Newspaper Page Text
Jpwfp V(,T n y. -.?- , a ' -. V- EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1919 i M . c r to C ft. tw IV f i' t r j- f IS'. i. I I R- W lr 'ii VT li" B l IVES HON Oold-Mounted Tribute to U. Commander Presented in Guildhall CITY'S FREEDOM PRESENTED M) the. Associated Tress London, .Inly IS. London honored! General PoHiins today bj prescntiiiK him the freedom of the oitv and a sword of honor in the pie-rucc of n LONDON GIVES HONOR SWORD TO PERSHING cllstinguislied i-oniiuiiv nf iliitons nnd ' "ln enninei neiow the American coat-oi-Americnns gnthered within the historic I "riiis Is (irnernl Pershing's mouogtam Guild Hall. '" dlamnnds and rubles with the Amer- John V. D.ivK the Anicilcati am ' i,n "''H nnI the 1'ninn .Inck. (In the bassndor. the embas'.i staff. Rear Ail- I H'VrTv side enameled ribbons displnr rmlral Ilnrrj S. Ktvinp and his staff, mpjnbers of the Hrltish Government nnd n nuriber of RrltNh geneinN weie ' pnrticipantH in the ceremony. General Pershing was apnlauiled liv the crowds that h.ul gnthcied when he made his eutr.v into the cit. wlwje the guilds mid the uMerinin. in their cus tomnrj wcbomiin; robes, lent a pic turesque aspect to the scene The general found a roiniuim of the Greundler Guards, with its bund, draw tii up in the jnrtl. lie inspected the piflrds and then cntonsl the hall and1 was conducted to the dais, where he was greeted bj the lord mpjor nnd ladj ma.Miress. Roosexelt Iist (iucst After (ienernl Perhing had been greeted b the Lord Major, Sir Horace M. Marshall, and the l.tdj Mayoress, the town clcik. Sir .lames licll. read the resolution of the corporation author Ifcing the piesentntiinis. The i itj chamberlain. Adrian ll. V. Pollock, then turned lo (Ienernl Pel shing and de livered his formal address "It i now ulne jears." said the chamberlain, "since the cmpoiution of this ancii nt cit weliomed In this hall Theodore Roosevelt, and it is a happ circumstance that the next corcnionx of precisel.v th- same character -liouui nc one in wnicii nnmner great American Is the honored guest of the cit.v tbe gallant commander ot the American ex ' peditionnry forces, a soldier whose character and qualities were icciviired aDd appreciated by no one so qiiicKlj as by Colonel Roosevelt " I After the reremonv in the Guildhall , the lord major entertained the com pany at a luncheon at the Mansion I House. General Pershing sat at the ' right of his host, with Mrs Davis, wife of the ambassador, at tlie left. Others present nt the function in cluded Ambassador Davis, Winston Spencer Churchill, the war socretnrv , the Harl of Rending, lord chief jus tice; Lord Lee , Field Marshal Sir EKKK3BOK3K3I The Product of Akron's Master Tire Builders THE fact that the materials which go into a Star Hand-Made Tire are the finest obtainable is not alone enough to make Star Tires stronger and more durable. The reason for Star Tires' longer life in service is the greater quantity of these WS. Ir'"'4in vm r J Ml. .4V.vVamVBl k illi 1P1L JJ --'; 2. gs tDI X'Z''A Ml IMIOTOPLAYS THEATRES OWNED AND MANAGED BY MEMBERS OF THE UNITED EXHIBITORS ASSOCIATION BELMONT 6- D AUOVE JIARKEr t-AMMIE WARD ln "THE CKY OF TMU WEAK" Cr IDCKA ' MARKET BTS. tUKtfkA MATINEE DAILY CONSTANCE TALMADOE In THK VEILED AJIVENTURE" .. jtrrt.KOv-'lN STff. MAT. DAILY ,; U ADYS lTROCKlVCLU In THE P.NBAK" .JUMBO FRONT 8T. k OIRARD AVE. il" ; STHW. r-I-AYTOV In i''ff'Ani?R 1WT IANCASTKR AVE. ' iawmar-jjv' -. matikk uacjl.i kWAUJLCE KWP .18 ' 'WJM'WIW ,-, V. r- ,. Jl-i if rlr Mu t- 4 rtip" Douglas Ilnlir and T.adj- Hals: the Karl of divan, Wnltcr Hume I.oiir, first lord of the admiralty; Vicnunt Hrjee, tho members of (lenernl IVroh- Idk's etnff nnd the coniinniiilliiK officers of the American units which will take part In tomorrow's victory celebration. A Ifirt ntrnM.lln- 1. LiHiJiAAn H-nPA (-XI SI 1. I I lilt I 11 lilt" Jllllllltt'll 'li I the members of the American pmbaswj staff, Major (ienernl John Middle and! I his staff,: Hear Admiral Kiinpn and other American naval officers, together I with Major (!. II, Scott and Mrlsadler ICeneral K. M. Mnltland, of the. trans latlantlc dirinlbie Il-.'U. Sword of tlnnnr The sword of honor is cold mounted and is a handsome reproduction