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CviF !T;4 ' v 4 1 'V. fr EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- -PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY J.8. 1919 d 4 B U It i. m .) -r : ra i-jf l3 SENTENCES STAYED IN FIFTH WARD CASE Formal Notice of Appeal for New Trial in Supreme Court to Be Filed Today NEW FIGHT WILL BE MADE Formal notice of nn npppal for a pew trial More the Supreme Court for the defendants in the Fifth ward mur der case will be filed today. This will art automatically a a stay of sentence for the "defendants until .September. t In so far as the Superior Court is concerned, the defendants were yes terday ordered to appear before the court at AVest Chester when railed upon to comply with sentences imposed after a trial by jury there in which the men ,wre convicted. The defendants, with the sentences Imposed, are: Lieutenant of Police David Bennett, eishteen months in the county prison and $S0O fine. Former Patrolmen John Wirtchafter and Emanuel Cram and Patrolmen Da vid Feldman and Michael Murphy, one year in the county prison and $1-0 Hue each. Patrolman Clarence Harden. -ix months in the county prison and Sl'00 fine. Deutsrh's Deatli Recalled Isaac Deutch, Vare lender of the Fifth ward during the political ram I..! .. f CinnUmVnH lOlT .tiarl Tot, milieu ,11, niti,t . . ' 1 . nini ., .. m - 17 Inst. He had been convicted hv the ! country AVest Chester jury and sentenced to ! two vears' imprisonment with a MANY CARR Y LUNCHES AS FOOD PRICES RISE Increasing of Coffee to Ten Cents Cup in Some Restaurants Spurs Workers to Take Own Victuals Forced to the step by the increases luxurious cup with ordinary milk only costs of food in chain restaurants and a nickel is charged. M. It. Knj-clman. dairy lunchrooms, many clerks and representing the Dennett Surpassing stenographers in the Federal Building. l ,,"p"n,:,,,,,'h.(I,ond,lct these offices and shops about the city arc " P'TV.? i 1 ,c. ?!,' carrying their lunches to their offices. ; occurred.- -.'nnces With a cup of coffee at ten cents' One lestaurant manaeep eslm(.j in some restaurants, huckleberry pie the cost of the average cun of coffee SPOONING TRIAL TOME OP IN FALL Case Will Be Delayed Unless Counsel for Squire Agrees to Earlier Date POLICE CHIEF ACCUSED a dime, sliced peaches twenty cents a sold in Philadelphia at two and one muuirr rrrnp. mat ngu tne wholesale price uro represents portion, ice cream, and n very tiny portion, fifteen cents and ham sand wiches at automats and elsewhere fif teen cents, me mgn ro-i .. i- f.,," kfl Krnnk Sheppard. night mnn hetng more and more tommy nrougut nger for Horn & Horn, whose single establishment is at lUii JInrKet street 'Patrons will pay more for meat or "I don't believe the nennle will tn.i for paying more than a uicliel for cof. to 'the attention of wage earners Itestaurant men. especially those of the so-called "popular-priced'' eating places, opine, it is said, that the cur tailment of the sale of whisky and other beverages will tend to make men spend more money for their meals. Hence the rising prices now in vogue. Ten Cents for Toast Two pieces of transparent toast cost in most restaurants ten cents. Cherry pie. with the pits in the cherries, twenty cents. All along the line there is a rising trend in prices for food. Wage-earners. ,eren although their salaries nre aboe the average, have difficulty these days In meeting living conditions. Clothing is high, rents still soar. Necessities of life, and particu larly wearing apparel, have mouuted to heights that place them above the means of the majority. Soft drinks, at soda luxuries at present day prices and candv almost any other thing on thn menu. but they will not allow you to charge them more for coffee than they have been accustomed to paying," he snld. "Probably it is because that nickel re mains in their mind as a stationary figure. It's easier to raise the price of nn article from twenty cents to n quar ter than from a nickel to a dime. The cost of cream, as everybody knows, lins been raised, but the wholesale cost of coffee hasn't changed. And the public is tise to that fact. We'll not increase the price here." BURGLAR'S BODY SHIPPED No Inquest Yet Over Student-Thief j Killed by Professor I The body of Anthony William Hol- felner. I'niversit. of Pennsylvania stu- ... .t.n, l...,-ar .l,rtt nml killeil hv Trn- iountains nre ""'"'"k""' ' ". ""., " 1, -" .: I ,ii v,. ,.. ...... .i .... u-l nnnr p 11 in ji iiuii' ' - - """- .........