Newspaper Page Text
SKTTOFfiT '"' ? Tjr'Ttf. wvr,-1 Sras" ".o n. '-.,.. vw ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919 15 . BREAKING PHILLIES IS LIKE TRYING TO BREAK BROKEN WINDOW PANE GAVVY WILL MAKE OR BREAK PHILS RICKEY Cravath an Aggressive Man ager Who Wont Mark Time, Says Boss of St. Looie Cards PRAISES G. PAULETTE" Jack Dempsey Greatest Fighter iirliing Richard Nph nrU, .liih IS ''llicrp Imi t n tiiim in the umlil tnelm who mu link Drtnp'iM in n tiRlit, tin ninltii ulint tlii iliirntiein, ' ilr i laroil Ti v Kit Kuril nl the ltiltiiKirr lnt iiIrIiI Itieltnrel niriinl rstrr dm In imnpnin with hi litiitip pnrtnri, I'rnnK rinimie-N of Mem phis, '(Villi Trx unxril rntliiliiitic chcm tho nrw ilminplon "7- m r.nwiv .i. pollock rmwtirs n.iFrono cuavath is cither coins: to mnki or lircnk tho FlilN. in tho opinion of Urnnrh Klrkrr tho lmss nf ttic St T.nuis Cnrels who will Iip with us nml nc'ln us until Stitielni AVhrn Mr Prnvnth took rhnrRn of onr (lowntroddon downhearted nnd down hill Plnls tlipi were in sui h n splendid Mnte of bwlnll condition thnt thev rouldn't he hroKen TrMiiR to hreik the riiiln would l.iuo lieen like trvinc to break n hroken window pnne With thnt pmt of Mi Ituker'n opinion elim innted. f'hnrles Clifford will make the Phils "I don't know nnrtliing nbout Crn Mith'i kiinwleilco nf hnsebnll ns it should be known In n maunder." siid Kicker, "but, of eniirsp, I boliee he knows the cntne What I mean to fiu is thnt I can't vpcnk of his knowledge of base ball from pei'.onnl eiienenre "However. 1 will sin this He's not Koine to mnrk time while he's mnnnginK the tluh He's Pitlioi poinc to rnnstrm t or desti net And from the wa the tenm hns been coins there un'l he much .In..,.. ...,.., ,'-...... I. I .! . . . "ml ..v-.. ....... ... ,...wiwi ms nemonsirnteii eternn of ninin imikir. incuts ..n tin to me ilrciih that he is nn nRRiesslve Riiduon diamond nnd m tin . nKe took nnmgpr He knows whnt he wants nnd n dm off nnd ntVndeil the 1 1. k t goes nfter it. mntih between the Ceimantown CJavvj AsirrrssUp Cricket Club and .N.w nrk on the c , s- , , , , I Minlipnn Cmiisp S A.N e,ample of his aBRres,iveness. Thp Mrnt0RV PIllpl,P(I , ,,, ,.,, he tnme to me in the lobhv of n adelphia team in ipste rein's mat.h hotel In N'ew ork, nnd without nn I u'" ""' ""' mel ,l"" mines fiom deep pidinnnnn lend or wnbte of words siid, ''"""'l.' nnd planning hefnrrlinml. but 'You hiue two bill plners r want' "m nl,nli '" put into use ns i last Who will u tnke for them"'' You """,,, llft" 'he iiftuil Imtlle has be would lune tlioiiRht he was John Me Klm (!rnw the wn he went ifter n.e A.,,l The Pint he cot tl,P Pbn-rs llt , , p ,, , He lint onh Rot the men he wintcd. will be better to let the imdeis , on' ,'"n,In"- ''' Is ..... ... h... i.m, ,.ni, nn nnipia ,.f tl, ..... .. i '" nn' mm .it e Theie were sep, ,1 , I, ,1 nfter I'nuhtte. items f t. ,,! but he didn t ht in with me Per the Cricket Club and . wn, I n. running the Cuds Hek Miller plmme a clouding mat, h Id tint I ii,. I ,.t ..I... . T i. . ... .... .,...., ... ., ,,,,- , ,u ,u m,t ,lx ,.,,, ( ump, titton. in whiili ,, , . . I Ipikup ihnnipi.iuship was nt stake Paillette is n sensational plnver n bail, in HIT , ,l,k