of the I American armv pattern. The hilt has (the flcnre Mritannin on one side nnd Ibert.v on the other On the unner I band Is displayed the arms of the i I nlteil Mates on one ide and the arms ' '"'' nn or l.onilnii on the other. In tlie names of the battles in which the American troops participates and of (ienernl Pcr-hlng's campaigns. The decorntion of a Knight Grand, In the vanguard of tlie attacking Cross of the Order of the Rath, with 'forces of the Allies were the Aincii- wnlch (ienernl Pershing has been pre - seiited. nppiars on the lower band. The rose, siiainroi k and thistle, vjinlmlicnl nf the I 'nlteil Kiiigilom. liguie in the. decorntiotis. The scahb'ird is of leather, Tlin llllt find lifllnle urn ,f nit-lit.iAn . karat gold. irat gold. tempt to cut the light wing of the nl- ri i .i u , , lioil nrmv In Imtf Hiiu ..,i i,..(i Te insiTintinn on the blade reads: lieu nrmj in nail. At tins secntnl battle PresiMiteil In t orporntion o tho'"' the Marno they found formidable t of l.on.l.,n to unnernl Join. .1. Per- KntmtP army awaiting them. MrcnRtli- shing. (i. C. II.. commanilei-in-chlcfleueil I., the valorous American troops. of the American exneditionnrv forces. , Mv July 17 the CernmiM were complete- in testimimj of its high .ippicrintiou of the valuable services rendered hj him and the troops under his command in the cause of freedom in the great war just concluded." FRANCE WANTS U.S. SUGAR May Ask Americans to Sacrifice Their Sweet Drinks Paris. .Tul.v is. Hi A. P. I Amer- ican officials attempting to solve the fond question nie confronted with a sugar shortage in l'rnnce that is saj,) to call either for Americans to satri- t-.p ,,. f tirir M1(,,,t (ll.inU, np for i tp lrn,.h to live un their sw ret ,1;1stries. The Ainciic-in officials, it is under stood, arc decidedh in favor of allow ing Americans to continue the use of sugar for their sweet drinks. The French authorities, however, are mix ions to obtain sugar from the 1'nited States, but exportation from the American market s prohibited to pro tect American consumers. French food officials, it is explained, were given an option last fall mi as large a proportion of the Cuban sugar ciop as thej wished. The French, however, took only nbout .'ll per cent of the crop, although Amer ican officials warned them of nn im pending world sugai shortage. materials used in every Star Tire and the "know how". Extra Quality and Extra Weight Mean Extra Mileage STAR TIRES' extra wciRht will prove to you that they contain an extraordi nary amount of mileage-insurance thick cushions of Pure, Live Rubber, thick Side Strips and an extra heavy, tough tread. I know Star Tires, from their inner fabric to surface, have seen them made, used them myself and ha-e scores of cus tomers who come back for more and more. And because I know them, I urge you to give Star Tires an opportunity to demon strate their unusual strength and wearing qualities on your car. They will show you a new and surprising standard of tire econ omy and faithful service. L.B. WALTERS 1536 Sansom Street rhone Locust 230 "Reliable Tlrea flua f7ot.strtif snrfr ' Pa3 PHOTOPLAYS LOCUST 81'D AND LOCUST STREETS Mata Kvn?'tntAii DOROTHY DALTON In "UTHBH MEN'S WIVES11 NIXON Ka tfFSSl STa- SPECIAL COMEDY ATTIC ACT JON PAR IT RWf Ava. and Dauphin St. I -VlArw Mat '.ma. Evr.eustetl. CHAPLIN In "SUNNYHlnn11 "INNOCENT ADVENTUHEB81' R IVrT I 8?D AND SANSOM 8TS. tI V Vll MATINEB DAILY STUART HOLMES In "" 'TIIB OTHER MAN'S -WIFE' STRAND oermantoTtWoo 'fy .'mv '-. V .' i "I '1,1' k. ft SUPREME DRIVE BY ALLIES BEGAN ONE YEAR AGO TODAY I ,,,.,, , ,t,orh'mt Armin . . . v , . . -...,.. , Offensive on Today l the first anniversary of the ppenliic of the supreme Allied offensive, which in less than four months crushed the vnnnteil military mnrhlne, drove back the invadlnc armies In France and Ilclc'tim to their own borders and freed mankind from the bloody liimd of it ti i autocracy which had set out to conmier the world. n ti,. is iok ...!. i.,,.i.i i,;l ,.ni ,.,-,,,,, ...n..i i. Kaiser's boasted warriors in the first stroke of a mighty drive destined to )H, ont (Jormntiv as n military na tion. So quick and effective wns the I blow that the course of history wns i changed over