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mwwm '".!' : :wi. w: ... 1 t . & ' t n V .-. ir ir ! flr , r ;i, i is V- lv , fcSt i li' c If I I If to liireri. K5S K- I wr il , K im , EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919 t i LOCKOUT STOPS ALL SURPLUS ARMY FOOD FOR WASHINGTON MARKETS 100,000 Workmen in Enforced Idleness 20,000 Threaten to Quit at Baltimore SIGNALMEN AWAIT REPLY By the AorlatcI Press Chicago, July 18. Hulldlng opcrn tlons in Chicago nro at standstill tmlny.j and more tlinn 100.000 workmen nrc. Idle, ns n rrult of n lockout ordered, by the executive committee of the Huild i inc Conotrurtimi Kmployers' Axsocin Hon. i Yesterday the organization i.ued an ultimatum riri'liirlnir that utile the melnbers of the cnripitni lathers'.' iron workers' and other union", vlini have been on a -trik!- for several weeks, returned t work by S o'clock this I morning and agreed to abide by the pro ( vision nf their joint trade wage con tracts, which run until li-l. the build ers would indefinitely suspend nil', operations The strikers ignored the threat and the lockout ensued. Willi union carmen ready to take a Strike vote today following refii-al of their demand for a 77 per cent increase in wages to eighty-live cents an hour, the Chicago elevated railways petitioned the Stat-' Public t'tilitie- Commission for an increase in fares. Baltimore. July 1v-I! A. l'.i The building contractors of Baltimore r fnpiii!? 11 threatened strike of '.'11.(11111 mechanic, member- of the several! building trades unions. I Boston. July' IS. i By A. f An earlv end of the strike of union em I plov'es of the Boston Klevated Uailway Company npiiearcd possibla when the public trustees of the road agreed to submit the controversy to an arbitra tion hnnnl mm nosed of ii. Ware Bar-1 num. counsel for the company: T! Vmpv. i-ounsel for the union, third nrbitor to be appointed. Conferences toilnj ended without agreement on the third member of the proposed board, fntil the third man is named, union leaders sn, . no steps ,an betuken toward calling off the strike. My Ledger Photo Service Nine armv triirks loaded vtltli surplus army provisions, liirluding canned meats and vegetables, rolled Into Washington from arm depots in Baltimore yesterday, and thn goods will bo sold at cut-rate prices in three 1 ships built and Inuin bed with a total deadweight tonnage "f l.Vi.Ciill. The estimated total for Ibis jcar is t(..l)(NI tons, but the present tie tij wing to the general strike is throwing .ill the anls fur behind their schedule. The strike st.nted on June ',', and is -till in progress. rltj m.irlii'ls and community school stores THREE-FOURTHS DROP WAR RISK INSURANCE; NEED LOCAL AGENTS! ST. SWITHIN HURRIES STRIKE Hughes Committee Asks Bureau to Get in Closer Touch With Service Men .lames and a ProTidenre. July IS. (By A. T1 The street carmen's union early toilav ( decided to quit work at midnight to-. The action was conniuouiu "!"" that the union oiucnus ....nmnli come to some "M "- to the men wnu m- - night the possibility may today satisfactory ceiVers of 'the Khodc Island Company. A. ., nt,. Wn.. .Tlllv IS. (By 1 ) The Brotherhood of Itailway Sig iialmen. in thirteenth annual conven !...! -....1.- tn tllOir POII11 ton today, i.-i... ........ - , ter-proposal made to the rai road ad- days ... . :.. -n.,1 tn ivurkmr con- "" ministraiiou m iw" , ,,,, ditions for the brotherhood. if we cannot reach satisfactory arrange ments with the railroad beads the icso i. .n., ia t.ilii n strike vote will stand. said D. W. licit, grand chief of the J"it Umbrella Makers Take Advantage of Propitious Weather New York. Juh 1v -lib A. 1 Tuesdiiv was St. Swithin's Hay and it rained, which means, according to the superstitions, that it Will continue to rain for forty davs. The superstition has held good here lip to date and the I'mbrella .Makers' I'liion announced to iln that it had decided to strike for a forti live-hour week with wage in creases. The union voted recently to walk out in two weeks if demands were not met, but has decided the weather is so pro pitious the date will be advanced. About ,"(MHI men are involved. STETTIN COUNTER-STRIKE German Citizens Fight Transporta tion Walkout Berlin, July IS. (By A. P.I A citizens' counter-strike began nt Stet tin on Thursday as n protest against Washington. July IS. (By A. I.1 Annroimatch three-fourths of tbf " million officers anil enlisted men in the