Newspaper Page Text
. - v Vi '; i'r , EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPfflLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919 ID lJ.T HELP WANTED MALE 0TJE'OGmAPItnn experienced, anil assistant to bookkeeper permanent position, opportunity (or advance -"J"1' . , . tublic lmjoer co 6th anil Chestnut sts. V Ask for Mr lest BTKNOORAPHRR Experience! first clan stenographer capable of assuming secre tariat duties answers to rontaln full detail as io f-gperlence salary and references Ad JffMAmWnr cifnee THt: nnwARD o budd mto co a 2Mb and Huntlnc rark ave t has positions c for men Wha have some mechanical knowledge and fne ambition to use It a short time In the training department of the company with fair paj while learning Will place ou in a rood position In the various departments of the plant APPLY EDWARD O nUDD MFO CO JSth and Hunting Park ave. WAVTEl i.EPnRIENCED MEN AVD WOMEN PTnATHBR OLAZERS FOR MOROCCO WORK 11NLT. GOOD WAOES, S1CAUI WORK NO LABOR TROUBLE KVVLX AT MONROE ST OATE F RI.UMBVTHAt, CO WILMIVOTCW nut. TOUXO MAN wanted In uptown bank ex perlence not essential must be accurate and energetic Replv in oimi handwriting giving particulars alro references and il ary desired P 2-'0 Ledger Office YOUNG MEV to learn trtide Applv Abram Con Stove, co Anurlcan and Dauphin treats TOUTQ MAN' gradu-vte In pharmarj with rcme knowleil?- of lThortor work M II Hams Rrown A Earle Inc 1R rhestnut st fienerfll ER RIO MONET Do lathe work auto repair mechanical and electrical driving or storage battery work: we train men on practical lines Philadelphia Mechanical Electric School Call U4 ! Rrown s' Ph 1 1 a del pbJa WE TEACH TOI' TO DRIVE AND REPAIR At TflMflBllXt 121 rovPl.FTr rornir 21 DAT VND VIOHT Cl,A"OE Pattler e Ifini nrlnr Garden Open Sunday SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT auditor college graduate ago 3 2 ers auditor of government constrm tlon accounts desires evecutlve of flee position Accountant, 15 S Indiana ave . Atlantic Clt BOOKKIJE 'I.V. Af COl'NTaM Vouniman 21 desires position with mercantile es tahllshment or with Arm of nubile account ants. Wharton School graduate 1 ears' bookkeenlng and cost accounting experience, A'l references I' J13 ledger Office foALFS and idvertlslng executive with o 5 ears' successful experience Is desirous of making change due to present emplnvers moving offices South A 2nn Ledger Office SECRETARY or office work ortn for part time engagement speak other languages, be st references Ad V A '221 B 3d st YOUNQ MAN 21 7 rrs advertising agency exp desires position a good corresponlent hookkkeeper aed tvplst A 201 Ledger Off EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS HARVET IMP. Rlttenhnuse, square Rellsble hln supplied nnd wanted FARMIIV..NDR nnd da!r hauls and married men white and colored 418 Race st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ADDITIONAL CAPITAL REQUIRED to rtiak- tmproin.nts on my hot ralnl.iff farm nmr Philadelphia. In icFtments of Son to $5000 required fop a total of f 000 to rurchasa intv hreedimr stock. Improve our biilldings nnd supply winter feed f h-w 75 brood bows now and alout !inr piss born this summer. ln estimation solicited T 32S. LEDOEIl OFFICE MVM FACTl'RERS Fxpertd In cuttlKF fold inc nnd sewlntr or nnprlnlrua hi-. rontricts to mnk as whole or In part an thlna in special line personal Interview re- tu'jrM.i u iin tiPtmrr uiure y APTIE buslneos man will Invest SOOfl or i"or with nerlce In estab proflrahle 1 ..ine. mat line A 127, Ieder Office BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Poslthely highest cash prices for your dia monds any stie from H to 10 carats, none Eay higher also old gold, platinum and silver ought Estates bought (prhate) Est in yrs The Diamond Shop ah"U'l, SAMUEL !fPSOV NOTART PUBLIC 72? Walnut itreet. Philadelphia DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANT SIZE PRICE NO OBJFCT KELLY & CO . 02 CHESTNUT ST Bulta 2122 Over Child RestauranJ. Frlv WRECKINO OP ALL KIN-)S " PHILATJELPHIA WRFCKINO AND CONTHC flNO COMPANY nuiri inesinut si VI!ITINO HAIRDRESSER formerly with Mil Cloud eyebrows arched henna treat ment, all shade) blond and black Wood- land 8520 W ELEC, treat and manicuring Office Hutch- ison Bldg , fourth floor Rooms 406-407 122 S 11th at hours 10-d ELECTRICAL TREAT physical culture 1821 Boardwalk. Atlantic City. Entrance to right of store FOR ESTIMATES on punch press work call write or Phone SHAWNESSET MANUFAC- TURINO CO. 47D Tort ct Market4088 ELECTRIC treatment ft manicuring Room 103 Heed Bldg 1215 Filbert at Loc 3962 STAMPS AND COINS TAMPS. PACICDTS DIMB SETS Albums and supplies for stamp collectors- F1IILA STAMP CO.. 21 S 17tb it. STORAGE AND MOVINO lrtmNITURE and piano movlnr In n.4 vans, hauling of all descriptions complete pieaaurB-vni' service, uu ukui ioo snort or too long; no Joj too small or too large for our modern motor fleet: prompt, efficient aei-vlee. Phone Diamond 428 Wagner Dtorage, o-ij tv, uituitnin mi, ' VICTORY " Storage 521R Market Largest and best Phone Belmont 4670 for an estimate Ootids packed for shipment. Plerce-Arrow vans for moving N4Y7?n Watson's Storage J' Going to New York and Baltimore be tween, July 14 and July II), wishes a load going and pnmlng Open for engagementa to all pomts Summer prices FREE One month's storage: separata rooms padded auto im, moving, hauling of all kinds local and long distance, reason, able rate; Crescent Storage Warehouse 1031 N 2d st Bell phone Kensington Sins' sn ... ..ni4e 1niiiai4 tiitstt l a ii '"" tuui u j '""'- ysiiio 4 1 1 trjniu WALLACE T N 1 IK f1 2n -'' Church lane ntn 1 LONO-DISTANCE MOV1NO ' 0tn i. FIDELITY FIRF PROOF WAREHOU3FS r . '' 1817-1810 MARKET ST. MOVIN'O hauling nicking loner distance hauling Belmont Storage Co Vew Vorto i"'!;.rl,..S".".,,,,nion "- '" f CRAWJORD STORAQE will take half load of household goods from Philadelphia to Washington or one load In return Phone etmont6124l night phone Belmont 317w MONARCH STORAGE CO S70 LANCAH. TFR AVE AUTO SERVICE STORAQE I'Al IXIilV !