nignt. nnd the Germans, confident after successes attained in , five offensips against the Kntentei forces, were iimipellcd to begin a le- I treat which continued until the nnnl ! stlcc was signed on November 11. i cans, who ln-st had been thrown into battle to 'berk the onward rush of the enenn linriles toward rm The Germans on July 1." of last year struck the final blow in their sorles ot rirr(niiiTnw tinann mi Mnrnli '! li, n ., nf. 1 checked and the turning point of the war had arrived. Mnrshnl Poch's troois fell upou the enemy on the istb with irresistible fury from Chateau Thien.v to Soisons. Twelve French and four American di - visions, under (leneinls Mutiguiu and i Degouttc. led bj tin lis and behind a i rolling barrage, plunged decplj into (lie 3L, A. 8 y "' " P Q YOUR car will have a bigger trade-in value if you keep the motor in tip-top shape with Atlantic Motor-Oils The life of a motor-vehicle is gauged by the life of its engine. Perhaps Atlantic Polarine is the very oil you should use. Perhaps Atlantic Light, Medium or Heavy will meet your requirements better. Your garageman will decide that. Be sure it's Atlantic thafs the main thing. ATLANTIC MOTOR IL.S Keep Upkeep Down l Heat and Steam Without Smoke FSMCVmtffi KJjJiS FOR l)OMr.TIC' t'SI' Kek, StoTe, Chestnut. I'm and RucLubeat. TOR STEAM I'Mv lluckwheat. Rice and Uurlfy. Pea, Buckwheat, Rice and Barley For Immediate Shipment The Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company General Office Reading WIOTOPLAYS PHOTO PLAY5 THRU 'ToMPAtlV r OFIMERICA A1U.U-. 12th. Morrla Passyunk Avo. MfiamDra Mt Dallyat L', V.s 0:45 4 B. LOUISE GIAl'M 'SAHARA" A D-M 1 C "2D AND THOMPSON STS. Ar'sJl-J-v-' MATINIJi: DAILY MADOB KENNBDY In "LEAVC IT TO SUSAN-1 ADrAniA CIinST.VUT llelow 1RTH ArvV-MU'lA to A M loll 15 P.M. WALLACE REID In THE LOVE BL'HOLAR" rI T TLTDIDri "ROAD STREET AND DLUC.DlIM-' SUSQUEHANNA AVE, MAY ALLISON In THE I8LE OK INTHIUUE" , FA1RMOUNT 2;mat,ea,dda.alvy ALICE HIlArjY In I "RED HEAD" FAMILY THEATRE 1311 Market St. 0 A. M to M Jnlrht. MAC 31AKBU in "8POTLIOHT SADIE trixiDRFc;6; MA1N KTi manayunk ElVlrKn-jO MATINEE DAILY REX BEACH'S "TOO FAT TO FIQHT'1 e trU CT THEATRE Below Spruce DO ltlOI. MATINEE DAILY WILLIAM FARNUM In "THE MAN HUNTEn" GREAT NORTHERN 'WoKS1' - TOM MOORE In "ONE OF THE FINEST" IlvIDCRI AT "O WALNUT 8TS. llVlC"1- Mata, SRO. Evsa. T 4 0. KITTY GORDON tn '"PLATTHINas OF FATE" I lOCRTV BROAD COLtlMBfA AV. lJfc,rl I MTlNKBrDAlLr VV1T.T.1JIU HART Id 'SQUABB PKAL AmaBON" y "' A'. '.$. i3-,,js r; P a. IV Strurh Frcr R... i linin:n. - .... .. . UiVIV III (l-IUI tVMO July 18, 1918 German lines nnd threw the enemy into disorder. The ferocity of the mttnek dcmorallzed the Germans. Trom that time on the Germnn morale failed, nnd 11 continuous retreat, nlthough slow tit times, followed until Sedan was entered nnd the armistice igned on November 11. The Hrltlsh and Uelglnns joined in the great Allied offensive In August. IMS. Tlie Italian victory over Austria nnd the debacle of Mulgari.i developed in the fall POPE TO GERMAN BISHOPS Rejoices at Lifting of Blockade. Sees Aid for Distressed Rome. July 18. (Ry A. P.) Pope Renedict has addressed to the bishops of German a letter expressing joy oxer the retnonl of tlin filnnlmlr. TI.a lnif. ' lccommeuds Hint uu attitude of Chris tian ihnrltj. be taken toward the ques tion of reparation for war damnggs The Pope expressed confidence flint the cixilUed nations, and especially !'. """"!"' "," Riv'' n,(1 ,0 tnf l"PUla- i t ions litouglit to n state nf extreme , in , , . , . ir.nV,:,, Ihro7bn,r,s ns ''f'r I ,hnt "'.' '"'Is f,,la,LT,lJBi,,Lnt. f L " ' "" " ',, 7" I, All. , ' """" "' ,,0,,nnn utiioiK".. , , . ... Iir , t Three Die In French Munitions Blast j Paris, .luh IS Three soldiers were killed and ten soldiers and six civilinus i irijureil m the explosion Thursday of a 1 large munitions clump at Lc Rourget. seven miles nortnensi ot fans, crnl buildings and tbiee sheds dain.iged b the concussion. TIC ' r R I M E InMCllE Terminal Philadelphia PIIOTOPLWS llllilP The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee of early showing of the flnestproductions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. 