military forces who secured government insurance policies through the War ISi-k Insurance Bureau during the war have failed to continue their payments. This was disclosed during the meet - rect addresses of discharged service men. The committee recommended that the bureau establish local representatives in each state. D. S. C.'S FOR HEROES Major Morris, of Germantown, Is Among Those to Receive Honor Washington. July IS. (By A. 1'.) The following awards of Distinguished Service Crosses were announced today: Major William It. II. Morris, (ier- mantnwn. Pa. Captains I.ilhurn C. Davidson, Jack sou, Ky. ; Joseph M. Simpson, San An tonio. To.: Zoda M. I.umley, Kamps villc. III. Lieutenants Herman C. ' MoNtlltjT Huntington. W. Va. ; Herbert .1. Jones (deceased I, Dresden, Tenn.. and Frank SPROUL VETOES BILL FOR COURT OF CUUK Not Necessary, Say3 Governor. Retroactive Clause Particularly Objectionable, He Believos OTHER MEASURES VETOED Harrlshurg, July 18. The Senate bill establishing n stato court of claims has been vetoed by Governor Sproul on the ground that lie is not convinced nf the necessity for it nnd that in any event it would be an unwise move. "Cndcr existing law the common- legislation'.' and wrong in principle, tt would make possible for any con tractot to employ an engineer to make plans upon which no one else could bid. Should Bid on County Plans Contractor should bid on the plans and specifications prepared by the en gineers employed by the county commis sioners and upon no others," says the (Iovernor. In vetoing the bill giving right of eminent domain to electric light, heat and power companies the (iovernor says that its provisions are "sufficiently comprehensive" to enable the compan ies to exercise the power nnywherc, in cluding homes, churches nnd cemeteries, and that he knows of no renson why the policy of the commonwealth exempt ing such places from eminent domain should be changed. "The bill is also objectionable in that the Public Service Commission is vest ed with authority to determine when the power shall be exercised," says the SWEPT BY FLIES Postoffico and Other Buildings in Delaware Resort's Busi . ness Section Destroyed LOSS PLACED AT $50,000 wealth can not be sued unless it gives i (Iovernor. This bill makes the. state i "The right of eminent domain is one Distinguished Service Cross, according to announcement from Washington today. ings of the bureau's odvi-ory commit -'.I. Fisher (deceased), 'J010 North Fifth tee nf thirteen, headed In Charles t'vnns street, Kansas City, Mo. Hughes, which closed last night. Rec- Sergeants Marquis I.. Dillard, ommendation that the organization of.donia. Mo.; F.rnrst J. Chnrticr, Tower the strike which parnlyzed transporta- rhe insurance bureau be decentralized in order to permit more direct and ef feetive transaction of business was made by the advisory committee follow ing its series of conferences with Di rictor Cholmeley-Jones and other of ficials. Failure of many policy holders to continue payments nnd convert their term policies was attributed largely to the fact that the bureau is unable to communicate with them, as SO per cent City. N. D., and Holly Midkiff, S532 Carpenter street. Chicago. Corporals CJuy K, Davis (deceased 1, Bedford, I ml. : Harry M. Ward, Greg ory Landing. Mo., nnd John C. Win can, Whiteside, Mo, Privntes Almon K. Sprague. Cataw ba, Wis. ; Thomas E. (irider, Danville, III. : Orval Wilroxson, Marietta, Okla. ; Wade II, Jenkins, Orlando, Okln. ; Her bert Kendall, Wolfborn, N". II,, and Walter Potter, Dayton, Tenn. its consent liable to respond in damages for the 1 nf the great powers of tho. state. It negligence of any of its ngents or em- does not depend for its existence upon a ployes," says the (iovernor. "The constitutional grant, but inheres in federal government has never assumed the state as an attribute of sovereignty, such liability nnd I am advised that I nm of the opinion that the nsc of this few, if any, states hnve done so, The) powershould be controlled through the proposition Ss revolutionary In this I legislative nnd judicial branches of the state and nt a time wjien the common- I government nnd that no administrative wealth is just beginning its extensive body should be vested with genern! au road program it seems unwise to throw thority to determine the time nnd oc down the bars nnd assume the enormous ension of its exercise." responsibility entailed. "Another reason for the disannroval i Min. a u u M-rri. n. ,.. ,4 of the bill is the provision in Section I !