-..- --, 'tnni-r, muYlrtU VOril Centuty Storage Warehouse absolutely nreprooi. p iihi, '""f rug rms. : I-Hrce-Aeroiv cur u.u qi.h tmi si FlhtPHOOF warehouse, est free N Phlla torare Co , 203V Lehigh ave Diamond 7?Q0 Longer the distance shorter the rates DANCING MODERN steps at summer rates. Apply Oracla Studio. 11 8 0th at , opposite Postofflce J&opPING AND IKON AWNINGS OLD BPOF8 COVERED with Mays' Fault ejesa roofing, and guaranteed 15 years: let lite sttroate llione Diamond 3493. ROB ifcftT'A, MATS 28S2 N. 2lt gt. .jfQtOEayar.Ee and bicycles KRW and'Sd-hand blcrclea" tre. all mains, WPBEW T. !BIRCHETT. 80S S 22d a,-88 and IJQ tab, t it y WANTED c . - OLD, CLOTHES BOUQItT faal.Atf (.lAihlnasi aiela.J . m coats trousets shoes etc ; ladles cloth ng Of all descrlnttnna nnd evenln. -t-.L""! bought: highest prices paid We call inV. ' where city or country, dsy or night Writ. I call or telephone Filbert 2172 'v"le. ANTIQUES and modern furniture feather I .-" i,- iNuucui tm 111 1 u re rea ther beds marble ee broken Jeelr highest l'-U3 IIIBIUI IflWf UM1N-I1 J prices A rite Pioneer, 102(1 N luoer rhone Liiamonrj n.'j OLD. CLOTHES ladles, men s or hnv' t suits oercoats shoes hats e posltlelv pay BOo more Send postal call or phone enlnt Irledman Pros 1444 South st ANTIQUE, furniture, old chins old Jewelry I ,. Bold. sller false teeth diamonds An tlqucs 028 Chestnut rhone Walnut 702rt D"0,!J?J?.rJrh.V'" p'-ir75in? Boss IPeople'a Store) 2116 S 11th tal 44" Si'iViT clothino wanted, ladles' and children's c cthes, best prices rhone Mar. VMf 244S W or call H Stern 837 N 4th" DXAM)iP.?.b'",lt.llii 'a ."1rt eichjngedoTd prices Mantom Refining Co 726 Sansom at MACHINEKY AND TOOLS TonTtrrr.of imt, -rt .... DMismos, motors bol ers eteum and all n6,SA,.riEPJ . 'r compressors R" FRANK TtiOMEY INC 127 N 3d st DIUl,A.NI?..X'?.TOJl?..'' rower light. r.mV,. ";3rr' iY"" rJ'"5. crosses THOMAS YKAR9LKY CO ' 2'n??,'!1T:t FOR SALE One derrick nlth an it hoon i.Mi,r', clamshell bucket engine and Torkrn. Amhler 3717 Old mat.ios.8 S "Lm hn"ls for rent or h.i..W""k thejnrd furnishing ,71,m"r,r J'n1" ""d " H C Ambler "71 Old York road FOR f IjIj ftMnhfjM ineelna k. a w' I iri"n ' alt1? ,V,M h,"''wr Atlas S.... .n 3n4- , Haerford ae Phone rrcston 0-.27 " u "'" "'""' FOR SALE To 16 Inch giuc IOxH loco motive 20 i and 4 nrde dump cars II C Amhler 1717 Old York road ELECTRIC MOTOKW MACHINE TOOLS POWER rOUIPMFNT 4uul-3 O RRIEN MACHINERY CO . 11 N 3D ST OLD GOLD OLD gold s her platinum plated ware, old "'5l.'.l.,vJr teeth plates bought for cash Est 1817 J L Clark refiner 07 Sansom Cash paid for old gold slher. clocks re paired Rorere 45 8 17th st Loc Ills PRINTING THE CARD SHOP n,20 Chestnut st -Com-meruil prlntlnj and engraving our ape clilt 110 business cards 1 letterheads and envelopes printed aulcklv OPPOS THE H.DFRAL RESERVE RNK CARPET CLEANING W ALL ACE T V 101826 N 20253 Church lane Otn BOOMS FOR RENT CHf STNUT ST . 20011 rr slrable rooms and also nro'esslonal ofWcei, SPRUCE ST 1012 (Holmehurst Double i iPI "'hg'e vacancies, heautlfnllj fur Iii.."! ,r.""nlng water and private baths: electric lights phones BI'IIUCE ST 1235 Large cool attrnctlve rurnlshed front room home comforts reasonable reference WALI.ACE 1002 Vlcely fur suites of rms , 2d front with kitchenette running water WALNUT ST 1103 Furnished rooms sin gle and double 11TH S 212'! Large furnished room 2 men Hog island nav yard lflTH N 1401 Two rooms furnished nouseneeplng, 7 up single rms S2JO up 1241 N lfiTH ST Ground floor rear with "ira nouseiceeping 128N I5TH Parlor and room next bath C-lll 1241 N nth Phone ROOMS Prhate famlls desires 1 or 2 refined gen tlemen as roomers location rood prlc rea sonable, surroundings comfortable and con genial Innulre In stcre 254S V 12th st . corner Hazzard .... THE RIIRIC loth N 119 141 modern up to date fur nished rooms electric throughout, dallv and weekls rates conv to stations good ac- cnrrtmodatlons for traveling iieople 30TH ST S 120 Large comfortable fur nlshed front room running water good neighborhood WALNUT ST inn-, Attractive cool rooms, gentlemen board on I spmlprlv hath lirnlshed BROAD ST N 1000 rurnlshed rooms gentlemen preferred all (onvenlences ulso near train and trolley TtrsT pnn.MiFTritiv 3ST7I S, 230 Neatly furnished single and double rooms Call Preston 2217 W 45TH S , 426 One or 2 third floor rooms, electrlo light refined home 40TH ST . S . 