be Ho . in h. Id Kii.und balls nniwhore, is rnme nternmbitiuiis and piillnl tho mil; on linns nnii lie lias n won uneM.ortPil l. tho ll..',fn. LOCAL CRICKETERS i Deep Strategy of Germantown Eleven Shattered by Wonder ful Batting of New Yorker TEAMS TIED FOR PENNANT hy itoiti:itT r pi r. Old Man StrntPK. who has won I , more battles thnn tho host bisi,iiinn ever onn hojie to iplate. -lpiinnl ml nn unfamilinr iop Mstudnv and ai.miisi won n (i-iikit mu t li 'Ihe WORLD'S MARK SET IN HOUR PACE RACE I'p'tn-Minutc Marin of Leading Batters t mpue Charles Rigler Sees Frank Cony Take Danger- "'in ojs Spill W hen 1 outhful Chapman Cox ers 44 Miles 7.7 Yards to If in Brassard Trophy it .inir.s s cutoLW TKIN M I I M K . I laier liih (I II II (rstnih I'hlln HI IHI 11 ;.fr iimokiTn r.n int si Inline Nnu nrl. OK .'13 in lni Phil 4 ll 38 'nr M IhiiiIm iH HI IH MI UK N 1 I1M.1 K , I Inter I lull O III A iHiksoii (hlmiti, 111 JRl 41 1 ohh, llrlrnll (in 117 41 Wnrh. Ih-trnlt 14 ; 41 llirstrml Unroll M 151 31 rrckinminih n nn n ,11 r ! 114 141 111 3311 in 1 r I 113 14A 111 111, 110 jDs s , ,niIRll Bnmp , , ,,,, ,,,,, frnm tho n( v(nii n( Bingles and Buneles 111111, bird ciap and lne been ""'" ben ten off Clinpman neier let I ! " man, stn minus encKRements uown He whirled and whirled nwnv (tnined first another lap on Lawrence through J.". I .n nn. rend, ,0 hind i, ,0 these n,en aniuh. on ,' ZrZS V ui'.i.uii 111. is. in- I. nun was tin. nn won ler I p seen 1 pi ord drixes 1 n 1 fiKlit nasi nail u tut 1 ,. spph iiwi kincs 11, ,t Hllh Ihe Jnr snnr unit elher Imllnd of Ini bnrronni rnnnrd ' ,, hUprred Hie Kin Mltli the hroun clerlit, I riles It won t l.p liCnp. h. .11 i,.L.n .....L.. .1. ... "lie tn ghe linn n ronshlrrrcl n , ft unnt ' iiMn; Ibis little Itrltivli bnvi'i w.ts gilcn the ilccislnii nrr Mnine list itlclit in I iiiidiin ,i( the etui of a sclirilulecl twonh roiinil bout. The photograph Rles in ich.i uf Wilde's ilimliiiitUeness Mnnrc ueiRlieil in it till wliile Wilde onh tipped the beam at in.:, fourteen pounds llRlitcr lb. in the bc lie (iiuipiprril. tl.f, ,t I. Cml .... . .....I . -. shallot minks , .,.. l,nK the bases but Cnrmm HrMrtui.ll, went Mend' for rndiinitii. Knmeness nnd unlimiteil aftei llftv minutes. ,1 , ns ,1..,. minis. I hand it m knights of that the e,er weakening ( hapmnn be the ,,n bo,, I I Ran to gln lap nfter lap At the I lumps lliglci shrugged bis huge ( liiipmnn n sii nps in front of Cur shiiiibliis ,n witocl inn, nl lu nfissne mini, who took sec nnd pirn e ,tw fuimo and Imf, , toward the exits ion, o was thinl anil Curr, fourth lln laik liempso, nf Preside nt lohn Madonnn wis forced to withdraw in the Heelers Nan uuil l.mguo iimpiiuiil twent, fnurtli mile when Ins pm or ld st iff Ind 111-I witness. .In rei nrd break dn Knot , pterin six da, ruler, do nig mot, 11 puo nn o nt the Point ,olnpod motor trouble 111, P7P ,,,nme , whuh CPinge '1 ho large crowd r.i o,p, a real thrill I I1.IPI.H11 h, bttlianl Newark ,o.h 0,lr , ,,0 rn, ,,,, vnU" shall, 10,1 the o,lds mark for n on. the rate of fort, miles l,llr ,,,, '""" s ,'" lllllli Hired his front llro ll . .... C. ....... . ..! ... ....!. ... . " ' ' ."k'iiiiiiim 1. mi, 1, .in ..mi's ,K gh Mlc ,, ( ,ip tr)p s. ..1.1, n,o ,iius wan 11 is one time nh,, vxll,,, ,,,,,,,,1 , .. 