-.. m.hh.... Tt ... . hi i, i i it t . ., .1 .uujor n liiiiiiu ii. ii, .uorris, in iiih.atJl "I".!1? rctr?a.c,ivc . as Germntitow.,. has been awarded the 1 utttiin ,-a i-iiiiirtiriur urising ni any time within the last fifteen yenrs, 'while it is but six yeais as to individuals. I Certainly this is unreasonable. The' slnte should not be required to defend against these old claims." I The Governor also says that the bill was not carefully prepared : that provi sion for a jury trial in such court is unwise and objects to other features,1 concluding with this observation: "The judgcR of the Dauphin louuty courts nrc paid additional compensation for' trying the commonwealth cases. They , hnve disposed of such cases with marked ability and promptitude." i Vetoes Building and Ioan Bill The bill allowing building nnd loan associations to make temporary loans, with war bonds as collateral was vetoed because it is without the scope of such associations, and the law never intended them to have such powers, which be long to the banking business. The Governor vetoed the bill tp make employes of the state insurance fund, employes of the commonwealth on the ground that they nrc not paid by the state, and no good could he served bv mnking them state emplojes. The Senate bill requiriug alternate plans and specifications for county bridges to be filed with county commis sioners is classed ns "illy considered Special Mipntch to Kvetiitia Public Ledotr Kehoboth nearh, Del., July 18. For the fourth time within five yenrs the business section of Behoboth Beach was swept by fire early today. The fire started In the Pennsylvania Railroad excursion house, and spread to the "flying horses" nnd carnival floors nnd a row of small buildings lining the approach to the beach from the railroad station. Hard work on the part of the summer visitors and the volunteer fire department saved the electric light plant. The pnstoffice, stores occupied by Albert Masten nnd William Truitt nnd . " .. . ili"'' iU a number oi small summer .intrainwi, i wet3 mat, ... ,. mb o ... ....-.- , i. fire reached the Hotel Windsor that thrfl firemen were able to check it. A heavy ft rain had snaked the buildings and saved v the town, the Hotel Belhnvcn, thd.LI largest in the resort, was on fire sev-Jr I eral times, but was saved. It Is supposed f l that the fire was caused by a match carelessly thrown down nt the excur- sion house, Three passenger coaches , uu oin" limit t"r: jmriij iiunicu. , Because fire insurance rntes were 1 , high for the section no Insurance was J ' carried. The loss will amount tof"'l tr,n nnn t, ' s , . , . HURRY SUNDRY CIVIL BILL Senate Clears Way for Prompt' Passage of Amended Measure Washington. July 18. (By A. P.) 3 Senate leadcru cleared the way for rrompt action today of the $013,000,000 sundry civil appropriation bill ns passed yesterday by the House with an increase from ?(1,000.000 to ?14.000,()00 in tho appropriation for vocational education of soldiers and snilors, designed to " meet President Wilson's objections in. his veto of tne original measure. . fy Before tne Menaie conveneu tne ap- , proprlations committee ordered the bill reported favorably without amendment. Ition facilities there for the last few ! nf thp ""dresso, of discharged service organization. Atlanta, fin.. July I. (By A. P. Shop employes on sixteen southeastern railroads will go on strike August 1 'unless their demands for increased 1 wages, retroactive to January 1 last, are , met by the railroad administration by July 31. It is estimated about 30.000 men would be involved in the strike. Norwich. Conn.. July IS. (By A. p,)--With extreme complacency, the public here seems settling down to loss 06 trolley service through the strike of the employes of the Shore Line Bleotric Railway Company, now in its third day. The officials of the road continue firm in their attitude not to operate cars, ami the strikers' ranks are just as solid against any weakening in the strike. OBJECT TO JULY 21 STRIKE Several French Labor Bodies Dis courage General Walkout Paris. Julv IS. (By A. P.) The stores, including food establish ments, drug stores and people s Kitchens, have been closed, physicians refuse to I treat patients, gas and water plants have been shut down and wells through- ' the city are already pumped dry. I Railroad workers threaten to