1209 Three unfurnished housekeeping rooms second floor, amitts onlv T ROOM with every convenience In a beauti ful home $6 Phone Preston 160 ROOMS WANTED Fl'R.N room desired with b kfast preefrred must be quiet and with nice people srlve partlc first letter Ensign A 21" Led Off BOARDING PINE 4320 Large second floor furnished cool room. 1 or 2 gentlemen earlv break- faet private famllv reas Birlng 1102 R ROOMS to rent also rooms ind board Diamond 2101 W 2142 N Oratz ft COUNTRY BOARD WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS wanted with or with out board, for the season on a farm. In Montgomery county near Norrlstown or Col legevllla preferred Write or phone I. SI Shestack 322 Dickinson st Dickinson 1763 J APARTMENTS APARTMENT HEADQUARTFRS Central apartments a specialty Sherwood Apt Agency 225 S Broad st Some ery attractive turn apts, some housekeeping Hell pnone vvainiu tn VERY ATTRACTIVE apts centrally located with and without kitchenettes modern tOHN B MAC.EE Real Estate Trust Illdg OREEV ST, 2224 Two rooms and bath furnished or unfurnished electric lights, parouetrv floors, also room and bath Poplar 552 GREEN ST 2020 Furnished housekeeping apartment 3 rooms bath kitchenette Pee janitor LOCLRT ST 1500 Two exceptional npart- ments stenm heat electricity, etc prhate famllv 805 to 1ll 1 AND 3 room apts , furn sjid unfurn , all conveniences 421 S Broad st FURNISHED APARTMENTS LENOX APARTMENT 13TH AND SPRUCE STS .... . . . . V.4 Fumlsnea nouseKeepine niwniiiriu ,-i iu room and bath living room dining room and ,.,., . . -a Ont.ii.H 1 nr hi year Klicnen lor iciii. i w,u, - ... -.. --. Phone M B Kllle Walnut 6800 16TH ST 8 127 (The Oeneval Furnlahed bachelor apartments 5 rooms and bath. In the heart of the business section, 2 bloekt from Broad St Station APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED To rent. 5 or 0 rooms and bath, unfurnished housekeeping apartment- aouth of Market st , west of 62d at. preferred. kindly stale price M 820 Ledger Office.. NTW JFltSKY SF.ASnORB TOUNO couple desires apartment. 8 rnorna and bath, for searon; uptown: atat par tlculara In first letter: near Man land are. preferred M 225 Ledger Oftlca HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 11TH ST.. S , 820 Desirable housekeeping apartments, 3 rooms, bath and kitchenette. Apply Janitor on premises or TAULANE OOP Walnut st 1HTH. N 1401 Two or S rooms furnished bath and kitchenette IB 50 up Vnrnlshed FURNISHED APARTMENTS certral loca. tlons, by week If desired Sherwood Apt. Agency, 2-"i 8 Broad at Phone Walnut 317 APAKTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RR1S American Plan CHELTEN AVE AND MORRIS ST. GERMANT0WN 20 MINUTES TO BROAD BT STATION rurpungq ana tiniurnmntq uuc. HETTLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE UTTLB HOTBU 2JS 8. Broad gt A goodi place to live while In Philadelphia THE CLINTO.f, 10th at, below Bpruoo iludsrn (urn. and unfuru, awrtptientiv USED ATJT0M0DILE8 A fortune can be made in the next few years selling an estab lished nnd nationally advertised tire, not represented nt present in this city. Fair amount of capital, some selling experience and con siderable business sense are the only requirements. This is a particularly attractive opportunity for a tire salesman, branch manager or assistant who knows the local maiket to start a wonderfully profitable business of his own. The tire has, not imaginary talking points. Write stating your qualifica tions. Answers will be treated as strictly confidential. Address H. CUMMINS, Room 800, 50 East 42nd Street, New York City. ESTAHI tlth.n 1847 FORD CAR OWNERS ford ni:rvin parts and ACCESSORtl'S T SPltCIAL PRICES 17 OO SnnfMvht- r mi 1 T 00 2 no 1 7 10 Hi" qn Tire Carriers 2 00 o oiare Lense a 11 1n Eront Springs tl 00 Front Radlnue Rods 00 Champion X Pluss J. COOKE & CO. K10 MARKTT STRFET FLEET Or .I MM TWICA1TJ JvEUtLY xn tnnn E.VH COMR MOTOR CO !U V T WASHINOTOV T C T1VO 8 ton nhlte trucks stake body, with ilosed cab thee trucks are practically new have been ued four months and not over :nan mllea r RAVTA Ellsmore Pel Auto Supplies Repairing FOR HUDSON AMI 111 I'MOHILE REPAIR WORK Pe. the Rrandv-vvln Auto Replr Co Foerr A Rav lmpon forn-erly with Onm-ry Schirarts Co now established at 1938 13 Brandvvvlne t Pcnlar Win Hauling I Oi Al, and long llstance hauling enulpp-d for iMulIng henvv casting, and structural steel dump ind lunvb.r truck. L O Hit- kln Tabor roid Thone Wyoming 3107 J FOR SALE We Make ant Sell National Cash Registers and Ciedit Tilei Lowest prices small monthly pay. ments no tntere.t charges, written guarantee old registers repaired rebuilt bought sold a id Tchangeb. JOHN T. WATSON Agent The National Cash Repnster Co., 71(1 cnrnsi.T it Thone Wilnut -trt- Maine IB7S TYPEWRITERS RENTED NOVVISIPI B t moCTH! $! VIIRLl,-1 MONTH") J7 n UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters Ameiican Writinc Machine Co. (I2 CHESTNUT ST WAT.NTt'T Jf. I MAIN 32U OFFICE FURNITCRE roll-top , typewriting nd bookkeeping desks all kinds of filing devices tulles from 1 to 12 feet long fireproof rafes pirtltlon tele phone booths and other I'nmnlete enulpment In aplndld rondltlon and verv cheap Ht'OHES 11TII VNP RL'TTON' OOP OFFICE FUHNlTt'RE Large lot desks safes nice cabinets and general nrnc furniture stor. fixtures We Ruv Sell and rTehinr TATTEN I'LRN'ITL'RE fO rocriT 4II7M ir.'7 aui-h i rapf ;aoe FOLDIN'O AND INVALID CHAIRS yon SALE AND TO HIRE Theatre chairs moving plct machines itr school desks church pewe and pulpit chairs CHAIR FNCHANOF S E cor B th and Vine NEW Mnger drop-head aevvlng machtns used nnchluee $1,1 up guaranteed also Columbia and Ictor machines and record easv terms slemk IOJ1 V ill ,t 1110 N' Id THREE PIFCE TORCH folding se consist ing of nrmehalr settee iand table H 50 Including dellverv anwhere In cltv CHAIRBCHAVC.ESE corBth and Vine BATHTl Its sinks toilets wash travs vvdshstand. rndlatois hot water and steam boilers pipes and fitting cheap 143u S Kth Phone Dlckln.on 174 BART CARRIAGES complete lntfl line, over 16u Htvles all colors, see our $19 special Miller "04 OB S :M st Open ev enlngs BII LIARD pool enmh t'n ?fl hani Immi.k. sold rented exch Keafer 32 Olrard av HOUSEHOLD furniture beds anl cote com plete Sherrv s Broad end Cbrtetlan MFN S slTITf- made to order from vour own materials 12 n fit