- ... ....... ,,. ,,, ,.u, Squire Robert Thomas, of Haverford. nemesis of spooning motorists, will,. in all probability, not be called upon to face hii victims" in court until the fall, when his term of office eipires. I. Howard lititz, counsel for William Armstrong, of this city, has pointed out that his client's case is the first on the list nnd that It would not come up until fall unless counsel for the squire agree to nn earlier date. This is con sidered unlikely by the attorney. Mr. Armstrong was fined SS," hv the squire follow lug his arrest for alleged disor derly conduct while in an automobile within the limits of Haverford town ship. Direct charges that Edward T. Hnl lissey, chief of the Haverford township police, had falsely ncenscd innocent women and men. so that heavy fines might be imposed upon them, are re ported to have been made by Peter ,T. Fl.vnu. of 311 Ardmorc avenue, Ard more. Mr. Flynn, who formerly was a no- nceman unaer linlliiscj IDLERS IDLE NOT WHILE THE BUSY ARE BUSY IDLING Being the Story of Business Men Busy at Nothing and Idlers Idle at Ditto From what class of people springs the rubber-neck or gullible gazer? We flivc always contended that only the loafer, the idle man or womnn, who dawdles along the city streets with nothing heavier above the brows than a hat to continue, only this class could gaze with intense curiosity at such a soul -stirring sight as the up rooting of a car track or the painting of n window or to get to the caRe in question the lifting of a safe to a second-floor window. Despite the tnles of certain humor ists, we are confident that only such a class could crowd the streets for an hour while tlio Vlicels of Industry hummed on every side. Therefore we were very much sur prised today when we reached a crowded section of Chestnut Btrcct to observe a great crowd of men and women intently watching the elevation of a safe, with apparently as much interest as though it. were the 11-31, about to hop for home. We u-ero -,-.. prised because we thought that the spe cies of "they who have nothing to do" oaa oecome extinct several years back. With awakened interest we horned our way into the mass and nt t-.i. .halted directly behind two elderly men, I very well dressed, it seemed, for persons forced to be idle. They were just con i eluding their conversation. is said to have I ,-f the better sort is ever higher in price fessor B. F. Chi Itho fr-'crntty That $10,000 Clean-Up "Well. Bill." said one. "we should house Mondav night, i nothing to do with Halllsey's methods." h,av,e n trouble in putting across that ... M j t...... i , ,j . ... - final tvhn wo s,o M-eir nranf " l-nmn nf his -invents uecnuse he 'would not make a per juit-i uui in iwmM'ii in giving inisc testimony against victims of the fine Un -r-r herrtnfnre n onto nf .l,wa snipped in nn- fact that Philadelphia is one of the in Buffalo last night. . . . -!.. -..-it.Arrr-triiTiniii-criinvnnrnf-nn - . . . Intl.. great canaymnKing centers oi the' ' ' , ,, . ; gouging system, .ur. ri.vnn said ne was iia.-ii "., " - - ,- ( M'ltjrr'i'ii hi persecution oy me ponce VrnnW Klein? of the Horn Jt Ilnr. pene is unucr .?i.." mm ui'iti ucniet. Me is said to have clCsortDCr .-. - - . .... .....! .1.-. ..