Newspaper Page Text
i V" l? fi i j j, i ': is EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 19X9 I' Philadelphia Markets GOSSIP OF THE STREET GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts H.D1S bushels The market was quiet but Arm under Hunt of ferings. The following were the quotations No. I red winter. 2 30. No 1 northern gprlng, J2 39. No 1 hard winter 2 30. No 1 red winter, garllckv fj .17 No I red rm.tty 12 3(1, No 3 red winter $2 SO. No. 2 nnrlhtrn sming. 12 3(1. No 2 nsrq winter, 12.34: winter, No. 3 rarliekv Tu mm vrnta nn n-ffrltll COnN Receipts, SSOO bushel" Demand was light and there mi no change In prices We quote .vellow In car lota for local trade s to nullity and location at !-' 12tr2 II per bushel . . , OATS Receipts 2 ION bushels The mwmmtim t a m 1 1 l,ur. with VTTV little le xnand We quote car lota as to location JV.0 1 white. XJ't Sc. No 2 white "TJ T 874c No 3 white, nne'l'ic and So 4' BANKERS TALK OF PLANS TO DEVELOP EXPORT TRADE BUSINESS NOTES Constantly Increasing mc of motor vcMcIm, espcclnllj those of the com mrri'lnl t.vpp. Im not mnilp nny np nrerlnblp Inroads on the snle of linr nes leather, according to tnnncrs of this commodity. a. nt'im. " - - t , r r- f Tt'i- -2$$. V&' &TSJ Necessary Thai Country Got Into Business on Large Scale 0pfnlnB of lhc prc,m, TSl';,ln!f?r.Sn0MhS." "r'eT'w jn.jT If,-,,, M pos.,7,c SpCcdGoSsip of the StrCCt , dovelopcd a big tlcninn.l Icky, 2 30. No 3 red smutty -' 21 ' '" ww III nt .,, , benzoic tli.ii Ing season has for bonzonto HEATHS white, S2,WS3Vic . , ' FLOUR Receipts 1 Mel 30.1 imunds In sacks Demand continued 1 Bht but prices were firmly held The quotations follow To arrive, per 100 lbs In 140 lb Jute sacks winter straight western old linTS'rtll i new. 0 TStr 10 23. nearb old MntSin 7.1 ' Sew. J1I75SM0 23. Kansas straight new 10 7.1(311 23 Kansaa. short patent old $1-' W12 30 new $11 lOfMt 0 spring shorl patent, old. J12 50ti 13 do Patent old. gl2 80T12 73 do, first clear, old W 5H( Of RYE FI.Ol U continued quiet but firm We quote at JS20GS7S per bbl In sntks u to quaiuj PROVISIONS There war a fair Jobbing demand for mo" riescrlntliins and the market ruled firm tiuot ttlons Beef In sets, smoked ami air drieo "tie beef knuckles and tendet smoked and nlr dried V.c pork fumilv ) . hams S T cured loose 1 , 'ill'i c ! I klnned loose Htl-i Q.1 -.. du smoked 4II4W41C hms boiled bonele 10c pliiM shoulders r cured loo Ji'c d, moked 30r b llles In pi M- b ' " breskrast bacon 42i lard 3d I REFINED SUGARS Orf'Dncs v -re light and mm 1 w fur en a basis of 0c fir fln.. srnnula el i DAIRY PRODUCTS j rimESE The market rild f)rm nb d rnand absorbing the limited nrfertiiK Qi." tatlons New York nnd ts,onsln bol milk flats rurri-nt make fan, l.,1.'o.H, specials high.' e Vork i nd ii orsln vhole-mllk flits urrent mike fair tn nm 'I nifTt-'Si Jobbing siles ,jf fini" o , 34mc Offerlnga of fine er moderate and the markpt ruled i.tea,l though quiet Quotations nlld-pi ke.i cre.imen extras 5V higher Jobbing gnoil RBJISSc the latter for Jobbing sles eilra firsts. 34c firsts r2W ".tc seconds -.naiti sweet creamen. choice to fani ,"i7'rlfill' do, fair to good ."l-'Oc fanc brands nf lirlnts Jobbing at 01ii3c fair to iholie il ft Mr GOGS Strlcth fine stoi k wa scarce an I fine per case higher Medium and poor stock continued plentiful and dull Ue quote Tree cases nearb M'do per crate , urrent receipts $13 western vxtra rtrts 11 mi per case firsts 1 ncarl and uetern se, ends, HOMIffril'ilo fan selotted ibc Job bins at 30 0'Olc per doztn POULTRY I..IVE The market wns quiet and tprink broilers ruled weak under falrh liberal of ferings Quotation Fowls Mi eprei- 41tfM2r Sjiring chickens tirotiers not leg horns ellow klnn d weighing 1-' lb apiece 4Sft4"c Spring c hi, kens broiler" not Leghorns sellow-sklnned weighing It' 14 lbs apiece 40O4.'i. White Leghorns j ellnn -skinned weighing 1"5J lb" aplne , 36tf?37c do do ellou "klnned smaller sizes 34r.Vic Uooster" JHUR IHlik" Pekln 2S(B3Ht do Indian Uunner .'dn.T Oeese 20c Pigeons old per P'lr iiiT4V i do xoung per pair .-T4n- DRESMEU was In fair demand and firm under light offerings Quotations Ml' fresh-killed tin picked in boxes welshing I Ibt and mr apiece T-lc weighing t'i lbs . a.Vd.3l"c weighing 3 lbs apieie l.'W.Hc smaller sizes. 3nK31 , fresh-klMed In barrels tarn) dr-plckel weighing 4 lbs nd otr apiece .ISc weighing Vj lb 34 rt 8c. weighing .1 lbs apiece 31W).'( smaller sizes 2018.10c old roosters dr-pliked J4c broilers. Jertey. .-i?80 do other neirln 4C52c do western I04Si spring ducks Long Island 33c squabs per do7en white weighing 11H712 lb- per dozen .niijpJ.. do, do. weighing I 10 lbs per doen J " 8 23 do do weighing 1 lbs per dozen (IB73. do do weighing 7 lb per doien , J4 3003 2 do. do weighing fit! OS, lb peri dozen $2 VIH.1 30 dark 1 1 "itlfi J .'" small and No 2 tlOi m 2 FRESH FRUITS i "Vet weather caused deterioration of qual !ty In some cases and price" were generally easier We quote Apple" N'o 1 per bas ket 40c'fi II 411 cantaloupes western per crate 34. do, southern per i cite H 225, watermelons rla periar lliwifl .'3u blackberries per qt 1302CX peai he. Ua per crate llff"':' huckleberrlen per ql 18ta2Sc raspberries red per plnl IJ'M", currants per qt lOifflllc lemons per ho SI O03 00 orange". Cald per box J2 -''i OS 73 VEGETABLES Potatoes were in fair demand and stead Onions were also stead but cabbage wa easier We quote WMtp rotaloe" c per barrel No 1 -. No .'. 2 3nin white potatoes Fastern hore a per bar rel No 1 JOfiO.-.O No 2 "J MlWI 7. white potatoes Norfolk per barrel No 1 "(10 II . 