and vvorkmansilp guaranteed Itessert 011 Arch st REFRIOERATORS and nxturei fur grocers and meat markets terms If dealred RANT1AI 1. CO Ml N 2d SAFES fireproof slightly used som- with thin walls also steel cabinets 72 N Fourth REAL ESTATE FOR SALE cm lfnohleck Kalrmount ave icon block ohvo st L.ip block N' Ihth st 1S0O block Oxford st JftOO block N 10th st 700 blck V sth st mobloik Fnlrmount ave 170fl block, Olrard ave 1000 block lllrard sve llion block N 10th st .'ion block N 18th t corner 400 block E. Olrard ave Etore and dwg l00 block bnruce st 1100 blpck Spruce st 2100 block N (Uh st lino block Wallace at Jioo block N Carlls.e st 1211 N" Tavlor st IPS A RARR CO 1420 Ch"tnut Spr 011 TO HOME BltTERS POSSESSION' SSI N 27th st, 3 atorv 2"n 221(1 Ogden st . - stors J'" 1111 N Uratg st 2 story porch S700 1MRN- 11th st latory ' " 2233 N Ssdenham 2 story . . 3400 1010 Rrown st d story -""n jroo .v Howard st . 1 stor -""" -'s,N snrtaln st 2 stor ""Q .'2011 v lith store anl dwelling 5JnJ 114 Snjder ave 2 stv h w elec 1l"1 840 N Ilambrev st 3 story . 2200 TAULAME 000 WAlA'l'T S7 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2759 Kensington 0 rooms and bath, store, lot in4Xl20 price $10 000 CAMERON' JS11 Kensington ave WELL EQUIPPED PROPERTY For board ing or lodging apartments running water ln all rooms, electric lighting main thor oughfare northeast section BI'CKLEY 3, 1010 E Cumberland st Both phones FOR INVESTMENT A few excellent opportunities to buy small houses, good rents information furnished gladlv BUCKLEY'S, 103H E Cumberland st Both phones 717 N 17TH ST Handsome 1 stnrv apart ment house SJ000 cash live In $15 apart ment free, other two pay carrvlng charges and reduction expenses act nulckty HARRY J KOEHLER CO 1420 Chestnut st Phone Locust B701 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1BU W TIOGA ST 0 rooms Lot 24x Open from 7 to 8 P M Or JOHN T DOYLE 2742 Kensington Avenue 001-3 .1-7-0-1 1 S BODIVF RENT $14 FACH SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR SPECU. LATORrl OR INVESTORS ML ST BE SOLD AT ONCE, MAKE OFFLR P 225 LEDQLK O FICE Broad and Mt. Vernon 20,000 square feeL thr fronts Kstate WORRELL 'VT. NORTH 17TH JinfalDENCFS Several finely equipped homes with all com forts, ln northeast section convenient to car lines at pre-war prices BUCKLEY'S mtl K Cumberland st Botn phones 5347 ADDISON 8T Attracthe well con atructed. 2story, 7-room porch-front home nice refined location little cash required, onlv 8?.Vr possession KOEHLER & CO IA2( Chestnut st Phone I ocust 703 BEAUTIFUL home. 223.! W aiuntliiffdon st , 7 r SS o rch. 1 a ree a rd exc condition price $42 ira V Thomas 23lft v Lehigh 300 HOUSES FOR SALL $100 down, anca same aa rent list on request KENNEDY 1001 Chestnut st ba. HOME choice Investment houaes singly or In bunches, all near this office Adams. J740 flermantown ave fOURTKEN-ROOM HOUSE near 13th and Oxford! lot 20x160, price $8000 P 2Ji, jeorrr vmirp :523 N SARTAIN ST Two story, 8 rooms and beth lacant povvi $2200 novvs -;'uvl OOP Walnut st TAUIiAflK 1228 W SOMERSET Modern 3 atopy house. Owner. IH2 W Somerset at aan Rnulevard H.-w. heat eleo i open Sun : price $7000 E F. McPeak JQ24 Fkd ave. JU24, l.'. l3d ROWAN Porch. rooma, ' good order- $1300 Olenn. 1117 Oolum nv V'OLgRED pUYfcft, 1811 J. JIHh at JOS, REAL ESTATE FOR SALB pi:nim.vam srm nnv nini.KvrvBK SU..M 1 ti'.r.'.s'v.i'.'i''it'i''.'.vs.LEgj Ridley Park Estates Hlgh-rlars residence property being sold lltcrallv at a sacrifice Tou hive an cpportunltv to bui homesltes here in RllH.ri PVftK where the Investment fea ture stands out promlnentlj .r lUJ.K PARK KSTATF.s Is situated on c he-ter Pike the greatest thorough !!' ,n ,'oulh'trn PennavlvAnla This propertv was subdivided and placed on the market at prices aetuallv below imrket viiuc It Is being developed and modern ch? " b"n bu"t Improvements arc being put In without cost to the pur- . ..w'.",'n "he ear homelles here will have doubled In value Tour opportunity I?.. V . '" no" b',or'' Prices advame and this vou can do on verv easv lerma with out interett which means that everv dollar vou pav is credited to vour account ine time to buy propertv la during earlv development and take advantage of the .r..'.n '. "" ln r",r' lMm Mrllcularli applies tn RIIlLn'V PARK ESTATES as It r.iui- ?1,J,r.n.".l."u," ,he remalnldg undrvelopcd land in exclusive R1DLET lAIVIv HOROLtill vervain?!!'' .u"h..",.r0m"!i,i",!Pe 5" hltn "l' oe Delaware River and In the iiili e m nfi IfVV! "Ilh direct main line- of tranportatlon onI a few mln utes from Phllsdelihla or the big Industrie, along the river PARK pSt'i'tl'.0""" "' hon"? In Philadelphia nnd environs given to RIDLBT bAflpET,1l!nbanhe77Sr',e,;Bd,.rt,''!; "' b' "rar,""11( 'o1"" Ph,,aTd0e,'p'h,.r,no,nR,.dv ''AW lY.tlWX .'ffla-' ?vr?!leS,,ro"iro!;,r,,"vr ".'?. S'nn'U'Aff, rl&l.hrrn,frd..1 VaVg" '" " "i"S,-n7oy,'ev'n,drrr(i aTpVolp" Bell phone Chester 71 and we will take vou over the propertv at anv time GILM0RE, McFERON & MILLER RIDLEY PARK ESTATES, 705-706 CROZEU BUILDING I HTS1 hit TA ,-l.-.--h-.-.-.-i,-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -.'. -l.V'ia.'.'L'.'!.'-LrgsF CITY Quality Homes MODERN IN b CRY PARTICI'IAR 4100 Block N. 7th Street Immediate Possession Sale Price $5500 (V REAL BAROMNI lt rooms and bath all latest appoint mrnti natural white nnd mahoganv finish harlvvool floors thnughout GEORGE E. KLINGLER Agenf on Premise? 