- ,., nun I11I1N11';'IIH III . umuoiiui'-ij IIU1I I 1.1 1 of $1000. His appeal, carried to the Superior Court with the others, for a new trial was abated following his death. William A. Gray, counsel for the de fense, said he would file hi notice to the Supreme Court on the same points which were raised in the argument for a new trial bofoie the Superior Court. Judge Head, of the Superior Court, de cided yesterday that these poiuts fifty -five in number are not sufficient grounds for the granting of a new trial. j Claims of Gray Mr. Cray said : 'tortus notice musf be heard by the full bench in chambers, and as tho jus tices do not meet until Septembr. the filing of the notice of appeal will autor matically act as a stay of sentence until 1 that time. I'nder ordinary conditions ,i I decision of the Superior Court is not given to the lower court for ten days, but now they obtain a stay uutil the fall." fee would continue to be sold at (the old price in the twenty-two din- I mg rooms wnicn that concern con 'this hearing. i Hnlhssey s ways to the Haverford'e fotlift i-nc rnvnitnH In rnln tmvtifchin commissioners nn.l to linre yesterday by the Coroner and Detective, Been told tnai tne noard refused to take nnkh.iw. Late cstordv permission was lm'ts here. At the Waldorf restnu- I t,.i,i fmm thn Poronor hv l.nfnrnHo1 rants, the price was still a nickel thisTavlor nn undertaker. 20:10 North1 mormng. and the management there .an- i n , , , , M th(1 ho( withoul I nnunretl no word rearfiiii2 an incrca? ' , , . , , . , ... hall been received from the headquarters awaiting formal claim by a relative. of the firm in Boston. action against the chief. Thompson pa. above Seventh, wn Senate Ratifies Treaties Washington, duly IS. Three trea ties extending for a period of fiio years the arbitration conventions made some years ngo with Italy. Spain and the Netherlands were ratified yesterday bv the Senate. FIRST-CLASS AUTO REPAIRING $ lowest prices consistent with good nork manship WEST ARCH GARAGE 6237 Arch Street Users of PEA Coal be ad- ' vised and buy now. We have the size and quality. We handle only the very Chestnut street one of the few- places where the price is n dime. This institution is independent from the .T. 15. Thompson Company, which conducts , 10U restaurants throughout the coun- ' trv. The company's local manager, John O'Kane. said the corporation in tended to continue the sale of coffee at the traditional rute. Heckle With Milk It costs ten cents for coffee at the three Dennett restaurants here when pure cream is supplied, nut lor tne less SIMPLEX CARS ! 38 H. P. Holbrook Limousine 38 H. P. Rogers Limousine 50 H. P. Holbrook Touring All Shaft Drive Thornton-Fuller Automobile Co. Parkway, East of 18th St. Philadelphia, Pa. IMMEDIATE DKLIVERT Beit medlunvprlrM car on the market Elgin Six FIVE-PASSENOEn TOinlNO J1485 Authorized Atncy VU;T ARt II (lAHAdG G237 Arch Street GALVANIZED, COPPER AND ZINC SHEETS L. D. Berger Co., 59 N. 2d St. Bell. Market 554. Kcvstm', Main 4000. ENGHSIT , '&9' TC : ii VARIETY RooMs One ceM tired of urging the name bill of fur day after dnj . Thp human body nrttU various foods. Menu cliancfd daily 35-37 South 16th Better Grade Shoes for Men OXFORD SALE Save $2.00 j(y Emerson Reductions are worth while including our best-known styles and These come in a variety of leathers Cherry Calf. Mahogany. Tan, Wliite Buckskin and Glazed Kid leathers. Axetage saving of $2 00 OS EVERY PAIR Take advantage of these reduc tions, as they will be worth double next year. SAA tmrfB woe MONIST ALU TMROU0H 34 N. 13th St. Below Filbert I Remember the addresi. This Is the only exclusive i-.meraon snoe bhop in town. deal when we see their agent. "You bet." was the answer, "and It means SlO.OfK) clear cash for us. We'll see him at 2 o'clock." We were rather surprised to sec them In such surroundings ; we were rather alarmed for their sake, for we knew that 2 o'clock had passed some moments iiro. So we touched them upon the shoulder and tried to warn them, hut the.v paid no attention, for the safe had begun to ascend. "(let the real crowd," came a thought, "and don't waste time on the exceptions." So we edged near a pair of men who were slightly seedy in ap pearance nnd heard this : "Well, I suppose you like your new car?" "Pretty well. I guess I'll sell the old one and get " We moved on. but