'ill .No J2 ",0W3 white wutnK Jerse per hnsket N'n 1 1 lliti 1 3"i lowr frrades "OU70t cabbage Fa p-r barrel JI.MItff 2 onions N J per basket $1 30 Ol 00, TRADE IN YARNS QUIET Dealers Under Impression That Dull Spell Will Soon End Business is quiet in the jam market. Recording to the wockl- retiew of trade for the Philadelphia ilistntt h It !. Dun & Co Denier., howeier, ate under the impression that the ciuiet spell will he shorter than usual There is & good demand for carded knittitiR yarns. Manufacturers of hosiery are not very actively in the market, as tliej are well covered on yarn for the time heing. A scarcity of operators is reported In some of the mills, especiallj among the towel manufacturers l.uce manufac turers report buiues somewhat dull Slanufnctuiers of art silk dress goods report that they haxo more orders than they can fill, but are unable to obtain sufficient operators. Prices ure still high for ynrns and no reduction in prices is looked for for some time to come. Business appears to he in a healthy IX SOMH quarters 0f the finanelnl district interest i honn over the intro ductinn bv Senator Kdge. of New Jersey, earh this week in Congress, of a bill under which It would be possible to organize one or more large corporations undrr a federal tharter toprotide fur exporting American goods on n large srnle. It Is saitl that this bill in its provisions will prohablv dntctail into the plans which are said to be In process of being worked out b a number of bankers associated with Henry I'. Davison, of .T. 1'. Morgan S. Co. A downtown hanker when speaking of the matter sold that he was anxious to liear of the plans decided upon by these bankers ns soon as they are ptihlished He hoped they they would not be delayed too long, ns he understood (treat Britain, the neutral I'uropcan countries and even war-torn Trance were going ahead making their arrangements to secure all the l'uro pean trade possible, as well as the tratle of other countries, while this country Is talking about the proper wnv of going about it Another banker, who is interested in seeing the export business of the Vnltetl Stntes developed as quliklj as possible, said he hoped Senator 1'dge'n lull would hurrj up matters He is of the impression that little will be done bv the coterie of bankers associated with Mr. Davison until the treat.v of peace and the league of nations would be finally settled, as until then no one can tell what views mav devdnp in countries for whom credit arrangements are being considered and which might upset all the plans prev lotislj agreed upon. Another said lie understood Mr Davison's plans were to he Independent of any government aid or supervision. This, he said, he did tint agree with, as su'ili n gigantic niriingenient as would be neeessnr would have to have the aid anil supervision of the government behind it to make it the popular movement it must neiessarilv he Me snid he had not seen n copv of Senator I'dge's bill, but he under stood it provided for federal incorpointlon and supervision of the huge tiuaiKial lorporntions which it would be necessnrv to organize to carry the plan through Something should he clone along this lire as quicklv as possi hie hefoie sterling reaches a lower tigtire. and in thnt way would effectually shut olT the British maikets from us Syndicate to Float Swiss Loan A loan of S.'tO.nOO.Onn or 10.0(10.0110 to the Swiss icpiiblic was talked nbiiiit in financial circles vestc id.iv . It was saitl that the loan is to be flo.itecl bv a sjudicate bonded bv Higginsou S. Co . the National City Company and the (itiarant.v Trust Compiinv. of New York There seems to be some doubt ns to the exact date at which the loan will he offered to the public, as widl as the terms on which it will be offered. The proceeds of the sale of the bonds nre to be used to purchase in this country cotton, grain, foodstuffs, etc. i The local representative of one of the companies in the syndicate saia he was without any definite information from his bouse, although he had been busy all morning answering questions concerning the issue Another local repiesentative of one of the svntlicate companies snid lie had received notice from his concern some time ago snjing that such a loan was contemplated. An investment banker who has given some attention to Kuropcan financial and commeicial mattcis, when asked how he thought such an issue would take among investors in this cotintrj. said he knew better how it should take. If investors in the I'ntted Stales knew aiirthiug about the various governuients in Kurope thev would not hesitate one second over Swiss (Joveinment bonds There is. he snid. no better or cleaner government in the world Cor ruption and venalism nre unknown. The people know how nnd wheie every tent of their monev . eithei loaned or raised bv taxation, is spent, and. he added, he meant what he snid litcrnllv Their commission form of govern ment, he rem irked, is n model. Their elections nre conducted sjmplv nnd with the strictest honest) . He snid that, if legal. smli bonds would be ideal for savings institutions. There nre similar Swiss bonds held bv insurance companies in the I'tiited Stntes which transact business in Switzerland, nnd thev nre con sidered ns among their most reliable assets If the investing public realized their nlue they would bu.v up the whole issue in iccoril time, he added. Dividends Cut Small Figure in Stock Purchases "I have never before known a time when dividends cut silt h a small figure in the liming of stocks as at present." remarked a broker in the up town distrn t Anil btivers of stocks show good judgment, he s-iid. in ignoring in munj instances whether it certain stocks dividend hns been increased or t ut or passed. Manv n dividend has been passed, he said, betause the direc tors of a concern saw a big business ahead which would require a large in cieae of working capital, and it was up to them to provide for such a con lingencj bv ictaiuing their cash or running the chance of having to borrow it later at a high interest rate or of going without it. It has invariabl.v happened, he sjul, thnt in such instances the at tinn has resulted in very much better dividends later on At present, however, we have another reason ns to whv redutetl or passed dividends have little or no effect on the stock market The vet.v wealthy stockholders would ns n rule piofer to have their dividends added In surplus rather than have the government, through the tax collector, rake in from ."0 to Ml per cent