333 MARKET VFJFWFS. LOUISE OLAUM ln SAHAICA" MnnPI 4"5 yl'TII ST Orchestra. ViJLJll-. Continuous 1 to 11 J.?t VV I1.LAUU in "THE CHALLENGE OF CHANCE" OVERBROOK 03D & HAVEH lOHI) ivc .IULIA DEAN In RULING PASSIONS11 PAI ACF iSU .A.H?ET STREET r-Mi-VwEj 10 A. M to 11.15 ri j. MARY PICKKOHD In "' "DADDY LONQ LEGS" PRINCES 10l0lMnsJ PEOOY HYLAND In 'al'M' "MISS ADVENTURE" REGENT mark,?Vm Ti p7tmj LILA LEE ln ' ' "ROSE O- THE RIVER" R I A I Tl GERMANTOWN AVE. MnL 1U AT TULPEIIOCKEV nonOTitY C1ISH In -",Jv-'vi3.N "I'LL OET HIM YET" DT inV MARKET ST. BELOW TTH KUE5I 10 A. M. t.i II,8 p ,. CORINNE ORIFFITH In "' "A GIRL AT BAY" CArV l!tl MARKET FTnEET iJ(- YUI RAM. TO MIDNlriMi. "ONE OF THE FINEST" TANl FY "ABKET ABOVE 16TH 01MlNL,t.I iisiR a. M. to llslSF ir rA"l 'NK VREWniCK In ' "THE FEAR WOMAN" VICTORIA WTtfuitSW WILI-IAM FARNUM In ' THE I3NE STAR. nANQER" When in Atlantic Cltvi-.,v'..'ih ssrflkiWaVv . "IHtli-.i . ' " I0NE II Consiglio Interalleato Rifiuta di Trasferiro II Possesso Austrlaco di Tientsin all'ltalia Published nnd retributed Under PFjrtMtT NO 841 Authorized bv the set of October a. 191". on (lie at tho Postomce of Phila delphia. Pa Hy order of the President. A S. BURLESON. Postmaster General. Parlgl. 17 luglio. II Consiglio Inte ralleato ha oggi rilititJto di aderire alia richiesta nvnnicitii dall'Italla., con In ijualc si chiedevu clie la c-oncessione Young Men nml rn.e ISBIgl !!lliiiiSnrailMrs.CiTlirK,.Tsrlil! Siilmrtis," Lnnrustrr, Pa, lit tn xenr, i-idflurd MOD S700 S800 Airiirdlng to location of! room. tt Cverv boy studied Individ i RI unllv by export teachers. hlMi 0mneilTim, Biilmrnlng pool tr.rL 1 1. t ull.ltln RaIiI l-filnlnir '"t.' en refittlt II 'II no. II. sirhnatke, A.M.. Headmaster if garrteburg mmtmv A Capital School Sear a Capita! CltT M A country achool founded 17S6. Locatea on tho bnks of th beautiful auq.uehann River Idol for health and scenery. Modern bulldlnse large campus. Advantaces of amall rlames and Individual ir.struc'lon. Thoniufn colleite preparation. Rates 1528 to 025. Bupervlwd athletics. Separate ichonl I jouniter boys. We Invite cloaest InvcstiKv tlon a personal visit If possible. Write (or catalogue u and plana for new dormitory'. ARTIITR E. DROWN. R. A.. Heodmaater T-ANtlASTKR. PA. Franklin and Marshall Academy LANCASTER. TA. Fonnded 1'5"'. w Preparea boys for all colleges and tech nical schools. a ,,. rjcautlful elevated erounds. Excellent health record. Tine modirn equipment Library. Oynv naelum. All athletics. Military Training for older boys. Old School on basis allowlns moderate CMalosue and literature of Interest to college preparatory atudenta on request. Address Hot 412 Muln M. Hnrtman. A. M Trlnelpal 1 Vfo Q-Unsl BOYS- PREPARATORY . I eates OCnOOl Lancaster, pa. nkw III.OOVinKM. rA. Carson Long Institute At Voir A IlnmM firhnnl fnr ftnr A bulIdlnpB, 18 acres In th healthful foot hills of the niue nitlsr. Individual and per form! Instruction hnw to lenrn, how to labor, how to IItc. Our aim la knowledge. character, culture, efflclency. College Pre paratory. Tlutlneai, Junior Couraea, Spanish. French. Public Speaking. Military Tralnlnc. Separate bulldlnca for bova under 13 years. I8ft0 and up. Juniors. $203 Kor further de tails address (leorire O. Srhnelder. A. B., Headmaater. Ilox I,. New Bloomfleld, Pn. AIJ.ESTOWN. PA. ALLENTOWN Preparatory School Prepares boya for leadlne collearea and unlveraltlea. Hivh standards. New llulld Inita. Sneelal dopartment for yountrer boys. Athletic teams Larce campus and gymna- lum. Terma 1400. cataioir on request. Vlalt the school. Write for catalog L. J. M. SIIALTER. rrlnelpnl, Allentovrn, Pa. rnKSTNTT HILT.. PA. Chestnut Hill Academy ST. MARTINS. TIIKSTNUT HILL, PA. Preparation for coHeire. An Ideally located country day and boarding school for bos. Especially low rates for five-day boarders. Hlsh standards of scholarships. Unexcelled athletic equipment. Including three playing fields, --ymnaslum. swimming pool and recre itlon bulldlntr. ReopenB September 24, Catalogues on application. nKAIHNO. PA. Schuylkill Seminary Reading's Junior College Preparatory and Junior College courses for all colleg-es and universities. Co-ed, classical, commercial, music, elocution and domestic science Ratea 1378. Catalog on request. ' REV. WARKEN F. THEL. M. A., D. D.. President RBLLETOXTE. PA, BELLEFONTE ACADEMY 114th sear. Limited jo 100 ounc men IS rears and upwards. 