although we located bankers, brokers, clubmen and club women the idle were not to be found. At last we stopped upon the outskirts of the swelling multitude in despair. Then wn noticed a young man, well dressed, hurrying down the Btrcet. look ing neither to the right nor to the left. Evidently the safe performance meant nothing to him. "At last." we thought, "we have found one business man who has no time for sightseeing." What's the Hurry? The energetic one, in seeking to evade the crush, ran Into us heavily. It may be that we swore. "What's the hurry?" we said, "won't your work keep?" "I ain't hurrying," came the answer, "and I ain't had no work for two months." He dashed ou and left us gaping. Disgusted with our failure in human nature research wo looked at our watch, for it was a busy day. We were nn hour late for our appointment. WILL LAUNCH TWOSHIPS Lebanon Goes Over Today and Laf como Tomorrow at Hob Island Hog Island's forty-third ship, the Lebanon, will be launched at 0:10 o'clock this afternoou from Way Uo. IS, Division No. fi. Tomorrow the' forty-fourth ship turned out at the Hog Island Shipyard In less than a year will leave the ways. . The Lebanon will be christened by Mrs. Kannle Coleman, of Lebanon, Pa. The boat was named by that place In honor of the work done there during the Victory Liberty Loan drive. The vessel to be launched tomorrow Is also a Liberty Loan boat, and will be christened the La f como, a name taken from Lafuyctte county. Mo. The sponsor will be Miss Elizabeth D. Major. daughter of Congressman Samuel Major, of the Seventh Missouri district, It will b launched " at 6 o'clock from Way Xo. 2GV Division No. 5. t The launching of these two vessels will bring the total deadweight ton nage launched at Hog Island to 3 1-4 ,.'100. Mountain Valley Water ENDORSED BT PHYSICIANS Famed for curative gropertles In Brlcht'i Isoase, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Bladder troubles and excessive uric acid. A Natural Diuretic A Trial Will Convince You Tvtt, TtUleu, DeUchtfol 718 Cheibiut Street rhens Walttot 2407 rm 1 1 BEST COAL Egg ...$10.60 Sioye .$10.83 Nut... 10.95 Pea .. 9.35 The I'rlce. Will Be Moth Hither tt'e ttrve you right Owen Letters' Sons, r.ar7fst Coal Yard in rhlla. Trenton Ave. & Westmoreland This Clearance Sale of Suits for & Youn: Rub your corn right off. An m. A. F. Fieree'j Corn PUlter will m cure the worst corn, in a lew M , hours. No fuss or bother with M). 1 4k liquids. Just a thin, close-fitting gg I 'g2 plaster, with a linen back to keep m fj the flesh clean and protected from z '2j irritation. Stops the pain almost ty ifo instantly. No other product has gg . gp done bo much to end corn troubles. g f& Known for 16 years as the one yy, va. best corn remedy. 2? Sold by drftgpjts everywhere, or z2 2 by mail t 2Sc. Winthrop Sales ; Co., 116 West 3:nd St., New York. SAUAPJ STEAKS SLii . $fe 1 C fr Extraordinary Values 02 1 Q 7K f JL r " ? Values up to $22.50 Valu es up to $27.30 Values up to $32.50 $30 Values up to $42.50 6 OYSTER aCHOP HOUSE ' 132 MARKET ST. THE HOME OF GOOD EATS Tenderloin Steak, French-Fried Potatoes, Bread, Butter & Coffee 55. Open from 8 A. M. to g r. M. Closed on Sunday SEA FOOD ROASTS 48yO- v VB","",B SWIMMING COLUMBIA FOOL Broad and Oiford" Sis. PARTY NIGHTS Wednesday and Satoidiy Infraction br T. A. Cad Phon Poplar S4S.1. CHILDREN'S WALL TENT Erect lent Iheln . In th I for front r Varlr yard, tha air vrllt an fhem 'MM. Ixti of fun. Beat quality 8-ounc .i,A'Bam rfuplr Pftlta. nlm and rnnei. , Writ for, ratalar an laraer alirj asd ". 