of their dividends. Labor's Effort to Unionize Steel Industry A banker who sees a coming menace in the labor situation in the I'nitetl States called attention to the meeting on Sunday next in Chicago of labor leaders who are determined to unionize the whole steel industry. He snid he had it on good authority thnt at least one corporation the Cnited Stntes Steel w ill refuse. regnrdles of t onequent es. to close its shops to non -union men Theie nre concerns m the business, he snid. in width union labor is tlominnnt, and the.v in all probability will comply with such demands as labor may make This banker snid he expected the stand to be taken on Suntlav will eventuallv lead to a strike in the iinn and steel industry. There are others in the financial district who hold views on the subject tliiectlj opposetl to these The.v claim the reports of n general revival in the stel intiustrv, with a probability of higher prices for the product, re futes such arguments . beside, the.v claim, the advancing prices for steel stocks on the exchange reflet t better than anything else the feeling of the public on the matter. This, they sav, is more important than nny indi vidual opinion. high ave, Further services and Int. Sat , Bellersvllie. P. QANNO.V Julv lit. nnWAttn .T, ion nf Jennie Oannon (nee O'Donnelll and late Ed ward Gannon Kelntlven and friends invited to funeral. Sit . 8 30 a m. 46ns n ism st Solemn mass of requiem Church nf the Holy Child in a m. Int New Cathedral Cem Auto funeral. UARDNKR At Urenloch N 3 Jutv If). XEt.I.Ii; 4. daughter of John W and Anna Oardner, aged 20. llclatlvea and friends Invited to funeral Bat 1pm residence of parents Qrenloch terrace Int Turner vllle N J Friends may coll Frl after fil-IlliIATID .Tulv in WILLIAM, husband nf Marv Mavtrott flehhard. aged 02. Itela- . i t i,ft tlvea nnd friends invited to funeral services, 1 1 used in llic, s,,tii 4 p m R, carpenter lane. Mt. Airy. I int private limit nowers OILllllRT Jills 17. SAItAH LOUStA mr.llKltr lc Stibiirrh) wife of Wltlnnirhhv l.'ot-clcn ilemtml fnr American-made f Hubert aged 02 Relatives and friends. i 1'oreign tiemanil lor iirarriiaii " Invited to funeral Mon 3 p m from late colors has been constantly increasing' residence, Kdge Hill road Kdge Hill, Ta. in way to encournge manufwturo". j n,.If Juh ,. nAS,KIj , , , Mnlnchlte green is one of the dyes lie- i pHUlne and late Daniel Ooerlach, aged 40 in tirniliii-eil tlint finds a lnrge sale Relatives and friends Invited to funeral illg produced tlint nntis n ui servltea Sun 2 p m. 1003 Belmont sve nluoad. It is used in many lines ot int prii. 1 manufacture, but especinllv in the col DKATIIS preservation nf fruits nnd foodstuffs. (IRIIENVVOnn .lulv 13. Wlf.t.TAM .. husband of Itertle K Greenwood Relatives and friends Invited to the service, Sat., 2 P. m . 2421) N 32d St Int Mt. Teace . il 41... icii fiiruun iniieu icj call r ri , I lo V In Holland at the present time mere, p m is need-nceordlng to consular advices , iteVA'rt EJ?TSS,sr.T-dauVntVr" 5 " bSeVd- -of machinery for coal mining, foot SSPnVffiilJa'Von'.'rW. zW'V't "m"! preservation, textile industries nnd 3411 N Hope st Int Cheltenham M, E. r ..!., 1 ,,,! nUo loeomo- Uurjlng Grounds Friends may call Frl eve. 1 ugnr refilling plants and also loeomo harhi.son Jul in, wife of lives Standard elettrical goods are also Fnnk Harrison aged 4lt Relatives and " , friends Temple Lodge. No (SO. S of II . in demand. Daughters of Wlngohot king Council, No 102, I 1) of P Invited to funeral. Sat., 2 p. m , s.nii nre selling at relatively lower 1 1023 Vandke st Frankford Remains may hlioes arc sei iiii(. is i be viewed. Frl Stolon m Int private, iiru es man icatncr, mm c- Ccdir Hill cem I oring of pqper and straw. HELP WANTED FEMALE not sollinc on a paritv with the cost of I HilALY Juiv 10 tiRiDOF.T M healy not selling on 11 i.n. ... Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. sit 7 .30 a m . residence of brother. John F Heal-, 11104. vine st , west Fhila Solemn skins, is the conclusion nnlvsis of the general hides nnd 1 lent lied in nil annlysis ot '' K",;; ,r,im church of bur Ladv,,f . lenther situation made bv the Shoe and itos.rv ,p In. Vonkers. N JTonfcer. I Leather lteporier. 1 I Leading manufacturers IIHWITT Julv 10. MART- hewitt Funeral private, Sat 2 p in . from resl- 1 ...1 rtcnte of Samuel 1enworth, 348 Orecn.lane of Ilieclllllli- ucborouuli . Int. private -"".lane. . .. . .. 1 M. J.. Itll.TXRU III V 10. IfPVnv ItffTVTYn cnl ruhhei goods repent tliat wiiin no- , h, s'lth vear Relatives and friends Anni LnviiiL- Is not busk tie sunn m hoss rost .no i ti a it , survivors Tim ' litivill), is not 1111 Chattahoochee, Tribe. Xn n t. n , ItU'lliess ill soiici n, M mit,rt t funeral service Sat tllltks U tie- II ni . ut 3I1.T ,vv Ilnrold st Int private '"' ItAmalna mm ha t an a1 TPml I I. la ... ' niestic fion is improving. tii os for commeicial scribed as being satisfat tnrv . Remains mav be viewed Frl 8 lo in n IIITCHKVS lulv 111 JOHN H1TCHKN ageo 11 ttemains lints ne viewed Frl S OVVKNS. July 10. CHARI.F.3 KDWA.RD, husband of Marie . Owens and son of Tatrlrk and lata Mary C. Owens Re stives and friends and employes of strawbrldge Clother and Union Asaemblv, No 30. A O M. r , Invited to funeral. Pat.. RJn n m., B12 Marlyn road (03th and Glrard ave.) High miss of requiem Church of Our Lady of the Rosary lo a. m. Int Holy Cross Cem. TATTHRSON July 17 tlE0fM)I7 W . son of Itnbsrt snd Lillian Patterson nged 21 Relatives snd friends Invited to funeral serv ices, Mon , 2 30 p m . 2047 Tierce at Int Kernwood Cem Friends mav call Sun eve PKPPKR July 17. SARAH FURMAN, daughter of Sarah F and late Howard D i-epper. sped 0 Funeral private, rai . j P m, residence of grandfather. David Fur man. 3407 Bowman st . Falls of Schuylkill Int West Laurel Hill Cem ni-.-rnv tulv- 17. nF.rmnn r rETRY. formerly of 1231 W Glrard ave aged fll nelo'.lves and friends Invited to funeral. Mon . a a m , residence of Mrs Joseph Schmltt A Son. 1211 N Bth st Solemn re nulem mass Ht Peter's Church 10 a, m. Int Holy Sepulchre Cem PHILLIPS July 13, HARRY. N, hus band of Sflllle T. Phillips (nee Rice) Rela tives and friends. Camn No 342. P. O R of A.i Kev stone rommnndcry, No 48, r. O S of A . Penna R. n. Relief, funeral services. Sun . 