01 4429 N. 8th Street 13 Dwellings, N. V. Section ron i rsTMENT or speci i tiov A. HEAT0N MINNICK 102 OIRVRD W 1! Phone PPl"r 181 41 0 OTH CRD E SIR V R LEPRO ' Rtt Fl F JH0i"v Rallev $11011 4NOH V 12th st IJW H4I10 N dst k 40nn 411H N 11th st $in0l into stiles Col d 4000 mi7 V Camic JSiiil 1(102 Pulall 4 400 rttl V Camac ,000 Hill V Jlih st 4100 ! ho n Cumac soon inriklnaave H1II0 Next Ch C imac 7 1O11 Mtgea placed R h FIKLO OI. down VVVom lUl VV 10 IV .1 ' ?L""-r' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1MI W Tloca f r ran or phone K JOHN T. DOYLE Tinea 0 rooms lot 24100 phone Kensington ". 1 2742 Ken slneton ave 1322 LOCUST STREET S E cor Junlpr JOxllo feet well adapted for prof-.sional or 1 lub purposes joiiv n mmiki; I Real I tate Trust Bldg 1 Building Lots I'.lctnra ?ltea. Etc. BITLS RAILROM) t'enna and Reading JJOtio pr acre and up accord'ng to loc Inquire for terms Dlterlch 737 Walnut Victories FACTORIES AKD FACTORY SITKA I Eaeryivhere In Philadelphia LOUIS 8 GINSBURO 1201 Chestnut st FVCTORY adapted for machine shop holler1 wcrl's etc 41(1 feet on main line of Read Ing It R with siding 21000 fet In one bulld'tig 11000 feet In another building also offices drawing room etc in good con dltton mini lme poee..ion loiatennt not rlstovvn turthcr Information Drebv & Fvans Lincoln Building SE TN' FACTORIES Kensington different slzea suit anv buslneas trackage KE.NNmY 10(11 ( hestnut st FOR SAH. Automobile gar cap 110 cars now 120 cars occupjlng apace Building 1 n c hiding rood loc Adrress II 107 I ed Off Mores and lvielllnga 100107 00 11 S .'OTH What Is vour otter?. David Frlednisn 1004 1 Incnln Bldg l.'l t I7TH T "Store anl dwelling rent. $10 prh e $r.ono h s Miller o.'ira 1 an, caster ave 1I'T l'llll.l)FtPHI uiwi! huh mi m :i Eai HniBiuunii! bi uiwnwiini NEVER AGAIN Ten rooms and 2 baths hotwiter heat electric light parouetry floors beamed ceilings would cost vou $lnono todav Price $0700 or reno vated $7000 See svmple house open 4534 SANSOM STREET Emluslve hlghclas" neighborhood 11 minutes tn Cliv Hill bv surface line and l'j sns to -Kith St El Sta Attractive torm H i n i Kershaw & Crowl iii'iniinBnPBiiiiBiiiiniiiiBi1 5211 Chest nut S' IBllllBII'QIIIIBlin' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2011 ! ."7th ft nd hn icn all moflrn imnr th st end houre 7 rooms ga' Mtchen all modern Imnrovements J. W. CAMAC CO il.'d and Woodland ave iv ovrniiRfiotv trcTiON 1 CORN'ER WITH OARAOE $4'00 1 l-BEDROOM HOl'fE . 410(1 I 4-BEOROOM HOUSE 3(100 1 1 BEDROOM HOUSE . 4100 Promptness now will eave disappointment later FIT7.PATRICK 1141 N 00th it TO HOME m"TFRt POPSF8MOV ,1100 block Angora ter 2 storv porch J.innn 22 NT Honart st 2 tnr porch 22u0 101ft 21 Market st 1 storv porch each ooon S0J0 31 01 41 Harper 2 stv bk each 2100 TAl'LAN'E tlOO Walnut st "" R(.ft7 ltttNTIlRS A E $4100 2 story 0 rooms side vard room for a garag monirn ihuiiiuuii. iim iiiniiaKn S '000 posseealon at settlement In 60 das A F GALLAGHER 12d and Wn rren MATCH IT IK 'TOU C.V 11)00 RLOCK WEHSTIR ST l!10l Localltv unsurpassed 4 bedrooms eec hot water heat sample house vpen Agent on preinls-a or remebbcr CROSS stands for all that s ' OOOD fOth Larrhwood N W COR MD t SPRINtH ILl.I) AVE Modern In every respect electric lights, garage prlv Quirk possession Price 7800 Donald V. Redding chf'si er' we MODLRN llrllgbt houses 0 rooms electric light parquetrv floora hot water heat One location 4110 Phone Walnut 2940 SCHMIDT t. CURRAN flOO Lltertv Bklir ;S00 HOB1RT ST (1400 block! 2 story A rooms bath and outkitchen porch fronts new roofs all ln first class condi tion Se me E A T DOTLE CO Mil Master st CORNER PROPFRT. B rooms and bath, main street, very desirable at an at tractive) prlte Stuart Claghorn 14th and Olrard ave sTdE-Ys-RD RESIDENCE IMS N 14th st , 3 storv hot water heat fine condition lot in-tlin priced low at t4700 II S MILLER 200 Lancaster ave snn BLOCK N HORTON ST SOOO BLOCK PINE RT 441 J 32D ST CORNER , JOS A BARR CO . 1420 Chestnut Sprgf 213S S i4TH ST Immediate possession 4 bedrooms, priced for a quick sale J W CVMAC CO , 2d and Woodland ave Wood land sin Rio nAROAIN" 1705 N .IRTH ST Nine rooms hot-air heat and gas II s MILLER 1)200 I ancaster ave 810 N 4 1TH Vacant $1000 key at office 3 story 0 rooms, 44th and I ancaster EMPIRE TRUST ru RENO ST , 8100 block Two fl room porch houaes good order, rented J 10 price $2000 A V OALLAQHER B.'d and Warren sts. AUCTION SALES NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION Comprising Entire Plant Contained in 36 Buildings STANDARD AIRCRAFT CORPORATION Brunswick Avenue and Laurel Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Installed at Cost of Over $1,000,000 Will Be Sold at Public Auction by SMITH & JAFFE, PHILIP SMITH. Auctioneer Auction Sale Will Commence MONDAY, JULY 21st At 11 A. M., Continuing Daily Until Completed Dv Order of Messrs. Mingle. Flnklesteln Enrich. Attorneys, Woolworth Bldg . N T C. For catalogues and further particulars apply at plant, attornejs, or SMITH & JAFFE. Auctioneers and Appraisers Offices: Woolworth Building, Salesroom;.. ,68 Yc?t 45th Street, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE i'knnnwa m-m mnnw mm K1 PRK H.KST I'm i. orLrinA e'OjSfBrarararanGraramrarnnnracnirnrarnniraral S p T-"""." nu.. i-n. 1 mile 'from 1 m Deimar lerrace Homes mill rn"m" prch., nr.t I Between Springfield and j Warrington Aves. 38th to 59th St. "ee Simple House. 