1 . s, ,,,, ,,. ,s n. iTcr iiinn 1110 ,rp,.,I tn tin bnttnm of tho tru her old tn 11k for i six la), trail, oils bank with a crash W niter 1 rnessrr Is as s-rijitntn 1 tn In. Inff hts nsmi splIM wrnnif hs s tr , r 1 - 10 n kN Th- irus , f 1 , s nr bnir) lw, ,i rn"n5 ,, Tr . 1 Ih ,1 J n iln 1 11 1 II' Irfl In, I rvrft m.r ew hill C n I U hit' Snr irirrrfny llmfr .iHrnh rot l hnmns of thr I hlls Th it In the Mnttn,rs sni Ia rU His and he loTrn nnlnix rnciRrtnnt ,m on ,f th mnt irf .t MitRH her 11 a inc " I it i i,r"ni mnjnrlt, nf Ph Hie rns 1 il I "lie, II I ml, I ,rr, Html! n 1 r . f fin.tirs ,re in iittenian, f I lln, nl brnkr Intn hn,ehn , iMlfli n ,e, iC-prn ,f I er 'tl Ilr II hilr So. hnrfr, f Mr , Uiif Cn.i I red rlinmss U l.eslnnlnr In lift his he,,) u hit In the nntllni: ntrrHie. lie hud a pulr of eincles eslepilitr off Slm ,Tf 15th MKilP and Jr B. Chestnut JF jdty mi fmj jtsr HiW 1 ' " " f Mr jmr m j& - w EWINS.BUT WILDE GETSJDECISION Foul Tactics of American De cides Bout in Favor of Game Briton .VICTOR IS HUlor Impiessed Con, Injured Ihe ussi,e Higler was impressed I t n 1 , was bndl, burned about tho li ft I argi I hubs ,.. king. 011.0 tho ..ppns log his loft , m n bruised nnd his nig ti inns inki the iliinioiul. hut he was loft in, ,,n, IPrtPI iPn. s niit'.il to b -l inero spoctitor whon that ho ga,, ,1 real exhibition of game tlusi suns nf ih. ih, pice stni tod their iuss HP nrose slow!,, called for nn "' ' 1 tin 1 wheel, nnd despite the reiiuosits ,.,, , . , , ,. ... ,. , f n t .1 ...... thick I.Kndll tin. I three mitnuts for the Ma-si,. ( luirlos wns at the starting ,r"ni onn mis 1111 the inside nf the track Hhlie nx nt first hise nlille lM I tidrrus Inn 111 tin start mil bo was at tin " lnkp rest, ho got on his new bike hnl n.eiii, one for the Phils stilting line nt tbe tinish Hi s ""'I 1. sinned the grind ti,o stiu tidois start, and he saw four It was annnniu oil thnt Cirnnn nml stai tuliis imisli II,. saw tho human ' hiipman would moot Con, and I.iw liullil l.".iigi I hnpman sot a pine teme in a team milt, h mntorpac ed nu 1 1 111 111 killing pine fmiii thp lirst shut "' the I'lndrnme tomnrrow night 'Ibis will no tin lust ran of it kind st igoil bete 'Ibis ns the third ennsecntno ,utor, I for I1111111, lliinlei in n Itrassard tnotnr piml rui The Timers cot s man, rim si I t M h p iiU cell for tho lleimh sprln UK Ml it, ml the A s fumlling .nilu, c e ie Pn ilrtlr , toe III er hll ,Cor, , ., n, 'n hr, He rnU'Ctril (tin ,,yle, o ,n" . o, 'oMx-rf o' loct-er . he. tin.. n 1 r ei ,e,i "or 1 nl 'op nl Its yro imtrr I tit first I tut In .!1 tl-Mt til proven' trip of ih , s in the , eel has 1 een nn, letter ih.r t'li, flrft one The, hn,e troppen" n'ne it f el r tho mii re. or I mil on the (nut 1 s ni Ibis Sinn, iliimoud 1 lnof saw Pi nnk Cm t , dn 1 lull spm down tho sulo nf tin 111 in In inns bink that soi mod tn sn II ill ilh nr s, 1 inns in mi , t the rub 1 EXHAUSTED r"- "" mtnisted mlntcr snw the fill, 11 ,,ilis niisi ihango win 1 N and spooil nn in thnsi nf the Hooting peel lllsls I rn rn is' I ! nt; ' tl 'rr il,- r 1 nt I'rmtlk ntitl Ih' TCMe Sor he I ' o,f 1 e ,, anm's tf e, rry inirinr 1 1 t'l 'I , I10 