2.30 p m . 42 N. Farson pt.. West rhlla Int. private. Friends may Mew remains Sat eve. PORTER July 1(1. BLLWOOD WILSON, son of the late William and Mary Porter and husband of Annie Porter (nee, Kurtz), nt Jersey City Services and Int private. Woodlands Cem. Philadelphia POUSSAINT. ISADORK. husband of late Katherlne Pouasalnt. aged 02 Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral, resi dence of son, Waterford, N J , Sat., 3 p. m , and services and int. cedar llrooK, N J . 3 10 p m PREVDEROAST. Formerlv of .Tenkln town. Pa Julv 10. MAROARET. widow of Michael Prendergast. aged 74 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Sat,, 7:30 a m . inn roplar st Solemn high requiem mass Church of tho Qesu D a. m. Int. Hob Sepulchre Cem ROIHNSOV Julv 17. GEORGE W. hus band of Elizabeth V Robinson and son of late Franklin T and Lucy A Robinson aged 30 Relatives and friends Pastorlus Council No l.O of I A Invited to fu neral services. Sat . 2 p in 63111 Morton st Oermanlown Int private. Remains may be viewed Frl eve. RUTHERFORD Julv 10 JAMES, hus band nf Mary Ella Rutherford Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat, 2 p m 3044 N Stlllman st Int. Mt Morlah Cem Remains may be viewed Frl SCHl'SSI.ER Tuly 17 MARtAN-OODEN SCHl'SSLER wife of Edward H Sehitsa ler. Jr , and daughter of Rev S Lord Oll- borson Relative- and menus invited to rti- BELti TELEPHONE OPERATING tyo Experience Necessarr lit) TEH WEEK rOR BEGINNERS Ptlary Increased after the first four weeks' training period. Younir women between IS and 25 will find tele- ?hone operatlnc very aertnatlnr, clean work, with unusual opportuni ties for advancement in salary and position. In aMdltton ts a good salary, we have com forts Mo rest and lunch rooms, where food is served at cost. Call personally First noor. 1081 Arch st. Miss Ryan HELP WANTED MALE V DRAFTSMEN Bethlehem Stesl Company una several permanent positions open ror first-class desteners and mechanical drafts men on hydraulic presses and machinery, tolling mills and special machlneryl ealy men who can deliver the goods should avplr, giving age, experience and salary expected, to II II. Hummel, Bethlehem Steel Com psnv. Bethlehem, Ta, DRAFTSMAN Wanted, strictly flrst-clasi draftsman, experienced on heavy machines. tool work: location, Philadelphia, F 223. Ledger Office, DRAFTSMEN. 3 or . first class, thoroughly experienced In blast-furnace work! perma nent position; state full details rejrsrdlnr experience, salary desired and data available. M 420. Ledger Office LSTIJtATOR Wanted, general butlln estimator, familiar with re-enforced con crete; must be first-class man: stats experi ence nnd salary desired. M 109, Ledger Office. -Working foreman for afternoon BUTTON SEWERR EXI-KRIENCED. AND FINISHERS Off CI.OAKS. STEADV WORK, GOOD PAY APPLY BERNSTEIN- BAFM-bACOSTA CO . 22D AND ARCH. EI.EVKMM KIAJUU. COPYHOLDnn. accurate ana quick: steady work ann goon wages, vppiy-v-iinion s-u , 49th and Market sts CORRESPONDENT COMPETENT IN STENOGRAPHY APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S DRAPERS' wanted, experienced, on ladles' allk dresses Perlsteln it Co., 1024 Fllben EXAMINERS wanted on ladles' silk dresses. I'erlstein en.. n,;i rinirri FOHEUAN- dally: unlin: capable of handling shop of S machines and make-up: assistance on aria- state salary, lumisn reierencv. CVenlnr Telegram. Rockv Mount. N. C. FOREMAN garage service: must m canabt of superintending the repairs to 5-ton trucks, where speed Is an Important factor. r 20. Ledger Ofllce, HOSIERY FECEB FIRST-CLASS FIXER cm Scott t Williams full automatto machines Ptrmsnent position: good salary Chancs for advancement for right man Applv- Wallace-Wilson Hosiery Co. 4368 Wsln it., Frankford s KINISHEHS wanted, expert... cert on .adten 11k dresweg Terlnteln & Co . 1024 Filbert Hand emhioider, and other de or, - , , , Ifd .JBt3M$-lWrWti Fr?end"J ma'v tiPX lion ate bo,ng inoio largelv used f, , KeTa"' " "- '"' M uft . , ,, - tn , p m Mil 44th ,-t the t.imming of garments for infants MlVKKl.u - Ih 1, ELIZABETH r . ! hu aEorRoU?e nJ"i?.tS,SFllASlS.: and . hildren Mnnufa. tiirers say the, , "a' X WXJ'.VSLrh I ndVnvTe5,?t?unf,r?,,ChS'rt0nd2-3'o ' aie unable to supplv the liiciensing tie .2 r m . iniil llirrlson at . Frunkrord Int p m . 1H09 E Orleans st Trl-nds may call I mantis for hand-vvoike.l npparel ? j.SON -Late of .-.n-.a Osage1 .. t.J H'v-At. iS ,Rntvvttnkv,n3 CT,f. ., 17. EI1ITH wife of Erirk Johnson Itela tlves and friends Invited to funeral, Sat. 3 p m . from parlors of William H, Chew. S W. cor 30th and Spruce sts Int Mt. Morlah Cem Remains miiy be viewed Frl.. S to 10 p m KESI, Suddenly July IB JOSEPH J. husband of Anna Kesl. aged 02. Relatives and friends Moravian Lodge. No 15, Bo. bv Sift. SS5, ISIS, compared with the cor-, and Ladles' I.odge Star of the East. No ,. inA l,n nrcclinc inr , 3 Invited to services Sat , 3 p. m . responding period the preceding .vear. ,04L, N- , ., ,nt jMmrl jim 'cem. Totnl imnorts for the period were Friends ma call Trl s to 10 p. m ;..--.oo i (L coij -! 10- I KILDBA Hudd-nlv. Julv 10. THOMAS. SSfU.'sOi .'J22 nnd exports RSM,.i(iS,1 Ji. i husbind of JIary A Klldea (nee Doris) ageci ' 58 Itelatlves and friends, p. R R, riellef; The leather industry in Shantung Is nf s''0i imHed' to iuiierai sat! sin1.' esptsdallv promising, actording to a "..' 0VX port made teieiitlv tiv two moniDers or i.anghoriie in a the Tolio Chamber of Commerce, Wool refining nnd meat canning nre also re ferred to as highl.v promising inclus- of the shortage nf labor capable of pro ducing this work. In the seven months ended January ?.l. 10W. Australia's impoits increased hv SRll.HII.S'sl, nnd exports inciensetl tries. The tlrst deliver of American tot- ton in l'ingue since the war will take plate on .lulv 2." Three thousand bales nre to be delivered on that date. Ten davs latet 'Jtl.tKlD additional bales are due. I The Commercial Hulletln tomorrow 'will sav: While the market has been 'somewhat quieter at the seaboard mar ikets. the undertone is veiy strong and prices aie firmly maintained. In the .West, timing continues with prices ful i Iv as high as n week ago. The goods maiket is without material change, de mand being less insistent. l.anghorne. Fa Hleb Orace Church. South lilt 51. Ant-ran.'