18n Belmar Terrace Open Fv enlngs I Extra large rooms one of the feature, of iheee houses 11 sold in II dava since completion of 1 sampi. house An earlv selection I "III prove adi anlagous 1 $24.50 Terraced porch front Dutch hall iome 7 unusuall) large rooms irtlBiieallv finished In while and mahogany harmonious decorations! Itiractive fixtures with nutlets for varuiir cleaner and floor lamps hardwood floora. tosement laundry, no expn. hie been apared to make these homa cov and perfect In everv detail $1oo la the amount of cash neces sarv to purohlee and the $24 BO per month repi events rnrrvlng charge less a small amount that pava on mortgage principal Most any car will bring sou No n on Walnut at tn '.".th and Chea ter No 11 to rsth and Woodland, tran.fer norlh on flMh The I." to fiOt 1 transfer south or No 84 to flh ami rtaltlmore, transfer south Owner on premises or -AMITL STERN North Amerlran Ride jggjgfBglrMBIBiSH TILE BATHS. SHOWER OPEN FIREPLACES HOT-WATER HEAT McClatchy's New Overbrook Homes With Garages $600 Cash, $38 a Month Carrying Ch larges I JOHN H. M cC LATCH Y Builder and Owner 1848 Land Title Bldg., Phila. Building Tola BLIIOINf) lot for sale 70th and Gibson ave will aell cheap If sold this week owner moving West P 114 Ledger Office "IIOflA 1400 Block 2imi Blocl 2100 Rlock V IRth st Hunting Park ave i Ontario st idenham st Ontario st corner won Jlloclt lt-00 Block 2000 Block riogi m i IPS A RARR CO 1120 Chestnut Spr ail OER1IANTOTTN E HA1 r. A number of houses from Jlooo to M0() easv terms PARKER & -PAETH 20th and Chelten ave Phone Oak I ane 111? 1 'in h I HEI.TEN iv e (Ireepe and Johnson st corner Sedgwick and Emlen sts let, ICOvlgt corner ins RARR CO 1420 Chestnut spr (-j ATTRACTIVE semldet house near "-edgwlclt Ma ann trol ii rms 2 b elec light i hot air heat, flrenlace owner will sell fori 5eOilO Key at 212 B Durham st I LOflAN NEW FISCHER-BUILT HOMES WITH GARAGES 9th St. Above Rockland C. HARRY JOHNSON 1420 CHESTNUT ST Agent on Premises H K FRITZ. 4005 N OTH ST ROCKLAND ST NEAR BROAD Eight rooms and bath modern nevvij renovated a bargain at 00(l Immediate possession Mil MAISIN'OER Real I state frurt Bids S V COR I.lnilley ave and Lamac st Reautlful corner home inuviso show place of I ogan distinctly Individual 21 000 1IARRV J KOE1I1 ER & CO 1420 t hestnut LINDLLT AVE Two and Thalf storv twin v rooms 1 bath modern at J0710 cannot be duplicated at $80OO vour opportunity M H MATS1VOER Real Estate Trust Rldg 1121 OLNET AVE Two storv porch 7 rooms and bath modern garage privilege M II MATSINOER Real Estate Trust B'dg INDUSTRIAL plants sites and river front age J L btevenson A on S22 Land Title oi.vri BARGAIN 3640 Mascher at 1 storv single pebble dash house in rooms all convs double lot OINET RFALTY CO 1111 North 1th st rFNNSM. N1 St IU BIIIV YOUR opportunltv to secure an unusually I well-built and attractive residence nearly ( an acre of ground magnificent shade, every modern convenience and In perfect order throughout fruit of all kinds close to trains and trollev, a de Ided bargain at $ la lion II r Hunter Wayne Pa ATTRACTIVE' hoUbe 1." rooma 3 baths garage 3 acres Applv Albert II Mills West End Trust Bldg AUCTION SALES N, Y. C, Barclay 431. ,,;,., Vandeihp 2524 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NFW JKRSEV Mir inn iiib niE'irs rtsra in ;:im B PINE BEACH, N. J. K to the homesepker or g pciicn with all its beautiful surroundings; boating, bath- P ing, fishing, crabbing and many other outdoor sports; fe located on Toms River and only 53 miles from Philadel phia ; gas, water, stores, school, church, nostofflco. tele- M ! "d PhOTle. Iflrrrn creonofl efvnofo b oi the public; other improvements now under way; lots " E 0x123 from $50 tin. We will assist vnn tr finnncA hnild- M ,np r further information write.'phone or call Room 607. 1328 Chestnut St.. Phila.. Filbert 5685. Hl ' mm n H ii bi ii R 'ii B in bi bi ii Bi flii. ,"5". goon prop rnr investors 116 . -..,. its in lire aia llall ell phone Rox DIJTA. M Hi mi mTT . 'r1 Jeet from vc open nr.plare. '.-, livening containing heat sun parlir t Pal aA1 mi ill An Rldae Reli i hi ne Roi lilt rnin l '"hoiV.J11!.?1" .'',l" rh".rniln """ Colonial view ' ' i'" a i i- i on n I p 1 1 trrnnnfl uith el . d?nini'K " mlP'""" 'ron' station living room anl in.! KflrSr ' l,","W dressing ro.m an,1 "h.Vh - "??."? rnni1 nnr"'i -' tedrooma i.Jl', J fn third flior modrn with all convTnienr,. i, ln4 r. fron. . .." "" le-nnn nlr."' I'-lrnlle nrt of Cvn ",,??. Mri to owner P O wvd prlc Iloi 8 ::." ' r i .i i vnw vit 7,1 LARnl- I stnrv stone mansion on Meeting cvnw v I Station A R.rnnrl ilnAr. 1 I -'1 acr' with lots of beautiful old shade rruit nillll'S fcr remodellne wniiM mak on It. I countrv r"ietice easv accee. to cltv vlv tra n r l motor over goo 1 roads free of nil H v IIJ Nirh.rth Pi IRRY Is;"" rlTrHED 2i storv corner near 1 rth ard Main fl rnom he iter hath laun drv trav. -, lot Jllxlno shop suitable flTJ s''OPI. I 'ON' -.IB Main Darbv I' M.rvyHi: rFROI sun ! North Olenslile Plot lsrt I ot t'OlnllVl raev terms I Ibertv tlon Is takn "riti. from high prl M Itv houses send fnr boliM irpu.on rrnnt -and ork I IIU1HLAM) I'RK STt in and frame bungalow rooms hot water beat gie electric light lot "lOill! 1 00 ash 1111 1 $ niniithlv lleo I llirnes i.i'i i hettnut l or Hlghlanl Park I I , J.LANlRrll ti I t WT-.-.V t. , . J l.l . 