rn t I 1 fit ,;oi,,f n'tit i o,t be n loci, nf loennnr. I. lie. tlirnes pltrhed nnd hit his unt to 11 rlctor, oier tho ( nl.s llo nlloccsl the ( hi enimi, nnl, four hlncles nnd hIsii drn,f In the cinnlnc run with slnicle nnd whit not i 1 ill lutnwn 1 en k w 01 e in tho still although onh h nnd P11I Miiiiip s doe lsinn m 01 tin Ilium, lido wns it Ittitnn todn ih spe mil g inienoss fulling gn,o him tho Mi mphis lad nt tin 1 Indians Sell Two Pitchers 11 dcrfnl nun Itut bo's a first biseman nnd not an niittlpldcr. nltlinusli lie can pin, the euitliold In fmt, he inn pin, almost an, position will, hut bo's bpst nt fust "Meadows is a Rood pitcher nnd I think In II help Cm, nth He's been in and nut this scuspn mosth nut Still, he II , nun' 111 011 tic! "Another thing- (invath ninile nn nustnke 111 getting Tragrpsspr If I had known I was going to trade Stmloi to the CJinnts I wniild bn,o 1 lnimed Trn grosser too Uf is n 1 racl 11 pick cati hoi Alnad, Cn,ath has taken ennsti in ti,e ptops " Wooilnnrd Trade Lilp RU'KI'Y sn,s ho bis nn dolls pond nig, but Iip is keeping his o,ps npon lie Is on the lookout for nnntlii r tntilioi. now tint Smder his gone to the (Iiniits nnd intiinntnl that a tnde for anothoi hukstnp wns likel, lf eniph itiinll, iloninl the lopnit tint Wood,, uel bad bilked on joining tho Cicids and st itod thnt Pi ink would be with tho dub todav, tend, to pitch this afternoon's battle against the Phils Itoth Wood,, aid nnd Jambs 10 ported tn their now boss m New nrk Tho mil, request W'oodwaid hud was thnt ho bo nllowod tn go tn his horn. In New Hn,en for n few dnvs. He complained of n cold .mil his tiqmst x, ns Rrnnted Askrd if Iip intpiidpil to trndo W'oodwnrd tn tlie (limits, as rumor has it, Ituke, stated that lie had no trades pending. Ho did not denv the report. Hail Leo Meadows LEIi SIKADOW'S, thp bpsppc tailed addition to Crnxatli's hurling staff, carried out Illckcj's prediction tdiortl, nfter the Card boss spoke. I.ce pitched Krent ball for tho Phils ,, esterdii, nftcr noon and beat his former tenm mates nnd miner Jacobs in tel,e ton id Innings bv 1 0 It wns the s-ciond straight win foi tho Craxntliinn" The gnme wns unique in man, wn,s, First, it wns the best pitchers' dual here this seison, and. secnn.ll, , n triple pin,, the hrst seen here in so, einl sen sons, wns expiutPil iiRaiiist the Phils Meadows allow ed onlj four hits din ing the dozen finines, and he fanned right. Jncobs was touched for seven, two of which cnnie in the final round and two in the second. W'hitted was tho onlv Phil who lilt Jambs effectnel,, nnd it wns Cuptniti (inwgp's hnt thnt drove in the winning run 111 the twelfth, (ieotge hnd a double and a pair of singles. (up innti lies Ibis was the In st tutu in the histcn, nf tho contests that am 1 lub but one uf this 1 it, hail won the title and miulo tin loin I pin, us mi pi cod that the, snlemnl, ,n,d ,cn geinio and piminseil tn ng.iin tho lost 1 ,1PI c nun pi 1 stiiiiimn nisi mgiit I MllCllc null eillltl I tin I'ritisb 11, wnijit 1 h nnpinn but lipeiteill, striuk li mi with open gin, is llofono Cm 11 cailtiiining bun 111 the trull. '1 Ins cost hnii tho , nt, it, 1 ho ,onliit went tn Wilde' on points lu tin hist lic luiiuds U 1 1 els ,, is binding nl the month and nose but ho linn 1111 anil fun oil tlie light though Mnnio I iiuleil fieel, Monro's In s loituds woio the six honni of Phil uh Iplu 1 and of the Walla Wnllu Club Hue to the entinuce nf Ibis ciuintr. In the gigintic win tin Halifix Cup 111 iti lies we 10 nut phi, oil last ,ein Mut this sc iisnn the, were losiimed nml (lirminlnwii with nu all slai lino up was puked to biiug hut I, the I lost honors to Phil ub Ipln i II, ci j thing Wcirhed Well Pier, tiling w.nt as oxpoiled and when tho tonus tnok the iieiso istei dn, the Miinlu 1 111 cl,,en hid ti inoid nt six c oiisi c utio 11t011es while Now ork had won h,c and lost one to lierninntii,, n ,ulni, for (liimnii town wniild ri,c the Munheini team f rt lit ti uuil s. 1 nt. . 11I h whin ho will lop. .1 tin I'ritislur all n, 11 Ihe ling Wildo 1 .tine link in tho twentieth icnnil si,,ing 1 hurst nt sp,,, nnd t iking the 1.IT1 i.snc Wilde miss, d fie iliientl, in tin last few mumls mil lift the ling lie nl, ixhinstoel Mn.ui wis fairl, fiosh 'Ihe Aineiinn tried dosp, rntelv tn ward the end nf tin limit to knui I, out his ngile opponent but Wild, muled 1. 1 m 'si, on thoiisTiid pel sons snw thi light which mi lulled nun h b boxing (ii'iicinl Poishnig was giietnl with loud chiots whin ho end toil the stn ilium 'Ihe Piniienf W llisnnd Pi line Ills Pirst st nt (bsoniug ( Inrlos wis not the nnl, erne who witnessed the thrilling number Mon thin l(l t other enthusiasts tn ik a 1 ham 1 nn the w. ither last night tn li'.iin it lust hind tho winnei nf the 111 issnil tlnph, nu. '1 ho, snw 1 bo,, in Ins tu s si nt m 1 1 ,, li 1 lissie , w ilk iw n with the prize ( li ipnnn was the long shot in Ibis line I 11 man I aw rem o Corn and M iileitin 1 ill wore fiixorecl n,cr the ,nu lb w ho is si 1 ing his tn -st , e ir 111 the pin 1 following game t hapmaii's stock hn o, or, took a big lump when it was' iiinuiiiiinl thnt ho hid drawn Jimm, 1 lluntei fot pat or '1 In ' I id ' ruler got nwnj to i be 111 I tlflll still pn keel lip his pit or quick!, and wns the Hist In get going on ' high " In the lirst two nubs ho hid hipped I Miidnuiia Con, and Lawrence Car I man battled him h ml for fifteen miles whin ho woikeiiPil nml iIip ,011th shot plist 1 I., pi, 1 h illenge mil the, 1 nine fie xtllunnkee lul, nn I I tt f th 1 o I asel nil e mi hi, XIII , luk m 1 ,t s Pil.hers fnniann lpUiiI Xiu rltnn Ie-,irje b en 1 tr hns, 1 , th XthO I ill. ti c lub the Ilr ns ent s ,eneen innlnss t 'h Unk, It a sltnot I !arK when Ilr ,1 s pp. I Bacharach Start Winning Mlllillle 1 tv tsrhe I1h h n h ., til f tUnti lit, .uf lissel xtlll, lu h r .1 Hi , nnine? h, ", t Tit I'rt o n.,o list n'sl'rdnu nllhntinh tl 'tl Itivro ofy , ' DOM, 7 1 ry 1 'nt thr Imljr s hit , ete lenfr hj thr nltninl t t ,,i ,i Tltr shoe, pot.r ,n 'iff sb trgh ult I rrstiltrtl in n ti s for Unren, mice bo I r 1 I , ,1001,1 Our Plllls lire huek In tie 100 elnss o not In hdttlnK but In lnnlnR nnd InslnK &Zl'XVJ7 SMTM. -iT k tM8$&E2EBS& BBB-MOMH,, AVb.bto.Tiu BY GETTING YOUR 4r to a r SUMMER SUIT DIRECT FROM OUR $14-5?0$25 Thousands of thrifty men have 40 6tk learned they get better style.C B "fljQ Kj X2 h tit and quality, and saie '' jfVAljJfl T "" retailer's profit, by 'FW 9j