. Tt C t'hurrhjard Newtown KISbKY Julv 111 WALTER husband of Mary Mssev aged ltd Relatives and friends Invited lo funeral Mon . 7 3f) a m ntl'l V Vurnock st Mass St. Malachy's Church u a in Int Holv Cross Cem KNEEDI.ER At Olennlden, Del. county. Pa Julv HI HARRY W , husband of C Malloch K'needler, nged 02 Relatives and friends, cmploves Stravvbridge & Clothier. Invited to requiem mass St Clement's P. E Church. 20th and Cherry sts , Phlla , Sat .loam Int private Mt. Morlah Cem Remains may be viewed Frl . 8 to 10 p m . pirlors S P. Frankcnfleld's Sons. 630O Vine st KNIPE Julv 15 DAVID KNIPE. aged 87 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat 2 p in 309 Butler ave , Ambler, Pa. KIIVMM July 13. OOTTLIER husband of Kate Krumm (nee Hess) Relatives and friends Home Department Ev Luth Church of Advent, nil societies of which tie was a member Invited to funeral services Sat , 2 p m 2130 N 3th Int private, Mt criinii '"in KUHNER July 10 OEORGE F son of George A and Catherine Kuhner (nee Hub bard) nged 10 Relatives and friends, members Trlnltv Ref Sunday School, ln- iiru ui iuiierai services, aat Hvnvpi, Julv John F Snovel Relatives and friends Iidge No 70, S of B , Invited to funeral services. Mon. 2 p m.. residence of daugh ter Mrs Ethel McKeone. 5011 N Warnock st ' Fern Rock Int, private. Mt Morlah Cem Friends may call Sun, eve. WALSH July 15. ANNIE, widow ot James C Walsh. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral Sat . 8 30 a. m.. 2230 W Onkdale st Solemn requiem massst Co lumba's Church 10 a m. Int. St. John's Com Auto funeral WILLIAMS Snddentv. on the 16th In stant ELIZABETH T WILLIAMS daugh ter of late John nnd Elizabeth R Williams Puneral service c-.mi i , . m i,c i" dence of her sister, -mil) iiegeni si Private. Laurel Hill Cem CAMPRBLT.'R SOUPS ESTABLISHED 1869 WOMEN AND OIRLS FOR KITCHEN WORK PREPARING VEOETABLK3 MEATS ETC. ALSO GENERAL FACTORY WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT HIOH WAGES INCREASED AUTOMATICALLY TIME AND HALF TIME OVER 48 HOURS PLENTY OF OVERTIME SPECIAL BONUS 12 PER WEEK JOSEPH CAMPBELL CO. SD AND MARKET STREETS CAMDEN. N. J. KNITTER, thoroughly experienced wanted: must be familiar with all makes of cir cular latch needle machines, 12 to 14 cut Address, stating experience references, ags. whether married or not. Belgrade Knitting Mills. New Cumberland Pa KNITTERS, experienced on fashioned work on power flat machines: best time-work, wages with bonus Highland Shaker Sweater Co . uin ana Hiaie sis,, uamaen, in, j. MACHINE HANDS EXPERIENCED MEN on moulders or stickers: 48 hours, hlrhsst wages. Planing Mill Bth and Tioga sts. Int I.EOAT. AnVKRTlSF.MKXTS parents residence N. E cor. lnth and But. ip. 2 p and Friends may r sts Int Mt P-nrn r.m call Frl , 8 to 10 p. m. KILL July 10 c"HRISTOPHER. hus band nf Fannie Kvle (new TTI.mlno- n.i.. Uvea and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat 2 n m reaidoncc. nf ria,i.hi .tr ill New York todav at .$1 0."i.. an ad- i Fannie Vic Hugh .V." Glrard ave Int 'prl- BAR SILVER Common ml bar silvei was quoted sat OOTICE IS HKUEnV (ilVKN THAT nnnlliatlnn has been made tn The r,.t,u,- s.r1re Commission of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania under the provisions of the Public Service Company Law, bv retty Island Fcrrv Company for a certifi cate of Public Convenience evidencing the Commission's approval of an Improvement, amendment and alteration of the charter of the Petty Island Ferry Company changing the, New Jersey terminus of the said Com- A public hearing upon this application will be held In the rooms of Commissioner Samuel M Clement. Jr.. 1102 Weat End Trust Building. Philadelphia. Pa., on the 23d day of July. 1010, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when and where all persons In Interest may nntiear and be heard. If thev so desire. PETTY ISLAND FERRY COMPANY. GIRLS, not under 18 years: steady work, good pa. Apply Bush lz Diamond Jas per and Ontario sts HAIRDRESSER Must be good marcel waver: good wages, also chiropodist want ed Mme Toffier. 104 S South Carolina ave . Atlantic City HOSIERY Talrers and folders wanted, steady work, good pay. Applv Hagar Hosiers' Finishing Works, Westmoreland and C sts ' vani e of L'l. I was unchanged at ."-I1 id. 'if The price in London Heaths vate I-rletuls maj call Frl 8 to 10 n. m Auto service LIPPINcor-r lulv is at s-rthmore. Pa HOWARD W I.IPPINCOTT. aged 04. I llelatlves anil friends Invited tn funeral services sivlh.ilnv isth i,,a, i n M in Friends Meeting House. 15th and Race 'sts Jnt private 1.ANF. lulv lfl irpvAvnun tit.,nv ROEDCCKI.R lulv 11 FREDERICK LANE acedliO nelalli'e. "or.rf t-illU. i II beloved husband of Amelia Hoedecker 'vlted to funeral Sat, 4pm at St Inhn'p need '3 .Rel,cties and frlenda also Church north side Brown st . b-low Third Phlla Quartet Club Invited to funeral Sat. Int private '"lra 3pm from rhipel nf Weliel Son 21JS LIPPIVi'OTT At Moorentown N Ti Germantown nve Remilns ma be viewed I Seventh Month 10th THOMAS E LIPPIN ai late residence S101 Frankford ave . i COTT, nsed 84 Relates and friends l"n Holmeshurg Fri 7 to 0 p in Int Green- vlted to funeral Seventh-dav, 3pm wood (K "fit Cem 1 Friends' Meeting House Moorestown N J HRITTO.V lulv 17 lOSEPH II hus- LOTZ Julv 10. GEORGE J . husband of band nf Rose Ilrlttnn aged 54 Relatives Mattle M Lots aged 40 Relatives and and friends also William It Schnlder friends Phila Retail Liquor Dealers' Asso , I.odge No 410 F and A M Invited to Invited to funeral services Sat ,2pm funeral sun in a m from late rest 4acn .n lHthst Int Northwood Cem clence . Bin hi int .viicave israei Cem Through .vostcrtlav's session short-term notes were quiet, but a firm undertone was in evidence for the most part of the dav. Some of the nearbv maturing short-term issuc were in good demand and quotations langed nt n fraction nbove Wednesday's final. American Tobacco Company "s were quoted ot 100fo'10.Trc : Tleth lehem Steel 7s held nt from 10'J to lOli'Vs : Liggett & Myers (Is were 100i,(fi; llhia, ; Procter V (iambic 7s were in fair demand nt from 100".. to 10.'