1 .. .1 r - 1 1 . . r. aim murro iih-iiihk i rroui, I and attk steam heat gaa nnd lei trie ngnr lot iiixi.'j feet inil(l neti t tnnntn OEOROI1 1. BVRNEt I lint Chestnut st or Highland 1 ark Pa 1 NORWmin 1TR. HNK 1 ORN'CR building lot on Winona a e Six I it. nil street Improve mnta 1 urb pavement onlv 51000 for cash IWOPE A SOV Mtl Main Darb I MFRION J J' ' ' jj JiJL '---LV VJULTJ1- " " l Unusual Opportunity for $20,000 w nffr -i braml n ror.DN'IAIi H"Mr in the bt rr tlon of Mirinn fw mtnut s walk to itatlon with bfiutlfu! urriun llnr Pttrinr of iltiin tif (Ifptu srf"n nnd whit olonlM ,rfct ltri hffl and run t1na X rnnmf 3 lathp rt ld rhani hr numerous" tloets Urinlwood ftnor lt nd 2d floor rhorouhb inndTn Hnd hnutifull flniihd throughout Iirpf lot w 1th nhd jnd hrulbr fln Ktrajti Without question the nv ilu blnjr ofterd on th Mdln T in 5"" OQQ tIij md w ndl 1m mllit lnsp.tlon Full particulars "SMULLEN & BARRY Hfoad and f hew t nut t U rt Pldg 2-fi NARBERTH ARTISTIC DESIGN BEAUTIFUL LOCATION Substantial Construction $8000 UP A. C. SHAND. Jr. NARBI-RTH TRl ST S17 COMMERCIAL riULA 1ILDO NORTH w i rs ONE STORY frame building 4 hv lin 4ult able for light mfg plant moving r ture house storage le trie light an I Meam power 2 snuares from Reading Railway population 1000 will sell cheap C.lverlev CilO'i llld a'c Phlla Ph Roxborough llfl PI Mil ID STUt CO and hollow tile bungalow R rooms gas and electrl light lot lOxl.'l J1O00 cash and 41 monthlv OI o I. IIARN'ES 1201 thee-tnut st or Highland Park SM RT111I0RE BEAUTIFIL SUBLRBAN RESIDENCE within easv commuting distance 1 miles from Philadelphia 10 trl'-s from Cltv Hall 4 acres beautiful grounds with old shade and. shrubberv large rrliarl jrletv of fruit stable and garage house has 10 rooms. hot-water heat elettrlc I guts etc exiellent propop i on lor saniiaruiiu u .. u'i"i i i u t.s ...... . k. r,n. tntrv i MARRHS.LL owner 111" Marlvn rosd I Overbrook Phone Belmont ill HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE MKKCIIWTMLI I. OAKS ANNEX j i y.nnr.KTii ) NEWTIOMES iS AT S Watch Which Way the Cat Will Jump When the New Delaware River Bridge Is Completed "TXT'S TS!5 19 Minutes Now From Market Street Ferry ONE FARE ONLY Cars Stop on Property Prepare Now to Own a Home. Plots 25x125 On This Beautiful Tract Low As $100.00. None Higher Than $500.00. I Select your plot now; terms $10.00 down, $10.00 monthly. When plots are fully paid for we will build our home in jigtime. Orders for homes will be built in rotation as received; act quickly. Come out any weekda up to 8 o'clock in the eveninc and see some of the beautiful homes already built, via Market Street Ferry. Take Moorestown or Merchantville car, pet off at Wellwood Road, walk one block East on Maple Avenue to LexingtfMi Avenue, TO RED ARROW. Representative always on the property, or write for appointment, plans and specifications. MERCHANTVILLE OAKS ANNEX CU., 64b urexel uuiiding, rnuaaeipnia. We Will Build One of These 8-Room Houses for as Little as SZ7.5U Monthly REAL ESTATE FOR SALE f.FW JFR1FY rlNB llFAt II nniiBiiiiBviBiiiiR in n : inn in it inniimiwn investor: Come and see Pine VicvIaI rmnv s nMi,AMM.J.t!AM a ii biih Bi ii suirn u biiii fltraiDBimnii K.nrii'HTii MA1NB Tit n orpriRTl NITT to secure sn un usuallv well built nnd attractive eesldenc- neirlv an aire of ground magnificent ehide everv modern convenience and In perfect order throughout fruit of all Vtlnd . i"-i- in train ann irniiev a necuieii iwr lain at ls nan H t 111 VTLR Wajne Tenna tav ier;ej srm nnAN IIORIIKNTOU at unrmtxtdH v v- .- .. i""ii t i 11 u i JT- Vile' WI the most henutlfulh situated hftm In th state it rooms all conveniences steam heat building of routines! brick finlshel in niacK walnut harn chicken houss work shop etc on the blurt of the pelawnre I river 70 feet high at the tni.ulh of the Dela I aare and Raritan canal also mouth of the lontemplated Inland witerwav Phlla New Tork on foot front an mllea from Phlla , (to miles from N'evv lork exce lent train and troll.v service will .-II furnlnhed If de sired mini be ee'n to b appreciated Ap 1 pli or address Owner 1 Karnsworth ave Bordentnwn UOIlllllWK ntNOMOW 4 bedrooms lot 0vlOO fine .,S?,r'i".,"nnnu"' chicken house price $4. i0 $1000 cssh balance arranged ontv -0 minutes frvm ferrv posseaaion In 2 weeks see R a tlocKtitM, A CO Wood Iv-nne ramden V 3 or anv realtor NBff ifrse sr'-niinr. 2 TltOirE lots ea 21x100 on Wlldwood av near ocean sale or trade for (Itv bona lot AJ1RR10 MSO ( hestnut Sj r H',1 I'UND IIFIRIITt "LmJv"'.''' "" fXCHAN'OE AT AI'R1 ,. : I' " Alonev I.Ian I adjoining l.l ml ."P. ' "" Tonis River niir Rarn cit Mav eslllng fishing boating lathing gunning 1 lote plot AOxlM feel will eacrl nee for oulck cash or anv thing that .an T'1- HIT I PR li converter! into eaah lllr... t f 0JjCoraj Phlla WW'lHMl rKM , ("OINTRI FSTV.TE FOR SUE ( nnelatlng of two a Homing fatm In the feart of the Bradford Hills (heater i iunl . J. m"'." ,rnm '"Uladclphli I mil a from We.t i hr.ter 1 miles from rvmnlm. town 2 mlleg from I incoln lllihwav 1 ml from Bradford Hills station P R It I mil from Downtngtown and W eat theater '"i, J m" rr"m Brandvvvlne ( rc k un lllev Creek and Little Brcid Run Th.M furma .nn...l.. I.fl ..... . ..u . j , """I'"" ' .1 I i-P t'l li.1111 .land and woodlanl under 'Ultivatlou travers en in two large streams and ini hide one large stnne mill nearlv loo venrs old with Iniasonrv and roof In excellent condition 1 I largo atone house recntlv remodeled 11 room bath .' toilets t open fireplaces central hot air heater In cellar (.ax sup Plv from puhllr malne of i heat r i ountv Oas to water pumped b gasoline eni-tne I from spring stone garage with coni rete floor 'capable of accoinmn latlng 2 large car sleeping porch enilnsui with wire sen ens house surroundel bv excellent shade trees ij large barns one 1 room stone tenant house with splendid walvr supplv from spring ibikp meanowa oin orcnarn or apple anl pear trees 0 springs on propertv This propertv la an Ideal Imatlon for a large countrv estate stock farm or fruit t ne H.irr pnwer OI VHIiev l TCeK lis amrte also for the develonment of the miu ror industrial