETlE Is still the low murmur of an argument here and there, even this far L along, as to how many times Mr. Dempsey dropped Mr. AVillard, using a right or left hook for this nnnoving purpose. j Which is another reminder as to how often four or five or fifty people, testing in the same ioinity. will observe nn episode in varying aspects. I A few years ago a play came up at first base in a world scries between the ( Giants and Athletics. We saw it one way. The critic at our right saw it an other. AVe appealed to the ob-onor nt our right and he aid we both were 1 either crazy or blind thnt it happened in -till nnother fashion. In order to solve the im-tery we hunted up the cnacher nt first base aud got his version, which proved that all three of us had been wrong. Two hours later we ran into 1'rod Mcrkle. who made the play, and his testimony dis iiualified the cnacher ns a correct observer. And the next morning on the wny to Philadelphia the base-runner dls ngieed with Mcrkle. OF THE sir people iiunlrcd, .; ho sail- or trcre the play, no two agreed oicr the complete route. How to Bat .300 TO ANT ambitious young ball player who desires to bat .300 we have a sure nnd certain tip. (Jot n job as a Detroit outfielder. Hnghey .lennings may have trouble getting pitchers who can pitch or in fielders who can hit .L'L'0. but the day a man steps into his outfield he becomes a .300 hitter without any further trouble. When the half-mile post was passed, Cobb, Veach and Flagstead were flutteiing between .340 and .300. And in the offing there was Chic Shorten above ..'l.T, , COnii. Ciatifntd, Jonc. Veach. Ueiltnnn. Flagstead, Shorten when one dmpped nut some one ehe oroic to take his place with the old .300 qlim. IT TOOK Connie Mack five years, from lf)0." tn 1010. to rebuild a pennant winning machine. Pio years have elapsed now since he started rebuilding for the second time. To judge from the Standing of the Clubs he still has more than two or three weeks to go before reaching his goal. Still, building ma terial i- said to have been a tiih"e scarce the last few months. Always When you've tal.rn the third and final wrench. It's a long, long hike from thr plate to the bench. right eve and won out bv a safe or, in the second meeting of the clubs the S. A- C. won. 1'J-ll margin inn of the omintrv s leading coving that wont with victory. Hut it i- u , ,. " '-"ll- ft- "u" Inat " s "" mPr nn" anout torgotten, comments an exchange, Ilobhv Itiiiiim- toii bed a winnei in w ritei-. we are led to believe thnt .to -nf,, hot that he would have paid that '. .s !'rpo1"' bump came on June '2'2. I J-N "what chance did Willard over hate at thirty -eight years?" one of the nther eight-round contests Willard went into tbo ring nt Toledo, ni lount out of bis own pocket rather i J5'inp Chocolate beating them. On July As for the thirty -eight years. Kitzsimmons was precisely that age when when I.en Kiev IninK nf Milwaukee nn .lulv 4. fnr SI 00 000 not to defend tinn tnc failed to accomplish what he i ",p !' T). Wood team, champions of1 he knocked out Tom Sharkey in two rounds. And he was forty when he cut showed to advantage nvir Jim Hooker hi- title nor to demonstrate hi- ability did when he broke the cour-o lecord w itb 'he Delaware River league, edged out .lint Jeffries'- faio to pieces for srvon rounds, before his freckled fists caved a negro The .nlored dottier wont off n a boer lie went in in n -onii- a t7. one -troko below (111 Nicbolls's . Strnv bridge for its third loss of thelin thiough their final affair, into thi lead oarlv in the tmitdi. but trained londition nnd came nut in a nark made fnur years ago. I year. ,",-4. I I.en got his right hand working in the mi conscious rnio- but he had the, Karnes. In the way. made a much ! Manager Trtiitt's nrntcrcs' ,unri.J XTOKMAN P.ROOKES is no south, but for all that he can -till look after and wa- a unanimous 100.000 nnd tint was what be sought finer showing at Shawnee than wa- ex arP ., pnmn rv.. ,, n. i. ,.,,. ,,, 1 i.j, ,,,, sorvins:. ln-t few roimd- two nifty hurlers in boy, and Mojer, a new pitcher from ' Ko.xhorough. Karn-hnw has dropped only one game thi- year. Mi- wmk on the mound fnr Straw bridge is bring i ing Trtiitt's team into fame. v",t,lr , . ,. t, ,, ,. . .p.cleil. Hi. is n.mittciiy tne great c-t ri.inkatoe. 