extend the men are incorrect "In order to reduce the necessity nf relying upon correspondence to carry out tins vast undertaking, the mittee recommended that qualified rep resentatives of the bureau personally enlist the aid of all state, county and municipal officers in obtaining the cor- Bourbon-Orleans Prince Dead Paris, July 18. (Ilavas.) The Duke of Pentlievre, of the house of com-1 Bourbon-Orleans, died suddenly today at the age of seventy-four years. He 'was a son of Francis, Prince of Join ' ville, son of the Duke of Nemours, and ' of Princess Frances of Brnganza. .strike to S.trulund. York Clgarmakers Strike York, Pa., July IS. Their demnnd for an increased wage scale of S'J per 1000 cigars Inning been refused, 'JtM) ci garmakers employed by the General Cigar Company quit work here. CHASES VILLA BY PLANE I Move So Successful That Mexican I General Wants More Airships I Kl. Paso, Te., July IS. (By A. P.) A request for an additional squad ron of airplanes for use against Villn has been made by General Manuel I Dieguez, according to Mexican news papers reaching' here. General Dieguez has bis headquarters in Chihuahua City and has a squadron of airplanes said to ' number fourteen machines in his com maud. j According to the same papers these planes hnve been successful in bombard ing not only ban Andreas, which Villa near Satevo nnd Snu Seashore Excursions proposed demonstrative slriLe ot iwra- : ns reported some days ago, but ty-four hours, set for Jury -u--i, win a,n villa camps be far from general in France, accord- ijer,imnr,io. ing to the latest indications. The chambers of commerce and several in- dependent labor organizations have pro tested against the project, while re sistance to it is being manifested with in the Federation of Labor itself. The cxecltive committee of the feder ation, which met this afternoon to ar range for the demonstration, intimated that in view of the measures taken by the government to decrease the .ost of living the program might be altered, and that the railroad men, the postal em ployes nnd the workers in the provisions trades would perhaps not be asked to join in the strike. STOUNDINGSALLrS mmmmmmmm "l Great testimony meeting tonight (Friday, July 18), 8 o'clock, at the Gos pel Tent of the Ravens Club, cor ner 56th and Cath arine Streets. Re deemed men. will tell the story of their conversion and re generation. An in spiring service for everybody. MMI lOV'""VDr?W CM) 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' Semi-Annual Clearance Sale 1 YOUR LOSS IF 'i -y YOU MISS IT I $5.00 to $10.00 PANAMAS $3.50 1 1 $3.00 to $5.00 OTHER STRAWS. . . .$2.50 Summer Clothing 25 Off 10 off the following Men's Wear: SHIRTS IT J OncludlnB- B. V. U Ttocklnchalr. Koxford and all other sta.'.dard makes.) Neckwear Bathing Suits Positively no deliveries ; no refunds no C. O. D.'s Traveling Bags Bath Robes Is Two ) ! Stores 926 Chestnut Street 1 OniV Corner Widener Arcade & South Penn Square J .Tiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiim STRIKE HALTS SHIPBUILDING Twenty-eight Vessels Launched In British Columbia This Year Vancouver, II. C, July IS Twenty-eight vessels, wooden and steel, have been launched in this province since the beginning of the year. Thus far a total tonnnge of 7u,r00 has been sent to the water from British Columbia yards. Inst year there were forty-two TO ATLANTIC GITY OCEAN CfiTY WILDWOOD and CAPE IV3AY EVERY DAY 1:00 A. M. from diesmjt or South St. Fern. Kftnrnlnjc Irate Meanhore Points 0:110 1'. M. ADDITIONAL TRAIN Hl'NIJAYS Kor Atlantic City nt 7:80 A. SI. For WIIiIhooH nnd Cape Slay (Schrllln- trr'n I-nndlnu only) at B:30 A. M. Rrturnlns additional train Irnvr. Atlan tic City only nt Oils I. M. . $1.2S ROUND TRIP A WATCH THAT EVERY MAN SHOULD OWN A BIG SLASHING SPECIAL Railroad size nickel morrmrnt. pendant not. 17 flno Jewel, micro metlo reiulntor, Itrequct hairspring-, compensation balance, adjusted, 14-kt. solid tilled Dueber cane, guaranteed SO yearn. Including a solid Kold-fllled knife nnd chain. Only n limited number ot thin price. No other dealer In I'lillndelpliln hn ever offered this Hamilton Diplo mat model on such liberal ternn nnd at such n Joiv price. Nimply promise to pay 00c a. week and you become the possesiior of the finest watch cer made to sell for such n low price. It K fully jrnaranteed by thi. Hamilton Watch Company nnd also by us. Chain and Knife Free Free Repairs for 1 Year