4 ' rime .hupplJea iistr. sufi'jlx ca.. 031 MARKET is an event of the most unusual magnitude to Men and Young Men who value appearances and dollars. Never yet have we been able to present such values to a man's public that is growing greater in discrimination every season. First of all, our stocks were "clean" that is to say, broken sizes and such-like stock excuses were not ours to make. We had excellent and full ranges of all the fabrics and styles that go to make up the consistently good selections that are always yours at this store. But for years we had held a Clearance at this time of the year and didn't feel like backsliding on those who maybe were counting on the Becker Clearance Sale. We cut prices on our regular lines and, in addition, made a purchase of clothing that would make the average vendor of odd lots gasp like the .proverbial fish. Thus our mental attitude on this Clearance! We feel and we know that it is decidedly unusual, and the many hundreds that have come and bought at these prices justify our stand. The Suits at $15.00 and $19.75 are typical young men's' styles and altogether just what you want! Come in t For July and August Week-ends: Plain gray and striped Outing Trousers, "Superior" Brand. Values $5,00 for 2.75. Quality Clothes i 1514-16 Market St. Open Evenings : Opposite Broad St. Station M 1 !: ! :!:!! i-l-I '!! l-i.;.-.-.;.-.:i;...;i;.-...:.:.!:.;i;i.i.;:M:!:!;.i!:!:':i:l:!;l:!:!;!:!;.;l:.;!:i:.:.:j- 111 DAR pill l!lllii that real Jplllllt WmL PEPPERMINT JlliSI lipili!iiL chewing MmmM !ligSIi cum lillgfipi m '.:'. :'. :::-:::;: :; ;: ; r ; : : ''''''':-l,:,;?,ir;;:;I;l:l,!,t';''L,;-;,:-:':-:-:-:-:-:-:-i-i.i-;-: t Too much Turkish or Just enough Turkish? r "N one way, at least, smoking is exactly like eating. The more rich and delicious a certain food is, the more care people take to avoid eating too much of it for instance, plum pudding or candy. The same rule applies to smoking. Cigar smokers, for example, are today more careful to avoid too many rich, heavy Havanas. (In fact, more and more cigar smokers now smoke cigarettes too, to help cut down the number of cigars.) In the same way, cigarette smokers are learning that Turkish tobacco, delicious as it is, is so over-rich or heavy that a man can easily smoke too much of it. But they are learning also that, instead of cutting down the number of cigarettes per day, they can cut down on the proportion of Turkish in each cigarette. How to reduce on Turkish. THEY candothisbyswitchingfrom straight Turkish to part Turk' ish, or "Turkish blend," cigarettes. The first Turkish blend cigarette ever made and the one which haa always held first-rank importance is Fatima. Fatima contains more Turkish than does any other Turkish blend cigarette. Perhaps this is the main reason why so many smokers of straight Turkish cigarettes keep switching to Fatimas. Less worry about"too many" ANOTHER reason undoubtedly is - the fact that Fatimas treat, Fatima's Record At scores of pUees where one would erpett only fancy, straight Turkhh ciga rettes to eell, Fttma is today tho leader. For example, Fatima tho largest teller at: smokers so kindly. The Turkish Is so perfectly "balanced" by the other tobaccos in the blend that Fatima smokers never have any worry about smoking "too many." A T any rate, whatever the reason ' "- may be, Fatima keeps on attract ing more and more of those smokers who, if they preferred the fancy, expensive, straight Turkish ciga rettes, could easily afford them. This is shown, of course, by Fatima's record in having won tho top notch in sales at so many of the fashionable clubs and hotels and other prominent places all over tho country (see below). How much is "just enough"? DOES not Fatima's record seem to prove that this is the one ciga rette containing just enough Turkish? Not too much nor too little Turkish, but just enough. Make a te3t for yourself. Atlantic City Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel Traymore Boston Hotel Copley Plaza Stock Exchange Hotel Touraine Chicago Auditorium notel Congress Hotel Narraganaett Pier Casino New York Hotel Astor Stock Exchange Hotel Vanderbilt Palm Beach The Breakers Philadelphia Uitz-Carlton I Stock Exchange Washington The Capitol Building FATIMA A Sensible Cigarette 20 for 23 cents l JUCHMONDiYA. Im Contains more Turkish than any other Turkish Blend, Ti r I II '..l ;T si I I aiai f)i fi i i ' 1 1' ii n i -fa tl PVNLv ." KV'i.V . a .h "A3 a W .i '' j. ? fi... if, ''? ' ,,(1 Sjh, .-&.:' ;&' f.'; &j