11-1; Merchants' Ship, o ." Victor Kite hie. of New Yoik. and u ,0 ootball f oaches imit(b pl.ivrr in the I'nited State- and r; f; nntltl, 12-11 and Mnr-h-ill 1 Willie Conlon. nf St Louis, met in a It might be argued that the high- high among the medali-t-. but his K'i'p Smith, 12 0.' r, turn eight round mati li ami a- m -atarieu tootnnii ooaen mink- more ot un- year nan noon uei mcuiv on in- , . . , , .... -i .,..... i. . . i. ... : ... .1... . ...,..., ., 1 ....... la-t week - meeting, tne vnungM.r- in- team - snowing man me monev no -hovwiik ri no'i..n m.iu .nii-m m i.i.i.-i ....:.,, i . ., e .. , i ., r .. -...i;.. -1. 't... : 1, f 10 1 'I ..... ,.nPr .l,.,M.nnlinr, ,,nl " IiM '.II IIIO'I i 1 '-.I'M 'mil 'i i"i r.- - i-- ., .-ni ..i.. ..,, ,....,,.. .... .,ii,i ....- i- . -.. - , liOOrPie K.irtlS HIU' tlin f'(r,n S,.l, 1 ...... . . u... ...... i. . -v. i i..i ., !...,.. i.. t.. I.i. fpiomls. Tbev bad becnu to fear , ' mrR" r-artisunvv . the t.eoige School Ilt'll lit I'n lill'lll'"' (mil" in ' ill I ii 'I ''iKiiiiit ii ii in ui'i-i iii-miii , mil - " more -team and he punched oftenor, the football coach ."inimt be rated a- Hint he hud -lipped to a point fiom entitling him to n -nnile. Coulon I- a nn oiit-nnd-out iirnfe innnl. because which he would not be able to recover rugged mauler and keeps walloping mo-t of tho-e who school college elevens According to K.irno-'- own suite 'with both hand- continually. do it a- a -ide iue and do not make meut. the Shawnee cour-o has ni Referee Slim Krennan stopped the their living at it ways been a hard one for him. piirtic Junta v Kurke-Mnrty ( Nick I Hayes I'or instance, l'ercv Maughton did not ' ularly the eleventh hole. Hut lie do match in the second round to save depend on hi-salart, a- Harvard-- coach j tormined thi- year thnt he would over the former fiom an unnecessary lacing to make n living Neither did flenrge rome evcrv hazard they had in -took. He wa- no match fnr Hayes. Kiooko tit Penn. nor doe- Rob Polwell. and he did. Hi- play was the acme 1 Austin Dnughortv. Philadelphia the present tutor of the Red and Klue I nf physical perfection and nerve In sportsman, took n night off from Wil fllenn S Warner, of Pitt, and Holding ' his Inst round of 07 he displayed :i Ion firove and watdied the bout- from Yost, of Michigan, are exceptions, but brand of golf thnt was unbeatable Ho the iing-ide. seated next to Conimi- we are not speaking of exceptions. I drove, a- usunl. like a catapult , on his i sinner John S. Smith, of this city Many golf clubs have trouble bei a us.. I approach shots he laid the ball -c) near A bout which was not on the pro their professionals prefer to compete in ' the pin that lie had inanv oppoituiiitie- i gram on-ueil outside the ring during tournaments rnther than earn monev I for birds, and his putting was -o -lire the wind-up and it waged fist and ' making clubs. Rut therr is nothing the that ho made the majoritv of the po furious for several rounds. Al T.ippe golf pro likes better than to teach the tontial biids. look offense because n newspaper man game, provided a tournament is not on , n(Tnpr , f;om, Korm wa- rooting tor one ot tne contestants. iv tenoning no '" """ - lu k"1 '" , , "... . t :n..n'D rthtni. t ...... tut tnrnnlp nnstirne. hut be i- becoming 'w"ns the winner of the verbal ntt'ack bv more proficient himself, because teaching Hoffner the professional a margin of 200 ou- words Live of caddies oft icmind 'em