coming straight to & m IttS CifSfcft WORKROOM PRICED AT $20 TO $35 IN ANY RETAIL STORE. rnrrlintlnfir Qrdr rrfp.fl ik our tnetnry lor v0.;r" jLxmJuro -iHjn- I yA i kJLn & (IIUU m IWV the ihanipinnship mil bring Ux tn tholAI1"" v" ""' l'i'"" inenihns nf the Walla W alia Club I M"oro weighed in at 111! pounds nnd (ieimintown chose to take its in " '''''' '" mugs first W P ONeill nnd II h N" "spupor expeiN ngioed tod u Hint llained wont mtn lul I. Miller and U M" cxpiipii. id tin tight of hi- lift W Keniinii win cluing the bowling foi '"'', 'B, '' l"", " '- "" 'l'M"sitmii the ,is,n,s 'Ihe shies were lie irl, '" Mam" Mmr0 fl" f'i'i"e I tliouglit 1 hid won sim ,ionn In.lll ' .1 I tniiihiiig the well kept grounds ind si midaikiu ss oiimlnptd the mi Insure 'Ihe iionso w is slow all of which wns in Keiinnti s.fnu.1 who b, tin win, is the W'altei luhnsou nf e i u kit. Ihe Inside Stuff Milhi. on the other hand, is a slow hill artist. His mini weapons nre nl slow hall nnd then n slower nne o . foi the strnteg,. Tho Uc rninntown ot in in if blows th in W'llilo ' W'o accept the dnisi.n but I think Mooie did enough to win -ml Ills m ningei , Nate I owis "I thought 1 won all the win ' Wilde dec lared Johnston Enters Doubles llnstein Jul, IS Willi em XI 1 ihnst n , . e , . .. . nslnnrfl l.wn tennis linini n .111. his nitsiiien soon found to then sorrow tint enter i tho 1 ncimi tl n.i hull s tu lie i 1 ,e 1 ,, ih I uhii I 1 1 ilimto, hrtiuit nshlp IC ..s ,.,... fill, ,n,n.,,.etl,l ,n .,,! ... tOlimK indlt t, ' ...I....... ,,.l.. -"...,. iw ...,.v nu, . ., Ut,, , ,,, ,w , u runs off Konnilli So the, dec ideil to roun 1 for the union, I ei ii just block and pnrrv the speed bnlls nnd wait until thci got a ihance at Millei nnd his slower ball Colt Races Tomorrow In ci,o trainer of thp fust rolls thnt will lo drl,en for re,or,l at Ilelniont Irl, Inn l'irk Hn oppertunlt, to ,ork out af tc r Hi. ll rer ilm nil It has I.. en dec l,d nrt to (.lori them until saturdx, nftertn.n I h Irink ,s ,er, h,v., ei,teril(, nnd the postponement will sl,e 1 e, Xlerkle a . hanm to rut the course In first class snipe In VUffust His idrlnei o. i ( n mi I Another Twilight Game Th" Queker c It, Itubher ( nit it , , ' will moot -ctlltv In a cuiltfiht h,m ihls I e,enlnp On next Tuesi,, n i s Qu Ur Cll, will onteitilti tin- II 111 uu u its1 homo srounds at Wissui m t l Black Diamond Shoot ' In atlltlon In Ihe r. sulrtr in it e ms at Iho i !oiu,!, l.un i 1 ih t ,r h r, ill lo Mis. l) sh t th (ir-., f r the lllii, U Plan on I iriph, h , n t , i c ul, memliors I Eiler and Buff Draw Jersey. Clt., Julv IR Jack Filer of New Tork and Johnnj Huff of Jersey t it, buxed elehl fast rounds to a draw at tha Armor) A A last ewnlmc What May Happen ' in Baseball Today I NATION I I.K(el'E Club WonlxistlM. Mill Ivse New ork 4 7 ti .071 .07(1 (IBS Inrlnnntl 4(1 ii ,0112 ,607 .OSS ChlcnBo 41 14 .111 .lit, .141 I'ltlil.urch IS 31 .Ml .15.7 .114 Ilrooklyn 17 .111 507 .514 BOO St. I.eils 20 41 .182 i Hostnn "fl 44 .171 .371 .808 Philadelphia 31 47 .109 AMKKICAV I.Il0l'K .flnb WnnU.IPr. n Ixise fhlraro 4H IH .632 ,610 .621 New 1. ork . 42 .11 .S7IX .fiHI .SOU lerelancl 44 SI .171 .1177 Bflt Detroit . 41 tl ,K47 .111 ,B41 St. Ljiul. 