11 eirert teachers. Stu dents select subjects to fit chosen career. Home atmosphere, spring; water, Hunting-, fishing-, swimming pool, gymnasium, ath letlo field. No hailng-. Near station No. 1 Aero Mall Route. N. T. to Chicago. Rates moderate. Catalog. JAMKS R. IICOTirs. A. M Head mauler, llox P. rtellefonte. P.' WAVNTi. TA. ST. LUKES SCHOOL (Main Line P.R. B.) WAYNE. PA. Preparea for college or business. Develops a spirit of gentlemanly honor and fair play. iai, In nnen healthful countrv aA Known for Its succe.s In molrtln-c the charae. t.r ana meniai aiiiiuuv u doii. swim ming pool, gymnasium and large athletla field. n--wiet on reoueet. rllABLF-S nKNRV STRCinT. M. A. NAZATIKTII. PA. Nazareth Hall Military Academy Rot (10, Nagureth, r. Founded 17I A military academy for boys. College pre. psrstory and bus. courses Senior. Intermo dule & Junior D.pts. Vigorous ath. Ufa and military lire, ui --la-iarciuii-iii, lormer nee. fl-orre R. Cortlyou says: "Nazareth Hall is a character builder -not a mere trainer of the mind." ReY.A.U.l naeier. u.u.. l'rlnclpal HAtrsnvmo. PA. Kiskiminetas Springs School for Boys Prepares for rollers or business. The closest rftrong.corapeUIly, teams.. School owwa Its i -W H isr- ran b! raw WKt Kev- Tt!lfu;;niil!iiiniit;ii!iUiii!ij;.t:jLii:iiHii m iii;iii:LifUMiHi:titujiJjn;iii;rVL;ii;; ;;a w ere - HAnmsntTito, pa. v-sAffV faflKfivVHlB - N'"sh m1 III I Millie II H I I ! ! ,.i.S!nsof&sCi?lfeA, ,. ! , . s.Jt!biemiiKBm niistrlnea a Tientsin, Clna, fosse n,d essn trnsferita. Durante la sessioue II Conetlio ha nnchc discusso ln questionc rclatlvu nlle. forze con le qiiali la Grccla dovrn' con trlbulre alia occupazlonc di Sinlrue. Washington, lie, 17 luglio. Thomas Nelson Pago, nmbasclutorc nmcrlcnno a Roma, ha oggi dichlarato nlln Cnsa Miancn clie II priuclpalc desldcrlo del l'ltalla c' quello clie lc naztonl, con Ic qunll essa si associo' nella guerrn, rl conosenno ed npprezxlno 1 stiol idenll c le sue aspirazioui. ICgli c' qui' gttinto per discutere la sltiiazlonc dell'Italia con II Presidente 'Wilson. L'On. Page, chc qtianto prima ras segnern' le sue dlmissioni da ambnscln tore, hu dichlarato the l'ltalla ha bl slgno 'di nssistenzn cconomlca v chc mnnen ell carbonc e vlverl. Gil itnlinul sentono di essere rimiistl isolnti durante I neg07.lati di pace n Parlgl, ma cio' nouostnute cssi sentono piu' nmlclr.ln EDUCATIONAL Young s.ien nnd Ivors swAnTUMonr.. r.. SWARTHMORE Preparatory School NOT only an educational institution but a character builder an well. Surroundings and traditions that mould boys for lives ot usefulness. Individual attention by Instructors who know how to find and develop latent talents and abilities. Modern buildings with complete equip ment, exceptional campus. Gymnasium and svylmmlng pool. Indoor and outdoor sports Summer session. Write for free booklet "Tho Vision of Swarthmore." ARTHUR H. TOMLINSON WILLARD P. TOMLINSON Haverford Ave., Swarthmore, Penna. (11 milei from Phila.) CIIKSTKR. I'A. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGE 581h Long established aa a vi.,- military inotltutlon. with I tar honor Ideals, and the de velopment of competent manhood for its aim, Pennsylvania Military Collese has proven Its clHclency ln war as well as peace. The college offers to youne men slronir courses In Civil Hngineer Ins, Chemistry, Economics and Fi nance. Complete equipment. Pre paratory anc" Junior Schools. All athletics encouraged Write for descriptive catalog. Address COLONEL, CHARLES E. HYATT President llox K6S Cheater, Tit. MI.KC'KltHlltlKCi. PA. The Mercersburg Academy roit DOYH Mrrrersburr. Pa. Rend for cataloiru to TVm. Mnnn IXTlne, rh.I).. IX.D.. nffldmastfr. Hot 120a PKRKIQMEN. PA. PERKIOMEN SCHOOL igft 40 mllei from Phlla. : mall crnupa; resident Durae; Kymniilum; athletics. Prln. Oacmr S. Kr.ltxl. D. D.. Box 110. Penniburl. Pa. PORT IIEPOSIT. MP. Tome School On the Susquehanna National Ronrdlnc School for Hoys Makes Boys Physically Fit Special Department for Little Boys Summer Tutoring for Boys Over Sixteen For Prospectus Address Murray Peabody Brush, Ph.D. PostolAre