pitrposee This Is an un uual opportunity for securing a remarkable prorertv For further pirtlculnrs applv to J B Thomson or A 1. Halteman West l Poster Pay 11KM.M nt KK (IT SEASHORE HOTEL FOR SALE. OCEAN CITY. MD. FRONTING ON OCEAN 12 ft ff room modern ronn1ncs lctrlc liKhta Urir randn fntlna ocrin boardwalk In intr o( excursion dlntrlct, hhn hrlitht futur new Mat frr fron Vnnapolla 1 1 ruiborne Innurra ln r d trafflt lot 12".xon in fee, price I1J.000. easy trrmn Addrfa K nvnuT O tan rit Md B. E. SALE OK EXCHANQE BIRMlNOIIAIf V J 70 room hotel git acres boating swimming fishing 1 bio k from railroad nrlce S21 000 furnished completelv girage 10 A BARR CO 1420 Chestnut ipr 031 1 REAL ESTATE WANTED ITAN'TFT) Rent a house bv man and wife I no children best referenve city or coun tr a .. i.eqgcr wince W ANTED House or apartment bv small fvmllv must have S rooms In desirable section of the vllv or suburb close to i Itv possession wantid bv September 11 or Oito I her 1 willing to pav liberal rental if suited I V a rlv lease P XI J Ledger Office W N1 to rent on vearlv lease or more dwel house vhltiitv loth and Poweltm I are 12 tn 1 rooms s Broailbrnt 1111 Powelton ave wv HA1 E BITERS for reasonnhlv priced I West Phlla properties W'Est PHILA REM. ESTATE CO 10Q0 Baltimore ave . Tl , ...-. e ! WANT Tti hl i a 7 room norch front house with modern tmnle stale nrlrM description and location 31 I edger Office REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1IEHrlINT1ll.t.K OMtS ANNKX jSL Rent fht Cat fn H! JMS, Beat the Cat to It! on Plot 50x125. REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 AJf SE''' our Wlldwood property, no mi itter ; where It la located whether hotel, boardwalk business or cottage. In my seven. teenth annual combination auction sale of resl estate enter jour property now. writ for particulars JOHN A ACKLF.r Auctioneer Magnolia ave and Roardwalk, ndnwodN J W,B. F HlKHS for properties In all inrta of the city and suburbs, send ui iri'i vyif'Jl'' nt hat ou tiave to sell. JfiS A J1ARR CO H20 Chestnut Ppr m Faelorlea IVri ,tnrn,,JlaRC!?X PACTORT BIIIL7V MI'OT l'llll.t)MPIII - W AVTBII til buv fitrnas lien.. !.. i, -. ne nil a .t.inhi, -.. ,,..:::"::. "uu:t "' . lIWI -- - -,, -iri iiriHiK sari inn J noon to Phone )crbrotk MTi R REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY :1room,n."hF.,''!'T1"l,r, "welling 11 ,.. .- "Htha o ectrlc light hot air Apply onlv'' rm"''" immediate pos.JSJlJA' L JiI I.AM Ml Ualmit st ..-V" --L'- "M rem. lliu II oen. tr be usee, tar any currnt nmH ., I "ebiter illr s fiTII O- n. . ' .... iw .in i. ' unen rooma and batni ll-inn wll a tor to n t tnni r ti Chambers 710 Commercial Trust Bldg. Itnslneas Prnnertle nnd Stnrm r)I)?.r ,?'" '. 17,h " fw renT7o nmi m - ....,.,. , , r.n oH sin lilt att ntnrl rnrkwnv win imnrm. to suit. Annlt owner 140 v 17th nt I lot lSIO . t . .ZTZ ... ...... ' "'"""Ai, fieelrable offlres for rent sing!) and en suite we 1 1lslilH anil alrv 'le- valor service Chestnut st Appl to E J Elliott 111? "'orjea lllniifnrtiirlng Floors NORTHEASTERNrWAREHdUSE COMPANY fEDOEIEY AN-r ERIE AVE? AND NORTH 2D RT IE1, OP PHIt anriPHIA AN'I IV TKF MID1T OE THE rprowv MILL DtbTRlTT 175,000 SQUARE FEET avS ?R ,?.l?.SO ' Fx"- TO" STORAOB Ai! D rm 'N "'A' JL Rl VO PURPOSES. AX.JTnnM AROI T ti CENTfl TO 40 f'KVTO SQtARE lOOT ACrORDlNO ANn ItrvntNO R R s SPRtNKLPR itr,IVii!1Ul p ,v FACTORY Mt'Tt'Al. AN'tl STO( K COMPA?''ER HlOlf i-RIT &.7.Nnr0 ; VtOORs UP TO Im ri!5.SJ,, "" VF FOOT FNCELLEVT i'lt ARCHTTn'L E,'KVATORS APPLY FLOORS rrooa pvrr II CHK spi'F; LIEBERMAN & AXILBUND 1217 MVRKTT ST "CenDnl Leniinn a Specialty" I l- 1st 17? -PHnNCRsce 1117 FLOORS Large Small Textiles, Machinists, Ironworkers l.arge and small fionre steam and electric .rOHOr-KtlNTv MILLS 1732 RANDOLPH im "nij noor 2ino rn ft heat elevator and electric building lnnn vine at all daylight! service, new Oarage a CPNTRA1 OAR am- capacltv 21 cars An. m,';MiAJ'nEnT " MI,'''S ""tEndTrtSt ! rooh),. etc. I 1722 ARCH PT 2 Urge busln.sTVrn W floor facing An list light and heat Iflo O II JluunbernjVimmercUl Tru8Rldg f V " ?' ""slness rooms ncludlni heat and light 11 B CHAMBERS 710 tommercu Trust Bldg Iu MOETGAQES OUR facilities for placing building assocla. tlon mortgages are unsurpassed In view of V"i,l!"'t th,t ."?. "Present 0 of the large it building associations In the cltv, vre desire, applications for good 1st 2d and'spllt mort gages In an) section of the city or suburbs: ?.r.!;."" '.uncI" fr good first mortgagea. William Jamea Keogh I and Title Bldi $50 Real estate s-curltv Imme diate settlement Interest la estates Douani iasn at one. $2000 EDW. M. MOLL 133 So , 12th St J5U NOTE OR MORTQAOE Immedlite settlements To Unsettled estate loan Building association funds J1000 DEMPSEV k CO. ' 27 1 lth st LOANS R DF1 ANT L KHTATK AND ESTATES. ANT SUM S Hrr-ad (W'e.t Fmt Bldr MONEY TO LOAN OU CAN BORIOW JIONET ON' DIAMONDS AND lEW'FLRT 521 AND UP 2 PER OSNT J7.1 t,D IP 14 PER CENT S20O AND UP 1 PER CENT H1EDERS a MVHKbT RT rtlDuB A E AND OXFORD ST 22D .ND sot'TH ST1. READY MONEY- DIAMONDS W VTCHFS S. JEW ELRT United States Loan Society 117 NORTH BROAD 20 Market et 214ft Oermantow-n ave , CA-H MONET A1 ONCE fir, l.yrelrv bonis autnmnnlr-a s goods of anj 102 N 2d at. lilnd Podol Loan Oftlce REAL ESTATE TOR SALE llHtl IIANTMI I K (1XKS ANNK Mt 27 fl00 5Q px 9 ftrtll QCJ j-f " nno t,v tt " not zq pt Ls m 1 4 -5 al T1 it, i 1 'iJr '5 ti. t . JIJ . ,. x Srf- 1'': - n-7 ''-.., . -I ti sj i . " -). -' 'a-r.r ' ' fl f ..... . .... .-.. ,rjwi r?""' "," 1.TF1""!! I .....r--iaiBaa a i' , , 'lj2&Al B