!r, depending on the maturit Wilson & Co. Us held firm at lOO'ifiilOSO', j xow York Central ."is were!)!)'1, (ill 00: St. Paul I'nion Depot ."Vjs were OftVifirOftV Acceptance bills were quiet, with only a comparatively small turnover being recorded in this department. RIIRONER Julv 10 ELIZABETH BURG N'ER (nee Vosselmnnn) widow of Harry Burgner. aged 51 Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services Sit 3 p m 005 VV Sterner et. Int private German Luth 1 eran Cem CAHILL lulv 11 1URGARET B, I widow of Patrick I'ahlll late nf Mlnersvllle t Pa Relatives and friends Invited to high i mass St Stephen's Church sat . Sam Int St John's Cem Pnttsville on arrival of train leaving Reading Terminal 10 10 a m Remains may be viewed Frl, after 8 p m , 3536 York road Pottsvllle papers Icopv. CAHILL luly 1.1 NORA widow of Patrick Cahlll Relatives and friends. .Epiphany B V M Sodalltv Invited to fu neral. Sat 8 30 a m 2415 S 12th st I Solemn mass of requiem Epiphany Church 10 m. Int Holy Cross Cem. Auto fu- I "'CLARE .luly 10 MARY (nee White). wife of Peter B Clare Relatives and friends 1 Invited to funeral fcat . 1 p m , 2424 S I Clarion st Int Mt Morlah Cem Friends mav call Frl eve , OLEOG At Wlldwood Crest V J Julv 10 ELIZABETH N . daughter of John R onrt Eleuthera S Clegg aged 21 of 1410 E Columbia ave . Philadelphia Relatives and ITIends may call Frl eve, MA.N.V Julv 1.1. CHARLES IT son nf William H and Anna L Mann (nee Funk), aged 21 Kelatlves and friends members c,i oiiuani &i r unurcn nnn .sunciav school 131st CIbbs of Central High School Invited to funeral services. Sat 3pm 801 Mercer st Int private. North Ccdxr Hill Cem. Friends ma call Frl. eve I MATTISOV At-Nenport. R I Julv 11 , ESTHER I wife of Richard V Mattison I M D of Ambler, Pa . aged 03 Int prl . vate Laurel Hill Com. at convenience of rami iv MAYRIN Suddenly Julv 10 LAW RENCE It husband of Faustina Mavbln (nee Smith). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Sun ,2pm 2430 N Gratz st Int Arlington Cem McCUSKER Of wounds July 11, tt General Hospital Oteen, Blltmore N C Private GEORGE P.. son of Margaret and lato .Tames P McCusker and grandson of lato Hugh and Catherine McAleer Rela tives and friends Company G 110th In fantry. Holv Name Society of st Agatha's Church Invited to funeral. Sat . 7 30 a. m , residence of mother. 1(110 Nectarine st Solemn requiem mass Cathedral 0 a. m Int Holv Cross Cem Auto funeral Mi KENNA July 10. MAROARET. Hi,.v.. ter of lato Owen and Bridget McKenna ,--. F.STATK OK JAMES (!. DOAK. iZS? deceased Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the inderslgned, all persons Indebted to tho said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same, without delay, to THE INDUSTRIAL TRUST. TITLE AND SAVINGS CO. JOHN G CARRUTH. President, mm North Front st , Phlla. Or to Its attorney. HARRY E KELLER, Libert" Bldg . Broad and Chestnut sts . Phlla, 11335' F.STATE OF FRANCIS B. OUM el3St MF.RE. deceased Letters testamen tary on the above estate having been granted to tfie undersigned, all persons Indebted to tho said estate are requested to make pay ment, apd those having claims to present the same, without delay, at the office of the executor. 409 Chestnut street Philadelphia, Pennsvlvanla. THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA ASA 8. WING. President. i ESTATK OF KLLA C. McCAY. deceased Letters testamentary upon ih. ..tnie of Ella C. Mccay. deceased. having been granted to FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make "payment, and (hose having claims against the same to pres-nt them, without delay, at the office ot the said Company. Nos. 323-331 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. WM P OEST. President. HOSIERY KNITTERS Experienced on Wlldman rib machines Steady, well-paying; positions NOTASEME HOSIERY CO. Oxford and Mascher sts. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN ON PRODUCTION WORK Ares 18 to 45 WEIGHT 140 LBS. OR MORE MUST BE IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION l Ns experience necessary No labor troublt Apply In person or communte&ts at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO.. AKRON. O. ., HOUSEKEEPER, to assist In caring for convalescing patient In addltbn to caring for small apartment: sleep out If desired, white, not over 30 vears of nge Address, giving phone number and salary desired, M 101 Ledger Office HOUSE GIRL wanted and Christian Sherry's Cafe. Broad LEARNERS wanted, handy with needle, to learn trimming men's hats: good wages; steady employment. Apply Frank Schoble It Co . 10th and Oxford MAID Wanted by lady living In hotel, a reliable Protestant maid, best reference required Apply A 212. Ledger Office NURSE practical or housekeeper to care for snnlt apartment In addition to conva lescing patient, not onver 30 ears of age. good appearance, sleep out If desired Call 3110 N Park nve . or phone Tlogn 0S7Q ,T PACKER WANTED EXPERIENCED PACKER WANTED BY WHOLESALE HOUSE: MUST FURNISH REST OF REFERENCE. ADDRESS P. O. LOCK BOX 1613. OPERATORS, experienced on Union Special machines, piecework, best rates paid: steadv work. Hvnienlc rieeced Underwear Co . 