Ilotr oic duffers, when they skid, hi depattinq leave behind 'em All the blame upon the kid, OCR motto for a 1010 woild series is any two clubs that never have been in one yet. The list shows the New York Ynnk. Cleveland. St. Louis (both dubs). Cincinnati. Washington a matter of six clubs. Think of the notable cla-h involved in case Ci) 'innati and Washington ever met. Big Removal Sale Considering the fact that Charley t the Phil if is la-,-, tnrhinir .invthinz else, the mont club, has had sm li little experi nitre one does it the better equipped j once compared with such veteran- a-, lie becomes both in knowledge and exe- I Karnes. Nichnlls and other lending pro-. (.uton lu- piny ing this season has been re Kverv pro is pioud of the man that he markable and reflects great credit upon tiurpt I. I N?tun in.- iiioK,tu,,v ann brjpg- forward trom uununm to a nign- mm. in- -iuo mm i iuhi'i. i.uia CnoprMown teams .rill i - pla.-d tomnr . rflni,;n!r I Charlev plnvod fine golf at Krae reu Th define of ih mirips for th- grane rnnKing. ... . i ""; . . . Point Juriith Polo i tub lourn.iment Xjr- ,t the open tournament nein over tne isum in ine uiiiioniii open imn in Xln.ln -,, . ,. n. In.,ln, ,,,.,1 XV. ilnos- i s!l,.,,t ,,oo l.n tm.-hcfl tlftll. 1 lose to toll. fllHWU.C I HUI -'I J I, -!,, ...... ..-..u- ...ti. , .... --- - ,-i hiin were Karnes, Ilrauy, .Mi noils and French. This showing is particularly fine when it is considered that Hoffner. , along with his two other brothers, was' in the -ervice and has reallv not been j bark long enough to get bnck to his i at Jolinnv BurnB l amhrla A c thin, .lw Fox In rtoins hl. tralnmir t th ", , .,... , ,,,, ... vfnln when Johnnv Mfdlov the hero of nhore for hm Important claim with jnhnuv oi lime, unu m""i " ". " u.-imi- i Polo Final Tomorrow t N Aork. Julv IS Th final vnt for l.i-l nMii,um vtiin.lnir Club i tir re,lr- racaivftt Pier n I "ill from Jutv IS to Iut J.I SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS Prior to our removal to our new store at 1617 Chestnut Street, we have decided to clear our entire stock of fine woolens. We will not carry any of our present stock to our new store, therefore we have shattered former values and give you your un restricted choice of r00 patterns made to your own tastes and strictly tailored to meet your every requirement. Come see for yourself the high quality materials. Th fUttr frattrnttr htfn tn Konslns-1 for hln rhvuld twMv-rnuwl tmi to a i ton tonight decision uith Johnny DunUr tn Iioton I Mondaj night IJjchtwrljcht will rlH5h in th main fra RICE, in hn ititrothirtnry, nho inys thf ancient nnd honorable sport irtll no btfj from otr on. Tilden Playing Wonderful Tennis This Season THAT William T. Tildrn's sensational weird lat hrasnn that of Iodine only ono match during the ontirr oar was not a morn flah in tho pan !h Rtronglj shown b. tho gront plnjinc nf tho tall reproontative of tho Gor mantowu Criekot Club thus far thin soa.on Since that mnninrablo ho-sot virtorj oor Vincont Riohard, tho ;ixtoon-ycar-old wondor, on Wun;imakor' roof lato lat winter. Tildon has defeated the bent plajor of this tmintrj. Hi record shows two victories over H Morris William. li)14 and 101 1 champion, ono over H. Lindlej Murray, tho I01S titloholdor. nnd William M Jnltnstnn. tlie 1015 winner. In addition, Tilden has triumphed mor counties' other htarn. OunnlRM n utabl takn on Jark Ktlbano at th T'hilltea Parte on th. ntjrht j j 0ff,iPr rapture the national open he rwent Benfdtlon from HHiahMh nf July 'JS Kilbane will linger in h ' " , J1' -i tnb. I,i nrnnnr nlnw nmLw pcnrdln(r to rromntr Hurnf. Ward land v hn h will clone hop nt honr- and nnd ho Will take his piOpCT place amODR th b'st JrFe prop t uiKOred ln'had for this nty Johnn wants at Iphpi 4t.f, 0r,.t 0f (his country S Rf)lf profes i rn worn iipbi uif Mrn oi . , 1 Tlobbr 1 Ward t X J A the