Hnx 000, Port Deposit. Md WKNON.MI. N. J. Where character, manliness and honor ax developed. Wenonah la an Independent unit In your boy's education, and not merely a preparatory school. Healthfully situated ln a solely residential town. A faculty second only to that of Weit Point In efficiency. Academic studies for college preparation. Special and business Military sys tem brine out all that Is good and manly. Separate Junior department for boya of ten or over. Academic course, seven Hundred dollars Tor tne scnooi year, junior aepart ment. six hundred for tlie school year. Catalog snd vJmv book upon request. Dr. CHART,Fr II. LORKNCE, Pras. UAJ. ri-AYTON A. hNYDER. 8upt Hot 412. Wenonah. N. J. ni4AIKST0WN, N. J. BLAIR ACADEMY FOR BOYS Wonderfully situated for good health. Delaware Water Gap 12 miles distant. Campus and athletic flelda of 100 acres nnd illli-acre farm. Preparation for col lrce and technical schools. Military drill, ElKht bulldlnKS. Separate Junior De partment. Write for catalogue. John C. Sharpe. IX.D., Headmaster. Box "P." Ulnlrstown, N. J. PRIXCETON, N. J. PRINCETON PREPARATORY hciiooi, fob novs Collere preparatory for boya 14 years and older: beautiful location; smsll classes: ex cellent faculty: well-equlpped bulldlnisj larse t rounds: supervised athletics; 44th ear. Cstaloir I on renuest. J. B. FINE, Sfcr Princeton, N. J. l'EXNINr.TON. N. J. The PENNINGTON SCHOOL Headmaster Box 70. Pennington. N. J. nonnBXTrnvN. n. j. Bordentown Military Institute Thorouih prep, for collere or buslneaa. Km dent faculty, small classes. Individual atten. Mllltarv training, supervised athletics. SMh year. Kor catalog address Col. T. I. I.AN nnvf, Itnrdentiiw n. X. J.. Prln. & (nm'ill. kshkx N. J. KINOSI.l'.Y BCnOOI. FOB BOVS ZZ mlfe. from New Tork City In the New Jersey Kills. For uinsiraiea raiaiog aaoress j. n. Campbell, zi, A., llci P. Essex Kells. N. J. NEWTON. N. J. NEWTON ACADEMY For boys. 0 to 16; modern equipment: personal attention; cats log. Address Principal. Box U Newton. N. J, noxnunv. mash. Powder Point School I Will understand yonr bor and 1 teach him to understand lilmself, I RAM-It K. nEARCK. A.M.i Ttewlmaster 1 68 King Caesar Road, Duxbury, Masa. I WAVNF.snono. va. Fwhburne Military School New 1100.000" Fireproof Equipment Prepares for universities, business Ufa. Diploma admits to all colleges. Itesultful military training. Beautiful, healhtful situa tion, Every cadet participates In annual encampment at Grottoes on Shenandoah River; "40tb year. Bmall classes. Iteserye I omosra. Training Corp;, und.r wr,l omcers. trainina uri- v.' a. yvar, DepsxtBiee t. Catalog fc on request. - t ' per gll Statt Unltl che per qualslast al tra nazionc. "L'ltalla vuol essere npprezzatn, ha detlo Mr. Page c vuol essere trattata alia pari dl qualsiasi nltra realc potenza, L'ltalla ha soffcrto cstrcmamentc per la guerra cd lin dato tuttoclo' ehc ad cssa fu rlchlcsto." Roma, 17 luglio II Oenernlc Grazl oil, comnndantc dclle tiuppe Italtanc in Flume, c' glunto In Roma alio scopo dl rapportarc nl Governo rlgunrdo I recenti ineldentl verlficatesl In Flume tra itnlinul c soldati frnncesi. rd nnchc per rlferirc circa la situazionc In dctta clttn'. Ln Camern del Deputatl ha nppro-ato l'eserclzlo provvlsorio con rotl 170 contro Co. IEsercizio provvlsorio senile II .11 dlcembre proeslmo. I" statn confermntn la notlzla chc l'On. TittonI, capo dulln Dclegazionc ltnllana alln Conferenza dclln Pace, ha nvuto incarico dl riferlre In rigunrdo alio dixcrgonzc tcrrltorlnli tra la Bulga ria c la Grccla, Mllano. 10 luglio (rltardato) II Y'oung Men and Hots RWARTIIMORK. TA. Headmasters nr.Tiii.EiiEM. i'v. Bethlehem Preparatory School Retlileliem, Tn. 1S00 boyfi prepared for leading universities ln 40 years. Unanimous endorsement of our work by principal universities Scholarships to various colleges. Modern buildings. uymnaslum. Swimming Pool and extensive Ath letic KrounJs. Reasonable rates. Separate Junior School. Catalog. JOHN I). TUOflEY, M.A.. neadmaster WOODSTOCK. VA. Massanutten Military Academy WOODSTOCK. VA. Prepares bos for College snd Business. Healthful location; modern bulldlnga; small classes. Limit 100 hois. Catalog L, on ren. Howard J. flenrhoff. A. M.. Headmaster. Roth Sexes