241.1 N Howard SOPRANO Young soprano for quartet, church with mutlca reputation; unusual possibility, salary J200. Box 2, 1518 Walnut st tKZr" KSTATE OF J. KW1NG MEARS. f-sSSv deceased Letters testamentary upon the estate of J. Evvlng: Mears deceased having been granted tn FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. HENRY P BROWN and JOS KPH J. BROWN, all parsons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make, pay ment, and those having claims against the same to present them, without delay, at the office of the said Company, Nos. 325-331 Chestnut st , Philadelphia I FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. WM P OEST. President. friends Invited to funeral services Mon. 8 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral! TO POOL BELGIAN STEEL as washing mat hines and vacuum cleaners, and fonsiderable activity In ll 1 I sT-t- 1 .v1.-..!- rtx.A TnrvtvAISD nnT PfltnilAtsa nA state generally, ann riwi ippuiir pre- nirini: mu-. .."-. . .v.....n .,-, Cornoratlona Will Form pnw.P TH amone the manufn, hirers nnd' busy and factories are operating to,B,fl corporations will Form Power dealers. The review nummer home of parents t12 Stanton road, Wlldwood Crest J Krlfnds may vipw remains Sun 2 to 4 p ni Int St Marvn tn . nurHnctnn V J Tuen OOL.&MA.N Jul 17 ANNA wife of Hd ward Coteiian (nee Connellv) Re!atlea and frlenda lnlted to funeral Mon 8 30 a m . from late residence, 11540 st Solemn requiem maaa, St Ann h Church lfl a m Int Hnlv Cross Cem Auto funeral COIin. July 18. CHAnLKB i,.t husband of Kathnn Corr (nee Schramm) and son of Johanna ann iai jonn i- . orr jieia nhmit full i-nnncitv. ul Combination ooutinuinc, coes on to' "Pipe nnd wire are fairly nrtive and! Brussels, July Ifi. illy A. P.) Out Wj: t j supply houceo report a good demand in 0f the ruins of Belgium's steel industry, i y5 "m ''im'soti?10 iiSh maiVoi XllcrC ! Ulil llllUT IIIUMKI- III 1HC-I- ' IIIUI, IIUC. ness conditions among the manufac- "The stove tratle is unlet on stnnle Hirers ot mens aim women s wearing ; Keods, as regards retailers, hut manii apparel and jobbers of cottons, woolens fnoturers nre reported well booked ahead and foundries nre operating at about " tn 80 per cent. "The leather market continues ac tive ai I prices stead) There nre only moderate stocks on hand and the sup pl.v of heav.v leather iR not sufficient to nllnvv accumulation. "(Hazed Kid is in demand and manu fncturers are working plants to ca pacity. Domestic purchases nre steady anil export trade steadily increasing. ".Shoe dealers rc-port good sales and some difficulty in obtaining goods as ordered, although manufacturers are steadil) increasing production. which was systematically destroyed by Ijy'fia h'spuIc"?? Cem the CJermnns. will spring one of the coweh-July i Veronica's Church 10 MART A wife of biggest steel combinations in the world Ten or twelve of the most powerful corporations, vvhoe plants were la,id waste, have decided to pool their in terests into one immense undertaking. Stock in the various companies is being taken care of according to the method -followed in merging many Americnn plants In the United States Steel Cor poration. The only thing remaining to be done is to place a valuation upon the ore mines in the Uric) basin and the Duchy of Luxembourg, which will form n part of the new trust. This will require but I little time. a & Z and silks. There continues a gootl tie mand for manufactured garments nntl there is little stock of manufactured on hand. Many of the manufacturers are behind in their deliveries, which is occasioned by their inability to obtain sufficient help. The season has been a good one among dress and waist manu facturers. "Cloak nnd suit manufacturers have bad a satisfactory season and nre look ing forward to a large fall and winter business. A number have already bonked good orders for future deliveries. Collections in these lines are good. "Shirt manufacturers are well sold KA.I"" had " satisfat,ory Cttson'8 1 JOHN SAPPHear the Merry Fire Bells Ringing! "Jobbers of hosiery, underwear and knit goods report a good demand antl prices advancing aud collections with them are also good. "The hardware line remains active in all its branches with a fair demand for all grades of material and it is be- Ifeved that the volume of business being done will equal, If not exceed, that for the same season for several years pre vious. Prices remain firm aud collec tions good. ''The iron and steel market presents no special features during the last week, tU the prevailing' tendency is towards increased activity, Plants are reported operating at about 70 per cent capacity nd some good contracts are noted with w ' Improved prospects for greater business t in the fall. Prices are reported to be 'jHriH.b.y firm and collections show an 73 iMferevemcnt. VWWJti0''"0111 'rale report flo.actllTe Amos Cow ell Relatives and friends Invited ln.'ted to funeral services Mon. to funeral. Sat . 8 30 a m R712 Crittenden i , ate residence. 2.W. N 20th st Solemn requiem mass Immaculate Con- ' 5rlvte- North Laurel Hill Cem si !srmsnlnnn lit n m Tn UI H" ". . , ceptlon Church. Germantown 10 a llnK Kenulchro Cem Int. July flat . S a. m . rous ns residence. Mr, v,t. I.andy. 2241 Kltiwater st. Mass of requiem St Charles's Church 10 a. m. Int Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral McMUI.LEN July 1(1. JOHN, husbsnd of late Mary M -Mullen Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Sat 830 m, ,rom son a residence. John McMullen, Tr 20O7 Martha st. Requiem mass at St Ann's Church. 10 a. m. Int Holy Sepulchre Cem Auto service MKCKT July in. CHARLES husband nf Catherine Mecky (nee Schmltt) nged BR Relatives and 'fiends Invited to funeral Mon, 8.30 a. m . 020 Limekiln pike Int PrMITClir.I.L July lfl. ELIZA, widow nf William Mitchell Relatives and friends - P m . st Int private North Laurel Hill wm n-nnWEI-L July 17. DE.WVts ts O'DONNEI.L. hust-and of Isabella O Donnell iK3S F.STATK OF FI.OI.F,NCK MrKIN ZS5 SKY. tlecensed Letters testamentary on the above estate havlmc been Krsnted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are -quested to make pament, and those havimc claims to present the same, without delay, to C. BRADFORD TOALET. Executor lRin Land Title Rldtr L03T AND FOUND STENOGRAPHER, EXPERIF NCED. AND ASSISTANT TO BOOKKEEPER: PERMANENT POSITION: OPPOrv- ti;nity tor advancement. APPLY PUBLIC LEDGER CO 6TH AND CHESTNUT STS. ASK FOR MR. WIEST STENOGRAPHER We have several excellent openings for stenographers, substitutes nnd permanent, those familiar with the Noiseless Typewriter preferred Noiseless Typewriter Co.. 