LARGEST EXCLUSIVE CREDIT JEWELRY HOUSE IHPWLA M. .Simon & Co. 39n.l3ST. One StOi" r 2Doocs above Filbert i OnoManatomeni OPEN SATURDAY TILL 6 P. M. rd The People's Verdict On the President's Plea League of Nations Covenant arc not converted by Pres ical necessity," "the only hope for mankind," and that lne leading article in THE I I War Tax 10c Additional R93nrTVR9!!vnana-HH Cleanliness Convenience appeal strongly to the voman who uses a modern Gas Range and Gas Water Heater. Then, too, Gas gives the best re sults for the least money. See the latest models at our Broad and Arch Store or any district office. TERM PAYMENTS $f Tie. United Gas Improvement Co. BricK, Tile, Cement Terra CottaPipe. Hardware. Iron Valves and PacKing'. Metals. For Immediate Stock Shipment We have to offer from our excess stock of new materials at Lake Junction and Gil lespie, N. J., an unusually wide assortment of these materials at attractive prices for the careful buyer. For Sales Lists address: X M S DIVISION, HERCULES POWDER CO. WILMINGTON, DEL. (iV. B.. Our excess stocks include items of practically every description and lists covering the materials in which you are interested will be sent upon request.) Out and out opponents of the ident Wilson's plea that it is "a pract to reject it would be to "break the heart of the world LITERARY DIGEST for this week Tulv 19th eives a countrv-wide survey of the press and interviews with United States Senators, enabling readers to gain a very definite idea of what the nation thinks of the President's Senate speech for a League of Nations. While the Minneapolis Journal (Rep.) urges us "to be very sure that the Covenant does not permit the European camel to get its head inside our tent," the New York Times sounds the dominant note -in public opinion when it declares that "the President's address compels ratification; it is an irresistible force which the Senate can not withstand." Other important news articles in this week's DIGEST are: Why China, With Its Teeming Millions, Refused to Sign This Article Comprises Translations From the Chinese and Japanese Press, and Makes Clear to Digest Readers the True Feeling of the People in China Toward the League of Nations That "Entangling Alliance" With France and England Born a Dope Fiend Millions Bequeathed For Music Belgium to Get Back Her Stolen Pictures The Value of "Dazzle-Painting" The "Work-Cure" For Crippled Soldiers Catholics Deny a Catholic "Peril" in the League Religion of the Returning Soldier Personal Glimpses of Men and Events Best of tKe Current Poetry News of Finance and Commerce How Equality Is Safeguarded In Poland The Future of Transatlantic Flight What "North Dakotaism" Means William Hohenzollern to the Bar Spain Asks French Trade Invasion A South - American Declaration of Business Independence How We'll Help Watch the Rhine How Wounded Soldiers Are Cured By Music Are Milk-Drivers Worth More Wages Than Professors? Should Everybody be Finger-printed? Many Striking Illustrations, Including the Best of the Humorous Cartoons Keep "Up-to-date" By Reading The Digest ( H "At Nothing means more to every man and woman in these days of momentous happenings and world-wide change than to be able to follow intelligently all that is taking place, both at home and abroad, and to take part in any discussion upon topics of general interest with confidence and authority. To fit one-self to do this in any real sense would seemingly involve an impossible amount of reading of current periodicals of all sorts, for which few, indeed, of us would have the time. But this difficulty is merely apparent. You will find a solution for it on every news-stand in the shape of THE LITERARY DIGEST, the world's g'reatest news magazine, which gives you all sides of all the vftal questions of the day from week, to week in -a compact and readily assimilable form. If you want to be properly informed on all current issues read THE DIGEST this week and every week. I July 19th Number on Sale To-day AH News-dealers 10 Cents The tteKuTLfeest TIs a Mark of Distinction to Be a Reader of The Literary Digest FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (PublkSMfi of the Fwaem NEW Standard Dictionary), NEW YORK wWukSKS- hi ;"' !' fe 1 t.f 9.7s'" "0". ft? . ':' - n - VJ- t "'l . " rf. ..- ws:i "r,. fr". tt a-'trrii'fffi'lWWMI!1 y -Jrm . . mtj . - f'". '.;.. bj viA ".4",,, . w " Ti t '.c .vjy, ' r . :T, i . '. i''?. ' . " : - if tf. . r -s