40 14 .Ml ,M7 ,111 Matliliurlon 31 43 .442 ,440 .430 Iloston . SI it .411 .412 .410 AttnVtlrs . IB 81 ,J60 .270 .S37 Postponed. T0I)A 'S SCIILDl'LE NATIONAL IJSAfil'K St. Lonls at I'hllaclrlnhla Postponed. Chlrao nt New orl loudr, Clnrliinatl nt Ilrooklyn.( lonely, rittpbiirch at Iloston 4 loudr. AJrERICAN I.EA011R rhlladtlphu, at Detiolt (Irar, Boston nt Clereland Clear, Washlnilon at Lhlrano ( Irar, Iew 1-ork at SI. Ixiuls (Irar, . YESTERDAY'S RESl'LTS .NATIONAL I.KAfiUK PlilIadelDhla. It Ht. I ouli. 0 (1! Innlno). r York 2 1 ( lilraro, 1, Clnflnnall, Si Ilrooklyn. 1. u t, , J"lyf buxsti-lioitea. nut Jiotuodi. 1. np : JCSXHa I iHlvii Ji ffl nExwlyK fMrtfiCm v r nf IHI1 iflli W WA Mill HI aJUilVwii Wm t rxW K miNDRIES wAli W K ms nuy snur Biindrlrn U If f ilvfyn her at f nctorj ft I A A lSl prirrs T I li K S, WJl lf $' lamp! Itorni, pnrli. Vl l Jnv& r p p ii I r i, etc. Vwv v V 1 iww EffryHilnir for xj1 fl$ti ai M. & H. SELL IT FOR LESS: - ' & H. SKLIi IT I'Ult LKSS ii i IS y U r-, Tr y'Lx&'5:' The Wheel With a National Reputation null! riuhl here in Philadelphia and guaranteed for me ears. Visit our salesroom, pick out jour model 40 to choose from and ride it home. For jears HL CK BHAl'TY Uicycles have been The American Standard Of Perfect Detign, Material and rimih $10.00 Firestone BLUE NON-SKID TIRES HAVERFORD CYCLE CO. Dent. I, 037. Bill IIUtKIT s.T IsKNII I-OK rillT. ( TVIO(. d elpUs Move and Save Money $350, 000 Worth of Sporting Goods MUST Be Moved toOar Own New Store,5l2 Market St. ,by August 20th WE'VE a tremendous stock of the finest kind of Sporting Goods, Bathing Suits, Fishing Tackle equipment, etc., valued at moie than a third of a million dollars, which MUST be moved on or before August 20, when we will open the doors of our own new store, 512 Market street. Where We Will Have More Than 18,000 Square Feet of Floor Space Devoted Exclusively to Sporting Goods INSTEAD of paying to have this enormous stock moved, we are going to ask jou to move it for us and we're going to pav you for it. For the purpose of disposing of this stock quickly, we have placed SPECIAL REMOVAL SALE PRICES on thou sands of wanted articles of Sporting Goods things that you'll need for your vacation a big money-saving opportunity for you. We cannot enumerate all of these articles, but you may rest assured that no matter what you want in Sporting Goods, jou can get it here at unusual prices. Again we repeat: "Help ls Mon and Save Moiici." Kapoc Life Preserver Cush'ois rT" $1.25 M ',' ;.";$. $6 Life Guard G?i dg) BATHING fif SUIT jj J I ll H u (linn H tti .. ., f BB I til "' UtBBB Jf i ITU We'll I $1.50 Canoe Paddle: American 75c League Ball (j (umlne h tru hi in tin r kt i an 1 rtij sttt hint. tEUiiranlc 1 for nino Innlntif 1919 M. & H. Nearby FISHING Guide Free 'l 1 pane bnoklit eonlalmnif ipr5 ihliiB a tlihrman nan s lo knnn cllflHhls fintllln In,,- bait hints I l Any of the buic Articles Sent Parcel Post Any Place in U. S. 10c Extra A Few Suggestions $7 Freth-Water Fiahtng Outfit, S3 $6 Sall.Water Fishing Outfit, $4 Free-Spool Pflueger Surf-Ca$ttngRetl,$6 Three-ply Carlisle Hooks, doz 50c $15 Surf-Casting Rods. $10 Steel Fishing Rods, $1 Steel Tachle Box, SI 25 t Strongly Made Fish Baskets, $1 