'S35 Chennut st bTENOORAPHER and tj-plst. experienced: permanent, eood position; state salary and teferencc. emploves' dlnlnr room on prem ises, excellent surroundings Kej stone Lub rlcatlnB Co, 21st and Clearfield sts. Thone Tlngi 747S. STENOGRAPHER, exceptional ability: ex cellent chance for advancement for a conscientious ounsr ladv between 10 and 2.1 vears old. Apply by letter or call 11 s Front st STENOORAPHER. experienced; permanent position: hours. R 30 to 5: 1 o'clock Sat- urday. II. K. Mulford Co . 42B s 18th st. BARPIN Lost. Wednesday. July 16 dla mond barpln. Schuylkill Valley train due Broad St Station l 3S a m to Kth nnd Chestnut sts. by trolley to 11th and Chest nut st. Reward by L. N. Robinson, 1734 Wldener Bldg. COLLAR Lost, diamond and black velvet collar, containing- fll diamonds and 1 pear shaped diamond drop, atnmped either V 17.MI or fe 713. Liberal reward and no questions asked If returned to J K. Caldwell & Co , i.itilner and Chestnut sis RIXC1 Lost, Mondav evening, between 31d and ocitn sio., uu nniimrie niP , uiumona platinum ring, stamped J I. C tt Co , H 424B. Liberal reward If returned to J E Caldwell & Co., Juniper and Chestnut streets WATCH Lost gold wrist watch In black ttrap, at Logan -rotation newsstand or In 8 30 a. m train to terminal from Logan: liberal reward: watch Is valued as gift. Cull Miss Field Wyoming 1710 W or Locust 2U20. TELKOHAPHER. first class, with clerical experience. R 34. P. O Box 3470 'erlcaI HELP WANTED MAlB v ' nENCH MOLDERS STEADY WORK AND GOOD PAT. TEXTILE MACHINE WORKS. FOUNDRY DEPARTMENT. READ ING P. WANTED AT ONCD RIVETERS RIVETERS RIVETERS FIRST-CLASS MEN COMB WITH TOUR QANOS THOUSANDS OP HOLES READY TO DRIVE UP INSIDE AND SHELL 'WORK READY IT'S PIECE WORK NOW OO APPLY CHESTER SHIPBUILDING CO.. LTD, FRONT AND KERLIN STS. CHESTER. PA. ' , OR SEE UK. DILL. "21 ARCH ST. PHILADELPHIA ROOFERS, white. Apply 1823 N. Bth St. mtj ' DIEHL suddenly st usonts i'a .luly I," McCaffrey) Relatives and friend. Hi 17 ELIZABETH MARIE daughter of John fhoi,' " B V M Sodality, llo'v Name and EllzaBeth Dlehl. aged fi Int private I "' Bronson Council No ana K if T Kajoula uainono ';.'" to tuneral, .: Mon . S.fO a m. 244P Kimball st Solemn 11. requiem mass St Anthony's Church 10 a. m PERSONALS limit flowers nntlOHEHTT At Almonesson N llv IS. HANNAH DOUGHERTY tneo Kl ser). widow of Hugh Dougherty Relatives and friends Invited lo tuneral Mat . li noon Almonesson N J. Services at nouse Trol les leave Kalghn ave ferry in 30 a m. Ke mains mav be viewed Frl . 7 to Up m POSTER July 17. CLARA IJ wife o Edward Foster in her With sear Relatlvei Int i-aineuiMi v-cu. WILL any motor ehlcle owner or operator who was fined by the authorities In St. n.ars-1 Delaware on Sunday, Julv in last, Vommunlcate at once with EUGENE F.. ffoOLB Secretarv Automobile Club of Phll adelDhla 23 S. 23d st 7 UNDERTAKERS Il IClr4fllYEE5sl leaves Broad. St Sta i ni p m i I IBB R v rlnnKls .W j. ai,.via iv. r ur.ij. I fgao imss. mm- mrm-0tw evejp abetU and late Ervin IK Mm DIMIIJr lends Invited to fu-I Ib "WWUHD p m . 101R W 1- immmmmkmmmmmammLmTw.mmmmmmimmmm m HELP WANTED FEMALE ..!. nllla-' with Unlerwnod machine must be' quick and accurate at figures. Apply the Ajar Metal Co., Franklin ave. and nirrnnmiq si neral services, Frl., BOOKKEEPER, to assist In bookkeeping department of corporation In northern section of city, one who can do stenographic work preferred' state age. experience, sal ary expected, P 003 Ledger Office. BOYS wanted. 1(1 years old: S13 per weelc Burk Bros . H'."i N 3d st ' CABINETMAKERS AND ALI.-AROUNI) MACHINE HANDS. STEADY WORK GOOD WAGE'S GEORGE W SMITH S. CO 40TH ST. AND BOTANIC AVE. CHIROPODIST wanted for Atlantlo Cltv Mme. Toffier. 104 H South Carolina a"e CORRESPONDENT QUALIFIED STENOOnAPHER GOOD INITIATIVE APPLY BUREA.U OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S DESIGNERS, experienced In medium and heavy machine tools: give age and ex perience In detail Address A Wood, cars of the Nlles Tool "Works Co Hamilton O DRAFTSMAN Mechanical engineering graduate, familiar with wood and steel electric railway car construction: experienced in cheklng draw. Ings and details. Address reply to J, H Lucas. Superintendent of Rolling Stock. The Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Co.. Mllkaukee, Wis. Copyright, lolo. by Public Ledger Co, By Cunningham A FIRE IS AMY EEPORTeR's) OH, I'fA U HtULO MARY TjiD Mo0 tftT'5 PRETT) Xlr IDCfV ffr3 I" tICTrJE tS ( ASSiCHHEMT. HO MATTER, f To CODER J kMOVJ I'M VvOfcHiNG- I'M NEftR. TIME J CT1 , T IrsitT' N ilSMiKS ME HAT W WHAT YOU'RE COINS GET J VFlRES . Tbo A REPoRTER. oM Ttisj y- DOWN AT X.I6aN's; , , , ItO RUM To ,(& , . SHIPYARD MECHANICS DOES IT APPEAL TO TOU TO HAVZ A JOB AS ."" RIVETER HOLDER ON COPPERSMITH CEMENTERS PASSER BOYS Must be over 18 yean and furnish proof of ag WHERE TOU WILL HAVE GOOD WAGES GOOD HOURS GOOD LIVINO CONDITIONS GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS GOOD TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES dOOD TREATMENT WHILE ON THE JOB IF TOU ARE INTERESTED AND WISH TO KNOW MORE ABOUtf THIS FJNX OPPORTUNITY JUKE A CALL AT 0O WALNUT ST. Sea Mr. Shlttuctl or Mr. Phillips 11)21 ARCH ST. , eee Mr, SwarU STOCK-BOND SALESMEN A connection with a newlr orrantied local promotion hous. Is now open to salesmen who are seeking a permanent future In this line of business: In answering kindly sir. your phons number, as well as a fcnftml outline of jour selling experience. Adclr. A 202, Ledger Office STEEL DESIGNER structural, first class. k.-U mmAm a, ha, ! than 11 ,at f. f .HV- ptrlenc. ana preferably ou. t amlllar' wHfc' Piast (umaca i sisri-iij.i worai -Jl ! pent poltlni ststs full details tmiww I agpsrlewM.. MUry'V-nite'l and dt VfifP 5, i .j &flftlM lu-aBousenoia .spccmiiiwi.'siWiw - - !? r .Vs'-. 'i n & 't. ' .. i -.. - ..-, rl ? '.' wC- t. WBmmmwrmLiw t . ....: m ii-n -rw rtrri-Tw-MiMmmTriiiTTTn