KSaal Professional , Education Theology Evening Classes Law Evening Classes Medicine Day Classes Pharmacy Day Classes Dentistry Day Classes- Chiropody Day and Evening Classes Ask for Catalog A-l Phone, Diamond 631 TEMPLE UNIVERSIT Y M. Droud St. below Berks rhllaU?lphlB GEORGE SCHOOL Country School For 13ovs and Girls. Separate dormitories. Courses broad and thorouxh, Student studies under supervision of prlne'pal. Graduates succeed In college. Special courses. Ath letics, gymnasium, pool. 22T wooded acres ana open country on wesnaminy creek. En dowed. Rates moderate, fatalng. fleoriee A, Walton. A, M Dor 8M, Cleopte School. P. Phila. School of Office Training 10th and Chrstnnt Streets Results without red tape. Graduates of tl'ls Institution will unhesitatingly tell you which Is beat. Over fifty per cent of our students and graduates discarded the old cumbersome systems for our modern meth ods. Special summer rates to any one enroll ing before Julv SO Phone locust 1853. BOYD SHORTHAND TAnOIlT IN 30 DAYS. Our graduates are In constant demand f.f good-paying positions. Gregr Shorthand. the easy, apeedy system. Complete business no .vi-reiariai courses. Han ratsa summer ataav "" months, intensive training. Karon any ume. can or wrue xor tuu particulars and catalogue. rtlllA. 1IUBINKNM CQI.I.EUE and Collece of fommere 1(117 Chestnnt St.. Philadelphia. Are You in the Right Position? Let Dr. S. 8. George, the well-known psy chologist, tell ou the right career In life for vou. Mental and vocational tests. Also men ts I culture course riven. Applv TI1K VOCA TIOXAIi tilllDANrK IN8TITCTR. Room 402, 1714 Chestnut st Phone Spruce 2115. Evenings by Appointment School for Exceptional Children Every facility In a beautiful aub.home for the care train's- ot children who through men tal disability are unable tn attend publlo or prl. schools. Dept. of Dom.Scl.for older girls. Moll'e A. Woods, Trln. Hot 174. Ito.lTn. Pa. $4 a month Night School okS. Shorthand, Hngllsh, Penmanship PALMER SCHOOL. 16 H. 10th St. Save time by beginning now, summer school trens June ?K. Preparea for any eolleao, Brown Preparatory School Broad nnd Cherry 8ta Phlla. Teachers Wanted- Positions waltlnr. Pre. -i reglst'n for College and Normal graduates. regisvn lor v-on Modern Teachers' iiw jiiaraes DC. QTUAVFR'S The nest Business nohMi 9 1 ivrfc M. 1-iV w nj CHESTNUT ST. 6pantah. French, German Univ. Instructor, goes to house ot student. A IS. ledger Oft. wbst pa. West Chester StateNoroial School On Penna. R. R.l trolley to Phlla. Fits for t.schtnr. eollege. 1220 to 28Qrfor KINOSTON. PA. WYOMING SEMINARY A eo-educatlonal school where boys and girls get a vision of the highest pur poses of lift. Exceptional teachers In every dept. College preparation". Busi ness, Music. Art, Oratory and Domes tlo Arts 4b Science. Military Training, Oyranaslum and Athletlo fields, istb year. Endowed low ratea. Writs Xor catalog. Address ' T I,. Wnrarne. P.P.. Prea. Kingston. Pa. MANASHAM. VA. EASTERN COLLEGE Mv,Br,rm; . Cc-ed., near Washington D.jC- Der.e glornalei "II Popolo d'ltallaf dlchliU, rggl, chc l'c.T-lmpcrntort; dl Germanln 0( ha ottcnuto II permesso dal governo , tedesco dl far rltoruo In pntrla o dl vlverc In uno del suol possedlmcntl sotto , la sorx'eglinnzn delln polizia. J y.nurATiQNAt. NKIV YORK CITY. N. . THE ITALIAN HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL Offers a course of S 1-2 years. Including probation period, and three months at cn nf the largest maternity hoapltals In the clt'. The hngpltal Is registered, therefore, re quires the one year High School, or tie equivalent. For particulars addrese, Sillier iPtendentofXnrses. BTJMX1T.R fAMrS Tonng ten nnit Boys GRADUATING GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOYS All the fellows y, "Some class, ntftV ana speed oh. boyr Tour vacation selll not be complete unlees vou take II. B. with you. Is backed by the Largest Ilouee of Its kind lu the country. Our beautifully Illus trated catalogue tells the etory. Free. XVrlte at one to TIOYS' TYXY.Y.rAnK nKrAYtTXIKNT 03 MARKKT 8T. rlllLAnELl'IIJA. V. Vo unic IVomen A Girls The Holman School 2204 WAIJCt'T ST. Opens for Its twentieth lear on Thursdav. Sept 2th. llltO EMZAnKTH . I1RAI.KY, II. A. Head