truggl Jnhnnj ahna arrives erl I Monol i when prtparlng for a blc tight ' Johnnt Morgan, another Knt.lnrtnn faor- " It u III K tn in ini I nihrlj uaml. - wlnilup. opTKifcfd to Kid Diamond TUj. rromolrr Jamrft f. Doughfrts will pr 0"Malle Johnnv Mf-al- n brother will aent Jamaica Kid the colored flaFh who r exhibit tn the third fra uith Johnn i helped prepare Dempsey for th W Hard ' Dugan Toung Diamond mta Artie fracaa against Kid Norfolk another tolored ti'lirv and Birhmond Mike Olhbono tak a septatlon in the openalr mlwtnd-up ( rti on Young Plnke In th- tlrl iwo battles Delaney takes on Joe Welsh In the third on the program I bout Max Williamson engages nettling I l Lrnnard and Willie Hannon meets White I ...i. - , t m x. ritrM in the ftret two bouts. 1 A pair of slashing fhwelghiP will do the battling ftt in .-uuonai on .wnoaj nignt when Patsy Wallace and Max Willlamaon rlash Wallace and Williamson came to gther at the shore a few weeks ago and put on a thrilling number Thev hae m t only t I' e but both titles were thrillers From unofflrlol sourrea comes the report that another open-air ahow will be staged at Khlbe Park nn August 4 It now begin to look like weekly open-air shows w 111 bi staged It In also said that another pro gram Is In the making for the Phils Park on August 11 OVER 12,000.000 SOLD LEARN TO SWIM ..... PLAIN II $5E2 AYVAD MA"HOF'C.CO,Hobotan,Ni Annoimrrr. Mihmiik,r Prot.iolfr in4 iw Tfndlir and Hob FHnstfln Mpect to , Director Joe Orlffo will pro.nt ittiil nt w. within a trv, da for a motor trip Stiniter and Jlmm Mnlo In the National to the Catklll Lew Jut purchased a I .eml-wlndup Mendo 1, a prom! -s mem- . high-powered Lar lie plann lo le the ber of the Hlndln-hdwarda tombine Jo; machine a real trsout on the journej to the Horn and Youn NVI.on meet In the third , m0untalni. ,fray The other boutu follow Willie Ifick ... n joe Blinaer unu .joiinny huui a .s juv Durty I . Frank Toth, the all-around apnrtaman. who turned motle actor for a day when ao journlnir at Port Indian, waa host to a nartv Joe. Tlnllti'a Injured rlht hand la re-1 of athletes at a birthday party at the apondlnc lo treatment Th k o. conqueror Hon laat night Frank ha picked two nf (leorire Chaney hurt hla right thumb I winners of late- Leonard to beat Dundee inv the nrst rnurttl when he nallefi t.'naneyiann iempeey to crusn wiuara, tte now ml ihe Jaw Tirlttz la completinz ni worn i cornea ronn wiin uic-vintomisuon mat Kll M.U Iiua.aouluA JIA u tfrieo B iiciuta otuwiw vans wiu aivp ua. i NATIONAL LEAGUE PARK TIIDW AT 3.80 I'. M. PHILLIES vs. ST. LOUIS mt at dlmbels' nnd Sualdlngt' Phila. JACK O'BRIEN'S $-1 C 81'F.CIAI. SITSIJIKB rolIBSK A O Head Vellow re 231 I'hone Hook g. K. COR. 15TH AM rilKSTN'UT HT8 CASIIiniA OTKN AIR ARENA llurns 4 l'rrnej, Mrr. Fkil. ATe. . Cambria at. . Ktenlng. July lath JACK HAIIII Tf. JOHNNV HKALEY four Olber Cractexjack Uoutar TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE 30, $32.50, $35 and $37.50 Value UITS $20 3-PIECE STRICTLY CUSTOM TAILORED Picture in jour own mind u suit of choice design and expertly made at such a ridiculously low price; it's almost unthinkable. Picture yourself in one of these custom-tailored suits that will be made, to fulfill your every desire picture how it will stand out as a brilliant gem amidst a collection of counterfeits as compared to a ready-made suit that's made for everybody and nobody in particular then you hne an Adanw btrictly custom-built suit that guarantees an absolute fit. We Expect a Big Rush on This Sale And in consideration of this phenomenal value all He ask nf you is to allow us two weeks to give us ample time lo finish your suit to jour entire satisfaction. Don't hesitate COME IN AS SOON AS YOU RKAI) THIS 1'OIt BEST CHOICE. t Cija& &bam Co; 114 s. nth st. Merchant Tailors w t V I , .-,.1.1 I . . i , tvy WrWi's I...-IS5. ,.m$t,.u:KJs, i, . s c J