Blue Flannel Bathing Pants, $1, $2 & S3 All-Wool Shtrts, $2 Tights, 35c All-Wool Tights, $t Rubber Bathing Caps, 25c and 50c Bathing Shoes, 25c and 50c Women's California Bathing Suits, $3 "Water Wing," 50c V-Neck All-Wool Sweaters, $6 Canoe "Bach Rests," 75c and $1.25 $1.50 Tennis Shoes, 89c $8, $10 and $12 Rackets, $5 Children's Rackets, $1 $5 Catcher's Mitt, $3 $3.50 Baseman's Mitt, $2 $1 Bats, now 50c Boys' $1.50 Catchers' Masks, 75c Boys' $1.50 Fielder's Clove, 75c 500-Shot Air-nfle, $1.50 Boy Scout Axes and Sheaths, $1.50 Boy Scout Knives, $1.50 Tubular Flash Lights, 75c gTPi yfina Ay. cag emm For Canoe, 1 o lorhoat, Yrvht, Etc. 1- n Ioih i b I u an Via,. the I 1 In e lui an rk adult In ater -IS hours 'P imsn ircm lal pMth 7 ..I.-" ' ' '.' I ; rv ,i . ft -. y I, I I our Will sui n , r I st I fS,,,,.i,ll, $6.50 Genuine Horsehide Fielder's Glove $3.50 Win One of the 22 I'rues Valued at $300 Join the M. & H. 5th Annual Fishing Contest Kerjbodj Eligible If ou rannnt all at m )r and rpsUtr Tit- tor nartlruUrii Mor than 7"0' men and women tnrollr 1 in IPIfi A I !iMosH)ivirzHEmcH DrTfflT O53430 MARKET STCMil cSfc ll'e're Fishing Tackle Headquarters We Furnish Eiery thing Except the Fish :0PEN THURSDAY AND SATURDAY 'EVENINGS: The House of Famous Clothes for Men and Young Men Open Daily Till 6 P. M. Saturday Till 10 P. M. At A Saving of Fully $13! Flannel Suits BLUE, GRAY, GREEN, BROWN One, Two and Three Button Single and Double-Breasted Sack and Waistline Models. Choice of 751 Suits Direct From One of the Most Prominent of the Two-Score Famous Makes That We Carry This is not in anv sense a sale, yet you could scour Philadelphia and not find the duplicate of these superb Suits for anything short of $45.00 The reason we can offer them at the attractive price of $31. ,50 is explained by the fact that we placed our order many months ago at a time when the cost of production was not what it is today. The tailoring of these garments is perfect down to the smallest details, and shows unmistakable patient and skilled hand work thruout. Visit This Shop of Famous Nationally Advertised Brands of Clothes! Two-score famous brands in all! On every one you save from S5 to S20! Why5 Because of the enormous outlet afforded by our 3 big Metropolitan shops, and the conse quent economies that are ours through our vast purchasing power. This, combined with the economical operation of our busi ness makes possible the great savings we offer. B tf-' 3sr $. ivj. . ass? A fe' . ' ifs79 y a ,,!?wV u I Summer luits JaJ MmimmM -7 IP 1 ill vxf Mi ) i , m iwmsi riimMBA mnmm f..Wiim! ii m nra frs? h 'I ' v Ideal Hoi Weather Gar ments in a Va riety That Beg gars Description. In Palm Beach, Priest ley Mohair, Crashes, Panama Fabrics, Tropical Worsteds, ,jf bilks etc Prices begin at $8.50 for Palm o i. e. ...... i U.. r... r. r. I? "J ". lik U) tUS) aielCS IU cpjlj jll and $35 for the finest Gabardines. Sizes 32 III t 1 D..l-. 1 4fft IU i IXCUIttlb, IUIlS, J shorts and stouts. AN EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE AIUETY OF WHITE FLANNEL TROUSERS TO SELECT FROM. lSot Chestnut Jen Daily Till 6 P. M., Saturday Till 10 P. M. New York Headquarters, IS W. 34th St. m M M 0 i?L -t !" && t ?" I