MIMrrs-. SWARTHMORi:. I'A. MARY LYON SCHOOL ", A homo school. Hnmlflomn nw fireproof r?lnnre hall Oytrtonr ilnsrooni College preparatory. houehoM atts Kfticral nnlsh Ins courcrR. All outrlnnr nrtUltlct Cataloff. AflrlrMj i Hox lfiOS huarthmnrf?. Pn, JKNK1NTOWN, I'A. Beechwood cij A Cultured and Practical School for Young Women, Thoroughly Ettablhhed. Strong Faculty Alms to discover and develop Individual aptitudes. Girls are prepared for self maintenance and to meet responsibilities of life. Colleae and Preparatory Depart ments. Music. Art. Pomeetlc Science. Secretaryship, Expression. Physical Edu cation Normal. Klndercrarten Swlm mlnc Pool. Athletic Fields. Address M. It. nr.ASKK. Ph. D.. President llox 430, Jenklntonn. Pa. I.1TITX. PA. LINDEN HALL SEMINARY Tor 173 ears It has been educating nd training young women for vorthv living. Alms at highest development of body, mind and character. Provides a happy, whole some home life. Beautiful, healthful loca tion. Comfortable buildings, modern equip ment. Gymnasium. Arndemlr, College Preparatory, Music. Art. Domestic Sclente. Secretarial Junior Dent. Terms 1500. REV. F. W. STF.NT.FX, Principal, Box 105, Wlltr. Pn. WEST CHESTER. TA. Darlington Seminary A developlne School for Girls. 00-scre estate In Pennsylvania's finest country. Lan guage, Art, Music, Expression. Secretarial. Business and Household Management, Col lege Preparation. Catalogue. CHRISTINE F. BYE, President. llox 610. West Chester. Pm. CnAMBERSBUno, PA. PENN HALL ciiAMBKnsncRo. ta. Girls' College Preparatory. Modern lan guages and special courses. Certificate privi leges. Rooms with private hatha. New gym. rmslur.i and awlmmlnir pool. Rates, J600. Si,.""nn.?.."vl4w. . ?"": "P": it . V. ii . '"i i-uminues uninierrupted. AdFrnnk S. Maglll. A. M.. Trln.. Box W. niKMINGWAM. PA. B irmingham School JiorrNTArN' scnoor, for oirt.i ',':";'. invigorating location amid ple"resque eurrnundlnes 100 acres. S. modern hnlMin 'n.m- oujrh college preparation & courses for girls ''";, "". '" "" ..,u,lc .nomeaiie science, athletlo tralnlnc. New bulldlncr vvith gym. naslum. swimming pool and sleeping porch. Main Line Penna R. R l-ataloime. A- B-.nrler. Pre. P. . Monlton. A. B.. Headmnster. Bor I B'rmlngham. Pa, T.PTnr.Rvn.i.E, md. Maryland College laoa niK ivo.vien 1910 College preparatory IDS Tears' History College Girls from 32 Btateg Domestic Science 10 miles from Bait. Muslo Fireproof Buildings Expression Non-Sectarian Address President Rouse for Cntalor P. I.UTHERVII.I.E. MD. NEWARK. DEI.. Women' College of Delaware To women desiring a liberal education, under Ideal conditions of home life the Women's College of Delaware offers on. v. celled opportunities at nw ......JeMn AliiiLMLilsife Situated In a beautiful and healthful re ,m wlnn Ana hnn- .vmh. DI.II.4.ili. ... .. - ' ? A. . . "vw .". . ' miauciiJiiia. write for Catalog I,. Address " Miss WINIFRED J. R0RIN80N, Dean Newark, Delnvvnre. AUBUBNDAI.E. MASS. LASELL SEMINARY M'T.i.S1"!!-.., "".' tu' from "' :u;-. v .' ";"." iw? ?" , ad. miies n"i Ajwiivwii. dw-Muro csiaie. uutdoor sports and recreations. Address Our M. Win. slow. Th. P.. Principal. 123 Woodland Road NORWALK. CONN. HILLSIDE , FOR GIRL!). 45 miles from New Tork. Col lege Preparation. Cultural Courses. House hold Science, Including sctual practice In real home. Organised Athletics. Margaret R. Ilrendllnger. A. R. (Vaasart Ylda Hunt Francis. II. L. (Smith), Principal! itorwaiK. Connecticut. Where Shall I Send My Child to School? That question can be answered aulckl! nna eau.iawuti,? v? lun.uiwnc mar Educational ton (round floor, at'1 Publlo Ledger Office, Independence, a Square). Here you may obtain corapleta" nd reliable Information ot any board. Ing school for boys or girls, military S academy. business college. spealali schools for retarded children, conserva. ' n-v nf Tnusln. collere or Minlvalt. . ' Our Intimate knowledge of. the adran! ISgvs Ol in. various insiiiuiions Will anahl. VOU to Dlflkt a Wise chnlne This service Is free and, available r t . every one rrrit.i.. Public Ledger Builcjfof r CHUllNUl at. jXK$NL mKi vanced work for high school graduates wide & range of subjects. Unusual training in .! varloua phases of home maklnr. rh..i m V rt I